North West Cheshire
Archaeological Investigations Project 2008 Post-determination/Research North West Cheshire Chester (E.13.2751/2008) SJ49906820 Parish: Ashton Postal Code: CH3 8DJ LAND AT TARVIN SANDS FISHERY, TARVIN Land at Tarvin Sands Fishery, Tarvin, Cheshire. Archaeological Watching Brief Frost, P Pontesbury : Castlering Archaeology, 2008, 9pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Castlering Archaeology The watching brief comprised the monitoring of the initial topsoil strip of the pond area. No evidence of the Roman road or any features associated with this period were recovered. There was also no evidence for fragments of the road surface. [Au(adp)] SMR primary record number: R2818 OASIS ID: no (E.13.2752/2008) SJ39956607 Parish: Bache Postal Code: BT236AZ CHESTER RACECOURSE: OWNERS AND TRAINERS PAVILION Chester Racecourse Owners and Trainers Pavilion. Archaeological Watching Brief Webster, T Chester : Gifford, Report: 14427/96.R03 2008, 60pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Gifford A watching brief found no archaeological deposits dating to the period prior to the 18th century. The earlier deposits were possibly sealed by silt. The watching brief identified remains of late post-medieval features associated with temporary structures erected during fairs, circuses and race meetings, as shown in a mid-19th century illustration of the race course. This included 54 post holes, eight ditches/gullies, eight pits, seven floor surfaces and two possible wall structures. [Au(adp)] SMR primary record number: 339 Archaeological periods represented: PM OASIS ID: no (E.13.2753/2008) SJ53805920 Parish: Beeston Postal Code: CW6 9UA BEESTON CASTLE, NEAR BUNBURY Beeston Castle, Near Bunbury, Cheshire. Archaeological Watching Brief (Trackway Earthworks) Fletcher, M Manchester : Matrix Archaeology, Report: 2008-10 2008, 15pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Matrix Archaeology The three cuttings, WB2, WB23 and WB5 threw some light upon the nature of the scarp slope.
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