Country Fair Booklet

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Country Fair Booklet Entry Guide For The 35th ANNUAL RIVERHEAD COUNTRY FAIR T SUNDAY, OCT. 10th, 2010 t 10:10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vendor Spaces, Competitions, and Public Service Rules RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 N.Y. RIVERHEAD, Riverhead, NY Riverhead, Permit No. 30 No. Permit TOWN HALL, 200 HOWELL AVE. HOWELL 200 HALL, TOWN PAID U.S. POSTAGE U.S. RIVERHEAD TOWNSCAPE, INC. TOWNSCAPE, RIVERHEAD NON-PROFIT ORG. NON-PROFIT COUNTRY FAIR COUNTRY FAIR Everybody Loves . The Riverhead COUNTRY FAIR Sunday, October 10th, 2010 10:10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Peconic River Parking Field Rain Date: October 11, 2010 Featuring: Live Entertainment All Day • Farm Animals & • Manufactured goods will be limited, Pony Rides NO FLEA MARKET ITEMS Agriculture, Homemaking and Needlecraft • Read the existing rules and Exhibits and Competitions regulations carefully on page 4. • Applications will be reviewed by a Over 450 Vendors • Public Service Area panel of judges, whose decisions Vegetable Decorating Contest • EXPO 2010 are final. Carnival Rides & Midway • Great Food Detailed information is available at Folk Music & Arts • Garden Tractor Pulls Pedal Tractor Pulls for Spectators Table of Contents 2010 Riverhead Country Fair Sponsors Applications: Directions to Fair . .15 Townscape Inc. Competition Entry Form . .13 EXPO 2010 . .6 EXPO 2010 Information . .6 Riverhead Town Board Vendor Application . .5 Fair Coordinators’ Riverhead Recreation, Highway, Sanitation, Buildings & Grounds, Competition Information: Message . .18 Street Lighting Departments Basket Weaving . .24 Fairgrounds Map . .14-15 Riverhead Police Department Cake Decorating . .22 Farm and Garden Sales & Exhibition Riverhead Fire Department Products . .17 Space . .4 Loyal Order of Moose Farm Wagon/Truck Display . .17 Riverhead Chamber of Riverhead Chamber of Commerce Commerce Message . .7 Fruit & Vegetable East End Arts and Humanities Council Display . .19 Riverhead Town Riverhead-Jamesport Homemakers Evening Unit General Competition Supervisor’s Message . .9 Rules . .11 Riverhead Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Vendor Information . .5 General Farm Display . .17 Long Island Antique Power Association, Inc. Homemaking . .21-22 Home Brewing . .24 Riverhead Business Improvement District Largest Pumpkin . .17 Riverhead Rotary Club Needlework . .23 Riverhead Central School District Vegetable Decorating . .17 Wood Carving . .24 Riverhead Kiwanis Club 3 COUNTRY FAIR Booth Information The Riverhead Country Fair Sales & Exhibition Space is an Animal Friendly Activity. 1. All spaces measure 12’ wide by 10’ deep and will 1. NO ANIMALS OF ANY KIND MAY BE be assigned within appropriate areas at the discre- SOLD, GIVEN AWAY OR USED AS PART tion of the Fair Committee. Applications will be con- OF A GAME. sidered in order of date received. 2. Please consider the size of the crowd 2. All applicants must include a copy of their NYS and the weather in deciding to bring SALES TAX CERTIFICATE. Applications will not be your pet to the fair. processed without a copy of certificate. 3. BALLOONS: Helium filled balloons may not be sold or given away. They may be 3. A picture of your display is ESSENTIAL. used for display purposes only. 4. All tables and booths must be supplied by the exhibitor. Categories & 5. Electricity is available at $25 per space. Be sure to apply for electricity in advance. Exhibitor must sup- Specifications ply heavy duty extension cord. BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHALL NO GENERATORS ARE 1. ARTISTS AND CRAFTSPERSONS: For sellling ALLOWED . original material only. NO MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. Space donation – $120.00 6. CLOSING DATE FOR PAID APPLICATIONS is Friday, August 27, 2010. No applications will be 2. RETAIL/COMMERCIAL SALES: A picture of your accepted after this date. display showing the type and quality of your merchandise is required. Space donation – $140.00 7. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE will be mailed Wednesday, September 8, 2010. 3. FOOD CONCESSIONS: Hot dogs, hamburgers and beer will be sold exclusively by Riverhead Service 8. SET UP: The Fairgrounds will be open for set-up Clubs. Space donation – $175.00 from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. No vehicle will be permitted on the Fairgrounds after 9 a.m. Unauthorized Space for food vehicles is limited. There are very vehicles on the grounds after that time will be few spaces available for ice cream trucks. towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Applications for food booths MUST be received by 9. CLOSING: The Fair will close at 5 p.m. From 5 p.m. August 27, 2010, and applicants must apply for to 5:30 p.m., pedestrians will leave the grounds. Suffolk County Health Department approval. Vehicles will be permitted to enter the grounds after 5:30 p.m. 4. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS may apply for reduced rate booths in any category. Include NYS Tax Exempt Number. NOTE: The Fair Committee reserves the right to review all materials exhibited or sold and to rescind space for any material judged inappropriate to the family orientation of the Fair. 4 COUNTRY FAIR Application for Paid 2010 Vendor Space Donation # of Category Per Space Spaces Amount Artists & Craftsman $120 __________ ____________ Manufactured Goods $140 __________ ____________ Antiques & Collectibles $125 __________ ____________ Food Booths $175 __________ ____________ Non-Profit Food $85 __________ ____________ Non-Profit Other $75 __________ ____________ Electricity (1 space) Maximum amps 20 $25 __________ ____________ Total Enclosed (No Checks, Please) ____________ Make Money Orders payable to Riverhead Country Fair. Electric supply limited – please consider an alternative. (GENERATORS NOT PERMITTED). Please specify all merchandise or food to be sold. ONLY ITEMS LISTED MAY BE SOLD AT YOUR BOOTH! Include separate list of the items to be sold, if necessary. Name__________________________________Address_____________________________ Town_______________________State___________Zip____________Phone__________ Business or Organization______________________________________________________ If non-profit, Tax Exempt Number __________________NYS Sales Tax Number____________ All applications MUST include a large stamped, self-addressed envelope. Failure to include envelope will Limit your space selection. Send all entries to: Riverhead Country Fair, Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901 Check List K Money order enclosed (No checks) K Every item for sale listed above K Large self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed K Picture of display enclosed K Photocopy of NYS Sales Tax Certificate enclosed K Have read instructions and information on page 4 For more information (631) 727-1215 5 COUNTRY FAIR 6 COUNTRY FAIR elcome to Riverhead On behalf of the Riverhead Chamber of Commerce we re rolling out the Wred carpet for you and your family! It is my honor to be involved with this great community. Our annual Country Fair brings crowds of people here to discover our Main Street and our Riverfront. For some it is \RXU ÀUVW LQWURGXFWLRQ WR ZKDW 5LYHUKHDG KDV WR RIIHU +HUH DW WKH HQG RI WKH /RQJ ,VODQG ([SUHVVZD\ \RX·OO ÀQG WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI IDPLO\ IXQ 6XSHUE EHDFKHV UHQRZQ JROI FRXUVHV ZLGHO\ DFFODLPHG YLQH\DUGV DQG ZLQHULHV D ZRUOG FODVV $TXDULXP D WKULOO ÀOOHG ZDWHU WKHPH SDUN OHDGLQJ KRWHOV ,QQV DQG UHVWDXUDQWV DOO VHW DJDLQVW WKH EHDXWLIXO EDFNGURS RI WKH FRXQWU\VLGH RI HDVWHUQ /RQJ ,VODQG ´$QG WKH VKRSSLQJµ 5LYHUKHDG LV D VKRSSHU·V SDUDGLVH RI YDULHW\ FKRLFH DQG YDOXH )URP WKH UHVSHFWHG QDWLRQDO EUDQG QDPHV IRXQG DW RXU 7DQJHU 2XWOHW FHQWHU WR RXU GRZQWRZQ SXEV ELVWURV DQG LFH FUHDP VKRSV« IURP RXU IDUP VWDQGV DQG ´SLFN \RXU RZQµ IDUPV WR WKH VPDOO FXWH VKRSV DQG VHUYLFHV RI RXU KHULWDJH ÀOOHG 3ROLVK 7RZQ QHLJKERUKRRG \RX·OO GLVFRYHU ZK\ 5LYHUKHDG KDV EHHQ NQRZQ VLQFH LWV IRXQGLQJ LQ DV ´WKH PDUNHWSODFH RI HDVWHUQ /RQJ ,VODQGµ ,W LV P\ KRQRU WR VHUYH DV 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH 2XU HQWLUH IRFXV LV WKH VXSSRUW RI WKLV marketplace. We started the year with a simple breakfast meeting we called Eggs & Issues. It has been swept XS E\ WKLV FRPPXQLW\ DV D PRQWKO\ IRUXP IRU DOO WKLQJV EXVLQHVV +HUH ZH VSUHDG WKH JRRG QHZV RQ JURZWK DQG WKHUH LV D EX]] :H DOVR SXW D WZLVW RQ OXQFK DQG FUHDWHG PLQL VHPLQDUV WKDW WHDFK DV ZHOO DV IHHG ZH FDOO WKHVH ´/XQFK /HDUQ PDNLQJ \RXU OXQFK ZRUN IRU \RX 2XU ÀUVW ZDV LQ SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK 6XIIRON &RXQW\ &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH·V &XOLQDU\ 6FKRRO ZKHUH ZH OHDUQHG DERXW WKH ´0HGLWWHUDQHDQ 'LHWµ DQG KHDUW KHDOWK:H DUH ZRUNLQJ FORVHO\ ZLWK WKH %XVLQHVV ,PSURYHPHQW 'LVWULFW DQG KDYH FUHDWHG WZR )UHH )DPLO\ &RQFHUWV RQ WKH ULYHUIURQW WKLV VXPPHU 2XU ´/HW·V 0DNH $ 'HDO 'D\µ WRRN QHWZRUNLQJ WR D QHZ OHYHO WRR DW RXU ÀUVW 'HDOPDNHUV &RQYHQWLRQ this March we paired companies together to collaborate on win/win partnerships in time to see them work for the summer tourist season. 2XU JRDO FRQWLQXHV WR EH EXVLQHVV :H VXSSRUW RXU PHPEHUV ZLWK PDUNHWLQJ DGYLFH WRROV DQG WKH DUHQDV LQ ZKLFK WR SURVSHU :H KDYH D YLEUDQW DQG DFWLYH )DFHERRN SDJH D 6RPHWKLQJ %XVLQHVV &RPPLWWHH D 0HHWXS 1HWZRUN D FRPPXQLW\ FDOHQGDU RQ RXU ZHEVLWH WKDW LV VXSSRUWHG E\ 5LYHUKHDG/RFDOFRP 2XU DZDUG ZLQQLQJ ORFDO SDSHU WKH 5LYHUKHDG 1HZV 5HYLHZ KDV SDUWQHUHG ZLWK XV RQ all of our events and is a source of wisdom and support. I invite you join our organization in any way. Stay in touch online RU FDOO RXU RIÀFHV :H DUH KHUH WR SURPRWH \RXU EXVLQHVV DQG NHHS Riverhead working. 6LQFHUHO\ 5REHUW /DQLHUL 3UHVLGHQW Riverhead Chamber of Commerce 7 COUNTRY FAIR 8 COUNTRY FAIR 9 COUNTRY FAIR Our 78th Year WINE HORSES & SONG JUST ANOTHER DAYAT THE FARM 136-138 West Main St. Riverhead BAITING HOLLOW FARM VINEYARD, 631-727-2805 MORE THAN JUST GREATWINE Food | Live Music | Tastings | Tours | Wine Club Weddings & Events | Horse Rescue 2114 Sound Avenue, Baiting Hollow, New York 631-369-0100 | Welcome to the Country Fair! 10 COUNTRY FAIR The Riverhead Country Fair Sunday, October 10, 2010 Peconic River Parking Field (south of Main Street), Riverhead, NY Official Fair Hours: 10:10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Rain Date: October 11, 2010) Entries accepted on Prizes Saturday, October 9th from 1 p.m.
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