,,.€sÐlr y'rv tl t, îtEMrrTIC CATALOGUE OF TIIE MUSIC OF GIOVAIi¡NI LEGRENZI (with an introductfon and commentarles) I . J.D. SWALE (Cantab.) A.R.C.0. H;4. ¡ B.lfus. ' ü I Volune 3 I rI I I i I I i It. i i Subnltted ln partLal fulflllnent of requlrenents i h for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ln Muslc t ! I 1983' r at the llniverslty of Adelalde. December, li I 'l L i t' I I I q I r' Volune 3 Gernanico sul Reno (347) 8s9 Totila (faa¡ 903 Creso (349) 949 Ántioco 1l Grande (350) 953 Pausania (35f) 962 Lisinaco riamata drAlessandro (352) 978 Giustino (354) 980 I Due @sare (355) 1055 v. INSIRIJ¡,IENTAL }IUSIC A. Sonate da chiesa opus 2 (360-376) 1060 Opus 4 (377-382) 1078 opus I (383-398) 1085 opus 10 (=11) (399-416) 1106 B Sonate da camera a¡rd dance movemenÈs Sonate da camera, OPt¡s 4 (450:455) 1131 Dances, Opus 4 (456-473) 1133 Baletti e Corrente, opus L6 (474-49L) 1r39 APPENDIX A: Index of operatic arias by Legrenzi LL47 APPENDIX B: Index of sacred and secular ¡tusic by Legrenzi 1166 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1173 /. il 34] GERMA}IICO SUL RENO S in fonia (b) (m. B-20) qvrv2av (a) (¡n. 1-7) 1vrv2l,v rv vbBc) rv vbBc) J ,JL t-f----- v' tltY v¿ fv 1'_l - TV l Vb $c rebelliø-r 1.1 (a) C,ermanico (rn. f-10) Already, of the bloody c C.; ¿; sangunrc r-<.L' .b¿Llo B, (r¡) Germanico (¡n. 11-1i) and the homeland c e þ aln a B. (b) Segeste (m. 1B-23) In your formidable breasE B bt' l¿- h." e ifo - do - Nc( Þ þ"""- B" (bt) (m. 23-28) lvrv2l,v rv vb Bc) tù J--)- vr VL --a Vb .I Bc 860. do I see? (c) Suggeste (m. 29-36) But who comes? What -1-r' t7_ ß l-1",' cL¿- .r<X1:" I cL- r4¡ YO . b L (c') Claudia (m. 39-46) Counte nance that death does not enter c V,'- so cle lc wlor*¿ tlo r C nf-yu. B" ("') C'errnanio (m. 47-66) Of the dead husband. c ¡'na'nt-o à¿t esþr^l-o ì I B. (d) Germanico/Segeste (rn. 67-101) Dry the eye c -7-e*, ;t ci3 tio 9c I (dt) (m. 102-115) (vrv2vb sc) V, yl VI Bc f.2 (a) Claudia (m. l-20> Claudia, what do you hear? c Clor^¿o. , c)" S¿nh 8" 86r. (b) Claudia (m. 2L-39) Do not jest \^tith me' Love. I do not wlsh, Love with You frnø I ( tr êo'1 Ây'"'. s¿Letzar- h rnrov a€ No' lo .ra<¡\ìO - A ¡^o- .o-. l'. b" (b,) (m 40- ) (vtv2sc) Rit: f , t- o - - Í ht T ? r I r_ VL - ll I I ß, 1.3 (a) Lucio (rn. 1-6) c u" lþ Nel CeJ, et 1¡'tt þ" c- (b) Lucio (¡n. 7-22) I have'resolved to adore you .rr.'¡o Ltr, ol 'oc)o-' â'-\at Hò ê- vì t+b lr.'c ø l*tÞ d' a"lot ' __--- ?-.t- B" - (bt) (rn.23-30) (vrv2nc) &;r; i-¡ V' Vz B. I.4 (a) AgrÍpina (m- f-41) Tears, You who on land at leasE c ..r., c[.',i lido rvî¿ ho ?ia*he , "l- B q þ 862. (b) Agripina (m. 42-55) Tender beloved offspring c T.*.,ro- Þ-f1^ aøøht B. (bl) Agripina (rn.56-62) I kiss you, dear son c \J +i b*crl¡ O co-/r) þi, -=-- -,4---"--- Bc (b2) Agrípína (m. 63-7L) and whenever c ,jtAA e 1¡.'o^1. Bc (c) Agrlpina (m. 72-94) Cheer up, beloved Í =lL L 7 Ò Ra'Lle -g ".'h o Ca.È¿ H-----1 ("r) (m. g4-ro ¡ (vrv2nc¡ VL Bc I sl I | -V ,l_l _ 1.5 (a) Lesbe (m. L-zL) L ,^q ). G- 6 - 3--la). A f 'þ B. 863. 1.6 (a) (m. 1-5) (vrv2sc) I ( ) 7 \ v' \.¡ . l_¡ E (ar¡ Arrninio (m. 6-27) Calm yourselves, thoughts (v, i-==rF) C -Ttc.uy*rla - It; þ*.^r:.-' B (U) Agripina (m. 28-89)_ 0 you, who in feeble carnage c O fu ct sF¡.agr "',f'afe Bc L.7 (a) Floro (¡n. L-32) Agripina, what do you hear? A9'n'p,-.o eLe J¿^Pä] B. (b) Arminio (m. 36-67) ConstancY T c T ?- 4. C,o- 5l-4,+. - *-f e ^ lffi B, (b I ) (m. 6B-75) (vrv2nc) vr v! Bc 864 1.8 (a) Flora (m' f-35) a tl\ñ I =-r-\ l. Ô ¿ct La¿ìo rho 50 Bc (b) (m. 36-43) (vlv2¡c) tf ¿'T- .1--ç- -1- .l vr '--#-- vr Bo (¡r) agripina (m. h4-65) Sweet fronds conceal the beloved, Araa Loosen the lip c a-olo - ("-) Doj<e na,dcønía ìl þun . S ooþa. r"sþ;i Co < ¿¿' 'tÈ¡ (ti) &. L.g (a) Floro (rn. 1-7) You go' Agripína T Pa*; Ag--þ;-na Bc for pleasure (b) F ro (m. 8- 28) Yes, You wísh us to deceive I^Iith You, who know how to betraY Ana T qo- ei i n3 o hr\O sì Cle- f,"' et rrol 5¡ di+ cLLg r-l c Co - ln"i cte !à râ- 1te( B. (bI) (rn.29-36) (vrv2nc) \ Ril: Y I I I r Drt ,-l:- -T.l V' V," I Bc ¡-r¡--1-r--J_- -j 865. (c) (m. 37-55> (Trr, Tt' , Bc) T;: ]?1 B c 1.10 (a) SuggesÈe (¡n. 1-41) To my merit the unconquered leaders (u' ---r:2----l;T _-¡-___ ,- B wi- f¡ At hal O ¡a€.rl-o r D.- ccin- & (b) cermanico(rn. 42-46) The aura of vain glory L Èi;.:rra, d,ì 3fo"ta vo.- n^ Bc (c) (n. 47-57) (Tr Bc) T. B" (cl) Gerrnanico (m. 58-153) (C Tr Bc) To the Ro¡nan Mars c lvla. - le "l; Ro rr.a I ô. (d) Germanico (m. L54-I62) To you whom the sEars favour, unconquered C'ermanicus C A le- cù d^',< le sfeU< o Ge..,notn^in i n - r,ñ l-,, B. 866. (e) (rn. 163-258) = (c + cr) (f) Germanico (m. 259-263) People' our vows... C I P" - þ*- ti i no c l--t r¡¡- h b. 1.1f (a) Floro (m. L-25> Sir' the gods of the Tiber T r-. I ol¿l Tle-b,t S;3 ^-. À/r^ Bc (.r) Coro (rn. 26-27) O King, acclaim yourself A f L T -y,J* o l-u. a-e6 |,8. J I Bc- (.') C;ermanico (n. 28-31) Stars, what should I do? 0 i c 1 Sf-¿lle cl^e þ, àov 't3,{ B. L.I2 (a) Agripina (m. I-27) Germanico, what are you up to? c Ge'¡r'p.*icn ¿le +e*h; I Àc (b) Coro (m. 28-29) Let us bow down to Caligula -i 1 t ?-øt'nd-.¿ a. C^- lil *ta ¡ Þ'. - d^ } ,- .Þ l- f-- 3 B C 867 (c) Agripina (m. 3O-4t+) c u (b) Germanico (m. 2L-47) He adores you f.13 (a) Germanlco (m. 1-20) hrife... Sweet life L C J 5þ," A- olo - 1A- F, Þot-ct ü- ltc Bc B (bt) (m. 47-60) (vrv2nc) R:l-. Vt -ë---+o--F.o-- V¿ &. o- 1.14 (a) Agripina (m. l-8) Unhappy woman! He goes d ,l C /t't; - s<. -o.r €r þ^.4. ß. (b) Agripina (m. 9-81) Absence A-ta Remernbrance c --T i i Lon f-o.', - An- Za, f?r' rn< rn bvant I - -z-q B c i f (bt) (m. Bt-Br) (vtv2sc) i. "b,L I L bL)-+ ¿- vr *- _ ___.J f I Ì yt I '---r-_----'- r---r-- d-r .td B" è i 86 8. 1. t5 (a) (¡n. 1-17) (vrv2sc) v' vL -& (ar) Armtnio (m. 7-32) To the blows of fortune Ana. c Plte scor,r<. d) f- lu-",ra Þ. (b) Arminio (m. 33-40) I dle c l'lo-o Bc r.16 (a) (n. 1-5) (vrv2¡c) vt V¡ B. (rt) claudia (m. 6-44) (c vrv2nc) L La r-g f,o vrh- ce-t€ I B. 1 I I I (b) Claudia (m. 45-94) yes, flee, Claudia lì I ï c ,t J I sì sì C(q*d.À sì { l't" ,"{ B' 869 . (b¡) Clau<lia (m. 95-107) Ârousc your bold spirits c a - ru,".a- sþì'+i o¡, de- i-Z B. (b?) (m. ro8-rt9) (vIv2nc) V' -J vr B. 1.f7 (a) Arminio (m. L-29) c :r.- lL ---- S,. -- btt l-cwì sr. ç o r I . {-J-+--f I -t- l--r-r' B" -T:-RItïffi+:---T--- "t- t_ ("t) (m. zg-32) (v¡v2sc) (b) Claudla (¡u- 33-36) And st1ll of the pítlless fire R:r" ) L ¿ Vt E þ*, del c'..þìo f'" &. (c) Claudia (n. 37-63) To sigh Atä --€) C ïvr B. (d) Arminio (m. 64-76) Most perfidious gods! { c ' ¿{i53 i'' o }e ì Pet - ,C; B" 870. 1.18 (a) Lucio (m. 1-18) Vlllain! C þ-lo-ne b. (b) (m. Lg-23) (vrv2nc) !, vt & (bt) Claudia (m. 24-45) No, cruel bonds No, piercíng darts c --.
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