Mahasthangarh: an Underrated History

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Mahasthangarh: an Underrated History Mahasthangarh: An underrated history Introduction Bangladesh, a land with a history that goes way beyond its fifty years of recognition, is studded with beads of culture and rich heritage. Specimens of lucrative literary scriptures and ruins of civilizations that date back to hundreds of years from now are an inseparable part of who we are. Starting from the Mauryan dynasty to the successive emperorship of Gupta, Pala, and the Mughals have left significant imprints on our lives and culture. But with land this fulfilling, comes responsibilities. As citizens of Bangladesh, it is our innate duty to do whatever we can from our stances to preserve these reminiscences of our background. But unfortunately, these historical heritages in our country are far from getting their deserving respect and position as sites of wonder and speculation. Poor management, lack of government initiatives, and a serious lack of awareness in the general population are some of the major issues obstructing the course of development for these sites. We still have a long way to go in ensuring the preservation of landmarks like Mahasthangarh, Paharpur Buddha Bihar, and many other similar historically enriched archeological sites. According to UNESCO, Bangladesh has three landmarks that are of historical and natural significance and are recognized as world heritage. However, if proper flourishment can be ensured, a lot of our historical sites have the potential to gain the same recognition. This report of Antique Tales presented by SDG360 focuses on one such site in particular and the possible measures that can bring it back to the spotlight after hundreds of years. Background of the site Mahasthangarh, located in Shibganj sub-district under the Bogra district, contains the remains of an ancient city named Pundranagara of the kingdom of Pundravardhana. With traces of civilization that dates back to at least the 3rd century BCE, Mahasthangarh was a crucial center and capital for many of the empires that ruled the region over the years. Currently, it is the oldest urban archeological site discovered in Bangladesh so far. Thus, upholding a significant rank in the list of our historical landmarks. The word “Mahasthan'' symbolizes a place that is great and high in respect to its sanctity and importance. And the word “Garh'' etymologically means fort. Measuring 1,525 meters North-South in length, 1,370 meters East-West in breadth, and 5 meters high above ground level, Mahasthangarh presents extensive ruins of a glorious past of about two thousand and five hundred years. From archaeological evidence, it is derived that Mahasthangarh was the provincial capital of the Mauryans, the Guptas, the Palas, and the Feudal Hindu kings of the later periods. Other than the citadel, other ancient ruins found within a radius of 7/8 km testify to the existence of extensive suburbs. Pilgrims and famous travelers from around the world have visited and spoken highly of the city including Yuan Chwang, a famous Chinese pilgrim. The whole area is intricately structured with Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim sites. The Buddhists were here until at least the 11th century. The ruling of the Buddhist Pala emperors of North Bengal from the 8th to 11th century B.C was the golden period for this city. The city flourished in literature, art, and culture throughout this time range. It is from this period that most of the visible remains belong. According to a Brahmin scripture written in Prakrit, discovered from the ruins, the citadel is assumed to be first constructed under the Mauryan empire in the 3rd century B.C. A mausoleum, a temple site, remnants of an ancient palace with an ancient well the names of these given respectively, Mausoleum of Shah Sultan Mahisawar Balkhi, Bairgir Bhita Parshuram’s Palace, Jiyat Kunda are major attractions of Mahasthangarh. Residential blocks in the eastern rampart area are also the major attractions of Mahasthangarh. Govinda Bhita, where remnants of two Buddhist temples remain is also another highlight of the place. On the opposite side of the Govinda Bhita, on the northern side of the citadel is The Mahasthangarh Archeological Museum. It is a small but well-organized museum that holds a collection of pieces recovered from the archeological site. Statues of Hindu and Buddhist gods and goddesses, delicately crafted Terracotta plaques depicting the daily life of the eras as well as some well-preserved bronze images found in nearby monastery ruins that date back to even the pre-Pala period. The rest of the site is an uneven structure of hillocks and ruins that shed a nostalgic light on its past glory. Overall Situation Analysis Mahasthangarh isn’t exactly what you’d call a crowded tourist site but a healthy amount of visitors drop by every day to get a slight sense of our background and heritage. The archeological museum is well maintained and has strict regulation policies. The pricing of the museum tickets varies for locals and foreigners, being tax inclusive for the latter. The main hillock that presumably was the center of Pundranagar has been surrounded by iron fences and gates that open and close at specific times of the day. An addition of a relatively new cafeteria and sitting arrangements has been made in 2017, making the place far more presentable than it previously had been. However, the previously permitted picnic gathering at the site has been restricted by the authority in charge, significantly lowering local visits and school excursions This decision has a two-way impact since a lot of these events can cause reckless damages to the property as well. Although there has been a series of developmental changes to Mahasthangarh over the years, there still are a few aspects that need immediate attention for the site to further stand out. For instance, there are no residential hotels or even good restaurants in the area. Tourists have to travel a distance of 30 minutes by car to reach the town of Bogra for decent food and a sober place to stay. Tourists who are not local might find this as a serious hindrance to their visit. But even the locals here have a story to share. Since Mahasthangarh is typically a village, people living in the area are usually seen selling street food to the visitors or items of handicrafts and booklets about the stories and myths surrounding the citadel. However, upon asking them whether this source is sufficient enough to maintain their livelihood, they’ve all answered in the negative. Unfortunately, even official employees of the place have similar concerns. One of whom (they’d prefer to keep their anonymity) stated that they have been working for the site for 16 consecutive years now and still haven’t gained recognition as a permanent staff member. On top of that, their salary is claimed to be only 9,100 BDT a month which is hardly enough to maintain an entire family. Lastly, it is worth mentioning that the personnel in charge of the location were unwilling to share any information about the site or their system of preservation with us. There were no foreign visitors’ insight and the natives estimated a very small scale of the tourists being from outside the country. There were no guides available to help visitors navigate through the site, officially appointed or otherwise. Scope for Betterment and Improving Upon proper observation and analysis of the overall situation of the place, we’ve summed up our remarks into a few points. Implementation of which by the government, NGOs, and the mass population will result in manifold flourishment of Mahasthangarh as a crucial historical heritage. ● Vast publicity of the site and its historical standpoint on both national and international level is very significant for Mahasthangarh to gain its rightful recognition. ● The authority in charge of the site should be well budgeted and it is to be made sure that the plans sketched out ensure effectiveness. Employees should be well paid. ● A few official tourism guides should be appointed who will ensure the maximum satisfaction of the visitors who are interested in knowing the vastly inclusive background of the ruins. ● Local businesses that depend on the site should be provided more scopes and opportunities to showcase their products that are unique to the place thus sparking a special interest in tourists and visitors while simultaneously improving the local economy. ● Quality residential hotels and restaurants should be established within a few miles radius of the spot so tourists don’t have to hesitate on that note. Conclusion All in all, Mahasthangarh has come a long way since its discovery but there’s still a long road ahead. It is one of the few shreds of evidence that show how far back we go as a race and a socio-cultural unit. The marvelous stories centering this city, the splendid work of arts, terracottas, literary scriptures make this a place worth preserving at all cost. But it all comes down to a general awareness and a sense of importance for the place. As long as we are conscious of the weight these archeological ruins hold and work towards it, solutions for these sites to gain recognition will pave their way. Bangladesh is a country full of wonders. Every city, every division has its unique tale. All we need is to realize the potential that hides, not so subtly, within this land..
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