ODQN 8-1 Bar.Pub
The www.orbitaldebris.jsc.nasa.gov Volume 8, Issue 1 January 2004 A publication of New NASA Policy for Limiting Orbital Debris The NASA Orbital Generation Debris Program Office On 27 January 2003, NASA Administrator Sean (5) maintaining a list of predicted reentry dates for O’Keefe signed NASA Policy Directive (PD) NASA spacecraft and upper stages, at 8710.3A, the latest revision in NASA’s 10-year-old (6) providing technical and policy assistance to all policy designed to curtail the growth of the orbital NASA headquarters offices and centers, and Johnson Space Center debris population. The new policy recognizes the (7) promoting the adoption and use of international Houston, TX, USA growing importance of orbital debris mitigation, both orbital debris mitigation guidelines.” nationally and internationally, and a need to expand For the first time, NASA orbital debris policy the responsibilities of various organizations within addresses the issue of U.S. Government coordination NASA. Ten organizations or positions within NASA prior to the reentry, controlled or uncontrolled, of are now assigned explicit orbital debris mitigation spacecraft and upper stages employed on NASA mis- duties, in contrast to only four organizations or posi- sions. A copy of NPD 8710.3A can be obtained via INSIDE… tions cited in the previous policy. the Orbital Debris Program Office website at www. The Orbital Debris Program Office, in support of orbitaldebris.jsc.nasa.gov. the Director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Orbital Debris Work is now underway on a related revision to is responsible for Website Update ....2 NASA Safety Standard 1740.14, Guidelines and As- “(1) developing, maintaining, and updating orbital sessment Procedures for Limiting Orbital Debris, first Reentry Survivability debris environment models, issued in 1995.
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