David Shenk

Dr. David W. Shenk was born in Tanzania and served for sixteen years in Somalia and Kenya with the Eastern Mennonites. He is presently Global Consultant with the Eastern Mennonites, giving special attention to Islam. His commitment to peacemaking that commends Christ has taken him into over 100 countries. He has taught courses on Christian-Muslim relations in over a dozen academic institutions. David has authored, co-authored, or edited sixteen books. Especially pertinent is A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue, co-authored with a Muslim, Badru Kateregga. He proactively seeks opportunities for dialogue with Muslims, especially within conflict-prone arenas. He holds a doctorate in Religious Studies Education with course work in Anthropology from New York University.

Lindy Backues

Dr. Lindy Backues is Associate Professor of Economic Development at Eastern University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds (UK), an M.Sc. in Economic Development from Eastern University, an M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary, and a B.Ed.S. from the University of Missouri. Before coming to Eastern University in 2008, Dr. Backues was Indonesia Country Director for Millennium Relief & Development Services. He lived in Indonesia from 1989 through 2007, undertaking grassroots development in the Southeast Asia region. Dr. Backues was also very involved, from 2005 through 2006, in relief and development efforts in the Indonesian region of Aceh, in response to the 2004 tsunami.

Tyler Johnson

Tyler Johnson directs global and local engagement efforts for East Valley Bible Church in the Phoenix, Arizona area. He is actively involved in cultivating partnerships between faith-based organizations to promote peace throughout Phoenix and abroad. He is working with others to produce productive solutions to conflicts over immigration, religious differences, and poverty. Sayyid Syeed

Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed is the National Director for the Office of Interfaith & Community Alliances for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Dr. Syeed obtained his Ph.D. in Sociolinguistics from the Indiana University in 1984. Dr. Syeed has been actively involved in fostering understanding among the world’s religions and has participated in interfaith dialogues at different levels in the U.S. and Canada. Syeed has been invited to speak on Muslim and Islamic issues on the national TV channels, NBC, CBS, CBN, and ABC. He was interviewed on PBS for the McNeill-Lehrer Report and appeared on the “Today Show,” CNN’s “Crossfire” and on national television in , , , , and on matters related to Islam and Islam in America.

David Gushee

David P. Gushee is the Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University. He earned his Bachelor of Arts at the College of William and Mary (1984), a Master of Divinity at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (1987), and both a Master of Philosophy (1990) and Doctor of Philosophy (1993) at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Beyond his work at Mercer, he is the Board Chair of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, a senior columnist for Associated Baptist Press, a regular contributor to the editorial page of USA Today, and a contributing editor for Christianity Today. He has published twelve books and hundreds of essays, book chapters, articles, reviews, and opinion pieces. His books include the award-winning Kingdom Ethics.

Asma Afsaruddin

Asma Afsaruddin is Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is the author and editor of four books and has written over fifty scholarly articles and popular essays on issues such as pluralism in Islamic thought; inter-faith relations; reconciliation and violence in Islamic legal, exegetical, and ethical works; internal debates about reform in Muslim societies; and gender issues. She lectures widely on these topics in the US, Europe, and the Middle East and frequently consults with governmental and non-governmental organizations. She is Chair of the Board of Directors for the Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy and is a member of the advisory boards for Karamah and the Muslim World Initiative at the US Institute of Peace.