¦ '"" "" r — ~ - 7 ^ : V^titeredMTranmtMMAmad-wI Ww&f$i£2WL XLVII. ) . . ^BEfitf'

AND latera l Accord of 2&riti £h an * foreign literatu re | CONTAI NING A COMPLETE ALPHABETIC AL LIST OF ; ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISHED IN GRE AT BRITAIN AND OP | EVERY T^ORK INTE RE ST PUBLI SHED ABROAD j [Issued on the 1st and 15th. of each Month}

PaicR Sd. March i, 1884 ISl SS rSS

d*-*f^*Ki » 1

Acker—--.~._.. mannu (A.)%•»»¦•/ •••••••*.•...... 243zto Hail&Cosxau. o* .....»*... 246«»»> Olyettv ijf vi/\i ...... i. •••••¦•. 247*i« i Andwwa & Co. (Durh am ) 233 Hamil ton, Adams , & Co 236 Pagen (W.) 246 Autotype Fine Art Gallery 233 Holde n (A.) 246 Paper Maker *' Circular 240 JJ donreau (Bd.) 240 Holmes & Son 246 Partridge (S. W.) & Co 249 *rnioot t&B on 4747 Loolrwoodi u *ntru,nrui (O.)tn \ &A *. r.n 222'I'll fcipicerHnirar Brothers 255 2S*™ '- 286 iKJvejoy (Reading) 2»3 Stoneha m (W. G.) 24tf S2S?1?5 ,* Co 240 IiOW & Oo . ..., 219-22 1, 232-236 Taylor Brothers (Leeds) 24tf tuj? *™ 24? MaomUJaaACo 225 Tonks & Sous 242 22?£ Go' (Bradfor d) 230 Marion & Co 238 Typographic Etchin g Company 247 oSS?/?! eiuy) 2*± Ma xwell (J. & R.) 218 Yirtne & Oo 247 24 Merritt & Hatcher... 24« Westcott (L. D.), Plymouth 233 I OkK£i . ;L ) ° I OrtS?K i » 24*2 Modem Press (The) 24»i Westleys & Co 244 I '22(hSmmmZ. *yK'Sir rr M" ' 226, 227 MMarravarray (J.)rJ. ) 231 wW hitmttaker taker oi& coCo zo»283 >l JI ter Oo 241 233 Wyman&Sona 218 I 232?£ « * » * Myera&Oo(G. . *^ * •**»&%*¦' I te ^ l— - 2^ ^wman ) y^ jj f ? ^^ 24« state _ London, E.C. : Mwrch 1, 1884. I \mmmMm& vex t 0RS » like publi ahora , doubtless Wj& S^^^ ft ^disaical whenof existence , when I A dah 111 not Juda li ; literature of II evL, i T v«x Ephraim , and B|MttS ^^ Mot be W^1 find a r y sale and when tK& -jSR^flcers the reof will amply remunerated , 1 ml? '* * do not «a ^ , of I oS2L tt M a e fortune s ; buV *» a matter fact , the literar y Utopia is, like all ^ 8 * ^ , the aut hors are making a ¦ ¦ fata ^effortP** * somewhat owndifficult of re *U*ationthe. Mea nwhile ^ J J ^tt on their account to rea ch happy laud , and although they do not i g The Publishe rs* Circular 9 Mawh i., ^ ! —" II absolutel y make such an assertion in the statement of their case, it is manife st that they F not altogether satisfied with the rela tions at present existing "between the m and the a*> _._ pvrt& ljahe n ______wiyF — in some instances , been strained ,r perhaps owing to That these relations have ,^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ faults^^^ onVJH \JkiMlTIl II ' sides, we are not concerned to deny ; but looked at broadl y, and witho ut bias, the questio which may be fairl y asked is whet her authors , as a race, will gain by such a combination 1 that which is now being made. In answering this question it is obvious that very much wv __»__^ i* be gathere^y — d— from— the names of the individu als associated with the und ertakin^3/ g, and» i&VJlC 218 II _ j-J «¦« <¦ here __ .! _ .„ _1_ _ _ £. ifll. MM —. _» _^— __ -*. A? A — _ X L> -_. __•* 7 L* -** «¦ _v^j^ ^-k j-k. ^rk A *¦». I ,*¦%. * £*** ^^w» I _**^-fc ¦ ¦ - — «An onnti the+.Vifi lucusIilcai.r aa. nowff t.cm. lucendol.ii,o.p/nf l.(% principl•n rinr »i

UK^kM ¦ ¦ -» »-^ ^^-^ " ^^^^ ¦ h ^^ ^^ ^» ^^^ ^~ ^»^^ i ¦¦ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^r- ^ -^^ ' -^r *w ^^ -^ -mm ^ ^v« ^ ^»» - ^^ ¦ v^v^v ^m w*^ ^r ^^ "^^ ^^^^ ^^^ " ^"-^ • ^ ^^^- ¦ ~^^ ^^ " ^ r ^^- ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ '^— f — » — —^ f j ^ ' — — —- -^ ^^ — ^» " ^^ ^*w^»^ k« *^ ¦ ¦ ^^ ^^^^ 11 find the first to be * the united and strenuous endeavour by^ every^ possible means to^^ ^^ obtain^^^ t <¦ » j» m m m m m TT t i 1 rf~>i i for** Eng"flTV lish*•« writersm the. justic•• e of copyri ght in the* United States< /4 an object1 • t with• i ^ which1 • « every-

¦' -^ —™~ » w ^— ^^—^^^ - — m j^ f- ¦ ^- ^ v v ^^^^ w^ ^ ^B^^^^ v^^ r ^p ¦ ^^ » ^^- ^^ w^r w —* •— h«~ — — — — — — h — — — - — - -*¦ one"^ will sympathise^ ^ ^—' ^^'^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ -^^ ,^p and^^^ ^— which^^^ ^^^^ ,-^p it^^ ^^ may in^^™ ^^ ^^ fairness"^^^^"^ ^^^^ ^^^ be pointed out ,j publishers as— — - — well— » -^^ ^^^^ asv*vnv authoraV^W ^ i ^J ^ M » w M ^J have for a long period been striving to attain . The Company quotes Mr. Charles Reade's scheme , and apparentl y nails its colours to his mast , while it assures us that it * will leave no stone unturned to awaken the nation to a sense of the injustice and iniquity of the pr esent absence 01of international copyrightconvrierht / ' and arguesar &rues., tthatnat '* ifit it were formediormea fortor thistins obiectobject alonealone., it would call imperativel y {sic) for the support of all English authors .' The Company furthe r proposes to prepare a bill for the reg istration of titles ; and to pro mote ' the maintenanc e of friendl y relations between author and publisher. * Unde r this latter head the prospectus suggests that the absence of a properl y drawn agreement definin g the relative ri ghts of author and publisher is a frequent cause of subseque nt dispute , and it also implies that ignora nce as to the probable sale of a work , as to the cost of printing, binding , and advertising, and as to the best way of pro ducing it, and the ri ght choice of a publisher , are among the points on which authors need the assistanc e the Company is prepare d to supp ly. On all this it may be observed , that althoug h there may be, and probabl y always will be, persons of the Verdant Green V^>«>^^^^ # I/A&\^A, A**.l»d» fcf ¦« type»* T r*^* in*«» the¦^* thereV mayW hereA&X^ A. ^^ and•«W *»^^ there bem *r ^-* publishersvn ^** K»* *v»»# ,« or-*'• . individuals» — ——»— — —- so describing^fe K ^fe M themselves- ^ ^K , willing_ ^n ^d A to trade^K on the^B young author> ^B 'B^ s i^ gnorance , yetb as a matteri i of fact any respectabl e firm is and always will be read y to give full and complete informati on on all these points. But while the Company is thus prepared to lay down a proper basis 01of actionaction-, mutuallymutuallv adadvfl.nvantageoust.a.orfinn» toin authoraiiilinr andn/nrl publishernii"hliR"hf vr-, it alsoalso proTvrrvnoseaposes to estabestablish lish wnavwhat may possibl y be more difficult of attainment — ' the cultivation of mutual help between autho rs, ?JV V11UIU W1V H.JV *.t*i*V/ v> •>»»»¦»* — — l so that th e yJ f oungVUlig anU1XVAd struggOUL Ugglinglillg writerWlJlLV/1. mayrn.ki.tMiy lookAWXV forA.KJM. andC4.CJ.14. obtain\J Hfl/iW JLJ. friendlJllljllUlJy guig dance and counse from those who have alread y made their reputations. ' The council finally offer to advise their memb ers on all points connected with publication , to assess the merits of any MSS. submitted to themthem,, toto examinefixaminft agreementsnxTrrefimfinta with-with publishersrmhlishftrs., to keepkeftn a register in which members may enter their names for such work as they may be willing and competent to accept, and—it is a bold offer— * to advise on all questions ar ising between auth or and publisher. TheTh e SocietySoftifitv is to consistpnnsiftf. ooff an. Pre"PrPMaiH sident ^ri f. , Vin^-PrAaiV ice-Presidentsrionfa , FellowsTTVxllrvwo. andnnrl AssociatesA ftSnP.iateS., anafind w01 Honorary Fellows , who shall not he British subj ects , all of whom , with the exception of the last class , are to pay an ann ual subscri ption of one guinea. Such is the scheme as far as our information goes. A3 to its chances of success, we believe that , althoug h it may be based on a sincere desire to benefit authors ' who have not yet made their reputations ,' it will be un- likely to obtain the adhe sion of the foremo st men in the literary world without whose support no real advance can be made. As it gives special prominence to the desire to main ta in fnendiy relation s with publish ers , our rea ders are not likely to look with any jealousy upon it; i« many of its objects are so eminentl y praiseworth y that we can offer its pr omoters our ^best wishes, even if we expre ss the opinion that it is a somewhat visionary proj ect,

. .

hut wafl TheThft deathdpni.1i onft Mr.Mr J.Tnlinohn HullahTTniinii isift an. lossInnn notr\c\i onlr.r ^ Kry tof/\ musiciTniai ^ , but tofr * literatlifprfitlire. ure , tG1for ll»t ~ emp haticall y true of him that he had 4 the pen of a read y writer. ' His two volumes of lectures on musical history , published , if we remember ri ghtl y, by Messrs. Longma ns, wer e reinar ka for their purity of style and clearness of phrase , and his smaller works on the pra ctical side the art to which he devoted his life were mar ked by the same happy comman d of langu*B¦ * Br. Hu llah possessed, in fact , the rare gift of a thoroug h knowled ge of music as an ar t an ^ a sc ience, in combination with very considerable literary power , and if his time had ^^V occupied , laced the re**1j ^g so exclusively in tea ching and examinin g he would doubtless hav e p Vt ^,.U1' 3 . 1 -11 . it »• rw . .1 i. i> ¦* • 1 :^cr\a (*T.lOUo Phuxiv uiiuur biiu greater ooiigationa. j ais reports on tne results or iub annum 1UO*; yy- the Training Colleges in Great Brit ain were models of what such docume nts should tJ e ^ qJik ——- , ^ ^ 'lr I oo The Publishers' Circular roo Maich I, i»4 ** .. ,, were free from the diffuseness and magazine-article style which disfigure d the late ev _- _— _, —r _. VMt ______w~— j », ¦ ¦ p\^A _^ -w— » — — -_- — . _ - v —r —- —- -w v—^w _, —iMtf- -y— --->- _>_^y *-4» —- WW %^_ gj*f%fVf»'fl /f-^TIMUr* 3- *" J they»^^^^^ were*» no mere dry official papersw^, but contribu^*^ tions of^- real i^^ Far r' B Census Repor ts, ^ 1 e to cur ren t musical histor y- Dr. Hullah possessed , in fact , the talent for clothing his in read able En glish which is so invaluable to speakers or writers , and if there was at fh °uffhts r es a tinge of obtr usive pers onality about his spoken or written deliver ances , it was readil y f rriv en because his maste ry of his subject-matter was always beyond question . His earlier usical associations were linked with Charles Dickens, who supplied him with a libretto for an nera and later in life he set to music Adelaide Procter 's touching lyric * The Storm ,' and KingsW'8 ' Thre e Fishers. ' Essentiall y a man of culture and refinement , he could appreciate _ __ -^ rif — — — — — — VAC H jI ^ > U W ^ ,# -^ . A ¦ ¦ ""^ ^" ^" ~^ ^^ workers in the world ' of art and letters and the writer of these lines the society of his brother ,^ has a lively remembra nce of the pleasant reunions which he contrived for his num erous friends on Sunday evenings—the only hours availa ble for such a purp ose in. his busy life—at his rp

Mr . Arthu r Ackermann sends us for inspection two sample books of Pran g's Cards , pub- lished at Boston , U.S.A., for which he is the authorised London agent . The first set consists of ' Easter Cards / Gold crosses wreathed in flowers with Scripture texts at the foot are among the simplest of the designs, and are essentially church-like in character and feeling. Butterfl ies and birds on the wing bearing an Easter wish meet us on the next page, and then we have the typical Easter Egg lying on. a bunch , of flowers. These latter cards would , if we may offer a suggestion to the designer , hav e been improved by the omission

¦ ¦ h — ~ m m m ^0 ^t& ^ ^v W ^^ ^B V ¦ ^* ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ -^r ^^— -^— '^^'^^ ¦ ^^^ ^ ¦ i ^v -^ *—»- •—^ —— ' -^—— ¦ ^^^M^^k ^v ^v ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ —^ ^v^ -^r ^ ^v ^ '—~ m ^ ^b^^^^^v ^^v ^^^ ^ ^^^^* .^v ^^r ^^ ^^ V r^a^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^p ^^ ^^ ^^^ W^r ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ i v ^ 9^^r ^^^ ^^ ^^ of the^^ ^^^^ ^^ texts, which strike us as being a littl e out of place. Prett y bunches of flowers^^^ ^^V on shaded purp le ground , and triangular cards with lilies, dog- daisies, and jonquils , are among the other floral devices on the ch eaper works. Children 's faces and angels ' figures form another type of car d, and each of these varieties reappears in the more expensive cards , some of which are of singular beauty of design and execution. More elaborat e still are the folding cards inclosed in white covers and tied with white cord s and tassels , while on the inner pages are verses iromfrom JJeremveremy TaylorTavlor. , JohJohnn Mason JNNealft.eale, and othernther well-Jcnownwell-known writers.writers . Two picture cards representing an angel at the mouth of the grave and three angels playing 4 Easte r Harmon y ' close the book. Mr. Ackerm ann also sends us a companion volume of ' Prang 's Birthday Card s' in which birds , flowers , cheru bs, landscapes , sea-scenes, an d a variety of other designs are tastefull y produced in colour , with appropriate birthday wishes. Genuine taste is shown in the arrangement of these graceful little tokens ; and for those who preierprefer to sensenda some appropriam>roTvriatat e verses therethore are selections«eler»hions from TennysonTennvson ,. Tjonorfellow..Longfellow , Whittier , an d other poets , printed on silver ground with delicate borders. The ' Wedding Car ds ' are prett ily decorate d with bells sendin g forth their notes of gladness , while a space is left to inscribe the giver 's name under the words ' Sincere congrat ulations from .* These nupt ial gifts are ver y tastefull y produced , and with their ornamental silk fringes can scarcel y laii to win the same welcome which has been so freel y accorded to the birthday card .

JPEBRETT AV 25 °/o- —In confirmation of Mr. Allberry 's letter which appeared in our issue of February 1, he has sent us a printed circular in which these liberal terms are offered to the pub lic. Tliey are offered, however , not by the publisher , but by the editor , an d theund er the special circum stanceces s of the casecase, we do noh fl^ft fchah tnnr >h harm has h^pn rlnnA t<* tradft. V Tiik f ' do not see that muc " narm has been done to the trade. | | Mr . Allber ry's complaint was a fair one to make from his point of view, for certainl y as a ru le | | it is very unde sirabl e for pub lishers to add to the competition to which booksellers are sub- jected b eac | | r h other— by competing with them them selves.

E RSH EIME R I W f ii tR° Bill.—Whilstior tjie American pap ers, as they come to hand , continue to I , ., UI1 °* hope[ , andaii a sansanguine ^ulI ^e for thetJie success otof thiathis measureineaanrR. the CCahlo.able hasha« informed usua otof ita I failauur e. mi ' , H The Times of Februar y 21 contain s the following significant para grap h :— l16 H0USe yester da I Coml"tf y afternoon a motion by Mr. Dorsheime r , New York , on behalf of the Judiciary t0 sus Pend the rule a and make the Bill granting copyri ghtw to citizens of forei gn countries a I BDeciftlir **-"* ! Orde!' r f, _^*. rzc I for FWilebririm uarmr y 27,9.7 fai¦PttWn.Aled tof^ pass»->..«r, forM wantnr » n #- of,,£ a« two-third4- ^.^ *.!,;«,«,.a ^ 4-U~ -. l,~:~,~ i ^ -^.A the4- U r *. I *i yai 98 > vote, the yeas being 166 and e |Uot t' 1*a w n unf eigned regre t , for we had certainl y broug ht ourselves to believe, in I spite /our ? ^ I ,. dpi °•.\ • better"^er jujudgment dgmen t,. that tnethe signssierns were hoDefnl.hopeiul. WeW e need not , howeverhnwftvei -,. regard thisthia I ai Ve the I Preaenf • loss of the Bill » thou gh ** will doubtles s impede its progress , seeing that the eSS >n ClOSeS n the I kroucht K ° 4th of Marc h > and [t ift at least doubtful whether it can again be e tllat date - TJle new session, begins we believe on Marc h 5 but pr obabl y I a Bill Jv 0 u f , , ; I '»ext tk « mad e som© progreof ss this session cannot be continued from this point in the turtla V Re™ *™ the 23rd , unaware of the above telegram of the 21et, I *ya : * F r f ^ of the ° • 8t time *n m&ll7 years there seems to be a probability of a speedy soluti on I o°P n u H1168^0^ 4 I il *aa th • in America,' and it is good enough to add that : For years ttpy riirlit ^ mc

200 The Pub lishers ' Circula r M%A II

questions have not been covered by some sort of a treaty'.' We very emphati cally deny th' I on the contrary we assert that in our opini on the British publishers have, * of 9 ^ lat e * a ^ great dea l further than they ought to have done in meeting all the demands of AmeiSl* publishers , and it certainl y is not due to them tha t the recent proposed tre aty fiulwU-^eX that they gave way on every point deman ded by.the Amer ican publi shers. ______^_ But" • $ I T*W 1 • . T»M1 1 • * . T IT. 1 - .-. _.-l~l-~lt M 9 f ^ ^.^w^ ^ -. J ^ • •fi ll II I Dorsheirner Bill, which covers none of the American publiah ers' former deman ds, haa now » I are told , the support of most of the most 4 enlightened publishers. ' » ?e I

* The statistics of the book s published in America during 1883 hav e just been sent out from the office of the Publisher ' s Weekly, New York . It is not an encouraging repo rt . After goino over it with some care , and the accompany ing list containing the titles of the most notaSS books of the year , it strikes us that 1883 in America as in England is distin guished by tlw povert y of its contributions to literature . The table , summarised , is as follows : 1882.— — —¦—• 1883.AWWC II Fiction . 767 670 j Law ...... 261 397 Theolo gy and Rel igion S26 375 Juvenile Books . 278 331 - Medical Science, H ygiene 188 211

——¦ ^^•^m -*^m **»w w -^^ a ^bvv ^«* bm ^w-«mv ^k ^» ¦ w ¦ v w v v — ^- Education«^ ^ ^^ , Languag•• e ...... 221 197^ ^ Poetry and Drama ...... 182 184 Biography , Memoirs ...... 184 161

^. Literar^^^^^ ^^ ^i^^ ^ y» History^^*^^ ^^i^ ^^^^ ^» w r and^t^^^ vf^ Miscellan^»^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ '^ m ym .....^ m ^ 155— ^^ 158^^ ^^ Descri ption , Travel . 185 155 Useful Arts 87 146 History . ^ . 11 8 119 {Social and Political Science . . . . . 11 2 106 Physical and Mathematical Science . . . . 10ft 90 Fine Arts and Illustrated Books ..... 91 7 j Books of Reference ...... 86 ... j Music Books ...... 21 ... j 3 ,472 3,481 It will "be seen that the total number of titles has not fallen off. The decrease in fiction ii very striking , and even of these 670 titles a very large propo rtion are the so-called " library " reprints. It would be interesting to know what proport ion represents the ivork of American authors * —New York Literary World.

Messrs. Mit chell & Hughes have just issued to the members of the Kent Archaeo logical Society Vol. XV. of its Proc eedings , edited by the Rev. Canon Scott Robe rtson , like the previous volumes of the Society ; it is amply illustrated throug hout its 480 pages. i Messrs . Cassell & Co. will shortl y publish a popular edition in sixpenny mont hly par ts 1 «« C- -a irv j /vt \ %%stV* r-1 inn .Sfe^v^-t ~\£* r^ ww»«-k *•' « i* li ! ¦«•• '1 \«-» wx-« -^ l^ V* ¦**-• ^«4> ^k -wv 4>-«-r 9* -A- ^-v V-vr*v ^-k^-v«rw-» I ^~\4"^ "k^-l i *w^ ^* ATk T"fcO pffl f of Archdeacon Farrar 's Earl*^ y Days of^ Christianity* to be completed in ten pa rts . j The March number of the Maga zine of Art contains an article by Profe ssor Sobk o^ of tlie j Imperial Library , St. Petersburg, on the Russian painter Verestchag in, illustrated with % j portrait of the artist and full-page engra vings of two of his finest paintings ' The Victors ' and j 4 The Vanquished. ' i Mr. J. Hey wood , of Manchester , has in the press ' The Redeemer ,' and other poems, by Josep h: !Lineham , author of * The Youth of Jesus ,' &c. , Wo hear that Messrs. W have a little .wort yman & Sons,UUI of GreatIII Queen Street , London , ULCI IIUO <*I1 xuiu soine inAll the1>1&U pressyjL UaO ,y entitledVJIl tiAUACU. ' JohnV KJIM.IM. Bull'XJUIA s» NeiX^ CJIghbour ^Il U in Her True LiAJlglLUght :. beingUUllMg an Answerii v. to— Recent French Criticisms ,' by ' A Brutal Saxon. ' Rumour says that the book i» likely to w for many years m as eagerly re ad as * John Bull and His Islan d ,' as the author, who has lived o France, draws some startling picture s of French life ; arid his authoritativ e description* 4 Horrible Paris ' can hardl y fail to cause a sensation on this side of the Cha nne }. , g^w- | #pi w JL /U 1*. ~»y and • U MessrsA.T.ft.C70£3 * O.. HursXXUIRUt &*.H/ BlackettXTlAUIVCliU willm ill shortD11U1 |j l l y publishLJUK Jliail ' Dawn/n il , bILf y H. RiderJ.\<&«A.C3A HaggardJL -l.f*£^ , " | ^ ^ w Pity of It ,' by Mrs . M. E. Smith , each in 3 vols., and ' Omnia Vanitas ,' a ta le of Society, one volume. , . . royal ....K ^ Messrs . Griffin & Co., Portsmouthy , are about to publi sh an elaborate wor k in ™ the * Nordenf eldt Machine Gun described in detail and compare d with other systems, their ^ for nav al and military purposes , &c , methods of working illustrated with numerous p ananad ai&grama.diagrams. . .t.j, luxe of 118 , There is a sudden revival of interest in Keats. Two recent Editions de J , j,* and Mr . E. 0. Stedman 's magazine article will be followed by 4 Selections from Keats Hyf*. \JT rr% a u _i a i im tr i ck. .^^ ltvmo WJll Cfl i Mr. W. T. Arnol d, publ\^i*ished by Messrs . JCegan Paulv> & Co.n~ Them\ * ~ volume, wJu cn now originall y inten ded to make part of the Parchment Library, but which has ^j Vj ^ 1 lartfelarge forlor thattnat series , will contain all the poemsnoema inclincludeduded in tnothe threotnroo vcaui»v—volumes. pV^^Ljl wui contain all tne *>^^ 1^5=^=^ ' ' B 88eQ The Publishers Circu lar 201 lUa*^ * ^- • Keat s's lifetime, and an introduction in which Mr. Arnold has devoted himself to I!Ki d111 ^ , 0£ geats's poetic dicti on and its sources —in other words , of the influences which m0X * Th fort hcoming volumes that are to appea r in the Eminent Women Series ' issued 1,II TdHaara W H. Allen & Co. are among others : ' Anne Bradstreet ,'by Helen Camp bell ; Grimk < I r ^^ ai id Angelina e,' by Mrs . C. H. Bimey ; Elizabeth Fry, ' by Mrs. Pitman ; I itfrriet Mart ineau ,' by Mrs . Fenwick Miller ; ' Madame Roland / by Mathilde Blind ; I « The Countess of Albany / by Vernon Lee ; * Mad am% de Stae l,' by Bella Duff y ; ' Susannah 'by Mrs . Clark e, and * Margaret of Valois, Queen of Navarre / by Miss M. Robinson. I Wesley * I! Messr s. Longman s & Co. are now the publishers of Mr. Richard A. Proctor 's Stars in I their Seasons ' ; of tha t gentle man 's * Myths and Marvels of Astronomy ' ; and of the follow- of the ' Knowled ge Library ' : * Leisure Readin gs/ ' Nature Studies / * The II vast volumes and || || S^tjy of Astrono my/ * Science Byways .' * Pleasant Ways in Science / by Mr. Proctor , is II also the publicati on of Messrs . Longmans & Co. I A new work by Vernon Lee may be expected early this spring, under the title of * Euphorion .' I It consists of a serie s of studie s of the anti que and the mediaeval in the Renaissance. I • Euphori on '—th e name given by Goethe to the child of Faust and Helena—fitly represents II the Renaissan ce, taking life from the middle ages, but born of and nurtured by the spirit of I1 antiq—*;«tii uity,'*~ as«ua theth e* chinhildld takeshakes litelife rromfrom its fatherfat her FauH au stus.stus , whOewniJ e its motherotner is Helena.±ieiena. About II one-tliird of the book has already appeared in the leading reviews at one time or another in I the form of separate arti cles, the re mainder being new matter. It will be pub lished by 1 Mr. T. Fisher XJn win , of 26 Paternos ter Square , E. C. || || Mr. T. Wemyss Reid's novel , * Gladys Fane ,' is about to be re-issued in a popular form in -^r ^^^^ » ¦¦ ¦¦ hi M "^^"^^" »^ ^>^ ^^^ ^* ^" ^»^»^^ v ^ ^ m ^— ^ ^^^ — ^* ^^ -^ ^— — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — 111 Ili volume.W ^^ ^B ^ m m ^j ^ W Asa^" ^ ^^ ^^^ proofW ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ of^*^ ^^ the^^ ^^^ ^^ populariB^ ^^ r^ ^^ ty*W this book has gained , it may^ be added that ¦ I ¦I I one.- . . • «* ¦»• • 1 • ii 1 /• •! Off TX 7 I ' Gladys Fane—~ '• is• now appearing in Australia as a serial in the columns of the Sydney Echo . III Amongcr the successfusuccessfull cand idates whowno Dassedpassed hisms examination at thet tie Middlemidd le Templexempie was |( G. 3. Vickers, eldest son of Mr. H. Vickers , publisher and bookseller , 317 Stran d , W.C. A very interesting little volume fully descriptive of Tonquin is now in the press by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. The author is Maj or-General Win . Mesney—inthe Imper ial

—» ~— —" ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ ^^- ^^^^» i -^— ^ ™ ¦ ^^^h —— ^^^ -——- -^^ - ¦ ^"— —— •—¦¦ -^ m w ~^~ r -~~ — r — — ^^ -™— — '^ —"~ — ¦ « ¦ ^^f ^ 9 V ^ ^p V ^^p ^^- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^b ^ ^v ¦ ^ • -^^^^ '^»' ^^^ ^ ¦ ^^ ^ " ^ Chinese Army—who has been living for twenty^^ years in the heart of China , and has probabl^ ^ y^^m seen more of Chin a and Chinese life than any living foreigner. He has been engaged in the drilling of Chinese troops , and has very largel y contributed to the enormous stride made by the Chinese during the last few years in the knowledge and use of forei gn arms and inventions. Spiers 1 French Dictionar y/ 2 vols., will in future be published by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. This new edition , being the twent y-ninth , is not a reprint from the old plates— it has been entirel y reset , and contains nearly 200 pag es and many thousands of words more than the former editi on ; in fact , in everything but plan and method it may be regarded as an entirel y new work.work Messrs. the following : 1 Hodder & Stoughton 's announcements for the spring season includ e Kade sh-Barn ea : its Importan ce and Probable Site, including Studies of the Route of the Exodus and the Southern Boundary of the Holy Land ,' by H. Clay Trumbull , D.D. ; « Wycliffe and Hu ss,' by Dr. Loserth , tran slated by M. J. Evans , B.A. ; ' The Grounds of Theisti c and ^uiati an Belief,' by George P. Fisher , D.D. , LL.D. ; ' Howard , the Philant hrop ist, and his Fri ends,' by John Stoug hton , D.D. ; * Capital for Working Boys : Chapters on Character Building/ by E. McConaugh y ; * The Messages to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor ,' by Canon Tait , LL. D. ; * Biblical Lights and Side Lights , ' being a cyclopaedia of ten thousand jljnstra tions with thi rty thousa nd cross-references fro m the Bible, by the Rev . O. E. Little ; **»iEarthui'sb Earliei^riiest st AcresAges andana theirthei r Connection with Modern Spiritualism and TheoaoTheosop ohv, ny, ' bvDy k*.O. H Pember , M. A. ; ' Talks with Young Men/ by the Rev. J. Thain David son, D.P. ; * Is God ^notfable ! > by the Rev. J. Iverach , M.A. , being a new volume of ' The Theological Library ; ' tluny Mac pherso n : a Tale of Bro therl y Love ,' by A. E. Ba.rr , a new American ta le ; * Georgo fox and the Earl y Qusiers / by A. C. Bickley ; ' The Twofold Life ; or, Christ 's Work for us ana Uhnst s Work in us,' by the Rev. A. J. Gordon , D.D. ; ' Anecdotes for Sermons ,' being a n«* volume of*y * The Medita- Evei Clericalin Library ; ' * Heart Fellowshi p with Chr ist : Pray ers and Sunday the Year ,' b the Rev. W. Poole Balfem, author of ' Glimpses of •U e«us , y ,' ^&. c. ?; «**«and «*a newno w and»nu illustratliiusirai eaed editioneaition ofor Dr.ur. Macajyiacaulavuiay's 4 Across^a-cross theme Ferryreiiy :. Firstjcn»ii impre ssions of Amer ica and its People. ' We understa n d that th e Queen has , throug h Sir Theodore Mar tin , granThe ted wor to Mr. Carl ^Py^ 11 of a tran slation her new book for is being trZ !T? a - * of Scandinavia. kaVi "" Siat eu minto ftftrm nn K-«t +Vi« r ^ ^«m4- A «« VmwUa^ T)»llon4«»m «^V1 H- nrill olan r*T»fKT \\ *> DuhliT y• Ger man by the Countess Eup hemia^ Balleatrem , arid it will also ahor tly bo m the Tau clinitz (Leipsic) edition of Eng U J corr e it at lish authors . . sPondei Paris , in his letter in Tuesday 's issue , points out two ludicrous Wunde m and fcs. ^ Bonapartist Pays. M. de Cassagn ac, in a sarcastic artic le on Prince Nap oleon k 81JPpor ter 8 8ay8 • ' M. Maurice Richard was once Minister of Fine Arts, without even nowin ' er udand h \ m P »°n called Milo never made the well-kno wn Venus. ' Milo used to be an ' ottokf Casaagna c tu rns init into a man.is In anotherin columnof Mr. Georg e R. Sims, *u ^°At emil?ent writ ers London / quoted proof Paris having fallen from I ^ Wrii A«t an<^ kein8 given up to mud , bankru ptcy, and licentiousne ss. Mr. Sims says, I '''IrauriwS " may rea d on I * Id**lvi«r> ^e ©verything Parisian .' The Pays converts the word into 11^ appeild8 th e l icr ittg ulttf explanation that it is an island off the coast of West Africa ,'famous

¦ ¦ U _ -JW The Publishers' Circular M«a,.^l

Attention is being directed in several quarters to the interesting documents , , Kingjving _uiDraryry f 0* e AsliASiiburnhburnii am ccollectionollection, whichwnicn are now to beDe seen in methe 's Libra atat> thet_ie Bri««ii-Br itish Mnseibr • * The selection which is exhibited compr ises some of the most interesting charter s, **** volumes * historical and literary documents alid aut ograp hs. In table-case 1 is a gra nt from UihfoSi King of Kent , to the church of Liming of land of four ploughs called wieghelmestun ______A jL K_> __. ____*. _r______m _—. _._. j —,__-, I <_ ___L _*. _«__ _ __¦_ I ¦ 1 s-_4>^ _- _«_*•_ __ 1»"V _»J /\n V__r__~_ _ _ % ¦_ _^X_ *_»" _»rt ¦»" _ _ ^» <_ > 1 _ 1 I _ 1¦*¦ __[ screen A there are severa*. l historicalX*. • letters and scarce«*• autograp" »" hsI** *• , viz.*_ , a— letter of Oil Elizabeth , dated Greenwich , 30th March , 1574, addressed to George Talb ot , Earl of ShrewsW * Earl Marshal , in answe r to his complaints of reports made to his discre dit by Corkar v chap lain. Anot her letter from Oliver Cromwe ll to Richa rd Maij an in refer ence to the execo tion of deeds , dated April 28, 1649, and anoth er from John Churchill , Duke of Marrt lboroush 1 daH a.WIted TjonvaiLouvamTi ,- MayMav _?o25_, 11706.70t>, to GeorgeGeorere Louis.l_ouis, Elector otof JrLanoveHanoverr , and manymanv otherntli «i« ^document?««^./v The sale by auct ion of the valuable library of the late Mr. Alderman W. Booth, consistino _ ¦ of— about— — — 10,j 000 * v- olumes,J has taken pJL lace at the r ooms of Messrs. Capes_L , Dunn,7 ^^ »»V* J. ' and PUcherUvJ I Vf Clarence Street; Good prices have been obtained for the principal lots. ' While much interest is being excited in the new dictionaries produced on this side of the Channel, Messrs. Mesnil-Dramard et Cie., of Paris, former ly the house of Baudry, have just _, .— . published— — — a-- new edition— — of— Dr.— SpJL iers 's French and Engo lish Dictionary,%/ / in two¦** ww v-' volumesy vXUIIIKK Though 28 editions of the book had appeared since 1846, when it was first published the changes made from edition to edition were not numerous, and the book had never undergone

_ —— ^^ _ _— .__ _^_ _ —' ^^ .^ ^^ ^j ^- — ^ __ ~_~ -^ - ^^ ^^ v _^ — ^ — - - - — _ -— — - h — — — -^^ ^v ^^^ p^^ b^v ^^ r bj Mil any thoroug^ h revision. The 2£>th edition in this respect^ differs from its predecessors.^^ * ^* • « 111 1 C * 1 * T * J_ * * f^^ * 1 1 T The i author was engaged on the work of recastingA- his dictionary in 1869"^ [ ^, when he died* *• ; and since

-^^ -^^ _— -^ -w - -i — ^^v ^_^v -^— ^_- — — i ¦ - -" ^" - ^~ ^— ^"— —- —¦ - ' - — » ~ - ^p — - — — - — - — — flK_ ^ l then^^ ^^ ^^^ the—^^^ ~^^ work has been^"^ continued^ — by Mr. Witcomb, his successor as Professor^^ " at^^v ^^ ^^ j ^ ^ L^^* ,^^^ Fl Wl < ¦ ¦-* t ¦ i r mi 'li f m 1^1 v. il . •»••• the. Ecole I des Fonts et Ohausses*t 'es. The result of their^ ' successive ' labours is this" new edition, which- - con- tains about 200 pages of fresh matter , and some 12,000 word s not contained in the prev ious iissues.ssues, opeciaiSpecial attenti on hasnas beenoeen givensiv^en to thetne correct renderingrenderin g ofoi new scientificscientinc terms.ter ms , h%\but . one of the most valuable feature s of this work is that it gives the English and French equiva-

{—-I __ _ lents— -~ of properj£- — - ,/ my^j tholog— — ical ,y and geog^j rapjg ^ hical names ,j a matter which authors of ^-'~a*«»,fcV'V ^ ^^ dictionari es are too apt to overlook. Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston, & Co. have been appointed sole ______^_ _ __ agents^3 for this— important work. Sir J. B. Byles, the well-known judge whose death occurred last week at the age of 72 years , was well known for his intimate acquaintance with commercial law, and his work i on Bills ' was for many_/ ye%/ ars a recognised| _7 authority%/ . The quotationJL of this work brfy a learned counsel on one occasion when he was pleading a cause before Sir John gave rise to an amusing incident. ' The book, 5 said he, * I hold in my hand is commonly called '* Byles upon tw Bills.T<»1Im " '* SirNti *i Johnl*-vl "» »-» B!-? y¦« ¦»l I essx rt :• 4 DoesT\ /~k/-»o the4-T-» f!k learnedlr>on« rv/i authorr»ii4- li /^ n gnri ivetro anynmr authoritnnrnrtw y forT«-»-»» th4- rio4-at statement!'cf o^ontanf r Counsel , referring to the work : ' No, my lord , I cannot find that he does.' Sir John Byles : 'Ah ! then do not trust him ; I know him well/ He was an ardent Tory and Pro tectionist , an d wro te a pamp hlet on the * Sophisms of Free Trade. ' In liis later years he gave much of

his leisure to theol og«_> ical stud y,«/ 7 and publishedX ,J nine years%l ago_>', a wor k on * The Foundation of Religion in the Heart and Mind of Man.'

¦ ¦ ~ ¦ _> -^^ _b«. ^ r v ^^ i r ^ ^ ~ ~ v-^ «-^ _• «/ •* ¦_* ^^ ^v^ m i n i j_ a » Mr —t k »^ _l _• ^_ » ~ r »_» a _fc ^^" » » a —t ^— ' *— __^ ^^ * ta_^ ^—' ^—*' —- _. » ^ _*__ » v — w —» _. _^ ^ —' —— -^-- — The late Dr. Boultbee, Princi^* pal¦ **"*^ of^-^ ^ the London ' College" of Divinit^^ y, whose- death occurred on the 30th nit., was the author , wiier a^ia, of ' Chronicles of Ancient Faith ,' * Rubrica l and Canonic al Reform / ' An Introduction to the Theology of the Church of Eng land in an Exposi- tion of the Thirt y-Nine Articles ,' and several minor works. The latest n ovelty published by Messrs. Marion & Co. is a terra cotta bas-relief por tra it Jl Jl J. JL Jl JL JL CV J. |. ff v* Al Vf nvoa s\il \r i± \- r\ ri t^a *\y lolr -*-t viitam «/inn ntvn .*-! »¦»?»» paintednaitl ^ nn easel pictures ini »-• oil , sketcheso of lak eo andr> river scenery ini n consideraby»*-*v»«i *- V» lel r» varlTOflfli.V iety. 1*^1 llc Sv claim to be th© cheapest scries o£ ori ginal sketches in oil ever offered. The last item to be mentioned is a cabinet photograj >h of General Gordon , as Pasha , taken at Kharto um. Thi* portrait is authoritati ve and copyri ght. It will rea dy by the time these pages meet W reader s eye.

Since our last publication the following Publishers have issued books , full tit les of w»Kft will be found in the New Book List :— Messrs. Blaokwood A. Son.—George Eliot, Essays and Leaves from a Note Book. «_ Ellicw » Messrs. Cassell Co.—Encyclopaedic Dictionar y, fift h divisional volume. I1( Old Testament Commentary for Eng lish Read ers , vol . 4. Sir James Caird , Ind ia, the 1^ and the People, 2nd edit. ! i IV_ r. Hen ry JProwae .—Oxford Universit y Calendar for 1884. y oS XMCossrs. Burst A. Blackett. —Mrs. O'Donog hue , A Btiggar on Hors eback , ^ ' Sarah Stre dder , To Have and To Hold , 3 vols. ... Q Messrs. Lon ipmaaf A. Co,—Dearforg il, Princess of Brofney , a Romance , 2nd edit- B, Black , The Riviera, and the Coast from Marseilles to Kiee. ! -. n fYiff -ttt I Mfeaara . Ban pun Low, TCtar _to_. Ssarle , —. Xlvlo_ to_ .—A. K. Sutt on, AJ> " \ a #¦¦ '¦ r ^SZZ^ ^ • ¦ - - • • ; ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ • • - : i s-y *- " ^-^ -^-^- - • ¦ ¦ - ' ¦;¦:- ¦ •¦:¦ • ' ^ : " ¦PP i ^ i ^ " - " :W mz****^ _ . ' ' ! I The Pub lisher s' Circular 2O3 1^™^ == I H Ban kru ptcy Act. Khedives and Pashas , Sketches of Contemporary Egyptian Rulers m ' ^ A Stat esmen. A. Roncleur , Galvanop lastic Mani pulations. Ik Marvel , D. G. Mitchell 's , in five-shilling volumes. H. H. Johnston , River Congo from its Mouth to I S if newdgar edit Allan I SS^h^ E Poe, Poems and Essays (B. Tauchnit z Collection) ; also the Tales (B. I f Jir iitz). H. J. Philpot , Diet System , three tables ; A Few Hints on Proving "Wills , new a Sea Queen , new edit. (Loiv' s Standard Novels). Thomas Bracken , I 5* W Clark Russell, 11 of the Land of theof Maori and Moa. Fortun es made in Business , 2 vols. Thomas I a !^hinson Gover nor Massachusetts Bay, Diary and Letters . W. Blaikie , Sound Bodies I f° ur Boys and Girls. A. W. Stirling, Never Never Land : a Ride in N orth Queensland. I Irish Birthday Book , Catho lic and Protestant , by Melusine. I Bfeitw* af•cmillan A. Co.—James Drummond , Introduction to the Study of Theology . I T«irf Tennyson, The Cup and the Falcon . Alfred Daniell , Text Book of the Princi ples of ¦ ¦ physics. Statesman 's T ear-Booic for 1884. Pindar , Extant Odes , translated by Myers , 2nd I edit Woolwich Ma thematical Papers , 1880-83. ¦ ¦ ^ ¦1 _ m —~ ~ 1^* •-»«¦»«1/-\ <-< I \n rnirin \ln 4-11 ¦w «i I 1-1 i«4-*-»v^»t n *-« n l inrkli -wrrtT ~\Q 4-V>«-» 4* Vlnn rtlrt ' ¦I Mr. J obn Murra y.—Charles Dar win , Natural History and of* the Beagle ' II Voyage, new edit . Stude nt 's Hume , new edit. 3 parts. Dean Stanley, Lectures on the I! Jevish Church , new edit . vol. 3. Mountstuart Elphinstone 's Life , 2 vols. F. C. Cook , I Origin of Religion and Language , Essays.

|| ¦ || Messrs. Smith , Elder , 4b Co.—E. Whel pton, Meadow Sweet, 3 vols. ¦I Messrs. "War d, Kock, 4l Co.—Household Medicine , edited by Dr. Black , illustrated. | | Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Emp ire , new edit. vol. 1. HI . P. v. "WTiite A. Co.—Cha rles Gibbon , In Cup id's Wars , 3 vols. Jean Mid die mas , ¦MII Messrs_ . — m ¦I Poisoned Arrow s, .5 vols.

HII AMERI CAN NEWS AND NOTES. Hi I Among Messrs. G. P. Putnam ' s Sons' new publications , as present ly forthcoming, will be: I ' The Hist ory of the Discoveries of America to the Year 1525/ by Arthur James Weise, with I maps and illustration s ; ' Prehistoric America / by the Marquis De Nadai llac, translated by N. d'Anvers, with a preface by Prof. F. W. Putnam . ; ' The Book of the Beginnings / a familiar study of Genesis , by the Rev. B-. Heber Newton ; * The Words of Christ / considered as princi ples of personal and social growth , by J ohn Bascom, President of the University of Wisconsin ; ' Bible Characters / by the late Rev. Alexander Merce r, D.D., with Memoir and Portrait ; ' By-Ways of Natu re and Life/ by Clarence Deming ; * The Earl y Spanish Masters / a series of studies in Spanish art , by Emelyn W. Was hburn ; * A History of the Thirty Years '

¦^™ v^rf* ¦ ¦ —¦ ¦ -—¦ — — — ¦ ¦ — -» ^^ ^~ ~^ ^ » ^" *»^ ^* *^^^ ^^ . I 1I 600-1884/{i0ft_1 QQA thexl issue* of/• thii e j-•oint i laboursi i of/• Mr.ii /r Thompsomi_ n Westcott11T 1.1. , well11 known1_— «-» as«~ a^ . com-* pipucrler ofo! local annals otof PhiladPhiladelftlnhia.phia , and Mr. J. Thomas fcchartScharf ,. author otof the '• JtiistoHistorry y ofot (^ le is to be a2?ail * ' '^* wor^ complete in three volumes, and is to be well illustra ted. , The late Prof. Arnold Guyot' s forthcoming work , * Creation ; or , the Biblical Cosmogony m the Light of Modern Science/ will be published this month by Messrs . Cha rles Scribner 's fc°ns , of New York . The Atialectic is to be the title of a new monthl y journal , giving each month a summary of pr ogress jj e of medical science , classifieded under its several headings. It is to be edited by S* Wells and wil1 be P ubli *>y Messrs . O. P. Putnam ' s Sons , New York . M ' er er ^ fc a romance rf A '• ^" ^°^ 8^ g will publish at once a two-volume novel called Prusais / JJ Ancient Rome unde r Ernst Eckstein author of * Quintus Claud ius/ trans- ite theni Republicro , by , —ud fromtr om thethfi GermanOprmnn bh^ry Clarao Bell.14^11 r8 3Ran d ' Commercia l Map of th rr : McNall y & Co -> of Chicago , have just published a new te Stat es and and pr incipal town s up to d ? ? Ca nada / showing all the counties , railroad s, *te - It ia 58 x 41 inche s an d mounted on rollers . , and may be had in pocketabley size vriH ^* Ballouof > whose tr easury of Thoug ht passed throug h nine editions , has l^ n a yolume travels called 4 Duo West/ which Messrs . Houg hton , Miffli n , & Co. , of n.» publi sh at revised and enlarged , of l An u:«wncal . ^ " 1 the sam e time with a second edition , Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy / by Henry C. Lea, while the thirt y-third volume kJZ? ,Moder n Classics Series will include selections from Dr. O. W. Holmes' ' The °f the Tabl III Ce^ ?reak ^as* e ' and * Pages from an Odd Volume of Life.' The same firm m pr e AV3 111. \JM. «JA u«u ar a•***<** *+ 3.K\JVl MillU. V>VJ JUIJ^ U V CU.AUXUT1X VfJIJiO V Kf±lAi M.l\J Mr.X»JL 1. Edmund.B^ i v* C.-^- ^ . Stedmanr^«w<.»--« — 's~ III111 DofemPQfen i P *iQn a new and complete edition in one volume of 20A ¦ The Publishe rs' Circ ular - . , - . _^__ ^«t v» i t ujg>

Messrs . Band , Avery, & Co. , of Boston , announce the earl y publi catio n of a novel Mormonism , which they expect to make a sensation akin to that produce d by * Uncle ToiivJj,^%

—• -^^~~^ -¦— — ™r — —"~ —"~ — — ^m — '^^^^ —» ~^r "^ ~— -^ 11 ^r ^m -^^ r ^^ "^^ p ^u^ r -^t ^ ^^ m ~ -^^' "— ""^ ^~r " ' y -^^ ^ -~- K. Lord , of Dartmouth^^ ^^^^ College^ ^^ r ^^^9 "^k ^^^ ;¦ General^^^^"^ ^1^ ^1. ^^ ^^^ ^^ » ^^^V^^B* George^^^rw WB^B ^^^ B.^^^^^^ McCle^^^ *™^ ^^ ^^^ ^^™ ^^F" llan, Mr."™ George^ j W. Cable ,j and Professor W. D. Whit ney, Yale College. Some time in the coming spring a complete edition of the poems of the late Sidney Lanier will be published by Messrs. Charles Scribner 's Sons, of New York . The volume will be edited by Mrs. Lani er, with an introduction by Dr. William H. Ward . _»_# »¦»-»•¦¦• |/\/J.\AV ^ l/XXC? .1. L/X IV UVX \JX U11V JL^ \J IT iVIIV f/«/w» w» »- w^~~j Mr." • F.•*• " LeypoldtJ ^WJ , the publisherLSUILrJL -I.O-lJ. ^ and€MIXX\A, propriL/l l^ etor of the New York Litera ryy N" ews, has widened its field of usefulness by adding a new departmen t, devoted to * Literat ure for the Young. ' It is und er the editorshi p of Miss He wins, of the Har tford Library Association, who has for the past year been editor of a department of literature for the young in the JbibrTAhrciTllary JournalmTfiil/rrtriJ.., which\kt\\\c *\\ isin nown rvwr transferred+.rii.r» «r(V»>!»T»c»rl to+.r» the+.V» t» LiteraryTAio/rti/m i NewsAT/>il*s. Messrs. Henry Carey Baird j .c*jr o, fireuio bricksma kjivcj , terracuxjLcb cotuui>tucia, rooi tj uiiii^fing tilesuixwo, flooringxivui;nig tilestuuo andmiu ar€»m. tu tiles^jl*v.«,, cov^---x- " every important product of clay employed in architecture , engineering, the blast fur nace, for retorts ,- &c , with a history and the actual processes in handling, disinte grati ng, tempering and moulding the clay into shap e dry ing naturall burnin g, enamelling »| , y and artificial ly, 01 polychrome colours , with glass and porc elain , &c , including full detai led descrip tions the most modern machin es and tools used , wr itten by Charles Thomas Davis. The London edition of both these books will be published by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co.

OBITUAR Y. f We regre t to record the death , at his residence in Boston , Mass. , on February 2, <* Wend ell Philli ps, the celebrated abolitionist born in that clty * and orator. He was V% «tt _ a ¦W Y _ ^ ^^V ^^fe ^A ^^ ^A ^B * ^ M ^ *A B > ^ . ^ ^ a ^_> ^ ^ ^ . 1 _^ ^^ ^% o»¦ I M^J November 29, 1811, and thus had little , more than fulfilled hia seventy-s econd year. life was chiefl y devoted to influencing public opinion upon the question of slaver y, and share in the education of the mind and conscience of America will never be forg ott en . A» orato r , he was said to be unsurpassed , and to the end of his life he never failed to char inJ in ou captivate his audiences . Collections of his letters , speeches' , and addre ssee wer e pu *"^ . ¦ " ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' rP ¦ : '* ¦ ¦ - . ; •&iSm$- . < : _ _ -i iw

l8S4 The Publ ishers' Circ ular 2OS

and 1869 , and it is understood that he was engaged upon a third volume at the time of 1#53 Philli ) V death. Although Mr. ps had lived very retired of late, he retained an interest in as keen as ever, and frequent communications from him appeared in the papers, u Mic affairs is from ! P rp^e death announced Princeton, U.S.A., of Professor Arnold Henry Guyot, LL..D., j February 8. He had nearly reached his seventy-seventh year, having been born near I *LifHeufchateoh&,tel.l, SowrGzwitzereriaiiuland, Septemberocpicm uci 8o, 1807.xov/< . For*ur several years hene waswas a residentresmem ofor Cam-uam- \1 bridge, Mass. While there he delivered in French (1849) his celebrated lectures on ' Earth 1 nd Man.' They were translated by Professor Felton , of Harvard University, and have run | through a large number of editions. In 1850 lie published a valuable work called ' Directions | for Meteorological Observations/ and in 1851 a volume of meteorological and physical tables. ] In 1855 he was made Blair Professor of Geology and at Princeton, which j position he occupied until the time of his death. During his occupancy of that chair he pub- lished a series of school geographies and wall maps for schools, all elucidating his system of | physical geography. His ' Physical Geography, ' in 1873, completed the series which received j fhe medal of progress at the Vienna Exposition. Together with President Barnard, of | Columbia College, he edited ' Johnson's Universal Encyclopaedia ' (1874). He has also written | numerous scientific lectures and papers. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from 1 Union College, was one of the original members of the National Academy of Sciences created j by the United States Congress, an associate member of the Royal Academy of Turin, honorary I correspondent of the Royal Geographical Society of London and of the Geographical Society A of Paris, and several other learned societies. His last work was the writing of a book on ' | 'Creation : the Harmony between the Mosaic Cosmogony and the Facts of Science,' which ;< published this spring. j ll he ¦ ¦ m ¦ . ; wi *l ii -4 kv ii *1 i f* /Ni f> * We regret• to recordTil the death1 t on the 17th ult. of thel1 witt• • y parodist1* t , Charles Stuart .

\;(H w x/» — eaves w y f Calverley,^ J 7 better known as ' C. S. C., ' ' the author of 'Flyv L ,^ ' issued in 1872 , which has V.t passed through many editions. He also published small volumes of translations chiefly from j , " Homer, Virgil, and Theocritus. I The death is also announced of Miss M. F. Chapman, the author of * A Scotch Wooing ' \ (185*8) and ' The Gift of the Gods ' (1879), both ©f them novels of much merit. ; i t

TRAD E CHANGES , &c. Knowledge is about to be enlarged to 32 pages, and the price raised to 3d. i Messrs. Thorburn , Bain, & Co., of 00 Paternoster Row, E.C., have been appointed city ' agents for Messrs. Winsor & Newton, Limited, 37 Rathbone Place, W., and in future the trade will be able to obtain all this firm's productions from them. With reference to a paragraph in onr last issue respecting the recent change In the firm of Messrs. Hazell, Watson, &> Viney, we should have added that it is a private company, the ¦

shareholders consistingCJ of the partnersJL of the firm and a few of their princii. palJ. empJL loyes.»/ The \• management remains as heretofore. \ Messrs. W. Satchell & Co. have closed their retail shop at 19 Tavistock Street, Covent GaTden, W.C., and their publications are only obtainable from Messrs. Simplrin, Marshall, j &tfU Co.o. . Messrs. Remington & Co. have removed from 134 New Bond Street to 18 Henrietta ' Street, Covent Garden , W.C. : Mr. A. S. McTier has purchased the bookselling and stationery business carried on at 19 The Quadrant, Richmond, S. W. : Messrs. C. Davidson & Sons, wholesale stationers of London, Glasgow, & Aberdeen, will I shortly remove their London house, from 80 Upper Thames Street, E.C. , to 119 Queen Victoria Street, E.C. \ The Society for Promoting the Knowledge of Foreign Languages inform us that they |

~ " » «^~ r ^^ "~ w ~^r ^.^"^ ^r ^^r * ^Bh ^^H^ ^^^y ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ** ^~ ^"^^ ' ' ¦ ^^ ^^^ ** ..^.^ ^^ ~ i ^ h ^^^^^^^ v ^^.^ ^ w — ^ ^^ ^^ v^ ^i^ ^to^r —^~ ^.r -^^ ^^^^ ~^^' ^^^ ^*^v —^ ^^^ ^ir ^ ^^ I. ^ MB. *^h^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ w w ^m ^^ ^h f^^ -^^ ^.« .^ -^^^ have removed to JL3^ ^^ Paternoster Row, E.C, where a stock of all their books will be kept.¦ I;I* The stationery and bookselling busintr 83 of Mr. Frederick Blackett, in Norwich Street, | Fakenham, formerly carried on for many years by Mr. E. W. Southwood, has been purchased j oy Mr. A. J. Wheeler, who was for some years assistant to Mr. St. John Colbran, of Tun- bridge Wells. The valuation was made on behalf of both parties by Mr. Burghes, of Pater- \ noster Row.

CORRESPONDENCE. ! To the Editor of Thb Publishers' Circular. Deau Sirt ,—On page 158 of your issue for February 15 there appears a notice that Mr. Edward Awards has in preparation a new edition of his * Memoira of Libraries.' 1 We are compelled to inform you that, having a considerable number of copies of the first edition j anc new edition cannot appear until these have been sold. j S?ne ^ ^ » ^e , ^ premature insertion of the notice in auestion will probably hare the effect not only of damaging Ute value of the said copies, but also of rondering more remote the time when a new edition can appear. We remain, dear Sir, yours faithfully^ fc TKU1WEK & CO. I 1 zo6 The Publishers Circu lar March t 1

BANKRUPTC Y PROC EEDINGS . At the London Court of Bankruptcy on Tuesday, before Mr. Harding, the Chief OfhY 1 Receiver, a first meeting of creditors was held under the failure of John Wick. The bankrupt recently petitioned the court, describing himself as of 18 and 19 Queenhithe, wholeaal I stationer, trading as ' Barry, Wick, & Co.' The accounts produced showed debts unsecurp l £17,313 , and assets £11,137. 14s. 9d. Mr. Godden, Mr. Thomas Beard, and others, appeared in the proceedings. Numerous proofs were put in, and a scheme of arrangement was I unanimously agreed to, by which the business was to be continued by Mr. W. H. Paimell I with a committee of accountant, 38 Basinghall Street, as trustee, inspection, the debtor I assisting in the realisation of the estate, with a proviso enabling the trustee to sell the estate I anci ujtpenses tu ue pttiu. uut t»i tiitJ ir so aavisea. aii ine costs, c uarges , estate, rjie public I examination was adjourned to the 11th. of March. I

Books Heceitbd : forth, and the lists of mayors, sheriffs, Tecorders I burgessesuuigBB»e» inj .u Parliamentjr «.rii

.— ~- From Messrs. Gilbert & Co. (Southampton), and theL/Uk * > author« • VI. UUsJl. speaksfcj LyV'«*A\IJ of*S M. thingsKilliJCI O whichIT IA'V>* in* *• his*— opi* i nio n Hamilton, Adams, and Co. ' A History of will by that timo have come to pass—' the con- Southampton/ Partly fro m the M.S. of Dr. Speed s? tiUlllUIVUtution h1K1Oa s beenUCC11 uUUUU1ndermineUl l llViUd, thel/uu foundations»v»" in the> Southampton Archives. By the Rev. J. Sil- of society blown up, and rel i gion been split into a vester Davies, M.A., F.S.A., vicar of St. James's, thousand fragments, very few of which either are, or Enfield Highway. Mr. Davies, when residing in the are considered , worth pi cking up.' He proceeds neighbourhood of Southampton , was asked by the to note the changes which he supposes to lwvo local publishers to edit Dr. Speed's MSS. among occUCUULICUurred :. theLllO coloniesCUJLUllltfa areHCK separatedbcpairt ^u fromi*vr.. . the the Southampton Archives, and he here gives us mother country ; there is no national , barely a the resuit of his labours, with additions, which rational Church ; do standing army nor a sitting

- ~- — - »- -™ — — hv — — -r ' -r ^— -^— ^ throats serve to bring the record down to the present date.^ -^ H ^^ ^m Parliamentj.tii njiinHui> ; theme JirisLwrncari stocracyj haihivove tutcut thei*.»iv^ r* # Mr. Davies has also consulted nil other available —some have had their throats cut for them ; m sources of information, including the the eminent regi sters com piling a history of tho world 4 of the diocese of Winchester, and the documents German Jew, Griimmen Josephue , forgot \ ;. a«^,-^nd finall<; nn y in:^ Engi^ ^. «.i:^i»l ish dictionaries^l. rtfi /^nnrift.s certaincerta in into nine sections he treuts of the early history of words which formerly occur red, such as prest5°'

— _ .__ _. ___ „ _ _ out. the town-p, the local inntirutions ,r the municipal , been left \ Imperialism patriotism, have e bodies and custom s, the trade of the town, the writerwriter proceedsproceeua tolo describeuesonue thewo stagesbm&^» by~j vin charities, the educational insti t utions, and the this abyss has been raiched, and then he com- ecclesiastical history of tho parish churches, and mences his romance. Pericles Brum, 'ts . °[?' . other reli jnir ui his uncle, AJe gious bodies. The origin and progress of introducedouuceu toru ns in therue company of "»° "" , ' ,..j e the various guilds and institutions are careful ly de- ander Eadd, who insists on the pursuit ot^ w scribed,,. and , cop_ A ious foot-notes supp* .»«/ly the authori-- ideal ' as the true object of the %'s «'^ ties for every statement. The old charters Standard XV 1 granted He has already arrived at (5 forj for specific purposes, such as the fai rs, aro duly set —-======z=zzzm The Publishers* * ^uimr QQ4 Circular 2O72°7

condemned by his uncle to tak e a spell of life We can only traverse these vari ous states one at fe engaged in this occupat ion a time , or step by step.' The _ a: cowboy. While book has some u keeps a diary and notes his experiences , wh ich effective illustrations. 1 alt in keeping with the outoe of the advanced a' 6 set forth in the introduction. From Messrs. Routledge & Son.— ' Men of the of existence Time.' This most valuable work of facts jott ed down in this way is a refer ence is Among other in its eleventh edition. It has now att ained a Unf-pncetence n^from his uncle's letters .declaring that. sen - i—i m — — bulk of 1,-# 175- pagesj l , and contains^^ ,W on^^ a^^ rough™ ^^ ^^ r ^ ^^ ' there is no such being as the God in reference to has mad e some inquiries— * He computati on, notices of about 2,000 eminent con- hora his nephew temporaries. At the beginning of the wor k is a myth , extr emely useful for bogey purposes , ¦ ¦ — — — — — ~— — — — ¦ — ^ —" — ^—^ ^— ^^ ^^ ¦ w — ^^^^^ ^i* ^^^v ^^>^^^ ^^v ^^b^^b ^^r .^ ^t^r is a key^ to assumed names by means of which v» those ll I. liiv*' The— uncle gives the boyv certain butfi no£1^' more/ ^-^ who onl put boldly are as follows : ' 1. There y know an author by his nom de plume, axioms, which are guided to his place in the alphabet of real is no Gro d. 2. The clerg y teach lies. 3. The of stories and nothing more. ' names. ' Men of the Time ' closes with a necro - Bible is a collection logy of the 434 person s included in the previous 4 chap ter on str ikes follows , in which Pericles experiences of life in the new era , editions who have died since their publication . gives us furth er This table gives the dates of bi r th , and of death , JUV U **w *.— broug~ ht face to face with some of and{JIH J theI n he is ^ institut ions and customs of reli gion and a refe rence to the edition in which biogra - the remaining phical noti ces appeared. Not the least interest- ¦ ¦ _ _ _ _ „ -_ _¦ *.%! J-»- —. ¦ _¦ -»¦» — -» -_ - — — — - - J ^\J ^l^VJ • and** feels the friction which his stern and Society, ing porti on of the work before us is a quasi- acceptance of his uncle's creed inevitabl y causes. Oxford , we are introduced to Mill autobiograp hical memorandum in which the Turni ng to dates of successive edi tions of ' Men of the Time ' College as ' the latest sensation/ It has been ->^«» wer e published. In its pages as it now appears , KJtJ » ¦ ww -vn^ X JL O A. A » fill I 1 V If J» ft r *r —¦*> V^ *J *»^ ^^ _* »^ *rf -w *^ ¦• " »» -

is the action of a strongerl hand in dealingCJ with ; them and suggest whether , after all, the Romance -J is in advance of the age. The conversion of the material here provided in such rich profusion. Pericles is the last scene in the bcok , an d as the "We feel, in fact , that wo have before us the matter ; rea der closes it he will , we believe , credit the for the compilation of a Year-Book , but that t h e i author with having produced sl work of genu ine book itself has still to be supp lied. With this ; power and ori ginalit y, but* not , one would fain criticism , which will probabl y suggest itself to Uop«, prop hetic of the destinies of Eng land. every impartial reader , we may point out that thet he book suppliessuTmlies copious information as to From Messrs. Morg an. & Scott. —' Full Salvation / diocesan institutions and machinery , the proceed-

___ ._ _. ^ . ______j as seen in Bunyan 's ' Pil gri m's Progress / by the ings~^ of— co — nfer— ences an d congresses ,f missions— Rev. W. Haelam , M.A. The author draw s fro m the home and foreign—and the work of Church socie- , famous allegory a picture of what he holds to be ties of all kwodsY^and then we have some statistical the Scri ptural theor y of five distinct stage s of the tables which more clirectl y rela te to the work of Chris tian life, with their special characteristics , the Church during th e- past twelve months. Under tlw same progressive movement that can be the form of a species of literary record there are traxra ced cea in thetne historvhistor y otof the Children of Israel , in gathered together a number of short notices of tlio progress ot Christian life as described , by St. books , many of which do not belong to the period rauPaul l , and in thethfl veryVft rv lifelife* ofnf thetho SonSnn ofrvf Grodf^orl him-Viim- to which the volume relates , while som e of the fielf. These stages are : Salvation , Deliverance , most important works in the range of ecclesiastical tho puttinIT g v*-» v* V*.*.W «J *JU JIAAVf \AJL Vi> V-^ Wt VJXAVJ XJ1 I VT Jf — and reli ious literature published during 1883 are O on of the armour of God ^, the enjoy-^ g ment of the rest of God, the entrance of the Pil- entirel y omitte d. A reference to our own pages , grim into the Celestial City. In his introductor y or to the columns of the Athen csiim, would have chapter , Mr . Haslam tr aces the parallel to these enabled the editor to make this section of his experie nces in the history of the Israelites , in the wor k far more complete . The book is the work «i8life ofor St.st. raPa ul ul,, and in thethn life of Christ ,, and of an honorary editor , who acts under the direc- th <> n he applies the same idea to the life of the t ion of a committee , and it is just possible that individual Christi an , or , to put it in his own the presence of a multit ude of counsel lors may words : « These five stage s concern us , and are be the secret of the somewhat heteroge neous -__intimat el~Vy connectedwwMCiifcru withW1LU ourUUX well-being.WOll-UBlUg. ThaX Hoi character of the volume. Regard ed from the w ord of God is milk for babes , meat for young econom ic sta nd point it is difficult to see how the jtten»"u, ararmour mour fortor the warrior , sure rest for tho Society can supp ly such a massive tome for the believer, and a certain hope to him of the glory small pri ce charged for it. «iAt shall be revealed . Theory and theology ™»y pas s over all these distincti ons in one pa ra- From Messrs. Simpk in, Marshall , & Oo.— fl^ph , but I experi ence must go more graduall y. Bieson s • Our Schools and Col leges. It appears II ——-_Ma i _.asa ^ • __ >BMarai _n pvB____ «i _ia_ >_ ^ inn ' Circular so8 The Publishers' JfaT^I that in the ten years which have elapsed since in view of what seems only too likely to t>rftr 6 It this^H ^V ^V " V^^r -w . V orkii m ^^fe ^^^^ wasV v ^^J^^ ^^^ first^^^^^ ^^™ *^V V publishedBV ^^^" ^^^^ ^ ^^ *^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ,V seven¦ ~— * ~— ^ ~^ edi— — t~— ions have be yet another war. Pen and pencil alilJ I used a3 Lady Brassey been disposed of. The work has hitherto been so well knows how te *** compri sed in one volume , but its success has them , and her sketches give a graphic idea of Jk* • ile a companion scenery of the Canal . Dr. suggested to the author to comp « J Dale's homil* work ' which should give an accoun t of th e Public Duty upholds civil au thor ity as aX°D insinstitutiontitution ;: contends that a man i»v.« u^i j De institutions which exist in the United Kingdom ' man who UhnM"AUSo • 1 Ti. --l .O2 • * •• ^UlUlll- ¦*S+. \j m •. w<«. vv<.B t/svi wA v^aaa.v ^^ / i^ ffJV for the education of girls and women. The cipal£r or political office is ' a mini'LAlA.UAOVwA.ster fJI l * »' \1 of InfilGod * author says : expr esses the writ er's conviction th at ' munieibart When * Our Schools and Colleges ' was first issued, no can do more for the peop le than Parliament ' V^V*. xs*.* ¦ » ¦ ¦ W V| JV A.A %V\A lii ¦ ^H^ CwL^LSVsCvL »» i ll uuv " V^ »-* v»-*V* wholeww ii v^r*^* of-*~r a. the¦ ** in other word s, that their ' ' work had then appeared which showed the near er r elation to th I vast machinery in operation for the education of the youth people enables them to take measures of this country ; and up.to the present time, the same to diminish sickness, to prolon g human life, to impr space in the field of educational literature a3 regards the ove miser* education of girls, remains unoccupied. able homesnomes andana to giveeive sweetness and liKoW^nght to th The result of filling this void is that Ca ptain million. This is a wholesome doctrine for these presen t times, and it would be Bisson's handbook to our educational institutions well if all yeg^. has grown to 2 vols. of about two thousand men, guardians, councillors and aldermen woulj lay to heart the eloquent pages , small octavo. teachings of the Bir- mingham preacher. ' Crows and Scarecrows,' by

James Purves, 'v»,«W4VUO ^ has some dain ty4/ illustrati ons n>ijj(Tji h L b j. A_ - _ _ which I From Mr. T. I\ TTirw in.—'Le Li vre,' February. A ^W^ i ¦ *k fa ^^ ^L — ^^^k ^^ ^ .^^ ^_ ^— ^ ^^^ .^_ ^ — ^M . ¦ ¦ > 4h ^ . ' poet s for poetic r easons des ise ' Mr. Unwin has now become the London pub- p , but of which for prosai c reasons , Mr . Purves lisher of this valuable magazine. The first confesses that he is fond. The interesting number which, he sends us is a particularly inter- papers on Edward Irving are continued, and Mr. esting one. Among the articles of the first part, Edward Whymper closes his sketches of Explorations those which will attract the most are : Le dernier ' in Green- land.' 'Jo ' is th e title of a touchi n amour de Jean-Jacq ues Roicsseaw, and Becentes g poem of ______thetne Londonijondon sstreets,treets, wmchwhich,, with itsits cehampharacteristief oTutirv etudes en Italie_ - sur J. Casanova_ . ,9 par Mola,9 and a — — — illustration , will r ecall a p history (entitl ed Etapes) of the famous Revue des iece with the same name made popular not long since on the Deux Mondes. These belong to what is called hoards of a London theatre.— The Sunday Ma gazin e (Isbist er * older bibliogr¦ox*/aphy; ' the more recent is repre- * x & Co.) ischiefly occu pied, in harmon y sen ted by lists of new publications , corr espond ence with its aim , by papers which are either distin ctl from abr oad , a summary of the contents of French y religions or have a reli ious bearing. Dr. Llewelyn period ical s, and by various ar ticles of literar y g Bevau contributes the first part of a thoug interest. We have also a half-length port rait of htful essay on • The Witness of Jesus to Himself,' Henri Martin. And there is an eau-forte by and Dr. Macdonald writes eloquently on Jesus and the Ganjean , of a bust of Casanova lat ely discovered ' Young Man.' Under the title of Li ht ' in Germany. This latter alone is enough to ' Living g Mr. H. C. Ewart writes on the luminous creatures make the current number of Le Zdvre precio us a nd organisms of the sea his paper being gar- to many a lover of books, for portraits of Casa- , ni sh ed by some effective woodcuts. Dr. nova do not abound. very Flavel Cook, the well-known preacher at the Lock Hospital Chape], conies before us as a poet in some pr etty lines on ' The Art Magazines for March.— Divine,' and Miss Doudney gives one of her

».» ' w w «• ¦ » j r *r v ¦ -^r m t a u •• ¦ ^» "~ — Harper_t s Magazine./ (SampsonNT JL Low7, Marston,» alw* a^ ys welcome-^* ^^ ^^ po^^ ev msr m " ¦ ,J ' The^ita ^ ^^ Two-*^ • ^^ House-^ i^ ^ s/y which Searl e & Rivingt on) seems to have tak en up th e has some appropriate illustrations.— TJie Cornhdl' very useful mi ssion of letting either half of the Magazine (Smi th, Elder, & Co. ), in add i tion to

fc_» -- world know how the oth er half lives— 7 .*.*.*.J. • A JL ¦-» %~**-^y Y >v ^-^ » LVA1 «^ AW V^^ rf a ft^W »-• V-*. «-w ^,- ^— . ^ story,— , , and at any^/ Mr. Anstey's ' Giant's Robe,' and a clever ^ r a te it contrives to give its read ers on this side ' Th e Pi per of Cairndhu ,' continu es ' Some Lite-

v —¦ t e a t e J L KAt * O. V\/WJL« V/VViVUUt LV |r A* 1U-14 TV v^ *.*».» read,/ h Atl n ic v ry charming glimpses of the raryJ Recollections ,' to which we have al y Unit ed States , while it also offer s to our Ameri can call ed attention , the reminiscences in the present cousin s many pl easant sketches of the old country. number being, however , rather sch olastic than The first two articles in the new number exactly literary, as the author tells us of his Eton (lays ful fil this end , for the first is an illustr a ted paper and his passage throu gh th e cramm ing period ; on St. Louis, with i ts hand some public b u ildings buthuh thenthen,, atah theth« closenlnsfi ofnf ththfie pnfiDer.aper, hehe descaescnresribes and picturesque scenery, while t h e second is an his first essay in au thor shi p, his literary godfath er XXUJl 'The illustrated article on our own Yorkshire coast, bUCUI^eing LeiJ-JC1g J^h XX Huntt, whoW 11U acceptedttULCpttu at« poem£/~~ — t, with sk etch es of Whitb y, Flam borough Head, and Poet's Death.' His firs t prose article found accept- ff . *¦»-- article— Scarborough. Mr. Black holds on his own way anceaUL'O, he1 I C tUC5ells1 1O usUd,y in1IJ HouseholdI JUSilfiVfCVl/U* WordsU/M"'. An with hi s charming conception of Shak espear ean on f The Milk in the Cooco(iJ Z(?)-nut ' gives much and* ti the tree life, th en follows an articl e on 'The Early uuonsefuliu atutu.nd interiiiLwreatiiJesting ^ informationiuiui.mt«-» " about^w^^ American Presidents/ in which the portraits form and its fruit ; and then we have a paper vrhien a not ewor thy and artistic feature. A pleasant can scarelsearelvy fail to secureFacure attention fromirom literarynio»j trifle in the way of fiction — ' Love i s not Enough ; ' students in an effort to fu rnish a conclusion to in an effecti ve biographical sket ch of Will Carl eton, * xuo xixy aiary ui Jz.\i wiu jl>»i. u »jvi . ' The-*. »«~ editor— ,- , The Mvft steryml of Edwin Drood . „ i fl with what may justly be termed ' a speaking a note, points out that this contribution was J" likeness ' by way of illustration ; a pnper of type before Mr. Luko Fildes' paper upon ' fctlwin ana ' Hints on Domestic Decoration,' copiously illus- Drood ' was announced. And the genial tne trated with designs for panelling-, mural decora- lively little sketch , ' An Attraction,' closes tion by stencilling, Ja panese wall pap ers , and number in bright an I pleasan t fashion.-—^" ng kindred devices ; an inter esting sketch of deaf man' s Ma gazine (Longmans, Green & Co.) bri poets , with portraits , and several oth er att rac tive to a close one Oli hant 's tragic bwu life in Mrs. p bano, s 1U.UUU.II1 O terribleXjULxif*" —huf i tem make up a capital number.— Good Words ' Madam '—thatLI111L ofOl Madam1UHUUU1' s _ pownAOfAr* fc ¦ ¦ ¦ ™ ~ ^~^ — v^i^. ^^ ^"^ ^^ ^ ^^^» ^^^ ^^^ ^-" ^r ^^^ ^^^ »^ ^^ ^^ ~»» ^— ^^ ^^» ^ ^^ ^^v ^^~^ ^^^^ ^^—^^™^» —^^-^r ^r^ ^B v^. v^v V^F w^^F ^t^ ^v w^p V^^^^ ^fc>^W m ^^k are (^ Isbister & Co. )^^ commences Lad y Brass es ' Sail whose d eath , and its attend ant horr ors , he in Throug h Lower Egypt after the War / which at full y described , whil e the explana tion of t. L nf >a AXert? l6&S _. * Unr M«/l««» n.n v.^^ .M -nrili»¥ *••»-•- ^li - - the present moment will have a special interest \>\JlJf Vfl. JLULdiVACbllt O MUCUl , | — IHn ,_ ,oo, The Publishers' Circular 2OQ

'nds of the other charac ters as much as it excites Artist / who was at once painter , soldier , satirist , osity of the read er , is still left hanging in and author. His pictures were largel y touch ed Jhe cur i * the air ' The Development of Cycling gives a with * war paint / and several of his most famous popular history of the progress of Dr . Benjami n pieces are engra ved as illustrations to the artic le, KJc ba rds on's favourite exercise ; * Manager Goethe ' which also contains a portrait of the artist. A fftrs a sketch of the grea t poet 's connect ion with third ar ticle on ' Art in th© Garden ' gives some the Court Theatre at Weimar ; VQueer Fish es ' sketches of garden decorations and suggestions intr oduces us, not to strange types of the human for carr ying them into effect, and among the other the abnormal varieties of family t but to some 'Aof papers we find a review of ' L'Art Japonais ,' by tr ibe ; and Strange Experience ' gives Louis Gonse , reproducing some of the curious ^"^^^ i^h A A ^ *^ the1 ^b a Vfe ^B ak te ^ 1 £ ¦ ¦ . 4 ¦ ¦ " * _ -AT ._J .a ^» ^k «^^ 4* « ^^ »i *h ^ ^^ a*w»* L^ «^ aL « .*. ^ — .^ ^^ —. - _ __ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ bit of descri ption , to what is in every specimensw~ — ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^*^* " ^r of^i^ ^» Japaneset. <~ '^ i. p ^ ^^ v ^k ^ ^^ v^« ^ar drawing^i*a» ^b> ^w^v v v ah ¦— Bath from^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ that^^ ™ ™ ^v a -star tling * i ^7 < w ~~ — wuy ^y&J • •» **¦*¦ **^ -'»* ~ * number of this populart maga-f_? work , Collection way an attrac tive ^ and an article on the * Ionides / zine. The editor 's philanth rop ic efforts to pro- and the country where Millet studied and pain ted.

^^^» v v v« r a^^fr ^p^^^ i^ London , -^^ ~ "^~ "^ ^r » ^ ^^ ^^*r ^ ^ ^ ^ht a* *^a» ^** ^ i« * ^ a* ar %^ ^r ^a* ^^* »*^ ^» ^^^^~ ^^ for the wan ts of the poor are we are — CasselVs Famil•7y Magazine tells us some vide ^/ ^^ glad to see by the list of subscr iptions given on interestin g facts about the ' Pavement Artists ' his last page, still meeting with the success they so familiar in the London streets ; and among other so richly deser ve.— Z%£ English Illustrated Maga- usefu l papers we note ' How Coke is made ; ' »^- ¦¦» ¦—" ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ —• MjiL^j m ^ n 1 , ' &4>a •• ^»-a» — •> -^*-^ -^w » » — y —— —- with- - — — a—.— • - ^ ^ » » ^w m zine (Mac millan & Co.) opens p^per^ which , * Our Garden in Ma rc h ; ' and * The Preservation iq connection with the Keynolds ' collection at of Health .' The Paris correspondent , who writes

--— .w |^U ¦ ¦- ¦ — _ _ ~^ v * ^^» ^» ~~^v ^t ^ ^v ^^ ^ V ^^ ^f^r ^b BJ ^B ^^^v Vp Bk ^^r ^^ab V^B Vf ^M^ ^s^ VIV ^^ 4a* ^ ^ir « ^v ^^ » ^^r ^v -v^ ^^ ^j ^^" » ^^ "^ ^ —— Gallery ,W will have a special interest. on the Grosveno r ^ ^ * What to Wear / introduces som« tasteful The letterp ress of the article gi ves an able critical illustrati ons of ladies ' gear. In the ' Family estimate of his works by Mr. J. Cornyns Carr , and Parliamen t ' the debate on the question , * Are

the illustr ation s include some of the most•^^ ¦^ beau- we over-educati ng our children ? ' is broug ht to a _ jk « . -4 tiful of the great painter• - '« s works. Mr.^H ^F" William« •¦ •• a close ; and in the next number the editor pro- Morr is con tributes a poem marked by genuine mises to open the question , * Ought the State to powertinwpr and beautybeautv.. Thelh& authoraut hor otof* * John ilalitaxHalifax 3 provide Health y Homes for the Poor? ' The con tinues her ' Unsentimental Journe y through notes on varieties , included under the head of Corn wall ,* with its effective sketches of the ' The G-atherer / are distinguished from the same scenery ; and Mr. Alfred Ainger , the * Rea der at type of article in other periodicals by the nurae- the Temple/ tell* of Shakspeare's connection rous woodcut s, which give them special interest. — with the Middl e Temple in a paper evidencin g Little Folks (Cassell & Co.) has a story of * Chi-

much knowledge and research , and i llustrated with nese^^^~ -~~ —^» "^^ Gordon-v ^ "^^ ^^ ^^ -^ ~ i~ ^»^^ a} / whomV W 4W^B | ^V ^K^fr ^^ iti^v ^^ desi^^ f^ft ^^r ^^ w gnates^ ¦¦k ^*^w ^^V1 ^<^ ^B1 w * Swordless" ^^^ v * ^k^ ^B "^^*^ ^^^ "^^ ~^v —^^ some beautifu l bits of ' Temple Scenery ' from Conqueror ,' and commences a series of papers CV1 uiwir ft&.«kw m -^- jkiJL Ui. a. CjV drawings b*** yJ Mr.-^' -*-* • J.** O.^ • Murra y.j « Mr..1.*^ .^ . • Walf T terDVJ. on * Coins/ with illustrations , which will be useful

' ^^^ ^v^^ v v^^ p ^^ r ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ~^^ BBBL ^^^ ^.^ ^.^ ^^ . ^^^ ^ ™ ^^^^^^ BBBk V ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ Besant s ' Julia ' is concluded ; Mr. Alfred Calde- in setting the^^^^ little^^^H ^m w ^a^ folks^^ ^^^ ^^ ^v ^v .^v collecting.^^~ ^^^ ^^ ^^* ^1^ ^^^ ' Our Sun- wtt gives us The Kid and the with Mr. ' h a « a sketch of the ^Hk ' Wolf/ day Afternoons . is occupied b ^1^^ ^B ^B A a ^ ^ ^> 1. ^ y Hmdol ph Caldecott 's illustrati ons ; and Miss River Jordan , and the new chapter of ' Child ren Yonge continues * The Armourer 's Apprentice. ' of all nations ' describes the home and school Right good is this month 's issue, and the orna- life of the young Swiss folk. A pretty engraving ments and initial letters , the sources of which are of bi rds and sheep by Giacomelli forms the

a> all dul y noted , are splendid bits of work .— The frontisp^m «* - *^ » m ^ a ^*r m^iece ^ ~*~ '^^ ^^ to«* ^^ the«^ ^ ^ ^ar number.^ ^ ^ ^ a*

— ^^ ^^^~*~ JF »* «. B»^ Jk ¦ Port/olio+f (Seeley,V »/ ' Jackson^* ,J &^S *f Hallidiy^^^ V^fc W )/ has**&*-* for•» X^ ^» (Cassell & Co.) * Our You.og Men's Club ' gives its fron tispiece an etching of singular beauty , a descr iption of a club which seems to be self- picturin g a foot-bri dge over the Wily, the stream supporting , and the account of which will doubt- fromirom which WiltonWilton takes its name ,, and the little less be useful to those who are striving to esta- brid ge over which at Codford attr acted the artist , blish or carry on similar institutions. Canon trA is here set before us. A third pape r on * The Boyd Carpenter contribute s a paper on ' The Call Artist in Venice ' has some effective sketches in the of St. Matthew. ' Prebendary Daniel Moore text, and a full-page engraving in facsimile bj wri tes on ' Christ our Rest/ and there are many ¦-» % *¦ Duja w » ¦*•*• • \s*x\j *jifjiAA yjy «S >. V^A. ¦ bUML ^». ¦ a#v ^r ^M. w • w w +w • -____»- — rdin

was —~™ so " j. ~ ~* ^ ^m ^ ^^ w ^ ^.^ ^^ v '^ ^ ^^ —' ¦* ^"^ ^ — ¦ " — much admired at the Conduit Street fession^v ^^ ^** ^» for^^ w^ ladies^^ , and on the position of a (tileries last summer. It mw^.y MJO &~^ Co.) ggUOOi ves th e Jp ^lttlaceCCl of*^l hUUJL1V1U1.onour toIU ani» Ll manager of the Agricult ural Hall Horse Show. engra ving by Bollenper of Sandro Botticelli 's Both works are pri nted on good pap er , and the picture ' Smera lda di Bandin elli/in a canvas fro m illustrations include coloured plates and wood S* ^rta Us collection now the possession of engravings of a hi gh order of excellence.—The ¦"Y Constanti no tinth pi y Promotin g Chr istian Knowle dge ..\*. us lomdes.Ionid es. AnotherA of r papermnnr on Societ for ^ger s gives some glimpses the houses , sends us Part V. of its wonderfull y cheap pub lica- and foun tain8 of the country and then tion , • The Churchman 's Famil y Bible,' conta ining f«naer !*: , the a. m Jfcj ••» ¦ *m, m*r**rmm m »"F ^^ -*»»¦» a»^ *» ^w «ai ^^ i^— » — ¦ »¦ -^— — ¦—- — — — — onhead of • Battl e and Travel ' we hare (for^^ sixpence)^^ "^ a commentary^^ on the Firs t Epj ^ istle t^per ' Basil Ver estchagin, the Russian to the Corinth ians. — Messrs. Waed, Lock , & Co. ^_ Eg ;/2io- , The Publishers' Circular Match 1 ..p p ' ' " ' " ¦ -. . - . . , . . i I ii j l l-l HH nium ?IttT I - - ' - '''""¦ ..¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦.r ¦ I II I

# --^ ; send us Part 6 of The Selected Edition of the My Father (Cassell & Co.). !

-- - -— ¦-— ¦- .*¦ - _ Wavcrley Novels, containing a section of * Rob Book of the Horse ,f Part 1 (ditto)— .W Roy,' with engravings by distinguished French Technical Educat ion , Part 1 (ditt o). artists ; Part 35 of Dr< Adam Clarke *s Commentary, The Infant Picture Book (Wm. Blackvood & containing the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians Sons). . .. and the Epistles to Timoth y and Titus ; £ar t 4 of The Book of Psalms (Kegan Paul). the re-issue of their admirable Every Man his Own Via Cruci3 (Society for Promotin g Chri stianKnov- Mechanic , "with its numerous illustrations and ledge). plans ; Part 16 of the Edition de Luxe of the Common Sense Frenc h (Swan Sonnenschein).

complete works of Thomas Hood, containing a Flowers *, a FantasyV (ditto).\ S I lar ge part of * Hood' s Own ' and the complet e text A Cursory History of Swearing (Nimtn o & Bain) » ¦ — - — ^ - — — ——, ^ , — of the inimitablo ' Miss Kilmanse gg and her The Hel ping Hand (National^ w* ««JL» V\/ IIIU I ^^ ^ Temperan ce Pub.J ^ ~ precious Leg ; ' Ward <$-Lock 's Universal Instru ctor, lishing Depot).

wr wr ^m mm * a r^mr ** ¦ ^*r m ^v ^mr *^- v »* ^b ^v «*^^ vv v ^^ -- ¦ b*w ^mf m m Pa^^ ^ ^^*rt ^* 41 ; Sy\ ^ lvia^w ' s^^ .^ Youn. g^ ^ Ladies*** ' Treasure*^b v ^ ^v ^^ fc^^ ^ r Book-^ ^* r , Nationaln auonai Temperancej .emj)eraiice Leaguexjeague's Annualannual 188^irju | Part 5 ; Haydn 's Bible Dictionary, Part 4; (ditto). Gibbon' s Decline and Fall , Part 18; Amateur Brief Notes for Temperance Teachei s (distol Work, Part 28 ; and Part 4 of the Popular Law Infant School Primer (J. Hey wood). Dictionary. . Home Lesson Book s, Book 7 (ditto). Mineral ogy (Wm. Collins , Son, & Co.). Hints to Young Housekeepers (ditto ). We have also received :— Sun day at Home (Rel. The Boy's Watchword (J. F. Shaw). Tract Soc.) Mar ch No., a short biogra phy of Sister Rose (ditto) . I ' Chinese Gordo n ' will be read with interest. — Ye Olden Time (ditto ). Girl 's Own Paper (Rel. Tract Soc.) March No.— Harvest of tbe City (ditto ). j Periodical World (Northampton , Mass.) new no.— The Clue of the Maze (Passmore ^ uff^^ ^ ^V^— y &^^^ ' ^^ Sons)."« ^ ^^ mW *^^ W ^ \ ' Notes of a Naturalist' s Visit to Egypt 'is a most Her Mother 's Sin (W . Stevens). Porches of the TempA le (Simp% A- kin * Marshall , interesti ng contribution .—Encyclopaedic Diction - r * ary, shilling parts (Cassell & Co. ) part 2 of this & Co.).

¦** The Scottish Church in Earl y (James a. ¦ Time* •** »^ ^tr Vm* w -^ ---ms^ m r «s V ¦ ^ ,fc t\\\%^ W^^^ A * ¦ A.A m-J M M *¦ most elaborat*^ ^* r « ^ e^^ work* reachingA ^ if «~ ¦ M M faK from^ V^ A adhere^ M r *-• toWX^ alder. —Boy ' s Own Pape r ( Rel. Trac t Soc.) Gremmell). , ~— Stops ; or How to Punctu ate (T. Fish er Unwin). — ^m — — — — ' — ' ^B^^H ^^ ~~ ^~ ^ ^ ™ ^^ ^^ ^^— ^^^» ^Itf^^ ^^^ ¦ V^P^^ ^i^^^ ^B ^" ^^ w ^^ ^^» *^^ "^^ | March part ,j containing the Februar y numbers ,^M with lar ge coloured plate .—Revue Un i verselle, A auide to the Stu dy of the Ear Disease (AV. & of Lausanne (Stanford ) new no. contai ning Pays A. K. Johnston). | slaves , Nice «t ses environs , Goldoni 's memoires , The Cosmogra phic Atlas (ditto). 5 ' &c , Angleterre en -Lgypte , &c. Oehler s Old Testament Theology (Funk & Wag- nails). Biblical Lights (ditto ). Catalog ues received :—Fro m Messrs. Dean & Sons' Illustrated Catal ogue of Fire Stove Decorations , Cardboard Screens , Shields , and other Artisti c Pamphlets and Maga zines. \ Decorations , including the latest novelties.— Ingall' s Forei gn Stock Manual , 1884 (EffTng iatt | From Messrs. J. W. Jarvis & Son, 28 King Wilson). «¦ mm\ *• William St. , Strand , W.C Catalo gue No. 4, of Bailwaym ^. Reform—~— ~M* er (Office** .^h. f. ^ , Chiswick).***** *9 \ Books on varied subjects , choice, rare , and curiou s, Church or Dissent? (Griffit h & Fa rran). including work s of Bewick , Byron , Dickens , Wh y may I not Marr y my Wife's Sister ? (Society j Shelley, &c , Alchemy, Astrology, and Witch - for Promoting Christian Knowledge). craft. JEarl y printing , Shakespeareana , many in How to Manage School s (Grant & Co*)* choice bindings , and a collection of curi ous Magazine of Art (Cassell & Co.). J Chap-bo oks, Toy and Children 's Books , &c. &c.— Famil y Magazine (ditto). i From Mr . C. Herbert , 60 Goswell Road , E.C. Concise Cyclopaedia (ditto). Catalogue No. 72, of Standard Books, in all The Quiver (ditto). branches of literature , includin g works on Little Folks (ditto). America , Australasia , Ireland , Classi cs, Fore ign Good Word s (Isbister & Co.). Litera ture , Scotland , &c. Medical and Surgi cal , Sunday Magazine (ditto). jm u«««- Co.). History, Philology, Theology, Topogra phical EngXLtu^iiniilish IllustratedjLUUBuaiou Magazineaga^iuo (Macmillanj .uov. &— > and Archaeological , Travel , long sets of impor- Longman 's Magazine (Longman^ s, Green, & Co.). tant -works , &c. Cornhillkj \jl mini. Magazineau. &gaMbiiiC7 (Smith^k^iiiii^u , Elderjujava ^i. , &w Co.).-^~-/- Churchman 's Famil y Bible (Society ior Promoting Christian Knowled ge). Books recei ved for notice :— Household Words (Dickens & Evans). Pitman 's Musical Monthl y—Rosebud - Cambr idge Sunday MeadowJLTJ.CX *VAL»W SweetKJ W tJipV,f 3*J vols.\ \JXO. (SmithyKJlLll ltll, ElderJJiUDX ,| &KX) Co.Kj Vf. ).t, Reporter — Churc h Bells — Church Florence (ditto ). School Magazine—The Dawn of DaJ-T.{?,* Chxia s VenV OU iI ceCO (ditto)^Ull/LO^. . News— ^^^ Critic- New York Literary A Word to the Wise (Griffith & Farran). Ownr\ Magazinet»t : — Young"vr ^ ^. EngT7« », /-.landi«Ti rl — bernSerVK w0 ' Six Pieces for Reci tation (ditto) . Advertiser.

' \

1 i

' ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 1 111 mB-...v:^v^.- :¦¦ . i. *:. "" ' -- ^rirv ": ". '"'- ¦ ¦ j g-s^======--—¦— . • r 2I The Publishers' Circular 2ir I p ^it O** - L n I ^ -- ll^^ II" *

Index to the Books published between February 16 and 29. i

tfra# »* w&*cfc *ft« Titles are given Alphabetically in f ull > tf0ri * »» /&&«<* «r « ***** , with the Publisher ' s Name,

X.) 10th edit. 5s. 6d. Doctor John, Mitchell (D. G.) new ed it. fia. Accidence, Greek, Arnold (T. Books 9, 10, translated, 2s. Dog, Our Friend the, Stables (G.) 2nd edit. 6s. fid. «neid, Virg il, 3rd edit. Tohnston (K.) 2 1s. Dream Life, Mitchell (D. G. Ik Marvel) new edit. 5s. iJnc^ Drill, Elementary, Alexandria..— ««^^* new edifc. 5s. Egyptian Rulers, &cM Khedives and Pashas, 7s. 6d. Arabian Nights, Far-F amed Tales, 2s. 6d. Electricity and Magnetism, May (G.) 1860-83, 5s. AraArab! b! lowEow Wewe i/eieuueuDefended , z*/Broadleyui»u.*cy \.(A..o- ^M.) . ,/a*o. 12s. Elphinstone, Mountstuart, Life, 2 volp. 26s. I Astronomer, Jlerschell (Caroline) 6d. Embankment, On the, Bowling (R.) ls. Bankruptcy Act, ABC Digest, Suttpn (A. K.) 3s. & 2s. €d. Emigrants, Intending, Hetherington' s Handbook , 2s. 6d. j iankruptcy Act, The New, ls. Engineering, Marine, Beaton (A. E.) 3rd edit. 18s. Barnnm (Sarah) Adventures, Colombier (Marie) 6d. England, History, Student's, Hume new ed. 3 parts, 2s. 6d. ea. Baronetage, Knightage, &c, Lehrett, 1884, 15s. 6d. English Children , as Painted by Reynolds, Stephens (F. G.) 5s. Researches, Darwin (C.) n«w edit. 9?. English History, Junior BeagleX/V0A ,* "Voyage^V o ,* , Stan. IV., Is. Beggar on Horseback, CTDonoghue (Mrs.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. English, New Guide of the Conversation, Is.

6d. ¦— Litterateur, &c, English Political wr r 9 Jktham (Matilda) History, Bush, Sketch ,* Is. Bible Mementos, Andrew (A.) Is. Englishwomen, Great , Historical Reading Book, Is. Bible, the Sunday Scliool Text-Book, Holborn (H.) 2s. & Is. 6d. Enquiry Room, Soltau (G.) 6d. and 4d. Bibliotlieca Piscatoria, Westwood &, Satchell, 50s. Epigrams, English, selected by Adams (W. D.) 2s. Biographies, Macaulay (Lord) 24th edit. 2s. 6d. Essay Cards, Ledsha rrts, packet, ls. Birds, Foreign Cage, Gedney, Part 1, 6d. Eye Diseases, Nettleship (E.) Student's Guide, new edit. 7s. 6d. Birthday-Book, Irish, arranged by Melusine, 5s. Facb and Fancy, Borderland , Boyle (F.) 10s. 6d. Bladder Tumours, Surgical Treatment, Whitehead (WO Is. Factors' Acts, Boyd (H. F.) and Pearson, 6s. Boat Voyages, Adventurous, Richardson (E.) 3s. Farmer's Wife, Some Duties, Jenkins (H. M.) 3d. Bodies, Sound, for our Boys and Girls, Blaikie (W.) 2s. Gd. Florence and her Friend, 6d. Borders. Wilson ' s Tales, 7 vols. 2s. each For Better, Not for Worse, Vere (L. G.) 3s. BoswelPs Life of Johnson, Johnsoniana, &c, 5 vols. 60s. Foreign Office List, 1884, 6s. Bouquet, Bayley ("W.) 3s. 6d. Freehand and Geometry, Carroll (J.) Test Papers, 2s. ea. Bray (Anna E.) Autobiography, 10s. 6d. Freehand, Copies from Wild Flowers, Bosher, 5?. & 3s. 6d. British Empire, Decline and Fall, History, 6d. French Book, First, Havet CA. G.) new edit. Is. 6d. Buddhism, Esoteric ,Sinnett (A. P.) 3rd edit. 7s. 6d. French Grammar, Colloquial, Masse" (F. P.) 3s. 6d- Builder's Price Book, Mayes (C.) Australian, 7s. 6d. French Literature, Historical Handbook, Bridge, n. e. 3s. 6d. Busy People, Lent Manual, 6d. and 3d. French Revolution of 1792, MacCarthy (J. G.) ls. Business, Fortunes Made in, 2 vols. 32s. Friendly Greetings, Vol. 7, 2s. 6d. Calend&r, Oxford University, 1884, 3s. 6d. Fruit Farming, Profitable, WhUehea d (C.) ls. Calvaiy, Children at, Wood (S. T.) 6d. Fuel and Water, Schwackhofer (F.) 9s. Capital & Labour Profit Sharing, Taylor (S.) 2s. 6d. Furnishing, Economical, Practica l Guide, 6d. Carpets, Oriental, Ccxon (H. ) 3s. 6d. Future Life, God and the, Nordhoff (C.) 3s. 6d. Carter (Elizabeth) Greek Scholar, 6d- Fysshinge, Berners (Juliana) Older Form , 7s. Cd. Catiline Oration I., Cicero, translated , 2s. Gallian Laments, Brenon, 4s. Cattle Fairs, Markets, Auctions, Johnson' s Gtuidc, 1884, 6d. GaWanoplastic Manipulations, Roncleur (A.) by Wahl, 35s. Chemical Analysis, Tablets, JSemple (A.) ls. Gar-f ield, From Log Cabin to White House, 2s. 6d. ChemfealUhemfeal Tables,. Kemv>Kemp (W.rw. J.)J.^ ls.Is. G enesis, Candlish (R. S.) 3rd edit. 8s. Od. Chemistry, Physiological, Aids, Thudichum (J. L. W.) 2a. Geographical Readers, Blackie, 1, 7d. ; *i, 8d. Children , Lectures, Todd (J.) 2s. 6d. G eorge Eliot, Essays and Leaves from a Note Book, 10s. 6d. Childrenwnuaren of Men, the Most BeautifulBeautiful., RamRam.y 3s. George (Henry) Exposure of Pretensions, Crump . Is.i o Cd.n,i Green Ears, Macduff (J. E.) ls. ComuU Me, new edit. 2s. 6d. Gan and Rod, Sport with, 42s. Conveyancing, Introduction, Mphinstone , 3rd edit. 143. Haye and to Hold, To, Stredder (Sarah) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Cottars, Labourers* Frize, Fitzgerald (L. M.) 5s. Here and Hereafter, Tugvoell (G.) 3s. Cnp aad the Falcon, Tennyson, 5s. Hester Lennox, Benning (H.) 2s. Cnpid'B Wars, _„ ^, m ,tvvlm oia. , Int, Gibbon V^^*/(C.) **3 vola.*via. 31s. €d.vim, Histology, Manual, Purser (J. M.) 5s. "nrforgii , Romance, 2nd edit. 6s. Homo Lesson Books, Gardiner (A.) Stan. 7, Is. Dental Practice, Notes, Quinby (H. C.) 9a. Home Lesson Books, Heywood (J.) 7, ls. Deutuche Liebe, MiXller (Max) fia. Hospital for Women, Smith (P.) Address, 6d . JJ»P»O8l8, PhysiologicalMruyB10lo«l0&l Factor In.In, FotherailLFothcrg ill 2nd ed. 7s.7s. 6d. Hospital Reports, St. Thomas', Vol. 12, 7s. 6d. wT)\m ' , ctlonary, Encyclopaedic, 5 Div. vol. 10s . (5d . How They Loved Him , Marryat (Florence) new edit. 3& 6d. ^ BjBtem, */ %f//•«//«*p v-n-.(h. J«i .).^ 3» Tablesj-aDiea, ls.is. eacheacn Hunt (Leigh) Poetical Works, 2fl. wwcfcorsrur **. * ^ ' Directory, _ —-— 7s. 6d. JBHnner (T.) 1884, 6a. India^^ ' ,j the^ Land^ " * ,, and the People* ,r Caird t' 2nd edit Z"^^™ctory, w^««•(/»,H, iorlor 18841884., 4a.4b. 6d. Industrial Cariosities, Japp (A. H.) new edit. 3b. Od. ^fcwy, Jf^ca?, for 1884, 12b. Inspection Teats, Premier, Stan. 2, Is. ^^WMT, NewtpaverPress. 1884. 1b. Jesua, Lentwith , 3rd edit. ls. H—-— ¦ : -i» - ~—-ww ^ ^ 111 -1 ^^ Zi teSiM ^ MZ ^ ntaM ' MMMM ^^^ MMriMMM ^ M^ MMMa.MMMtAd ^ MMMMH ^ iMMMMMIIttflMiMa.Ja.MMMMM .M.aMia ^^ H' ' 2i2 The Publis hers Cir cular __Mar ch ,, ,&

Jews, Manners and Customs, Burrows (E. P.) new edit. 2s. 6d. Pra yers, Fa mily Worship, Bourdill on (J.) Help, various Jewish Church , History, Stanley (A. P .) new edit. Vol. 3, 6s. Prayers , Priva te, Puaep (E. B.) by Liddon , 2s. 6d. Job , edited by Cha nce and Bernard , 7s. 6d. Prologue and Epilogue in English Literat ure , Study, 5g Joe Harman 's Experiences , Sargent CG-. H.) Is. Prof rogr gressive essive Rel±tengionigion , Bathgatejsamgaie ^w.;(W.) Permserm ons ons., 6s. Johns on, Bostcell's lAie, by Napier , 5 vol*. 210s. Pusey Memorial Serm on, Pusey (E. B.) 6d. j vy .) xs Kindergarten at Home, Shirreff (Emily A. E.) 3s. 6d. Queenslandyaeensiana , N.,n., Stirlinannin g g ^a.(A. W.) Neverever Land.Land , 8s.8s. 6d.6d King's Messenger , a Tale , Withrow (W. H.) 2nd edit. 2s. Reader , Gradua ted, Book 1, 7d.

; Knave of Hearts , a Novel, 3 yoIs. 31s. 6d. Reader— ,j Histori cal , Book 1, lOd. licelins, Cicero , translated , 2s. Reader , New-London , 6, Is. 6d. Land Nat ionalisat ion, Smith (.S.) 6d. Re-distribution , Bern ard (H. F.) Is. Lan gua ge & the Study of It , Whitney (W. D.) 4fch ed. 10s. 6d. Reformatio n , Notable Women , Ss. 6d. Later Life Jottin gs, Bealey (R. R.) 2s. €d. Reign of Law , Argyll (Duke of) 18th edit. 3s. 6d. Latin Authors , Beautiful Thou ghts, Rama ge, new ed it. 6s. Religion and Language, Origin , Essays, Cook (F. C.) 153, Law , Milita ry, Cochran (F.) Handy Text-Book , 7s. 6d. Reveries of a Bach elor, Mitchell (D. G.) new edit. 5?. , Laws of England , Student' s Guide to , Bedford (S.) n. e. 7s. 6d. Riviera , Marseilles to Leghorn , &c , Black (C. B.) 2s. Gd. e jjemiue ot r ttji, vrtvuvn Len t, Holy, Huntin gdon, Helps, 2s. 6d. Romanttoman Empu.mpire ir , Decline & Fal l Gibbon, new ed.ea. VI.VI. 1, lo103,3 6ien ; Lent Manual , Woodhouse (F. O.) 3rd edit. 3s. 6d. Rosalie , Sister , Melun , new edit. 2s. \ Lenten Thou ghts , Dover (T. B.) 2s. 6d. Sal vage, &c, Stories , Smart (H.) 10s. 6d. | Life's Pleasure Garden , Miller (W. H.) 3s. 6d. Sanskrit Texts , Original , Muir (J.) 3rd edit. Vol. 5, 21s. LilWt Experiment , Is. Schools and Colleges, Bissou, Vol. 2, 7s. 6d.

Littl e Kin g Davie, Hellis (N ellie) Is. Schools,0 How to Manage^ r ,»»- Major (J.)-»•- Is. Liza , Targenieff, translated , 2s. Science Readers , Hughes , No. 4, Is. 6d. Lock and Key, Parable , HunHngford (J.) 6d. Sea Queen , Russell (W.C.) new edit. 6s. Locus Stand i Beports , Clifford and Bickards, 1883, 15s. Selection , Natural and Or igin of Species, Pascoe (F. P.) i8. i Locusts & Wild Honey, Burroughs, Author 's ed. Is. 6d. & Is. Sermons on Universal Subjects , McCulloch (J. M.) 7s. 6d. \ London , City of , Director y, 1884, 12s. 6d. Seven Stories , Mitchell (D. G.) new edit . 5s. Pocke , Lib. edit. i London , Guide and Ma p, t, Is. Shakespeare ^ by Howard Staunten vols. 5s. ea. I London Munici pal Government , The , Chamberlain , 6d. Shareholder 's Legal Guide , Emden (A.) 2s. 6d. London Town , In, Lee (Kath arine ) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Shepherd of Salisbur y Plai n , More (Mrs . Han nah ) Is. , Maori Land , Lays, Bracken (T.) 5s. Sickness, Hints , Burdet t (H C.) Is. 6d. [ Mark , Analysis, 6d. Sickness, Its Trials and Its Blessings, new edit. Is. J Market Gardens , London , Shaw (C. W.) Is. Singin g, Sight , for Schools , Is. 8d. I Mathematical Papers , Woolwich* 1880-83, 3s. fid. Social Problems , George ( EL) 5s. | | Massachusetts Bay, Diary of , Hutchinso n (T.) 16s. Song, Tribute , Chips , Is. | | Meadow Sweet, Whetpton (E.) 3 vols. 3 1s. 6d. Soudan , May, Letts' , Is.

- — f f j — — m— v —v —' - ¦ — — Medicine , Household, by^^ Blac k, 12s. and 7s. 6d. Spanish Novelist , Fernan Caball ero , 6d. ! Medicine Carrier , George Way la nd, 9d. Spinoza , Chief Works , tra nslated , 2 vols. 10s. ' Medicine Chest G-uid e, Savory and Moore , Is. Spiritu al World , Natural Law ,

¦ ¦ i - — - —w — ~ — _ — — — -_- __ —_ — . —r — - —¦ °- —— -™~ — — — m j -^j ~^m~~~~ ^r -^ ^r ^^ m^ ^ ^ ^^^p W ^^^ ™ J * ^^^^ VN V ^^» ^1 «W ^Vk ^ I Old Testament Commentary ^ , Ellicott (C^^ . J.) Vol. 4, 21s.^rf ^t Tennyson (A.) Poetical Works , new edit. 7s. 6d. i Olden Time, Ye, Holt (E. S.) English Customs , 3s. 6d. Teresa , Sta., O'Tiara , Is. 6d. Orga ns, Church , Sutton (P. H.) 3rd edit. 7s. 6d. & 6s. 6d. Ter esa, St., Prize Poem , O'Hara (C. ) Is. 6d. Outstretched Hands , Good Friday Addr esses, Williamson , Is. Themistokles , Life, Plutarch , tr anslated , 2s. S! Pandora 's Log, Grey (V.) Is. Theology, Study, Introductio n, Drummond (J.) 5s. Par is . Women, a Romance , 2s. Thi rlby Hall , Morris (W. E.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Parochial and Plain Sermons , Mwrnan (J. H.) new edit. 2, 5s. Tin ne" (Alexandrine) African Explorer , 6d. Parsia , Writi ngs , Lang uage , and Religion , Haug (M.) 1 6s. Tithe Comtnutation Table , McCabe (C.) Supplement , Is. Parsin g of Arthur , Ttnnpson , 9d. Tonkin , Fra nce in the Far Ea R t, Norman (0. B.) 14s. Passion an d Eastertide , Via Crucis , Is. 6d. Tonquin , The Truth abo ut , Colquhoun (A. P.) Is. Patents , Designs, and Trade Marks , Handbook , Hun t (B .) 5s. Tra nsformation , Hawthorn e (N.) new edit. Is. Talents , Designs, and Trade Marks Pract ice, Lawson , 15s. Tr uth , Treasur es of , for Busy Lives , Fentema n (C.) 3s. 6d. Pauperism ,Capital , &c , Bruc e (F. J.) Geo rge 's Assu mption , 6d. Valley of Sorek , Georye (G. M.) 2 vols. 21s. i Peera ge and Titles of Courteav , De Brett , 1884, 15s. Gd. Vand3'ck , Loves of , Smith (J. W. a.) 2s. 6d. i Pegnsus Re-sadd led, Pennell (H. O.) new ed it. 2s. 6d. Victi ms of a Legacy , Pullan (J. F.) 2 vote. 21a. Peter Wilkins, Puttock (R.) new edit. 2 vols. 12s. Voice in Speech , Ar tistic , Lunn (0.) Is. Petroleum of the Future , Marvin (C.) Is. Wave rley, Scott (W.) new edit. Vol. 1, 3s. Pharmac y, TW- Book , 1883, 10s. Wave rley , The Bibl e in, Dickson (N.) 5s» > Physics, Princi ples, Donnell (A.) 21s. Wealth of Nations , Smith (A.) Student' s edit. 5a. I Phy siological Chemistr y Aide, Thudichvm , Is. Wesley (Joh n) Kirton (J.) Is. and 6d. Physiolog y, Practical , Aids, James (J. B.) Is. Wet Days at Edge wood , Mitchell (D. G.) new edit. 5s. Pigeons, Fanc y, /yeW (J. C.) 2nd edit. Part 1, (id . Westminster 8chool , For shall (P . H.) 21s. Pilgrim Sorrow , Queen Carmen Sylva of Roumani a, 5s. Whalley , Handbook , Whiiaker (R. N.) Is. 1 Pindar , Exta nt Odes , tra n slated by Myer s, 2nd edit. 5s. Whist , Philosophy, Pole (W.) 3s. 6d. Plain Teachi ng*, Morton (Mr s. Q. E.) Is. WhUt Tr iad, 12a. 6i. Plays for Child r en , Six, Harriso n (C.) la. Wlesen as a Health Resort , Wite (A. T. T.) 3a. 6d. Poe, Poems and Essays , 2s. Wills, Provin g, a Few Hints , 7th edit. Is. Poe, Tales, Tauchnitz edit. 2b. Wi n ifred Mar ton , Ross (Mrs. ) new edit. 3a. (id . .y Poisoned Arro ws, Middle man (Jean ) 8 Tols. 31s. 6d. Work & Wages , SIx Centuries , Rogers (J . B.T.) 2 vols. 2«» ' Pontes, Is. Wonr..l.l rkingu « ClassesfM _~ , Ptt» rogress inj_ Fiftyinto *..- YearsV-»«n , Origin/?•«•*^Tri (K.)tH. i 3d.Su. Porohoa of the Temple, Green (T.) 3s. 6d. & 2s. 6d. World Came to an End, f lowthe , Is. Portugal , Leek (Jane ) Iberian Sketches, 6s. Year-Book, Statesman' s, for 1884, 10s. 6d. ^.(fl P == I 'PVi a Pi i Kl i sVi rfv rs ' fTi TVTnlsrr i lne Jru Dlisners (Jircular 2I , arch lS^ M *> **_____= = ^3



itaiics after the HtU are onlv 9iten in eaMet °f thort or obscure titles appearing f or the f irst The oectuUmtt &oU* tn * time * be genera l, or to express any opinion on the literary merit of the books ; the sole object being I intended to to The£ ft*2f <*re^*~* not I the title-page, or to give such additional information concerning the nature of the work as may appear to be *••*' m lain . _ — _ . • w mm aw • required. All books are in clofo when not otnerwue aescrtoea .

¦*. vivilO ^k^^ «^ A v v m w UAi^x^«At«4 *.mi\sKf **j±M.\s\* \JM A. L/VVJ. . ,, .„.„ /w. D.)—English Epigrams. Selected by W Blatherwickw>*^^ *^ *«^ (CM^ ^^ — Personal Recollections of Peter ¦" ¦ X V/0W v » vr. pp. 430 2a.—~- (Excelsio^ » vv»owi Series)»_jw w / Stonnor, Esq. With Illustrations by Jas. Guthrie and "DftyCDPOrenport ^ 1 Adams.JxXXa"! "- Post 8vo. x*X** », r Dav A. S. Boyd. Post 8vo. pp. 310, 6s Chapman [859 A novel. Allard yce (P.)—' Stops ; ' or, How to Punctuate : a Prac- .» — - . . - Students. - -» - — ¦ Bosrier (W. H.) and Foster CW. a.) —Freehand Copies, HrnlLlUcU HandbookAJJ** uuvvv*" for»*- Writers and Sq. 16mo. rp.*" designed from Wild Flowers, for use in Art Classes and £0, parchment, Is ... .Unwin [836 Schools.^ ^^ ' ^^ ™ ^ Suitable¦ ^^^ ^^~^v ^^ ^^ ^p^ 1^ ^^^ ^^ ^^—^ for^^^ ^^^ ^^ 1st«^i^ .«« ^v and^^'^V ^ .^^^ ^tf^V 2nd^^^ ^^*^^t ^V^B Grade.^K ^n ^Ba V^^F ^'V ^M^ ^P The^^^M ^^^^v ^^ Na^^^V * v^^^ t^^ ural^M^B ^B ^V^V^V Ana lysis of the Gospel of St. Mark. Prepared ex- Plant and Conventional Form appearing on the same sheet. nressly for the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Packet, 3s. 6d. & 5s Simpkin [860 Kmo. 64, 6d...... i...... Allm an [837 PP- Bourd illon (F.)—A Help to Family Worship ; or, Short (W. H.)—Fasti Apostolioi : a Chronological Forms of Morning and Evening Prayer for Four Weeks. Anderd on. ^^h ^ k ^a .^h ^^ ^ _ ^» _ ^b ^ . _ & ¦Survey of the Years between the Ascension of Our Lord and 2nd series, sq. 16mo. 2s.; 1st and 2nd series, 1 vol, 3s. 6d. the Martyrdom of S3. Peter and Paul. New edit. 4to. pp. Ditto, ditto, cheap edit. 2nd series, Is.; 1 vol. 2s. 180, 5s Paul [838 Tract Society [861 Boyd (H. F.) and Pea rson (A. B.)—The Factors' Acts, Andrew (A.)—Bible Mementos. Cr. 8vo. Is. Partridge [839 1823 to 1877. 8vo. 6s Stevens & S. [862 Ar gyll (Duke)—The Reign of Law. 18th edit, post 8vo. Boyle (F. )—On the Borderland Betwixt the Realms of Fact pp. 450, 3s. 6d. Strahan [840 and Fancy. Post 8vo pp. 410, 10s. 6d Chapman [863 Short Stories of Indian Life. Arno ld (T, K.)—Practical Introduction to Greek Acci- dence. 10th edit. 8ro. pp. 185, 5s. €d Rivingtons [841 Bracken (T.)~ "L.ays of the Land , of the Maori and Moa. With an Introduction by the Rev. Rutherford Waddell. Baedeker ' s Northern, Germany : Handbook for Travellers. lCmo. 5s Low [864 8th edit, revised and augmented. 12mo. pp. 436, 6s. Dulan [842 Bray (Anna E.)—Autobiography of Anna Eliza Bray _____.__^._ _ — _^ (bornN 1789,j died 1883).j Post 6vo. pp.4 354, 10s. 6d. Bank ruptc y Act— The New Bankruptcy Act, 1883 : a Chapman [865 Popular Digest of the Requisites and Consequences of Brenon (E. St. John ) —Two Gallian Lament?, and some Proceedings in Bankruptcy under the New Law. Poat 8vo. Verses. Cr. bvo. 4s Reeves & T. [866 pp. 136, Is. { Ward A:Lock' s Legal Handbooks) AVard&L. [843 Bridge (C.)—HUtoi y of French Literature. New edit. 3s. (id. (Historical Handbooks) Rivingtons [867 Barrows (E.P.)—Ufanners and Customs of tfie Jews. New edit, revised. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d Tract Society Broadley CA. M.)—How we Defended Arabi and his [844= Friends. Illustrated. By Frederick Villiers. 2nd edit. Bathgate (W.)—Progressive Beligion : Sermons and 8fo. pp. 506, 12s Chapman [868 Selection? from the Manuscripts of William Bathgate. Bruce (F. J.)—Mr. Henry George's Unproved Apsumption; Post 8vo. (Glasgow, Maciehose) pp. 350, Gs.. Hamilton [845 or , the Pauperism of Capital. Being a Politico-Economical Bayley (W.)—Bouquet. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d Bayley [846 Sonata in Four Movements. Cr. 8vo. 6d Paul [869 Burdett (H.CO —Hints in Sickness. Cr. 8vo. Is. 6d. Bealey (R. It.) —Later-Life Jottings in Verse and Prose. Paul [870 Ur.Svo. pp. Ill, 23. &J. Simpkin [847 (J.)—Locusts and "Wild Honey. Author's edit. to Bnrrou grns Bedford (E. H.)—Students G uid<^ Stephen's New Com- 32mo. (..Edinburgh, Douglas) pp. 312, Is. 6d.; sewed, Is. mentaries on the Laws of England (ninth edit.). 3rd edit. Hamilton [871 8vo. pp. 272, 7s. Cd Stevens & Sons [848 Essays on Bees, Trout, Birds, . pp. 25u, 4s. Cd Skeffingtoii [873 (F. ), the Spanish Novelist. By M. Betham- Bern ard (Dr. H. H.)—The Book of Job. Edited by F. Oaballero Chuucer. Edwards. 12mo. pp. 38, 6d. (Famous Women Library ) Reissued, with Appendix. 8 /o. 7s. 6d. Grifflta & F. [874 Higham [851 Bernard Calthro p (G.) — Upward Steps in the Christian Life. Post (H. Y.) —Redistribution by Proportional Repre- 8vo. pp. 380 6? Hunt [875 sentation Considered w ith Special Reference to (1) Popii- , iation , (2) Sermons on the Christian Life, divided into three parts : Voting Powor. 8\o. pp. 88, sewed , la. 77»e Stage of J7itiiation of Conflict, and Maturity. Wyman [852 t Candlieh (R. 8.) —The Book of Genesis Expounded in a Berners -Older Forme of the Treatyse on Tyeshynpe. attri- edit, buted to Dame J. Series of Discourses. 8rd post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Barnes. 7s. Cd Satchell [863 Black) pp. «20, 8e. 6d Longmans [87tf Betha m (Matil da ) , Litterateur and Artist. By M. Betham- Educational Reformer. By M. iwiwarda, 12mo. pp. Ca rpenter (Mario Pa pe-), 78, Gd. {Famous Women Libra?ij) Betham-Ed wards. 12/no.12mo. pp.pd. 38.38, 6d. (Famous Women Grittlth & F. [854 Libr ary) r~. Griffith Si F. [877 Bisson (Capt. F. S. De Car terot- )—Our Schools and »*— -| » - ^— — — - "- -wr ~* — — —— —- — ¦—- — • — - ' — — ' - — ~ —- Alleges. Carroll^^^ ^^^ ! ^ p^ _f|- Mb «^ (J.)—^^ 0 f Srcond Grade Teat PapersJ^~ ,J Freehand and V ol. 2 : For G irls. Poat 8vo. pp. 870, 7s. 6d. Geometry. Imp. 4to. 2a. each Philip [878 Simpkin [855 By M. Betham- Ed wards. Block (C. Carter (E.)» Greek Soholar. B.>—Th© Riviera ; or, the Coast from Marseilles 12ino. pp. 56, 6J. {Famous Women Library) w> Leghorn ; including Carrara, Lucca, Pisa, Pistoja , and t loceuce. Griffith & F. [879 -x~. Illustratedluiuuawu withwilii 8o Mapsiyui£ >4 anduuu 6o Plans.riutia. 12mo.x^iuo. pp.py. • 28J, 2s. 6d Chips: Another Tribute of Song." By the Author of Longmans [856 * Somebody : a Sketch.' Cr. 8vo. pp. 17, la. Blackle's G eographical Kea Blookio [807 aud Notes, Grammatical, Historical, and Oeogiaphical, by Blaikio bury. 12mo. pp. 84 sewed, 2s. (Aidsto the Vlassies) (Wo—Soundpp. Bodies for Our Boye and Girls. Illns- A. C. May , trate^ i2mo. 1C8, 2s. Cd. Low [S 38 jtftuinere Lbai ^ —igfl ) W w^ 'W'w^ The Publishers' Circular ' \ v* . £jjpgl ? , Cicero—Oratio Prima in Luciam Catilinam. "With Trans-• Eliot (Geor ge)—Essays and Leaves from a w*+ (I lation and Notes Grammatical, Historical, and Geographical . Postsvo pp aso. aos ea ••...b ^ ^*^ I : by A. C. May bury. 12 mo. pp. 48, sewed, Is (Aids to tht; Elphi netone CH. W.)-A Practical I Classics) Bailliere [882 Introdnctirm * i 111 ' veyanclng. 3rd edit. 8vo. pp. 480,14s. ..W. Hoy. 8vo. 12s. 6d. MaSr^^?* t || i City of London Dir ectory for 1884. ; Elpninstone (Hon. M.) —Life of. By Sir T v rw^ I \\ Collingridge [883 With Portraits and Maps . 2 vote. 8vo. pp.si^e! **t I Cla yton (C-)—Only a Girl. Illustrated. Fcp^ 8vo. Is. 6d. ¦ Dean [884 Moiray rMft Far-Famed Tales from Arabi an Nieht« » n » I Cler gy Director y and Parish Guide , 1884. Post 8vo.. tainments. IUustrated. Or. 8vo. 2s. 6d.,.. " . hSm"^ oK I ^I/I I , pp.dd. 720720., 4s. 6d BosworthBosworttt [8851 ^ ^ 1 Fenteman (C.)—Treasures of Truth for Bust pel Xa* a I Cochran (Major F.)—A Handy Text-Book on Military Book of G-ood Coun for Young and Old ColwI?: I uj uutg l/v uuc i'auuo i^u&i< o.«6g uj »- Compiled from the Treasures of an Old ! LawXJttW :i arrangettX I ttU^CUd accordingtK ;uui to tbe Syllabus Queenu 'ds Begula- Book-ShoaP Sn^g I¦ tions, and comprising Synopsis of Parts of the Eeserve, thezae Intervals.intervals ofor Business..Business, Post.f ost 8vobyo. pp. 286 , 3a,3s foi«S ^*"« ¦ Forces Act, 1882 ; Militia Act, 1882 ; Army Act, 1881 ; andI Wari^L. , to [Mi I I some Examination Questions. Post 8vo. pp. 320 7s. 6d. F«w. ™?lttf ^A\ *8 Troving _ Wills &c. vitw I f | Blackwood & a [886 Profes,ional Assistance. By a Probate-Court OHcSi Si I (J. H.)—Mineralogy. Vol. 2 : Systematic and edit . 16mo. pp. 64, Is Collins am rH ..^SJt [S I Descriptive Mineralogy. With upwards of 400 Illustrations. \R* atx.;—j .iauuure rri ze iiw^iFitzgerald (t.m M.)—Labourers' Prize Cottages,Ubttag es. n^Chm, I¦ 12mo. pp. 326, 3s. (Collins' s Advanced Science Series) prising Twenty Lithographed Sheets Of Working Collins [887 Dnm&« I Details, Specifications, and Kstiuiates; inclodtne piana' I Colombie r (Marie )—Life and Memoirs of Sarah Banium. Specifications , and detailed Bills of Quantities of the ViZ I ii tiiiio j a.g j "With a Preface by Paul Bonnecain. Edited by Henry Stuart^uw Prize Cv«M«ficottage, oia.Six Boyal-Lvu ^a.i Agricultural, ivuiturai Societysociety pri™Prirp I¦ Llewellyn Williams. 12rao. pp. 126, sewed, 6d. Cottages, and the Model Dairy awarded the Crawford ft«M I Grown Publishing Company [888 Medal at the Cork Exhibition, 1883, &c. 4to. (Cort S I i sewed, 5s Siaipkin I Colqnnoun (A. R.)—The Truth about Tonquin ; being : [915 the Times Special Correspondence. Sq. 16mo. parchment, Florence and Her Friend , and Herbert Andrews. I6teo I ' Is Field & Tuer [889 6d. ....; ..Eel. Tract Soc. [W7 I Foreign Office List , 1884. 8vo. 63. ; Consul t Me. New edit, prefaced and improved, with Harrison [91$ I \ ' numerous additions, by Author of ' Enquire Within.' Post ; Forsnall CF. H-)~Westminster School, Past and Present. I 8vo. pp. 430, 2s. 6d .Nicholson [890 8vo. pp. 610, 21s Wym»n [919 I Cook (F. C.)—The Origins of Religion and language Con- Fortunes made in Business : a Series of Original I sidered in Five Essays. 8vo. pp. 494, 15s Murray [891 Sketches, Biographical and Anecdotic. From the Recent I History of Industry and Commerce. By varions Writers. I Coxon (H.)—Oriental Carpets : How they are Made and 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 906, 32s Low [920 I Convey ed to Europe. "With a Narrative of a Journey to the Fotnerg rill (J. M.)—The Physiological Factor in Illustrated pp. 75 3s. 6d. Diagnosis: I East in search of them. . 8vo. , a Work for Young Practitioners. 2nd edit. 870. pp. 240, I Unwin. [892 7s. 6d Bailliere [921 I Daniell (A.)— A. Textbook of the Principles of Physics. , Frienclly Greetings. Illustrated Readings for the I 8vo. pp. 042 21s. Macmillan [893 People, vol. 7. Roy. 8vo. 2s. 6d Rel. Tract Soc. [922 I Darwin (C)—Journal of Researches into the Natural Garfield. (J. A.)—Life of (Prom Log Cabin to White I History and G eology of the Countries Visited during the House). By William M. Thayer. Post 8vo. pp. 330, 2s. fid. I "Voyage of H.M.S. ' Beagle * Round the World. New edit. Ward & L. [923 I post 8vo. pp. 520, 9s Murray [894 Gedney (C. W.)—Foreign Cage Birds. Part i. 6d. I Dead Town (A) : Romance of the Oil Country. Illus- Bazaar Office [924 I trated. 8vo. Is Ward & L. [895 Geldart (E. M.)—Folk lore of Modern Greece : the Tales I Dearfor pril , Pr incess of Brefney. 2nd edif. cr. 8vo. of the People. Post 8vo. pp. 196, 2s. 6d. Sonnenschein [525 I pp. 304, 6s Longmans [896 Geor ge (Gertrude M.)—The Valley of Sorek : a Novel. I An h istorica l Romance of 1152-72 , by the Author of ' The 2 vola. I Last Earl of Desmond, ' Beyond tlie Orange River * I edit, post 8to. pp. 480, 7s. Gd Hoddor [905 E. W. West ; with a Biographical Memoir of the ntbn Haug by Professor E. P. Evans. 8vo. pp. 462, 1«». J '\ I Drummond (J.)—Introduction to the Study of Theolocry . TrUbner^ {9U I *¦ v v m m m Post 8vo. pp. 268, 5b. Macmillan [906 Oriental^^ w v *^ * ^ * V w Ser ^# *~* r* ies^r )w vvvv^BVflv"* * w 9 * * + w m * ^ ^H A course of Lectures delivered at Manchester f lew Havet (A. G.)~The Fir^t French Book ; or,. FWf "^ I and «nlarfjr; College. Lessons for Beginners. New edit, corrected . [035 I 12mo. pp. 276, la. 6d Slmpkin Dnqnesno ft/Abbd)— The Gospels Distributed into Medi- o I tations for Every Pay in the Year, and arranged accordincf Havrtliorne (N.)— Transformation ; or, the Romance to tho Harmony of the Four Evangelists. Translated from Monte Bien. 2 parts, 12mo. Is. each. ( Bohn' s Cheag aV/ ij^, I the French , and adapted to the use of the English Church ToL 3, 12mo. pp. 698, 4s. fid W. Smith [907 ¦Animal Heitzmann (C.)—Microscopical Morphology of the Economy of Coal. Illustrated. 2s. 6d. . .Churchill [908 Body in Health and Dipease. With 380 Original KngrftVj' K Trlibner {M Ejdkins (J.)—Rel igion in China: containing n Brief Account Boy. 8vo. pp. 850, 31s. 6d anai« I ofv. theisiivi Threej.«ij. «ju Relig-ii.uiif4ionsJLV 'iir) c»f\>i theiiixv Chinese.uiiiuuac. «rduiu edit.emit*, 8vo.orv. pp.pjj. Hellla (Nellie)—Little King Dayie ; or, Kings g 276 Cd. ( Ja >;7e. Trilbner ' s Oriental Series) Trltbner [909 unto God. 16mo. pp. 118. Is ^ll^-^j ^^^^^^^^ ¦¦¦pngjPiJ WF SSF ^lf^

W .<,*; The Pul>lisliers? *GSi?ciilar 2I (;

III p Alexan dria : a Tale of Israel in the Time of Janior En glish Hlstor yV For Standard rv. Pp. 160, I 0elo?,°Lt pffl With a Prefa tory Note by A.dol ph Saphir. Is. {Educational Course) ...» Chambers [964 I JjfSSSSSfl ns. ' Post Svo. 18. 6d. . .Tract Society [939 'Kemp (W\ J.)—Chemical Tables for Elementary Students . *. WU IW I ' i.Aii rCaro tine ); Astronom er and Math ematician. i. fU^<*JAda pted- 7 ' to theIH1VI NewilVlT SyllabusI«^j rX*C»VLU> of\J *. • theUUC2 ScienceKAilOUU Q ' andt 'with.wiiu Jiic esusoub :. «*a Plain-ciitiij. Guidevjtuiuu forlyr Churchmen.v^uurcumen . 3rdora. unit edit. 32mo. pp. 160, Is. sewed 9d. Middle Ages. Post 8vo. pp. 224, 3s. 6d J. F. Shaw [946 ; ^ ...... Rivingtons [973 waw wi«>the "World Cam© to an End in 1881. Pp. 81. Is. Letts' Ma p of the Soudan , including the Nile, Red Sea, How Field &T. [947 West Coast of Arabia , and Abyssinia. Long 8vo. Is. Letts [9 74 i HneheB's Science Readers. No. 4. for Standards 7 and 8. Lilla's Exper iment ; or, Religion in Little Thing s. 12mo. By A.. Newsholme. 12mo. pp. 192, Is. 6d Hughes [948 pp. 128, 1s. .. ".; Ril. Tract Soc. [975 Home's History of England from the Earliest Times to the London Reader—New London Reader. Sixth. Post 8vo. Treaty of Berlin in 1878. New edit, revised and corrected pp. 208, ls. 6d Isbis ter [976^ by J. S. Brewer. 3 parts, post 8vo. 2s. 6d. each. Murray [949 Lunn (C.)—Artist ic Voice in. Speech and in Song. Re- Htint (B.)—Handbook to the Patents, Designs, and Trade printed from the Medical Press and Circular. Post 8vo. Marks let, 1883 : containing the Act and Rules, also an pp. 40, sewed, 18. Bailliere [977 •¦» »»-i^» ¦»# » wv&a-w * Fi¥ M lf> I I QlrtlL y anddMtJ ' •Jm, PracticalA- m- V* t^ k»»^^* JW *. Treatise* v m.-***--* thereonv -*-**--/ m* *^ m~t-. and the» —--• -w Pro-a. — *-» Explanatory ancy Pigeons. 2nd edit. P , cednre thereunder. For the use of Investors, Manufac- Lyell (J. C.)—F art 1 6d. turers, &c. With, a copious Index to the Act and Kule*. Bazaar Office [978 88vo.vo. pp.dd. 228080., 5s5s. Waterloww aterlow [950 Macaulay (Lord)—Biographies. 24th edit. 12mo. (Edin- bui*gb Black) pp. 280, 2s. 6d Longmans Hunt deign.)—Poetical Works. Post 8vo. pp. 290, 2s. , [979 Ward & L. [951 McCabe (C.)—Annual Supplement to the.Tithe Commuta- ingdon (Bp. of Central New York)—Helps to a tion Tables payable for the year 1884, according to the Hunt m. m-4i ^W V ^-* m* w^jptm^-^ - m : m Hnntingford (E.)—The Parable of the Lock and Kev. Causes^_ *-»v>»»jj|, itsa *^vrf Event* *,y and*¦-*.*.* , its Resultsj **m^mT% **±*.+.\**a :% anuftA Historicalw . iQUvl AVC4I1 StudyUUHvl V « . Cr. 8vo. pp. 34, 6d Bickers [953 12mo. (Dublin, Hodges) pp. 42, Is Simpkin [981 Hntchinaon (J.)—Illustrations of Clinical Surgery. Fasc. JVl'Cullocti (J. 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i Ueadjr in a few days , 8to. cloth , gilt lettering, price Is. 6d. JO HN BULL 'S NEIG H BO UR IN HER TRUE LIG HT. Being an Answer to some recent French Criticisms^ BY A BRUTAL SAXON.

There is reason to th ink: , that th is Work will command a§ larg e a sale as. ' John Bull and his Island. '



CHEAP UNIFORM EDITION OF < RITA'S ' NOVELS. f jpHE Publishers have the pleasure to annou nce that they have arranged for the production of a Cheap X Uniform Edition of • Rita's ' Nereis, all of which will appear in regular succession on alternate months. Probably no series of Works of Fiction, of equal merit and popularity, have been so long detained in their original and costly form of publication. It is therefore confidently hoped that the proposed issue in Two Shilling Volumes, carefully printed upon good paper, and neatly bound in the characteristic picture boards, or bound strongly in cloth for 2#. 6d.t will be welcomed throughout length and fyreadth of the land, and will carry amusement and comfort into many a distant home, to many a, yearning heart. Price 2s. Picture Boards ; 2s. 6d. cloth, gilt (postage 4d. E> A. ME D U R JD E N. By « RITA / Author of * Two Bad Blue Eyes/ • My Lad y Coquette ,' &e. *" Dame Burden " Is a charming conception/—Morning Pjost. ¦ ¦ ¦ * It would be well indeed if Action g€»OTft)ly couia bo kept up to thia lcvcU —AOADKBiY; ' ¦ •. " . , • ' ' an. • * Well and BkilfnUydrawn. JPHall of flro and pathetic aituatlona &c. i •t^itn ra " horoea and heroinca ajro very hum ^ '• Dome Dnrden " is sure to bo read with pleasare by all.'—Society. JLady's P ictohiau Shoe : . .. ;. . .- .,. iKmdpn ; X Ac IL MAXWELL , Milto ^ Ilouae ^ JLape, Fleet Siteeet , E-

I] iTOW READY, demy 8vo. cloth extra, price

I THE NEW WO RK ON CE NTRAL AFRICA . THE RIVER CONGO , I FROM ITS MOUTH TO BdLdBO ; I With a General Description of tlie Natural History I and Anthropology of its Western Basin. ;


With numerous full-page and other Illustrations, a new Map of ; the Congo from its Mouth to B616bo, also a Physical Map of the West Coast of Africa and Three Etchings.

; . _

Extract from *? itttCS Review, February 27. \ ^I) ^ < Of Mr. Stanley, Mr. Johnston, who saw much of him, speaks with the enthusiasm of youth in presence of its hero ; but this enthusiasm is quite sufficiently justified by the wonderful work which Mr. Stanley has actually accomplished. What that work is has never been so fully and satisfactorily shown as in the p ages of Mr. Johnston ' s narra tive. • • # Mr. Johnston is not only a keen and eager observer ; he is an artist, botanist, zoologist, and evidently also a bit of a geologist. Not only can he use his pencil to some purpose in bringing before us pictures of Congo life and Congo scenery, but his faculty of accurate, intelligible, and graphic description is remarkable in a man so young Few recent books of travel are so full of information.'


. - . -

London : SAMPSok LOW ,' MARStON , SEARL E , & RIVING TON , Jk^ Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.C. 8 ' , 220 The Publishers Circular ^ I ¦ ™ - « ~ — ¦ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. I ISSUE OF M ENTIRELY REIO DELLED , REVISED, I Am LARGE LY INCREAS ED EDITIOI f OF ! Spiers' French & English Dictionary. (7%e Twenty-ninth Edition.) I

MESSES. SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, & CO. have the pleasure to | announce that they have been appointed Sole English Agents for the sale I of this most valuable book, to the following notice of which in the Times of ; I February 25 they beg to draw attention : I

* Messrs . Mesnil-Dramard et Cie., formerl y I the house of Baud ry, have just published a new edition of Dr. Spiera 's French and Eng- Now .read y, lish Dictionary, in two volumes, which will be Now keady. welcomed by all who are confron ted with the ; ^ difficulty of choosing a work of the ki nd. In * [ \ T m Ti i i. T Two In Two Royal octavo asft&u& tf^ SSi« octo : changes mad e from edition to edition were not ^ ; I 17nlii"mnr« numer ous, and the book had never undergone Tf/vlTirann VOI UIHCO any thorough revision. The 29th edition in lOllIDluS ; this respect differs fro m its predecessors. The au thor was engaged on the work of recasting of about his dictionary i n 1 869, when he died ; and of about since then the work has been continued by his 800 PAG ES EACH. successor as Professor at the Eerie des Ponts . 800 PAGES EA CH. et Chaussees , Mr. W itcomb. The result of their successive labours is this new edition , Price in cloth , 1 85. which contains about 200 pages of new Price in cl oth , l&s. , , j , , _ _ , , , matter , or some 12,000 now words. Speci al ... rt1 . „ half bound , 21 s. attent ion , it seems, has been given to the cor- » Balf bound , 21* rect ren d eri ng of new scientific terms. But one Vox. I. French-En glish , of the most valuable features of this excellent voL# i. Frenc h-En glish. dictionary is that it gives the Eng lish and Vol. II. English-French . French equivalents of proper , mythol ogical , Voii. II. Engush-Fu encii. and geogra phical names , a matter which aut hors of dictionaries ara too apt to over- look/—The Times, F ebruar y 25, 1884. This Edition has been printed from entirely new type, and the whole of the new matter collected by Dr. Spiers, amounting to one hundred and sixty additional pages of print, has been incorporated. Moreover, the Vocabulary has since been enriched by the insertion of a very large number of new words, whereby the Dictionary is raised to a level with the knowledge of the present day. An idea of the most COMPLETE AND COMPREHENSIVE character of this Dictionary may be gained from the following copy of the title-page. ¦ -. ¦>.,:¦ -.- ..,, .,¦¦ ¦ •.. -,. - .,-,• - - .: --.o.,,, - ,^ . - . . ,, . ^ » . - _ ^ . , . -<. ,. -, .:,. ,: t : J >w-. , ,.. ^ . W, t ».-^ ,,, . , .v-,.,:,.v,,,, ;: , rj 4 : ; ¦ fcjS<§fP^~ 1Ll - ' • * ' • • • - IF ' ' * • 884 e ^W*8 618 Circular 221- m i in 1 hi I. I•* _ . . 1 , 1 *rcb ' ——.. ^" * ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ _ I TITLE-PAGE. ¦I > I 1 New Fr ench-English and English-French General Dictionary THE FRENCH OP I COMPEL T^BOM DICTIONARIES L'A CADEMIE , BESCHEREL LE, I! UTTBE, &c, AND THE ENGLISH DICTI ONARIES OF JOHNSON , WEBSTER , I RICHARDSON , &c., AND THE TECHNI CAL WORKS I IN BOTH LANGUAGES.

I ALSO CO3 ^CFDEeiSIIT <3— 1. All the literary and colloquial words of the language down to the present day, 2. The principal terms relating to. science, art, commerce, industry, the navy ; more especially such as are to be found in the Dictionaries of L'Aca- d&nie and of Littae. 3. The compound words that are not to be literally translated, 4. The various meanings of each word arranged in logical order and separated by numbers. 5. Short instances of colloquial or literary uses of words, also of gramma- tical constructions where difficult. I 6. The alterations in the meanings of words according as they are used I with adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, &c. 7. The idioms and colloquial expressions that differ in the two languages, methodically set down. 8. The prepositions required by the government of verbs, adjectives, &c. 9. Irregular or difficult pronunciation made clear by reference to the simple French^ sounds. 10. Grammatical Notes on difficult construction, with typographical signs to distinguish between the proper and figurative uses of words, and marking the style to which they belong, followed by a vocabulary of geographical and mythological names. Also Names of Persons that aee Unlike in the Two Languages, By DR. SPIERS , Agr6g6 de L'Univer sity Chevalier da ( la Legion D'Honneur , Officier de l'lnstruction Publi que. • Cest icy vu livre de bonne foyt lecteur. MONTAIGNB.

Ouvrage A uthorise par le Conseil de l'Instruction Publique, le 7 Septembre, 1849.

Twenty-ninth Edition, entirely remodelled, revised, and largely vncreased. By H. WITCOM B, Successor to Dr. Spiers at the Ecole des Pouts ot Chausse efi.

Lond on : SAMPSON LOW , MARST ON, SEABLE, & BIVING TON, II Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.O. I T # ¦ m — - — - - . - • . - . :: :a i^§M' . -a -^MSMI m THp Pn Klisih• ftrfl f fJirrvnlar .._ Iffl i •«« Mardu ,o6 ¥ j CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. IMPORTANT NEW WOEK ON MINING, NEARLY READY. BRITISH MINING. A Treatise on the History, Discovery Practical Development, and Future Prospects of Metalliferous Mines in the United Kined ' By Eobbrt Hunt, F.R.8., Keeper of Mining Eeeord ; Editor of ' Ure s Dictionary of Arta Manufactures, and Mines,' &c. With upwards of Two Hundred Illustrations. Super-royal 8 ' THE ART OF SOAP - MAKING. A Practical Handbook. By Alexander Watt, Author of ' Electro-Metallurgy Practically Treated/ &e. With nmneron Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 9s. cloth. [Just pub lished * A valuable addition to technological literature. Every stage of the process of the manufacture of the various kind The Textile Recorder. Mnas Iofsoap is clearly described.'— ' An elaborate and practical treatise, most usefulfor all engaged or interested in this important industry.' Daily Chronicle, TJKJEJ STUDENTS G UID E TO THE PRACTICE OF MEASTURING AND VALUING ARTIFICERS' WORKS. Originally Edited by Edwabd DoBsoif. Fifth Edition, thoroughly Revised, with considerable Additions, by E. Wyndham Tarn, M.A. With 8 Plates and 63 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. 9s. cloth . [Just publis hed. 6 The most complete treatise on the principles of measuring and valuing artificers' work that has yet been published.' —Building News. 'An indispensable work. to architects and surveyors.'—English Mechanic. LOCKWOOiy S BUILDER'S AND CONTRACTORS PRICE BO OX for 1884. With Prices Eevised to Date. Edited by P. T. W. Milleb, Architect and Surveyor. Price is. strongly half-bound ; limp cloth ( Weale' s Series) 3s. 6d. [Just published. GRAPHIC AND ANALYTIC STATICS IN THEOR Y AND COMPARISON. With a Chapter on Wind Pressures. By B. Hudson Grahajk, C.E. With Plates and Diagrams to Scale. Demy 8vo. 16s. cloth. ' The work is excellent from a practical point of view, and has evidently been prepared with much care. The direc- tions for working are ample, and are illustrated by an abundance of well-selected examples, It is an excellent text-book f or the practical draughtsman.'— Athenaeum 1 Mr. Graham's book will find a place wherever graphic and analytic statics are used or studied.'—Engineer. EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER: a Handy Book of the Principles of Law and Equity. By a Bajrrtsteb. 21st Edition (1884) ; comprising Summaries of the New Bankruptcy Act (1883) ; The Patents, Designs, and Trades Marks Act (1883); The Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act (1883), &c. &c. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 6s. Sd. (Saved at every consultation). [J ust published. NOTE.—The present Edition of this, the most Popular Law Book of the dayy having been partly rewritten and metin new type , cancel s all previous Editions. 'A complete epitome of the laws of this country, thoroughly intelligible to non-professional readers.'—Bell's Life. ' No Englishman ought to be without this book.'—Engineer. DE VI VAS' NEW GRAMMAR OF FRENCH GRIM- 1 MARS. Comprising the Substance of all the most approved French Grammars extant. By Dr. V. de Fivas, M.A., F.E.I.S., Member of the Grammatical Society of Paris, &c. For ty- seventh Edition. With an Appendix on the History and Etymology of the Fjbench Lan- guage, Price 3s. 6d. strongly bound in leather. [J ust published. ' The addition of an A.ppendix on. the History of the French Language, compiled from the best authorities, gives a new value to this old-established school-book.—A.then2eum. 'This French Grammar has for a long time been recognised as the best we hare in England, and it seems to be rapidly superseding most others/—Educational Times. WE ALE'S RUDIMENTARY SERIES. New Volumes. BRICKWORK: a Practical Treatise, embodying the General and Higher Prin ciples of Brick- laying, Cutting and Setting ; with the application of Geometry to Roof Tiling ; Remarks on the different kinds of Pointing, &c. &c. By P. Walkbu. [/n (he pre ss. PORTLAND' - CEMENT FOR TTSERS. By Henry Faija, Assoc. M.Inst. C.E. With numerous Illustrations. 2^. < [Just published. BUILDING ESTATES : a Treatise on the Development, Sale, Purchase, and General Manage- ment of Building Land. By F. Majti^and. 2.J. [Just publish ed. FARM BUILDINGS. By Professor John Scott. With 105 Illustrations. 2s. [j ustpubl ished. DRAININGAND EMBANKING. By Professor John Scott. With 68 Illustrations. U <& IRRIGATI ON AND WA TER SUPPL F. By Professor John Scott. With 34 Illusts. U. M. FARM ROADS, FENCES, AND GATES. By Professor John Scott. With 75 Illusta. l*. ** CRO SBY LOCK WQOD & CO., 7 Stationere '-Hall Court , Ludgate Hill, E.G. v ^ . <¦ III : The^^^ m a Publi^ « m a shers '^ Cir^«* ^ cular^ «• vr^^efl84 223- SMITE, ELDER ,. & CO.'S IEW BOOKS . NOTI CE —Her Maj esty 's J ourn al- The Third Edition of ' MORE LEAVES from the JOURNAL of a LIFE in the HIGHLANDS ' will be ready on the 8 th of March. In conseqtience of the demand for the Work , orders will be executed in the order in which they are received.

NEW VOLUME OP THH ' STANDARD ' EDITION OF THB COMPLETE WORKS OF W. M. THA CKERA Y. The NEWCOM ES. Vol. II. With 24 Steel Plates and 53 Wood Engravings. Lar ge 8vo. 10s. 6

Place. . *^_ London : SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 Waterloo ! 224 The Publishers' Circularfor M . H i P^e #*for& l^ibte Hectd^ts, THE OXEO RD BIBLE FOR TEA.CHERS CONTA INS SUPPL EM ENTARY HELPS TO THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE INCLUDING ' Notes Analytical , Chronolo gical , Histo rical , and Geogra phical ; a Biblical Index • Concordance ; Dictionar y of Scripture Pro per Names ; Maps ; ' a Compendium of Scripture Nat ural Histor y, &c. It is issued in Ten Sizes, and the Text is arranged in each so as to correspo nd page for page with all the oth ers . Six of these sizes are printed on best rag-made print ing paper , and var y in pri ce fro 3s. to 45s. Pour sizes are printed on thin opa qu e India Paper , by the use of which the volumes -wei ar 6 rendered extremel y light and thin. They vary in ght from 12J - ounces to 22 ounce s, and in pr jc from 7$. to 31s. 6d. Neither of these four sizes exceeds an inch in thickness. F e They are sold by all Bookseller s. EXTRACTS FROM OPINIONS. ' A most acceptable present to any who are engaged in. teaching.'—Dean of Canterbury. 1 A most valuable book, and a very great boon to all Bible Students.'— Bishop of Bedford. ' The volume, inltsjr&rious forms, will be of great service.'—Thb Late Archbishop ob1 Canterbuey. I ' Should be in the hands of every teacher.'—Archbishop of York. ' It would be difficult to provide so much valuable information in so convenient a form as is now comprised in the " Oxford Bible for Teachers."'—Bishop of London. ' I shall mate frequent use of it.'—Dean. Goxtuburn. «I consider the " Oxford Bible for Teachers" to be simply the most valuable edition of the English.Bible ever piesented to the public.'—Pean of Heath. ¦ ' The essence of fifty expensive volumes, by men of sacred learning, is condensed into the pages of the " Oxford Bible ! for Teachers. —Rev. i&ndrew Thomson, D.D., of Edinburgh. " ' } ' If you want to buy a new Bible, and want the VERY BEST, wiite for a list of the " Oxford Bibles for Teach«rs." Ret. C. H. Spc qiheok. Crown 8vo. cloth , pri ce 2s. 6d. THE LORD'S SUPPER HISTORICALLY CONSIDERED. By the Rev. Gr. A. JACOB , D.D., formerl y Head Master of Christ' s Hosp ital , Author of ' The Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament ' &c. 1 Dr. Jacob lias succeeded in supplying- what must be called a real desideratum in a controversy of living interest.' Northern Whig. * All who are called upon to defend the Protestant view of the Sacrament will be glad to possess it.' Christian "Worl d Pulpit. * We know few books in which ao much vital information is compressed within so brief a space. Let out readers possess themselves of it.'—Scottish Oongregationalj st. ' A very acceptable little book on a subject which is well worthy the serious attention of all Christian men.'—John Bull ' The most satisfactory handbook upon this important subject we know of.'—Christia.it Age. ' The value of this little volume must not be estimated by its size. It is a primer of the history of the Lord's Sapper, written by a scholarly, skilful hand.'—Sunday School Chronicle. Grown 8vo. cloth, price 3s. THE NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTU RES IN THE ORDER IN WH I CH THEY WERE WRI TTEN. A very close Translation from the Greek Text of 1611, with Brief Explanations. Tlie First Portion : Tlie Six Primary Epistles to Tbessalonica , Corint h, Gala tia, and Rome , A.D. 62-58. By the Bev. CHARLES HEBERT , D.D., of Trinity College, Cambridge , Autho r of 1 Uninsp ired Teaching on the Lord' s Supper. ' * A tower of strength to the cause of Protestant truth.'—Rook. •Painstaking, interesting, eoholarly, candid'—G-uaiidia n". ' A learned and exhaustive and interesting work.'—Ecclesiastical Gazette. * A most valuable and timely work.'—Record. * Entitled to rank as the standard work on the Real Presence.'—Ohuiich of England Pulpit. * Anyone who studies It may become, as to this subject, a learned theologian.'—Spectato r. * Will live.aa a standard contribution.'—Edinburgh Daily Review. Crown 8vo. cloth , price Is. 6d. THE VERY WORDS OF OUR LOR D AND SAVIOUB JESUS CHRIST , Gat hered from the Four Gospels according to the Authorised Version (1611), with Mar ginal Quota tions from the Revised v oreion (1881). Also with an Index of Passages and Subjects. Second Edition. (Fi fth Thousand.) Rkvie * Worked out with groat cure and ektll.... We heartily ooramond tlie work ns a very preoious gift-book.' —Daily rd. ' Exactly adapted to invalids.. ,._A.n excellent index adds much to the value of the book.*—Reco nak» ed * A very striking book... . Stroogroly solemn do these " words of eternal life ** appear as they stand before us, in majesty, In these pagoa.'—Scottish auAUDiAN, oan * By the method adopted, the Individual human character of Jesus is brought into relief more effectually cuiui eiuBlly ba done in any dtbex way.'—Ohbltenham Examinbui. ... min * Hia words are Himself, the outgroinfifs of Himself. This little book should be in tho ward of every hospital, ^ oafcin of every »hip, in the chamber of every houso.'—Homiijht. I 11 London - HENRY IFBO WDE, Oxford University Press Ware house, Amen Corner ^ J If M, The Pub lishers' Circular After Slr Joshua Reynolds . Alpiikd Aixqkr. With Illustrations by C. O. Muurat. NG a^' nlu Vi in WINTEB- A Poem. By William Mohris. 6. JULIA. (Conclusion.) By Waltkii Bbsant. - oiU JOSHUA REYNOLDS. By FABLES from JESOP.-The KID and the WOLF. Trans- n J. Oomyns Cahh. With 7. 4 A v, Tumer0118 Illustrations. lated by Alpiikd Oaldkcott, M.A. With lUuatra- ,Jr?i8BINTI MBNTAL JOXTRNBr through CORK- tions by Randolph Caldkcott. W AXL. (To be continued.) By the Author of 8. THE ARMOURER'S PRENTIOESi Chaps, 12-IS-14. John Halifax, Gentleman." With Illustrations (To be continued.) By Chaiilottk M. Yonqk. by O. Napihii Hbmy. ORNAMENTS, INITIAL LETTERS,

|L ¦ MAOMI LLAN & CO., London. I ^==' _ . m 226 The Publishers' Circular j ^. . ¦ GRIFFITH & FARRAN'sI N EW BOOKS FOR TH E LENTEN SEA SON. I In the press. Will be ready shortly. Ill THE PREACHER'S PROMPT1JARY— OF ANECD OTE. : Stories I111 New and Old, Arranged, Classified , and Indexed for the use of Preachers, Teachers, and Gate- II chists. By the Rev. W. Frank Sha."w, Author of * The Mourner's Manual,' ' SermoD Sketches ' III &c. &c. Containing 100 short and pithy stories, each pointing some moral or illustrating some doctrine. Cloth. IIII For Confirmation Classes, Missions, Night Schools, &c. I A LENT MANUAL FOR BUSY PEOPLE . Adapted also for the I Young. Sound doctrine in simple lanoruage. Price, sewed, Zd.; or cloth ]imp, red edges, 6d. I Now Publi shing, in Monthly Parts, price Is. each. Part 4, for March, just ready. I SERMONS FOR THE CHURCH'S YEAR. Original and Selected. I By the Eev. W. Benham, B.B., Hector of St. Edmund the King, London, and one of the six I Preachers in Canterbury Cathedral. 64 pages, demy 8.70. Is. I * We hope that Mr. Benham's very useful venture will prove successful, as it well deserves to be.' .1 Church Union Gazette. * We cordially appreciate the necessity for a revival of interest in the best sermons of the past, if only because the perusal of them may tend to elevate the literary style of modern preachers.'—Church Khview. Cloth, bevelled boards. SERMONS FOR CHILDREN. By A. Decoppet1, Pastor of the Reformed Church in Paris. Translated from French by Marie Taylob. With an Introduction by Mrs. Hbnby Reeve. 3s. 6d. * Written simply and in a style that interests children, it is far from being childish It is just such a book as intelligent children like to read The translation has been well done, and the book can be safely recommended to parents and teachers, as one calculated to interest and instruct the young of both sexes.'—Schoolmaster. HELPS TO A HOLY LENT. By the Right Rev. P. D. Huntingdon, Bishop of Central New York. New and Cheaper Edition. Fcp. 8 vo. cloth boards, red edges, price 2s. 6d. Just Published, a New and Cheaper Edition of AN EPITO ME OF ANGLICAN CHURCH HISTORY from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Compiled from various sources by Ellen Wbblby Pabby. Demy 8vo. cloth boards, 5s. Nearly ready. A New Edition of LAZARUS. By the Very Rev. the Dean of Wells. Crown 8vo. cloth, red edges. HOLY WEEK . A Four-page Leaflet recording the Events of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Saviour. Price Id. each, or 6s. 6

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TAKING TALES , Series of Sixpenny Books. 20 vols. . Well Illustrated. Crown 8vo. cloth limp. Three New Volumes have been added to the Series : SATURDAY NIGHT. By F. Bayfobd Habbison. SECOND BEST. By S. T. Cross. LITTLE BETSY. By Mrs. E. Rei/ton. New and Cheaper Edition. Price 3s. 6d. EVEBYDAY LIFE IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Sketched by Head Scholars of Eton, Winchester, Westminster, Shrewsbury, Harrow, Rugby, Charterhouse. To which is added a brief notice of St. Paul's and Merchant Taylors' Schools,' and Christ's Hospital. With a Glossary of some Words in common use in those' Schools., Edited by Charles Eyre Pascoe. "With numerous Illustrations. Parry I OUR WILD SWAN AND OTHER PETS. By Ellen Webley , Author of ' An Epitome of Anglican Church History/ Illustrated by Harbison Weir. Square 16mo. cloth elegant, price Is. 6d. SIX PIE CES FOR REC IT ATION. Pathetic and Humorous. By Habding Cox. 32mo. printed in red and black on tinted paper ; sewed, gilt edges, price 6d. ; ot cloth edges Is. . boards, gilt , ~ Nearly ready. ALICE 'S WONDERLA ND BIRTHDAY BOOK. Compiled by E. Stanley Leathes and O. E. W. Holmes from * Alice in Wonderland ' and ' Through the Looking-GHass,' by kind permission of the Author. Illustrated by J. P. M. Fcp. 4:to. cloth, price 7s. §d. Preparing, a New and Revised Edition, with the Forms, Orders, &c. THE NEW BANKRUPTCY ACT. Wi th Introduction, Tables, Notes, and an Index. By Archibald Bbncb Jones, M. A., Barristex-at-Law. Crown 8vo. cloth boards, 5a. * Wliat there baa been to do has been done well, and the book is a marvel of cheapness/ Law Student's Journal. •Carefully arranged.'—Public OriNioN. ¦ ~~~~~— 1- , —— ————— 1 r- " ~—~ ' "' DICTATI ON EXERC ISES. Carefull y Arranged, Classified , and Indexed. By the Editor of * Poetry for the Young.' In Four Parts, each increasing in difficulty. Part I. is suitable for Standard II., and Part IV. for Standard VII., Pupil Teachers, Training Colleges, &c. Some of the passages have been Bet at various Public Examinations {e.g. Civil Service, Oxford>and Cambridge Local, &c). It also contains a Glossary of Hare Words, &c. GRIFFITH & FARRAN, West Corner, St. Paul's Churchyard, London.

¦ mmmmmmmmmi^^——— 11 i i— *t ^ n ' ** The Publisher s Circular March i,,^ Hfj e ^ieligious ^xact ^ociefg's NE W PUBLICA TIO NS; MAR CH 1, 1884. LIFE'S PLEASURE GARDE N ; or , HELON OF ALEXANDRIA. A Tal« The Conditions of a Happy Life. By W. Haig Miller, of Israel in the Time of the Maccabees. « With a Prof - Author of ' The Mirage of Life,' The Culture of Plea- tory Note by AEolph Saphir , D.D. With Hlmtrt sure,' &c. With Fine Illustrations by M. B. Edwards, tions. Crown 8vo. 1*. 6d. cloth boards. HrMPKR> &nd °thera" Orown 8m 3*' 6

The Publishers' Circular 22O Ma rcht I , *3»4,««,. **» SEELET & CO., 54 Fleet Street .

IN" A PEW DAYS. OUR GOLDEN KEY. A Narrative of Facts fro m * Outcast London.' By Lady Hope. With Eight Illustrations. Price 2s. 6d. cloth. IN A. FEW DAYS. JO YFUL THR OUGH HOPE. A Story by Blanche Garvock. Price 5$. eloth. IN A PEW DAYS. IN THE LIGH T. Brief Memorials of Elizabethof Phebe Seeley, by her Sister. With a Preface by the Rev. H. D. Rawnsley, M.A., Vic^r Crosthwaite. Price 3s. 6d. cloth. JTJST PUBLISHED. An ENGLISH VERSIO N of the ECLO GUES of VIRGIL. By the late Samuel Palmer. With Illustrations by the Author. Fourteen Copper-plates, with cloth, &1. I s. "This beautiful book has the double interest of containing the last work on which the veteran hand of Samuel Palmer was engaged, and of presenting that admirable artist to our view as a man. of letters.'—Times. JUST PUBLISHED. HORACE WALPOLE and his WORLD : Select Passa ges fro m his Letters. With Eight Copper-plates after Sir Joshua Reynolds and Sir Thomas Lawrence. Cloth, price 6*. *** Also a Large-paper Edition, with Proofs of the Plates, price 12«. 6d. 1 Altogether, we do not often meet with a more entertaining volume.*—Pall Mall Gazette. JUST PUBLISHED. IN COLSTON 'S DAYS : a Story of Old Bristol. By Mrs. Marshall. With Illustrations. Cloth, price 5*. ' That most graceful of writers for the young, Mrs. Marshall, has found an excellent field for her ready pen and well- stored brains.'—Man-chestejr Guardian. • JUST PUBLISHED. ROMA N LIFE in the DAYS of CICERO : Sketche s drawn from his Letters. By Professor A. J. Church. With Coloured Illustrations, cloth, price 5*. ' Mr. Church has in this book taken quite a new step in his very successful project of popularising without vulgarising? the great Greek and Roman classics.'—Spectator. JUST PUBLISHED. THE CITY in the SEA : Stories of the Old Venetia ns. By the Author of ' Belt and Spur.' With Coloured Illustrations. Cloth, price 5*. • The quaintness of the illustrations harmonises with the language of the book,, which is full of interest fo* all who care for one of the most brilliant and romantic chapters in the history of civilisation.'—PaIjL. Mall G-azette. c A charming book which young people will delight in, and their elders will equally enjoy.'—Harper's Magazine. BY THE SAME ATJTHOB. BELT and SPUR : Stories of the Kni ght s of Old. Third Thousand. With Sixteen Illuminations. Cloth, price 5s. ' A sort of boys' Proissart, with admirable illustrations.'—Paxl Mall GtAZEtte. JTTST PUBLISHED. THE PHARAOHS and their LAND : Scenes of Old Egyptian Life and HiBtory. By E. Berkley. With Coloured Illustrations. Cloth, price £•*. ' A book which fills a distinct gap and affords informa,tion about Egypt of precisely the nature and amount which ordinary people would wish fc> obtain.'—Standard. ' What has long "been needed, a popular history, pie? santly written.'—Literary Churchman. JUST PUBLISHED. THE CABIN on the BEACH. By M. E. W inchester, Author of

In preparation. Two vols. crown 8vo. Price 15s. A MODERN JOSEPH. By WILFRID CA R LTO N, Author of * The Temptati on of Madge Ch art eris/ c " The Temptation of Ma dg e Charter is " has been well designed and developed with great skil l .' —East ern Mornin g News.

In active pre paration. Crown 8vo. Illustrated. Price Is. 6ct. LEGS AND WINGS. A NEW WORK ON NAT URA L HISTORY. By THEODORE WOOD , M.E.S.L.

In the press. Crown 8vo. Cloth extra . Dutch Hand-made paper. Pri ce 55. A N I M A CHRISTI. By J- S. F LETCHE R. ' Mr. Fletcher writes "with taste and feeling, and th ere is true poetic fervour as well as chaste ' expression in his verses/— Leeds Mercur y. [Ready April iOtf& ,

Demy 16mo. Hand-made paper. Parchment. Price Sixpence each. DUST OF GOLD. LILIES & ROSES. Selected from the Writings of Grea t Men. Plucked from the Gardens of Poesie. By PERCY LUND, Editor of ' The Naturali st 's World. ' THE NORTHERN LIBRARY A Series of small volumes on the History , Topograp hy, Literature , Folk-lore , &c , of the North of England. Written by Eminent Authorities , and well Illustrated . Each volume will be printe d in crown octavo size, on good paper , bound in a specially-desi gned and engraved cover , and sold at O TV3E SKCIILi l^nV Ct . Vol. I. Read y Ma y 1st. Vol. II. Read y June 1st. Historical Yorkshire Curiosities. With Wordsworth in the North. By WILLIAM ANDREWS, F.R.H.S. By J. S. FLETCHER. Author of * Punishments in the Olden Time ,' * His- Author of ' Selections fro m Word gwor th/ f In toric Romance / ' Curious Epita phs,' &c. &c. Wordsworth 's Country / &c. &c. V ol. III . Ready Jul y 1st. A NORTHERN ARTIST. Being a LIF$ of BE WICK, with some of his ORIGINAL BLOCKS, and NUMEROUS FA CSIMILES. By T. TINDALL WILDRIDG E, Author of ' Old and New Hull/ ' The Misereres of Beverley Minster / &c.

Published on the 25th of each month. Price 6d. THE YORKSHIRE ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY. No. IV . MARCH ISS UE. Now read y at all Booksellers. Contents :— 1. Round Yorkshire with a I>onkey-Cart , Chaps. IV.-VI. 2. Out at Sea. 3. Squir e Clapton Of Clapton, Chaps. I.-III. 4. Old Yorkshi re Customs : I. Riding the Stang. 5. In Spr ingtime. 6. Duke Bichard' s Doom. 7. The Temptation of Mad ge Charte ri s, Chaps. XII.-XVII. 8. Litera ry Yorkshiremen : III . Dr. Collyer. The Editor 's Article. In the Li brary, &c. &c. %* Nos. L-IV., containing 252 pages and many Rlustrations, sent post-free f or 2s. in stamps. BRADFORD ; 9 NEW INN BUILDI NGS, THOR NTON BO AD. __ ^J | If ,. . *—w r The Publishers ' Circul ar ¦ Mgicii *> *u . *„«* .-—— . 13 G-beat Mabubob otjg h Street , London , W. HURST & BLACKETT'S NEW WORKS. ! GLIMPSES OF GREEK LIFE AND SCENERY. By Agnes Smith, Author of * Eastern Pilgrims ' &c. 1 vol. demy 8vo. With Illustrations and Map of the Author's Route. 15*. foNTENTS :—An Atlantic Storm—First Impressions of Athena—In Athens—Sunium and Hymettus—Marathon and jEgina—TheIsth mus and the Acro-Corinthus—MycensB and the Argive Plain—In Sparta—Near Taygetus—On Ithome __Easter in a Monastery—From the Monastery to Kreki—In Olympia—From Olympia to Megaspelion—A Journey to the Styx—Greek Hospitality—Difficulties— A Thunderstorm on Mount Parnassus— Prom Parnassus to Corfu Language and Character of the Modern Q-reeks—Comparison of Syrian and Grecian Travel. LODGE'S PEERAGE AND BARON ETAGE FOR 1884. Under the Especial Patronage of Her Majesty, and Corrected by the Nobility. 53rd Edition. 1 vol. royal 8vo., with the Arms beautifully engraved, handsomely bound, gilt edges, 31*. 6d. BETWEEN TWO OCEANS ; or, Sketches of American Travel. By Iza. Duffus Habdy. 1 Vol. demy 8vo. 15s, HEAP EDITION of IT "WAS A LOVER AND HI S LASS. C By Mrs. OiJPHANT. Forming the New Volume of * Hurst & Blackett's Standard Library.' With Frontispiece by J. Laslett Pott. 5s. NEW AND POPULAR NO VEL S. A BEGGAR ON HORS EBACK. By Mrs. Power O'Donoghue, Author of • Unfairly Won,'' Ladies on Horseback/ &c. 3 vols. « TO HAVE AND TO HO LD. By Sarah Stredder, Author of The Fate of a Tear ' &.c 3 vols. MR . NOBOD Y. By Mrs. John Kent Spender, Author of * Godwyn'a Ordeal/ ? Both in the Wrong,'&c. 3 rols. ONLY YESTERDA Y. By William Marshall, Author of ' Monsell Digby,' * Strange Chapman,' &c. 8 vols. DAWN. By H. Eider Haggard, 3 vols. [in a few days. OMNIA VANITAS : a Tale o£ Society. 1 vol. 10s. 6d. tin March. THE PI TY OP IT. By Mrs. M. E. Smith, Author of ' It Might Have Been/ < Tit for Tat,' &c. 3 vols. [in the press,


Kow rea dy, with Portra it and Plans , 2 yols. 8vo. 26s. LIFE of the EON . MOUNTSTUA RT ELPHINS TONE. WITH SELECTIONS FR OM HIS CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS. BY 1 SIR _E5 _D-W_A.DE^DD COLEBBOOKE , B-^ IR/X ., .MI -IE?.

JOHN MURRAY , Albemarl e Street . , —. .— * JOHN FLINT SOUTH.

Now ready, with Portrait, crown 8vo. 7s. Qd. MEMORIALS OF JOHN FLINT SOUTH, Twice President of the Koyal College of Surgeons and Surgeon to St. Tho mas's Hosp ital <1841-63) .

COIXECT ED BY THE* REV. CHARLES LETT FELTOE , M.A. Fellow of Cla re Colloge , Cambridge , a»d Pro fessor of Latin in St, David' s College, Lampeter .

JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. W" m . .., , ,;¦ , ,„ ¦ , . ' ' . i &toJL ¦ • '• • • - ¦ •¦ - - • ^ - - - - ¦ - *»:;, ' r— ' , . . •; , : . ' ;; ; . Z ^ ^^ m The Pub lishers ' Circular ' ' ^ 1 2J« > MarchM ». i««1

4 Dedicated by spec ial permission to SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON , President of th e Royal Aoade Messrs. SAMPSON LOW , MMSTON , k Co. Save much pleasure in announcing that they have made arra ngements wOk Mr. J. JP. MAYALLy Photographer, ParJc Lane Studio, to pr oduce a Monthly Series of absolutely permanent Photo-Engrayings, entitled Hrtists at Home TI/T'B.. J. P. MAY ALL has been honoured with perm ission to photograp h a num ber of the leading I JlL Painters , Sculptors , Architects , and Engravers of the day in their studi os or in the ir homes, while surrounded by the pictures , sculptures , and other objects of art which characterise those places. In thi s undertaking he has alread y been successful in obtaining most sati sfactory Photographs of the following artists (a list to which other names will be added in due course) :— Sir F. Leighton , President of the Graham , P., E.A. Otjxess, W. W., R.A. Royal Academy. Gre gory, E. J., A.R.A. Pettik , .J., R.A. Alma Tadema , L., R.A. Haa g, Carl. Poyntbb , E. J ., R.A. Ansdell , R., R.A. Hod gson, J. E., R.A. Pr tnsb p, V. C, A.R.A. Abmita ge, E., R.A. Hoix , Frank , R.A. Red grave , Richabd , Hon. Re- Barlow , T. O., R.A. Horsxe y, J. C, R.A. tired R.A. Bodley, G-. P., A.R.A. Hunter , Colin. Richmond , G., R.A. Boehm, J. E., R.A. Johnson , C.E. Riviere , Briton , R.A. Boughton , GL H., A.R.A. Lawson , G. A. San t , J., R.A. Caxdbron , P. H. , R.A. Leslie, G. D., R.A. Ston e, Marcus , A.R.A. Cousins , S., Hon . Retired R.A. Macbeth , R. "W\ , A.R.A. Store y, G. A., A.R.A. Dicksee, F., A.R.A. MacWhirter , J., A.R.A. Thorn ycroft , W. H., A.H.A. Edi s, Robert W., F.S.A. Marks , H. S., R.A. • Watts , G. F.; R.A. Faed , T., R.A. Mars hall , W. C, R.A. Webster , T., Hon. Retired B.A. Frith , W. P., R.A. Millais , J. E., R.A. Woolner , T., E.A. Gilbert , Sir- J., R.A. Morris , P. R., A.R.A. Yeames, W. F., R.A. Gow, A. C , A.R.A. Oakes , J. W M A.R.A. ] W*W It may be stated that the Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M .P., as * Professor of Ancient History * to the Royal Academy, has sat for a photograph in hla library at Hawarden Castle. Other lay members of the Academy will be added to the aeries.

These likenesses have that interest which attaches to the most exact and characteristic represent a- tions of eminent men , each in the habit of his life, and in every sense at home. The portraits will be reproduced by an entire ly new and unquesti onabl y permanent process of PTioto-Engravingt and issued in Monthl y Parts at FIVE SHILLINGS each part. Ever y Part will contain FOUR ENGRAVINGS from the Photograp hs, all facsimiles of the ori ginals , and include a short Biograp hy of each artist , with a descri ption of his studio. The Biograp hies will be written by, and the literary portion of the work generall y will be und er the editorshi p of, Mr. F. Gh Stephens.be The size c^f the work will imperial quarto . The text and plates will be printe d on the finest pap er. Eacl i part will appear in an appropriate wrap per. It is furth er intend ed to print a superior edition on India pap er , mounted on p apier de Bollan de, and oi roya l foli o size, which will be limited to One Hundred Impre ssionstak en from each plate before the lettering is engraved upon it; Fi ft y of which will be reserved for American subscriber s. This edition will be publish ed at Ten Shillings and Sixpence each part t and supplied only to subscribers for not j ewer than Twblyb Month ly Parts , beginning with a volume. It ia inten ded to commence the publication in March 1884, and to continue it monthl y. The First Part wiix contain :— 1. SIR F. LEIGHTON , P. R.A. 3. W. C. MARSHAL L, R.A. 2. T. WEBSTE R, R.A, 4, V. C. PRINSE P, A.R.A. OrDKRS MAY BE GltfEN TO ANY BoOKSHLUBR IN TOW N OB COUNTBY.

London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTO N, SEARLB , A RIVIN GTON, Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E,O, ..^A f gkMzzz— tP The Publishers' Circular I March I, l8»4Ma ^332^ .— —' ARTISTS at HOME. —Notice.-Owing to an un fortunate accident in the printin g (in Pa ris) of one of the Plates , the issue j of PART I. will be delayed for a few days . I s ^ Sampson Low, Marston , Searle , & Rivington, ! Crow n Buildin gs, 188 Fleet Street , E. C. j

A TTTOTYPE PHOTOGRAPHIC Now ready> 54th Edition, price 2s. \ X BOOK IIXUSTBATIONS. THE CHILD'S GUIDE to KNOWLEDGE, j x-** -*• By a Lady. The Origi nal Authorised Edition, advantages. brought down to the Present Time. j 1st. They present faithful representations of the London : Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. | subjects. I 2nd Printed on the paper of the book itself, mount- | ' ing not required. WANTED. — A. WORK on BREAK- » I 3rd For editions of 1,000 and under they are cheap. * WATERS, giving description of the principal | Breakwaters of the world, their cost lans, loyed by the Trustees of the British Museum , p &c. f Emp A -ted . and byU Learned Societies ; also by xnany of the I^« Publishers. ^ ^ leading BIVEB KAILWA5T, Cape OoJony, giving all ! Amongst the Works recently done^ or at present details. 1 in the press, may be cited : Lady Brassey's * Tahiti ;' WORK on the RAILWAYS of NORWAY and | Professor Gardner's * The Types of Greek Coins ; ' SWEDEN. Descriptive, giving mileage, cost of \ F. T. Hall's ' Pedigree of the Devil ; ' Audsley's working, cost of layi ng, &c. &c. < ! ' Ornamental Arts of Japan ;' Lockjer s Spectral L -^ Westcott bookseller, Plymouth. \ Analysis ; Burgess s * Archaeological Survey ot ¦ \ India ; ' ' Samuel Palmer: a Memoir.' fe , Of this last work the ATHEN -asuw soys : * THb book is admirabl y Tn.TTn ^rP T7 T?'G rn \ IVTO TTJT 1? A T?T rPTT 1LI 1? T»Tr « r illuitra k d by fourteen Autotyp e reproductioa s from lovely aud IJ ' U 1 i H.XV O ± iHM UrUjJuHi AlVllXi aLlJ ]i JL 1O. chncter biic iepia dnwiiiKs.' JJ A Box of 144 Hardwood Cubes , 1-inch , wi th | For Terms and Specimens, apply to the Mana ger , Handbook , arranged for easily impressing upon b AUTOTYPE PINE-A'RT GALLERY children correct perceptions of the Elements of j 7 4 NEW OXFORD STREET Arithmetic and Geometry, 65. Ditto, smaller size, 3s. | Larger Size, 12s. [ (T^ wenty doors west of Mudie 's Librar y). ° ; A. N. MYERS & CO., • Just Published. . x Berners Street > Oxford Street, London,TV^ I R. GENGNAGEL ' ti GUIDE to GEE MAN Puhli shers of tke most accllrate and systematic «W« of Kinder- D CONVERSATION. The most effi cient book garten materials , a rran ged according to the best authorities ; I of the kind ever published. Also Publishers oC other Educational Appliances, lllustra- P Part I., price Is., postage Id. : interleaved for tione, and Amusements. f Trade Tenns may be obtained on aPPhcation. notes, is. 6^.7postage, 2d. Lists aDd 1 Gold Medal at Melbourne Exhibition, 1880. j London : Simpkin, Marshall , & Co., Stationers' Hall j Court, E.C. ) ¦ Reading : Loveiov's Library. Just Published. \ — — — T^HE DU RHAM UNIVERSITY j PRACTICAL GUIDE to the ENGLISH L CALENDAR. j * KINDERGARTEN. By J. & B. Rongk. New Price Is. 6d. ; post free, Is. 9d. ; w»tion (14th). With Plates revised by E. Hkku- London : Whittaker & Co., 2 White Hart Street. S *art. Crown 4to. cloth, 5s. Durham : Andrews & Co. j \ - Now ready, 8vo. cloth , gtlt top, prics e 15.5. ' An Historical and Art Illustr at ion. | IN Practical Guide to CONNECTI ON WITH ILLUSTHA'l ED BOOKS . PERIODICA LS, AND D ECO RATION GBNERALLT. • BJ ^Jtta _ Bfl1IlLBir hodson , F.II.S. L.., Author o£ ' The Printin g Trade Charities ' &o. Illustrated with many Examples of \ the various processed of Engravin g.

I London : SAMPSON LOW, M ARSTON, SEARLE, & MVINGTON, 4 Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.C. ==::::^ The Pu blishers ' Circular I 234 ¦ March * " ' . — - . -_ .. . . „ . *Hty M SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON , & GO 'S I NEW BOOKS OF TRAVEL, NEW NOVELS, &c. I of i The' Life% Peter the Great. 11111 ! By Eu gene Schtd yubb , Author of * Turkestan. ' 2 vols. demy 8vo. 82s. II Sabnyler ' familiarity j1 * Mr. has turned to good account his personal acquaintance with Russia and bis with the Enasiin III language. Much has teen written in Russia of late years about Peter the Great, and Mr. Schuyler has made excellent I use of the copious stores thus provided for him.'-^-ATHEN-siuM. ¦ i Now read y, 2 vols. demy 8vo. pp. 906, with several Portraits , price 32s. I Fortunes Made in Business: I A Seri es of Original Sketche s, Biogra phical and Anecdotic, from the I re eent Histor y of Industr y and Commerce. I I By Various Writers. . : . Ill The names represent Mercantile Celebriti es, Famous Shipowners , Mechanician s, Metallurgi sts! Ill Gbemists , and Brewers. The prime feature of the work is tha t it will present a mass of information [I and anecdote , not gath ered fro m books , but from the lips of the living and out-of-the-wa y sourc es. It 111 includes chapters on * The Fortunes of the Gladstone Family,' ' The Bri ght Famil y,' and a singulatl y II interesting " narra tive of,the rise and pr ogress of ' The Low-Moor Iron Compan y ' -—-iso closely associated I with , the Gathorne-Hard y Fami ly. I v Now ready, in Z vols. royal 8vo. cloth extra , numerou s Chromo-lith ograp hs, Lithograp hs, I "Woodcuts , Maps , and Charts , price £2. V2s. 6d. , - » , . I Dedicated by Special Permission to HLRj it,ike DuJce of Edinburgh cm& the Officers t>f tife Royal" f laty. I Voyagesof Discoveryin the Arctic and Antarctic I Seas and Round the World : I Being Person al Narratives of Attempts to reach the Nort h and South Poles ; and of an Open- I 's I I ¦ Boat Expedition up the Wellington Channel , in Search of Sir John Fra jnklin and Her Majest y ¦ : Shi ps ' Erebus ' and ' Terror ' in Her Majesty 's Boat ' Forlorn Hope/ under the command of the I ¦ Author ; to which are added an. Autobiogra phy, Appendix , Portraits , Map s, and numerous I ; , ' Illustrations. By Depu ty Inspector- Genera l B. K'Cobmick: , It ' N., JF.&C.S., Chief Medical I : Officer , Naturalist , and Geologist to the Expedition . I

; | Now read y, demy 8vo. cloth , pp. 594, price 16s. I The Diary and Letters of Thomas Hutchinson, I . . Esq., B.A., ULM., Captain-General and Governor-in -Chief of his late Maje sty's Pr ovince of I Massachusett s Bay, in North Ameri ca, By Pj etee Ohlando Hurciri Nsoar , one of his Gr eat- I grandsons. I

! THE NEW WOKR ON QUEENSLAND .--Now read y, crown 8vo. cloth , pric e $s. 6d. I The Never Never Land : A Ride in North Queensland . By A. W. StintiNQ, B.C.L., F.R.G.S. With Twenty-one Illustrations ,

i Ju st read y, crown 8vo. cloth , 7s. Gd. Khedives and Pashas: Sketches of Contem porar y Egyptian Rulers and Statesm en. I By an Old Egyptian Kesident. - 1. The EX-KHEDIVE ISMAIL. —2. The KHEDI VE.—3. AEABI. —4. EIAZ PASHA - 6. NUBAB PASHA.—6. OHEBIF PASH A. The CHERIF MINIS TRY. —8. S^m^ CONSULa- ¦ ; - ¦ ¦ ¦ —7- ' " OENKRAL. • . : . • " , . ' - . -• . i • • -

Londo n : SAMPSON IiOW , MAR STON, SE^RJLB , A BIVIKO TON, , (I : ¦ Crown Buildings 188 Fleet Street , E.C. - "JL M2i"" ~ " " ' -•• ' ' : - ¦ —Iff w -- . ^ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I ' • - • ' ^ gg WE^»S=^- TJ ,«u I^e PubBBtere' Cir cular 235 I Ir Match I, i88* _ff? I . ^=^-= ^ ¦ . . . . , ~~~ — " : I ^ I SAMPSON LOW, MAESTO^", &.;CO.'£ NEW BOOKS—coniimied,

I y4 iltew and Un iform Edition of the Writings of Donald G. Mitchell {Ik Marvel)' . I It has been the intention of the Publishers to make this Edition as attractive and convenient as I nl , G.C.M. Gr., &c. Crown 8vo, cloth , pp. 360, I 1 price 7s. f ad. ¦ " I ' • .. ' '' ^Now read yi small post 8vo. stiiff "boards , price 15. *

The Sear the River, and the Creek. ¦ I By <3*.R6OARi > Stbktkb. - I Now re ady, 16mo. cloth, gilt edges, pric e 5s. Lays of the Land of the Maori and Moa. I By Thomas Bracken , Member of the House of Representatives , New Zealand , Author of I * Flowers of the Freelands / &c. With an Introduction by the Rev. Rutherford Waddeix , M.A. II ™' Old Mark\ Langstan : '. A Tale of Duke's Creek. By Richard Malcoim Johnston. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5s. [Ready. 1 " Old Mark Lan gston " is a tale of an earlier perio d of pro -vjncial life in the United States. It is stron g in local • «Ionri ng, and contains many good sketches of men and thin gs in the remote settlements....The author possesses a gamine vein of humour. '—Mob nin q Post.

The New Addition , to ' LoVs Standard Novels ' is I The. Sea Queeri. [ By W. Cla rk Russeix , Author of ' The Wreck of the Grosvenor / &c. Small post 8vo. pr ice 6jj . Sound Bodiesfor our Boys and Girls. By William Blaikie , Auth or of € How to Get Strong, and How to Stay So.' (5s.) With Illustrations . 16mo. cloth , 2s. 6d.

asr si 'w: it o y e l a • ¦ ' ¦ ' ...... At all the Librar ies. ¦ ' ¦ *, . -. .. La Fortunina : A Novel. By Mrs. Comyns Care. In 3 rols. crown 8vo. 31^. 6d« 1 '"La Fortun ina " has considerable merits. '— Thb Athbn\kum. ' Very charm ingly told.'—Whitehall. Be view. Old Boston: A Romance of the Time of the War of Inde pendence. By A. db-Gbassb Stevbns. & vols. crown 8vo. 31s. 6«?. Mf Old Boston " ia a well written tale .'—Ath bNuK UM . : * A most delightful picture of th» life of the time The book la quite oniqtie in style, tone, ond . feeM»g.' . . . . r • thitk haix Kitvniw ¦- ¦ «¦ .. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ I ¦ ¦ ¦!¦-¦¦ ¦»-¦ . 1^ . —M> ¦¦¦¦i. -i^.ii - — ' ' <¦ — I I— 'I — — ^ ^ I London : SAMPSON LOW , MAR 9TO2ST , SEARLB, & RIVI NGTON , ; J f Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E.C. : r^^"^ 1" "" —-i» MiiiA ' - ' w«r 236 The Publishers' Circular March I

Richly Illustrated with Chromo-Lithographs, Photographs, Hap, and Portrait of the Author. 550 pages 8vo, Price EARLY CHURC H HIS TORY TO THE DEAT H OF CONSTANTINE , A.D. 337. * Compiled l>y *J *e late EI>WARD B^OKH OTJ ^ E . Edited and Enlarged by CHARLES TYLOH. Preface by THOMAS HODGKIN. I ' I am grlad to see my photographs turned to such Brood account. You seem to be the first to have made a T>Tor»r them.'—Letter to the Editor from tbe late J. H. Parker, C.B., 18 Jan., 188 4. * i*r me Of * The illustrations are splendid. We have read the book with, great interest. It is a popular and useful history gn h 5s at the present day very much needed. Ot course the writer speaks very decidedly concerning war, oaths baptism but all such views are presented with fairness.'—Leeds Mercury. ' • *4c » * The book is rendered additionally attractive by a number of photographs, som e of them of iDscriptioBs in tbe Catacomb The very fine photograph of the Arch of Titus deserves particular mention, and Mr. Backhouse's own coloured sketche f mosaics.'—Manchester Examiner. - °' ' * It is prefaced by an admirably drawn biographical sketch from the pen of Mr. Thomas Hodgfcin. Of the nnmern illustrations we cannot speak too highly.*—Sdnde bland Echo. 0D3 1 London : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. Philadelphia : J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. Now re ady, 8yo. cloth extra, price 12s. 6d. FISHINC WI TH THE FLY. By O. F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vermont. Being a New Book on Angling, comprising Nineteen Original Essays, written especially for this Work, h \ distinguished American Angling Writers. | > Illustrated -with Coloured Plates of 149 Standard Salmon , Bass, and Tro ut Flies, witti Names of each . London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, English and American ! Booksellers and Publishers, 188 Fleet Street. : ^o ft) c ^ropiricfors of ^Ilctuspapcrs and ^ee&lg anh - ^Tonf^Ip periodicals- | MESSRS. W. H. & L. COLLINGRIDGE possess unusual fociiifcies for the pro. duction of the best class of Newspaper and Periodical work—the several Departments of Composing, Machining, Rolling, Folding, Stereotyping, &c, being carried on in their New Premises, thus ensuring both. SPEED and ECONOMY. A large stock of high-class Engravings, suitable for Periodical Illustration , is avail- able for the use of their customers upon very advantageous terms.

Oity Press, 148 8f 149 Aldersqate Street, and New Street Works, Cloth Fair , London, E.C. 1884. DE BRETT'S 1884 PEERAGE, BARONETAGE, variousCOMPANIONAGE, KNIGHTAGE, .j ^^ fe ^^ d Being Corrected to January 188* m^SW^^^S^^^^^^S\)ithat gives the Biographies nn ^ 01 it will contain later information j ^y&^^ ppS^pj BBaSSSlW^S^^^ ^fe. aJu Addresses of Companions " than any other ki ndred volume, Orders and of the to- ^^4^'^^^S^til^B^ at era of Poors un I and about 50 pages of e x t ra ^^KK^J^^^St^^f^rlt^S^^SSsSS^^! 1 1 Branches matter of interesting Historical ^ ^^ ^ Baronets. Data. It is tho only Volume e, and Royal Edition of Debrett 's Peer age, Baroneta ge, Companionag , Knightage, Titles of Courtesy , with the Armorial Bearings of the Nobility. Price 31s. clotu gn gil t edges; Persian calf, 35a. 6d. ; morocco, 42«.; or in 2 vols. cloth, 16s. each. . . Debrett 's House of Commons and the J udicial Bench, with Armorial Engravings of M.P.'e, ' Judges, and Parliamentary Boroughs. Price 7«. ; half-calf, 10«. 6«. London : DEAN & SON, 160a Fleet Street. tffc Jkjfij P._____i__ —-______—__ ^ -- ^ |^ *^ *r^^*"*^^ ¦te ; ^

I _,„ The Publ ishers' Circula r 2J/-?7 Match 1, »"? __ MODERN ARTISTS. Edited by F. G. DUMAS.

The Proprietors beg to give Notice that the SECOND SECTION" ree Parts of the above IVork of Th ^ Alma-Tadema, Baudry, AND Israels,

I Is now ready for delivery to Subscribers.

The Subscription List being now closed , the Proprie- tors would feel much obliged by the return of all Sample Copies of the First Section lent on show. They should be returned to Messrs. CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited, or to THE EDITOR , 19 Cockspur Street , S.W. - ft ^-^v- ; " ' ^^^ MnH ¦ ^ ^ 1 1i «8_o Thai ne ruPnKiiaiimisnersa^' uircuiarnUiii oT. M • i • -^j ^M* MARION & CO.'S NOVELTIES.¦ * ' ; ' 5 ; ;i , Tj- u:\j- \ji Jr Lj- un -nun -rU -unj ^ ^ ' . • j


ZtsT ZEW SERIES OIF 1 SCRAP AlLi IB'U'I&IS - @a^tcr gtittl ^crtc^ of $!>anb-^ainteb @ar5^. SUPERIOR TO ANY YET PUBLISHED. HAND-PAINTED EASELS. Price 16s. per dozen. The most effective little Oil Sketches ever offered at the price. ©il cfc^e^. On Mahogany Panels with Gilt Bevels Mounted^^ on Plush, with Shut Back and Rings, to bang or stand , and requiring no frame.

SCENES ON THE THAMES, ENGLISH LAKES, SCOTLAND, ETC Price 10s. each. The most pleasing and cheerful orDnment for the Cabinet, Brackot, or Wall. Cabinet l^otogrctpl). 0-^l lsrJB I ^-A.Xj ' O ZHZIZES nKJSIE 7 G OZR/TJ OUST- Price 16s. per dozen.

MARION & CO., 22 & 23 SOHO SQUARE , LONDON. . frj ^ ^ i v r " f 1 ' r' i ¦ ; : '" ' "' ¦ 7 '^ ¦ " ¦ '" " & ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MBM W||p|WW>ffiyS '.^ -'^': ^?V' . ?' ^*:' -' '' ' *!'^*- ' ' "" ' '' ' • : ' •' •" ' : •' t - '* ' .*-*¦¦ " - .—Vi '•* -"- " ' -*•'^^i/ T^' ^' ^ ^/-T^ ' ^T ? 'V^-T^^^ ^T' ^^^ i' ^vr^ ' ^ TTT'Vir ^i' *"^ "^*"'! ^ v^'i ji ¦T^.j-^m^MWW ^^**^^^**^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1******''***^**^'***^ ^^^ ¦ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ BWRCT^ 1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^DQPTuSc^^v^JZ^^^^^^flHM^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^H^^tf flBMflMff''''* ^'''''^'''' '''''''^'*'''*''^'*'' ^^ ¦¦ L ' " - ' ' ¦ " J Sf *' «#¦ L * . A h> ¦ ¦ , v>^ '¦ n "^ t^^t* .^ ^^#*4 ¦'" ¦ *< ' *T .. ^*_ ^ ^ *- " j- k . t' » g «>i *' '» , * * % * »• "^ - ^ *f* » ' * i. - * * *^ -" ' * *^ ''v ' ^ "* ' ^^ ' !*' -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HB^^^mBI^WB^BBBI^BBi^^pi^pi^lp^^BB^^J^^^^^jjjJ ^BMA^^^^^^^^^^M^y P^ ^ u Tlie Publishers ' Circul ar 23O I

S^Bni ^^ a B^^ S^f ^^ BfflCfi Pjfcw^ . «fl^ J£A. MLJ ^^Pf// lltv ^^ BLyA ^^M ^^ r ^wrf ^^^^ lB^\% i BBB^ ^g3^PB ^^ II ^^^^NP ^^Pfcv^ V^B r ^_ *T ^F ^f jt ^^ffj m QB \\^^ ft^k s^^ W ** ^^3B^V^^ ^^^ M ^^^^^^^ B 1 Ei^HB ^^ S^^ J ^r ^m^E^^^ m^SsV^ sLvQttTu \ jmj^jh ^ w Jj ^^PM >^>31ft v^Si i\^niDv" j v^ViT f ji ^Ba i ±* ^m^^ S^^ aB ^^^^ '^W. ^VSS ^Sd^D

up B9^u^^ v^/^^^ i^«CcB ^^^^ 2ti9i^ ^^B V vj r ^!T^Bfl~^^BBflfcMC< ^^ Jtf ^JM ^BP>^^^^ H ^a^ ^^%_j B^ni ^p^fc^fcS^85BBjJ ^ff>^ ^^Airswwff iBSmb ^^ b^^^^ ww» ^wBBK ^^^ b

l^* ^p^^ .wf/ tB4 m^j fer JJml j ^b^Pt^^flf A /JmmK ^^^^ - ^ —. «-7mC/^ uA ^^^C ^e^H ^Ks/ ^m ^ ^^^ ¦ • «i>in _a^ xBft-lUfciPJ C ^ ^z^^ fi^H ^Slc^iS^k.AflCtSB ^dfli ^CDB

< J@^p aiding anti H otige, g» ' Manufacturers of Fine Printings & Plate Papers,

ALSO and Writings Hand-made Printings ^ GLAZED OR UNGLAZE D,

Si42VX VsQp TE & CHE Q UE-BOOK TAPERS TO ORDER, i * PRICES AND SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. * * * * LONDON, Warehouses, 145-6-7, Drury Lane. City Office, 34, Cannon Street, E.C. i PARIS, I 20, Avenue Victoria. ' ¦ f 24o The Publishers Circular M .

JO HN DICKINSON & CO ¦ i MILLS 400, '4Ol3 402, 403, 614, 693. I | I ! Whol esale and Export Manufa cturers op I j Printing, Plate, and Litho Papers ; I j Hand and Machine-made Writings & Printings; I i Tinted Writings, Cartridge, & Blottings; I Tissues and Copying Papers ; I j Enamel Papers ; Cards, White and Coloured ; I Envelopes and Note Papers. I


TERM S OF SUBSCRIPTION —Town , S>s. 6d. ; Country and Forei gn , 6s. 66?. per annu m post-fr ee. j For AdvertisingBates , $c , address Mr. S. OHAS . PHEL LiIPS , 16Oa Fleet Stre et ^ ^ I I The Publishers' Circular I "-"•" '• l884c8. 2±I hj iTjprr iftla fcn% jC-y I / AND Jf^ V^X J& I WHOLESALE AND EXPORT M \ ^J W -« $€A€IOnGK$. *~ X I W/^# ^+\ M# (ci)%T I ^^^ ^J ^^^^ /^ v^jL-f.- I 68 eANNON ST REET, # ^€ f JTr#>S/V > # ^onidon, K»# MAKERS

-§w^ ^v ^F^ OF ceotg (mie^+ i^ M *>> i ->* T»oo6utn+ #>s # {p^vin(in$f BUCKS . J^ V^J ^fWl ^ ..^ww^^^s^^^s^wws^.. ^P ^-^7 y Wft tt ^^ ^ ^T i (^^ pBeg Qniffe. fsQ-^/f 5o%8e& #rV/ "** ©rftJBinj FL.NT. #>^^# (J)ft l>et:0. ^» \ 9~> t >C/ > JF RAOD-mADG ? Ann ? mA^ine.

,£r "^SSTHATMAN'S PAPERS If f #; S tf^ ^^^ 7 j 0! KEPT IN STOCK. V #/^\ # ^ ^f c ¦ /f @ E JM T S #V^ ^ T # ** ^ ^ ^ F R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ° O# ®utc{> •}• Hanfc mafce ystmwjsi® ^§>ja: I ^ ^^m ^>^.»» ¦ ^ P The Publishe rs' Circular ; ; H ^_ t | ^ l^lori crv ex ]H( )N (^J |Mp ) ' & Bookbinders,! , gT. 7IJOT gTE^M W01^Kg, (£h urch Gntry, Barter Lane, ex. LEIGHTON, SON, & HODGE, WH OLESALE BOOKBINDERS, 16 NEW-STREET SQUARE, FLEET STREET, E.C.

L., S., & H. beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS, PRINTERS, AUTHOKS, &c, that they execute in the best style and on the most reasonable terms every description of Whole sale Bookbindin g, either in Cloth or Leather , Their Stock of Engraved Bras* Dies is most extensive and varied, and their powerful Machinery and Steam-power give them unrivalled advantages in the rapid execution of large orders. L., S., & H. have a separate department for Account-Book Binding, and are prepared to undertake every description of work, including the supply of Pap er , Ruling, Printing, Perforatin g* and Paging of Books for Commercial purposes. Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention. THE PATENT BOOK-SHELF FIT TING S, As used in the PUBLIC LIBRARIES of LIVERPOOL, GLA.SaOW, BIRMINGHAM, &c, enable a nice adjustment of Shelves to be made "without trouble. Hookham 's Patent Picture Line and Patent Fastene rs Afford the most secure and easy means of hanging Pictures, Illustrations and particulars sent POST FRE"E on application to WILLIAM TONKS & SONS, Mosley Street, Birmingliam. BEMAI1TDERS. -LARGEST STOCK IN LONDON. ON" BA.LJ31 BY W. GLAISHER , "Wholesal e Bookseller , 265 High. Holb or n , liOndon.


«T TO PROPRIETORS OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS , BOOKS, &e. ELECTRO TYPES of upwards of 140,000 WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Specimens and Terms upon application to CASSELL & COMPANY (Limited), La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, London, £.0. TT.B.—Examine thia Stock before ) orderin g new subjects. JL ¦ -=== & $ . .. , . I igg4 The Publi shers ' Circular 243 ! I PWG'g JlWWW I EASTER CARD S. ( BIRTHDAY CARDS. I CONDO LENCE CARDS. I Stoek is Now Ready. Samples will be forwarded on app lication.

I ARTHUR ACKERMANN , 191 Regent Street , London , W. TAYLOR BROTHEES, I PUBLISHERS OF I CHROMO SHEET ALMANACS, ! I AS USED BY GROCERS, I Thirty Choiee Designs. Sample Set 5s. allowed off first order. j OFFICE CALENDARS FOR STATIONERS , &c, OH SUPERFI NE ENAMELLED CARDBOARD . j I Sample Book sent on app lication. Ij EXAMINATION CERTIFICATES FOR SCHOOLS. Sam ples now ready. j | W Chromo Litho graphers and Letter pre ss Printers__ to the Wholesa le Tra de. ! : ; THE STEAM COLO UR-PRINTING WORKS, LEEDS, j WI LLIAM G. STONEHAM , j WHOLESALE and EX PORT BOOKBIN DER and BOOKSEL LER, 13 & 14 CHARTERHOUSE BUILDINGS, E.C., f&" has much pleasure in drawing the att ention of the tra de to the fact that he is in a position to supply Bound Books on the most favourable terms. Catalogues on application.

~ ¦ . . i

THE GENERALEIGHTH ISSUEBOOK (1884-5). CATALOGUE j I Further Pa rticulars and Specimen IPages on app lication to the Pub lishers, ; , BARNICO TT & SON , TAUNTON, ENG LAND, j I NEW AMERICAN BOOKS.—Importations received Every Fortnight, | * which include all the New Books of interest , in ad ranc e of, or immediatel y upon , America n publicati on. Any work not in stock will be obtained -within six weeks from ord er. London : SAMP SOK LOW , MABSTON , SEAJfcLE , & BIVINGTON , English and American 11 Booksellers and Publishers , 188 Fleet Street. II wSS ¦ 1 ^S^ Sr^"- , i , ' " " , . | " ' ' ' ' . . i ' -'.. . ' .. ' .. ^J ^ .'TTrj rSJB «44 The Publishers ' Circular M .

WHOLESALE BOOKB INDER V^^^ Mf S, ^SX|J r \ l*S*» 76 Fleet Street , LONDON, 76 Fleet Street , l8^a.

PublishersBooksellersy and Trade in towji and country are ^ here with informed j Mtf/ M& /rw execute rapidly\ pun ctually\ and in f irststy le, all orders for Plain Elegant gns by good artists. • ^ and Ornamental Binding; origina l desi Additional \ stiam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and price.Estimates and samples by return post. I —

' 0 •—m se os.fS^9** —* **"—'—***-*"*** > * *—°" ^S) (w^> I -^ WESTLEYS & CO. Wi-


t j! . LJcJ0OKSELLIN<^ STATIONERY, ^d premises at moderate rent. About £1,000 required. A | -D PRINTING BUSINESS.—One of the leading really first-class concern, worthy prompt attention. | Businesses in the West of England. Returns last year were £3,700 at good profits. Business increasing. position. About £1 800 STATIONERY and FANCY.— Pleasant Capital premises in splendid , part of required. An opportunity seldom to be met with. ^ Surrey. Nice house and shop, in High Street, renfc £i5. Nett profits about £200 a- year. About £300 required. A genteel and safe business, CTATIONEKY and FANCY BUSINESS. suitabl e for a ladv. v A First-class and old-established Business, in very attractive and healthy South-coast Town. A splendid living. About £1,200 required. Handsome STATIONE RY, FANCY, &c. — Main I residence attached to business. ^ London thoroughfare, large house and shop, rent 1 £80. Profi ts about £250 a-year ; capable of increase Bookselling, stationery, fine under energetic management ; at present carried on by ; JL> ART and FANCY BUSINESS.-—In leading and a lady. About £350 required. Suitable for a practical fashionable seaside Town ia the North of England. man. Established nearly 35 years. Splendid position in best street in the town.. Rent low ; shop splendidly fi tted. STATIONERY, PRINTING, &c. — De- Returns nearly £3,000 a-year at full profits. Business lightful Town in Somerset. Well-situated pre- I increasing. About £1,400 required. mises at £35 a-year. First-class old-established I Business. Profits nearly £500 a year, and capable of j BOOKS, STATIONERY, position for doing a large shipping - and commercial £800 req uired in cash , balance (small) by easy pay- • trade. Two young men with £400 to £500 each ments. A rare opportunity. would find this an exceptional opportunity. It is con- fide n tly believed that with energy £JL ,OOO"a-year could STATIONERY, BOOKSELLING, and ' be made. O PRINTING.—First class favourite Town. Ex- \ tensive premises, in best position in High Street ; low ' BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and Kent. Keturns nearly £4,000. Established over 50 '. -y FANCY TRADE.—In very attractive South year.-*. P roprietor retiring. £1,000 will be accepted ! boast Town. Capital position in town. Established i n cash ; balance, about £500, easy. A splendid ; If years. Rent .£40 ; comfortable residence. Returns ch ance. Business thoroughly sound. ±800 to £900, at good profits. About £400 required. ; T IBRARY and STATIONERY.—Pleasant TATIONERY and FANCY TRADE.— jLJ Early sale desirable, in S In excellen Sea-side town Business. t seaside town within 50 miles of uence of proprietor having to go abroad. Good 'Ondou. Established many years. Rent £4o ; on conseq lease. premises, ia main street, ; moderate rent. Profits £200 Best position in town. Returns about £l,<]00, ted from an « Ml profits. a-ycar. A bout £200 will bo accep About £500 required. immediate purchaser. 'Monthly register > of over 150 **- Monthly Register of Businesses for Disp osal for- BUSINESSES for DISPOSAL forwarded post- lication to Mr. A. M. liuJCGiiKs, iree on application to Messrs. Holmkb & Son, 66a wa rded p ost-free on app Ia Pa ternoste r Row, London, K.C- / atwnoster Row, London, E.C.

¦ ¦- ^r.' tA.rr. , i , i I,, . , 24$ The Publishers Circular M x HI •^ 5 : Ma rch i t t gg I DAVIDSON'S NEW PAPER For Laying under Ca rp ets and Protecting Pip es fr omFELT ¦ Fr ost I gjgg° Makes carpets feel much softer and thicker and wear twice as long- f brown * / as ard as tae ifc lies paner mvr ril I \:W *f4 / ^^ used ^ing k b<>ards on» does n°fc save the wear of the carnfJ\ y I ! felt is durableno , cleanly, and excludesbe dusbyt and draughts—liesup quite flat i V§J\ fS$J J/l/ requires tacking down—can laid anyone—or take and withont or C vP* I < yy^mfimufiY n relaid when conve • I la of or or S8iF few yers ifc wrapped round tacked over pipes cisterns will keep oii ! x^QK^Ry "" ^ t the flah raestm I j y^S&s/ frost. ¦I " \ / *RT A Large Stock of Rolls always kept, 12, 25, and 50 yards long, in 60, 54, 30 andm mi L I \ \ / *tt=^ Widtbs. ' " «che8 I icifJi mples and Prices I REGISTERED TRADE MARK Fu rther particula rs, Sa , on appli cation to the Sole Manufa cturers I I C. DAVIDSON & SONS, Limited , 80 Upper Thames Street , London, MII1I1S— Nos. 30 and 80—SCOTLA ND. EX. I

^ — — | ] ED. BADOUREAU , Establishe d 1846. I tTALL & CO., Wholesale Booksellers and J-1- I BOX-WOOD BLOCK MANUFACTURER ,| Pu blishers. The Coun try Tra de suppl ied with I | all Books, Magazines , Periodica ls, and Weekly I Bolted and Amalgamated Blocks, &c. Papers on the best terms . Miscella neous Ord ers I i< despatched with the utm ost celerit y INDIA TAPER, TOOLS HIGHL Y FINISHED , ANT and punct uality. I | | Advertisements inserted. Newspapers and ALL MATERIAL FOR ENG-RAVING-. Music I j supp lied. Enclosures received, pack ed, and for- I ! 14 St. Bride Street , Lud grate Circus , warded. I 13 Paternos ter Row, E.C {' XJ 03ST DDO35T , E].O- . I 1/ j MR. GEO. NEWMAN, Auctioneer and j ! TO-DAY : the Socialist Magazine for March. Valuer to the Trade , offers his services J Price 6d. in all ;¦ Contexts.—Art under Plutocracy. By William Morris. matters of Sale, Transfer , or Valuations for Partner- ( Concluded.—Christianity and Capitalism. A Rejoinder. By shi p qp Probate ; his long experienc e and thorough E. B. Aveling. D.Sc.—The United States of To-Day and the¦ knowledge of the Future. By William Harrison Biley.—Unscientific Socialism. various branches enable him to By E. Belforfc Bax.—An Unsocial Socialist. A Novel. By render very valu able assistance to either Vendor or j G- . B. Shaw.—Record of the International Popular Movement.. Purchaser on very moderate term s. No expense < By Eleanor Marx.—Correspondence. Karl Marx and Mr. in placing part icular s on Gladstone s Budget Speech of 1865. iews. this Begistei. Offices : I ' —He* 51 London Wall , E.C. \ 64 pp. crown 8vo. 1j?. I A SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF I SOCIALISM. TRADE VAL UATION. \ By H. M. Hykdman and W. Morris. j ^—.—,—. 1 M"R. ADAM HOLDBN, Bookseller &c, I Every Saturday. 6 > "-*- 48 Church Street , Liverpool , having had a j JUSTI CE : long and bran ches The Organ of the Social Democracy. One Penny. varied experience in the different jj of the Trade of a Bookseller and Station bb , offers > The Modern Press , 13 & 14 Paternoster How , E.C . to underta ke the "Vaxtjation of any Business for t . , r Probate Duty, or for Sale or Tr ansfer , in any part \ Just published . of the Countr y. j ATCH and CLOCK MAKERS' DIC- Terms {moderate) on app lication, j „ TIONARY and GUIDE. By F. J. Britten. 48 Church Street , Liverpool . | 250 Engravi ngs. 55. , postage bd. K ent & Co., Paternoster Row ; \ and of the Aut hor , 35 Northampton Square , E.C . VALUATIONS FOR SALE OR PROBATE. I ^MERRI TT & HATCHER , WILLIAM PAGE N, N, j MA CHINE- PRIN TERS TO THE TRADE 1 MARKET PL ACE, WH ITEHAVE , j (Letterpress and Ijitliograpliic), Eegs to offer his services as Valuer to Booksellers Sfationers , Bookbinders , Printers , and Newspap er GROCERS' -HALL COURT , POULTRY, E.C Propri etor s requiring Valuati ons to be made. Terms 12 Machines up to Four-Koyal. moderate. Businesses Wan ted and for Sale. In- Very low Estimates for long numbers. quiries invited. C. BRANSTO N & CO. , THE PAPER MAKERS' CIRCULA R, Dra ughtsmen & Engra vers on Wood, Published on the 10th of each month. 75 IMPERIAL BUILDINGS , The Oldest Established and the Recognised Bepresentative of the Pa per Tra do in Gr eat I-iTXID G-^TE OIROTJS. Britain. at I1.1_USTRATIONS FOR BOOKS , PERIODICALS , ETC. Offices : 1 60a Fleet Street , London , E.O. ; and London, JCstitnateB and Sp ecimens on app lication. 19a Cursitor Stree t, Chancery Lane , k^l j m ^ ' f . I^,»4s«. The Publish ers Circu lar 2k-. War ch __fl DIRECTORY OF SECOND-HAN D BOOKSELLERS ^^^^^^^^^ 9^^^^^^ H^^^^^^^ P^^^^^^ H^^^^ I^^^^^ II^^ I^^^^^^^^^ I^^ b > WHO PUBLISH CATALO GUES OP #ID, Sraree, & 5*cott&-fi a:nir ^oohs. -HEADING, Berks.—WM. SMITH, 97 It London Street, has a Miscellaneous Stock of Several Thousand Volumes, many worth the atten- tion of Book-buyers. Catalogues issued at intervals, and sent Post-fr ee- Names and addresses of j < Book-Worms ' solicited.

"D ARE BOOKS.—Catalogues of Rare Books ! It and Manuscripts at intervals. M. and N. just ready. Kerr & Richardson, 89 Queen, Street, Glasgow. JOHN HADDON & CO., EXPORTERS of PAPER , PRINTING MATERIALS Ac, AND PARLIAM ENTARY REP ORTS : an Comm ission Buyers for Colonial Booksellers, 1 assorted Stock of all interesting subjects. Stationers, and Printers, Olyett, 5 Endell Street, Long Acre, London, W.C. 3 BOUYERIE STREETLONDON, ,FLEET STREET, LOW'S READING AND PROTECTING COVERS. Confidently offer their services as above. The long and practical experience gained during the seventy PROTECTING COVERS for NEWS- years that the firm has been established offers a ¦T PAPERS, MAGAZINES, REVIEWS, and suffic ient guarantee that their constituents will PUBLICATIONS in limp bindings present all the recei ve that attention and care which their interests advantages of a removable binding of a substantial require. Correspondence invited as to Terms and character and effectually protect the original cover Conditions of Business. while in use. Half-bound, roan, lettered gilt— Fun , 2s. | Judy, 2s. THE Graphic, 2s. 6d. Punch, 2s. Illustrated London News, Others on Application. 25. 6d. TYPOGRAPHIC ETCHIN G COMPANY. A. & W. Dawson, Managing Partners. London : Sampson Low, Marston , Searle , & Rivington. Automatic and Photog raphic Engravers , by Dawson's Patent Typo graphic Etching ELE CTROTYPES OF SUPERIOR Process , Photo Relief Process , and Phot o- graving Process. WOOD ENGRAVINGS. The T. E. Co. are the only f irm in this country THE Publishers of the Art Journal respect- ¦¦• who work these Letterpress and Copperplate full y an nounce that they have on hand a large Processes, which are applicable to high-class Book uA varied Stock of Wood Engravings, which hare Illustrations, and which are extensively used by appeared in that Journal, and in other Illustrated the leading Publishers, and also by the Trustees of Works issued by thorn ; and that they are now the British Museum, and many of the Learned prepared to supply Electrotypes of the best qualit y Soci eties. I from these Blocks, guaranteed to work, equally as Information, Estimates, and Specimens upon ] well as the original Wood Engravings. application to the Offi ces, 23 Farri ngdon Street, They comprise a large Miscellaneous Collection, London, E.C. amounting in all to SEV ERAL THOUSAN D. A MERTCAN AGENT.—PUBLISHERS Copies may be seen at the offices of J. S. VIRTUE & -£*• desiri ng an Agent in America for the disposal CO., Limited, 294 City Road , London ; or further of Advance Sheets , Editions, &c, to the trade, can information will be furnished by post obtain the services of a gentleman of 30 years' expe- rience and thoroughly familiar with the require- A very extensive pT ,, stock of Engraved STEE L ments of tho American market. London references. J 'ATES, in good condition, are also a vailable for —Address, P., c/o tho Publishers* Circu lar Office. * n*ting fr om, on very Moderate Terms. FOR SALE. ^ " ELECTROTYPES. E 11. E OTJEfcOTYDP E S |^ESSRS. SAMPSON LOW , M ATISTON , of the celebrated Artistical Engravings from ,.nich & CO. have preparedto a List of Works, from they are willing supply selections of SCHOR ER 'S FAMI LIENBLATT . ^*a«ctros. This List they will be happy to forward Per square centimetre, 12 Pfennig (= l £c?.). 10 *ny bond fide purchaser.—Address, 188 Fleet 6 jm/*** ** E-C. JT. H. Schorer, 12 Dessauerstr., Berlin, S.W* I] ' , 248 The Publishers Circular *.Ma rch I , ,8SA BUSINESSES FOR SALE , ETC. TO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONS -L RE-ENGAGEMENT require d by an experf ' PRINTIN G BUSINESS , with STA- Young Lad y accustomed to window dressing s^T? -t TIONERY attached , FOR SA LE, in a flourishing country business preferred. Highest reW io. South Coast watering placo. Large modern plant Address to H , Publishers ' Circular Office. "with latest improved machinery , all in first-class "working order. Doing an unusuall y high class, profitable , and increasing business. Excellen t TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & central position . Premise s held for long lease at -*• A Young Lad jr desires R E-ENGAGEMENT as Junior Assistan t. G-ood low ren tal. Oldest estab lished bu siness in the town. references. Four ve • experience. —Address , W. E., 29 —Address , K . C. B., at Horncastle 's Advertisement Beaconsfield V^aad Offices , 61 Cheapside , E.C. Preston Koad , Bri ghton. *° ' f : ESSRS. JOHN HARDMAN & CO. are TO STATIONERS.—A West-End Assistant Tlf ¦*¦ of larg e ex I " - prepared to DISP OS E of their PREMISES , perien ce seeks an ENGAGEM ENT Hi ghest references No. 13 King William Street , Charing Cross , as to character and alriiW , K. W. E.. 4 Wind Street y< London . Possession in Marc h next.—A pplication , Swansea . to be made to Messrs. Clarkson , Architects , 36 Great Or mond Street , London , W.C. TO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS " J- Wa nted , SITUATION as Juni or Assistant FOR SALE, CHEAP, a Double Imperial Fire years ' experien ce. Has a knowled ge of LITH O PR ESS. Can be seen in London. printing .—C. P., 31 Broadbank , Louth , Lincolnshire. Y. Z. Publishers 1 Circular Offi ce. NTED, by a Young Lady, aged 18, WA in a BOOKSELLE RS WANTING ASSISTAN TS, RE-E ^GAGEMENT a Bookselling, Sta- tionery, or Fancy Business. Good referenc es. Address , B , Weekly Standard Office, Newport WANTED, in the Country, an experienced Pa gnell, Bucks. Young Lad y as ASSISTANT in the Book- selling, Stationery, and Fancy Business. —App l y, sta ting age , salary requ ired , and references , to X. Y. Z., PublisJwrs * Circu lar Office , Fleet Street , TO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS J- SIT London. UATIO N as Juni or. Age 20. Five year s experience. Good reference. — A. Sinden , Folkv. s ton e. WANTED, an experienced Young Lady as ASSISTANT in a high-class Book , Sta - tionery, and Fancy Business (indoors). —A pp ly, STATIONERY, FANCY.—Assistant, of stat ing age , references , and salary required , Wood- ^ fifteen years ' first-class experience , is open to ley Bros., Central Library, Llandudno. ENGAGEMENT. Good window-dresser and sales- man . Age 35.—Address , W. J., 91 Royal Road , Kennington Park , London. BOOKSE LLERS 1 ASSISTANTS WANTING SITUATIONS. AN OXFORD M .A. will be glad to und er- tak e the office of RE ADER to a Pu blisher. Onl y a moderate salary required. —Addr ess, N. Y., "ENGAGEMENT WA NTED in Stationery. at C. II. May & Co.'s General Advertising Offices, J -^ Book , and Fa ncy Trade. Age 23. Eight years ' 78 Gracechurch Street , London. experience. Good references. — Fredk. Brown , 2 Crowhu rst Road , Colchester. TO EXPORT BOOKSELLERS and SHIPPING AGENT S.—RE-E NGAGEMEN T wanted by Advertiser , aged 25 years. Eleven years ' O SECOND-HAND BOOKSELLERS. Pu blishing- T Man age 19, disenga ged experience in Who lesale Bookselling and Wanted , by a Young , ress, Agent , SITUATION in above. Four years ' expe- Abstainer. Excellent references. —Add in May, c/o Messrs. March & Jones , 26 Paternos ter Squar e, Abte to catalogue. —H. Gra nt , 71 Portlan d rience. E.C. Stree t , Exeter. and TO BOOKSELLERS, Secon d-hand BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS.— Wholesale. —Wanted , by a Young j\lan just l-> Assistant seeks RK-ENGA GEMENT at once out of his app rent icesh i p, a SITUATIO N as Jun ior us Head or Manag er of Branc h Business. Ten A ssistant. —P. L., 209 Upper Street , N. years ' first-cl ass experience , town and country . Age 425. Good references. —Address , X., c/o Messrs . E. & F. Mason , The Library , Tenb y, South Wales. PAINTER 'S ASSISTANT WANTING SITUATION.

. "OOOKSELLING , STATIONERY, and WAN TED, by a Young Man well acquainted ¦£* FANC Y.—Wanted , by a Young Ma n , aged 25, with Jobbing work and accustomed to News. SITUATION as Assistant to above. Ten years ' G ood references. —Address , Hart & Son , Saffron experienc e.—Address , I). Lund , Dunni ngto n , York. Walden. [ l884 The Publishers' Circular 249 to NOTICE OF IfcE MOVA.! ^ from « 41. PERCY HOLMES , , has Dealer in NOVELS, MODERN BIOGRAPHIES, VOYAGES and TRAVELS, &c Bkmoted Pro m No. 6 BOOKSELLERS' ROW , STRAND , to 41 OPPOSITE . CHA RLES HINDLEY 'S CA TALOGUE of TOPOGBAPHY BOOKS will shortly be ready. Messrs. S. W. PARTRIDGE & CO. OFFER FOB SALE ELECTRO TYPES of nearl y THIRTY THOUSA ND ENGRAVING S OP HIGH CLASS MEBIT , WHICH HAV E

NEVER BEFOREAll communications BEEN sh ouldOFFERED be addresrei to FOR SALE. S. Wl PARTR IDGE & CO., 9 PATERNOSTER ROW , LONDON, E.C. FOR EIGN BOOKS AND PER IODICALS. MESSRS. SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & CO. supply all Foreign Works and Periodicals to the Trade on the most liberal Terms. A Large Stock of Popular Foreign Educational, Historical, Literary, and Scientific Works always on hand . N.B.-CATALOGUES GRATIS ON APPLICATION. FAST TRAIN PARCEL S~TrOM THE COM CTEflT TWICE A WEEK . CROWN BUILDINGS, 188 FLEET STREET, E.C. OLD AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS FOR SALE. Subscribers' Advertisements arc inserted under this head ing at 3d. per line, prepaid.

D. C. L., 188 Fleet Street, E.C Edwards, J. % 74 Foregnt e Street , Chester Meyer's British Birds and their Eggs, 4 vols. folio, full Bees' Cyclopaed ia, 45 vols. half-calf, 4to. £2. 5j. morocco, cost unbound £48. J O*., price £26 Henry and Andrews' History of G reat Britain, 14 vols. 8vo. Grote's History of Greece, 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1849-56, £5. 5s. calf , 14.*. 12 vols. Cabinet edit. 1889, £2 Bramhall's Works (T>ib. A.C.T.). «r> vol?. 7.?. «-/. Turner's Views in England and Wales, 4to. 1838, splendidly Willet's Papismus (Ref. Soc.), 10 vols. Is. (UL bound, full tree-calf, &c, £12. 12.*. Spencer i W., 270 Ilolloicap Rond , London RiMkin's Modern Painters, 5 vols. cloth, 1873, £21 , , , Dickens' Christmas Books , a f et , all 1st edit-- clean , £-3 Seven Lamps of Architecture clotb 1840, £6 Waverley Novels, Roxbur prhe edit. 48 vols. £ 1 — — — jt ¦ ¦ LA Buskin™ andw« «^ « Turner, v* ' »>¦. 'sO HarboursJL.A CVI. K^V/ & tj *, fl. «' olioAi\/t, clotbVAu V •- ¦ ,f 1856¦ * VW £3.r*W ^» • 10A V*' « *. — t»» «»»' » » jf • k » «r Vrf '^. ntenar** **^* M * 4 y» edit.^^pm"** 25 vols.• £2f-^ CLippendale'K Cabinet Maker's Director, folio. 3755, £14 Ce Book of Gems 48-vol. edit. Cadell . 1 H30 C2 short ), £2 , 3 vols. original blue clotb, 1836 -38, £4. 4*. Raskin ' s Lectures on Art. 2nd edit. 1875 , 65. W*ifc, //, 17 Claren don Crescent, Edinburgh Cassell' s Birds , 4 vols. half-calf , £1 Bacon's Essays, Colours and Wisdom o£ tbe Anciente, port. White J. % 24 Studholme Si reef , Peckham 1668, very rare, £20 * edit, , ^* »• > h._ - _ _. _ ._ Alison's Europe (Atlas to), Library published at £3. 3o\ iomunson s Views of Rhine , 2 vols. £1. is. Fine plates £1. as. New BOOK S WANTED TO PURCHASE. Pa rticulars of price- fyc. to be sent direct to the persons whose navies and addresses are given. h notice.— We desire to dra w attention of Correspondents under this head , * Books Wan ted ,' /o an of t-repeated caution to b* il carefu l not to remit, cash or sratnpi without being f ully satisfied of the bon a /ides of the communictitions , as \ SwiNDLRR8 ha ve, adopted the plan of reporting books and requirin g sta mps in payvvnt; but thtir onl y odd ' /v« is f f oun d to be a local post-office ; on the other hand , our subscribers should be ca refu l in supp lying books to advt rttstrs \ unknown to them. • : M ">ham, ff 7au nton A pph b ti , A'., 10 Markt t Placr , Spnhiiwj ; Wa nt's Hist ory of J acob. Clean copy Surge ry, by various Authors , edited by Holmes. Vol. 5 A *dre»t A Co., 64 Saddler Street , Durham Conn tUr , Paris 1 "wick' s (T.) Life and Works , by ThoniBon //rtfr . J., 18 Rue B Life of Wycliffo, translated (^.mrter ly Jou rnal of Pure and uanln « »f Xl «» l am brid ge and Dublin Mathematical Jou rnal era Hynni LatiniUUUIU LrillJlIl Hymn*)JflH*J Hu ll ' ^( Latin ^ r Gallery. 1864. Vol. 4 Journal of Royal M icroscopical Society. 1st and 2nd Series ijjjik^rv n^i -"-Fishes' "lues, bioinene clothciotn . 1jet at edieaiu t. Vols.v oj b. \ «> , 4» Quarterly Journal of Microscopica l Science. Complete Y1SSS8 Jr*ter Bird8. 1804 cK2S? Bri(ilCarol8h Birds. Vols. 2, 3 Barter , J.. Ashby-de- la- Zo uch ^^ *nM . 1843. Imperfect Golden Hours. May 1880 j —^- sk ¦ 25o The Publishers' Circular Ma ^=5=5: BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE —continued.

Bcur, J.t • « • Smith's British Diatomace® 2 vols. Bishop's Commentary on Law of Marriage Cooke's Fungi, 2 volg. Law Magazine and Review. Vols. 1 to 27 Bentham's Flora, 2 vols. Pearce'a History of Inns of Court and Chancerv Monthly Microscopical Journal. Par t 13 or 16 Aspinall's Maritime Law Reports. 1st and 2nd Series Quarterly Journal of Microscopy. Any vols. or ^b+M i Archaeological Journal of Arch. Inst. Void. 23, 25, and fol. Nos Eastlake's Materials for History of Oil Painting. Vol. 2 CombHdqe% C, 18 Graflo n Street, Dublin Cax ton's Game of Chess. Berjean's reprint Diokens' Letters. Vol. 3 Guest's Mabinogion, 3 vols. Blair_n x — —¦ 's^^ Lectures^^^^^^^ v^^^^ ^^^^ Sbakspeare- Reprint of Folio edit. Annals of the Four Masters Silyestre's Palaeography, by Madden Life of Mrs. Sherwood ~ — rfk aa Stephen s Digest of Criminal Law Boissereii - m ^^^^'e Gallery.^a *«» *w* J • Photos^^ v^-***t ' Universal Catalogue of Books on Art Coomes ' Library, 141 Regent Street. W. Wright's History of -Domestic Manners Boswell's Correspondence with Erskine Carlyle's "Works. Library edit. Torrens' Marquis of Weliesley Bickers A Son, 1 Leicester Square, W. C. Constable's English Landscape, engraved by Lucas Molloy's Court Life below Stairs. Vols. 1, 2 Jennings* Anecdotal History of the British Parliament Mahon's England, 7 vols. 8vo. Pope's Translations, 8vo. In several vols. History of the Stage. 10 vols. Life of Prince Metternich. Vol. 5 Annual Register. 1856 Cornish Brothers, 37 New Street, Birmingham JBunsen's Life, 2 vols. 8vo. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8th edit. Merivale's Rome, 7 vols. 8vo. Wilson (Bishop) Maxims of Hamerton's Painter's Camp. 1st edit. Collier's Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Boyveau ( Vve. J.). 22 Rue de la Banque, Paris Crania Britannica . Allies' (Mary) Life of Pope Pius VII. Dante. Pickering's Diamond edit. Vol. 2 Boyd's (Mark) Social Gleanings. 18 75 (Longmans) Grattan's Speeches Brea r, T. Cornish, J,. & Sons, 297 High Holborn, W.C. B., 17 Kirkgate, Bradford Byron's Life and Works, 17 vols. Clean copy Ye Outside Fools Campbell's Chancellors, 10 vols. crown 8vo. I Bright, F. J., 10 »» Jesus«^ *-»«*«. - Jane Eyre, 3 vois. Good copy Seeker on the Creeds. Original edit. Grant's White Cockado, 3 vols. Good copy Life of the Empress of Russia, Wife of Alexander I. Shakspeare's Sonnets, large paper. Parchment Scries BlackwoodxJiacK vvoou , in papurwi.rts. 1joi876u Thomas a Kcmpis, large paper. Parchment Series Casscll's Shakspeare. Nos. 150 to 153, 201 to end Guardian. July 14, 1880 . Eighteenth Century Essays, large paper. Parchment Scries , Letteri Punch's Pocket Book. 1842 and 1855 Pope's Works, by Elwin. Vol. 4, Poetry ; Vols. 9, 10 Bumpus, T. B.,2 George Yard % Lombard Street, E.C Deighton, Bell, & Co., 13 Trinity Street, Cambridge Ltcblg' a Natural Laws of the Land Godwin's Political Justice Familar Letters on Chemistry Cleveland's Concordance to Milton Principles of Agricultural Chemistry Perry's Church History, 3 vols. Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture Milton's Works, 8vo. (Tegg) Motion of the Juices in the Animal Body Sanclay'n Gospel in the Second Century Violet, or th*o Danscusc, 2 vols. Dickinson, R. D.. 83 Farrin gdonStreet , E.C. Ca **cll & Company (Limited), Ludgaf * Hill, E.C. WaiBwortli 's (Chas.) Sermons, crown 8vo. Traveller's Library. 1*. partn. Nos. 50, 83, 84 , H(> , 87 , 02, Watson's (Thos.) Select Discounts, 2 vola. 8vo. 93, 91) 1' arkor'a Eoco Doub Christian World Pulpit, 4to- Any vols. Chapman, J.'C , 36 Coney Street, York EnvliBh Catbedraln. Any Bmnll book on Douglas vols.» "»» 1st" edit. T\lall cHon'a Tmllnn M utiny. Vol. 1 or any ¦ ¦ »HH'» *_/#•«**#*> /?.,W * 0 % 2800 * r JiennetCnMr** fMtW *'* * V* 19 HillMM *• %/*> ,9 Birmingham3*19 fFt*»l ' Chase, ^ Cobbobt'u Rural KideH MHch' (W. J.) Modern Fairlow Romoln, 2 xoU. /Mit. do luxo Draj/ton, / *., OCuvres £rav4c», par A. 116veil. lbi)2 " ola. 1M** Mfflundcratooci, with illuatratlons Kol)orta' Lifo of Duke of Monraouth, 2 v Anderdon'a River Dave. Privately pt"r 1**?* Cooke, ff . T., & Son, » High Street, WartHck Walton's (Izaak) Life. Privately printed, 183"^ TlmCH. Deo. 10, 1881 Wnltonlan Chronicle. 12mo. 1833 __—r-rj k Publish ' «88oo The ers Circular 25I1 i ¦ . fj March — " ' '- . * . BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE —continued.

Gladding, J. 28a PaUmo$ter Square . E.C. ' of Fren ch Verbs. 9 dula UA fi^ConiS at i^Dictio^ aJr y 1833 Murr ay's (Grenville ) Rovin g Englishman in Turkey braQdt Paper -Makers ' Monthly. 1883 k *7 1879 g SSfZSorict Bl(S*& Record. fe1871. Vol 8 ' Bnsh' Anasta3is Sffiw S« -moment^ to 1883 Il aydn 's Dictionary of Science Goulden , W. E., Creukerne bead 's Theory of Logic Williaoa s' (Monier) Sanskrit Gram mar Swansea rdwards , C. F., 4 lW««f Street, Sanskrit -English Dictionary Si' s Vicar of Uorwenstow English-Sanskri t Dictionary. Vols. 31 , drawer 's Tithea and Endowments 48 to Minor . OriRTlnal. Parts 20 to end Laborrle 's Tra vels S£*Hot^: Ori ilnal. Part 18 IMavat 'ky 's Isis Unveiled K Or iginal . Parts 5, 7, 8 KlSSlS Nksklebj. Grant , /J. ,

, 3 vols. ^a^*^v —ii~ h^k ^mr ^^^^ ^m — — w ^^^ ^r v^^h^v ^^^^ ^i^ ^w ^ "^ Kjnowles' (Sherida n) Dramatic Work s Memoir , by^ Stan h ope Tales of a Gra n dfather , 5 yoLs. Last issue Buckle ' s Civilisation , 2 vols. 8vo. Mac aula y's Speeches, 8vo. Fox's Life, by Earl Russell , 3 vols. Easa ys, 8vo. Tol . 3 Price 's In tegral Calculus. 2nd edit. Vol. 2

~^^__ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^p- ^_ -^-^ - — — v ¦ — Miscellan eous Writings^^^ ,J 2 vols. 8vo. Harrison A Sons, 59 Pall Mall, S. W. Animal World. Vols. 1, 6 Bnrke 's Royal Descents Aigosy. 186- to 1879 Leaves from my Journal of Life in the Highlands. 1 Os Bd. ed. Sneyd' s Fawn of Sertorius , 2 vols. . ism, 2 vols. Walpole 's Letters Cyllene , or Fall of Pa gan Handley Cros3 . 1st edit. Lynn's (Miss) Atnyone , or Days of Pericles , 3 vols. , Leath am's Charmione , 2 vols. Rejected Address es with engraving of the Brothers Smith Haywood Evans, T. E., 337 Strand, W.C. , F.. Cambridge Any Works relating to London Customs , City Laws , &c , Darwin 's Struc ture and Distributio n of Coral Reefs of Bamfylde Moore Care w Kerr 's Blackatone , 4 vote. 1 87»> Life Novum Testamen tum , ed. Wetstonii , 1 v^U . folio. 1751-52 Emm , T. #.,337 Strand , W.C, Alumni Etonenses , t)y Harwood , 4to. 17D7 Balfonr 's (Mrs. ) Confessions of a Decanter Church' s Life of Amselm Ctrvsal.Ctrysal , or the AdventuAdyentu res of a Guinea Phantom , or the Adventures of a Gold-headed Cane. Vol . 2 liza rd <£ Sons, Boscaicen and Sr. Ma ry Streets , Truro Confession s of a Lost Dog Talfourd 's Vacation Bambles Life of Rev. R. S. Hawker Faryie, 21 St. Ann ' s Square , Manchester Clarke and Colbourne 's Locomotive s ( Blackie ) Hiaham , C, 27a Farringdon Street, E.C. Churc h Congi ess Repo rts. 1881 Dobney 's Judas Moore (Dan.) on the Lord 's Pra yer Fcira , ./., I N apier 's Peninsula r War , 8vo. Vol. 6 Kitto 's Bible Illustra tions, by Porter , 8 toIs. Pickwick. Nos. 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 ' s Inn Gateway, Strand. W.C. nudennis.i vnaennw. Nos. 15.15, 21 Hutt , C , Clement Dodd Famil Browning 's Paracelsu s and Sordello. 1st edit, uncut y. Nos. 2, 3, 4 , 5, 10, 12 ' , post 8vo. ( Hot ten ) Liittre ll of Ar ran. , 14 Dickens Speeches Noa. 3, 6, 11 12, Jesse's Solwyn , 4 vols. uncu t. Origi nal "7»»Korgt», TT^ mM 26 Park StreetStreet,, Jirtshris tol Celebritie s of London , 2 vols. m^r mm 680 ' AUlVdVli J k.4^^* J^>*»*« V Aft« k ^ m m. m 8 ItaIl »n ^, in English nS " Painters . 185» Manou Loscaut ^ »rtd go'8 Northamp tonshifo , 2 vols. Rossetti 's (D. G.) P^>e»"^ 1st tKlit - 187° ^««aman n' 8 Elements of Moralit y. 8 vols. Plate 7 only , Cary Place, Fleet Street, Torq uay ~>yal Agricultu ral Journal . 187f> , Part 1 : 188? , Part 1 Ireda U A., wate r's McChoy no's Sermons Flowering Plants , 4to. Vol. 3 and after Monthly Packet. Old i^eric ^ A set » rocopius. Any tran slatio n M&nt a (Leigh) Burko 's Orders of Kniphth<>o < l ! Book for a Corner. Vol. 1 Lives of Painte rs. Vol. 5 (Murra y's Family Librar y ) G W i '£ *f^»"<"uncb . Vols.vols. ft to 58.58, 64.64, 69 to 84 Jam es & Co.* Hitok J£m /K>ri ttm, Southampton **«'<*, 67 Moorgate Street, £.C. 111 ustratetl London News. 1810 ^ ^ wJSi Vcen 8 J o«m»l. 1st Series. Lar ffo edit. Dickens' Christma s Gurol. 1st edit. ^oustonecra ft'a Vindication of the Rights of Women Mannin g's Sermon s. Vol. 4 E™ •«* Bar nes* Shipb uilding, Theoretical and Prao Uoal Penrose '8 Diar y oi an Atxie £*amau -—»»# v i, Either edit. W— j UIV&QUH ! O VI*. • TU1. «* H omer , translated by Lord Derb y. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • - ¦ ., .- • ...... :¦ . • ;: • • ta d . ~ . - . i ; j.... ; . ;. . . . . : © *¦ ¦ . . - .i< . . . . , : 7"t " ^^ ^ ^ 2I ^ s ^^ ^ ^ iiL '« i' ' 1 252 The Publishers Circular Mar ch ^~~~~~"~ ' ~~ ' ' " ¦ : ¦¦ ¦ ~~ ~~ ¦ ^—-— . ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . - - ¦-— : ^ - ^=^r^~ — ™** BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE— continued.

Jarvis , J. W., A Son, 28 Ki ng Willi am Street, Strand , W.C. Mc Gee, W.. 1S Nassau Street, Dublin James' History of Worsted Manufactures Dallas* Corresponden ce of Lord Byron, 3 volg. 1»2K .b. ro-wi 'm»» • ¦*^»^- » a ^- - '^ a»*v« VE Baskerville Bible The-•- *. *¦** harden.^*^ ^nw * **+** Vols. 14^, 17^-y, 18-^, bound^^ or unbound A#MWM«*iJ ^ * \ _ ^ Bitson's Robin Hood D'Aabigne~*W~ 's** History of the Reformation, 8vo. Vol^ . 6 Hamilton's (Lady.) Memoirs Mac! *}*)**, James , A Sons, 61 St. Vincent Street.Gluten * Manning and Gray's Survey. One will do imperfect Fronde's Short Studies, 4 vols. 8vo. ^ Keay, IT. W., 72 Terminus Road, Eastbourne Heart of Midlothian. Original edit. Herrick'8 Poems, 3 vols. Brougham's (Lord) Autobiography. Vol. 3 | Earth's Earliest Ages (Bagsber) Morris's Earthly Paradise. 1st edit. Wills' Wanderings among tbe High Alps Lloyd's Game Birds of Nortvav and Sweden Lecky s Bationalism, 2 vols. 8vo. Kerby & Endean, 440 Oxford Street, W. ' Clarke and Wrigtit 's Shakspaare , 9 v. ] 863-66 (Macinillan) liacmiltan & Bowes, Cambridge Troll ope's (Mrs. ) Ward of T hor pe Coombe , 3 vols. Sand»y's Gospels in the Second Centnry Thorn 's Iris h Almanack. 1883 Darwin's Corals and Coral Islands HennePs Mendelssohn Famil y, 2 vols. LyelPa Principles of Geology, 2 vols. 8vo. 12th «dit . Vendale ; or, the Lost Property Office Godwin's Political Justice The Captive Maiden Selden' a Tabl e Talk. 1847 (Singpr) Kimpton, R., 126 Wotrdour Street * W. Afacmiltan & Co., 23

W* A 1^* »-* » W V • ^&d ^W^l ^k^ ** (?) ' • W Boys. 1825 ^ • " ' ™ *-^ "*^ *r (Knight) Mnrris' Motbs. An^^^ original^^ & ^^^ copyJ Public Education of Microscopic Quarterly Journal. New Scries. Nos. 33, 3*, Afaclvor, 71, 11 Henrietta Street, Dublin 35, 37, 42, 44, 46 to 60, 65, 87 to Law Becorder (Dublin). Vol. 4, or last part only (No. 20 Vf ¦ »-^ Lachlan, F. C., 4 Colebrooke Row, N. Nov.•^ * * 5,f 1831)^ k ^-* "^ ' ^ Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. 183J). Imperfect Vcey' s Reportja. Vol. 19 (1827) and Ind ex (Vol. 20, 1833) Speeches or Pamphlets relating to Dickens. Any Crawf ord and Dix (Circuit Beports). Vol. 3,Part 6 (Pages Hawbuck Grange. 1847 285-340) ( Jorrock's Jaunts. 1st edit. 1838. Imperfect will do Maggs, V., 159 Church Street. PttddlncrtonOreen , W% Peele's Dramatic Works, 3 vols. 8vo. Interesting Letters from Wilkes, &c. 1769 Prometheus Bound, translated, 12mo. 1833 (Valpy) King's Answer to Junius. 1771 Lawrence, A. J., Rugby LettersLetters of Junius.Junius, bvby Lake.Lake. 1822 (Paris) Euripidia Opera Omnia. 1821. Vol. 3 CGlasguae) Vindication of Duke of Gra f ton. 1769 Hervey's Memoirs of the Reign of Gteorgo II. Junius* Political Axioms. 1770 . Hook's Church Dictionary Any early Juniws' Pamphlets Bruce's Boman Wall. Pocket edit. Marlborcvgh, E., A Co., 51 Old Bailey, E.C. Punch . Vols. 44, 45. 46, 49, 50, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61 Lee's ("Professor Samuel) Translation of Job Baily's Magazine . Vols. 1, 2, 3, 10 Guild's Moses Unveiled. Unabridged Le Soudler , II., 17'4 *£ 176 Boulevard Saint-Germain . or /V/ ;- » .j Meehan, B. A J. F,, 32 Gay Street, Bath Report on the Etrv ptian Provinces of the Soudan (War Office) Oxberry's Theatre 1JU4-49 Molloy 's Court Life below Stairs . Vol*. 1, 2 Grant's (Archdeacon) Batnpfcon Lecture. About IV »• v *««>«-ay«'« <'* J.^ I'VJIO *-* t»l*m^C*4.^/ JLVM3 VTL VI A\y A "* V »^ * V f • v^A* 1 721 , or ^ » Nobility. Vol. 1. 2. Layard 's Monumen ts of Nineveh . 2nd Series Nichola' Genealogies of the ^ Coleccion de varios docinn«ntos para la historia do la Challomer's (Dr. ) Manual of Prayers, 12mo. plates. 1790 ¦a. fc/» CUU Spry Treatise on Bath Waters, 8vo. 1822 Fl*W*.orida *\***Vi, 4to.T L/Vr« 1857.Jl KJKSI m T-* .• 2^ r to^ end (London\ A4UllvlvU/ ) 's Mayer's (W. F.) Collection of Treaties between China and Beecher's (H. W.) Life of Cnrist Foreign Nations, 8vo. 1 877 (Shanghai) Midland Educational Company, 01 & 92 Marke t St., Birmin gham Antananarivo Annual and Madag. Mag. 1 to 5, 7, and fol. Chambers' Journal. Complete pet Household Words. Complete set Lockwood { Crosby) «t Co., 7 Stationers ' - Hall Court, E.C. Faber Miles , T., 16 Darleij Street, Bradf ord 's Coral Reef Browning's (Robt. ) Poems, 2v. 1849. Vol.2 (Chapman & H.) Nasmyth's Moon Cabinet of Poetr y, 6 vols. 1808. Vol. 4 (R. Phillips) D'lsraeli's Genius of Judaism Libra ry ) Cook's Chess Openings Humphre y Olinfeer (Roscoe' s Novelist' s Wheeler's History of Stratford-upon-Avon Penrice's Dictionary of the Koran Hybla. 1848 Ranke s Philosophy of History Hunt's (Leigh ) Jar of Honey from Mount ' Miller's (Thos.) "Works. Any Lonqmant Jt Co. (Exp ort Dspf) , 39 Paternoster Rote. E.C. Jf ilne , A. |fy 'su CreedsVivvuo ofv-^k. Christendomv^A^ & *ta ^m.oAJi« i\/uj Hassall's Food Adulteration Supernatural Religion. Vol. 3 Jack Rackett Smit h's (Robertson ) Works Low, Marston , Senrte , & Rivington (E xport Department) , Bright' fi History of the Earl y Church 188 Fleet Street , Jf . C. Stapylton's Eton Lists. Supplement

¦.« v* >. ^ *-» ¦>*• ¦¦ •# JW •.— •-• 1 «*-* ¦ «r«. JIJLIA ^ » »» ¦> w *V^* i* i*. l' p^ • » »- ,» j* »_ ^v * ^ . A ~V^xy»-B>t ^ »V VILA M. J B4 146 — ** • ' Netoton. High Street Crcydon * C , , Dublin*^ Universit y^ Magazine. Oct . 184 1 or vol. cont ainin g Traii Paction s of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society. Vol. 7 Ouseley's Musical Form. 10*. rdit. 1875 (C. P.) Chitty 'p Statutes from Ma gna Charta to 1865, 4 vols. French on Miracl es and Parables , 2 vole. I Scott's Life, by Loekhart. ro .v. 8vo. Abbotsford or earl y ed . Macduff' s Memories " of Olivet Burney ' s Voy ages in the Pacific Ocea n, r> vole. 1817 (Lond.) Memories of Gennesaret Hutcheeon' B South ern Mar tyrs. 1868 (London) Fergus Morton PourtaWs' (Cou nt) Patagonia. 1873 Husaey's Operations of G race Eyre 's Aust ralia , 2 vols. Sun % D.y *27O Strand , W.C. Rturt' s Aust ralia 2 volt> ' by Pollock . 1880 , . Spinoza s Life and Philosophy, i. « Wood' s Auatralia Caird 's Critical Account of the Phi losophy of Kant. 01 Stuart 's Australia Bayncstl a -onna ' EssaytTaaa rr on«n New"NT*«»r AnalyticA nnloftn ofrvf Logical1 nalfStl Form 6.e. i»iO°i>* Bon wick's Last of Taeir.anian ft Nye , H., Th e Grosvenor Libra ry, Tunbridge Wells Daily Life of Tasmanians Tract Ma gazine. Jul y 1882 Stokes' Australia , 2 vols. Under His 8hado w Groy'a North -West and Western Australia Bibl e Hours Gen tleman 6 Mag azine. 1864 to date In BritiHh Quarterly Review from commencement to 1868 inclun. Pearson. f .% 46 /Vi /I ^i// , 5 TF Button Lif e in T^ondon. 182 1. Frontis piece only 's Account of the Organ Case at Badnor Count Fathom , 2 vf»l». 1st ed it. Short Account of Organs built since the Time of Charles II. I Book of Gems. 3rd Series. 1888 Afabin, F., 10 Union Street, Plymouth I Lever 's Paul Goaflett' s Oonf etaion s. 1st edit. I Trw»Baotionsof tbe Library Association, U.K. Vola. 3, 4 • Cruise o»C tbe • Mid ge/ 1st edit. _ _. JM * , .. ^ ¦¦ f. "*w - y *"" ¦K ^ r '^i TA. v-j :. - :" -'.\' ¦ ¦ "' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¥ . : • . I, - - ... . — - ftCi. ¦ ¦ ¦ i i ._.. _ » _._ ii i . ! . ..i ' - ¦ ¦ - - - ' -. ' ¦ " .."" ..- ' . ' —. - ¦¦ - " .¦¦ -¦ :. '?". I . . ^^ -—— i ' '' ' ;y: :;-' .:-.J .... Jj . 'VU n ~ ffl g \

I n A The Publishers - Circ ular 253


Robson A Kerslake, 43 Cranbourn Street, Leicester Sq.—cont. Beott'8 (Sir W.) Tales of my Xandlord. 1816. Vols. 1 , 2 Microcosm _ Bob- Roy, 3 vols. 1818 iW* ¦¦ Architecture IIT AMg ¦• Sam's .- ~~ GuyXi* **^y Mannering,i 1 m y 3«^ vols.W ^**CT« 1815*. *rf «^ &W9 Dictiona ry of Painters and Germany, or an y Waverle y, 3 vols. 1814 pout's Flanders Sellon's Monolith ic Temples of India SSS Sutogs Seven Cham pions of Chr istendom. Old edit. ws Accessory Art. Two copies Evan geline, illustrated by Dick see Shadows of the Clouds. 1847 T/Sefellow's Shaks pea re, edited by Ma lone T*«rfcler fs Chare hes of Esueac . Complete set (J.) Belies of W. Cookworthy, &c. Spooner 's Military Sketches prf dean x's Sporting Ma gazine. 1793 to 1813, 1865 to 1870 SnwlTs Por celain Tower of Nankin g. 1852 ontes t of Herc ules and the Achelous. 1843 Stayley 's li fe and Opinions of an A.ctor . 1 762 Birch's (S.) C Stokes on Irish Archi tecture Parke rA Co., 6 Southampton Street, Strand. W.C. Strickland' s Queens of England . Vol. 5 Pr escott 's Ferdinand and Isabella , post 8vo. Stud Book. Vols. 10, 11, 12 Swinburne 's Songs before Sunrise. 1st edit. Phflltinon A Golder, Eastgate Rotfi * Chetter Tabellee SelecUB et Explicitee Dickens' David Copperfield. Original edit. Tanuhauser , or the Battle of the Bards. 1861 Tattersall' s Gallery of British Bacehorses p int J. W-> 20 Pittville Street * Cheltenha m Thackeray 's Works , 24 vols. 1879. Vol. 16 Bush's Letters to a Trinitarian Tom Cringle 's Log

Celtic® «.»^ *m/ Origines mum m^r -» s mm*tm m ^ -^- « - w ^i* n« -vrf- *-»»^-**«r*<« Guest' ^* ^ *^ ' (O.)^ Uzaane s ^ Livre des Sonnets BJ glow Papers, 2 vols. Villon^^m ^^ ^^ ^ '_ s Ballads^^^k^ ^ ^ ^^ 113 Broad Street, Reading Waleott' s Brit ish Birds. Vol. 1 Poynder,E. % , paper Hunan's Lif eof Christ , 8vo, Walker 's Chalfleld and W rax all large Watson!T WWtTVA *' sKM HalifaxAJ.CUAJIWA mgm ^^^^^ ^^^ Lifejm £ m ^"^ of^^^" St.^w^w Paulmmm WVM^V, 8v"^^ V o.^^ W Staw's Book on Dogs. Parts or Webster 's Works , by Dyce, imp. 8vo. of the Horse , Parts or Wh ittaker 's Craven. 1812 Sidney's Book Wilson's Catalo gue of Rembrandt Prints Birks' Bible and Modern Thou ght Hftddon 's Apostolical Succession Pocket Latin Missal Goulburn's Litur gical Gospels Biaa 's Anatom y of Sleep ». Brace s Roman Wall iv ** ¦ ^^ » ' NealevWVMv 's^» Heaa ^^^^ w^ ^mmi then mm b

mm^mmnmi^t^^m RtUgious Tract and Book Society of Scotland, Edinburgh Cruikshank'¦m, ^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ »^ i sw Comic-» ^ -w^^ b ^miv ^- Almanac.mwt^m^m »¦ »^» ¦ »^ — ¦ 1840-• ~' « *' Wilson's Golden. Fountain (Nelsons) Cnrysal , or th« Adventures of a Gui nea Ainsworth' s Jack Sheppard , 3 v. 1831), or any imperfect vols. Rldgtcay, W. f 169 Piccadilly, W. Life of EUiston . Concludin g Series Souvenirs sur Mirabeau , par E. Dumont Voltaire , Siecle de Louis XIV. Rivers, O.t 4 Quem' g Head Pa ssdge, Paternos ter Row. E.C. Robbers, J, G,, 83 Harin gvliet, Rotterdam The Distiller of London , small folio. 1725 Tlawllnson's Sixth Oriental Monarchy Crawford' s Indian Archip elago. Vol. 3 Roffey & Clark , 131 High Street, Croydon Asiat ic Researches, 12 vols. 8vo. Quiver , illustrated. Vols. 3, 4, 5, G Any Books on Ceylon Rymer , E. A., 107 Dulwich Road , S.E.

^ p^ b^^v f m> m Bdbton A Ker$1nie% 43 Craribowm Street, Leicester Square * W. Cassell'^^^ M^^ W^^ A^ ^^s Popular^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^. ^ "^. ^^. Ed ucator.c^'*^ w iw^ b^ ^ Completen* ^- ^ • •• m^ ^^^ «^ ^^ M. (J. S.) Ballads , Bagatelle and Kinder garten . 1878 Harvest Surve yor 's Best Assistant. 1845 (S. & M.) Mannin g and Bray 's Surrey Edinbur gh Review. A complete set Marlow 's Works Sampson, York Marryat' s Novels. 1st edits. J., Maraton ' Bewick's Land and Water Birds . Vol. 2. Early copy s Works , 3 vols. 1856 SHnRsby (Sir Henr y) Memoirs of Maxwell's (W. H.) Works . 1st ed its. Old Views of Scarborou gh, by Buck or Kip """Mayhew ••? "• '» *-iva »v*^^ x* 1A1 VIM? V/1UCI1 JL JUI 1C7O •"** s London in the Olden Times Ma gazine. First 3 vols. Miles' (W. H.) Life of Grlrnaldi Baily 's Miller 's Mod ern Acting Drama San dell A Smith, 136 City Road, E.C. Milton 's Parad ise Lost . 1 C88 Tinnock *8 Laws and Usages of the Church. Vols. T) , F ¦ 2 vols. 4to. 1749 Hu ghea' Female Scripture Characters. Vol. I ¦¦ Poetica^^^^h A A ¦¦ l Works^b ^a ^^ ^^ , 3_ voR_ fPickerin_^*^ _ » » g)>~ Fulle r 's Church History, crown 8vo. Vol. L Paradis e Regained. 1671 Boston 's Works . Vol«. 1 , 6, 10, 11 Moore's (T.) Lalla Rookh. 1817 Voysey' & Sling and Stone. Void. 1 , 4 Mote's (Sir T.) Utopia. ) 551 Mor ris' ^ira/ % IF. >& , 130 Sauchi ehall Street\ Glasgow (W.) Grett ier the Strong. XToout 's Contes Drolati ques. Chatto 's edit. Earthly Paradise . Unfint Balzac —~ Ringlake 's Crimea . Cabinet edit. Void . 1 , 2 Three ^N orthern Love Stor fos. Uncut Hamilton 's Meta physics. Vol. 2 --— "Volsun sr and Niblun gs. Uncut Muap rave ' Annuities. 1842. Nos. 30, 31, 32 (S.P.U.K.) s Life of Walpol e Mauri ce's What is Revelation ? Nash'».. wg ^r i i»Ul{« )VAU Dram atic Worksff tJl JtVO Rogers' Histo ry of the House of Alexander. Vol. 2 --— Mansion s. Series 2 , 2, 4. Pla in National Standard of Literature , 2 vols. 1833-34 Smith, A. 72., 36 ^So/io Square , W. Oldy 'a (W.) The British Libr arian Journal of the Ethnolo gical Society. No. for Jumo l n70 Or me's Briti»h Field Sports Pussavan fs (J. ) Peintre-Graveur , 6 vols. 18C0 Smith , O.t Bookseller, Pershore Pat more's (0.) The Espousal s Francis on Anplintf. Longman 's edit. Second-ha nd Peacock's Novels. 1st edits. Jame s' Naval History , 6 void, crown bvo. Chea p t;ojiy J eeleV Dr amatic Works Nash' a Worceaterah ire , 2 vols. Cheap copy goeadiHy Annu al Leaves from u Journal in the Highlands. 1 0s. tid. e.U " . Blanche's Kxtra vaganza« 5 volfi. 1879 Our Own Country , in parts or vols. ;Ca»Bell; l , oema on Aflfaiw of State , 4 vols. 8vo. Smith , IF. , 97 Lcndon Street, Headin g oole a (Joh n) Little Pediin ^ton Sonpra of Wrena (Tennyson 6i Hullivun ) ^ reawtt' s Mlscellaneona Essays Turki sh Harems and Ci rcisHian Homed ^™ch Almanac. 18CG , 1BT2 ; aluo a wst Petti prre w on Mumm ies 4to . 's ™

The Publishers' Circular £54 j fom ifc. BOOKS WANTED TO PUECHASE—continued.

Sotherany H. % & Co,, 77 -»^ m^r Weld' ' ^»«k s Drainage«**«&a««« ^V of^^ m. Bedford^^ m^^J ^m. *-\^ m- »-» LevelA4W V ^rf ^ Memoir oE John Burridge Benjamin's Atlantic Islands Burke's Extinct Peerage Molloy's Court Life below Stairs. Vols. 1, 2 Joh ns' British Birds. 1st edit. Williams* Practical Geodesy Mautell's Thoughts on a Pebble WasJibourn e, It., 18 Paternoster Roto, E.C, .— A Day's Ramble about Lewes Reeves* Culdees of the British Islands Moens' Through France, Belgium. &c. f by Road and Rail Webster & Larkin. GO Piccadilly,W, Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, 8vo. Molloy's High Life below Stairs. Vols. 1, 2 Hamilton's (Lady) Memoirs O'Byrne's Naval Biography Weir dt Knight, 283 Regent Streft, W. Mackenzie s Man of Feeling1, Leaves from Journal in the Highlands, 8vo. ' A good edit. Doyle's Return of the Guard* SotJteran, H., A Co., 49 Cross Street, Manchester Carlyle's Frederick , 8vo. Tol. 5 JEsop's Fables, Bewick (L.P.) Edinburgh Review. April 1859 Select Fables, Bewick (L.P.) St. John's Tour in Sutherland Adams' (R. and J.) Works in Architecture. 1773 to 1822 Jones* Holiday Papers Geneste's History of the Stagre, 10 vols. 8vo. Pusey s Minor Prophets Wesley, W.9 28 Jft*«» Street, Strand , W.C. ' United States Coast Survey, Reports, 4to. Cavendish's Debates. Vols. 3 to end Baird's Entomostraca, 8vo. (Ray Society) Confidential Correspondence of Rt. Hon. W. Wickham s Discovery Dixon's Her Majesty 's Tower, Rvo. Vol. 1 Dillon' of the Pate of La Perouse, 2 vola 8to or Smith' Vol. 2 only s Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, illustrated. 1st edit. Drury's Madagascar, small 8vo. Stevens, B. F., 4 Trafaloar Square, S.TF . Geological Society's Transactions 2nd Ser. Vol. 7, Pt 4 Journal of the Chemical Society of London. lSf>3 to 1882 Journal of Botany. 1867 , 18G8, 1869. Vols. 5, 6, 7 Price's Infinitesimal , Calculus. 1852. Vols. 1 2 Westerton, C , Knightsbridge, S% W. —¦ " *'W» m~r a.^-.B_»«w« f v.&va ^a. ^.^ VVU1VV1 X^l. ^_ t • ^_* JL/lUlVI ir»|V {I HymerJ *s Analytical^ GeometryJ of Thrpe* ' Dimensionsi-l ^» 0--Pell's Geometrical Illustrations of Differential Calculus Ralf e's Biography, 4 v. 1828 (Whitmore Fenn, Charing Cross) Naval Achievementsmm\ of Great Britain from 1793 ¦ ¦ _ _ ¦ . m to 1817 Brown's ReboiseTnent in Prance The Century^^ Magazine* ^ forrt Jan.^* 1882^ ^% ^ \ ^^ B•- ritish• ¦ • w&^^ -- ^ MedicalAMU »^ ^-» &^^ fc*> « JournalBJ ^^ »^» « *>¦>«* • .• 1A 883*~*»w'^ _J Colburn's New Monthly. No. 729 Wheldon, J., 58 Great Queen Sireet, Lincoln' s Inn Fields Stevenson , O. J., Af .A.. 12 Gore Road, SouM Ilaclney Journal of Telegraphic Engineers. Nos. 13, 14, 29, 30 31, Jones' (J. A.) Bnnhill Memorials. 184 1) 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 , 39, 40, 41, 45 Essay on Mind, lBmo. 1826 f London) Whrfdon , J., 4 Paternoster Row, B.C. Petty's History of Primitive Methodism. 1864 Florist and Fruitist. Parts 2, 4, 51 , 52, 53, 57 , CO, 67 , 6i>, 70, Kitto's Journal of Sacred Literature. All after 1866 71, 72, 82, 142, 144 s Patrician. Part 7 I Subscription Library, Hull Burke' ¦ — St. James* Magazine. Parts 1, 5, 9, 11 «• ^#«^»»v»«-» »-f u l M low •- ''Via *V L/U ^» \ | | * Jebb's Ajax.* Cam^ bridge^ Playy edit.lt« Hinton s Philosophy of Religion Gesenins ' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon , lialf-mororoo . Crouan, Florale dn Finiaterre 1852 (Bagster) Leberconte, Classification dea terrains anciens de Bretafne I Canons of the Council of Trent. Buckley 's translation Abbott's Hellenica McCombie'8 Cattle and Cattle Breeders ni/or, /.,14 Burton Crescent , W.C. Franlc Fftirletrh . Parts 1, 1ft to Voting \ II., 12 South Castle Street, Liverpool Harry Coverdalf*. Parts 1, 2, H Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8th edit. Terrific Register, 2 vols. r . g Ask Mamma. Part 10 2nd edit. Rom ford'a Houndn. Part u 10. 11 Jarman and Bythewood's Conveyancing. >^ Handley Cross, l^arts 12, 15, 17 to to PURCHASE, WALPOLE S Trencher, If . <£ C, Booksellers, Brighton WANTED ''law* ¦^ w r ^* » y ^^ VI»^ #«^*««VV^t^V *• I 171, 'ir Rogers Every^ Boy'H Annual . 1880 LETTERS , 9 vols., Bentley ; , MisBfonary Enterprise in the Ka.it Talk' ; Kni ght 's or Finher 's ' Port rai t Gallery Nasmyth' s The Moon Collections. Ho0** Burke'fi Peerage. 1881 ] also, Portraits in Volumes or 1 purchased in any qua ntit y for Cash. Cat&™&1 Tubbs, lirnok, «>t n Gratis. A. Ja ckson , 224 G reat I TeunvBon 'M Poern s, with Itof aetti' fj illiiftt rattona. lh.r,7 London , W. . . __ . Gri nUo u 'M Manclir.-»tc*r Flora Herrick'fl Poems. Cheap ftvnl)1re Domfsday, with translation also .Secondhand rntaloguen. List of Wa ntsi |J Chatter* on China Marks, 8fo. 1870 Char loM Hutt , Clement 's Inn Gateway, ^ ' R,, 18 Brown Streetf Manchester Wa rdteicorth, T. Lond on. t ' A Century of Painters and Painting, by Redgrave Bro?. The Publishers' Circular I 1, Wao A 2« March _____ SPICE R BROT HERS, 19 NEW BRIDGE STREET, LONDON, E.C. MILLS—ALTO N, HAMP SHIRE ,

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