1356 PRIVATE LAW 89-61-SEPT. 1, 1965 [79 STAT.

Private Law 89-61 September I, 1965 AN ACT [H. R. 10132] fjiQ authorize the Honorable Joseph W. Martin, Junior, of Massachusetts, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, to accept the award of the Military of Christ with the rank of grand oflScer.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Hon. Joseph w. United States of America in Congress assembled^ That the Honorable Martin, J r. Joseph W. Martiii, Junior, of Massachusetts, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, is authorized to accept the award of the Military with the rank of grand officer tendered by the Government of , together with any decorations and docu­ ments evidencing such award, and the consent of Congress is hereby expressly granted for this purpose as required under section 9 of article I of the Constitution. The Secretary of State is authorized to deliver to the Honorable Joseph W. Martin, Junior, the decora­ tions and documents evidencing such award. Approved September 1, 1965.

Private Law 89-62 September 2, 1965 AN ACT [H. R. 3750] YoT the relief of certain individuals.

Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Artur O. High- to"wer and others. United States of America in Congress asserabled^ That each individual named in section 2 of this Act is relieved of liability to pay to the United States the amount set forth opposite his name, which amount represents an overpayment of compensation received by him from October 14, 1962, through August 29, 1964, both dates inclusive, while employed at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. In the audit and settlement of the accounts of any certifying or disbursing officer of the United States credit shall be given for amounts for which liability is relieved by this Act. SEC. 2. The individuals referred to in the first section of this Act and the amount of the liability of each of them, are as follows: Name Amount Hightower, Artur O $258. 80 Fleming, Bettye J 298. 88 Akin, Edward L 408.29 Brown, Evelyn D 354. 76 Moore, Mary L 319. 89 Cavener, Dorothy T 357.12 Azeltine, Lena L 318.42 Buswell, Mary L 356. 08 Buchanan, Ancel L 474. 40 Patrick, A. Lucille 316. 80 Gray, Donald J 208. 55 Ozeretny, Jerry E 255.29 Pettit, Alva F 493.60 Benson, Lloyd A 494.72 Skinner, Norman L 199.55 Carothers, .L C 511.92 SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of anjr money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to each individual listed in section 2 of this Act an amount equal to the aggregate amount paid by him, or withheld from sums otherwise due him, in complete or partial satisfaction of the liability to the LTnited States specified in the first section of this Act.