Англійська мова 8 клас

Дорогі діти! В зв’язку з продовженням карантину ми з Вами й надалі працюватимемо дистанційно. Бережіть себе!!!

27 – 30 квітня Протягом цього тижня Вам слід буде опрацювати вправи та виконати семестрову контрольну роботу з читання. Зверніть увагу, що виконану контрольну роботу Вам слід буде надіслати мені до 03 травня! 1. Ex.1 p. 200 – Усно. Прочитати назви країн, пригадати їх столиці. Назвати материки 2. Ex.2 p. 200 – Усно. Дати відповіді на подані запитання, використовуючи слова на наступній сторінці 3. “ Remember” p. 201 – повторити граматичний матеріал, про вживання означеного артикля the 4. Ex.3 p.201 -202 – Письмово. Доповнити подані речення, вживаючи означений артикль, або залишити без змін ( якщо артикль не вживаємо – то ставим “ - ’’ 5. Виконуємо контрольну роботу. Слід прочитати текст та виконати завдання після нього Reading Vanessa-Mae Vanessa-Mae was born in Singapore in 1978. She moved to England with her mother when she was four. Vanessa was already having piano lessons when she started playing the violin as well. At the age of eight Vanessa went to Beijing in China to study the violin. The course takes normal students three years to complete, but Vanessa finished it in six months. While she was studying in Beijing, she visited some interesting places like the Great Wall of China and the Emperor’s Palace. She remembers that the Chinese she met were very surprised that she couldn’t speak a word Chinese. Vanessa began performing when she was ten years old, and at 11 she entered the Royal Academy of Music. While she was studying there she played with the Philharmonic Orchestra and went on tour with the London Mozart Players. She was also the youngest person to record violin music by composers such as Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. In 1995, Vanessa recorded an called The Violin Player. This was not a classical album, but mixture of pop, jazz and . It was an unusual album because it was the first time a classical musician mixed music in this way. In the same year Vanessa gave a famous concert in Time Square, New York. At the end of the concert she was so excited that she jumped onto a yellow cab. She played her last song while she was standing on the roof of the cab. The next day her picture was in all the newspapers – Vanessa-Mae was famous. Today Vanessa-Mae continues to mix different styles of music, including classical and pop as well as sounds from Africa and India. She composes her own music. Some people don’t like her music because it isn’t classical but other people are happy because she makes violin music popular. What do you think?

I. Put the events into the correct order. Vanessa –Mae: Розмістіть подані події в правильному порятку a) saw the Great Wall of China. b) made The Violin Player. c) started at the Royal Academy of Music. d) began to learn the violin. e) moved to England. f) toured with the London Mozart Players.

II. Answer the questions. Дайте відповіді на подані запитання 1. How old was Vanessa-Mae when she went to Beijing? 2. Why were the Chinese surprised when they met her? 3. Where did Vanessa-Mae end a concert on top of a taxi? 4. What sort of music does she play today?

Письмову відповідь 4 завдання та виконану контрольну роботу надсилайте на мою електронну скриньку [email protected] , на Viber чи Telegram (номер телефона: 068-327-39-79).

04 – 11 травня. Протягом цього тижня Вам слід буде опрацювати вправи та виконати семестрову контрольну роботу з аудіювання. Зверніть увагу, що виконану контрольну роботу Вам слід буде надіслати мені до 11 травня! 1. Workbook – ex.132 p. 79 2. Workbook – ex 133, 134 p. 80 3. Workbook – ex 135, 136 p. 81 4. Виконуємо контрольну роботу. Слід прослухати ( в даному випадку прочитати) текст та виконати завдання до нього

Контрольне аудіювання, 8 клас JANE EYRE Part 2 A woman met me in Lowood school. She took my things and we walked to a big house. We went into the house. A teacher came and took me by the hand. The woman went away with my things and the teacher took me into a long room with a lot of large tables round it. Girls of nine to twelve years old sat on benches round the tables. They all had brown dresses on. It was dark and cold in the room. "Sit down on one of the benches," said the teacher. "The girls are learning their lessons for tomorrow. They will soon finish and you will have supper. Then you will go to bed." For supper we had a piece of bread and some water. After that we marched to the bedroom. It was a large room with many beds. Two girls slept in each bed. In ten minutes the teacher took away the light. The night passed quickly. In the morning it was very cold in the room. We washed our faces in water with ice. Then we marched to the cold schoolroom where lessons began. We read the Bible and did exercises in our exercise-books. This lasted for an hour. Then we marched to another room for breakfast. After breakfast there was reading, writing, history and geography. Before dinner we went into the cold, windy garden for an hour. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes. I ate what. I could. Then we marched back to the schoolroom and had our lessons till five o’clock. The next day began as before, but we could not wash. The water in the washroom was ice. During January, February and March there was much snow in the garden. We had no boots and could not walk far. The rooms were very cold. The food was bad and in spring many of the pupils were ill with typhus. In May Lowood school was a hospital. We had no lessons. Many pupils went home and died there. Some girls died in the school. marched - йшли строєм; took away - забрала; ice - лід; lasted - тривало; writing - письмо; were ill with typhus - захворіли висипним тифом.

Task 1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false. 1. A man took my things. 2. The teacher took me into a short room. 3. Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room. 4. We didn’t go into the windy garden. 5. The water in the washroom wasn’t warm. 6. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.

Task 2. Choose a correct variant. 1. The room was with many… a) chairs; b) windows c) tables 2. The girls were dressed in… a) uniforms; b) dresses c) skirts and blouses. 3. We had a piece of bread … a) for supper; b) for dinner; c) for lunch. 4. We read… a) the Bible; b) the text; c) the book. 5. In May school wasn’t… a) a sad place; b) a hospital; c) a happy place.

6. Many pupils didn’t… a) feel fine; b) go home; c) go from the school to die.

Виконану контрольну роботу надсилайте на мою електронну скриньку [email protected] , на Viber чи Telegram (номер телефона: 068- 327-39-79).