"No News Is Good News"' Founded 1957, Incorporated 1976

Volume XXXVIII, Number 63 Monday, July 31, 1995 First Copy Frsee Bill in Congress Threatens Federal Aid to College IS Educators Nationwide Line Up Against Impositions On Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom BY THOMAS F. MASSE distributed to political crippling to Stony Brook. Kenny affect all form of government amendment include the NYPIRG, Statesman Editor organizations or groups that try to said that Stony Brook receives moneys, including NIH research SASU, USSA, the College With the SUNY/CUNY influence public opinion, all more than $100 million in contracts, federal student loans, Republicans, religious organizations, system still reeling from the federal funding will be cut from research grants, a large portion of and grants such as Pell Grants. women's organizations, minority impact of the recent New York those institutions. which is federal money. Kenny Groups that could be organizations, newspapers, and budget fight, the U.S. Congress Such an amendment could be also said that the amendment may categorized as falling under the others. is poised to deliver another In essence, according to devastating blow. a. LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS. - None of the funds Kenny, if Stony Brook collected Representative Ernest J. moneys and Polity gave them to Istook (R-Okla.), proposed an appropriated in this Act may be made available to any any of the above groups, Stony amendment to a Labor, Health institution of higher education when it is made known Brook could be without tens of and Human Services, and to the Federal official having authority to obligate or millions of research dollars and Education bill that will cut off- expend such funds that any amount, derived from students could be without loans federal funding to institutions of and grants. higher education that provide compulsory fees (such as mandatory nonrefundable The amendment has received funding to organizations that fees, mandatory waivable refundable fees, and negative little to no mainstream publicity, engage in lobbying or try to checkoffs), compulsory student activity fees,-or other but the higher education influence public opinion or community has circulated the text political campaigns. (For text of compulsory charges to students, is used for the support rapidly in recent weeks and amendments see insert.) of any organization or group that is engaged in reaction has been swift. "This is a very, very lobbying or seeking to influence public policy or Education groups around the dangerous piece of legislation," nation began sending letters and University President Shirley political campaigns. issuing press releases in mid-July. Strum Kenny said. "It threatens b. EXCEPTIONS. - Subsection (a) shall not apply to any Cornelius J. Pings, president of the ideals of the university and it amount used for - the Association of American must be stopped." Universities wrote to Kenny said that at this point 1) the direct or indirect support of the recognised student Congressman David Obey. "Our it is unclear what Istook is trying government, officials and full-time faculty, or trade member colleges and universities to accomplish with the associations, of an institution of higher education; or oppose any version of this amendment. On the surface, it 2) the indirect support of any voluntary student amendment," he wrote. "We appears that Istook is referring to believe the amendment would funding from the federal organization at such institution. restrict the free exchange of ideas government. If a university that is fundamental to the Text of the amendment, including exceptions, to a Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education collects funds in almost any bill proposed by Rep. Ernest J. Istook (R-Okla.). educational experience of manner and those funds are See CONGRESS, Page 2 Summer S arson Strikes Suite in Hamilton BY JOE FRAIOLI University Police has still Anyone with information is and confidential. "University Staff Writer - not ruled out their first belief asked to call University Police detectives are working on the A fire causing $4,000 in that the fire may have been at 333 or the Stony Brook fire and will take their calls," damage broke out in an caused by a cigarette from a Crime Stoppers at 2-TIPS said Little. "Any information is unoccupied suite in Kelly Quad person working in the area. where the call is anonymous needed." L last Tuesday, according to University Police. The fire, which started at about 1:35 a.m. in Suite 222 of Hamilton College, was extinguished by the Stony Brook Fire Department, according to Doug Little, assistant director of University Police for community relations. "The fire is currently classified as an arson," said Little. "The Suffolk County Arson Squad, University Police and Environmental Health and Safety are currently investigating the cause." The blaze engulfed all the furniture in the suite and damaged the bathroom and all three bedrooms of the room. "There is smoke damage, furniture damage and minor structural damage to the room," said Little. Bedsprings are VISIbie In the room tnat caugnt fire in Suite 22 o0 Hamilton College last week. Two Non-Students Arrested for StClinton Racing the Issue Larceny, Police Thank Community Stance on Affirmative Action Threatens to Divide Party, Nation Two non-students were arrested on campus last Wednesday and charged with larceny, criminal mischief and possession of burglar Finally, Pres. Bill Clinton has tools, according to the University made an effort to state legislature. Police. redefine federal affirmative action programs. Of course, this leads into the politics of affirmative Matthew Bardram of 101 Peninsula He tried to reconcile two conflicting political Dr., Port action, which might challenge Pres. Clinton from the Jefferson, 19, and Eric Capo of 6 Vicksburg factions: those who want to continue, and strengthen Ct., Coram, left extreme of his own party. What is Rev. Jackson 19, were charged with the crimes. affirmative action and those who want to eliminate it. considering in his rhetoric? Whether or not to run for University Police In a speech he made gave the following account of what at the National Archives, he President again in 1996? He could either run in the happened: outlined how it aided minorities in the past ... Democratic primaries, or run as an Officer Patricia Sarubbi was taking a report and tor what reasons it was first implemented. from two "independent" in the general election in individuals of a theft from a vehicle parked The question with affirmative action, as the in Roth Quad November. Rev. Jackson appeared to be in and was given a description of two persons in the area President had addressed it, was had it gone agreement with Clinton's notion that who were acting suspiciously. A short time later, at too far? "affirmative action has been good to the approximately 8 p.m., Sarubbi observed two persons Some prominent politicians would nation". However, the rift can be seen, when matching the descriptions drive by her patrol car. Sarubbi agree with the notion that it has gone too Clinton did not want affirmative action to stopped them and saw the items reported stolen in plain far. We are-Startingt to cere, cann .ne to I K "s. TV-, UL%. ALAILS L11Utok Decorne a quota system. view. She also found items from white- males using these - R _ _ another reported larceny. the Of course, most "Officer programs to get "their fair Sarubbi is to be commended for her Wilson, whenhe aid "[Republican Presidential outstanding share." Affirmative action patrol work," said Doug Little, assistant e sai end it; you an't mecandidates, wished that the director of University Police for Community is a legacy we have Relations. signed aexcteodroPresident would eliminate "We're very proud of the job she inherited from the times did. It was excellent _ issue_he of affirmative action. The patrol -observation." when we had slavery and- most vocal candidate was Little also commended the two individuals who made massive discrimination the Gov. of California, Peter the observations to Sarubbi. laws (e.g. "Jim Crow" laws in the South). Initially, Wilson, when he said, "[Pres. Clinton] should have "We appreciate their help," Little said. "We need our the concept of affirmative action was invoked to said end it; you can't mend it." The Governor even community to help us in keeping it a safe community "equalize" all the races into every occupation, primary signed an executive order to rollback some affirmative because this community belongs to all of us." O and secondary education; with no preference to any action programs in his state's government. group who suffered severe discrimination in the past. The issue of affirmative action is not simply It encompassed all aspects of every racial intolerance dividing the nation, but it is creating an internal Congress Threatens SUNY in this diverse nation. division of the Democratic party. The Northern Liberal CONGRESS, From Front Page However, as the President tried to addressed Democrats (esp. minority members of Congress), want students on our campuses... Moreover, we believe the affirmative action, he saw it has become an extreme to keep it, while the Southern Conservative Democrats amendment would be impossible to administer and raises form of filling certain quotas. It has become a (which remain in Congress) want to make some the specter of university administrators policing and system of trying to make an institution to reflect meaningful changes, so we would not create or keep a censoring student meetings." its surrounding area. Some supporters of quota system. - The American Association of University Professors affirmative action listened to the President's speech I think what we all we want to accomplish is and the American Council on Education (ACE) also and were still quite skeptical of his multiple racial tolerance: "We want a truly open society, in responded nationally to the issue. The ACE's letter to changes to many programs. In fact, after the speech, which every man and woman will be able to go as far Representative Henry Bonilla is a response to the the Rev. Jesse Jackson (a leading supporter of as their talent, ambition and effort take them." This congressman's request to the group for possible reaction affirmative action) organized a massive was not said by someone on this side of the Atlantic, from colleges and universities to the amendment. In the demonstration at the University of California at but, surprisingly,- someone from the other side. The letter, Terry W. Hartle, vice president of ACE, wrote, "the Berkley. The demonstration was to protest Gov. quote was from: the Right Hon. John Maior, the British amendment would create a great deal of paperwork and regulatory confusion on college campuses and it would interfere with what colleges believe is an important and valuable part of the educational experience." Polity attorney Leonard Shapiro is less pessimistic about the situation. Shapiro said he believes the exception in the amendment-should exempt Polity from the restrictions of the amendment. He said that groups like USSA that are related directly to academic pursuit and support likely will not be subject to the amendment. "I don't think this could impact on Polity or the school at all," Shapiro said. "I think if [the amendment] is passed and Polity does what it's supposed to do and refrains from doing what it shouldn't do, it won't make a hill of beans worth of difference." Congress is scheduled to vote on the bill and amendment Tuesday. Kenny said that it's not too late to act. "Certainly everybody can flood their [congressmen's] office with phone calls, faxes and e-mail Monday and Tuesday," she said. O New dmr?

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wMondayj. UlY31.1995


A Bewitching Time Awaits In Salem, Mass .

BY BROOKE DONATONE rectangular shaped wall with stone slabs Statesman Staff inserted into the sides with a victim's name In 1692, nineteen men and women written on each. The memorial sits in front were hanged at Gallows Hills in Salem, of a cemetery that holds some of the judges Massachusetts because they were accused who presided during the trials. of performing witchcraft. The tourist shops line either side of a Since then, Gallows Hills has been cobblestone street and includes turned into a shopping mall and the pond restaurants, coffee shops and stores to buy that was used to conduct the witch tests at souvenirs. There are also a few stores that Boston Commons has been cemented over do Taro card readings and sell human and is now used by adolescent roller shaped candles and various herbs and bladers. charms. However, there is a piece of history A word to the wise: Don't expect to that remains intact in Salem. It preserves shop in these stores until 10 p.m. like in New the horrors that a whole town endured: the York. The people in Salem, despite their isolation and persecution that all were mysterious history, don't appear to be night afraid of. people: most shops close at 4:30 p.m., with Salem contains many attractions that some attractions open until 7:30 p.m. hold the nostalgic air of 1692. The Witch Salem is easily accessible from the Dungeon re-enacts various parts of the Boston area. It is a twenty minute drive or witch trials with live actors. Portions of a half an hour train ride. A series of the dialogue may sound familiar-to those A stone from the witch memorial in salem, Mass. Tnis one is dedicated'o subways leads to the train depot, and the who have read Arthur Miller's The Rebecca Nurse, who was hanged on July 19,1692. train station in Salem is a five minute walk Crucible,in which he explains how a slave from the tourist town. from Barbados brought her diverse trials. One scene shown is the famous Until 1992, there was nothing to So walk through the town and observe religion to America and allegedly pressing to death of Giles Corey: boulders specifically remember the individuals the nostalgic scenes and notice the corrupted the town. were put onto his chest for three days until who were killed during the trials. A costumed figures recreating what once Below the stage at the Witch Dungeon he confessed his guilt of witchery. He died memorial was erected-to the nineteen men was. Close your eyes, and listen to the cries are wax figures that depict how the having never confessed and only saying, and women that were hanged, and the one of injustice, and the screams of those who accused were kept in jail cells the size of "More weight." that was pressed to death. It is a slightly were damned. E phone booths and had to pay rent to live in them. This attraction cost four dollars and lasted twenty-five minutes. Vanessa-Mae The legendary Judge Hathorne Redefines Classical convicted many who were to die during this time. His grandson, author of The Teen's violin -acoustic style adds some flair to the traditional ScarletLetter and The House of the Seven BY ALAINE KIM RANIERI upbeat spice to it. The end result is a 10- The opens with a dramatic Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne, added the Special to The Statesman track musical odyssey. version of Bach's "Toccata and Fugue," "w" to his name so he wouldn't be Vanessa-Mae's new style of music is After listening to Vanessa-Mae's CD in D minor. The traditional deep, gloomy associated' with the hanging judge. His referred to as violin techno-acoustic. While a The Violin Player, no one can dare call sound of this piece is mixed with house is available to tour, which includes listening to this British wonder play away quiet or boring. contemporary beat. The combination of a secret stairway inside one of the walls. on the fiddle, it is hard to believe that she Vanessa-Mae takes the familiar sound i these styles of music results in an intense The Witch Museum is a wax figure is only sixteen years old. Vanessa-Mae has of classical violin music and adds some musical masterpiece. museum that tells the story of the witch been playing the violin since she was five, The following two tracks, "Classical having her first major concert with the Gas" and "Contradanza" are sure to win Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of ten, the ears of many. As these pieces Uf^l ADS0 366-4440 and her first international tour with the play, the listener can actually feel Everyday 10AM to 9 Mozart Players at the age of Sundays 10AM to 7 twelve. See MAE, Page 4 m Ap m - 0 (4 An Japanese NEW Vn.fly~a restaurant vTo LOCATION 4)0 A4 TMfe ofJapma


I NEW AND BACK ISSUES I - * STAR TREK *DR. WHO *TOYS 6893111' 4- e SCIENCE FICTION oPOSTERS AND T-SHIRTS mo7Rt 2AS I _ tMAMAw j l a*At& U. ^0 * JAPANIMATION *VIDEO TAPES ^0 CLl --- i---- 1^^ -- ^^r I^^ - ^Hi- UjmU^ e= -- l m^S ^b ^^My^ T^^ 4 - . - C . I i f=L. im S a s i e %.40L &_ - s d -- - - - EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT - EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TEACHER/TUTOR CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - - SAT Part-Time Instructors - 1, ,arley-DavidsonMo- For Rent - Furnished or tutors needed in Nassau Earn up to $2,000+/month. torcycle. plus utilities. Call after 6 The Princeton Review is look- FLHS "Chopped unfurnished room for rent and Suffolk. High scores World travel. Seasonal & ing for part-time instruc- Dresser." Limited edition. pm and/or leave message. aplus. Carrequired. Flex full-time positions. No exp tors for its SAT and MCAT Black and chrome. 1340 cc. in Stony Brook. $400 per (516) 277-2875 hours. $17/hr. Call Joe necessary. For info. Call courses. SAT applicants Original owner. Mint condi- month plus $200 security. (212) 501-8053. 1-206-634-0468 ext. C51794 should have high standard- tion. $7,900°°. 567-2035 No smoking. NearUniver- SERVICES 1987 Dodge Caravan - 5 TRAVEL ABROAD AND Personable outside solici- ized test scores along with a sity. Resumes, papers, newslet- passenger. Excellent condi- 246-5745 ters, limited WORK Make up to $2,000- tor wanted. Stony Brook in- gregarious personality, and graphic support, tion. Light Blue - 5 speed, 4 For Rent - One bedroom other services. Call Ibm M. or $4,000+/mo. teaching basic surance office needs someone MCAT 00 applicants should cylinder. $3,900 . 666-8107 apartment. Separate en- TIbm F. at 632-6479 for rates. conversational English in Ja- to distribute literature in lo- have a strong background in trance. W/W Carpet, full Fax service. 50¢ PER PAGE pan, Taiwan or S. Korea. No cal area. Salary and commis- Bio., Phys., and Chem. REAL ESTATE bath, huge walk-in closet, (including cover sheet). Call teaching background or Asian sion. (516) 689-7770. Graduate students preferred. 5 Acres - Delaware 632-6479 or, come to Room languages required. For in- Waitresses, Waiters. Big SAT teachers start at $16/hr. County, New York. Camp- non-smoker, no pets. $600 057 in Student Union. formation, call: (206) 632- Barry's. Rte. 25, Lake Grove. and MCAT teachers start at ing, hunting, fishing, boat- rI 1146 ext. J51794 Bartenders, Waiters, Wait- $19/hr. Mail or fax resume ing. Beautiful mountain views. ALASKA SUMMER EM- resses and Counter Help. All level with private to: road frontage. Walk PORT JEFFERSON VILLAGE Experience necessary. to Dela- PLOYMENT - Fishing In- Apply The Princeton Review ware River. Secluded moun- dustry. Earn $3,000- in person, Monday - Thurs- 775 Park Ave. tain acreage. $10,000, nego- Efficiencies available $6,000+/mo + benefits. Male/ day after 3 at the Park Huntington, NY 11743 tiable. 666-8107, evenings. Female. No experience nec- Bench, 1095 Rte. 25A, Stony Attn: Ivana Savor 632-6480, days. Ask for immediately. Monthly and essary (206) 545-4155 ext. Brook. Fax: 516/271-3459 Frank. A . . A ______l A51792 To Advertise, Call 632-6480 . Statesman (Classifieck WORET w v VV%_.F.AEILAnLi v t s - Weekly. - Utilities included. Shown by appointment. Vanessa-M[ae's Funky I.. .d Call 473-2499. MAE, From Page 3 As "City Theme" begins, with the violin bow dance along the the plucking of the violin's strings, I L strings. These two tunes are the listener cAn viqinn q vnll1

- absolutely breathtaking. through a crowded city street filled .... . On the calmer side, the tracks with many different people and "Warm Air" and "Widescreen" sights. "Red Hot" forms a nice form a nice contrast to- the conclusion to this musical journey, i AM,=| beginning sounds. These-pieces leaving the listener only wishing reveal the traditional sound of the there was more than 10-tracks to the t ;: : i ;,we violin. The violin produces a album. smooth tone that is carried through Vanessa-Mae mixes the these tracks, which is traditional sound of classical music complemented by a light steady with funk. The Violin Player, is an background beat. excellent album for studying, The two closing tracks, "City exercising, thinking, and just purely Theme" and "Red Hot," raise the listening. The intensity of the strings intensity of the album once more. is a musical adventure that everyone -A-X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... By this point of the musical ride, it lltitCUS Lw Cexperllenlce. -. .-, ...... is easy to forget that this still is Photo Courtesy of EMI Records classical music. Vanessa-Mae

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Mon. - Fri. 10-8 E Sat. 10-6 * Sun. 11-5 5 1095 RTE. 25A Circle Jerks' Oddities: STONY BROOK NY :$^"== 11790 Punk Rock Revisited 751-9734 Uncompromising, rebellious punk "Brick" is a typical punk rock song, rock may have been one of the many short, volatile and aggressive. "Grey phases music has gone through over the Life" is a rocker from start to finish and presents years; it came and went in about four shows the skill of the musicians more years. Yet, amidst all of the Pearl Jam than any other song. This is the best sound-alike bands, popular radio song on the CD. The song is tight and stations are beginning to play punk the relentless drumming by Keith Clark WEDNESDAY music again. is-the element which propels the song But this time the punks are different along like a 200 horsepower Johnson. than bands such as the Sex Pistols and From his howling, Morris proves to the Clash. Bands which have preserved us that he is definitely not going to settle ; V t I11 eI 1 1 rebellious roots, and dare I say it, matured . Granted, the ilyrics are As t i 1 1 obnoxious and the sentiments continue to wnen 1 say tnat, but miS is a KlCK-nUtt, be vicious, but the music which was in your face song that grabs you by the once sparse and amateurish has evolved neck and proceeds to shake it for three and gained greater depth and variety. minutes. On Oddities. Abnormalities And Debbie "Electric Youth" Gibson Curiosities, the Circle Jerks' major and Suzi Gardener (L7) provide label debut, punk rock becomes a bit more diverse and THURSDAY complicated. Lead vocalist/barker Keith Morris compares the album to a movie that has so much going on, that you catch on to more things the second and third time you watch it. Never being a great fan of- punk rock music, I felt that the album was a sloppy mess after the first listen, and shelved the CD for a week before listening to it again. I played it while I was working out, and a few songs into the CD, it became almost listenable, and a few of the songs were actually catchy. Although I don't relate to the angry, fist-pumping, rebellious punk rockers of the past, there are some nice catchy guitar hooks on this album that keep the songs humming along. This credit goes to the guitarist, Greg FRIDAY Hetson, also a member of Bad CircleJJerks, from left, Hetson, Morris, Schloss, Clark I Religion; the versatile bassist/multi-instrumentalist Zander background vocals in what has to be the Schloss and drummer Keith Clark, oddest team up of the year by far. This who provides energetic rhythm for the song is full of pent-up rage, but it's band. hard to take it seriously with Debbie The CD as a whole is mediocre at "Foolish Beat" Gibson -singing. Still, best, but a handful of good songs crank up the volume for this one, and balance out the rejects. ".22" is a fast if you don't like it, you're too old. moving, furious song in which singer Seriously though, listen for this one Morris muses about neurosis, getting a on the airwaves. job, and "Negotiating my way through The angry and forthright lyrics on this lifetime". It occurred to me that this Oddities. Abnormalities and Curiosities almost sounds like Billy Joel's "We are delivered with a bit of satire and Didn't Start the Fire" on speed. Sounds humor, but there are plenty of melodies funny? Think about when you listen to buried on the CD. The Jerks play what the song. they feel, but they offer a new On "Shining Through the Door," perspective on the punk genre. They Morris sounds like Kermit the Frog, often mock their own genre with a keen while singing earnest lyrics, "Never sense of socio-political humor. Now that mind how I got all that money. Money is odd. doesn't buy me peace of mind." Not bad Now if they could only change their for punk music. This introspection adds name. . . depth to the song, but doesn't make it sound brooding. THE FINAL GRADE: B- L 6 Editorial Politics, . Politics,~M Poiis Poitc r Politics9 We I have said it before: We otherwise, without fear of told insurance companies to will not be intimidated. prosecution/persecution. bump up their auto rate a few The amendmient proposed And so we will uphold'those more points. While everyone by Mr. Istook of Oklahoma - the ideals. will feel the effects of this fiasco, one that would restrict colleges Not only will we continue to students will hardly know what and universities from giving any report the news you need to hit them. Some reports quote funding to organizations that try know, we will continue to figures of increases in auto to- influence public opinion or subjectively comment what we insurance from $50 to $500. political campaigns - is a lot like feel is necessary, political or Commuters are going to Gov. George Patakits budget otherwise - Mr. Istook have to take out loans just to before the legislature passed it. considered or not. pay for auto insurance - that is, We won't be able to predict Thus, without further ado, if the federal government the impact until after it passes we comment on a few political doesn't eliminate that option. and we find out how it will be issues of recent days. Willie, Hillary and the Dole implemented. If it passes, we Clinton'ls Personal War It doesn't matter what side won't realize the actual There are still more than of the political spectrum they implications for years. 1500 American soldiers missing place themselves. Every But, rest assured, it will not from the conflict in North politician, from the local to the affect what you read in these Vietnam. federal level, has something to pages. So why is the President of say about t Medicare. The For 37 years, The Stony the United States re-opening Republicans say their plan is Brook Statesman has brought to diplomatic ties with that best and that the Democrats are you the news, features, sports, country? trying to give our older citizens etc. of: the University and the - We guess when you dodge the short end of the stick. The community. We, also, have the draft and spend a few Democrats say the same thing never been afraid to state our months in England, what of the Repu licans., opinions, political or otherwise. happened where you were We beliere both and neither. We will write what we want, supposed |to be is of little Chances are, neither plan will when we want. And Congress relevance. be better than the present one can't tell us - or any other It's a shame that the (no matter how bad It is), but newspaper - any different. Commander in Chief can so; rest assured, 'both the As we write news and other easily turn his back on the very Democrats and the Republicans articles to present to you the men and women he commands. have only one interest in mind: objective facts of our Let Them Eat Cake! their own. microcosm, we write columns As if raising tuition and As for Mr. Istook and editorials to express our Cutting who knows how many It's unconstitutional. End of views and we provide you the jdbs isn't enough, Pataki has story. opportunity to do the same in our letters section. They're Enjoying7 Their Vacation This we will do, always. In case you're wondering what The only council member in More than 200 years ago, Polity is doing with its summer the area for the summer who did our predecessors decided that budget (you know, the stuff they not make the trip was ... you there were certain "unalienable won't give you during the guessed it ... Nicole Rosner. rights." Among those, later academic year), most of the Rosner has been holding spelled out in the Bill of Rights, council is in Michigan at some down the fort while everyone else was Freedom of the Press. That useless conference. parties. freedom provided for the press That's right, they're At least someone is looking to express opinions, political or vacationing on our money. out for the students.

- ! : - | Top Ten Ways for the Federal Government to Undermine Academic Freedom: 10. Pass an unconstitutional 5. Don't let college newspapers into amendment, the Capitol's press gallery. r-4 9. Thought police. 4. Eliminate AmeriCorps. (Oh, that's 8. T-- q Just give PSC money to your been done already). friends' groups. (Oh. Sorry. That's the way 3. What do you mean, "Academic Polity undermines academic freedom.) Freedom?" I: 0 7. Make Ernest Istook the president of 2. Eliminate the Department of 1 Harvard. Education. 6. Make Newt Gingrich his assistant. 1. Draft everyone.


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But, I suppose I'm only dreaming that players will settle i~~I for less money and owners will charge less per ticket since they aren't paying the players megabucks. Qlufin9 LIVAE 0 n.am At least, without a union, perhaps there won't be a strike D every couple of years. Jazz & ller wed Sta Rit Then again, if the owners lockout ... -- . I On the Lighter Side Did anyone see Peter McNeeley on The Late Show with David Letterman a couple of weeks ago? He said he's NORTH SHORE going to knock out Mike Tyson when they fight this fall. M I Sure, he's from Massachusetts and I'd like to root for a the home guy, but, c'mon. Tyson's going to put out his lights in a very timely fashion. If you want a close match, have them take the SAT's. MINI BEER FESTIVAL "t But, if a "fight" it has to (or supposed to) be, schedule 6 5 Tyson-Foreman later on the card. Tyson shouldn't waste t C2g too much energy in the first match. I'd hate to never see Held at^ , Thurs. & Fri., Aug. 17 & 18,6 p.m. > that match-up. > P Ready for the Gridders Your Chance to Taste Dozens of Different Micro-Brews tR Call me a fair-weather fan, but this will probably be the first season in about 15 years that I root for the Patriots. Anyway, the NFL preseason started yesterday. 'Nuff 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^A 0w said. 0o Seawolves' Season Just Around the Corner tftw And, like I said last summer, I just CAN'T WAIT! LI 1! CL - - a 0 %> II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 FOOD, LIVE MUSIC, RAFFLES I wQ Statesman Sports Come Party on Our Outdoor Patio and Beer Garden -o- tA -e-u-LIVE! Call I -Returning-Soon! 516-751-0615 for further details. l I

I T-he Yanks Stock-up on ]-ul1 Star Histories BY DAVE CHOW It's certainly no secret how Oneil, Ruben Sierra and then provided amphetamines to Jackson or a Dave Winfield amid Statesman Staff Writer Sierra's selfiish mentality fell out of Daryl Strawberry reads like a teammates. controversy. Twenty four hours before favor in Oalkland. Manager Tony baseball dream team. If the Jim Leyritz c/lb: He said "It's just not me. David Cone and Ruben Sierra LaRussa onice described him as Yankees returned to the rotation Teammates dislike him for his This year I saw a big difference. arrived in Minneapolis for their "the village idiot." David Cone, all their injured pitchers they selfish attitude. A talented but It was slammed on me at once. It first game in pinstripes last the other n4ew-comer is also no would have Melido Perez (sore often cocky player, he has was kind of hard for me to Saturday, Danny Tartabul talked stranger to nnanagement criticism. shoulder) and Jimmy Key (out for consistently complained about his concentrate on baseball." to the NY media. He was stu(ck in the middle of a the season) in addition to Jack playing time. With all the land mines in "I'm just kind of glad it's all purge by the.NY Mets front office McDowell, Cone and John Tony Fernandez ss: Gifted NY, who can all the time. Yet the over." he said. While slumping of those the)ydeemed to be trouble Wetteland as the designated fielder who's past attitud- has Yanks have thrived since the All to a .224 batting average he makers. I Though never a true stopper in the pen. The Yanks been criticized by the Mets and Star Break. They have reached endured early season finger source of riegativity, Cone was could have the most awesome Bluejays. So far he's been just five hundred for the first time pointing by owner George caught in rnimors of sex scandals pitching staff outside of Atlanta. fine with the Yanks. since early may. Ironically Steinbrenner for the team's and wild b)ehavior in his early The downside to such a close Wade Boggs 3b: NY fans because the one player no one failures and later charges that he career. His brash self confidence proximity of stars is the potential probably find it hard to believe ever dreamed of criticizing got faked a rib injury to escape the and perceiv red arrogance has said for clashing of larger than life about this third year, but the future canned. by the media. Don boos of the home crowd. Finally to turn GM' 's off. - egos. It's happened on plenty of hall of fame third baseman once Mattingly the last player you traded (for Ruben Sierra), after So alo Ing with the coming talented teams. The seeds of fell seriously out of favor with could label as a problem player months of criticism from the arrival of Dsaryl Strawberry- who's turmoil have already shown their teammates in Boston. Some has absorbed most of the blame Yankee front office, Tartabul agent has a ready threatened to file faces in the Bronx, while others believe that his personal bickering thus far and has carried the seemed happy and ready to begin a grievanice-the supposedly are still dormant and still others with Roger Clemens proved fatal Yankees on his back, hitting well again somewhere else. Being a stabilizing departure of Tartabul have had past run ins: to his Red Sox career. over .400 for the past two weeks relatively quiet player he never' only culmiinates in the arrival of Jack McDowell rhp: Star Looking around the in what seems to be a direct quite fit comfortably in New } more historical powder kegs. pitcher traded to Yanks in off clubhouse at all the fragile response. York's intense atmosphere. AU Sftar Trouble season largely due to bitter personalities, you would wonder Mattingly has become what So Tartabul leaves town the The t-eam certainly has contract feuds with White Sox at all the potentials to be the next Tartabul couldn't, a Reggie for picture of a malcontent. A classic picked up> a few notches in management and Jerry Kraus. Tartabul-the next apple ready to the season. Perhaps this is what situation between a team and intensity Mvith the acquisitions. Gave the finger to the Yankee go bad. Tartabul contends -his the Yankees have needed all the on player whose relationship has The Yanke3es have stocked up home crowd after getting booed situation couldn't happen to a time, to put the blame it and soured. So why is it then people with plentyy of players with All following a bad outing. nicer guy. Always trying to avoid somebody who can take it back. Mattingly is don't find it so strange that the Star histc)ry, if not all star Steve Howelhp: Suspended trouble, his entire NY experience throw finally back on track towards his Yankees claim this trade was only "histories". .Looking at a possible from baseball time after time for went awry once he was made to to lead the Yankees made to stabilize a clubhouse-and first five iri the batting order of drug abuse, rumors have be a scape goat. He explained he one true goal, O Ruben Sierra? Wade Boggrs, Don Mattingly, Paul circulated this season that he couldn't thrive like a Reggie into the post-season. get in return 7-z, - -- - I. THE IMPOFITANT PEOPLE,: THE FANS HALL OF FAI^[ERS RE-MEMB;ER to be loyal to a player. Hell, I haven't been a baseball fan Ashburn said that many son is a Bonilla fan. The man their teams. A player wearing the reason the players are not loyal to the fans. since 1981. people have been trying to figure wondered on the air how he would Yanks' black on white pinstripes There are no more heroes. The last World Series I out what's wrong with baseball the explairi to his son that Bonilla was this year is a favorite, but next year Mike Schmidt was a hero, watched in entirety was in 1980, past few years. He said he hopes traded because his contract was up is the most hated man on the field though I was rooting for the Kansas the year Mike Schmidt and the the players and the at the end of the because now he wears the City Royals in the 1980 Series. He Philadelphia Phillies walked away owners listen to SCARLET AND CWRAY year and the Mets Brewers' blue and yellow. But the was a hero that played his entire with the championship. Yesterday, what he said. SPECLAI EDITIOrN probably couldn't fans root for the guy who wore blue I career in Philadelphia. He was Schmidt and Richie Ashburn were The fans. THOMAS F.MmSSE re-sign him, so and yellow last year, because he loyal to the fans, and the fans were inducted into the Major League Something better just to trade wears pinstripes this year. loyal to him. Baseball Hall of Fame in inside me wanted to count me in him. Because, these days, fans are Cooperstown, NY. For me, it's that number again. I waited and I almost like closure - the end of an listened. era. "Not many players stay with Because, now, at age 27, I am the same team anymore," said a football, basketball and hockey Schmidt, later in the station's show. fan, as I have been always. And .Hmmmm... It seems to me those sports are all I need from the that most of this goes back to ' 81, late days of summer to the early if not earlier. The strike that days of the next one. The "Boys brought out-of-hand free agency. of Summer" were the first to break The strike that gave players the my trust as a young fan with the ability to change teams every stike in '81. couple of years. But, listening to WFAN 660 Before that, players moved AM yesterday, an old burning around, players were traded, but desire was wakened. Yesterday, not like today. Players played when "the FAN" played exerpts entire careers where they were from Schmidt's and Ashburn's drafted. They played because they speeches. loved the game, not becuase the At first, I was tempted to hit highest bidder gave them a pretty the FM button, but something held teal uniform. They played because me, my finger poised above the of the fans. glowing button. The fans. "The owners and the players During the program, a Mets ... we're in it together with the fan - I wasn't sure there were any fans," said Richie Ashburn. "We left - called in about the Bobby have to remember that." Bonilla trade. He said the Mets had The fans. little going for them, and they just Hey, that's us. traded most of it away. The caller's