Friendly Endeavor, August 1932
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Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 8-1932 Friendly Endeavor, August 1932 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, August 1932" (1932). Friendly Endeavor. 115. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Friendly Endeavor Volume 11, Number 8. PORTLAND, OREGON August, 1932. H I - L I G H T S F R O M P A Y E T T E L A K E S His standards, so that we might be com The conference may be characterized CONFERENCE plete in Him. by a spirit of good fellowship, of spir Walter Lee spoke Thursday morning itual enthusiasm and entire consecration The fifth annual Idaho Friends Chris from 1. Corinthians 16:9 and 16. A to the will of God. The Idaho folk are tian Endeavor Conference was held at message of encouragement was brought united in their belief that this has been to us based on the thought that a man's the best conference yet. Payette Lakes July 11-17. The entire week was so charged %vith activity that life consisteth not in the abundance of no doubt a full-page write up could things which he possesseth. In his EXPLANATION OF THE CHART more adequately transmit the news to words: "The past year has been a pros the readers of the Friendly Endeavor; perous one for the Christian." "World I. WORSHIP. but owing to the fact that the 1932-33 ly people are seeking peace in these 1. (a) Original IMeetings (25 points Friends-With-Christ Chart is included turbulent times and are finding none." each). in this issue, this article must take its "The pleasures of the world have lio There is no limit to the number of share of pruning. permanent satisfaction." original meetings planned throughout The theme of the Conference was "To The blessing of the Lord was poured the year. The Prayer-meeting Com Serve the Present Age," and through out in the Friday service conducted by mittee may judge whether your society out the classes, inspirational addresses, Milo Ross. He spoke of our three is entitled to the 25 points allowed for music and evangelistic services, this privileges — Christ, Prayer and the each. To be counted as an original theme was repeatedly presented. Church. We, as young Christians, were meeting the subject of the evening must The entire Conference group met for urged to stand steadfast in the faith be presented in a novel way of the lead t h e c l a s s o n " O u r Ta s k a t H o m e a n d and to have boldness to enter into the er's own planning. Abroad," led by Chester A. Hadley. Holiest by the blood of Jesus. During (b) Well-Planned Meetings. (15 His outline from day to day is as fol the altar services which followed, many points each). lows: Our Message, The Field, The precious souls were saved—one of whom The Prayer-meeting Committee is to Workers and the Home Base. Helen went home to be with his God two days be judge of this also. They are to Cammack took charge one day in pre later. keep a careful record throughout the senting the missionary interests. The sermon Sunday morning was ten months of points earned. To be After this class, the Endeavorers di brought by Calvin Choate, who spoke counted a well-planned meeting, it need vided into two groups, the one led by of Christ's command to Peter to "come not be entirely original, but the plans Irving Frank, President of Idaho State and see," and who postponed his coming used from any helps should be carefully Union, on the subject of "The Relation and tired of waiting to see, and started worked out so the leader's personality of the Christian Endeavor to the fishing. Too many start fishing before marks them. Some tests of a good Church," and the other by Denver Head- they have really seen Jesus; they are meeting are: rick, considering "Applied Christianity." too busy to take time to talk with God. ( 1 ) D o e s t h e l e a d e r r e a d h i s t a l k Irving Frank presented Christian En The aftenioon sports were in charge instead of giving it as his own? deavor as a_ child of the church, show- of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanson, of Star. Rain Wednesday afternoon and evening (2) Does the leader work out a def ing_ its heritage and advantages, and inite plan in presenting the topic, either giving the attitude and work of a interrupted the games; but swimming, spiritual society. Denver Headrick led boating, indoor baseball and volley bafli original or the one given in the helps? the discussion of practical Christianity hiking and launching jn the "Friend (3) Do the answers to the questions as contrasted with theoretical. Chris ship" continued the rest of the week. show thought on the part of the speak tianity in the heart, the home, and at Both an air circus at McCall and the er? work, were some of the topics consid view from Brundage Jlountain attracted ( 4 ) W e r e s e l e c t i o n s r e a d w h i c h ered. would have been more effective if told? The children's meetings were ably led several ear loads of Conference folk. On Saturday the ' married men chal (5, Do most of the members take by Rosa Allen. The life of Moses was lenged the bachelors to a ball game and the theme. part with willingness and interest? won 17-3. After .service our good boat 2 . ( a ) M i s s i o n a r y M e e t i n g s . o r During the third period, Mrs. Laura "Friendship' made two moonlight trips classes. (25 points each). Roberts conducted a class in Quaker with about forty on each load. History and Cahnn Choate led one on If the regular monthly missionary the Second Coming of Christ. Visual The chorus class this year was again meeting centers around Bolivia, 25 instruction by the use of two large under the direction of William Murphy; p o i n t s m a y b e a d d e d t o y o u r s c o r e . charts one on the Plan of the Ages, the sacred concert Sunday afternoon Plan for the meeting a novel and inter and the other concerned with the being perhaps the best ever given at esting manner of presenting our field Church Age, aided in making his class Payette Lakes. Besides selection.s by and obtain 25 points extra for an orig a niost interesting one. The study the full chorus, there were numbers by inal meeting. If the society wishes to ' H's'^euv, given by Laura a smaller choir, a ladies' octette, a quin continue the Mission Study Classes tette and ladies' trio, the "Quaker Quar started last year, 25 points may be Robeits, was .splendidly prenared and tette" and three solos given by different taken for each class. pr^enteih Her course 'hic'luded the members of the group. (b) Bolivian Prayer Circle (10 I t r m o v e m e n t i n The evangelistic services were under points each) leadeis,le mit thetn® beginnings 7®"''- ofthe American early the direction of Calvin Choate. On This may be continued as last year. Quakensm the "Middlf Ages" and the Tuesday evening, his theme was "To The purpose of this prayer circle is to reconstruction and period of progress Serve the Present Age, centering his unite our faith and prayers on behalf Ihe inspirational hour each morning thoughts around the story of Paul's call of our own mission field. Would sug wa.s indeed worthy of that title, for at pyen in Acts 26th. "Halfway Houses," gest that the leader endeavor to have that time came some of the high points taken from Abraham's sojourn at Ha- recent news from the field at each of the Conference. ran, ^ was the message of Wednesday meeting. Keep in close touch with the Helen Cammack spoke Wednesday evening. Thursday evening the theme Taniplins and Helen Cammack, and pray morning from Philippians 3-12 We of three classes of people was based definitely for them in their present were admonished to gra.sp our personal upon Luke 9:57. "Repentance" was the needs. " The leader should be one who salvation while there is yet time, so that subject for Friday evening. The next is especially interested in missionary we might be presented holy and unblam message centered around Psalms 37:1-24. work. After the needs of the field able to the Father. Christ has prom Prom the very first the messages were are presented, as much time as possible blessed of God and at each seiwice, with should be spent in intercessory prayer. ised to cleanse us from .sin and to im the exception of Tuesday evening and plant a perfect love within us.