Memorial to Louis Caryl Graton 1880-1970

DONALD H. McLAUGHLIN Homestake Mining Company, San Francisco, California

A long span of life was granted to Louis Caryl Graton and he used it well. His active career as a scientist and a skilled professional in the field of mining geology, starting at the turn of the century, extended over a period of dramatic achievement in the geological sciences and in their many applications in the search for ores. Throughout these years of growth and change, Graton was alert and eager to appraise and master new concepts, as knowledge advanced in a broad front, and to utilize them in his own efforts to improve our understanding of geological processes and particularly of those by which ore deposits were brought about. To him, the methods of the scientist observation, experimentation and reasoning from the data were a cherished way of life, which was enhanced by the satisfaction he derived fromapplying his talents to practical ends in assisting governmental agencies and mining enterprises. Teaching was a vital part of his career, and to an extraordinary degree his students became involved in the research activities and in the succession of professional services that deeply engaged his interest. He was outstanding as an organizer of studies directed to specific major problems and as a leader of teams of geologists assembled for their solution. When significant results were obtained, he generously shared their publication with his younger colleagues or assisted themto attain independent status as authors. His most important papers, however, were those on which he worked alone, aided by his own wide range of knowledge and inspired by his ardent convictions concerning the direction in which the evidence pointed. Caryl Graton was born on June 10, 1880, in Parma, a small town in Monroe County, New York, where his father, Louis Graton, a native of Quebec, had met and married a young school teacher, Ella Gould. From his parents he acquired not only the sturdy qualities that made for longevity, but also a strict and clear sense of values that governed his life, not the least of which was an appreciation of the rewards to be won by hard consistent effort directed by a well-disciplined imagination. His younger years were spent in Hornell, New York, where he received his early schooling. He responded well to good teachers and his bent for science was revealed at an early age by the selection of “The Life of Louis Pasteur” as the subject of his address as Valedictorian upon graduation from high school at the age of sixteen. A scholarship won by successful completion of the State Regents examination made il possible for him to enroll in in the autumn of 1896. In his

33 34 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA undergraduate years. Heinrich Ries and R. S. Tarr gave him his first formal instruction in geology and A. G. Gill in mineralogy and petrography. Chemistry, however, nearly became his major interest. Indeed, Graton’s first publication, which dates from his sophomore year, was the result of a study with a fellow student on the system water, alcohol and potassium nitrate. The paper appeared in the second volume of the Journal of Physical Chemistry in 1898. After receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1900, he spent the next two years in Canada in a succession of jobs that gave him his first experience in the mining districts of Ontario, including a short time at the Frood mine near Sudbury, which he came to know intimately in his much later association with the International Nickel Company. One winter season was spent in study at McGill University, where his progress in geology and mineralogy was advanced by work with Frank D. Adams and B. J. Harrington. Appointment as a demonstrator in chemistry that year should also be noted as his first engagement that involved teaching. Young Graton’s good work as an undergraduate, as well as his record in Canada, led to the winning of the Schuyler Scholarship, which enabled him to return to Cornell for graduate study in 1902-1903. A truly notable event at this stage of his career was the good fortune at the conclusion of his year at Cornell to be engaged by as an assistant, which was the beginning not only of his service on the United States Geological Survey, but of his close association with this eminent and wise geologist, whom he held throughout his life as a revered master and a close friend. An early assignment was to the Cripple Creek district. There he participated in the field work under the direction of Lindgren and F. L. Ransome, on which Professional Paper No. 54 was based. The section on petrology in this now classic work was prepared by Graton. These studies of the rocks and ores in the roots of an ancient crater marked the beginning of Graton’s life-long involvement with problems concerned with volcanic phenomena. The relationship between such geologic events and ore deposition became a subject that constantly held his attention and led him in his search for data not only into the depths of mines in old vents, as at Cerro de Pasco, but into the air when, from a small plane, he peered into the explosive clouds during an eruption of Paricutfn. Graton’s close association with Lindgren continued in subsequent assignments in New Mexico, leading to collaboration in another outstanding Professional Paper (No. 68), as well as several additional publications during the six years he was on the Survey. He worked independently, however, on the gold and tin deposits of the Southern Appalachians and was still involved with field and laboratory studies of the copper deposits in Shasta County, California, when he left Washington in 1909 to join the Harvard faculty. In addition to these activities, which were of inestimable value to a rising young geologist, he was given the task of assembling the data on copper in two successive volumes of Mineral Resources of the United States. This introduction to the facts of production, costs and metal prices, all related to profits in the mining industry, expanded his interests in a new direction. Although matters of this sort perhaps only provided background for his primary concern with the scientific aspects of ore deposition, they gave him an appreciation of the contributions made by LOUIS CARYL GRATON 35

engineers, managers, and financial leaders that made him, in his later years, a valued associate in the administration of mining enterprises. On June 30, 1906, a young friend of days in Hornell, Josephine Edith Bowman, became his wife in time to share some of his early experiences in the field while he was still on the Survey, among which was a rather hot summer in Shasta County, California, then far from the comfortable resort area it now is. During the remainder of their married life, she made their home in Cambridge a place that successive generations of students remembered for the warm and friendly hospitality they enjoyed and for the encouragement she gave them to include more than geology in their current enthusiasms. At the time Graton was apointed Assistant Professor of Economic Geology at Harvard University, the curriculum in mining engineering was still in existence there and he taught students in this school as well as in the Department of Geology and Geography under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. After three years, he was promoted to Professor of Mining Geology and thirty-three years later he succeeded his old friend and colleague, R. A. Daly, as Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology, which chair he held until he became Professor Emeritus in 1949. For forty years, his service to Harvard was practically uninterrupted in spite of many demands upon him from agencies of the government and a number of mining enterprises that sought his aid in their problems. Throughout this long period, his life was filled with tasks, both academic and professional, that completely absorbed him. His teaching and research benefitted from this wide range of activities as well as the organizations that called upon him for advice. Engagements outside the university, however, appealed to him only if they offered opportunity to enlarge his knowledge of ore deposits and of the techniques necessary to make them of value as sources of metals. One of the first projects undertaken by Graton after he became a professor was a comprehensive study in the field and laboratory of certain copper ores that was designated “The Secondary Enrichment Investigation.” It was directed specifically to the geologic processes by which copper ore bodies—and particularly the immense deposits of disseminated sulphides known as the “porphyry coppers”—were increased in grade by the redeposition of copper, principally as the mineral chalcocite, that had been leached in the course of weathering from overlying parts of the deposit. Under the economic conditions and the state of the arts of mining and metallurgy that then prevailed, only those portions of the disseminated sulphide deposits that had been thus enriched were likely to be of commercial grade. Today, higher copper prices and greatly improved technology have lessened the importance of this distinction, but in 1914 supergene alteration by which lean deposits were raised in grade was a critical factor in determining the difference between ore and waste. The need for scientific study of this phenomenon, when clearly expounded as Graton could do so well, elicited the necessary financial support from a group of mining companies and the attack on the problem was organized in a broad way, worthy of the best Geological Survey or academic standards. Field and laboratory studies by a staff of geologists that included Alan M. Bateman, Augustus Locke, and E. H. Perry with some younger 36 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA assistants, among whom I had the privilege of being numbered, were supplemented with experiments at the Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory under the direction of E. T. Allen, Eugene Posnjak, E. G. Zeis, and H. E. Merwin on systems related to conditions under which chalcocite and other sulphides were formed. The pioneer work of Joseph Murdock at Harvard on the identification of ore minerals on polished surfaces under the reflecting microscope, which had already been initiated in Graton’s laboratory, became an essential technique that was most helpfully employed throughout the investigation. It was the first of the efforts in this field to which Graton and his co-workers made so many important contributions over the years. The attention directed to chalcocite led to studies in many districts as well as in the laboratory to distinguish the characteristics of this mineral where it was clearly of secondary origin from those where it appeared to be formed by processes not related to superficial alteration. The extraordinarily rich chalcocite ores at Kennecott, Alaska, were among those investigated in the field in 1915 and 1916. A few weeks with Graton, in the course of a summer season that I spent with Alan Bateman in this district were memorable not only for seeing these unique and amazingly rich deposits at an exciting stage of their development, but also for experiences shared in the midst of glaciers and lofty peaks that included somy dizzy rides on aerial tram-ways and many hours in cold mine workings. In spite of the chilly surroundings, arguments were lively and heated, for it was only with extreme reluctance that Graton gave up his efforts to convince us that the chalcocite there, as well as much of it associated with bornite in deep mines elsewhere, was of supergene origin. Controversies, however, even when pushed with vigor, did not lessen mutual respect, for he was an opponent who was scornful only of shoddy observations and illogical arguments. The complications of the war years interrupted the Secondary Enrichment Investigation and unfortunately no comprehensive summary of the work was ever prepared. Most of the results, however, were published in a succession of papers, twenty-one in all, which clearly revealed the high return both to science and to the mining organizations that came from these efforts. During the war years of 1917 to 1919, Graton served as secretary of the Copper Producers Association, which intensified his interest in the problems of production and utilization of this essential metal. He also was called upon by the Internal Revenue Service in the formulation of rational procedures in dealing with depletion as a factor in the taxation of mining enterprises. Graton felt strongly that in taxing the income from a mine a distinction should be made between the return of a capital asset as represented by ownership of an ore deposit and the true profits from the venture. This involved him in the study of methods of valuation of mining properties and eventually led him to support a compromise that became known as percentage depletion which he regarded as a reasonable and workable procedure to satisfy this complicated and still somewhat controversial concept. Shortly after the close of the war, certain geological work initiated by the Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation at its mines in Peru had reached a stage where the need for much more intensive study was clearly indicated, and Graton, in 1920, was engaged as consulting geologist to organize and establish the pattern for the enlarged efforts. LOUIS CARYL GRATON 37

During the five years I was there at the start of this work, Graton’s occasional visits stimulated everyone concerned with the application of geology in the active mining districts and in the search for new deposits throughout the adjacent Andes. As I recall those days, some of us may have been a bit inconsiderate in the pace we imposed on him, forgetting in our enthusiasm the rare air at elevations over 14,000 feet and the harshness of Peruvian saddles were not easy to endure after months in Cambridge. Even so, he kept up with us and showed no signs of relaxing in the sharpness of his observations and in the critical and helpful comments he made on progress of our work. Graton’s association with the Cerro organization continued throughout the remainder of his active professional life, for after he retired as consulting geologist in 1950 he continued until 1967 as a member of the board of directors of the corporation to which he had been elected in 1945. In that capacity, he made valuable contributions to a wide range of problems, including those involving major financial and technical decisions, but his primary concern was always with ore supply on which the life of the enterprise in Peru depended. A shorter professional engagement following the war was a joint study undertaken by the U. S. Geological Survey and the Calumet and Hecla Company—to a large extent resulting from Graton’s instigation-of the native copper ores of the Keewanaw peninsula. Again, a notable staff was assembled and an investigation of outstanding scientific stature was undertaken, leading to the publication of Professional Paper No. 144 under the authorship of B. S. Butler, W. S. Burbank, and Graton. In this work, rock textures bearing on the relative permeability of types of lava tops and of conglomerates that were the loci of the deposits of native copper ore were distinguished with meticulous care and the relationship of specific features of these rocks to ore deposition was established with a high degree of assurance. The role of ferric oxide in causing the deposition of metallic copper instead of copper sulphide minerals was thoroughly studied in both the field and the laboratory, and conclusions were reached concerning these unique deposits that marked an important advance beyond formerly held theories of origin. Geological studies in other mining districts, initiated by Graton, followed the same general pattern. His conviction that good science promoted good exploration and mining made him a persuasive advocate for such studies by mining companies. A notable project of this sort was organized for the Hollinger Mining Company, where for a couple of years a strong team of geologists, that included H. E. McKinstry and John K. Gustafson, studied the swarm of gold-bearing veins in the Timmins area. By detailed mapping, mostly underground, a clearer understanding was gained of the sequence of ancient lavas and included sediments which had considerable bearing on the distribution of ore in this intricately folded terrain. One of the most rewarding associations that Graton enjoyed for close to twenty years was with the International Nickel Company of Canada which gave him opportunity to work with the highly competent geologists engaged by the company to study the nickel-copper ores of the Sudbury district with a thoroughness hardly possible under other auspices. Arthur B. Yates, who became chief geologist of the company, was among those who joined him at the start of this work. As his familiarity 38 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA with these great deposits increased, he became even more strongly convinced that the sulphides there were essentially of magmatic origin, derived from a melt rather than deposited from more tenuous fluids that might have some resemblance to those to which the term hydrothermal could be applied. He firmly supported the prevailing hypothesis that the norite magma was the source of the metals, though he recognized the complications created by the close relation of the ores to masses of fragmental rock generally of more heterogeneous composition than a simple norite breccia. These, however, he was inclined to regard more as episodes in the final differentiation and emplacement of the norite body than as later ore-bearing intrusives. The influence of Graton on the thinking of the succession of brilliant geologists who have served on the staff of the Nickel Company is widely recognized throughout the organization. His ideas never failed to provoke responses that were beneficial in stimulating efforts to make the fullest and wisest use of the geologic sciences. As a consultant, he rarely became deeply concerned with the detailed procedures of the mining geologists, particularly those involved with mapping structures and the es­ sentially geometrical exercises concerned with delineation of specific targets in the search for ore. He appreciated the critical importance of such work, however, and indeed emphasized the need for precision and completeness in preparation of all rec­ ords; but his own most valuable contribution was the stimulation of thinking about broad problems of the geology and their bearing on the source of the metals and on the distribution of ore in a region or a district. Even when his ideas aroused opposi­ tion, they never failed to improve the performance of a good team. Throughout his entire career, Graton’s dominant scientific interest was clearly the geologic, chemical, and physical processes by which ore deposits were formed. Magma as the source of the fluids from which the metals were deposited was a basic concept in his thinking, as revealed by the succession of papers dealing with the crystallization of silicate melts and the concentration and separation of the metals in the gases and liquids given off in the course of this process. He was concerned about the texture of the containing rocks and structures that influenced the migration of metal-bearing fluids. He did not neglect the later changes imposed on the original deposits by weath­ ering—as indeed was exhibited in his early interest in secondary enrichment—but his thoughts and attention, both in the field and in his writings, constantly turned to the processes most closely connected with igneous activities. (Indeed, I remember in our early days in Peru standing with Graton in the old Casapalca smelter and hearing him remark as we watched the molten matte pouring from a furnace, “What a fascinating process it is! Perhaps I should have been a pyro-metallurgist.”) The origin and distribution of volcanic heat, the transfer of metals by hot fluids, and the deposition of successions of minerals, as the transporting agency rose through zones of changing temperature and pressure and as it encountered different rocks and formations, presented problems that he sought to understand not only from his obser­ vations of the end results but from his reasoning based on the work of competent geo­ chemists and geophysicists whom he highly respected. The nature of the ore-forming fluid was a subject on which he held positive and well-defended views that no student of ore deposition can afford to neglect. The pre­ cise way that metal-bearing fluids could separate from a crystallizing or solidifying magma was of particular concern to him, as revealed by his several outstanding papers in which he presented and skillfully supported conclusions based both on his observa­ LOUIS CARYL GRATON 39 tions and on results of others, particularly those obtained from chemical experiments that he regarded as pertinent to the problem. From the end products now revealed in veins and wall rocks and from imaginative analyses of the evidence, he sought a basis for prediction of the changes to be expected in specific ore bodies as they were fol­ lowed in depth, which he was willing to express when he felt the evidence was ade­ quate, by bold recommendations either to terminate deeper exploration or to under­ take costly work to test the ground. The confidence Graton had that the strong veins in the Casapalca district in Peru would continue to be ore bearing to much greater depth was a strong factor in the decision of the Cerro de Pasco Corporation to drive an eleven kilometer adit under most difficult conditions of water and heat. The tunnel bears Graton’s name and is a tribute to his strong geologic convictions that is richly deserved. In 1939, the staff geologists at Cerro de Pasco noted crystals in vugs in pyritic copper-lead-silver ores that they could not identify. It was subsequently deter­ mined by Palache and Fisher to be a new mineral—a lead, arsenic sulphide—to which the name gratonite was given. Although not abundant, it proved to be fairly common in the complex ores of this old district and to be a very worthy species to be desig­ nated in his honor. Graton’s paper in support of a hydrothermal origin for the extensive gold ores of the Witwatersrand in the Transvaal is generally regarded as a notable contribution to geologic thought about the origin of these ores even by the many who disagree with him. It surely provoked new and enlightening study of the abundant evidence and stimulated more careful appraisal of a prevailing hypothesis that had perhaps been too uncritically accepted. Graton sought to explain the close association of gold with cer­ tain persistent and relatively thin layers of conglomerate as the result of their more permeable texture in the assemblage of sediments that had led to specific beds be­ coming the channelways utilized selectively by rising gold-bearing hydrothermal solu­ tions. His arguments in support of this idea are closely reasoned, but few of the geolo­ gists familiar with the problem are likely to give up their belief that these extensive deposits are ancient placers in which the gold was reworked at some later stage or stages in the regional metamorphism. Graton was an inveterate traveller, but he always travelled for a purpose. The changes in ore deposits as they were followed in depth were a persistent interest that led him to visit almost all the deep mines of the world. From these observations in many mines, his concepts of the depth zones in ore deposition were reinforced and elaborated, perhaps to a degree that was a bit idealized, but yet that helpfully supple­ mented the ideas Lindgren had expressed so convincingly in his classification of ore deposits of hydrothermal origin. Among the deep mines he visited was the famous Morro Velho Mine in Brazil where he collaborated with Guy N. Bjorge in a careful study of this famous gold deposit, leading to a report of outstanding quality. His attention was also attracted to the way the walls of deep workings, particularly in brittle rocks, broke into thin sharp-edged flakes and fragments as if in tension along fractures roughly parallel to the free face. He published very little on this subject, but called the attention of other workers to many problems since developed with precision by specialists in rock mechanics. His own concern with the phenomena most likely arose from the bearing that fracturing of this sort had on the nature and permeability 40 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA of channelways utilized by rising metal-bearing solutions. It did, however, lead to some lively debate with investigators such as Bridgemen, Birch, and Griggs on the mechanics of failure of cavities under extreme pressure that were enlightening perhaps to all concerned. In spite of these far-flung activities, both in pursuit of evidence to support his cherished concepts and in connection with professional work, Graton was most faithful to his duties at Harvard. Administrative details he like to leave to others, but he had time to cast a critical eye on performance of chairmen of departments or of committees, as I knew well from long association with him when I had such responsibilities. For most of his years at Harvard, his office and laboratory were in the Rotch Building, a rather charming gabled brick structure. He was, however, always restive in these somewhat inadequate quarters and never lost hope that an appropriation or a gift would be forthcoming from which facilities could be provided on a scale that he regarded as vital in an age of expanding science. Even so, with all its shortcomings, the old building created an atmosphere of informality and comradeship in study and research that is often lost in the austere ambiance of modern architecture. Graton lived to see the building of the fine Hoffman laboratory, named for the family of a former student (Robert D. Hoffman) who was a generous donor as well as a highly successful geologist and entrepreneur. He took immense satisfaction in knowing that studies close to his heart would be well housed in the future, though the structure was completed too late for him to benefit by it. From the initial work with Joseph Murdock, scarcely a year passed without some improvement in the techniques of preparing specimens of ore for study under the microscope by both reflected and transmitted light. Impatience with the relief on surfaces resulting from polishing minerals of unequal hardness led to the development of the Graton-Vanderwilt machine that produced surfaces so close to a plane that boundaries, even between hard and soft minerals, were sharp and easily photographed at magnifications as high as 6,000. (John Vanderwilt, after his work at Harvard, went on to a distinguished career in economic geology and eventually to the presidency of the Colorado School of Mines-achievements toward which the exacting discipline required in work with Graton undoubtedly contributed.) To take full advantage of these excellent surfaces required a microscope with improved precision of focusing and stability of mounting. With the cooperation of a young associate, E. B. Dane, Jr., such an instrument was built. Novel devices for sampling and for testing of hardness of extremely small grains were also developed to improve the techniques of identifying minerals. Finally, even though the surroundings were far from ideal to Graton’s way of thinking, facilities were available in the old Rotch Building for the study of ores that few laboratories then could match. At times, Graton could be a sharp critic, as he was to the luckless student or even colleague who might present slides or exhibits that were not up to what he regarded as proper standards. Occasionally this spirit crept into scientific discussion, particularly when he was attacking a complacently held hypothesis. His intensity in support of what he believed to be right aroused sharp exchanges now and then. I offended him once by commenting that the legal profession had lost a brilliant member when he LOUIS CARYL GRATON 41 turned to geology. But like a good lawyer, his intensity in heated professional debate quickly subsided and well-established friendships were rarely, if ever, disturbed. Teaching and research were intimately mingled in Gratpn’s life. The setting up of a plan for research in the field and in the laboratory was a natural response whenever he ran into blank spots where progress was blocked by lack of factual data. Wherever obstacles were encountered-in teaching, in guidance of exploration, or in reaching decisions on policies of mining companies-he always met the challenge of finding the means to overcome them by carefully planned tests of one sort or another. His research surely added excitement and richness to his relations with his students, undergraduate as well as graduate. The current controversy in academic circles over teaching versus research would have had little meaning for him, for these activities were so intermingled in his life that no sharp distinction could be made between them. In his later years, Graton became distrubed by what seemed to be the increasingly wide separation between scientists and professional geologists in the mining industry who were engaged in finding and developing ore bodies. He felt that many of the latter had become so involved with the technicalities and so dominated by immediate demands of their daily tasks that they were not sufficiently aware of current advances in basic research that could be most helpful to them; and on the other side, too many of those interested exclusively in the pure aspects of the sciences had become almost insulated from the professional workers who were primarily responsible for achieving useful ends and who often could indicate where deficiencies in our knowledge existed. His proposals, however, for an agency specifically organized to close this “gap,” as he called it, were regarded as a bit too ambitious when he presented them to a knowledgeable group at one of the last meetings he attended, but the criticism he expressed and his desire for better coordination between science and industry led to serious and helpful discussions. It also revealed Graton’s undiminished enthusiasm, even in these closing years of his active life, for aggressive efforts to improve the quality of the science and art of ore finding. The number and eminence of the scientific and professional societies in which Graton was a member or a fellow testify to the breadth of his interests as well as to the esteem in which he was held, not only in the United States but in many foreign lands. Among the many organizations, I am inclined to think that the Society of Economic Geologists, in which he was a charter member, was particularly high in his regard which was warmly reciprocated by his associates who awarded him the Penrose Medal in 1950 for “outstanding achievements in the earth sciences.” Graton held a fellowship in the following: American Association for Advancement of Science; Geological Society of America; Geological Society of London; Geological Association of Canada; and Mineralogical Society of America. He also held membership in: American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; Geochemical Society; Geological Society of Belgium; Geological Society of South Africa; Geophysical Union; Mexican National Academy; Mining and Metallurgical Society; Society of Economic Geologists; South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and Sociedad Geologica del Peru. He was President of the Society of Economic Geologists in 1931 . 42 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA

The place Gruton occupied in the ranks of mining men, as represented by the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, was well revealed by the dedication to him and to his old friend Reno H. Sales of the two volumes entitled Ore Deposits in the United States 1933-67. This work was designated to present the wealth of new information on American ore deposits that had become available since the publication of the Lindgren Volume in 1933. Graton himself was one of the few geologists who appeared as an author in both and his two contributions—Chapter V in the Lindgren Volume entitled The Hydrothermal Depth-Zones and Chapter 81 in the Graton-Sales Volume entitled Lindgren's Ore Classification after Fifty Years— revealed the trend of his thought over the interval, as well as his conviction that by far the best guidance in the search for ore deposits was to be found by understanding their genesis. Although Graton had completed numerous studies worthy of a Ph. D., he postponed meeting the formal requirements for the degree until 1930, when he submitted a thesis and presented himself for an examination by a committee of the faculty at Cornell University which 1 presume must have been an enjoyable gathering of old friends. Harvard University awarded him the degree, Master of Arts, upon his retirement from active service in 1949. Graton was honored somewhat later by the Regents of the University of California, upon recommendation of the faculty, by the award of the degree of LLD. The hood was placed on his shoulders at the Charter Day Celebration in February 1964, on the Riverside campus with the citation: Distinguished earth scientist, Professor Emeritus of mining geology at Harvard University, who during a long career has contributed signally to both the academic and the practical aspects of his chosen profession. For fifty years a leader in the study of ore deposits and the processes by which they originate and noted also for his original work in mineragraphy and volcanology. An inspiring teacher, he has, through the accomplishments of his many outstanding students, added greatly to the impact of his own personal achievements. The University of California salutes him today and welcomes him to honorary membership in its company.

Several of his former students, then holding professorships in the University of California, were present at the ceremony. At a subsequent gathering in Berkeley in his honor many more who held positions of distinction in the academic world, in bureaus and in tire mining industry in the West, were on hand to welcome him. It was a happy occasion and in spite of failing health, Graton clearly enjoyed it. If success as a teacher is to be measured by the record of the men who have studied with him, Graton deserves particularly high rating among geologists. Many attained acadcmic posts of distinction, others have directed the geological activities of large mining companies, and still others have served in agencies of the federal and state governments. A number have been lured from geology by assuming administrative responsibilities as directors of bureaus or surveys. Several fell from grace by becoming officers of major mining corporations and two were diverted from geology to being appointed presidents of technical institutions, but even under such handicaps most of them continued with considerable success to sustain their interest in geology. LOUIS CARYL GRATON 43

Mrs. Josephine Graton died in Cambridge at about the close of her husband’s active career at Harvard, a loss that greatly saddened her many close friends and admirers. Shortly after, Graton moved to New Haven which served as a nearer base for his continuing engagements in New York and where he enjoyed a renewed academic association as an Honorary Fellow in Yale University. His son, Bowman Graton, continues to live in the Boston area where he is a successful architect. His daughter, Josephine, now lives in Bend, Oregon, after a colorful life in many mining districts with her husband, Philip Chase, who is also to be listed among Graton’s outstanding students. On March 5, 1953, he married an old friend of many years, Mrs. Marion Petitpain Hart, who was a devoted and most helpful companion, particularly in his time of declining health and physical energy. Caryl Graton’s death occurred on July 22, 1970, in a nursing home in New Haven after a long illness. The debt owed by the many who at intervals were associated with him, as students, colleagues, or participants in professional work in the mining world, is a large one. Graton’s personality was so distinctive and vivid that his memory will re­ main particularly clear and warm to the many who knew him and especially to those whose careers were influenced and whose lives were enriched by his warm friendship and his wise counsel. The best and indeed the only means of repaying it is in service to the ideals and aims he inspired.

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LOUIS CARYL GRATON 1898 (with Dodge, N.), Alcohol water and potassium nitrate: Jour. Phys. Chem., v. 2, p. 498-501. 1903 Up and down the Mississaga: Ont. Bur. Mines 12th Ann. Rept., v. 12, p. 157-172. 1902 On the petrographical relations of the Laurentian limestones and the granite in the township of Glamorgan, Haliburton County, Ontario: Canadian Rec. Sci., v. 9, p. 1-38. 1905 The Carolina tin belt: U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 260, p. 188-195. ------(with Schaller, W. T.), Purpurite, a new mineral: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., v. 20, p. 146-1 51; also in Zeitsch. Kryst., v. 41, p 433-438. ------Consanguinity in the eruptive rocks of Cripple Creek (Colo.) (abs.): Science, n.s., v. 21, 1. 391. ------(with Hess, F. L.), The occurrence and distribution of tin: U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 260, p. 161-187. 1906 Description and petrology of the metamorphic and igneous rocks (Cripple Creek district): U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 54, p. 41-113. ------Reconnaissance of some gold and tin deposits of the Southern Appalachians: U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 293, p. 9-118. ------(with Gordon, C. H.), Lower Paleozoic formations in New Mexico: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., v. 21, p. 390-395; also in Science, n.s., v. 23, p. 590-591. ------(with Lindgren, W.), A reconnaissance of the mineral deposits of New Mexico: U. S. Geol Surv. Bull. 285, p. 74-86. 1907 Copper: Min., Res. of the U. S., 1906, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 373-438. 1908 Copper: Min., Res. of the U. S., 1907, U. S. Geol. Surv., pt. 1, p. 571-644. ------(with Siebenthal, C. E.), Silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Central States: Min., Res. of the U. S., 1907, U. S. Geol. Surv., pt. 1, p. 483-549. 44 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA

1910 The occurrence of copper in Shasta County, California: U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 430. p. 71-1 1 1. ------(with Lindgren, W.), The ore deposits of New Mexico: U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 68, p. 361. I9 1 3 Investigation of copper enrichment: Eng. and Min. Jour., v. 96, p. 885-887. ------Ore deposits at Butte, Montana (disc.): A.I.M.E. Bull. 83, p. 2735-2736. ------Notes on rocks from the Coppermine River region, Canada: Canadian Min. Inst. Tr. 16, p. 102-1 14. 1914 (with Murdoch, J.), The sulphide ores of copper; some results of microscopic study: A.I.M.E. Tr. 45, p. 26-93, 529-530. 1915 (with others), To what extent is chalcocite a primary and to what extent a secondary mineral in ore deposits? (disc.): A.I.M.E. Tr. 48, p. 194-200. 1917 (with McLaughlin, D. H.), Ore deposition and enrichment at Engels, California: Econ. Geol., v. 12, p. 1-38. 1918 (with McLaughlin, D. H.), Further remarks on the ores of Engels, California:. Econ. Geol., v. 13, p. 81-99. ------The relation of sphalerite to other sulphides in ores (disc.): A.I.M.E. Bull. 136, p. 844-845. 1928 (with Davidson, S. C.), Microscopical interpretations of folded structures: Econ. Geol., v. 23, p. 158-184. ------Notes on deep mines of Michigan and Brazil: Chem. Met. Min. Soc. Africa, 9th ser., v. 28 (March), p. 209. 1929 (with Butler, B. S., and Burbank, W. S.; plus T. M. Broderick, C. D. Hohl, C. Palache, M. J. Scholz, A. Wandke, and R. C. Wells), The copper deposits of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 144, p. 238. 1930 Hydrothermal origin of the Rand gold deposits-Part I. Testimony of the conglomerates: Econ. Geol. v. 25, p. 185. ------Some economic aspects of the copper industry: Min. and Met. Soc. Amer. Bull. 208 (January), p. 5-35. 1931 Future gold production-The geological outlook: A.I.M.E. Tr., 1931, p. 534-577. ------(with Bastin, E. S., Lindgren, W., Newhouse, W. H., Schwartz, G. M., and Short, M. N.), Criteria of age relations of minerals: Econ. Geol., v. 26, p. 561-610. 1933 Life and scientific work of Waldemar Lindgren: Ore deposits of the western states: A.I.M.E. (Lindgren volume), p. 13-32. ------The hydrothermal depth zones: Ore deposits of the western states: A.I.M.E. (Lindgren volume), p. 181-197. ------(with McLaughlin, D. H., and others), Copper in the Cerro de Pasco and Morococha Districts, Department of Junin, Peru: in Copper Resources of the World, 1 6th Int. Geol. Cong., v. 2, p. 5 13-544. ------(with McKinstry, H. E., and others), Outstanding features of Hollinger geology: Canadian Inst. Min. and Met. Tr., v. 36, p. 1-20, disc., p. 606-618. ------The depth zones in ore deposition: Econ. Geol., v. 28, p. 51 3-555. ------Ore deposits of the western states (Lindgren volume): Econ. Geol. (review), v. 31, p. 222-226. 1935 (with Harcourt, G. A.), Spectrographicevidence on origin of ores of the Mississippi Valley Type: Econ. Geol, v. 30, p. 800-824. ------(with Fraser, II. J.), Systematic packing of spheres, with particular relation to LOUIS CARYL GRATON 45

porosity and permeability: Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geols. Bull., v. 43, p. 785-909. 1936 (with Bowditch, S.I.), Alkaline and acid solutions in hypogene zoning at Cerro de Pasco: Econ. Geol., v. 31, p. 652-698. ------Economic geology of mineral deposits (Lilley, E. R.): Econ. Geol. (review), v. 31, p. 882-884. 1937 Gold deposits of the world (Emmons, W. H.): Econ. Geol. (review), v. 34, p. 116-120. ------Technique in mineralography at Harvard: Amer. Mineral., v. 22, p. 491-516. ------(with Dane, E. B., Jr.), A precision, all-purpose microcamera: Jour. Opt. Soc. Amer., v. 27, p. 355-376. 1938 Ores: from magmas or deeper? A reply to Arthur Holmes: Econ. Geol., v. 33, p. 251-286. 1940 Nature of the ore-forming fluid: Econ. Geol., v. 35, p. 197-359. 1941 Ore deposits: in Geology, 1888-1938, Geol. Soc. Amer., 50th Anniv. Vol., p. 473-509. 1945 Conjectives regarding volcanic heat: Amer. Jour. Sci., v. 243A (Daly volume), p. 135-259. ------Ciertos aspectos geneticos del Paricutin, nuevo volcan de Michoacan: in El Paricutin, Univ. Mexico, Inst. Geologia, Estudios Volcanologicos, p. 59-91. ------The genetic significance of Paricutin: Amer. Geophys. Union Tr., v. 26, p. 249-254. 1947 Seventy-five years of progress in mining geology: in Seventy-five years of progress in the mineral industry, A.I.M.E. Anniv. Volume, p. 1-39. ------Nature of certain ore-forming solutions (abs.): N.Y. Acad. Sci., ser. II, v. 9, no. 8, p. 285-286. ------Causes for downward limits of hypogene deposits: Report on ore deposits, Committee on Research, Part VIII: Econ. Geol, v. 42, p. 547-556. 1950 (with Cerro Geological Staff), Lead and zinc deposits of the Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation in Central Peru: 18th Int. Geol. Cong., pt. 7, p. 154-186. 1960 If Lindgren were here: Econ. Geol, v. 55, p. 192-200. 1961 Comments on program for the symposium on ore deposition, Prague, 2963: Geochem. News, no. 28, p. 4-5. 1968 Lindgren’s ore classification after fifty years: in Ore deposits in the United States 1933/1967, A.I.M.E. Graton-Sales volume, p. 1703.