Ordering Party: POLENERGIA S.A. ul. Krucza 24/26, 00-526 Warszawa NIP: 526-18-88-932 Contact person: Basis: Marta PORZUCZEK The order placed on 28/05/2019 e-mail:
[email protected] mobile: +48 609 909 702 Subject of the study: The acoustic audit for the planned D ębsk Wind Farm to the needs of the application to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Performed by: Checked by: Marcin MARECKI MSc acoustician Jacek SZULCZYK PhD vibroacoustician June 2019 1. SCOPE OF THE REPORT The report includes acoustic analysis from the planned D ębsk Wind Farm. The report includes: a) Presenting the ambient noise levels which have been determined by using real noise measurements which come from existing noise sources (neighbouring wind turbines, local industry and / or services and communication routes), b) Inventory of sensitive residential areas protected against noise and setting noise limits for them. Noise limits are based on the area inspection of the planned farm and on the basis of the analysis of the existing planning documents, c) Noise modeling for planned wind turbines, which was shown by means of the noise range for the time of the day and the night time, d) Calculation of the cumulative effect, i.e. including the already existing wind turbines and the planned D ębsk Wind Farm in the noise modeling, e) Performing noise calculations for the construction stage of a farm for an exemplary location of a wind turbine. Page | 2 2. ANALYSIS OF THE AMBIENT SOUND LEVELS - THE CHARACTERISTIC OF THE ACOUSTIC CLIMATE FOR THE INVESTMENT AREA The Kuczbork-Osada and Żuromin communes, where the construction of the D ębsk Wind Farm is planned, are rural communes.