PFPV) ^Emuanl Nixonbudget Control Plan Rejected
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m PAGE TWENTY-TWO- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancheater, Conn., Fri., Oct! 13,1972 Obituary Dramatists Fire Calls The Weather *Chee8ecake* MofUy cloudy, chanot of ibotion Sputtered tonight, lotn 38 to 40. lunday T . A rth u r G raf Town firemen were called to 93 portly cloudy, hlghi In tbo mid Vernon St. at 12:07 a.m. today on On Page 18 T. Arthur Graf. 68, of CUy 60f. mont, Del., formerly of In Debut report of an oil burner malfunc Manchester, died last Sunday at a tion. There was no fire. Delaware hospital. By JUNE TOMPKINS At 9:57 a.m. today, town MANCHESTER — A City of Village Charm TWENTY PAGES - TWO SECTIONS PMHEnVmNCDffl Mr. Graf bom July 18,1813 firemen went to the Laurel MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14,1972 VOL. XCU, No. 12 w u In the sense that a vehicle la in Manchester and was employed Manor Convalescent Home, 91 commonly thought of as a car of at Cheney Bros, before moving to Chestnut St., after receiving an some kind as well as an art form Tarrytown, N.Y. He then alarm from Box 352. lliere was or device used to convey an returned to Manchester and lived no fire; the alarm was set off effect, the first performance of here and was em ployed at accidentally by a workman. the Tri-Town Players in “ Any Hamilton Standard Division of Wednesday’’ sputtered along for United Aircraft Corp., Windsor four scenes and two acts and Locks, before going to Delaware. Mighty Oaks finally just about made it. Like a NixonBudget Control Plan Rejected Survlvon are a daughter and sputtering vehicle that needs a Lottery granddaughter and several good charge of energy to keep it cousins in Manchester. Winners Named Gravesides services were this going, the vital portrayal of Sharon Wilson’s Dorothy Cleves afternoon at East Cemetery. The was the high voltage that kept the SOUTHINGTON, Conn. (AP) Rev. Stephen White of St. Mary's — William Pascale of North Bran Revenue-Sharing Bill Episcopal Church officiated. vehicle rolling. It’s no wonder that Sharon ford won $100,000 today in the District The Holmes Funeral Home, Mighty Oaks drawing of the 400 Main St., was in charge of Wilson is the catalyst of this Sent To President group’s first effort because she Connecticut state lottery. local arrangements. Prizes of $40,000 each went to has appeared in theater from Primary WASfflNGTON (AP) — The Senate has refused to grant coast-to<oast, from the San Jose Helen M. Coughlan of Waterbury and Ruth S. Pond of Farmington. President Nixon’s request for unfettered budget-cutting Edward L.C. Gifford Light Opera Guild in California to Winners in the Little Oaks con authority in a move that heightened uncertainty about the Edward L. C. Gifford Sr., 81, the Mark Twain Masquers in Monday test were to be drawn later. of 33 Walker St. died early this Hartford, and possesses the com time of final congressional adjournment. plete self-assurance on stage of a The defeat for Nixon came Friday night a few hours after morning at his home. He was the Registered Democrati in the husband of Mrs. Barbara seasoned actor. Her interpreta Congress had given him a victory—final passage of the ISO- three-town S3rd District will cast Bickerstaff Gifford. Mr. Gifford tion of Mrs. Cleves is in billion five-year revenue-sharing bill he first proposed more Potato Peeling ballots Monday to determine who was bom in Uxbridge, Mass., dividualistic but not without will be the party's candidate for than three years ago. Dec. 25, 1890 and had lived in validity. -I Demilitarized state representative. Jan. 1 of this year and, witlifn • Manchester for more than 35 Deborah Dallaire as Ellen Gor Both the House and Senate Tolland’s Charles Thifault few days of the President’s years. He was employed as a don, the “ kept” woman, aside J planned sessions today in an ef brought the prhnary challenge signing of the bill, the Treasury Is machinist at Pratt and Whitney from possibly suffering from fort to wrap up final business, FT. DEVENS, Mass. (AP) - against Atty. Richard Cromie of ready to start the money flowing. Division of United Aircraft Corp., stage fright and lacking in theater adjourn the 92nd Congress, and KP duty with a potato peeler Coventry who won the conven The fint installment Is $2.65 East Hartford, before he retired background, shows promise. It’s take off for campaigning in home became a thing of the past at Fort tion endorsment by a 5-3 vote, billion. about 17 years ago. Later, he conceivable that John Qeves, the districts. Devens Thursday. picking up the support of the Snarls on major legislation One provision in the bill, operated a furniture refinishing well-heeled tycoon would “ keep” The Army announced Thursday Coventry and Willlngton made the p ro sp ^ of adjourn strongly protested by some business at his home. He was a a demure, simple lass (as Miss the signing of a $760,000 contract delegations. Thifault immediate ment today—the legislators' senators, places a $2.5-biUion an member of Conununity Baptist Dallaire portrayed her) to con with Artistic Caterers, Inc., of ly announced his intention to target—an off-again-on-again nual ceiling on federal grants to Church and a past noble grand of trast with his extremely Boston which will provide mess conduct a primary and filed the situation. the states for social services for the Odd Fellows Lodge in New well—organized, self-assured and attendant services at the base. It required p o tio n papers a week The spending-ceiling bill w u welfare recipients and potential Bedford, Mass. somewhat overbearing wife. This was the first such contract signed thrown into a House-Senate con recipients. Survivors, besides his wifeare may be a good role for Miss later. by the Army in New Elngland. ference committee to resolve Some states will lose more a son, Edward L.C. Gifford Jr. of Dallaire to cut her teeth on. To Enlisted men have not official The polls In the three towns differences after the Senate ap social services money than they St. Joseph, Mich.; a daughter, begin with, she is endowed with ly been on KP since July 1 when will be open from noon until 8 proved amendments restricting will gain through revenue Mrs. Claude Miller of the physical attributes befitting civilians were hired on a trial p.m. the authority Nixon sought. sharing. Newington; eight grandchildren the role. A promise of a better basis. Tolland’s voting will be held at The House had passed the The restrictions on the dis and two great-grandchildren. actress will be fulfilled with more the Hicks Memorial School. In measure in the form he re cretionary authority Nixon re llie Holmes Funeral Home, experience under good direction. Fire and terror. The Coventry, first District residents quested. quested to hold down govern 400 Main St., Is in charge of Howard Becker is no stranger will vote In the basement of the By a 46-28 vote, the Senate ment spending to $250 billion arrangements , which are in to local theater. Fans of words become synono- Town Hall and second district approved exemptions and through June 30 were written complete. Manchester Community Players <-1 About voters at the Coventry Grammar limitations to the authority Nixon into a bill temporarily increasing will recall him as star of several mous. That sudden uncon* School. had requested to hold federal the federal debt ceiling to $466 of their productions. As the hus Town spending to $250 billion in the, billion. Russell D. Smith band who constantly parries trollable blaze can threaten' In a late development, Thifault current fiscal year. The amendment, offered by ROCKVILLE- Russell D. between a secure, matronly wife has picked up the support of The President said he needed Sen. Len B. Jordan, R-Idaho, w u and a yielding, young mistress, he adopted by a 46-28 vote. Jordan Smith, 62, of 19 Park St. died The Young Marines will meet lives, consume forests and wild* Local 42 of the International the authority to avert a tax in should be, and is, in a constant said he w u unwilling to transfer Ihursday at Hartford Hospital. tonight at 6:50 at the Marine Brotherhood of Electrical crease or a new round of infla state of unrest. After all, anyone Congress’ power over ap Mr. Smith was bom Oct. 6,1910 Home on Parker St. life, destroy a business. Com Workers, which reportedly in tion. in Rockville and had lived here knows such a situation is like cludes more than 1,()00 members One of the chief stumbling propriations to the chief ex all his life. He served two tours of sitting on a keg of dynamite. pletely. Irrevocably. It could have in western New England. blocks to adjournment is a ecutive. duty with the U.S. Army and was This is a goc^ role for Becker, Both candidates have refrained massive Social Security-welfare But the House, when it passed employed as a watchman at the but he wasn’t at his best last from attacking one another bill. Senate-House confereu the debt-ceiling bill earlier in the Shriver Sets week, gave the President authori Lal^inte Industries. He was a night. There were too many been prevented—with cai*e. The during the concentrated cam were- laboring to reach a com ty to hold back approprlatiou communicant of St. Bernard’s flubbed lines and he was too paign, undo' the court ordered promise on the differing versions u Schedule For be saw frt In order to keep spen Church and a member of the tense, as though, at times, he mundane, everyday bleeding areas election schedule.