The Brookings Institution Freedom, Religion And
THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION FREEDOM, RELIGION AND DEMOCRACY IN THE AGE OF THE 24/7 NEWS CYCLE: A DUTCH PERSPECTIVE Washington, D.C. Friday, April 11, 2008 Introduction and Moderator: DANIEL BENJAMIN Senior Fellow and Director Center on the United States and Europe The Brookings Institution Featured Speaker: BERT KOENDERS Minister for Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands Discussant: SAYYID M. SYEED National Director Office for the Interfaith and Community Alliance Islamic Society of North America * * * * * 2 P R O C E E D I N G S MR. BENJAMIN: -- religion and democracy in the age of the 24/7 news cycle, a Dutch perspective, with Bert Koenders, Dutch Minister for Development and Cooperation. You know, particularly since 9/11, I think we’ve all been recognizing that we are in an era when we are grappling with different aspects of globalization. Even before 9/11 we all recognized that we were grappling with issues of destabilizing capital flows. We have seen a rather substantial rise in immigration n many different parts of the world, so flows of human capital, as well. And I think no aspect of globalization is more important than the flow of different ideas into different communities, different societies and different parts of the world. For those of us who study, as I do, extremism and radicalism, there’s been a lot of attention to the development of what the French sociologist, Olivier Roy has called the “virtual ummah.” And there’s been a lot of interest in it -- in the transferral of a rather, and occasionally, dangerous, set of ideas.
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