in- of Doering and at his suggestion many miscellaneous. which in 187S was with good reason a of tho best features of that fine structure terpreted by many who supported PROF. CROSBY KILLED. similar resolution to mean something were incorporated in thB plan. He was a mean RESPONDS vitally different irons what it must member of tho Congregational church. HOUSE now QUICKLY was immedi- Coroner Perry of Portland “This brings me,” proceeded Mr. Ding" iey, “to the consideration of the vital ately notified of Mr. Crosby’s death and questions to whether the government lias Fatal Accident to of hastened out to Deering to view the scene the moral in other words whether Principal right, of tho fatality. The following jury was it would be an act which the moral sense summoned Constable of the world would regard as in accord- School. by Chauncy Berry Storm Worst Known in Maine the Deering High Yesterday’s The Teller Resolution Defeated a Ma- ance with-honor and good faitii for and Impannelled: Arthur C. Marks, fore- Ry United States to its outstanding pay man, F. B. Moody, R. Glendenning, A. bonded indebtedness in dollars of so Walter and for Time. of materially less value than the dollar H. Strickland, Partridge Long jority Fifty. which has eeen the practical standard of STRUCK BY MAINE CENTRAL SNOW Linwood L. Huston. The jury having re- value since 1S34, barring tho war and viewed the scene of tho accident and the has been AT ORDS. construction period, and which PLOW WOODI to meet in the county at- the and standard of value body, adjourned legal practical o’clock since 187P, and the dollar in which our torney's office Wednesday at two bonded indebtedness has been paid thus p. m. far, by every administration from HEAVY SNOW FALL FOLLOWED BY TERRIFIC TOTE A to the dollar PAPER TRUST. TWO DEMOCRATS (2 AIM ST IT AMD OME Lincoln to McKinley, wit, Hi. Neck was Broken and He Hied Almost THE equal In value to slo.8 grains of standard Instantly—l eaves Wife and Two Small GALE. REPUBLICAM FOR. gold. (Applause.) Leading Maine Mills Included in the OH® “Boar in mind that we are discussing Cliildron—Has Been Connected With this from the of honor and Combine. a Both the method results when question point Tears. good faith, and not from tne point of Beering School. Eight of is it is I have Syrup Figs taken; pleasant power or technical legal right; for N. Y., January SI.—A paper can do ot the Deer- Albany, and to the taste, and acts already said that the government Edgar H. Crosby, principal hero refreshing mill combine was oganlzed today. Make a Plucky But Hopeless Fight Against the as it pleases. More than three-fourths school was struck by a Maine Electric Eincs on the as a ing High stock of is divided gently yet promptly Kidneys, and of the outstanding bonds were, The capital $45,000,000 From Best of World Tele- Reed Mas Mis Name Called Records His Vote Central snow at the Forest avenue Storm Shut Oat by Liver and cleanses the Speaker matter of issued and sold after 18(8 plow into stook and $20,- —Portland Bowels, sys- fact, about $45,000,000 perferred the Scheme o£ the Vote when the silver dollar was from crossing near Woodford’s station at Eittle After Bocal Tele- tem colds, head- Against Repudiutionists—The Stood dropped 000,000 common stook. graphic Communication Midnight effectually, dispels the list of coins. in view of these afternoon and in- Now, 6.15 o’olook yosterday G. O. Had aches and fevers and cures habitual 182 lo 13’-!—Chairman Dinglcy’s Able Argument Against the faith lor Congress, The directors are: Ogden Mills, Bines Work WeSI— Midnight Trains Not Shown Bp facts would it he good stantly killed. phone of is the now that silver has so greatly depreciated, Mills, Wm. B. Dillon, Hudson T.Brancis, constipation. Syrup Figs Resolution. While the blizzard was late yes- at Three O’clock. to restore its free and unlimited coinage raging Melville of kind ever Hall Park McCullough, Edgar only remedy its pro- at the of 10 to this country progress tested vigorously, however, and the latter ratio 1, by terday afternoon, making all of New York Alonzo to taste and ac- [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] ratio is 83 to 1, Ingalls,Jr., city; six o'clock there was stand- duced, pleasing the said if he had had an he alone, when tho market the snow drifts on Deering’s Bast storm was all odds the At hardly opportunity the through M. Burbank of Bellows Falls, Vt.; night’s by battle in would have a Cuban and then use suoh dollars to pay room of to the stomach, prompt in Washington January 31.—The proposed belligerency sidewalks extremely difficult, whirling worst this eectioD of the country has seen ing space in the waiting the ceptable amendment. boiid3 which we had sold for gold under Thomas S. of Glens Falls, War- the Home over the Teller resolu- Colliilgo Portland railroad at the head of Preble its action and beneficial in its today such circumstances? the snow Into the faces of those unfortu- in many years. It swooped down upon truly To this suggestion, Speaker Reed re- ren Curtis of I. W. Drown of tion was and the fear that Corinth, street. one there was anxious to from the most sharp decisivo, Republi- that not in “I do not think it would. I nate to be abroad, blinding them, us so it in its work so Kvery effects, prepared only torted it would bo order, and enough N. Frank T. Bonner of suddenly got it a vote of 183 of are resting on the expecta- Lancaster, H.; started for but the ohances of its can majority defeating by when Mr. Re Arinond appealed to him many you and at timeB forcing them to turn their and did it so well that before it get home, healthy and agreeable substances, tion which feel that of this David W. Snow of Port- quickly 133. This ends the as no not to decide the question hastily ex- you nothing NewtoD, Mass,; home before seemed ta matter, backs to the blast, Principal Crosby cf of had been with us an hour every one real- getting midnight many excellent qualities commend it claimed: kind will be done and-are excusing your land,Me. ; Edward R.Greene Brooklyn. further action can revive this resolution from the the follow- of a farther away with every second of delay. to all and have made it the most “That it is not in order is too plain for vote for It on the worthy idea that you the Deering High school started The mills reported Included ized that it was no ordinary kind The debate was in- are Falls Liver- The snow on the and West- in the House. highly argument.” ‘playing polities.’ Woodfords office for his home on ing: Otis Pulp company, storm. It not even wait for the over- plows Peering known. with the post com- ^id remedy and both the this there were evi- “If so I beg of you not to trifle more FallB,Me.; Glen Manufacturing brook lines would start with a car bound popular teresting exciting, Republi- During colloquy for avenue. There wero few people ture unless one take the pigmy of is for sale in 50 and excitement of honor and good faith of the nation Hartley Berlin,N.H.; Rumford ITalls Paper might Syrup Figs cans and Democrats con- dences of disturbance pany, outward and loaded with suburbanites. feeling fully suoh miserable rest assured, on the street and those who wero plung- .Falls,Me.; B'all Moun- storms which have been hanging around all which Mr. Johnson was the centre. any end; for, company,Rumford cent bottles leading drug- vinced that were out the lines such an of as to the their Bellows Vt.; of The plow ahead smashed its way through by they laying At last Mr. Johnson Insisted on asking expression opinion ing along through the drifts with tain Paper company, Falls, us for the past two weeks as something reliable who for next fall and Eense of honor of the people of this Paper company of B’rank- the drifts and for a timo all would gists. Any druggist of the campaign possibly a question of Mr. Henderson. hats pulled down over their eyes and their WinDispIseogee the kind. It came without warning to go country; contemplated by this resolution H.; Webster Paper company, Ban- not have it on hand will for lbOO also. He wanted to know with much empha- ears !in,N. such well. Then the car would oome to a sud- may pro- under would serious- collars turned up about their were most peoplo the likelihood of sis whether it was truo that all the time existing conditions, gor, Me.; Montague Paper company,Tur- though one who Both side3 seemed to welcome the and iinahla plf.hpi* soft nr hf»ar *mvt,hincr. Ak den stop to allow some passenger to cure it for any issue, consumed the members of ly injure the credit of the country ner’s Balls, Mas.-:.; Russell Paper compa- a thing as a storm settling down among promptly was to ho by I b t the seemed most tend to weaken rovivinir confidence. avenue Mass.; B’almonth Paper alight. This caused trouble at once for wishes to try it. Do not accept any Republicans pleased the ways and means committee. Mr. Crosby reached the Forest ny, Lawrence, us was hinted at by the weather prognos- as does aoientmo bimetallist Livermore Falls, Me.; Haver- and confident over the result of the “There is no snoh called believe, every he found company, once the whsels would not catch on substitute. day’s proposition,” crossing of the Maine Central ticators a few but when it driving in tho world outside of politics, that 16 Hill company, nmcmiu, days ago meant the future out Mr. Dalzell hut Mr. Johnson did Paper the and for a few minutes that car work, believing that it to 1 freo and unlimited silver this that the which guard tho track were Glens N. here and made its mind to stay rails, not subsido and continued to de- by gates Glens Falls Paper mills, Falls, landed up CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. of their protest, United and com- would crawl or be oome honor and triumph party. Only country alone would make the and a long freight train was roll- Y.; Hudson River Pulp Paper no lot to it. barely along may CAL claring loudly that he antagonized this down, while there was up SAN FRANCISCO, States a silver monometallic like Farmers’ X, Y.; Lake Then the motor one voted for the resolution, rule if such was the intention. country, wish it a cloud of snow. pany, Falls, of Western to a standstill altogether. KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. Republican a ing by, carrying given the people IBUISV1LLE, Mexico and China, and would give us George Paper company, Ticondergoa, N. Having of North Carolina. Two Demo- He had a wordy war with Mr. Dingley, was on the inward bound track winter such man half frozen and blinded by the Linney silver basis that would obstruct our trade This train Herkimer, Maine a reminder that but in a tone so low that it could not b6 Y ; Herkimer Paper company, gentle crats, Elliott from the Charleston district with standard countries that now headed towards Union t. station and fee- was not whirling cloud of snow would reverse the 87KCIAI. NO TICS'*. heard in the confusion. gold X. Y. as it was once known hereabouts of South Carolina and McAleer from a take ‘JO cent of our and prove train was the The new company, it is said, will take mer- motors and the oar would run back a little The cut off further incident by per exports, tween Mr. Crosby and this a of the sending the Speaker and be- thing past by was a serious menace to our progress; control February 16. to a fresh start and to take a Philadelphia district, voted with the Re- putting the question, and the rules outward bound track which was in the thermometer distance get cause I believe that it would along cury so far down th^t THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD to Democrats refrain- seriously Reed had his own [adopted—143 115the a much breathing as It were. Away they publicans. Speaker our fcredit and standing as a coming an engine pushing danger TRIED TO BLOW UP MAYOR. there was little ohance of its going spell ing from demanding a roll call, injure For Our Customers. name the resolu- to on this would again and this time they sailed called and voted against nation, that I appeal fjentlemen ahead of it. lower* without encroaching upon the go side of the House to maintain the pledge the troublesome uon amiu great applause. waited until the long freight A Sensation in Havana at Midnight circle old Boreas through drifts, maybe, WE HAVE THE BEST which the made at St. Mr.'Crosby claims of the Arotic over the Republican party and were all until another The also saw personally all the 'There followed a controversy and then the nuuu man » right passenger Speaker Louis, to keep'all our currency, whether train had pulled by passing Sunday. evidently made up ms division of time. Mr. Bailey suggested wanted to off. Then it was the same few doubtful Republicans during the de- silver or as ns and pre- and not seeing the as to his future in- get WORKMEN, that two hours be each to the Re- paper good gold gates approaching given ample warning given faith and more and in bate and urged them to vote against the serve inviolably the public snow he started to cross the outward 31.— At about mid- with the mercury old story over again only so, publicans and Democrats, and forty side plow Havana, January tentions. Sunday came credit, and to gentlemen on the other this some of the who live out EQUIPMENT, resolution. Tho majority against was minutes to the and Silver Re- bound track. A cloud of snow whirled last a man Luis Coro Lazo, but toward morn- way people Populists of the House to maintain the standard of night night way down in the tube and the in their six o’olock supper gratifylngly large Republicans publicans. value which Jackson’s administration up about the rear car of the freight and who recently returned to Cuba from the to moderate a little and Deering got MATERIALS, Mr. that the time ing it commenced were unanimous in the opinion that they Dingley replied the years ago and blinded Mr. a bomb at the overcast about an hour later than usual. should be divided for and gave country sixty-four Tor an Instant completely African prisons exploded dawned with the sky METHODS. equally against and faith of the nation so Monday in the had done a good day’s work. It is a note- the honor good Just at this time he evidently residence of the Conservative ex- but muoh At six o’clock the people waiting the resolution. the fathers of the Crosby.. private and ugly in appearance very Foes House and carefully preserved by room of the Portland railroad to rjKTPQ’Q City Gya worthy fact that this is the second time Mr. Simpson, of Kansas, heard or saw the snow He Senor Diaz at About began ruoicn Populist Democratic party and to take the oppor- coming plow. Mnyor of Havana Miguel warmer and more comfortable. «seam c Works this resolu- the divisions of the fear would have to remain in town rpet Gleanaing Mr. Reed has voted against thought present offered the resolution now be- was then between the inward bound ami del Monte. The noise of the ex- snow flakes they should be officially recognized. | tunity by Jesus nine o’olook a few straggling tion. he been among the few who minority fore the House to show .to the country and and had he Havana. all night and about one hundred and fifty 13 CPF. PREBLE HOUSE. having “I was not awaro that there was any the outward bound tracks, was hoard throughout down and they inoreased PREBLEST., name of nation is plosion were showered when it came world that the good the of who live In Westbrook or Wood- Kgp^Kid Glove* Cleaused J£\ery Day. opposed it twenty years ago distinction botweou the Populists and in that position, so the engineer of A number of doors were broken and a in half an hour we had them, dtf safe in our hands. (Prolonged Republi- stayed so rapidly that jan28 as re- fords took the Portland and from tho hand of Stanley Matthews. Democrats at present constituted,” tho snow ho would not havo was made in the house. The snow storm. Rochester can applause.) plow said, largo hole with us a real old fashioned torted Mr. Dingley dryly. train for home. The steam been Mr. Crosby started to re- Diaz and those inhabiting neigh- to in its work heavy engines Without anything inoro to the division of which injnred. family Then the wind began get 31.—-There was a After tho outburst applause were hum their Washington, January of time, the Mr. turn aoross the outward bound track and houses were panio stricken. Lazo was whirled about and making things along Speaker recognized greeted tho close of Mr. Dingley’s speech boring and the light snow : deal of activity among the leaders who the debate in front of tho Monte from Havana in way, but a little later the steam railroads Gssa* Annual great Dingley, opened oppo- had subsided, Mr. Bailey was recognized stopped directly in coming drove to Jesus del tossed hither and yon until the drifts House met to- Sition to tne resolution. contrary to ms while also commenced to find that this snow on both sides, before tho for an hour. He first yielded twenty Tho engineer saw the man a cab. He was captured attempting that the railroad usual Mr. read his care- plow. through were rising so rapidly oustom, Dingiey to Mr. Democrat of to was, -’od. day in anticipation of a very exciting de- minutes Wheeler, the whirl of snow beforo the danger, but- escape. that >ctorn^ pptihhM"*n bo_d»---; fully argument from manu- of the unu Diaz he does not know Lazo men and others saw clearly SALE prepared Alabama, a member ways £mor says thgjrjiad” Some ill-advised ti ■"1k to CASH bate over the Teller resolution save The people declaring The intense interest in his utter- c. in time to him. But 14 script. moans committee, who submitted an u'd.iibt step and believe has po.uy.03I accomplices. it beiffiiaiiMiJm*"' a. hard- nighkaf of hill on OF the bonds of the United States payable in ances caused the Democratic side of the in of the resolution. struck the unfortunate man and from ten the top Munjoy argument support plow never let up for a moment and of the chamber to be desorted by the members Mr. Wheeler a OF GOV. PLAISTED. with the storm in their gold or silver at the option govern- Before closing yielded hurled him to ono side far out from the FUNERAL the air was so right who crowded to the aisles around the on o’clock in the forenoon minute each to half a dozen members a real bei whioh those in control had decided ho was buried in a bank of SI.—The funeral of had taste of the thing ment, in their effort to catch every word each of as track, where danger, January with snow tnat it was with difficul- speaker the Democratic side, whom, filled of them have to defeat before sundown tonight. that fell from his His associ- Harris M. Plaistad will be held got there, and perhaps some lips. party Air. Cowper, Democrat of Missouri said snow. ex.Gov. that could face the storm him The ty pedestrians home If of theso The members on both side3 had been ates applauded frequently. pend- n hook on which to a a number of on at 2 at St. John’s on not got yet. any peopio erected hang speech There were quite people Thursday p. m., while the railroad snow plows always ing resolution, Mr. Dingiey said in open- Record. the it Nvould not be notified in advance, and the attendance in the Congressional Mr. when the aocident oc- church. The members of his all perished by wayside was not one which if by both behind Crosby Episcopal the baok and forth were having is turn on. ing, passed Mr. Dockery, Democrat of Missouri, go least for it Nvas as going on the floor was very large. was a forward to the will act as bearers. in the surprising, houses will have force. It simply that the efforts of the President curred and theso rushed stuff when governor, could do to keep the drifts in subjec- declared they could do to face the : Immediately after the reading of the concurrent resolution which did not re- of the to more bank in which he buried are: Gen. John J. Lynch and Gol. much as any one WONDERFUL 15ARGAIN’S and secretary treasury snow lay nearly They tion. the of the executive and would to of the journal, Mr. Dingley reported back the quire approval firmly establish the gold standard from The the Geo. F. of Portland; Col. in this cruel wind say nothing braving if would be an ex- sight. engineer brought McQuillan All the afternoon .it continued Sn which adopted only vacate seats on the Republican Every Department. resolution with the recommendation that many to a standstill and Jonh E. and Col. E. C. Farring- dritts. pression of the opinion of the two houses. snow plow and engine Badger with the wind blowing more freely all the side. way Then it oame to the time when This ale will continue until goods “It be not passed.” “Its importance, therefore,’’ continued of Mr. Bland of Bland the train ci’ew and those people who ton of Augusta; Col. Frank D. Pullan and along and ihe best The appearance with the darkness piling are closed out. Call early get of the Mr. “lies in the fact that if con- gathering to the theatres or to Mr. Henderson, one of the leaders Dingiey, dollar fame, to whom Mr. Bailey yielded to be in the vicinity ran back and Col. F. H. Strickland of Bangor. and people usually go selections. the House it would happened the snow up higher and higher pack- this the curred in by legiti- ten was with applause. other of amusement. The street majority, fol'owod by presenting minutes, greeted to tho scene of the accident. Dr. Foster The honorary bearers will be ex-Gov. were places and inevitably be^regarded not only course of the it down so heavily that what mately Sir. Bland said that the ing cars were this time in special order agreed upon by tho com- the world as the and on examination it was Frederic Robie of Gorham, and S. N. by running pairs here, but by expression President and Secretary Gage in pressing was called streets became as im- previously passable a little mittee on rules, providing for the imme- of the deliberate judgment ot a majority tho had found that Mr neok was broken of Cherryfield, the only survi- with a snow plow only ways Center & McDowell, the gold standard upon country Crosby’s Campbell as the Chilkoot pass to the Klon- of the American people as to their stand- to in- passable ahead. The on the diate consideration of the resolution and driven the bimetallists in Congress und that“he had evidently been instantly ving members of his council, and Hon. people living Congress naf) st. ard of honor and faith in the dis- of dike is said to be. OOsa-sr-oss motion at five good troduce und insist upon the passage region street line but dtllstp a vote without intervening of but also of killed. IT ben those who were near by at Sumner J. Chadbourne of Augusta, secre- faoe got along pretty well, jaul2 charge not only national resolution. Yet Mr. charged few people had the courage to this Dinghy Very those out in or Westbrook or over o’clock today. At the outset it is the time reached Mr. Crosby, he was tary of state when he was governor Hon. Deering private obligations. the minority with ploying politics. Every old Boreas in his wrath in the afternoon to from the issue the were brave indeed if Mr. Henderson yielded a moment to important strip pre- who voted against this resolu- dead. James W. Bradbury of F. A. on Cape very resolution all the Republican Augusta, still fewer after nightfall but there sented by the pending the Kt. Louis and and set out to find an amuse- Mr. Bailey, the Democratic leader, who tion violated platform left ear and his mouth the John A. W. Paine, T. G. they evening’s subterfuges whioli have been resorted to in From his Wilson, Esq., unfortunate beings who had to voted against the coinage of silver any were some ment from their own yule logs. SHAVER’S HATERIALS. said that while the minority strenuously to conceal or cloud its real character and blood forth in streams, which Isaac K. Clark and'I S. John- away form, free or limited. No ono disputed gushed Stlokney, and these had a hard time of it. ^ Jjj of its be out And it was slated to be a the undue limitation of the de- to obtain a clear understanding No one denied it. white sdow drift into one son of Bangor. It is the very livoly ■*! Raioit Fine English and American L epposed tbo law, he said. soon turned the expected Bishop o’clock the drifts became to.be This resolution is not presented But A. of Portland will the About five for members of secret Sand Iiazors, the extra light hollow (* bate the rule, still as his side meaning. Si Ivor was a full legal tender. overy His was down over II. Neely preach night theatre-goers, proposed by an of scarlet. cap pulled the street railroads were round in A for the purpose of securing expression vote the resolution funeral sermon. Hon. John B. Foster threatening and nj straps ground, point stylo as for de- against orders and society peopio too. There was iesired as muoh time possible as to the of the Republican his ears and this, with tho noise particular. £ by Congress power gov- declare that silver was not fit to togethor will direct the funeral. a hard time of it that the «j of the would having such of business for the liackmen Cushion Siraps, Swing Straps, would not consume any ern m-nt either ns to the payment of its train and the wind, plenty again, \ bate, they pay the public debt with. Silver would made by the freight of the stores began to S Belt Straps, from 25c to §1.00 L to what be declared uptown a harvest from ;ima allowed on a roll call. obligations or as may then in truth become subsidiary coin. for his not having CHARGED WITH MURDER. proprietors and they reaped golden H each. ^ in the probably accounts their so t .at they tender. It is throwing dust created on the sand forth employes this Klondike blizzard. About nice Mr. Wheeler and Mr. De Armond pro- legal Mr. Bland great applause the of the snow of our own people and of the world from the heard signals appronching Woodstock, X. B., Jammy 21.—There home in time tor their suppers. $ eyes Den; ratio side by reading might get o’olook the cars on the Congress street £v” to assume that we are determining n were two passengers on the train from some of them T Brushes Bristle and Badger Shaving record the votes of Messrs. Hopkins, plow. of them did and of a technical Some line Nvere in trains of three to- 3 Brushes, from 10c to §1.00 each. fa. question of power or even and other An fa..a nnnId bn discovered Mr. the north this afternoon that attracted a running Giosvenor prominent Republi- The sidewalks even on the most H 25c buys a good one. ^ No one denies that this or of deal of attention. One was didn’t. and Nvith a snow a little legal right. cans against tho bill to pay the bonds was not even bruised nor good Deputy gether plotv in a body so bad that, any other nation has the power to pay in niLioVi trnf.Ofl Crosby’s Foster and the other was Mrs. streets were many 2 Sheriff frequented ways ahead. Even in this manner it was or none 01 ns his face in any way. T .,,1, ~ k full or in pare uuiipuuus the last at the time the was disfigured found it utterly impossible T Hugs Mugs of every style. V' upon in Congress of the women difficult for them to along very fast, to in gold or stiver or paper or copper the Rich’s ambulance was called from get pay last administration negotiated §260,- with murdering by poison her sister, their along and every corner to its pleasure. Payment can to make way but were the salvation for many according 000,000 loan. Portland and the body was brought into Minnie Tucker. Mrs. Canavan is a women they a nation. Its very crowd of men and Sticks, Cakes, A not be enforoed by sovereign on that occasion, ho store held its abroad. On the J Soaps Shaving Mr. Grosvenor said, it was iu a casket, and woman and does not people who were Deering Cre ms and Paste. American, are measured by its own sense this oity where placed slight fragile car or otheT convey- q j" obligations had stated on tho floor that ho was glad viciousness in her waiting for a street nine o’clock in far faith. But even if this out to to show any signs of line at things Nyere of honor or good for tho of pay- and last night carried Peerlug to take them to pay §16,000,000 privilege She looks as she ances to come along part cars sense of honor is at any time blunted as an countenance. though Nvorse shape. There were moving ing silver in redemption of the bonds. his home. Mrs. Crosby is invalid, 4 fc on a narrow be between 30 and 40 years of age. to their homes. at- « annil’a mfiP MA IT! i'\v"l! I1 !’t1 but it Floral Waters, A was Shvlock’s by dwelling Mr. of New York, a sudden might way T After Bay Euni, than the of Payne, Republican and tne news of her husband’s and dressed. but not with Cold Mag- view of the letter rather spirit and means commit- She was plainly poorly Ap- The cars were running 3 the Hay’s Liquid Cream, £ member of the ways her. was difficult to say just where. People nesai. Toilet Powders, Alum 'i the the intelligent selfishness cham- death oomjjletely prostrated the she and with the in T Shave obligation, tee, followed and enthusiastically proached regarding poisoning their aocust-omed regularity who had to go to Peering or who lived Points and Astringent Pencils. L, of a nation wliioli is to live not simply The affair cast a over the refused to a word. Her were *j pioned the defeat of the resolution. terrible gloom speak appear- ware the tracks kept that place and wanted to get homo for a bnt for centuries ought greatest dilficuity bosses a and bur- generation Mr. Swanson,i Democrat of west whole of Peering, and almost every ance was one of sadness and she seemed miserable beings last night and objects of many body a nation is |j city The Portland Street railway had lead it, and whenever wisely of the resolution, was in a hard half a heart. As far Virginia, in support was a house of mourn- to realize .she position. pity to anyone with SH. H. HAYSTSM Kiddla St a You can’t does lead it—so house in tho place anti forth over dens mind. enjoy scrupulously a cf back concerned it % many governed contended that it'was not violation After being questioned by the magistrate its plows travelling as the Westbrook line was 'iBF"'iWTr'?Br TT’^JL'Tr- maintain its pledges in both letter and of to ing last night. bnt. as one of of work. 'TirTf8" the food like because you are the faith and honor the government she was remanded to jail until Wednes- its lines all the afternoon was still more a matter guess you as to preservo its credit untarnished Interest in Mr. loaves two spirit pay our bonds, principal and Besides a wife, Crosby afternoon when the ex- its through the rapid- bilious. You take all sorts of pre- and thereby not only make it possible to day preliminary them smashed way silver. a and a the will commence. It at the lowest rate of interest also young children, boy girl, amination appears old Boreas would grin attack borrow Mr. Republican of Illinois, ly forming drifts cautions, and yet the bilious it to obtain loans in Hopkins, eldest being about eight years old. the circumstances of the Tucker family make easy exigencies said this resolution had clearly shown sardonically and immediately pile the ADAMS & GO., are sure sooner or later to come to were most miserable. James and Mary, ANDERSON, on like a from ambush. which the Senate was not a once more and leaps you tiger that Republican and snow over the track every nation. A nation’s honor and controlled the free silver born in father and mother, Canavan his wife up The blood body, but was by Mr. Edgar H. Crosby was harder than ever. You know the feeling! I may to the on the last deceased lived in a wretched this time it down credit, say gentlemen element. By a decisive vote in the 39 and log pat Fire Insurance Agency Brownville in this state, years ago. wilder seeming on fire with a dull heat; the other side who applaudedJ'so jubilantly election tho people hud spoken against the house comprising one room. In this Faster and faster fell the snow; when the pending resolution was brought silver. And He was the son of Pr. L. B. Crosby, a all lived and for two 31 Exchange Street free and unlimited coinage of room they slept and wilder grew the wind and slower and in the the head this hall, are among its most price- in who boring pains eyes; into the Senate passed this resolution prominent physician of that place, the family sidpt and ate with the Those First Class American and Foreign Companies its title deed to yet days slower ran the street cars. people to and the hor- less possessions, aye, per- defiance and misrepresentation of the Pr. N, H. of in the room. seeming open shut; on with a brother, Crosby corpse or be- C. Adams. manence and prosperity. Gentlemen who lived In Deering on the Cape i orace Anderson. Ciias. public will. sisters survive him. rible nausea. You know the irrita- other side who so exultingly ap- Monson, and three ““ home. The decis Thos. J. Little. eodttlp the BOUND TO LEAK. to despair of ever getting under the impression that they He from Colby university in gan which and the plauded Mr. Clayton, Democrat of Alabama, graduated seemed to make no bility precedes languor the hated holder of bonds is- N. S., January 31.—The fish- snow plows impression wore hitting asserted that the defeat of this resolution 1880 and soon after his graduation taught Halifax, to fund the debt schooner B. of Glou- the tracks and though the railroad that follows the attack. It’s'miser- sued by the government dictated the masters of the Re- He also the ing Loring Haskell, on and the was by the High school of Milo. was which in incurred in defending saving who at a New cester, Mass., Cap't. Green, put officials fought along tirolessly and hope- able, isn’t it ? not cure the and publican party gathered Monson for a last and Why Union in its ve&rs of adversity peril, at principal of the academy hero leaking week, repaired, to their York banquet table the other night To- lessly they could not begin keep trouble ? a will cure in fact hitting and discrediting the sailed on Saturday for the banks. There’s pill that were SS100 a which at Alabama number of years. which stands for plate, meant, back a second cars moving at near the regular credit of the nation, a bale of night she put time, leaking anywhere biliousness. PILLS standards, that every man ate ago Mr. Crosby came to Dr. J. C. AYER’S citizen, or low, rich or poor, Eight years worse than ever. After getting to sea, every high cotton and a couple of mules. of the sohedule. is the emblem of freedom as the principal High to make a great deal of water, are an acknowledged specific for this and whose flag Mr. Grosvenor, of Ohio, a Peering she began The motors groaned and Republican first he was un it was feared she was in danger of powerful and civilization. member of the and means commit- school. From the very and the derangement. ways A her off the shrieked on the trolleys sending in to the resolution said and he mado the Peer- foundering. tug picked tee, opposition usually successful, her into and around fast of and harbor and brought port. driving wheels around Mr. the sting and dishonor that throughout all the changes soliool one of the best in the about the ’n A. writes: Speaker, in this ing High the cars at an ex- avel; heat and itching”sensation ^ Swanger, Texarkana, Tex., like the sting of a mutilations of the money enough to send along the rectum and about the and the pending resolution question With his pupils he was anus; eyes heavy For fifteen years I have used Ayer’s Pills, And that the had main- State of Maine. THE WEATHER. tracks were dull; itching of the nose; dry cough; snake, In its tail. country, Republican party press rate but the slippery short, ^ and find them deudiy to what his kindly manner, grinding of the teeth; etarting during sleep; £ very effective in bilious com- harmless twenty years tained its unvarying devotion very popular, and by snow on slow sling well nigh and covered with firmly packed fever; and often in children, convulsions. J* I have to see-the case where then ei>.isting, is was denominated “honest money.’’ and character Local Weather Report. plaints. yet ago under conditions his scholarly habits upright make no im- have conditions of Mr. Democrat of Kentucky which the drivers could they failed to cure.” made deadly by the changed Wheeler, ho not endeared himself to his pupils Portland, Me., Jan. 31.—The loea- followed with a view of the same history only It was a boom for the hack 1 with him. pression. reads to prove but to all who came in contact weather bureau office records as to the TRUE’S Ihe deadly tail of this resolution that Mr. Grosvenor had invoked drivers who found their business con- lived than f—$ "That to restore to its coin- that the on the money A hotter man nevor weather are as follows: pin worm as follows: Republican party nobler, and who sent their ^ gf You spo Bllfous a circus on the increase silver coins as a legal tender in question had “somersaulted like He has loft behind an stantly ago such Edgar H. Crosby. 8 a. m. Barometer 30.175; Thermom- the drift covered OCi HOT FAIL TO of said bonds." Meaning tumbler.'’ ueath puffing horses over the payment de- honorable record, and his untimely eter—3; Dow Point—2: Humidity 96; all the bonds of ihe United Mr. Democrat of Tennessee as fast as they could travel under practically Pearce, which was Wind 8: Weather it. snow. streets ELIXIR not violation of at last cleared to a sudden end a life N; Velocity is the "is clared that tho mist had brought- home who best worm remedy made. |h? States outstanding, 8 ro. Barometer Thermom- the conditions carrying people ot the was nrmly p. 29.765; It hasbeen in use 4G years,-- k| the faith nor derogation away. The Republican party full of in is public promise. eter Dew Point 13; have been able to get there purely vegetable, harmless and effectual, ] of the creditors. committed to tho standard. ol 15; Humidity 91; would not Where nc worm; are acts as a rights public gold He Interest in the affairs present it Tonic, ^ and took great Wind N; 14; Weather It. snow. and dropped their and corrects the condition of the mucous mem- The declarations of the movers sup- Mr. Grow, Republican of Pennsylvania, of Velocity any other way having ^ that tne the and the school brane of the stomach and bowels. A positive of this resolution in the Senate contended the resolution city of Peering Mean daily therm. 5; maximum drift as the door- 1 against fares in a snow deep cure for Constipation and Biliousness, and a val- porters the £ its recent consideration in that creditor bed the to demand pay- which he was the Particularly therm, 15; minimum them,—3; max. ve- uable remedy in all the common complaints of ^ during right principal. would go after more of on what is u nder wind total steps, away tljey children. Price 35o. Ask your druggist for it. 3 j body, throws a flood light ment of his debt in whatever lega‘ was he interested in the new school build- locity, N. 15; precipita- i>r. J. F. A Me- of old Boreas’s wintry joking, g TKCE VO., Auburn, £ meant now the “to restore to ,69. victims treatment for Write for free N by phrase for tho school tion, Special TapeWorms. pamphlet a I’as®- ing now being erected High [its coinage such silvor coins,’5 pharse. Continued on Socond i

I NHTCOUS. MISCTa.LAKEOPS. MI3CELI.A of the for by so doing good | Senate it earriod an inorease spirit fathers, || of one of the monograms he used to see $21,639,300, MAKE TIME. of The l)ill carries $715,986 less A FIFTEEN TEAR OLD. national results must needs follow. He TRYING TO on the Bryan banners. $153,055. WRONG AND EATING. than tho estimates and $90,266 less than the Maine Division for furnish- | Mr. Bailey—“You will see it again in thanked JGHT the for 1898. a 1900.” (Democratic applause.) appropriations ing so magnificent a judge advocate as ! THE OTHER DON’T US WEAK FORGET ONE MAKES we will tear of the bill, Mr. Henderson—“Yes, and During the consideration Gen. E. K. Gould, and that he personal- MAKES US STRONG. it down again.’’ (Republican applause.) Mr. Turple secured the adoption of an reduc- shone in the reflected which we are in It was the three Rs, continued Mr. Hen- amendment providing that In any ly glory That BUSINESS yet and carry because it the in a Fatal Electrie Car Ac- Wrong eating makes us weak, derson, radicalism, ragoality and repudi- t ons made In the force of the pension Shepley Camp, S. of ¥., Celebrates came from splendid digest whloh Results of a shall retain in a Sine of saleable doesn’t nourish us. It poisons us, because it ation. This scene reminds me Popo- office, the commissioner Gen. Gould as his staff offioers had so suc- full new, clean, in our stomach cratio convention. It is the old familiar the service by preference, such employes in Haverhill. sets up poisonous fermentation Its cessfully cident the bondholders. But gentle- as be soldiers AiiDiversary. preparod. our blood. howl against may honorably discharged and the poisons go into out Gould was and men must remember that they cannot and sailors or their widows and daugh- Gen. then^introduced eating is eating indigestible food, or with- Wrong down the money of the bondholder he referred to the Commander-in-Chief eating more than our stomach is able to digest. the that goes Mr. Cockrell of Missouri did not believe out cutting in half money a of the a food en- as “King worthy purple, and G000S is eating digestible food, or condition of the business in the HOUSEFURNISHING Right eating to the old soldier or his widow orphan; the p CARS CRASH TOGETHER RUNNING food that will toil. of commandeiun-chief darling who adds lustre to'his .” that the stomach is able to digest, or the money of the men who slon office warranted suoh a reduction of Kansas— force as had been and said, The lion-hearted Gen. Cotto received a SPEED. over the nourish you when it is digested. Mr. Simpson, Populist suggested, of the AT HIGH and after looking goods ADVER- that if after the reduction was made, an guest occasion. Right eating strengthens and invigorates the “How about the tax-payer?” tribute of praise and his discriminating Mr. Henderson waved Mr. Simpson effort was made to inoreasB the force and PRICES call and we endurance, increases weight and re ^s in a Maine was TISED getting body, gives aside. “The resolution, there would be some amusement. judgment marrying girl, health. interrogatory stores he resumed, “was in reality part of the Mr. Lodge explained that Commission- warmly commended. He congratulated will be to show yon our stock can be made the to and Will pleased Wrong eating right by taking the country er Evans had testified before the commit- such a One Motorman Terribly Injured programme to commit, Is by Members of His Staff Shepley camp on its growth to Cordial. This preparation, He recalled could be reduced Accompanied which cannot be Shaker Digestive the single silver standard. tee tibat his clerical force robust and to Die~Otl>er Motorman and Several Pas and make prices beaten. in his New of Massachusetts Division vigorous, youth, referring made by the Shakers from simple herbs, roots the President’s deolaration 900 or 1000 without impairing the service. and Officers bless little he commended the Grand Army, wlshedjjthat 35,000 of senders Badly Hurt. in and wine, is delicious, refreshing, and strength- York speech. “God Mac, Mr. Platt of Connecticut —The Speeches Last Night. We have BARGAINS Sideboards, Chif- “His deolaration the work of the commissioner of were now in Cuba to the battle to the body. It is a powerful aid to di- exclaimed fervently. pensions them fight ening in the world before the 81.—The Hall means that the best money and thought his statements or the freedom. Haverhill, Mass., January Chamber Sets, Stands, Ca- gestion. the The 15th anniversary Shepley of foniers, shall be paid to the bondholder, oommittee on civil service and retrench- worst electric car accident that has ever not act stimulating the No. Sons of was ob- Miss Ida Tarbox then rendered a It does by strongly the hod-holder, the pen- were made with a sincere desire to Camp, 4, Veterans, King and Rockers at plough-holder, ment on dies’ Desks Fancy prices with its own ferments after ocourred the looal lines, happened stomach, but digestive holder, the pension-holder and all who better tho service of his bureau. Mr. served last evening at Bosworth post hall most pleasing musical number, the food in the stomach, and reduces, sweat. that other chiefs near the foot of Pipestave, West New- and wc acts on toil and who (Republican ap- Platt was of the opinion on Free street. The committee of ar- which Mayer Randall arose and expressed below cost to manufacture, pro- the work which the stom- • of bureaus al3o could make reductions in after S o’clock this instead of increasing, plause. the were thanks for the invitation to be bury,shortly morning, will meet next their rangements from camp Capt. his present the benefit. ach has to do. “On that issue,we you their forces without impairing as a Motorman Hudson will to YOU commit- and in behalf of the extended a wel- and, result, pose give it fall and thrash you as we thiasbed you and suggested that the H.M.Niokorson, chairman;Henry Towle, city This is why it increases your strength, why efficiency lose his life. cost to in 1896.” Republican cheers.) tee on oivil service and retrenchment Advocate Wm. H. come to the distinguished guests from probably Parlor Stoves at price close ©*st cure of all the bad effects of indigestion (Prolonged secretary; Judge will you of of some The cars 4 and 6 of the Peo- Mr. Dalzell, Republican Pennsylva- might well obtain the testimony O. M. R. H. “sister and remarked that were Nos. and of insufficient liourishmert, and purifies Looney, Div. Greenwood, our state,” second to none. nia, in his remarks, declared that the of them on that point. vestibule electrics of and a line off Ranges of all dangerous indigestive poisons A. M. Lieut, W. L. our streets are ice bound, it ple’s line, high pow- your system resolution was meaningless unless its A oommittee amendment, providing Col. Soule, Harris, although when nothing else has been found to relieve you. and were at speed was to the free and n n- at all ex- L. Div. in no the warmth of our er, bowling along good aaid Oil Cloths in At druggists. Ten cents for a trial bottle. purpose open that collectors of customs ports Sergt. W. Gribbin, Adjt. Waldo lessened way Carpets, Raftings 30 a of to make for lost time,all cars running Write for interesting book to Tile Shakers, limited coinage of silver. It was pro- cept at ports for whioh commissioners H. Perry, Sergt. C. S. Perry. hospitality. He referred to the visit of the up OLD TARIFF Reade street, New York. of national reputation an d have been appointed by the about half an hour late. There were but latest at prices. position immigration At 5.30 o’clock, tin ladies’ aid connect- North Atlantic squadron and quoted designs against it all the forces of national integ- are constituted ex'-officlo com- four in the president of its who said: “That in nil few passengers in either car, rity and honor were arrayed. He thanked missioners of immigration, was disagreed ed with the camp, received the national one officers, down and live in the up oar, and the two God that the party in power had been to. officers, and those present were Com- his extended travels over the wide would-be the of th»i the worst sufferers of the and always protector ADVERSELY. mander-in-Chief C. K.. world the eyes had fallen on no such motormen are nation’s honor. REPORTED Darling, Adjt. Bolton of ns Riverton park. He wreck. 31.—The ways Gen. Massachusetts, Judge Ad- pretty spot hoped R. S. Davis & Co., Washington, January the for- return to see the in The cars are locked in together, and means committee decided this raorn- vocate General Gould of Rockland, Col. the guests might city at 5 o’clock the an- ends of both smashed in, and the HOUSE Promptly Speaker a vote of eleven to five on party ward COMPLETE FURNISHERS. Continued From First that the time for the vote had iDg by Paps._ nounced at the Teller resolu- the results were not more of lines to report once, wonder is that 331 ast arrived. Mr. Pearson, Republican of bonds in silver for famous HOUSEHOLD RANGES. he elected. For the to exer- tion for the payment serious thnn were. Sole agents government North Carolina, asked if the vote oonld that it be not they would be dishonest and In tvith a recommendation at cise the option be divided on the first and second pro- Conductor Mitchell, after waiting bad faith. in the resolution and was an- ^ house of Pennsyl- positions .The committee on rules deoided to take the turnout near Stewart’s for^sev- GOT THEIR MONEY’S WORTH. Mr. Brumm, Republican swered in the negative. at have voted for the tbt final vote on the Teller resolution eral minutes, gave his motorman order LIKE SOT SEEJI LI vania said bo wonld Then came the vote which was fol- YEARS. the latter o'clock this afternoon. other a Fist resolution had it not contained notwithstand- live to ahead, hoping to make the Biddeford Sees a Polo Game and of lowed with great interest, to this but was go declaring that the free coinage Mi". Bailey objected of rlause, switch on the farther side Pipestave Fish t. was not inconsistent with the pub- overruled. Continued From silver conclusion. The an- utii Thor worn hnwliriff alODS First foregone Speaker Tin ■ wavs and means committee met on Page. lio faith. that the vote would be directly as- nounced ial call at 10.30 this morning, mere the car rounded the Mr Baird, Democrat of Louisiana, not on the adverse re- a spaa at speed when 31.—It snowed Cars did run from Westbrook occa- _visa on the resolution, good Biddeford, January \ nnn cited and bis back sprained. boys, Henry for him to leave the Tho Maine Central fared better of Mrs. W. A. Mrs. one history which a making it necessary during rote to put gold in the bond and judicial appropriation bill, providing Gilman, chairman; devoted;quite Rogers and Waldo Bailey of West New- that in the ramoeion or the number of lines in ridicule to the his taken by Phelan. tho afternoon and early evening but the a indireot admission that proposed, W. L. Harris, Miss Carrie C. Horr, Miss of a poor bury, also in this car, were thrown floor, place being force of the pension office, honorably dis- of the Car'!e trains were all late and at is were in silver, The adjourned meeting Deering H. Nickerson. woman who advised her son to floor, but not badly hurt. Miss line and summary: night very payable and sailors or their J. Maud Fabyan, Mrs. M. equip The up of North charged soldiers last not- of was in t: • parson, Republican aldermen was held evening, himself with an umbrella Hammond Newburyport, three o’clock this morning the train dtie widows and daughters holding positions Mrs. Harris, who is also president of before going shaken and hfd and McGilvray, rush- said he would vote for the reso- of the storm. car, and was badly up Bath—J. Mooney _..uina, in that shall be The withstanding the wildness to the front. half hero from the east at 1.40 had not arrived lution if the latter clause was omitted. bureau, protected. the ladies’ aid society, warmly wel- one ankle broken. ers; E. Mooney, centre; MurL.ugh, amendment was referred to the appropri- At 8 Mayor Davis, City Clerk Past ear H. of and there was little prospect of its Mr. Bartlett, Democrat of Georgia, de- p. m., comed the guests and appropriate re- Col. R, L. Whitcomb then amus- On the down Lewis Pingrei back; Burgess, goal. getting the to vitiate ation committee. Marshal Clark, Street Com- was badly shaken up. V m. Dawson and Jason, rush- here for several hours. clared that present attempt chair- Jones, City were made commendatory of the ingly recited “The Parsin’ and Georgetown Biddeford, Mr. of New Hampshire, sponses Bee,” huu a the contract between the bondholders and Gallinger Mr. Reed of the board Bradley of Kent street, this city, Tobin, half back; On the Grand Trunk the train due to of the missioner Smith, of the ladies’ the sev- he was followed Com- ers; Perry, centre; was made in pursuance to man pension committee, reported work society by by Department bad bruise on one leg and feels lume and the tax payers introduced Mr. Allen Aldermen Seal, Murphy, goal. raaoh here ut six o’lock from Montreal of the financial adversely, the bill by of registration, Dane, eral officers named. this mander Carlton, who other Miss Nellie Morrill the demand reformers, that all just Following brought greetings sore’in places. T declared of N'obrasha by providing pen- and had braved the storm was shaken and t Goal. Won by. Rushed by. Caged by. did not in until half nine. The one of whom at Indianapolis Matthews Ayer the of the was received from the parent the Grand of West Newbury up get past sioners now less than $10 a mayor city anij organization, business men would force the receiving at the council is she may be internally injure' J. J. Mooney, 2.IS trains over the Grand Trunk were that the and gathered chambers, a re- of the thought ,—path, Mooney, frieght' month receive that amount after the he Gen. Darling in general Army Republic,” and e standard on the country in spite of joined said,very M. D. Smart and Miss May Bnile- wi gold so was called to order with --Jason. Lim'j all late and traffic was at a'stand- bill’s the meeting which was in advisedly, that it was of the chil- so nearly the law if necessary. passage. ception, participated by proud on this car, but were not badly injin d J. Mooney, 0 8 Mr. said that the whole num- 2—Bath, J. Mooney, still. Gallinger a quorum. _ £00 ladies. dren. The fathers drank at the but that thoy could proceed to Newbur 5.c.. and final was nearly people, including many deep „—.oaui, Dawson, McGilvray, brief remarks in of the ber of aflected by the proposed A second reading passage fountain Conductor Cobb esoaped with, t The Portland and Hoohester train; After support pensioners for the the officers were the com- of patriotism, and the children port. _J. Limit Messrs. Democrat annual given the order calling High Among present Mooney,- resolution by Brucker, bill was 468.463, and,that the total were imbued with Injury. 4.11 farad little better. None of the boats lefu of school house issue of;$16,000; also for the manders of the two army of the same spirit. While Dawson, McGilvray, of Michigau, Norton, Democrat Ohio increase in wonld aggregate posts theoity, 4_Bath, pensions street sewer assessments, and of J. McGilvray, 5.00 port last night. and Democrat of Missouri, Mr. was on the Congress and 127, U. V. L., Major lawyers, many them, are now SOUTH BERWICK WEATHER. 5—Baib, Mooney, Cochran, $15,286,000. Tho bill placed, of the of Fessenden Encampraont engaged 2.23 of Iowa, made a for the raising grade in ti—Biddeford, Jason, Dawson, Tho wires between Portland and Boston Dolliver, Republican calendar. Collins, Capt. Conley, Lieut. Davis, hunting up records to establish a 31.—The cole* against it. bill was street. South Berwick, January Snnre—Bath 5. Biddeford 1. Stops— to fade away one after another un- stirring speech The Agricultural appropriation vote the claim of Mr. Welch and The committee of ar- lineage for clients who seek to become began Mr. Democrat of California, of and The whereby Sawyer. of the season was di. routs—e. Maguire, by Mr. Cuiioui Illinois, est weather expe- Burgess til tnvuo U UlUUIVi AL Lliuo UUIO II1CU that reported Waite for damages to his land cn Veran- from L. A. S. of were members of Murphy 40, said he agreed wilh Mr. Dingley on the calendar. rangements S., V., “Revolutionary societies,” Referee—Snowman. placed the rienced here Sunday and Monday. From Moonev, Jason. was one of the Western Union and to this a da street, caused by raising grade, the Is wire there were but two sides question, Mr. Morgan^of Alabama, presented Mrs. W. R.Gribben,chairman; Mesdamos day coming when patents of no- Attendance—200. creditor and was referred to the next city government, below zero was Timer—Murnaue. and extortion, the whicn he asked to have lie will be awarded 10 to 22 degrees reported the Associated Press wire on the Postal justice resolution and it was voted to E. W. Witham, Waldo H. Perry, E. L. bility those whose fathers concentrated wealtli and man if was reconsidered give the debtor, on the table, requesting the President the battles in various parts of the town Sunday EASY VICTIM. line which were in working order be- the him a hearing. Elwell, Emily Long, W. L. Harris, fought of 1S61 and 1SB5. LEWISTON hood and the bond holder and people. in his not inconsistent with tho followed by an cold opinion A will be given Wednesday Collins morning extremely tween Portland and Boston. A little Mr. Cannon, Republican of Illinois, service to send to the senaie the hearing Robert W. Anderson. W. A. Gilman, Major voiced the congratulation the 31.—The leaders public on the Glenyood avenue sewer day. Monday morning temperature Rockland, January later the Western Union wire went out whose record had been attacked, said, in and nGtes of eveniDg S. E. R. Chas. of the National and- correspondence diplomatic Charles Frost, Bond, Alex- Guard, said that of was about the same but was warmer in this evening by the of his former votes for free coin- to the assessments. were easily defeated and this was followed a little later still speaking character, relating negotiations A. C. Pettengill and Misses J. Maine had been called out but twice in the afternoon and fast. At fl p. and of the Matthews resolution that a ander, snowing of the tenders age ami the exchange of ratifications upon The electrics were stilled on Pleasant home team, the work goal the faih *j of the Postal’s between silver and and Maud Zalie E. True. ten years. Quoting from he said: m. about seven inches had fallen since by ^Associated the difference gold between the United htat.es 6.30 rn. There Fabyan, Adams, treaty street, between find.,7.30 p. 1 were features. The summary: Press wire. then was but a few cents; it was now fifty to At the close of the some time The militia was one of the four noon. Great Britain relating compensation was no communication between those recaption corners i- u _ china in Rpt*. 1st rush; Lincoln, the Bos- cents. on which the Rockland—Murphy, The news was then sent from parts and Portland from 6 to 9 p. m., was spent in sociability, and at 7 o’clock stability of tho country rest- SEASON OVER. of and the instructions and ad- HERRING of Mr. Hepburn, Republican Iowa, op- ing sea, also tlien a Westbrook and car came out O’Malley, center; Gendreau, ton headquarters around by the way to plow the party proceeded to the post banquet ed.” 2d rush; the resolution. vice by the State Department the snow went into St. January 31.—Twepty- to posed given and Deering plow Randall Miss Tarbox 3 Johns, N.F., Montreal to Halifax and then repeated Mr When. Democrat of Kentucky cro- or attorney of the United room, headed by Mayor and Mrs. gave another solo which vessels are still in half back; Smith, goal. the agent Portland. tive American herring well for In the of the arbitra- was 1st rush; Portland. This worked fairly atod something of a sensation. States as to the conduct Harmon’s and billard room at enthusiastically received, after wh oh Placentia Bay but the herring are scarce Lewiston—Tarrant, Doyle, pool office re- course of his while he was re tion. is one of the hand- most ami t'U« is uiw. some time and then the Halifax speech, Woodfords, which the harmonious speech of the eve- umwi'jr jiittumuanj Walton, 2d rush: Fitzgerald, center; to the crime of 1673, he decla ed At the of Mr. Carter, chairman was Montreal that ferring request somest in the state, opened in the ning was made goal. ported that they had lost was hole in Hades hot- of tte census the pending by Adjutant General Furbush, half back; White, that if there any committee, Jefferds block last evening. to Know. down and Portland was busi- Fred E. Bolton. He told a 4. the wireB were.all ter than any other, it would be reserved census bill was made the unfinished funny of Something 12; Lewiston, story Score—Rockland, the outside for John Sherman. Many hisses ness. Gen. Sheridan It may bo worth something to know 09. Releree- completely shut off from especially RUSSIA BUYING MEAT. who, on entering a bag- 55; Smith, side this of South Dakotah, gave that the very best medicine tor restoring Stops-Smith, from the Republican greeted Mr. Pettigrew our and but one Attendance world. 31.—Advices gage finding asked nervous to a Bird. Timer—Blackington. statement. Later, speaking of the Re- notice that he would tomorrow speak Victoria,"B. C., January ohair; the tired out system healthy this the a of To make matters worse in oity it to be the Australia purchase of large “son Erin,” in are is Electric Bitters. This medicine —350. publican cry of parity between gold and upon bis resolution declaring from report charge: “What vigor not to of frozen meats for the Rus- aots tone elec trio went out one after another Mr. Rhea said a man who hugged of the United States acquire quantities °wuo: received is purely vegetable, by giving POLO NOTES. lights silver, policy The meat is left to or cook as wel] defend which a navy would sian being to tbo nerve centres in the stomach, gent- there were few of them his chambermaid might territory to government. the reply: “Stick you staff out of the until very honor of to on China station and stimulates the Liver and received a tele- talk of maintaining the his be required. shipped ships ly Kidneys, Manager Burnham the over the drifts. These that the window”, and udded, had such treatment aids tbeso in off light wayfarer household as those who, debasing silvei Air. Hale he said, to Vladivostok. and organs throwing in anticipated, from Mr. Bird last night which drifts and higl» with the In tied of preserving of the senator from been accorded the staff of Gen. impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters, gram grew higher every way, prat proposed speech Darling he, at three a mat- THE ORONO DISASTER. the aids his pleasure at being was blowing a gale the parity of two metals. South Dakota would trench upon the speaker, might have been relieved of improves appetite, digestions he expressed great wind whioh the Sen- and is those who hav- fall of snow After some further brief remarks b) ter being considered by pronounced by secure John Smith for the fam- o’clock but this time the properly January 31.—No more deaths no iittle embarrassment. The able to by Messrs. and of low* ate in executive session. If it should so Bangor, speeoh triod it as the very best blood purifier was Lacy Hepburn term. had let for a bit and there good the debate closed would be a violation of the are as a result of the Orono abounded in bright sallies of wit and and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 60c or ous Rockland up against the resolution, trench, it reported of the storm’s moderating. Messrs. he wanted it under- bottle at H. P. S. Goold’s Rockland is ill and Lin- prospects with two rousing speeches by Senate rules and on the Maine Central of Satur- the audience in roars of *1.00 per Drug McGown of bureau people say wo wreck kept laughter. 677 under Con- And the weather Bailey, Democrat of Texas, and Hender- stood that objection would be raised. Store, Congress street, to tlio Rockland team several days of thl‘j Capt. Conley paid a pretty tribute to Hotel. coln was loaned by are likely to have son. Republican of Iowa. Air.Pettigrew said he thought it would day. gress Square the Sons of Veterans and wished Burnham last kind of thing. four minutes ic to when it became Wilson that the them a Manager night. _ Mr. Bailey had only be time enough object President says Arnica Salve. to close the debate for his side. evident that he was violating the rules. Bucklen’s of v ere entertained which wrecked train was inspected at Port- Godspeed. A party poloists The resolution under consideration, h< Mr. Chandler gave notice that on next SALVE in world for The last regular slated speaker was Col. 1HK BEST tbo bv John Allen and wife at their home at contained two one at the conclusion of the morning land, Brunswick, Augusta, Waterville said, propositions, Friday commander of Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt to the A. M. Soule, Maine Di- Island The in- moral and the other legal. business he would move take up and Bangor. Rheum, Eever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Peaks yesterday. party asserted as a matter of law, thal case to the of Air. Cor- vision. Ho expressed his gratitude to and One relating seating The State railway commissioners have Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin cluded Mr. Turnbull wife, Mr. Whip- READ WHAT THEY SAY. the bonds of the United States were re bett as a senator from Oregon. li. camp for his and cures or A1jt. Gen’l Fre.l Holton, Boston, Mass. Shepley upholding hand* Eruptions positively files, aud and Manager Burnham and at the of the governmeni Mr. Foraker called the bill provid- examined the roadbed, the track and ple lady deemnble option up and brought to the members of the no pay required. It is guaranteed to give in buying a piano the as a matter o: under certain the were followed Gen. Dar- camp wife. “Experiments in silver and other, ing, conditions,for pur- stock and have failed to discover Harris, who by satisfaction or money refunded. hut at suet Kansas rolling the of the 1500 members of the perfect are costly, why experiment morals, that to restore to its coinage chase by the government of the Nickerson and greetings Price 26 cents box. For salo by H. P. team the evidence of flaw. ling and Mrs. many per The Biddeford plays Port- In homes of CULTURE the silver coins as a legal tender in paymem Pacific branch of the Union Pacific rail- any Maine division. lie stated that the aver- S. 677 St., under Con- all? of invited Goold, Congress at Hall Some new often found is the of the bonds, and interest, wai road, and asked that it be considered at couples guests. Hotel lands City tonight. piano most principal age age of the Sons or Veterans was SO gress Square it’s because not in violation of the publio faith no: once. A good old-fashioned army menu was faces will bo seen with the visi- Chickering. Perhaps and in tho West such well-known probably of the of the public Air. Thurston off-red the following beans a la years, has been sold longest. Perhaps in derogation rights prepared with “baked pork,” tors as Manager Kelsey has lines out it He would not dwell, he said, amendment to the bill: “In case the men as Senator John its saies are larger. creditors. of tho list, with other M.JThurston, May- because There Pacific division of the at the top substan- for one or two men who will on the legal aspect of the question. Kansas Union or Davis and many others of like nation- greatly Pianos come and go but tial and delicacies in Cheaper was not a lawyer anywhere who woulc Pacific railroad shall be purchased for many convential his stands alone.” i: Oraln=0! al reputation were members. He pledged CAMERAS. I strengthen aggregation. the Chickering venture on his professional reputation the United States to purchase the railroad Try order. of the society in the relief of de- Sunday’s Boston Herald contained an to deny that the bonds could be paid ir property. The Secretary of the Treasury CommaDder T. Carl- the aid VonBulow: “On other pianos the direction of the Department Leroy and Self-toning paper. o£ silver. The Republicans in this mattei shall, under Presi- i: Grain=0! Widows orphans of ex-sold- excellent picture John Alien, Port- as the ■ Try ton and J. H. McGregor, medical direc- pendent 1 have to play piano per- must themselves. If at all, upor dent, make, execute, and deliver to the that justify | iers and believed in the future as in land’s famous goal tend. mils; on the Chickering I play as I M the that in their conscience: or purchasers of said railroad Ask you Grocer to-day to show you 2 tor, joined tho banqueting.;party, and af- Plates aiul Films. proposition purchaser ] J fraternity, and wish.” believed that was the money oi aud a conveyance in writing, the new food had the past, loyalty charity they gold property, > a of GRAIN-O, ter the “eating programme” been the watchwords of all contract. hut not under seal, which conveyance package | would be enrolled Plates. HANNA BRIBERY “The tone is the of coffee. tho main hall Lantern Slide 1 CASE.; Arthur Sullivan: in said or drink that takes the place 2 thoroughly enjoyed became m mbers. “Does one of you believe,” said he shall vest purchaser purchas- | [ ... noble. No pianist could hold any 1 1 a scene of where brass another reading by Gol. Whit- addressing the Republicans, “that if thi ers all the rights, title and interest of The children may drink it without I i gayety, buttons After Columbus, Ohio, January 31.—The in- it is addresses wero made local savo that perfect.” bondholders owed the undei the United States in and to the property with feminine all comb brief by vestigation Into the alleged attempt to opinion, government ( > as well as the adult. All who mingled pretty faces, H. injury G A W. C., U. V. Li., and L. A. bribe Otis vote for a similar contract, he would not exercise therein desired. J exercises R-, Representative to DePachmann: “The Chicker- in readiness for the of the concluding with the ’98 ISitnihlci* As ho we believe the Air. of Indiana, offered to the like it. GRAIN-0 has that 2 S’ S ’of V., hymn Senator Hanna the late senatori- stands alone his option? would, Turpie ] | try it, and during ing piano rightfully an amendment night. a11 rising uniting in the al contest Is to an end. government has the same right with amendment providing 1 rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, 2 America, BICYCLES. rapidly drawing for on this earth it is not only un- their reversed.” (Democratic that “In no case shall the scale be made Capt. H. M. Nickerson presided, and in singing. The committee held a brief session after positions __ hut < > it is made from and < surpassed unequalled.” for a less sum than the original claim but pure grains, welcomed the the Senate adjourned this evening. At- apnlause.) a graceful speech, gather- CASE. (Af1' the hammer fell amid and interest due thereon. delicate stomach receives it THE LUETGERT torney T. G. was the only wit- evidence is At. this point the most 2 and introduced as the first Campbell “The overwhelming. of Mr. amendment ing speaker ness examined, lie was recalled for the burst of enthusiasm from the Democratic In view Turpie’s 1' January in the CETLEBV, OLA5S If want the best you must without distress. ;j the price of coffee. 2 K. who a Chicago, 31.—Oratory you buy Air. Foraker withdrew his request for im- Gen. Clias. Darling, paid hand- is scheduled to purpose of allowing Senators Robertson side. Euctaert case begin to- the Chickering.” Iowa 15 cents and 25 cents 5 to the State of and who were not, last Mr. Henderson, Republican of mediate consideration. per package. some tribute Maine and afternoon when Assistant Attor- iinil IIAKnWARE, Garfield, present : morrow on the tho veteran, and Mr. Dalzell Upon motion of Mr. Quay,the army ap- whose to for | Friday when Mr. Campbell was one-legged Sold all grocers. 2 the city of Portland, growth he iicv McKweu expects open the ■ was then laid before the | | by to him. is believed of Pennsylvania, closed the propriation bill The case will go to the •**** stand, question It Republican • with keenMnterest. jury live-minute in Senate. The bill after being like Coffee j had watched He prosecution. the committeo will its work debate with speeches op slight!/ J Tastes w«*k When coart convenes tomor- complete 1 \ p^ it to rather to the resolution. The forme: amended, was passed,carrying fi3,143,4t2. j thought hardJy necessary preach the » witnesses will be in- this week and that a report, or position Looks like Coffee _' 2 row few JONES&ALLEN intense enthusiasm as with the On motion of Mr. Cullom of Illinois, J [ to a moving two reports, will bo submitted soon. CRESSEY created “gospel” community Which had fnr- need by the defence in sur-rebuttal N. M. PERKINS & CM his on a bench a' : the exeoutive and judicial < Insist that your grocer givetf yen GRAIN-t) J trod Senator Garfield will BUbmit a BAXTER BLOCK. stump of leg resting legislative, nished such an.qld commander as TooPriit Attornety Harmon announced probably and hli hill was laid before the Sen- 1 1 no imitation. S Prank 8 while Chairman Barks the right of the Speaker1* chair, appropriation Accept tp the Sons Would RUt?Ltietgert oD Free Street, Janmtt j| minority report, ate. it came from the House the bill Merrill, apd appealed of .ffiat le tho-fitand, the for the rotohes'by his side, he rallied bis follow As to the will submit report majority, reminded his carried and as to the Veterans perpetuate putrio^ Ugaiiff^owurrow, era Tbi^reeolution jio said f3t»iZ0,S4B reported I MISCELLANEOUS. j MISCELLANEOUS. DEERING ANNEXATION. NOTES. -- ■ mmmwi, -----———— It wasTG below zero. Sunday HARBOR Um MAINE TOWNS. tug degrees re- SOUTH POKTLAm morning it was 13 degrees below and _ WEAKERMO WEAK- mained all the thermome- To the Editor of the Press: A MYSTERY.' CREW very cold day, Items of Interest Picked Up Along MEN CALL WOMAN Corrs* zero at any time Item* of Interest Gathered by ter not registering above The ^annexation of 18 below Deering.has already Shore. A horse to Andrew J- Cash the Pre*s. during the dav, it being degrees a Woman. belonging of was iu itself in So She Is to Them—Not eo to pondento at 10 in. morning it proved sufficiently important, ran at Pleasantdale Sunday and p. Monday away below and it commenced snowing the minds of have degrees Deering citizens, to Mount came behind Dr. Sawyer aa he was u Schooner Etopo, Capt. McLean, Mrs. Ebbert From an Operation* up NOBL EBORO. about 9 a. m. with the thermometer become a universal of con- A Woman’s Knowledge Saves did well-nigh topic last from Norfolk with driving along the road. Dr. Sawyer has degrees below zero. arrived evening Jan. 31.—Henry Waltz tne versation. Although this is true, a com- a Nobleboro, The Dry Mills Keform Clnb passed not realize that it was runaway ap- :oal. ) woman understands women as a man never can hopa lost his containing seven resolutions in tho death ol paratively small number have found A half around to pocketbook, following yet Dislress and turned Tho Fanny a schoon- to. For this reason Mrs. E. Pinkham. of Lynn, Had Poor Blood, from Food proaching, ten dollar bills and some Joseph McDonald to learn the features Hayden, fishing Lydia him not to change. opportunity leading shout to the driver and tell Whereas, It has onr Heavenly after a hard tvvo weeks’ came in now known all over the world, John A. Perkins and wife were in Bos- pleased of the terms of union set forth in the en- 3r, trip, Mass., English*speaking so the run- Father to call home one full of and drive all over him. As he did years a faro of about work her sex. and Liver Troubles. ton last his L. 11. for his abling under which the commission Monday morning with set to to help his horse. week, visiting brother, universally lieloved and respeoted act, away struok him and started of fresh fish. The schoon- After and in Mrs. Pinkham Perkins. many virtues, was created, and in the report of the com- 27,000 pounds long patient vestigation, was thrown out and trampled ol The doctor Therefore That in tho death a foresail Matinicus confirmed her own that seven- There are somo twenty candidates for resolved, mission. of the full text of the ;r lost off Sunday conclusions, namely: Cash’s horse. The toe our beloved MoDonald, Copies under foot by Mr. brother, Joseph of women are due to dis- road with many parts of report of the annexation commission may and tho crew was put on half hour eighths of the sufferings cut a on Dr. commissioner, at tho advanced age of eighty-seven years calk of one of the feet gash orders of the uterine on this line, AFTER eating, food seemed as the town to be heard from later. and two the Dry Mills Reform be had, free, at the of the watches and spent their time in pound- system. Reasoning over the right eye, months, headquarters Sawyer’s head just most saw Tho Ladies’ met with Club has lost one of Its oldest and Annexation in Lewis the ice from the vessel. she that the only preventive of early breaking from the Sewing Society Deering Society ing Every drop IF IT HAD TURNED TO ROCKS. and not an inch temple. faithful members. was a medicine which would act Mrs. George Hussey last week. hall, Woodfords, open every evening. of water that struck tho vessel’s deck down, specific The approaching spring election in this Resolved, That we extend to the family The farmers have filled their icehouses I meet men who are alone on the female organism. more or loss ol1 the deceased our heartfelt sympathy daily generally Eroze almost and despite the town is beginning to receive instantly which with nice ice. and trust that his virtues may be a con- well but who are not familiar she prepared her excellent Vegetable Compound, few bees are very informed, sfforts of the crew, the Hayden was eov- This'was "why attention, and some buzzing stant to each member to emu- and of women. If have Wo have lots of and all are im- stimulant with the of tho commission, and a boon to thousands thousands you “Dr. Greene’s Nervuia Saved My Fife- is snow, findings with ice she came in. has been such in the woods. It reasonably late his and practice his virtues. 3red when menstrua- political it. example the terms of union by it. To headaches at the top of the head, and are troubled by painful Felt the Good and Na- proving That a copy of these resolu- imposed Lilia B. Eernald chiefly Efforts Immediately.” certain that William J. Spear Resolved,; The Mary E. Hagan, and that Mark Hatch of the Mills, died Monday tions be sent to the family of the deceased; all such, pardon me for saying, it is a tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, backache, bearing-down feeling, Lydia than I two of the presont select- and several other schooners went to Dyer, make a record of the and to fishing will tone up your whole Mbs. ChAS. “Two years ago in January I began last, aged nearly 81 years. that the secretary duty which you owo yourself E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound system. will absolutely decline re-nomina- be in the outside but the weather was so men, John of same and that they printed inform Sunday 330 Wood Pa., testifies to the get poorly in health and my husband be the final Eastman, the Mills, died Tues- your olty to at once yourselves D. Ebbert, St., Reading, tions. A union ticket may Portland PRJKbS. severe abandoned all of un- host in- that they hopes called in the dootor, and X was put Democratic side T. day last, aged about bO years. W. M. Dow, upon this question so vital to the great power of the Compound. outcome, and on the and turned around and medicine has cured der medical treatment. I bad sharp, Mrs. Goorge N. Barstow, who moved H. L. Morse, terests of tho community, in which you Joing any fishing Mrs. Pinkham—I can say that your B. of and C. A. Tilton Haskell, Ligonia, to Geo. W. Quint, 3ame hack fo which I had. ease was prickling pains between my shoulder West Somerville, Mass., will move live. It is not right to shirk the respon- port. me of the pains and troubles My are favorably mentioned. hack to Nobleboro Commtteo on Resolutions. womb had thin and and had great very soon. sibilities of tho that Following are lobster arrivals: Lorna a bad one, and the doctor. My blades, grew pale, law which into effect re- citizenship.upon plea very puzzled The now goes Monday evening somo 40 members of BUXTON. in back and in down. My blood was you are not a, holder, and are 2300, Hilda Emma 2000, Mary Jane fallen and I had terrible pains my hips. difficulty lying duces the number of school committee- Eastern Star and other friends from property and after 31—The schools in welfare of husband went to our fam- poor; my food distressed me, it Damariscotta, took a sleigh ride up to West Buxton, Jan. paying onlyjjja poll tax. The 2500. I could hardly walk. My men from seven to three, and leaves after it had W. and the even- district No. 9 dosed last Friday, medicine for me, but eating It would seem as though George Oliver’s, spent the community concerns you and your The Girard is discharging coal ily doctor, and he prescribed with the electors to choose the und term of nine weeks, barge turned into it would rollabout my optional ing, report says they hud a splendid a Very successful worse instead of better. rocks; household os much as the property hold- it & Dennison’s. I found no relief, and grew distress. or relegate the matter to time. by Mr. L. D. Tylor of Freeport, Sargent stomach and cause me great superintendent taught wanted to an to The winter term of school will close in the school and Miss Marcia ers. Improvements and the general pros- R. that has been dis- The doctor examined me and perform Nothing the doctor did for me seemed the three committeemen. The State Su- grammar The C. K. barge next school at the Mills. Atkinson in the of tho but husband would not consent. Seeing? do me any good. I grew steadily worse, of Schools has visited the week, except primary department. perity and growth oity, good gov- at Randall & McAllister’s has operation, my perintendent There are some 26 abandoned The of H. H. S. an enter- oliarging and i n I was forced to homes students gave ernment and the advertisement in the I a bottle of Lydia finally February that one busi- in K. of and good schools,'all/.these out into the stream. paper, got take bed I weaker and weaker, town and recommended and farms in town, and more than thvee tainment last batnrday evening finished and pulled my grew many other are of vital E. Pinkham’s Compound, and before I had man be selected, a second familiar hundred in Linooln county. Many would P. hall at Hollis Center. The proceeds public things bark A ntiocli has been chartered Vegetable ^ and after awhile, changed physicians. ness Tho a new wo- make niO" summer homes. are to be used for a school library. interest to us and lie within the taken half of the second bottle, I felt like That did no good, and I changed doctors needs of and a all; they for with the country schools, and to load random lumber at this port can E. L. Dunbar has men from Bath re- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .1. Berryman of intc rested citi- man. In all I have taken four bottles of your medicine, and say that I am again, but still I kept failing. +.MW1 who has made educational matters easy grasp intelligent, _ '■ Mr. and in another phy- pairing the boiler of the boot heel fac- son are the guests of his parents, South America, as I will The last doctor called zenship. Annexation to Portland will entirely eured. I hope that every woman suffering did, follow my ad* th it the cause ot a study. Mr. D. O. Moulton and tory.- Mrs. John Berryman. sician and they decided special are to be and onrl tolrn vnur nA nnce.” Last and mornings open the to a life Arrangements made, sickness was of the liver. .Brackett of are men- Mrs. L. J, Genthner is in We6t Somcr Saturday Sunday way larger municipal my enlargement Mr. Knightville The as soon as upon ville. Mass., called there by the sickness were,tho coldest of the season hero. and growth in the long future years, the work begun practicable, tioned in connection with the office of below of her thermometer registered 38 degrees to run from Portland to daughter. full blessings of whioh many, perhaps, i double track superintendent. The oitizens express each morning at sunrise and Sunday CANTON. will not live to but a Danville Junction on the Grand Trunk that it is now enacted by law night 31 degrees below at ten o’cloob. enjoy; goodly por- pleasure distance —The drdicatioon ex- Last week a gentleman from Richmond, tion of these are already at md for a considerable that a road commissioner must be elect- Canton, Jan. 28. blessings perhaps was over the woolen mills ercises of the new Odd Bellows’ building Va., looking hand, and, as to the future, all honor to further tho line. and are around for the nnn Jin irritli a wlcmT fn LllVl rt if up ed, looking right num- VALUE the 27th inst. A BIG took placo large the tree. the Smith and and himjwho plants apple man for place. ber were present, including a few mem- Mrs.,Lester daughter /■ of a few It tho world must revolve about the THE IONA ARRIVES. Mills and Gilmour were here yesterday bers of the Grand Lodge. In the evening Miss Linnie Simth, Saco, spent last week with their Mr. tax it would for the for the and a grand tali was given and 112 days parents, question, bejwell The Thomson liner Iowa, Capt. Mur- taking measurements engines and Mrs. Win. G. Smith. couples took part. An orchestra of seven poll-tax payor to remember that from the about 7.30 this -HITCHED TO- boilers for the steam lobster smacks now Ted Manson, who cut his foot hadly ray, arrived at lier wharf pieces furnished nice music. which he for his his land- two weeks is rent pays home, is on his being built—the engines will be open Bred Dyer has opened a law office in ago, improving. morning. Captain Cummings RpuHfnwl’o Rlnnlr lord pays all expenses, including taxes, _. US.. 1__ on front, piston valves, balanced engine RUMFORD. uvuiiwu mu Miss Carrie Swasey has returned from nd still enjoys a proper income upon with ail modern improvements. The Jan. 31—Snow Is three feet Murray of the Fremona. Montreal. Rumford, his so that the tenant trip by Captain is haulers investment, pays Portland shipbuilding company now Bst few attended the dedication on the deep in the woods and the wood The Iowa left Newcastle Jan. 12 and hard the tax in the 6ame as it on main lino of the P. & R. F. R. are improving it, but say it is fact,just though employing about 30 men construction, R., lias experienced severe gales varying there no trains for accom- work breaking roads to their woodpiles. were assessed in his name, else his rent SHALL be being speoial PRICES. to and the force is likely considerably of is his from northwest to southwest all’ modation, hut a good number came over S. B. Jones, Boston, visiting should be so much the Jess. Don’t nearly increased in the near future. at South Rumford. in bal- the branch line from Livermore Fails. family shirk the of the way across. The ship being of was the coldest at responsibilities citizenship The regular monthly meeting the Prof. George F. Towle, of Amesbury, Saturday morning and made South Rumford for 26 It was 38 upon this, or any other plea. Both Port- ast only, rolled considerably Womens’ Home Missionary Society of the Mass., is in town. years. Fred Hollis is in town. degrees below zero. land and will vote upon the progress slow. On Jan. 22 the Anchor M. E. church met at of.Portland, Deoring People’s yesterday • Perry Oldham and friend, of Hebron, on the 7th of next was and spoken C. A. question of annexation liner Furnessa passed the home of Mrs. J. C. York. are in town. WOMAN’S AUXILIARY, Y. M. if each shall “Yes,” the Thomson boat. The Furnessa re- some wife and F. O. March,and city vote, by The French Club, with its old and Judge Morrison and The annual meeting of the Woman’s A oonrse of treatment was decided of Rumford attended tho tho question will bo decided, but tho fact a disabled but npor members assembled last at Walker, Falls, ported seeing steamer, but I lower and new evening Auxiliary of the Young Men’s Christian Two Items to show the and tried faithfully, got tho dedication. of annexation, or union, will not occur bad lost her iu the darkness. Only you way prices of Miss on Front lower, until at last the doctor said I conic the residence Spear Mrs. John Thompson died very sudden- Association was held yesterday and the until a full year later when Deering will, were thirtoon re- not live more than two or three days ai street. Mrs. read a paper in ly this week at her home on Pleasant officers chosen: Her only passengers ^immerman following the in elect one our store the most. The this statement wa; street in this Her remains were at municiial March,1899, and her 300 are at and day French, which was made a study for the village. President—Mrs. J. B. Coyle. luming cattlemen only cargo tending they made, a neighbor told my husband hoy taken to Watervilie for interment. alderman and three councilman, from class. First Vice President—Mrs. E. R. Pay- ions of coal which she began discharging much his wife had been benefited by Dr Miss Myrtle Holt, of Portland, is visit- to sit in SOD. each of the two Deering wards, are savers. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve romedj Mr. Niles NelsoD, who has teen con- ing friends in town. it once. money Second Vioe President—Mrs. William the City counoil of tho greater Portland. and urged him to try it in my case. It fined to his house on account of sickness Mr. S. N. Buck of Sumner attended Burnham. of the cities will De was the last hope, but he bought a bottle dedication. Meantime, neither INTERESTING BOWLING. lor the week, is said to be improving. Third Vice President—Mrs. J. J.Pooler. and I commenced its use. X felt the past A number of Hebron students attended in due of its gooci E. Leslie Baker. disturbed the performance effects of the Nervura almost immediate Rev Thomas Jones, who was in the Secretary—Mrs. Tha finals in the two-men team tour- the ball. S. A. Skill- duties and functions. all Assistant Secretary—Mrs. separate^munloipal One lot of Black Cnt-a- ly, and kept on taking it and gaining recer' railroad wreck near Orono, was H. W. Libby and wife wore in town nament were rolled at Pine’s last Clay Diagonal ings. All of the Deering officials will con- alleys the time. I commenced to use the Ner- church In city formerly pastor at the People’s Thursday. Treasurer—Mrs. L. M. Cutts. before a large and interested vura the second daj' of April, aDd before Three feet of snow on a level. tinue iu office after the Mirch election, sight and Sack Suits. A SIS salt. this town. of the asso- way regular the month of Aprfl was gone I W3S out Those who have not put their ice in Louisa M. Cutts, treasurer 1899. It follows, too, that the taxes will, jrowd. The first prize was won by have not been Crusaders are determined the of bed and tor good. I The Christian expected will dow have some extra work to get it. ciation presented the following report: as usual, be separately by bliaw and Meriwether and second by Orar price Suit. confined to the bed by illness since taking here on next to a James H. Howes of New Sharon, Dis- 20.79 oities for the ooraing year. Saturday inaugurate Balance in treasury January, 1897, $ and II all. The was a this remedy. I think Dr. Greene’s Ner trict Grand Master of the Fifth The anti-annexationists are vociferous- Meriwether game series of revival meetings. Deputy Interest on bonds, 2.20 vura blood and nerve remedy saved my Masonio visits Whitney ly promising us to raise our taxes next three total, the teams howling for district, Lodge Membership dues, 103.00 string life, and I do not hesitate to recommend There were about forty applicants the third of next month. year to prevent, as far as possible, further four men in one game on two alleys. We will also yoai a new suit for it as a valuable preparation. work at the Lowell bicyole faotory yester- $185.09 increase of tihe percentage of debt; while give Mrs. James Devlin. LIMERICK. Portland’s officials confidently expect lo There were some very large totals rolled day, and quite a number of now hands Disbursements. one that does not Penacook, N. H., Jan. 1898.—The Jameson considerably reduce their taxes, simply n ihe the finest work in every prove satisfactory. were Limerick, £9, preliminaries, Dr. Greene, 34 Temple Place, Boston, employed. of Christian En- Paid Woman's Council, $2.00 because they caunoi reasonably avoid Local Union Society them being done by Hall, who rolied the Mass., the most successful physician in The Golden Cross Society U. O. G. C., deavor will meet at the Free Baptist Postage stamps, etc., 20.25 if, and to pay tile usual amount upon total of curing diseases, can be consulted free, had its stated meeting last night, which church Wednesday. The following will To Y. M. C, A. to help clear the'debt at the same time. large throe string 335, thereby personally or by letter. the their debt, 100.00 An imuortant reason for annexation, himself wi'h was followed by an enjoyable entertain- be programme: qualifying every partner -$122.25 important to both sides, is, the conse- a who entered with hi in. Meriwether, ment which included “clam boll.’" 2.00 p. in.—Praise Service, Harry quent solution of the probleiu of sewer REHEriBER OUR PRICE, The Odd Fellows met tonight, and on Maxim. Balance in treasury Jan. 31, 1898, $03.74 disposal in Back Bay. Bor years this has Pine and Shaw also rolled some large 2, lu—Consecration. Stephen Moody; troubled Portland A plan for an Wednesday next the Pythian Sisterhood Building fund January, 1897, $2,009.20 people. totals in those. The following are the Solo, Mrs. Nellie Libby. intercepting sewer has been adopted, and will assemble at the K. P. Hall. Receipts. 2.30— The C. E. Locomotive by Endeav- the sower partly constructed. Doering teams to qualify: Active are >r le for orers. (An exercise prepared by Amos Cougress street M. E. Sunday is also to tho Back Bay preparations being contributing Meriwether and Hall, 033 R. Wells for the 17th anniversary of the 5.00 as tbo need S7.98. the installation of officers the school, nuisance,and, Deering grows, by Laught- of Christian 5.00 Pine and Hail, 022 United Society Endeavor; Williston Sunday school, of a proper disposal for her sewage will ers of Rebecca, and the occasion will bo 25.00 iVaite and 595 Solo, Harlan Knight. Concert in March, be more manifost. Today both cities aro Hall, inst. Mrs. H. H. 31.75 Pino and 598 suitably observed on the 11th 3.30— The Quiet Hour, Bank dividends, in tho same box, and so neither can com- Meriwether, of Comrades. Bricks 8.S0 be af- Meriwether and 5S3 The Cribbago Club had a good attend- MoKennoy. Pledges sold, Dlain of tbe other; but how will it Shaw, Several lots of fine Hfeckwear in Tecks 3.45— The Tenth Miss Helen of do ance last night, about forty players be- Legion, Receipts fair, 1,813.91 ter Portland has paid her money to Covenant “dollar 43.05 Score iu finals: ing present—a series of ten well contested Douglass. Pledges. The evoning”, away with present conditions? Then, 4-in-hands that we have sold 5.00— Basket at the rooms over Mrs. Eenn’s S. S. 20.00 sure- and always games were played. Supper class, Deering’s turn to pay her part will 102 107 S2—292 & Son's. All Endeavorers Meriwether, Tomorrow evening the newly organized J. S. Libby ly come. Shaw,108 91 87—280 and 50 rents marked down to IS Ladies’ Circle will entertain the members invited. $3,961.71 fudging from the published interviews at 45 Social. Paid the 578 and friends of the People’s M. E. church 6.00— to building committee, 3,800.00 upon annexation, there is an erroneous 7.00— Rook of the Choir. at the parsonage. Supper will be sorved Anthem, Ages, idea current among tho prominent Port- Hall, 94 90 02—276 cents each. 7.15— Model Missionary Mrs. Balance $161.71 is a from 5.30 to 7 p. m. meeting, January, 31, 1898, land men about Deering sewers. It 95 42—274 S. Miss Sera Johansen. Meriwether, 97 Myrtle Assembly, P. S.,will give a hose C. Wilder; proper outlet, or disposal of the Deericg W. H. P. Mrs. Nellie want when party at the next regular meeting tomor- Duett, Emery, Do you get what you you sewers, that is wanting, not the sewers 550 Gould.i well 50c Ties at ISc each. row night. ask for goods advertised in this news- themselves. Deering is already pro- Iteinemher 7.45— Box and Conference of its Pine. 98 84 94—276 The Lowell house on Franklin street Question vided with sewers throughout all Tiie would be to 93 82 90—271 has been Mr. J. B. Elliott. Workers, Stephen L. Purinton. Sing- pa pc? publisher glad thickly settled seotions. Nearly $100,000 Hall, purchased by of case where substitution had of His ing, Male Quartette. hear any has been oxpended lor this purpose by 547 Light Eyes WAS CHARLES OSBORN. 8.15— Address, Rev. J. B. Saer. Sing- been practiced or attempted. the city and the abuttors, in the last be with till we meet v 88 94 ing, “God you ten years; but the outlet to tho principal Pine, 87—209 man who Augusta? January 31.—Tho Beneuietion. anu 93 S4 98—275 again.” Mizpah MAINE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. system crosses private property Meriwether, of a Maine The officers are: because its was killed two weeks ago by empties into the government channel, 544 President—Rev. J. B. Saer. afternoon the school Central freisht train four miles from On Friday enjoyed near the pottery, in Back Buy. Secretary—Mrs. Vilda PUgsley. leoture in the This must at no distant date bo carried, IVnttn St 99 85—998 here has been idantified as Charles Osobrn an excellent Chapel by flavor. at Forest avenue fine W. W. State large expense, through Hall, 77 77 82—236 Hon. Stetson, — of Winslow. Superintend- from Bedford street to meet the intercep- NEW GLOUCESTER. 004 * ent of Schools. ting sewer in Portland. The oily of Port- Gloucester, Jan. 31.—Mr. Charles F'ridav evening Dr. A. F. Chase de- land, under the Jaw creating the Back Upper has conirol TALK ON THE TRANSVAAL. Get for Gold Weather j Morrison, who has been at work at Oscar livered a lecture before the youug Bay commissioners, already Ready people works. saw of the fiats for of public Stlnohfleld’s steam mill, met with a New Sharon. purposes The part that woman has played in the of I was Mr. that called very painful accident the other day by glad Editor, you of thirteen is ma- of South Africa is having his hand caught in the planing The orchestra pieces tho attention of some of your correspon ieveiopment aptly dents to the fact that & under the instruction in this F. controversy in Dr. C. Bowkor’s “Travel CLARK machine, His hand was completclv taken king rapid progress -old John IRA CO., oil at the wrist. Dr. cared for the personal abuse,and extravagant and unsup- Sturgis of Dr. W. F. Morse, director of tho musio l’alk on the Transvaal.” wound, and is attending Mr. Morrison, ported assertions are not arguments. We Musio for the Junior prize are cities one of It is that men have who is doing as well as can be expected. department. confronted in both with usually supposed TOBACCO Mr. Oscar Stlnchfleld, who has been axhibltion and for the publio meetings the most Important municipal questions most to do in such matters, hut in this lumber this winter for C. P. will be furnished the ever before us. It is uever wise t > foster sawing of the societies by ase it is shown that to a woman’s love has the contract well or cherish acrimony. It would be piti- Cash. or Chandler, got along orchestra. One Price, able to a de- curios and is Spot For toward He will then move see so important discussion or collecting “things” due smoking completion. of is a Tuttle, the photographer Belfast, from a and candid his mill to place near Rowes station, generate fair, calm, he rise of what will soon be a great re- FOR PAIN the consideration of vital issues and valid ALL on the Maine Central railroad. on the present week, doing Hill, our own. sur- t to an exhibition of rublic rivalling chewing Used Internally and Externally Safely. Last Friday and Saturday nights were the work for the four literary societies. arguments, preju- much the coldest nights that we have diced and extravagant personal abuse, Seats on sale Thursday for all three unwarranted and wit. ‘ had this winter. The mercury fell in assertion, cheap eotures at the Jefferson. SLOTHIERS* HATTERS AND FURNISHERS, other CURES can serve no any some places about town to thirty-six de- Buch a foul means good passes end; and its influence is re- grees below zero. necessarily IN HONOR LATE GOV. PLAISTED. The ice cutting business is about, if 4---4 actionary. If anyone has a good argu- Colds, Hoarseness, am January 31.—By direction of make. There not quite, wound up for this winter. ment against annexation, I very Augusta, sure that all will be to know it, and, the on the State Some very good ice has been secured. «I$. PIBfAUP’S glad governor Powers, flug as a owes to the to Catarrh, Sore Throat, Mr. F. W. Royal, of Tresport, made a citizen, ho it public douse has been placed at half-mast In are kinds of B-L to this last and introduce it to us all in presentable at- flying trip place Friday ronor of the late ex-Governor Harris M. returned home Saturday morning. tire. Influenza, Cuts, Mrs. James Stevens visited relatives in It is unfortunately true that good argu- Plalsled, and will remain so until after to suit all users. Pownal and East North Yarmouth last ments are useless upon a lurge number ,he iuneral. Par of citizens whoso Hands week. well-meaning piejudiees a serious have become so strongly imbedded that Chapped Harry Burgess met with quite iN Household Cods. scoident last Friday afternoon while cut- BULK they cannot be eradicated by reason; others ancient Uroeks believed that the and Faces, ting wood in the woods for Scott Merrill. then, too, there are, undoubtedly, The in who a seliish reason Penates were the gods who attended to Ho cut an ugly gosh in his ankle. Sev- ITicquiilied Quality. have good, though to which are to confess, he welfare and prosperity of the family, 3n stitches were required to close the anil they unwilling Triple Quadruple. and conceal as household Bruises, Burns. wound. Dr. Sturgis is attending him. who, in order the better to ihoy were worshipped gods EVERY...! The household of to- The wound is doing well at this writing. their real reason, are guilty of parading in every home. god others not is Dr. New Discovery. For & Eugene Farnum is driving F. VV. Win- less adequate, which, being lay King’s Lameness all ilio finest real to colds and for all Bleeding. ter’s team in place of Martin Nevens, Beyond question them, they do not always closely consumption, coughs, ...MAN| is to win over of Chest and Lungs it who is at work at Poland Springs in the Violette perfume in the world examine. We o'nnnot hope iff actions Throat, POSITIVE SPECIFIC FOR PILES. we has been tried for a house. these two olasses even though should is invaluable. It bottling in the and is i TO HIS TRADE.! Benson and Martin Nevens convince them. We are happy juarter of a century guaranteed.to Harding Ed, as No household Some dealers are offering and at Mr. Gibbs Pinaud’s “Violette Reine,” knowledge, however, that vigorous juro, or money returned. M vn spent Saturday Sunday It is cheap, watery mixtures as both wbrk at Poland they may are not numerous; that Tumid bo without this good angel. SHUN Benson’s. They The true odor of the flow- be, they We frequently have customer* ffl substitutes. THEM THEY ABE living the great, take the reasonable to take and a eafe a..d sure 1 ► < Springs. er. and refined. majority pleasant DANGEROUS. Exquisite and publio views as tbov see it. for old and young. Tree trial come to ns with and spirited remedy j copy say OTISFIELD PR OGRESS. bottles at H. P. 18. Gookl’s Diug Store. | j I*ONDf8 EXTliACT is sold in only Jan. 31—Schools in town v size 60c, and $1.00. “ bottles, with buff wrappers and our Otisflold. Regular Put it in attractive form a nino weeks g’or I \! and f landscape trade-mark thereon. Note jlosed Friday, Jan. 28, after lie Holidays out name on every label and wrapper. term. BISHOP FOWLER'S LECTURE. HOTEL |; make the price reasonable." Snow is deep, and sleighing is fairly F1AJESTIC, 1 | it rood. Speaking of Bishop Fowler’s lecture to In such cases the work is The Y. P. S.C. E. had a poverty socia- West & 72d to 71 st York. always { Pond’s Extract Ointment PU.ES. tils JOHN t PERKINS CO. bo given at Chestnut street church on Centra! Park Sts.,New ble at Corner Friday, evening. < Price, 50 Cents bottle, Spurr’s satisfactory and brings exoellent t Each one was lined for anything February 4t,h, ihe says; ELITE HOTEL OF AMERICA. present have a full line and solicit Independent, THE in the of dress and cold water your on ( results extra way Fowler is a mighty man ? as re- examination. the -sad -ml molassescookies were served platform. a on One of the ansi finest—hest located, thorongh’y lighted * Extract Toilet He gavo lecture largest j' Pond’s Paper,1 freshments. Abraham Lincoln” two and a half STEPS’! BERISY, a caislne of or

■■ ■■ ■■ AMUSEMENTS. AMUHEMEHtTS. MISCEIXAISTEOES. MISCKMiAHEOITS. | DANGER IN ATTEMPTING TOO MUCH. financial._ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. DEERINR. —-- as in — There is sometimes much — AND danger OOO- too much reform as in too little. This MAINE STATE PRESS. The having late- should be kept in mind by tho gentlemen Deering Kindergarten, Iowa, Water Com- WEDNESDAY Subscription Rates. been about iron and coal, un- C'odar Rapids, who are so anxious to undertake to legis- ly studying due six Mortgage, gold, 6’s, | $3 for small First Daily (in advance) $G per year; late in favor of tho retirement of the der the wise guidance which helps pany, and I 50 cents a month. Thursday, Douths; $1.50 a quarter; a 1927. greenbacks and tho substitution of na- folks to great thoughts, took delightful Tlie Daily is delivered every morning by the estimated, 28,00(>. notes. For this ride on last, with Population, ONLY. 2 4 U' within the limits and at tional bank proposition sleigh Thnrsady 000 C.C. F£3 2-3. 1 sarrier anywhere city ( stock of the Water Company, 5225 TUKESBUEY, Manager. S3 there is much to be said. and other friends, and apital Woodfords without extra charge. on its merits Kindergartners Total bonded dent, iso.ooo SPECIAE « at in at the But it seems to us that it is exceedingly visited the Portland Stove Foundry, lias paid dividends at the rate MATINEE, TIIUKSDAV, First time pop- 1 Daily (not advance), invariably This company ular the where some of the of s cent for many years. prices. rate of $7 a year. unwise to press it now. Tho vote in they saw per fin- _ FOB SALE BY — Maine State Peeks, (Weekly; published Senate on the Teller resolution showed processes by which the beautifully $1 for six months; shown H IT Ih/E A N IT Y 2 every Thursday, $2 per year; that the permanency of the existing gold ished stoves, which were also £ a 25 cents for tidal subscrip- the A SPLENDID CONPANY. SPECIAL SCENERY. 50 cents quarter; standard is still threatened, that the free them, had been made. They saw tion of six weeks. such Evening Prices, 15-25-35-oOc. Matinee 15-25c. 1 silver forces are active and belligerent, molten Iron, the various parts, Prices, Persons wishing to leave town for long or as doors taken hot from the :0£t:o.l3Le:rjs. of and that in ail probability the question covers, etc., short periods may have ihe addresses their dec31 tfd issue of the cam- and learned their eyes FRIDAY AND 4-5. SATURDAY MAT. 2 P. M. as as desired. which formed the chief sand, through SATURDAYrFEB papers changed often | of will be tho one in what many words could not have taught Advertising Rates. paign 1896 leading The SISTIESIFLSi. i tho contest of 1900. Such being the case, them. Fastest for Soiled 15-25-35-oOe. for .me The Cleanest, Dye Sale ail Trust Popular Prices—Matinees. 1525c. Evenings, In Daily Peess $1.60 per square, ^ if Deposit be unwise The Sisters will hold their Rib- f above for one month. Three insertions it would exceedingly Pythian or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses, &eais are now oil sale for any performances. week; $4.00 Le- other ad- to undertake any legislation that Circle at the home of lire. Symonds, Curtains, Underlinen, etc., # or less, 01.00 per square. Every day bons, introduce discord into land on Feb. 2nd. Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool. # vertisements, one third less than these rates. would tend to street, Wednesday, whether COJHPAWY, one is some Half square advertisements $1.00 for the anti-silver forces. As long as the Mr. Van B. Bray spending Mess. No Center. Trouble,SOLD 1N week or $2.50 for ono month, basis of our currency is threatened atten- time with friends at Deering “A square" is a space of the width of a col- Measles still and work m:o. ITW« tion should be concentrated upon it to The; linger ALl^cou^r^ Portland, umn and one inch long. folks. ^No it ami make it secure. When that among Deering young on first one-third addi- protect “ * Special Notices, page, out on the new JEFFERSON& Hosford. THEATRE,Lessees and Managers. is safo will be time to make There was paid High Fayy Bros. enough RESERVED SEAT FOR 60 CENTS. tional. the month of November, A GOOD changes in the superstructure. All those school during and after for this Amusements aad Auction Sates, $2.00 per February 1st, thirty days Hit of the season. HENHY MILLER ift and the month of De- ON will and make cash TONIGHT. insertions or who are in favor of maintaining the ex- $4,166.33, during Company redeem pay- square eacli week. Three less, ment for were the outstanding 6 per cent bonds of standard are not in favor of cember, 12,705.38. Of this $30 paid $1.50 per square. isting gold the Kennebec Light ana Heat Company called JET E3 A. jFSL n? SS EASE , of Portland for at 103 and or tne new Leading Notices in nonpareil type and classed the retirement of the greenbacks, and to Architect Tompson interest give in exchange Trices 25c-50c-75c-S1.00-$l 50. lirst 5 cenr, 15 cents per line each mortgage, twenty year. per gold with other paid notices, tho substitution of national bank notes. plans. bonds of that We offer the new corporation. 'S'lie tlie Season. PORTLAND WHEEL CLI IS, in this from bonds for to Event of Insertion. Bight here in New England where the The total expenditure city sale at 103 1-2 and Interest, subject Under the direction of Frank I,. Callahan. matter advance in without notice. personal Pure Reading Notices In reading type, to January 1, 1898, were price sentiment in favor of the gold standard April 1, 1897, SEE The Kennebec Light and Heat Company has 25 cents per lino each insertion. of BLACK AtYD TAUT JIIYSTItKLS. is overwhelming we very much $113,779.94. contracts for street lighting with cities For Sale and similar adver- question towns soislsts. Wants, To Let, Morrill’s will Augusta, Hallowed and Gardiner and Fun and frolic from start to finish. Gorgeous first part. Talented Irresistible end men. for if even a would favor the retire- Hose company 3, corner, mirth and tisements, 25 cents per week in advance, majority of Farmingdale and Pitts ton and supplies Grand chorus of CO voices. Magnificent olio of up-to-date specialties. Wit, music hold their montly meeting this to the soldiers* Home at Togus. Maine novelties. or no Displayed adver- ment of the greenbacks. The projection regular light Surprising SnapBang-aud-Go. 40 words less, display. Insane the State Capital Building, all adver- Plans are to be considered for Hospital, SATURDAT. I*EB. 4 and 5; tisements under these headlines, and of this question, therefore, into the arena evening. THAT THE Post Offices and other large public and private FRIDAY and in will be charged a dance at an early date. in the three cities, and in addition Trices 25c, 50c, 75c. $1-00. Seats on sale Wednesday. tisements not paid advance, of discussion would serve to divide the holding buildings THE TKANSVAAD. a number of domestic consumers Monday, Feb. 7, DR. JBOVVKEK, First Denture, rates. The anti-annexationists are to hold a supplies great at regular gold forces,and the debate might become so in the population covered by its plant consist- D .11Ka iacdo — —x- in the council ail abundant ID lAISu hot as to obscure the funadmental meeting this evening oity ing of nearly 23,000 people, so that ADnAhAM LINUULNI for entirely FAC-SIMiLE is assured. CITY HALL- FEB. for first insertion, and 50 coats por square of committee on se- annual income to the Company 2, A famous lecture Chas.' H. of the basis of our currency, and chamber. Reports above expenses and by Bishop Fowler, insertion. question Its net earnings operating Eighth Evening D. D., LL. D. eath subsequent headquarters and other business interest on bonds for the year 1897 were $14,- to sub- betray men into unwittingly voting with curing C'hestnnt St. Chnicli, Frl. £re„ Feb. 4 nt Address all communications relating SIGNATURE 206.56 for will be transacted. i BOSTON STAR COURSE. 8 o’clock. and advertisements to Portland those who are plotting to substitute AVegetablePreparalionforAs- scriptions ~ to the 1UC Only opportu nity hear “A man on the N. Y. Exchange Street, the rock of monometallism the shift- lUUgO similating theFoodatidRegula- j be when mighty platform.”—Xhe Publishing Co., 87 gold -OF- Full particulars will giYen Independent. cated their over the old police theStomachs andBowels of ; SAFE Portland, We. ing sands of silver monometallism. It is quarters ting applied lor by the UNION "A marvel of eloquence, pathos and wit.”— at Woodfords and commencing FISK JUBILEE SINGERS Tribune. offered iu some quarters as a reason for station DEPOSIl AND TRUST COMPANY. Vlinneapolis In their wierd of “second to none as an orator in the esiima- the first of February are to meet in ]2Gdtf rendering Camp Meeting retiring the gre nbucks that it is neces- with Songs and Plantation Melodies. ;ion of the American people.”—Minneapolis room used by the Deering times. THE PEEBB/ to n xi such the formerly Admission Tickets. 35 cents sary protect gumsiauuaru. “It lifts him into the rank of Ameri- Public in the hall building. Reserved Seals. 50c., OGc., 75c highest were the case it would be a convincing library :an orators.”—Chicago Tribune. of street has Promotes Digestion,Cheeiful- For sale at box office, WEDNESDAY, 10 a.m. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. for teat policy. It is not only Mr. Patrick Kane Spring BONDS. “He held the immense audience spellbound.” argument neither OEOHGE A. FOXCROFT, Manager. -Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. the Richardson house on Stev- nessanditesl.Contains ; but in view of the discord purchased jan:;td3t Reserved seats admission 35c. Seats not necessary, nor Mineral THE 60c; may nearest Goddard’s IS ON ie selected at Ilomsted’s 451 The Hon. Joseph H. Manley says he is it would introduce into the ranks of the ens Plains avenue, Opium.Morphine store, Congress CITY HAXei* street on and after Monday, .Ian. 31. Tickets houses. Not Narcotic. Central 11. It., 4s* not a candidate for governor. Perhaps supporters of tho present standard, it green Maine now on sale at Frank B. Clark’s. Will H. Good- K. F. Goodhue and wife of Deering win's, T. F. Ilomsted’s and T. Hilton’s. Parties that is because the “proper time” has not constitute a danger to the Dr. might positive lutside Portland may secure reserved seats by Centre are receiving the congratulations Portland Water Co., 4s. arrived. that standard. A silver majority in the ofOldBrSAMVELEl/HtitR writing to Rev. J. 11. Roberts, Pleasantdale, or friends the advent Reaps WRAPPER Kev. E. O. Thayer, Woodfords. Senate and House and a silver President of their many upon jan28dct The decision of the Sesd~ Republican city of a son born into their family of last Pumpkin in the White House could open tho mints dlx.Senna * Merrimack County, TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 1. committee to open the caucuses at 4 JtocfielU Salt* to the free coinage of silver just as easily Friday. OF EVERY EIDDCFOED VS. FOETLAKD. PORTLAND WHEEL CLUB o’clock in the afternoon and keep them druse Seed. *■ 4s. retired as if H., 3, Lewiston3. if the greenbacks bad been OF THEIR OWN. jFlppcrmint N. Thursday Evening. February till 9 in the evening, will greatly TRAMP QUESTION * jfl Seats in advance at Chandler’s. open The retirement of the Jft Cart (mate Seda Games at 8.30. of the tbev had not. Seed OP jan27dtf TAN aid in obtaining a full expression Four through the ftsrm BOTTLE 4s. BLACK and MINSTRELS and the substitution of na- people tramped Clarified Saco, and is therefore greenbacks Sugar Under the preferences of the voters, drifts last to attend a lecture on ftoror. Musical Direction of tional bank notes will Interpose no insu- evening WanBeryrcen Frank L. Callahan. to be commended. It is a little difficult which Mr. Wil- 4s. obstacio—indeed no obstacle at nl1 “The Tramp Question” Biddeford, FINANCIAL. there should have perabio for 1 to understand why to have delivered in A Remedy Constipa- THE JEFFERSON, FEB. 41) and 5!fi, —to the free coinage of silver. On tho con- liam W. Cole was perfect Prices on application. been a single vote against it. tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Advance sale, Wednesday, Feb. 2. j25dtf tho free silver advocates hall, City building, under the g trary by enabling Reception Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- I A long debate in the House of Repre- to take advantage of the antipathy which auspices of the Associated Charities. AUCTION SACKS. ness and Loss OF SLEEP. | sentatives over the Teller resolution would exists to monopolies it might, arid prob- Mr. Cole preferred not to address so l H. a waste oi time. It As look was & ol F, O. BAILEY & CO. have been merely ably would, assist them. things small an audience and the lecture Facsimile Signature oJ CASTORIA SWAN BARRETT, Benin, Me. Lily a of 186 Middle St., Portland, would Jhave been simply repetition now, all the strength of the gold stand- indefinitely postponed. jy27dtl Aoctionccrs and Commission Merchant* the debate in the Senate, would have ard pupportei s will he needed when the 4 PER CENT la in one-slzo bottles only. It no information HOTEL BURNED. ; YORK. Castoria put up afforded the country next comes to protect that stand- OGUNQUIT NEW to sell struggle is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone 8*10.000 Salesroom f 6 Exchange Street. it does not now and would of the free silver North Berwick, 31.—Word was which possess, ard from the assaults January on the or that it yon anything else plea promise no vote. A and It would that tne Bald Head Bonds due 1917. F. O. BAILEY. C. W. ALLEN have changed prompt men. If that is lost all lost. received here today ia as and "will answer every pur- Portland Water Gold Refunding “jnst good” Company mar ill tf to the Senate's threat of the of to im- house at was burned last C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. decisive reply seem, therefore, height folly CHS Ogunquit, pose." JKff- gee that yon get 4s, Due 1927. Principal and Interest payable in repudiation was what was needed and all peril that strength by controversies over night. The house was owned by the Boston, Mass. — SALE BY — that was needed. comparatively unimportant details of the Wearo family and was managed by E. T. FOR OFFICE OF THE ATWOOD LEAD CO. Assessed Valuation, §2,224,000 The reforms Weare. It contained about one hundred The annual meeting of the stockholders of are en- currency superstructure. son <& Co. Our Republican friends busily on and con- II. III. Pay Ket Debt, 116,000 The Atwood Lead Co. will be held at the office arc of rooms. The loss the building in the Democratic can- suggested in the currency many if the No. 432 Fore street. Portland. gaged nominating lents is.about $10,000, partially insured. decSl_dtf company. didate for After shall have but if of them >n Monday. February 7th, at 3 o’clock p. m„ Mayor. they them desirable, few, any, How the lire is a mystery. The of Berlin is situated in Coos County, with the busi- originated City 'or the election of officers and for the trans- got through nominating are and rather than risk a it had New on the Androscoggin Kiver, vital, quarrel When discovered complete posession * Hampshire, lation of any other business that may legally ness the Democrats themselves will try be done which furnishes at tills point one of the finest in the ranks of the gold standard of the building and nothing could lome before them. their hand at support- water in New it.—Argus. to It. powers England. AUG. P. FULLER. Cleric. the existence of stop Tile Boston & Maine and Grand Trunk Rail- is in error. ers which might imperil HOMEBONDS. 1898. esteemed Our contemporary roads facilities. Portland, January 29th, ]31Ulw that standard it would bo wise and pru- give ample Republicans are simply watching the FIRE IN BIDDEFORD. The large Plants of the Berlin Mills Co., the dent to let such of them as are not abso- Burgess Sulphite Fibre Company and the Glen efforts of a well known Democrattonomi- THE PRESS,.. CSPECIAL TO Co. are located at Berlin. FOR vital until conditions are more HOME WORK nate himself, and reporting the lutely go In 1S80 Berlin had a population of 1100. m progress fire oc- Biddeford, January 31.—A Cumberland County, 4*8 1890 the was 3729. in 1893 5831 and is Intelligent Ladies. We want ladles he is making. We warn the Argus that propitious. population block on at»w estimated to he over 8000. curred today in a wooden the To work for us in their own if you if it does not up and its hand 4’s 1895 the Berlin Mills Company employed homes; hurry try Brunswick, Me., In can earn and a of Main and Alfred owned the Glen Co. 400, the can’t work all day you Si SC at business all that will corner streets, 675uien, Burgess Sulphite two the nominating STATE TOFICS CF INTEREST* 125 ami other smaller concerns week by working an hour or every evening; John M. Goodwin K. 4^’s Fibre Company If be left for it will be to record the nomi- by Mrs. Olivia Berry, Maine Central E. Coi, auyone’who can sew can do the work; you wish to devote time to something profit- the heirs of Horace Ford and S. W. (Since then the Burgess Sulphite Fibre Com- your nation, and whoop for the Hon. Darius and 5’s able send self addressed envelope tor full par- Maine Central R. R. Co., pany have doubled the size of their plant, ihe or 25c for and full Harper Ingraham. of Norman H. Luques. The upper story was occupied Glen Co. have rebuilt and very much enlarged ticulars, samples particulars; The residence Fossett, write this offer may not appear again; the stores Pola- and Rumford Falls their three mills and a shoe factory has been today; post raster at Riverside, was destroyed two families and by Portland be one of the first; only thosn meaning busi- All but one of the Democrats of by built which now employs 450 operatives. gold last Saturday evening, .llr. ness need answer. Homer Mfg. Co., drawer by lire, chewick Bros, and John Lubinslry, dry 4*8 In addition to the water power required by the Sonate voted for Mr. Teller’s resolu- tossett is a merchant, owning his resi- Railway, 14.000 horse 433, Lewistoif, Me. shoe the above mentioned corporations and a nice stock of in his goods dealers, Charles Simard, is and its tion declaring the bonds payable in sliver. dence goods 4’s power yet unemployed development store. His loss will be about £1500; par- and John Parisault, barber. Portland Water Co., will result in a steady growth in population in of them have undertaken to ex- dealer, Some insured. In attempting to save the future. tially The fire started in one of the tene- R. 5’s GUR SUCCESS plain that they voted for it simply as a some of the household effects Mr. Fossett Knox & Lincoln R. Co,. and and was confined hut the -FOR SAFE Bl- we legal proposition, and with no intention was badly burned about the face ments there, lies in the l'a< t that the imme- Maine Co., 6’s themselves with hands, so* badly as to demand lower were wet Steamship hav e always given our of identifying the free hwein.n Annt.hpr apartments considerably nstomers the best was to down. Tne total loss is about $3000 mishap during the conflagration ALSO BANK STOCKS value obtainable for the which the Alisa Maud a relative of Mrs. Fos- which is covered insurance. & planation interpretation Kced, by WOODBURY MOULTON, (heir money. to remove general public will put upon their con- sett, who, while ^attempting Rome heirlooms from.a ohamber.was near- dnot will be that being convinced that COULDN’T TOUCH ST. JOHNS. STEIN ly suffocated by smoke and in breaking BANKERS, WAY, of their 31.—The the great majority party have a window out for air, sustained a deep St. Johns, N. F., January Allan line steamer Cor. Middle and Exchange St., HARDP/iAN, gone over to free silverism they have made laceration of the forearm, severing the Siberian, Captain several stitches. Main, from January 15, for Fcrtland, Me. their minds to stand out no artery and requiring Glasgow, GABLER, up longer. Halifax, is believed to have abandoned pdrtlIFtrust jan!4 dtf It will be accepted generally as a formal the attempt to touch at this port owing PEASE. surrender of the gold to the to the ice floe and to have proceeded for COMPANY. Democracy Game Wardens Nichols and Pollard are BRAUMULLER Halifax. nov23dtf ■» Bryanites. both in the woods looking after trappers other with The former NORRIS 8t HYDE and people gnus. = —- Discussing the Loud bill, the Kenne- is north of Moonebead, and the latter in How often you see a man Transposing Key Board. bec Journal says: and around Xorcross. Mr Antonio deeply engrossed in his of said the editor of a New York trade paper, the New England work, full of satisfaction at “Almost with the regularity clock-work,” THE AERIOL That portion of the bill which excludes Apache, representing bis with #.••••••••• has just re- what he has S when relating experience SelE sample copies from the mails is alto- Sportsmen’s Association, accomplished Casco National Bank Playing New Brunswick, in to too It is liko turned from through business, ready go ntelllgerit | gether sweeping. cutting -OF- which ho lias been travelling during the ahead and carry out bound- off a band to get rid of a sore finger. Be- all the princi- less schemes of achieve- cause this privilege has been abused, in last three weeks, visiting PORTLAND, !VSAiNii, of the noted for its and up all his •ome instances, Mr. Loud proposes to ul portions province ment, using llis were in and nervous force, PIANOS, headquarters strength correct the abuse by abolishing the privi- big game, AND THE Fredericton, whence no made trips to never pausing to think what lege. Now this Is a matter of great im- Incorporated 1824. People | the St. John river to unseen danger may threaten portance. The sample copy has always points along CAPITAL AND SURPLUS then that river to the Mira- him from behind. played a very important part In securing Tol'ique, up iEOHiIAM. thence to the Micmao Indian few hard- he, is under the standard as to new subscribers. miehi, and Mighty thing with head-workers. My stomach,'’ continued Many publishers' and sometimes to even of Catalogues free. mission of Sfc. Ann’s on the Kestigouc.be, working men ever strength and it used to serm at those times to act only Believe Easy terms payment. of small weekly papers, make indifferently be especially side of ti e river. to realize that work. Clouds would come before vision and then a slight nausea would felt. | which is on the stop stop my a of their on a Quebec as well as 1 know name, practice keeping stops sort of had made me know the my ONE MILLION been a tali of snow al! the headaches and. Ycarsofthat thing symptoms list. The left over on There has heavy overcome the and special papers eaoh sensations but since I learned about Ri pans Tabules I have practicably difficulty that country, and it is alive with dizzy and; I do over them. Now- publication day are sent out to names on through it is not often that any one gets as enthusiastic over anytnmgas & SONS’ 00. deer, bear and feelings of weak- M. STEIIERT this list. In this way many former sub- moose', caribou, furbearing adays, whenever I recognize the old familiar symptom, animals. The government hue ness and sluggish- Mgr.. scribers are induced to subscribe again. provincial CONCENTRATED BOONS, DOLLARS. T. C. McGonidric, to make an exhibit at the Boston ness and incapacity DOWN GOES ONE OF THE BLESSED LITTLE The Loud bill proposes to stop all decided Life 517 C ongress St. jan22T,T&Stf this, the re- that overcome stomach Tel. 8X8-3. for no could afford to maintain Sportsmen’s show, illustrating And in a few minutes the visual clouds lift, discomfort posses away, my publisher which them at times are the forerunners of seri- its 12 or 1 o clock I go out for my usual he was to markable resources of that country, apparently resumes operations and at half past j this when a system obliged put ous disease. in with my former practically ruined Police. are intensely interesting to the touriEt rather hearty luncheon—all delightful contrast Sterling Exchange. Messenger’s two-cent stamp upon every paper thus which I used to fasting and various doses. Drafts drawn on National Provincial More men would succeed in carrying out afternoons vainly seek to escape by of sent out. and sportsman. Rank of England, London, in largo or of the Sheriff Cumberland County their life purposes if would put their Insurance Office they ss, email amounts, for sale at current rates. State of Maine. Cumberland January The number of whioh in con- sample copies any constitutions strong, forceful, high | A. D.. 1898. favorable RELIEF STEAMER STARTS TODAY. without until disease has Current Accounts received oa 2Tth, newspaper, especially any weekly coun- dition, waiting the Bonds terms. is to give notice.that on the 22nd day To the Holders of of the can its axe into their vital organs. If How they do otherwise I January, A. D.. tslS98, a Marrantio try newspaper, is likely to send out at plunged and Heat Interest allowed on Time Deposits. % aimsof Portland, Oragon, January 31.—The a man who is up his vitality Kennebec Light Company. was issued out of the Court of In- using working Individ- insolvency one time is not to be loaded ATLANTIC Correspondence solicited from for said of any likely large steamer Elwood, with govern- faster than his nutritive powers supply it, The Kennebec ami Heat ex- solvency County Cumberland, Light Company, uals, Corporations, Ranks and others ol and the even at ment for the Alaska relief will use Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis- ercising the right given in the bonds issued the estate expenses attending it, equipments by COAST LINE. desiring to open accounts, as well as from i(i There are hundreds of cases where against as an to his it said and in the mortgage securing the B. HERRICK, of North one a is not to is at the wharf at Van- covery adjunct daily meals, company “FLORIDA FAST LINE” those to transact Banking busi- ® CHARLES Yarmouth, cent copy, likely prove a expedition lying dated 11. A. ]>. iam, calls wishing it has redeemed educated the to same, May hereby in ness this mortgages, bo an Insolvent on couver barracks, ready to transfer her will give digestive organs power Via Washington, Richmond and Charleston. of any description through ■idiuged to Debtor, serious burden to any one of them. The it for redemption, cancellation, and retirement, Bank. kept families from the satd Debtor, which steamer take hold of the food and extract from Jji children, poor- Mention of petition freight to the George W. Elder, its first mortgage six per cent bon is of taken of which the vital bearing >i> house. ■!* Its are was tiled on the 22nd day January. A. sample copy advantage chiefly she arrives from Alaska. the elements strengthen date the eleventh day of A. D. 1891. TO ALL accomplishments when blood. May, QUICKEST ® 1898, to which date interest on claims is sheets whose organism and build up healthy The principal of said bonds will be at STEPHEN R. SMALL Presids.it. always good. vV jj‘ by purely advertising pro- The Eldei is scheduled to sail on paid to be computed. again It revitalizes every organ and tissue of the rate of one hundred and three dollars RESORTS do not to She will the (sdo;;) MARSHALL R. GODINS, Cash ar- ® That ttie payment of any debts to or by said prietors expeot get subscribers February 1. carry es*ort of bilious out of for each one hundred dollars (8100). face value | UNION MUTUAL Policies are the body ; purges poisons Jeddtf jjj debtor, and the transfer and delivery ol the but to extend their 00 enlisted men and 150 tons of the nerve cen- of said bonds, together with the accrued inter- famous for their by process, only supplies the circulation ; invigorates /ji liberality of features. any property by him are forbidden by law steamer which sails from and makes est thereon. $ circulation so and the Signal, ters and the muscular system Additional to the a of the creditors of said debtor they can get higher rates Said bonds will he at the $ Maine Non-For- yjr That meeting will 110 of paid office of the their debts and in case there art Seattle February 7, carry pack a man altogether a man—full ambition, and Trust ® feiture itself an to prove for their advertising. There is no reason Union Safe Deposit Company at Cort- Law, exceptional assets toauthoriz) thesame.to cliooss and 24 men and a portion of the and should be ol the celeorntecl “>ew j|j sufficient animals energy pluck. land. Maine, and presented there for Route York- /i\ all new have cash be under the sun the of this privilege, policies ^ one or more assignees of his estate, will held why people Dirblun. of and rrioricla Special," luxuriously ap- supplies. Mr. Jos. Henderson 544 Josephine payment redemption. Unequalled Schedules and Ser- (t> and insurance also the \Xi at a Court of Insolvency to bo holden at Probate should not Dr. All i tv crest on said bonds will cease on pointed- paid-up values, country be taxed to help Street, New Orleans. Ha., writes to Pierce the Only line running Solid Vestihul- room in said Portland, in said county ninth of A. 1). 1898. vice. at stated times at Court 1 1 was for some years, suffering from day April. Trains to Florida. connec- borrowing on the 7th of February, A. along this business. It Is no benefit to ■" ailing Licht and Heat. ed OB. MOTT’S NERVER’NE PILLS, r!§^ of Cumberland, day !pen Sons. a tired feeling and loss of and Kennebec Company with** Federal Expres8”from Boston. 5% interest. Other reasons for in the torenoon. ifXiNE1” dyspepsia, energy tion The reme- <6 supe- | T>. 1898. at ten o’cIock them; in oases it is one bottle Dr. Pierce’s ByGK F WEST, H. great many positively appetite. I tried of Treasurer. J. .JOHNSON, W. E. Agt., & and sent \iy Given under my band me uate lirst above 15th. 1898. 1 dy for nervous riority figures cheerfully Golden Medical Discovery axid found great re- Dated January janiidaw ;’qd5 Wa*'l'ri'.i!lJ‘»n Street, BCoMow. detrimental to them. We do not believe Washington. January 31.—The follow- prostration and ® "Tit, friend to go to Dr. Chase orry, excessive use of To- | I INCREASE. with the Cumin*. st,. and with and L. J for FIJLE9. It absorbs and thus get big rates for the advertise- conjunction Discovery.” They 372 eieht treatments bacco or which lead to Consumption ME. of HALE GIFFORD PORTLAND, tumors. arc the and most natural was entiie! :■ cured the trouble without a uv CLARENCE every $5 order we give a wr11* '$ % Stops itching, of whioh Gorham C. Cor- simplest perfectly J Insanity. ments they are chiefly made up, Simpson, Simpson’s medicine v. imi-ver. continue his classes and private instruct t.o cure or refund me money. Millions of loaned and invested in $ G1VE9 RELIEF. 6O0. laxative ever invented. Will ten guarantee dollars ftf K*gj ner, $17 to $24. 1 would advise anyone troubled in French a id German. usiiiK tbe same box. fi boxes for $5.00. DK. Maine. Preference to home and $1. At Druggiste. undoubtedly would be. All the hue and It is a dealer’s business to sell you what with uiv Sold at $8.00 per always given ^ chronic disease to call on Dr. Chase methods as before. 42 Pine Street, between CHEMICAL COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio. investments. WIDOWS, ETC. ask for—not what he for selfish MOTT’S For sale J. E. Goold& Co, cry about sample copies is made by those ORIGINAL, you prefers 11. W. DEBECK. hours of baud 7 o'clooli for particulars, by sake to sell. eod3w For sale by «T. E. GOOLD & CO. juned* papers or In their interest. Susan A. Johnson, Milo, $8. profit’s jau25eodtofebl Cumberland Mills Me. janll ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. then NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f _j_NEW The following programme was THE DKUKEB CASE. the last time about a year ago. Never ar- rested before for assault. Have been in FUND GROWING LARGER. oarried out: Amoieta Waltz, the habit, of frequenting Druker's place. Club Vega, Mandolin and Guitar ft VOLLV.Na.*. FEBRUARY. 1899. FfJiCE. IS C£NT8 0 Before Have and water there, Welch ♦ Waite and Melaugu Appear drank Uno beer Voal Solo, Miss Bertha M. g ^nascnxstzirMirr ■XBOFmKmmimKmmnnttrmrmtm Court. but never became intoxicated in that Banjo Solo, THIS W K! the Municipal J. H. Pike place. We have ‘fooled’ with Druker, but Reading, Mrs. The On Contributions Make It Belle of the Cake Walk, I never pulled Druker’s whiskers. Yesterday’s Banjo Duet THECENW make an assault r^Th"ipotn^GMM'y' for A.sault on Saul Monday night I did not Vocal Solo, Mrs. C. F. Mountfort Nathan Druker nor did I see any- Over $700. Master Harris I>ruuor— Melaugh Guilty oi Assault on upon Recitation, it.” Mandolin Solo, Miss Irene Chandler Waite Not body else do MAGAZINE! Nathan, and Guilty. Vocal W. 'l’haxter “As a matter of Solo, Joseph Cross-examination: Banjo Duet jj Pickanniny Revelry, court morn- do not know whether I puliod W. In the Municipal yesterday faot, FOB A Piano Solo, Mrs. Sprague last WHICH ISN’T SO BAD Guitar Club ing there came up the case against Frank Druker’s whiskers or not Monday Selection, Vega, Mandolin & of entertain- V'aite and Joseph D. Melaugh, alleged to night. I remember nothing blowing STORMY DAY. Following tho programme of ! came l have committed assault upon Nathan out a match in the entry.” ment the reception and refreshments ladies Druker and Solomon Druker Monday In answer to questions h.v the court, were served. There were only a few had a “Discount Indicators.” night of last week. Waite said that he had known Melaugh present, but those in attendance To the James A. Conuollan appeared for the for about two years. Prior to going into Portland Clergymen Are Help jolly good time. Oak Room Set. This is very mas- state while Charles A. Perkins was re- the billiard roms he was with Melaugh Thing Along By Arranging for Series I. Belgian Dining three hours. First MUSIC AND DRAMA, carved. You may have tained as cou nsel for Melaugh and Waite. continually for about of Public Meeting—Portland Maintains E sive, elaborate, and richiy hand down to Middle, where A Tho respondents announced that they went Exchange Its Reputation for Philanthropy. seen it in our window last Thanksgiving week. very for a and drank ale. would withdraw their plea of guilty he went into place HEARTSEASE. was a bad for collecting almost black. It includes: and enter Crossed the street into a room where re- Yesterday day dark finish, tho assault upon Saul Druker of minutes. Don’t funds for any cause, but notwithstanding The few who braved the blizzard pleas of not The casexrf.Nathan mained for about two on© raoie, iutooi, guilty. the terrible storm which kept almost last evening, to witness the production of On© very large Sideboard, remomber what occurred after that until was first hoard. well j Arm the were One the snow every one in doors $1X7 was added to “Heartease” at the Jefferson, One China Closet, Chair, Nathan Druker testified: “I am pro- found myself laid down in by amount whloh Is to be expended here in rewarded for their pains. The play treats of tho Pallace billiard hall and Saul Druker. 1 Four Side Chairs. prietor Portland for the of of the romantic time of the A number full of variety and interest, j ! and it was decided t con- purchase provisions eighteenth was there all of Monday night. Waito At this point y on Heroes and for the Cubans. a and an article of tho other case. clothing suffering century and possesses delightful containing J Sow $239.50. came in and wanted to play a tinue with the hearing stories of Price was $356.00. Melaugh Not a week has since this matter charm. Who Fire,” thrilling | “I was called to passed most unusnal Fight of It was late and I told them Dr. George Way said: the N. Y. Fire game pool. was first and has and the I the heroism of men in the of proposed, today $750 Tho scene Is laid in London j that I couldn't, let them do it. They attend Saul Druker on morning 1 illustrated in our store. You’ll been in this cause. in the sixties of the last A. Riis, j Thousands of similar I sears across pledged good time somewhere Dept., by Jacob bargains went out and I then locked up and Janaury 25. I found slight the Other cities may send more food and the allusion to Lord by Hambidgo; personal experi- | the all over each floor. down his face and a redness on his chest. The century, judging by | find suggestive green tags turned the out. When going ! 1 enccs of a on an lights to Cuba than Portland will, but North. the second steerage passenger J seem but he clothing Lady Neville, young overlook the may secure I heard a noise and went back and found patient did not very sick, with illus- i Be early. Don’t bargains you no will do as much in to has become ! | Atlantic steamer, striking The scars were city proportion wifo of Lord Neville, in hail. an d Sau was nervous and shaky. II Melaugh the Melaugh as “MyBedouin this week. its wealth and business prosperity will enamored of Eric Temple, a gentleman trationsby Castaigne; and I to interfere. caused by slight blows.” the got fighting attempted the old of Portland. It should of whose Friends,” life in Egyptian desert; visit was good city and musician, to the production Waite were both drunk.” Cross-examined: “My next ob- Melangh and matter of to citizen of the story of a Confederate parole j NOTICE: No Trading Have be a pride every opera at Covent Garden, she brings SPECIAL Stamps On cross-examination witness ex- on the following forenoon. tthe President Lincoln’s < i this to to the following con- Un- tained by visiting seen the city point support of her powerful patronage. a there since. I had never 1 about Terms: Cash. plained that ho carried on clothing visited all of whloh have been card; articles with new facts | ! on discount goods. Spot tributions nearly known to him she pays certain notes of given besides a man until called to see him. Robert > business on Fore street running young • ___ — made voluntarily. These are the kind of his late father which Eric had endorsed. | | Washington, Maximilian,and His also runs a Saul Druker was next heard. He stated: the author of “The billiard hall. daughter to live to do business with Burns; stories by j necktie people among, But Eric is in love with Marguerite,Lady restaurant at the corner ot Fore and India “In the hall Waite took me by the Cat and the Fox, j and to of if you hail.from the State Neville's beautiful and | [ Cherub,” by John the down brag step-daughter, “The Household streets. She is 21 years of age. and tried to pull it. On way (' and others; in the ! Outfitters,” of Maine. his love is returned. Ho declares to Lady Jr., chapters with these fel- stairs I felt kick me. When ! author of , “No. I have not ‘fooled’ somebody is much needed [ new serial by the Hugh T 1 1 i-J XI_X TIT.Un Summer clothing very Neville his love for Marguerite, and lows in and I newer had any -V Mil Jill- u^lltou •— *■<»»»» ■' —- I all-round my place tbe women and ohildren in Cuba. Mar- Wynne,” etc.,etc.—A great j I out by while he-ghhtJjrs that lady’s love, son 1 with them before. W hen I got Nathan looked his place and went number. Sold III I trouble snd tftelr ] everywhere. j They have lost their hu?hftll!?s guerite, who over,1'|Jars him, thinks he is out in the entry I lighted a match and to the park. They ran up to him and rnef&raf and ore turning to- in aml in her at mo and on protectors, love with Lady IvL-"ille. saw Waite there. He jumped somebody grabbed mo tbs nhdk. T.bsn TTQ*un uuv v* v—.- -1- revulsion of herself to blew the match cut Then I started I ran along to a fri.esif’if house to get in. feeling, pleaj?08 & LEIGHTON benevolent people for help. The United her Sir Pom- Hooper, stairs and was kicked in the Before I could the bell, one of the suitor, Geoffrey down the pull its as- Pomfeg^- Notice of Dissolution. “Your back if tbe goods don’t suit yon.” States Is not baokward In offering fret poisons Lord Neville’s mind',1against OVIi TERMS: money back. Melaugh was in the entry and it .s sistance in cases of this kind and the s Portland, Me., 1898. kioked me. After Temple and steals the score of Teh.t^c Febriuuy.i, was he who I think, rniJK firm of H. .1. Bailey & Co., dealers in of this city may be relied upon to The out into Lincoln and people opera. fact that Lady Neville ' and Upholstery Goods, at Nos. this I went park of pai(J_ Carpetings do more than their share. In the attic his debts is revealed tho T90'ffi!SJli'MIe street. Forcland. has been dis- saw and Waite assaulting ran to by vulgar city Melaugh Cross-examined: “Meiaugh up there is solved '^’BfrltloEnStiS&wfSi almost every house in Portland pjerohant, who held the notes, andJTemple ljy^TNrrvw-iirf?rs?IiT. luon Druker.” me and struck me. In the park Waite close up the affairs of the hire co-partnership. doubtless stored away summer olothing to shield Lady Neville, avows knowledge Signed, MOSES M. BAILEY, *W On redirect witness stated that when he threw me down first and then I threw or has been out THOS. M. JOHNSTON. which is now out of style of the as a loan. His love PORTLAND, had out into the Waite did not strike or payment lost, February i, 1888.-'~~’ got entry., pulled him down. I Meiaugh of the household. grown by the children his opera gone, and his honor compro- his whiskers. WheirSssaulted, turned attempt to strike him. I know of no >^vg will It may be just what some poor homeless, mised, Temple has nothing to live for. rriHE business of the old firm, with full Hue of around and saw Melaugh. Nobody else motive why either Waite or Meiaugh A and best of service in all AjB woman or ohild in Cuba needs. Then Sir goods, depart- our an- helpless Geoffrey Poinfret has the opera ments, will be continued at the oi l stand by 1 begin should assault me.’” one where it It can be of no good to any and as its This JOHNSTON, BAILEY & CO. he “Both Waite and produced poses composer. “There were two other men,” said, Nathan Druker said: of the February 1st, 1898, febldlt nual is, but it may be the means saving leads to an exciting and realistio scene '‘Supply ‘1 but I against only Melaugh were under the influenoa of complained Moaugh life of some woman or child. A notifica- in the of Covent Garden over into the foyer opera Sale” of Linens and and Waite.” liquor. When I went park of the Cuban re- tion sent to the secret ry house, leading to the boxes. A brilliant into favor from his first appearance. He Saul Druker was then called. He said: I found Saul down in the snow with lief committee at 97 E change street will Miss Goods. and and distinguished audience is present. was ably assisted by Daisy Chaplin, Housekeeping “X was working at Nathan’s on Monday Waite on top of him. I interfered and it bring a team for such clothing The strains of music from tho a'cute clever and want to do orchestra, little lady, whose portrayal For the night. I first saw Waite Melaugh said to them, ‘What, do you and past thirty will be properly packed shippod the voices of the and the enthu- of the character of “Bessie” won her im- when came into This will into the singers about 11.15 o’clock they this for? get papers. for distribution. we been col- direct to Havana siastic of the audience is heard favor from the start. Luis have Both of them came to him kiok Saul in the chest.” applause mediate right days the ball. up I saw Meiaugh held a meet- The clergymen of Portland in the Sir is con- his whiskers. When we closed “Waite and Meiaugh lobby. Geoffrey being Hall made a manly lover. Billy- the lots and pulled 'Cross-examined: and the Lay lecting special ing yesterday appointed following on every side when Erio wan- a match and saw Waite in Into the I have talked gratulated Bowers is a clover Dutch comedian up, we lighted followed Saul park. for a series very committee whioh.will arrange ders on the as he is which we shall and about this case, scene, reoognizes, and is to be commended for his excellent, offer, the entry. with Samuel Rosenberg the cause of suffer- of publio meetings in sadly conversing with the no relation to Nathan Druker,” haven’t to act for Saui Marguerite, work as Fritz Grabliolt. The other as all these were “X am but I attempted Cuba. Reverends Shepherd, Dun- goods “When ing music and songs of his own opera, and l.e replied on cross-examination. about settling it ap. I saw Rosenberg members of ,-tho company who deserve nock, Klmmell, Fenn, Perkins, Berry, denounces Sir as a thief. He on this side the ocean be- came into the hall afternoon. Didn’t tell him Geoffrey Waite and Melaugh Wednesday Morrill and Malvern. This com- special mention are: Amy Paige, Pearl Here- Ayres, goes to the lodgings of his friend, Capt. there was another man with them. that Saui was very sick, would probably at ten James lore the new tariff went mittee will meeet this morning who is in love with Evolynne, Marguerite Mayfield, had been with cost or to O’Hara, Temple’s tofore everything pleasant die and that it would $100 $500 M. C. A. rooms to make Wall and K. Vareo. o’clock at the Y. sister, whore he is followed by a challenge Edgar into effect we own them us.” settle it.” arrangements for the publio meetings. fromiPomfret, and the duel is Side Tracked is a good, clean, up-to- the evidence for the state was called and said: “In the arranged This closed Meiaugh lists stands as follows: at the old The subscription to take place in the room witihn an hour. date show show and deserves crowded prices. were called. room I made no assault upon Saui. and the respondents pool Mrs. J. F. Libby, * 5.00 old Marguerite, who had thought him mad, houses everywhere. To the immediate ; Meiaugh testified: '“I am 2D years I did nothing to him not putting my Mrs. C. B. Watson, 1.00 get 2-00 had afterwards recognized Temple’s and this is the first time that I have ever hands on him or making any effort to do Cash, HUMANITY. attention of two or 3.00 song of Heartsease” in the opera und housekeepers been arrested. During tho last so. Did not see Waite touch him either. Cash, Elizabeth Pullen, 10.00 it his. Neville has On Wednesday and Thursday, under in Druker’s at all that knew was Lady already we have marked three weeks have been place. I didn’t enter Lincoln park Wm. H. 5.00 manyot Scott, oonfessed that it was he loved thedireCtion of William A. Brady, the been tho custom to ‘fool’ wHh the hall was I went W. 15.00 Marguerite It has night. After closed, Hon. John Deering, of will FREE DEMONSTRATION the lots at treasurer, 5.00 and that he knew nothing about the debt great sporting playr “Humanity” special prices in there. When we went in Mon- down Pearl street to go home. On my George H. Libby, city people 35.00 be seen at Portland Theatre. There are ( Goudy & Kent, payment. Marguerite, convinced of his | us fellows day night there were with way down, I saw a crowd of fellows near tar below their actual val- Geo. S. Rowell, editor of the Ad- innocence and love, follows him to twenty people in the cast, three horses and named Nickerson and Peterson. We the Druker, who was down, 5.00 park. Young vertiser, fifteen fox and the race scene is O’Hara’s lodgings. The lovers are mat- hounds, ue. It is an ‘fooled’ a little with Druker and then and started for mo, and I H. N. PJnkham, solicitor for the opportunity jumped up one that will set the pulses ttairs to- insurance underwriters, 100.00 ed again, but she makes him swear that bounding, came out. We all went down slapped him once in the face. Then young to the linen chest James Cunningham, 5.00 he will not It is her honor against and thoroughly please every lover of a supply I did not strike, kick or make went down Pearl street and I fight. gether. Druker horse. The play is crowded with PRODUCTS and he sacrifices his own tor hers. good GRIST MILL more than The his, OLD offer to kick Nathan Druker. and took Waite back. Then I went From J. J. solicitor for the economically any went Pooler, and the are said She is ooncealed behind the curtain as realism, stage pictures ( him was when he came with committee: | last that X saw of home. I have never had any trouble to be very beautiful. prices will everbeableto do Charles Jr., 6.00 Jaok O'Hara with Sir Geoffrey and his Popular For : One : Week. you’ll out and he was walking up Congess these fellows or anybody else.” McCarthy, A friend, 3.00 seeond.Major Twombley, enters the room. prevail. it ol* street.” Waite said: “The first thing I remember 5.00 again. Today’s L. S. Wyman, When refuses to Sir STAR COURSE “Have seen I saw no- * Temple fight. Geoffrey Cross examined: people was Saul being on top of me. Miss C. E. Porter, 10.00 Old Grist Mill Coffee. = embraces I have never ’' 3.00 heaps insults upon him and finally fering thirty Druker’s vshiskerB but strike or kiok Saul Druker. Ella S. Sargent, Tlie Fisk Jubilee will give the pull body Singers — Mill Toasted Wheat. = J. K. Falmouth hotel, 6.00 strikes him and at Old Grist it. I was not under the infiuence of said: “1 live in Martin, again again. Stung Course entertainment dons Samuel Rosenberg Swett’s 6.Oil Star Wednesday Wheat. items, including towels, Charles S. Swett, hotel, last the appears Old Grist Mill Boll at the time. Waite was drunk.” and have been in busi- by insult, Marguerite The Boson Herald Portland, engaged 1.09 evening. says: "" liquor Portland Tavern, As Old Grist Mill Crackers. da- “I live in this and and 3.00 and bids Erio‘‘fight that man.” Sir napkins, tray cloths, Waite testified: city ness for ten years. I know Meiaugh J. C. White, Preble house, The seventh entertainment in the Bos- court Geoffrey fails wounded Lord Neville ap- S Old Grist Mill Flour. S always have. Have been in this Saul Druker, but Dot Waite. On Wednes- ton Star Course was given last night at masks, sheets and pillow From George T. Ingraham, solicitor pears. Ho has learned the truth, apolo- = Old Grist Mill Malt Extracts. E twice before on charges of intoxication, day afternoon I went to see Nathan Infuntry Hall. A concert by the Fisk for the committee: to sends Sir to cases, bed etc. gizes Temple, Geoffrey ~ quilts, Druker about this oase. Melaugh sent me Milliken, Tomlinson Co., 20.00 Jubilee Singers was the attraction 25 Souvenir Spoons to the first 25 lady purchasers of the devil and the to a 20.80 brings play happy Mill Bread «. there. I also went to see young Druker The Twitohell, Champlin Co., offered. There was a large audience, as EE Grist Milt Goods each day. A loaf of Grist to Prominent among them Fred E. Allen & Co., 20.00 ending by giving his daughter to Tern- —s of Grist Mill Goods Bay. on the of the same date at the usual, and the songs of the colored sing- each purchaser Every eyening E. Churchell, 20 00 is a lot ot Dieacnea raDie (JXO. y of Melaugh. Saul was in bed in J. H. Hamlen & Son, 20.00 ers were received with clamorous ap- Put This Article Is Not a Patent Medicine request The Is well constructed and It was could not tell Burnham & 79.00 plot encores follow- a room by himself and I Morrill, plause, encores and double Damask, 66 inches and Ad. The D. W. Clark Ice Co., 10.00 beautifully played. Mr. Henry Mlller’e whether anything was the matter with ing nearly every number.” The pro- Conant, Patrick l eod.it Coffee and brands President—Frederic Robie. of many New Englanders, flourished, doctor’s a W. Mason. Installation of Officers and Entertainment fore the curtain, and Mr. Miller received oil spots, Postum. At the suggestion, Secretary—Wm. spread, and thrown out numberless imperfect (tiny House committee—Frederic enthusiastic a tho- each were to him, which Clearing by K. of P. lodge. four recalls from hack to sample of given Wm. G. branches, all traceable the origi- etc., no Robie, Stephen R. Small, audience. finger marks, were taken home for roughly appreciative wheel club has analysis. Davis, James P. Baxter, Elias Thomas. nal gag. The Portland Last was the silver anniversary “Heartsease” will be repeated this eve- to be sold at After careful trial of each'and'thorough evening not disputed the correctness of this holes) 69c. K. of P. aDd we advise all who enjoy a the doctor recommended Postum of Munjoy lodge, Preparations ning, not formed itself into a Robinson In Sangerville, Jan. 21, William Jackson, agec analysis, theory, but In Bar Harbor. .lain. 19. Harvard G. A lot of the made for an elaborate celebra- clean, refined, yet and de- 64 years. particularly good as the one cereal coffee that conained FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. had been strong play, of one and culled ail and Mias Bertlm L, Tracy of Franklin. W. Smith, pruning committee Miss In Farmlligton, Jan. 22, William but the severe storm artistic and conscientious act- Pittsfield, Jan. 22. Chas. H. Dean and elements of nutrition needed, and there- tion of the event, lightfully tho in sight for use >n In aged 44 years. fine cotton sheets, hem. At the annual meeting of the First latost sprouts Grace E. Pusher of Unity. M. to a to and see it. In "Verona, Jan. 14, Louis Whlttemore, upon Mr. Kies at once left off the use of kept the attendance down compara- ing, go minstrel show at the Horace B. Smalley and Minnie Presbyterian sooiety held last Friday the Black and Tan In‘Searsport, aged 23 years. stitched with three inch number. to the F. Honan, both of Belfast. Ivoberts, common coffee and took on Postum. His tively small Owing delay SIDE Friday and and In Penobscot, Jan. 20, Mrs. Mary night, the following trustees were elect- TRACKED. Jefferson theatre, Saturday, In Waldo, Jan. 21. Melvin Harvey Mary 92 __ health was and it is need- in the arrival of the installing officer, of seats both of Swanvllle. aged years. [T at returnee rapid, ed : 4 and 6. Sale opens M. Wine, In Brooksville. Jan. 21, Mrs. Sarah W. Hoop- hem 55c. Hemstitched L. Side Tracked, a sensational comedy February C. H. Haynes and Mrs. less to tho customers of that Grand Chancellor Eugene Half ill Eubec, Jan. 29, 23 say grocery For Three Years—Allred Robertson, Deputy Wednesday at 9 a. m. rates on er, aged years. of Westbrook on account of the drama with a lot of bright, up-to-date In Bar Harbor, Jan, 21, Asnley Page, aged Pillow Cases to match at store frequently hear a good word from James W. Fitzpatrick, Edward E. Web- Harmon Maine Central. Edward F. Hutchins and and and med- YVelis? years. the or his clerks in to the ster. slow at which the cars were mov?d singing dancing specialties Jan. 16, Maria Smith, aged grocer regard speed The sale of seats for the minstrels will William E. Rush of Mon- In Vinalhaven, 15c. For Two Years—A. G. Alchorn. a late hour Portland "in3 Houlton^ Jaiuio, 03 Food Coffee. on the Westbrook line it was leys, was tho attraction at the at 9 o’clock. Richmond. year** famous.Postum One begin tomorrow morning ticello and Ella Day of Edmond Pusliaw, formerly oi For Year—Edward Hayden. com- a 1,1 Brownvilla, are the exercises of the evening theater last and entertained There hundreds of cases, somewhat before evening Numbers will be given out at 10 o’clock ° chancellor The Belfast, Jan. 12, Mary Wadsworth, aged similar to this one, in which have menced. The deputy grand large and audience. must be made hour- ln' people appreciative tonight, and report 8 us to S. in the work of installation DEATHS- 88 Permit introduce been down in health for varying U. CIRCUIT COURT. was assisted company is a one and tho mem- will open house 111 Jan. IS. Lydia) Louden. aged yrs. running strong ly. The wheel club keep Calais, P. Gusli- well drilled staff. The following In Eastport, Jan. 20, Mrs. Harriet of time and have been unable to by his bers at ease in their re- all coffee and sandwiches our new the lengths appear perfectly night, and hot In this city, .Tan. 31. James C., son of James manager for officers were installed: John E. Gray. determine the cause of the trouble. It is Before Judges Putnam and Webb. spective parts. will be served to those in line for tickets. and Julia Reddy. ,nFnaRockiniid.*UJai]. Id. Capt. and Boston formerly of Bluehill, ag i 7«s years. Linens Mr. a trouble that does not seem to to P. C.—C. M. Lawrence. is a [Lewiston papers please copy.] Department; yield The in the play In Convene. Jan. 31. William Healey iu Thomastoiv, Jan. 12. George Wats, form- Monday—In the case of James B. Dunn C. C.—C. W. Plummer. powerful figure (Seoago) medicines or to treatment of kind. 72 years a months 2S days. erly of St George, aired 69 years- any the Harris Palatial Car and P.—W. U. Newhall. whose efforts aged I. late R. JrL. vs. company, tramp through persistent MARRIAGES. in Augusta, Jan. 29. Luienia R. Hoytjwldow In New Sharon, Jan. 19. James George, JlLosiet, of The true remedy for a generally run down Car M. of W.— C. M. Lawrence. the Harris company, for infringe- a mysterious crime is finally cleared up, of the late Euinond S. Hoyt, aged <32 years. aged SI years. Stearns & Boston. is, to abandon drinking ment of a paper, the court this morning K. of R. and S.—E. E. Crooker. [Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at 2,30 In Waldo boro. Jan. 19. MmElmira Sprague, Co., condition, ^coffee the the g|l'lty 83 a iinal decree for the M. of F.—J. M. Black. good rewarded and o’clock, from St. Lawrence Street Congrega- \ formerly of Nobleboro. aged years. and take on Postum Cereal Food entered complain- In this Jan. by Rev. S. F. Pearson, Coffee, Morns. is city, 29. Church. Portland. In Newport, Jan. 20, John Stewart, aged ant. This case was begun in 1805 and M. of E.—George P. to This ably liavis Collamore ami Miss Sadie M. larker, lional which to “work to rebuild brought justioe. part Mass., wife of Solo- 63 goes directly much attention at the time. The M, at A.—Daniel King. both ol Portland. la Boston, Jan.31, Susan, j years. attracted young of Portland* In Jan. 20, Mrs. Sarah Pease, broken down tissues assumed by E. H. Homer a clover In Hull and rnon Johnson, Newport, aged nerve throughout Harris Car Company is enjoined from I. C.— A. B. Hodgdon. Saco, Jan. 26. Mrs, Charles H. i i OWEN, MOORE Si GO* himself Miss Fannie [Notice of funeral liereaiter.J 75 years. the human bodv. using the patent In question. O. G.—D. Y. Harris. comedian who sang and dancod M. Tarbox. SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. FOll of | _MISCELLANEOUS. PEARL KING. now rests in the Cathedral Monzza, THE onde: this head MISCEtlASTEOUS._! of the monks Forty words Inserted , and is under the care caa'n In advance. FEULOW FEELING. Wire. one week lor 25 oentw. A These holy men A Young Californian’s Interesting Trade of the establishment. Special no By while Natives of Pacific Islands. call attention to the fact that Revere House Lessees Co. resl- eu “Wondrous With -^>ea„ ^^±33- *? L' OR SALE—Beautiful new suburban Slakes Portland People clean the Mrs. ALEXANDER. con- has ever been made to JBy -* deuce of ten (10) rooms, with every as Elsewhere. attempt ,§1 wood Kind” of rust venience and Situated on Glen baser metal, still there is no sign luxury. oi (From the Chicago Times-Herald.) avenue, Deering Highlands, the best par. street cars, open it. upon it—a fact which conclusively proves Deering, two minute* from A fellow feeling prompts It is not generally known that one located S fireplaces, healed throughout, sewer, fine batn its sacred origin. Lowest rates in rC Centrally hard wood have troubles of our own. a [Copyright, 1897, by the IT room, electric lights and bells, We all single merchant, young Californian, Author.] and materials and ■ m £>%/(^ ^ England possesses but two the books writing for First- Y tL/H near Union Station 'fip floors, cypress finish, lavato y down stairs, assistance. 32 of controls the and The of bell Boston We appreciate years age, pearl is the sharp tingle tho telegraph scattered about and sug- 5.500 feet of land, very sightly, a magnificent which are ever used. One of these needlework Hotel, ioo Relief from trouble promotes gratitude. pearl shell market of America and Eur- warned the station master at Bracknell well Class and business dis- 1!? home. Our price this winter is only $3,500. British state the other the crown of quiet, employed, happy terms ot DALTON & CO., is crown, gestive Easy payment. Gratitude promotes publicity. ope. This monarch of the pearl trade Park that the 6:30 train had left its last different from his own Rooms,? per day trict. Artesian well 478 1-2 St. l-l of England, The former is reserved for lives—how 2x Congress good. in the Pa- and he hastened across or public Samuel Harris. He latter is halting place, single° person, _ ., V[ Publicity promotes operates important while the troubled existence! water from well on occasions, stormy, TO spoil new two flat modern A man with a btrsl back. cific and he has built up an as- used at times less the followed by his staff of two and stood and R SALE—Elegant Ocean, demanding magnifi- line, He walked to the window $1.50 upwards ,51 house on Glen wood avenue, Deering High- that aotaes all day and doesn’t in the cence. The state crown, the one used by to the arrival which and I land. Finished in The kind tounding commercial reputation porters, platform, his long mustache for two. BOSTON. premises. ^ cypress, open fireplaces, Victoria when ascending the there pulling ^ steam heat, arate back aDd front There are of Queen the little sta- sep entrances, Tease at night. course of eight years. plenty that was opposite ivy grown at the door into the conservato- cellars and throne, was made espo?tally lor pur- gazing UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. separate heaters, line bath rooms, man when his back is West and wheat large chambers, a 12 cent ton- Is a grateful cattle in the kings pose, and weigh3 but thirty-nine ouncees tion. through which a tall young lady per investment, ry, i-st part of Deering, 2 minutes to street cars, in the and kings every It is valued at The jewels Bracknell Park is one of those “resi- an cured. East, money $1,800,000. came swiftly to him, exceedingly EDW. sewer, ebago, hot water, electric hard it. with which it is studded were REYNOLDS. light to tdil his friends about is one supplied dential” which have devel- 0^'‘,u So#e wood floors, papered none like it He wants where, but there only pearl king, properties fair pale and delicate looking, A. REYNOLDS. f? throughout, mostly fro in older diadems of the realm, girl, Ctub eCWJ. °'",ecf, TO in Deering or Portland; price reasonable; terms know relief can be had. is Harris. Thousands of rare, of lat6 years in the neighborhood but saved from a '°n- Ret them and that and include nearly 3,000 stones. The cap oped with light bronze hair, JOHN F. MERROYV. yd. Park. night. has made these Pacific land spots the field mense which into his with spoke. “Don’t bo too sure. I have not too card case con- Congress, Pearl, particularly 8t.,on Congress, a small black Brown, Smith, Spruce. Dow. come from the of Edward the Con- the aforesaid villas and stead- Lafayette, State, were very noticeable my body of his business. It was on ring of mansions, “Val,” she repeated, looking a I am taining a sum of money. Finder will be liber- irmptoms interesting was good record. considered reckless, North. Oxford, Danforth. Wilmot. Mayo, Cedar, fessor. So were the virtues it its rewarded communicating with Mr. bloated. I took from time to of Tahiti that first he earned great has considerably enlarged borders into his which dwelt upon her ally by Roberts, Vesper, Washington, Salem. and limbs tho shores its con- ily eyes, extravagant, a gambler, of New Tele- supposed to have gained through the de- quarrelsome, ELLIOT, Manager England Green, Hancock. Portland, Merrill by physicians of After transac- was and increased its importance by a curious, look, “what is and Co., Exchange street lime medicine prescribed his title king. repeated tact with this holv man that it gen- with hungry and men are ready to believe anything phone Telegraph and ninny other streets. For prices and other if benefit stone endowed its of its trade and the establish- is Portland, Maine. 28-1 to Real Estate Offi First but I received very little any tions with the natives whom he employed erally believed that the velopment the matter*? Something wrong, very of a gambler. Nor are they far wrong. particulars apply e. over various diseas- National Bank Building. FREDERICK S. the attacks would wear away he possessor with power ment of a post and telegraph office. from it, and In pearl fishing stimulated them diadems of wrong. It’s the most devilish tendency that ev- VAIL L. 27-1 es. In connection with the later and the MISCELLANEOUS. to return with A few minutes train returned Oarew, nf themselves only greater from passivity to great activity, gaining be mentioned the ancisnt “Wrong enough, er dragged a man down. England might a scream from the whis- OR SALE—Cigar store, newspapers, etc. an account in a daily still be came in, with a her hand go vigor. I read their confidence and trust by honest and , which may with quick sigh, letting “My mother and I will go to James Harriette I. Curtis, chiropodist ip G4l CONGRESS ST. 26-1 and I Castle. It was made tle and a loud of the brakes. to REMOVALand manicure, over the Green about Doan's Kidney Pills reliable barter. He never made seen in Edinburgh grinding and moving restlessly the fireplaca and insist”— Ruth formerly ipaper prom- began eagerly. store, removed to the Baxter room 28. OR SALE—Or lease, a lot of land in the fourteenth century, and, of course, Several alighted, all men, building, at the West I would try them as I was pretty ises to them tnat he did not He passengers but where will find him?” where she will be to welcome old End, corner Forest and streets thought keep. was used at the of Mary, “Aye, you pleased Congress & men, most of whom car- patrons, also new, after Feb. 2d. Take eleva- about feet. to E. H AK- at the-timo I sent to H. H. Hay them in full the which probably city Carew. “Even his containing 4,224 Apply bad paid price they Queen of Soots. interrupted lawyers tor. l-l LOW, 919 Congress St. of Free crown is a won- ried offerings for the domestic shrine— jan25dtf store at the junction demanded. Himself a finished critic, a The Russian imperial will not his address and didn’t look fckm’s drug The Czar flat give com- derful of workmanship. i. e., the kitchen—small, baskets vital interest to owners. Now is jind Middle Streets, for a box and connoisseur, he never permitted them to piece too friendly when I asked them for it. property l^Ok SALE—We will sell balance of our stock uy jjis poujjjo a wooden OF the time to have made water- “■ of rob s and blankets le>s than At first tho sedi- being regaraeu M-i cunningly secured with skew- your gutters furs, any menced to use them. overvalue a of shells, and grew well as a The mere fact of being suspected of tight to save and car- house in Maine. BRADLEY & 33 and pile they extent a religious as temporal brown spoiling your plastering SMALL, it less er, and humpy paper bags, sug- we are the WM. H 35 Prebie street. 29-1 ment Increased, but by and by grew to admire him. He controlled the si;ua- it is not surprising to find the..badge pet|and parties tojdoit. lord, of the and the fruit- S OTT CO, 33 Union St. 2G-1 The puiiiDg of tion at Tahiti. He was easily king. of sovereignty modelled after the patri- gestive fishmonger !»nd fioftlly disappeared. diamonds SALE—House, stable and five acres of It is said that Harris has been a lover of archal mitre. Five beautiful erer. Among them were two of a differ- llhe body went- away and the annoying form the want of one ot the best trades in a FORland near Lunt’s corner. This property is delicate since his on a ; ruby be d-*" a these gems boyhood. resting magnificent tJUb HbtllXiU-UXIU, lilAA, E5JJUAC, BUIU.XCAAJ' [To continued.] .. «creSf within short Price $1,400. Terms W. F. difficulty left summit. Dia- distant of cheap. easy. and distressing urinary Pearls have always been to him the most cross which composes its Pc l enquire of Box 261, DRESSER, No. 80 Portland, Me. “.01 of 30 or more, IV Exchange &t., to Doan's must the utmost looking perhaps Westbrook. Hue. I will ever be a friend mysterious, tut; wunucnui, tut) monds and pearls of perfection SHOP LIFTERS SENTENCED. ^>9_1 25-1 it is claimed, has either naturo or mneh sun- every- handiwork of nature. To him, and a which, swarthy by 111 ONEY on Pills and I strongly urge beautiful sapphire TO LOAN _ mort Kidney one unsur- Salem, January 31.—In the Superior SALE—In three miles from with an artistic, idealistic no rival, render this diadem with black hair and 1TJt at 5 and 6 cent. ARI!r%« Deerlng, such a medicine to try gifted temper- burned, nearly court gages per first who requires Criminal today Judge Bradley class at 6 cent, FORPortland, farm of 30 acres, nicely situated body ament, they appealed in romantic, poetic in magnificence. a country mortgages per passed German mustache. He had distinguished air, sentence upon three of the princi- on high land, l 1-2 story house and stable in To him each translucent The crown by the passed discounted at reasonable rates. W. F. D ^hem.” way. globule possessed and at the ”’0- of the celebrated repair. Price reasonable, terms easy. W. all The cap but his face was plain, pals Lynn shop-lifting ER, No. 80 Exchange St., Portland, Mo. 25 _ ^figd Doan’s Kidney Pills are for sale by seemed like a tear from the wierd eyes of is ot peculiar shape. No. 80 Exchange St.. Portland, *-T>pe^r,r' from att -t ive. It cases. District Attorney White moved ^^•itESSER, Foster- an earth-bewitched mermaid. They r—4 upon **"2+ *»*‘*w^ f'>rT °V mept 25-i 50 cents. : by be for the counts first and second _ lealers, price Slaile^ s crosses and the others wiin that sentence given only TO LOAN—On were silent tokens of th'-‘ with diamond wore a harsh, fierce expression, while MONEY Y., sole agents while upon w hich the defendants pleaded guilty. mortgages on real estate, stocks, bonds, Curran & Wolf modem dry- Uilburn Co.,'.Buffalo,’N. Pined for a terres- the of the imperial eagle, P'OR-SALlk-AA she who perh--- figure his dark eyes looked eager and who life insurance policies a- a notes or any good kiln, all in or- Item ember grief, four hoops with dia- large, Clara H Phillips, pleaded guiltv capjtj^ty 40,000 feet, perfect from the United States., _the trial lover. above this sparkling securities. I. P. BUTLER, 48 1-2 Exchange der; very%^\-. Can be seen at No. 59 a strained. on two was fined tlOO and price substitute Harris took a pleasure monds a globe surmounted by counts, street. 20-4 York street. name DOAN’S and take no Finally v/uang support and Luella I. l'%t) of, RUFUS DEERING Isles and As he to let the train clear Florence Mnnson Cobb, 390 vovasy- 'r-' the distant Society golden cross. .... paused CO., CommerciaF*St. 21-2 both in and who had guilty on the same num- AT ED—At 5 or 6 <*,w what made his enthusiastic eyes Singularly beautiful, shape he was the other, a mid- pleaded MORTGAGES N EGOTI per Lro- away joined by ber of counts were also fined 8100 each. cent for account of estates end individuals in their sockets. He saw native ornamentation, is the crown of the dle man who had from a on real and others you can afford .to COME, [bulge the'coronet there aged alighted Mrs. Phillips was sentenced for stealing estate security. Builders GSSTtsrfUiiWfIndulge yb*mm^&ryo\ix ! children playing along the sands with the peror of Austria. From each an two lots of one valued at $5 and will find our facilities equal to any, and onr Electric (Wbfor in the of a news* he had ever ho saw ornaments, third class carriage, exceedingly tall, goods, fJamily luxury good weekly j richest pearls seen; arise eight jewelled charges very moderate. For particulars of The o! who walked in the other at 56 apply toaper and a quarterly magazine of fiction. I the native belles Dassing by with ropes tonped by a superb pearl. hoop loosely built individual, to the Real Estate Office. First National Bank FOR SAFE! such an enormous ij'DL’T'»T?'oi/'i.r cj tt nn Vou can both of these with i pearly gems about their throats, the cap is surmounted by a fashion. get publications weak, shambling A five horse electric motor in first- as would have made a The is of ruby colored power a of novels 'for treasures, society sapphire. lining and PORTLAND POST OFFICE. Almost library good $5 pe: year. is also His face was rugged gaunt, light- will advance on kind of class condition, can be seen running any day in I rjneen turn pale with envy. Then Harris velvet. The Emperor the.possessoi money any sur- “You mtcjht trust me, too, Val.n merchandise to or will the w eek. For further particulars and made his first, business to Tahiti, and of the sacred crown of Hungary. This is, ed by a pair of dreamy eyes and WE consigned us, appoint- THE JOURNAL trip cash for household furniture, store ment to see motor, address, BP. O. BOX 452, him worth of mer- two crowns, which have been a shock of wild red hair. In ‘‘But I must not bore about my ill OFFICE HOCKS. pay ! he t ok with i3,000 in'fact, mounted by you stocks and iixtures of description. GOSS Portland. Me. janl2dlm OF SOCIETY first is a any elandise. His burden consisted mainly of welded The ,,goldon he looked When will mother be in? I & 18 Free street. 11-tf j together. spite of these peculiarities luck. your Cashier's Office, (Sundays excepted.) 7.30 at WILSON, Auctioneers, 1 knives, rope, fishhooks and arti- diadem ornamented with pearls and prec- SALE—At Old Orchard Beach, summer tobacco, He touched his want her sorely. m. to 7.30 p. m.: Money order department. 9.00 |^ORr These were luxuries to the other a Byzantine circle. eminently respectable. help TO LOAN—On first and second boarding house, Winona house, cles of clothing. ious stones, a. m. to 6.00 p. m.: Registry department, 9.00 a. beautifully coronet is as he the first de- “She must be here soon. I expected MONEY on Real Estate at as low rate of situated on Hotel street, 10 rods from depot, 15 the native Tahitites, and the pearl trader At the back of the Byzantine hat joined gentleman m. to 6.00 p. m. mortgages four interest as can be obtained in Portland; also, rods from site of proposed pier, 19 furnished ; back that year in exchange for an enormous sapphire surrounded by scribed and was a her at 6. D> 7.30 brought greeted by quick General livery, (Sundays excepted.) loans made on stocks, bonds, personal proper- rooms, house in first class repair and will be worth of stones of some unknown 9.00 to 10.00 a. hi merchandise fully $40,300 oblong green Carew throw himself into an easy a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Sundays m., or other securities. of A. sold if sold at once. at SMITH as to what “Ha! How goes it, MacDougal?” ty any good Inquire cheap Inquire pearls and pearl shells. He did not con- kind. Lapidaries disagree 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. C, LIBBY & 42 1-2 St. & ROBIE’S STORE. Old Orchard, Me. 5-1 be. This “Well, I thank yon, Captain Carew. chair and leaned his head on his hand CO., Exchange janl2-4 iM/ranor aider it a bad bargain, and he has been these remarkable gems may Carriers' Deliveries, (Sundays excepted.)—In of ex- a in these with a “world-famed for its brightness and the most back every year since. crown has been the subject many You’ve been stranger parts desponding gesture. business section of the city between High and Household goods of every de- the lowest pearls adventures. In 1818 it fell “You trust me, too, Val,” India streets at 7.00. 9.00 and 11.00 a. m., 1.30 and scription are always to be found .t WANTED. General a wider Formerly only grade traordinary lately.” might CONSIGNED complete Weekly—covering American market, of Kossuth and mysteri- 6 p. m.; in other sections at 8.00 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. sale at our Auction Rooms. We often I were brought to the into the hands for some still beside him. ■range of subjects suited to the tastes of men had it that “Aye. I haven't been down said Buth, standing Sunday delivery at Office window, 9.00 to 10.00 iirivatelave articles less than half the cost to man- The liner ones were retained abroad and Humor Maine an ac- j ously disappeared. be muoh but it a. 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. Collections from street ufacture. GOSS & 18 in every town in and women of culture and refinement than any this side of carried it off, broken it up, time, 'returned Carew as they crossed “I might not of use, m., WILSON, Auctioneers, i rarely ever found their way Kossuth had boxes at 7.00 and 11.00 a. m., 4.00 and 8.00 p. m. Free street. 11-tf WANTEDtive agent to anvass for “Alaska and in Others a be a relief to talk of trou- Gold C. the journal—ever published. Subscription price, the water. Harris has turned the tables, and sold the jewels Turkey. to the other side, giving brief good would your Sundays, 6.00 p. m. only. Kondike Fields,” by A. Harris, annum. been taken to Lon- of well known author and traveller. For par- $4 per and now brings to the San Franoisco declared that it had to the station master as bles.” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. WANTED—All persons in want trunks morrow they ticulars address Box 839, Portland, Me. 28-1 TALES FROM TOWN a ! market the most found any- don. A Government commission was ap- and bags to call on E. D. REYNOLDS, TOPICS, 256 pago perfect pearls him. “I am iu a an awful Boston, Southern and Western, intermediate are into the but passed hole, hole, 563 Congress street, one door above Shaw’s of the where. The perfect stones Orient pointed to inquire mystery, offices and connections via. Boston & Maine Quarterly Magazine fiction, appearing 1 bet- see store, as we manufacture our ANTED—Ladies to demonstrate and ean- whiteness or until 1853. when a “I Mr. Hastings is getting he returned. “I don’t my at grocery goods \\r first of and and of Translucent glimmer- discovered nothing hope Buth,” railroad (Easiern Division.) Arrive 12.20, vass for an article of merit. Pleasant, in- day March, June, September De- secret and can therefore give bottom prices. irridescense. They are finely syra- offered to disclose the as out of it unless can 5.00 and 11.00 p. m.; close 7.45 a. m„ 12.00 m., work in the lii e. Ad- cember, ar.d novels the ing countryman ter, sir,” began MacDougal they way Lady Hastings Trunks repaired. Open evenings. We frame teresting grocery Salary. publishing original by are and led the searches 5.15 and 9.00 p. arrive 1.00 p. m., ! metrical in form and the best gener- of its hiding place, the road which led at brother. m.; Sundays, pictures. 23-2 dress A. B. C., this office. 29-1 best writers of the day and a mass of short in the roots ol walked up through get your close 3.30 ana 9.00 p. m. al'v pearl shaped, like a falling tear. The to a tree near Orsova, etc. be buried. the “But he must not see any one, not and and interme- clones, poems, burlesques, witticisms, Hunt for these beauties of the deep goes which Kossuth had caused it to park. Boston, Southern Western, to loan on real estate mortgages at Hr ANTED—Boys and girls to call at 11 Ex »» annum. crowns in not. I hear he is in a had and know how diate offices and connections, via Boston md MONEY5 to 6 a Iso real estate St., THE WESTON REMEDY ...Iption price, $>.per mi incessantly. The same excitement One of the most beautiful “I’m afraid even my mother, you percent, bought change Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at sold and and rents collected and CO. For 1 work you can earn a a Club for annum. attend the as sur- is that of the of Denmark. a and rented, day’s watch, price both, $5 per ! and uncertainty fishing Europe King much he likes her, though she is step- a. 8.30 close 6.00 and 7.45 in de- way.” 10.45 m., 5.30 and p. m.; property cared for. 25 years in the business. fine gold ring, a fleetwood clock, set of engraved You can have both of these if subscribe round the tireless chase for or the while simple you gold This, compraatively “So I believe, sir. Her ladyship went mother. We went up to visit him last a. m. and 2.30 p. m. N. S. GARDINER, 185 Middle street, Room 4. silverware etc. We can also give men and a diamond mine. of most artistic NOW and a bonus of 10 novels selected from determined digging,in sign, is workmanship. via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive jan2l-2 women profitable employment. 28-1 sur- to see him one last week, but the Mrs. was Eastern, is the same labor and the oft re- which the circlet is up day week, yet nurse, Somers, the list below. Regular price for each, 50 There The.leaves by 2.00 and 4.00 a. m., 12.50 and 6.15 p. m.; close i Now and then a mounted are curved and veined by prec- she wasn’t let to have speech of him, to refuse us. His mind is much 10.30 a. 12.30 and 9.00 m. to loan on real 5 and 6 r WANTED—About April 1st three or Cents. All sent peated disappointment. obliged m., p. estate, p postpaid. fear- leaf is ornamented cent also to loan HOOMSfour unfurnished rooms suitable for house- ; great surprise is brought up by the ious stones, and each and he seemed so bright and well when disturbed and he is ordered to the sea- Augusta, intermediate offices and connections MONEY per annum; money Remit in New York or on insurance Address, with terms, “Rent,” Press $5 exchange, express i less diver. That compensates for in turn bv a magnificent jewel. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 2.00 and life policies, notes, bonds, keeping. pearl he was down herp last spring. side. household and collateral Office. 29-1 postal money order, or registered i it was an immense of the is an 9 00 a. 12.50 and 6.15 p. m.; close at 6.00 and goods any good by letter, ail the rest. Lately The King Belgians i m, P. Ko he is re- m. security. W. CARR, m 5, Oxford with a list of the 10 novels i the handsomest of its kind monarch. There is no corona- “Well, deuced queer now,” “He has there. At least he has 10.30 a. m.,12.30, 4.15 and 9.00 p. together selected, black pear], uncrowned gone Building, 185 Middle street. 8-4 dessert Burnham’s Jellycon. ocean. in the exact sense of the “And how is Mac- intermediate offices and connec- by numbers, to ! ver snatched from the fathomless tion function turned Carew. it, quitted his lodgings in Kensington and Farmington. WANTED—BestBeef, Wine and Iron is good. Clam con- via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at TOW* TOPICS, Harris brought it in his last voy- word. The feature of the ceremony have to tions, Bouillion no equal. Beef Extract as good as Dougal, that you rope enough left no address. 6.30 close at 7.45 a. m. and 12.30 SOS Fiftli ex- to 1.00 and p. m.; Clam Chowder all Ask Avenue, Kew York. use fo San Francisco. After careful sists in the King’s swearing preserve BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. any. right. your grocer j wander so far from the postoffice?” “That seems p. m. For sale trade amination it was found to be absolutely the'constitution and laws of the country. very extraordinary.” for Burnham's. by generally no with the Bockland. intermediate offices and connec- it and will use no other. 29-1 '*-THE SALE OF A SOUL. M. McLellan. ! a of six karat s. It had in early times royal dia- “Oh, I had business post- “Not to me,” cried Yal, up Try By C. S. perfect, having weight Spain starting tions via ltnox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive TirANTED—Party to take active interest in ♦—THli COL’SJ N OF A. S. VanWestrum. in I THE KING. By i is valued in the London market at £150. nor dees its crown today figure master at Nutfield. He is over me, you to and fro—“not to consid- ii construction business that will •—SIX MONTHS IN HADES. Clarice I. dem, to pace me, 12.50 and 6.16 p. m.; close at 6.00 a. m. and 12.30 pay buy for spot cash, from 10 to By CJingham. Harris has revolutionize the coronation the sovereign where int and business ♦—THE SKIRTS OF CHANCE. By Captain Alfred Since 18!4 the services, know. son is able to work the the wires. p. m. $2500 00 yearly, grity WANTED—To25 acres of vacant land on line of elec- to that which My quite ering who pulls Yes, Buth, of If Thompson. trade in shells. Only one grade ever taking an oath similar ability will take the place capital. other- tric cars or near Answer letter. M. *0—ANTHONY KENT. j pearl now when I am I am I Skowhcgan, intermediate offices and connec- depot. by By Charles Stokes Wayne. to the manufacturers of forms the chief feature of the Belgian in- telegraph away. I will tell you what is wrong. was in wise satisfactory party will require only $100.00 89 Court Boston Mass. *1—AN ECLIPSE OF VIRTUE. Bv BisselL ound its way tions, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at HENDERSON, street, Champion to start, balance out of profits. CHARLES 28-2 33— AN UNSPEAKABLE SIREN. Giiiiat. and It was you see. It’s the best a mess about some little time 1.00 at 12.30 m. pai By John earl ornaments gewgaws. stallation. training him, money p. m.; close p. 40 Brown street. 31-1 33— THAT DREADFUL WOMAN. Harold R. G. SMITH, By Vynne. i shell that was thin, flafeey and The Vatican treasures contain a variety I can do for motherless on va- 34— A DEAL IN DENVER. By Gilmer McKendrec. generally thing my poor, ago. I had lost heavily on—oh, Island Pond, Vt„ intermediate offices and ■ ton. of enormous WAN TED—FEMALE HELP. 35— WHY? SAYS GLADYS. Bv David Christie Murray. : olorless, and sold for $#00 a This of papal tiaras, some value, hnv. rious events that know connections, via Grand Trunk Railway-Ar- HELP 36— A VERY REMARKABLE GIRL. Bv L. II. Bickford. now the beautiful you nothing MALE WANTED. I energetic young pearl king exports which, from workmanship rive at 8.46,11 30 a. m., 6.16 p. m.; Sundays 8.46 *7—A MARRIAGE FOR MATE. Bv Harold R. Vynne. You have a words tbli head or siuucu uuuu auuju wiv “And your daughter? about and wanted to turn Forty inserted wader 38—OUT OF THE De Leon. ! sour different varieties, rang- anil preuiuuo uukiu, desperately a. at 7.30 a. m., 12.30 and 6.30 p.m. SULPHUR. By T. C. grades m.;close double book- one week for 25 cents, cash in advanae. THE WRONG to a ton. Among this collection 5.00 m. competent entry MAN. Bv Champion BisselL ! ingfin value from $600 $1,000 rendered priceless. daughter?’’ over a new leaf, to exchange with Sundays p. situation. THE HUNT FOR Anita Vivantl WANTED—Akeeper-desires a Satisfactory HAPPINESS. By are in bulk from one to Pius IX by Queen Is:v N. intermediate offices and con- Chartres. All shells purchased is presented “Ah, thanks to Lady Hastings and into the Seventeenth (the Gorham, II, references. Address or apply “M,”|No. 201 Com- woman to take charge of a down is at more than Olavering via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at ^lrA^TEi)“'A »*—HER STRANGE EXPERIMENT. By Harold R. Vynne, ; the native fishers. They bring bella of Spain. It valued nections, mercial street. 29-1 sick woman; some house work. Call at Miss Ruth, I still have a daughter,” is to India next and 6.15 8.45 *3—ON THE ALTAR OF PASSION. By John Giiiiat. their hauls of shell to the young king’s $1,000,000, and weighs over three pounds. regiment going month), 8.45 and 11.30 a. m., p. m.; Sundays 14a Danforth St., hours 9 to 10 a. m. 31-1 MARtvr to LOVE. By Joanna E. Wood. with a. m., close at 7.30 a. m., 12.30. 5.30 p.m. Sun- as it lies in fretting rest- Another treasure Is the pro replied MacDougal solemnity. to live on my pay and try to work ACHINISTS WANTED-BERLIN MILLS schooner port, a. m. and 5.00 m. One ol days at 7.00 p. the side of the rude piers. sented to Pins VII. “Their care and kindness kept her in so I in tl AM KU — *ITfl A P V lessly against by round, put my pride my pocket, m. COMPANY._27-1 r, 1—i .4 fbnir -fi nrl hprfi fnr thfl Montreal—Arrive at 8.45, 11.30 a. and 6.15 its gems is the emerald known. largest life. has the debt else to and o.ou m. ciuse and Lady Hastings paid as I had nothing put there, p. m., close at, iz.30, p. ouuuay inspection. He sits in state The Sultan possesses no crown, corona Forty word* inserted under this hr ad king’s she thinks was dne to my father for wrote to James He was al- 5.00 p. m, h. e. Mills CITY OF DEEKISG. Harris can tell at a tion being unknown in Turkey. Ir Hastings. one week for 25 cents, eash in advance. passes judgment. bwanton. Vt„ intermediate offices and con- shells is worth. He the Investiture the at Mooltaw in full. more like a brother than a cousin stance wliat a pile of place ot this is substituted saving general ways nections, via Mountain Division M. C. It. K.— Piano G. Libby and others and sword of Oth Tuner, TT’HEREAS, Joseph. is an expert at determining value, of the monarch with the “Glad to liearit,” said Carew absent- to me. He has lots of too, and Arrive at 8.40 p. m.; close at 7.45 a, m. rar ANTED—Situation as cook and waitress. * ttie council to money, slate at Chandler's Music Store, 4=31 * I have petitioned city lay as and has the new Order T he is a shrewd buyer well, man. The sabre is girt, around on a few and A'. intermediate offices and con- street. Please call in the afternoon at 15 BRIGGS out a new street or public way in said city ly. They walked paces, no one to think of but himself. I asked Bartlett, II., Congress never the native experts to out- Sultan with the words: “Take it witl via Mountain Division M. C. K. K.— ST. Good references. 26-1 beginning at Congress street and extending permitted said: “I’ll wish nections When a it from God.’ then MacDougal you him for £500 and to pay it m. 8.40 in.: close at 7.45 toward the “Basin” so called, to be called distance him in judgment. pile faith, for ye have received permission Arrive at9.00a. and p. Lnnlr Vivt i n cf a 11 m on f a TTr» cnAn TOTtl i r>rl New and whereas said pe- of shells is before him he pioks Outside of the crown becomes s evening, Captain Carew. There’s a, m. and 2.30 p. m. Douglass street, dropppd Europe good TO LET. tition was referred to the Council No- runs his arm crown of the Shah of Persia the If. intermediate offices and con- City up one or two and carelessly rarity. The a short cut to my place across fields inclosing his oheck for the amount I Rochester, II, vember 12, 1897, to the undersigned for them in a moment can is of an alto nections, via Portland & Kochester railroad— through the heap, and if such it may be called, Dr. Fisk makes a specialty of Diseases of the Rec- to consider and a t therefore here. asked in a letter—a lecture, in fact, but 1.45 and 0.00 close at 6.30 and under this upon, the for the natives are and 3izo. In Arrive at p. m.; tum. Treats no other class of disease. Send for my Forty words inserted head HEREBY GIVEN to all determine grade, gether exceptional shape NOTICE IS parties uncommon to you!” returned one. I felt sure I had come to and 11.30 a. m. Free Treatise on Piles, etc., and names of many one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. ot the clever at assortment. No deed, it is most frequently described bj “Ah, good day a kind cured. interested that the Committee City and Cumberland Mills, Gorham arul Westbrook Maine citizens out new will meet shells are ever found among the poor those who have seen it as a bonnet. It i: Carew, with a friendly nod, they end of troubles, and even ven- >r. Fisk’s method is easy, safe, Council on laying streets, the my Arrive at 8.45 a. m. 1.45 and 6.00 Eromlnent (Sacearappa) m Consultation Free ! to hear the and view the proposed ones. have not learned yet the of cloth of gold, adorned witl ■ painless, furnished rooms situated parties They composed to dream—no matter what! Of close 6.30 and 11.30 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. Call at Lewiston or Portland LET—Two the 9th of the parted. tured p. m.; my way on Wednesday day February, trick of deception by mingling good strings of hanging precious stones, witt office, or consult me by mail. corner Cumberland and Franklin streets, iu at the Carew swung on at a sharp pace along course I lost no time in the cash South Portland and Willard—Arrive at 7.30 TIO 1893, at two o’clock tliejatlernoon, and the bad. here and there tufts of feathers ornament getting Dr. C. T. FISK, 882 Main Street, Lewiston. steam heat, nice and sunny, price reason- and the street 1.00 a, m, 8.00p. m.; close 6.30 a.m., l.00 and corner ot Congress proposed ed diamonds, rubies, emeralds an( 1 the road, which led up a gentle incline, and disbursing it. Some days after I At U. S. Hotel, Portland, Saturdays only. able. Call at 201 Cumberland street, left and will then and there proceed to deter- by 2.00 p. in. 28-1 CELEBRATED CROWNS. detached houses more or less call at the bank where I hand bell. mine and adjudge whether the public con- SOME pearls. between was asked to Pleasantdale and Cash. Comer—Arrive 7.30 venience said street or way to be and li .15 a. m. and 4.30 close 7.30 a. m. requires ornamental with gardens spread- had lodged the check, and the manager and p. m.; mO LET—Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath laid out.. Gun Metal—Portu- WIT AND WISDOM ana l.oo and 6.oo p. m. Koumania’s Is Made of till he reached an open me where a room on same floor, at No. 11 MYRTLE ST., Per order of the City council, ing trees, space informed that the Oriental, near City Hall. 29-1 L F. JONES, City Clerk. gal’s is Worth #8,000,000—The “Iron at the top, where, facing a fine avenue James banks, had returned it, the sig- STAGE MAILS. When are Catarrh or Coli Beach—Arrive at 5.30 close at jan!9dt you suffering over Bowery p. m.; ///tiffin SIS * WH unfurnished room feh9_ Crown.” frojji of hugo old elms, arching like a nature being doubtful. It was awfully rro LET—One large at in the head want relief away. 1 2.00 p. m. near Notice. you right Only a 1 No. 130 Free street, very Congress Messenger’s cathedral aisle, stood pretty, old I certainly had a shock; still I Elizabeth and at cents is required to test it. Ask your druggis t shaky. Cape Knlghtvillp.—Arrive square. 2s-1 had been 7.30 a. in. and 5.30 p. m.; close at 6.00 a. m. and Office of the Sheriff of Cumberland County, life for a size of Cream Balm house, to which additions ju- was not greatly disturbed. I told the %------——— “Who would not risk bis for the trial Ely’s or, bu; 2.00 m. st ,te of Maine. Cumberland, ss, January set in p. with baths, Iheat and othei the 50c size. We mail it. diciously made. It was delightful fellow it was all right; that I had a Duck Pond, Pride’s Comer. Windham. Ato. rs'O LET—Kents A. D. 1898. crown?’’ ono of the French conspirators No. 172 near 24th, and « imorovements. Brackett, fine, that on the ELY BROS.. 50 Warren St., N. Y. velvetlike lawns, big for- from Mr. that would Windham. Raymond South Casco—Arrive f> ms,, i„ give notice 22nddaj was to have exclaimed to City. surroundings, letter Hastings 7 8 rooms; No. 171 Neal, near 7 warrant reported Napo- at 10.30 a. m.: close at 2.00 p. m. and Congress, 1 otjaouari. a. D. 1898, a iu Insol- was afflicted with catarrh last autumn. Dm and fra- can- No. 856 Brooms; No. l Sher- man shrank back I est trees, abundant evergreens settle the matter; but, by Jove, I rooms; Congress. vency was issued out of the Court ot Insolvency leon, when that mighty ISLAND MAILS. Daily Mae, Sundays Excepted. 7 rooms, and the month of October I could neither s out man corner High. many others. ol Cumberland, against ing fast flower beds and looked from not find the letter 1 Must have First ler said County tijt from the coup d’etat which would either grant anywhere Peaks Island—Arrive at 10.00 a. m.; close 1.01 THE NEW AND PALATIAL STEAMHK8 Canicula s. Real Estate Office, National estate of nor smell and could hear but little. Crean 1 it stood over a S. Ely’s the eminence on which torn it Then I went to Kensington p. nt. Bank Building. FREDERICK VAILL. 27-1 ace him upon the throne of France oi up! JOHN T. YOUNG, of South Portland, p Balm cured it—Marcas George Sbautz, Bali on" Chebeague Islands—Arrive at 9.00 wide stretch of wooded landscape, now to James’ lodgings. There the angelic Long Debtor him in overwhelming disaster. a. m.; close at 1.30 p. m. BAY STATE ADO adjudged to be an Insolvent submerge way, N. J. a PORTLAND, | bathed in the rich light of delicious nurse would not let me inside the doors. Cousin's Island- Arrive at 9.3 0 a. nt.; clos rooms on petition of said Debtor, vvhicL If the were asked the or- leave Franklin Wharf. Port, KENT-Two family house, eight question today, 1.30 m. alternately tire hot was filed on the 22m. | would take an p. at 7 each, and bath, open pi -ces. water petition l MORE TO READ. September day. She said she opportunity land, every Evening o’clock, arriving in FOR D. 1898. to whicl -;.ry man would reply that it depended separate set tubs, open day oi January, A. at home?” asked Ca- season for connection with earliest trains for heating, plumbing, be If would read between the lines “Are the ladies of the matter to her pa- sunnv, and (convenient,in one o- the date interest on claims is to computed. m ch upon the crown, for of late years you representing new sightly or : points beyond. in corner Drove and Cum- That the payment of any debts to by sai In searching to be wise, rew when the door was opened by a tient and would write to me. So she did Through tickets for rrovideiice, Lowell, best locations city, of tho lesser diadems of near Ihe three electric lines Debtor and the transfer and delivery of aDj ...any Europe Purchase a memorandum book Worce.te New York, etc. berland. street haired man out of livery. that Mr. was not ( him are forbidden by law. Consid- grave, gray _to say Hastings leave India cars and Union station. HAS. S. NOR- property by have actually gone a-begging. And thus economize. in Returning Wharf, Boston, every a of the creditors of said has not come but that or other If ( ROSS. 28-1 That meeting the of “My lady yet, clear on any subject. Evening at 7 o’clock. and in case there ered merely lrom standpoint in- D. H. F. Debtor to prove their debts Miss is at home, sir. cannot or will not remember the J. B. COYLE, Manager. assets to authorize the are und Hastings James are sufficient trinsic value there many various J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. AgL TO LET—Single or in suite, with oi same to choose one or more as- THE EXPLORER. “Awfullvunluckvin oneway!” mut- I shall be accused of for- 1.1897. crowns extant in tho world a) transaction, Sept. ROOMSwithout board, all modern conveniences, of his estate, will be held kinds of signees tored Carew as he followed the butler 153 STATE ST. 27-1 at a Court of Insolvency to be holdeu the present time. For instance, the erowr Cold endure, at Probate Court Room, in said Portland, in room generally used in the morn- Is of gun English poor, to the FOR THE NEW YEAR. KENT—Rooms on second floor ovei of on the 7th day of of Koumania composed metal, said County Cumberland, Lecture tour, Lady Hastings and her ItOHHaskell & Jones’ clothing store, inquire A. 1). at iu o’clock iu the out of a bit of old cannot ing by daughter, February. 1898, made in fact Riches sure. at H Ask ELL & JONES, .Monument Sqr. 1S-4 forenoon. a shady apartment, with a bay- at Plevna; that of Portugal has D. cool, WM. i. Given under my hand the date first above captured H F. the and assortment to se- MARKS, have caused it to hi window overlooking garden A large npo LET—A pleasant lower rent of six rooms, written. gems in it whioh I C. L. BUCKNAM. CHANCE. nooks to read or think in, large stable, large yard, cemented cellar, at comfortable lect or manu- modern conveniences at 1025 St. Deputy Sheriff as Messenger of the Court ol valued *8,000,000. flowers from, and Congress with and ferns and to TRUK BROS. :;94 Fore or De Insolvency tor said County of Cumberland. Iron Crown of which, That mighty power dominant beautified Apply St., C. The , of factured to order. Card No. 17 Hemlock St. '26-1 with the perfume the conserva- TRUE, jan25& ebl oldest diadem In Which gambling men call chance sweet ook, by the by, is the Europe AND- Explains the reason why they wear a door into which stood open. sixTnches in diameter. The ques tory, is only Those patches on their pants. was but the The room untenanted, TO WITH POWER, tion usually asked by those who behold i D. LET, H. F. To Any Reliable Man. sound of a piano and a fresh, pleasant for the first time is, Where is the iron Nos. 9-15 Union St. Suitable Marvelous appliance and one month’s remedies singing “Robin Adair” indicated FOR 1898. Building International Co, FATAL RAILROAD be sent on voice JOB ACCIDENT. will DIARIES Steamship for to all appearances the crown consists of rare power trial, without any PRINTER, for any manufacturing bu-iness. Three the foremost of the house was not _ advance by company in the the daughter PRINTERS' EXCHANGE, 31—The r payment, that floors and basement 65x80 ft., or over of a broad circle of gold ornamented bj Skowhegan, January passonge world in the treatment of men weak, broken, dls- SPECIAL NOTICE. from effects of excesses, far off. 97 1-2 Pori Iona ft. of floor of flowers. however train leaving hero at 8.30 o’clock ran int 1 couruapd •worry, over- Exchange SfM •>0,000 space. Amplo boiler an enamelling This, work. Happy marriage secured, opoiplcte res- tell Miss sir,” said The East Bound steamer next of aU “I will Hastings, and engine triji within the coro a team this morning at a crossing liv 9 toratlon or davwflrjHneBfc refiust conditions. capacity. is but the outward ease; of tfcifc offer is limited. and Carerw was left to look will leave on Feb. 1, instead The time No C, 0. D. the servant, FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY, Apply to Tuesday, net rests the iron itself. It is fashion!-! miles below here. Eugene Frye was kille f scheme; no dec4sptioir; DA.oxDC6«fe. Artdre** him, which he did with somber of Monday. Chrisi about HIM All orders bi mail or F. 0. COJiANT, jo. 220 Commercial S'. one of the nails which with his horse. Mr. wa 9 SHUT l telephone out of by promptly together Frye as INK, H. P. C. iiERSEY, A?pnt. ERIE lE91ia6«^vT.” that ached they gazed at aec27eodtf attended to. aepthieodtf 329 d2w jau29dst fastened, to the cross. The crowi one of tho oldest fanners in this vicinity d eyes__eyes 8C Lard steam 5 26. Ports. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. AND HAMLENS. and had so much tho confidence of his German steel.... .@3Va I Liverpool .,1 60@1 ea3y: "Western Domestic I Dia’md bbl 2 2£ Butter llrm; Western cream at that he a bhoesteel.@2 Grys. l*ys@20c; NEW YORK—Ar 30tli, soils J Chester Wood townsmen, became very popu- do at 20c; Sue*'* iron— Saleratu. factory ll®l4c; Elg'.us state dairy Grand Manan; Calvin 1’ Harris. Greens Landin) of Gorlian’s lar man, and was commissionoa a justice crem Interesting Sketch of Two H.C.4%@5 Saleracus ... .d@6% atl3«ldc; do 14®l0c. WmT Boston: Howard B Peck. Ham MAINE CENTRAL If. K* of the the Cheese wtiite Donnell, PORTLAND & WORCESTER. peace; largely employed.by pro- Gen.Russiai8%S*514 Spices. mile; ,1 large ats%c; small white iltou, Norfolk for Bridgeport; Elliot L Dow Early Settlers. prietors of the town, and in county busi- Ameri’cnRu8Slall«$12 Cassia, pure... .19@2i 9#9Vi. « Pinkham, Portland. Ir. effect Nov. 14. 1817. __ 1 OC State and Penn ness; representative in the General Court Gal?.Mace. Eggs steady. 19yj«20c;"Wes- sill 30th, barque St I-ucie, for Rio Janerlo Leather N utmesrs. tern fresh *t liic. Trains leave Portland as follows: of Massachusetts, for seven years, and sch A Heaton, for Rockland. "communication was New York— Pepper'..14®1C Tallow quiet; city ($? per 856: coun- sells Snow 7.00 a. m. For Brunswick. Bath. Rockland. The following was twice to the Provincial Con- 1 it pacltge) BOSTON—Ar 30th. Methebesec, Station S’oot o!T Frebie ss. delegate 5«. Jacksonville: Edward E Briery, Ross, Augusta. Waterville. Lisbon Falls, James H. IXamlen, of gress; n to form the Constitu- Mid Newport Skowhegan. written by Esq. delegate weigot... .25®261 Ginger.x7@8J & Sugar-raw steady: fair refining 3 9-10; Cen- Mabel E Goss, Paschal, Greens Landiuj On and after Monday, Oct. 4, 1897, Passenger Lewiston via Brunswick, BeBust, Bangor and tion of chairman of the Products in the News; trains will Leave Portland: this and it was intended that it Massachustts, l] notations ef SiaBle JJeavy...,.23&24J Starch, trifugal 90 test 4 l-i tic defined steady. Ar 31st, sens Polar Wave. Reekland; Venella Bucksporfc city, the Good L or committee of and vigilance in d’ras.23&24JLaundry.4%®»., CHICAGO—Cash Rad E H Foster, St John, NB. Worcester, Clinton. Ayer Junction, Nashua, 8.30 a. m. For Danville Jc. ("Poland Springs,) ns a of tho exercises safety Union DaeKs.. quotations; Beacb; should be read part of the and after- .37®3«iGloss.6%®7Va Flour Monte- Windham and Eppiug at 7.30 a. n>. and 12.39 Mechanic Falls. Kumford Falls. Lew- early days Revolution, Markets. Am. (limit. Cld 3lst. barqtio Ethel, Hodgkins. of the Com- Leading calf.... [email protected] Tobacco. sell p. m. Winthrop, Oakland, Readfichl. Water- of the recent dedication Gorham ward became judge of the Court of Wneat—No 2 spring at 01®93c: No 8 Ido at video for orders; Alfaretta S Snare, Law iston, Load. lBtst brands... .60$}6( NB, For Manchester. Concord and points North at ville. Livermore Falls, and Phillips. but was mon for Cumberland county, from 00:0,0214 0; No 2 ited 07c®i u4. Corn—No 2 at son, Plsarinco, Farmington chapel, omitted Pleas, feheet. @7 Medium.30$4t 7.30 a. in. and 12.30 p. m. 11.10 a. m. for New Dan- Congregational His historians 27*«c. Oats—No 2 at No 2 white lob Sid fm Nantasket Roads 30th, sell Win John Gray. Gloucester, 1770 until he died in 1781. ■Pip®.. fa’OICommon...... 26®3C 23VoC; For Rochester, Springvale. Alfred. Water- vilie June.. Auburn and Lewiston. on aocount of want of time. The articlo 26% 3White f o 2 son, from Philadelphia lor Portland. an industrious, Zb'rt. 7%®K NaturJMat ...60>2!7C c;No b 261a®26%c; No rye boro and Saco River at 7.30 12.30 say, ‘‘that he was active, at APALACHICOLA—Sid soli Belle O’Nell a.m., and 11.2oa. m. Expre'a lor Brunswick, Bath, Au- valuable and T. TT. Lea*- 47c: No 2 Bariev at f p b at 27% M39c: No 1 29th, contains interesting infor- useful a of learning, SMrlort .lf»rk»t. F.1501 5.36 p. m. Waterville. rittsfield. Bangor. man; gentleman Etocttaud .Honey OC Flaxseed at l Primo 2 82 V*. Norwood, Port Tampa. gusta, Bucksporfc Hay. { Pure ground.5 60®6 26; Timothy seed For Gorham at 7.30 and 9.45 a.m., 12.30, 3.00, Bar Harbor. Aroostook mation in to two of the old famil- talents and sound sense.” Mess at u BRUNSWICK—Bid 29th, sells Sarah Potter (Greenville aud County, regard (By TeiBerupb-i Ken.6 50*56 OC pork io®$a 85. Lard 4 75; short rib 6.35 and 6.20 p. m. on memorial is, Pressed.S14@16| New Jose ioi via K. & A. R. R. for Houltuu. Woodstock our The second name the Loose flay sides 4 55®6 09. salted meats—shoulders Farnliam, York; Olaverri, Arey, ies ot 6tate, and Ex-Governor liobie, NEW VC'RK, Jan. 31. «lo@$l4|Kng Ven Red3 «c3% Dry For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, Westbrook St. Stephen, ami St. Andrews, via Vanceboro Jacob Hamlen who waa'ono of the ilrst at 4% ®6; short clear sides 4 16. Baltimore. at 9.45 on loan at 05*6 Junction and Woodfords 7.30, a.m., and St. John. to whom the communication was ad- was born In Money call 1V4@12 percent: last Butter at 11 BALTIMORE—Sid 29tli. sch Clias G Ehdl- settlers of Gorham. He Gram Quota mo a-. Bteady jereamry l3@l8Vi>c; dairy 5.35 and 6.20 p. El. 1.10 m. Mechanic Rumford Falls. : cent. ®i?c. Allyns Point. 12.30, 3.00, p. Falls. has it to be and was mar- l?i prime mercantile paper at 3&4 ner Cheese quiet datidpie. Eggs Arm; Ireeh cotr.'Balley. m. train from Portland connects dressed, permitted published Barnstable,May 28tb, 1702, CHICAGO BOARD OF TIU >U Sid 30th, San Fran The 12.30 p. Bemi.s, Danville Jc., Lewiston, Livermore Falls, Au- actual 16V2C. ship BonJ Bewail, Bewail, at Junction wilh “Hoosac Tunnel Route” In the PRESS: ried to his cousin, Gonteut Hamlen, Sterling ixcbauge was steady, with cisco. Ayer Farmington. Kinglield. Carrabasset, Phillips Daily Saturday's quotations. Itecelpts—Flour, 8.000 bids; wheat 30,000 lor the West and at Union Station, and 18th, 1731. lie and his wife were business In bankers bills at 0 0004 84% for de- BAR HARBOR — Ar 30th, sell Fiheman Worcester, Kangeiey, Winthrop, Oakland, Bingham Deo. 1897. gust WHEAT. bus; com 207,Ouo bush; oats 247,000 bush; for Providence and New York, via “Providence Waterville and Portland, 24th, dismissed from the East church, Barns- and * Kiiowlten. New York, Skowhegan. Dear mand, 82V404 8 2 Vi for sixty days: post- Jan. May rye 2,000 barley 63.000 bush. Line” for Norwich and New York, via "Nor- 1.15 o. m. An My Governor:—When you first in hush; CHARLESTON—Ar 28th, sch W Abrahams For Freeport. Brunswick. table, Mass, to tho church Gorham, ed rates Commrcl bills at l 81 97 Va Shipments—Flour 0,000 bbls; wheat 7,000 wich Line” with Boston and R. E. lor and mentioned to me that a number of memo 8304 80. Vi Opening.. Snow. News. Albany gusta. Bath. Boothbay. Rockland on October 1750, and they 06 bush; com 103,000 oats 81,000 bush: Newport the and with tho New York all rail via all rial windows Maine, 28th, @4 82. Closing...108 Vs bush; GALVESTON—Cld sell Jerome B Look West, stations on the Knox and would be placed in the to that in rye 0000 bush; barley 18.000 bush. 29tli, Lincoln Bel- had lived sometime previous CORN. Hodgkins, Pascagoula. “Springfield.” division, Waterville, Skowhegan, chapel at Gorham, “and asked me if X Government Bonds strong. ST. Trains arrive in Portland from Worcester fast. Dover and Green- tho town of Gorham. Jan. May LOUIS—Wheat—No 2 red cash elevator JACKSONVILLE—Ar 20th, sch John S Deer Hartland, Foxcroft. would not like to contributed one in mem- Slate bonds dull. and at 1.30 p. from Rochester at 8.30 a. m„ 1.30 ville, Oldtown and The actual date of their settlement is Opening...... 29% track at U7C; track 9754@9Sc; Jan 97V4C; ing. Woodland, Baltimore. m.; Bangor, Mattawamkeag. ory of sons of aDoestorsin the 97% at No 2 hard and 6.52 p. m.; from Gorham at 6.40, 8.30 and 6.10 p. m. For Brunswick. Bath. Lisbon my oldlown, somewhere about the year 1730, Railroad bonds strong. Closing* ... 27% 29% May askedc: Julv alpac; Cld 29th, sell Richd F C Hartley, Falker, foi you well know that without much hesita- probably cash at 9ufiP9t)Vic. 10.50 a. in., 1.30, 4.15, 5.52 p. 111. Falls, Richmond, Gardiner, AugU6ta and as must have come here at about the Sliver certificates 66% OAT9. Baltimore. and South they @67%. Flour market at 4 70®4 90; straits For tickets tor all points West ap- WaterviUe. tion, I accepted the and one of as the Jan. quietipats NEW ORLEANS—Cld 29th, barque Hirarr proposal, same time ns Capt. John Phinney, Bar Silver 6<3Vi. May 4 at3 ply toil'. F. McCULLICUEDY, Ticket Agent, 6.15 m. For New Gloucester, Danvtlla 36®4 66; clear * 00a4 26; medium 60®^ York sell Phineas M p. the names that I mentioned that I ..would both came from Opening. 24% Emery, Gorham, New ; Me. (Poland Mechanic ietfords show that they Mexican dollars 45 Vi. 3 76. Lena ltstorer Portland, Junction, Springs), Falls, like to memorialize, was my ancestor, on “andsettled to Closing.. 23% 247a Sprague. Dunn, Philadelphia; je2Ddtf J. W. PETERS. Supt. Auburn and Lewiston. Barnstable to Falmouth Corn—No 2 cash 26%c; Jan 2G*!'sc; May at Bruce, my mother’s the first settled minis- and that PORK, Pascagoula. 11.00 p. m. Night every night, for side, in that wild country.” Hetail Grocers 2f>s/s®26%c; July —c. NORFOLK Ar 29th, sch John F Kranz, Express, ter gether snrsr Karen. Jai Brunswick, Bath. Lewiston, Water- of the town of Gorhan, Maine, the had Indian children only May. Oats—No 2 cash elev2te; track 24c; Jan at New York. STEAMS H IPS. Augusta, his children Portland market—cut loaf 7: 02 McDonald, 11 HCfl.iV vile. Bangor. Moosehead Lake. Aroostook liev. Solomon Lombard. As X land coufetion a y Opening. 10 23 m ; May 24’ 2u 22%tfi/225/p ; No 2 E expressed for He was a large l-tlvtrlsed 6c: hid; July NEWPORT NEWS —Sid 29th, sch Agnes via Old Town, Bar playmates. ; powered, 6«; gra..uiai.f» Closing...... 10 CO white county Harbor, Bucksporfc to you, X wish to have upon was the 25%*iu:e. Ma-nsoy, Babbitt. Boston. did,.not placed owner, as the records say he -J,a coffee crushed 6e: yellow 4 Si. Stephen, St. Andrews. St. John and the window and to Monday’s quotations. at PGc PUNTA GORDA — Cld 29tb, schr Talofn, Saints, Angels, etc., proprietor of 400 acres. His homestead TOLEDO-Wheat—No 2 cash and May Aroostook County via Vanceboro. Halifax and out I for some asked. Fletcher, Wilmington. NC. the Provinces. The train does carry my ideas, .asked was Nos Hi and 25, which were two, Hides. W*KAT Saturday nignt Corn—No 2 mixed 29c. PASCAGOULA—Ar 29tb, sell Alice J Crab- not run to Dover original of the leaving house was situat- Jan. May Belfast, Dexter, and Foxcroft designs painters, thirty acre lots, and his The following quotations represent the pav- tree Wooster. Mobile. out all of 96SA Oats—No 2 mixed 23pjc bid. or beyond Bangor. Sleeping cars to St John. the usual emblems. Following ed where the store of Mr. ing prices In this market: Open .. PENSACOLA—Ar 29ih, sch Wm H Clifford, RoscoegHarding 104 Rye—No 2 at 490 bid. Royal Mail Ser- out myj-request, I received a number of land that he Cow and ox hides.7Vic Closing...... 1478 Galveston, (and Bid on return.) steamers—Liverpool "White Mountain Division. now stands. The owned, lb Cloverseed—prime cash and Dec —. Harding, vice. designs, and selected one which seemed north Bulls and stags.6V4C «»RN Sid 2Dtli, sch Rebecca J Moulton, Barker, embraced ail the territory running 1 White and No 2 8.45 a. m. For Brldgton. to meet Ccalf skins, trimmed.. DETROIT—Wheat—No Boston. Fabyans, Burllng'/jn please me, and I hone that it will from South and to the old Jan* May. Ren From From Lancaster. St. street, Up do untrlnrmed. 9c 9i1/2C! May 9456c. CAPE HENRY—Passed out 30tb, sch Mary E Quebec, Johnsbury, Sherbrooke, tlie approbation of all the parties under far 'take in tho Opening...... 29 V* Corn—No 2 Liverpool, Steamers.Portland. Montreal, Paul and Robie store, and west.to Lamb skins.60 to 80c each mixed at 29c. H G Dow. Malcclmson, from Newport News Chicago, Sfc Minneapolis whose observation it will come Closing... 27Ve 28% Oats—No 2 loth Jan. m and all west. morejoften highlands, where the Rev. Mr. Weston white 26% c. for Galveston. Sat., Labrador, Wed. Feb. 2.1 p. points than under own. OATS. Rve—No 2 Thurs. 27 'Vancouver. 3.30 p. m. For Sebago Lake, Cornish. my bnilt his house. at 42c. — Ar sch Edith L Sat,, 12,1p.m.: Fryeburg, afterwards (Exports. PHILADELPHIA 30th, •• After Jan. May. 10 Feb. m Brldgton. North Conway. Fabyans. Lancaster, carrying out the principal design Mr. Hamlen and one of the MINNEAPOLIS—Wheat—January at 93%e; Darrah, Providence. Scotsman, 26,1 p. of JMcLellans, LIVERPOOL.ENG. Steamship Carthagenian Opening. 24 24 Labrador, Mar. 12,1 p. m LunenDurg. at. Johnsbury, Newport, Sher- the window, there is placed two — 91% ; No 1 hard at Bnpic; Cld sells Elvira J French, Kendrick, for were the owners of slaves, but Mr. Ham- 48,600 bush wheat 16,483 do barley 2007 bxs 237a Maya 0254c; July 29th, brook, Montreal aud Toronto. that of the tho losing., oj ..23 No 1 Northern at. 9456c. Fred Gower, Sargent, New Bedford. Boston service. memorials, first, being len before he died, went before the au- cheese 821 1 kgs butter 6448 bbls apples 287 Boston; pout MINNEAPOLIS—Flour—first patents 4 Ar 31st. steamer Pottsville, with barge Suffolk TO LIVERPOOL VIA. OITEEXKTOWN. name of the first, settled minister, tho thorities of the and his sacks pe s 36 3pcs maple blocks 2a cs rubbers «6® SUNDAY TRAINS. town, legally gave Jan May. 4 76; second patents 4 60,3.4 ( 0; first clears at from Pnrt1«.n<1 Rev. Solomon Lombard. Of tho early we R. M. 8. CANADA, FEBRUARY 8.30 a. 10, their freedom, thus may say that Mr. opening...... 10 00 5 86®4 Ob. second clears at 2 80®3 00. Cld sch Sarah E Palmer, Whittier, Port- 19, 7.20 a. m. Paper train for Brunswick, Au- of this 1 am not abla to cattle 69/ boxes cheese 203 boxes hem 2287 3d, history man, Hamlen was an abolitionist. He Closing.... 0 90 BATES OF PASSAGE. iiaw.i iiuv ci.uu early walnut 400 cattle. MILWAUKEE—Wheat—No 1 Northern —c; land. learn or of his ancestors. Ho pcs 12.50 m. Train for anything, died in 1774. — PEKTH AMBOY—Sid sch Davis, First p. Brunswick, LARD, No 2 Spring— c; My 941/4c; July c. 291h, Scotia, Cabin, $50.00 and upwards. Return Lewiston, was born in on Cape Cod, March Jacksonville. and to ac- Bath. Augusta. Waterville, and Bangor. Truro, The coming to Gorhatn of JMr. Hamlen Jan. $1C0 upwards according steamer and was of tho rartlxnd Wboiessia Msrx* May. DULUTH—Wheat—No 1 Northern cash at sell David 11.00 p. m. Night with cars 1st, 1706, and no doubt he was influenced the of PROVIDENCE—Ar 29th, Torrey. commodations. Express steeping probably by grants Closing...... 4 75 4 85 8654c; Jan 95%c; May 85%c. for all family that descended from Thomas been FORTLANIl. Jan. SI. McDuffy. Pertii Amboy. second Cabin, to Liverpool, London, Lon- points. land which had made by the Gen- C and who was born in CINCINNATI—Hogs at 3 10§3 90. Cattle at PROVIDENCE—Ar 30th, sell Carrie Miles, donderry Queenstown, $3-1 to $42.50. Re- ARRIVALS IN PORTLAND. Lombard, Tenterton, Flour quiet and steady, but at Chicago to-day Portland Daily Press Stock Quotation?. about the 2 25{fe4 76. White, Rockport. turn $66.75 and $78.40, according to steamer Kent County, England, year war. about and From Montreal, fit of the soldiers in the Narragansott January Wheat dropped 4c, May Ic 1S6 Sheep 2 75@4 66. Lambs 4 00@6 90, PROVINCETOWN—Ar 30th, Bell Bertha D and accommodations. Quebec, Fabyans. Brldgton. ill his Corrected by Swan & Barratt, Bankers, a. 1010. Mr. Savage, Biographical Two of the Bartholomew and Nickerson. New foundland, bound west. to 8.25 rn.; Lewiston and Mechanic Falls, 8.30 Hamlens, as compared with Saturday’s closing. Corn and Middle Steerage, Liverpool, London, London, Dictionary,” asserts that Thomas Lom- street. PORTSMOUTH—Ar 31st, sch S E Davis. Mt and Belfast- a. m.: Waterville and Augusta. 8.35 a. m.: Eieazer, of Barnstable, having been in Potatoes firm and at Boston Frounce Market. derry, Glasgow, Queenstown and bard, came to Barnstable in 1630, and Mr. Oats steady. higher 86@ STOCKS. Desert for Boston. $22 50 and $25.50 to steamer. Bangor, Augusta daily and week days from Copt. John Gorham’s company, and their BOSTON. Jau. 31. 1898—The according 12.23 p. m.; Kingfield. Farm- the historian of the Barnstable fam- 95c. AVCPU1 IjJllUlU X V fliu C. £>JU. A'jlV'bU followlnglare SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 30th, steamer Cottage to J. B. 51 1-2 Rockland, Phillips, Otis, names are Narra- of Provisions, Apply Keating, Exchange expressly given in the Canal National 114 116 to-day’s quotation* etc.: via Wm T. P. ington, Bemis. Eumford Falls. Lewiston, 12.30 ilies, says that the Truro family is de- The following are to-days wholesae prices of Bank....100 City, from Now York Valparaiso; ship street, McGowan, 418 Congress street, J. gansett grants of lands, in Maine. They, CrbcoNational i02 FIXJUSt. York. W. 2 Tor- D. m; Lewision and way stations 3.25 p. in.; SL rived from Thomas, and remarks “that Provisions. Groceries: c;s Bank..100 102 .1 Botch, Lancaster, New Peterson, Exchange street, or David did not those rance John. Bar Harbor. Aroostook County,Moosehead themseive, occupy lands, Flour. Grill- Cumberland National Bank.. .40 32 34 Spring patents. 5 25^6 00. SAVANNAH—Ar 29U1, sell M Luclla Wood, & Co., general agents, foot of India this branch has made its mark in tho National Bank. 300 street. Lake and Bangor, 5.45 p.m.; Rangeley. Farming- but probably sold them to others, among 8m erano & Corn ear 38g39 Chapman |;j Spring, cicarlaua straight. 4 75®5 60 Spaulding, New York. financial and commercial circles of tho First National Bank.100 97 99 Ar sobs Annie T Reed, Phila- toii.RumfordFalls, Lewiston, 5.55 p. m.; Chicago whom was Jacob Uamlon. It would low graces.4 00*4 25 do bag lots .... 4o Winter patents. 6 25&D 76. 130th, Bailey. _dec28dtf names and Montreal and al! White Mountain points country, as few havo done.” In Wneat baa- Meal baa IUX8 Merchants’National Bank— 76 109 111 4 75 delphia; Carrie T Balano. Hagei ty. Noriolk. seem that there was quite a trade going Spring lots Winter, clearjanu straight, £0 8.10 p.m.; dally from Bar the 1723 he from Harvard st4 ear lots National Traders’ Bank.100 97 91) Extra Seconds SALEM—Ar SOtli, sell Addie E Snow, Brown. Harbor, Bangor, year graduated on at in the sale of these lands. ers.ciana 4o®606 Oats, 82©32Vi and oo. and a. m. that time Portland National Bank.100 loo 102 Rockland for New York. THOMSON LINE. Bath Lewiston, 1.40 daily; Halifax, College at the ilge of 17 year3, and was of Mr. Hamlen is diffi- l atent rrnc Oats, bag Jots @36 Line and Supers —. St. John. BarHarbor, Waterville and The ancestry not 6 10 Portland Trust Co.100 120 126 Ar 31st, sehs Cathie C Berry, St John, N B. for Augus- ordained at Gorham on the ‘26th of De- Wneat... 00®6 Cotton Bee*. 3.50 a. m.. cult to trace. James the first (’ortland Gas 60 78 80 D do lor Caroline ta, except Monuays. Hamlen, iBleb.str’eiiv ear low.00 00*23 00 Company. Print Cloth New York; Ira Sturgis, do; cember, 1750. He probably was settled Portland Water Co.100 100 10S Market. do PORTLAND GEO. F. EVANS. General emigrant to this country, in 1039, came roller.... 6 36@6 60 baa lots OOOOS24 00 Knight. Boston for Rockland; Wide-awake, Manager, in some ministry before coming as Portland St. Railroad Co.. 100 125 130 FALL RIVER. Mass. Jan. 31. 1898.—Tho for do for ThOs New Yoik — TO F. E. S.f.ili here, from England, where the name was quite clear do.. .5 10*5 26 Sacked Br’r do; Hume, do; Hlx, BOOTHBY. it had been 27 yoars.since he Uaine Central R’v.100 126 128 print coth market is quiet at 2 3-16. for do. Portland, Nov. 14.1807. novi2dtf graduated common at that time, and Charles tlAUisst'g. ear lots. 55 60.S16 60 from college, but of this there is no roller... 5 35i£6 60 ba* lots 10 oO£17 oo Portland & Ogdensburg K.R. 100 48 50 VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 30th. sch Charley LONDON : DIRECT. Esq., of Exeter. Devonshire coun for Portland. but he must have been known to Worthy, do. .6 20®6 35 Middling *16 6o BONDS. Markets. WcoIsoyJGinn, Port Johnson record, of clear ®16 Cotton “ ty, England, author of the genealogy Returned, sen Lewis II Goward, fm Newport S. S. .Tan. 28th a committee, which doubtless was unt’rwbeai bag ots. .816*17 00 ’ortland Gs. 1907.118 120. Jfoua, 5000 appoint- the many families in Devonshire county, 9 85® 6 00 *Ly Telegraph.1 News for Portland. “ Portland & fMord Falls R'u look for a man who should serve patents. ’ortland 4s. 1902—1912 Funding.. 102 103 JAN. Kilduuo, 0000 Feb. 4th ed^ and author of a book on “Practical Her- run. Coffee. 31, 1308, “ “ them as a the OHARLE8TO N—The Cotton marker lo-aav 5000 Feb. iltii minister, simple record be- makes mention of the (Buying* selling price) Bio,roasted ll@ir< ’ortland 4s 1913, Feuding.106 108 Foreian Ports. Huronn, In Effect Nov. 15, 1897 “that, the of the aldry’’ particular langor Cs. 1899. K. R. aid.103 104 was steady; Miauling 6Vic. ing, proprietors town and traces their arrival Ceu—Largo Javt&Mocha do26@2« s.,1 fill Sourahaya Drier to Dec 22. ship P N And weekly thereafter. Harnlyn family, 6s. 1905.1 Water.115 117 DEPARTURES. voted to give Mr. Solomon Lombard a Bilore .... 4 7 5*600 alelaesee. Jangor GALVESTON—Cotton market today was Blanchar Oakes, Manila. attention to tlie of in England, to the coming over of Wil- lath 6s. 1898. It. R. aid .101 102 Special given carriage call to settle here In the work of the ouiall do.. 2 00*8 50 Porto Kico..... 26@so easy; middling 6xAc. (j Sid fin Jan steamer Sardinian, and Perishable 8.S0 A. M. and 1.10 P. M. From Union Si. gos- liam the from lath 103 Q Liverpool 2P, Cheese, liutter. Apples Cargo. Conqueror, Normandy. Pollock ... .2 50 ... .26*28 4Vis, 1907, Municipal.101 lor Mechanic Falls. BuckHeld. C 25@3 Barbados* MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-dav was Portland. For all information to Poland, pel ministry.” There was a “Hamelln” with him in the lath 4». 1921. 102 apply Haddock... X 76*2 oo Fancy.30®33 Refunding.100 firm At Port Spain Jan 19. sch Henry P Mason. ton, Dixlield, Eumford Falls. This simple statement, is all we have in lelfast 6s. 1898. it. R. aid.101 102 fiddlings 5 5-16c. famous battle of Hastings, which over- Make.2 00*2 25 Tea. Blair, and Ollna, Murray, for New York. 8.30 a. m.. 1.10 and 5.15 D. m. From Union to before he was called to lelia3t 4s. 102 NEW ORLEA NS—Tho Cotton market tc-cav Tin ROBERT REFORD rogard him, threw the Saxons, and established the Herrlng.bex A m oys.16*20 Municipal.100 Sid fm St Pierre Jan Hi, sch Jennie E Willey, GO., Limited, Station Falls and intermediate Gorham. 1 'alais 1901—1911 Kef loO 102 was firm; for.Mechanic Normans in and after the battle Scaled.... 9®14e Congous.16*60 4s, unding.... middling 5*4c. Wil NO. to lo»d for Barbados. Commercial Me. stations. England, -ewistou 109 Bulger. ington, St., Portland, Of the sermons which ho delivered there Mackerel.oi Japan...18@3f 6s,* 1901. Municipal.106 MOBILE—The Cotton market to-dav was Ar at sch Eleazer W dtf as it is well known, he erected what he 103 Cfenfuegos 22d, Clark, sept23 1.10 train makes close connections at Rum- has been no Snore is *22 00g*2fi Formoso...22*60 Jewistoil4s, 1913, Municipal.101 steady; 5Vac. St to load for manuscript left, but it is called the “Battel In of 102 middling Goodwin, Castries Bay. Lucia, ford Falls for Bemis and all stations on R. F. Abbey” memory Snore 2s *18 00@*20 Sugar. iaco 4s. 1901. Municipal.100 Anna E that wore of the usual sa VANN AH-Tl«* Cotton market was Nortli of Hatteias ; 24th, J Morse, & R. L. R. K. probable they type that battle, and in that he deposited what Largess StandardGran 6 215 dame Central K R 7s, 1898. 1st mtglOl 102 to-day of orthodox sermons of that His *12@*14 quiet; middling 5 S-16i Crocker, St Croix, to load tor do. SAVANNAH LINE. day. was called the “Battel rrosace. Ex cllne Quality 5 216 7s. 1912,cous. mtgl32 134 Tickets on Abbey Roll," •* Aral Bei mud Jan 20, seb Good Templar, Throtigli Sale. stylo of composition, however, has come Cpe canrrcate 00® axtrac. *84 “4V*s“ 105 107 Loiv Kates to (lie South. which contained the names of his princi- ■' Lantson. Eastport. Sunny down to us, as chairman cf a committee do bbl 76o®*8 00 Yellow Extra C. ...4V2 4s cons. mtg.... 102% 103% European Markers. and in his suc- " Sldfm St John, XF, Jau 30. steamer Park- R. C. BRADFORD, Tiaffic Manager, pal followers, supporters Maine. 7 00 gHs,1900,exten’sn.l04 106 which was ratsed by vote of the town on cessful in the Seed Tiv Telegraph more, from Avonmouth for Boston. • Portland, Maine. attempt overthrowing Eng- Pea Beans,1 30@i 40 Timothy. 3 ’ortlantl & Oga’g g«s,V900, 1st mtg)04 106 March 25th, 1771, to return the thanks of 85@3 75 Jan. 1898—Cotton market Ar at Halifax 30ib, steamer Mongolian, Liver- FLORIDA EXCURSIONS. E. L. LOVE JOY’, lish, and establishing himself os the ruler Yellow Eyes.l 66 ’ortland Water Co’s 6s, 1899....101 103 LIVERPOOL, 31, Superintendent, to 56*1 Olover.West, »Vi@9 and sailed for Portland. dtf Rumford Falls. Maine. tho town Mr. Jacob Harnler, for his roll Co’s 4s. 1927.103 unchanged; American middling 3 7-32d: sales pool. Jel8 of the English, and in this appears Cal Pea.... 1 66@l no do N. Y. 9V4®10., ’ortland Water lOAVs Ar at .Tan Clara E For particulars, apply to of a half acre of 'landifor a burial 8,000 bales, including 600 bales for specula- Liverpool. NS. 24, barque gift the name of “Hamelln.” The name also lnehPotat's.Dus85«96 Alslke, lreo i New York. 4th, composing, and this address is four hundred and 'no Natives 3 3 65 medium * Atchison, Top. K, Santiago.... .-v^hfogw. BrorTii.,.--.y.L-uri, STEAMERS. names numbering 60® hid 30th, sch metier, for New York. trains will run as louows found in Pierce’s History of tho Town of Chickens.... 13 25 Boston & Maine.1C8 Pretoria.New York. Jamaica. &c Feb ] seventy-five. It would appear that this- 12® Beef—light..9 O0®9 LEAVE. Gorham. His f Is Turltevs. Wes. 13*160 heavy,.. 9 '0 26 (to pfd Caracas.New York.. Laguayra Feb 2 resting place probably whiiihw were ttan who. J'oc_ sonieigOino 75® Spoken. oia Northern do.. Molests Mi Maine Central.129 New York....New York. .S’thamptou.,Feb 2 For Auburn and Lewiston 7.05, 8.00 a. m. isoryiiig faiuuhd bn ‘couth had been for the to ..K«17! os 6 75* planning expedition Onion Pacific. 35 Germanic .... New York.. 2 ten miles E8E of Boston l. 80. 6.00 in. Fowls, • • 9«1 1 card, tcs ana Liverpool?...Feb Jail 30, i>ntship, PORTLAND POINT 4.00, p. street. as and"SMALL and so an affair England, important Apple*. Vi bbl.pure 6Vi@63i American Beil.20<>V, Labrador.Portland... Liverpool ...Feb 2 sch Sarah C Rones, from Philadelphia fonovt- For Gorham, Berlin and Island Pond 8.00 a. Josiah Pierce in giving the account of American that embraced the names of all those Eatingappl’s3 60@i 5f doeom’nn. 4%® % Sugar, .common.138% Friesland.New York.. Antwerp... Feb 2 laud. m. : 1.30 and 6.00 p. m. his tho articles which York. .Amsterdam 3 STEAMBOAT CO. For Montreal C ano ordination, gives who took an active part iu forming the do common *2®3 00 pails.compd SysSrSVi Sugar, pfd.,..114% Edam.New Feb and hicago 8.00 a. m.; were deemed for an Ccn Mass, 55 York.. Pern’buco m. necessary ordination expedition. Baldwins 3o0®4 26 pails, pure 6% @7 pfd. Buffon.New ..Feb 6 6.00 p. the value of each of the W ft ■10 eomtuo 9% .New York. .Glasgow ....Feb 6 On ana after January 3rd. 1898. For QueDec 8.00 a. m. and;6.00 p. m. dinner; articles, This town of Dives,ron the Dives River, Evap 9®llo piu-eiIf 8Vi@9 Mongolian... etc. In view of the sentiments of i»mm Hams.... 9 ia'JVi Flint & Fere Marq. 38Vs Alexandria ...New York. London... .Feb 6 STEAMERS. ARRIVALS. today, was one of the chief of the Duchy York. StcairK'? ports Messina 3 60*4 00 docov’ra .. Obdam.New .Rotterdam..Feb 6 the articles deemed necesary at that time, in the eleventh “Percy From Lewiston and Auburn 8.30,. of Normandy, century, oranges. OIU New Torts Quotations stocn and Bonus Alesia.NewVoik.. Hamburg ... Feb 6 for an ordination dinner, would hardly a. m„ 3.16,6.00 and-n-40 w-- >d. and is the port from which William the Florida 6 0086 60 Kerosenel20ts 8y< Irrawaddy —New York. .Trinidad... .Fob 6 Berlin and Gorham be tolerated. It would seem iBy Telegraph.' International CAPT. CMlBsSL Froir Island 8.3(i that Mr. set sail for tho of Jamaica 3 60@376 Ligoma. Mongolian.Portland-Liverpool .. Feb 6 Co. HOW, Conqueror conques 8Va Steamship leave Portland and 11.16 m., and 6 00 p. m. did not The follomg ware to-day’s quotatlo. s York. .Havre .—, Will Pier, FifWaiid, at 10.00 a. Lombard loDg live in harmony was here in California, 3 26®4 00 Centennial. 8V4 dosing Bretagne.New Feb 6 FOTf.— and a. England. A’fete given 1861, for From Cfficago Moutreal 8.30 m., and with his for as as mat- kers. Pratt’s Asuai of Bonds Aurania.New Stork.. Liverpool... Feb 5 m., Mondays, Wednesdays aiurhnitays parish, early 1757, to place in the old church a new and ..lots Lowell's Orr’s Card's ox ,0 d. m. — Cove. Island; ters had reached such a in Jan 28. Jan. 31 K.Wilhelm II..New York.. Bremen Feb 5 OovSSjoor's » a. crisis the list of the Eastport, Lnbec, Calais, St. Jo''n.N.B.,Halitax, N.S- East lfarpswell; Small Fro) Quebec 8.30 m.. and 6.00 p. m. carefully compiled “Compan- Eastern extra.. 22CJ23 In half bbls le extra New 4s, reg *27% 128 Garrick.New York. Montevideo.Aug 5 Point, Point, Aswi^g affairs of the church, that a part of his ions of William the in his and all parts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia S^basco, and Cundy’s Harbor. SUNDAY TRAINS. Conqueror,” FreshWestern..21*22 Raisins. do coup, 129% 329 Vigilancia.New York. 11 av & Mex. Feb 6 Phippsourg lifcururb Li.'! uu uifc- Prince Edward Island aud Gape Breton. The Harbor at* xcquchtuxi prupriexuxTi conquest of England, in 1066 It is a Reid. 18®19 Musctl.60 lb bxs6®6Vi New *’s reg.113 113 Altai.New York..Kingston,&cFeb 6 KETUtllslNG-Leave Cundy’s ''For Montreal, Quebec, Toronto and Chicago, favorite route to Campobello and St Andrews, 7.00 a. and njlss Mr. Lombard, oompl.tining that roll of that of “Battel Ab- Butter. London lay’rll 764620C New 4’a coop.. 114% 114% Havel.New York. .Bremen Feb 8 m., Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays, 0.00 p. m. companion N. B. at all had no affection for him, and that Creamerv.tncy..20®21 Coal. 'leaver & R. G. 1st...... 109 110 Teutonic.New York.. Liverpool...Feb 9 touching landings. For Lewiston and Auburn, 7.30 a. m., 6.0t they bey,” the only difference being, that tho to GlitkiiKO York.. Winter For further particulars apply m. his usefulness toward them had passed, roll of “Battel contained vr'mt.l8S20 Befall—delivered. Erl* gen 4*. 71 71 Paris.New So’ampton.. Feb 9 Arrangement. p. Abbey,” only J. H. a. matters which Choice.14*16 Cumberland 000@4 50 Mo.Kau. & Texas 2ds.. 67 67 Kensington ... New York.. Antwerp ... Feb 9 On and after Monday. Dec. 20tli. steamer will MCDONALD, For Gorham and Berlin, 7.30 m., and 6.0iv„ Lakeport. La- habitations, the River Hamel, and Wucaiiet. at Five islands on obstacles in its is a New .lersev Central. 94 95% Touching 8.4o a. m.. 12.45 p. ra.; encountering course, and that the name comes from Ammonia.ib@20|No 1.si6«20 conia. Plymouth, ■ Saxony, m Tuesdays and Saturdays. life giving fluid, w! er as stagnant A sees. pot.... 6*4 @ S | ms.*85@60 New York Central.118% 118%! ajain"k jN-jswe Portland and SieamDoat Go Worcester, via Somersworth. 7.00 a. m.; wa’er, the word “ham” and “lynna,” a .'Saxon Eala cooabla.. Returning—Leave Wiscasset Mondays. Boothfoay with nothing to ruffle its becomes .6S@eo| Shingles— New York, Chloago& St Louis 14% 16 Manchester, Concord. Via Rockingham surface, which means “home the Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.00 a. m„ for a. 3.30 and term, by water,” Beeswax.37®*21X o*aar... .* 76@3 26 do pi! 71 76 WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Junction, 7.00 m., p. m.j putrid unhealthy. Blch powaers... PORT OF PORTLAND. Boothbay Harbor, Bath, Popham Bench Haver* and thus is gotten the German “Hame- 7@9 Clear cedar. 2 60S12 76 Pacific com 28% Rockingham Junction. Exeter, tho differences which ” Northern 27% and Portland. at Fivo Islands on GOING WEST. Notwithstanding lin. It is well that the Con- Borax.10@ll(xNo 1.1 85*2 23 68% Touching hill. Lawrence, Lowell, Boston. ^|4.05, known Uo oo pfd. 67 and leaves as fol- occurred between the members of his Brimstone. ..2 «2Vr No 1 cedar..1 25* l 75 MONDAY, Jan 31. Mondays Fridays. Weather permitting. STEAMER ENTERPRISE t7.00, t8.40 a. m.. §12.45, 3.30 p. m. queror’s army was not all his Norman | Northwestern.124% IZflVs O. C. churcb and it would seem that BO OLIVER, President. lows: Arrive in Boston, 7.25, 10.16 a mr, himself, but contained adventurers Cochlneai...... 40*481 Spruoe.1 tfi@l Did.„.165 160% Arrived. R. 12.50, subjects, many Copperas.... 1 Va@ 21 La tbs. .1 90*2 0Bdo:( CHAR. LEWIS, Treasurer. nov9dtf EAST F.OOTHBAY for PORTLAND. Mon- 4.22. 7.25. p. ra. Leave Boston for Port- Mr. Lombard after his dismissal entered epee. 00 Western. 17% 17% Iona, London— from the Continent, and that many from Cream tartar.... 2- @321 Lime—Cement. Steamship (Br) Cummings, days aad Fridays, at 7.15 a. ru.. touching at land, 5.59. 7,30. 8.00. 8.30 &. m., 1.00, 4.15, upon secular and political life, and be- Reading. 22% 22% mdse to ltobt Relord Co. Germany joined the and Mr. Ex logwood-12*16 Lime.W csk. 8fi« South Bristol, and Boothbay Harbor, p. m. Arrive Portland, 10.13, 11.00 a. came a valuable member of expedition, x-juti maun. 93% 03% Sell Mount Norfolk—coal to very society, concludes that some of the GumaraDio.. .70@l 2*lcemont.1 20® Hope, McLean, PKMAQIHD for PORTLAND. Wednesdays m., 12.00, 12.20. 6.00, 8.00 p. m. Worthy ■it Paul. 96% 96V* Randall Hi McAllister. Glycerine ,20 *75' Matches. CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO, at 6.00 a. in., touching at above landings. SUNDAY TRAINS. Hanielins’from the Valley of the River UO bid. 144% 144% Aloesicape.2 [email protected] gross 65 Cleared. Custom Bouse GOING EAST. Hamel, in Saxony, may have been settled St.Paul & Omaha. 76% 77% Wharf, Portland, Me. Scarboro Beach. Pino Point, Old Or- Camphor...... 41 @4:11 Dingo. @65 Rio Janeiro—W Leave PORTLAND at 7.00 a. m. Thursdays in France for sometime before, having Mytrh... 82*56 IForesi so orfd.148 148 Barque Normandy, Murpliy, Week day time table, commencing Sunday, chard, Saco, Biddeford, Kennobunk. Wella City.60 124 W Rings. Nov. and Saturdays for 4.30 North followed and other German 1 5L Paui. Minn. <4 Mann.121% 28, 1897. Beach, 12.65. P. Ml.; Berwick, Opium.300*400 Metal*. Sch Sadie & Lillie, Strout, Belfast — Paris Boothbny Harbor, South Bristol, Shellac...... 36@40i 12Vs For Forest City l.aiuline. Peaks’ Island. Dover, Exeter, Haverhill, Lawrence, Low- leaders, in the conquest of the Gallic Copper- rexas Pacific. 11% Co. ::ml Bast Boothbay, com... .(@1644 Flouring 6.30, 0.40. 8.00. a. m., 2.15, 6.15 ]). m. ell. Boston. 4.05 a. in.. 12.65, 4.30 p. m. Ar* tribes, or it have a Indigo.85c@*l[14@48 Union Pacific. 35% 36 Va Leave PORTLAND at 7.00 a, m. may been only single 3 For Fonco’s Landing, Tuesdays rive 7.25 a. m.. 6.28, 8.45 p. tn. Leave iodine... .3 60s* 8b Polished coonar. 23 u,o..*u.... 7 % 7% Long" Island, 8.00, lor and above Boston, adventurer. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. a. u. m. PEMAQUID landings. Bostoh for Portland 3.45 a. m., arrive Port* Ipecac.175<®2 OOi Bolts. ;1012 uo orfd. 18V* 18% m.,2.15 RACE. Mr. also that there are For Trefethen's Little octSOdtf Manager laud a. m. Worthy says licorice. rt.... 16A2C1T m sheatn.... 12 Po’trn n Maine.168 167% ROCKPORT, Jan 31— Ar. sell Lizzie Bab- Landing, and Groat ALFRED 7.10 various Diamond Islands 8.00. a. ways of spelling this name and it Morphine.. .2 16@ 2.01 YM Bolts. 4* New York&New England pfu.l 90 s-s cock, Wlicaton, Boston, to load for Newcastle, Ml.. 2.15 p. m. EASTERN DIVISION. was Del. All Sunday trips on Casco Steambbas Co. WELL STEAMBOAT CO. changed from time to time, as they 011bergamot2 76*88 201 Bottoms.22*24 JldColonv.190 193% Bay HARPS For Statious, 9 a. m.; Biddeford, line discontinued for the seasou. Way were recorded in Adams 16 > October 1st. iSOT, stetuner the records and his con- Nor.Codilver200@225Ilrizoi.... II3I2 Express...*60 C. W. Beginning Aucoeis-- Port-mouth, Newburyport, Salem, Lynn., 261 EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. sept24dtf T. CODING, Gen. Man. iVi Hand clusion is, that really the proper spelling American do SISSi Tm— 4 inane*-, Express.119 119 eowill leave Pier,Portland, daily, Sun- Boston, +2.00, t9.00 a. m., |1.0o, t6.1(J Lemon.1 762 3£C|Straits.. 144i@154h Exr.ress. 41 *i 1 % Arat 30. steamer as follows: 6.57 a. of the word, should be "Hainlyn,” b t Liverpool Jan Scotsman, days excepted, d. Li. Arrive In Boston, m., 12,50 Olivo.1 00@2601 Engllsn... Peonies Das. 98% Portland. m. Leave fot the families In this have 96% Maddox, For Long and Ciiebeague Islands, Harpswell, 4.16, 9.25 p. Boston, country, usually Peppt.260*2 76 Char. L Co.. @6 60 i oiliest:,sr, 44 *4 Passed the Lizard 31st. steamer Esoaiona 9.00 a. m.. 12.30, .ALLAHliM. Bailey's and Oil’s Island, 2.00 p. m. Portland, 7.30, 7.00. adopted “iyn” “lin and “len.” He 76@2 oolchar. 1. X.. @7 26 ntano. 5% from Portland f.ir 11.50 .a. m., 12.15. Wlntergreenl 9x4 Antwerp. MAIL For Clift Island, Mondays, and p. m. Arrive Portland, says that the Hamelins who came over Potass Dr’mne. 64@5 iTerne.6 00*8 60 “actio 30 Passed Jan steamer STEAMKES. Wednesdays '• Man. 31% Gibraltar 31, Ilosenath, _BOYAL Fridays. 2.00 p. m. 4.30, 10.20 p. lit. ^ with William the 241 Antimony... I2@14 from I I Conqueror, became pos- Chlorate.20* Puimau Palace.177 Vi8% I.ieata lor Portland. and at Return for Portland -Leave Orr’s Island, SUNDAY TRAINS. sessed of Iodine.2 6SaJ .4 7*@6 00 138% Sid fin steamer Liverpool Portland, tailing by lands which were distributed 8u|0'S'- >ugar common.137 Shields Jan 29, Annandale, way of above landings, 7.00 a. m. Arrive Port- .. 000*600 Biddeford. Portsmouth. Newbury- vary freely after the William Quioksilver. 7O'®801 Speller.... Western Union...; 90% 91% Milne, P01 Hand. Londonderry. land, 0.30 a. m. conquest, by ail Ar at, Salem. Lynn, Boston. 2.00 a. m.. 1.00 his Ouiulne.. 38® isolderAhxo. 12@14 icuiheru Ky pfd.' Shields Jan 29, steamer Fremona, from ISAIAH DANIELS, Geu’l port{ amongst followers, and that they are Nall*. From From Mgr. Arrive in Boston. 6.57 a. m.. 4.15 m. Kheubar#, rt.76o»l 60i Portland. dtt p. Hie Princess settled In various counties in 85@1 96 Liverpool seplt ave Boston for Portland, 9.00 a. 7.0G 1 of Wales England, Kt [email protected] domestic Mamets. Steamship_Portland. Lm. m., f and that the branch there, from which Saltpetre.8 @12 wire.. 1 U6@2 06 Notice to Mariners. 20 Jan. Mongolian, 5 Feb. p. m. Arrive in Portland, 12.25, 10.30 ORDERS 1 § our Hamlens set Senna.26®80 Naval Stores. (By Telegraph. 29 Jan. Sardinian, 16 F’eb. p. m. jj undoubtedly came, was Office on the Lighthouse Inspector, in Canary seed.... 4@o Tar bbl.. .2 7 5*3 CO JAN 31, 1898. ) 3 Feb. i.aurenttan. 19 p'eb. (Connects with Rail Lines for New York, JOHANN HOFF’S HALT EXTRACT. tied Devonshire, of which Mr. First Distric t. $ writes Cardamons 1 60®2 25 Coal tar.... 5 Of @6 26 NEW YORK—The Elour market—receipts $ 12 Feb. Numidlan. 2 Mar. South ami West. | Worth more particularly. 00 Portland. Ale.. Jan 31, 1893.) Soda, by-carbsa* A 6*4 Pitch.2 76*2 18,836 bbls; exports 29,887 3»les 10,600 17 P'eb. Carthaginian,5 Mar. miiMim IfDally except Monday. Marlborough bbls; I <7 I will House, S. Y7. anticipate you have a very inter- Sai,.W1L Pi ton. .2 75*8 00 ,linkages; weak and lower, [Medomak River, Maine.] §Connects with Sound Lines for New York. Please send for the use of H. R H., <*• time at the to ail 2 esting dedication of your Suphur .... .24a**4y Rosin.3O0@400 flour mills at5 Notice is in the Sardinian carries no ttli’lfiCT STEAMSHIP EI-NE. Through tickets points for sale at Union the Princess of Wales, six dozen of quotations—city patents 75@ hereby given tnat perches passengers. 2 chapel, and regret very much that gucar iead.20*22 Tupentutt.gai. .40*50 I 00: winter patents 4 mills clears Medouiak Hollis Point to The Saloons and Staterooms are in the cen- Station. Hoff’s Malt Extract as soon as owing 80@5 16:citv River, Maine, from 2 JOHAJHf 4p absence from the White wax... Oakum.... 7 @8 ints 6 tral where least motion is felt. D. .1. FLANDERS. G. P. & T. A.. Boston. two to country, I will not be .*0@66 40*6 oOiWlnter straits 4 65®4 fi5;Mlnn. Waldoboro. Alaine, have been removed for the part, Elec- Kindly give bottles to » itrol. olue 344*9 Oil. is used for From and GKO. H. THOMPSON. Ticket Port, 2 possible.for 4p able to be 1 ,ats 6 16«6|40: do bakers 4 20.! the faithfully, © 1 Kvo— o 2 Western —. Light 2 faithfnly. Duck. Boiled.4fi(SdO passengers at hour of the Musle and v Cellarman V JAMES 55,600 bush: 7,997 Tiiomas Perry, any night. From every Wednesday JOHN GWILLIM, HOPKINSON HAMLEN. Wheat—receipts exports Rooms and Bmokfng Rooms on the Philadelphia For R. 1 lu-ib: sales 3,080.000 Commander. U. S. N. promenade H. H. $ No 3. 28! Whale.46*64 bush; futures—bus spot: deck. The Saloons and staterooms are 10 Inspector 1st. L. H. Disk heated jj BEAD ESTATE 10...'Bank.. .35*840 pot weak; No 2 Red f 0 b 1 04Vs f 0 b afloat steam. BEW-»7E TRANSFERS. No by Saturday. OF IMSTATIONS. & irrlve; No 1 hard Manitoba 1 f o b afloat: 3 m. From f' lOoz.13 Shore.80*85 u8Vs Rates of passage $52.60 to:$70.00. A re- From Central Wharf, Boston. p. The following real estate transfers have Yo 1 Northern to Memoranda. A The genuine TOHANH Hoff’s Malt Ex- 5 8 .18 i’crgte...30*36 Duluth at l OBVs fob afloat duotion is made on Round Trip Tickets. Pine street Wharf, Philadelphia, at 3 p. m. In- 60*86 jTtve. Jan from A makes Flesh and Blood. One X been recorded at the registry of deeds: Gunpowder—Shot. Lard. Boston, 30-Hch Charles A Briggs, Second Cabin—To Liverpool. London and surance one-half the rate of sailing vessels. A dozen bottles of the X Blasting!?... 8 26*3 SO Castor.110@l 20 Corn—receipts 58,500 bush: exports 61,090 Fbiladelphia Jan 23 for Fort land, was seen off $84.00 and Freights for the West by the Penn. R. R. and genuine JOFAUXT Frank O. Pride of Windham to Wil- 1 Londonderry, *36.26; return, 4 ... 45o*£66 iusU; sales Nauset, with main- freo of A noli, s Malt Extract will give more X Sporting. 6ot®6|25 Neatsloot 100,000 bush futures 144,000 spot; Cape Cod, Saturday morning, *66.75 and $69.00, South by connecting hues, forwarded liam V. Tukey, land in Windham. No 2 dis- A strength and contains more nutritive X Dropscct.26 its. .1 261Elaine.$5 but on the second he was strength night T. the of on the but a deal are annual events closed all day today to take account artists. While Carlton Chapman, ¥1000 furniture, good eries Opening patiently be defeated by Mr. Leighton who was after- marine was a of of this had been allowed to lapse. Miss (! artist, making drawing of stock. wards elected and who has served in the aia of the Church of the “The Storming of Falmouth,” E. C. Twombly was at a Iobs to account for the The Ladies’ board the last two for ladies and all upper for. years. no in shed. waited many meet Wednesday afternoon Peixotto. the rising young Californian, fire. Then: had been light the by today Messiah will now comes forward as a can- Mr. Snow down the articles taken there Mrs. J. H. Wish, Jr., 395 Cumber- was working his way through Among yesterday didate and his entrance into the field will \ Trenton to afternoon was a stove in which there .had •treet. Princeton and Philadelphia, the waiters will be have a to make the contest for patient fully repaid tendency a in but it was holds on well. The and.H. C. Christy was up at Orisknny been fire the afternoon, -old-weather still more fierce than the.'nomination stovo was cold when didn’t rise much above Sun- making a picture of Herkimer’s last fight. supposed that the it would have teen with only two candi- as time and in the shed. It be that an ember a view of the most beautiful collec- reading yesterday. At noon it Li- Each artist is giving much put may with dates for the position. It requires a ma- and in in the early morning oare to historical investigation as to the still remained, however, coming fted 12 degress, to nominate in a caucus and with First-Class jority so that the imflammable contents zero. actual making of the pictures, oontact with was below three candidates it will be much harder of it has been our fortune when are to be as accurate of the set the firo. The shed was tion goods good snow storm set in early yester- completed they shed, A stiff for one of them to secure this any major- be excellent John Waterman of Buxton. it was very thick in the after- in realistic detail as they will owned by day and The result’will be a ity. undoubtedly long and to- at from an artistio point of view, invited. noon and night. drawn out and.lively contest. PORTLAND WATER CO. to display. Everybody had rather a hard time gether they will form a panorama of the The electrics Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Mayberry W’ar such as has never It was hard work getting Revolutionary yet of Kates Decided Tes- yesterday. have served ward sevenTfor two years in New Schedule Dpon been seen. The com- and on the hills several would pictures already along, the lower board and are in terdar- every respect hundred in and use their uDited strength. pleted, nearly one number, bunch well to serve as ward 'seven s qualified the exhibition that will be held club were entertained will form of water The Fraternity in the board of aldermen. At a meeting of the board The representative in the Baxter Memorial on Tues- J. W. Symonds last night. building of the of by Judge They are, moreover, excellent friends commissioners oity Portland, Geo. S. Kowell. day and Friday of the present week. paper was by and have been held the 81st day of January, and of the E&OTAR BROS, 'ft BANCROFT. personally though they Tne artist whose work is ‘best cases of diphtheria were reported repre- Water Two proclaimed to be the representatives of xjjjicers of the Portland cawipaw?; forenoon at 151 Danforth sented in the collection is MruJgeixo*t» r" yesterday the two factions of the ward seven Re- at viVrfx' merttecj'tho Stowing gentlemen ----- one is of suchi There have only 31 cases of con- His oil painting surpassing street. publicans they have worked hand in were present: E. B. Winslow, president in as excellence that it is gr'-PA.v to be regretted tagious disease reported January Of the board; John H. Eogg, secretary, ftfi It. Tlorniyt h PT* that he has n'* 'hone work of this council for the best interests of their otli^ and William McAleney, consisting of the monthly meeting of the kiniL-'Tc Is entitled “The Retreat of the The regular party and their ward. Mr. Snow is also board of water commissioners, with Aid will be held .PUitish from Concord” and pictures with Salvation Army Society with affairs P treasurer, and E. K. We commenced the well acquainted city the redcoats deorge Wescott, yesterday sale of street church, vl ed- wonderful vividness fleeing In the vestry High “Until week Councilman’ RriAus Payson, secretary of the Portland Water ^thts in down the lane with many A CARD 10.30 a. m. desperation nesr’ y at Lamson of ward six never drequir'd that company, the following rates were agreed of over 600 Manufacturers’ of of the W. L. U., falling by the wayside, while the puffs of | Samples social evening water for manu- he was to have any opponent for the upon, to be paid for To : ffiie : Public. Gilbert’s Wednes- smoke come forth from the bushes where ’’K-*~n_at ball, nomination of alaerjw-n in that ward. factories and other large consumers, to Cotton Underwear in 0 '7 evening, Fenrua*, <, from g till jo. the Americans are watching the retreat- Ho was the only candidate in the field. take effect ns of January 1, 18 and will continue until COTTAGE the lower board for a third term and his ENDEAVOR. stated, for the lirst 1000 cubic feet pci- Clothing lower in price hundred cubic arrived are to make a month, 25c per feet, for The steamer Cottage City in friends prepared good fight The Floating Society of Christian En- the excess of K00 cubic feet per month, THAN HAS EVER BEEN SEEN IN PORT- Ban Francisco Sunday from Portland. for him if it is necessary. Mr. Elias Mj- deavor has adopted the new constitution 15c per.humlred cubic feet. and by laws, and these olIlcer3 were This will make "reduction to the man- elected for the ensuing year: ufactories and other large consumers of President—Charles H. Moseley. between $4,000 and $5,000 per annum. First Vice President—-James A.Tenney. PLEASANT TIME. Second Vico President—Mrs. K. G. Bol- j»gj* H’A C. Os B. Fisk & CDs* RIHES BROTHERS CD. ton. Mrs. J. Boles entertained a large party § ■■ ■-- June. Cross & it -—— Recording Secretary—George H. Ball. Middle, Free Sts. ! A A A A A A A A A a A aaaaAAA A of friends from Deering.ana Portland at .. Coiresponding Secretary—Miss A. C. 4 Leavitt. her home on Wilraot street, Saturday eve- Treasurer—H. G. Redlon. ning, January 29th. At 7 o’clock the KMOWLEhGE Committee—Messrs. | Prayur Meeting guests were invited to the dining room Fickeit, Burgess and Densinore. where a turkey dinner was served. The Good Literature Committee—Miss does not all come from books. ♦ Minnie Jewett, Miss McGunnigle, Rev. evening passed pleasantly with games and of leander e. cram. Post. The pall bearers were Sheriff what we learn in the School of Experi-« E. K. Purdy, O. H. Moseley. vocal and instrumental musio. During funeral Missionary committee—Chairman, J. I Samuel D Plummer. County '1 reasurer ence is worth the combined T refreshments the evening light were Tlie funeral of the late Leander E. % knowledge A. Appleby, Messrs.Marten, Ball, Hatch, D. F. Commissioner ever Mrs. Irving Bow and Miss Chenery, County ♦ in all the books printed. + Clark, Smith, Kicker and i-'ost. served by Cram, ex-sheriff of Cumberland county Allen, George H. Lidback and four mem- know Fire Insurance. Social and llower committee—Chair- Lizzie Boles. afternoon from his £ We Know every £ took place yesterday of Post G. A. R. Miss Hattie Mrs. W. C. bers Bosworth The in- and of it. man, Sargent, residence on Lincoln street. In spite T phase complication Know it T Clark, Mrs. Washburn, Miss Whittier, MRS. CARVER’S PAPER. late terment was at Evergreen cemetery. snow storm the worst of tho winter ♦ just as well as Edison knows electricity. X Miss Redlon. This afternoon at 4 o'clock Mrs. Car- of tho Comfort Bag there was a very attendance. Our time and thought for years have Committee—Chairman, on “Tho of the so far, large WESTBROOK. £ £ Miss A. C. Leavitt, Miss Mitchell, Miss ver’s essay Boauty All of the county offices were closed concentrated upon it. Experience • Burns, Miss Doddridge, Mrs. Hooper and Psalms” will be given at the First Par- the early part of the afternoon out ladies’ cirolo of Warren has been our teacher. If want to £ Mrs. James Hawkes. ish House! There will also be delightful during The church, you for the deceased, and the meet with Mrs. C. W. Maco and Mrs. take of our insurance knowl- T The secretary showed that much work musical selections. It is hoped there will of respeot will advantage attended the was done the 1897. attendance. county officers funeral in a S. C. Cordwell, Thursday afternoon to come in and have a talk with us. X during year Thirty- b 3 a large, general edge, for a handkerchief and six new members have been added, con- body. make preparations were conducted sisting of 24 seamen and 13 workers. Tho services by the apron sale. ibeen of There were distributed 2,053 tracts, 7,885 Rev. Mr. Berry Congress street The Westbrook Women’s Christian church in a papers, 1,049 magazines, 1,073 printed Methodist very impressive Temperance Union will meet this after- Music was furnished invitations, 181 comfort 325 Bibles manner. by a male noon at 2.30 p. m. with Mrs. Henry bags, ■ The floral tributes were DOW & Mechanic street. A from and Testaments, 385 bouquets sent to Stimulate the stomach, quartette. very Hawes, speaker pinkhamJo and came from alt Portland is expected to be in attendance hospital and sick seamen. The society rouse the liver, cure bilious- very numerous parts and address the meeting. six ness, headache, dizziness, the county. These included a hand- 35 St. have floating libraries and have re- of The Westirook city government will Exchange | spur stomach, constipation, wreath from the county officers and furnished two. Eighteen seamen have etc. Price 25 cents. Sold by all some not hold another meeting until the regu- druggists floral from been assisted and 2,130 vessels visited. Tho only Pills to tako with Hood’s Sarsaparilla! an appropriate piece Boswortn lar one,the first Monday in February.

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