
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.24.118.152 on 1 June 1949. Downloaded from


BY W. P. FOSTER, M.B., Ch.B., and R. G. G. TAYLOR, M.B., Ch.B. (From the Department of Child , University of Bristol, and the Children's Department of the United Bristol Hospitals) Peripheral circulatory disorder in early childhood local circulatory stagnation consequent upon the is somewhat unusual except as a temporary dis- syphilitic endarterial . turbance consequent upon capillary stagnation, Whilst it must be recognized that vascular coldness, or other simple reversible phenomena. of such severity are only remotely probable, the The occurrence of ischaemic disorder sufficient to example recorded here is of special interest in view evoke gangrenous changes is not only rare, but is of the extensive and crippling damage which ensued clinically striking and necessitates an urgent and of the rapid and satisfactory remedial effects approach to the etiology. obtained in some peripheral areas which were arteritis may occur during or subsequent to threatened with gross destructive changes. severe . Such arterial changes have been recorded in the enteric , typhoid , scarlet Case History fever, and diphtheria. In the newborn, general or A.B., aged 2 years, was the second child in the umbilical has been related to acute arterial family. The first child, a boy aged 7 years, was most healthy and had a negative Wassermann test. A ischaemic , especially in the limbs. In third child died at the age of 1 month from alleged examples the terminal branches of the limb circu- bronchopneumonia. The parents appeared to be by copyright. latory system have become variably affected with well and gave no history of syphilitic lesions. arterial thrombosis to an extent sufficient to A.B. first came under medical observation in precipitate rapid necrosis of even a hand or a foot. hospital on Feb. 18, 1948, at the age of 14 months. Under these circumstances it is reasonable to suppose He was a full-term of normal delivery and that the arterial walls have succumbed to a focal appearance, but there was a history of a on the nodular, or more diffuse, necrotizing arteritis, and nates and some troublesome during the sudden massive endarterial occlusion has super- earlier weeks of . Progress had not been satis- factory, and admission to a regional hospital was vened. In some cases arterial may be the was and sought because baby miserable, listless, http://adc.bmj.com/ the operative , but this is much less likely of inadequate weight. The admitting in view of the wide lability of possible collateral noted that there were some clinical features of routes of blood supply of the limbs in the young unusual significance, and a special record was made child. in regard to rhinitis, some bossing' of the frontal Many of the clinical effects of infection with the region of the head, and a rash irregularly disposed Treponema pallidum are related to the endarterial over the face and buttocks. The skin was generally changes in the individual focal lesions, especially in dry and the hair sparse. There was no evidence of any visceral abnormality and the spleen and

forms of One of the out- on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected the acquired syphilis. were not enlarged. The nervous system, including standing features of , however, the eyes and hearing, was normal. The right hand is the peculiar insusceptibility of the cardiovascular was cyanosed and oedematous, and the tips of the system and a relative immunity of the arterial second and third fingers were discoloured and structures to direct disease or degeneration. It has, tender. On the left hand the tips of the third, however, been occasionally observed that ischaemic fourth, and fifth fingers were blue and tender (fig. I). effects, with in some cases an extension to The right foot showed a necrotic area on the dorsum necrosis, may take place and are more usual in the and the fourth toe was discoloured, but these young child. Illustrated examples of this condition variably affected areas were not recognizably cold of Stokes and Pritchard to touch (fig. 2). Careful examination failed to appear in the works (1944), reveal any significant reduction in pulsation of the (1938). Others have noted an occasional clinical radial and dorsalis pedis arteries on either side. relationship between congenital syphilis, peripheral During the following week the darkening discoloura- arterial disease, and paroxysmal haemoglobinuria: in tion of the fingers, especially of the larger part of such a group disorder the phasic haemoglobinuria the right hand (fig. 3), became suggestive of a may arise proportionately to the cooling effect and gangrenous transformation, and the affected parts 152 Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.24.118.152 on 1 June 1949. Downloaded from

GA NGRENE INV CONGENITAL SYPHILIS 153 failed at any time, even under conditions of applied nasal infection, had considerably improved. Pro- warmth, to improve. Vasodilator also failed gress in the amputated area was satisfactory (fig. 5). to relieve the local circulatory disturbance. It was A small separated from the right fourth toe noted that the affected areas were warmer to and the discoloured necrotic areas on the left hand palpation than their appearance indicated. As a showed corresponding marked improvement. The means of forestalling secondary sepsis, a course of necrotic nails had separated. Two weeks after the sodium penicillin (50,000 units six-hourly intra- surgical treatment the area was granulat- muscularly) was begun. The right hand remained ing and healing satisfactorily. A course of three darkened and became very swollen and it appeared weeks' penicillin treatment was concluded. The that a red line of demarcation was developing. blood Wassermann and Kahn reactions remained Amputation was suggested, but this was considered positive. Continuity of was maintained by unwise owing to the poor general condition of the injections of sulpharsenobenzine as 'sulphostab' child. Shortly afterwards the child's blood Wasser- 0-01 g. weekly and bismuth 0-01 g. bi-weekly. It mann reaction was reported strongly positive, and was clear that the anti-syphilitic treatment was the same result was obtained in both parents. In proving effective, and excellent general improvement view of this, penicillin was continued and was was apparent in , mental and physical augmented by injections of bismuth (0 25 ml. daily) activity, and a restoration of normal rate of growth. and suitable doses of potassium iodide and liquor On no occasion had the cerebrospinal fluid shown hydrarg. perchlor. The child improved clinically any abnormality, and it was perhaps remarkable, during the following few weeks, but unfortunately in view of the severe general infection, that the the nutritional state of the right hand failed to fluid's Wassermann reaction and the colloidal gold improve proportionally. In fact dry curves were normal. supervened, with its limitations at the more defined Careful and continuous was main- line of demarcation. However, it seemed clear that tained in the Children's Hospital over a period of the active gangrenous zone was considerably smaller twelve weeks. In the final period all signs of active than had appeared probable at an earlier date, disease had cleared and the Wassermann reaction especially before the commencement of urgent and became negative. Suitable continuity of treatment intensive It is of some interest in the out- department was maintained. anti-specific therapy. by copyright. that after the beginning of penicillin treatment the child had had fever reaching to 103- F. Discussion A month later, during which time there had been Peripheral vascular changes resulting in gangrene difficulties about continuity of treatment and dangers in a case of syphilis present, according to Stokes had again arisen in regard to the gangrenous areas, (1944) and other writers, little that is characteristic the child entered the Bristol Children's Hospital on of syphilis. However, it is generally assumed that Feb. 22, 1948. where the condition occurs in the presence of florid The outstanding clinical features at this admission manifestations of syphilis this disease is responsible were the characteristic special facies' with for the vascular changes which precede occlusion.

suspicious perioral scarring and a conspicuous facial The possible causes of peripheral gangrene http://adc.bmj.com/ profile. The dry gangrene of the right hand was occurring in childhood are much less numerous than sharply demarcated at the level of the proximal in adults. In adults many must be excluded third of the metacarpus (fig. 4). The third, fourth, before syphilis can be diagnosed. and fifth fingers of the left hand were plum-coloured. In both adults and children the only infallible except for their tips which were quite black, and method of ensuring the veracity of such a diagnosis the nails appeared to be necrotic. The terminal would be the demonstration of the Treponema phalanx on the fourth right toe was similarly pallidum in the affected tissues. The literature does blackened and the nail necrosed. No not afford very conclusive evidence that this has been appreciable on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected reduction of pulsation in the peripheral arteries done in the case of peripheral lesions. However, could be detected. X-ray examination of the whole Warthin (1922) claimed to have found spirochaetes in skeleton revealed an advanced and extensive degree popliteal and tibial arteries in symmetrical gangrene of syphilitic osteo-periostitis with involvement of simulating Raynaud's disease. the tibial, femoral, and ulnar bones. Treatment In the case here reported, on the score of age, with penicillin was again begun (60,000 units three- arteriosclerosis and von Buerger's disease could be hourly). On no occasion was haemoglobinuria eliminated as causes. From the history there was detected, and the urine was repeatedly normal. nothing to suggest a traumatic or toxic origin. After one week's intensive penicillin treatment it Clinical findings in the child included a normal was decided by Prof. R. Milnes-Walker that there urine, and no evidence of cardiac abnormality. was no alternative to amputation of the gangrenous and arterial embolism could also be portion of the right hand, and on March 30, 1948, excluded. Periarteritis nodosa, Raynaud's disease, this was carried out at the level of the metacarpo- and syphilis remained as possible causes. phalangeal joint of the thumb and the metacarpal Periarteritis nodosa may individuals of all line of the remaining parts of the hand. At this ages, and the condition has been observed in infancy. time the child's general condition, especially the Those cases which have shown digital gangrene from Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.24.118.152 on 1 June 1949. Downloaded from


FIG. 1.-Condition shortly after admission (Feb. 18, 1948) showing facies and gangrene of hands. The photograph was taken on Feb. 25. by copyright. http://adc.bmj.com/ on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected

FIG. 2.-The right foot, showing necrotic area on the FIG. 3.-Gangrene of right hand, February, 1948. dorsum (Feb. 25). FIG. 4.-Hands, March 25, 1948, after the first course of FIG. 5.-Right upper limb one month later after excision- penicillin. Note the line of demarcation of the amputation of necrotic tissue (March 30). gangrenous area. Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.24.118.152 on 1 June 1949. Downloaded from GANGRENE IN CONGENITAL SYPHILIS 155 thrombotic occlusion of the peripheral arteries have open the sealed walls and so restore the circulation also shown other constitutional effects and more before an irreversible change occurred. These widespread lesions. The more general symptoms authors plead for delay of amputation in such cases and signs associated with periarteritis nodosa were to see if there might be any improvement. noticeably absent in this case. Sections of the excised necrotic tissue revealed no Raynaud's vascular disorder may occur at any change in the vascular walls that could be said to age but is quite uncommon before puberty, and in be characteristic of syphilis. This would agree with order to constitute the clinical diagnosis the follow- Stokes's experience. There was no evidence of any ing criteria are usually required: (1) intermittent gummatous changein the vessel walls; such changes attacks of cyanosis and digital pallor, influenced by have, however, been recorded in adults with acquired cold and , the affected parts subsequently specific disease. recovering with hyperaemia; (2) little or no change In adults gangrene of the extremities is sometimes in the peripheral arterial pulses; (3) gangrene never seen after acute , especially in the tropics. presents at the first attack, and if it occurs is usually Bloss (1948) described such a case in an African, slight and confined to small areas only. and referred to articles by Gelfand (1947) and Salter The case now discussed cannot be said to conform (1947), who have reported six cases, four of whom entirely to all of these criteria; indeed it is only in also had syphilis. A similar example was seen by the matter, albeit an important one, of continued one of us in Abyssinia. This patient had an acute -presence of arterial pulses that there is a resemblance attack of and had syphilis as well. It to the Raynaud . would seem that syphilitic disease may well be a There exists a group of conditions in which dominant factor in gangrene of the extremities paroxysmal digital cyanosis occurs to which the following acute intercurrent disease. term ' Raynaud's phenomenon ' is better applied. In children and young adults bilateral gangrene In such conditions the paroxysm is considered to be of the extremities has been observed in the absence secondary to other bodily disease. There may be of obvious cause in apparently healthy individuals. such digital cyanosis, sometimes progressing to More often there is a history of acute infection or gangrene, occurring during exposure to cold. preceding . In such cases the changes Paroxysmal haemoglobinuria and, more rarely, in the affected parts is acute and proceeds quickly severe urticarial phenomena, may be associated. in the course of a few days. Some recovery, This condition has been described with congenital however, is usual, and the ultimate area of gangrene by copyright. syphilis in childhood. It is supposed that chilling may be less than was originally threatened. The of the endothelial cells of the smallest blood vessels ears and nose may also be affected. Exposure to favours arteriolar thrombosis in the parts affected. cold may not necessarily be an aggravating factor, Where syphilis is present energetic anti-syphilitic and the parts are uninfluenced by heating. The treatment offers a prospect of recovery. pulses usually remain normal. It is interesting to The case described here showed no evidence of note that Raynaud himself observed such a case. urticaria on exposure to cold, and paroxysmal This was a boy of 3j years, in whom the circulatory haemoglobinuria was not an apparent feature. and tissue changes were attributed to emaciation. Where the effect of cold cannot be incriminated, Von Khantz (quoted by Heller and Alvari, 1941), then it is necessary to consider a syphilitic process in reporting fifty cases of gangrene of the extremities http://adc.bmj.com/ as the cause of damage to the arterial wall. Syphilis in childhood, attributed thirty -nine of these to acute may produce a panarteritis of which intimal hyper- infection. The nature of known infections was plasia is a principal feature. If this is sufficiently distributed as follows: diphtheria 6; 8; severe the circulation will be locally reduced and measles 4; typhoid 6; syphilis 8; enteritis 4; 3; thrombosis may be expected. Possibly there is an , omphalitis 2. Our case has much in initial period of peripheral ischaemia related to a common with the clinical picture seen in this series, reflex vasospastic response in the local . and yet syphilis was present.

On such a hypothesis one mightiexplain some of the Congenital syphilis is well known as a cause of on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected beneficial effects of specific treatment in these cases. failure to thrive and of malnutrition. The child in Heller and Alvari (1941), in reviewing gangrene question was certainly malnourished at the time of of the extremities in the newborn, assembled forty recognition of the syphilitic disease. The lesions cases from the literature. Of these they were able and the general health of the child improved to identify those due to pressure associated with considerably with anti-syphilitic measures, and it difficult labour, those due to infection, and a would appear that the gangrene here was due to a number of cases vaguely attributed by the authors devascularizing effect of syphilitic infection rather to ' Raynaud's disease ' or . than to general malnutrition consequent upon They advanced an ingenious theory of temporary congenital syphilis. agglutination of the intimal surfaces of the smaller Anwyl-Davies, Nabarro, and Parkes W6ber (1940) arteries, in which fibrin sealed the surfaces together reported gangrene of the extremities in two sisters. but in which thrombosis formation did not neces- The children were the daughters of a woman who sarily occur. Removal of pressure or spasm would was herself a congenital syphilitic. Both children, allow the pulsating proximal blood column to wedge as , had gangrene of the identical digits of Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.24.118.152 on 1 June 1949. Downloaded from

156 ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD the right hand. In both the lesions healed by of the theapy, but such reactions are rarely severe scarng and tissue loss. enough to justify any modification of the treatment. TreabteL Treatment with sodium penicillin initiated marked general improvement and obvious Summary clinial retrogression of the local lesions. In the initial stages of the condition the child also received An example of peripheral gangrene in a child potassium iodide. The use of potassium iodide as under two years of age and suffering from con- a therapeutic test is, however, according to Stokes, genital syphilis is descibed. Gangrene in the of little value, as other vascular diseases besides extremities in infancy and childhood is also briefly4 those associated with syphilis may show some reviewed. favourable response. The child received 50,000 units of sodium penicillin, six-hourly at first, to a We are indebted to Prof. A V. Neale for his total of 1,500,000 units. Subsequently he received interest in our paper and for his permission to use a further course of 60,000 units three-hourly for the clinical data. Dr. A. D. Fraser kindly reported sixteen days. upon the pathological examination of the excised We must admit the possibility that the initial tissue. We are grateful to the staff of the Dorset treatment with penicillin may have been somewhat County Hospital for some of the earier notes in inadequate. Tissue necrosis was already incipient the clinical history and for the photographs of the when treatment was begun, but in view of the extent child. of recovery, particularly as regards the digits of the REFERCEN left hand, more heroic doses might have been given Anwyl-Davies, T., Nabarro, D., and Parkes Weber, F. with advantage. (1940). Brit. J. Child. Dis., 37, 173. In cases where syphilis is suspected early, energetic Barker, L. P. (1948). J. Pedat., 2, 561. treatment at the stage of primary discoloration may Bloss, J. F. E. (1948). Brit. med. J., 2, 52. possiblv produce a recovery without loss of tissue. Gelfand, M. (1947). Ibid., 1, 847. penicillin treatment of Heller, G., and Alvari, G. (1941). Aner. J. Dis. Child., Barker (1948), reviewing 62, 133. syphilis, considers that the course of penicillin given Amer.J.Syph.,17,305. for the treatment of congenital syphilsm the past Herrmann,L.A.(1933). Learmoth, G. E. (1925). Canad. med. 4ss. J., 15, 69. by copyright. tended to be inadequate and of insuffcient duration, Lewis, T. (1936). Vascular Disorders of the Linmbs. and the rate was unfortunately high. It London. p. 77. appears that the minimum dose should be 20,000 Lewis, T, and Pickering, G. W. (1934). Clin. Sci., 1, units per lb. of body weight, given three-hourly for 3'7. fifteen days. The optimum dose may be even larger Moynahan, E. J. (1948). Brit. J. *ener. Dis., 24, 104. be about 50,000 units in twenty-four Pritchard, E. (1938). 7The Infant. London. p. 301. and should Richards, R. L. (1946). - Peripheral Circulation in Heok hours per lb. of body weight, and given at three- and Diwase. Edinburgh. hourly intervals. In forty to fifty per cent. of cases Salter. J. G. (1947). Brit. red. J., 3, 108. a reaction in the form of mild fever for two or Slaugter, W. H. (1926). J. Amer. med. Ass., 86, 1607.

three days may follow commencement of penicillin. Stokes. J. G.. Beerrnan, H., and Ingraham, N. R. (1944). http://adc.bmj.com/ Such a reaction was shown in this child. Gastro- Modern Clinical Syphilology. Philadelphia. p. 103. intestinal disturbance mav also occur in this phase Warthin, A. S. (1922). N.V. med. J, 115, 69.

REVIEWS on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected Garrod, Batten, and Tbhsfiehd's Diseae of Children diseases of the eyes, muscles, bones, and joints; (Fourth Edifti). Edited by DONALD PATERSON, orthopaedic ; medical diseases and surgery M.D., F.R.C.P., Consulting Physician, Hospital of the urogenital system; diseases of the liver, for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, and peritoneum, skin, and cardiovascular system; ALAN MONCRE1FF, M.D., F.R.C.P., Nuffield rheumatism; blood -disorders; infections and Professor of Child Health, University of London. venereal diseases; and malignant disease in child- Vol. II. With contributions by twenty-four hood. The first section (organic diseases of the contributors. 1949. London: Edward Arnold nervous system) is of particular interest, since it and Company. Pp. 1033. (Price 40s.) represents a combined production by a physician The second volume of this famous textbook has and a neurosurgeon; it has been entirely re-written, appeared after the first volume has already been providing a reminder, perhaps, that neurology is not reprinted. This alone should ensure the successor the sterile and static academic discipline sometmes an immeiiate and hungry public. The subjects imagined. With such variety of subjects and authors dealt with are organic and functional disorders of represented, it need only be said of the second the nervous system; congenital mental defect; volume as a whole that it maintains the standard