

tl t,



(with an introductfon and commentarles)


. J.D. SWALE (Cantab.) A.R.C.0. H;4. ¡ B.lfus. '

ü I Volune 3 I rI







It. i i Subnltted ln partLal fulflllnent of requlrenents

i h for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ln Muslc t ! I 1983' r at the llniverslty of Adelalde. December, li I 'l L i t' I


I q I r' Volune 3

Gernanico sul Reno (347) 8s9 Totila (faa¡ 903 Creso (349) 949 Ántioco 1l Grande (350) 953 Pausania (35f) 962 Lisinaco riamata drAlessandro (352) 978 Giustino (354) 980 I Due @sare (355) 1055


A. Sonate da chiesa opus 2 (360-376) 1060 Opus 4 (377-382) 1078 opus I (383-398) 1085 opus 10 (=11) (399-416) 1106

B Sonate da camera a¡rd dance movemenÈs

Sonate da camera, OPt¡s 4 (450:455) 1131 Dances, Opus 4 (456-473) 1133 Baletti e Corrente, opus L6 (474-49L) 1r39

APPENDIX A: Index of operatic arias by Legrenzi LL47

APPENDIX B: Index of sacred and secular ¡tusic by Legrenzi 1166


S in fonia (b) (m. B-20) qvrv2av (a) (¡n. 1-7) 1vrv2l,v rv vbBc) rv vbBc)

J ,JL t-f----- v' tltY v¿

fv 1'_l - TV l

Vb $c rebelliø-r 1.1 (a) C,ermanico (rn. f-10) Already, of the bloody c C.; ¿; sangunrc r-<.L' .b¿Llo


(r¡) Germanico (¡n. 11-1i) and the homeland


e þ aln a

B. (b) Segeste (m. 1B-23) In your formidable breasE

B bt' l¿- h." e ifo - do - Nc( Þ þ"""-

B" (bt) (m. 23-28) lvrv2l,v rv vb Bc) tù J--)- vr VL

--a Vb .I Bc 860. do I see? (c) Suggeste (m. 29-36) But who comes? What

-1-r' t7_ ß l-1",' cL¿- .r

B" ("') C'errnanio (m. 47-66) Of the dead husband. c ¡'na'nt-o à¿t esþr^l-o ì I


(d) Germanico/Segeste (rn. 67-101) Dry the eye

c -7-e*, ;t ci3 tio

9c I (dt) (m. 102-115) (vrv2vb sc)

V, yl


f.2 (a) Claudia (m. l-20> Claudia, what do you hear? c Clor^¿o. , c)" S¿nh

8" 86r. (b) Claudia (m. 2L-39) Do not jest \^tith me' Love. I do not wlsh, Love with You frnø I ( tr êo'1 Ây'"'. s¿Letzar- h rnrov a€ No' lo .ra<¡\ìO - A ¡^o- .o-. l'. b" (b,) (m 40- ) (vtv2sc) Rit: f , t- o - - Í ht T ? r I r_ VL - ll I I

ß, 1.3 (a) Lucio (rn. 1-6) c u" lþ Nel CeJ, et 1¡'tt

þ" c- (b) Lucio (¡n. 7-22) I have'resolved to adore you

.rr.'¡o Ltr, ol 'oc)o-' â'-\at Hò ê- vì t+b lr.'c ø l*tÞ d' a"lot ' __--- ?-.t- B" - (bt) (rn.23-30) (vrv2nc) &;r; i-¡ V' Vz

B. I.4 (a) AgrÍpina (m- f-41) Tears, You who on land at leasE

c ..r., c[.',i lido rvî¿ ho ?ia*he , "l-


q þ 862. (b) Agripina (m. 42-55) Tender beloved offspring

c T.*.,ro- Þ-f1^ aøøht


(bl) Agripina (rn.56-62) I kiss you, dear son

c \J +i b*crl¡ O co-/r) þi, -=-- -,4---"--- Bc (b2) Agrípína (m. 63-7L) and whenever


,jtAA e 1¡.'o^1.

Bc (c) Agrlpina (m. 72-94) Cheer up, beloved

Í =lL L 7 Ò Ra'Lle -g ".'h o Ca.È¿


("r) (m. g4-ro ¡ (vrv2nc¡


Bc I sl I | -V ,l_l _ 1.5 (a) Lesbe (m. L-zL)

L ,^q ). G- 6 - 3--la). A f 'þ

B. 863. 1.6 (a) (m. 1-5) (vrv2sc)

I ( ) 7 \ v' \.¡ . l_¡


(ar¡ Arrninio (m. 6-27) Calm yourselves, thoughts (v, i-==rF)

C -Ttc.uy*rla - It; þ*.^r:.-'

B (U) Agripina (m. 28-89)_ 0 you, who in feeble carnage

c O fu ct sF¡.agr "',f'afe

Bc L.7 (a) Floro (¡n. L-32) Agripina, what do you hear?

A9'n'p,-.o eLe J¿^Pä]


(b) Arminio (m. 36-67) ConstancY

T c T ?- 4. C,o- 5l-4,+. - *-f e ^ lffi B,

(b I ) (m. 6B-75) (vrv2nc) vr v!

Bc 864 1.8 (a) Flora (m' f-35)

a tl\ñ I =-r-\ l. Ô ¿ct La¿ìo rho 50

Bc (b) (m. 36-43) (vlv2¡c) tf ¿'T- .1--ç- -1- .l vr '--#-- vr

Bo (¡r) agripina (m. h4-65) Sweet fronds conceal the beloved, Araa Loosen the lip c a-olo - ("-) Doj

&. L.g (a) Floro (rn. 1-7) You go' Agripína

T Pa*; Ag--þ;-na

Bc for pleasure (b) F ro (m. 8- 28) Yes, You wísh us to deceive I^Iith You, who know how to betraY Ana T qo- ei i n3 o hr\O sì Cle- f,"' et rrol 5¡ di+ cLLg r-l c Co - ln"i cte !à râ- 1te(

B. (bI) (rn.29-36) (vrv2nc)

\ Ril: Y I I I r Drt ,-l:- -T.l V' V,"

I Bc ¡-r¡--1-r--J_- -j 865. (c) (m. 37-55> (Trr, Tt' , Bc)

T;: ]?1

B c 1.10 (a) SuggesÈe (¡n. 1-41) To my merit the unconquered leaders (u' ---r:2----l;T _-¡-___ ,- B wi- f¡ At hal O ¡a€.rl-o r D.- ccin-

& (b) cermanico(rn. 42-46) The aura of vain glory

L Èi;.:rra, d,ì 3fo"ta vo.- n^


(c) (n. 47-57) (Tr Bc)



(cl) Gerrnanico (m. 58-153) (C Tr Bc) To the Ro¡nan Mars


lvla. - le "l; Ro rr.a

I ô.

(d) Germanico (m. L54-I62) To you whom the sEars favour, unconquered C'ermanicus

C A le- cù d^',< le sfeU< o Ge..,notn^in i n - r,ñ l-,,

B. 866. (e) (rn. 163-258) = (c + cr) (f) Germanico (m. 259-263) People' our vows...


I P" - þ*- ti i no c l--t r¡¡- h

b. 1.1f (a) Floro (m. L-25> Sir' the gods of the Tiber T

r-. I ol¿l Tle-b,t S;3 ^-. À/r^


(.r) Coro (rn. 26-27) O King, acclaim yourself

A f L T -y,J* o l-u. a-e6 |,8. J I Bc- (.') C;ermanico (n. 28-31) Stars, what should I do? 0 i c 1 Sf-¿lle cl^e þ, àov 't3,{

B. L.I2 (a) Agripina (m. I-27) Germanico, what are you up to?

c Ge'¡r'p.*icn ¿le +e*h; I

Àc (b) Coro (m. 28-29) Let us bow down to Caligula

-i 1 t ?-øt'nd-.¿ a. C^- lil *ta ¡ Þ'. - d^ } ,- .Þ l- f-- 3

B C 867 (c) Agripina (m. 3O-4t+)


u (b) Germanico (m. 2L-47) He adores you f.13 (a) Germanlco (m. 1-20) hrife... Sweet life

L C J 5þ," A- olo - 1A- F, Þot-ct ü- ltc

Bc B (bt) (m. 47-60) (vrv2nc) R:l-. Vt -ë---+o--F.o-- V¿

&. o-

1.14 (a) Agripina (m. l-8) Unhappy woman! He goes d ,l C /t't; - s<. -o.r €r þ^.4.


(b) Agripina (m. 9-81) Absence A-ta Remernbrance c --T

i i Lon f-o.', - An- Za, f?r' rn< rn bvant I - -z-q

B c i f (bt) (m. Bt-Br) (vtv2sc) i. "b,L I L bL)-+ ¿- vr *- _ ___.J f I Ì yt


'---r-_----'- r---r-- d-r .td B" è i 86 8. 1. t5 (a) (¡n. 1-17) (vrv2sc)

v' vL


(ar) Armtnio (m. 7-32) To the blows of fortune Ana. c Plte scor,r<. d) f- lu-",ra


(b) Arminio (m. 33-40) I dle

c l'lo-o

Bc r.16 (a) (n. 1-5) (vrv2¡c)

vt V¡

B. (rt) claudia (m. 6-44) (c vrv2nc)

L La r-g f,o vrh- ce-t€

I B. 1 I I I (b) Claudia (m. 45-94) yes, flee, Claudia

lì I ï c ,t J I sì sì C(q*d.À sì { l't"

,"{ B' 869 . (b¡) Clau

c a - ru,".a- sþì'+i o¡, de- i-Z

B. (b?) (m. ro8-rt9) (vIv2nc)

V' -J vr


1.f7 (a) Arminio (m. L-29)

c :r.- lL ---- S,. -- btt l-cwì sr.

ç o r I . {-J-+--f I -t- l--r-r' B" -T:-RItïffi+:---T--- "t- t_ ("t) (m. zg-32) (v¡v2sc) (b) Claudla (¡u- 33-36) And st1ll of the pítlless fire R:r" ) L ¿ Vt

E þ*, del c'..þìo f'"

&. (c) Claudia (n. 37-63) To sigh Atä --€) C ïvr

B. (d) Arminio (m. 64-76) Most perfidious gods!

{ c ' ¿{i53 i'' o }e ì Pet - ,C;

B" 870. 1.18 (a) Lucio (m. 1-18) Vlllain!

C þ-lo-ne

b. (b) (m. Lg-23) (vrv2nc)

!, vt

& (bt) Claudia (m. 24-45) No, cruel bonds No, piercíng darts

c --. - --Ò-- ,

M, vto lacci etlt-d,e-l< g t'ro.t; Notno þ ^gc,*e

Bc + (b2) (m. 46-54) (vrv2nc) [üt". {r v¿

I B(, -Y- 1.19 (a) Lucío (m. f-9) Proud and foolish, he shall have

c llo,rro g,^þcrLo ¿ þu"

B L (b) Lucio (m. 10-58) Too bitter is that

I t I I I C I r I a a )' J l-. ¿ CÊr- þaeq. T4'þþt cr*,I^J otan - rt e l'. "r¿ E .+t r I B. 871. (br) (m. 59-74) (vrv2sc) v' ---2-L--J----=-- vL

I I ,l b-

(c) (m.1-8) (vrv2sc) Balle tto

Þ r.l -D -a- V' vL



Sinfonia (m. 1-16) (vrv2gc) IF ytt ?

VL lr 2.L (a) Floro (m. f-11) Bold thoughts T -re A* "ü þcnsien

B. (.t) (m. 11-16) (vrv2sc) R;l-9

B" a 872. (b) Flora (m. L7-32) Of the Italian royal throne

ï -l'A,sot-a ìl *3a) .so3 lio

B. 2.2 (a) Agripina (rn. 1-17) I no longer believe you, unfaithful Hope

c crcd. i^- Å^ Nrr. l-r þ,ì rìo sþ,-a-ro [-

Bc ("t) (n.' L7-20) (vlv2sc)

vr vl

B. (b) Agrípina (m. 2L'37) And it is true


E Sa ra. \¡€r

ß. + (bl) Agripina (m. 38-44) Ah cease, I cannot enter'

c +- AÀ las- Ctùf t^Í\ Sl þ*ì


(c) (m.45-69) lvrv2nc)

--7----.--j..=- Vz

a D. 87 3.

("t) Agripina (m. 70-146) You are too dear to my heart (C VtV2¡c)

lv' Ana

I t- c T-oþl'a Ca - >t uû¡ Sì<-F¿ cl r.io c4ì<- S,^ lo. ru'oto- cl l*- 6'..io cL'e n?,1þ


("') (m. r47-r7L) = (c)

(d) Agripina (m. L72-L75) Bur here on every sÍde, O God

c ' d|Åfo,** D l'lc, 7rü o


2.3 (a) Lesbo (m. 1-7)

A As;þ-e A1; F*'

(b) SegesÈe (m.37-79) B. O (Bv"l'al feel in mY heart (m. 1-36) Jealousy, I You 2.4 (a) C,ermanio -


O l^ L¿ob"

l'r ] 8" Ç.)os,a ¿(or,a ö s¿*¡' 87 4.

2.6 (a) Segeste (m. 1-12) I am all severitY Aì;

B Sø^ h^tto Å-1" - *1

- L - - -l- (b) Segeste (rn. 13-20) From the burníng to\^rer '-- Þ |

1,2-l vàc<.a"La,ta løyr^<

Bc J (c Segeste (m. 2l-42) From the kíngdorn, the traiÈor )tt vt yù


)o,tr" -c1 ì" ì +"-d; lò- Èt


(d) Germanio (m. 43-47) Thickly surrounded by guards


_ì,. ,ålte g*"'1;e- Cral-o

$. qo 2.7 (a) Segeste (m. 1-12) 0 you unworthy

B O fr^- rl;"lzf t-,-- B. 87s.

2.8 (a) (m. L-46) I{hat do I see?

C J CLa- ".31'o

I è (b) Rit3 (m. 47-53) (vrv'¡c)

-l I v' J t_l_r t -v


content' Love (bt) Ctaudia. Aría' (rn' 54-78) I am really T_ C ¿ Sæ\ v.¿'c¿^l<'-"12 A- blof %nLwr cowfø-?o- þ I -+ +.

B t7 C

gc) (c) Balletto di Cornbattenti (m' 79-87) (vrv2


I vr l- -l I

-J B. --T_-1 of death (.1) Scgeste (m' 88-98) In the triunph

B .l; nr>r - l< Í,. l*rì ^{ "

Bc 876.

(e) Lucio/Claudia (m. 99-L23) Come, most beautiful"'

c -.+:o

lS- Sr - haa\ ,lr_e- k {-T.--

(. t) Rir: (rn. Lzg-L46) (vrv2 ¡c)

vr J



c Cr-t ch' vr at' cÀ( '; - l¿- sr


(b) Armínio. Aria. (m. L4-76) Constancy ln the heart of \"toman

c 3l-u-r. Zr^ th Co¡ dt þ,-;'^n


nc) (b r) Rir3 (m. 76-89) (vrv2



t\ I It 877. 2.10 (a) (m. L-7) (vrv2 ¡c)

7 V' =T_I v)

L ("t) Agripina (m. 8-22) Tell rne, Hope' ' '

C sþe'ø.nzo. lLt D¡i- - ^-, ¿!'iw''"-i,


(b) Lesbo (rn. 23-24) Here among rhe nocrurnal shadows

A It o.'^b*. (l*t-ti* A)-\ þ "'o


(c) Caligola (m. 35-55) Delay is a great torment

C J Grontor"'r"nh el a- It*rJ-a-nz-q


("t) Rirî (m. 56-62) (vrv2 sc)

vr vv

B- 878.

2.fl (a) Agripína (m. 1-5) While the sun rises here

C |n¿*h< il Sol W T^J.

8.- (rr) Agripina (ni. 6-22) Slowness is less harmful

L ltcr h-or o- sq lar- a 62--a- è -

2 lr¿ t. I 8. (b) (m. 23-27) (v v Bc) AtrL J \"/r t-J----Ç- vr

B" (b I ) ¡gripina (rn. 2B-58) (c vrv2sc)

vr -J vL

I r c O..Lì Sr oc"L' Sr Sì St l'o to - t.

ßc 2.LZ (a) Florio (m. f-10) In the dark bosom

T Àfel c-þo r-€\

ß. õ 879. ("t) (m. 11-17) r rouse, o strong ríght hand

T (Ð-u - ho odøfvl- þr. 8, - (b) Agripina (m. 18-37) (atrernati.rg i and C) Come, husband


V,'¿,- sþo s"


2.L3 (a) Germanico (m. I-24) Here Germanicus dies

c Qt^; Ge^æ.*,n >^Jvq

L" (b) Agripina (m. 25-56) Pause Turn your eyes

C rsÞ-: {'" - Þra-- ¡ € .r¡l- 3c' l-¿

?>,- (c) (rn. 57-63) (vtv2Bc) At'o-

)7 vr ' VL I t

þ" ("t) Agripina (rn. 64-99) In love I am unluckY I no longer hoPe to rejoice (c vIv2nc)

C sÊ"+* - raqfer 1". ft*o.-.L^ t- Pt.* ]Þl gd* '',¡^ s Þ'ro

E L 880. z.Lq (a) Germanío (m. 1-10) BuE the fleeing traitor

C 11a. i I t'oA,^lz, þ 3^c-

B. (b) (m. 1r-14) (vrv2¡c) rJ


B, -?- (b¡) ¡,grfpina (m. 15-46) I do not know pity,,rny heart (c vrv2sc)

c fa. f{oa coa-sscc tr^a o Ør-< þrerà 1,,.


2.L5 (a) Arminío (rn. l-22) Yes; that I am Armínio

c S; cÄt fin-.,-,ìo soh ro

Bc ("1) Arrninio (rn. 23-30) buE alone I die

c rh A SO( Yuto'

Bc (rt) Arminio (m. 3L-57) and I will believe of the unfaithful one

c e c.¿dcr¡ atfaÀ- f^"

Bc 881.

2.L6 (") Segeste (m. f-37) (b) Lucio (m. 38-69) Unlucky rhar I am Claudia Happy thar beauty

B \) Srr,t C(,^r,¿à, Ct"-¿"

a u (bI) (m. 7o-7g) (vtv2nc)


Bc 2.L7 (a) Arminío (rn. L-LZ) Silence, Arminio

L O -l-o¿ À t^.."'*o


(b) Arminio (m. 13-46) He who is rsed ro love Ís used ro weepíng hna L Cl- Ita^.,

ßc (b I) (n. 47-56) (vrv2sc) -* l 1 V' vL

f- e-' Bc

2.18 (a) (m. 1-5) (vrv2nc)

V v>

B" 882 ("t) Âgripina (rn. 6-9:10-12) You, who eternally sit in lleaven

A^o. V Æ , C -7--1t Voi chre - feni ,h Co( se áe-te

ß" (b) Florio (rn. 13-19) Hail, shores

T Y__- | o (o- l;-+ø -;

ß. (c) Florio (m. 20-39) To the deceptions

T Ale


(d) Agripina (rn. 40-51) Florío, you míghÈ bring the dawn of rny days c L -ú- r. t- þ,^ de *àù sË lralåq Ft-n. 3i'ü A 'ô-'-

B" (e) Agripina (m. 52-72) Yes, come No, Cupid

c J Si ..-e r-.ì.è Sì \r(. - h;- f<

B,' (.t) (m. 73-79)¿fr (vrv2sc) VI v! JV

Bc 883 2.lg (a) ClaudÍa (m. 1-50) If you speak of binding me Ar,o. c oüs - se A k-


(b) Segeste (rn. 51-BB) Stop, Claudia

B pz-.'-.,.tz Clanrliq

I (t (c) Segeste (m. 85-107) Cupid is a poison ín the breast O, fatal ls the darE of Love

B Ur,. *t-l< raa dc't S¿.rc,q C^-Þ; -L, o gf''y< ra,.r< o þl-^t<- f d, A- B, + ("r) (m. 1o8-113) (vrv2sc) -ñ V' vr


2.20 (a) Claudía (m. 1-4) Of Èhe severe father

c )e,( C+r^.Îm Se - !r< - rl

B, (rt) Claudia (m. 5-15) now I am happy

C 'ce- or J¿r" f" li

ßr 884. (b) Claudia (m. 16-29) Love makes me weep and laugh Love makes my laugh and weep A rno c -r là P;a* ac,-z L -,de'. A t'.ot t* R; cai* e- þia^5c*¿ A ^-. -ni þ


(b t ) (m. 30-37) (vIv2nc)

V' __<_- u!

B; 2.2L (a) Arminio (m. 1-10) Here under ancient cliffs

c Q^^i s"f1o 'nrþþ" o - k4 so.

Bc (al) Arminio (m. 11-23) Alas, that the paln of Love

c At*l cl.e d"3l i" d' A ' )mOf ffi --r- b" ---7--{ r (b) Arminio (rn. 24-48> He rnrho does not know r¿hat Love is like Êhl¿. c llo' n'o' Cl., ttun Sa Ct- sa e

ß. (b t ) (m. 49-55) (vrv2sc) ¿ -¡ tt- vr -) - r ]ltr_J VL J

B. 885

(c) Arminio (m. 56-58) But if my. eyes do nor deceive me


î4a se noa er¡a lÀ g^c,-aa

ßc 2.22 (a) Arisreo mago (m. l-41) Ho rhere, what man I

r^o yr,\

(b) (m. 42-46) (vrv2nc) A.,'o __J vr vL

B" (br) aristeo (m. 47-Loo) .From rhe realm of Hecate (n vrv2nc)

I .--^_--- I ^.'^ De ..g-i d'Ec- o,-f¿


(c) Ballerto (m. 101-107; 108_114) l.r -i 1- l ) vt yL

Bc 886. ATTO TERZO 3.1 (a) Segeste (m. 1-6) Already of the sacred'pictures

B '!. 'T¿t' lL &; d¿l¿sac'¡<


(b) Lucio (m. 7-L6) Yes, happy day

c s [^'¿h dì

B. (c) Arminío (m. 17-19) I throw the torch of death

c d'3i' l-a' +o_ L In lo..e /ì mo.l'c'

B. Ï ri,i ("t) Segeste (m. 20-25) I{ere conres the fllustrious coPy ù


Ve.'.3o la c"þ,ä ill*sr''


("?) Coro (m. 26-28) Long live Lucio! Long live Claudia!

A T T -T L^cior Vi va- ClauJ^ot.

B B c 1c1) Segeste (m. 30-5r) Up rhøn, happy pair


s oS, { i oL*6r"¿ liel t

þ F 837. (d) Claudia (m. 52-79) Hope which consoles thê soul ConsÈancy which resides in Èhe breast A-o c I La sþcro^z-+ c'l.t lla-(-ra. e-F't4ôla. La- c-o: l-q-:-r cÀr¡ Þ.lto zr'- Sd¿le 'Bc

(dt) (m. Bo-sB) (vrv2sc)

____r___1__r__-_r___.-ftt _ ¿ VL

B. 3.2 (a) Arminio (m- L-22) Heaven bring ne help

c a- i- fo C-1" l¿L^acr,^'

'.i. B. tu ìj (b) Lucio (rn. 23-44) Love, visit my heart no nore ,l lJinged '. . i ." "\ L îat* A*-. in ¿rt<. hd\ dL.; ¡*-r-.-¡ la - l-o q- l^-Êo b¿ daf¿ ¡6q tt-**;

T-t Bc

(bt) (m. 45-51) R;T: i vt i yz I t 1 i 8. l lt- .'! (m' 1-14) l: 3.3 (a) Arminio I

I C O dr' SctFe c*'^'ltl sl-m'u- '^¿eno( L 4 i' l_ B. 888.

("I) Arminio (m. 15-22) The god fs a god of inconsÈancy

L Nnn e, Jel'in o - sl-o.¡za e'l -Þ; - \,-D

B" (b) (m. 23-26) (vIv2nc) 4",À vr vt

$c (bt) Arminio (m. 27-48) I believed in rhe blÍndfold god To have faith in the archer god ;= vr Ì----

c C'¡

Bc 3.4 (a) (m. 1-9) (vrv2nc) . R¡I': ¿ )- vr VL


I bc ( ("I) Agripina (rn. 10-38) I do not know it, Love



'tt c I A - tmo{ Ï Non la ca-þ; sco


B" '-t

i, ("') (m. 39-48) = (a) 889. (b) Agripina (m. 49-79) Floro, then your gifts

c trlrr; dr^"^If l*. d.o * 'Bc

3.5 (a) Germanico(m. 1-34) Again rny faíthful Florio

L C.*t ¡ Fl*t" ;l t44O [;t"

B. (b) Germanico (m. 35-72) Barbarous, .perfidious woman

L. 3o.åo'r-. Þ..- [. - d"

bo (bt) (ur. 73-84) (vrv2 nc) .J RiN J L. .D J yl v'

B" 3.6 (a) Agripina (rn. 11) O Caligula! 0 son!

c -4--)---¿- Ô Co(;3*to. o f4t;"


3.7 (a) Agripina (m. 1-I2) O Floro, unworrþy Floro

{ c

o Flo',n rÀ J'ea^" Fl" nt

b. 890 (b) Agripina (rn. 13-33) Although rebellious, stars


C .J Bc-olr.- r*.b ¿ll<- o slt/t t



(b r) (rn. 33-40) (vrv2sc)

Vr v>

BÞ 3.8 (a) Claudia/Arminio (m. 1-55) To flight, my life { A lo +* 3r c A Ala l.s^ "'4À v (.r) (rn. 56-68) (vrv2nc) ßil" v I vr

Bc (b) Arrninio (m. 69-79) Claudia, from my gloomy face

A Ct^-^"t-) f^ Itn-br+- Jt'( nìo wv lt¡

ßc (c) Arrninío (m. 80-85) Close up, 0 gods


Ä,,/* < S e-ri o "'.

B 891.

(c') Arminio (m. 86-91) Kissing, emhracing, holding you

Y 7 7 f I I A â--

le. b c.cc.-*rlo shn a1<'.^do L"o'c,o^Åo l+ ---Y a -, ß ("2) (m. g2-97) = (.t)

(d) Arminio (m. 9B-102) Bur here comes Segesre

A fr" 1/* S'1c.rl-e bc 3.9 (a) Segeste (m. 1-13) The v1llain flees

B F^3j.'ìt P- lo v.¿

--ê B" (b) Claudia (m. 14-16) Open my veins, kill rne'! e-ä c S.t".-o. wt-cj - d,ì n-

B. (br) Claudia (m. 17-44) It makes the birrer sorror,r sweer

c Do l.¿ (^ la cl-gt*'^ a a-va

at c () ___ I b, agZ- (c) Segesre (rn' 45-60) (d) Segeste (g¡. 6l-80) pierced and wounded You shall live


VJ.r<.rq,. -Fa{;6o e lc - ce -"a

B. B.

(dt) (rn. 81-90) (vrv2 sc) .IJ Vt vL


3.I0 (a) Claudia (rn. 1-4) Of Ehe tyrantrs javelíns

c .l-9'¡¡-¡ Dt Falc'i h -


(.t) Claudia (¡n. 5-11) Unconquered constancy


CÒ- sf-a ruz a lr|\ ; l-- fe

B. (b) Claudia (m. L2--29) la' Fear gives me no par-n 2a. I do not fear a tYrannical heart

È C .tt li "w-or nan ,Å of c. þ.^. a-u0af¡ l*vt Cov rC!¡À N"^ þ t-; e ß. 893

(br) Rir: (m. 3o-36)

I V' I v¿ \,)


3.11 (a) AgriPína (m. L-27) My constancy ever changes c vr Þ v/r

trta Êa ln, o. Co SFanr-a Sa t- þ'e


3.L2 (a) Sacerdote (n. 1-28) Already of the impure blood

c G; Jet 'à1,*n Sat*3ut

Bc .lt-C'- ô--- - (b) Callgo la (m. 29-56) Console yourself, O heart

c Cor Con_ so- la'h Co r- Sa- la- h' " - & 894.

(c) Germanico (m. 57-80) The weeping eyes

c -3 <-ule Le þ^-Þ;l'le þ,Àx

Bc --F o o 3. 13 (a) Lucio (rn. l-f 6) -_t------c S¡ 3\rr, Sr3 - noy'-

B. (b) C,ermanico (¡n. 17-38) Be silenÈ


-taë, ' la ¿.

(bt) (m. 39-44) (vtv2tc) J-l ¡lr


3.14 (a) Agripina (m. '1-14) You see now, Caligula


wzd.i Co--L; -3o - la þ*..

R- 8Í)5.

(h) (m.15-tS) lvtv2nc)

V' :1 vL _'t _-

Bc -1" (bl) Âgripina (m. 19-53) O swccr rormenÈs of rhe soul

c J::. I O so a.\r<- t' l'a,l ,-, c*l? &- ^ ft ß"

3.15 (a) Floro (¡r. f-37) Fortune smiles on EE -':È:.-: -' ------' -.¿. T - | ' - rJ-- t Fortn¡.c -n-o(.n e- Bc

("') (m. 37-qs) lvtv2nc) & J vl l/'

E. s96 (b) Floro (m. 46-59) To proud GermanÍcus

T A Gema^i¿c nl le -'¡-o

ñ Þc

3.16 (a) Germanico (rn. 1-13) The horrible hydra who makes \'/ar on me

_f C î4 L'f,l,a --¡.-nd.a cA< ¿õr4 þ 3u-ct - b ( (.r) Floro (m. 14-29) On my arm which you wait

-r la-"Li S,: ^io !-ceLo ¿L,-

ßc (^2) Segeste (rn. -29) Why do you let fall

B r'l'z b T.- Þ

l___. ._.--_._. B. cJ ,--- '- (rt) Floro (m. 30-45) Already I loose the dart

-r ç= Ç) v,tra ,t dot4o

Bc 3.L7 (a) Claudia (m. I-24) Can I keep silence any longer

L V Io ..krþ; -o-_-__- ßc 897 . (b) Claudia/Arminio (m. 25-37) Through you today my goddes"/god

P<- f-e ,.^, N,^^. -Lt -j r-J c A O3X: b¿ - aIp ?e. Ét -. o. D¡ -o.

B €

(c) Lucio (m. 38-65) To love I no longer gíve faith

c vto 4 dà U/\ ft"t Ar".or Þ þ0" -t--.2_.__ B. ("t) (m. 66-7L) (vrv2sc) Ð j__ r vr, - ---t-

Bc 3.fB (a) Agripina (m' f-28) C'ermanico in fetÈers T+ c I 4 ' (-¡ct za*èa '\lrø c.þþ;

Br 3.19 (a) Floro (in Machina) (m' L-32) A great splendour of arms


n de- Ita-y; L/n y^ ? 3 <.

B, (b) Germanico (m. 33-40) That laurel that I clasp


A)^r1^' Jlo - ro c f'l r'u Cwtlo

b. -

(bt) Coro (m. 4L-47)

c )1 A J} JJ T 3 (.) (rn 4B-56) (vrv2nc)

Rit". , _t ñÐ.J- vr vL


can rejoice ("') Claudia (m. 5 7-g7) In Love, he who can be-silent In Love, he who can suffer âi" c ,¿4 l^ A^or ¿Li sL l-"- Cq Þ 3Åu -r¡ar ,tn sþ.n' ln h^¿- c-A¡ sæ þc- Þ


(d) Fama (m. 9B-I22) Emulate the lighË

A E r^,nte. old),o. L^*ce-

B. (dt) Fama (m. 123-136) Mars with the sword

r\ do Ma*l-e col b*n -

B. 899. joY (e) Agripl-na/Claudla (¡n. 137-181) lJho desires to have I,Itro hopes to rejoice CU sþcna o- â,e - *

¿t ,J-'-J-, LL cu br-a - -ìÀ y- f- ,r4

B 1/ 900.

3!t7 (ìe rmani ct-l stll llcno

[¿tnrosissimo CIIR-II^ìiIC0/ SUL Iì.liNO/ dram¿¡ per ntusica/ d¿r rapPrcscrìtarsi ncl (ìiulio Tcatro Vendramino di/ San Salvatore/ I'a¡rno ll .DC.I,XXIVI/ Di

Cesare Corradi/ &&.-... In Venetia' per Francesco Nicolini' LibreEtisÈ : Giulio Cesare Corradi

Source of librerEo: B-Bc I-Bc trrtrc

Sources of music: lost nel Regio GERMANICO SUL RENO. Drama per musica da rappresetlEarsi

Ducal Palazzo di tfilano.... In ttilano, Pef I'Eredi di Filippo Ghisolfi'


Sou rce of libretto: I-Bc

nel Ducal GERMAI{ICO STIL RENO. Drama per nusica da rappresentarsi

Teatro di Modona... In Reggio, P€r Prospero Vedrotti, 1677'

Sou rce of libretto: I-Bc

Source of music: MOe M.S. l'fUS. F627

in Bologna/ GERI'IÀNICO/ SUt REl,lO./ Drama per Music^l D^ Rappresentarsi merito NEL TEATRo DEL PlrBLICol L'Anno IfDCLXxx' / ofnrc¡fol aI irnpareggÍabile dellflllustriss./ siS.conte/ ECOLE PEPOLI/ Conte Il'l BOLOGNA'/ di CasEiglione , Betagazza, I e Spari, &c/ per ltErede di Vittorio Bernacei./ con licenza det superiori.

Source of libretto: MOe

C1efs: Germanico (Cl) Segesce (Fq) claudia ( cl ) I-ucio ( cr ) lgripina (cr) caligola (cI) rloro (Cq) Arrninio (Cr) Belona (Cr) l,esbo (C3) Aristao mago (Ch) rama (c3)

Time signatures: AcÈ 1: c ,l t 3 C ; Acr 2: c 'ã î t 3 t Act 3: u82\^633 901.

'Ionalit l._r_1: (Sinf .) c 1: GIC C ald E = 2: Eb/F c -3-: F/uu g

4: dalð a 5: elp 6: c alp 1 : F/G G B: e/c  Gld b 9: F/c g C 10: aelGCElca 1l: FIG L2; L3: ale

14: G/F d 15: Bb C 16: F c/a I7: e clD b Gla 18: F/e a

19: d/C G Ballet to : d Ãct 2: (sint.) D t: I b/G Z: G alF g Bb/F 3: F/c g 4/5: Bbla g I cgldnbg 7z dlC a Balletto: LZz 8za/be 9 cle C 10: c e/r' ¡'l

13:Ab/ccg L4: Ab/g d 15: a/D D L6z AlC F Bb L7: F d

18:bG/eeaD 19: A e a 20: elc G ZLz Fld g d 22| Bb/F Bb

Balletto: F Act 3: Lz aic a 2: dlg g 3: Eb/c c 4z F C/G 5:.C/e C 6: elc 7': Ab/f c B: g C/a e d 9: d'lc a Y/a d 10: d/Bb F 11: e L2z gld L3: Glc c L4z C/e A 15: f sharP D/b 16:G lTtGlFda 18: alp 19: ca/G ace three Observatíons: (1) Ihe Bbc score is unusually full, even íncluding Balletti. The sinfonia to Act 2 also aPPears as Balletto 7 the in Opus 16, and had, already appeared as the Sinfonía to Ringratiamento of Zenobia e RadamLsto'

(2) The alternation of å I and B time-sígnatures in 1'4 may

be noted for their characteristic qualities i å employing hemiola arioso 5a rhythm in a cantaÈa style, 'l implying an extended ' indicating the rhythm of the corrente' (3) rfr rppeats to be used here and in La Ùtuisione del Mondo to indicate the rhythrn of the giga' (4) t, at L.l7 is very uncommon in ' It is probably used to keep the rwalking basst moving'

(5) The cadence is clipped in the MS at I'zb' the (6) The víolin writing aË 1'6b suggests trumPets though til text scarcely warrants it. Perhaps Ciel fremenEef is the

Eopic. 902. (l> 'A la fugaf at 3.8 may be compared with the beginning of Sedecia (212a)

Lite-ra-ture : l.Iors thorne : pp . 37-38 . Machines: Illustrated particularly ín üIorsthorne between pp. 48-49'

and elsewhere, e.g. Bonta NG and Fogaccía. 348 TOTILA


Sinfonia (a) (m. r-9) (v'v2lv rv vb Bc)

,r +-


v! \ Y J J I ..TITTJ. J A\, ]f r t, Tv


? (.,

(b) (n. 10-24) (vrv2ev rv \lb Bc)

vr J vl J I

ì I I l I JJ .e. Áv


ã.+ l'l VL È"- 904.

1:1 (a) Clelia (m. 1-f4) Son, on the soft bosom


J Ë.5\i. S*l ltt otte- S-€^"-


(b) Clelia (m. 15-42) Sweer son (C VIV2AV TV Vb Bc)


.- v1 ^l ,\

rlt AV fv ¡ t ç \\r Cf¿l,r' c Ðr1., f.i'.. w ffi --7t-Tr--2-- -W Bc

(c) ClelÍa (m. 43-52) Already, it is decreed by Heaven

I à'f a , f c d C,nà le- c".foz4¿l e.ø( &

("') C1elia (m. 53-78) Let it noÈ be true that his beauty

-v -+t ¡ Y I a I I r I .17 c t I J b¡-( - +q h d¡1 5tô\ v{

6" 1 t I I' 905.

("') (m. 7g-g5) o God, what am r doing, what am r thinking?

It c I ^1 Ò Ði" ¿L' ôl ¿G þ*'l 0.

L;2 (a) Publicola/Desbo (m' L-21) Desbo -r A ..,-

C(€¿.i , C)zha" s,q B.

(rt) Clelia (rn. 28-30) open my veins, kill me c .rfc Sare ".o-,-^' C¡ -dir^. .


- ("2) clelia (¡n. 31-33) Ttrat death will be welcome

c r-..rlq, iA. la Sag ? -d;f"


("3) (m.34-40)

c C^- tl;; Ç vq \ô; u( -


(uu) Desbo (m. 41-65) Let us save ourselves at once c

-l-:l-¡ S¿l vì a^<^

B, 906.

I:3 (a) Tromba (m. I-7) (rr Sc)

Tr J ) ct B.

("r) (m. 8-17) (Tr v'v2AV TV vb Bc)


VI .) ?-

VL d lr A "ffi-Jl Tv

oî \h I 'l I I t gc -T.f{

("') ToÈi1a (rn. 18-48) Let Rome burn (.t) lRir: I (*. 49-5s)

--T vt I 7 I J ) yz

d I I I , rl { I .rIl AV T./ ì Y

T;H c A"- da Ro-q I vb bc 907 .

(b) Totila (m. 56-68) Of rhe Roman eagles

L Je !'\f'te k - fix<


L:4 Primo Isavro (m. 1-15) To Ehe thunderbolt of r¿ar

C A.( (^*t^* t r"* B.

1:5 (a) Marzia (rn. 1-B) Barbarians, you try in vain

-ñv C t I ( I I. .lt 3o.r -ba--, i". vo^ h fo\Fat


!J rii 7:6 (a) Marzía (m. 1-16) Heavens: Where am I? t L ùJ G<- û oto'.c t^., f*.to ì


(ar) Marzia (m. L7-54) O great lord

1 ffil "+v i c I

J I t\ Sr+€ Oek 1

I 't I a I L)C ! lr- ,, (.') Tocila (m. 55-59) Arise and may this not be the last gift

1i I I C sìq ltuJh,;- d"r." rc Þ i I-)L .l 908

r:7 (a) Teodata (m. 1-39) sir, of the unconquered ruler Justinian


Si'¿ d"! Q<1no lvi- G,.'"rl-i niç-a¡ Å - .r', fl"


(.t) Totila (m. l}-qg) The wicked go dust

C A J I \ J .fa, - of c-o 1l Þ.1* t 1l^

B, l. I I

I l:B (a) fotila (m. L-42) Ho, my faithful followers

¿ 1' I I v Y J \ ' 1 '. ù1' lA hrQ^ Í-,ai þ. rd ï (b) RirS (m. 43-53) (VIV2AV TV Vb Bc)




1. 1V

¡ i

¡ vb t iri Ec

! ì. (bt) (m. am the warrior of Beauty l, Totila 54-74) I å' ï ,t I c Y

S-., ê" la- bet l-- 4 "-.nå. "L !r I i fJ. t' 909.

L:9 (a) Marzia (m. 1-5) Marzia, you are weepíng


har¿ia" fn þ; a'^9i


(b) (m. 6-37) who only with eternal grief (b/

LJ- C J C¡'< sot Cu'. d^^.( e- fe.' h,o -ê-----t- Bc -:------t-

(br) (m. 38-56) (v.tv2lv rV vb Bc)


+ ) / 'll -'. 1l l¡ Vz ffi "

I I.l Jl+t a Av t

vb f I , B. wish Ëo weeP (b2) ¡tarzia Aria (m. 57-96) Fortune, Do' That I do noÈ Fortune' Yês- That I r¿ish to mock You

c -1- : I .j |'f^) V1â cJ,< I a,*- 5 S.. cJt '¡; I

,t Bc t 1:10 (a) Publicola (m. l-23) Rone has fallen I { r C ,t f { Caq\^-Fo ,l Laz-,"

-.r{ B.

I' i t 91C.

(rt) (rn. 24-32) Already I flee the wholesome air

C J 1- e ")- ltdJ-à vl \, q- G;à þ^n. B,

(^') (m. 33-35) rhar Rome is iÈself a sepulchre

c J aa clc t-- Rø,aC ¿ r{å 3¿ ' þ.lci^-.o


1:11 (a) Desbo (rn' L-25)

c .) v- S;5n-"/ S¡. #

I B<

(rt) Publicola (m. 26-32> My treasure T

¡"f^b f e 3d-f¡

t I I --_ Bc 7 1I I

(.') Publicola (m. 33-47) Is Cletia dead?

T I l- I J 'b* Clclç*) e ^r/i- ^. _ I B. 911.

(b) RiÈ". (m. 26-35) lVrV2l,V TV Vb Bc)

V V z. \¡

f È I r Jrl I Av T,t I

ê- -l-rL- V6 bc

(u') puuticola/Desbo (m. 36-63) (AT vrv? Av TV Vb Bc) Harpies of Erebus/ Hush !

VI -f 1, ' I v> J

I J {v TV tÇ'<,bo A .JeL f I tt A d v a + t r.lé ..^ 40 vr Bc

L.Lz (a) Clelia (m. 1-10) Stop, a tyrant

C Lo,rrà,lenun o h - tTa&þ


(b) Vitigo (m. 10-35) Of the love which cornes to birth


I,¡rl lot ro

B -1, 9L2.

(c) Clelia (rn. 36-85) And am I able (to stop)- a bold vandal?

C Eþ*, -t/a^^/-'la aî- &ln


(d) (m. 86-137) (sc)

I -r-- t--r- $c ì -ì

(dt). vitige (n. r38-190)

A ffi Rc.t-^,1

Bc -t t

(d2) Rir". (m. 190-203) lvrv2Av rv vb Bc)

I I f V'


Vlo I ll¿

-fc Vc -ô. cause (do I still live)? 1.13 (a) Clelia (m. r-15) Heaven; through what unkno\^In

c C..¿ Vqy.^c¿¡ ì ìi ift B. 913. (rt) Clelia (n. 16-30) Already, ministers of Death

a L) ? c wl.cÌ fe- C^; l+1'l *ì - sts,<- á^ -

B. L- x'/1

(b) Riro. (m. 31-38) lvrv2lv rv vb Bc)


V J ) Av tv V

Vb 0c

(bt) Clelia (¡n. 39-61) Hope, console me one day c

sþe -f-AA^Zq, Sþe;o-,29.,^t, d) ctx - S ó7a¿v'yt


1.I4 (a) (m. l-31) How vain Ís that thoughÈ (C VIV2¡,V TV Vb Bc)

C l--t VA/1^.ô ç- Q*r^tc \ra - r4Ð fua.^It ?P Þ<*tie'., a B.

(b) Servio (m. 32-6C) You resist, heroic soul


'1?.slsÈ r Lrno "ltL - 17<

B c 9L4. (bt) Servio (m. 6t-78) You know how to resist

| - ,,_t___-__ B - S*þ),; -,.csi¡l-e -r< B.

(b2) Riro. (m. 79-86) (VrV2AV TV Vb Bc)

vt #

v? î

l.' I Av, 1v -TrT--¡ lJY -^ a'A 7 JU t

V[ .ll J 'jl B. -Lt --7-,-

1.15 (a) Marzia (m. 1-11)


?,1 ul...ltrn su4 -coL'- ka'


(b) Rito. (m. L2-I5: 16-19)


a .J

Ir -n--t f-ì l1 Av Tv f f ll 4,1 -/v

w t E< 915 . (bI) t'tarzia (m. 20-46) Love, I do noc wish to love

c .J qa4r A- 1440-+¿ ns'. vtl L. a - +- B.

1.16 (a) Totila (m. 1-33) hlhite of hand is my treasure

I t) Ç c

Plar^ oLl a"i'^1" : l"^^le-so-Yu


(b) (m. 34-40) My most lovely goddess

lt a L) l\ l- TV J B¿ft- -f'ær r¿'ûa D¿a ,--_

-l 1.17- Teodato (rn. 1-31) Listen, sír

I ? D gt^ \ H I

8..4r o -f, ¿ B.

1.18 (a) Servia (m. f-6) No, I ask noEhing

b .T T I

Nì r("Jt4 ç; clàeJt


(b) Ilarzia (m. l-65) --7 f #_=_-.- C U Cu¿{e !r tfl tx le c*Jt c [', I ^) a n ) a-L) L. f 916.

(bt) (m. 66-78) (vlvzav rV vb Bc) vt J

ñ I VL d

I ì f- I TA \ vb ? I aÇ ßc

1.19 (a) Servio (m. f-4) Ah, for anguish I fall

B to dJ- AK î t7q¿


(ar) lotila (rn. 5-22) Ilor.r prettily fron her eye (o') c J C/r't- .ra;¡o Ob. lt*o eLL àYù


(^') Servio (m. 23-42) Permit....

1a 3 ---) (oua-z- d< -fe-

ß" --1-ç --ü o=-----' (.') Totila (m. 43-53) Understand, lady c kþp,<^,1r. b.tla

Bc 9L7.

(a*) Totila (m. 54-60) llo, shedding Eears and sweat

c d-o* þ,"àr" e su "þ" 3e_

Bc (rt) Totila (m. 61-97) But stíll you <1o not speak

+r- C fla- fu nonþa'{"' &w corq

Bc ) (b) Ifarzia (n. 98-f23) You go fostering

-Th{ -----t- a ) , -l -DT- I ---T-_--a c T I \) Vod nuf¡rndn *.-#c +- + & -\l (br) (n. 124-131) (vtv2av rv vb Bc) R¡t.? L vr vz t.

Av TV vt & Tiber 1.19a (a) Totilà (m. f-29) Enough lthat] on the

c A ba^Ì-a-.2 a' s,.'I Te b.o

B. 918.

(.1) Totila (m. 30-40) Of the great monsEers of the air

C l-aúf"/ì dJl 4 ^Y1

Bc (b) Totila (*. 41-53) If to kiss' haPpy lover' c \l- a vna,çl-{ Se. b ac.ar {

  • 1.20 (a) Servio (m. 1-39) Naked sPectre of a dead empire

    Q;t2 V' v, rr (b) Servio (rn. 40-51) O irons -f-t r B

    sþ<-h.u lr,* -. o-t"fu I -, - o þ,";

    Vb B"

    L.2L (a) Belisario (m. I-Lz) Arise, hurl ¡nissil.es and anger T

    t S r^ rr-,'b ra,fe I a.r'".n' e- l*

    & (at) Setisario (m. 13-28) If I weep for great Rome T tRo.^n .çe {a- t,r40 Lla f l-q gn -

    l, B. :l J 919 .

    (^') Servio (m. 2g-g2) Gods of heaven, who observe




    (a3) tepído (m. g3-LL2) He who does not fear the heroic deed


    Ck< ¡,.oh fe - r.e g- 1tlt - (a- r!?t Þ* - J".


    ("u) (rn. 113-126) (v'v2Av rv vb Bc)

    4;t: v' -æ#- yL f Ì , 'r J

    rl J I ]J 4- E Av -è¡- --=:ft-Ér- Tv ¡

    ,J ut --r--+-+ Bc L.22 (a) Bel-isario (rn' 1-16) Soon from the nearby wood f

    -To5t-u àx r/lctn bosco


    (b) (n. 17-27) (rr sc)

    ? Bc 920.

    (br) Belisario (m. 28-115) Crowned with green laurels (T Tr Bc)


    __lr__ T Co-ro - AA to do. uev/-e- Af' /o -


    Sinfonia (a) (n. L-24) lvrv2av TV Vb Bc)


    vL fiv Tv

    w Þt

    (rt) (ru. 25-30) (vrv2Av rv vb Bc)

    vt a


    ffv lv

    VI Bt 92r"


    that Jove is just 2.L (a) Publicola (m' L-44) No' it is noE true

    A cL¿ Cn'"e u'tato nøt e ¿Vo ¿


    ("t) Publicola (m. 100-132) My treasure

    Tì A

    l'1ia l-e - So- ro & ß"

    2.2 (a) cleiia (m. 1-99) Hostile stars' arm yourselves V

    t v

    L cì¿-l ¡-,¿ Êc -rr. Arsh'Ä v+r)t i¡ o ar - ^.r, (u,a1 .

    \r! I " 7

    (b) Desbo/clelia (m. 100-132) Madame/ 0 husband A L A c 5i 3"-*- o Sþoro

    B. (c) C1elia/pubticola (m. 133-f51) lfy dear hope, embrace me/yes my treasure !, æio l'e'So- r'b c A T( r vT ?- Sl-.-,. -< Cu.o *. à sþ" - nt '. 3 --.

    _c\ I L J r, J o)t

    (d) Publicola (m; 152-166) Well; that these are horrid shadows

    A Et -fo .çon e'n\* oç' l-€ ¡-l-(-


    2.3 (a) clelia (m. I-20) c -_<- O r,o'ra -)e-¿1" O Dio


    (ar ) Desbo (¡n. 2L-28) If I do not lose ury head

    . l___- -_. \ .__-- A ëë -J-- 4 e ++- ,r-< llo St io ho Ì\ þc'/" il Cêr- .,b ^ -l B .T

    2.4 (a) Alelia (rn' f-9) Of ury beloved Publicola" '

    L 'J-' D¡ ?*UU - cnlæ a- w, o.ì^o

    B o (b) (m.' 10-16) (Bc - Parts missing)

    B- (br) clelia (bt) (m. L7-34) rn order to cure my fíerce pain

    C r.' pe'.[-liq sa^ ú3à lÀ

    B" 2.5 (a) (nr. f-10) (llc - parts nrissing)

    r n l-cr,l-...)l ¿^--

    l_i B J.- I'lo.clncn a le À/aøa le Nq-w


    (b) (r. 43-68) (c vtv2ev TV Vb Bc - parts rnissing)


    L Do /c¿ þ",(.. ca-v-a- þa-Ma Vb

    ß. f I

    (c) Marzia (r¡. 69-92) You breezes (d) Teodato (m. 93-f08) To the shlps


    A,^.< \JTI All<. Na.-n

    l. t B" a)Y O (e) (n. 109-118) (Bc - Parts rnissing)


    (el) Uarzia (m. 1I9i148) By mocking a lovÍng heart

    c ?e- /.et-'d.er- Côr amanTe-


    2.6 (a) Totil¿ (m. f-9) My pretty creature

    -<---n- C

    V¿-¿-¿,o1o, A nyq<

    B. 924.

    (b) Totila (¡n. 10-26) A single glance

    A C U^ sol g,^a.'do ¿[c;L;d ä( cr j lio u

    (c) Marzia (m. f-37) Please leave me

    C ,J fi[*e^ In¿

    r B. -Í-'

    (d) Marzia (rn. 38-60) Hor¡ do you expect to please me by being cruel

    C ç-+- iJ ea,-C¿. - l¿ w,,l Ga¡ 1fa"^]o þio"eu y^o-'fo

    (dr) (rn. 6f-68) (Bc - Parts missing)



    2.7 (a) Totila (¡n. 1-9) Conquered Italy

    c I

    LlArr.oot^-^ ,¡ÀÌ-a.

    k -o (b) (m. 10-16) (sc) (b) Totila (¡n. L7-7L) I come to harbour

    I c I

    lexSø. Þ*- ìo u 925. (b') (m. 72-82) (vtv2nv TV vb Bc - parts incomplete) +-I *L I Vr VL

    ) {v --< fv

    Vb ôc

    2.8 (a) Vitige (m. 1-24)

    ñvt lt Ç. a, . A J Al -7-o-Ë- l< e.h 5ig^ov<

    Br (a') TotÍla' (¡r. 3O-46) (rt) Totila (m. 25-40) Laugh, insane godr Ah, you coæ.

    I Z) c }i ..ni .ìâc O N.¿-.¡.rn- Ja.wt A\ v¿dÅ 'eL

    B. I (b) TotÍla (m. 47-64) Fighting, destroying (parÈs rnissing)

    c ?j^"^,lo,o. l-F.. a'nol-o

    B. (b r) Rl-t'. Imissing]

    stars 2.g (a) Lepido (m. 1-5) The waves are colliding with the


    Ct=o^ !t c''tàc crj'ì 1l'arlti

    B. C c., 926

    (b) Lepido (rn. 6-31) The dear one who needs me

    c 14. CU v"'tad cLì - fq la' ca--


    (c) Marzia/Lepido (m. 32-44) (parts nissing) 0 pity, severe stars c r-i- sl^¿t - le )e.h þ;e-F! g;de


    (ct) tepido (rn. 45-49) Vanísh, whirlwinds c SÞo..r'r.; lu'zL:n¿

    ßc ("2) (rn.49-54) = (c)

    (d) Lepido (¡n. 55-61) Give me advice, O Love

    c IDa-.^i c^aø',¡l ,, À'^t{

    &. (dr) l,epido (m. 62-67) Calrn is the sea

    c # (d2) (m. 68-75) (Bc - parrs missing) A n3 ..," l-" 'I Ynaf fut:

    Bc 927 .

    2.10 (a) Desbo (rn. L-42) 0 stop, Clelia




    2.LI (a) Cle1ia (m. 1-l-0) Wretched u/oman; in vain I follow


    fli - se. -q- vr.d,"-,,n tõ -S<4u-o


    (b) Clelia (m. If-62) Starred wÍth the hundred eyes of Argus


    Con c.*l' oc' ch à-go sl-¿l' la- f.


    (br) Rito. (m. 63-77) (Bc - parrs raissing)


    (c) Clelia (m. 7B-92) But r¡hat murky cloud

    c :r -for! 1"1o. 1l^"1 i a."- ntt-be.

    B C

    2.I2 (a) Vitige (m. I-47) Hey: who are you?


    ). a' l; c'-- se', c\ )r Bc ) r

    I 928.

    (at) Vi-tige (u,. 48-57) I go willingly towards

    ¿l A ìo ,o - /or'r, 'la - *r" in - con- fttt


    (b) Ctelia (m. 5B-84) It is follY

    c a E þ*i" u (bt) (rn. 85-91) (Bc - parts nissing) A.:r". &

    2.L3 (â) Vitiee (¡n. 1-6) Ihus withour adoring her t i¡ü ii: :(;j A ;l Con" ..6>L1> Seh¿a q t- lc-


    (b) Vitige (rn. 7-2t+) Flee from me, cruel one


    F*g¡i Å'Þ* c'¡'^oLe l<- i. i I bc r,cg-ff- I (c) Belisario (m. 25-33) Let a thousand Eorches burn I i, t,l. T :-t--t- rr l, $' Í I llil(e - te ac- ce- Se I f^- I B" ri i 929.

    (d) Belisario (m. 34-61) Go and arm the trooPs o - T -'--r- -'- I ar wlo'f?- I r.roÉl Ê- lo-".3ì -

    Bc +

    (e) Belisario (m. 68-84) But of jewelled harnesses

    T nò' d)3ev^.nto ar n€'s¿

    2.L4 (a) Lepido (n. 1-30) O Belisario, in vain

    _-1. C O Bcl'-a.a4;â fl\ Uâ- hO


    2.L5 (a) Cinna (¡f. 1-19) Signor, these men who

    B S;x* cz=t-¿ì cle_..¿ti


    (b) Marzia (ru. 20-35) I preserve my fleeting Life

    t. i c -ç-t-j'L: - '[ I le oI ¿r\,ra WLd. G - l-r- la- r' - I '-eå f i Bc * [- 't (c) Belisario (m. 36-44) Ah, I see well I T b"x 'ue-3Xì o 4 Ah r .-tI l' B. 930.

    (.t) Lepido (m. 45-55) With thar bosom whice as snow

    C cL'e cc'^ 1f'L Sea '.,er*a,l- 3e-^re_

    ("') Belisario (m. 55-71) Of such rare beauty

    f _ a __-___

    -D; L¿l Fà c^ñ, ì "ï.ñ^.

    1 B" (d) Marzia (ur. 72-L26) The arrow of wicked poison'


    La- sa' ef- l7 d-t rto \)e - le- no

    (dt) (rn. L27-L4O) (Bc : parts rnissing)


    2.L6 (a) Lepido (m. 1-13) l{arzíai you who from the sea t

    _'T_::_'.- C J-- i. }J arr-.a' lh cLe de/- Y\A{ i

    I B" I I (b) Publicola (m. 14-23) Come, embrace rì

    *' A x I -n I 5 I - le -"'t {

    -4 Br i i 931.

    (c) Publicola (m. 24-47) If you do not know how to make love

    A v:.o>t 54 - Se loc r àr wu-r þe-te # ß.

    2.17 (a) Desbo (m. f-20) Alas, I weary already

    A --t-++ -L- OL,^t- d - J Sl-¿at¡


    (b) publicola (rn. 2L-34) Before you hurl honicidal anger


    l'¡ * o-rrn çì i¡l¿ þnà ol. Sca.3 ùi i -


    (c) Desbo (ur. 35-38) He, by the right road

    A Êg (^ þ. cc. ,-.", ¿l ';ìfo


    2.I8 (a) Lepido (m. 1-14) What an amorous Oreste


    q, I A/u^l O¡

    ß L * r (b) Lepido (m. 15-35) If I see a l^ay of hope ( { c -( Se ,l-, sF,-. io t*31i * 33'" t J :f, _l 6. 932.

    (bt) (m. 36-4r) (¡c - parrs missÍng)

    Bc -Þ

    (c) Marzia (c. 42-44) Sensible advice


    ( ar^â C.Jw, '3ìì, l. (d) Marzia (c. 45-79) Yes, you deceive yourself (parts rnissing)

    C S¡ sl ¡i J ¡ t-0,^ 3.h


    Sl-nfonia (n. 1-22) (vlv2¡,v Tv vb Bc - parts nissing) v. vv vl bc


    3.I (a) ToÈila (m. L-52) That goddess, who of the weak man

    c f f?_t f"-^ tL¿ .l"l r.à lab'1e

    t. a- 933.

    (b) Vitige (rn. 53-62) O how opPortunely, Sir' I see you

    A a *{X,o O co¡nt o l-e.*þo S¡ "e î-i


    3.2 (a) Belisario (m. f-43) VJhat nude bowman

    T -+ Q.-,tt-¡" ft.*"-

    B. (b) Vitige (m. 44-59) lfhitst I see the light of day


    S;^s({- [^r{r- øl<,1 û v<- dr¡

    $t (b') (ur. 60-67) (Bc - parts missing) kr B

    3.3 (a) Belisario (m. L-25)

    È-ì-P T -1 te )".,ri.- dttí c|m

    I L

    (b) MarzialServio (¡n. 26-37) (C B Bc) On your bosom I receive Lj-f.e/ For you I live c

    lVct S'.o a"^ t-iþ¡ rr - ¿€'øo

    ß ?.rl- t¡¡'-otfe^'o.n

    -J? $. o CJ'r 93t4. (c) (m. 38-6f) Servio, íf of that woman

    c { S..,r,.o 5¿ 4i cô- JFd ço; b,a^cÇ' l'**l


    (d) (m. 62-69) (Bc - parts missing)

    (¿r) netisario (m. 7O-LL2) Let loose the roaring


    r, 5'n,"da.fq t þ- -,*-

    B¿ 3.4 (a) Servio (rn. 1-6) Corne, delightful daughÈer

    B Vi e,^) rt; e'-^odJ l

    .8. --,tro- - (b) Marzia (n. 7-22) ]a'I advise you 2q.'foo at{at-, otc! c

    f ç ex-¡ l.3li o l*it" e..rnc(a-c¿ ß" (c) Lepidb (m. 23-26) Ah, it does noÈ rest with us

    c At, ¿1" ¡'oi no" d^Þe-adz

    I --l- 8. Ò è------:------93s. (d I ) (m. 4r -49) (Bc - parrs missing)


    3.5 (a) Lepido (m. 1-9) llhat vital balm

    c -1

    A.t't'bo.Äa '^¿ v; - tnl

    B c (bì) Lepido (m. 1B-55) (b) (rn. 10-17) (Bc - parts missing) Stop loving the fair face

    ,,t ,1 B. '

    I^ uJ dl a'na, L r-.¡ / l-o

    3.6 (a) Totila (rn. 1-13) Unjust gods


    lxa,'u-shs - si ¡"i 'Þ;


    (b) Totila (rn. L4-44) Cruel monster (jealousy)


    Cvuà"1 ,tLo - SY'ID

    B" v

    (bt) (m. 45-50) (sc - parts missing)


    3 7 (a) Belisario (m. 1-50) tr'.7o pure lights

    T r ? _(:_t:1.,_ (

    ' cl ¿ CLe nc.la 1,.n d".€ 0.c) Cc.¡^cL --< ? ? i( -1--'1- t- I't -t \ ?'i I Bc l _l r-_ 936. ("¡) (m.51-62) (Bc - parrs nissing)

    B c

    (a¡) ¡elisario (m. 66-71) Corne, \Latzía, ny goddess


    Vje^. Mar¿-,À -r¡ r'. D.o,

    I L 3.8 (a) Ctelia (m. 1-41) Of the Sreat Italian kingdom

    C 1}e.( 3'-.^fto{o Q.

    &. (b) C1elia (¡n. 42-72) If you lip has a snile for ne

    c S,;l +,". lab.-tntaþ- þ"t- fì, ;l ¡- so

    ß. (bt) (m. 73-83) (Bc - Parts missing)

    Bc viÈality! 3.9 (a) Belisario (m' 1-16) I'Ihat majesty' what -r Ci" cke ^o ^ln ,

    B. -Õ------

    (b) Belisario (m. 17-35) I am a friend to mortals

    T ftt^" a tar; dt n' rt1-..1;

    & -1 937 3.10 (a) Lepido (t. 1-f8) Courage; here comes the ríval c

    A-¿; -'* ce¿-o ;l R'-,.rr, I


    (b) Lepido (nr. 19-29) ExÈínguish anger, abandon fury Â-q, L -Y

    E s r,'.i *^ l' , -o olo6o^Jo il fN


    (br) (m. 30-35) (nc - parts rnissing)


    3.11 (a) Vitige (m. 1-17) Of rny masterts weapon

    A Þa-t þ'- d"-l J¡x


    3.L2 (a) Cinna (m. 1-14) Come, Belisario, arise

    B Sù 3c.[i- sanø Scrge


    3.f3 (a) Servio (m. 1-28) 0n the venerated altars.

    7 .L-_L B

    -S,^; ,¡

    B. 93 8.

    (b) Servio (rn. 29-65) Now you rurn againsc me, Fare


    - (^f 1,-oÉ: ,l Je slirro Þ c-onlt¡ h'e _.m & -l ¿ (b¡) (m. 66-78) (Bc -parts missing)

    3.f4 (a) Marzia (m. 1-6) Now Marzia goes weeping

    C l-

    O+ r¡a lntav¿io do ' !en' tc

    & (b) (m. 7-L6) (nc - parts rnissing)


    (br) t'tarzia (m. L7-52) My loving heart


    /"lio Co-+z Y1\4O C¿ìe A w^at<


    3.f5 (a) Desbo (m. 1-10) Of insane publicota

    A J". ?,^bL c-o ¡^- 5a. -rto I (rt) Publicola (m. 11-18) Lovely Narcissus by the side of the fountain

    - - 'ì- A D ----- ö \-o B of À/ar L*-,1, ct - 5o /a þ'"-re

    -^. :. .- l,.r.J Bc . (--./-.i) I ' \ 't-'?-- -il . 939.

    (r') Desbo/Publicola (m. f9-28) Now I am in a ne$t LabYrinth/ To make a mirror of Your Pool

    Ar A) P*F Sþ errl-o a b. fun In '"^¡ù laåe - nho arr. Sax to þ-rc O- -t- --- $c ò---,--

    (a3) lesbo/Pubticola (m. 29-57) And whenever/ This hair À A, L, _- -__ - c Þ;o- -l AÌ e cyuo'^lo viA^ Ò-r^¿nle cLno>"¿


    (aq) ¡esbo (m. 58-90) I understand the rest alright

    A {.


    (b) Cinna (m. 9f-I05) At last he falls destroyed

    B Atf¿,-"-l-o at f,; -co- ole k

    (bt) (m. 106-110) (Bc - parts missing) _Ê__:_-ì: Bc

    3.I7 (a) Totila (m. f-6) I have fallen

    c fo


    (b) (m. 7-f5) (Bc - parts missirrg) {)- ? __l ,oÍl , t r _f Bc --J- 940.

    (br) Totila (n. L6-72) Open henceforÈh your chasms c

    Aþ- o-áU lu fu.¿- uo- 1-t-- 9'- h,^ b"

    3.18 (a) Clelia (n- 1-17) Cheer uP c

    !¿-a -no, - h-;


    ("t) (rn. 18-22) (sc - parts nrissÍng) (b) Desbo (¡n. 23-62)

    5: ?*åu - rn- Á g"

    3.19 (a) Clelia (n. 1-48) O constancy, fail constancy,

    C Cà- .Cl-a-. z q O c-o' J la xzq be fia-


    (rt) (m. 49-61) (Bc -Parts missing)

    B. 3.20 (a) Ifarzis (m. 1-16) That I adore you is vanity


    Chlio ltadon e va->! - Þ

    & 94r.

    (b) Lepido (m. 17-31) This white page c Q,u-e-tn c¿^áiJ,o fr+;


    (c) Marzia (m. 32-51) Lovely eyes, íf you weep

    c -,,t

    Oc.Ç beflì s<- W1 Þ,*- 3e - fe


    ("t) (rn. 52-57) (Bc - parÈs míssíng)

    3.2I (a) Belisarío (rn. 1-21) Servio, is not thÍs the son

    T S c.nno l+oa e3 a Wro (,4r"

    B. ô

    3.22 (a) Vitige (m. 1-33) Beyond this I am silent

    A A caÊ- þ; hc;, =-- u 3.23 (a) Belisario (rn. 1-4) See in bonds


    E r.o h t^þ -n l¡-l-"

    &. 942 "

    (b) Servio (m. 4-21) Of the wicked pomp of the empty wind

    3 )tc*þìo þn auut¿grr. va,¡4

    B¿ (bt) (m. 22-26) (Bc - missing parts)


    (c) Servio (n. 21-68) Barbarian, at lasE you have fallen -F .-1. .---.tt- ) -- B -.-V 3a.I"^n .( þ cq-- d'erh B, e-

    (d) Totila (¡n. 69-74) If Èhe cyPress on my brow

    c è{

    S<-i ci - Þ*t - s, al r^'o CÌ1.4^


    (e) Desbo (m. 75-83) Joy, gentlemen (later text missing)

    A Aft<{r<>z^, Signcr-<

    þ (f) (n. B4-9I) (Bc)


    (ft) Totila (m. 92-142) Now dispersed is every storm ,H c s l-... C-r'o sl- f-q ¿ ôq- wl 1-e be- I ^

    jf 1l' -t- ¿ ¿ B. a f 943. (f2) (m. 143-r5o) = (r)


    Sinf,onia (m. 1-25) (nc - parts missing)


    T1 (a) Guinone (rn. 1-14) Surrounded by lightning c CrnFq d^ l"*þi

    Bc Þ.

    (b) Giunnone (m. f5-53) Born Ín dense cloud c G< - n.- ta-l-o l^ Åe l-!, lz-- ti 'nr


    (br) (n. 54-65) (Bc - parÈs nissing)


    T2 (a) CÍbelle (m. 1-18) Ttrree-headed Beryon


    D; l-'e c"þ, ;[ Gc- n Òy't L


    ("t) (m. 19-25) (Bc - parts rnissing) r {-¡-l

    T3 0n the field of battle C l

    I 1,, -r1!a - .ìo dJ bo-t- /-a1t , q

    '\. --1- 'JI l,t B. Ll' 944.

    ("1) (m. 46-56) (Bc - parts rnissing)

    ñ JC

    T4 (a) Nettuno (m. L-27) Scaly Proteuses

    3 ("t) (m. 28-34) (Bc - parts missing)

    Sî.* v4o1 t 'Pr"- f<-t


    T5 (a) l,a Pace (m- L-32) Let war perish, ferocious cavaliers. The rival DeitY c

    t. - l-4 i!".'i*.o I a,fÞ! I 0 Ca^'eL¿- þ*r- L¡.; - -t^ De -t

    ¿ ër' (b) La Pace (m. 33-64) Let the world rejoice (C tr nc) -r- C lr c U t-,t^of¿ sl e33t


    (c) l,a Pace (m. 65-7L) Spread the sound, joyful Fame (C Tr Bc)

    II C -Ò- -o {i- *rq S Þt.: r'l þ - x*

    B. ("t) (m. 72-75) (crc2c38rBrB"¡ /i-va Pa c¿ ÈÞl^ cr !-l t- c) - r - r/or, 1-, -q t-

    B' ß) -Lo ¿ô' V', i -.,.

    ?,c 945.

    ("') (m. 76-80) (rr nc)


    Bc 946. 348 Tocila

    SS Gio e TOTILA/ DRAlrtA PER MUSICA/ Nel Famosissimo Teatro Grí-/mano di ' paoto. I'a¡l¡¡o M.DC.Lxxvrr. / Dr MATTEO NoRrs./ col¡sucRATo/ ALTE'ZZI' / ^LLt &c./ SERENISSIMA/ DI / fnnOfn¡¡lDo/ CARLO/ Duca di ManÈova.f l(a¡ferrato, /r¡l vnnntlA, M.DC.LXXVIII.I pet Francesco Nicolini,/

    Con Licenzo dot Superiori, e Pri-vilegio'

    LibretEísE: MaÈteo Noris

    Sources of Libretto:.B-Bc I-Bc IÍOe Venice:Fondagione Cini (Fondo Rolandi) lJc

    Sources of Music: Vnm (arias) Nc (arias)

    Sources used: lJc '(lib. )

    Vnm Ms.It.IV, 460 (score)

    Totila (cl), vitige (c2), BelÍsario (c''), Lepido (cl) , CÍnna (Cu, Fu) , servio (F"), þlarzía fct) , Publicola (c3) , Clelia (cl), Desbo (c3), Floro (ct), 4 rsauri (cIc3clc') ,

    GÍunone (cl), cibelle (F'*), Plutone (F4), Nettuno (l'q), La pace (cl).

    Tirne Signatures: Actl: c13 g I ; Act2: cå i8 ; AcE 3: i c å g I 3 ; Toràeorc å i 8. Tonality: Acr 1: (Sinf.) b: 1: b/e e D/A z: F/c 3: G e/a: 4z F c 5: c/f c F 7 z d/c 8: d/c a 9z e'b G Lot c/G 11: c/F _relrdlcc L3:alea I4z edD 15:G/ad 16:gEb/F L7z dlc 18: e/n¡ nt 19: Eb/c g Bb/F F 19(a): ale b 2o: e clg 2Lz clc e c/b b 22'- c c' Act 2: (Sinf.) d: 1: d 2z F Bb/F c Bb/a 3: G/b 4: G e

    5: C a rle CG 6: A/b D ble a 7: Fldd 8: Bb/F Bb 9: F/c c F/g 10: C/a ]-I: ale b f sharp l2z F sharp/e C ^ 13: F/e G elF L4'- cls 15; * cls d 16: a/d L7: Gla " l8: G e C. Âct 3: (Sint.) ,\: l: ,\ e 2: elC g 3t c/g, d/e C 4: a/t' n 94t .

    5:ae 6zC/aF 7:BbF/d B: Clda Z d/F d 10: C/e C

    LIz a/e 1,2: A/b 13: b/F Bb þ, e 15: Ebla 16: ale

    L7.: Dlf sharp D 18: G C/Bb 19: c 20: Eb/g Bb 2L: g/a

    22: E/e 232 C e b/F d (Torneo) (Sinf.) a: La/GC 2:G 3: e 4: C 5: a/cec.

    Literature :Bukof zer P. 133-134 Wolff pp.72-'84

    Worsthorne (Review) Le nouveau mercure galante (Aug' L677)


    (f) The unusual intensity of the starÈ of the opera is indicated by the extreme measure of conunencing with a sinfonia in b.

    (2) The part of Cinna aPpears early in Èhe opera with a Cr clef

    (1.21) and later r¿iËh a Fa clef (3.L2). For cotunent on Èhe

    ehanging clefs of minor parts in Venetian oPera see J. Glover: Cavalli


    (3) As a general comnenÈ on the , ít may be not,ed that though cantatas and motets begín and, end in the same key, there is no such compulsion r,rithin the structural units of the on"t"".'

    Scenes are doninated by whatever key is affectively appropriate, but these centres shift freelY- (4) l^lolff regards 1.12 as a parody on the incantation scene in Cavelli,s Giasone. An element of parody derived from the affectations of the cantata also appears to be present in 3.15. Publicola is basically seen as a noble characËer driven insane by grief. His insanity is handled with a mixture of pathos and

    grim humour.

    (5) The fanfare for two trumpets (1.3a) is unusual' See

    Germanieo suL Reno (1.9c). 948

    (6) The sailor's song at 2.5a introduces an unusually hearty and popular tone reminiscent of the boisterous elemenEs in Purcellrs

    tlido and Aeneas ar.d King Arthur' suggests Ehe need Èo make Ëhe even 'I (7) The notation of 2.6d quavers and the dotted quaver figure compatible with the triplets.

    (8) The use of the time-signature 3 at 3.14b is unusual but means

    nothing other than ,?.

    (9) The curíous condition of the score suggests that .it may

    have been put Èogether from parts used in the theatre rather than copied from the original score. This ís suggested by the fact that the upper string parËs are missing f'rom 2.2. Alternatively, themíssingpartsnaysimplynot'havebeenfilledin. Facsímile EdiÈion: Giovanní Legrenzi: Totila (Italian Opera L64O-1770) (Intro: H.M. Brown) (Ner¿ York & London, 1978)'

    complete unpublished performíng edítion by D. Swale (Uníversity of Adelaide) ,

    L975. 349 CRESO

    L.lr Creso

    9 (m. 1-31) If I am Cupid's warrior l--- c [_::_-

    Se G.^tr,.¿y So^ &' C*1,;do


    1.5 Emirena

    I (m. I-31) He well knows how to deceive He who does noE know how to deceive


    C¡l,,I .bt'^ 5o. l.;o.* cL; non ßL f^í*

    B. r_-¡J_+-+_f_

    't 'rr{ it' I 1. B Feraspe

    6 (n. 1-32) I am a soldier, but not Prevailing


    5or. G--<-n t e nt æ3- n a- l-¿


    i i 1. 9 Feraspe 4 I 11 (a) (rn. I-18) i

    -.[ Ò,_-__ il- -o f, C I ,t tna lr' I 5oc. o ILo l-a-.h '

    1 ,r-3 - ._c: a tc L b2- | i J 950.

    (b) (m. 19-36) From a heap of ruins

    C :t .Da *no sie,þc d^ tr,{.- ¡- n€


    (c) (m. 37-53) (a)

    1.10 Arbace

    5 (¡n. 1-20) Farewell dear one, farervell pretty one

    ¡ c ,4 )¡" (a.ra adlro lÆÈ2â: rc'

    B. 4-

    H ,i 1.12 Ge1so

    18 (a) (m. 1-52) Fortunate


    Fo.- fu ' Vaa t;

    Bc i. ì i (b) (n. 53-72) But what delays you

    't t c L !i1 l'?a cLc fu-"t, ì. t ¡t k I I 'l

    4 i, t' 951 .

    1.17 Emirena/Creso

    15 (m. I-25) If you are morê jealous, I will grieve for you No, do not let jealousy assail my hearÈ any more

    c Se.þà savat gz to -so ,4 olcl e"rc al; t¿ usol*-i( Cof lrå xo cl; &øto - S. -¿l Þ; ,.d,. -f 8.

    2.2 Creso 'Circ,le 3 (r. L-22) Ehe brow with roses and flowers

    J ¡ c Cit to ìt cr-; J- W e l; &

    mt :q ,N 2.5 Eurirena 14 (n. 1-30) It would be foolish It rsould be stupid c ,i' S¿^'ben pl- le S¿i b+n sl'ol- fù


    i i

    I t 2.13 Doriclea ri LZ (rn. 1-28) Thotr3ir in faith I still adore you t. 1, t- ï _+__. I C ---l dn - (o{ vto - /o - .¡o \¿'ado 10 3e -.f . i', 1ltt" ,{

    i B i 952. 2.17 Gelso

    7 (m: I-29) Heaven wíshes me dead; Fate is rny foe

    c .)--1

    - - C¿ L¿ ,'l 3l-,n Ce( ""^'^-ot hö.r.to he -r¡' .v : å.

    2.21 Emirena

    4 (*. L-32) Arm yourself, O heart and hurl devastation


    A*øH¡ù Jen o o cor e sl.a,Sft wew?a


    2.25 Emirena 10 (rn. 1-30) (Clc2sc) Cease to love thaÈ face

    ______7_: ct < -

    L *¿c.ä. d'a"-o,r .o ll-o


    3.f I1 Riso

    I ,i 16 (a) (m. 1-13) (b) (m. L4-26) Of joys, of contentment I I who have sick thoughts

    a C f c il -J_i.ì ï t-iae. d^ catJ-e.nh Lo cl.,,e I'e¡Å þn,^. S,e - rt D; Ieh- : B" k fi..$! çñ ( ,-rl

    i 1 95 3.

    (c) (m. 27-34) Here where in a great circle


    âl; d.o-<'n a''^þìo 3 i'ñ


    3.4 Doriclea

    13 (n. 1-37) It is a ¡niracle of Love c

    E P1i -tz.coto d'\- y"\ó - É


    I 3. l0 Ernirena

    2 (rn. 1-33) To manage to endure c

    D¡ gi...,3e,eä þrar


    3. 15 Gelso

    B (m. 1-35) The rebellious stars

    L - - -t- -__ 't I.I'I I - le ll ,t¿ sl'eft¡ '-l. b.l' - tC¡r t f_l__ t I ÎtrfF ¡ B" [-r,f , ft' ) 954.

    3.20 Emirena/Gelso 17 (rn. L-97) I arn haPPY I am satisfied So^ li¿ - J: +\ I c c Þ" 9o

    t u

    349 z Creso

    IL CRESO/ DRAì,|A/ Da Rappresentarsi nel Fa-/mosissimo Teatro Gri-/

    mano dí S.Gio:/ Grisostono / LlÀ\No M.DC.LXXXI.I DT GIIILIO CBSARE

    coRRADr/COIISACRATO/A1r'rllustríssimosignor/Gro:BATTTSTA/MORA/ Patritio ven to./ /ru v¡uruA, I{'DC'LXXXT '/ nex

    Francesca Nicolini./ Con licenza det SuP' e Privilegio' Librettist: Giulio Cesare Corradi

    Sources of libretto: Bbc Mo Bc t¡ILc

    Sources of musíc: Vqs(arias)

    Observations: (]) Numbers relate to the order of the arias in VQS 350 AI.ITIOCO IL GRANDE

    1.6 Oronte

    2 (m. 1-23) I come to kiss that liP

    L Ve ^r" a ba.,ar 1¡t Lab'o


    1.8 Seleuco f4(a) Seleuco (ur- 1-13) Upon what horrid scene

    c s(€ra' S* Ta-l hatni{¿


    (b) Seteuco (m. 14-43)

    fl p,^'


    (c) Seleuco (ur. 44-56) But, courage, Selenca


    ho- cara 3Xìo Se l¿w

    B. L) 956. 1.9 Cleopatra 4 (m. 1-35) Rise, rny heart' to vengeance

    L _.-_?__ S¿ *; Gt- a,l/æ -øn' a¿,ffq. __L ß c

    1.9 CleoPatra

    16 (m. 1-25) My beauty, You are going among warfare

    c ùt, /la rr.,. E¿llq ¡^^à tu þ


    1.10 Cleoparra (u) (n. 5-3e) Labirinth of torments 6 (a) (rn. 1-4) Tossing among Pains

    c d laLe--^i-'tv àt Ow-/ e g7 tc-à.fe ¿ c l,^ ? -r Tr-?-+!? B"

    1.13 Tolomeo 2L (m. I-56) Deprive the soul of its love

    C Lc ne ?.., o I'o-(- vna ee/ Sr^o

    B. 957

    l.17 ArasPe

    8 (rn. 1-46) Sweet is Ehe hoPe of joY

    C -- -e- - a-r-^24 d), 5t¡ a(ol- ç e e dotce lc sþ 1o'dcr sr¡ E --J-.-


    l.19 CleoPatra

    9 (*. 1;36) 0, I leave you, lovely eyes

    C --Y- las¿ìo o tu. ci b¿lt+- LO rn' f¿¡c.o Ovt


    I.20 Cleopatra

    I (a) (m. 1-s) (Bc) (b) (m. 9-72) Live no longer, my heart \ L No^ þ; tn - u¿É- I ,-o Co - >{- -:--:----ì--..-r-- .F- & +-+

    1.24 Antioco 26 (m. r-38) If love sÈings the breast If love stings the heart

    C ìl S?' no s'A - ,+1 o.r fi þ,^^1e ìl Cor< S,A- ywcr h' þ',-52 \ ,li J _L a -a-l 958. 1.25 Doriclene 13 (m. 1-22) Already I know ir My faith

    c Jo 4ìa¿,a. lo C-rr" lu so øta Lo- Àþ lc- {¿


    2.3 Tolomeo 18 (m. 1-17)

    c A ct" sùoilicÅ tQ ca- l'z->t¿-

    2.4 Cleopatra 25 (n. 1-20) To the attack!

    c A otis þatlo detlq S¡r{te

    2.5 Seleuco

    20 (m. 1-3ó) In arrows of vengeance

    t--_ c I" saetfe- d^ vev, -dü. h-

    B" 959

    2.7 AnÈioco 10 (m. f-17) This is a strange Ehing

    L .-tl,-tl 'r1a r,;lnt ¿ biLz^ Q¡r¿.|-a sì


    2.8 ArasPe 23 (m. L-24) You stole, Eyrannic Love _-\_ _ C fi-ranno Jn -,rol o sh hr.--

    2.L4 GiLdo 11 (m. 1-18) I wish to change ny occupatLon c 7 J V.,Xli o co-i\a.¡ ¡atahet .rugtio c'^t^r ,.,tÀl¡¿'¡


    2.18 CleoPatra/Antioco Ll (m. 9-23) Come, mY sweet love I go, my dear life

    L (-}A-av!¿ Sr þta4 V a t^".¡- w.,"> olnlc* l-a Va- Å- w'o-J,o Sr EhOl CtÍq- .ì

    B 960. 2.18 Tolomeo 3 (r. 1-37) Now the happy iay will come

    c Ç,^*'5.à þ* U- Fo ll d^

    _t__ B c

    2.20 Araspe 19 (m. 1-1s) Soul, do not fear Heavens, in order not to die

    c l--l;-

    vaA>t A(^q, þo..^øn - lo.


    3.6 Doriclene 15 (n. 1-18) Flee from me Èhen' pitiless one ,l C F, X1,",*'þ* sþr' l-"F¡


    3.8 Antioco 22 (m. 1-26) I wish to love and rejoice )_l c Å", s'Àù^e S t Þ¿ Vo¿t^o a-raa{ e Xo- -t-- B. 96L.

    24 (¡n. 1-24) I r¡quld not wLsh to love c ?- A^o. io ho¡ . vD- H.r

    350 AntÍoco il Grande

    Aurroco/ rL GRAIIDE/ Drana per Musical DA R.aPRESENTTARST/ LTANNO

    M.DC.LþO(I./ tlet Fauoso Teatro Grirnani. di S.Gio: Grisostemo./

    DEDICATO A11rlllusÈriss. & Eccelemtisa. Sig./ Sig.e Patron semPre

    collen. il Signor/Uancur sE/ GUrDo/ RAI{GoNr./ I

    IN VENETIA, M.DC.LXXXI. I per Francesco Nicolini. / Con Licenza der Sup. & Privilegio. Librettist: Girolamo Frisari

    Sources of Libretto: B-Be I-lBc MOe I'Ùc

    Sources of music: Vqs (arias)

    Sources used: I^Ic (Bib)

    Vqs (arias) 351 PAUSANIA

    1.1 Pausania s9 (a) (m. 1-5) (a) (m. 5-29) I make a cÍrcle on rhis brow c

    Fal¿ S¿'to x - ¡{. \-ttto ¿v1


    1.1 Pausania

    19 (m. 1-f9) Cupid, give me wings

    C*-p: . ¿¡ Jaxw,i lla t ñ B"

    1.2 Creonte

    55 (m. f-27) Hope consoles me

    B Y7; co ru¡¿/a fa Sþe - 1à+- 7-1

    L &

    1. 3 Idrene

    24 (m. f-21) Love like that

    C ck A *o-- hÐt ic-^o 3 A 9r c. !'f B. 96 3. 1.3 Ormondo 39 (m. 1-27) Cupid is a sweet sting

    C J E. c4-þ; - døt*r Soa - w<- þ..-; - fo


    1.3 Id.rene 40 (m. 1-46) Wicked faÈe, no more


    5o"t.- 'r!€-.c' t4r'\ ta.t ,\ d¡! þ þ


    L.4 Idrene 7 (n. 1-23) Love bruises the breast


    4 ^". ,-ta,!!-.¡,q, i f<. ¡,r-.¡


    1.5 Erinda

    31 (m. 1-37) O reply, rny idol

    c F: v

    'y1 .D. k sf>o--"1, I-ol". to rÂ3 o

    Bc 964. 1.6 Erinda 32 (m. 1-24) I wísh to love ever consËant c Vc'5(ia a,v'\a-r Vùr¿lù ¿,-+-,.f 3+*$,-- cn sl^a* - É<

    --:-----J ß" _ ____J

    I.7 Gilbo

    53 (a) (m. 1-6) I^Ie wish to rejoice ín Love T ?t- jÅ,r ; A ,44{ ¿,'--(

    -:\_ bc

    (rr) (¡n. 7-12) buË every rigour ceases -t mC^ Ct-.t 4 ol\^ T1 3"t


    ("') (m. r3-r9) (a)

    1.8 Pausania

    25 (m. 1-64) Too preÈry, too beauriful


    T-þI' -o9 å; f-þ.þo 6¿[- t;

    ß. -t C)

    966. 1.14 Pausania

    26 (m. f-50) Do noÈ give up hope

    ..---._ 2.._ c U :T: l-- F .--;---t:: + N"n nl) 2 ntr^ /-j - þ"; ;l +u¿ b'/ Io- bn Non d', 2 nu^ olL clr fr- la þ ;( -: '?:'-=l-.. . l-' B c I .-.- . ¡"..-....1----z _____ --r - ---.1--- :-f

    1.15 Drinda

    33 (m. l-f4) Go,'my delight

    c --- -{r-J __ Eì Vcrr.^-<- w* u.a,MJ- w-q-. U.¿j kfl-,

    1.16 Gilbo

    22 (n. 1-50) To nake glad the beloved L )¡ I o-lrr l'a- r-.úu b<^< B.

    I.16 Erinda

    52 (m. 1-50) Sweet sleep; come to me T -!

    -a- + b -r-. - o --- -o b¿ ÕI -o'

    f t- lr

    f -.,r ,. 9 ¿.' '.¿ r,flC ct C^ !A¿

    --_1-. - r - -. rt---¡ -f1 ------'rt 1.18 Silandro 967 .

    18 (m. L-40) The radiance of a friendly sÈar c

    gl'el(< !q (e\ oi. d; ô.- - It fat-


    1. 19 Idrene L2 (a) (m. t-6) ("r) (m. 7-28) If iE may nor be, cruel Love c

    ¿rv dc(< 5e ,.o^ f^t. hact

    2.L Gllbo (n. 57 1-36) One day love wiII leave r¡e -r

    È- eÄ, d,; t\^ las.i h' |t\a - r<-


    2.2 PausanÍa

    B (m. 1-30)

    C t

    T*tt. le ¿{ à xne L-¿l{ c

    & 968

    (b) (m. 41-63) (ctc'¡") on the r,iranton grass c'

    5,. ll¿".- be-l'- tc- la¿c^ --i e-l z bc

    2.3 Pausania/Erinda 35 (a) (rn. 1_40) (ClC2n.) Under a roof of green laurel

    z .- c tr -j-r. f

    u€r - & aJ la- Sott" 't C¿ d^

    B. È

    2 .4 Rosaura

    6 (n. 1-32) That lovely lÍp which sends me

    C cI. ,t',; Ôr,tl þl tob- , ; o., ^


    2.5 Rosaura

    2 (n. 1-19) I wanÈ always to love you

    C t---J- F¡r-

    f ; -"f tb sø*þx >aa-(


    B L

    2.6 Eumene,/Erinda

    9 (m. 1-11) Love destines you for ample kisses

    C Ar"t afr-¿ayna\¡¿ ( Cc-a il Ce-( d.*' t4" f A"l .,/r;.*þlrrri e ba.- A*t l-¡ dunh'- h2

    Br , Ç I 2.6 Eumene 969.

    I (n. 1-51) I go indeed, my dear life


    ?arA" Þ"ñ' Sì ntà Cr- 14 úi Fc.

    Bc ------'1- -

    2.7 Erinda

    5 (m. 1-30) Do not go from Èhis bosom

    c -lt- Nor,, *rú1 nr.^þ"rt; s€ yt:+nr cr s¡

    2.8 PausanÍa

    4 (m. 1-36) My faír enemy

    ' c - ' t;' b¿x sa.- Lq, !¿to. r'^.å. ,. turA C^ þ*-w ìo þ-;

    t-l--z- B"

    to 0rmondo

    one daY 55 (m. 1-20) He who is in love presto


    C(^ Strnna, wLÕ 1a vt*- ol^t

    L" 970. 2.10 Silandro

    28 (¡n. 1-40) Under the lightníng of my sword

    .l L

    S"tl-" ,t la* - 4-)

    -!-----_- B.

    2.11 Silandro

    L9 (n. 1-18) In the hands of a r¿anton person

    c l.,,n tvcll¿ d ;^¡,. - d.tc-o "',oÀ+ Bc

    2.12 ldrene $ I 15 (rn. I-41) Venture, ConstancY

    c =+-

    *rnl-reOcn - 5Ía.r'v.


    I i 2.13 Gilbo

    t 58 (m. 1-17) I have such a cowardly heart I rì -r I t- f H. tþ1^ co{ c<-¡]. ,¿ -ci .t ^4¿p

    ( t: Ðc -t-( { I 97L. 2.14 Rosaura

    4L (m. 1-15) Fortune, my cruel ore c

    trortt r"t-. F". lf¡r,"q vÀ/4 èrv"l4e


    2.15 Eumene 37 (rn. L-29) Between hope and fear

    c ,

    -t Fro, (o" gFe/^c tL -L, l. h+c,ì{.


    .I 2.17 Orrnondo ql ilr 42 (n. 1-22) From the arrolr of ïhe god of hearts I 3 3 c êO ->'t


    2.18 Erinda l i

    I 7 (rn. L-25) I^lith what a manner, wÍth r.rhat verve I I c # i

    ¡ Co\ qJ."l r¡tzlo C

    4 t' i t'


    3.4 Oru¡ondo

    4s (n. 1-23) If a beautiful face wounds this soul

    C St*^ tæLnz, be( rvll¿ tff f n


    3.5 Eumene/Rosaura

    46 (¡n. 1-15) (ClC2nc) Beloved ardour of my soul


    Cqro o-rÅo r l a- dtll À( r",.^ ^i


    3.5 Silandro

    16 (rn. 1-21) Return, Fortune, and comfort De one day f-

    - t^r^ Gi ¡o."^ lq Fo' - lr" n¡. e. co>t¿o la "l^

    ll B.

    i I 3.5 Eumene


    54 (n. 1-36) My heart entrusts itself to welcome strife I I i C

    ,} A oU fÈ, A^ s/-â/";l /-h. J4^1 T Þ"f !ra- r I ( ß.


    i 974. 3.6 Pausania (¡n. 48 (a) t-5) t bt (rn. 6-59) Dear thrones L CaR s5 fic


    3.7 Erinda 36 Cantata eE Aria in unrArPa

    (a) (m. 1-10) On the sands of SicilY c

    5u* (e- S.tc-¿¡,n^¿ a - It n? €Þ------

    (rl) (n. 11-22) To pour forth your pain c þ"'. sf' Jar í( $-^ t dt-(

    B (b) (n. 23-sL) Love with your torch Love with your arrows Aria C


    '-- :? _', l.-.

    c-o ts'.q { l\-,*,- 4 lt- /\ C.¿v Vlalti 975. 3.9 Erinda

    wish to be f1lled with love 34 (rn. 1-f7) I no longer

    c r"rt"n(; (å'^ouq^¡- 1-t¿-t1+t ?uù ^""


    3.9 Creonte 50 (¡n. 1-38)

    I I I -l I I I t c v I tl I

    ør¿.fOL¡ Sol nor^ añOa A '*.^f, ^-


    3.I0 Erinda 15 (n. 1-29) I{ithout love there is no delight c

    Sc^.o A rct- ,.r^ vr). ¿ l<-tÊo


    3.10 Idrene 16 (m. 1-34) Say to the heart I knor¿ not what


    .);c^ ar col ¡¡¡ara -. sto cL¿ t 976. 3.12 Pausanía

    49 (n. 1-33) Up, my spirits, to arms!

    C S; r..c. ,l"rf- a/l ' A.{ ,ry


    3.13 Ormondo

    51 (m. 1-25) A flash of conrenc

    c þ" 4' c-'-t6^,(l> b.

    3.ult. Erinda

    a loving soul 23 (m. L-25) You hope in the end to nake glad

    c altn., a-*'a^.t< .Sþ; -rþc- ar Ê,. * ?"' C.<¿ t¡A


    I7 (¡n. f-45) Decorated with laurels

    C O.- ?o dtú - lu-n

    L, 'ö--+ 977 ,

    351: Pausania

    ILl pAUStu\IA/ DRAMA PER MUSICA/ Da rappresentarsi/ LTANNO M'DC'LXXXII/ Nel famosissimo Teatro Vendra-/mino a S.Salvatore./ IEOICATO/ AllrIllusrriss¡ & Eccellentiss. Sig. Sig./ Pat. Colendiss. il vn¡¡nrrA signor/ Gro: BATTTSTA M0RA/ tlonrm vENETo/ /rn

    M.DC.LXXXII/ per Franceso Nicolini/ con Licenza der Superiori,/ e Privilegio. LíbretÈist: Girolamo Frisari

    Source of LibretÈo: B-Bc MOe I'Ic

    Sources of music: Tn Vqs (arias)

    Sources used: I'ILc

    Th Vqs

    Observations: (1) Tn seems to be the most extensive collection for any single oPera bY Legrenzi. (2) No.r7 is the second stanza of an aria by Eumene; Vienl, vieni. Similarly, Vqs gives only the second stanza of Ad aLtro @nØtte' o eæa. (27) (3) At&ire, o eostanza (34) has a longer introductíon (basically repetitive) in Vqs (Lisi¡naco) '

    (4) Ctryida deL tuo squnrdo (40) has a petit reprise with repeat sígns, which is uncommon in Legrenzi' (5) In 3.7 Erinda sings the cantata with the music before her. (Erinda canta su'l libro)' 352 LISI}ÍACO RIAI'ÍATO D'ALESSANDRO

    1.8 Eurilla (m. 1-34) In Love, nore than a hundred hearts

    C 4,,*, l}a h- -.*'¡ ce*t.L þi C".i a #r

    1.20 LLslnaco

    (n. 1-51) I go, dear l1fe

    ù4- c _ .t ?^tlu Þoô Sr F^r ¡ C.a rT. lrtlq


    I a, 979. 352: Lisi¡naco riamato dtÂlessandro


    Sinbaldi da/ Roma/Riformato allruso di Venetia dal AURELIO AURELI/ per recitarsi nel Teatro Vendra-/mino a S.Salvatorel Ltanno M.DC.L)OüII. coNs/rcR/\To/ Allrlllusrriss. & Eccellentiss. Sie./ GIOVAI{NI BATTISTA/

    I'toRÂ/ Mobile venero/ / rH wl¡uTIA, ùÍ.Dç.LXXXII./

    Per Francesco Nicolini. / Con Licenza der Supériori. Librettist ( adapter) : AureLio ¡\urelÍ

    Singers: LISI}IACO Giuseppe Calvi

    ALESSANDRO Gio. BattisÈa Moratelli

    CLEONlE Gioseppe Tolimei

    DEMETRO Ottavio Rochetta

    FILEA Margherita Salicola

    CALISIENE Gio. Battlsta Sensi

    Àlcinena Rosana Tarquini

    EURILLA Angela Salicola ' COREBO Sebastiane Orfei

    Sources of libretto: B-Bc-I-Bc MOe I'lc

    Sources of Music: vqs

    LISI}ÍACO RIA}ÍATO DE ALESSA¡IDRO. Drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Teatro ÌllaLvezzi l'anno f688. In Bologna, per Bartolomeo Recaldini e Giulio Boszaghi. Source of Llbretto: I-Bc Performance in 1693, Teatro Bonacossi, Ferrera. (Eds. V. col. 1345).


    (l)Vctrs contains many arias under the name of tl¡is oPera

    but when the oncs wl¡iclr properly belong to Pausania are removed,

    only thcse Èwo remain

    353 OTTTWIÂì{O CES^RE ÂUGUSTO ryg', I-Bc FEc l'to.- V<- 354 GIUSTINO

    S infonia

    (a) (m- f-14) (trvrv2av TV vb Bc)


    vr vL

    J Ð Av Ttl

    VI br-

    ("1) (rr. 15-41) (tr vtv'Av rv tb Bc)

    T- -t

    Þ_ ï-1-- J- vl vL

    fiv w

    r_ w __-J.... ¿----: B" -. b 981. (rt) (m. 42-46) (tr vtv2av rv vb Bc)


    ^v J*J I l


    V} Bu


    1.1 (a) Arianna (¡n. 1-20) O sun

    c O S"l


    (b) (n. 2L-27) (vrv2vla ¡c)

    R:t9 ¡/r V'

    {v TV

    r vr Þc -----t 982.

    which I press on my brow (bl) Arianna (m. 28-51) The diadem A'.L c It Di qol,ev'.q ch'øl c^rú- Sl*t^Xo


    (c) Anastasia (n. 52-59) Fron this hand

    .. -.4--.-.-.---.--- c --.t------.¡,-. - .- .-----

    h4q,h Da 7r,roÞo


    (d) Anastasla (rn. 60-68) You are so lovely

    c # Sa si b¿l-fa


    (d') (m. Bg-97) (vtv2¡,v rv vb Bc) 'fu1-: t:_.-. '1 a-,--- V¡ a yr t L- (o" 1v

    vt Jc 983.

    (e) Atlante (m. 98-107) See the famous At1ês

    ts E

    Bc (f) nit3 (m. ro8-rrl) (vlv' AV TV Bc)


    B. every sÈar laughs (fr) venere (rn. lff-127) Ttre sun shines;

    c B;lt¡ ;t Sot -,ä a o3r,,. 5l-clla

    Bc (g) Venere (rn. 128-135) O, of Pretty Urania .C

    O cle la VaSa' V' 'rt nl ô,


    (h) (Rir3) (rn. 136-14f ) (vrv2Av Tv Bc)

    B. 984.

    (hl) Venere (m.142-154) I^Iith chai¡rs of roses and lílies

    C ù Con cal-e,,nae ol) P-¿< Ji Glu +h c+-+ ^a B.

    L.2 (a) Amantío (m. I-20) To my august sovereign T Ah ]r,. O 30 VÌ¡4ito arr.3 r,r.rl-o

    B. o

    (b) Anastasia (m. 2L-46) At the turn of the sword An'a

    C At g;-,r- d,,' yuula sþa -da

    (bt) (n. 47-57) lvrv2Av rv vb Bc) J Vr Vl ---r ,. ---<1----

    -+ Av Tv

    vt q--- 3 l--- 2 f J J J 985.

    (c) Arianna (¡n. 5S-60) the 'l¡y of my marriage ls harsh c il E ¿.vcà d ¿ l¿ riei nozr-c 7i"r>to

    ßc I

    (d) Arianna (;-ñ6) No, you shall go Anä

    C N"", þa-Pir*^ ùio ho

    Bc +

    (dt) (rn. 1-9) Rir3 lvrv2 Av rv Bc)

    v, J


    (e) Anastasie- (m. 97-131) Brighten up

    c Ra¡s"*^^ ,I b+l crþlìo

    Bc 986.

    1. 3 (a) Poli¡nanùo ' (rn' L-22)

    B å-':c;*--' W,'l-a.Li-a-h,


    Ëhe dart (b) Anastasia (n. 23-42) One of your glances more than

    Ani c - --.:l: ddtLô Un h,o s3u.o^nlo þ'ìcl^';t


    (c) Arianna (ur. 42-45) StoP


    (d) Arianna (m. 46-63) I^Iithout you' my love, rny lffe

    c S¿r.z^ l-e l.ia bet- t-,.L ;t-Â

    ß. 987 . (e) AnasEasia (rn' 63-69) c ---t-

    -fr¿1 1,'a¿i,', ë è Cara


    (f) (m. 7o-7s) (Bc)

    _.-.-< BC

    (g) Anastaslo (m. 76-L43) I leave you my soul as'a token c la - s¿io f lc,,( ,n r- itn þ.r-


    (et) (m. 143-r5B) (vrv2Av rv vb Bc)

    v' -.-a:-Q1' vù

    J J

    Av _J_ TV -..--.-. -<

    V[ ?_ Bc 988.

    L.4 (a) Arianna (¡n. t-f2)


    A ¡nar^- h'o o È

    (b) Arianna (rn. 13-f9) The pain seems s\teet

    c ..o

    5."nbro dot-- <¿ /e A"- ne


    1.5 (a) Andronfco (rn. 1-54) Arianna, fair Juno

    A Selta Ç*o â' tlann4


    (b) Arianna (m. 55-82) I seek Peace in the midst of war Ana c ¿ i) i rn tal C ZL¿-è ltor- C. -.o þa'c e

    B. 989.

    (bt) Rit3 (rn. 83-99) (vtv' Àv TV Bc)

    v1 r--Í,- 7 I t_l_ J t-F1

    f B.

    rnight resÈrain - 1.6 (a) Andronico (m' l-26) Ribbons which

    A Masf-vi eLe æ.(þ nasl-e


    (b) Andronico (m. 27-39) He who has no courage

    R Ch^ co- :ra,3 j;o ¡toh- ha- u

    ( c) (rn. 40-44) (Bc)

    A.,a B. 990.

    (.t) Andronlco (n. 44-76) Beauty that Ín brightness is líke the heavens

    A 'F-.J I nz Jc,l Ce-L B¿ l- +à chta ¡o sþte'. dop-ì ^o3


    (c2) (m. 77-84) (vlv2sc) . r- r -J * -_cl- !r -r '-:-- lf- vt j + tTL âv TV vt Et

    (d) Gelidia (rn. 85-117) And how much c c c yuotz È 1¡wo*f {- t ,{--t-.--- -l{--J- B"

    L.7 (a) Giusrino (rn. 1-18) O the unfaír lar¿s of Heaven

    c rh- O clel Ce.l 3 ùsl-a 1"53.

    ôc o 99L r Vn,-, (r¡) RiE.o (m. l-r4) (vlv, AV TV Bc)


    t> bc 76 + J

    (b) Giustino (m. L9-32) Where the barren land, Poor in water...


    O.t¿ þ*


    (c) Giustfno (m. 33-46) Charlge by fatal destiny


    "d ri lY.^- hr þ"-þu silte I

    tJl GiusÈino (t. 4 7-64) But, already the sun is setting'

    C i. i l'1r- 3,4 Fcboallo¿ C4- So ( t b. I

    ! t- I I I


    IJ 992.

    (e) (m. 65-74) (vrv2Av rv vb Bc)

    vr Vl. o

    J c Av TV

    o a- VÞ I B( (et) ê,,,sl-ino (m. 75-L35) O solace of mortals

    c sh- rõ ol; v^õr - f'^ l;

    B. 1.8 (a) Fortuna' (m. 1-10) Justínlan, leave

    c -i tl,t '),ìJ G.¿sr," las..Äì .Åsosl î -4-----1 1..

    (b) Fortuna (m. 11-26) l,rlse


    So- - 1r 3 j Bc i (c) Fortuna (rn. 27-39) Fortune, who goes wandering

    A-; .3 G- I a r\ f | c -fL:f'_L \ _r - t . | È I r.¡--- r', U ¡ v4 L¡,.F-*n^q Cl. leyra./r - à. [' Ì - ,t ¡ I Þ

    '{ i J 99 3.

    (.t) (ur. 39-48) lvrv2ev rv vb Bc) Rrt'. . \rt b 'I yl ¿ _r:E ll-) AV T

    Ub Bc (d) Giustfno (rn. 49-69) O, whoever you are...


    O ch'Ln-- ?') lio l


    (e) GlustLno (n. 70-101) I an called to the ffeld (tr C ¡c)

    ,I fi Ant di lnôa l.[ I 'T"

    c ft; cl.,o,r^ co,".^þo


    i i 1.9 (a) Brillo (m. 1-10) Alas! I an half dead

    4 I II B ì. ôL.ïe r Â-- I B. - t--

    '{ I .t 1- 994.

    (b) Brillo (m. 1r-46) Horrid monsterr you run al¡/ay in vain

    at VL 1 t l- I TJJ_ Av -lJ r-- -rv

    c I P?alhro L.r,.e*/oi vau^ H Sc¿h

    vb Bc

    (c) Eufe¡nia (n. 47-77) The beast falls dead

    C Caot< .1a }r¿lr¡a- ¿51-i'J-c


    ¡1 ,l (d) Eufernia (m. 78-87) llhat is vlrÈue to you? I c ,) CÀ'a. se s l-e¿so e c¡r l-1. ---+----- Bc

    (e) Eufern-ia (m. 88-100) In the golden gems of hís blood Atr" ì. i C ton i Nøt son saliu,o ù,3e^,^^ ol f i. B" ¡ il' t (" t) Rírl (m. 101-107) (vtv' AV TV Bc) I

    | --l -{ --.- Bc - T I 99s.

    1.10 (a) 'Eufemia (¡n. 1-14) Eyes, what do you seé?

    --_<- J- c cl* ¡¡.¿le L-c^ ^;o, ''i


    (b) (m. 15-85) The flytng archer goes to bind


    - --1 C ¿r.o \rü - lart.fe Vno' In [o¿.." lh Ci


    (bt) (m. 86-105) (VIV2¡,V TV rtrb Bc) --1 -L' vr --?------t--_t-!2- vr.

    J._, ____ *l .[- Sv Tv

    vr ôc

    1.11 (a) Vitalia¡o(m. 1-5)

    I A t 1 Caale þtn lâ- h -n@ I bc '{ 996.

    (b) (m. 6-13) (rr Bc)

    î¡t[a Ai" "¡ .I; 4-:1


    (bt) Viratiano(m. t3-t0B)

    (v J A A Itar- twt Q rô


    L.Lz (a) PolLnante (n. 1-20) Sir, IÞstiny srniles on you

    B Ç i qnor l'larr*" ;l le k

    (b) (m. 2I-31) (V'V'AV TV Vb Bc)

    J r- u y

    ? J r, Av ?:; Þ TV 1-:

    ? J .+ - ''lì Va .a--*-at--: ,l Bc 997

    (br) Vitaliano (m. 32-42) cuc rhe cords, break the knots


    frr¡*c!.^i¡ ca. +=+ -l; i fa. $r s 17Zt.h *r4.',


    (c) Arianna (m. 43-45) Do not exalt yourself, proud one

    Àlør1 Êì r.m^r,âer sa - lp./,,


    (c') Arianna (rn. 46-54) that a wicked person èrrouta rejoice


    ol'r- dtr,-. e'*þio ii g;o- a>

    B L ar 998.

    (d) VlÈallano (m. 55-68) Beautiful maJestlc lady

    A B¿H4 AÉr1,,.þ


    (e) Arianna (¡n. 69-110) You decelve yourself

    ..:{- ::< c ,-! . I t¡'r - 3 Ât^.r^¡ Jaww:

    þc !-

    (f) Vftallano (ur. 11f-f27) How proud you are, my goddess a C,qÅt {;r^ " '*'o þì.rr

    Bc 6 Vltall.ano (¡r. 128-148) Go, ungrateful, cruel, ruthless A(å)^ â

    Vir".^e. in5ru'ta u"Jú sþ;e l"-lq


    (gt) (m.'149-155) (vrv2Av rv v-b Bc)


    ¿ra vf '-Jf vL

    * _ _ -JrJ_ Av TV

    -.â,-:.-. Vt ----l ¡ . Bc !.ù 999.

    1.I3 (a) Arianna (rn. f-g) In rhe Jaws of dearh c T^ (e þ*; d; nrorf,z B" 6

    (b) Arianna (m. g-57) V¡a

    t) J a- C J C¿- sì rru- -!o e w S€ pr- Aìan - l'e ß.

    Alternative setting ln Nc.

    (b) Arianna (n. 9-72) So pretty fs that appearance .__3-__ C

    s% - 6, a^Ê¿ *f. e 1Ìût

    .--.1_ Þc --.--J .

    (bt) (m. 72-85)

    J v J vr ü.,:.¡.;--.: --t ? J-- - vù t

    Av Tv {-

    w $c I 000.

    1.14 (a) Gelidia (m. 1-65) I,trhat evil luck

    T .;f.---- CL'e '..,Jn sarô€ tc

    (b) Brillo (m. 66-81)


    n"t 144- Cace;a aAÅ)o þr; þe,


    (c) Gelidia (n. 82-89) I^Ihat a graceful youth, what a charrning face

    CI^e legXìa"á.*n Gnn-,, clre r¡,ajo v1,â þ


    (d) Gelidia (m. 90-134) Stay T

    Ê*cil þr€.


    (e) Brillo (m. 134-169) In his great consequence c i':t-ç:çt:'[F:: fu

    I ß. lÐ+c fl 1001.

    (f) ¡rilro/Gelidia (m. 168-177) Fogl,,^ þ^fi.,t< You are cruel / Have paÈience c T ------t -- -


    (g) Poli¡nante (¡n. 178-184) T

    þ 10.r.


    1.15 (a) Eufernta (¡n. 1-14) Behold the palace of the far¡ous Byzantlne


    D¿,( (*, o 3i:-a^Jr'o zcco la æ71',o


    (b) Andronico (m. 15-67) Klss me, beautiful mouth Kiss me, love líps

    A ¡q.'; $a.¿-ia '.- Lo. b.ell.- bocc a- Soc r^o,*,) L oar-*.-n o no ?o la.L-¡

    þc 1002. (b') (m. 68-91) (vrv2lv rv vb Bc)

    v V¿ (

    Av 1v

    V} B¿ -( (c) (¡ritlo (m. 92-104) TexE but no line

    3 ?er ¡ot"o"ar $; r^ota

    b, J 1.16 (a) (rn. 1-5) (vtv2ev rv vb Bc) J vr v"

    J L Iv TV

    VI Bc (ar) (m. 6-22) (c vtv2¡v rv vb Bc) Laugh, sing and dance lY'¡ (u, 1-

    c ->â*. tt Tlt 5; 'r,'o{q' S i canh' si b*t[; si 5r


    (b) GiusÈino (m. 23-28) BeauÈy, to other appearances


    Sttto' o.J' 6'lY-n ct^ þ ^'t

    -e-'_ Bc 1003.

    (c) GiusËino (m. 29-40) I was not born, beauty, to gíve rnyself to the god of Love AtL c r r'"^' aI d^b d'A - th¿r I- ¡4oh søh na,l¡ o 5¿U^ þ dav -

    þ" ¿.-:t_-:

    ("r) RÍr9 (n. 4L_49. )



    2.L (a) Anasrasio (m. 1-14)

    C C^', m?rr,h d., ft.¿fa bc ("' ) AnasÈasio (m. 15-23) ("') Anastasio (m. 24-43) You cannot fear I approve the wícked advice

    . È -.8,.--.. T t)--t "J-;L- --

    I eacJ ,ao^ ¡ t¡ât rt cr,-;\Là oþþr".- 1004.

    (b) Anastasþ (n. 44-96) If I do not observe the sun which I adore Anå. c I dnm S€ rt-r.- ,'I Sol c 1,. a.- ^¿ùi


    (br) Rír3 (m. 1--8) (vrv' AV TV Bc)

    yr -r- --ç--

    .\. Y at t Bc

    (c) Anastaslo (m. 97-102 You wish to find the track

    c -L* .rv3t4 tr¡.¿r it þ*'so


    (d) (¡n. to3-t2t) lvrv2Av TV Vb Bc)

    't V, vL

    AV TV É

    Vb B, 1005

    (dt) Giustino (rn. L22-L6g) BeauÈy' pretty enchanÈress

    L 3<,t¡^ Ci*-o- \-*¿a- z-o - Ja

    B. 2.2 (a) Andronico (m. 1-14)

    A 2_ -.b Co'- ' 4-!l¿r t¡, i ,,' u"', Þ


    heart Vnm (b) Eufer.ria (rn. L-42) Love 1s a fire whích burns the c Co'x- ac - èevtd4' Eun þ- A'".o - '¿ ¿L" l -5.tr* b.

    (bt) Ër3 (m. L-rz) lvrv2l,v rv Bc)


    Alternatfve seËting in Ne.

    (b) Eufemf^a (m. 15-40) Love is a fire whlch burns the heart A nq C E^þ v':.o¡<- c.l^l ,L Co* acc¿¡b-,

    :<...'- B. 1006 (br) (m. 41-45) (vrv2¡v rv vb Bc)

    Vr :d y!

    Av TV ---t - -l-

    vå __ -,,. --l _ - Þc

    (c) Br111o (¡n. 46-55> What a delightful face

    C Q"-"-^A-4t-z d^'' leh

    2.3 (a) Androníco (n. L-67) Love, advise me

    A --'r.-

    êar",ai La rt-. A ãadç 3


    (r t ) RiLl (rn. 68-72 ) Vnm

    .8. a lover (^') Andronico (m. 1-6) Yes, I wish to follow her as

    C S'. \¡Þ seg.-.-'r(a A- no^ob

    B. 1007. (b) (m. 68-99) In love, it is not bad to üreeP

    C d'v't1d{ cL'il olo Q'-*) Mn v'. Þ"19ioia þ;"-^-


    (br) (m. loo-ro9) (vr v2AV TV Vb BC) r'-a J-l-Ò 1-4 v vr

    Av TV

    VI B¿ (c) C'elidta (m. 110-f26) l'lith Èhese strlct ladies -r ¡ -Le (sn yvøl-¿ /¿-'n<- *3


    ("r ) (¡n. 126-131) r .r] J-Æ Vl v> ¿= .[f- 1.r AV AV

    vb $c 1008.

    2.4 (a) Giustíno (m. 1-28) At Ehe mercy of the uraves

    c " F.-.< - )---- At o{is þ+}l-u dtlltond<- u (b) GiustÍno (m. 29-46) Inlherever you go AnL î C I

    o-rso ,'|' þ î''n k

    (bt) (rn. 46-53) (vrv2ev rv vb Bc) Rtt . <1 vt v,

    f,v -F----

    VA þo

    2.5 (a) Giustino (¡n. 1-4) How forrunare ls rhe man c

    er"-å, e- lll,.z¡.^ fv t"

    (rt) GiusÈino (m. 5-11) Whersrone of virtue c

    GF" Å, la t-,^

    a B C fo. 1009.

    (b) (¡n. 12-15) (vtv2a,v rv vb Bc)

    l'r Ð _.1_D ___¡r__ _l Jr vL

    Av Tü

    vb -J- 'Bc 5l;c'-J.-'.(J. (b I ) Giusrino (¡n. t5-47) I laugh at Ehat btindfold gold

    c io r-l .nf,o Ee d*tþ l" h; -lo ¿ 11ul'

    B. 2.6 (a) Polimante (rn. I-25) This is the fatal sPot

    B Qr'ø¿ c lo.,o l-+")t


    2.7 (a) (n. 1-12) lvrv2av rv vb Bc)

    Vr r(

    Av TV

    vb -t_ Bc 1010.

    ("t) Arianna (m. L3-32> You gods who rule Heaven

    V rr

    A" 1ú

    c fV, *, r,'rr, cIli( te( aa I" -f<

    Vå u.

    2.8 (a) Giustino (¡n. 1-43) I'Ihat sorrowful cries

    c G/^,ü dolo - -ñ.ã e Slì,tu<.

    ß. (b) Arianna (rn. 44-59) If I do noÈ return to him who loves me


    S¿ ,,r¡,n f*o aclrì }'rl,',nna Wt cfA.


    (c) Giustino' (m. 60-65) Sorrow flees from my breast


    l:n,¡n ot-o'l s¿*,a { a-rL

    Bc ,:,) 1011.

    2.g (a) Anastasio (rn. 1-9) I dímly perceive c

    f,-^- *a 3"

    B¿ (. (m. (b) Arianna/Anastasio 10-46) h lo (o-n rJ.6ts

    a- C c L Ct--, \-n - (t^)


    (bt) nic3 (vtv' AV TV Bc) Nc

    Vt v¿ _c-

    a Bc

    (c) Anastaslo (m. 47-57) But what horror


    lla c¡¡al, h,t ¡e'*.la


    2.10 (a) Anastasío (m' I-13) Lovers and these


    A*t-li €- h

    ß" 1012.

    hl (b) Ari-anna (m. L4-23> Those who trusÈ Ín Heaven

    c Lo)\- CL- ^t'l Cc-b ¡;t"

    B" (c) Anastasio (m. 24-25) See the sea is calm

    c Eun tw,',^7vl,'lloi| vna(

    bc (d) Anastaslo (m. 26-43) Leave the shores that laÈer on

    I c I aLe $ tL+ ¡ Lcs-o'r, (e s þ.t^d-r- c-lq fo,-l.i I -J---J--t---.f----..'- B.

    i i i t I

    t. t'i, f.t


    { I .t 1013.

    (dr) Anastasío (m. 44-45) If your loved one apPears before all

    c S'. I lr.¿ &¿t þ;t*; þ r<-


    (d2) (rn.49-66) (d)

    (e) Anastasio (rn. 67-68) Behold me at the noble feast


    Ec< ¿r,i Lcc¿wt J c


    (f) AnasÈasÍo (m. 69-84) Perhaps among the rocks


    c le ?."l.; f'* le þw c!) -

    B¿ (f t) (p. 84-93) (vrv2¡,v rv vb Bc) J,t --<-+ Vl _-.1-1 vL r

    fiv --1-- Tú i i i út 't 3_-1, I Bc i, wíngs of oars rt. (g) Giustino (rn. 94-95) On the '.,;I I

    I c '-I: È' So-rr* ('a-{^ áe 'tt ''nut 'rc i .t ß. t' -J- F-c' 1014

    (h) GiusËino (m. 96-f30) I have Forrune by rhe haír 4-; L

    ?c- le cl)o-,,-.- 6a F."rl*,"..

    ßc :::-: -_Ï (ht) (m. l-31-142) (VrV2AV TV V-b Bc)

    {t v1' .-l- Av -.,.Ð fv

    vL $o 2.LO (a) Vitaliano (m. 1-19) You were too nuch, rny hearE' -..

    R rI -f.'lÞþ" o ,n"o 4- , ji.i þah ' li; I B.

    ("r) Polinante (n. .20-29) Oh what do I perceÍve, what do I see?

    B Þ t^. c(e gColo Cl.<- h+l n,


    I i

    t (^') viEaliano (m. 30-39) Moved Èo pity

    I f J ---- d, A

    il- P1nss" oþ;e r,I

    I B L { \-:.- -'--,-'--

    "¡i i i 1015.

    (r3) Vitaliano (m. 40-45) Stop your tear

    A + o ?lacar lo-3.ì-nc


    (b) Vitaliano (m. 46-81) A^^

    A {J:¡-::: Sl .r-1tr' [rr-, Si .,-qgt¿ 1,-c-i y'n do- -e-À

    , .À" (br) (m. 81-88) (vtv2¡,v rv vb Bc) J -ì J vl yù

    I r^- I + i] j V} B"

    Vnm Z.ff (a) Andronico (m' f-39) Soft deceívíng breezes

    C e_,2 A,- -{ do L' c-i ¿ tr-sln - 31.;

    1 I i I __-_-_-_ ___ B. ___._

    Alternative seÈting in Nc { I (a) Andronico (rn. f-70) Soft deceívíng breezes À/c ¡ì 'l'-f -t;-': '\ -:-;-'l' ¿ tt' t âol<^ t ¡ lw e Ar^.¿ e ir" S '--t ( f -"{ B. I i 1016.

    (b) Eufernia (m. 7L-84) Then, beauty, you have been wounded by love

    Ì Í l-- C -----r_þ_ D,,^t¡- o þlb. h; ol,A - ,...- i( b"^ þn


    (c) Eufernía (m. 1-11) Still be pretÈy, charming, comely

    C Q^r s- ,.¡o.5^ l"y7iod',-- -, L¡t - SÀ


    (c) Eufemla (m. 85-143)

    -++-'ì: L É6Ë-.- u4-

    I P,* sr^ T3^ gi"d..a wr - Jq,

    I B.

    (d) Amantio (m. 144-158) You celebrate my features?

    C :/::1

    L cal,t-g; ,/r-..ã "41" B. (e) Amantio (m. 159-fB0) If Cupid goes arnìed with arro!,s At" t

    Sc cU s f'c. - lì va o.,-¿ s (*þ',c!r,

    a I 1 1017.

    (f) BrÍ11o (m. 181-195) line missing

    O c^+l , cLz lo'sc,q,


    Z.LZ (a) Àrianna (m. 1-28) How many stars c - lc- aA.'þ v{ - o(3gìo sl-ef

    Bc joy (b) Eufemla (m. 29-44) Stop' since for

    C a Lnr"io, ej*,þe* Ia gfona


    (bl) Eufemia (rn. 45-50) Aríannats destiny

    tv C )tA'*, 4"..q il D tll no B, 1018.

    my Sun (b2) Eufemía (m. 5I-59) Tf. (the dawn) is in love with

    c $ra,na.'a,Fe e de( wúo so le

    B" ar6-- (c) ArÍanna (n. 60-87) He will fall

    C C*-de..-* -

    Bc ("t) (m. 87-95) (vrv2lv rv vb Bc) Ritl V! Vr ---+-


    v5 $" 2.f3 (a) Eufernia (m. 1-43) Flavía, I have no more courage

    c -{

    Fla",r,L r.on h; Þ,; Cøt¿


    (b) Eufenì'ía (m. 44rß6) On the wíng of a slgh


    S* lta'L oll-- s o' :þ; - n

    2 a _____T_____,_ | I B. ¡ - 1019.

    (bt) Rtr3 (m.. 86-101)


    Alternatlve setting in Nc

    (b) Eufemia (rn. 44-81) on the wlngs of a slgh

    A'. 4

    r? l t t- c 5, tlo-t¡ dløn to- sþiro

    -ïT. t Bc 1020. (c) Andronicus (m. 82-89) Now Andronicus goes


    f{o" .,' * N qdr-..tic,t-,

    B" (d) Andronicus (m. 90-L26) If the beauty thaË I in suffering adore


    Se la 641q chtado'o þ€- na'-/r,o


    (dt nir3 (rn. L27-L37)


    2.L4 (a) Brillo/Geltdta (m. 1-22) you forlow ¡ne in vain (clc2¡c)

    c --r--- -t- -- se uì in ua,h}\€ f"? ; 3 sFì


    (b) Brillo '(m, 23-65)

    .F_ c ?__ Val ck. S¿r Scioc¿ þ;tt"

    þ. LO2L.

    (c) Gel-ldia (rn. 66-L20) If the snow . Brillo: My dear - -_ .-\ ___ T Se- le ne\)€. soll¡ l' , i, - carc¿ .--4.-.---p--- E.

    (d) Brillo/C,elidia (rn. 121-131) If in such sweeÈ fire (C T Bc)

    ¿ T --7- ï __Ò,Èt L S',- t ce 7î f¡anlo d-> t - Co b.

    2.L5 (a) Anastasio (m. 1-B) My indomitable troqps c llis i^otor*il-¿ îa la-,Xt


    (b) AnastEsio (m. I-24) Arise, you suck... V^n c

    òt" Str. Sr^ sù slvr, gc-te

    I I B L -^t- Alternative aria in Nc L022.

    (b) (m. 9-6f) (C tr ¡c) To arms


    C All 'a-v,ri afl 'an.. i a(l' or- (i)

    B. =lt l

    (c) (rn. 61-71) (rr vtv2¡,v lv ¡c)



    (.r) Giusrino (n. 77-LL6) (C tr VIV2AV TV Bc) To war, to batËIe

    vr yt

    qT' J c -t.-? e

    A g*¿na o- .bo,tta3l,a

    -*' LO2-7.

    (m. LL7-L25) To arms ("t) Giustino/Anastasio/vitaliano/Arianna

    s\ s4

    T r tt! /\ lt' aw,r.i s


    ATTO TERZO great Pride (rn' L-26) Restrain Your 3. I ( a) Gius tino

    C [4er..r. ilør3c ¡Lï allero

    B" laurel I to whom You give the (b) Vitalíano (rn' 27-67)

    A C; ¿t lo' 7l Io che C€È3 ¡ -. _-I '-. -o --d.- Vt" laughs and jokes ""r (c) Giustino (m' 1-53) InconstanÈ fate

    C le ScL¿t¿-. e -i-de fo fo'¿"i"o 5l-a n - F-ç- B. ("t) nit: (m.54-62)

    I B<, -t-r-+5+- L024. Alternative setting ín Nc (c) GiusEino (m. 68-89) c -.-----È ---- -Y-

    Sc f-za ScLer- za Sche¡a.e -fl- (ae )

    B. T

    ("r) (m. 9o-98) (vrv2av rv Bc)

    R;n <_ vr J-Jl,,.:T 6"ffi,, w B.

    3.2 (a) Anastaslo (¡n. 1-33) Already amld mountains of carnage c

    (¡r a, lL ""a'^li oli sl'a¡¡,


    (rr ) Anastasio (rn. 34-41) Ah, jealous love c

    Ar ge- lo-s, A G{


    (r2) Amanrlo (m. 42-53) I shall follow your instructions

    T Þr.--= ln^ c

    Bc [.-:

    (ot) Rit: (m. r-6) (m.f 54-59)

    B. --J- IO25.

    3.3 (a) AnasÈasio (m. l"i) Oh, whaÈ are you afraid of' my heart? -,bLof,:q,,1:L c )r( clr fe"i cot l+w-o


    3.3 (a) Ânastasio (m. f-12) So Ít is true... Nc

    c e Sara \¡¿r

    B c

    3.4 (a) AndronÍco (m. L-2) l{o¡nen are not what you think

    L-r\r c No.., ¡.¡ Døxt^{fJ o'tl"

    8. '------f ¿17

    (b) Andronico (m. 1-16) I,l1Èh rhose lfps that entfce to kisslng

    I c vvl/ Cc:^ la.6; cl.'o-tte&o. oi 6 ac" 1Jt-¿

    I Bc (from the insulcs") (m. 1- i9) High champion, you take a'ay

    B +v^g Als Ca^þ;." so S 1t

    B. -õ-=--: 1026.

    (b) AnasrasÍo (m. 2O-LC2) Do not kill me, Jealousy (C VlV2aV TV Vb Bc ("' o c ^-Ð--ì Älrr -', . -ci- dc¡ Ge 'lo- Sr-4

    þ t Indiscreet coward 3.4 ("t) Andronico (rn' 3-26)

    A V,'(e ir^oLis- c'< Fo


    (ul) Andronico (¡n- 27-8o) I can languish' die' suffer

    A l-

    ÙY1þ' ní- *, vraf ?qo, la¡. 9*ìt¿ t Þn'

    $,, 4-:. (c) Andronico (m. Bi=ïa) I offer to your spite

    I A olþ-" 4 fu. aìsþlto


    3.5 (a) Brillo (rn. 1-18) No text or llne


    3.6 (a) Eufemia (n. 1-18) o like a gieat wolf

    L C 7Fr I at L, Ô , otn" -*t Sfon^ol þ"

    B" Lo27' As rong as round the pole"' (b) Eu. f emia (rn' 1-37) la. golden light" 2a. As long as surrounded in aÒ' L- c ! lo a- tftr^ - I O S ,- cLl,ù tø+:r-o a) P., - ol I ar-* e-o (-rt - mQ- S in ch¿ C.',.- ,-D

    B c (* (o') t-q\

    B -t

    Alternative setting in 'Ar<

    (b) Eufemia (rn. 19-35)

    L (o Si,- <-L,¿i^ io*Y"o a'( P.- o.t'.,^ - l¿,

    I B (c) Guistino (rn. 36-39) Ah, of such a lovely appearance

    c At d^ sì t¿¿ Sewr - bla ¡tte-


    (d) Eufernia/GlusËino (¡n' 40-65) Now that the fire

    C t. r¡r Ó ?*-^c\'il þ* o-J P êt Vrl

    B¿ 102 8.

    3.7 (a) Brí11o (m. 1-15) To me a game

    c A ,tn¡ ,^ C".l¡;


    (b) Brfllo (m. 16-20) But here comes Gelidia

    c l1a Gtt,lro I^ rrÌ

    T E, f^3fr. dalt'o,uL^ n ie'l

    Bc ro29.


    L -'l:-.

    Lo s*þ,äbtr"¿f-^ "¿-¿ttr-i 'n.ølt þer?e-

    ß. men, lovelY ladies (e) Gelidia (rn' 60-76) To ungrateful c l\"1 hon'¡- -, j,aïi E¿tQ /ow^-t-

    l. have finlshed (f) Brillo (m' 77-90) And when You

    L 1ú- E 1/4-r.'Jo (;; -

    Bc (g) Br111o (¡n' 9L-99) o cursed old \doman

    ,_--Í. -. t.--t- c ,',1.__-, Q w-cc,lu'ä* v*^tt- - ol!Å\


    of me graces and cupids make sporÈ 3.8 (a) Arianna (rn' l-47) The

    I -L- c G.oh¿¿d Ar-'ofi

    '.-ffi-Tl B. 1030.

    ("t) (m. 47-55) (vrv2lv rv vb Bc)

    -fr. I L I I : t'- Vt T-T^ ! t ,t 7 vv --r1-f-'----r--T I r -ÍTí FJ 1fFa.t. ' AV -Tf-r-\r I Tv 1'.f-T, f V

    l^? v-b ST:- Y. t- B¿ (c) Vitaliano (m. 79-147) (m. 56-78> (b) Erasto A glance from Ëhose eyes

    -l J- ß -b

    C.ir^^f,n, d'i *"L.^ 3u,-at4'o y"1t' -r--t-----l- Bc zF

    ("t) (¡n. 148-169) (vrv2lv rv rrlb Bc)


    vl ¡

    6-)\ E'ut __ _ -:-l_-- vb lr- I ¿. lc 3.9 (a) Anastasio (m. 1-39)

    L Sþdlf"^î" e^ 0;o;

    b, ?- (b) Anastasío (m. 40-63) Beauty, I die for you A-; L 3e l(a w\ cr-D F"' lz

    B" 1031. (bt) Ri t o (m. 1-r0) Vn^


    3.10 (a) Giustino (rn. 1-11-) Double the laurels on rny brow

    --1--)-- c ILq'r vil¿ Ci-d- S¡ .artoþþ n- X'ra ""1


    (b) Arianna (m. ff-23) o how nuch I adrnire

    ñ O lyc*t" a^- w,i

    one dies" ' (c) Arianna (m' 24-54) The unfaithfut

    C t1 o* r no-o ll'à þJ"


    ("t) Ri13 (m. 54-60)


    3.ff (a) Giustino (m' f-7) I l-eave you' Hígh Ìfcnarch" '

    C | | ¡ ,t).-

    -n laS.ì., arce(3aPtr¡ $.r,.1'^

    ß" t032.

    (c) GiustÍno (m. 8-55) By the gems of t.his girdle...




    (d) Amantlo (m.56-62) Amid growing feEters


    f^ l.nrn a¡te co)+^q


    (e) (nr.63-73) Amantio . Receive me r.n your bosom T

    R'- CC. .4-1"" r.¡r( Sc - ¡a..>


    (f) AmanrLo (n.74-g6) so prerry fs rhe beaury

    ìr .*-----t-_ - ._-

    (-'i rra-5a e- le, Åa.l- È, ts<. _!. 1033.

    (g) (m. 97-105) (vrv2 AV TV Bc)

    v, t-eÞ-- vv e:I.

    N 1v

    VT Bt 3.I2 (a) Vitaliano (m. f-9) Andronius, You are weeping

    A Anl,r'".icn +^ Þ¡*,3


    (b) Vitaliano (¡n. 10-18) You risk a síngle moment

    --ll.'t A ti I ol"qctt r^^ þ*.,{.o st1ø

    I ta (- Èc

    (c) Andronico (m. L9-22) I shall follow in your footsËeps

    A --E: Lfo-'+,r- t* s.g*.^


    (d) Andronico (m. 23-52) Fortune'and Love assísË me

    .1 A -l J n^ lr¡ F.r-Ê,.nc. e? /) - n"rtl dÅ S; S t e.

    ¡ I r Bc \--r- ffi 1034

    (e) ViÈaliano (m. 53-57) Heaven hear your vows

    A I,uo íl c;et i fuoi ..¡, h .1.


    (f) Vitaliano (m. 58-82) Flee frorn Èhe bonds

    A n< lr-X ^ dúb ca fe u

    (ft) (m. 83-90) (vrv2Av rv vb Bc)

    -vrVr f- Av fv .t+ itf t.'; ,l Vr Bc

    :.f¡ (a) Anastasio (rn. 1-40) So iÈ is true

    c E 'Sa-o \r?-r i. i

    i ß,- t (b) Giustino (m. 45-51) Your hand shall rule as long as the bridle I of the world -

    d, i, L ,¡' It^æ oktt -"X]rro I 5c-cl.¡ dt |o-b. i( fR-". ". I at.- : ::1..'-- - 4 t 1035.

    (bt) (m. 51-58) (vtv2Av rv vb Bc)

    -+ t- -r - .-.--¿-h -r __=_ --+- f:-.; v1.

    t\ J- --+-- F- Av IV r'r:J> ì

    vl $c ¡'JT. 3.L4 (a) Brillo (rn. 1-8)


    i Si te A,^- Ð,-h^ wr l-e dl i le þ,":-f.


    (b) ArÍanna (rn. 9-60) My fair sun (m. ,t (c) Arianna 61-101) [,f

    '.'ìJ ,l c .-_-. c hìo k{ so - le S"¡liaczolnø{

    1 ßc Bc

    (d) Arianna. (m. ].OZ-LL2) If Anastasio leaves me c

    i i s'A-,¡^- l-a Slq, twi' l*..^ I

    I B. -þ-o- .:: --.:: I -'

    rì (e) Aríanna (m. 103-109) Bur whar could be more sad ,t-

    T, I C , J=.J, I /À,la cxe þa þ; w'rt-tl-O 'lc 0 ¡--'! I u( ô t' Âlternative arias: 1036. (f) Arianna (¡n. 1-56) Cupid consoles thls suffering soul

    C (nc ¿("no. ch e ) þ:afo Wf ' Þ t. B.

    (f) ArÍanna (m. 110-171) Yes, console me, god of Love


    sì ¡ C,al1 so la vt ,, Nw-ld ,1 m


    (ft) (m. 179-rB7) lvrv2Av rv vb Bc) J Jr-l_ JJ v) v¿

    ,f AV Îv

    Vb þc

    3.f5 (a) Giustino (m. L-L42) IfhaÈ porrenrs do I bee?


    I I A/'; 7l- t1,",,n I þ"tte*?i

    t bc i ri t ! 3.16 (a) Giustino (m. f-4) So you flee from me? rl' Í I

    ¡t ( c { E, ,*; {*ls- I -r{ I B. J 1037.

    (b) Giustino (m. 5-41) Eufemia beloved

    vr __.1.-. --l - vr

    Av TÚ { r TI


    I t--'t-i- c J 8,..- þ*v'a a- maf o

    V5 O Bú 3.17(a)Amantio(n.1-17)(b)Amantio(¡n.18-39)Forceisthedeceit T T ' En*1" La þr-ne-l' 3 a,t^ú¿

    Bc (m.39-45 )- (bI) I J.t +=!- J vt VL

    -r J AV fv ì---\

    Vt Bo

    ¡.18 (a) Giustino (m' I-14) There are Ehose' O Fortune l

    I c r' fÞn S*o c1 tß;'¿P:. o l'êr 4

    --{ $c r038.

    ("r) (m. L4-2L) (vrv2Av rV vb Bc)

    lrr vù J:l A! f,l

    vl $c (b) Giustino (m. 22-25) Heaven fights for rne c -(-'I-- ?.- ,-.,* C-ø¡^b^He il G¿l

    u- (bt) Gíustino (ru. 26-29) ' la. Now among lightníng flashes

    2a. Trophy of this sword...

    c - Flo- ttq lgo*, a¿ ce S, T.r"lc. d^ ytøræ sþa'/-a

    ß" (b'z) Giustíno (rn. 30-38) But I hear the trembling feet


    c l4c' . s<-ntpi þie r*- a;v\f e

    Þ warlike din" 3.19 (a) Vitaliano (m' L-22) Ilhat a '

    C &' l þ.J* L¿U"'- o 1039

    (m. 23-30) (vrV2eV TV tüb nc) (br) Ombra (m. 31-83) Vain phantom ^/lb)

    Vr L. VL .¿+ e. =y -ë ó' Ë d 8:

    Av -rV J::-J- J'

    V} -t>- Bc -¿.--¿' O* - b'r- q, r^,a,

    (c) Vitaliano (¡n. 84-123) From the sepulchral urn

    A Delttwrraq s<-þa{- chrar(

    3.20 (a) Brillo (ur. 1-35) No text, no lÍne


    fli- s. -.o onc t-.lal c¿-.oLo


    3.21 (a) Androni-cus (m. 1-14) Coddess both nude and blind lVc

    A 5.o. cl.c s¿i v'.lo' c ¿¡Cc^

    B 1040.

    (b) Ar¡dronico (m. f-40) He does noÈ undersÈand love" ' Vnn _t c

    hao L-r-t' ,.¡,-.Jl ndr À./on lr,å - le^¿(e 1," A - v c þ"-

    --- -l a B" +

    (b) ? (m. 15-20) Alternatíve aria?


    knave' 3.22 (a) Anastasio (¡n. 1-7) ånd r¡here are you taking rne' lnhuman c Þ d6',r¿ r""'fra ¿¿li c- r*þi ¡ "ht*'*'^

    B¿ One oughÈ nol 3.23 (a) Erasto (n. 1-26) (ar) Anastaslo (m' 27-32) ople fn the world' " Ah, rnY Lord to believe the craftY Pe

    B a (aL At" -'io S'X"t/ C*dc ,v\acLl;4 A


    (U).(n. 57-68) No longer, could- tyrants (.') Glust,lno (¡n. 33-56) so mueh PaLn Ao^ Now after

    -'-r c -_<- ,-l,l..l-' N"n cvr^¿i f;' Vt S;3^.r þù ^^n ?*- "toþþ" 'lo^IL Þ¿^< 'l $" 1041.

    (c 69 lacuna) lvlv2av rv vb Bc) R¡I: U) -L ) tt/t -.!------. ú!L

    Vtr B"

    (d) Eufemia/GiusÈino (m' 30-74) Con¡e to these arms

    Ir'' a J (_ -f--+t--õ- ¡ lr c 1/ìe-^<- t-a If -* 5l.4¿ - c-.C


    (dr) RiE3 (m. 74- ) (vrv2 AV TV Bc) -L.-Jì \r vr x-Þ-: ni .rJ -r.. r i 6" I {'i t- tu Bc me" (e) Eufernia/GiusÈino (m' 1-5) Yet destiny Joins ' --c ?n- h'tlr¡Yr^sêc i( D¿- ¡hr..

    Þc ("1) Giustino (m. 6-2f) Love among sweet ties"'

    C A' *ot fs d-olc^ u-ø - "U


    (u2) tit3 (m. 22-29\

    L L- B. -V to42.

    3.2Ç (a) Britto (rn. t-14)


    De ( En-¿le lla Ro rr.ra. (si. ) bc

    (b) Andronico (m. L5-25) There l-s no greaÈer pain c

    N.,nut e- þ^o -r"j x'ú


    (c) (m. 26-35) (vtv2Av TV vb Bc) AnL J v.

    t( L-_Z TV

    \A Bc ("t) (m. 36 - lacune) How sweet it is to want to rejoice F J v a. V!

    s J + âv TV

    .r ,- :J c - -.-( -f J cå','t 4o .vv,ol CL'ìl d"lrt k< Xoá. et

    VL Bc Scena ultima r043.

    (a) Gloria (m. 1-9) I who am GlorY

    C Ir el'¿ ln Crtqnà So' no

    B.- (b) Gloría (m. fO-25) Your glories' your victories"'

    C tto- fr¿ I p lvt Alo'vt& hte Ví J

    B" (br) Rit: (rn.25-34)


    -T--T- 13.,

    of Time" (c) 'Eterníta (n' 35-43) And I' who ask '

    t\ -i-e--þ" CLe þnà olzL


    L) Now in scorn of hatred" ' ( d) u."rnrì-(*-o 4-7

    a A Të Ylo t+q' olel li - \,'o +<, a Scor - ?_

    Bc =l+r Èo the (e) Gloria/Anastasio/EEernita (m' 72-80) Yes, from one Pole other. . .

    C a-(f- Po ' ," S', sì a. llu.r^¿ e

    B. LO44. sonorous breath (f) AnasÈaslo (rn'81-114) (C Tr Bc) l{fth

    T' ä:

    c Con a*\ñ Su - AO -ñ.

    ê----- 0" 1045.

    3542 Giustino

    Teatro Vendraml-no GIUSTINO/ MELODRAMA/ na rapPresentarsl nel celebre/ AllrAlÈ' ser' dl/ san salvatore/ L'Anno I'I.DC.LnnII'/ COì'¡SECRATO/ del To-/ del stg.Principe/ ALESSANDRO FARNESE I CavaLlere dellrordÍne Repu-/ sone, e C,enerale delltlnfante-/ria della Serenisslma Per blica di Ventla , &cl I IN VENETIA, M.Dc.LXXnIf/

    Francesco Nicolinl./ Con lic' de' SuP' e Privilegio' LibrettlsÈ: Nicolo Bereganl' Performance in January, 1683' (EdS, v, 1345)'

    Sources of llbretto: I-Bc l'10e I¡/c

    Source s of music: Vnm Vqs (arías) Vnm. Ms.It. fV, 426 (score)

    peÊ le conpleannos/ di IL/ GIUSTINO. / Melodrama/ da rapPresentarsLl CarloII,/monarcadelleSpagne,/nelRegalPalaccio//tnl¡ap. per AntonÍo Gramagnanl' /1684'

    Source of l-lbretto: B-Bc

    S ource of muslc: Nc (Fogaccia, p'187) and (do') A posslble performance ln Genoa in 1689r ln Brescia in 1691.

    GIUSTINo/uul,oonnra,lDaRappresentarsinelTeatro/uelvnzzl/L'Aú\ì.¡o ¡fcclxx)üI./ nef Slgnor Nlco1a Bereganl/ Nobfle Veneto/ CONSBCRATo/ AllrIllustrissÍmo, e Reverendissfmo / Monsl'gnore/ FII'IPPO LETI/ protonoEario ApostolÍcor/ lell'una e delltalÈra vlce/ Legato d1 Bologna/InBologna'PergliEredldelSartl.L6gL.l

    Con licenza det SuPeriorl'

    Sources o f libretto: I-Bc MOe 1046.

    GIUSTINO/ Melodramal da rappresenÈarsl- nel Teacrol þlaLvezzt I'anno/ L6921 Del Signor Nlcola Bereganl/ Nobtle VeneÈo./ 44... In Bologna, per gli Eredl, del Sarti. Sources of libretto: B-Bc I-Bc

    IL/ GIUSTINO/ Melodramna/ da rappresentarsi nel famoso Teatro/ di

    Tordinona ltanno L6951 Dedicato &&.... In Roma, pêr Giuseppe Vannacci.

    1695./ Si vendono in PLazza Navona della Ll-braria di Carlo Glannini. Sources of libretto: B - Bc I-Bc Part of Èhe music was writÈen by Silvio Stampiglia, according to

    Fogaccia, p.184 (from A. Camettiz fL Teatro di fonclínona poi cli ApoLLa (Tivoll, 1938).

    IL GIUSTINO. Melodranma da recLtarsÍ nel TeaÈro di Verona lranno 1696.. ln Verona, L696, per tl lþrli. Source of libret¡e¡ I-Bc-

    GIUSTINO/ MELODRAITA/ Da rappresentarsf nel Teatro/ FONTANELLI/ L,Anno

    M.Dc.xcvrr. I oat sl'e.l NrcoLA BEREGANT/ Nobfte venero. / consucRATo/

    A11rÀltezza serenissima dt/ RTNALDO r./ Duca dL Modona, ReggLo, &c/ co t of arms/ rN MoDoNA, L6g7.l per 11 capponl_, e g11 EE. pontlrolÍ./

    Stamp. Vesc. Con Llc. der Sup.

    Sources of libretto: I-Bc MOe LO47 .

    Collation of the scores of Gíustíno (284) z Vm 1683. No 1684.

    Nc has been treated as the basic source, although it represenËs a laËer performance than Vm. The reason for this 1s that it is more complete' vnm appears to have been compiled from theatrical maEerial - probably entírely singersr parts. The part of Brillo is mostlymissing, there is no Prologue, no orchestral sinfonie and no string parts. In effect i-t is virtually a vocal score. IÈ may be that the score, which ís part of contarinif s collectíon, \¡/as made from materlal assembled at PíazzoLa' TheNaplesscore,ontheotherhand,thoughitcontainsadditional material and some alternative settlngs, is much more informatÍve' In the early stages ín particular 1t is less legible than Vnm' The reference to one source alone means Ehat the material is conÈained only in that source.

    The followíng físt explains the details of the collation:

    Prologo Nc Sinf. Act 1. l{c 1.16 Orch. Nc 1.1(dI) RitS precedes and follows the aria in Vnm' r .1(e) - 1.1(h) Vnm 1.2(bt) RitS ín Nc. - orch. missíng' 1.2(e) Orch. Nc 1.5(bt) Nc - orch. missing' t.6(ct) Orch. ln Nc r.6 (d) Vnm 1.7(at) Rttl ln Vnm - orch. rnÍsslng 1 .7 (e) Orch. in ìlc t.8(cI) Orch. in Nc 1.9 (a) Text and vocal líne in Vnm 1.e(b) Orch. in Nc t.9(eI) Rít: in Vnm - orch. missing. 1.10(bt) Orch. in Nc r . 12(b) Orch. in Nc r.r2(e) Orch. in Nc to both I .13 (b) Alternative aria ín Nc r^rith (bl) conmon - curiouslY! 1048.

    1.14 ÌIc Scene numbers ceaSe t.o coincide here. Scene numbers ln the catalogue are ba'sically those of Vnm. 1.15(nc) = 1.13r (Vnn) 1.15(bt) oreh. ín Nc 1.15(c) Vocal líne from Nc 1.16(Nc) = 1.15(Vm) 1.16 (a) Orch. in l{c 1.16(cr) nít3 in Vnm - orch. missing 2.1(bt) Vnm. 'Orch. m:issíng. 2.1(d) Orch. in Nc. Vnm places RitS after the aría' I 2.2(b) Alternative setting fn I{c. Vnrn(b ) Orch ' missing ' 2.3(ar) Vnm. orch. mlssing z.z(a2) vntn 2.3(br) Orch. in Nc. 2.3(c) Nc 2.4 (br) orch. in Nc 2.5 (b) Orch. ín Ì{c 2.7 ' Orch. ín Nc 2.9(bt) Vnm. Vr and V2 added by another hand' 2.9(e)-2.9 (ft) Nc 2.9(ht) orch. in Nc 2.10(bt) orch. in Nc 2.]-l-(a) Alternative setting in Nc 2.lf(e) Alternative settlng in Nc. 2.IL(f) Nc 2.t2(cr) Orch. ín Nc 2. L) (dr ) vnm 2.L4 Nc 2.15(b) SubstituEe aria 1n Nc 2.L5(c-c2) Orch. in Nc 3.1(c) Alternatl-ve settlng in Nc. 3.3(a) Vnm 3.3(b) Orch. ln Nc 3.4 Vnm 3.4(b) Vnm 3.5(a) Text and vocal line in Vnm 3.6(b) Alternative setting in Nc

    3.7 Nc. Scene numbers cease to colncide ' 3.7(Vm) = 3.8(Nc) = 3.8(Cat') LO49..

    3.8(at) Orch. in Nc 3.8(cr) Orch. ín Nc 3.9(bt) Vm. Orch. missingl lacunae in Nc 3.10(c) Lacuna in Nc suPPlied from Vnm 3.10(ft) Orch. in Nc 3.11(fr) Orch. in Nc 3.12(ft) Orch. ín Nc 3.14(f) Substítute aria in l{c 3. 16 (b) Orch. in Nc 3.r7(br) Orch. in Nc 3.18(at) Orch. ín ÌIc 3. 18 (b) ìlc 3.19(b-bt) Nc 3.20(a) Text and vocal line in Nc 3. 21(b) Nc substitute aria v¡ithout Ëext t 3.23(b ) Orch. 1n Nc 3.23(c-d) Vm: lacuna ln Nc 3.23(dt) Orch. ín Nc 3.24(a) TexÈ and melodíc line ín Nc 3.24(e) Orch. in Nc 3.25(a) Vnm 3.26(a-e) Vnm 3.26G) Orch. in l{c (ct) Clefs: Anastasio(Cr), Arianna (Cr), Giustino (cr), Eufemía ' Viraliano (C3) , Andronico (C3), Amantio (C4) , Polírnente (F4) , Erasto ( ) , Brillo (F4), ombra , Atlante (F"), venere (cr), Gelidia (cI). 2A8r336. Tírne Sígnatures: Agq_r-: C 3 t i E; Act2:Ci 6 3 L2 g Act3tCi 8b8r+ a gcaea/ Tonality: Acr 1: (srnt.) D b D ; 1: c/¿ r ¿; Z ,cl g; 6: Bb/e d Bb t 3: e/d c b A/D A; -4: D/A D; 5| alc Gla e ¿/c o; 9-: C G/e c; Loz alC ai 7z gle a; -8-: ^/G c; 11: G D; l2z G/e e D/e C Bb g ; -1-1: rlf Cle c F d L4: g Bb e/c F/e a [la; -11: Ele e ; -lg: Bb Bb/g; 2z Elg d Bb/c ; Acr 2: 1: alc ^ F/d 3: g F/a a e; 4; Glð, Bb/d Bb; ¡-: g/d nb r ; 1050.

    6z C/a; 7: e ;8 d/G G F ., 9: d Bb F/Bb a Gla F d 10: Bb/G D A; 11: eln c i Lz_z C :

    13: Bb F/d D ; L4 A/b c cla e i 15:CG;

    16: A/C D

    Act3:1:b/DDG; 2_z C/Bb I , 3: c/Bb Il.¡t

    4z dlF d Bb F/c ; 5: Cla;6:F/aaed ;

    TzaP/cgdlecF/d; 8:Bbt/adi 9z a/G e ;

    10/11: c clD A'i L2z eld c d/e e i 13: c/F F I t4z Cle d Bb/d d,/a D ; 15: alG ; L6z d e; l-7; clF C; 18: F Bb/g c; 19: Eb/d g nb/D; 2O-t d/c; 2Lz alc t';

    22-: C/a; 232 c/nb glc c; 24: Fla e a; uE: D

    Observations: (1) The trumpet, whích was 1n C in Germantico, L676,

    fs here in D. (2) At 2.1d, the Ritornello is marked run tuon più

    altor ín Nc. (3) 2.8a contains a triPle echo.

    (4) The libretÈo \^ras adapted for Handel's use by

    tn 1736.

    (5) I,IorsEhorne commenLs on the outstanding number of

    machines requíred ín this opera, boÈh withln the action and for the final rgloriat, leading to the disrepute whích operas of this kind invited from íntellectual society. Lfterature: Sartorí: tDue Legrenzl Rlcuperatir: Acta Musicologica Vol. XLVI. Fasc.II. Juli-Dezember'

    lüolff : PP.84-91

    l^lorsEhorne : p .43

    A performing edltion has been prepared for a proposed performance at Chichester in 1983 by Michael llaite. 1050A.

    The P?oloqo in Nc-

    asslstance of a.IibreÈto Some of thl.s cannot, be transcrlbed witirout the duetothecondltionofthescore.Theopenlngl.sgivenbelow.Ttrere 1s nothing to suggest strongly that it fs Legrenzirs work'

    (a) Sinfonia (n. 1-15)

    _J__ v vr


    vt Bc

    ("1) (rn.f6-62) On the shoulders of Atlas Ata T l^tn- l¿ 5"þ-r- h o r-r¿-, øt'A r1 l_ Bc

    ("2) (m.63-75) (a)

    There follows: (b) Recit. Nino (m. 7-84) Le superbe" (c) Aria (8. vrv2vla ¡c) Ciro (m'85-11r): Al mlo bracchio (d) Reclt. Ciro (m.112-117) Che pretendo L'Assfro (e) Aria. Alessandro (n'U8-135) ? al valore (f) Recit. Alessandro (m'L36-L47) Del" (g) Aria with Ritg Cesare: (n'148-158) Dove" (h) Recit. (m-159-170) Del uno glfastro solo 1051.

    (1) Ensemble: Cesare/l.llno/Àlessandro/Círo (rn.17O-198) No no al Macedone

    (1 1) Rit3 (ur.199-203) (j) Recit. Nino (n.2O4-23I) che.. (k) Aria. Cesare (n.232-252) Soldi... (k2) Ët3 (n.255O257)

    (1) Aria. wlth R:tto: GÍustlzfa (m.258-283) Quando regge (1 r) nrr9 (n.284-287)

    (m) Aria (m.288-330) Dove pletä

    (mr) nrtl (m.331'340) (n) Reclt. (m.34I-347> Pono... (o) Aria enor (n.348-425) FesÈeggiare (p) Recit. (n,426-43O) Vedete come lleta (q) Aria. l{ionarchla. (n.431-440) Dunque a vÍta 11 pradita la >a

    355 I DUE CESARN

    1.1 (a) Cantatrice t (m. f-44) 'These are the monuments to the people These are the beloved heavens -l- C

    Q*øn So¡ n, r nAYaÀA a( 3t^ - 'ê- ' -àtr-';- B"

    (b) Cantatrice

    L7 (m. I-24) Yes, You rob Peace Yes, you take fro¡n these eYes L

    -t1^ S¡ s'¡ Sr 5; .bate la þact- Si ¡ì 1; 5i b5r t ète 6 ¿ ..tl' (^^""-i


    (c) Geta

    18 (m. 1-20) Jealousy, *À.*'ãt" you taking me? c d'o"z Ë G+-l¡ - sin gc-lo - sà Þ"''

    B" 1053.

    1.3 (a) BassÍano

    L2 (m. I-30) From the terror of the gloomy brow

    c ----<- Do I' rú oIuL {'",- Ct-t->.-<-

    B" =ç

    I.7 (a) LeuciPe

    6 (n. L-76) You do not allow yourself peace Take revenge, beauty

    c ng Nor^ sì /a¡c.r ix Þ"* to,, ¡i losc.- Ve¡cL ' cale o LzlLo Sì uCr,.¡U. ca. fe ß.

    ü 1.10 (a) Evandro iü

    ,.1 4 (¡n. 1-36) To maídens who are beautiful

    c A 5o^=-elfe cA¿ sart bd(c


    1.20 (a) Geta

    L4 (m. L-t+4) Yield to me' beloved

    c 5ì 'tr,^J¡- -; ;l ;, L¿.r-

    b --t-.-- .¿ .< f,' B¡ i I t' 1054 . 2.5 Fabio

    19 (a) (m. I-7) (Bc) (.1) (m. 8-69) I could not really know

    h ) c I ,) \tÞ - ler si Mvr ¡a- þ'.-.' Lc. Lr


    2.6 Bassiano Z (m. L-67) Come, O Jove, Èo earth

    c V¿^,i o G'o.¡e,hl-erra Sr

    2.7 Bassiano

    r{ I 16 (ro. 1-65) To this eye she is not beautiful

    c reccl* A Wþ ¡\o\ ¿ L¿lla k

    i. 2. I0 Geta i

    I g (m. 1-20) Assist me, defend me

    I I C i$sist-i'.^i d2- {.^, ; il' 1, I ( Þ.

    4 i 1055.

    2.13 Bassiano

    3 (m. 1-30) To be able to sigh To be able to weep c ?"- le - r-c- s-sf ir o_r ?o - ie - r< faç-i - Yno.{ ß.

    2.15 Fabio

    9 (m. 1-28) The flarne of Love perches in my heart, I cannot escape PretÈy eyes disturb this soul, but I must be silent c acL 'r-øt< lr,,r, þ*^e C-tî< na- þaso Sca - þ; .ar3o de^to - e&¿. V,øfto-w¡wta þì"Jo wr^ t^

    '';{ Ir! :,.i ¡ 2.16 Fabio

    13 (rn. 1-90) Of insincere thoughts

    c __JF I n ho^JYñ - C¿- Tt Dì þe'r- 3rq-


    i ß" i


    i I 2.18 Leucipe I 10 (m. L-25) Zingaresca: He who desires to know what Fate holds in store hostile 1, I know why the PlaneEs are tt- t - J--;I,.1-ï: C I { CL," bre.-.c d¿lta So'. - t€' s oþer c'ri cÀ. [x d) - <-4- uu dú I'" I ïo sà pe-l^t g þàn- À^-.oil;a nC ' ¡ I '{ I __- : B. Ò i' .¡ r056. 3.10 Leucipe

    11 (m. I-27) Prisoner with you; free with you

    c c

    feco tqto - he - fD a fe- c¿,¡ li - +6- O Þ

    -( -o & lr

    3.13 Lentulo

    2L (m. 1-31) I can suffer no more The heart cannoÈ suffer more c tron s"íþ-r ñ"^ þouo þ,ns" F no co( ,l e¿*t lv',,r Þ-¡ to þ; t -1----'---"--


    :r it 'l 3. 14 Leucipe are adored eYes (Bc) ("t ) (rn. 6-49) I.ltrere You' z (a) (m. 1-5) lÍhere are You' Pretty eyes

    c . l_ q-/arql-e Do.r¿ s.f-¿ Þ"- þitte D".,¿ 3€F¿ be4l ' occ Li *c >z'11r +-. ?

    B( _L-. ¿. - i i


    Bassiano t 3.16 I

    i, 20 (m. 1-17) Frorn exile Eo weePing You happen to smile I ï C I r' { Da-t ¿-lili' e.( þ,a^¡o ; bd-t F". crQ +ìrilal (.Ä* ,'t -ìs, -{ ò, i i LO57 ,

    3.21 Bassiano (b) (n. e-56) (rn. (Bc) 5 (a) 1-8) I do not turn to the throne, O C,ods a_ c [r-n¡rjl l"r.,,^ .t *o" trr - noal Soglo o I _t_ & !r''.IÆ

    15 (additional aria)

    15 (ur. 1-30) On ny ar¡n bold and proud

    c r^

    B" 10s8.

    355 : I Due Cesare

    I DllE CESARI.I ðrama per musíca/ da rappresentarsi nel Teatro /

    Vendramino di S.Salvatore/ Lt anno 1683.1 pet Francesco Nicolini. LíbreEËist:' Giulío Cesare Corradi. Singers: BASSIANO Clemente Hader de Hadersbergh, musico di Cam. dí s.A.s. GETA Battísta Speroni, nusico di Cam. dell' Imperatrice Eleonora.

    ONORIA Anna Ìlaría Manarini

    LEUCIPE Rosana Tarquini FABIO Francesco de Castris, detto de Massimi

    EVANDRO Don Bartolo Donadelli, musici di S.A.S. dí


    ZELTO Don Nícolo PasinÍ

    Sources of the libretto: Bbc Bc I^ILc

    Sources of the musíc: Vqs (arías)



    A],L'ALTEZZA SERTA / OST GRAN PRENCIPE/ FERDINANDO/ DI TOSSANA/ / fU Uff.nqo, / Nella R.D.C. per Marc'Antonío Pandolfo/ Malatesta stampaÈor Reg.carn./ co¡l LICENZA DEr SIIPERIORI. Librettist: Giulio Cesare Corradi

    Síngers: GETA and EVANDRO as in 1683. BASSIÆ{O Francesco Antonio Pischini Musico di S.A.S.

    di Parma. ONORIA Clarice Venturini Cantatrice di S.A.S.

    di Parma LEUCIPE l'largarita Mognai Florentine 1059.

    LENTT]LO Gerolama Raperti Cantatrice dí S.A.S. di

    Mantova 'I FABIO Carlo Landríani

    ZELTO Pietro Paulo Benígni Musico di S.A.S. dí


    BELFA Antonio Predieri }fusíco di S.A.S . dí Parma.

    Sources of libretto: .MOe Possible performance at Ferrara, 1693 (Fogaccia, p.182) Observations: (1) The Zingaresca (Gipsy Song) suggests exotic colour here. The singer, Leucipe, is an Englísh

    Prlncess. Líterature: (Revie¡¿) Mercure galant, Ifarch, 1683.


    !ib*t" , þ"2) l'to" QL+) I -Bc B - B. LJ. Út,e7) ¡',o.


    Lib*t1-,,. 3-8. I-ÞcMo< l)¿



    A SoNATE DA CHTESA (360_417)

    360 LA CORNARA: Sonara(Opus 2/L) (V¡V2nc)

    (a) (n. L-29) Allegro

    !r ffi t t I I

    B. f\ I .b .r 6

    (b) (m. 30-46)


    B. r 6f

    (bl) (n. 47-56) Adae(e)Ío

    v, vt J a I I hJ

    .^. I B. I -T_------4 ¡. (b2) (m. 57-66) Allegro

    I a vt v1

    B. n\ f q q 1061.

    361 LA SPILIMBERGA: Sonata (Opus 212) (VIV2nc)

    (a) (m. l-ss)

    I ¿t'l vr

    I -{Hr-r- -l Bc

    (b) (n. 56-62) Adae(e)io

    v' r -l vr


    (bt) (n. 63-89) Presto

    vL J a o

    +.ttv B" y\2

    (c) (m. 90-98) Presto

    -l ) ll ,l vr tå-' È-Et vr. -J ,v --E¡


    S. L062.

    362 LA FRANGIPANA: Sonaga (gpus 213) (VlV2gc)

    (a) (m. 1-43) Allegro


    B, I I g 6 5

    (b) (n. 44-74)

    ) V' vr I

    B. --r ^ t_

    (bt) (n. 75-82) Adag(g)io .r v' V1

    B. 76 (" r

    (b') (rn. B2-98) Presto

    ylt J


    Bc L q .t 1063.

    363 LA STRASOLDA: Sonata (Opus 2l!ù (VrV2¡c)

    (a) (m. 1-45) Presto


    & + 3

    (b) (m. 46-5h) Adag(e)io

    v' yr


    .Lì 4 J e8 t (b r) (ro. 55-87)

    V, tt v¡. ,.)

    bL 6 q 5

    (c) (m. 88-98

    vr v)

    8. .' 5-6 ? a 5 L064. 364 LA COL'ALTA: Sonara (Opus 215) (VtV2¡c)

    (a) (n. L-7) Adag(g)io


    v> L)


    ("t) (m. 8-36) Presro

    !+,!Ë---=------_-l--.-=_-T--1- I rt v1

    +' *-r lÊ Bc

    (b) (n. 37-38) Adag(g)io (m. 39_60) Largo va vr -F-¿-ë--+- 1____a*Å_ ffi y?- J I r *tF

    & 6þ ¡ * * 43 tf (c) (m. 61-67) Adag(g)io

    vr 2 - v¿ J I tl "--, rl

    ô a .8. 3 1 s t ("r) (m. 6B-83) presto

    , I a

    B c 1065.

    365 LA RASPgNA: Sonata (Opus 216) (Vrvzgc)

    (a) (rn. 1-21) Allegro

    vr J

    B. I6 ("r ) (¡n. 23-43) J- Vr V¿ \) 2 L t,' lr'


    (b) (rn. 44-66) Adae(g)io

    \r v' J rrJ

    Bc I 6 +J lÈ

    366 LA DONATA: Sonata (Opus 2/7) (V Vne (Fag) Bc)

    (a) (m. 1-41) Atlegro

    V¡e Bs (b) (m. 42-q6) Âdag(g)io 1066.

    V v?tfl .) [r|' JTì Vne O Bc 6

    (br) (m. 47-6L) Presto

    f I I ? a V

    '?-t V"¿ Bc

    (b2I (m. 62-99

    Z-T I I tl --T---l V

    J} J I IJ I V^¿ Be

    (c) (m. 100-105)

    -T V

    I .-trh Vn( 8c ,^, LO67. 367 'LA FSSCARI: Sonata (Opus 218) (V Vne [rae] Bc)

    (a) (¡n. 1-31) Allegro

    v T tt

    Bc s I (b) (m. 31-s6)

    ø2- V¡e- A ß"

    (bt) (ur. 57-58: 58-67) ?*¿¡o

    V -¿ LI

    Vrr¿ --

    (c) (rn.68-74)


    Vrte B¿ 106 8. 368 LA COLLARETTA: Sonata (Opus 219) (V Vne Bc)

    (a) (rn. L-t+4)

    _ë ---I)----.è'- V

    ( ) t -T-+-;-- Vl.¿ '6J ---T--(-.-7- l I ß. t Dlv 1¿ì

    (b) (m. 45-50) Adag(g)io

    Vte ßc 1¡ 5-6

    (bt) (rn. 50-73) Presto

    V 7-*)------:

    V¡c Bc

    (c) (rn' 74-8I)


    r--- lot ^- Vn( 8c 1069. 369 LA ZARBARETTA: SonaÈa (Opus z/LO) (VrVzVne Bc)

    (a) (rn. L-27)

    '!t. vr

    (b) (m. 2B-33) Adag(g)io

    I vr Tr- I I-J VL -t- -=

    V¡re Bc .? + 6

    (b¡) (n. 34-62) Allegro


    ü'ï rl ^l b) ^[-l V¡r Bc .tÞ

    (c) (n. 63-84) Adag(g)ío ,i rl +) ,1\ ?re.lt¡, V' #t:Êff-F Vr vl a i i V¡. .i ô & _! I Vnt .-----l---r---¡-t I I Bc 16 é s f s t' I I

    t' I .l l_ 10 70.

    370 LA MONT'ALBA: Sonate (Opus zlLL) (vrv2vne Bc)

    (al (rn.1-48) Allegro ,l

    V-¿ Bc t..

    (b) (m. 49-64) Allegro

    I y'r v1

    Vra 9. (b') (n. 65-74) Presto

    1f- vr

    v! r{V¿ltl._-, f ü LJ r

    V'nc 8c r'6 6 -t(-7

    (b2) (m. 75-97) Adag(e)io ¿

    Vt I I l- v! i d I

    ( lv^¿ )t ^J. av---v-tr a- I V"c. I B. -v,t l !

    ì, l (c) (n. 98-127) Adag(g)io *' ï ¡t ( vr v1 t_4__ \2 4 l¡ I t i VnC I À t_ B( O --ê 76 fl 1071.

    37L LA PORCIA: Sonata (Opus 2lL2) (vlv2vne Bc)

    ,1 (a) (m.1-34) Allegro

    vr v2-

    (b) (m. 35-52) Adag(g) io

    e vr ----v vr r t_ I

    rql T I I I t_ t

    (br) (¡n. 53-76) Allegro I ü * tÍ

    V, v!

    Vxc - ì' : bc 6 t

    i i (c) (rn. 77-87) Allegro I

    i I i vr vr

    il' T Bc 'V*t .t rt Vtc I B- 4 t,t I

    t' L072.

    372 : LA VALvA SoNA: Sonata (Opus 2/L3) (Vrv2vne Bc)

    (a) (m. L-32)

    vr VL

    (b) (¡n. 33-48) Adag(g)io

    vt v> J I I t

    V,u ______t__-__-, B. k ô

    (bt) (m. 49-95) il iÊill ,it V gr

    t.l V¡€ ßc ç 6Ë

    (c) (m. 96-113)

    1 i

    I v

    I I rì Vne _t. ä Bc -___ 1, I


    'rd i .t 10 73.

    373 LA QLIERINI: SonaÈa (opus 2/I4) (VrVzVne Bc)

    (a) (m. 1-21) Largo

    Vr w r ( I

    V^< ---l--t- 8., 6 6

    (b) (¡c. 22-so)

    vt .J .L v> Y Y

    I vr.- Vlrt 6c

    (bt) (n. 51-73) Adag(g)ío


    Vnc B,

    (c) (n. 54-73) Presto

    vr vz I (nï I t, 1 ,I Vn< l/ I bc ( ç 6 1 ê.

    ''t L074. 374 LA ToRRIANA: Sonara (Opus ZILS) (vtv2vne Bc)

    (a) (m. 1-33)

    V' =lr-

    (b) (m. 3h-52) Adae(g)io

    v' J- r {:-i

    V*t Bc ô I .16 E

    (bt) (n. s3-96)

    \¡r r yL

    V"e |ç.r---_- Þc

    (c) (n. 97-1Os)

    Vr --<



    { CCiovanni Maria Legrenzi: La Justiniana) 1075. 375 LA ìIANINA: SonaÈa (Opus 2/16) (VlV2Vne Bc)

    (a) (m. I-4r) v, vL

    (b) (rn. 42-66) Adag(g)io

    L V'

    Vr,r B" 6 s 6

    (bt) (m.67-89)

    vt yL --r-

    V*< Bc 6 ?6 î

    (c) (m. 90-106) Presto

    v' È L_+_E_ vL

    V^( Bc t I I076. 376 LA SAVoRGNANA: sonara (opus z/L7) (vrv2vne Bc)

    (a) (¡n. L-47)

    vr t_

    (b) (m.48-74)

    _ ..t- vL -T-i

    Vn" 6, 6t

    (c) .(m. 75-84) Adagio

    Vt J yL

    Vq Bc I6L

    ("t) (m. 85-t0B) presro

    !r t\a\ a VL U vl (n)

    B. LO77 .

    Sonatas from 2 360-376 2' Co llection: Sonate a due' e tre'''Opus

    S ource used: Clefs: violins G2, violone & basso continuo Fq 6 Time si atures: ci.,?3oiI Tonalítv: 363 c Fla alG c

    364 C a Cle C

    373 CGCC

    374 c flg Eb c

    364 D D/A EIL A/D

    360 ð, ðla F ald

    367 d alr Fla ald

    369 d, ald d d

    376 d, dl a F/d

    365 clc clc clG

    375 c C Glc G

    3ó1 s Ebls ale

    370 g Bb/c cld Bbls g

    37L A elc a a

    362 a e/a a

    368 a e/a a

    372 a a/G e a

    Literature: 'BonÈa: PP '219-330 Ne¡,¡man: PP.f2B-133

    Selfridge-Field : PP' 1'65-L66 Líme signature O? occurs twice ObservaEions: (1) The 'stile antico' (368, 373). g3 (at 372) apPears to have much the sarne

    meaning, but features extensíve coloration' of whom (2) The titles normally refer to patrons' many

    were members of the academies' Modern edltlons: 10 78. 3I' La Raspona (365) i ed. I{. Danckert: Kassel, L949. Hortus Muslcus (Vrvzvne Bc) 377 L^BREMBATA: sonata (opus 4tL)

    (a)' (rn. L-22)



    (b) (rn. 23-28) Adag(g)lo

    y'r y!

    --v Br ío * 6[

    (c) (n. 29-462 47-57) Allegro

    Vt vr

    V¡¿ B.

    (d) (m. 58-73) Presto

    \ + J__ v' vz

    (. t ¡ t/ t) I 1,' i C a a t.. L. ¡ 1079. 378 LA SECCA SOARDA: Sonata (Opus 4/2) (VrVt Vne Bc)

    (a) (m. L-32) Adag(g)io v' vr J t ^l V^ê B. 6

    (b) (m.33-s4)

    V' vL

    (c) (n. 55'68) Adag(g)folAllegro

    f! v, #__+_,___{__3F_ J ffia- i-fü-+ VL ¡ I o \, r Ltt I

    a $c- Vvrt ffirr- ...Hrrr- =J. Ac- ó f s I Cç 6 7& {f

    379 LA BENAGLIA: Sonara (Opus 4/ 3) (VtV2Vne Bc)

    (a) (m. 1-3I) AlIegro


    B. r 1080.

    (b) (¡n. 32-39) Adagio

    ylt va -J ---r---=---

    Vnc I ß" 3àr

    (c) (m. 40-63) Allegro

    \¡r r vI

    7{-:r5 I Va ß.

    (d) (ut. 64-73) Adagfo

    T -EJa J It v! J l/ ¡_t

    (s. ì V¡¿ Bc + ê'6'16 1þ+3

    (e) (m. 74-97) PresÈo

    }--.-- f--- v F-- I-

    V"t þ-e-. Bt 1081.

    380 LA TASSA: Sonata (Opus 4t4) (vrv2vne Bc)

    (a) (m. t-7) Adagio

    V, v¡- T t -l

    Vne Bc F6 6

    (b) (m. B-28) presro

    vr J t-i-l-t

    Í-'1-1-r V^e -zr $e 4s. q

    (c) (¡n. 29-51) + V, yl, lr t

    V"e Bc

    (d) (n. 52-72) Adagio

    Vt vL

    V"e Bc # 1082. (e) (m. 73-85) Atlegro + V vz

    V*r 6- 5bft

    381 LA FINI: Sonara (Opus 415) (VrVzVne Bc)

    (a) (rn. 1-35) Allegro

    -l v¿

    (v- {r't7

    (b) (rn. 36-52) Adaglo

    v, vD F-

    Y¡r-<-- V - - Bc

    (c) (rn.53-63) + vt -1 -J V¿

    Vr( 8c 6 1083. (d) (m. 64-80) Allegro


    Vn¿ .J+ ôc -?


    3BZ LA PEZIOLI: Sonata (Opus 416) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    (a) (n. t-37) Largo

    Vr v, c) t t I 1 I t t

    f) V^( +tÈêr- Bc ó óe q

    (b) (n. 38-77) AdagÍo

    + 4 t' v, ffi r -t--

    B. ¿

    (c) (m. 77-94) Adagio

    Pne¡ l¿ -- -I I a L a al I I F-----T----- VL I l J I l'r t

    Vr.¿ Bc + 6a4. 1 + 76 1084.

    Sonatas from Opus 4 (377-382)

    Collectlon: Sonate da çhiesa, da camera' correnti &c...0pus 4 Source used:

    Clefs: As for Opus 2 TimeSisnatures: C I oÎ t I cct

    Io"elig.: 381 Cla G c C 3TgDbDAD 377 d d Fld 382ccalcG 378sss

    380 a Flc a a

    Literature ¡ Bonta: pp.219-330

    Newman: pp.128-133 Selfridge-Fleld: pp.165-166 Observations: 1085. (d) (m. 95-I3r) = (a)

    383 LA BENTIVOGLIA: Sonara (Opus B/L) (VrV2¡c)

    (a) (m. 1-37)

    v' È

    B .r6 7 7 ? (b) (m. 38-43) Adagio

    Vt l¡t- J I t


    f 6 (c) (m. 44-61) Atlegro

    1)r vL

    & 6 f6

    (d) (m. 62-68)

    j V¡

    B. ( cl--q¡ L 6 4 It,l L 6 L 1086.

    (e) (m. 69-LO7) presro vr VL d ,a\ t VI r

    Bc ? I 6ï 6 q 9

    384 LA PIA: Sonara (Opus B/Z) (VrV2gc)

    (a) (¡u. L-46)

    d + 2 I I 7 B. .t^-

    (b) (n. 47-58) Adaeío

    Vr \t -/ r I t !r lJ

    I B. -)fl I I ) a I I I -J C ?6 ¿t 8.. 1087.

    (c) (rn.59-78)

    V' (vl

    B. (a> (m.79-BB) Presco +

    V, I VL

    k +3 (e) (rn. 89-103) Adagio vt t 7 O I I 7l v, I u +76*ç6 _t

    385 LA MOSTA: Sonata (opus 813) (vlv2gc)

    (a) (n. 1-29) + 1/r V¿ o d fl + + B¿

    (b) (m. 30-59) Largo

    vr vL

    u 3 1088. (c) (m. 60-69) Adagio

    vt -ll_r___t_ -)f ¿. vL \, rfT

    B. + +

    (d) (m.69-85) presËo

    v' vL


    (e) (n. 86-91) Adagfo a J. vr V,


    386 L'oBl.ZzAi Sonara (opus B/4) (vtv'Vla Bc)

    (a) (m.1-28) + I I I l ------f- Vtq I

    b. ( 1089.

    (b) (n. 29-6s)


    \+----J 3. q

    (c) (n. 66-74) Adagio


    Vlc --+- Þc -t6

    (d) (n. 75-105) Allegro


    (.¡ t 't vh B¿

    387 LA ROSSETIA: Sonata (Opus 8/5) (VtV2Vne Bc)

    (a) (m. 1-38)

    ì'.. -- t ?' ìY ),---r)) ffi,-c.$= 1090.

    (b) (m. 39-47) Adagio

    vr c-,_.1 vl r

    b & ) ? aL ì q8

    (c) (m' 47-60) Presto

    J vr ------c7-¡-'-lL L VL b Í=

    AL W¿ Bc 6{ ç 1L --õ

    (d) (m. 6L-79) li [J iü ! I l l T--- I V, o

    Bc 6 ) '

    (e) (m. B0-86)

    )¿- vt V1

    V¡< r J Bc )'c< J bJ J Lr b 76 +


    I 109r. 3BB LA BEVILAQUA: Sonata (Opus 8/6) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    ,1. .a) (m. 1-29)

    .:---.: v2- -jì¡ --tr '.- -l --1:- --.---

    Vtn Bc 6 6, z L +

    (b) (m. 30-44) Adagio

    ð._-- v, t---c vL

    B" 6? ilI i{ iti I (c) (m. 45-58) AdagÍo

    V' lr-\vI I vv J

    Vre B. L (

    I i (d) (m. 59-72) Presto

    { f I' r'. a \7r "__:1- y2 ,Ë --.L- -- - -.- ï I --t.-J- Bu \ { þ i loq 2

    (") (n-13-88:81- ¡oa) Altc3n

    1 Vt ,4<# vt J

    V"e yL+ Bc 6 "+

    3 8 9 L Â Ëol'l 4 CoSS¡\ : So',a ba (Op,s STi¡ (V'V" v". A")


    G) ('''- 3ù

    c J \A -)- fi r (¡) (-.=z - 'rr) âa4,3'o

    v .l_ jP¿r 1 v{ I al v1 ù t I r+¡ t

    CD -a v"t u i

    I (-.=e Atte3.a 'I (.) - so)

    't r J vr I ? "l f l' r'tz L vL J L_l t 1,./ -rllI V¡< (s. ¡ i t V..( T ' $c .ri Bc- l' -l t' 1093.

    (d) (n.51-63) presro

    V' V! ¡ll J -r t t I r I,

    \/"ç Bc LL '7 6 7

    (e). (m. 64-78) Adagio

    t/ yt

    Bu .t

    d (f) (rn. 79-97) ìü Altegro .\'



    ì i 390 LA BOIARDA: Sonata (Opus 8/8) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    't i (a) (m. L-32) Allegro

    ¡ l¡ - .'l r :-l ¡t I v' -

    4 I i LÚ94 " (b) (m. 33-43) Adagio

    \/t -J vL

    Vrc B. q6 6h l í 94

    (c) (n. 44-73) Adagio



    Vr< *+-______{._€ Bs #

    (d) (n. 74-84)

    vr Li t LI

    V'r¿ ê---1*- Bc- + 6 L5 6, S:L

    (e) (m. 85-95) Àllegro

    1 Vt vz


    Vrte # j t 1.09 5 .

    39f LA SQUARZONA: Sonara (Opus B/g) qVrV2V3VqVne Bc)

    (a) (m. t-23)

    V (v' r

    (b) (m. 24-47)

    Vr v, v) y+ rl u -Ere-.-¿*fi; _+/--_{___F= s 6t

    (c) (m. 4B-58) Adag(g)Ío

    t? vL

    - vi w

    Bc 1 1096. (d) (m. 59-79) presro +.J J V, Vz

    V] ------l-_ Í V+ år,

    Vrte Bo 6+ 1 tdll

    392 LA CREMONA: Sonara (Opus gÆO) ¡Vlv2v3vavne Bc)

    (a) (n. t-53)

    ta Vr V/T

    (V^< , .+ Vre Bc

    (b) (m. 54-68) Adag(g)Ío

    J-.-l_l V -+ vL


    v& ':- -_---t r' L U r v

    V*( B<- .6F, J f 1097.

    (c) (m. 69-87)

    .1 dt-ffl vt v¡- -l - -t---.J- -L--

    V} ,IJ w


    (d) _.(rn, 88-93) Adag(g) 1o I

    V V¡,

    v, Vç

    V..< $c 6

    (e) (m. 94-111)

    tl _J-J - v' -+ Jf TB 1098.

    393 LA FLIGAZZA: Sonata (Opus 8/11) (vrvzAv Tv vb Bc)

    (a) (rn. 1-32)


    (b) (m. 33-43) Adag(g)io

    Pnesfo -J t vr >1 v¿ d

    Trr AV TV ¡ 6 ì

    VA Be * 6't6 Ë

    (c) (m. 44-82) Ad(agio) Alteg- tt I . J V' - I

    ltl Av TV b

    Bc 3e u(nf' VI bc

    (d) (m. 83-101) J Vv

    LIJ J I AV -¿ TV r-

    Vr I B. )b a 1099. (Opus (vrv2Av Tv \rb Bc) 394 LA MARINONA: Sonata SILZ)

    (a) (m. L-29)


    (b) (m. 30-39) Adag(g)io

    J Vr V¿

    Av fv

    vb B¿

    (c) (m.40-68)

    ì¡ yL

    J .- --J-J- Av \/

    V' 3 Bc (d) (m. 69-89) 1100.


    vt ^ v>

    _f Av ?-- TV

    Vb þc- 6s+326

    395 LA BUSCIIA: Sonata (Opus B/L3) (corlcor2vrv2vr,e IFagJ nc¡

    (a) (n. 1-29)


    (b) (m. 30-34) Adae(e)io

    I j J J- col + I

    __l_+J ) ) J r¿_ v' v' 1-

    ( ) Vne J Bc 16 11 + 1101. (c) (rn. 35-67)



    (d) (m. 6B-71)

    J J ^J¿ C-d'

    vr vù

    Vr< b

    (e) (m. 72-93) Altegro

    tort t CtxL -t -_r-

    V.t Bc ITO2. LA BASADONA: 396 Sonara (Opus glL4) lVrV2et TV r,¡b Bc)

    (") (m. t-30)

    t V Av T

    (b) (m. 3I-s7)

    J v, vè ¿- t -Ê-

    -e. -é- Å. _=_ J vb --a/ _ Bc b E

    (c) (m. 58-63)

    V' -¿- yz

    vÞ Þ -st

    (d) (m. 64-83)


    V1 1103. 397 LA GALTNT (opus 8/íÐ (v vla [Fae] \b Bc)

    (a) (rn. 1-34)

    V I

    I I B. f (b) (m. 35-44) Adagio


    (vS t\ + a Vt l- (/ - B( 66

    (c) (m. 45-66) Presto

    4/tttllrH V d


    (d) (m.67-74)

    V rJ

    I I + I ¿.1I Vr Þc 6

    (e) (m. 75-106) (last 4 in C)

    l- V

    B. r' "( 1104. LA 398 CRISpA: Sonara (Opus g/.L6) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    (a) (¡n. 1-58)


    Bc -ë-- t A

    (b) (rn. 59-77) Allegro




    (c) (u¡. 78-88)

    I v _É;---€¡- vÊd

    oê Vr.q tr=----+- Bc I 6 (r S 6 I 6 6 6

    (d) (m. 89-110) Adagio

    r T B- Vnt -.1 TT-Y -tt t Bc t G r¿ 1105.

    Sonatas frorn Opus I (383-398) collection: Sonate a due, tre, cinque e sei istromentl...opus I

    Sources used: Clefs: As for Opus 2 and Opus 4, plus Víola da brazzo (Fq),

    alto víola (C3) , viola (C'') , . cornetti (G2) TimeSignatures: CB i å cB C, Tonalíty: 384 C Gle e/a C a/C

    386 C alc a c

    385 D G D/A D/G D

    392 D beA!,'lD

    389 d Fdd

    391 G ee clb GG

    388 g Bb/d Bb s

    390 E sble glc c/¡u BbIE

    387 a C Cle cla

    383 Bb g s Bb slBb Literature: Bonta: pp.219-330

    Newman: PP.128-133

    Selfritlge-Eield: PP.165-166

    Observatíons: (1) Cornetti occur only in 395 ' 1106. 3gg SoNATA PRIMA (Opus lul) (vrv2sc)

    (a) (m. L-32)

    V' -.1-.-I--l-'l_-.-.r---ã---|----|-V ?&a\r 7 f I vr J l/

    ô. t 7 a B" 6 el + e# 6 +3 I

    (b) (m. 33-39) Adagio

    t vr


    (c) (m. 39-57) bL ¿- V, yr <)

    & ^.r^ h (b) 4 3 q I

    (d) (m.58-76) presro vD \J

    ù- I 6b s6 6

    (e) (m. 77-82) Adagio é V Vr

    _l ß. o 1107.

    (f) (m. 83-100) (last 3 ln C) Allegro vt vL


    400 SONATA sEcoNDA (Opus LLl2)lvtv2sc)

    (a) (m. 1-31)

    V, \, L.-- F

    Bc * L

    (b) (m. 32-s3)

    vr V¿ J r

    I bc I 3+ 7 34-fr

    (c) (m. 54-63) Adagío

    vr )---t- v1 ¡t¡ I

    c .-|¿--_-_1- B qs 6 ç I 110 B.

    (d) (m. 64-78) Allegro

    ¡ - /ñ-tl 7 V' -ìy--- *i--

    Bc # (e) (rn. i9-111) Adagio

    (v, vL

    B. 16 q 7

    SONATA rERzA (opus IL/3) (vtV2sc)

    (a) (n. t-57) Adagío

    v -_---_ vL

    O*^ l- I 4 þc L I

    (b) (rn.5B-73)

    I yl -J I jü Y

    B. a (t (c) (m. 7A-82) Âdagio 1109.

    \tt yr J | , --w- r,_tr

    & 6

    (d) (¡n. S3-99)

    !r- l¡ r l I--- I I I I I J F

    b- só

    (e) (n. 100-117) v vr

    bc L , l(.)

    402 SONATA QUARTA (Opus LL/ 4) (v vla/Fag Bc)

    (a) (m. t-4r)

    a V

    À --f: J 6&6 + 76 1110. (b) (n. 42-73) Adagio

    V Ã+-a

    t, J ¿_ VT BL 6 1? 1 q3

    (c) (m. 73-96) Prestissimo

    ------f-- I V J qL ti r-+ I ) Vtc ._-l ß. 6rr 6 i 6

    (d) (n.97-107)


    w Bc

    (e) (rn. 108-137) (last 3 in C)

    I J \ -l vb Bc LT 1111.

    403 SoNATA QUTNTA (opus tI/5) (v Vb Bc)

    (a) (n. 1-78)




    4 3 t b

    (ul (m. 7e-BB)


    t. I VA 9-

    (c) (m. 89-109) t- 1 ? ilil' Yt l7öffi--- i€ v I d

    Bc b

    (d) (m. 109-113)

    i ì V

    I t v¡^l i VÁ a B.

    I (e ) (m. 114-132) ¡ltlegro

    --- r- - r"- --.f -f-- ¿ L:J L_J ..r i'

    I I I I F I Vs in-; e. rÌ-:l- TII2. 404 soNATA sESTA (opus LL/6) (vrvu Bc)

    (a) (m. t-37) Adagío ! v +' ã+¡ Vla þc þÉ'

    (b) (m. 38-80) Allegro

    v (,


    (c) (ur. 8L-92) presro

    ,'t# rl V


    b. z--a-?-T- g g s6

    i. i i (d) (m. e3-t0B)

    i 't I V I t t ll I I

    I. ù a (v, r c a) *Þ,- _ I I ,t -¿=,-J\-A----+ i Bc

    4 lr t J J 1113. (e) (m. 109-118) Attegro

    ta V

    ,l d I F r1 r ? vr AtÈ -f f-' t Bc

    405 SoNATA PRrMA (Opus II/7) (vtv2sc)

    (a) (m. I-36)


    (b) (m. 37-42) Adagio e con afferto

    .t iu ï Vr vL ..Fc-

    g" s ( þI I

    (c) (m. 43-67)

    ì i i

    I V t i i, t' VT "N ï Bc I

    -{ i t' 1114.

    (d) (m. 68-83) Adagto 'Prctø J

    vL ) \, ? vt Br' 6 6 (

    (e) (m. B4-u4)

    ¿. d ¿.+ -ø \/t v, õ #€.? I V[ I Bc 7

    406 soNATA sEcoNDA (opus 11/8) (vrv2vb Bc)


    (a) (m. 1-30)

    ¿ vr vr J r I

    J l- --! f-l I I -¡. I YÂ Be l I


    (b) (m. 3r-57) Adagio i I

    r'. ( I, # vt I t I I t v2

    I It VT ôc -4 t I 1115. (c) (m. 5B-80) Presto (Allegro)

    Vt vL ð lr ¡ rI ôL 1-t xl ++ ? Vr $c 6 I

    (d) (m. 81-84) Adagio

    ll I n¿ t Vl ,,- =A--s I vr Jl --l a V¡ Br- q6 L 5

    (e) (n. 85-103) Allegro

    vt vL

    VÀ B- 7(

    (f) (m. 104-109) Prestissimo

    v' ffi f -I ? v, -r r I ¡

    VÀ þc 6 1116. 407 SoNATA TERZA (Opus LL/g) (vtv2vb gc)

    (a) (m. 1-32)

    vt vr

    Vó B. t6

    (b) (m.33-40) Presro

    vr vr

    V} B¿ þ3

    (c) (m. 4t-52)


    vb Bc q +

    (d) (m.53-73) presro

    .-.-l- vr v.} 1117,

    (e) (m. 74-87) Adagio

    -V, IJ -TI t I ttr


    ( f) (m. BB-95)

    !- L tJ- ffi

    VL _ð

    Bc *E- ¿ y.-

    (e) (n. e6-106)

    vr VL T-\ lÉt , (*'


    (vtv2vb Bc) 408 soNATA QuARTA (opus u/10)

    (a) (m.1-30)


    vr t+ vL

    Vlq \d $c- h-- -7 rlb qs 1118. (b) (m.31-34) Adagio

    J J .L b Vl lv <.- Vv

    vb B. ó56 6

    (c) (rn. 35-65) Atlegro L.J {J/r I r ¡ t I vtt¡l vr aF)L-- -. rTTTI VU Bc

    (d) (m. 66-80) Presto

    Vr vL

    V¡ 8"

    (e) (m. 81-8S) Adagio

    vr yL

    Vu Bc L s 1119, 409 SONATA QUIIITA (Opus 11/11) (vrv2vb Bc)

    (a) (m. 1-32) vr

    (b) (m. 33-50) Adagio

    -t vl á tô \ \ r I t I \, ¿< I lÂL VÞ Bc + jt

    (c)' (m. 5L=67) Adagio

    \¡t ,.vL ot t ( { J¿ I I Vlq ,IL Bc

    ?*¿ro -+--


    (d) (¡n.68-76) Adagio (assai) r ¿ ) Ã, A-- !r rñ .-/ I ---all-=l-- !¡/ ! r --Ì- VL J a ¡. o -*+' 'l' - Vu & 6 r fr 1120. (e) (m. 76-105) Presto

    !t v1 .-.--_,r_--.__---7-


    410 SoNATA SESTA (Opus LI/L2) (vrv2rb Bc)

    (a) (¡n. 1-63) Adagio

    I o I v¿ -r

    þ" I I z

    (b) (m. 64-78) Adagio Atteg- J vr VL

    VI Bc .'ó 6c't L6

    (c) (m. 79-108) Adagio

    Vr ¿--_e a> r> t> ) .--:__=----Þ- I I I I Y yr I

    Vr t------.!Z-,----!- a__Þ- B. I q8 1 5J (d) (m. t09-127) Adagio rr2l.

    I V' V L

    411 SoNATA pRrMA (opus LIII3) (vrvzv3 vqsc)

    (a) (r¡. f-34) AJ-legro

    vr v!

    Bc 6 *

    (b) (n. 35-88) Adagio

    Vr vL

    V' v¡l' t) r r +> ê- I B(

    (c) (rn. 89-99) Allegro e presto

    v) v+ J \---f T

    Bc IL22. (d) (m. 99,-104) L J¿^JJ J.J V vl

    t I

    vr _t- w . t, J t I:I I I r tT r

    Bc f 6 Å 6 'r

    (e) (m. 105-129) Allegro


    B.- 6ç

    4LZ SoNATA SECONDA (Opus LL/Lî) (vrv2Av TV vb Bc)

    (a) (¡n. 1-38)

    ? Vz F È ,- I a ar----f------.- \l WJ - --F ln"

    (b) (m. 39-61) Allegro (presto)

    VI J ll

    I Bc L723. (c) (n. 62-70) Adagio

    r v? VÌ


    TV B. q8

    (d) (m. 7r-93) ?resto vr Au

    (vrv2AV tb Bc) 4L3 SONAÎA TERZA (opus 1u15)

    (a) (n- r-27)


    Vb \ Bc II24. (b) (m.28-36)

    Aileg- (þ,-n) ¡ vr yI J I t, Vla I L' fr t¿ ¿ AV ). J t.Ì -a- - lvu (.' + ¿ 7 b 18

    (c) (m. 37-sB) -L V1

    Av (vu tB' 'rG

    (d) (n. 59-76)

    vt vL ? bT

    (e) (¡n. 77-L23)

    (vt r vr J-+ Vla #

    (f) (m. I24-L28)

    vt vL \) I l- l- LL J J Av (v¡ (- \_ I .Í;- {a. - LL25. 4L4 SoNATA QUARTA (Opus LL/L6) (v'v2AV TV \rb Bc)

    (a) (m. 1-35) vr fr

    (b) (ru. 36-40) Adagio

    aJ 1/r r-_ I I I I 4{ èI a J l:- fV --?-= V[ (¿L(r ttf

    (c) (n. 4t-45) presro

    vr vL

    AV ---!-__- (Y.T

    (d) (m. 45-71) + V, V

    lt I lr 1' t I 1- +- J t- t -''l- + I I + \^ Bc 6ç 6 LL26. (e) (m. 72-ss)

    Pr-e¡Ët s , ,-o t_ vt --.rf.--... y)

    (xt/, ì I È. l L _l) ô < l- -.t- V¡ == VT i_

    B¿ B

    (f) (m. 96-108) Adagio alle,)- e l,+t fø 'i--:-l-:-i-Fl-F y'r V>

    lr je= -q Y.L Jlj J vt Bc 65t 6Jv-

    415 sol{ATA QUTNTA (Opus LLILT) (Vgr ltg'VgtvguB") O come piace - fn Gninor or E nLnor)

    (a) (rn. 1-28)

    v3 v3 1

    vlr ? ( TI27.

    (b) (m. 29-44) Adagio

    -__t- Vg' .è-- Vg' t¡iJ-* r

    F] J+ L+L + Val IVg' 4- [8" 6

    (c) (m.45-78) presro (atlegro)

    vt' -J vt, -+_--+- +- þ¿Jl


    (d) (rn. 79-100) Presto

    Vî' vJt T

    (e) (m. 100-110) Adagío

    Vå' vgt


    bc + 6

    (f) (m. 111-163) presro

    vD' J V¡" (J)+ TLz8 4L6 soNATA sESTA (opus 1U18) (vgrvgzvg3vguB" o come place)

    (a) (m. 1-28) Adagio assai JJ w -d vi f-

    I I ¿ L JJ ls3 t5_ = vå --|'{ Bc 2+ q 8 1lt q 6b s' 1te l

    (b) (m. 2e-7l-)

    V3' V3, I 4* i€L

    6q8 lù q* .ç+ ct t'3 8 +Fl

    (c) (m. 72-84: 85-94) Adagio

    Alteg," /¡ --))- ¡ q' \t' J- -, tJ- I I .L

    c 6-s t E I 6 ó

    (d) (m. 95-103) Adagio

    J 1- vj

    I ì a .-- I t 4 .a- A- + o Bc ( ç 4 3?5-6 ( LL29.

    Sonatas from Opus 10 (= 11) 399-4L6

    Collection: La Cetra. ... Opus lC (=11)

    Source used: Clefs: ¡\s before plus viol-a da garnba

    Time Slgnatures: v28^36 8cå,? cB o? Tonality: First Set 403 c Eb/F c slr Flc 4O4DbDD/bA/D

    399 d Bb/F d Fld d 492 e nb/r d'ls 400aCG/ea 401 bDlGeAb

    Second Set 405CacGelc 408 c Eb Eblg Eb/c 4OgDbGlDLlD 4OTAfxDleAeA 410aCCa 406BbgdBb

    Third Set 4I4caleaaeleGElc 413 d rlc a rld d 4L2 e Cla F/c a/e 4l.6 e e D/e 415 s Bb F/e s d/Bb Bb/c Líteratúre: Bonta: pp.219-33C Ne¡¡man: pp.128-133

    Selfridge-Field: PP.166-168 1130.

    Observations: (1) The Tavola of congents is reproduced in Sartori B' (p.s05).

    (2) Because of Èhe omission of opus 11 in Legrenzi's

    printed \^torks (since bot]n AccLunationí diuoti and

    .La Cetra appeared Ín print as opus 10) RISII describes La Cet?a (L.L625) as Opus 10 (=11¡ ' This cerÈaínly

    seems logical in view of the later date of publícation.

    However, Ehe Belgian copy of AccLønationi diuoti lnas the opus number altered to topera xi'' (3)LaCetracontainsnodedicatoryepistleorother informative material, nor any conment on Legrenzirs

    status at this Period-

    (4) The Èwo sonatas for viole da gamba (4L5, 4L6) are unique. The clefs are so arranged that 415 may be played ín g or e. They nay have been composed for studenEs of the Mendicanti.

    (5) The arrangement in sets of six rePresents a ne\^/ departure in principles of publíshing'

    Modern editions: Seay, A.(ed.): Sonate da chiese (Op'4-0p'8) ' Le Pupitre, Vo1.4. (Heugel, Paris, n.d.) 11304.

    n 4L7 Subject from J.S.Bachrs Fuga in c (Ilber eÍn Ïhena von Legrenzi)

    Byl{ 754

    :ï__- -{- --

    4L7: Fugue on a thepe of Legrenzl by J.S. Bach.

    The problem remains.unsolved. The canzona-style the¡ne has not

    been located'in any of the exlsting sources. ' The attribution may

    even be incorrect. It is more l1kely to be found altrong sources in

    North Germany than anywher,e else. SECTION V : INSTRTJMENTAI MUSIC



    450 LA CALCAGNI = Sonara da Camera (Opus 4/7) (vrvzvne Bc)



    Vr.¿ Bc 6

    45L LA BIFFI : Sonata da Camera (Opus 4/B) (Vrv2vc Vne Bc)

    Ì J-J Vt $ v' I

    Vne &

    i. (Opus 4/g) (VÌV2Vne Bc) i 452 LA TERZI: Sonata da Camera i

    V, 4 t 66 i ¡ Ba.¡ il :it'frd: [' vÌ ïI (r I

    { i t' tr32.

    453 LA STROZZTz Sonata da Camera (opus 4lLO) (Vrv2vne Bc)



    454 LA FORNI: Sonata da Camera (Opus 4/IL) (VlV2Vne Bc)

    A dagio vr v¡. J I

    -ê-. Vr.C ffi þc- 6 j 7 ,6 öt u6l E,q Þ

    455 tA TOGNINI: Sonata da Camera (OPus 4lLZ) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    Vl 1n I ¡ J vr-

    ñ a a - w, Bc. -)

    ì. i 456 CORRENTE PRIMA (Opus 4lL3) (VrV2Vne Bc) i

    I f v' ¡. yz t' I lr I { U r r'+T fì .t

    ,t I { Vr.t b. # t 4 ó,ì I,I I i t' 1133.

    Sonate da camera from us4 4so-455

    Collect.ion: Sonate de chlesa, da camera' correnti &c.... Opus 4

    Source used: Clefs: Standârd

    Time Signatures: C I ci C,l

    Tonality: ddCGcG 0bservations: (1) The term rsonaÈa da camerar applies to these single

    movements, some of which have a dance character. It does.not inply a suiÈe. Ilowever, Ehe to.r.t.lra" Í/ere no doubt introductory.


    {l LL34,

    457 CORRENTE SECONDA (opus 4/L4) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    \¡r ILI #ft v, vl J , rI , I +- + V¡r¿ Bc \=/ f

    458 coRRENTE TERZA (opus 4/L5) (vrv2vne Bc)

    + vr W ¡ v I I t

    ?*+ .t- I V¡C lþ¿-_c-)- bc 6li

    45g coRRENTE QUARTA (opus 4ll:6) (vlv'vtt. Bc)

    .vt vt \ rt J T ï

    Vnc Bg 4 -l

    460 coRRnNTE QUTNTA (opus 4/L7) (vrvtvtt" Bc)

    l,r/t t v¡ v ¡ I I J ll_J I r L

    V"¿ g. 1135. 46L CORRENTE SESTA (Opus 4/Lg) (VIV2Vne Bc)

    vf V t rll J ll/ I I

    V..C B- 1

    Bc) 462 BALLETO PRrMO (Opus 4/Lg¡ (vrv2vne

    v, V!

    V¡¿ Bc.

    463 BALLETTO SECONDO (Opus a/20) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    Vt VL

    Vne þr-

    464 BALLETTo TERZO (opus al2L) (vrv2vne Bc)

    V' J L L"I t t

    o Vne S" 1136. (vrv2vne Bc) 465 BALLETTo QUARTo (opus 4122) -If- vr VL

    V. $c

    Bc) 466 BALLETTo QuTNTO (opus a/n) (vlv2vne

    Itlr VL

    V¡e Br- b Ls

    467 BALLETTO SESTO (opus 4124) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    v, v¡.

    Vn B 6

    468 sARABANDA PRrMA (opus 4/39) (vtv'vtte Bc)

    vt v> o

    V¡e Bc 6 È LL37.

    469 LA POZZI: ALLEMANDA PRIMA (Opus 4/40) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    v, --+ V

    Vn¿ Bc

    470 SARABANDA SECONDA (opus 4/27) (VIV2Vne Bc)

    + Vr vv .J ¡ t

    +-ta V¡C B.

    47L LA SANFIOR: ALLEI"IANDA SECONDA (Opus 4/28) (V V Vne Bc)

    vr y!

    Vnc 8.-

    472 SARABANDA TERZA (Opus 4/29) (VrV2vne Bc)


    vL I .J t T

    V"¿ B. 1138.

    473 LA PILONI: ALLEMANDA TERZA (Opus 4/30) (VrV2Vne Bc)

    V' vr J

    o+ - V"¿ B<- 6#6 + I

    Dances from Opus 4 456-47 3

    collection: Sonate da chiesa, da camera, corretí &c... opus 4

    Source used: Clefs: Standard Time Signatures: Correnti: 3; Balletti: C: Sarabande: i

    Allernande: C. Tonality: Correnti: d C D A G c; Balletti: Bb G C a f A: Sraba Sarabande & Allemanda pairs: D C a

    Observations: (1) The dances do not appear to relate satisfacËorily to the sonate da camera in terrns of key' (2) Selfridge-Field commerits on the sirnílarity to Marinirs

    Opus 22. 1139. 474 BALLETTO PRrMo (opus L6lL) (vtv' Av rv vbBc) 'rJ V' v!

    J AV Tr/

    \lb Bc

    (Vrv2AV TV vb Bc) 475 CORRENTE PRrMA (Opus L6l2)

    VI vt 1T ô /_

    AV Tv -r!- --4--r-

    Vl Y--zö-. 8c- 1140. 476 BALLETTo sECoNDO (opus L6/3) (vrv2rv rv vb Bc)

    V. ')-

    ¿- fiv TV a-


    477 CORRENTE SECONDA (Opus L6/4) (v,v2Av TV Vb Bc) vr


    478 BALLETTo rERZo (opus L6/5) (vtv2Av rv vb Bc) ?*¿1,


    Av TV

    Vr.t Vb Bc 1141.

    479 coRRENTE TERZA (opus L6/6) (vtv2Av rv vb Bc) vr vL .__--<

    v[ Bc

    480 BALLETTO QUARTO (Opus L6/7) (VÌV2AV TV Vb.Bc)

    t-¿ l¡t -1 vL

    Av 1l+--.r-a- Tv _L -F---;= r/, t____ --- Bc 6 + F 6

    481 CoRRENTE QUARTA (opus 16/8) (vrv2Av rv vb Bc)


    VL ----! ---

    Av TV


    Vb Bu b LL42.

    (vtvtAv rv vb Bc) 4g2 BALLETTO QUTNTO (Opus L6/g) _a +,f '11-'-- ¡ \r T- a- I gL t L J J ) flv ÎV v! , -- ßc

    483 CORRENTE QUINTA (gpus 16/10) (VrV2AV TV \16 Bc) }) L vr ffi vù J-rr , IY Av 'rv

    Þ VI Bc =Jr:F--:

    484 BALLETTO SESTO (Opus L6/LL) (vrv2Av TV Vb Bc) J vr V!

    A l=i TV

    Vt B" eS 1143. (vtv2RV TV vb Bc) 4g5 CORRENTE SESTA (Opus!6 lLz), v| vt

    Av 1v _:r-::+J-.-l-

    vr B¿

    (VrV2av rv vb Bc) 4g6 BALLETTO SETTTMO (OPusL6lL3) yL

    487 CORRENTE SETTIMA (Opus L6/L4) (vrv2¿,v Tv \rb Bc)

    V vL L


    & o V¡ q: Bc TI44. 48S BALLETTO oTTAVo (oPus 16/L5) (vrv2¡.v rv vb Bc)

    l î1

    \¡/r vù \¿-

    ------L -. --- AV

    Bc) 489 CORRENTE 9TTAVA (opus 1.6/L6) (vtv2Av TV Vb


    4v lv w f 8c

    490 BALLETTO NoNo (Opus L6/L7) (vrvzAv TV Vb Bc)

    vr -n -t V} r

    Av -n

    TV llL I vt Bc LL45.

    4gL CORRENTE NONA (opus 16/13) (vrv2Av TV vb Bc)

    Vl vù

    t- l, Av fú

    VT Bt (>

    APPENDIX A: Index of operatíc arias by Legrenzi


    Ze¡ Zenobiae Radirnisto (342) Tir Tíridate (343)

    EI Bteocle e Polinice (344)

    Div La Divisione del l"londo (345)

    Ger Germanico sul Reno (347)

    Tot Totila (348)

    Cre Creso (349)

    Ant Antioco il- Grande (350)

    Pau Pausania (35f) Lis Lísimaco riamato d' Alessandro (352)

    Gíu Giustino IDu I due Cesare

    A(b)battaglia, Guerrierí Et L.20a Accendetimi Pur il Petto Er 1.1b A che sciogliermi le catene Ant 18 Ad altro Amante o Cara Lís 8

    Ad amar non dò Più fede Ger 3.17c Ad amplessi e baci Pau 9

    Ad homini ingrati Giu 3.7e A Dio cara Cre 5 A dispetto della sorte þrLE 27 A Donzelle che son belle IDu 4 Adorati Ger 1.13b Agl'assalti di bellona Et 1.19a Ahi, che doglio d'Amor C,er 2.2Lar

    Al geloso Amor Giu 3.2a1 LL49

    A le frodi Ger 2.18c

    Algate a le donne Zer. 3.L3a Al giro di questa sPada Giu 1.2b

    A11r arni Zen L.La Tir 1.1

    Allrarmi, sù Giu 2.16b AII I assalta þrl.t 25

    ÃLlegrezza Et 2.L4a A1le scosse di fortuna Ger 1.15a

    Alma mia Er. 1.5c Ant 19 ^Alma non Paventar

    Alma se non Puoi Pene Pau 38

    A1 Marte di Rorna Ger 1.10c

    A1 mio bracchio Gíu Pro. c Al nio Core chi dtAmore Dív 2.I2b Al mio merto Ger 1.10a

    A1 suon delle Trombe EE 2.LAI

    Ama che sol non ama Pau 50

    Amar io non vorrei ArLt 24

    A rne trt calcio Gíu 3.7a

    Amor che :cosa sia Pau 24

    Amor che non Può Er 2.10b

    Amor con la tua face Lis 18c Pau 36b

    Amor consigliami Giu 2.3a

    Amor fà quanto saí Dí-v 2.20b

    Amor m'abruggía il seno Pau 8

    Amore hai vinto Ze¡ L.7 c

    Amore in core Ger 3.2b

    Anco estinto Er 3. Bb

    Anco in onta dtun emPio l"lonarco Er 3.llb 1150

    A piangere in eÈerno Div l.22ar Apre omai le tue voragini Tot 3.17b A pugnar gradita Pau 53 A quest'occhi non e bella IDu 16 Ardire o constanza Lis 15 Ardite pensieri Ger 2.La

    Argo e senpre in Amor Et 3.6a3 Arida si canti Giu 1.16a

    Armatevi Dív 2.9a

    Armati in seno o Cor Cre 4 Arpie de lrErebo Tot 1.11b Assistemi, defendimi IDu I Astri avversi Tot 2.la Astri voi chrin ciel dornite Zen 2.L2a

    Atterato al fin cade Tot 3.15b Aure dolci Gíu 2.LZa Aurette vaganti Ant 14b Baciami, bella bocca Giu 1.15b Barbara perfida Ger 3.5b Bella col dir Dív 2.14b

    Bella mia tu vai fra 1r armi Ant 16

    Bella, moro Perte Giu 3.9b Bella non piangere Div 1.3b Bel1e spiaggie Div 3.2a Beltà, ch'a 1o splendore imagine Giu 1.6c Beltà circa vezzosa Giu 2.1d

    Benche benda I'Amor Er 3.6b

    Benche rubelle Ger 3.7b

    Ben chtin fido ancor vtadoro Cre L2

    Bramo tregua al mio duol Div 2.llar 1151

    Caccia addio nel più Per me Giu 1.14b

    Cadera Giu 2.13c

    Campana a martello Zen 1.18d

    Cara ntia sPema (a 2) Tot 2.2c

    Care soglie Pau 47 Carí Alberghione quest'Alma Pas 46 Caro ardor dellrAnima mia Pau 46

    Caro bene Et 3.15a

    Caro figli Div 1.llb

    Cerco pace in mezzo ltarmi Gíu 1.5b

    Cessate Et 2.7 a Cessate, o Pensieri Et I.24d Cessatí contenti Div 3.18a8

    Che non fan due duci candide Tot 3.7a

    Che non teme Tot 1.2a3

    Che più braní amante Div 3.14b ü lli Div 1.9b ,l Che servite, chradorate Che stíl cor horrendi ín calma Er 15b

    Che sol con duol eterno Tot 1.9b Chi brana della Sorte IDu 10 Chi coraggío non ha Giu 1.6b Chi la calma non vuol Div 3.5ar

    drAmar Ger 2.L7b i. Chi lt avezza i i Chril dolce vuol goder Gj-u 3.24a 2. lOb ,t Chi nel cíelo confida Giu t T Div 1.7b rì Chí non ama

    ì. non prova Et 3.18a t. Chi ï I Chi non sà che sia goire Div l.Bb ( Chi non sà cosa e ltamar Ger 2.22b { Ch'io lascia di goder Div 1.10c

    I, Pau 54 I Chi s'innamora un di IT52

    Ciechi abissi Div 3.10a

    Cieco Amor Div 3.12a Cieco ogntora Amante cor Er 3.10b Cieli guidetemi Zen 3.6c Tir 3.6

    Cielo non bramà la tua pietà Zen 1.8a Cinto il crin di Rose e fiori Cre 3

    Come vago da ltarco Tot 1.19a

    Concedete Tot 1.19a2

    Con cent'occhí Argo stellato Tot 2. llb

    Con la donna chi la vuol Zen 2.t9ð,

    Con le donne Zerr 3.13c

    Con quel vezzo Pau 7

    Con queste donne rigide Giu 2.3c Consolati, o cor Ger 3.Lzb d i{ü Con sonora Giu 3.25a ù Coronata da verde Allori Tot r.22br Corri, vola (a 2) GÍu 1.9b Cosi crudele Tot 2.6d Cosi vaga e la beltà ciu 3.10/11f Cosi vago e quel sembiante Giu 1.13b

    Costanza Ger l. 7b : I ¡ Credei al dío bendato Ger 3. 3b I Credere io più non voglio Pau I t r ì Credere più non voglío Pau 20 ! I. Credi pur, che non instabile Div 2.8b *- ï Cruda parca Zer. 3.7b ¡t ( Tír 3.7 Cruda sorte Er 2.13aI 4 Crudel mostro Tot 3.6b l' I 1153

    Crudeltà, cara adorabile Div 1.12c Crudí lumi disPietati Div 1. l5b Crudi pensieri Dí-v 2.6f

    Cupido dal tuo sguardo Pau 43

    Cupido dammi 1'r ali Pau 2L

    Cupido pietà Div 3.11b Cupido un soave pruríÈo Pau 39 Dal esilio al pianto' o bella IDu 20 Dalla regia i traditore Gex 2.6c

    Dallo strale del Nume de cori Pau 42

    Da lrorror del fosco crine IDu 12

    Damrni pace Et 2.I7b

    Da regni drEcate Ger 2.22b Decreto crudel Div 1.9a

    Deh fermate Div 1.4b

    I Deh pietà Tot 2.9c

    Deh placati omai Er 2.13b

    Deh rispondi ldolo mio Pau 31

    Deh toglí mí di vita Et 3.25a1

    Deh vieni, o martoro Zen 3.4b

    Del mio Amor crinfante nasce Tot 1.12b7 D'empio fasto dellraura vana Tot 3.23b

    De tuo i pianti Er 3.15b

    I Dice al cor un non so che Pau 27

    ,t I 4 Di giungere a temPrar Cxe 2

    { I'amato bene Pau 22 r.t Di goder I Di letitie di contenti Cre 16b Di Marte a I'ardire Zen 1.lle --r( EE 2.16b I Dimmi Amor (a 2) i 1154

    Di¡nrni, o bella Zen 3.L2f. Tir 3.15

    Dirnmi quando Br 1.12b Di pensieri non sinceri IDu 13 Disperarsi EE 3.14c Di tre capi il Gerione Tot T2. a Di vendetta sdegno armato Er 1.4b Dtogni mal cagiontè Amore Div 2.9f

    Dolce amor Er l.9b Dolce cor F,r 3.2Lb Dolce fa La doglia amara Ger 3.9bt Dolce figlio Tot l.lb Dolce fronde Ger l. Bb Dolce incanto (a 2) Zer. 2;LLd TLr 2.9

    Dolce pace Er 1.5a

    Dolce Padre Tot 2.5b Dolce raggio di sPeme gradita Et 2.5e

    Dolce sonno Pau 51

    Dolce speme Et 3.18e Dolce sposo adorato (a2) Er 3.26c

    DoLcezza dtAmore (^') Et 3.26e

    Donna altera Ze¡ 2.5a Tír 25

    Dovè pieta governa Giu Pro. n Dove siete PuPille adorate IDu 7 Pro g Dove un Pretende Giu

    Duo fieríssimi tiranni Er 1. l8b Duri sassí Zer. L.8(c)

    Ecco rn-i Pronta Amor Div 1.23c E dolce il tormento (u') Div 3.4c E dolce la sPeranza Ant 8 1155

    E follía Tot 2.LZb E follia ltinnamorarsi Div 2.16b E fuggito da g'occhí mieí Giu 3.7c E la guerra un gioco sËrario Et L.23a

    E mia destra in Amor Zen 1.llc

    E l{iracolo drAmore Cre 13 E possibile, mio core Div 2.11b E quando cessate Div 1.14a E quante ne fà Giu 1.6d E quanto sai non trameri Et 2.22c

    E rese gioconde Et 3.26f

    Estinguo 1r ira Tot 3.10b Eterne sian ltore Zen Rg

    Eufemia anato Giu 3.16b

    E un foco Amore GLu 2.2b

    Fà ch'un di mi lascÍ Pau 56

    Fa quando vuoi Ant 7 Fato serto a questo crine Pau 58

    Ferma il pte Gíu 1.14d Festeggía, mío core Er 2.8f

    Festeggiare Giu. Pro. P

    Fiarmne altere Ze¡ L.2c Tir L.2

    Finche troffre il crin Et 2.L2b Fieri laccí Et 3.la Fiero voragine Zen I.6ð. Tir 1.6

    Folle eben, amante cor Er 2.15b Fonti amichi Er 2.15a

    Forse un di mi Pregarete Dív 2.5b Fortuna arridemi Ger 3.15a 115 6

    Fortuna et Anore Gíu 3.12d

    ForEuna rn-ia crudele Pau 41

    Fortuno no ToÈ 1.9b Fortunati Cre 18a

    Fra le speme ed il timore Pau 37

    Frà trombe Et 1.llc

    Freddi marmi Et 2.6a

    Fresche aurette Et 2.23a

    Fuggiami Er 2. 8d Fuggi mi per crudele Tot 2.13b

    Fuggimí pur spietato Ant 15

    Fugo dal1e Catene Giu 3.12f Gelosía dove mi Porti? IDu 18

    Gelosia la vol con me Div 1.12a

    Gelosia ti sento a1 Core C,er 24b

    C'enerato frà densi turbiní Tot T1.b cià 1o so Ant 13 Già ministre di morte Tot 1.13a1

    Gíà sparita Tot 3.23f Giri il Cielo Zeu 1.16b Tír 1.15

    Giungerà pur lieto il dí Ant 3

    Godi pur godi Zen Rf

    Gradite pur gradite Zen Rd

    Gran doLcezza Zen 1.llb

    Gran dolore Zet L.lOa

    Gran fortuna Zen L.4b

    Gran tormento e gelosia Et 3. l8c Gratie ed amori scherzatemí Giu 3. Ba Grati orrori Zen 2.16a Tir 2.15 LTs7

    Ha il Piede fugace Zert 2.13b Tir 2.11

    Hi ben sa fingere Cre 1

    Ilo risoluto dr adoravi Ger 1. 3b

    Hor vedete Zert L.L2a

    Ho un cor cosi codardo Pau 57 I1 ciel da gl'alti culmini Zert 1.13b 11 Ciel mi tormenta Zen 2.I9a Tj-r 2.L6

    Il Ciel mi vuol morte Cre 7

    Il Diadem a ch'al crine? Gíu 1.1b

    I1 fulgor di stella arnica Pau 18

    I1 gioír vresulti in seno Div.2.3d

    I1 mondo festeggi ToE T5c I1 passo femate Ger 2.13b

    11 tíuror non ¡ni da Pace, Ger 3.10b If tuo gardo che semPre sereno Div 3.17c In A¡nor centre Píu Cori Lis 1 In Amor chi sa tacer Ger 3.19c

    In Amor son sfortunata Ger 2.13c In amor cí vol costanza Div 1.21b In Ciel non sorgano Dív 2.25b Ingannar le Giovinette Er 3.16b In saette di vendette Ant 20 In seno a1 rnartiro Zen 1.13c In un Mar di cordoglio Er 3.17ar Involesti Amor tiranno Ant 23 Io che censi il Crin Giu 3.1b Io mi rido Gíu 2.5b Io non son nato, o bella Gíu 1.16c

    Io non torno al soglio IDu 5

    Ite voj- falangi armate Tot 2.13d 115 8

    La bella mia nemica Pau 4

    Laberinto di tormentí Ant 6

    Non píù vivere il mio Core Ant 1

    Non posso píù soffrír IDU 2L

    Non saprei ben'che volessi IDu T9

    Non scherza Amor Ger L.2b

    Non si lasci in paee IDu 6

    Non si ritardi più Div 1. 9b l{on tanto rigore Div 1.10e

    Non ti credo, O Dio drAmor Div 3. 8b

    Non ti credo più Ger 2.2a

    Non trova rnai pace Zen 1.5c Tir 1.6

    Non vre peggio in amor Giu 2.3b

    Non vre pena maggior GÍu 3.24b No, partírai Giu L.2d Novi assalti a Zenobia Zert 2.LTb

    Nudo spettro Tot L.2Oa

    Numi, o voi Gl-u 2.V¿

    O cara libertà Zen 2.5c Tír 2.5

    Occhi belli se voi piangete Tot 3.20c Occhi miei si dormite Div 2.18a Occhi, si, si Ger 2.11b

    O costanza Tot 3.19a

    Ogni bella che vezzosa Div 3.16b

    O malcanta Gioventù Div 1.18b

    Ombra vano Gíu 3.19b

    Onde voi Div 3.4a

    O quanto Et 3.I2a 0 ristoro de mortali Gíu 1.7d

    Ornato dr allori Pau 17 1159

    O soave tormenÈi Ger 3.14b 2.18c O sonno bramaEe Er

    0 sorËe Et 2.20b

    O teco prigionera IDu 1l 0 vi lascio Ant. 9

    Pace mi basta Div 2.25at Pace, pace Div 3.6a Pargoletto, Dio bendato Er 2.3b Partite Div 1.10a Parto sì Pau 1 Parto si mia cara vita Lis 2 Parto, volo Er 1.2b Paventa questr alma Zet I.9e Tíx L.L2

    Pensiero Et 1.15a Pentíto forsrûi di Pau 14 Perchè fra le Procelle Glu 2.10f Perchrio sano mia doglia fiera Tot 2.4b Per deridere un cor amante Tot 2.5e Perdo, idolo mio Div 1.2b7 Perdono, Cor mio Div 2.13b 2.4b Per dove il Passo giri Giu

    Per goder in A¡nor Pau 52 Per le chiome ho la Fortuna Giu 2.10h Per sfogar il suo duol Lis 18b Per te, mía Diva (a 2) Ger 3.17b Piange, piange CuPido Div 1.9at Piangere e ridere Ger 2.20b Piangete, occhi Et L.Lla Piante, voi ch'in lido Ger L.4a Pietà, cieli Et 2.5a 1160

    Più nell huomo non e fede Zen 3. 3a Più non voglio innarnorarmi Pau 34 Più tiranne Div 3. 18d

    Potere sospirar IDU 3 Preservo mia víta labile Tot 2.L5b

    Prestarmi o bella dardi Lis 6 Pria che scaglí ire omicide Tot 2.L7b

    Priva lralma del suo bene Ant 2T

    Pugnando alterando Tot 2. Bb Puoí languire Giu 34b Puoí tentarmi Dív 1.14b Pupille serenatevi Div 3.13c Pur sei vaga leggiadra vezzosa Giu 2-I2c

    Quantre brutto Zen 3.10d Tir 3.15

    I Quant e folle Er 1.14b

    Quantte male Et 3.7c

    Quanto e male Et 2.22a

    Quanto in deggio stelle Giu 2.13a

    Quanto puo, nera pupilla Zen I.L4f Tir 1.14

    QuanÈo vano Tot 1. l4a

    Quanto varia e la fort.una EE 2.20b

    Quel bel labro Pau 6 Quella Dea Tot 3.1a

    Questa Core chre fatale Div 2.15c

    Questa si ch'è blzzaria Ant 10 Questi sono i marmi IDu I

    QuesËo Cor non e più mío Div 2. l6b Raccogliti EE 2. 8b 1161

    Rallegrati, o caro Ger l.4c Rasserenati Et I.22b Rendeste, o tíranni Div 3.17a

    Rendite calma Div 3.6b

    ResíaEo mio core (a 2) Et 2.Lgf

    Resta il core Tot 1.12d

    Restami o bella Pau 29

    Resto ín dubbío Dív 2.10a Rida a tue gloriae (a 2) Div 3.17bs Ridi, o sorte Zert L.L4a Tir 1.13 Riedi in liberta Et 2.7 c Ritorna 1a Fortuna Pau 16 Ruoti i1 Destino Tot 3.13b Sraccenda, sì Et I.7a Saette e folgori Er 3.13b

    SrAmor tí pr:nge il seno Ar.t 26 Sappia resistere Tot 1.14br Satia pur il tuo furore Br 1.21b Scherza e vide Giu 31c

    Se a questrAlma dolce calma Er 3.17b

    Se baciar felice amanEe Tot 1.10/lb

    Se baciar voi non saPete Tot 2.16c

    Se credi Tot 1.18b

    Se Cupído vuol cosi Pau 30

    Se di speme ío veggio un raggío Tot 2.18b

    Se di strali vra armato CuPido Gíu 2.L2e

    Se disse Ger 2.L9a

    Se giusto e Cupido Div 2. l9b Sei ben folle Cre 14

    Sei cipressi al mio crin Tot 3.23d LT62

    Sei si bella Giu 1.ld Sei vezzose gentil (a 2) Dj-v 2.4a3

    Se la bella ch'adoro Penando Giu 2. I4d

    Se 1'Aligero Dio Div 3 .LZb5

    Se morta tu mi vuoi Ant 28

    Sempre amica Er 1.6b

    Sempre muta Ger 3.lla

    Se non fosse Amor crudele Pau L2

    Se non miro Giu 2

    Se non torno GÍu 2.8b

    Senza Amor Pau 15

    Senza te ma ben Giu 1.3d

    Se più sarai gelosia Cre 15

    Serenatevi Tot 13.18a

    Sè sparito dal mio core Bt 3.20a

    Se tu saraí fedele Ant 12

    Sre vinto camPion Et 3.23a2

    Se vuol Amor cosi Div 1.5c Sfortunata quel cor Div 1.6c

    Sfortunato quel son Ger 2.L6b S'ho il pie frà catene Et 2.2b Sia pur crudo iniquo fato DLv 2.24b Si, consolami Gíu 3.14g Si dícessi che volessi Div 2.16c

    Si, Guerrier, son di cuPido Cre 9 Si, lieto dì Ger 3.1b Sril tuo labro mrapporEo il viso Tot 3. Bb Sì, lusingati Tot 3.18d Si, rnorirò nt '2. Lc

    S'in amar vuoi servitù (duo) Zen 3.3c 116 3

    Sínche de I'orbe il freno Giu 3.13b

    Sin che informo al Polo amato Giu 3.6b Siu che luce del dí vedro Tot 3.2b S'in quando dolce foco (a 2) Giu 2.15c

    Srío tramo Et 2.L9e

    Si rendimi il mio bene IDu 14 Si, rubate la pace IDU 17 Si, si, che per goder Ger 1.9b Sí, si, si, per rio sospetto Zen 2.3a Tír 2.3 Si, sí, venite Ger 2.18e Si tronchino i lacci Giu 1.12b Sí vaghe suei Gíu 2.llb Si, víncero Er 1.3b Si, voglÍo morír Er 3.14b

    Snodate í frernati Tot 3.3d Soavi piacere Div 3.18b Soccorete a tanti mali Cre 11 Soldi la Monarchia Giu Pro c

    Sonramante ne trova pietà Div 1.22b

    Son Guerrier de la beltà Tot 1. Bb

    Son Guerriero e non regnante Cre 6

    Son le sceneri si altere Zer' 2.9d

    Son lieta (a 2) Cre 17

    Sonno amico de mortali Tot 3.9b

    Sono quesÈi, O Fortuna Giu 3.18

    Son pur care Dív 2.18a

    Son seguace Er 1.12d

    Son tutto rigore Gex 2.6a

    Sopra glrhomeri drAtlante Giu Pro a Sorte perfida Er 3.4b tr64

    Sorte rea non Piú Pau 40 Sospira Ger 1.17c Sotto il Cíel di verdi allori (a 2') Pau 35a

    Sotto í1 lampo Pau 28

    Speranza rni dice EÈ 1.15d I Speranza un di Tot 1.13b Speri al fin di goder Pau 23

    Spieghitl suon Tot T5d

    Squamosi ProteÍ Tot T4a

    Stolto nume Zer^ 3.6a Tir 3.6

    Sù, alrarmi EE 2.11b Su, feroci rniei CamPioni Er 1.7c

    Su lrali drun sosPiro Giu 2.14b

    Su lferbette lasciviette (a 2) Pau 35b

    Sù lieti a festeggiar Div 2.3b

    Su mia destra ardita e fiera IDu 15

    Su nieí spirti Pau 48

    Su mio core alla vendetta Ant 4 Stun bel volto questralma feri Pau 45

    Su Nocchierí a le Nave Tst 2.5a

    Su stringetevi Tot 2.16b

    Su vibratevi Ger 1.17a Sveglíalevi da I'Ire Er 1. Bb Taci, Eaci Ger 3.13b

    Tardanza e men noiosa C'et 2. llal

    Tengo in porto Tor 2.7b Tergo il ciglio (a 2) Ger 1.ld

    Termo scoglio Et 3.la

    'Ie voglio sempre amar Pau 2 Ti consiglio Tot 3.4b 1i65

    Ti lascío 1'alma inPegno Giu 1.39

    Tr inganní Giu 1.12d

    Ti sanera la Piaga Pau 44 Torna in braccio Div 3.9b Traffitta e lacera Ger 3.9d Tra le guerriere nemiche schiere Er 1. l7d Tra 1'onde mobile DLr 2.23b TranquilaÈevi Et 2.25b Tranquílatevi Pensieri Ger 1.5b Troppo acerba Ger 1.19b

    Troppo ardace Tot 3.4d

    Troppo care C,er 2.2c Troppo collt anima dentro la carieri Zert 2.l7cr Tft 2.L5

    Troppo vaghí e troPPi bellí Palu 25

    Tuoi cenni eseguiro Gj:u 3.2a2

    Tu sempre mtincateni Pau 11 Tutte lradoro Zer. 3.13(d)

    Tutte le Donne belle Pàu 3

    Tutte sebe Pazzarelle Zer. L.9c

    Un gran fulgore Ger 3.l8a

    Un guardo de queglrocchi Giu 3. Bc

    Un larnpo di contento Pâu 50

    Un pensiero di cruda vendetta 2.ztb

    Un sol guardo Tot 2.6b

    Un tuo sguardo Più Giu l.3b

    Un veleno del seno Ger 2.19c Uscite a furie Zen 3.5b

    Va a la laccia ltarciero volante Giu 1.10b

    Vaghe labra Et 2.L9c Vaghi fiori Et 2.19a APPENDIX B


    Cat. No. (A) Sacred l{orks.

    Accurite (2CB Bc) $.15/f: L75 Ad augustissimum (TB tsc) OP.15/9 148 Adiutoríum nostrum (C T Bc) OP-7 /3 68 Ad lauros (C 2V VC Bc) OP. I7/5 116 Adoramus re (catn nc) op. 3/I4 193 Albescite flores (CATB Bc) Op.3/1f r90 Alma redemptoris I (CATQB Bc) Op.7lI5 78 Alma redernptoris II (2 C Bc) Op. 6/2 82 Alma redemptoris III (c¡,r rc) Op.6/LL 85 Angelorum ad convÍvia (C Bc) Op-ff/1 100 Anima rnea (C Bc) OP.L}/4 r03 Attolite portas (ATB Bc) 0P.15/16 r78 Audire genres (2C Bc) Op.6l'2 135 Ave regína I (CATQB Bc) OP-7/L6 79 Beati oÍlnes I (2 SB 2V Bc) OP.5/L2 28 Beari onnes II (2C 2A' 2T 2B 2V 2V1a Vb Bc) Op.9/L8 46 Beatus vir I (ATB 2V Bc) OP.L/S 13 Bearus vir Ir (ATB 2v Bc) oP-5/4 20 Beatus vir III (2C 2A' 21 28 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) Op' 9/4 33 179 Bonum rníhi (ATB Bc) op. L5/L7 Cadite montes (CT Bc) OP.3/4 133 Caeli enarrant (2C 2A' 2T 2B 2Y ZYLa Vne Org) I'N'D' 3 62 L73 Cantemus laeti (2CA Bc) 0P.15/11 Canite tuba (2C Bc) OP-L512 L4L chrisrus narus est nobis (2c 2A 2T 2B 2Y 2YLa Vne Org) I.N.D.l 60 Colligite olivam (24 Bc) OP.f5l3 L42 confirebor I (cAB Bc) Op.L/4 L2 Confitebor II (CAT 2V Bc) OP.5/3 r9 Confitebor III (ZC 2^ 21 2B 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) Op'9/4 32 Confitebor tlbi (2c 2A 21 2B 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) op' 9/L9 47 Confiteor (C Bc) OP.7/4 69 Congratulamini, Filiae Sion (C Bc) Op'L0/2 l0l Consolarmini (AB Bc) 0P.15/8 L47 converEe (CATRB Bc) op.7 l5 70 LL4 coronemus nos rosis (C 2v Vc Bc) op-I7 13 26 Credidi I (ATB 2V Bc) oP'5/10 LT67 credidi fi (2c 2^ 2T 2B 2V 2Vla Vb Bc) Op.9/L3 4I Credidi III (A 2V 2Vla Bc) 48 Cum invocarem (CATQB Bc) op.716 7L De profundis (2c 2A 2T 2B 2V 2V1a Vb Bc) Op.9/16 44 DixiE Dominus I (CATB 2V Bc) Op.l/g 11 Dixir Dominus II (cTB 2V Bc) Op.5/2 18 Díxit Dominus III (2C 2^ 2T 28 2V 2Vla Vb Bc) Op.9/3 3r Domine ad adjuvandum me I (C 2V Bc) Op-Ll2 10 Domíne adjuvandum me II (A 2T 2V Bc) Op.5/1 T7 Domine adjuvandum me III (2C 2A 2T 28 2V Vla \¡b Bc) Op.9/1 30 Domine probasti rne (2C 2A 2T 2B 2V Vla Vb Bc) Op.9/f5 43 Domínus dixit (2c 2Ã 2T 2B Vla Vne org) I.N.D. 6 65 Durum cor, ferrum pectus (C Bc) 0p.10/3 ro2

    Ecce fideles (CAB Bc) Op.3l9 L64 Ecce nunc (CATQB Bc) Op.719 74 En gentes desiderum tempus (C Bc) 0p.10/5 104 En homo quae pro te (T Bc) 0P.10/9 108 Eructavit cor meum (2C 2A' 2T 2B 2V Vla Vne Org) I.N.D'4 63 Exaudi nos (2t gc) op.L5/4 L43 Expergíssini (ATB Bc) op.6lL3 168 Exultate Deo (ATB Bc) Op.15/18 180 ExulËare Justi (ATB Bc) Op.6/L6 17I Exultemus onnes (Cf Sc) OP.6/6 L37

    Festivi, martires (s Sc) Op.LLlL2 111 Fratres sobrii estote (T Bc) Op.7 12 67 Frondiscite palnae (3C Bc) Op.15/10 L72

    Gaudear rerra (2c /2TB Bc) op.6/1r l-66 Gaude nunc gaude (C Bc) 0p.11/6 105

    Hodie collaetantur (2C Bc) Op.3/1 r30 Humile voce (2C B Bc) Op.3/6 161

    In convertendo I (2S T 2V Bc) Op.5/ff 27 In convertendo II (2C 2^ 2T 28 2V 2Vla Vb Bc) Op.9/14 42 In exitu Israel (2C 2A,2T 2B 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) Op-9/6 35 In te Domine (CATQB Bc) Op.717 7Z Intret in conspecEu (3CaTB nc¡ 200

    Jube Domine (CATQB Bc) oP-7 /L 66 1168

    LaeEatur caelum (CTB Bc) OP.6lL2 L67 Laetatus sum I (ATB 2V Bc) OP.5/7 23 Laerarus sum II (2C 2A 2T 2B 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) Op. 9lL0 38 Laetemini in Domlno (C 2V Vc Bc) Op.L716 IT7 Lauda Jerusalem I (3S 2V Bc) OP-519 25 Lauda Jerusalem rl (2c 2^ 2T 28 2v 2Vla Vb Bc) op. 9/L2 40 Laudate Domínum I (CATQB Bc) Op-I/7 15 Laudate Dominum II (2CB 2V Bc) Op.5/6 22 Laudate Dominum III (2C 2A 2T 28 2V 2Vla Vb Bc) Op'9/7 36 Laudate pueri I (2CB Bc) OP.l/6 L4 Laudare pueri II (cAB 2V Bc) oP.5/5 2l Laudate pueri III (2C 2A' 2T 29 2V 2V1a Vb Bc) Op'9/6 34 Laudate pueri IV (2CATB 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) 49 Laudibus concíno (A Bc) 0P.10/8 107 Litaniae Lauretinae (CATQB Bc) op.7 /L3-L4 86 /7

    Magnificat r (CATB 2V Bc) oP.1/8 16 Magnificat II (CTB 2V Bc) OP.5/13 29 Magniftcat III (2C 2A' 2T 2B 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) Op'919 37 Memenro David (2c 2A 21 2ß 2Y 2YLa Vb Bc) Op.9/L7 45 Memorare peccator (A 2V Vc Bc) Op.17/10 t2L Memoriam fecÍt (Af Sc) OP.6/5 L36 Mirabilia Dornini (B 2V Bc Bc) Op-L7lL2 ]-23 Misera quid confido (2C Bc) 0p.15/1 140

    Nisi Dorninus I (ztts 2V Bc) OP.5/8 24 Nisi Dominus Ir (2c 2^ 2T 2B 2Y 2\lLa Vb Bc) 0p.9/rr 39 Non sussurate (A 2V Vc Bc) oP.I7l9 L20 Nunc diuriËtis (CATQB Bc) OP.7/L2 77

    Obstupescite (C41ts Bc) OP.3/13 192 Occurite celestes (AT Bc) OP.3/3 L32 O dilectissimae Jesu (C 2V Vc Org) Op -1-7 /L LLz o Fons perpetui (2cB Bc) op.L5lL2 L74 O mirandum (A 2V Vc Bc) OP.L7|7 118 ormres genres (c 2v Vc Bc) Op.L7/4 115 O quam bonum (AB Bc) OP.6/l 138 O Sanctíssirni (CABBc) OP.3l7 l.62 O vos delitarium (C 2V Vc Bc) Op.L7 /2 113 O vos insipientes mortales (2C Bc) Op.6/L r34 O vos qui inter tormentoru¡n (g 2V Vc Bc) Op.f7/lf L22 1169

    Panis candídíssi¡n.e (A Bc) Op .IL/l 106 Peccavi (AB Bc) op.6/8 139 Plaudita vocibus (T Bc) 0p.10/f0 109

    Quam amarum (2C Sc) Op.3/2 131 Quare fremuerunt gentes (2c 2a,2T 2B 2v Vla Vne Org) I.N.D.2 61 Quid timeÈis (CAB Bc) ' Op.3/8 163 Qui habitate (CATQB Bc) Op.7/8 73 Qui non renunciat (2Tts Bc) Op.6/L5 170 Quis ascendit (CB Bc) Op.L5/7 146 Quis est íste? (CAB Bc) 0p.15/14 L76 Quod otiarnini (ATB Bc) Op.15/16 t77

    Regína caeli (CATQB Bc) Op.7/I7 80 Rorare caeli (CAT/ATB Bc) op.6/9 r69

    Salve Regina I (CATQB Bc) Op.7lLB B1 salve Regina II (ATB Bc) Op.6/I0 84 Semper igitur (CA Bc) Op.I5/6 145 Spirate aure serene (C 2V Vne/Th Bc) L24 Stupet mors (28 Bc) 0p.15/5 L44 Sub Citharis (A 2V Vc Bc) Op.L7/8 119 Suspiro Domine (Br Bc) 0p.10/11 110

    Te Deum (2C 2A,21 2B 2V Vla Vne Org) I.N.D.5 64 Te lucis (CATQB Bc) Op.7 /4 76

    vení sancEe spirirus (Atg nc) op.6/L4 169 Venire fideles (cet nc) op.3/5 160 Venite ornes (CATB Bc) Op.3/L2 191 Volo vivere. (A Bc) t24

    (B) Secular Vocal tr{orks.

    A battaglia (C Bc) Op.I4/L6 25r Ad altro amante in seno (A Bc) Op.L2/L3 238 Ano piì la lontananza (C B Bc) Op.L3/9 319 Amore e virtu (s ¡c) op.L2l22 245 Amor quanËo mi piace (C nc) Op.L4/I4 2BB Amor ti punge i1 seno 267 A pie drun fonte (C Bc) OP.L4|3 248 11 70

    A povero amator (C nc) OP.L2/2 23t 26l] Apre drqccelso monte (B Bc)

    Belle donne (S Bc) OP.I2/9 280

    Catene scioglieterni (C Bc) 0p.14/1 246 Cessar d'esder amante (B Bc) op.L2lLg 242 Che fiero costume (c sc) oP-L4120 2s5 230 Che non fa (C nc) op.L2/L 253 Che nova mi da (C Bc) op.14l18 Che volete dal mio core (c Bc) op.L4l32 296 29L Cieco nume arcÍero ínstabile (C Bc) Op.I4/27 Cintia dolente (C 2V Bc) 266 con inquieto passo (c sc) 264 Costei chrÍn mezzo al volto (A Bc) op-L2lL5 240

    Dal calore agitato (¡ Sc) 260 Dalle cimere grotte (C Bc) OP.I2/6 235 DaI ¡natin au I I orizonte ( C sc) Op.I2 / 4 233 Desiri partita (C Bc) 262 Di due fíamme (2S Bc) 0p.13/1 3r0 Dimmi, ernor (CA¡ nc) OP.L3/6 3r8 Dio bendato fa quanÈo saí (C Bc) Op.I4l26 290 Discioglietevi in due fiumi (A Bc) Op.L2/L6 24L Disperarsi (SB Bc) 329 Dite una volta (C Bc) 300 Doppo Èanti martiri (C Bc) 259 Drun occhi, ch'à hero (CA Bc) op.13/5 3l-7

    rà gerniti (c Bc) op.L4/L7 252

    cià la trÍforme dea (c Bc) op.l4/ZL 256

    Havete il torto a fe (A nc) op.L2/L4 239

    me (B Bc) op-L2124 287 Il mio core non'. "o.,

    Lasci dtamar (C Sc) OP.l4/29 293

    Mia ragione, allrarmi (C Bc) Op-L215 234 Mi nudrite dí speranza (S Bc) op-L2lI0 28r l-LTL

    Mio cor darrí pace (ntl nc) op.I3/7 325 Mio cor non piì tormenti (CAB Bc) Op.I3/4 323 Morlô se non ví rniri (25 Bc) op.I3/2 314

    Noi síam tre prigioneri (CCB Bc) Op.13/13 3L2 Non c'à che dire (s Bc) op.L2lLL 282 uon ì amante (c¡ sc) op.I3lf0 320 Non ho che laguarmi (C Bc) Op.L4/2 247 Non mi dir di palesar (C Bc) op.I4/22 258 Non mi ferir (2S Bc) op.13/4 316 No, no, non 1o posso dire (C Bc) Op.L4/ZL 257 Non ti doler (C Bc) 265 Notte, madre drhorrorí (C Bc) 328

    Partite del rnio sen (C Bc) , Op.L4l4 249 Pens non mi lasciete (B Bc) Op.L2/2O 243 PíanEi, pianti (C ¡c) Op.L4/L9 254 Pupilette vezzoseÈte (CAB Bc) 0p.13/3 327 Pupille vezzosa (2S Bc) Op.13/3 3r5

    QuaI farfalla (AB Bc) Op.L3/2 311 Quanro dolce (A Bc) Op.L2/3 285 Quantt dol"" (AT Bc) 0p.13/8 326

    Rendi al nio core (C Bc) op.I4/47 298

    Sarei pazzo de catena (C Bc) op.L4/28 292 Scorrea secol di farro (C Bc) Op.L4/15 250 Se lfamar e pazzla (ATB Bc) Op.f3/f7 324 Senza l'arco del nume bendato (C sc) Op.L4l25 289 (c ¡") 299 Si, si, che va "où Son canuro (s sc) op.I2/23 286 Son tutto furore 270 Sorgea del son di Leto (B Bc) op.L2/2L 244 SospÍri ove n'andate (CCB Bc) 0p.13/14 313 Spera mio cor (Cs sc) 0p.13/11 32r Ste1le ingraEe (C Bc) Op.f4l30 294 Sul bel matino (C Bc) OP.L2/7 236

    Tanra fede (C Bc) op.I2l3 232 Torrnr:ntosa lontananza ( C Bc) Op.L4 /33 297 LT72

    Trionfate, o migi pensieri (S Bc) Op.14/31 295

    Uccidetemi, sosPirÍ (C Bc) 263 Uscire, pianti (S Bc) Op.I2/8 237

    V'ho inEeso (S Bc) op.I2/L2 283 Vott dí musicale Plauso 269 Nuol chf io taccia (A Bc) OP.L2/I5 284 Vuol farmi piangera 268


    üirl; I



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