Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee

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Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee © 2013 ( Contents SRI VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM ........................................................................................................................................................3 Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee © 2013 ( 2 SRI VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM OmShuklãm Bharadharam Vishnum Sashivarnam Chathurbhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayeth Sarva Vignopa Shanthayé ||1|| Vyasam Vasishta Naptharam Shaktair Poutramakalmasham Parasharathmajam Vandé Shukathãthum Thaponidhim ||2|| Vyasaya Vishnu Roopaya Vyasroopaya Vishanavé Namovai Brahmanidhayé Vãsishtaya Namonamaha ||3|| Avikãraya Shuddhãya Nithyãya Paramathmané Sadhaika Roopa Roopaya Vishnavé Sarvajishnavé ||4|| Yasya Smarana Mathréna Janma Samsara Bandhanãth Vimuchyathé Namas Tasmai Vishnavé Prabha Vishanvé Om Namo Vishnavé Praba Vishnavé. ||5|| Shree Vaisham Pãyana Uvacha Shruthvã Dharmãna Séshéna Pãvananicha Sarvashaha Yudhishtarah Shanthanavam Punarévãbya Bashatha ||6|| Yudhishtira Uvacha Kimékam Daivatham Loke Kim Vápyekam Parãyanam Sthuvantha Kam Kamarchanta Prapnuyur Mãnavã Shubam ||7|| Ko Dharma Sarva Dharmãnam Bhavathah Paramo Mathah KimJapan Muchyathé Janthur Janma Samsãra Bandhanãth ||8|| Shree Bheeshmã Uvacha Jagath Prabhum Deva Devam Antham Purushothamam Sthuvan Nãma Sahasréna Purushah Saththo Thithaha ||9|| Thameva Chãr Chayanth Nithyam Bhakthya Purusha Mavyayam Dhayãyan Sthuvan Namasyamsha Yajamãnas Thamevacha ||10|| Anãdhinidhanam Vishnum Sarva Lokamahesvaram Lokãdhyaksham Sthuvan Nithyam Sarva Dhukkã Thigo Bhavéth ||11|| Brahmanyam Sarva Dharmangyam Lokãnãm Keerthivardhanam Lokanãtham Mahath Bhootham Sarva Bhootha Bhavothbhavam ||12|| Esha Mé Sarvadharmãnãm Dharmodhi Kathamo Mathaha Yath Bhakthyã Pundari Kãksham Sthavai Rar-Chén Nara Ssada ||13|| Paramam Yo Mahath Teja Paramam Yo Mahath Tapaha Paramam Yo Mahath Brahma Paramam Ya Parãyanam ||14|| Pavithrãm Pavithram Yo Mangalãnãncha Mangalam Daivatham Dévathãnãncha Bhoothãnãm Yovyayah Pithã ||15|| Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee © 2013 ( 3 Yatah Sarvãni Bhoothãni Bhavanthyãdhi Yugãgamé Yasmimscha Pralayam Yãnthi Punaréva Yugakshayé ||16|| Tasya Loka Pradhãnasya Jagan-Nãdhasya Bhoopathé Vishnor Nama Sahasrm Mé Srunu Pãpa Bhayãpaham ||17|| Yãni Nãmãni Gounãni Vikyãthãni Mahãthmanaha Rushibhi Parigeerthãni Thãni Vakshãyãmi Bhoothayé ||18|| Rushirnãmnãm Sahasrasya Védhavyãso Mahãmunihi Chchando-Nushtup Thatha Dévo Bhaghavãn Dévakee-Sutaha ||19|| Amruthãm Shoodbhavo Bheejam Shakthir Dévaki Nandanaha Thrisãmã Hrudhayam Thasya Shãnthyarthé Viniyujyathe ||20|| Vishnum Jishnum Mahãvishnum Prabhavishum Mahéswaram Anaika Roopa Dhaithyãntham Namãmi Purushoth-Thamam ||21|| Asya Sree Vishnor Dhivya Sahasranãma Sthothra Mahãmanthrasya Sri Vedhavyaso Bhagavan Rishihi Anushtup Ch-Chandaha Sri Mahavishnu Paramãthmã Sirmãn Narãyano Dévathã Amruthãm Shoothbavo Bãnurithi Beejam Dévakee Nandhan Srashtéthi Sakthihi Uthbava Kshobhano Déva Ithi Paramo Manthraha Shankbhruth Nandhkee Chakreethi Keelakam Shãrngadhanva Gadhãdhara Ithyasthram Radhãngapãni Rakshobhya Ithi Néthram Thrisãma Sãmagah Sãméthi Kavacham Aanandam Parbrahméthi Yonihi Rutuh Sudharsah Kaala Ithi Digbandhaha Sri Viswaroopa Iti Dhyãnam Sri Mahavishnu Preethyarthe Sahasra Nama Japé Viniyogaha Dhyãnam Ksheerodhanvath Pradhésé Susi Mani Vilasath Saikathe Mouthikãnãm Malãk Lupthãsanastha Spatikamani-Nibhair Moukthikair Mandithaangaha Shubhrai Rbhrai Radhaprai Ruprivirasithair Muktha Bheeyuusha Varshaihi Anandheenap Puneeyaa Dhari Nalina Gadha Shankapaanir Mukundhaha ||1|| Bhoop-Paathau Yasya Nabhir Viyadhasura-Nilach-Chandra SauryoshCha Néthré Karnãvasã Siro Dhyaur-Mukamapi Dhahano Yasya Vaastheyamapdhihi Andhastham Yasya Vishvam Sura-Nara-Khaga-Gho-Bhogi-Gandharva-Dhaithyaihi Chitram Ramramyathe Tham Thribhuvan-Vapusham Vishnu Meesham Namaami ||2|| Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee © 2013 ( 4 Shaanthãkãram Bhujagasayanam Padhmanabham Surésam Vishwãdhãram Gaganasadhrusham Mégavarnam Subhangam Lakshmi Kãntham Kamalanayanam Yogihrudhyãna Gamyam Vandhé Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanatham ||3|| Megha Shyamam Peetha Kausheya Vasam Shree Vatsankam Kausthubhod Bhasithangam Punyopetham Pundari Kayadaksham Vishnum Vande Sarva Lokaika Natham ||4|| Namas Samastha Bhothanam Adi Bhoothaya Bhoo Bruthe Aneka Roopa Roopaya Vishanve Prabha Vishnave ||5|| Shashanka Chakram Saka Reeta Kundalam Sappetha Vasthram Sarasi Ruheshanam Shara Vaksha Sthala Shobhi Kausthubam Namami Vishnum Shirasã Chathurbhujam ||6|| Chayayam Parijathasya Héma Simhasano Parihi Aasina Mam-Bhutha-Shyãma-Mãyadaksha Malankrutham Chandrananam Chathur Bhahum Shree Vatsanghitha Vakshasam Rukmini Sathyabhamabhyam Sahitham Kirshnamasraye ||7|| OM Vishvam Vishnur Vashatkaro Bhootha Bhavya Bhavath Prabhuhu Bhoothakruth Bhoothabruth Bhavo Bhoothatma Bhootha Bhavanaha ||1|| Bhoothatma Paramathma Cha Mukthanam Parama Gathihi Avya Yapurusha Sakshi Kshetrgno Ksharo Évacha ||2|| Yogo Yoga Vitham Nétha Prdhãna Purusheshwaraha Narasimha Vabhu Shreeman Keshava Purushothamaha ||3|| Sarva Sharvash Shivas Sthanur Bhoothathir Nidhira Vyahayaha Sambhavo Bhavono Bartha Prabava Prabhureeshwaraha ||4|| Swambu Shambur Adithya Pushkaraksho Mahasvanaha Anadhi Nidhano Dhath Vidhath Dhathu Ruthmaha ||5|| Appréyo Rishi Keshah Padmnabho Mara Prabhuhu Visha Karma Manusthvastha Sthavishta Shtaviro-Dhruvaha ||6|| Agrahya Sashvatha Krishno Lokidaksh Pradhr Dhanaha Prabhuth Shrikuthãma Pavithrm Manglam Param ||7|| Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee © 2013 ( 5 Eashana Prãnadha Prano Jyeshta Shreshta Praja Pathihi Hiran Ya Garbho Bhoo Gahrbho Madhavo Madhu Sudhanaha ||8|| Ishvaro Vikrami Thanvi Medavi Vikrma Kramaha Anuththamo Durãdarsha Kruthangya Kruthi-Raathmavan ||9|| Suresha Sharnam Sharma Vishva Retha Prajabhvaha Ahath Samvathsaro Wyallaha Prathyas Sarvadharshanaha ||10|| Ajas Sarvesh Varas Sidhas Sidhi Sarva Dhiru Chithaha Vrusha Gabhir Meyathma Sarva Yoga Vinisruthaha ||11|| Vasur Vasumanas Sathya Samãthmã Sammitha-Samaha Amoga Pundarikaksho Vrushkarma Vrushakruthihi ||12|| Rudro Bahushira Babrur Viswayoni Suchichrvaha Amrudha Sachvadha Sthanur Vraroha Mahathapaha ||13|| Sarvakaha Sarvavidhbaanur Vishwakseno Janardhanaha Vedo Veda Vidhav Yango Vedãngo Vedvith Kavihi ||14|| Lokã Dhyakshas Surdhyaksho Dharma Dhyaksho Krutha Kruthaha Chathurathma Chathur Vyuhachathur Thamshta Chathur Bhujaha ||15|| Prajishur Bhojanam Bhoktha Sahishnur Jagatha Thijaha Anako Vijayo Jetha Vishva Yoni Punarvasuhu ||16|| Upendro Vamaha Pramshur Amogash Shsirurjithaha Atheendras Sangrahas Sargo Dhruthatma Niyamo Yamaha ||17|| Védyo Vaidyas-Sadã-Yogi Veeraha Madhavo Madhuhu Atheendriyo Mahãmãyo Mahothsaho Mahabalaha ||18|| Mahabuthir Mahaveeryo Mahashakthir Mahathyuthihi Anir Deshya Vabhu Shreema-Naméyathmã Mahã-Thri-Dhruk ||19|| Maheshvaso Maheebartha Shreenivasa Satham Gathihi Aniruddas Surananndo Govindo Gvindãm Pathihi ||20|| Marichir Thamano Hamsas Superno Pujagothamaha Hiranya Nabhas Suthapã Padmanabha Prajapthihi ||21|| Amruthyus Sarva-Dhruk Simha-Sandhãtha Sandhimãm-Stiraha Ajo Durmarshanas-Shãsthã Vishruthãtmã Surarihã ||22|| Gurur Gurthamo Thama Sathyas Sathya Parakramaha Nimisho Nimishas Sragvi Vãchaspathi Rutharathee ||23|| Agraneer Gramanee Shreeman Nyãyo Néthã Sameeranaha Sahasra Murthã Vishvãtmã Sahas-Rãkshas-Sahasrapath ||24|| Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee © 2013 ( 6 Aavarthano Nivruthathma Samvradhas Sampra Mardhanaha Ahas Samvarthako Vahni-Ranilo Dharani Dharaha ||25|| Suprasada Prasanãthma Vishwasruk Vishvabhuk Vibhuhu Sathkartha Sathkrudhas Sadhur Janhoor Naryano Naraha ||26|| Asangeyo Prameyathma Vishista Shista Kruch-Chuchihi Siddhartha Siddha Sankalpa Siddhida-Siddhi Sadhanaha ||27|| Vrushahee Vrushabho Vishnur Vrushaparva Vrusho Dharaha Varthano Varthamãnaksha Vivikta Shruth Sagaraha ||28|| Subhujo Dhurtharo Vakmi Mahendhro Vasudo Vasuhu Naikarupo Bruhathroopas Sibhivishta Praksanaha ||29|| Ojas-Théjo Dhyuuthidhara Prakãshatmã Pratãpanaha Ruddhas Spashtã-Ksharo Manthra-Chandrãmshur Bhaskarathdhyuthihi ||30|| Amruthãm Shudh Bhavo Bhanu Shashabindu Sureshwaraha Aushadham Jagadha Sethu Sathya Dharma Parãkramaha ||31|| Bhoothabhavya Bhavannatha Pavana Pãvano Nalaha Kamahã Kamakruth Kantha Kama Kamapratha Prabhuhu ||32|| Yugadikruth Yugavartho Naika Mayo Mahasanaha Athrushyo Vyaktha Roopashcha Sahasrajita Nandajith ||33|| Ishto Vishishta Thistéshta Shikandi Nahursho Vrushaha Krodhaha Krodhakruth Kartha Vishva Bahoor Mahitharaha ||34|| Achyutha Prathitha Pranaha Prãnatho Vasuvanujaha Apãm-Nidi Rathishtana Mapramatha Prathishtithaha ||35|| Skandaha Skandadaro Duryo Varado Vau Vãhanaha Vaasudevo Bruhath Banur Adi Deva Purandaraha ||36|| Ashokas Stharanas Thara Shura Shurir Janéswaraha Anukoola Shathãvartha Padmi Padma Nibhekshanaha ||37|| Padmanabho Ravindaksha Padmagarba Sharirabruth Maharthrir Ruthro Vruthathma Mahãksho Garudadvajaha ||38|| Atula Sharabo Bheema Samayagno Havir Harhi Sarva Lakshana Lakshañyo Lakshmivãn Samithanjayaha ||39|| Viksharo Rohitho Margo Héthur Damodara Sahaha Maheetharo Mahãbhogo Vegavãnami Thashanaha ||40|| Uthbhava Shobhano Déva Shreegarba Parmeshvaraha Karanam Kãranam Kartha Vikartha Gahnoguhaha ||41|| Shirdi Sai Pathanugamee © 2013 ( 7 Vyavasayovyvasthanas Samasthana Sthando Druvaha Pararthi Parama Spastha Dushta Pushta Subhekshanaha ||42|| Ramo Virãmo Viratho Margo Neyo Nayo Nayaha Veera Shakthimathãm Sreshto Dharmo Dharma Vithuthamaha
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