T~EI'.\Iyl"L'ii<ST O F TTTR 1 S'-'Fl:Lol'
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T~EI'.\IYl"l'II<ST OF TTTR 1 S'-'Fl:lOl' I 6 CONTENTS . Mineral resources-Continued . Page . Lead ................................................................................. 105 Antimony ............................................................................ Zones of rnetalliferous mineralization ................................................... In the Totsen series ............................................................... In the Fickett series .............................................................. Coal ................................................................................ General statement ................................................................ Koyukuk region .................................................................. Koyukuk River ............................................................... John River ................................................................. Arctic slope ...................................................................... Anaktuvuk River ............................................................. Colville River ................................................................ Northwest coast ................................................................ 109 Wainwright Inlet ............................................................. 110 Cape Beaufort ................................................................ 110 Thetis and Corwin mines ...................................................... 111 Area south of Cape Lisburne ................................................... Analyses of coal ................................................................. Climatic conditions ....................................................................... Meteorologic record for 1899 ........................................................... Meteorologic record for 1901, by W . J . Peters ............................................ Meteorologic record for 1885-86, by Lieut. G. M . Stoney .................................. Temperatures in 1901.................................................................. List of arctic plants collected .............................................................. Index .................................................................................... 135 ILLUSTRATIONS. I'age. PLATEI. Outline map of Alaska, showing areas covered by larger scale maps.. ............... 11 11. Topographic reconnaissance map of northern Alaska ............................... 38 111. Geologic reconnaissance map of northern Alaska-. ................................ 40 IV. A, Inland edge of Anaktuvuk Plateau and north base of Enciicott Mountains; B, Lisburne limestone and Fickett series in Endicott Mountains at head of .John River .............. ... ........................................................ V. Sketch map of Cape Lisburne region, showing coast line and localities of coal depogts. VI. A, Topography of John River Valley in Endicott Mountains, froill near south edge of Fickett series; B, Glaciated side slopes of John River Valley in Endicott Mountains ..................................................................... VII. A and B, Bisected view oi Endicott Plateau and Endicott Monntains carved from it.. VIII. A, B, C, D, Bisected view of Colville River bluffs in Tertiary coastal plain of Col- ville series .................................................................... IX. A, Arctic coast and edge of moss-covered Arctic Coastal Plain; B, Skajit liine- stone on John River in Endicott Mountains.. .................................... X. A, North edge of Skajit limestone, dipping north, on John River in Endicott Mountains; B, Lisburne limestone and ground moraine, from Cache Lake, near Anakturuk Pass in Endicott Mountains, C, Cape Sabine anti undulating plateau; D, Cape Halkett, showing ground ice terrane rising 30 feet above tide.. ........... XI. ,4, Quartz gash stringer veining in Fickett series on John River in Endicott Moun tains; B, Structure in Anaktuvuk series on Anaktuvuk River. .................... SII. A, Base-level feature in Nanushuk series on Anakturuk Rirer; B, Structure and rapid alternation in bedding in Nanushuk series on Anaktuvuk IZirer ............. XIII. A and B, Structure in Colville series; C, Coal bed and rocks of Corwin series at Corwin mines.. .............................................................. XIV. ,1, Pliocene fossil locality in Colville River bluffs (Colville series); B, Glaciation in upper John River Yalley in Endicott Mountains ................................ XV. A, Ice remnant of John Valley Glacier in Endicott Mountains; B, Timbered ter- minal moraine resting on Fickett series, on John River.. ......................... XVI. A, Barrier reef and Eskimo grave on Arctic coast, near Icy Cape; R, Abandoned Pleistocene flats of Colville River showing mounds and lakelets ................... FIG. 1. Sketch section of supposed Paleozoic rocks on the coast south of Cape Lisburne.. ..... 2. Diagrammatic profile showing relations of Endicott, Yukon, and Koyukuk plateaus.. - 3. Sketch profile showing structure in Anaktuvuk series on Anaktuvuk River, 10 lniles above Willow Creek ............................................................. 4. Geologic reconnaissance section on the .Arctic divide west of Anaktuvuk Pass.. ........ - 7 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR, UNITEDSTATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, IVmhington, D. 12,August 3,1903. SIR:I have the honor to transmit herewith a manuscript by Mr. F. C. Scbrader, entitled "A Reconnsissance in Northern Alaska in 1901," and to recommend its pub- lication as a professional paper. This report is based on an exploration made by Messrs. W. J. Peters and B. C. Schrader from Yukon River to the Arctic Ocean during the winter and summer of 1901. Besides important geographic results, the investigation is the first to throw light on the complex geology of the Rocky Mountain system of northern Alaska. Mr. Peters, leader and topographer of the expedition, has contributed notes on itinerary, topographic methods, and climate. Very respectfully , ALFREDH. BROOKS, Geobgist i~tCharge Div'ision Ahkan Nineral Resources. Hon. CHARLESD. WALCOTT, Director of United States Geological S,urvey. 9 A RECONNAISSANCE IN NORTHERN ALASKA IN 1901, INTRODUCTION. Since 1898 the United States Geological Survey has been carrying on systematic topographic and geologic surveys in Alaska under an appropriation made for the investigation of the mineral resources of the Territory. This work has included not only areal surveys of regions already being developed by the miner and prospector, but also explorations and investigations of regions that are little known or entirely unexplored. As a result of these explorations a network of reconnaissance traverses has been extended over a large part of Alaska, where route surveys of this character must necessarily precede more detailed topographic and geologic mapping. They serve to outline the main geographic features of the country and afford the pioneer or prospector a guide for his journeys as we11 as help him to seIect his field of operations. The present report and maps are the results of such an investigation. Previous to 1901 but two journeys a which yielded any geographic results had been made across northern Alaska by white men. The first of these was made by Lieutenant Howard, U. S. Navy, in 1886, and extended from Kowak River to Point Barrow, while the second, made by J. H. Turner, in 1890, followed the one hundred and forty-first meridian from the Porcupine. The conditions under which these journeys were carried on precluded instrumental work. The present survey must therefore be considered the first made with precise instruments from the Yukon to the iorth coast of Alaska. In connection with the traverses made of Chandlar and Koyukuk rivers by Mr. T. U. Gerdine, and of Dall, Alatna, and Kowak rivers by Mr. D. L. Reaburn, both of the Geological Survey, it outlines some of the most important of the physical features and drainage channels of northern Alaska. The exploration on which the following report is based was made by the writer during the season of 1901, while attached as geologist to a party in charge of W. J. Peters, topographer. The other members of the party were Gaston Philip, topo- graphic assistant; Thomas M. Hunt, George H. Hartman, Charles H. Stuver, Ben aFor references nnrl details nee pp. 29 and 33 of this report. 11 12 RECONNAISSANCE IN NORTHERN ALASKA IN 1901. Bennett, and Joe Edge, camp hands, all of whom rendered untiring and efficient service and manifested genuine interest in the expedition. Sections prepared by Mr. Peters are credited to him in the proper places. As early as 1896 the Survey considered projects for reaching this unexplored field in northern Alaska, but owing to the remoteness of the region and the difficul- ties of transportation, no plans could be devised which did not involve the wintering of a party in this arctic country at great cost and much loss of valuable time. The first plans submitted were by Mr. J. E. Spurr, who proposed a traverse from the lower Koyukuk to Point Barrow, essentially along the route followed by Howard. The probable existence of a passable route 200 miles east of the above, between the upper Koyukuk and the Arctic slope, was not learned until 1899. The transportation difficulty, however, became less formidable when the discovery of gold on the Koyukuk, in the widespread search which attended the Klondike excite- ment of 1897 and 1898, led