Summer 2020 REVISED Summer 2020 at | w CONSIDER A GIFT TO OSHER To make a contribution to the Osher 4.0 Capital Project, please call the office at 412.268.7489, go through the Osher website with a credit card, or mail a check to the office. All checks must be made payable to: "Carnegie Mellon University," with a memo of "Osher 4.0 Capital Project". Thank you in advance for your generosity. BOARD OF DIRECTORS CURRICULUM COMMITTEE OFFICE STAFF Jim Reitz, President Gary Bates Lyn Decker, Executive Director Allan Hribar, Vice-President Lester Berkowitz Olivia McCann, Administrator / Programs Jan Hawkins, Secretary John Brown Chelsea Prestia, Administrator / Publications Marcia Taylor, Treasurer Maureen Brown Kate Lehman, Administrator / General Office John Olmsted, Past President Flip Conti Ann Augustine Jan Davis Rosalie Barsotti Lyn Decker CATALOG EDITORS Gary Bates Mary Duquin Chelsea Prestia, Editor Jeffrey Holst Anna Estop Olivia McCann Ann Isaac Byron Gottfried Helen-Faye Rosenblum Raja Sooriamurthi Marilyn Maiello Rosalyn Treger Jeffrey Swoger Enid Miller Kate Lehman Randy Weinberg Helen-Faye Rosenblum Mark Winer Judy Rubinstein CONTACT INFORMATION Rochelle Steiner Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Jeffrey Swoger Carnegie Mellon University Rebecca Culyba, Randy Weinberg Associate Provost 4614 Wean Hall and University Liaison 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3815 Please include your return address on all mail sent to the Osher office. Phone: 412.268.7489 Email:
[email protected] Website: ON THE COVER Though the Gates and Hillman Centers usually provide a space for intellectual stimulation, the outdoor volleyball court allows for a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation for the CMU community.