Application Form International MSc Programme

International Food Business and Consumer Studies

passport- style photo

1. Information about yourself

Ms Mr

Last name First name

Date of birth Place of birth

Country issuing passport Country of residence

Matrial status Number of children

Home address Correspondence address (if different from home)

Street Street

Postal code, town Postal code, town

Phone/fax Country/State e-mail e-mail

Schools (attended years and certificates obtained):

Primary School: Secondary School: High School: Years of schooling (in total)

2. Planned programme entry Winter semester (year) International Food Business and Consumer Studies 2/3

3. Planned attendance at pre-courses Not compulsory for the programme but recommended course (one week before semester start): Yes No

4. Educational qualification

Degree title (original language): Date: Degree title in English: From (University or College): Date of first enrolment (in a university or college): Date completed: Your English language proficiency: English is my mother tongue: Yes No If you answered No to the above question, please qualify your English skills in the section below. Please enclose copies of any applicable certificate!

I studied English at: High School University Other Years and grades:

I have taken a TOEFL (or equivalent) language exam:

No Yes, type and level of achievement:

5. Other activities up to the date of application Date: Details:

Date: Details:

Date: Details:

6. Financial support Please note that a proof of financial resources is required. Applicants have to prove that they have around 8,700 euros at their disposal for one year. Please characterize your financial situation below: I have sufficient funds to cover all expenses in connection with my participation in the MSc Programme:

Yes, estimated monthly amount: ______€ documented by No If you answered No, please mention the sources of residual financial support International Food Business and Consumer Studies 3/3

7. Letters of Recommendation It is recommended to enclose at least two letters of recommendation in separately sealed envelopes, with your application package.

8. Statement of Objectives Please state in your own words on a separate sheet why you chose to apply to the MSc Programme, and how you hope to benefit from it (1 page).

9. Statement of Understanding I certify that I have provided complete and accurate responses to the items on this application. If any of the information changes, I will notify the admissions office of the MSc Programme at the University of in a timely manner. Admittance into the programme can in no way be considered a guarantee for obtaining the Master’s Degree. I understand that the programme is composed of participants from many different countries, and many cultural backgrounds. I agree to cooperate with all participants with generosity and tolerance. I also understand that acceptance into the programme does not obligate the Universities of Kassel or to provide me with any form of financial support. I agree that this application and the accompanying supporting documentation will remain with the University of Kassel and the University of Applied Sciences, even if I am not accepted into the programme. The information I provided above will be stored in electronic form for the sole purpose of the application and admissions procedure at the University of Kassel.


Name of applicant

Date and place: Applicants with disabilities: If you have a physical or learning disability and need information on accommodation and service available, please contact us as soon as possible.

10. Required Documentation Please make sure your application contains the following: 1. Officially authenticated photocopies of all official transcripts, and if the certificates are not in German, or English, an officially authenticated translation is required 2. Letters of at least 2 references, each in a separate envelope 3. Copy of your English-language test (e.g. TOEFL or equivalent certificate) 4. A completed statement of objectives

Please type the answers to all questions, or write legibly in capital letters! In case of your acceptance into the programme you will have to declare your intention to occupy the offered slot at short notice. Please make sure that the notification of acceptance can be delivered to the address entered on page 2 of this form.