Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011




1.1 Name of Humanitarian Organisation/Country of registration CROIX-ROUGE - ESP 1.2 Title of the Action Strengthening of Northern 's Regional Civil Protection and Risk Reduction System in the face of Earthquakes and Tsunamis. 1.3 Area of intervention (country, region, localities) World Area Countries Region America CHILE y Paranicota (Region XV), Tarapacá (Region I) and Antofagasta (Region II) 1.4 Start date of the Action Start date 18/04/2011 If the Action has already started explain the reason that justifies this situation (urgent Action or other reason)

1.5 Duration of the Action in months 18 months 0 days 1.6 Start date for eligibility of expenditure Is the start date for eligibility of expenditure equal to the date of submission of the initial proposal? No If yes, explain expenses charged to the budget between date of initial proposal submission and start date of the action If no, enter the start date for eligibility and explain 18/04/2011 According to the HIP, costs will be eligible from 01/03/2011 but actions will start from 01/04/2011. The Spanish Red Cross (SRC) operational proposal would begin on 18/04/2011 and should not demand an use of funds in advance.

1.7 Requested funding modalities for this agreement Co-financing In case of 100% financing, justify the request

1.8 Urgent action No 1.9 Control mechanism to be applied P 1.10 Proposal and reports Submission date of the initial proposal 17/01/2011 Purpose of this submission REVISED PROPOSAL ECHO reference 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 Date of this submission 10/03/2011

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2.1 Date(s) of assessment; methodology and sources of information used; organisation/person(s) responsible for the assessment

According to technical studies (1)the Pacific South American Coastal Region located between 15° S and 24° S, is considered to be sitting in a seismic hole with a high potential for a major earthquake to occur. There are historical reports in this region of large destructive earthquakes associated with tsunamis, the last two events having occurred towards the end of the 19 th century. This region's recurrence period for earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 8° is approximately 100 years.

The assessment was carried out in the regions of Arica and Parinacota (XV), Tarapacá (I) and Antofagasta (II), which are located within this silently seismic area. This initial evaluation was done during last September and October and consisted of three phases: Preliminary Assessment, Work Field and establishment of baseline.

The initial assumption was that Chile is a Country with a relevant public initiatives in DRR sector and with a state with capacity for continuing providing it. However, there are some series of gaps (local implantation, articulation mechanisms...) that make those efforts inneficient. Discover those gaps and in those places with a more inminent hazard is a great oportunity for beginning to establish -at a low cost- a efficient public Risks Reduction estruture that, since a regional dimension, could be further used to a National one and even to an international dimention (collaboration South-South). 1. Preliminary Assesment. Goal: Definition of the potential communities to work with in base on the threats magnitude, its vulnerability degree, the level of well-establishes or not of ONEMI in the community and the existence of other initiatives in the subject to complement and reinforce. Methodology/sources of information: We had different assessment meetings with Regional ONEMI Directions, ONEMI Headquarters and Chilean Red Cross' (CRC) regional committees and branches. Responsible: Soledad Riquelme Pezo, CRC's National Coordinator of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), ONEMI's Regional Directors and CRC's regional Presidents and responsible for DRR at a local level. 2. Work Field. Goals: (1) To know empirically the particular circumstances of the communities (2) To come into contact with communitarian and neighbourhood leaders and (3) To compile key field information regarding goal defined in Preliminary Assessment. Methodology/sources of information: Direct observation and interviews with communitarian leaders and villagers of the preselected communities. Responsible: Soledad Riquelme Pezo, Viviana Guajardo Varas (Emergency and contingency Plan specialist_CRC), Rodrigo Cárcamo González (DRR Department assistant _CRC) and Arnaldo Sanromán Ollo (Spanish Red Cross Delegate) 3. Establishment of Baseline. Goals: establish the physical, socio-economics and regarding risks characteristics of the selected communities. Methodology/sources of information: summarizing of the information collected on field, information from National statistics Institute and additional information from ONEMI. Responsible: Soledad Riquelme, Rodrigo Cárcamo and Arnaldo San Román.

* Note: Along the Single Form, there will be different numbers under this way (X). It indicates that a reference, quote o figure is available in Annex 1.

*Note 2: For a more detailed information regarding the Assessments and its findings, please consult the corresponding Annex 2.

2.2 Problem statement and stakeholder analysis

Chile's geographical position and natural territory have made it a country prone to natural events, with the most frequent of these being earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts and intense and concentrated rainfalls that trigger floods and landslides. Of these, earthquakes and tsunamis are the most important in terms of scope and impact followed by Hydro-meteorological threats (1). Between 1900 and 2010, 98.99% of all natural disaster-related fatalities in Chile were caused by earthquakes and tsunamis (2). The February 27th 2010 earthquake, and the subsequent tsunami, exposed many of the weaknesses of the National System of Civil Protection (NSCP) and the country's high degree of vulnerability to these natural events, especially due to the inefficiencies of Early Warning Systems. NSCP works in a centralized way through ONEMI. Despite it has regional branches these do not have a correspondence relation with its municipal referents. Besides, local committees of civil protection do not always are entirely conformed. Frequently, municipal response plans -when exist- are not updated or have a lack of roles and competences description according to organism's skills and do not include a communitarian component for local risks management. Additionally, there is a scarce of human resources for DRR at a municipal level since this type of function is not recognized in the Municipalities' Organic Law. According to EIRD Diagnostic on Disaster risk reduction situation in Chile, National Plan of Civil protection lacks of key components, shows a confuse terminology regarding risks reduction and disasters management and does not include a work plan, with roles and responsibilities assignation and accomplishment indicators. There exists the civil protection system coordinated by ONEMI but it has a lot of weakness: it does not have a regular meetings schedule -and when there are meetings, these have basically an informative aim-; it works under a reactive perspective; and some basic position -as ONEMI's Regional Director- does not have a real power for making decision due to the lack of support from ONEMI's organic constitution. The perspective on risks management is partial. For instance, some sectors as agriculture, health, education, construction and public infrastructure have guidelines, policies and mechanisms for risks reduction. However, they do not form part of a holistic approach so the majority of the risks reduction efforts do not come from a national policy but from coordination mechanism page 2/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

established ad hoc. Regarding EWS, information from institutions responsible for the monitoring reaches ONEMI and other central governmental authorities but it is not timely disseminated at a municipal, provincial and regional level. A warning emitted by a technical institution reaches first of all to central ONEMI from where goes -following an initial ONEMI's authorities' evaluation- to its regional branch that spread it to the municipality, firefighters and Chilean Red Cross among others before reaching communitarian level making a excessively long process. After the last earthquakes, the deep review of the regulations of the NSCP in Chile, the attention of Institutional authorities towards the risk management, the increased sensibility of families and communities in search of safer routines, the constant investment in equipments and studies, the structures already created (ONEMI), are the base of an opportunity to carry out a DIPECHO project. Red Cross, that pleads for the adoption of a suitable culture of risk management as set on the Hyogo's frame, raise this proposal conscious that there is an opportunity to start communitarian actions leaded by the NSCP, in a State that is looking to a model of integration over its own centralism that could create a great DRR impulse in the Region.

Regarding the stakeholders and how this project would affect to them, please see below Table 2_Stakeholder Analysis.

2.3 Summarise findings of the assessment (include full report in annex, if relevant) and link these to the Action

The principal assessment's findings were: (1) There is a high probability of occurrence of a major earthquake, in association with a tsunami, within the area between southern (Ilo ) and northern Chile (Mejillones Province), that will affect communities spanning over 600 km of coastline. (2) The coastal communities present a high degree of vulnerability to seismic threats associated with tsunamis. Fact especially important in summer when the population is doubled for tourists' influx, who are unaware of the local risks and established security measures. (3) During the assessment, the need to improve evacuation times, means and places became apparent, partially due to lack of evacuation training, reduced mobility in persons (particularly in older adults), the scarce of signage and the distance to safety zones. (4) The existence of companies and industries nearby poses a series of technological risks which will be highlighted in the event of an earthquake and/or tsunami. · All of these communities have a need for individuals trained in First Aid because the lack of health centers nearby and their one triage center opens, at a minimum, every 15 days. (5) There exists the need to strengthen the local Civil Protection Systems for improving its organizational and response capacities, promote the incorporation of DRR as a permanent activity and to improve their integration into and coordination with higher levels (provincial, regional and national). (6) School Safety systems and plans should be further developed for achieving greater coordination between the different planning levels (family, community, school and municipal) and avoid duplication of roles or confusion at the moment of an emergency or disaster. (7) Some initiatives have been developed between ONEMI in order to establish early warning systems (EWS), based on siren systems, solar lighting and Safety Islands. These last, installed in 2010 to serve as tsunami Safety Zones for the local population of the Arica, Tarapacá and Antofagasta Regions, must be strengthened in order to achieve greater coverage and efficiency. (8) Other ONEMI's initiative, "Atento Norte", that seeks to improve the country's capacity in disaster risk management and to strengthen early warning systems through the implementation of a series of preventive tsunami-evacuation drills in major northern cities of Chile (Arica, and Antofagasta), revealed that more than 10,000 people would not have evacuated in time in a real emergency case. Facing all this findings, Chile's Red Cross proposal considers working in three areas: * At a communitarian level our goals are: (a) to carry out diagnostics for identifying hazards and risks (b) to get a consensus on EWS focussed on the community through public awareness, education and implementation of an appropriate warning sings codes (c) To develop familiar and communitarian emergency and contingency plans (that today do not exist) and to promote risks reductions programs (d) To constitute brigades ready for providing firs aids, leading evacuation and carrying out damages analysis and risks assessments. * Institutionally, considering this post-earthquake stage as a change for creating news capacities (and consolidate those existing), our work will focuses on: (a) reinforcement of local civil protection committees' capacities and improvement of its articulation with higher levels, (b) roles and competences definition clarification and update and (c) implementation of a model of scholar safety management that promotes disasters risks management as parte of children and young people education. * Finally, on psychosocial support, the project will reinforce institutional networks consolidating its articulation; we'll reach the communitarian level through these networks that will be the base for the sustainability of skills and capacities installed.

Tables with additional information

TABLE 1_ POPULATION BY REGION, PROVINCE AND GENDER. Estimates as of June 30, 2010. Region/Province Total Population Male Female XV Arica and Parinacota 184.957 89.818 95.139 Arica 182.391 88.078 94.313 Parinacota 2.566 1.740 826 I Tarapacá 314.534 163.354 151.180 Iquique 275.072 135.131 139.941 Tamarugal 39.462 28.223 11.239 II Antofagasta 575.268 299.473 275.795 Antofagasta 392.160 205.247 186.913 157.597 81.335 76.262 Tocopilla 25.511 12.891 12.620 SOURCE: INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas) Chile. TABLE 2_STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS INTEREST GROUPS INTERESTS PROBABLE PRIORITY PROJECT IMPACT To be better prepared in the event of a Local community + 1 tsunami. page 3/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

Community leaders To strengthen comunities. + 1 To elaborate and/ or implement school Community schools + 1 security plans. To improve large-scale disaster response Response organizations + 2 capacity. To have well-organized and functioning Municipalities + 3 emergency communal committees. Emergency Communal Committees Tu improve functioning and coordination. + 2 To have strengthened institutions. To contribute to risk reduction in commuities. ONEMI Regional Offices + 3 To improve coordination with local emergency committees.


3.1 Humanitarian Organisation's presence in the area of intervention: brief overview of strategy and current or recent activities in the country

The Spanish Red Cross (SRC) has a long history of supporting Chilean Red Cross. We have been working together since 1995, developing programs with the most vulnerable population. The main sectors of intervention have been health, capacity building, economic development, response to emergencies and risk reduction. Some of the most recent activities developed are the following:

2010 Earthquake response in the Republic of Chile: Deployment of the Basic Health Cares Unit ERU during ten weeks in which were carried out 3.445 (100%) direct attentions to affected population. During that time also were supported the local health installation, 3.162 medicines were delivered and were developed activities on health promotion and disease prevention.

Psychosocial support to the 2010 Chile's earthquake affected population: Spanish Red Cross focused its intervention in the covering of two basic lines: direct attention to affected population and capacity building by construct psychosocial skills in communities and institutions.

Logistic support to the Chilean Red Cross (2010): deployment, during the first three weeks after the earthquake, of the Spanish Red Cross Logistic ERU. Our team was responsible for the reception of different loads (11 international humanitarian aid flights receipted) and for the distribution of more than 2.000 family kits among harmed families in Maule and Bio-Bio. These families' kits consisted of hygiene and kitchen kits, jerry cans, blankets, tarpaulins and mattresses.

Consolidation of the Corporative social responsibility department in CRC (2009-10): This department got the commitment of different Chilean privates' entities for supporting assistance activities of the National Society during the emergency. The project is part of the capacity building work-line of SRC regarding those National Societies that work with.

Flooding in the Araucania and Bío-Bío Regions (2008): Humanitarian assistance focused in food and non food items distribution.

Eruption of the Chaiten Volcano (2008): Humanitarian assistance focused in food and non food items distribution and providing of psychosocial support. The targeted population was those sheltered. Improving Community Health in the Elqui Valley through Education (2008): With the aim of improving the family and community health conditions by education in community health in five rural communities in the Elqui Valley.

Creating CRC Prescence in the rural areas of the Ultima Esperanza Province (2008): Supported the efforts of the Puerto Natales Chapter to increase its capacity to act in this geographically marginal zone by financing the acquisition of an appropriate vehicle to provide basic Medical Mobile Services for supporting local hospital's work.

Strenghtneing Odontological Attention in Rural and Vulnerable Communities in the Araucania Region. (2008): Strengthened the infrastructure and provided equipment for the Mobile Odontological Clinic which began operating in 1999 as a joint effort of CRC and Universidad de La Frontera - Medical School. This mobile unit provides odontological attention to the rural population of the Araucania, and in particular to the indigenous Mapuche community.

Women Work (2007):The program works with women from the rural Manuel Quilapi and Chacaico communities to train them in health promotion and confectionary .

The button "Annex" can be used to attach an area map of intervention 3.2 Actions currently on-going and funding requests submitted to other donors (including other EC services) in the same area of intervention - indicate how overlap and double funding would be avoided

There is no other funding request submitted to EC or other donors for working in this intervention area. Since February 2010 earthquake, actions in Chile are coordinated within the operational plan 2011-2012 that drafted by Chilean Red Cross with the support of International Federation of The Red Cross seek to strengthen institutional and communitarian resilient capacities. Spanish Red Cross has planned its actuation attending the coverage of strategic areas of this Plan. In this sense, once emergency phase was finished our goal, attending to the learned lessons of the response operation, was to attend disaster page 4/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

preparation activities in those zones with a higher possibility of suffering an important natural event. This decision and ECHO DIPECHO's decision were completely convergent in aims and time. This operational proposal would partially cover Local National Society plan level regarding Risk Reduction and community health (this last by the side of the psychosocial support). Besides, it is important to mention that Chilean Red Cross, by itself or with other Movement members support, is carrying out different initiatives such as following: The Red Cross Climate Centre supports the ChRC projects "Preparedness for Climate Change 2" (2009-2010) and Innovations Fund (2010), as does the regional International Federation Secretariat. Telecommunications. Since February 27th, the Chilean Red Cross National Network of Telecommunications, acquired by ECHO's firs emergency subvention, is being implemented seeking for the reinforcement of the whole National Civil Protection System (in this sense an Agreement was signed between ONEMI and Chilean Red Cross for regulating a shared use of the telecommunication equipments). To complement this initiative, the Spanish and Chilean Red Cross proposal for DIPECHO VII includes measures for strengthening this network through the training of radio operators in the response organizations pertaining to the Civil Protection System. Additionally, the feasibility of installing community telecommunications equipment will be studied, which would reinforce the system already installed by ONEMI and SHOA.


4.1 Exact location of the Action (include map of project location) World Area Countries Region Location America CHILE Arica y Paranicota (Region XV), Tarapacá Municipalities: Arica, , Iquique, (Region I) and Antofagasta (Region II) Tocopilla and Antogasta. Map of project location (reference)

Comunities of intervention: (1) Tierras Blancas and (2) Arica Centro (Both from Municipality of Arica, , Arica y Paranicota Region) (3) Pisagua (Municipality of Huara, Taramugal Province, Tarapacá Region) (4) Chanavayita (5) Cáñamo and (6) Caramucho (Municipality of Iquique, , Tarapacá Region) (7) Caleta Buena (Municipality of Tocopilla, Tocopilla Province, ) (8) Juan lópez (Municipality, Province and Region of Antofagasta)

*Please, find attached Annex titled "Exact Location of the Action" that includes not just a map of location but also a brief communities' description.

4.2 Beneficiaries 4.2.1 Total number of direct beneficiaries 6.530

Numerically we have just considered individual people (6530). However it is expected, especially in Results 2 and 3, to work with institutions. Theses, in Result 3 would be, initially, a minimum of 5 institutions and it is expected that parte of (around 165 people in global) take part in the activities, some times benefiting of trainings and similar activities; however, we have consider that, direct beneficiaries of these activities would be the organization, for whose strengthening the activities were conceived. Result 2 would have the same situation. * For a beneficiaries break down per cummunity , please see table below.

Tables with additional information

TABLE 3_COMMUNITIES POPULATION REGION PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY COMUNITY PERMANENT POPULATION SUMMER (people) POPULATION ARICA Y PARANICOTA Arica Arica Tierras 3200 600 Blancas ARICA Y PARANICOTA Arica Arica Arica Centro 1200 TARAPACÁ Iquique Iquique Chanavayita 1500 3000 TARAPACÁ Iquique Iquique Cáñamo 30 300 TARAPACÁ Iquique Iquique Caramucho 100 300 TARAPACÁ Tamarugal Huara Pisagua 275 1000 ANTOFAGASTA Antofagasta Tocopilla Caleta Buena 200 1500 ANTOFAGASTA Antofagasta Antofagasta Juan López 25 2000 TOTAL 6530 8700

4.2.2 Status of the direct beneficiaries (multiple options possible) IDPs No page 5/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

Refugees No Returnees No Local population Yes Others (e.g. for Grant Facility, thematic funding, etc ...) Yes 4.2.3 Specificities of direct beneficiaries (please elaborate, refer to groups as appropriate, e.g. unaccompanied minors, disabled, children, ex-combatants ...)

The project beneficiaries are individuals primarily dedicated to primary sector activities related to the extraction of sea products (fishing, collecting shellfish and seaweed). Some individuals, in particular women, are engaged in the service sector (seafood restaurants). Approximately 30% of the beneficiaries are girls, boys and young adults that attend educational establishments primarily located in the cities close to the communities, which involve road trips of about 40-50 minutes by car and arranged by the municipalities. Around 15% of the population is of advanced age, of which the majority have reduced mobility. Activities in Arica will be carried out with a focus on Urban Risk due to the city's medium-size (close to 180,000 inhabitants), a new focus of the Chilean Red Cross and in which the organization will receive advice and support from the International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent Society (IFRC). Together with vulnerable people, the project will also benefit to the National Civil protection System since, through the foreseen activities, will generate a better prepared staff, a deeper articulation and a clearer coordination among the different institutions involved. Also at a psychosocial level, direct beneficiaries are those institutions that usually supply this kind of services at a municipal a local level (please, see paragraph 4.2.7 for more information).

4.2.4 Direct beneficiary identification mechanisms and criteria

Mechanisms: - ONEMI Regional Directions Reports - Reports from SHOA (Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile) - Regional Committees and branches of Chilean Red Cross Reports - Information from Municipalities - Direct experience in the communities

Criteria: - Degree of communities' vulnerability regarding earthquakes and tsunamis - Operational difficulties in Response organisms in the area - No existence of evacuation plans - Communities with a bad rate in evacuation time (up to 20 minutes and more) - Elderly people or population with a reduced mobility

4.2.5 Describe to what extent and how the direct beneficiaries were involved in the design of the Action

National and regional DIPECHO consultation meetings had an open and wide participation of stakeholders, authorities and potential beneficiaries. In this way, participation of the beneficiaries has been observed since the initial steps. Direct Red Cross beneficiaries have participated in the identification of needs and in the selection of the actions to be developed, as part of a profound consultation process at local scale. Red Cross partners identified and proposed the priorities and specific needs to be addressed at this level. One regional coordination meeting was held in Panamá, and the national and regional proposals were discussed. National consortia are willing to participate in the regional experience, as contributors in the process and beneficiaries of the training, backstopping, and methodological support processes.

4.2.6 Other potential beneficiaries (indirect, "catchment", etc ...) 1

As part of its institutional capacity building dimension, this proposal will also benefit those organisms that take part of the National Civil Protection System and those other that work in collaboration with it. We refer to: - Municipalities and community groups supported by ChRC in other cooperation activities. - Other NGO's and institutions operating at local level. - Other national institutions forming part of the National Risk Reduction Platforms.

This operational proposal has been conceived, first of all, as an opportunity to complete those risk reductions efforts already done by the Chilean state, helping to cover those gaps in both institutional and communitarian dimension. Especially in this last one, it is fundamental to promote the spread of Skills in disaster management to a community level, which is the less development at this moment. Chilean Red Cross is, in this sense, one of the most prepared Organizations to develop communities' capacities: [CRC] is the only NGO working in this field with knowledge and certain capacities for developing community-based disaster preparedness activities(...) [this] lead us to regard the Chilean red cross as a potential partner for developing activities in the most vulnerable communities (1). Chilean State also knows it and is willing of strengthen its communitarian presence that was revealed, in the last large emergency, as a crucial element of an efficient response.

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4.2.7 Direct beneficiaries per sector

Psychosocial activities are enclosed in Health sector; it is calculated that will take part in it approximately 5 different psychosocial services institutions (represented by 165 people taking part directly in the activities). At least, the project would work with staff from: - Municipal teams: 3 people/5 municipalities (a total of 15 people) - Psychologists from the Organization "Psicólogos voluntarios de Chile" [Chile's volunteers psychologists] (10 people) - Psychology and social work students (30 people) - Chilean Red Cross volunteers (30 people) - Communitarian First aid brigades members (80 people) * Five is the minimum of institutions or actuation sector that would benefit initially with the project (the minimun considered for carrying out the initial diagnostic and count on with for developing the activities); however is very likely this number be finally higher.

In this work sector, our direct beneficiary will be institutional organisms that will benefit of skill improvement (through specific workshops), more effectiveness (by strengthening mutual articulation) and more human resources specialized. Indirectly, it will benefit to the NCPS, that will be better prepared for providing a disaster response at a psychosocial level and the population of the regions that will be able to count on not just individual and disconnect services but with a integrated network.

The target population for General disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster preparedness activities increase the last number up to 6530 people. Please note that in summer local population increase significantly (see table above). As work strategy for getting an adequate information to fix and summer population, communitarian leaders will be trained (evangelist priests, teachers, etc) as well as people employed in services sector in order to disseminate the information regarding risks, hazards and DRR/DP produced during the project. In the communities where we will work there is no hotel services available and people use to camp in the beaches; for this reason, our dissemination strategy will be focused on restaurants and other food services (as those of direct sell of sea products); we will offer people of this sectors to be trained in order to be better prepared for providing relevant information regarding risks and safety behaviors. This will be complemented with informative panels, radial advertisement and the publication of brochures and similar products that will be distributed mainly by tourist and municipal information offices. All information generated in the framework of the project will be previously accorded with ONEMI and other DIPECHO partners (PNUD, UNESCO) for getting standardized messages at a national level and win effectiveness (the coordination bases for this will be set through an initial workshop among ONEMI, DIPECHO partners in Chile and other key actors aims to manage a shared and standardized warning code -signals, messages, etc-). For getting a major dissemination -and facilitates the replication of actions where appropriate-, we will also use electronic platforms as Desaprender.

Sector Nb beneficiaries/sector Health 5 Disaster preparedness 6.530

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. Title of the Action Strengthening of Northern Chile's Regional Civil Protection and Risk Reduction System in the face of Earthquakes and Tsunamis.

. principal objective To contribute to the strengthening and increase of capacities and the reduction of vulnerabilities in communities facing seismic threats associated with tsunamis an Northern Chile

. Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators Sources of verification specific objective indicator 1 source of verification 1 Risks and assumptions Established and consolidated a Upon completion of the project, 100% - Meeting minutes, attendance forms, - No disasters occur of such as regional structure to reduce risks of participating communities have training certification records magnitude that they impede the through improved integration and developed Earthquake-Tsunami - Familiar and Communitarian Action development of planned actions. coordination of local systems of civil Community Action Plans and 60% of Plan Documents protection and strengthening families have a Family - Community without motivation. community capacity to address natural Earthquake-Tsunami Community hazards generated by earthquakes Action Plan. -Bad conditions of the access paths. and tsunamis. target value 8 Community - World economical crisis Emergency Plans - Limitation of human resources in the indicator 2 source of verification 2 involved institutions. 100% of the benefitting emergency Resolutions, documents and plans community committees are comprised approved by local authorities. of public and private institutions that Completed monitoring and control carry out local risk-reduction actions forms and strengthen their response capacity. Signed agreement stating the Disaster Risk Management Actions to be taken 8 Community by institutions target value Commitees operatives.

indicator 3 source of verification 3 100% of the beneficiary communities Printed brochures, leaflets and other have developed In collaboration with materials. the CRC disclosure and education programs and capitalized on local risk reduction experiences

target value 100% of the communities

result 1 indicator 1.1 source of verification 1.1 Beneficiaries are trained and involved At least 6 VCA Diagnostics will have Completed diagnostic reports. in local contingency and response been completed by mid-project * Completed diagnostic Reports plans, early warning sys-tems, and completion, with a total of 8 having * Documents of those microprojects disaster response. been completed at 12 months of identified project implementation

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target value 8 VCA Diagnostics

indicator 1.2 source of verification 1.2 At the end of the project 1 EWS has * Checklist to measure the level of been created, is managed by each functioning of Early Warning Systems. community, is working and has been * Signed arrangements with local integrated with municipal, regional authorities since the beginning of the and/or national systems. Project.

target value 8 Early Warning Systems

indicator 1.3 source of verification 1.3 After 18 months, 80% of families have - Written documents of Familiar and been vosoted by neighbors supporting Communitarian Emergency Plans. the creation of Familiar Emergency - Certificate of Validation of the Plans and all the communities have its Emergency Plans or stamped copy of own forming part of Municipal the same. Emergency Plans.

target value 80% of the families

indicator 1.4 source of verification 1.4 At least 1 brigade (PAC, EDANIS Equipment donation certificates. and/or Evacuation) can respond in Minutes demonstrating the creation of each community brigade constitutions.

target value 8 Brigades working

indicator 1.5 source of verification 1.5 1 Drill In each municipality, in Drill report. Audiovisual material. coordination with ONEMI, with evacuation rates registering half time than registered in evacuation drill before this project

target value 5 Drills result 2 indicator 2.1 source of verification 2.1 Through the Chilean Red Cross At least 80% of the beneficiaries Inter-organizational meeting minutes, support, Entities and organisms within Municipal Emergency Committees lists and signatures of meeting the Local Civil Protection System are have met three times during the partici-pants better integrated and coordinated and projects' duration have more technical, human and material capacities. 80% of the target Municipal value Emergency Committee

indicator 2.2 source of verification 2.2 At the end of the project, CRC has a New Agreement Charts signed whith clearly defined and mandated role in ONEMI and others relevant actors the National and Local Platform for disasters risk reduction or similar government-initiated coordinating body.

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target CRC rol defined in value national and regional

indicator 2.3 source of verification 2.3 1 safety scholar plan has been Safety Plans Document developed in 18 months at least in 7 educational establishments.

target value 7 Scholar Safety Plan

indicator 2.4 source of verification 2.4 At the end of the Project the competent - Written Documents - Pictures authority has validated communitarian contingency Plans contingency earthquake and tsunami done in each community

target value 8 Contingency Plans validated

indicator 2.5 source of verification 2.5 1 hazards and DRR/DP policies - Edited material sample information strategy has been - Pictures implemented at a communitarian level, - Percepcions surveys/tests especially focused on vulnerable and summer populations, in coordination with other institutions.

target value 1 strategy result 3 indicator 3.1 source of verification 3.1 Local psychosocial skills are improved 80% of the beneficiary communities Psycho-social Support in Emergencies and coordinated in order to provide a have the capacity to respond locally to Training Certificates. holistic psychosocial response in case the community's psycho-social needs of seismic threats associated to in the event of a seismic threat. tsunamis and earthquakes by strengthening the institutional networks target value 80% beneficiary of those entities involved in providing communities this cares. indicator 3.2 source of verification 3.2 80% of the communities host regular Meeting minutes. meetings on how to organize and implement psychosocial activities in prevention and emergency response

target value 80% communities

indicator 3.3 source of verification 3.3 Chilean Red Cross has identified three - Document by which the network regional referents for the coordination recognize the referente figure with communities and institutions in - Work plans with referents psychosocial matters during the projec seeking for the sustentability networks.

target value 3 Focal Referents page 10/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

activity 1.1 Application of initial KAP (for meassuring Capacities, Abilities and Practices) assessment to determine the community baseline. activity 1.2 Call for workshops with community leaders and members of the Communal Emergency Committees activity 1.3 Preparation and execution of five drills village and community workshop on lessons learned. activity 2.1 Realization of trainings for the members of the Civil Protection Systems (Civil Protection Level I, The Sphere Project, ENI General, ENI Water, Sanitation and the Promotion of Health). Publication and/or acquisition of material. activity 2.2 Creating School Safety Plans, formation, training, and implementation of school brigades, preparing and implementing drills. Publication of materials. activity 2.3 Workshops with regional media to strengthen their role in the different phases of commu-nity Disaster Risk Management. Material development and publication. activity 3.1 Local, participatory diagnostic in mental health and psycho-social support and creation of a work plan. activity 3.2 Workshops in different psyshosocial support Skills for staff of involved institutions activity 3.3 Institutional Network dissemination exercises on basic psychosocial skills in the communities.

Preconditions • Agreement signed between Chilean Red Cross and Spanish Red Cross. • Agreements signed between Chilean Red Cross, ONEMI and other involved institutions. • Agreements signed between Chilean Red Cross and regional and local authorities • Enough funds available.

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Result's short description

Beneficiaries are trained and involved in local contingency and response plans, early warning sys-tems, and disaster response.

global cost (eur) 187.440,00 Eur

Sector Disaster preparedness Sub-sector Local disaster management components

number of beneficiaries 6530

status of beneficiaries IDP population refugees returnees others

Detailed description

Involved communities do have neither Contingency Plans nor EWS. Communities' situation is as follow: * Tierras Blancas: Just has an Evacuation Plan but it is not operative. * Arica Centro: Has nothing. * Chanavayita: Is has a safety island. * Cáñamo: It has a warning radio system and a security Island, but this last is far away the community. Besides, the evacuation system must to be improved. * Caramucho: it has a safety island but, as in the last case, it is remote from the community. * Pisagua: An safety island is in installation process. * Caleta Buena: Along this year a safety island will be installed. * Juan López: It is not within the safety island installation program; it has no other security means.

Note: safety Island is a Naval forces' project; it consists of an Antenna pole and a VHF radio connected with ONEMI and Chilean naval forces frequently that acts a safety point for population meeting in case of evacuation.


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Objectively verifiable indicators

1/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

At least 6 VCA Diagnostics will have been completed by mid-project completion, with a total of 8 VCA Diagnostics 8 having been completed at 12 months of project implementation

Sources of verification Detailed description

Completed diagnostic reports. VCA is an integral part (but not the only part) of disaster preparedness and can contribute to * Completed diagnostic Reports the creation of community based disaster preparedness programs at the rural and urban * Documents of those microprojects identified grass-roots level. Regarding outcomes, VCA will provide a great deal more information about the chosen localities and frequently local people participate more willingly in developing activities to build their capacities and reduce their vulnerabilities. This is what we're talking about when we refer the development of micro-projects as an activity of the project.

2/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

At the end of the project 1 EWS has been created, is managed by each community, is working and has 8 Early Warning been integrated with municipal, regional and/or Systems national systems.

Sources of verification Detailed description

* Checklist to measure the level of functioning of We will seek to SET , in close collaboration with ONEMI,SHOA and other organisms as INN Early Warning Systems. (Instituto Nacional de Normalización), a shared use of warning signs according to ISO * Signed arrangements with local authorities since standards and a common early warning system trough a initial meeting with the beginning of the Project. DIPECHO-Chile partners, ONEMI y and another key actors. At the end of the project this EWS will be transferred to Local Civil Protection System as a part of our exit strategy.

3/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

After 18 months, 80% of families have been vosoted by neighbors supporting the creation of Familiar Emergency Plans and all the communities 80% of the families have its own forming part of Municipal Emergency Plans.

Sources of verification Detailed description

- Written documents of Familiar and Communitarian Familiar Emergency Plans allow families get involve in risks management and disasters Emergency Plans. preparedness in order to improve their response to hazards. Besides, it is a key factor for - Certificate of Validation of the Emergency Plans or the incorporation of familiar level to communitarian EWS and Emergency Plans (reinforcing stamped copy of the same. vertical articulation of civil protection system from its more basic levels). Door to door methodology, on the other hand, facilitates solidarity and communication within the own community.

4/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

At least 1 brigade (PAC, EDANIS and/or 8 Brigades working Evacuation) can respond in each community

Sources of verification Detailed description

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Equipment donation certificates. Chilean Red Cross has a long and recognized experience with PAC, Emergency and Minutes demonstrating the creation of brigade Contingency Plans and is therefore an appropriate institution for communities capacitating constitutions. on these matters. To be able to count on a PAC, EDANIS or Evacuation specialized brigade means the existence of prepared people that know how to react for facing hazards in a fast and suitable way; people that are able to advise, to relief and to lead to their communities in critical situations. Finally just to mention that these brigades constitution also means an improvement of the different Civil protection systems level articulation

5/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

1 Drill In each municipality, in coordination with ONEMI, with evacuation rates registering half time 5 Drills than registered in evacuation drill before this project

Sources of verification Detailed description

Drill report. Audiovisual material. These Drills will be done in a close ONEMI collaboration through its regional branch, naval forces and municipalities in order to test the impact and affectivity of the actions, SET connections with the Army's program "safety islands" when pertinent, and articulate and coordinate familiar, municipal scholar and municipal emergency plans.


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1/12 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-05-2011 Application of initial KAP (for meassuring Capacities, Abilities End date 17-08-2012 and Practices) assessment to determine the community baseline.

Detailed description

Cap study will be developed at the begining of the project (two first months) and at the end for meassuring the impact and degree of achievement of the expected results (july-agost2012). Its results will form part of the final document of the project

2/12 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-05-2011 Call for workshops with community leaders and members of the End date 17-06-2011 Communal Emergency Committees

Detailed description

It will reveal accurately the most important training needs for local system committees and will SET a schedule for carry out the workshops.

3/12 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-02-2012 Preparation and execution of five End date 17-07-2012 drills village and community workshop on lessons learned.

Detailed description

Drills will be done in a coordinated way with ONEMI in base of both institutions (ONMEI-CRC) Agreement from 2003 (See document attached).

4/12 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-06-2011 Carry out of communitarian End date 17-03-2012 diagnostics through VCA methodology

Detailed description

VCA allows the people to identify and understand the risk they consider should have priority, even if these are not the natural hazards. It also enables local priorities to be identified and leads to the design of actions that contribute to disaster reduction.

5/12 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-05-2011 VCA Course in participating End date 17-07-2011 regions (Chilean Red Cross volunteers and the community)

Detailed description

Considering distances, 2 training courses for VCA facilitators, will be done. For installing capacities in the communities, relevant community's members will be invited to form part in trainings in order to replicate them in their own places.

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6/12 - Activities

Short description

Carry-out Disaster Risk Start date 18-06-2011 Reduction/Adaptation to Climate Change Awareness-Raising and End date 17-03-2012 Training Workshops in participating communities. Publish work material (“It is better to prevent" series).

Detailed description

An adaptation to Chile of "Mejor Prevenir" will be done. Climate change effects will be disseminated so as its risks and hazards and possible contingency measures in the communitarian level.

7/12 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-09-2011 Development, implementation and End date 17-05-2012 evaluation of micro social projects for Disaster Preparedness.

Detailed description

These micro projects are a direct product of VCA diagnostic and work and are related to DRR and DP thematic. They will include the installation of risks-information panels.

8/12 - Activities

Short description

Door-to-door campaigns Start date 18-10-2011 promoting the creation of Family Plans,Safe Home and Accident End date 17-06-2012 and Prevention in the Home campaigns. Publication and delivery of materials (posters, brochures, guides).

Detailed description

Door-to-door methodology facilitates intra-communitarian solidarity and communication. A commission of neighbors will be trained to carry it out and will be supported by CRC volunteers. Familiar plan are part of Red Cross contribution to the NCPS vertical articulation.

9/12 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-12-2011 Implementation of Community Early Warning Systems, linking End date 17-10-2012 with communal, regional, and/or national Early Warning Systems.

Detailed description

Previously accorded with key actors, EWS will be implemented and articulated with Early Warning National System SET by ONEMI. This will be part of project's exit strategy.

10/12 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-09-2011 Training and supplying community End date 17-05-2012 health brigades (community first aid and hygiene pro-motion).

Detailed description

Heath brigades will be equipped with communitarian firs aid supplies.

11/12 - Activities

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Short description

Start date 18-11-2011 Formation and installation of informative panels for the End date 17-06-2012 socialization of the Emergency Plan, community maps and signage.

Detailed description

Materials for disseminating risks and hazards in the communities and informative panels informing on basic safety measure will be elaborated. These resources will be shared with all those services touristic oriented as part of strategy with summer population. Panels design will be conceived during the opening workshop with ONEMI, DIPECHO Partners in Chile and other key institutions in warning sign matters in the hole country (looking for a national repercussion)

12/12 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-04-2011 Formalization of work agreements End date 17-06-2011 with local and regional authorities.

Detailed description

All work plans with institutions will be formally established and documented by Specific Agreements or MoU.


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Means and costs

1/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Computer systems 2.718,00 Eur

Detailed description

2/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Puchase of other equipments 45.605,00 Eur

Detailed description

3/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Independet professional services 18.783,00 Eur

Detailed description

4/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Travel expenses 48.058,00 Eur

Detailed description

5/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Supplies 7.344,00 Eur

Detailed description

6/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Other services 13.975,00 Eur

Detailed description

7/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Expatriate staff 33.287,00 Eur

Detailed description

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8/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Staff of implementing partner 17.670,00 Eur

Detailed description


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Result's short description

Through the Chilean Red Cross support, Entities and organisms within the Local Civil Protection System are better integrated and coordinated and have more technical, human and material capacities.

global cost (eur) 151.310,00 Eur

Sector Disaster preparedness Sub-sector Institutional linkages and advocacy Local disaster management components

number of beneficiaries 6530

status of beneficiaries IDP population refugees returnees others

Detailed description

SRC-CRC Project will develop activities aimed to get a better coordination and integration of the NCPS by strengthening Local Committees of Civil Protection. The new capacities installed by the proposal will be developed by CRC at a national and local level and will be reflected in new agreements with a clear definition of roles and competences in any phase of an emergency/risk situation. Will be also carried out a scholar safety model that gathers learnt lessons of previous initiatives developed at national and international level.


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Objectively verifiable indicators

1/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

80% of the At least 80% of the beneficiaries Municipal Municipal Emergency Committees have met three times Emergency during the projects' duration Committee

Sources of verification Detailed description

Inter-organizational meeting minutes, lists and signatures of meeting partici-pants

2/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

At the end of the project, CRC has a clearly defined and mandated role in the National and Local CRC rol defined in Platform for disasters risk reduction or similar national and regional government-initiated coordinating body.

Sources of verification Detailed description

New Agreement Charts signed whith ONEMI and After the last year earthquake, CRC has clearly improved its response capacities and has others relevant actors developed new skills (psychosocial or wat/san support, for instance) strengthening its DRR and DP capacities. This has to be translated into new collaboration agreements with ONEMI and other key actors at national and international level. The proposal will reinforce this capacities transform them in a fundamental support for Civil protection and Risk reduction in Northern Chile. In the same sense, along the implementation, CRC branches will have developed new skills and will have done the pertinent actions to be included in municipal emergency plans assuming new roles and competences in them.

3/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

1 safety scholar plan has been developed in 18 7 Scholar Safety months at least in 7 educational establishments. Plan

Sources of verification Detailed description

Safety Plans Document

4/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

At the end of the Project the competent authority has validated communitarian contingency Plans 8 Contingency Plans contingency earthquake and tsunami done in each validated community

Sources of verification Detailed description

- Written Documents - Pictures In Chile do not exist communitarian contingency plans so will be needed its creation in each community and get their validation by the local civil protection system. These plans will be accorded and disseminated within the community and at municipal level

5/5 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

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1 hazards and DRR/DP policies information strategy has been implemented at a communitarian 1 strategy level, especially focused on vulnerable and summer populations, in coordination with other institutions.

Sources of verification Detailed description

- Edited material sample We'll work providing hard copies information on risks and resources in touristic - Pictures emplacements, training people of touristic services for the appropriate dissemination of the - Percepcions surveys/tests information and spreading key messages (accorded previously with organisms involve in prevention activities as ONEMI, other DIPECHO partners etc) through mass media.


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1/10 - Activities

Short description

Realization of trainings for the Start date 18-07-2011 members of the Civil Protection Systems (Civil Protection Level I, End date 17-09-2012 The Sphere Project, ENI General, ENI Water, Sanitation and the Promotion of Health). Publication and/or acquisition of material.

Detailed description

In coordination with ONEMI will be designed and implemented training modules. Besides, ONEMI's staff will be invited to take part f VCA Workshops.

2/10 - Activities

Short description

Creating School Safety Plans, Start date 18-06-2011 formation, training, and implementation of school End date 17-06-2012 brigades, preparing and implementing drills. Publication of materials.

Detailed description

For specific tsunamis hazards will be used the UNESCO's educative modules in the framework of DIPECHO VI. Besides, CRCH is working in an adaptation of "Mejor Prevenir" IFRC Program which safety scholar module will work together ONEMI, Education Ministry, and Reference Centre for communitarian Education (CREC-IFRC) among others key actors.

3/10 - Activities

Short description

Workshops with regional media to Start date 18-08-2011 strengthen their role in the different phases of commu-nity End date 17-03-2012 Disaster Risk Management. Material development and publication.

Detailed description

We will work with press sector and regional radios for learning a appropriate way of spreading information under emergency circumstances. A manual regarding this will be accorded with ONEMI.

4/10 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-08-2011 Strengthening of the Chilean Red Cross Telecommunications End date 17-11-2011 Network, in support of ONEMI's National Telecommunications.

Detailed description

After having signed a collaboration agreement with ONMEI, we will give a steep more training radio-operators in CRCH and other organisms belonging the NCPS. It is expected this facilitates articulation and communication inter-levels of the system. It will also provide a higher effectiveness to the alert transmission process.

5/10 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-08-2011 page 23/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

Supplying the Chilean Red Cross End date 17-11-2011 Regional Response Teams.

Detailed description

Regional Response Teams will be integrated by trained volunteers, who will be specialized in Disaster Response (NIT's Model). These volunteers will support to Regional Emergency committees at emergency time. Besides training, this teams require for being operatives appropriate equipment (for instance, 1 zone kit that consists of a case with basic items for establish an emergency office -notebook, GPS, Satellite phone, paper, etc)

6/10 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-03-2012 Community workshops to review End date 17-07-2012 local response plan to incorporate new capabilities.

Detailed description

We will work with Local Committees of Civil Protection in order to UPDATE and make more effective Local response Plans, incorporating those new capacities created by the project, and reflecting in a clearer way institutions roles and competences.

7/10 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-03-2012 Drill exercises in three communities with participation End date 17-07-2012 from members of other communities as evaluators, lessons-learned workshops.

Detailed description

Once Local Response Plan (at municipal level) be validated, will be carried out a Drill in, at least, one municipality per region. The other municipalities will take part as Drill's evaluator and will participates in the round tables on learnt lessons for improving the target-municipality work and Richter it own work .

8/10 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-05-2011 Regular meetings between Municipal Emergency Commitees End date 17-09-2012 and specialized staff of Chilean Red Cross.

Detailed description

It is expected that Municipal Emergency Committees maintain meetings with Chilean Red Cross, and under direct supervision from project staff, at least three times. It is independent of the rate of meetings among Municipal Committees, which is expected higher (a minimum periodicity of 1time every two months)

9/10 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-04-2011 Participation in two Regional End date 17-10-2012 DIPECHO meetings and presentation of visibility stand.

Detailed description

The proposal considers the participation of a member of SRC, CHRC and one ONEMI's representative.

10/10 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-04-2011 Coordination with national DIPECHO s Partners for join page 24/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

DIPECHO s Partners for join End date 17-10-2012 activities in the Framework of DIPECHO VII PoA .

Detailed description

To Coordinate the launch of VII DIPECHO PoA, round table for SET ting on EWS, Participation in national meetings, etc.


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Means and costs

1/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Purchase of publications 1.350,00 Eur

Detailed description

2/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Purchase of Other equipments 13.510,00 Eur

Detailed description

3/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Independent professional services 18.333,00 Eur

Detailed description

4/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Travel expenses 45.723,00 Eur

Detailed description

5/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Supplies 7.344,00 Eur

Detailed description

6/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Other services 11.375,00 Eur

Detailed description

7/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Expatriate staff 33.287,00 Eur

Detailed description

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8/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Staff of implementing partner 17.670,00 Eur

Detailed description


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Result's short description

Local psychosocial skills are improved and coordinated in order to provide a holistic psychosocial response in case of seismic threats associated to tsunamis and earthquakes by strengthening the institutional networks of those entities involved in providing this cares.

global cost (eur) 93.682,00 Eur

Sector Health Sub-sector Mental and psycho-social support

number of beneficiaries 5

status of beneficiaries IDP population refugees returnees others

Detailed description

Psychosocial Objective will be aimed to reinforce local organisms responsible for providing psychosocial support; we will seek to improve its qualification and to promote its articulation ir order to get the establishment of operative and recognizable psychosocial Networks in the intervention areas.


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Objectively verifiable indicators

1/3 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

80% of the beneficiary communities have the 80% beneficiary capacity to respond locally to the community's communities psycho-social needs in the event of a seismic threat.

Sources of verification Detailed description

Psycho-social Support in Emergencies Training CHRC has carried out an important number of psychosocial support interventions so has Certificates. identified those actors that are fundamental for getting an effective network response.

2/3 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

80% of the communities host regular meetings on how to organize and implement psychosocial 80% communities activities in prevention and emergency response

Sources of verification Detailed description

Meeting minutes. Will be implemented a coordination mechanism or work plan between the conformed network and first communitarian aid brigades, looking for the capacity for developing activities at a communitarian level.

3/3 - Objectively verifiable indicators

Short description target value

Chilean Red Cross has identified three regional referents for the coordination with communities and 3 Focal Referents institutions in psychosocial matters during the projec seeking for the sustentability networks.

Sources of verification Detailed description

- Document by which the network recognize the This is oriented to assure the sustantability of the actions and networks. referente figure - Work plans with referents


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1/4 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-04-2011 Local, participatory diagnostic in mental health and psycho-social End date 01-06-2011 support and creation of a work plan.

Detailed description

Now, this activity is aimed to identify other potential institutional collaborators (apart of those cited in section 4.2.1) in each intervention area and SET , at the same time, the particular weakness of an integrated system of actuation depending of the different realities.

2/4 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-06-2011 Workshops in different End date 17-10-2011 psyshosocial support Skills for staff of involved institutions

Detailed description

The training will be based on methodology of the National Intervention Teams (ENI), but especialized on psychosocial support.

3/4 - Activities

Short description

Start date 18-10-2011 Institutional Network dissemination exercises on basic End date 17-07-2012 psychosocial skills in the communities.

Detailed description

It will be a practice to prove the consolidation and integration degree of Networks and, at the same time, will allow us to spread some basic skills of psychosocial support in the communities (for the provision of the first psychosocial aid in case of emergency)

4/4 - Activities

Short description Start date 18-05-2011 Regular coordinations meetings End date 17-10-2012 for Network constitution, planification and actuation

Detailed description


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Means and costs

1/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Computer systems 1.443,00 Eur

Detailed description

2/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Purchase of other equipments 2.960,00 Eur

Detailed description

3/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Independent professional services 10.333,00 Eur

Detailed description

4/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Travel expenses 20.285,00 Eur

Detailed description

5/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Supplies 3.672,00 Eur

Detailed description

6/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Other services 9.551,00 Eur

Detailed description

7/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Expatriate staff 33.287,00 Eur

Detailed description

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8/8 - Means and costs

Short description cost

Staff of implementing partner 12.150,00 Eur

Detailed description

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4.3.2 More detailed information per result Other costs

Other costs Initial amount Institutional visibility/communication 1.700,00 Bank services 3.750,00

Total other costs 5.450,00

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Description (the button "Annexes" can be used to attach a document with the workplan)

* Please, see Annexed the revised versión of Work Plan


4.5.1 Monitoring of activities (explain how, by whom)

The Chilean Red Cross and the Spanish Red Cross will develop together follow-up activities of the project. At a local level, people in charge of the monitoring are the administrative and operative coordinators of the Chilean Red Cross, who will meet from time to time the work teams and will present monthly reports about the execution of the activities depending on the expected results of the logical framework and according to the calendar of activities. The delegate of the Spanish Red Cross will have to his/her disposal the follow-up tool of the Chilean Red Cross which will be dealed and sent to the head office for analyzing it. Likewise, the computer application of the Spanish Red Cross will be used in order to do the economic and technical monitoring of the project.

All the activities and its monitoring will be analyzed with the National Emergency Bureau ONEMI in order to keep them articulated with the actions of this entity in its territorial jurisdiction.

The National Department of Finance of the Chilean Red Cross will do the monitoring of the accounting and will help with a technical support for the elaboration of the final report and partial reports for ECHO. The National Department of Risk Management, the National Development Department, The health Department, the National Communications Department and the National Youth Department of the Chilean Red Cross will contribute in a participative way to the actions of the project and to the elaboration of the reports to be submitted to ECHO (intermediary and final).

4.5.2 Please indicate the studies that will be undertaken An external evaluation during the Action No An external evaluation after the Action No An external audit during the Action No An external audit after the Action No An internal evaluation or internal audit related to the Action Yes 4.5.3 Other studies Yes If Yes, please elaborate

A KAP suvey on Capacities, Abilities and Practice will be done at the initial and final satges of the project.

Please remember that for external evaluations, audits and studies financed by the Commission the Terms of Reference have to be agreed by DG ECHO before launching the selection procedure. 5. CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES

5.1 Describe the expected level of sustainability and/or connectedness

Major project's strategy is the communities' strengthening so as the reinforcement of emergency organisms belonging to the National System of civil protection trough local Emergencies Committees. The participation in this proposal of other organizations within Emergency committees or communitarian work (fire-fighters, policemen, Scouts, Christy's' home) will assure actions sustainability. This proposal foreseen actions and activities have been designed facilitating than can be easily incorporated to the System of Civil protection in a permanent way. For this reason, Chilean Red Cross previous relation with ONEMI and those other organizations that integrate Chilean National System of Civil Protection has revealed as an essential element of the project design and will be a key issue in the project implementation. Training of communitarian leaders, with organizational skills and knowledge on risks, hazards and vulnerabilities of its own communities will provide continuity to the community work, joining it to the Emergency Operations Committees trough communitarian brigades, especially regarding Damages' assessment and needs Analysis.

Installation of communitarian Early Warning Systems will be done closely to technical organisms (SHOA, ONEMI, Seismographic service) and, once installed and articulated at its different levels (communitarian, municipal, regional and national) will be donates to the pertinent public organism that be able to provide it technical support and maintenance in a page 34/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

national) will be donates to the pertinent public organism that be able to provide it technical support and maintenance in a long term.

5.2 Continuum strategy (Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development)

As a learnt lesson of Paraguayan Red Cross in DIPECHO's experiences we will transfer the whole compiled and systematized information under this project to the communities concerned as a part of our exit strategy (Communitarian Feedback Manual). This will be highly useful since will include a complete summarizing of all the work development under the form of diagnostics and reports; it will be very interesting for the identification in the community of future projects. Generation or strengthening specific social networks (psychosocial support, communitarian leaders network, etc.) will allow the creation of a support structure in which beneficiaries will easily develop their community work.

5.3 Mainstreaming (e.g. Disaster Risk Reduction, Children, Human rights, Gender, Environmental impacts, others to be specified)

As part of the Red Cross Movement, the Spanish and Chilean Red Cross adhere to the IFRC's Gender Policy, which has as a goal "to ensure all programmes benefit men and women equally, according to their different needs and with the input and equal participation of men and women at all levels". The production and distribution of all materials and the implementation of all trainings, activities and messaging will emphasize non-discrimination and equity.


6.1 Field co-ordination (indicate the Humanitarian Organisation's participation in coordination mechanisms with other relevant stakeholders, e.g. clusters, NGOs, UN agencies, others to be specified as well as the links with the Consolidated Appeal Process, when relevant)

In this proposal preparation there has been different level coordination: Participation in meeting with other potential partners Spanish Red Cross took part of the first DIPECHO's Meeting in Bogotá and the Last one in Santiago de Chile in which participated the following institution: OMS, Save the Children, ACNUR, Deutsch Red Cross, Chilean Red Cross, IFRC, UNESCO, Foreign Affairs Ministry, ONEMI. Red Cross coordination Based on experience on previous actions the internal coordination of the individual Red Cross proposals has been crucially important. The overall aim is to strengthen this cooperation and common approach through this actions call for proposals. In the preparation phase for the current Plan, several coordination meetings among potential Red Cross partners participating to proposals have been carried out. This has enabled to exchange information between the different societies, and for each country to agree on overall general approach for these Red Cross operations and to harmonize activities. The last coordination meeting took part in Peru, last November, 2010.

During the revision of the initial proposal new coordination meetings have been done. After two meetings (held on 2nd and 3th of March), CRCH, PNUD and UNESCO were coincident in the convenience of organize together the launch of VIIth DIPECHO's Action Plan and carry out an initial workshop for set a shared code on warning signals and EWS regarding tsunamis to be used by all DIPECHO's partners during their projects. Besides, for taking advantage of UNESCO experience on SAT, local actors of PNUD and Red Cross proposals will take part of those national workshops organized by UNESCO in its project. We will use the educative modules developed by UNESCO regarding tsunamis (primary and high school) in last DIPECHO decision (" Adaptive Learning Mechanism on Tsunami Preparedness at Community Level in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile "). At the same time, CRCH and PNUD will share their mutual experiences at local level, comparing our respective methodologies and sharing information (for instance, PNUD give to know to CHRC its methodology " Centros vecinales de gestión del riesgo"). We also accorded to swap staff internship along the project life. Jointly, the three potential Partners will update together the Country Document elaborated by UNESCO in the last DIPECHO decision and will organize the celebrations for the international DRR Day. Finally, was also accorded carry out a final workshop on learnt lessons and experiences capitalization. In parallel, SRC-CRC will seek to identify local actors in risk reduction with capacity for the expansion of the project potential impacts. By Result 3th, Red Cross Proposal will boost the creation and coordination of psychosocial support Networks; this work will be done based on teams from Municipal Health and Social Department, local organizations as "Chile's volunteers psychologists" and organizations of students of psychology and social work, all they organizations previously qualified for providing psychosocial support services. Through this network we get also reach to the community through the constitution of Communitarian First Aids Brigades.

6.2 National and local authorities (relations established, authorisations, coordination)

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The Chilean Red Cross has been participating in coordination meetings with ONEMI and other governmental authorities. Constant has been the contact and coordination with ONEMI for the designing of the action. Actually, this proposal is this coordination result so it counts with the higher institutional support in the country (which also constitutes a sustainability guarantee). It is also important to note that there are two Agreements between ONEMI and CHRC date don 2003 and 2010, currently in force, regarding operative coordination and shred use of telecommunications network (acquired by ECHO's support to the last year eathquake). You could find both in Annexes. The Chilean Red Cross acts as an auxiliary to all public services, responsible for prevention and intervention in the event of disasters in conjunction with bodies such as ONEMI, the fire department o the health services. Regarding emergencies, the National Society coordinates with ONEMI to provide assistance when required. This operational proposal have been developed as a result of the close relation of Chilean Red Cross and ONEMI looking for the mutual reinforcement and community level integration in order to cover those gaps in the Civil Protection National System. The final aim is to consolidate the existing risk reduction structure for getting, in 18 months, some Chileans areas completely prepared for face up hazards as those described in this document. All the administrative actions of the project will be coordinated with ONEMI's headquarters, in Santiago, and the operative actions will be coordinated on the field by the Regional Department of ONEMI and the civil servants in charge of emergencies in each municipality Likewise, the coordination for some activities, especially the educational ones, will be necessary to work with institutions such as the Hydrographic Service and Oceanographical of the Chilean Navy (SHOA), the National Service of Geology and Mining industry - SERNAGEOMIN-, and the Education Ministry, among others. At a local level, our proposal foresees the integration of Chile's Municipal Association through the formalization of a signed Agreement. We will also seek the swap of knowledge and methodologies through mutual staff internship -as is foreseen with PNUD-, participation in Workshops and round tables so that actions get the higher level of reproducibility as possible. Finally, will also be signed Agreements with Local Committees of Civil protection for the achievement of the project goals an as part of the exist strategy, transferring the installed capacities.

6.3 Co-ordination with DG ECHO (indicate the Humanitarian Organisation's contacts with DG ECHO and its technical assistants in the field)

Since the beginning of the proposal field teams seek for the coordination with ECHO's representative. A firs meeting took part last October when was stabilised the initial idea of the proposal: to take advantage to those risk reduction efforts done by the Government and the multiplicity of resources existing in Chile for apply those learnt lessons of the February earthquake and get, at a low cost, an efficient risk reduction structure. That should be done first of all in those places with a most risk situation. Once defined these, were shared with ECHO on Field the logic of intervention for its consideration and comments. As a result of this exchange, following modifications were introduced: - Inclusion of a CAP's study at the beginning and at the end of the project. - More activities for coordination/articulation among different level actors. - An specific activity for capitalising learnt lessons and take advantage of material produced for other institution (such as UNESCO) - A better focused specific objective - More ambitious indicators in relation to the number of Community Plans (from 80% to 100%) and simulations.


7.1 Name and address of implementing partner(s)

Chilean Red Cross Av. Santa María 0150 - Providencia - Santiago. Tel.: (2) 7771448 - 7771416 - Fax: (2) 7270270

Web Page:

7.2 Status of implementing partners (e.g. NGO, local authorities, etc.) and their role

Chilean Red Cross is a National Red Cross society, with a legal status as Private Humanitarian Entity (Law Nº 3,924). It was founded on December 18, 1903, in accordance with the Geneva Convention signed in 1949 and the Additional Protocols of 1977, as well as with the Fundamental Principals of the Red Cross Red Crescent International Movement. CRC is a humanitarian organization, that is essentially voluntary, autonomous, and independent, both politically as well as administratively, and by religion and race. The Chilean Red Cross has evolved into a priority partner for ONEMI, having collaborated in the area of Disaster Response by jointly responded to key disasters and accidents (San José Disaster, San José Mining Company, Copiapo, August - October, 2010; highway accident, Tur Bus Company, Highway del Sol, November 23, 2010; the San Miguel Prison Fire, Metropolitan Area of Santiago, December 8, 2010; and a moderate intensity earthquake in the South of Chile, Araucanía Region, January 2, 2011), while collaborating on key Disaster Risk Reduction Projects including the adaptation and publication (along with the Ministry of Education) of the International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies' series " It is Better to Prevent" and the game "Riesgolandia" (Risk Land), in addition to the coordination and realization page 36/42 Reference: 2011/00079/RQ/01/02 10/03/2011

of Disaster Risk Reduction activities (drills and awareness campaigns). Another project expected to be developed jointly with ONEMI is the preparation, publication and distribution of the " Operating Manual for Emergency Committees", which will provide new committee members with a common training methodology, allowing for better integration amongst emergency response organizations, such as the Civil Protection System as a whole (national, regional, provincial and communal).

7.3 Type of relationship with implementing partner(s) and the expected reporting by the implementing partner

The CRC and the SRC have a long history of working together. This National Society has successfully implemented many projects to benefit vulnerable communities throughout the country. In accordance with the principles of the International Movement of the Red Cross and the Sevilla Agreement, the CRC and the SRC's joint work is based on a cooperative agreement made specific to each unique project. The CRC (operating National Society) creates a volunteer team to implement the project, while the SRC (participating National Society) provides the project with technical support from its headquarters in Madrid and a Delegate in the field. The CRC works in bilateral cooperation with the SRC, sharing equal responsibility and decision-making relative to the projects' activities. A specific agreement will be signed with SRC at the start of the project. This agreement governs the relationship between CRC and SRC, regulating their respective roles in the implementation of the project. Regarding the expected reporting, the Spanish Red Cross projects must be management through an informatics application that permits, almost in a real time, the monitoring of the implementation at both, economic and qualitative level. It is completed with the periodic remittance to Spanish Red Cross headquarters the support documentation for the informed period (usually every three months). This sending consists of economic documentation, technical report and verification sources for the declared achievements.


8.1 Contingency measures (Plan B/ mitigating actions to be taken if risks and assumptions spelled out in the log-frame materialised)

Risk Formulation Risk Nature Results/Proposed Actions and impacts Corrective Measures or attenuation - Community without Totality of the project: absenteeism in the meetings, Efficiency in the processes of motivation. Social, cultural. courses and workshops. sensitization of the community and it Level 1to 2. leaders. -Bad conditions of the Identification of access alternatives. access paths. Environment, Totality of the project: Difficulty of rapprochement of Level 1 to 2. logistics the work team with the benefited localities Resumption of operations when the conditions improve - Action of the natural Totality of the project in the affected commune (All Immediate evacuation hazard. Environment. the actions in execution and for executing would be Level 2 to 3. suspended) Elaboration of own contingency and response plans Result 1: absenteeism of the community in - Bad Climatic conditions. meetings, courses and workshops. Temporary suspension of the activities Level 2 to 3. Environment. until the improvement of the climatic Result 2: Temporary closing of educative conditions. establishments. - World economical crisis. Economic Totality of the project: Cut Budget . Decrease of the execution of activities Level 2 a 3. of the project Involvement of affiliates geographically - Limitation of human Result 1: absenteeism of institutions in meetings, nearby of the same institution. resources in the involved courses and workshops. institutions. Institutional. Involvement of other institutions Level 1 to 2. Result 2: absenteeism of institutions in meetings, courses and workshops . * 1= low ; 2=medium : 3= high

8.2 Security considerations 8.2.1 Security situation in the field, describe briefly

Apart from those risks regarding natural hazards, there is no remarkable insecurity situations as a estructural part of sociopolitical conditions in the communities of intervention.

8.2.2 Has a specific security protocol for this Action been established? Standard procedure If Yes, please elaborate

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8.2.3 Are field staff and expatriates informed of and trained in these procedures? Yes 9. COMMUNICATION, VISIBILITY AND INFORMATION ACTIVITIES

9.1 Planned communication activities (in field and/or in Europe)

The planned visibility activities consist of disseminating of ECHO mandate as well as the principles of the International Movement of the Red Cross and of the National Societies participants. Especially the visibility plan goes to: 1 -The institutions and national, regional and local authorities. 2 -The communities involved. 3 -The local, regional, national and international press.

According to the cases, the main tools of communication will be: -Press releases at the beginning and at the end of the project. -Articles in the local media, covering a specific activity or a presentation of works or even a specific event in the frame of the project. -Diverse Merchandising such as calendars, leaflets, posters, etc. -Visibility stands in regional DIPECHO meetings

9.2 Visibility on durable equipment, major supplies, and at project locations

On the field, the team has at its disposal: * Use of banners of ECHO and the Red Cross. * Distribution of almanacs 2011-2012, reminding the principles of intervention of the Red Cross and the ECHO mandate. * Distribution of diptyches referring to the original principle of intervention of the Red Cross, the ECHO mandate and the aims and scopes of the project.

-All the used material in the frame of the project as well as uniformity, bought with the funds of the project, will have the logo of the European Commission and Chilean Red Cross/Spanish Red Cross. -Distribution of souvenirs with the logos of the European Commission, Chilean Red Cross/Spanish Red Cross, and the name of the project.

9.3 Planned publication activities

Edition, publication and distribution of the final achievments and learnt lessons of the project and publication of training materials.


10.1 Indicate global figures per function and status Title/function Status Staff nr. Mans / months Comments Spanish Red Cross Delagate Expatriate staff 1 18,00 Management of the project in Coordinator accordance with the ECHO standards He/She will propose the accomplishment of corrective actions in agreement when a deviation of agreement exists. National Administrative Implementing partner 0 0,00 * This figure has been integrated Coordinator as part of National Coordinator National Coordinator Implementing partner 1 18,00 To manage operatively the accomplishment of activities at a national level in agreement to the budget based on the expected results Regional Coordinators Implementing partner 4 16,00 People in charge of the

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Regional Coordinators Implementing partner 4 16,00 People in charge of the management of the project at a regional and local level. There will be a person per region and a additional one for psychosocial comeponent (this last person for 12 months)

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Subtotal direct eligible costs 437.882,00 Direct eligible costs = Sum of amount per result + Other costs437.882,00 Indirect costs (max. 7%) 30.651,00

Total Costs 468.533,00 Funding of action Initial Direct revenue from Action ,00

Contribution by applicant 93.680,00

Contribution by other donors ,00

Contribution requested from ECHO 374.853,00

% of total funding 80

Total Funding 468.533,00

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12.1 FPA number (if applicable) 2008 FPA 8-141 12.2 Name and title of legal representative signing the Agreement Mr PEREZ SUAREZ Leopoldo - General Secretary 12.3 Name, telephone, e-mail and title of the person(s) to be mentioned in Article 7 of the Agreement Name Title Phone Fax E-mail ELENA GONZÁLEZ ROMERO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR +34913354398 +34 91 335 44 30 [email protected] MARÍA ALCAZAR CASTILLA DESK-OFFICER + 34 3354505 +34 91 335 44 30 [email protected] AMÉRICA 12.4 Name, telephone, fax and e-mail of the representative in the area of intervention Name Phone / Fax / E-mail Address field office

12.5 Bank account Account number Bank / Branch address Account holder BIC code / IBAN code IBAN_ONLY Banco Santander Central Hispano S.A. CRUZ ROJA ESPAÑOLA PROYECTOS ECHO 1, Plaza de Canalejas, E - Madrid ES78 0049 1892 6729 1053 1882

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Description of the Quantity Amount (EUR) Procurement procedure Derogation (Forecast) Launch (Forecast) supplies, services or date procedure Contracting date works


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