Bill in Congress Threatens Federal Aid to College IS Educators Nationwide Line up Against Impositions on Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom by THOMAS F
"No News Is Good News"' Founded 1957, Incorporated 1976 Volume XXXVIII, Number 63 Monday, July 31, 1995 First Copy Frsee Bill in Congress Threatens Federal Aid to College IS Educators Nationwide Line Up Against Impositions On Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom BY THOMAS F. MASSE distributed to political crippling to Stony Brook. Kenny affect all form of government amendment include the NYPIRG, Statesman Editor organizations or groups that try to said that Stony Brook receives moneys, including NIH research SASU, USSA, the College With the SUNY/CUNY influence public opinion, all more than $100 million in contracts, federal student loans, Republicans, religious organizations, system still reeling from the federal funding will be cut from research grants, a large portion of and grants such as Pell Grants. women's organizations, minority impact of the recent New York those institutions. which is federal money. Kenny Groups that could be organizations, newspapers, and budget fight, the U.S. Congress Such an amendment could be also said that the amendment may categorized as falling under the others. is poised to deliver another In essence, according to devastating blow. a. LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS. - None of the funds Kenny, if Stony Brook collected Representative Ernest J. moneys and Polity gave them to Istook (R-Okla.), proposed an appropriated in this Act may be made available to any any of the above groups, Stony amendment to a Labor, Health institution of higher education when it is made known Brook could be without tens of and Human Services, and to the Federal official having authority to obligate or millions of research dollars and Education bill that will cut off- expend such funds that any amount, derived from students could be without loans federal funding to institutions of and grants.
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