Family Surnames of Value in Genealogical Research Are Printed in CAPITALS; Names of Places in Italics
INDEX (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics) Abercrombie, Reverend James, Assis- Baltimore, agreement of merchants tant Rector of Christ Church (fac- of, to suspend trade with England, ing), 312 366 Adams, Charles Francis, 356 Barbados Gazette, published by Adams, Captain James, of the ship Samuel Keimer, 283-287 Elliot, 81 Barber, Edwin Atlee, 119 Adams, John, 356 Barclay, E. E., publisher, 149, 150 Adams, John Quincy, 320 Barnhart Family, query regarding, by Adams, Samuel, opposed to adoption Nat G. Barnhart. 384 of the Constitution by Massachu- Barnum, Mr. , dinner for setts, 201 Washington Celebration, Second Addison* Judge Alexander, 335 Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, Ainsworth, William Harrison, 134 67 Alcott, A. Bronson, 132, 136 Barrett, Gyles, 216 Alexander, Major , 168 Bartram, Alexander, potter, Philadel- ALLEN, MARY, 43 phia, 100, 112, 113; advertise- ALLEN, NATHANIEL, 43 ments of, 112; property of, 112, Allen, Sergeant Samuel, 62, 72, 73, 113 ; estate of, 1779, 113 77. 78, 178, 375, 376 BARTRAM, ALZIRA, 82 America, The, arrives, 1683, 98. 100 BARTRAM, ANN, 82 American Courier, The, 151 BARTRAM, ANNA MARIA, 82 Ames, Herman V., Franklin, The BARTRAM, CATHARINE, 82 Apostle of Modern Times, by Ber- BARTRAM, ELIZABETH, 81 nard Fay, notice of, by, 188-190 Bartram, Col. George, 74, 75 Andros, Governor Edmund, 214. 243 BARTRAM, GEORGE WASHING- Anthony, Joseph, silversmith, Phila- TON, 81, 82 delphia, 110 Bartram, George Washington, bio- Arnold, General Benedict, 195 ; with graphical note, 81, 82 forces blocked up in James River, BARTRAM, GEORGIANA MARIA, Virginia, 164 82 Arskin, Jonas, 216 BARTRAM, HENRY.
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