Cesária Evora
Cal Performances Presents About the Artist Thursday, October 9, 2008, 8pm Twenty years ago, while in her early 40s, Cape At that time, Ms. Evora was invited by the Friday, October 10, 2008, 8pm Verdean vocalist Cesária Evora returned to the singer Bana and a women’s association to Lisbon, Zellerbach Hall stage after a performing hiatus of nearly two de- Portugal, to record some demos that resulted in cades, during which time she raised her family. her first album, Tchitchi Roti. However, it was José Within a few years, in 1988, she was lured from da Silva, a French record label owner with Cape her Portuguese/Creole-speaking island home off Verdean bloodlines, who invited her to Paris to en- Cesária Evora the western coast of Africa to Paris to record her ter the studio and record The Barefoot Diva. Her breakthrough album. La Diva aux pieds nus (trans- emotive mornas and cooking coladeras found favor lated as “The Barefoot Diva,” in reference to her throughout France, and in 1991 she performed at penchant for performing barefooted) proved to be the Angoulême Festival, which received favorable a revelation to listeners. Soon she captivated au- press notice. diences first in France, then throughout the rest A couple months later when her third album, of Europe. Mar Azul, was released, Ms. Evora became a radio Ten years ago, Ms. Evora was finally introduced favorite. Her concerts began attracting a diverse to the United States, enthralling American listen- audience, and Le Monde celebrated her as “a lively ers with her honey-toned and soft-burred voice.
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