160 imi, Fla. are listed asthe L7/;, kin. nith is the hope that 'h .hat the past might.hw,. Wasn't. ACADEMY NIDCVILIP 111CWNSAAN A Andover's Own Newspaper Since 18,, r BARBER SHOP 1 96 MAIN ST. NEAR VOLUME 73 NUMBER 36 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 9, 1960 PRICE 10 CENTS Town Meeting

, S 12G Now June 29 ST. 7RMA5-12/i125 The postponed special town AUL meeting will be held June 29, at 25 Years' Experience 7:30, in Memorial Dressmaking Auditorium. Remodeling Articles In the warrant remain Alterations Ladies' Suits, Coats and Drew the same as those advertised for Made to Order consideration last Monday night. Postponement of the meeting followed the discovery last Satur- day that double publication of Planning Board notices of hea rings on zoning articles had not been done. Any. Joseph S. Sullivan queried the Board about the advertising. and after considerable discussion over the weekend, it was decided that the whole special meeting must be put off until the hearings are legally advertised. At the special meeting Monday night, a handful of voters voted to adjourn the session until the 29th, and went home within a minute. The meeting on the 29th will consider the country club in West Andover, a proposed motel in a new shopping center district near the ‘. Dascomb rd. interchange with (Continued on Page Three)

everyone graduates, even AT THIS TIME OF YEAR the pre- bergh, Margaret Sullivan, Marjorie Taylor, Joseph Adams, Ste- Academy Fund rimary class at St. Augustine's School. Included in the class wart Anderson, William Arsenault, Christopher Barry, John his year, but not in the order of their a ppearance here, are Brennan, William Burke, Francis Caffrey, Robert Campbell, atherine Albee, Linda Auchterlonie, Eileen Brennan, Sheila Dennis Connelly, John Cronin, David Doyle, James Duff, Nearing Goal ronson, Anne-Marie Cadran, Pamela Caverly, Carol Christo- Michiel Fanning, Christopher Fanning, Russell Galvin, Joseph Donald 11. McLean Jr. '28, gene- her, Ellen Crowley, Deborah Dane, Elizabeth Davey, Linda Godek, Kevin Harrigan, Michael Het shon, Joel LaRochelle, ral chairman and R. L. Ireland III ufresne, Joyce Gaudet, Ann Gerraughty, Natalie Higgins, Peter Martellucci, Walter McDonald, Gary Meyers, Terrance '38, National Alumni chairman, have announced that gifts to The Ichelle Jacobs, Susan Legros, Mary Libby, Loretta Luceri, Murphy, Dennis Poulin, Michael Prout, Eugene Sheehan, Patrick Andover P rog r a m have now ary Anne Moss, Joyce Nartiff, Lynda Ruocco, Mary Soder- Small, James Sullivan, Timothy Sullivan and Christopher Toomey. I'M "FUSSY reached $5,650,000. Speaking to . P. Thompson 1,000 alumni at the annual Alumni Give Awards At Luncheon, Messrs. McLean and ads Trade Board School Population Up; Ireland told the alumni that well \EOUT VY over 4,000 pledges have been re- Kenneth P. Thompson was High School ceived and that the complete Pro- led president of the Board of being pre- gram goal of $6,060,000 was now rade Tuesday night, at the annual Many top awards are West School Jammed sented this morning to Andover clearly within reach. ADTTONS eting held in the Shawsheen High students at the year-end A- Said Mr. McLean: "Andover nor. Public Schools will hold close to people will be in school this fall, Program gifts now represent the The Board of Directors also ward Assembly. 300 more pupils next September based on present enrollments. The The Bausch and Lomb honorary ( Continued on Page Seven) tiled Miss Mary Angus, clerk of than were accommodated Jan. 1 of total is likely to be higher, how- corporation, and Raymond B. Science award for excellence in this year. ever, based on comparisons of es- science goes to Robert L. Ga rrison. Soderbergh Heads Ruisseau, vice president. Supt. Edward I. Erickson has timated enrollments at this time of Directors elected by the men - Virginia Perry will receive the warned the School Committee that year with the actual attendance in M. E. Gutterson botany prize. Junior High School rship included these officers, the housing problem will be most September. it, R. Hill, Douglas N. I lowe, The Raytheon award will be pre- Peter A. Soderbergh, 11 Watson acute in West Andover, where Attention of the School Commit- sented to Herbert E. Kempton. ave., head of the social studies ruel Glazerman and Joseph B. emergency measures must be used tee was drawn to the housing prob- ny. Robert Garrison will be given a department at the Junior High to care for an anticipated 80 kind- lens at a special meeting June 3, certificate from the North Shore Named to office from the mem- School, has been appointed acting ergarten pupils. A 1 t no ugh the and also -ame underconsideration Science Fair. principal of that school. ( ontinuell on l'at:e Three) situation is at its worst in West at the special meeting June 6, when Certificates for participation in The School Committee took ac- the Committee voted to seize land Andover, Erickson has pointed out the 1960 Technorama will be pre- tion June 3, on recommendation OUTSIDE that the growth appears in all the on Lovejoy rd. for a school site. sented to George I. Whitcomb, of Supt. Edward I. Erickson. The town's schools. Action by the Board was on a 2-1 Virginia Perry, Peter W. Lichten- special Committee meeting was HOUSE PAINT lie anticipates 3,617 young vote, favoring eminent domain pro- ( Continued on Page Five) called specifically to hear the re- 5.95 Gal. ceedings involving land owned by commendation and to act on the the Noyes family on the west side principalship. Committee mem- of Lovejoy rd. The parcel includes bers had recalled that Benjamin COLE PAINT 34-plus acres and has been con- SCHOOLS CLOSING 0 . TEL. GR 5-1156 F. Dirnlich's responsibility as sidered to be an excellent site for JUNE 17 AND 22 principal ends June 30, and sought fo an elementary school in the midst Liementary schools will to fill the position on a temporary keri 1 close their doors for the sum- basis prior to that time. (Continuer( on Page Three) mer at noon, .11111P 17. • Soderbergh, 32, is a native of Supt. Edward I. Erickson New Jersey. He is a graduate of oyes announced the end-of-year Lawrencville Preparatory School, fieldstones dates. Amherst College and has an A .M.T. Da(imegg open every day excepting le said the secondary degree from Ilarvard University. schools - junior end senior Tuesdays - year 'round Ile taught here under the liarvard real estate high - will close at Hoots cocktails - luncheons June 22. internship program and was hired dinner - special functions last year after completing this pro- JIG S Yrs, there may be dan- GR 5-2002 gram. He is completing his first ger in a neglected illness. r Continued on Poo, sepen) Better see 'essional care to your doctor JOHNSON ACRES 'Asp finish that's thilhout delay. And, of Four bedroom, Colonial Ranch. COMFORTABLE course, we hope you'll and professional Featuring family room, living room FAMILY HOME bring his prescriptions to plus basement fireplaced recreation Large living room with fireplace. tissue crispness this pharmacy. We spe- room. Two car garage. In the lower Dining room; Study; 3 Hociromue, you bought them, cialize in prompt, precise $15,900 ne-irone,I shine, compounding. And our r---4foirdesigner Pendleton & Dodd Prices are always fair. JOHN & RITA HEWITT Realtors REALTY ANDOVER 8 ELM ST. ANDOVER 6 PARK STREET GR 5-6464 14 PARK ST. Tels. GR 5-0351; 5-2120; 5-2625 TELS. GR 5-0973 - 5-1834 p FUEL OILS OF DISTINCTION

THE PIED PIPERS OF ANDOVEH 24 HOUR OIL BURNER ANDOVER grit ( AN,V)1 P`) GET A CHAIR ANDOVEP SERVICE Plumbing 6 FOR THE LADY - See °oise 12 TOWNSMAN DA LT 0 N Heating =Mr HOWE =1:=0 P HARMACY Formerly Buchan & McNally 357 No. 9019' MAIN AT PARK ST. "IIAL" itt.TTER, PROP. 124 Cross St. Lawrence For Your Printing Needs GUY HOWE & TED LELAND n 211 No. MAIN ST. GR 5-5121 LUPINE RD. GR 5-0365 Shavishee TEL. GR 5-0107 TEL MU S•51113 Coll GR 5-1943 NO. 1,510 Oren Evssins, Ninth Graders Are centile ratings. Andover Junior High won five gold certificates in- 7 Received Degrees From Top Latin Students dicating a rating of 98 or above, For the third year, the ninth and 11 regular certificates for a grade has given a distinguished percentile ranking of 80 or above. Merrimack College June 4 performance in the Nationwide Together they represent 25 percent Latin Examination. of the pupils taking first year La- Approximately 25,000 students tin. Their certificates will be given to them at the Awards Assembly participated and were given per- Established 1887 by their teacher, Mrs. Walter Part ridge. Published Every Thursi,/ i 56 No. Main Street, Andov er, k„, Gold certificates will be awarded Entered as Second to Susan Palmer, James Romano, clan Matte Friday, Saturday & Sunday The Andoyer Post Offic Judith LeGend re, Betty Jensen and Price 10t per Copy e June 10th - 11th - 12th $5.00 per le% Sandra Lynch. Regular certificates Publisher...... E. Rion "DOG OF FLANDERS" go to Ron Van DeWoestine, Terry Editor ...... Rosiness S Dawd E hal Cinemascope & Technicolor Sickler, Philip Coates, George David Ladd Donald Crisp Martin. Donald Emmons, Edith Adv. mgr.. • Raymond B. Depute, Showings: Fri 6 Sat eves at Clark, Andrew Johnston, Molly 9:20; Sat Mat: 3:35; Sunday NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1:55; ',:25; Anderson, Gayle Jacobsen, Leslie "SEVEN THIEVES" Stackhouse and Elizabeth Garrison. CeAtil CAR WASH Edward G. Robinson The Pilgrim Fellowship of the Joan Collins ties.•iii. ••es•isSiseis Sat eves F ree Church will hold a "car e•s Showings: Fri 6 TOWNSMAN ; Sat Mat 1:50; Sunday wash" June 11, from 10 to 2, to 7:35 CORRESPONDENTS can't 3:30 6 7:00 raise funds for the organization. H est Parish Tel. GR Mrs. Sarah Lewis nallardvale Tel. GR 5-62 11rs. Ruth ',men Shawsheen Tel. GR 3-194 State Took land For Highway Use FINAL AC The State Department of Pub • of the ploy Works has officially taken land' ON ALL GARMENTS West Andover for one of the s Forbes In, LEFT FOR CLEANING e 4 tioTnbseof layoutn c9o 5n.sists of esta CHOOL POP THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS lishing a state highway bat- ONTINUES on new location, for a portion: Continued the proposed Interstate Route; • of the growing beginning at the southerly st It had beep r, line of High Plain road, Andove sittee that the so called, about 2500 feet easter:1 Committee has of the junction therewith of 't negotiate the p Hill road and extending nu CHARLES J. LYNCH Harold Rafton, easterly about nine-tenthsofatr" latter group, a Seven local students received at commencement exercises June to the westerly street line Board meeting degrees from Merrimack College 4 in the Collegiate Church of Christ Greenwood road. data on the sit the Teacher. The layout is made in two. The vote of They include: tions, the first extending from that body on re John R. Lucey, 187 Summer st., point beginning above descri the town to tak A.B. degree in Humanities, in ab- northeasterly about 2850feetter. action in that sentia; Charles J. Lynch, 26Shaw- westerly location lineoftheDec,' the Land Acqu sheen rd., A.B. in History; Helen 1956 state highway layout (Inter town manager a M. Comeau, 9 Topping rd., A.B. in state Route 93) and the s Committee Sc History; Grace L. Puglisi, 25 Lin- section extending from theeasterl Doherty voted coln cir., A.B. in English; Donn B. location line of said 1956 la • on the grounds Byrne, 51 School st., B. S. in Busi- northeasterly about 1550 feet favor the emine ness Administration, in absentia. said westerly street lineofG ings, while bei Also Robert T. King, 25 Enmore wood road. site, st., Associate in Electrical En- For damages sustained byre. The entire sc sons in their property by ream Street Floor Musgrove Bldg. gineering; Leslie P ac k a rd, 75 km, with an up CLEANERS & DYERS of the takings, the followingaward ELM SQ. GR 5-1998 Shawsheen rd., Associate in Elec- future growth, trical Engineering. in the sum of $1 have been filed' at the June 28 n the Registry of Deeds by the slat. rine The gin( REMINDED TO MEET Roehlen Engraving Works Inc. some months Members of the Friendly Guild 5.03 acres; John and SophieChre statistical surv, of Christ Church are reminded to lecki, 12.86 acres; Johnitilek will bring that s meet at the church Monday, June .20 acres; heirs of Isaiah R. Kin light of the antic 13, at 6 p.m. for the final meeting ball, 1.16 acres; Town ofAndere Estimated em at the Lexington Inn. .86 acres; Arthur and by the superinte Mrs. Alexander Thomson and bert, 17.41 acres; John and 12,151 in the Mrs. Sidney Lamb are in chargeof Chmielecki, 6.55 acres; estate nd 1,466 in the the arrangements. Henry B. Bailey, 690 square( is compares F rederick, 0. and Ida Davideit,3I' lernentary sch square feet; Sarafina Dabicki,4.:1 secondary grad acres; John and Sophia Chrnielee: ?5'). .23 acres; Eugene Landry, .r Although mai acres; estate of Henry B. Bailey rowth in all a .78 acres; Eugene Landry, 32: lassrooms, Er square feet and 1.72 acres; Lute at the West and Claire M. Tisbert, 1 ac st of all. owner unknown, Pettingell are. Ile recalled th: 2 0O square feet; John and Sephi .ad already Ix Chniielecki, and Arthur and lassroom, and , 1 isrtbe . :,ether kinderg so be created. David Peterson y putting librar nage of the au, Entertained Group ester]. Another; David Peterson, a membero: ng the kinderga r West Church Junior High Pikri. idding, Erick: oes not favor Fellowship, entertained the men. s absolutely nec hers at his home on Greenw Two sixth gra rd. Saturday evening, from re already b( It's so easy to have a home instead of 10 o'clock. towe School at A cook-out was enjoyedandb ni Erickson wo minton and ping pong, as well ay be necessar just a house ...with new-type living concrete! dancing, were enjoyed on the le: made to anothe Over 35 were present for then; Mrs,Peterso the two fifth Rapid Credit door event, Mr. and rued, he sugge and Mr. and Mrs. George Ains A house provides shelter. A home does Lwing concrete increases design oppor- With this little MVNB Credit xtreinely diffici and Miss Madge Wilson, Religic much more. A home is part of the people tunities- provides effective contrast with Cord you can make purchases nation because Director of the group, acted that live in it. It's easy to live in, pleasant other materials, presents a beautiful back- with no money down! You attered geogra to live with. ground for furnishing accessories. smoke your purchase at our chaperons. 'n the area, store . . . charge it at our Today's modern concrete masonry fits And modern concrete masonry suits store . . . pay for it at our Subscribe —to tl this scheme of things beautifully. Called every type of terrain and landscaping, is store. You get lust one month- new-type living concrete, it has the char- practically maintenance free. It can't ly bill and you may take acter and charm that suits any style of burn, either-- is impervious to insects. months to pay. Takes but a home ... from contemporary to trad it iona . Stays cooler iii ,“/Illtlier, warmer in winter. few minutes to yet your New sizes and styles, new types and tex- Budget not, Cost is usually less than Credit Card. Do it here today! tures (even new laying patterns, offer an other types of masonry. Write for color- 41idless array of tasteful combinations ful free folder, Gracree, //erne, of Luring with units painted or integrally colored. ('onerete.

236 Essex St. -92 So. B'way PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION LAWRENCE 20 Providence Street, 16, Massachusetts Wilmington Shopping Plaza A national organization to improve and extend the uses of ion, irti• 216 Central St. Lowell 18 Merrimack St., Haverhill


derick Johnson of Andover, vice president; Mrs. John McArdle of Andover, secretary; and Mrs. Wil- AN Dem liam Itandy of North Andover, Mrs. John Giblin of Methuen has treasurer. been elected president of theSrnith TOWNSMAN College Club. Retiring president is Mrs. Other officers include Mrs. F re- Joseph Dodge. Established 1887 Published Every Thursdo, 166 No. Main Street, Andover, Entered as Second Class Motu. The Andoyer Post Office Price 10t Per Copy $5.00 per Publisher ...... Irving E. Editor ...... David Eft9Ms ar Siorave Business Y j A 5. l, mg, • • Ficy:nond B. DeRuts NATIONAL EDITORIAL For those who insist on the Fintst— Cja I •••-et s•is.••••esti•e‘s TOWNSMAN CORRESPONDENTS Vest Parish Tel. GR 5.244 Mrs. Sarah Lewis iallardvale Tel. GR 5-62 Mrs. Iluth r;reen ,hawslieen Tel. GR 3.134 tate Took Land or Highway Use FINAL ACTIVITY - One of the final weekend activities at Abbot Academy was presentation The State Department of Pub the play "Fallen Angels". On stage are Jane Paffard, and Susan Hill, whose home is on lorks has officially taken land of lest Andover for one of dies Forbes In, (Leone) ions of Route 495. TOWN MEETING CALL MU 5-5163 The layout consists of ma. HOOL POPULATION fishing a state highway locan NTINUES UPWARD NOW IS JUNE 29 n new location, for a portion (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) ie proposed Interstate Route4K f the growing area. Route 93, a planned apartment eginning at the southerly st Vaults on the Premises It had been reported to the Com- district off Morton st., and the fine of High Plain road, Andoser mittee that the Land Acquisition change of land to business at the ROAST o called, about 2500 feet easter mmittee has failed in attempts to corner of Stevens st. and Main st. f the junction therewith of negotiate the purchase of theland. RIBS OF BEEF [ill road and extending no Another article concerns accepting Harold Rafton, chairman of the• a statute that allows the town to Yor kshire Pudding asterly about nine-tenthsof am latter group, attended the School ) the westerly street line pay vacation wages in advance. and meeting Monday to provide At Monday's abbreviated ses- ANDOVER INN 1reenwood road. data on the site and negotiations. liorkshiPRIME The layout is made in two. sion, Town Counsel Fredric S. The vote of the Committee put O'Brien moved for the postpone-. YOUR FURRIER SINCE 1900 :ons, the first extending from. hat body on record as requesting oint beginning above descn ment, after Moderator Charles the town to take the land. Future Hatch warned those present that ortheasterly about 2E50 feetto action in that regard comes from 'esterly location lineoftheDec, this action was the only item of he Land Acquisition Committee business that could be considered. 956 state highway layout (he town manager and Selectmen. 11 MAIN STREET ANDOVER MASS • GR 5-3554 tate Route 93) and the seal Committee Secretary William A. K. P. THOMPSON ection extending from the easter Doherty voted against the motion, )cation line of said 1956 layo n the grounds that he does not HEADS TRADE BOARD ortheasterly about 1550 feet favor the eminent domain proceed- (Continued from l'age One) aid westerly street lineofG ings, while being in favor of the bership were Stanley Swanton, ood road. site. treasurer and Samuel Osgood, se- For damages sustained byre The entire school housing prob- cretary. Dns in their property by rea lem, with an up-dated estimate of During the session, the Board of f the takings, the following awa future growth, will be considered Directors voted to establish the i the sum of $1 have been filed at the June 28 meeting of the Com- position of executive secretary, on le Registry of Deeds by the sta mittee. The group of laymen, who a part-time basis. Appointed to the oehlen Engraving Works Inc some months ago prepared a newly-created staff post was Ro- .03 acres; John and Sophie Chif statistical survey on this subject bert Finneran of North Andover, :cki, 12.86 acres; JohnKhicCoy ill bring that survey up to date in Andover correspondent for a local i0 acres; heirs of Isaiah R. K light of the anticipated enrollment. 1.16 acres; Town ofAridottr daily newspaper. Estimated enrollments prepared The Trade Board, during its 16 acres; Arthur and OlivineT: y the superintendent show a total meeting, presented a gift to re- srt, 17.41 acres; John and So;':. 12,151 in the elementary grades tiring president George Lister. hnnelecki, 6,55 acres; estate. and 1,466 in the secondary grades. ?Airy B. Bailey, 690 square is compares with 2,007 in the PERSONAL rede rick 0. and Ida Davideit, lementary schools and 1,353 in Miss Madge Wilson, religious luare feet; Sarafina secondary grades in September, :res; John and Sophia Chmielec,. director for the past year in the 3 acres; Eugene Landry, West Church left last Sunday for a 'Ithough making the point that brief visit with her pa rents at their ires; estate of Henry B. Baiii rowth in all areas is filling up 8 acres; Eugene Landry, 2r. home in Trinity, N. C. She will re- lassrooms, Erickson pointed out turn for another year in Septem- 'ware feet and 1.72 acres; lo hat the West School is suffering 'd Claire M. Tisbert, 1 ac most of all. ber. rner unknown, Pettingell are lie recalled that the library there 0 square feet; John and So d already been changed to a flexees® innelecki, and A rthur andOlid lassroom, and now it appears that WANT TO SEE OUR sbe rt. nother kindergarten area must NEW RED CARPET ? Ito be created. This may be done avid Peterson y putting library facilities on the 15 IT THE KIND ttertained Group gage of the auditorium, he sug- THEY ROLL OUT Oat ested, Another possibility is mov- FOR CUSTOMERS IN David Peterson, a memberoft. ng the kindergarten to the Grange THE PRESCRIPTION ost Church Junior High Pilo uilding, Erickson noted, but he DEPARTMENT AT make a big splash! lowship, entertained the re: oes not favor that step unless it [ absolutely necessary. rs at his home on Greeri . Saturday evening, from Two sixth grades of the School Princess line ve already been shifted to the SHAWSHEEN o'clock. strapless boy-short towe School at the central plant. A cook-out was enjoyed area: suit of figure nd Erickson wondered whether it nton and ping pong, as well PHARMACY firming elastic ncing, were enjoyed on theta y be necessary to move the fifth rade to another location. If one with four rows of er 35 were present for the out brightening Dr event. Mr, and Mrs.Peter f the two fifth grade classes is n embroidery. i Mr. and Mrs. George Ais wed, he suggested that it will be I Miss Madge Wilson, xtreinely difficult to plan trans- Black or White. 34.46. 19.95 rector of the group, acted nation because the students are attered geographically through- iperons. the area, Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN


Mrs. John Mundy of Andover st, Lincoln cir., Chandler cir., is spending a few days at Hampton Shirley rd., Beacon st. (Lowell to Eight kesidents Received Beach, N. H. Chandler rd.), Juniper rd., North st., Greenwood rd., A rgilla rd., Boston University Degrees Approximately 116,255 gallons Lovejoy rd., liaggetts Pond rd., of asphalt and 6,400 yards of sand High Plain (off liaggetts Pond rd.), covering will be used this summer Bailey rd Bellevue rd., Tewks- to resurface town streets. bury st., Chester st., Oak st., Dale Town Manager Thomas E. Duff st., High st., (Ballardvale), Rail- has listed the following streets road ave. for the annual program: Carmel rd., Foster car., Florence st., Pasho st., Punchard CON171,:rr ave., Wolcott ave.. Flint cir., orriCt PLANNERS (Ser Out S)•r3verooms, Gardner ave., Bancroft rd., Salem TV SERLLS for Everyone DESKS—CHARS—rats (Main to Holt), Jenkins rd., wood- Channel 5 - Sun. 10 a.m. MOSLLA spirts land rd., Orchard st., Gould rd. Channel 9' - Sun. 6:45 p.m. A. K. Thomas Co. School (Central to Main), Abbot Channel 7 free Parking On otempte• st., Torr st., Oriole dr.. Cutler - Alternate Sun. 8:30 a.rn. 3.7 Comm.,. e. ,r1 MU I-5337 -- MU 3 1Scl Shaw, Reservation, Strawberry Hill, Dutton rd., Kenilworth st., Riverina rd., Argyle st., Arundel You Do The Enjoying...Let Us Do The st., York st., Binney st., Fletcher st., Shepley st. William st., George st., Yale rd., Magnolia ave., Poor st., Bar- nard st., Park st., !larding st., Costly marine equipment . . . Chestnut st. (Bartlet to Central). from your boat itself to the Walnut ave., Central (Main to South MISS C. CHRISTINE MATNAI gear that makes it go . are Church), Elm ct., I ligh (Elm to Old meant to be enjoyed. Ease of of Education was given to Riche Dump), Locke st. and Pearson st. mind that comes from sound L. Thornton, 62 Haverhill st, insurance coverage will also Lillian F. FOOD SALE BY Robbins, 78Salem insure that enjoyment! EASTERN STAR received her Bachelor of Sci FIFTH Y Andover Chapter 187 O.E.S. will degree from the Schoolof Nursi. Punchard C. Christine 'Maynard received hold a food sale, Saturday, June 11, Bachelor of Science degree fro AWARDS GI at 10 a.m. in the Elm Food Farm the School of Education. store at the Shawsheen Plaza. THIS MORN Home made pies, cake, cookies Local Residents (Continued and bread as well as home baked BANK BUILDING ANDOVER larger, Ilerb4 beans will be on sale. Get Brown Degrees bert Garrison Westinghoth Three Andover residents , Search certifi ceived degrees at Brown 'L:71 and Kempton. versity's 192nd annualcommenc Richard M; Greener Grass —Without Dandelions! anent June 6. the Boy's GI, Michael E. Barton, son of f,! Carolyn Grant and Mrs. Richard E. Barton,!: Girl's Glee Cl Lowell st., graduated cum laude,. Joan Ellen graduate of Andover High, he recipient of 1 ceived a Bachelor of Arts deg strurnentalist In his junior and sophomore lea ROBERT F. ONTIIANK bolizing the he was on the Dean's List. Me award go Eight Andover residents received Mary Louise Stiegler, whoa: ley. degrees from Boston University at graduated cum laude, is The Boy's ; the Baccalaureate andCommence- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hato will go to Jo ment exercises June 5. W. Stiegler, 148 Salem st. girl's award George II. Abbot, 56 Central st., A graduate of Abbot Acadc, received his M. D. from the School she received a Bachelor of Honorable it of Medicine. degree, goes to Jolts B Joseph C. Jacobs, 30 high, Robert D. Redfern, son of Cold pin art received the Bachelor of Science Mary D. Redfern, 52 York seated to M degree in Aeronautical Engineer- received a Bachelor of Arts degr Roger Roberg ing from the College of Industrial A graduate of Punchard High, Jo-Anne Essia Technology, was active in his sophomore Special come Edward J. O'Donnell, 17 York junior years at Brown in the for outstanding st., received the Master of Arts and Buskin, undergraduatedrara to Susan Nour degree from the Graduate School. tic organization, John Toomey, Receiving his Bachelor of Science neth Young, At degree from the School of Public Wholey Moving lee Johnson ai Relations and Communications was :chard Dan Robert F. Onthank of llolt rd., who To Grown Inn 'or scoring the was on the Dean's List for three national math c Deborah Ner semesters. W, Richard Wholey Jr., forme Robert L. Bradley, 126 Main st., ly assistant manager of DAR Good Citi received the Master of Arts degree Andover Inn, has acceptedthecos The Best I will be presen from the Graduate School, tion of assistant manager of Winning the A certificate of advanced grad- Groton Inn, Groton, Mass. Wholey served local! award for exo uate specialization from theSchool education are 1956, first as a Treadr.: Sheila Lawlor. agerial trainee and latera ROBERT H. LANGE ant to Robert Frazer, who Miss Floren STENOTYPE REPORTER to Groton as manager. turned to her Court and Conference Reporting Wholey is the son of Mr... after spending: 7.ont. epositions and Auditors' Hearing William R. Wholey, 140 :. NOTARY PUBLIC GR 5-3675 CApital 7-0572

This won't take long. We'll go fishing in half an hour. BONUS" is a cinch to apply. Into the Scotts Spreader— and onto the lawn. Goes on evenly, accu- rately, as you walk. Wonderful stuff. Good F Actually does two jobs at once. Kills for the dandelions, plantain, buckhorn—and Whole j3; an also feeds grass to greener beauty! News More and more folks are coming to us for advice on improving their lawns through an easy-to-follow Scotts Program. Come in anytime. Fact! We'll be glad to prescribe the correct Program for your lawn. 'Family I Save $5.00! Scotts Spreader (16.95) Here's the Right House Point The Chustiors for Today's Trend to Color! a'e trier ''"OY St., B plus Bonus (5.95) together only 17.90 It's wonderful.. especially formulated for tinting with all Purpose tinting S.d Your news, colors or standard BPS House Paint 'Iwkel Enclosed Colors . oirer 100 modern colors to r"ncy order. 1 y, choose from mules painting easier weths $10 and faster!

Come see the Famous BPS House Point Colorcade Na


CHILDREN'S DAY xeived PROGRAM SUNDAY Children's Day will be observed Degrees at the Ballard Vale United Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

41/14. vtio•-

DRIVE IN EVERY 1,000 MILES! LUBRICATION and OIL CHANGE FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY •• 4 Cali Phil or Joe [SS C. CHRISTINE MAYNAI 41111 NEW HOURSI Education was given to Richa Thornton, 62 Haverhill st. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Lillian F. Robbins, 78Salem 7 a.m. to.9 p.m. sceived her Bachelor of Set FIFTH YEAR REUNION - Members of the Class of 1955, weekend for their first reunion. SATURDAYS 7 a.m, to 8 p.m. wee from the Schoolof Nurs Punchard High School, gathered at the Yankee Doodle last SUNDAYS 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Leone) C. Christine Maynard received achelor of Science degree AWARDS GIVEN Troop 76 Brownies Collins, Nina Clark, Susan Morton, Frances Cunningham, Deborah e School of Education. THIS MORNING Enjoyed Cookout Judy Clifton, Katherine Urquhart, Furtado and Susan Westall. ;Continued Irom Page One) Elizabeth Allen !fills, Carla John- ACCOUNTS IN ORDER Dcal ELM STREET Residents Berger, llerbert Kempton and Ro- The final meeting of Brownie son, Lorraine Furtado, Diane Deniers, Cindy May, JeanSpencer, Town Manager Thomas E. Duff Pet Brown Degrees tert Garrison. Troop 76 was held recently in the Susan Pierce, Terry Lee Dustin, has received the state auditor's Westinghouse Science Talent form of a cookout at the home of report indicating that town finances Karen Moss, Betty Kyger, Joyce Service Station Three Andover residents . Search certificates go to Garrison one of the leaders, Mrs. Kevin are in proper order. Milligan, Nancy McWhinnie, Signe !ived degrees at Brown and Kempton. Collins. The other leaders are Mrs. The report is made annually, JOE CONNOR, Prop. ;rsity's 192nd annualcommenc Charles Milligan, Mrs. Robert Rosenblad, Deborah Aucliterlonie, Richard Mahoney will receive after a representative of the 15 ELM ST ent June 6. Johnson and Mrs. Howard Norton, Pamala Darby, Marion Weaver, ANDOVER the Boy's Glee Club award and auditor spends several days here GR 5-0712 Michael E. Barton, son of M Carolyn Grant, the award from the Brownies attending were Susan Susan Parker, Amanda Hood, checking accounts. id Mrs. Richard E. Barton,: Girl's Glee Club. Dwell st., graduated cum laude„ Joan Ellen Simeon will be the -aduate of Andover High, he recipient of the Girls' Band in- rived a Bachelor of Arts deg strumentalist award. The pin sym- THE EVENT ALL GREATER his junior and sophomore yea bolizing the Girls' Band major- was on the Dean's List, ette award goes to Judith Parsh- LAWRENCE WAITS FOR! Mary Louise Stiegler, whoa ley, -aduated cum laude, is The Boy's award for Orchestra iughter of Mr. and Mrs, Mars will go to John Harding and the OUR ANNUAL AND BIGGEST SALE . Stiegler, 148 Salem st. girl's award to Dorothy Miller. LEONE A graduate of Abbot Acader, Honorable mention for orchestra se received a Bachelor of A goes to John Bilello. IN YEARS. SPECTACULAR REMOVAL sgree. for Robert D. Redfern, son of Mr Gold pin art awards will be pre- sented to Meredytlie Manning, familare OF ENTIRE CONTENTS OF OUR ary D. Redfern, 52 York . sceived a Bachelor of A rts defg Roger Roberge, Jane Fitzgerald, graduate of Punchard High, Jo-Anne Essiambre and Judy West. ESSEX SPRINGFIELD ST. WAREHOUSE Special commendation art awards, as active in his sophomore STREET nior years at Brown in the S r. for outstanding work, will begiven 430 TO LEONE'S CONVENIENT ESSEX id Buskin, undergraduatedram to Susan Noury, Marjorie Mazel, organization. John Toomey, Susan Slade, Ken- neth Young, Audrey Dawes, Anna- ST. LOCATION . lee Johnson and Alice O'Connor. 1 Vholey Moving Richard Daniels receives a pin for scoring the highest mark on the ONE OF THE MOST FANTASTIC SALES IN o Groton Inn national math contest. .14 Deborah Newcomb receives the W. Richard Wholey Jr„ tonne BUSINESS HISTORY , assistant manager of DAR Good Citizenship certificate. ESTABLISHED fl C The Best Homemaking award 1931 ndover Inn, has accepted thepo5 III. on of assistant manager of will be presented to Judith West. roton Inn, Groton, Mass. Winning the Eugene Lovely gym h, award for excellence in physical Wholey served locally s, I -4' • ir • • 1 .11111 F education are John VanNest and , )56, first as a Treadway r; Sheila Lawlor. F J LEGVE aerial trainee and laterasasn Hvrlya irghV,t 4 at to Robert F razer, whohasg ii Miss Florence Gilman has re- Groton as manager. turned to her home on Lowell st. WARE HOUSE Wholey is the sonof Mr.and after spending several days in Ver- illiani R. Wholey, 140 Main mont,

subscribe to the TOWNSMAN THE SALE STARTS CHRISTIAN TODAY SALE AT STORE SCIENCE WE HAVE JAM PACKED OUR ENTIRE 8 FLOORS IN OUR ESSEX ST. STORE AND AT 9 A.M. HAVE DRASTICALLY MARKED DOWN MERCHANDISE 2.5'c 50" - 75`) TO OFFER MONITOR THE BEST HOME FURNISHINGS BUYS IN YEARS - PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR DELIVERIES. AN INTIRNATIONAL 10 Pc. OLD TIMERS DAILY NIWIPAPIll Sole Pried GALLON INSULATED NO NEED FOR READY CASH AUTO DRINK SET ONLY WO I , CHARGE - BUDGET - LAY-AWAY Good Reading Includes 25 oz. Cocktail or Juice S 00 mixer with cover. Eight 11 oz. PICNIC JUGS for the tumblers decorated with old-time NO PHONE OR C.O.D. ORDERS cars in color. FOR DURING THIS GREAT EVENT. ,../ • Whole Family CASH AND CAItHY — LIMIT' 2 TO CUST PICNICS QUANTITIES LIMITED - FIRST FOR COME FIRST SERVED. WE WILL •News GARDEN oaf CAMPING STORE FURNITURE FOR DELIVERY FOR BEACH • 50 FT. HOSE $ 00 Facts CrWry -- I. lrnit 2 to CUSt011te,' (OUSE PAIN1 Flexible. . . Light. . . Strong Plas- 1040 tic with full-How couplings. 3 year NOTICE INTING • 2 - FOOT family Features guarantee. Reg. $3.50 NHITE 229_ olt ------Christian CASH AND CARRY — LIMIT 2 TO CUSTOMER Science Monitor STEP LADDER DURING THIS BIG SALE WE 0, Norway St., Boston 15, Mos., ONLY Sena your Nam. newspaper for the time FOLDING CAMP CHAIRS Extra sturdy. Mode of WILL BE OPEN 35 Enclosed find my check or select hardwood. Easy ) 00 m)ner order. I year 570 Sturdy frame wiits goy, colored open-close 121ding action. months $10 [J GALION 3 months $5 LI canvas back and seat. $2.95 value. Rea. $2.95. THURSDAY & p Ni . 1 plorc ode CASH AND CAHHY -- LIMIT '.' )M1:!1 Name EVERY IMAGINABLE FURNITURE & FURNISHINGS FRIDAY MI. 45 MAIN ST. Address NEED - ON SALE - ALL DUALITY - ALL SELECT! TEL. MU 6-6197 GR5-0102 `Aare F. J. LEONE COMPANY 430 ESSEX STREET LAWRENCE


Church School. Awards and An- picnic at Canobie John MacMillan, James Green, Lake Park nouncements will be made at the TuEsDA yi 7i3 Burton Batchelder and Robert 0 pdn. e8na 10 a.m. Service. The music is of Trustees will meet Moore spent the weekend on a fish- AT Itit CIARCIHIES in the Church ing trip in New Hampshire. under the direction of Irvin Wilkin- son choir director. PaWEDNESDAY:rlor. South Church home of Mr. and Mrs. George 7 a Window Shades— Traverse Reels MONDAY: 6 p.m. Members of piorers willmeet IEF.V. FREDERICK H. NOSS, Pastor Sher re rd. p.n4.1t CheurEcoh..1 Venetia* Blinds the Friendly Guild will meet to go 7:30 p.ni. The lBo SUNDAY: 10:30 a.m. Sub-Nur- i:eiancon FRIDAY: 7:30 p.m. Closing to Lexington Inn. and Deacnnesse Cleaned — R.-taped — Re-corded sery children 18 mos. to 3 yrs. will nfee wtihe meeting, Boy Scouts, Tr. 73; Alan The North Parish Church Church Parlor. 10:30 a.m. Nursery. 10:30 a.m. G. Chadwick, Scoutmaster. (Unitarian) — North Andover iu 1,6 DA y: so Children's Sunday service. ToTi tse ngs S.A. Shiepe Co., Inc. REV. P.A. BROWN IH., Ministnr SATURDAY: 6:30 p.m. Church MONDAY: 6 p.m. The Courteous Circle will meet in the lower 227 Hampshire St. — 14U 2.7403 Couples' Club Barbecue at the FRIDAY: 4 p.m. Junior Choir Parish I tall. 7 p.m. The DoyScouts Circle of the King's Daughters. rehearses at the church. 7 p.m. will meet at the Church. 7:30 p,ni. Box Lunch and annual business Senior Choir rehearses at the Senior Choir rehearsal. 7:45 pa, meeting. 7:45 p.m. Board of Chris- church. The Christian Education Commit. tian Education. SATURDAY't 9 a.m. Picnic lot tee will meet at the Church. TUESDAY: 7:30 p.m. Prudential the Nursery through the 2nd grade Committee meeting, South Vestry. Andover Baptist Church will be held at the Guidotti's on HEV. DONALD J. IIYDER, Pastor 8 p.m. Ping Pong for the men of Prospect I lill rd. FRIDAY: No Junior choir the parish. re. SUNDAY: 10:30 a.ni. Morning h rsal THURSDAY: 10 a.m. Friendly Service of Worship for Children's SATURDAY: 9 a.m. JuniorChoir Service sewing meeting for the Sunday. Awards will be made and outing, leaving from the church, missions, hospitals, and the United there will be a service of christen- 2-5 p.m. The Ladies of the church Clothing Appeal. Coffee is served ing. 11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour ill the will hold a garden party at 3E1 at noon. 4:30-7:30 p.m. Choir out- vestry. 2 p.m. Grades 3 through 6 Lowell st. There will be an art ing at the Pine Grove, Wild Rose will meet at the churcn to go to the exhibit and sale of various articles, Dairy Farms. Cars will leave from GIFTS Audubon Reservation. Refreshments included in small South Church at 4:30. TUESDAY: 7 p.m. Troop 84 Boy gate-entrance fee. Children ad- NOTICE: BeginningSunday, June Scouts meet at the Community Cen- mined free. Open to the public. FATHER 19, Morning Worship will he at 10 te r. SUNDAY: No Church School. a.m. Free Church 10:30 a.m. Children's Day Exerci- Christ Church 111:V. J. ALLYN BRADFORD 1 ,1, for ses. 6:30 p.m. B.Y.F. meetings, HEV. J. EDISON PIKE:, Hector FRIDAY: 3:15 p.m. Children's 8 p.m. Gospel I lour. Special music SUNDAY: Trinity Sunday. 8 a.m. Day Service rehearsal in Upper and message by the pastor, the Rev. Donald Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Morning Parish I lall. 3:15 p.m. Junior, J- Ryder. der. HIS day is June 19th Prayer and Family Service (closing Junior High and Senior High choir 6: p.m. Friendly Circle cookout at the homeof Mrs. exercises of Church School). Today rehearsal. 6 p.m. The Couples Club fi is the closing exercises for the will meet at the Church to attend Edna Lounsbury. Please bring MARK IT WELL WITH their Annual Outing at Salisbury rolls and meat course. Dessert and coffee will SOMETHING TO WEAR FROM — State Park. ovid:16 . WEDNESDAY:sp y SATURDAY: 6:30 p.m. The pri 7:30 p.m. mid. week prayer service. Junior High Pilgrim Fellowship THURSDAY: will meet for an evening of Minia- 7:30 p.m. Standing Elander g Swanton's ture Golf. Committee meet 01g. No Senior choir rehea rsal. SUNDAY: 10:15 a.m. Children's NoTicEi Kin Day Service - Children's sermon, d ly note charge in "The Seed That Grew" by the Rev. time of Sunday morning worship service. Beginning June 19 and SPORT SHIRTS J. Allyn Bradford. Prelude, Over- through July and August, 10 a,m, by McGregor and Arrow ture and Air (Suite in D) by Handel and Gloria Domini by Noble. The West Parish Church REV. HOWARD A. ANDREWS, Pastor Doug Howe Lord's Prayer by Malone. Offer.: Long or short sleeve styles. Choice of knits or woven FRIDAY: Father and Son about this question: tory, Let All Things Now Living - Banquet, sponsored by West Parish NEW CH fabrics in Cotton, Cotton and Silk or Cotton and Da- Traditional. 1:30 p.m. Junior, cron. Many Drip-Dry and require no ironing! Brotherhood. Sports program be- Junior lligh and Senior !Ugh choir this photo 3.00 to 8.95 gins at 6:00 p.m.; dinner at 7:30, Catholic pt There was a young lady from Reservations may be made with church, or t Wheel ing George Ainscow, William Stewart, 1 imitkan I it is believe Who tried to repaint the ceil- ,.. - or Earl Young. BERMUDA SHORTS be served. ing. SUNDAY: 10:30 a.m. Children's Sunday Service of Worship. Mem- of the inter) The stepladder broke t• FOR bers of the Senior High Pilgrim ly across th Our showing includes Polished Cot- Her descent was no joke tons, Rayon and Dacron, Madras 1--. FAMILY Fellowship leave the church after side of the But insurance cushioned her Plaids! Handsome colors and plaids. the service for a beach party. In aerial photo feeling. DINING case of rain, the party will be post- 3.95 to 9.95 Note: For complete health- OUT poned until June 19th. SODERBE RI MONDAY: 7:30 p.m. Christian accident insurance, Consult PRINCIPAL ANDOVER INN Education committee meeting, WEDNESDAY: 7:30 p.m. Senior xar in the sys --t- —"IIIIMIMMI Choir rehearsal. DOUGLAS N. HOW' A veteran c Christian Science Society 52 Main St. Tel. GR 5-5100 served eight Locke Street) 16 Corps and at SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m,SundaySchcoi captain before 11 a.m. Church Service. Subjectof Mr. and Mr lesson sermon: "God the Pre- four children, server of Man". and Katherine. open Reading room, 66 Slain st. It was lear 12:30 to 4 p.m., Monday through Mr, Dimlicii, Friday, except holidays. for applicants f WEDNESDAY: Testimony meet• chargi ings 8 p.m. mince with v: st. Augus• tincis Church code of the REN,. HENRY D. SMITH, Pastor Association. in SWIM TRUNKS mince mein SATURDAY: Confessions •I to sections of the by McGregor 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. : Masses 6:30, 8, 9,11, "The Immix profession hay 11S aUnNdD 1A2.Y ligations with St. Augustine's Holy Name so. In Boxer style. . .the "Cari6e" merit. These ob ciety will receive Holy Commu- model with fly front. Reversible always shared c styles, too. In plain shades, stripes, nion in a body at the 8 o'clock responsibilities checks or plaids. Mass. respect and got; 3.00 to 7.95 St. Joseph's Church "In fulfilling ELECTRIC (BALL ARDVALE) this fourth pri SUNDAY: Mass at 9 o'clock. will- PAJAMAS Confessions heard before Mass, "Apply for basis ofcompet1 by Pleetway School Board Will asking fora spec HARELESS to be filled by Short sleeved, knee-length for Sum- Furnish Stcilement "Refuse to The Schoul Committee has mer sleeping comfort. They Drip- when the vacanc agreed to f u rnish quartet Dry, no ironing necessary. through unprofe financial statements to the Finance 2.95 and 3.95 a ;ending controv AUTOMATIC Committee, in accordance with si011al policy 01 • policy followed by most town de' alJusrpersonal ask about our pa rtments. cedures." SUMMER SUITS The request front the FinCorn Mr, INinlich Dacron, Viscose and Rayon .$39.95 library, School stated that only the *Rd 'improk Department and Board of Ilealthdo Dacron and Wool or famous Mohara $55.00 when you switch to electric not provide the figures. lit WEST cooking and electric water heat- financial group meets regularly 7 ROOM C ing at the same time and keeps track of municipal ex. ,- )1 Noptstic Other Gift Thoughts • penditures throughout the year. on y acres of town The 1' inCom also was invited to THE AVERAGE FAMILY liYae and spro Buxton Wallets and Key Cases; Tie Racks; Cloehos COOKS ELECTRICALLY send representatives to any dis• 21 ft, living Brushes; Hair Brushes, Jewelry Cases; Car Visors; cussion meetings on the 1961 bust. FOR ONLY wide board floi Desk Pads and many, many other items of lasting and FinallCeCOV ONLY $1899: ABOUT $2.50 A MONTH get. In past years the window, Full practical value. mittee did not meet withtheSchocil Panelled, Farn $5.95 DOWN on terms Committee until the final budget eietic kitchen, had been approved. eiled, Plus r,s,s. Ceramic3 INSIDE PAINTING NlW rr4Gi4,0 Paper Hanying and $.44 MERRIMACK-ESSEX ELECTRIC CO. Cellotex Ceilings PART OF NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC SYSTEM GENERAL. REPAIRS Kathr\d M.J. CHAISSON REAL ESTA INCORPORATED MAIN ST. ANDOVE R MU 8.6895 Beverly

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 7 t Canobie Lake Park. of substantial gifts. We have re- these results bespeak the effective ATT EN DING CONP ER EN C DAY: '7:30 p.m. The Board ceived 12 in excess of $100,000; personal solicitation of some 1400 The 12ev. lialdean S. Lindsey, ees will meet in theChurch the most recent and notable being volunteers organized in more than pastor of the United Church, is that of $600,000 for the Science 200 committees throughout this attending the Northeast Methodist IESDAY: 7 p.m. The Es- Building from Thomas M. Evans, country, and In several foreign will meet at the Church. the parent of a graduating senior countries as well. I am certain that Conference at Boston University this week. Delegate from the 11. The Board of Deacon, and chairman of the II. K. Porter these volunteers will press for- Church is Mrs. Henry Meyers. .conesses will meet in the Co., Inc. Mr. Evans' gift not only ward to carry the Program story Parlor. makes possible the constructionof to every alumnus individually, and 1SDAY: 10 a.m. TheSewing the largest and most Important that the total number of contribu- will meet in the lower WINDHAM NURSERIES single project of the Program, but tors will increase considerably." (JOHN S. CROUSE, MANAGER) Hall. 7 p.m. The BoyScout, it gives the Program a boost which Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN RANGE ROAD — ROUTE 111 et at the Church. 7:30 p. does make our goal attainable. WINDHAM, N.H. Choir rehearsal. 7:45 p.m, Added Mr. Ireland: "I am parti- WANTED ristian Education Commit: cilia rly pleased to see the number TWinbrook 8-7213 (Code 603) meet at the Church. of contributions increasing so Enlarger to take 4 ie 5 neg- lover Baptist Church rapidly. There is steadily swelling atives and other photographic DONALD 1. RYDER, Pastor evidence that the alumni do under- dark room equipment for Comp PRUNING )AY: No Junior choir re- stand and endorse the school's Lawrence. l. plans for the future. Moreover, SERVICE JRDAY: 9 a.m. JunforChoir Call GR 5-1031 leaving front the church. n. The Ladies of the church )1d a garden party at 301 st. There will be an art , and sale of various articles, hments included in small Hey. . It's Cook Out Time 1trance fee. Children ad- free. Open to the public, DAY: No Church School. (__ 1.m. Children's Day Exerci- 6:30 p.m. B.Y.F. meetings, Gospel Hour. Special music JOHNNY'S " iessage by the pastor, the ionald J. Ryder. ,IDAY: 6:30 p.m. Friendly HAS SPECIALS FOR ALL cookout at the homeof Mrs', Lounsbury. Please bring COOK-OUT NEEDS ind meat course. Dessert and will be provided. )NESDAY: 7:30 p.m. Mid- )raye r service. JRSDAY: 7:30 p.m. Standing Ittee meet i u g. No Senior STEAKS rehearsal. "ICE: Kindly note change in of Sunday morning worship PORTER HOUSE :e. Beginning June 19 and ;h July and August, 10 a.m. T-BONE West Parish Church HOWARD A. ANDREWS, Pastor or CLUB lb. [DAY: Father and Son NEW CHURCH SITE — The parcel of land at the center of 9c let, sponsored by West Parish been purchased for the construction of a new CUT FROM U.S. CHOICE STEER BEEF FRANKFORTS ierhood. Sports program he- this photo has at 6:00 p.m.; dinner at 7:30. Catholic parish church. No announcement of plans for the ESSEM 59c rvations may be made with church, or the new parish, have been announced yet. However, CENTER CUT REGULAR lb ;e Ainscow, William Stewart, it is believed that portions of West Andover and Tewksbury wil I irl Young. be served. The site fronts on Haggett's Pond rd., and is north VDAY: 10:30 a.tn. Children's of the intersection with Bailey rd. One structure stands direct- ry Service of Worship. Mem- PORK CHOPS 69 ly across the street, while the old Johnson farm is on the same of the Senior High Pilgrim side of the street. This photo was taken from the town-owned ALL LEAN — NO WASTE wship leave the church after with the cooperation of the assessors. (Leone) ervice for a beach party. In aerial photos, of rain, the party will be post- SODERBERGH TOOK and 'unjust personal practices and 1 until June 19th. procedures', are considered so )NDAY: 7:30 p.m. Christian HAMBURG PRINCIPAL'S POST „ serious as to warrant court action ation committee meeting. (Continued front Page one) against the individuals involved." :DNESDAY: 7:30 p.m. Senior year in the system. The committee members exam- FRESHLY GROUND C • rehearsal. 1 veteran of World War II, he ined the letter prior to taking Kristian Science Society STEER BEEF served eight years in the Marine action in naming Mr. Soderbergh. le, 89 SAND. OR FRANKFORT (6 Locke Street) Corps and attained the rank of Dr. Milton J. Meyers, chairman 9:30 a.m.SundaySchooi (DAY: captain before discharge. of the committee, commented that m. Church Service. Subjects! !.!r, and Mrs. Soderberg!) have he felt there was no cloud over in sermon: "God the Pre- VEAL CUTLETS lb 89c four children, Susan, Mary, l'eter the position as no court action has ROLLS pkg 19C or of Man". and Katherine. ing room, 66 Main st. open been initiated. PACKAGE OF 8 It was learned this week that to 4 p.m., Monday through hr, Dimlich, on hearing of the call ACADEMY FUND ay, except holidays. for applicants for tire acting princi- PAGES NEARING GOAL F.DNESDAY: Testimony meet- palship, charged the School Com- redh rogei/TS' (Continued from Page One) 8 p.m. mittee with violating the ethical largest amount ever raised by an EVAPORATED MILK St. Augustine's Church code of the National Education American secondary school over a FIERY RED t .SMITH, Pastor .ssociation., In a letter to the Com- EV. HENRY limited time period. They also re- c uTURDAY: Confessions 4 to mittee membe r s, he quoted very substantial 3 CANS sections of the code: present the lb 47 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. generosity of more than 4,200 7c "The members of the teaching, alumni and parents. WATERMELON MORTON'S COCOANUT JNDAY: Masses 6:30, 8, 9,10, profession have inescapable ob- "It is significant to me that so nd 12. ligations with respect to employ- rally parents and alumni have been . Augustine's Holy Name So- ment. These obligations are nearly CUSTARD f will receive Holy Comm:. responding so generously to An- SEEDLESS lb 29C always shared employer-employee dover's needs. Particularly note- GRAPES c in a body at the 8 o'cloo responsibilities based upon mutual worthy are the number of pledges PIES 3for 99 s. respect and good faith. CALIFORNIA Joseph's Church St. "In fulfilling the obligations of hd. 1 5c FARM HOUSE (BALL ARDVALE) IllIs iourth principle the teacher )NDAY: Mass at 9 o'clock. wili. Iceberg LETTUCE 'essions heard before Mass. "Apply for employment on the BLUEBERRY basis of competence only, and avoid HARD RED RIPE asking ea 1001 Board Will for a specific position known PIES 49c to be filled by another teacher. L GE rnish Statement "Refuse to accept a position PK G EMPIRE STATE ne S cho 01 Committee has, 'lien the vacancy has been created 19c sed to furnish quarterli TOMATOES tliougli unprofessional activity or racial statements totheFinance riiing controversy over proles- APPLESAUCE NATIONAL BISCUIT SUNSHINE irnittee, in accordance with a policy or the application of followed by most town de- ray ' oral practices and pro- ments. pKG 39c Hydrox pKG 37c 1 CANS 25C he request from the FinC. Triscuit , stated that, ""the ?.d that only the Library "red 'unprofessional activity', artment and Board of Ilealthdo C provide the figures. nit, WEST BOXFORD AMERICAN SLICED BREAD 1 LOAVES 29 acial group meets .regular)1 ,LoNIAL RANCH Talk to us now about your new keeps track of municipal ex- tealesti cony heating plant — we have the OPEN litures throughout the year. placed on 3 AMPLE acres of towering trees. This answers! to FinCom also was inviteri,to. dt... huge and sprawling ranch has THURS & FRI I representatives to any FREE b 24 ft, living room, fireplace, W.H. don meetings on the 1961 ud wide board floor, C07 12 ft. picture NITES TIL 9 In past years the Financec ...: window. Full dining room pine PARKING ee did not meet wit1ithe.c1,0, Panelled, Farm size fully auto- JOHNNY'S rnsittee until the final h matic kitchen, also pine pan- been approved. elled, plus 3 enormous bed- rooms, Ceramic tile bath. 2-car iolsge. Immediate occupancy. WELCH INSIDE PAINTING Paper Hanging and $24,900 COMPANY Ce I lotus Ceilings GENERAL. REPAIRS Kathryn King PLUMBING & HEATING SUPER MARKET REAL GR 5-2740 M.J. CHAISSON ESTATE SERVICE 43 PARK STREET ANDOVER MU 8-6895 Beverly WA 7-0124 •GR 5-0128'

8 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 A \I jeweled with see d pearls, ter- Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN • • minating in a full cathedral train, tier four tiered fingertip imported Miss TI( GALA OPENING! — BYRNE - SULLIVAN veil of F rench illusion was attached Miss Mary Alice Sullivan, to a coronet of orange blossoms Sociolog NORTH SHORE daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and pearls and she carried a white Henry Sullivan, 56 Maple ave., carved mother-of-pearl prayer MUSIC THEATER became the bride of Donn Brian book covered with a white orchid Beverly WA 2-8500 Byrne, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry and stephanotis, which wascarried Vincent Byrne, 51-R School st., at by her paternal grandmother sixty ONE a 11 o'clock ceremony, Saturday, years agoat her wedding , June 4, at St. Augustine's Church. Mississ Maureen cinoo; iy of An- WEEK ONLY The very Rev. Henry B. Smith, dover was the maid of honor for •: the bride. She wore a ballerina JUNE 21-26 0.S.A., officiated before the altar adorned with white daisies, gladioli length gown of white silk organza and peonies and bestowed the Papal .over white taffeta with coral cum- Blessing on the couple. The pews merbund, leghorn picture hat with were tied with white satin bows. coral velvet trini,sshoeshoe to match LO 1 The bride, given in marriage by andmw eglovesB.yrn her father, wore a Bianchi gown of isIsiit Cynthia e, siethestoir white slipper satin, styled with bridegroom; Miss Linda O'Lear portrait neckline appliqued with of Belmont, cousin of the bride ARMSTRONG re-embroidered alencon lace, and Miss Carolyn Kjoss of Nor- jeweled with seed pearls, long wood, also a cousin of the bride, AND HIS JAZZ CONCERT pointed sleeves, princess line with were the bridesmaids. All wore lace panels of alencon lace also identical outfits of white with aqua Wed. Thurs. Sun. $3.50 accessories and carried cascade FRI. & SAT. $3.95 bouquets in harmony with cas- HISS 2 SHOWS SAT. & SUN. Every FRIDAY At trates, Special Rates for Theater Parties Miss Gai r. Steven Byrne, brother of the b r ideg room was the best man. Paul Mr. and Mr. RICKEY'S 1c Chandle Before the show, dine at Anderson of Peabody, cousinof the Theater Terrace Restaurant - FISH - bridegroom; Edward Doyle of An- Bachelor of OPEN NIGHTLY AT 5 P.M. oirgy from FRIED CLAMS dover and Donald Walbridge of Methuen were the ushers. BOX OFFICE OPENS JUNE 13 A gradua The bride's mother Matl Orders Now — Also at - CHIPS - ,:voreadress she was act of champagne beige silk organza '_l_,ANDER & SWANTON'S. ANDOVER interfaith C EAT OR TAKE HOME with an over-skirt of embroidered 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. of the Social Coming June 28 - July 3 hand-clipped cocoa colored Chan- For Auick Service and was a vc CELESTE HOLM tilly lace with matching accesso- Phone GR 5-3012 Hawley flour in "Royal Enclosure" ries and she had a beige orchid to Prior to Broadway! - Next to Depot - accent her costume. The bridegroom's mother worea princess styled dress of light blue Many SAFEr,'Y IS OUR BUSINESS pure silk with white accessories and she wore a white orchid, Person( A reception at the I I illview Coun- Miss Aim THE SWING IS TO try Club in North Reading followed Lawrence, MRS. DONN B. BYRNE the ceremony with many out of town Mrs. Micha (Bachrach) guests present. tertained at The couple left on a weddingtrip held at the h to New York, Washington and Vir- law Mrs. Et GENERAL ginia. The bride chose a gray and st., that city, white pure silk dress with gray coming mar • Books • Greeting Cards shoes and white accessories for Maucieri, 2f her traveling costume. Mr. and Mrs The bride is a graduate of Pun- The wedding Stationery and Supplies chard high School and Merrimack 2. College. The co-ho With exclusive The bridegroom is a graduateol nor Dibitetto St. John's Prep and Merrimack of honor. Dec Nygen cord! College. and blue an ANDOVER BOOKSTORE received mar Troop 77 Held assemblage c MAIN COR. CHESTNUT ST. Those pre Protects Against: verso, Mrs. Final Meeting Mary Poulin, The last regular meeting of Boy Mrs. Helen Bruise Blowouts Scout Troop 77 was held Wednes- nieRossi, Mr day at the West Parish Church, Josephine Cy Punctures Invested as tenderfoot scouts rio, Mrs. Ma were Mike Rodden and Richard abeth Amiga Skids Gilbraith. This brought to a total all, Mrs. Pen E ebbing 313E115! of nine the new tenderfoot scouts Ankonas, h invested into the troop during the Mrs. Marga year. Catherine Di At the same time Gary Brow-. Dibitetto, Mr and David Thompson became se- Mrs. Connie cond class scouts and Richard trine Campt Ziegra was awarded the Forestry Hughes, Mrs Merit badge. Harold E. McGrath Mrs, Edith P Jr. was awarded his Life Scout Proctor, Mr Mrs, Doris badge by his father Harold E. .tc- Began, Mrs. Grath, who, in turn was awarded Miss Antoine the Scouters award for 1960 by 1' • Margaret Pe I lenry James representing the Nighosian, N North Essex Council. The scouting Mrs. Ethel Di uear was completed with a suc- ela Dibitetto, cessful Scout Camporee at Sudden tend and the Pond at I la rold Parker State Forrest over the weekend. CHILDREN' AT WEST Pi Children's in the West 111 "'ming at th Aorship. will TTENTION, NEWLY-WEDS! Build your future -2Fer and 1_,( vents. The R Athrough saving for a rosy tomorrow! What do will preach a The Dual 90 NYGEN cord tire with exclusive you want most? A long anticipated trip? Your own Choir will st —Strataseal" construction seals punctures as it home? You can realize any one of a thousand distributed to under, rolls . . . makes possible this daring statement, dreams. The surest way to attain a happy, prosper- "We pay for road service if you have a puncture!' ous future is to plan and save for it ... right here at this Co-operative Bank. Start your married life with a Joint Savings Account here at the Merrimack New car safety? THE Co-operative Bank • .. and be ready for gay days Change-Over to Dual 90's GENERAL and gray days! CALL THE MAN WAKE ME 1 today! alirmAL 9O FROM ELLIOTT'S Ernie Kova Mill show Too ...Sill , , Irons America's most lames MASTS mills. Installation by Ellioly Phone oi come ui own experts. CON( THE EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN! today DIAL MU 34751-9-9172 evening impend. for cloy co. FRI NITE ...t. FREE ESTIMATES Added Featu In Color - W Merrimack EASY citron Tams Sunday, Mc FAY & DRISCOLL COOPERATIVE BANK Ste, 576 HAVERHILL ST. LAWRENCE MU 3-3131 THE GIANT 264 ESSEX STREET, LAWRENCE YOUR GENERAL TIRE DISTRIBUTOR Cis. bl.--12 TEL. MU 3-0830 — 3-1761 236 Rob OPEN TUESDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 HOUSE THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 9 ed with seed pearls, ter- ing in a full catliedraltrain. Ainsworth Received our tiered fingertip imported Miss Titcomb Has ;f F rench illusion was attached Academy Diploma coronet of orange blossoms Sociology Degree earls and she carried a white NOW . . .d mother-of-pearl prayer covered with a white orchid tephanotis, which was carried NEW SHOPPING r paternal grandmother sixty ago at her wedding. S'S Maureen Gillooly of Arc CONVENIENCE was the maid of honor for iride. She wore a ballerina You'll be delighted with all 1 gown of white silk organza white taffeta with coral cum- that's in store for you. Corne in 771 und, Leghorn picture hat with today and see for yourself and velvet trim, shoes to match rhite gloves. save for yourself. ss Cynthia Byrne, sister of the groom; Miss Linda O'Leary elmont, cousin of the bride Miss Carolyn Kjoss of Nor- , also a cousin of the bride, the bridesmaids, All wore ical outfits of white with aqua 3sories and carried cascade A&P Super Market lets in harmony with con- MISS GAIL TITCOMB WILLIAM R. AINSWORTII s. Miss Gail Titcomb, daughter of W imam R. Ainsworth, son of Dr. :ven Byrne, brother of the '.!r. and Mrs. William S. Titcomb, and Mrs. Leonard B. Ainsworth, 90 Main Street :groom was the best man, Pau: Chandler cir., received her 35 Shipman rd., received his diploma from Governor Durnmer rson of Peabody, cousinoftle 5achelor of Art , degree in Soci- groom; Edward Doyle of Ar.- logy from Skidmore College June Academy in South Byfield June 4. r and Donald Walbridge o' A member of the Glee Club and ANDOVER uen were the ushers. A graduate of Abbot Academy, Hockey Club, he also has played e bride's mother Woreadresi he was active at Skidmore in the football and baseball during the lampagne beige silk organza :nterfaith Club, was co-chairman yea r. Featuring New Easy Time-Saving an over-skirt of embroidered of the Social Service organization, -- -clipped cocoa colored than- and was a volunteer worker at the Held Open House lace with matching accesso- Hawley Home for Children in Sa ra- and she had a beige orchid to For English Friends CHECK-OUT STANDS it her costume. e bridegroom's mother wore/ Many Friends At Miss Grace Lake, 127 Main st., iess styled dress of light blue has been entertaining the Misses AT BOTH THE FRONT silk with white accessories Doris and Nora I lardcastleof Wal- she wore a white orchid, Personal Shower lasey, England, for several weeks. reception at thellillview Conn- Miss Ann Dibitetto, 82 Oak st., At an open house in their honor AND REAR OF STORE ilub in North Reading followed Lawrence, daughter of Mr. and last Saturday, some 25 persons eremony with many out of town Mrs. Michael Dibitetto, was en- called at Miss Lake's home. is present. tertained at a personal shower, Miss Lake went to school with e couple left on a weddingtrip held at the home of her sister-in- Miss Doris I la rdca stle but came to Come In Today And Enjoy The iw York, Washington and Vir- law Mrs. Ethel Dibitetto, 26 Fern this country many years ago. She . The bride chose a gray and st., that city, in anticipation of her has visited them in Wallasey on Added Marketing Pleasure pure silk dress with gray coming marriage to Nicholas R. several occasions. That commu- nity is near Liverpool. and you may win a prize! 3 and white accessories for Maucieri, 29 Corbett st., son of raveling costume. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Maucieri. While in the United States, the e bride is a graduate of Pun- The wedding is scheduled for July sisters have visited several places i high School and Merrimack 2. of interest, including Long Island• ge. The co-hostess was Miss Elea- and Niagara. They will visit York e bridegroom is a graduateof nor Dibitetto, a sister of the guest Beach, Me., before returning to rohn's Prep and Merrimack of honor. Decorations were in pink England. ige. and blue and the guest of honor received many gifts from the large Miss Klein Has oop 77 Held assemblage of guests. Those present: Miss Rita Tra- Foundation Grant verso, Mrs. Delia Martino, Mrs. Miss Grace Klein has been ial Meeting Mary Poulin, Mrs.lielen Palermo, spending a week in Washington, le last regular meeting of Boy Mrs, Helen Varitimos, Mrs. Jen- D.C. and Silver Springs, Md., as it Troop 77 was held Wednes- nie Rossi, Mrs. Lucille Rossi, Mrs. the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. at the West Parish Church. Josephine Cyr, Miss Thelma Ter- Lawrence W. Reed. vested as tenderfoot scouts ris, Mrs. May Annaian, Miss Eliz- She will take up residence in Mike Rodden and Richard abeth Annaian, Mrs. Mary Raft- Boston for the summer, where she raith. This brought to a total all, Mrs. Penelope Chongris, Mrs. is working and studying in resea rch ine the new tenderfoot scouts !.loshonas, Mrs. Lucy McClure. in the field of radio-activity. steel into the troop during the !.Irs. Margaret Quaglietta, Mrs. This is the third time Miss Klein Catherine Dibitetto, Mrs. Sandra has been awarded a grant by the the same time Gary Brown Dibitetto, Mrs. Virginia Moustafa, National Science Foundation. This David Thompson became se• Mrs. Connie Molinari, Mrs. Cath- summer her work will be in the class scouts and Richard erine Campbell, Mrs. Stephanie vascular system. ra was awarded the Forestry Hughes, Mrs. Barbara Inc rope ra, As a student in the College of it badge. Harold E. McGrath Mrs. Edith Plantarnura, Mrs. Vera Liberal Arts, Boston University, was awarded his Life Scout Proctor, Mrs. Theresa Menery, she has just completed her junior Mrs. Doris Kliener, Mrs. Doris e by his father Harold E, year, where she is majoring in h, who, in turn was awarded Regan, Mrs, Carmen Salvador, biology. Scouters award for 1560 by Miss Antoinette Salvador, Mrs. She was a member of the last y James representing the Margaret Pecci, Miss Margaret class to be graduated from Pun- Nighosian, Mrs. Rita Dibitetto, chard High School in 1957, and a h Essex Council. The scouting Mrs. Ethel Dibitetto, Mrs. Rapha- member of the National Honor was completed with a sue- ela Dibitetto, Miss Eleanor Dibi- Society. ful Scout Camporee at Sudden tens and the guest of honor. She is the daughter of Mr. and I at Ilarold Parker State Mrs. Emil L. Klein411ighland ave. 'est over the weekend. CHILDREN'S DAY AT REST PARISII TOWNSMAN CLASSIFIED Children's Day will be observed ADS BRING RESULTS in the West Church next Sunday corning at the 10:30 service. The :orship will be conducted by the -per and Lower Junior Depart- ments. The Rev. 1 loward Andrews will preach a sermon. The Junior Choir will sing. Flowers will be distributed to the sixth grade and under. PLANNING A - '0NORTH REA I PARTY - BANQUET MEETING DRIVE. IN THEATRE 4 WEDDING PARTY? on ROUTES 28:,r 62 TO THE CALL THE MAN WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER PRIVATE ROOM Ernie Kovacs & FROM ELLIOTT'S All Star Cast AVAILABLE he'll show yea annall...; --In Color- - from Americas moil lemma , MASTERS OF THE for Arrangements mills. Inylullaiion by Clliolra Call GR 5-1965 cone u LUCKY own exports. Phone er CONGO JUNGL E COCK TAIL LOUNGE today 9-9172 In Color DIAL MU 3.8751- EXTRA for cloy or evening specula. FRI NITE - 3 FEATURES! HOWARD _ FREE ESTIMATES Added Feature — "FLAT TOP" In Color — With EASY CHEDIT TERMS Sterling Hayden nsonl WINNERS Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Steve Reeves No obligation to buy a thing. Anyone 18 years or older, THE GIANT OF MARATHON except A&P employees and their immediate families, "landmark In 0)1,1 at for Hungry is eligible to participate. Free entry blanks available Se. Ilroodost - Al so - 236 Lases b1.-91 Americans" Robert Taylor the store. MOW HOUSE OF 7 HAWKS AT THE BY-PASS - ANDOVER FO

One decided advantage came out of the postponement of the special town meeting to June 29 — the Planning Board now will have additional time to study the several zoning proposals. Thei For each of them was heard at length last Saturday mak< afternoon, even though it was probable that another hear- QUA ing would be called to satisfy legal requirements. Thus the Board now has information that can be better evaluated than would have been the case nor- mal conditions. However, we once again want to advance the idea that a semi-annual town meeting be regularly scheduled for each fall. Any ideas such as those included in the special meeting

warrant would thus be guaranteed an opportunity for con- FI sideration without waiting the full time until the following March. But at the same time all boards would have ample opportunity to study any articles included in the warrant. We must remember that commercial and industrial oppor- tunities sometimes will be presented in the spring, but can not be held over for 11 months or so until an annual meet- The Fa ing. Most of them could, however, be held until an early fung: October meeting, if one is automatically scheduled. We could avoid losing good commercial or industrial possi- home

bilities by doing our municipal business in two sessions. scull* is I fungicide. Ch A Farce? No mining. N damaging fun The School Committee-Dimlich case, serious at one Tot, brown (daily with th time, now looks more like a farce. Spo..tdet And if it is such, then it is in poor taste indeed. SCUTL Some time ago Mr. Dimlich stated that he intended to bring suit against the School Committee, on the grounds that he already has tenure as principal of the Junior High. The School Board, by majority vote, had voted not to re- hire Mr. Dimlich as principal, and considers that he does not have tenure in that position. This is the big question to be settled, and properly so. But instead of proceeding with all reasonable speed to file the suit, and thus obtain a decision as quickly as possible, there has been a delay that seems to have no reasonable explanation. Mr. Dimlich has issued a statement alleging that there are gross violations of ethical principles on the part of the School Committee, by hiring an acting principal, and by the individual who accepts such a post. This might be true if an actual controversy existed when the hiring was done — but none exists because Mr. Dimlich has not yet filed ROBERT G. LEADBITTER EDWARD A. LEAVITT Sur the suit. to ge The School Committee, facing a vacancy in the position, Rogers Brook Troop 89 Enjoyed was compelled to fill it because there must he leadership Legalties Cleared Cookout, Hike in the school. The members can not he criticised for that Moles and si Final legal tangles have been Brownie Troop 89 of the South when you kill action. straightened out with the ttate, School enjoyed a cookout and hike on. COPE* ki Nor can the applicant be blamed for applying, and then opening the door to Rogers Brook recently at the home of Marjorie ants. Stops Ii reconst ruction, Rockwood on Gould rd. by root-eatinI accepting the post. Town Manager Thomas E. Duff The menu for the cookout in- ular, easy-to.: This case should not he tried out-of-court. cluded hotdogs, hamburgers, on with the said the state Division of Water- Spreader! ways has now indicated specific marshmallows and dessert.Games The place for the controversy is in the courts, where a were played and a hike from Gould information wanted by the bonding COPE' final judgment can be obtained. counsel. With this data in hand, rd., through the woodlands tollow- Prolonging the situation, and issuing fiery statements, Duff indicated that work could con- ard Johnson's for ice cream, was enjoyed. can do nothing but harm to the school system. tinue rapidly on the project. While the consulting engineers The following attended: Linda Rescu This would be a regrettable result, and one that we hope for the state work on getting ease- Birch, Susan Vanasse, Judy Earl, will not come to pass. It is in the power of \Ir. Dimlich to ments from property owners along Patricia Wrigley, Janet !loiter, f: the path of the construction, the Sandra Brouck, Wendy Richards, cholth prevent it, by moving forward with the legal issues. town will begin preparing to float Lucille Estes, Nancy Peatman, the bond issue authorized at town Betty Bruner, Elizabeth Dawicki Let's Face It meeting. and Marjorie Rockwood. Accom- The state calls for bids and lets panying the leader were Mrs. John The preliminary census estimates for Andover and the the construction contract, supervi- Peatman, Mrs.11enryBrouck, Mrs. school population estimates for September of 1960 are part sing the construction itself. Alfons Dawicki and Mrs. Norman and parcel of the same story this week. It was felt this week that the Rockwood. project may not now be far from The census estimate is 17,045 — an increase of over ready to begin. 2,500 since 1955 and of 4,608 since the last federal tally, These figures support what we already know — schools are continuing to fill up rapidly and will continue to do so. Even now, the School Committee is starting to work on one new school for West Andover. Following a formal land taking that has been authorized by the Committee, it appears that preliminary plans will be 111 drawn for the Lovejoy rd. school. Now it's can spoiling wee( And by the looks of enrollment estimates appearing in a Plantain, buck news story this week, the Committee better move forward Clean, granul measuring. .I quickly with that new structure. hour to app. Spreader, Pot It‘probably will be three years before a new building aid. could be available, if all possible speed is used. And the 4.X1) for The days droop by ► figures show that the West School will be badly crowded PERSONAL lust like cold molasses St. Peter and her sa. this fall. Mrs, Del Va., arc Until it's time of Alexandria, Daniel, pa Thus it appears inevitable that the town will he asked To dismiss the classes. enjoying a visit with her Sib to appropriate a sizeable sum for this purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chandler rd. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 g raduates Scotts . CALL FIRST IN LAWNS BRUCKMANN'S The COMPLETE Line of the Finest of Lawn Products IN STOCK ! There's a proven SCOTTS product for every lawn problem . . . products that make lawn beauty durable, a simple matter. Whatever your needs in SCOTTS QUALITY PRODUCTS call BRUCKMANN'S and we'll deliver it! COMBINATION SPECIAL! SPREADER TRADE - IN BUY BOTH - SAVE 7.00

We'll take your old spreader in trade regardless of condition (even if you've discarded it) and make you a very lib- eral allowance toward any size of SCOTTS SPREADER! EDD ARD H. BODDY SCOTTS NO. 20 REGULARLY 12.95

SCOTTS NO. 35 REGULARLY 16.95 The professional fungicide for home lawn use SCOTTS NO. 75 REGULARLY 2.1.95

s(urie is the Scotts mercurk. ALLOW: 8.00 fungicide. Clean. dry, easy-to-use . So mixing. No measuring. Checks NOW 16.95 damaging fungus diseases like leaf Wishing won't make grass greener. TURF BUILDER spot, brown patch. Apply reg- will ! Its steady-feeding granules give your lawn the with the time•saving Scotts ularly balanced diet it needs for true beauty — without spreader. COMBINATION SPECIAL! burning, without causing extra mowing. Stroll on SCUTL " - 2,500 sy ft - 1,95 JOHN E. FLYE odorless, clean TURF BUILDER with the work-saving (,000 sq f t • 3.25 BUY BOTH - Scotts Spreader, your year-round way to a better lawn — automatically! p SAVE 5.00 ----- TURF BUILDER'-''—life-giving nutrition, builds Once-over way 131 thicker, greener lawn. 2 bags, 10,000 sy ft S.95

SPREADER for SCOTTS —.precise application of BoNuse does two jobs. Kills ugly weeds like dandelions, every product needed to insure a better lawn 16.95 plantain, buck horn. Fertilizes good grass, makes your lawn if bought separately 25.90 greener, lovelier. Non-burning Bow's is clean, dry. Apply with the Scotts Spreader -- uniformly 9C0 s TOGETHER NOW ONLY 18.90 good results guaranteed!

BONUS for 5,000 so ft, alone 5.95 SCOTTS SPREA0111, alone 16.95 TOGETHER NOW ONLY 17.90 RICHARD L. LEETE Sure way to get rid of THERE'S A SCOTTS LAWN SEED moles! I r ,,s1prul grass has a won. FOR YOUR NEED- .lerful fragrance — when Moles and skunks dig elsewhere modern electric when you kill the grubs they feed ALL SCOTTS lawn seed is all-perennial and on. Curt a power to rut your lawn. kills grubs, cutwor ms, 99.91% weed-free. The Family seed yields good ants. Stops lawn damage caused Sod it's so EASY when by root-eating grubs. Clean, gran- looks, will take hard wear and require minimum ular, easy-to-apply. Just "walk" it care. SCOTTS Classic requires a little extra you use the Silent Scotts on with the efficient Scotts care but it really shines! Ask for our recommend- the best of all power Spreader' ations on how to use them. mowers. Made by the prowl.. who know gram: COPE s,000 sti ft - 3.95 NEW LOWER PRICES ON SCOTTS SEED !rest. Scotts. FAMILY SEED -1250 sq ft box 5.95 You'll enjoy luu that rally' Rescues grass Dial - the • Height gra, CLASSIC SEED -1250 sq ft box 5.95 itl exactly as you want it. from "lo°i 2 . choking weeds It's the safe, civilized the GUARANTEED WAY helper. Come in--have a look at it. Or borrow out SILENT SCOTTS DANIEL J. SHEERY demonstrator to try on TO BLAST your own lawn. You'll he Mower & Leaf Mulcher amazed and deli ghted!

CRABGRASS CRABGRASS The Sil ent Scotts is BLASTER Here's the guaranteed way to end 1119.95 with 50 ft of 3 crabgrass fast — without hard work. ss ire cord. Cord Ilandler Simply pour clean, dry CLOUT into Heel and 125 ft non. 3 Scotts your SCOTTS spreader, set the dial sire i•nril is 129.95. riff ST iN X11 ,NNy to 7 and start walking. Kills even big, tough, full- grown crabgrass!


Now it's easy to banish lawn- spoiling weeds like dandelions, plantain, buck hor n. Apply 4-xo•. Clean, granular •-- nu :nixing, nu measuring. Takes just half an hour to apply with the Scotts Spreader, your year-round lawn aid. BRUCKMANN'S ALLEN Si. NAND JR. SERVING ANDOVER SINCE 1885 TEL. MU 6-4105 ONAL 50,1, 158 SO. BROADWAY LAWRENCE SAT 8 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Del St. Peter and her STORE HOURS: MON THRU FRI , of Alexandria, Va., are FREE DELIVERY • FREE PARKING AT REAR OF OUR STORE rig a visit with her parent5 End Mrs. Arthur Silva ter rd. 12 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960

Inerney, son of Atty. and Mrs. carried a basket of spring flowers berg is the former FrancesLiple, Joseph C. McInerney, 253 Apple- of shades of pink and lavender and . • • daughter of Mrs. MargaretUni arole I ton st., Lowell, in St. Augustine's the other attendants carried of Shawsheen rd1 McINERNEY - DeAN(;ELO Church. The Rev. Thomas J. baskets of spring flowers in gay WOOD pastel shades. - A daughter, Barbq eceivel At a 1 o'clock ceremonySunday. Tevington, O.S.A., officiated be- June 6, William McInerney, brother of at Lawrence General Fin!. May 22, Miss Eva Marie DeAngelo, fore the altar adorned with white pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Will- the bridegroom, served as best daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter gladioli. The soloist was Mrs. Nor- wood, 8 Maple ave. The motitrq, man Parish, accompanied by Miss man and the ushers were Robert Gail B. Smeltzer. J. DeAngelo, 408 No. Main st., Pangione of Andover; Edward Mary F. Lanigan as organist. RATTE - A son, at St. Marp became the bride of John A. Mc- Shugrue of Whitinsville; Thomas rers The bride, given in marriage by Hospital, Dorchester, to Mr, and her father, wore a Blanc' gown of Sullivan of Fitchburg and Eugene Mrs. John E. Ratte COME AND GET IT candlelight poi-de-soie with fitted Wood of Lowell. Peter J. DeAngelo, of Cambridge, The mother is the former Mill bodice, styled with portrait neck- brother of the bride, was junior Louise Walton, daughterofMr4 ( 140 a 5 Minute Ride) line appliqued with alencon lace and usher. LargeFREI. PARKING Area) Mrs. John Walton of Long ishrst pearls, bracelet length sleeves, A reception was held at the An- N. Y. The paternal grandam (1• mot and Rear Entrance) dover Country Club, with out of * bouffant skirt with side puffs is Mrs. Dorothy J. Quintal of An- OR WE'LL DELIVER appliqued with lace and jeweled town guests from Lawrence, dove r. with seed pearls terminating in a Methuen, Lowell, Fitchburg, Whit- G LINES - Twin sons June 2, TEL. MU 5-5302 insville, Billerica, Avon, New York Law rence General Hospital, to Mr, • Se. Our Full Selection FLOOR S and New Hampshire present. and Mrs. Arthur Glines, 150E1u Following a wedding trip toBerr of Waft and Liquors! WASHED and WAXED st. The mother was Barbara Bailey, ...... muda, the couple will make their SIMON - A daughter, Elizabei, LIQUOR home at 284 Pine st., Lowell. June 3, at Lawrence General WINDOWS - WALLS Hot' B & C MART The bride is a graduate of Pun- pital, to Mr. and Mrs. ilenriSince, Free Estimate High School with the class chard 115 Main st. The mother wasIngrid &4 stein It., North Andover MUrdock 2-5770 of '54 and is employed as a secre-. E ricson. to ry at the Law rence Branch Office MORAN - A daughter, MaryJe of the Massachusetts I lospital Ser- May 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Rohm MISS CAR() "See, dear, this is the place they're vice, Inc. Paul Moran of Jedintown,Pa,ne all talking about at Avco, Raytheon The bridegroom was educated at mother was Jean Batal, daughterd Miss Carole and Western. Why, with the savings, Keith Academy, Lowell; Boston Dr. and Mrs. John T. Batal, WO- r of Mr. and we could have bought a kitchen chair College, receiving a B.S., B.A. de- ham st. The paternalgrandparents 'ns, 412 Soutl for ME, TOO! gree; Boston College Law School are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moranof r degree fro MRS. JOHN A. McINERNEY and Portia Law School, receiving Hasbrouck, Heights, N. J, ushing, A rchb ( Anthony) the L.L.B. degree. McNEILL- A daughter, Barbara 'eritooCollege full chapel train. Iler four tiered 'FITONE - BERTIIOLD Gail, June 1, at Longwoodllospiul, ionday mornirt imported veil of illusion was at- Miss Helen Berthold, daughter of Jamaica Plain, to Mr. and Mrs, An education tached to a coronet of rhinestones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berthold, 4 Richard McNeill of Roslindale.Tlt, ins is a mew and seed pearls. She carried a cas- Smith ave., Methuen, and Nicholas mother was Joan Pearson, daughter lob at the cull of Mr. and Mrs. cade bouquet of lilies of the valley Titone Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pearson, nand on the 13 York st. The family and stephanotis, centered with a Nicholas Titone, 9 Marwood dr., includes* inee for the son, Richard, and two other white orchid. were' married recently at a 3 Miss Patricia Leszczynski, o'clock ceremony in St. Theresa's daughters, Charlene and Patricia, WESSON - A daughter Junel,g cousin of the bride, was the maid Church, Methuen. The Rev. Charles Bon Secours I lospital, to Mr. aid of honor and the bridesmaids were J. Bedard, S.M., officiated. Ibitu Escorted-by her father, the bride Mrs. Charles henry Wesson, 57 FRED R. Miss Paula Grasso of Methuen; High st. The wore a rose point lace gown mother was Mary Wilfred R. T Miss Nina DeAngelo of Lawrence, Theresa Piazza. both cousins of the bride and Mrs. trimmed with sequins and pearls rene G. (Robi and featuring long tapered sleeves DUGGAN - A son, June 2, at Boa Panginoe of Andover, Mrs. Joan Secours I hospital, to Mr. and Kavanaugh of Lawrence, friends of and a mandarin collar. The bouf- Mrs. ighPsitne" dCiedresTt William Duggan, 18 Sherbournest. the bride. The Junior Bridesmaid fant skirt was fashioned with a long srth Andover ruffled train. She wore a white The mother was Brenda Murphy, was Miss Paula Leszczynski of An- SAVOIE - A son June 2, at Bon dover, a cousin of the bride. bridal headpiece and carried a cas- elswtras. Thornton 53. cade of white roses with a white Secours I lospital, to Mr. and Mrs, shire, Englan All attendants wore identical Ernest Savoie, 163 Shawsheen rd. gowns of romance blue chiffon taf- orchid center. ident of And The mother was Mary Wallace, was the mans feta with matching picture hats and Mrs. Loretta LeBlanc was Ando white gloves. The maid of honor matron of honor and the brides- ,f Phillips maids were Mrs. Kathleen Trovato e..y.feme,d 's illness, He wasa mei and Miss Carol Laird. Kathleen Ross - Michalski PROTECT Berthold was the flower girl. The coming marriage of Miss ristian Cong of the Lawr; The honor attendant wore an aqua Carole Mae Michalski to Cloyed "The Smallest, 'Homiest' Furniture Store Around" Besides his w BABY'S lace sheath dress with a bouffant Lewis Ross Jr., son of Mr. aid one daughter taffeta overskirt and matching aqua Mrs. Cloyed Lewis Ross, 44 Us' HEALTH - 1 ,;ndover. mo accessories. The bridesmaids den ave., Greenfield, is mined GIVE THE NEW were dressed alike in lilac and the by her parents, Mr. and Mn, Lawrence an THE STUDIO SHOPPE aver; a broth mOTHER A flower girl wore a white organdy Thaddeus Michalski, 9 Yale rd, Lanka, Cal.; Colonial ilorlern - Provtncial dress with pink taffeta. Miss Michalski, a graduate d Gift Certificate da G%l GALLERIES Francis LeBlanc was the best Boston College School of Nursing of la w . eo o 124 CROSS ST. LAWRENCE from man and the ushers were Raymond Class of 1958, is presentlyamern- nn Hall and N (Turn left at 373 Broadway - at the lights) Berthold of Methuen and Joseph ber of the faculty of theChildren's Trovato of Lawrence. , h Nof KLonng OPEN EVENINGS PRIDE'N JOY Hospital School of Nursing, Boston, MU 5-5023 The reception was held at the veral nieces a Daily /0 to 9 . . Closed Wed. . . . .Sca. 9 to 5 DIAPER SERVICE Mr. Ross attended the Univer- Rendezvqus in Methuen. The couple sity of Massachusetts, and is pre- The funeral w MU 8-5454 enjoyed a wedding trip to Bermuda , 11a.m. at the sently a member of the graduatirg , and presently make their home at class of Tufts University, School i,e, The Rev 'rd pastor of 114 Farnham st., Lawrence. of Dental Medicine. Michalski was recentlyer officiate. C Miss .flow at Harmon tertained at a miscellaneous rills... rends may treat Dad to a cool summer with shirts by SCHONENBERG - A son, Eric her aunt, Mrs. ca shower given by p.m. and Little, April 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Michalski, 101 Cambridg from rial contribut John Schonenberg of Grosse Point st., Lawrence. the American Farm, Michigan. Mrs. Schonen- A July 2 wedding is planned tsachusetts D bury st., Bos in 100% cotton eague S YOUR HOME PROTECTED canon( TROPICAL MANSMOOTH ndoTtLear, agtueits: BLAKE SHIRTS orofrigpriatjiuno: o WHILE YOU VACATIONI hc11 Congress ,i n u 4.00 & 5.00 .rograms for fis WE'LL SAFEGUARD YOUR HOME Nirs. jerome Mansmooth Short Sleeve resident of the AGAINST: League's su was reaffirm SPORT SHIRTS ,, '5 nationa1 • FIRE • THEFT • SMOKE DAMAGE recently attt 4.00 & 5.00 ,15. Edwa rd F I • WATER SEEPAGE • ETC. Other Short Sleeve Shirts Be completely relaxed on your vacation knowing that your home is being protected and watched HAGGAR by Licensed and Bonded Private Detectives, COOL - COOL We'll gladly give you all details. Call us today. Automatic Wash'n Wear SLACKS RAND SHOES WE GUARANTEE . . at least 2 electronically recorded visits in Toe-to-toe air conditioning DACRON & RAYON 6.95 2 for 13.50 your home daily on a staggered schedule! that lets your feet breathe. • DACRON & COTTON 7.95 2 for 15.50 PRACTICALLY PAYS FOR ITSELF FABRIC THIS SERVICE REDUCES INSURANCE RATES CASUAL SHOES 3.99 to 6.99 Investigators Ventilated uppers. J.T. KENNETT, REINHOLD'S - Attractive color, LICENSED & BONDED 13 MAIN ST. GR 5-0073 MU 8-8402 Winner Of Our Survey: Stephen C. Breen of North Andover - Drawn by Arthur Coleman DEACY BUILDING LioNRENcL SIH i THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 13 rg is the former F ranee; Li Lighter of Mrs. Margaret Shawsheen rdr COME SEE COME SAVE WoOD - A daughter, Bark ine C, at Lawrence General lio.. tal, to Mr. and Mrs. Wili;,:. WATCH FOR THE ood, 8 Maple ave. The mother ail 13. Sineltzer. ATTE - A son, atSt. Margarets aspital, Dorchester, to Mr. rs. John E. Ratte of Cambridge, se mother is the former Ma GRAND OPENING anise Walton, daughterofMr.ini rs. John Walton of Long Isla* Y. The paternal grandmone of the spacious new Mrs. Dorothy J. Quintal of .i ve r. n. GLINES - Twin sons June Z at 11,./ rence General l lospital, to Mr, d Mrs. Arthur Glines,150E1r, , The mother was Barbara Bailey, SIMON - A daughter, Elizabeth; ANDOVER CO-OP ne 3, at Lawrence General Hos. :al, to M r. and Mrs. 5 Main st. The motherwasIngrid Super - Market 'icson. MORAN - A daughter, Mary jug HIGGINS MISS JUNE II. LEACOCK ay 31, to Mr. and Mrs, Rohn MISS CAROLE M. (Bac hrach) tul Moran of Jenkintown,Pailie Among the candidates for grad- other was Jean Batal, daughterd Miss Carole M. Higgins, daugh- uation from Northfield School for and Mrs, John T. Batal, Wik r of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Big- Girls in East Northfield at the 77th Four Great Shopping Days 1111 st. The paternal grandparents 'as, 412 South Main st., received commencement June 13 is June 11. e Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moranof r degree from !Richard Cardinal Leacock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. isbrouck, !heights, N.J. ushing, .Archpbisho of Boston, at John. H. Leacock, 85 Highland rd. vIcNEILL- A daughter, Barbara levron College of the Sacred I lea rt June was benevolence treasurer • Next Wed. - June 15 al, June 1, at Longwoodllospital, ionday morning. and a member of the worship com- maica Plain, to Mr. and Mrs. An education major, Miss I lig- mittee during her senior year, a chard McNeill of Roslindale.Tbe 'ins is a member of the Dramatic member of the choir. ather was Joan Pearson, daughter lab at the college. Last year, she • Next Thurs. - June 16 Mo. A record number of delegates, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pearson, rued on the Decorations Cons- 1094, from all 50 states and the York st. The family includes a nee for the 1959 Junior Week- District of Columbia, who repre- n, Richard, and two other • Next Fri. - June 17 sented 80 percent of the member- ughters, Charlene and Patricia, ship of the national organization WESSON - A daughter June 1,4 participated in Convention action. rn Secours I hospital, to Mr. aid • Next Sat. - June 18 rs. Charles Henry Wesson, 57 Delegates voted overwhelmingly FRED R. THORNTON to continue study and support of gh st. The mother was Mary Wilfred R. Thornton, husband of neresa Piazza. economic aid and other related U.S. rene G. (Robidoux) Thornton, 50 policies during the next two years. I)UGGAN - A son, June 2, atiko igh st., died Tuesday morning at Four Great Bargain Days cours !hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. For the last two years local Pine Crest Nursing Home in Leagues in 1,097 communities have illiarn Duggan, 18 Sherbournest, ,rth Andover after a long illness. ie mother was Brenda Murphy, been studying U. S. foreign policy e was 53. and have concluded that long- range, SAVOIE - A son June 2, at BOO Mr. Thornton was born in Lan- COME SEE ANDOVER'S NEWEST STORE - cours I hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. adequately financed programs car- shire, England, and had been a ried on through the Development -nest Savoie, 163 Shawsbeen rd, ident of Andover for 30 years. re mother was Mary Wallace, Loan Fund, technical assistance was the manager of the laundry programs, and multilateral ar- Wide Aisles Double the floor space Phillips Andover Academy until rangements are essential to the e Krta9.e Men" s illness. well-being of tine United States as He was a member of the Free Automatic Doors Double the merchandise o ss — Michalski well as to the developing countries. ristian Congregational Church, Mrs. Andrews said that tine local The coming marriage of Miss of the Lawrence British Club. arole Mae Michalski to Cloy League believes that the request Air Conditioning Delivery to your car Besides his wife, he is survived for $700 million for the Develop- ewis Ross Jr., son of Mr. and ore daughter, Fay I. Thornton rs. Cloyed Lewis Ross, 44 Lion ment Loan Fund is tine minimum f Andover, two sons Russell W. needed to carry forward the auth- Five check-outs Attractive ;in ave., Greenfield, is announced (Lawrence and Robert T. of An- / her parents, Mr. and Mrs, orized program. ver; a brother, Benjamin, of haddeus Michalski, 9 Yale rd. tanner, Cal.; four sisters, Mrs. Miss Michalski, a graduate of Ample free parking Convenient di Gill of Lawrence, Mrs. Eliza- Study Group aston College School of Nursir4 McKeon of Wakefield, Mrs. lass of 1958, is presentlyarnern• as Hall and Mrs. Eva Doucette Honored Leader :r of the faculty of theCliildren's h of Long Beach Cal., and )spital School of Nursing, Boston. Mrs. Robert Mitchell, 12 Tewks- mal nieces and nephews. UNITED FARMERS Mr. Ross attended the Univer. bury st., was hostess to members The funeral will be held Friday ty of Massachusetts, and is pre- of the Ballard Vale United Church LUSCIOUS ntly a member of the graduating 11 a.m, at the Lundgren Funeral Missionary Study group recently, ass of Tufts University, School .e, The Rev. J. Allyn Brad- when Mrs. Ralph Rosenblad was pastor of the Free Church tendered a farewell luncheon. A STRAWBERRY Dental Medicine. 11 officiate. Crennation will Miss Michalski was recentlyer covered dish meal was served and lbw at Harmony Grove in Salem. rtained at a miscellaneous Mrs. Rosenblad was presented with SHORTCAKE! ower given by her aunt, Mrs. tends may call today from 2 to a pocket book. p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. Me- lam Michalski, 101 Cambridge Members of the study group, of dal contributions may be made . .. fresh strawberries topped Lawrence. which Mrs. Rosenblad was leader, with whipped United Farmers the American Cancer Society, are Mrs. P. W. Moody, Mrs. Ran- A July 2 wedding is planned All-Purpose Cream! It whips sachusetts Division, Inc., 138 dolph Perry, Mrs. Ralph Sharpe, 'bury st., Boston. Mrs. Ilerbert Peterson, Miss in seconds to make this June- lelen Davies, Mrs. I lenry Meyers, time treat everyone loves! eague Supports Mrs. George Davison, Mrs. James Letters, Mrs. William D. Mc- conomic Aid Intyre, Mrs. Richard Sherry, Mrs. PROTECTED 7ie League of Women Voters of Anna I less, Miss Marjorie Davies, '.ndover, at its Board of Directors Mrs. Edna Laffin and Mrs. Michell. eeting June 7, called for the Nancy Kaylor of Jenkins rd. is ;;ropriation of the full amount a surgical patient at the Malden IACATIONI l.ch Congress has authorized for 'e Mutual Security economic aid 1 lospital. 'grams for fiscal 1961, YOUR HOME Mrs. Jerome E. Andrews Jr., OFFICES FOR RENT COME SEE & COME SAVE rident of the League, said that Single or adjoining, modern, ;T: League's support of economic sunny offices. Woodworth at Andover's big ,new FRIENDLY store. was reaffirmed at the organiza- Building, Shawsheen 7,quare. 's national Convention which 10KE DAMAGE Inquire at Woodworth Motors. recently attended, along with GReenitaf 5-.6200 Edward Flint, in St. Louis, Store hours for Grand Opening Days will be • ETC. ur vacation knowing netted and watched 8.30 A.M. TO 9 P.M rivate Detectives, ails. Call us today. Ask us how to convert sales slips in to CASH VTEE y recorded visits in ed schedule!


R 1 14 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 •m year. McINTYRE ELECTED also the class at Gordon College in Elected Charter Mr. Ireland is a trustee of the Harvard Businesses Scho n CLASS PRESIDENT Wenhatn. During World War Ilheservedwi Boys' Club of New York and active Miss Ki Daniel McIntyre, son of Mr. and By holding this office, he was Academy Trustees the A rrny Air Force in the Pacifi in their educational scholarship Theatre. Mrs. William M. McIntyre of An- marshal of the graduating class Headmaster John NI. Kemper of program. He is also a trustee of Degree A graduate f Phillips dover st., Ballardvale, has been procession at Baccalaureate ser- Phillips Academy today announced the St. Bernard's School and of in 1928, Mr. Roowla Acade:. elected president of the senior vices last Sunday and commence- III of New York asjustco that R. L. Ireland Spence School, New York and a pleted a three-year ment Monday. and B. Allen Rowland of Andover member of the FinanceCommittec term a! a Subs ribe to the TOWNSMAN alumni trustee. He has served have been elected charter trustees of the Maternity Center Associa- - • - ... dove r in a va riety of other I- ..... of Phillips Academy. of New York. positior tion including Alumni Council, Mr. Ireland, a partner of'13rown Ills father, R. Livingston Ireland Agent for Clar Brothers Harriman R Co., New Annual Giving, and he of Cleveland, is also an alumnus of currently chairman of i in the York, is a graduate of Andover Andover as is his brother Melville Giving Ana the class of 1938, Yale 1942 and H. Ireland of Pittsburgh. Program. Also during past year he has been Special GI Yale Law School 1947. During Mr. Ireland has been a member chairman World War II he was a pilot in the of the Andover Alumni Council and for The Andover Pr, gram for the Greater Lawrenc Army Air Force and since then he during the past year lie has served area. has been in the banking business, as National Alumni chairman for Ile is a trustee of The Andover Program, the the Broadwa first with the New York Trust Com- Savings Bank of Lawrence,amer, schools' major drive for $6,060,000 pany and then the Chemical Bank be r of the Executive Committee New York Trust Company before in new capital funds. the Lawrence General Hospital, joining Brown Brothers Harriman ' He is married to the former director of the Essex Co., Bos as a partner in January of this Jacqueline Mayhew and they have and a member of the Yale Alum,. four children, William, Thomas, Board. Julia, and Nancy. Mr. Rowland is married to Mr. Rowland is the president of former Sarah Briggs andtheyha BARNARD Rowland Industries Inc., Law- five children including four son MISS RACII I • A rence, Previously, for four years. two of whom are Andove Ince he served as special assistant to graduates, as arehistwobrothers Rachel Reve N G Secretary of Commerce Sinclair George R. and John B. Rowland of Mr. and 1930 Weeks. He is a graduate of Yale and Boston. Kimball, 6613 S E dilate to rece Serving ALUMINUM CL APBOARDS TAG DAY COMING from Vassar U N FOR LITTLE LEAGUE Commencemer MADE BY ALCOA Hiss Kimba The annual IT'S EASY TO MOVE THE MAYFLOWER WAYI Your Little League work in the fi C tag day will be held June R served on her with street and house-to-haus 4 ALCOA. 8 , sophomore ye A Y solicitation. Every INCH SIDING INCH member of the BEGLEY-MAYFLOWER Some :1-400 boys will take Miss Kimba part, helped by their mothers, N I / lege at Abbot LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Insurance Main st., the three large ALSO: SIDING OF ALL TYPES P. F. BEGLEY COMPANY industrial plants and C N Estimates Without Obligation most Social Tor PACKING - CRATING - STORAGE Need residential areas will be Wm. P. DOYLE & SON covered in the early evening By VFW Ai 62 SPRINGFIELD ST. E C hours. Mrs. Malcolm II. MU 2 1372 SINCE 1930 Battles of Chandler The Ladies ' LAWRENCE 36 MAIN AT BARNARD ST. cir. is chairman of the event. Post 2128 met Tel. GR 5-0202 - Eves GR 5-1214 ANDOVER - GR 5-1483 home of the pre

Mention the Phone-O-Rama Pages When Calling Our Advertisers

* FURNITURE Or MILK DE MICHAEL J. SULLIVAN, INC. BROX'S DAI "The Largest Furniture Store In Esse. "Ends the Que: County'' - Serving Andover Homemakers for Every Other D Generations - Open Tuesday & Friday 200 N, Lowell Evenings 'til 9 P.M. 226 Essex St., Lawrence MU 66157

*MILLINEI * FURNITURE - BOUGHT & SOLD RETO ORIGI -Rama THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE Custom Mode Wonted: High Grade Used Furniture - to Dresses - Acc, As Near Ai Your Telephone._ Buy & Sell New & Used Furniture - Cust: 134 Jackson St. Upholstering - Free Estimates - Use This Check List of Reliable Firms— It Tells b`ir ha to Call— 11 here to Buy" 42 Park St., Andover , GR 5-24!

* MOVING- * FURNITURE - CUSTOM MADE WM * ANSWERING SERVICE * BAKERIES * CHINESE RESTAURANTS B. KENT CRAFT-WOOD PRODUCTS Est. 1932 - Ag MERRIMAC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS SUN RAY BAKERY CHINA TOWN RESTAURANT "Anything In Furniture Made To Order" Lines - Free E Physicians' & Surgeons' Exchange - 24 Hr. Wedding, Birthday & Party Cokes Made to We Special ize in Chinese Food to Take Out Osgood St., Andover GR 5.2119 & Long Distanc Telephone Answering - Business - Pro- Order - Bread & Rolls A Specialty. - Phone Your Order In Advance - 550 Turnpike St. fess iona I - Tradesmen - Residents - - Donuts & Pastry - We'll Have It Ready When You Call For It Ict, Rtes, 114 Answered In Your Name- Two-Way Mobile 175 East St,, Methuen MU 7-7176 32 Hampshire St., Lawrence.. ,MU 2- 8976 Radio, 151 Essex St„ Lawrence MU 2-6580 *GASOLINE STATIONS For Information Coll MU 3-2712 SMITTY'S SUNOCO STATION * CLEANERS Alexander J. Bundzinski, Prop, Gas -Oil LUSTRE CLEANSERS, INC. Road Service - General Repairs - Tai * NURSERY *ANTIQUES INGRAM NUR - Your Clothes Deserve the Best - Repairs Pipes, Mufflers - We Specialize in Bra k ROLAND B. HAMMOND '0 BANKS Planned Progra ,4 ERRIMACK VALLEY NATIONAL BANK - Invisible Mending - Shirts Laundered — Work - Restoration & Refinishing of Fine Furni- MU 944 • Afternoons - Si Checking, - Saving and Club Accounts 220 Andover St., Lawrence... . MU 5-5842 284 So. Broadway, Lawrence „ . ture By Expert Craftsmen Portotion Avail( Complete Commercial Banking Service 169 Andover st., N. Andover .. MU 2-9672 enres, - Merrimack Valley Charge Service - 96 Marbleridge F 23 Main St., Andover GR 5- 3620 * FENCE CONTRACTORS WINWARD'S AMOCO SERVICE * AUTO AGENCIES & DEALERS ANDOVER CEDAR FENCE, PRODUCTS - Bud & John Winward - D & S SERVICE STATION Consult Us For Cedar Fences of All Types General Repairs, Tune-Ups, Brake Work Estimates & -White Gas Studebaker-Lark Sales Service - An- Suggestions Cheerfully Given Specialty -Careful Lubrication *OIL BURN - R. Hoyer, Prop. _ Park St., Andover ..GR 5.9731 dover's Nearest Sales & Service Dealer - * BICYCLE DEALERS 32 INOMEY-HUA ROBY MEIER Wildwood Rd. on the By-Poss. . .GR 5-5918 See Us First For the New Lark - e Sell the Fa 133 Park Sf., N. Reading NO 4-3325 Schwinn - Raleigh - Columbia - Com- Burner, Complet plete Bicycle Service. Pick-Up & Delivery * GLASS & MIRRORS 31 Garfield St., 56 Berkeley St,. Lawrence- .MU 6- GLASS CO. HARRISON PARK CORP. 4743 * FOUNDATION CONTRACTORS CITY - Auto Glass ,Repl aced - Insurance Re- Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Dealer. T & T FORM CONST RUCTION CO. placements - Table Tops - Window Giass, Sales - Parts - Service - Residential & Commercial Foundations - 73 Valley St., Lawrence, • , .. MU 3.10 S. Broadway (Rte. 28), Salem, N.H. - Estimates Furnished - * BOATS-MOTORS-ACCESSORIES TW 8-2342 Haggett's Pond Rd., W, Andover. MU 2-5763 *OILS_ FU MERRIMAC MARINE SUPPLY Walter Kalil, Prop. - Mercury Outboard WILLIAM F. E * INTERIOR DECORATORS Motors. "Everything for the Boot Owner" * FUNERAL DIRECTORS Reliable Ho * AUTO BODY REPAIRS CURTAIN SHOPPE, INC. Power Burn - New and Used Boats - Motors - Trailers No Char; er J & F AUTO BODY REPAIRS FREDERICK E. ALLEN FUNERAL Home Consultation & Samples At 224 East St, Rt. 110, Methuen...MU 2-7291 SER VI CE Blinds, Rols TORIDHEET Oil Body & Fender Work - Pointing & Welding Window Shades, Venetian 38 So, le) Broadway Insurance Work A Specialty - Your Satis- 402 Broadway, Lawrence Andover Representative. Dana Bards 3.1170 faction Guaranteed. MU 3-2427, „ . „ Res, GR 5:073 MU 64551 - We Buy, Sell & Trade Used Cars - * BOWLING ALLEYS 195 Winthrop Ave., Lawriince...MU ?20 So. Broadway, Lawrence... MU 8-3191 ANDOVER RECREATION CENTER JOHN BREEN MEMORIAL FUNERAL BRIEN OIL CC 12 Alleys - 6 Billiard Tables HOME, INC. ESSO Heati ng C - Open Monday thru Saturday - - Serving Greater Lawrence 4( KITCHEN CABINETS Industrial (No 5HAWSHEEN MOTOR MARS, INC. 34 Park St., Andover ...... GR , 5-9706 Established 1869 UNWIN LUMBER CO. Service - Expert Body & Fender Repairs & Painting 230 Hampshire St., Lawrence... MU 2- 8381 Custom Styled Cabinets - Prefinislied 50 - For All Makes of Cars - Caro. 5So. Broadwa inats - Saxon Fully Formed Tops - Res.415 39 Haverhill St., (Rte. 133) GR 5- Waverly 0767 plate Installations. - Opposite Raytheon - 74853 * BUILDING WRECKING & Excavating * FURNITURE 116 Spruce St., Lawrence. ...MU N. J. SCO I I EXCAVATING & WRECKING FACTORY OUTLE T MARTIN OIL * AUTO DRIVING SCHOOLS CO. Highest Quality - Lowest Prices. Ameri- Complete Auto., Lally Columns - Valves - Heavy LAWRENCE AUTO SCHOOL Timbers co's Finest Furniture Makers. Mohawk Rugs it LAUNDRIES - Power Burner - Mill Type Learn to Drive Safely On Our. Complete Building Materials - - Sealy Mattresses - Budget Terms. Open MEADOWBROOK LAUNDRY, INC. ,,The num Storm & Sue Service - Dual-Control Cars - Licensed by the 51 Adams Ave., N. Andover... , MU 2-8352 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - A Complete Laundry 19 Oakland Av Superb )rt e., Registry of Motor Vehicles MU 3-4498 4 Union St., Lawrence MU 2-5873 Largest 'Through Quality" Cleaning - All Household Articles, 222 Broadway, Lawrence MU 6-4365 MU 2.5i 16 Sutton St., N. Andover * AUTO SEAT COVERS * CATERING FURNITURE BARN, INC. * °ILS & OIL TOWN & COUN T RY AU1 0 SEAT COVERS JOS.::PH A. BINETTE CATERING "Where Fine Furniture Costs Less" T EMPL E O IL * MATERNITY APPAREL Servi Custom Seat Covers of All Qualities Con- Catering to Buffets, Banquets & Every - Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday thru Fri- ngthe Enti Z. HERSHFIELD Area vertible Tops Installed. Kitchen Chairs Social Function - Call for Free Sample day; Saturdays 8 a.rn. to 6 p.m. Closed of Maternity Sti" 24 The Largest Selection Hours Menus - Ask for Mr. Binette & Servic Recovered, Restyled, Rebuilt. Mondays. Valley. e - Tire In the Merrimack . 169 Newbury St. Lawrence.... MU 3-7501 1 Haverhill St., Methuen MU 9-9884 Wilson's Corner, N. Andover. ..MU 2-8670 Lawrence ...... MU 31 St., 477 Broadway, 290 Main No.


THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 15 Symonds, for the regular monthly -- the Harvard Business Schoo meeting. The 7 p.m. affair will include GIFT OF $600,000 said the gift will enable the School ing World War Ilhe served wi Miss Kimball Is gifts for all the boys. John The next meeting will he held Hewitt TO PHILLIPS ACADEMY to const ruct a new science building. Army Air Force in the Pacifi is general chairman. The building is expected to be at re. Degree Candidate July 13. Refreshments were served Thomas M. Evans, chairmah of after the meeting by the hostess, COOKOUT HELD FOR constructed some time this year. graduate of Phillips Acade the H. K. Porter Co., Inc., has assisted by Mrs. Ann Yancy and FAMILY MEMBERS Evans is the father of a grad- 928, Mr. Rowland has just presented Phillips Academy with Mrs. Louise Simeon, a $600, 000 gift. uating senior, Edward P. Evans. ed a three-year term as Mr. and Mrs. James Nicoll of Plans were completed for the nni trustee. Ile has served Clard rd., entertained at a family Headmaster John NI, Kemper Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN miscellaneous social to be held at sr in a va riety of other positi cookout on Memorial Day, with the the president's home, 4 Beech ci r., ... uding Alumni Council, Clas following attending: The Rev, and 'this evening at 7:4,5. Mrs. Mar- nt for Annual Giving, and he i Mrs. Louis !foyer and sons of Lynn, garet MacCord, Mrs. Katherine rently chairman of the Ann Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nicoll and Quinn and Mrs. George Symonds ,rig Program. Also during t, children of Andover, Mr. and Mr-. are the working committee for the XiMbigren,glitrrt;ti :1401t*r : year he has been Special y Donald Boyd and sons of Leomin- evening. Ialt,43ntur ,rman for The Andover P7 ster, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Warner and daughters of Braman, Pa,; Mr. 11 for the Greater Lawrer Father - Son Dinner a. and Mrs. Robert Bower of Lynn, Dear e is a trustee of the Brose: By Men's Club Mr. and Mrs. Gunner Skoog and friends, [rigs Bank of Lawrence children of Quincy. of the Executive Comn,itti, The Andover Catholic Men's Club We have seen so many Lawrence General ilospita,, will sponsor a father-son dinner understandings June 13 in St. Augustine's School GEORGE A. PARKER mis- sctor of the Essex Co., ' • brought and a member of the Yale hall. HEATING hardships VENTILATION- about because rd. President William Moriarty has OONDITI N;rr the Industrial and Sheet Metal Work deceased had made no Ir, Rowland is married t • announced that a sizable check will we will 5 POST OFFICE AVE. ANDOVER feel justified that tier Sarah Briggs andtL r be given to Very Rev. Ilenry B. in TEL. GR it. Making a mentionin children including four Smith, 0.S.A., following the dinner. 5-2610 will g MISS RACHEL It. KIMBALL is very of whom are Andc.c. simple and inexpensive. It Rachel Revere Kimball, daughter often hates, as arehistwobrother saves a so Mrs. Frederick M. family from rge R. and John 13. Rowland c of Mr. and less worry end- ton. Kimball, 66 Bartlett st., is a can- and didate to receive the /..B. degree uncertainty. We know from Vassar College at its 96th little about ,G DAY COMING Commencement June 13. legal IR LITTLE LEAGUE muchmatters, but we do know that Nlisl Kimball has done her major trouble could The annual Little League work in the field of French. She be avoided day will be held June 11, served on her house court in her if every person made a will. th street and house-to•hous sophomore year, and has been a Cross Coal Co. licitation. member of the German Club. Respectfully, Some 1-400 boys will take Miss Kimball prepared for col- EST. 1864 rt, helped by their mothers, lege at Abbot Academy. Main st., the three lane FUEL AND RANGE OIL Austrial plants and moss Social Tonight o1,314 sidential areas will be ti vered in the early evening By VFW Auxiliary urs. Mrs. Malcolm Mies of Chandler cir , The Ladies V.F.W. Auxiliary to airman of the event. Post 2128 met last evening at the home of the president, Mrs. George

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'URE * MILK DEALERS J. SULLIVAN, INC. BROX'S DAIRIES, INC, st Furniture Store In Esse, "Ends the Quest for the Best" - Deliveries trying Andover Homemakers for Every Other Day - - Open Tuesday & Friday 220N. Lowell St., Methuen. • ..MU 2-9659 9 P.M. • Lawrence....MU 6-6157

*MILLINERY -WOMEN'S APPAREL CURE - BOUGHT & SOLD RETO ORIGINALS NITURE EXCHANGE Custom Mode Millinery Sportswear Rama Grade Used Furniture - Phone- h Me Dresses - Accessories. lew & Used Furniture - Custo 134 Jackson St., Lawrence, . . MU 7-7311 is Near As Your Telephone - Free Estimates - Andover GR 5.246 I's" This Check list of Relioble Firms — It Tells ••1; lien to Call _II here 10 BUN...

*MOVING-STORAGE -PACKING * STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES URE - CUSTOM MADE WA1 B. KENT & SONS., INC. * PAINT & WALLPAPER * REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ANDOVER STATIONERS Est, 1932 - Agents for North American Van M.J. BASSETT GEORGE E. GALE - Realtor )OD PRODUCTS Office Furniture, Typewriters & Adding In Furniture Made To Order" Lines - Free Estimates Furnished - Local Rentals On Floor Sanding Machines & Buying? Selling? Insuring? Machines - Personalized Stationery & \ndover GR 5.2129 &Long Distance Moving - Wallpaper Steamers. Dealers for SAPOLIN Call GALE'S First! Printing - Complete Supplies for Home, 550 Turnpike St., N. Andover... MU 3-9439 Paints. Free and Easy Parking Methuen School & Office. Jct, Rtes. 114 & 125. MU 2-9784 258-.266 Park St., Lawrence. . .MU 6-6064 120 Ashland Avenue, 94 Main St., Andover GR 5-3151 Call MUrdock 2-0249 ANYTIME INE STATIONS SUNOCO STATION Bundzinski, Prop. Gas -Oil * RELIGIOUS ARTICLES *NURSERY SCHOOLS * PHOTOGRAPHERS * TELEVISION e - General Repairs - To TIMOTHY C. SHINE INGRAM NURSERY SCHOOL CHARLES STUDIO CENTRAL RADIO & APPLIANCE ers - We Specialize in Brak Statues -Missals -Rosaries -Prayerbook s Planned Program - Class Work Mornings "Just Fine Photography" For the Best Buys In Refrigerators, Stereo, And Selected Religious Gifts Afternoons - Supervised Free Play, Irons- 380 Essex St., Lawrence MU 3-0013 Ranges, Washers & Appliances - Sales & dway, Lawrence... MU 9.91 28 Lawrence St.. Lawrence MU 2-1061 partition Available-Call for Rates & Refer- Service - 59 Broadway, Lawrence MU 2-1121 96 Marbleridge Rd., N, Andover.. MU 6-478.7 * PIANOS & ORGANS * RESTAURANTS 'S AMOCO SERVICE KNUEPFER & DIMMOCK, INC. JOE'S DINER & DINING ROOM !Lid & John Winward - Est. 1896 - Complete Line of Hammond - Open 7 Days a Week - 5 A.M. to 2 A.M. - *TV SALES & SERVICE airs, Tune-Ups, Broke Work Organs - "Music's Most Glorious Voice" _Dining Room Available for Speci al Partie s - GUARANTEED TV CO. areful Lubrication-White Gas 286 Essex St., Lawrence... *OIL BURNERS - Sales & Service ..MU 2-5664 Route 125, No, Andover m "All that the Name Implies" - Color TV And . , .... .OR 5.9731 ti I4 3 25 lei0mEY-HU1AIDHREY FUEL CO. Specialists - Admiral, RCA & Other n, Sell the Famous Jet-Head WALTHAM Leading Makes - ' Burner, Complete 24 Hour Heating Service. * PLUMBING & HEATING ROOFING & SIDING 146 Lowell. St., Methuen MU 3-2843 & MIRRORS 3I Garfield St., Lawrence * MU 7-7761 MAGEE-DONNELLY CO., (NC. O'LEARY & SHAW ROOFING CO. ,SS CO, ss .Replaced - Insurance Re JAMES DONNELLY, Lic. No, 6222 All Types of Roofing & Siding - 24 Hr. - Table Tops - Window Glass. Plumbing & Heating Contractors - Power Service - Shingling - Gutters - Chimney & * TRAVEL AGENTS Oil Burners Sold & Serviced. Sheet Metal Work - Collect Calls Accepted. , Lawrence. , MU 3.3675 A. GIORDANO TRAVEL AGENCY 112 Haverhill St., NOrth Reading 4-3141 35 Hillside St., Haverhill DR 4-6507 Authorized Agent for All Air & Steamship *OILS - FUEL Lines - Vacations & Honeymoon Tours & WILLIAM F. BARRON, JR. Cruises - Hotel Reservations Anywhere - OR DECORATORS Reliable Horne Del CLEANING Prompt, Friendly Service - SHOPPE, INC. iveries - 24 Hour * RUG & UPHOLSTERY Power Burner Service - Your Dealer * POULTRY STORES 24 Newbury St., Lawrence MU 7-7189 tat ion & Samples At No Ovary I0 for THE CHICKEN MART JTASH RUG CLLANING CO. Rugs RIDI1EET Oil Burners. Est. 1895. Rugs Cleaned, Repaired, Stored In Boston . CA 7-4807 ides, Venetian Blinds, - Quality Fresh Poultry & Eggs - Whole 38So. Broadway, Lawrence. . MU 5-5040 & Mothproofed - Special Care to Hooked, resentative' Dana Bardsley Barbecued Chickens-Deliciously Different - MU 3-1110 Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat 8 A.M.-9 P.M. Mon Braided & Orientals 1 St., Methuen MU 2-2298 VACUUM CLEANERS - Electrolux Ave., Lawreince . ...MU 6455 & Wed 8 A.M.-7 P.M. - Sunday 7 A.M. to 5 &Oak MU 6-4372 ELECTROLUX AUTHORIZED 2 P.M. BRIEN FACTORY BRANCH OIL CO. So. Broadway, Lawrence„ . MU 8-6621 ESSO 129 Merrimack Valley's Only Auth or zed Heating Oils - Range, Furnace & 98 Essex St.,'Lawrence MU 2-4531 Electrolux Branch - New & Rebuilt - Sales EN CABINETS Industrial (No. 5 & SHOE REPAIRING 6) - Complete Burner * & Service. JMBER CO. Sernce — BAY STATE SHOE REPAIRING finisliedCab "World's Only Fully Automatic Cleaner" KJ Cabinets - Pre 505So, Shoe Repairing - orm Broadway, Lawrence... MU 2-5133 - Quality an Fully Formed Tops - C 194 Broadway, Law... • . MU 3-8719 - 8710 Res.415 Waverly Rd., N. Andover MU 6-4528 * REAL ESTATE Bay State Bld3., Lowrance MU 2-2789 SIROIS REALTY at ions. MU 1,785 3 t., Lawrence ...... - Mrs. Edward D. Sirois, Realtor - Member Multiple Listing Service. Serving MARTIN OIL CO., INC. * WINDOW & HOUSE CLEANING the Greater Lawrence Area. Are you Buying * SHOE STORES MILT ALLEN Complete Automatic Oil Heating Service - GEO. LORD & SON - Est. 1869 or Selling? Call us for Listings. Many Paint Washing - Floor Cleaning - Cellars 1RIES - Power Burner Sales & Service - Alumi- For Women: Rhythm Step & Enna Jettick. ROOK LAUNDRY, INC. Fine Homes Available, & Attics Cleaned - Free Estimates Fur- num Storm & Screen For Men: Bostonian, Nunn Bush, Mansfield. ete Laundry Service - Doors & Windows Wachusett Ave., Lawrence...MU 2-5160 82 For Children: Little Yankee & Buntees. ni shed. rough Quality" Superb Dry 390okland Ave., Methuen... .. MU 2-7577 MU 2-4061 :45 Essex St., Lawrence— ....MU 2-6536 1208 Turnpike, N. Andover Household Articles. MU 2.5211 , N. Andover REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE * WINDOW SHADES & BLINDS F. M. & T. E. ANDREW * SPORTING GOODS - SPORTSWEAR * OILS & OIL BURNERS Over 60 Years of Service in the Greater IMPERIAL SHADE & BLIND CU. IL:6)LE OIL "AL MAGOONS" Window 1NITY APPAREL SERVICE Lawrence Area - Complete Insurance, Real Custom-made Venetian Blinds, Serving Have You Discovered "Al Magoons" For Shades, Cornices & Traverse Rods. Free iFIELD the Entire Andover-forth Reading Estate & Appraisal Services - Visit Our Selection of Maternity Styes Sporting Goods, Warm Jackets, Shoes & estimates and installations. &Servicken 24 Hours A Day - Oil Burner Sales New Offices - e - Tires, Batterie Rubbers For the Entire Family? - All work guaranteed - mock Volley. 7 290 s & Supplies Central Bldg., 2nd Floor, MU 3.1 Main St., No, Reading MU 7-7121 125 So. Broadway, Lawrence... MU 6-6676 141 Park St.., L awrence MU 6-3472 iy, Lawrence.. NO 4-8577 Lawrence

••••••••• R 16 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 A M -o nior c ass a Punchard Higl School graduated Tuesday night at ceremonies in Memorial Audit- At The Library Down the Years with The Townsman orium. I The census has revealed that Film Season Ending Andover's population is 12,261, an 50 Years Ago - June, 1910 Christian Church by the Rev. F. A. With the end of June, the li- O increase of 1,139 over 1940. brary closes another of its sea- y Percy Dole has entered the em- Wilson. 4.1110, ' n.l uae cc A motorcyclist was fatally in- Building continues brisk this sonal programs of films tobe used t c Bn ploy of William A. Allen as clerk spring. The building inspector re- 74 IP*. ft ROBERT L. Scty in the latter's drugstore. jured Thursday morning when it by groups in the community. Three F ports new construction permits cl:11, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beaulieu crashed into a horse-drawn vehicle Canadian color films will be on to th .1.Ando' valued at $156,250 were issued b ar of High st. are rejoicing over the at the corner of Essex and Law- hand until the fifteenth of the month: a,a eA during May. , birth of a son last Friday. rence st. An Andover man was Birds Of The Seashore, 11 minutes; srottusett e Albert Cole Jr. was elected recorded In the Fred Smith has purchased the driving the horse. Marine Highway, 19 minutes and commander of Post 8, American ,Itiotstry of De farm in Scotland District formerly 25 Years Ago - June, 1935 Waterways and Flyways, 19 min- An extra $32,300 has been allo- Legion, last week. utes; from now until June 30 there bre..1 chli owned by William G. Goldsmith. Phillips Academy gained a 2-0 i rioog..: On Sunday morning, the Bac- cated by the government for con- will also be Yosemite, a 20 minute fared struction of the new school plant. victory over its traditional rival, color Ford film, which shows a trip calaureate sermon of the graduat- Exeter, at the baseball game last ordance w The additional money results from to the famous national park, includ- ase N ing class of the Punchard School Saturday at Brothers Field. It was• •,:rt (c an extra appropriation of $98,000 ing a view of the "high country", 4i at pu. , will be preached at the Free the 69th game between the two voted by town meeting. seen by only a few of Yosemite's Alfred Greenfield was elected schools. visitors. This film is helpful for Damage estimated at several convey ARBORISTS president of the Andover Male those planning to go there for the minas thousands of dollars was done by se nameeiyly, Choir, succeeding Frederick first time as it shows accommoda- Arthur W. Eckman of Com. je.d, fire, which swept from the kitchen bridge was named president of thereon Cheever. tions for visitors. d and AMALIA through the roof of an old colonial The Mother Church, The First bounde Eight Andover young men were The fall series of films is being 9.11Aning . among the 168 students in the grad- home at 88 Lowell st. Charles A. Church of Christ, Scientist, in TREE SURGEONS, Inc. Swift Jr. is having the house re- prepared, and will be available to westerly line o A TREE SERVICE WITH A uating class at Phillips Academy those interested within a month or Boston, at the June 6 annual olnu7pYedlan5,19A6c1:ct:e:1 novated. ir: SENSIBLE ATTITUDE this morning. two. meeting. A lawyer, he was born of Cheever c The body of a Lawrence man was .n Aeres TOWARD COST Carl E. E Lander was elected pre- NOtable Books john found in West Andover, off Brun- in Vicksburg, Miss, lie was sident of the Andover Service Club Each year the list of "Notable GR 5-1B,18 dette ave., Thursday evening. educated at the University of Dickinson and last night. Books", chosen by the Notable Texas, the University of reaorded in t Shawsheen and Ballardvale have GRANGE NEWS Books Council of Adult Services, of EsserD."'beRnte.gisgi tryy3 made formal requests of the Play- Southern California, and Ha. BUSS the A LA, is available at the Me- 1 04' e s ground Board to provide super- Andover Grange 183 will meet morial Hall Library, and books ap- yard Law School. east eightreev, next Tuesday evening, June 14, at TREE SERVICE vised playground activities. The pearing on this list of outstanding et:e bound Board replied, however, that it has 8 in Grange Hall. The program of books are arranged for easy useby use it; Nautilus 90 North, William helot Cedar R CERTIFIED ARBORIST money enough only for the regular the evening will be an Archery Ex- the public. Here are the first ten R. Anderson, informalbutauthori• th e in A Complete Tree Service mothweeterly ii project at the Stowe School area. hibition by the Sportsmen's Club on the 1959 list: The Great Deci- tative account of the submarine's' hodred twelve J.H. Buss, Sr. Tel. GR 5-3602 10 Years Ago - June, 1950 of Andover. Members of No. An- sion, Michael Amrine- a history of epoch-making achievement; Spin• LB, Buss, Ir. Tel. GR 5-6051 dover Grange are invited guests. northeasterly Ninety-four members of the the atomic bomb and the decision to ster, a novel, Sylvia Ashton-War. ing ner - an unusual characterstudyd a Russian school teacher in New o.orethhwunedre feei TREE SERVICE Zealand and her.Maori pupils;The rn:'tu''rnin-en:ce7g rlgh House Of Intellect, JacquesBarzun sterd t by TOWNSMAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY iy a wise and witty critique d portion of lot Ni American culture and values; Ile feet thence turn DODGE CARPENTRY WORK LANDSCAPE SERVICE REAL ESTATE Joy of Music, Leonard Bernstein. easterly one hoc the well-known conductor o the point of ASSOCIATES trans. errentrthree a %enham, Massachusetts FOR ALL YOUR CALL US TO SOLVE mits his enthusiasm to the lister ;ertionoflot ing reader; Adventures Of GARDENING & A 13lo• 0n said o;cm ANDOVER REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER WORK grapher, Catherine D. Bowen. ▪ s conveyed ALBERT R. RETELLE LANDSCAPING scholarship, humor and a joy of 7;71ER veZ.edC CERT. MASS ARBORIST REMODELING PROBLEMS living make research an adventure lily recorded; a for to told ad con Reservation Road OR -WE'RE TRAINED! this author; The Way Thugs Are, Percy Bridgman - the sum- r.ctions of :scot DOHERTY brce and ccplic ROOfING ming up of a lifetimeof unorthodox Tel. GR 5-0841 Wildwood Nurseries REAL ESTATE Sold premises John T. Shaw, Proprietor delving into the whole field of n dl urpaid CALL REALTORS MLS Wildwood Rd. Andover knowledge; A History Of Western nun Morals, a discerning consideration' bite,,,l e halun:d gr i:ce; TEL. GR 5-2264 GR 5-0260 AUTOMOBILES of the moral problems of our so. caah orr , r ti lx ED. OTTO city, written by Crane Brintoq tired of the pure TEL. GR 5-1396 For Efficient, Courteous Image CC America, Raymond I., r °o the: e ce purdlase money FREE ESTIMATES LAUNDRIES Service and ACTION! Bruckberger - a French Priest's EUROPA List Exclusively with readable and sympathetic view. tin days thereat — - point, and Mainstreams Of Modern by ENTHROP MOTORS, Ltd. R. C. SIMMERS Art, by John Canaday, CLEANSERS & DYERS QUICK SERVICE an unusually REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE able art historian. All books listed 7omlinson & Hat MG -AUSTIN -MAGNETTE WE DO THE WORK 94 Main St. TEL. GR 5-2316 may be reserved if they are out on Essex Street when requested. Mass. AUSTIN HEALEY -RILEY CLEANSING Wet Wash or Dried and Folded Cards for Borrowers Commonw. e' ealth MORRIS IN BY 10 OUT BY 6 PRESSING RESTAURANTS Some borrowers of the Meononla PROBA' LUPINE RD. ANDOVER SHIRTS & FLATWORK Hall Library have not yetpicked TAILORING the small, borrower's card win ,sex, GR 5-5343 FINISHED o all is to be presented when any iterr,' o ROUTE 110, DRACUT MEN'S AND LADIES' sf PeTeonCHAR Bed Spreads & Shag Rugs to be charged out. The child ae of Andover GLenview 2-4101 GARMENTS have had borrower's cards for 1 eased, number of years but have c petid. tionhas CALL GR 5-5735 ESSEX the large ones to match thou,' Court, for used by adults. They use thei r s :Ien. t purpo, AUTO REPAIRS Elander F Swanton LAUNDROMAT when books are to be charge' O of said dec 24 ESSEX ST. ANDOVER and need not show them wl -EZETT, of 56 MAIN ST. turning material, as in the :1;LEY H. PER TEL. GR 5 -9703 .-.y of Norton ANDOVER, MASS. New Methods anted toe, CLARK MOTOR Visitors to the library on about June 15 may be intere. ' CO. REAL ESTATE the new method of charging‘,.... ELECTRICAL SERVICE to be put into effect about thattune, WES1 AUTHORIZED Anyone especially interested • ROUTE] CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH way in which this system , ANDOVER REALTY charging out of books, etc. is wr, SALES and SERVICE William Marruzzi SERVICE STATION free to ask any staff member. PAINTING and BODY WORK ELECTRICAL CONTFikT,TOR AGENCY June Weddings (sub hd) IN OUR OWN SHOP Whether it is informationforthe Commercial & Residential SHAWSHEEN SQUARE Electronics 8e Motor Controlers bride, her family, the groom. 41 PARK ST., ANDOVER GR 5-0600 - MU 8-4241 friends and relatives - if therein Tel. GR 5-6333 GR 5.2647 Donald A. MacNeil, Realtor any question on tile properetic 3 HALL AVE ANDOVER for showers, announcements, ding gifts, invitations, acceP(' ances, etc. there is sure to be GAS Kl -no-n•-711.--n* GENERAL INSURANCE help in one of the many books it AUTO PARK ST. W. Shirley Barnard the Memorial I lall Library. Here REPAIRING are a few titles suggested:Wedihrt fRE GARAGE JENNEY REAL ESTATE Etiquette, Bentley; Wedding Ante' • C GAS 8. OILS TELEVISION SERVICE versary Celeb rations, Pion* Main at Barnard Street Showers For Brides, etc. Pot 33 PARK ST. TEL. GR 5-0240 Telephone GReenleaf 5-0202 Your Wedding, how to plan aai njoy it, kgoo.ds; rEtiquette, Post RADIO 8. TV SERVICE e Mro libra r offe ne y family BUILDING MATERIAL OHM MULLIGAN'S handbooks on marrsiagae andnum such as Marriage For Moan INSURANCE RADIO & TV LAB. erns, Bowan: Marriage HO „ . BRADLEY book, GR 5-0260 Marriager11; LUMBER ... PAINTS TEA_ LAW. 30396 ous TBwuos.ine ,Mn;lairaryi;ageIsAS REAL ESTATE For stsrsai ar.riagelsMat • ART You Make It, popeMnoe WALLPAPER EQU GR 5.2529 MU 7.7029 HARDWARE LANDSCAPE SERVICE TRAVEL BENEFIT GAME FOR 270 ESSEX S CEREBRAL PALSY SPORTING GOODS soft• The police department (roe HEATHERFELLS ANDOVER ball team meets a team AMMUNITION - TARGETS GEC NURSERY TRAVEL BUREAU the Post Office next Tuesdo Fred E. Cheever at the Play stead at 6:15. from the beneln J. E. Pitman Est. LANDSCAPE SERVICE REAL ESTATE Agency for All Airlines Proceeds Cerebral TAR AND GR 63 PARK ST., ANDOVER H. ROHRBACH and Steam Ship Lines game will go to the Sunset Rock Road Tel. GR 5-0192 , SP I TEL. GR 5-0664 21 MAIN STREET 21 MAIN ST. I) al sY fund. Telephone Bring Us Your Garden Problems TEL. GR 5-3775 - GR 5-1098 id XXXXXXXXXXX Tels. GR 5-3775 - GR 5-1098 Fred E. Cheever, Mgr. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 9, 1960 17 before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the twentieth day of June 1960, the ILEGAIL NOTICES return day of this citation. Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Ee- CIASSIFILD ADS 1 quire, First Judge of said Court, this giving a surety on their bonds. MORTGAGEE'S SALE twenty-fourth day of May 1960. con- If you desire to object thereto you virtue of the power of sale JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register By by or your attorney should file a written tained in a certain mortgage given 2-9-1, Personal a ROBERT L. MacFADY EN and NORMA appearance in said Court at Lawrence Cesspool Service husband and wife, before ten o'clock in the forenoon on Commonwealth of Massachusetts '111E1010'M AVED WEDDING IN- A. McerADYEN, the thirteenth day of June 1960, the VITATIONS and a complete line of the Andover Savings Bank, a cor- PROBATE COURT CESSPOOLS, ETC., 1'1 MPED out return day of this citation. Wedding Stationery. Fine selection ,,non established in Andover, Mao Docket No. 265110 and chemically degreased and exhusetts, dated August 7, 1958, Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- Essex, ss. of papers and type-faces. Prompt desoaped. R.E. Andrews & Co. recorded in the North Di ntrict of Essex quire, First Judge of said Court, this To all persons interested in the service. ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, Tel. CR 5-3499. D-TF of Deeds took 877, page 454, twentieth day of May 1960. estate of ANNE T. KENNEY, late of The Colonial Center, No. Main St. Registry GIl 5-1943. A-TF for breach of conditions contained in JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. Andover in said County, deceased. Help Wanted—Female ortgaae deed, and for the puts 26-2-9 A petition has been presented to e Eed ..i , and in said Court, for probate COMPETENT SECRETARY. Short- pp/0 of forecloning the smile Commonwealth of Massachusetts of a certain Lost and Found with a decreeo f Land instruments purporting to be the last hand and typing necessary. Half- • dce PROBATE COURT ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass. Court (case No. 31507-Misc.), will be will and two codicils of said de- time employment. Write WA, The Docket No. 265127 books Nos. 82783 and 83242 have plc at public auction on the mort- Essex, ss. ceased by JEANNE F.. TAYLOR, Townsman, Box 9, Andover, Mass. premises on mesday afternoon, named in said will as JEANNF. E. been lost and application has been e-9 vied To all persons who are or may be- made for payment in accordance ny 5, 1960, at 2:00 o'clock, the pre. come interested and to all persons KENNEY, of Hingham in the County ti with Sec. 20, Chap. 167 of the "AVON CALLING". PLEASANT, by said mortgage whose issue not now in of Plymouth, praying that she be -gees conveyed being may General Laws. Payment has been dignified part-time work neat your seed, namely, the land with the build- become interested in certain appointed executrix thereof without Arthur W. Eckman of land giving a surety on her bond. stopped. b-9-16-23 home as an Avon representative. Cam qs thereon situated in said Andover, devised by the will of ANNA HES. dge t follows: If you desire to object 'hereto you We train you. Write or phone Mrs. was named president of mmded and described as SION late of Andover in the County or your attorney should file a written Leroy • Bishop, P. 0. Box 905, e Mother Church, The First eonning at a point in the south- of Essex deceased. Services Offered cppearance in said Court at Salem Lawrence, Mass., or phone urch of Christ, Scientist, in oesterly line of Ceder Road as shown A petition has been presented to APPLIANCE REPAIR- ALL types Acceptance Plan for Portion before ten o'clock in the forenoon on MU 8.2686. e-9 ston, at the June 6 „,plea ', said Court, praying that JOSEPH C. of automatic Washers and Dryers. annual .fieever Circle and Coolidge Road, SULLIVAN of Andover in the County the twentieth day of June 1960, the eting. Call GReenleaf 5-6693. A lawyer, he was born :Man Acres, Andover, Mass." dated of Essex, or some other suitable return day of this citation. Help Wanted Vicksburg, Miss. He was *Lecember, 1937 drawn by Morse & person, be appointed trustee to sell Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- GENERAL WORK — LANDSCAP- Male—Female rActinson and Goodwin, Engineers, quire, First Judge of Said Court, this ING, Cellars and Attics Cleaned. )rated at the University of and convey said land at private sale reoorded in the North District of or public auction. twenty-fourth day of May 1960. Grade A. Loam. Sand, Filling and IIELP WANTED — MALE or xas, the University of Esser Registry of Deeds as plan No. If you desire to object thereto you JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register Stones. Snow Plowing. T. Romano Female to clean a small apart- 'them California, and Ha. 1144, said point being distant south- or your attorney should file a written Tomlinson 6 Hatch, Attys, Trucking, Tel. Andover GR 5- 3946; ment in Andover once a week. 301 Essex Street, eat eightrseven and 5/10 feet from a appearance in said Court at Law- MU 6-5626. C-TF Write Box MC-6, Andover Towns- d Law School. Lawrence, Mass. Moe bound set in the ground at junc- rence before ten o'clock in the for& 2-9-16 man. B-9 CURTAINS WASHED, IRONED it; Nautilus 90 North, William tion of Cedar Road and Coolidge Road, noon on the eleventh day of July nning southeasterly by the TOWN OF ANDOVER and starched. Also draperies and Anderson, informal but authori• thence ru 1960, the return day of this citation. PUBLIC HEARING other household ironing. Prices Dogs, Cats and Pets k utt.sterly line of Cedar Road one Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- ive account of the submarines' ✓ RAYTHEON COMPANY, having reasonable. Call (,R 5-275b. C-TF :dyed twelve and 5/10 feet to the quire, 'First Judge of said Court, this GROOMING, BOARDING, ALL och-making achievement; Spire petitioned the Road of Selectmen for ..easterly corner of lot No. 74; thirty-first day of May 1960. a license to keep and store intim, EXPERT INVISIBLE WEAVING oh Breeds. Choice Brittany Pups. or, a novel, Sylvia Ashton-War- Kaymore Kennels at Salem Depot, ',etc° turning at right angles and JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register mables, a list of which has been all types of wearing apparel meter-. r - an unusual characterstudyci ,ring southwesterly by lot No. 74 9-16-23 approved by the Chief of the Fire Isla. Burns, ntothholes and tears N.H. Call TWinbrook 8-2496. k-TF Russian school teacher In Mn -ehundred feet to lot No. 78; thence Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department, in the amount of 22,000 mended invisibly. Special attention at right angles and running to Gabardines, Rayons and Silks. :aland and her Maori pupils; Ttg • PROBATE COURT gals. in tanks aboveground and 33,000 Articles for Sale ,westerly by lot No. 78 and a Free estimates cheerfully given. luse Of Intellect, Jacques Bar:: Docket No. 214674 gals. in tanks underground on land of ...ion of lot No. 79 one hundred five Textron, Inc. on Haverhill Mrs. Helen R. Koester, 142 I.ove FOR SALE — IX)UBLE soapstone a wise and witty critique Essex, ss. Street, in set-tubs with stand. No reasonable thence turning and running north- the said Town of Andover, a public joy Hd., Andover. GR 5-3823. CTF nerican culture and values; 7i To all persons interested in the offer refused. 109 Chestnut St. easterly one hundred and 28/100 feet hearing on said petition will be held y of Music, Leonard Bernstel7. b the point of beginning; being lot trust estate under the will of WALTER DON DUSTIN, IIANDY.tiAN — Odd Andover. 1-26-2-9 o well-known conductor Iran? M. LAMONT, late of Andover in said on Monday, June 27, 1960 at 9:00 P.M jobs. Attics, Yards, Barns and manty-three and the southeasterly in the Town House, in accordanca is his enthusiasm to the lister pertion of lot seventy-two as shown County, deceased, for the benefit of Cellars cleaned. Rubbish removal Realtors FRANCES L. LAMONT AND OTHERS; with provisions of the General Laws weekly. Tel. GII 5-0141. C-TF a reader; Adventures Of A Bio• on said plan; being the same pro relating thereto. use conveyed to the mortgagors by and to the ATTORNEY GENERAL of DOUGLAS N. 110W1 , REALTOR, apher, C a the rine D. Bowen• said Commonwealth: By order of the 7.1.BERT A. CATE et ux by deed If you desire to object thereto you 52 Main Street, Andover, Phone holarship, humor and a joy of The trustee of said estate has pro BOARD OF SELECTMEN sly reoorded; and said premises will or your attorney should file a written G11 5-5100, evenings 'A 5-2423. 'ing make research an adventure sented to said Court for allowance GEORGE H. WINSLOW, Town Clerk appearance to sold and conveyed subject ho res- in said Court at Salem be- U-TF r this author; The Way Things its tenth to thirteenth accounts, in- Date of issue fore ten o'clock in the forenoon on the ections of record in so for as now in e, Percy Bridgman - the surn• clusive. June 9, 1960 twentieth day of June 1960, the return tee and applicable. Wanted to Buy ing up of a lifetimeof unorthodox 3old premises will he sold subject If you desire to object thereto you Commonwealth of Massachusetts day of this citation. or your attorney should file a written Witness, lying into the whole field of • dl urpaid taxes and any other AlliT JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- ANTIQUES Ott ANYTHING old. owledge; A History Of Western irlacipal assessments. A deposit of cppearance in said Court at Salem Docket No. 265154 quire, First Judge of said Court, this Marble-too, • Walnut, Grape and )rals, a discerning consideratice titan hundred dollars ($1,500.00) in before ten o'clock in the forenoon on Essex, ss. twenty-fifth day of May 1960. Rose-carved Furniture, Gloss, e re- JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. the moral problems of our so. cash or certified check will b the fifth day of July 1960, the return To all persons interested in the China, Silver, Jewelry, Clocks, 2-9-16 :y, written by Crane Brintoc; luiredof the purchaser at the time and day of this citation. estate of 11..IZARETH COLE, late Prints, Frames, Guns, Coins, ;lace of sale and the balance of the Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- ;age CC America, Raymond of Andover in said County, deceased. Furniture, Etc., William F. Gra- vcilase money is to be paid within Tlire, First Judge of said Court, this A petition has been presented to 'EMS \ OF ANDOVER ham Jr., 155 Golden Hill Ave., uckberger - a French Priest's a days thereafter. sixth day of June 1960. said Court, for probate of a certain liaverhill, Mass. Telephone Haver- adable and sympathetic view- Andover Savings Bank JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register instrument purporting to be the last hill Drake 23708. Will call to look. int, and Mainstreams Of Modern by WINTHROP N EWCOMB, Treasurer, Sweeney & Sargent, Attys., will of said deceased by DOROTHY V-TF .t, by John Canaday, an unusually Mortgagee 316 Essex Street, COLE HANSON, of New York in the Lawrence, Massachusetts 9-16-23 PHILLIPS ACADEMY GRADUATE le art historian. All books listed Torlineon 6 Hatch, Attys. State of New York, praying that she buying picture frames, old desks, ty be reserved if they are at 3:1 Essex Street, Commonwealth of Massachusetts be appointed executrix thereof with- jewelry, dishes, dolls and marble en requested. Loon-ce, Mass. 9-16-23 PROBATE COURT out giving a surety on her bond. top furniture. Tel. Lawrence, Mur- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Docket No. 265105 If you desire to object thereto you dock 8-3072 or write 22 Lowell ards for Borrowers or your attorney should file a written ROBATE COURT Essex, ss. Street, Boston, Mass. V-TF Some borrowers of the Resod appearance in said Court at Newbury- Docket No. 265036 To all persons interested in the BUS SERVICE BIDS all Library have not yetpicked port before ten o'clock in the fore- en, se. estate of JAMES COATES, late of Seated proposals will be received noon on the twenty-seventh day of at the office of the Town Manager Television Service w ie small, borrower's card whi Co all persons interested in the Andover in said County, deceased. June 1960, the return day of this Town }fall, Andover, Mass., until to be presented when miter tate of CHARLES R. BENNETT, A petition has been presented to FREE ESTIMATES on television be charged out. The child se of Andover in said County, de- said Court, for probate of a certain citation. Thursday, June 16, 1960, at 11 A.M. repairs. 'Television Radio, Labora- lye had borrower's cards !: instrument purporting to be the last Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- at which time and place they will be tories. Tel. MU 3-7725. Authorized quire, First Judge of said Court, this A petition has been presented to will of said deceased by GEORGE E. publicly opened and read for the for Jordan-Marsh Service. W-TF Huber of years but have char. second day of June 19°" mi Court, for probate of a certain COATES, of Methuen in the County of purpose of offering to supply and e large ones to match those: JOHN J. COS Register service the Town of Andover with bus liniment purporting to be the last Essex, praying that he be appointed ;ed by adults. They use theirs: Tomlinson & Hatch, Attys. transportation to and from Pomps Pond Automobiles of said deceased by MARY D. executor thereof without giving a len books are to be charged 301 Essex Street, for the period June 26, 1960, thru ENNETT, of said Andover, mid surety on his bond. 1958 MORRIS MINOR — Deluxe, 9-16-23 September 4, 1960. id need not show them when re If you desire to object thereto you or Lawrence, Mass. Black with red interior, radio and H. PERRY, of Dover in the Proposals roust be in sealed rning material, as in the past. your attorney should file a written heater. $850.00. Phone MUrdock :my of Norfolk, praying that they Commonwealth of Massachusetts envelopes and on the outside plainly ew Methods appearance in said Court at Salem 2-3012. y-9 ''ranted executors thereof without PROBATE COURT marked "Traneportation Bid", dated Visitors to the library on o Docket No. 265059 Bout June 15 may be interested' lune 16, 1960, and addressed to the 1958 VOLKSWAGEN FOR SALE. Essex, ss. Town Manager, Town Hall, Andover, Excellent condition. Privately e new method of cha rging whichis WEST PEABODY SPEEDWAY To all persons interested In the Mass. owned. Call GR 5-6611. y-9 be put into effect about that tint, estate of AGNES W. MOORE, late of alecifications and bus schedules wone especially interested in ROUTE 120 OFF RT. 1 W. PEABODY, MASS. Andover in said County, deceased to are available at the Town Manager's ty in which this system affects WILLIAM S. STONE, of Pirae, office, Town Hall, Main St., Andover, a rging out of books, etc. is %tr.; Tahiti, and to the ATTORNEY Mass. ne to ask any staff member SATURDAY GENERAL of said Commonwealth: The right is reserved to reject any A petition has been presented to ne Weddings (sub hd) and all bids or to accept any part of a NITE - 8:15 PM said Court, for probate of certain bid or the one deemed best for the Whether it is informationforthe MASON instruments purporting to be the last Town. ide, her family, the groin; 50 LAP FEATURE will and four codicils of said do THOMAS E. DUFF, Town Manager ends and relatives - if thereis ceased by ROLAND H. SHERMAN, of y question on the properetiquerte SPECTATOR RACE North Andover in the County of ,wed• Essex, praying that he be appointed LEFT ESTATE - showers, announcements $100 TO WIN TO SISTER, OTHERS sg gifts, invitations, accept. executor thereof without giving a ARNOLD Miss Elizabeth Cole of Andover ces, etc. there is sure to he surety on his bond, said WILLIAM S. GAS KART RACES EVERY THURS.NITE left her unestitnated estate to a ip in one of the many books at STONE, the first executor named in said will, not being within the con- sister and other relatives, accord- SAYS: — Memorial I fall Library. Here tinental limits of the United States. ing to her will filed in the Registry a few titles suggested:WeddIrg FRU 3 Parking for our customers at Eidarn's If you desire to object thereto you of Probate. '54 8. '55 [queue, Bentley; Wedding Ana. CHARGE • BUDGET • LAY•AWAY or your attorney should file a written Miss Cole died May 20. She rsary Celebrations, Plus appearance in said Court at Newbury- signed the will Feb. 6, 1945, norni- )wers For Brides, etc. Pora Open FRIDAY end Tuesday 'nil 9 port before ten o'clock in the fore. FORDS! nating the executrix her sister, i ur Wedding, how to plan ard noon on the twenty-seventh day of June 1960, the return day of this Mrs. Dorothy Cole I lanson of New oy it, Woods; Etiquette, Post. Three of them ... all in ex- citation. York City. A niece, Miss Margaret a library offers a nurnberof !lead of Pittsfield was given a cir- ceptional condition. Stand- albooks on marriage and family Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- quire, First Judge of said Court, this cular diamond pin. ard transmissions . . . 6's such as Marriage For kirk second day of June 1960. One half of the residue of the and 3's. All are equipped' is, Bowman; Marriage Hark JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register estate is to go to the sister, with Landis; Marriage Is A Seri. with radio and heater. 2 Is From the office of: the other half being shared by Business, Ray; Marriage Lloyd & Sherman Custom 2-door and 1 Main- • nephews and a godson, Jolus Jar- liner 2-door. They're priced 7 Two, Strain; MarriagelsWha 316 Essex St. ART SUPPLIES • CAMERAS • DARK ROOM 9-16-23 vis I lead, Ralph Dudley I lead Jr., I Make It, Popenoe. Lawrence, Mass. to sel I better see these! EQUIPMENT • DEVELOPING • PRINTING Sandford 13, I lead and John Nelson Commonwealth of Massachusetts Cole, II, William Balch Cole, 20 ESSEX PROBATE COURT ENEFIT GAME FOR ST LAWRENCE , Nest tc Weiner's Fios , MU 3•4342 Stephen Sicard and Robert S. May Docket No. 248203 Jr. AUTHORIZED EREBRAL PALSY Soft. police department Ferule, ss. Philip P. Cole of Annisquam, a Auto-Union The To all persons interested in the meets a learn frig brother and Mrs. Margaret Cole ell team nett Tuesdii trust estate under the will of GEold- D.K.W. DEALER e Post Office GIA HC)WLEY THOMPSON, late of An- !lead of l'ittsfield, a sister named the play stead at 6:15. GEO. W. HORNE CO. as other heirs-at-law in the pro- benelli dover in said County, deceased, for LAWRE MASS. bate petition, were omitted in the Proceeds from the TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING the benefit of FRANCES T. HEELY me will go to the l'efebril SP SHEET METAL WORK AND ANOTHER: will. 17 RAILROAD ST. ilsy fund. Telephone MUECIALI7ING IN ASPHALT SHINGLING The trustee of said estate has pro ACROSS FROM TYER RUBBL11 , 7-7339 Established 1854 sented to said Court for allowan. Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN AND')VER GR 5.2321 its first to fourth accounts, inclusive. JUNE 9, 1960 THURSDAY Wendell Mattheson, Mrs. James hanon, N. II., is enjoying a vit Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nor- with her family on Chandler rd, ris, The Rev, and Mrs. Ralph Ro- Mr. and Mrs. LeslieTwomblyof senblad, Mrs. WilliamBatchelder, Andover st., we re recent guest of P. W. bloody and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Twombly Ba rnett. Wilmot Flats, N, 11. g

INCREASE OF 4,608 SINCE YEAR 1950 Preliminary census figures VOLUME 7 reveal that Andover's present population is 17,045 — a sharp increase from the last federal census in 1950. That year, the figure was 12,437. In 1955, at the state census, Andover's population was 14,535.

PLRSONALS Airman 3/c Arthur Clegg, who Protect has been enjoying a furlough at his home on Chandler rd., left recently for Canon Air Force Base, New Your Mexico, where he will now be sta- tioned. TABLE TOPS Mrs. Edmund Suprenant of Le- Mel Other Fine Furniture With 127 MA IN ST. Fur s GR 5-2125 PLATE GLASS 25 Years' Experience Dressmaking Remodeling Alterations Why Gamble? COFFEE HOUR — Andover members of the Board of Directors of Bon Secours Hospital Auxi- Ladles' Sults, Coats and Dresses liary held a Coffee Hour Tuesday morning for the Hospital building fund at the home of Dr. and Made tia Order TEL. MU 3.7151 Mrs. Harry V. Byrne. About 200 friends of the hospital enjoyed the event. Assisting the hostess For Information were, left to right: Mrs. Frank Nelligan, Mrs. Robert Walsh, Mrs. Francis G. McCabe, Mrs. Wil- ACADEMY liam J. Doherty, Mrs. Michael A. Herlihy and Mrs. John J. Wholey. Also helping were Mrs. Paul • BARBER SHOP Lawrence Plate & Hershon and Mrs. Joseph P. McEneaney. Mrs. John H. Sullivan and Mrs. Reginald Mead poured. 96 MAIN ST. NEAR. A & P 3 BARBER5 — GOOD SERVICE Richard Wilson, trips; Mrs. Peter United Church Choir Window Glass Co. Motel Permit Soderbergh, membership assist- Mon. — Tues. — Wed. 8:30 to ( ant; Mrs. Norman Potter, con- Had Annual Outing Fri. — Sat. 8:30 to 7 417 Canal St.. Tel. MU 34151 tinuing director; Mrs. Charles r A! : AY 111Ult f1 ; Is Requested Farrington, chairman of the ad- The Ballard Vale United Church • visory board and representative Senior Choir held its annual outing YOUTH CEI A building permit has been re- to the Free Church Planning Coun- in Georgetown recently. Members quested by John Philips Enter- Youth Center cil. enjoyed a shore dinner and later E, Coffroy, ti prises for its proposed motel off P re-School closing for this term returned to enjoy a social evening Lowell st., near the interchange at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rutter, preside has been set for June 17. June 18, dent of the So, with Route 93. at 9:30 a.m., parents and children Norris on Iligh st. The area is zoned fora shopping will meet at the school for The Rev, and Mrs. Ralph Rosen- center, with a motel as one of the a clean-up work party. blad were presented a gift in behalf Shopportur permitted uses. Approval has also This week children of this year's of the Choir. Mrs. Wendell Mattlie- been received from the Board of class will visit the Stoneham Zoo son also presented Mr. Norris with friday - Sa Appeals, as required under the a gift Mrs. Norris served refresh- as part of the school's field trip S' opportunity zoning regulations for the district. ments. program. Saturday will Sylvester A. Keaney said the Attending were Mrs. Lionel Board of Health has also been re- Andover resident Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN Buckley, Mrs. Ruth Perkins, Mrs. quested to give its approval. trines for purcl The plans filed last week show and acquaint ne%, 51 units, with double-size bed- slopping ease r KEEPS SUMMER rooms, lavatories and dressing Andover's concen rooms. area. Also included is a restaurant and COTTONS The shopping s cocktail lounge, with a capacity of PRESCRIPTION bargains providt 150 persons. Functional rooms, chants • will stn suitable for gatherings of up to 400, V, SERVICE we Fresh - as-a-daisy! morrow and cont are also provided. time Saturday nig The plan also shows a swim- be open Friday ming pool on the outer grounds. (Continued Parking will be taken care of in We clean them fresh as new. the area, but away from the units. YOUR PRESCRIPTION Trim and style features perk SHOPPORTI. SLUMBE Cars will not be parked in front of up. Fabrics regain that tissue- the buildings, according to the plan. Is Our Most Important Product MATTRESS The entire area will be screened soft crispness that only pro- BOX SPRIF and landscaped. fessional finishing can give. Mr. Keaney said work should get There's no starchy stiffness, FURNITURE underway early this summer. 4 SIMEONE PHARMACY no home-ironed shine. Your PARK STREE Pre-School Group 2 MAIN STREET AT ANDOVER SQUARE high-style cottons deserve Elected Officers TEL. GR 5-0418 , this care. It keeps them nett- looking, through cleaning Parents of children who attend or who are enrolled for next after cleaning. But don't just year at the Free Church Coopera- take our word for it — judge tive Pre-School have elected of- ,ane Funeral Service for yourself. Try Anton's Cot- ficers for the 1960-61 term. Inc. Mrs. Frederic Pease will head kstablished — 1938 ton Clinic service! the group as president. Other officers are as follows: Roy Coombs, vice president in charge of equipment; Mrs. John Gainey, vice president in charge of mem- bership; Mrs. Charles Leigh, se- 1 HOUR c reta ry; Norman Viehmann, treas- ME PIED ell urer. Mrs. Norman Viehmann, mother Quality Dry Cleaning AND( scheduling and transportation; Mrs. Charles St. Clair, bulletin; DAILY TO 3 P.M. (Ind Sat.) Plumb Mrs. Thomas Dye, publicity; Mrs. Gerald Ferris, housekeeping; Mrs. NO EXTRA CHARGE Heat Charles Leigh, hospitality; Mrs. F`"erly Buch, "IIAL" RUT] 211 No. MAIN S' ART SUPPLIES! ficc,.14( EVERYTHING ... BUT EVERY THING-THE AMATEUR ANu PRO FESSIONAL ARTIST PFQUIRES1 CALL OR VISIT LAWRENCE'S LARGEST ART AND HOBBY CENTER




1, N. II., is enjoying a visit her family on Chandler rd, . and Mrs. LeslieTwotnblyof Per st., were recent guest of tad Mrs. Leroy Twombly at tit Flats, N. 11. NIDCVIEU TCWNSAAN A 7h/L.7 Andover's Own Newspaper Since 1887 37 VOLUME 73 NUMBER ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 16, 1960 PRICE 10 CENTS License-Yanking Policy • To Combat High Speed

Drastic and continuing enforce- Don Sorrie Is ment of speed laws will be carried to every corner of the town by Athlete Of Year teams of Registry inspectors. Donald Sorrie was named athlete That was the promise yesterday of the year, and presented the of hearings Officer James Perry, Your Boosters' Club trophy, at the an- • as he listened to a request for TABLE TOPS nual sports banquet held at the assistance from local municipal High School cafeteria. officials, mcl Other Fine Furniture The Varsity Club award in track Eugene A. Bernardin Jr., chair- went to John McCormack. William With man of the Board of Selectmen. Dalton won the baseball award and Police Chief David L. Nicoll and Donald Sortie, the basketball a- Town Manager Thomas E. Duff 'LATE GLASS ward. sought the cooperation of the Re- Elections for captains of the gistry of Motor Vehicles in Nhy Gamble? baseball and t rack teams were supressing the excessive speeds a announced: McCormack, track and that have been the subject of wide- TEL. MU 3.7151 (Continued on Piq;e Three) spread discussion. re The precise date of the Registry's For Information , get-tough drive here has not been Prepares Reply revealed. But Mr. Bernardin in- .awrence Plate & dicated that it will be soon, and will • i ";, To Dimlich Suit continue. Nindow Glass Co. • 'I 4•1.\ = He said the inspectors are em- Town Counsel Fredric S. powered to stop any vehicle they O'Brien is preparing an, answer 17 Canal St. Tel. MU 3.7111 believe is being improperly this week, in response to a suit operated. The registrations are Alt brought by Benjamin F. Dimlich forwarded to the Boston office, and against the School Committee. YOUTH CENTER PLANS — Newly-elected officers of the Andona Society met last week with the licenses are "yanked" without Atty. O'Brien said he has not yet further fuss. Youth Center personnel to discuss plans for the fall. Seated around the table are Mrs. William received an order from Superior E. Caffray, treasurer; Mrs. Frank Sherman, secretary; Mrs. Thomas J. Dye, president; Harold Bernardin said it is his under- )N'S Court, seeking an answer to the standing that processing of the in- Rutter, president of the Center and Donald D. Dunn, director. Mrs. Arthur E. Read, vice presi- allegations contained in the suit. spectors' report is handled in dent of the Society, could not be present. (Staff Photo), The legal action was initiated by such a way that it is highly un- Frederick Fisher of the Boston law likely that anyone would have the YTTON firm of Hale and Dorr. Shopportunity Days opportunity to attempt to "fix" the High School Graduation The petition for a declaratory reports. LINIC friday - Saturday judgment asks the Court to find The promised Registry assist- that the petitioner, Mr. Dinilich, ance, with the continuing patrol of ,pportunity Days Friday and Scheduled Friday Night has performed the duties of princi- Andover police, is the munici- • rday will offer enthusiastic pal of the Junior High for over pality's response to growing com- :,ver residents amazing oppor- Many Wonder About Traditional graduation exercises (Continued on Page 25) plaints of speeding on most major :„slies for purchases in all stores, will be held tomorrow evening at streets. Various officials have had and acquaint new corners with the Signs On Route 93 the Andover !Ugh School. Which Streets Will letters and calls front most sec- diming ease made possible by In addition to receiving diplomas, tions, wherever a street is fairly PS SUMMER Complaints are being received Andover's concentrated mercantile the graduates will hear announce- Be Laid Out? straight and is a connecting way area. in many quarters from travelers ments of prizes and scholarships. the 25 unaccepted with another main road. The shopping spree - with many who are being confused by the di- Which of TTONS rectional signs on Route 93 at Highlights of the program will streets will be laid out for accept- Latest among the complaints is bargains provided by local mer- be the presentation of honor that from Central and School sts.„ chants • will start at 9 a.m. to- Dascomb rd. ance this year? essays, with the theme "The Youth The Selectmen and Town which became the subject of a morrow and continue until closing One c o m nt e n t made to the as-a-daisyl of America Speak". Manager Thomas E. Duff will con- time Saturday night. All stores will Townsman office, which is similar (Continued on Page 13) to many others being made to town Deborah C. Newcomb is saluta- tinue discussing this issue June 27, be open Friday evening until 9. G. Slade, valedicto- officials, indicates that the signs torian, Susan at the next regular Board meeting. (Continued on Page 8) do not identify the egress as being rian, Marjorie E. Mazel and James The problem involves selecting GRADUATION PHOTOS a them fresh as new, in Andover. P. Stewart, essayists. Susan M. about five of the streets for work Shaw will establish the theme of i style features perk SHOPPORTUNITY DAYS Marked Dascomb Road, with di- this year, under a continuing pro- IN THIS ISSUE SLUMBERLAND rectional sign to Tewksbury, the the essays. grant that eventually will find all on Pages 20-121 in this [cs regain that tissue- The eagerly-awaited announce- MATTRESS or signs apparently are causing of the controversial streets being week's issue is the gradua- ment of scholarships will come tion photo of the senior class pness that only pro- $26 5° motorists to believe they are al- laid out and presented to town BOX SPRING ea. from Supt. of Schools Edward I. of Andover High School. I finishing can give. ready in the neighboring commu- meeting for acceptance. FURNITURE EXCHANGE Erickson, while I leadmaster Lind- Most of the ways are old town And throughout the pages no starchy stiffness, (Continued on Page 8) say J. March will announce the of the Townsman are many of 4 PARK STREET Cor. Main St. streets that most people have t-ironed shine. Your prizes. thought were accepted years ago. the graduation photos, of The program will open with the Mr. Duff recommended to the groups and individuals. e cottons deserve JOHNSON ACRES Others, already taken, will Four bedroom, Colonial Ranch. processional "Priests' March", It keeps them new- from "Athalia", Mendelssohn. (Continued on I'age 4) appear in next week's Towns- Featuring family room, living room in an. through cleaning plus basement fireplaced recreation The Rev. Frederick B. Noss of the South Church, president of the aning. But don't just room. Two car garage. In the lower OUTSIDE word for it - judge 30' 0. (Continue! on Page Three) HOUSE PAINT elf. Try Anton's Cot- JOHN & RITA HEWITT 5.95 Gal. Realtors STAMPS c service! 8 ELM ST. ANDOVER TELS. GR ALBUMS-SUPPLIES COLE PAINT 5-0973 — 5.1834 ID MAIN ST. TEL. GR 5-1156 Everything Tor Thn Collector When? errs ilL R Y Ft North Andover Stamp Service 6$ Alain Si . Norlh Andover. Movii. FUEL OILS .Cot MU :1-7962 OF DISTINCTION When should you see PIED PIPERS OF ANDOVER 24 HOUR your Doctor? At the :leaning first suggestion of ill- ANDOVER OIL BURNER ness! Prompt action (Ind Sat will save time, money Plumbing 6 ANDOV ER SERVICE and needless suffering. HARGE TOWNSMAN And, of course, bring Heating Oka") WC your Doctor's prescrip- IDEZEir HOWE ) Formerly Buchan & McNally rs5fairciesigner tions here, where care- o 8 p.m. n. t "IIAL" RITTER, PROP. ful compounding is a 211 No. MAIN ST. GUY HOWE 8. TED LELAND GR 5-5121 For Your Printing Needs 6 PARK STREET GR 5-6464 specialty. REG. NO. 6510 LUPINE RD. GR 5-0365 Call GR 5-1943

er Electrical Contrac in kaq, COMPANY THANK HEAVEN .EANSERS FOR G. N. CorRinercial - Industrial CeyeA tier P.rge '2 Residential DALTON "Bill" tittli real estate 6iitubio *IciPP PHARMACY - uzzi CALL O:F :11:542 124 Cross St. Lawrence MAIN AT PARK ST. TEL. GR 5-0107 GR 5-2002 ILL MU S-111121 Oirion tvoi‘imys

2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 dover Monday. Andover include Marietta Amy, I Red Cross Needs Pike School There were 18 boys and 13 girls John Axelrod, Dale Barraclough, Flew To Graduations in the group, which is composed of Lee Nleigs Clark, Robert L. Cole, !j Hospital Equipment Of Twin Sons Graduated 31 representatives from six commu- Andrew B. Crane, Andrew P. Daly, The Red Cross has many re- Mr. and Mrs. 1,villiam T. Brice, Thirty-one boys and girls grad- nities in the Merrimack Valley. Mary Durham, Paul D. Ileubeck, quests for the loan of its limited 27 Johnson rd., had a busy schedule 410 uated from the Pike School in An- The exercises, held in the Peter W. Holland, Richard Hor- supply of wheel chairs, hospital last weekend, when they attended school's assembly hall, featured nidge, Carol Ann Jones, Elfriede beds, crutches and canes. the graduations of their twin sons, songs rendered by the eighth grade P. Laaff, Jacqueline L. Meyers, This year several inquiries John and James, in widely se glee club under the direction of Denise Puma, Anthony Sapienza, about walkers, of which the Red pa rated areas. , Donald L. Amy. The Rev. Ernest Paul J. Seccareccio, Charles St. Cross has none, have been made John graduated from Norwich, 0. Brown gave the invocation and Clair, Richard J. West, Dudley P. to the executive secretary, The University, Northfield, Vt„ re. also offered prayer and benedic- Whitney, Thomas U. Wholey, Red Cross asks that anyone who ceiving a degree in economics, tion. Headmaster William 11. Hard- Joseph Se rio. has any of these items, for which The family then boarded a charter ing delivered the graduation ad- he has no further use, turn them plane fora flight to Bethlehem. Pa„ dress. He presented the diplomas Lisa Lewis Had over to the Red Cross for com- for the graduation of James at to the graduates and also announced munity needs. The three wheel Lehigh University, lie majored in the award winners. 6th Birthday chairs and the four hospital beds American history. Doug Howe John Axelrod was awarded the which the Red Cross owns are Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Founder's Trophy for superlative Last Wednesday afternoon from now all in private homes for vary- Bride were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur about this question: achievement in mathematics at the 3-5, a delightful birthday party ing lengths of time, and several M. Sullivan of North Andover and elementary level. Anthony Sa- was held honoring Lisa Lewis, who more are needed. W ilf red Duffy of Old Orchard, Me, pienza was the recipient of the was six years old Sunday, June 5. Mrs. Herbert Allicon, chairman Margaret J. Little Award, pre- The little folks gathered at her of the gray ladies, reports that the Eric Mears Held sented annually to that student who home on Kirkland dr. where games veterans at Bedford hospital lack William best exemplifies the spirit of the were played, Refreshments, with packs of playing cards, and old Party On Birthday Vethuen, f "I hope the guy who stole birthday cake and ice cream, were Pike School. or new packs may be left at . the: Eric Mears, son of Mr. and o graduate my power lawnmower can enjoyed by Sally Sterndale, John Robert Mears of Andover st., Mr-, Charles St. Clair was awarded Red Cross headquarters on Pun- eel& School, rec get it started. . . .1 never and Diane Vergados, Elise Morri- brated his eighth birthday with a the Headmaster's Trophy for his chard ave., for transportation to of Arts D could. He was very thorough qualities of leadership in academic son, Susan Hill of North Andover party June 8. Bedford. College la - he stole the gas can too. and extracurricular activities. and Diana and Lisa Lewis.Sunday, Edward Romeo, fund chairman, Attending were Billy and Bobby gion ma j o Will a Residence Theft The year 1960 represents the Lisa was entertained at a birthday reports that $359 have been col- Ferrier, Mark McGowan, David policy pay for items stolen school's 16th anniversary as an dinner party at the home of her lected from generous citizens for Gravallese and Mark Moss, member of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Incorporated day school for ele- Chilean relief, and that more BRIMER NAMED sociation from a tool shed or garage?" French Leighton of Lowell. mentary and grammar grade edu- money is still desperately needed IN TESTAMENT Society, H cation. Its graduates will go on to her of the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hollyman, for the earthquake victims. Wallace E. Brimer of Andover 17 different secondary schools in who recently returned from a visit. was left a $10,000 bequest, accord- baseball DOUGLAS N. HOWE five states. with relatives in England, visited Ward Will Enter ing to the terms of the will of Upsilon fro 52 Main St. Tel. GR 5-5100 Graduates whose homes are in with the latter's mother, Mrs. Irm- Sidney W. Bartlett of Common., gard llird of Lawrence. Mrs. Brown University wealth ave., Boston. Brinier GRADUATI Hollyman was the former Nancy Allen M, Ward Jr., son of Allen a business associate of the late FRIDAY NI Hird and they previously lived on Mr. Bartlett, He is president of M. Ward of Connecticut, will enter (Continue North st. Brown University in the fall. the Tyer Rubber Company here, of Trustees of Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Jolliffe Ile graduated cum laude from S'APPe' Lowell st. left recently by plane People who hunt for phq. School, will from New York for an European Phillips Academy, received third rarely find it—and if they dr) r. Lynn F. tour of several months. prize in the Classics and special can afford it. mention for distinguished scholar ship in his senior year. I- Lilt DAYS PA 1,400.1C. ANDOVER He resides with his grandparents, PLAYHOL SE .20a#14 Mr. and Mrs. Miles R. Ward, 25 Ballardvale rd. Friday, Saturday & Sunday June 17-18-19 GIFTS PERSONAL FOR YOUR LAST VOYAGE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LeBlanc Technicolor and daughter, Joan, and Mrs. Anna Robert Stack — Dorothy Malone Graduation - Wedding VACATION! DeLettre, all of Yarmouth, Nova Showings: Fri s Sat Eves at ;::.! Scotia, and Father Delbe Comeau Sat Mat: 3:40 ANDOVER Sunday c•on , Anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Comeau, t: 2:00; 5:30; 3:.. all of Dixby, Nova Scotia, were re- HELL ER IN PINK TIGHTS FINANCE CO. cently entertained at the home of Technicolor Sophia Loren — Anthony Quinn Street Floor Musgrove Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Comeau of 91)frP644' Lovejoy rd. Fri & Sat Eves: 7:45 ELM SQ. GR 5-1998 Sat Mat: 2:00 DAYS Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN Sunday con't: 3:30; 7:00 COSTUME JEWELRY 1/3 to 1/2 OFF ‘.0s • TURNER FRAMED PICTURES REG. 2.95 to 8.95



\11*.N( ;11)N -11AN1) S C011()1 A SHOP ANDOVER FRIDAY & SATURDAY 01.1VE"1"11 ••••••••1111, $5.00 per month FREE METER PARKING


THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 3 'kw To Graduations Salute to the Flag. Miss Shaw will set the theme of the essays "The quired number of points, went to Df Twin Sons Youth of America Speak", and a Donald Sorrie, Walter Bleszinski, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bride, selection from the A Capella Choir John Van Nest, Paul Durant, Joseph 17 Johnson rd., had a busy schedule will follow, "Ave Verum", Hastings, John Ozoonian, Fred fast weekend, when they attended Gounod. Allen, Marie Menzie, Joan : Simeone, Lorraine Rees, Ann Hen- he graduations of their twin sons The salutatory and essay is en- rohn and James, in widely se. titled "The Youth That Never rick, Norma Peatman, Mary Lou )a rated areas. Grows Old", and Miss Mazel's Da rgoonian and Linda Johanson. The Boosters' Club trophy John graduated from Norwich essay queries "Are We a Silent was Jniversity, Northfield, Vt„ Generation?" presented to the track team, as re. co-winners of the invitational track ;eiving a degree in economics, Following a musical selection by meet with Amesbury High. Also The family then boarded a charter the Choral Society, "I lalls of Ivy", 'lane fora flight to Bethlehem, presented to the track team by Pa., by Russell and Knight, the essay or the graduation of Jame Boosters' president Charles W. s at "Adult Opinions on Youth" will be McCullom was the Little Three ,ehigh University. He majored in presented by Mr. Stewart. T A merican history. After the presentation of prizes Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. and scholarships, the valedictory, WILL SEEK BIDS 3ride were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur "The Twentieth Century: Dawn or ON ROUTE 495 A, Sullivan of North Andover and Twilight?" will be presented by The state expects Vilfred Duffy of Old Orchard, Me, Miss Slade. to call for bids on 6.1 miles of Route Diplomas will be given to the Eric Mears Held 495 this summer, involving William F. Vickers of graduates by Dr. Milton J. Meyers, sections in Andover, Tewks- chat rman of the School Committee. 'arty On Birthday Methuen, formerly of Andover, bury, Chelmsford, Haverhill, The school song, written by the Littleton and Lowell. Also Eric Mears, son of Mr. and MrE. a graduate of Punchard High music appreciation class of 1959, Robert Mears of Andover st., eel& School, received his Bachelor involved is another 2.8 miles will be followed by benediction, by of right-of-way, clearing the )rated his eighth birthday with a of Arts Degree from Amherst )a rty June 8. Very Rev. I lenry 13. Smith, O.S.A., way for future construction. College last Sunday. A Reli- pastor of St. Augustine's Church. 11 MAIN ST., ANDOVER Attending were Billy and Bobby terrier, gion major, he has been a Mark McGowan, David SPORTS AWARD HELP WANTED t. better drosses in a clearance selection ;ravallese and Mark Moss. member of the Christian As- sociation and the Fisk Law TO DON SORRIE that includes jersey, rayon and cotton fabrics. DRIMER NAMED All spring-summer styles and colors, Sizes Society. He was also a mem- (Continued from Page One) IN TESTAMENT varsity football and Openings for experienced 5 to 15; 10 to 18. Be early! SALE.. 7.88 ber of the full/part-time sales people. Wallace E. Brimer of Andover Dalton and Alan May, baseball. in your choice of slim sheath baseball teams and Delta Please apply in person at . chino skirts Aras left a $10, 000 bequest, accord. During the evening, silver belt styles or flares. A good selection of gay summer Upsilon fraternity. our Andover store, Friday .ng to the terms of the will of buckles were presentee to the two prints. Sizes 10 - 18. iidney W. Bartlett of Common- state champions - Richard Bou rde- between 1 and 3 p.m. 3.88 Written applications will Health ave., Boston. Brimer was GRADUATION IS lais, champion high jumper in his • Capricol pants of long-wearing cotton SA LEchino . also be considered. s business associate of the late FRIDAY NIGHT class; and to Michael 1' rishman, Solid colors, gay plaids and stripes in group. 1r. Bartlett. He is president of state gymnastics champion in the All meticulously tailored with attention to de- Continued from Page One) :he Tyer Rubber Company here, flying rings. tail. Sizes 10 - 18. of the Punchard Free SALE. 2.88 --ustee-s Fourteen special Booster a- SUTHERLAND'S People who hunt for plan :c -ool, will offer prayer. "tvcora" 'weaters in wards, based on earning the re- 11 MAIN ST. ANDOVER slip-on, cardigan .arely find it--and if they do Lynn F. Johnson will lead the and dressmaker styles. Assorted pasteland dark an afford it. shades. Broken sizes 34 - 40. All from leading ..,t maker! Top value! ANDOVER SALE.. 3.88 P LAY HOL SE . seamless mesh nylons by famous Friday, Saturday & Sunday Lilly Uache'. All first quality. Proportioned to. June 17-18-19 fit. Sizes 13Y2 to 11. Beige or Taupe. You'll be LAST VOYAGE more than wise to buy these by the box and save! Technicolor SALE.. .97 Robert Stack - Dorothy Malone . Showings: Fri s Sat Eves at 9:2! handbags in summer straws and plastics. Sat Mat: 3:40 Many whites with colorful floral motifs. Come Sunday can't: 2:00; 5::; look these over, you'll come away with several for summer use! Plus tax. HELLER IN PINK TIGHTS SALE.. 1.49 Technicolor Sophia Loren - Anthony Quinn . quality girdles and pantie girdles with Fri s Sat Eves: 7:45 04°4 tAASS. reinforced front and bock panel for firm control. Sat Mat: 2:00 Satin lastex with 2" bond. Sizes S.M-L-XL. Sunday con't: 3:30; 7:C: White. 100-10 SALE.. 3.88 . stretch girdles and panties that hold you firmly, smoothly, comfortably. Easy to wash, long on wear. White, sizes S-M-L. Usually a I quick sellout! .o‘s old Vo‘s*as kor eit\xel SALE.. .99 9 is Father's Dol‘ . full slips of fine nylon tricot with all-around 1 shadow panel. Touched with lace and net trims. Sundoy, 3une Limited quantity. White, sizes 36 to 42. SALE.. 2.97 0 ok . pajamas in baby doll and toreador styles. Light, summerweight cotton in blue and pink 95 prints. Sizes S-M-L. RONSON LlGNIERS in honclsomely10. SALE. . 1.97 . P \ us lox. • . . s . costume jewelry in a summer-white col- styled pocket set lection that includes l-to-3-strand necklaces, SWANK IEWELRI in a wide selection earring s and bracelets to match. Come match up sets, and save! Plus tax. SALE .. .59 of cuff link & tie bar sets. Plusspackling tax . nylon gloves for cool summer wear! Shorties with shirred wrists. Marvelously wash- so#0.11 oftlecovegt stripes, checks, ic,ice 0 creom novelty tones .1.50 able, quick-to-dry. White only. Sizes 6 to 71/2. EASY ne,t4 Be early for these! selection SALE.. 1.29 patterns. All• the•••••••••••••• VAEN'S COLOGNES in sets by Chanel, . clip hats to keep your hair in place and •••••• protect it from sun, wind rain. Water-repellent. Revlon, Guer1oin. Plus lox,. 4.50-5.00 A host of gay summer prints. Top value-find! ENIENT LEAINER 14 4.1.,.EIS and key cases by SALE.. .69 famous Buxton & Princess Octanes. . 3-6x dresses in a very fine selection in Plus tax. . . . • . . . . • . • . .2.50-10.0011 size com- crisp, easy-care cotton. Pastel solid colors and prints. Be early for these! SALE.. 2.00 ROULEIIE GAME in 8' plete vrlth layout , boll ond instructions . girls' suits of famous "Royal 0" wash 'n wear fabric. Springwei ght, of course. Navy/white genuine leather. Com- checks. Sizes 3-6x and 7-14 at same low price! • napkins, openers, SALE.. 3.00 'TRAVEL BAR of im- o\etc. ele P. vistio I. • •glosses, • • • • • • • • • • • • • .30.98of ▪ summer colognes in assorted popular bona-rolled floral fragrances. In handsome decanter-type bottles. Also Soap Sets. By Charvai. Plus tax. R SALE.. .88 WO 1 AL N ANOKERCIAlEFS linen with hems. White. • . • . . • • • • 13,1• • • Westing-• • . .50 ported lrisli . special toiletries in a closeout and spe- cial purchase lot that includes: hair sprays, IR Ws‘s-r oct gpmvpsElectric and RCA- shampoos, egg shampoos, creme rinses, castile .. • • • • • • • • ...... 39.95 SATURDAY hose General shampoos, etc. SALE... .99 1.13-Er. • •• VAXER ok chrome and stai • boxed soap in your favorite Lanolin or \Acto less steel. Battery operated...polished chrome. • .2.98 Cleansing Cream formula. Boxes of 20 cakes. S111 • Buy for use at home, camp, beach cottage. Be highly early! NokesRACKS a year of ' round proctihandsome cal ift. crystal• 1.50 SALE.. .99 11E. ;KING ana pastel colored lucite. Plus . ladies' hankies of fine cotton and swi s- 'DESK CLOCKS in ses. Handrolled hems, many with scalloped edges. A good selection of prints and "whites". Be g1oss r early! clove SALE.. 3/$1 Sutherland's in An9 m. RDAY ti1 . men's handkerchiefs of imported Open f ricloys 51 Irish linen. White, regular size with neatly hem- Soturcloy 9..'30 -'30 stitched hems. Ideal Father' s Doy gift-find. SALE. . 4/$1

Shop our Andover Store Friday 'til 9 p.m. ARD OF TRADE al I-day Saturday 9:30-5:30 4


A frontages 'on unaccepted streets,11 \1 was pointed out that some of the property owners may have pi Litt' taxes for years on the land, with Asuovm Final re every expectation that they ootgi build along the present streets, the seaso Selectman William Stewart also top, with a TOWNSMAN wanted to know why some of Followir ANNOUNCEMENT the unaccepted streets are still intat White Sox Established 1887 condition when others Giants, 4-f By way of self-introduction, we wish to apparently Published Every Thursd,iy were accepted under ablanketpro. In the se announce that Valentine Flowers is now 165 No. Main Street, Andover, Mass. vision, via a special legislativeao, are Yanks, owned and operated by Richard Trull Entered as Second Class matter at Atty. O'Brien explained that the Sox, 2.1; R and Clinton Richardson of Trull's Flower The Andover Post Office statute made it possible for the Giants, 0-2 55.00 per Year Studio of Tewksbury. Price 10,r per Copy town to accept, in a group, streets Games Trull's is a name well-known for quality Publisher Irving E. Rogers that were accepted over the years White Sox David E. Young and service based on long experience. Our Editor Red Sox 1 Rusiness by town meeting in an illegalfash, object is your satisfaction and we shall be ion. Yanks 6, t Adv. Mgr.. • Raymond R. 1)eRuisseau happy to serve you with "Flowers for all It did not, he reported, apply to Giants 3; C occasions". NATIONAL EDITORIAL streets that had not been accepten I ASgC8TION at all - even though the street: may have been assumed to be ac• Leila and Linda Westfall, cepted by usage over the years, Mr. O'Brien promised to hat 1/11.11.11.•••••••• 111.• .W•.1.• members of the senior class at Andover High, have been further details on this part of the TOWNSMAN problem for the next meeting, as tolIRESPONDENTS admitted to the School of did Mr. Duff. Veie;re.;te West Parish Tel. 611 5-2445 Nursing of St. Mary's Hospital Ile told the Selectmen that the Mrs. Sarah Lewis for Infants and Children at Ralph B. Brasseur engineer4 S Ilarivale Tel. GR 5-6267 Bay Side, Long Island, N. Y. firm of Haverhill has beeneNa.:,,: FLOWERS Mrs. Ruth ',men to conduct the surveys and dra.. ''FROM THE HEART'' Shawslieen Tel. GR 5-1943 WHICH STREETS necessary blue prints. The WILL BE SELECTED? charges $12 hourly for a tl,;,e• New General ... 27 MAIN ST. ANDOVER man crew. and $8 hourly for atvo. RC ELECTRIC (Continue,' from Page One) man crew. ADDING MACHINES GR 5-2929 /IUS Board that five streets, with sewer The amount of $2,500wasappro• SUS7 RACTS ORDER BY PHONE — FREE DELIVERY muinturs 169"Plus Tax and water available, and little priated at town meeting for the AllitING OM P1:7MM , maintenance needed, be laid out purpose, under the general plan A. K. Thomas Co. first. Ile included Pearson st. and of doing several of the streets ead E 1:7 C.,.... SI MU 1 511/ MU 1.1111 Cutler rd. on this list. year until all are completed. However, members of theBoard expressed the feeling that a legal INFORMATION ON roadblock against building houses SUMMER SCHOOL on unaccepted streets might make General information on the it necessary to take up some of the Andover Summer School pro- more rural ways first. gram, and registration blanks, REINHOLD'S may be obtained at the senior It was explained by Town Counsel or junior high school Fredric S. O'Brien that there is a offices, high School Assit. serious legal problem, under the pal Philip Wormwood is direc- sub-division control laws, which tor of the session, which sill might be resolved in such a way that run for six weeks. SHOPPO tyTUNITY land-owners could not build along SA •••.




VALUES TO 4.00 For 1 .79 with net a (T.

REGUL MEN'S ODD LOT OF MEN'S 8. Light Weight 50 JACKETS SWIM TRUNKS A good assortment but not 25% OFF all sizes are represented in lot. 1.49 VALUES 3 Comp .99 Mfr OTHER SWIM TRUNKS coupl ante. 3.95 & 4.95 WOMEN'S NYLON TEG'011 REGUL 3.9 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SBY GORHAM the aristocrat of stainless KNIT SHIRTS THE 4.00 Your Stegor is "at home", in perfect taste, for either family supper or dinner with The New Sensation - VALES VALUES 1.49 3.39 friends. Superb craftsmanship, 5 beautiful w WOMEN'S patterns. OTHER SHIRTS 2.95 — 3.95 — 5.00 an UTRILON SANDALS 1.49 ... and other Gift Ideas for Dad — 5 PIECE $3,75 Cc PLACE SETTING CHILDREN'S A wonderful selection that will make treasured gifts: Neckties. . Hosiery. . . Wallets. . . I NH 1 Sc ." UTRILON SANDALS 1.59 Belts. . . Men's Jewelry.. . Pajamas. .. etc. 13 MAIN STREET Grecoe 9rrys REINHOLD'S GR 5-0078 John H. WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Jeweler to Andover GR 5.0830 45 MAIN ST. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 5 ntages .on Unaccepted streets,k played off next time the teams s pointed out that some of the meet; Yanks 6, Cards 3; and White Court Refused To plaint. In this case, the clerk re- Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN ,perty owners may have paid Little League Sox 1, Braves 0. 'fused and indicated this on the es for years on the land, with Final results of the tirst half of Games scheduled are; June 16, Issue Complaint written request made by the chief. :ry expectation that they Yankees on Giants vs Cards, Playstead, and could the season show the Police Chief David L. Nicoll re- Id along the present street White Sox vs Red Sox, Woburn st.; SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIP s. top, with a 7-3 record. vealed this week that ;electman William Stewart also are the Braves, 6-4; June 20, Cards vs Braves, Woburn his request Following for a complaint of driving to en- BY VARSITY CLUB T rated to know why some of the se. and Yanks vs Red Sox, Play- FOR White Sox, 6-4; Red Sox. 5-5; danger against Atty. Fredric S. A special scholarship, in iccepted streets are still inthat stead; June 21, Giants vs White Sox, memory of the late Mervin Giants, 4-6; Cardinals, 2-8. O'Brien has been refused by the idition when others apparently Playstead; June 22, Red Sox vs Stevens, has been established FAMILY in the second half, the standings Clerk of Courts' office in Law- re accepted under a blanketpro• are Yanks, 3-0; Braves, 2-1; White Braves, Woburn st. rence. by the Varsity Club at the DINING ion, via a special legislative act, 0-1; Cards, 0-2; High School. 2-1; Red Sox, Mr. O'Brien was driving a qty. O'Brien explained that the Sox, Mr. and Mrs. George Waters and Any member of the senior OUT Giants, 0-2. vehicle in Andover Square which tute made it possible for the Julie and Wendy of Wilson, N. Y., class, who plans to further Games played lastweek were was involved in a fatal accident. rn to accept, in a group, street Yans 3, were recent guests at the home of ljis education, Is eligible. ANDOVER INN White Sox 10, Giants Chief. Nicoll said the clerk of the t were accepted over the years Braves 5, Cards 3; Mrs. Waters grandparents, Mr. The faculty committee will Red Sox 1; court has the authority to deter- T'-' 411111111rTIINIMP'2-7 town meeting in an illegalfash. and Mrs. George Winslow of I len- make the decision on the Yanks 6, White Sox 5; Braves 6, mine whether there is sufficient Sox 8, to be de rson ave. award. 3; Cards 8, Red evidence to warrant issuing a com- t did not, he reported, apply to Giants eets that had not been accepted all - even though the street y have been assumed to be ac- )ted by usage over the years, r. O'Brien promised to haw EARLY SUMMER ther details on this part of the tblem for the next meeting, es STARTS FRIDAY & SATURDAY Mr. Duff. - COLE'S SALE le told the Selectmen that the 1ph B. Brasseur engineeriri SAVE $10.00 HALF - PRICE ni of I laverhill liasbeenengaged :onduct the surveys and drawthe 2-SPEED SKIN DIVERS' :essary blue prints. The firm irges $12 hourly for a three- SHOPPO UNITY n crew and $8 hourly for atvo• ROLL-AROUND MASKS n crew. 20-INCH rile amount of $2,500 was appro. REGULARLY 99c ated at town meeting for the / 1.98 pose, under the general plan Joing several of the streets each ELECTRIC ROSE-TOX ,r until all are completed. An Early Summer Sale of wanted and needed items featuring end-of- the-season prices! You always save at COLE'S but LOOK AT THESE ROSE FORMATION ON FAN SAVINGS!! IMMER SCHOOL INSECTICIDE General information on the Use it to intake or ex- 24 INCH idover Summer School pro. haust air. Sturdy stand is am, and registration blanks, wheeled for easy move- LARGE SIZE imp/0. ment from room to room. DUSTER CAN v4si- ' ay be obtained at the senior HOODED GRILL .44, junior high school offices. WITH ROTISSERIE High School ,Ass't. Princl• REGULARLY 39.95 LI Philip Wormwood is direr. Has electric powered spit. Easy to move on r of the session, which sill wheeled tri-pod mount. Crank-type height 1.29 1;'. coal-bed control. n for six weeks. 99 Protects your precious rose REGULARLY bushes. Contains Captan, 29 21.95 16.88 Malathion, DDT and Sulphur.

SAVE 2.00 DON'T LET MOSOUITOES SPOIL WHIRLING YOUR FUN - USE THIS EFFECTIVE INSECTICIDE CAR WASH HOSE ATTACHMENT SOLID BRASS TONGA TORCH Rids your lawns and surroundings of mosquitoes BRUSH for as long as 10 days in one easy application. HOSE NOZZLES Mounted on 6-foot pole. Easy as watering your lawn! Burn mosquito repellant Attaches ro any garden REGULARLY fuel that keeps the pests hose. Brush spins, wash- ATTACHMENT 2.98 INSECTICIDE 95C 98g away. Covers broad area ing away dirt. Just insert 54c effectively. soap in handle. 2.98 REG. SAVE 1/3 ON ALL. SIMONIZE FREE ! 6.95 4.95 CAR WAXES & POLISHES ELECTRIC VISTA Reg. $2.00 NOW $1.33 SOLDERING IRON! BADMINTON PASTE CLEANER Reg. $1.00 NOW 66; WITH THIS SHOPMATE SIMONIZE CAR WAX Reg. $1.25 NOW 84c SETS SIMONIZE LIQUID CLEANER Reg. $1.00 NOW 66; "ELECTRIC DRILL NEW INSTANT SIMONIZE Reg. $2.29 NOW $1.68 1/4 For 4 players! Complete A wonderful kit and buy! Drill with racquets, metal poles (In Pressure Can) has extra heavy duty motor net and birds. and Jacobs famous key-chuck. Kit also contains drills, 50 FEET OF HOSE buffing bonnet, sand paper and solder for the iron. REGULARLY Full half-inch diameter. This hose 4.99 REGULARLY 19.95 14" 8.95 carries a 5-YEAR GUARANTEE. FREE Sells regularly for $3.98 but IT'S 50 FOOT LENGTH! WHEN YOU BUY THIS YOURS FREE. IMAGINE! WEIGHS ONLY 3 POUNDS DFF PLASTIC DIAL-A-RAIN NEW TYPE 21"x12"x12" HOSE OSCILLATING PICNIC COOLER Complete with all brass Feather-light, yet strong and tough. This cold 95 couplings. Durable! Guar- LAWN SPRINKLER pack ice chest keeps contents for 4 days. It's anteed for 5 years! Just dial desired sprinkling pattern. Covers rust and corrosion proof and all moulded in one piece ... can't leak or rust through. REGULARLY up to 2,400 square feet of area. Full year' s 3.,8 2.99 guarantee. ALUMINUM PATIO OR BEACH THE LOWEST PRICE WE'VE EVER BEEN ABLE sy,PP/ CHAISE in perfect taste, TO OFFER - 24 FOOT UMBRELLAS or dinner with ship, 5 beautiful WOOD EXTENSION LADDERS LOUNGE 4,1° All nylon cover with gay colored panels. The metal pole is rust proof and may be Rugged and safe. Have spruce side rails 99 clamped to arm of choir. 44" diameter. 444 and oak rungs. Extra heavy construction. 12.95 4-position recline. Heavy, !" REGULAR 5.95 Complete with rope and pulleys. $3 7 tubular construction. Saran . REG. RETAIL 26.40 webbing. HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS, TOO! $5.00 Also Aluminum Lawn 20'-28'-32' SIZES AT COMPARATIVE SAVINGS! Chairs 6 95 YOU CAN ALWAYS CHARGE OR BUDGET PURCHASES AT COLE'S Grecoe PAINT & HARDWARE SR 5.0830 OLE10 MAIN STREET • ANDOVER - GR 5-1156

is, 196C A %ItIMES !IONE FOR SI. %%Ea flef -__-e ARE 11016 DISSATISFIED WITH VOUS TELL, ISION 104010 on P0110•40CAAPH- • ea•-grwier. mil 1: flan_ kt us re -air it .7" a :_ a r .4-ied ,-cr7e **." 4-erday E --erpareszs, of a •-•e. _ COMMUNITY jl iA F4ovc, sway. ' • !. • a -c i"-:.-G 01 ft.-a , • • .,.- YU; L=am:. '• a. a a. You Do The Enio,ong. Let Us Do The

WORRYING... it : • — • t e:.t—• • • • '•:— • : • St !r. r".• GEOi .1•• T." — e s • . *a• - 1-z•- • • s :e e•- : • !I. —:st - •":" ::"•••S 2 GT z: ,e-:;e -; 4,r Fron SMAU T ¶ I _ .41 Tufts U kCC. - a. ) Commence Tice 901494tce CATHOLIC DAUGHTE:.$ — Court St. Monica, Catholic DauOlters of Americo, nell its hatom afternoon. at the Andover Irws Sunacry night. At the head table were Miss Shirley Booker, assistant Hiram L. Tani. senior sen aAr4e A-1" • •-- z • Vass Anna M. Oree!e-y, grand regent; 5-616: Very Rev. Henry E. Smith, 0.S.A., chaplain; Miss can of Asia - •etta O'Hara, distric- r,eouty; and *s. Y. J. West, vice re:e-^t. (Leone) to the Un Continence Girls Received as the final 7-neer.:41 and their ('resider rreele.7! were z-_e_st.s. Attendance (erred deg E tans were Scouting Badges oil and Karr dilates fro Stop Lays, n Fungus This Easy Way Mal-„ar:ee 13d Gwen w arwick wee uate e:7-_e4iate GirlScoot Troop 32 Secat . ales for and prole perec-: . of 'eiest School has hem bus; ,•.'te:-J.:2:nce for the yea:, University, finishing their SecondSecocd Cass re- _ rece.::ed her Dabbler honorary di gulremells• :senc her Antral Candidate In April. they cos:-.;'.ex.'. :he girls were clover were Cocrxrimity Life project ;1.s..=- F-::*s and the folloxiT Sutherland receded ing two forsythia busies .7 7.:-_-71t of their Second Class liorothy 4est School May 2, 7-ae.e Claatia A rragg. Bette.; rd., Ballar Mother's Day gifts. A oar -. --: was :owe a mpbell. Held Jackson Co Held a: Mrs. 'Warwick's Mx: 1.3, Ga...=. Jean Haley. Kit Hansa, - - wt.-ere the girls corr.pleted their Kitson. Cynthia Lewis, Carvell Y. a narare work and some were in- red Mahanke. Delon Nevirr, ructed in fire buildirg. Ten gi r •'..al:ree 7. Rodden, Michele Rohner, Met In .* s, Ya re r. Mrs. Gaunt and Mrs. War- r. :ane Stewart. Gl.r \bout 20 . attended the annual Fun Day a Farrell Welt'. iLsoc. Chapter of a: T. -; Maude Eaton May 21. The at the mec a - 7 e :row put on the play "Srr the West C : -.e" May 23 and had the Brow:-__:. Strawberry Festival ,ednesday in the School as guests. Luncheon of :kW !"-± he:C.! .71:The In Ballardvale business Carvell Cha He amua: ;:t:awherry Festival dent Artht sponsored by the Ballard vale Howard And United Church will be held Thurs- as did the day evening. June M, at 7 o'clock .1ndove PRIME on the Andover st. playground. In case of rain, it will be Oe',d ROAST in the Church vestry. A baker; RIBS OF BEEF I table and pony rides will also be featured. The committee inc:...aes Yorkshire Pudding Mrs. Robert Mears. Mrs. Ere" Hall. Mrs. Frank Froburg, Mrs. ANDOVER INN William Smeltzer, Mrs. Willi': Batchelder, Mrs. Alfred Wel'. T--""m111111CTIIIIIIIPP—T Mrs. William Marrtrzzi and'.... ' .eal WOOLWORTH'S TC DUALITY AND VA- SINCE 'AVE 18t 5,troot&en,,)), CANNON Sweet dreams, wounded warrior. While you nap, -1 HAND TOWELS 31,

the fairy princess (guess who) will apply the SCUTI., •

to keep lawn fungus away. I've filled the Scotts CHILDREN'S LADIES Spreader, and set the dial. Now to RAYON PANTIES SLEEVELESS walk it on. Hope he sleeps the 30 SIZES 2-4-6-8-10 BLOUSES minutes it'll take. Won't he he sur- REG. SIZES 32-.)4-3o-3i. 29c PAIR 17c prised to learn I'm a lawn expert too! 5 PAIRS FOR 75c DURING SAVE 60c THIS , More and more folks are coming to us for adt,sze on improving their SALE' lawns through an easy-to-follow Scotts Program. Come in anytime. Perfect 77 We'll be glad to prescribe the correct Program for your lawn. Father's Day Gifts SAVE .234

Scutt fungus control for 5000 sci ft, 3.25 GILLETT'S NEW 9-DIAL RAZOR 95 Save now on a new 1960 Scotts Spreader Scotts & 6 NEW SUPER BLUE BLADES corn, ete s 1 OLD SPICE TOILETRIES FOR MEN v, Prices

MEN'S SATIN STRIPE HANDKERCHIEFS 10 77c BRUCKMANN'S REG. 1.00 VALUE - SA . SERVING ANDOVER SINCE 1885 Summer's Newest JEWELRY FASHIONS 158 SO. BROADWAY LAWRENCE TEL. MU 6-4105 Featuring WHITE Necklaces ... C STORE HOURS• MON THRU FRI - 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. - SAT 8 A.M. TU 5:30 P.M. Earrings and Brooches - 33 FREE DELIVERY • FREE PARKING AT REAR OF OUR STORE BRACELETS values to $1.00 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 7 PANTRY SHOWER FOR MRS. ANDREWS a lovely evening and the guests pantry shower which was given in enjoyed the cookout prepared by a honor of Mrs. !toward Andrews. Over 50 members of the Evening committee from the evening circle wife of the new pastor of the chit rch. Circle of the West Church gathered with Mrs. John Hall as chairman. She received many gifts for the new last Thursday evening for their an- Mrs. Dooley led the group in sing- home into which they will soon nual picnic at the home of Mrs. ing. niove. I lelen C. Dooley on Pine st. It was A feature of the evening was a Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN SHOP JOHNNY'S

GEORGE IV. ARTHUR DOROTHY F. PERKINS was enjoyed and several solos were rendered by Mrs. I lelen Dooley. 2 Graduate The Junior Choir of the West Church also sang. Transportation From Tufts was given the group by Mrs. John Hall Jr., Mrs. Grant Silva, Mrs. Tufts University held its 104th William Trow, Mrs. Edward War- C,oininencement exercises Sunday wick, Mrs. Alex Henderson and afternoon, June 12, when Senator Mrs. Ernest Fieldhouse. FRESH KILLED - TENDER PLUMP of A.-erica, meld its banquet Hiram L. Fong, Hawaii's first ley Bowker, assistant =Ai. senior senator and the first Ameri- itf', O.S.A., thaplain; Miss can of Asian ancestry to be elected Car Took Its- to the United States Senate, was CHICKEN-BROILERS (Leone) Commencement speaker. SPLIT OR WHOLE lb 39c as fina.: 7reetaz and heir President Nils Y. Wessell con- Own Ride A driverless car backed all the hers were ferred degrees in course to can- Atteodxce way through the Square around ir5 were cu and Yam didates from the four undergrad- GENUINE SPRING noontime, June 8, finally stopping thazi-Ie Lad Gwen warwick were uate colleges and the fivegraduate at the metal fence and hedge at esecced and professional schools of the wtistles for the Library. 9006'4/ rfect arter.e.ance for the year. University, and conferred ten The vehicle casually took its 9, rece:ved her Dah'f.t: honorary degrees. own "busman's holiday" from its AMB LEGS lb DAYS dee aid Kathy KitsonherAnirral Candidates for degrees from An- parking place on Elm st. OVEN READY iser Badge-. All the girls were dover were George W. Arthur, 33 A few cars going through the en work and the followirg Sutherland st., 13. S., and Mrs. FOR COOK-OUTS AND OUTINGS LOCAL FARMS xived their Second Class Dorothy Frank Perkins, 26 Clark Square stopped to let theca r go by, and their operators watched in :es: Clazciia' Arms. Beverly rd., Ballardvale, B. S. degree from FRESH fascination as the vehicle navigated i.:• ::-oce Campbell, Helen Jackson College for Women. Haley. Kit Hansog carefully through the busy inter- section. - a. Cynthia Lewis, Carvell Chapter Peter Dantos told police lie HAMBURG ren a.-20e. Debra Newton, EGGS parked the car on Elm st., setting .uree 7 I Met In W. Parish :en 7- .- 7. :aneStewart,Gwet the brakes when he did so. FRESHLY GROUND .•',bout 20 members of the Carvell ALL LEAN LARGE • - Welch and Chapter of the Blind were present Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lewis of at the meeting held for them in Laurel in. recently enjoyed a short STEER BEEF SIZE do. 49' stay at . 3 89c the West Church Auditorium last rawberry Festival sednesday. FRESH CREAMERY Luncheon was served at 1 and a GEORGE A. PARKER THINLY SLICED Ballardvale business meeting was held by the HEATING Carvell Chapter, led by the presi- VENTILATION —AIR CONDITIONIN 7-e - - - : : ;•. - Festival dent Arthur Sevigny. The Rev. Industrial and Sheet Metal Work BUTTER t:.-Je Ballard Yale Howard Andrews spoke to the group 5 POST OFFICE AVE. ANDOVER VEAL CUTLETS 1,89c itteLt 7-.-_irch will be held 'Thurs. as did the Rev. Clinton Carvell of TEL. GR 5-2610 everz.7!:.. June r..r. at 7 o'clock No. Andover. Community. singing ESSEM REGULARS ROLLS lb 65' the :we: s:. ;:aygrand. In case 0:: rain, it will be held the Church vestry. A bakery SLICED - AMERICAN rye and pony rides will also be FRANKFURTS 15c stured. The committee irchas If you demand •s. Robert Me-ars, Mrs. Ernest CHEESE 11. Mrs. Fran' Yroburg, Mrs. SAFETY and JOHNNY'S PRIDE- 11iarn Strainer. Mrs. William 90004, tthelder, Mrs. Alfred web, GARDEN FRESH WHITE OR DEPENDABILITY COLORED .s. Marruzzi and Mrs. ib 49` al Mir . DAYS FRUITS & VEGETABLES . INVEST 9topPel tTHIS YOUR BUSINESS PINK MEATED 19c CANTALOUPES LARGE SIZE co PERSONAL DAYS or ORGANIZATION ONE SAVE 18e LUSCIOUS NI 0 N FUNDS YELLOW in CORN 6 1° 29' OWELS TOMATOESPE PAID-UP

SHARES! EXTRA CAN CUKES FANCY 4 li" 25' S 25' LADIES . SLEEVELESS SNAP JOHNNY'S RICH CUP STRING BEANS FRESH BLOUSES Q. .15' COFFEE 38 SUNSHINE SIZES 32-,.4-36- Our Paid-Up Shares offer: NABISCO ALL PURPOSE Constant face value KRISPY I lb 654 DURING 27c c GROUND 7 7 TRISCUITS Pkt lb THIS 100'. insured safety CRACKERS pkt 39 SALE' Dividends compounded at 3' 2', and paid by check 4 times a EASY TO PARK - EASY TO SHOP - JOHNNY'S! SAVE . 23C year. Ready cashcbility )R AMPLE OPEN . . . at $200 a Shore! Ask cihc.ot ES compete $1 95 them today. FREE THURS & FRI MEN Vor,ou$ PARKING NITES TIL. 9 C JOHNNY'S 10w11 SAVE 23c Merrimack EERY FASHIONS COOPERATIVE BANK SUPER MARKET 264 ESSEX STREET, LAWRENCE 43 PARK STREET ANDOVER GR 5-2740 33c TEL. MU 3-0830 — 3-1761 V


ARRIVES 110ME A Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN FOR SUMMER After spending the past nine ARE YOU DISSATISFIED months teaching physical education WITH YOUR TELEVISION in the Highlands Junior High School RADIO OH PHONOGRAPH - in Kennerwick, Wash., Miss Judith kt US re•air it Hall arrived home Wednesday to spend she summer with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Jr. of Dascomb rd. She made the trip home by car COMMUNITY via Salt Lake City, Estes Park, PAO:0 TV PHONO SERVICE Rocky Mt. National Park and also visited with relatives in Fairmont, W. Va. and Reading, Pa.

You Do The Enjoying...Let Us Do The WORRYING... Costly marine equipment . . . from your boat itself to the gear that makes it go . are meant to be enjoyed. Ease of mind that comes from sound 2 Gr insurance coverage will also insure that enjoyment! Pio Fron Tufts Un SMAIRT FILACC. Commence afternoon, lite 901.4t€1941ceVice CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS - Court St. Monica, Catholic Daughters of America, held its banquet at the Andover Inn Sunday night. At the head, table were Miss Shirley Iliram L. . , Bowker, assistant morn. senior sen BANK BUILDING ANDOVER TEL. GR 5-6161 tor; Miss Anna M. Greeley, grand regent; Very Rev. Henry B. Smith, 0.S.A., chaplain; Miss can of Asi Lauretta O'Hara, district deputy; and Mrs. M. J. West, vice regent. (Leone) to the Un commence' Girls Received 6 as the final meeting and their Preside mothers were guests. Attendance ferred deg Scouting Badges Stars were given out and Karen didates fro: Stop Lawn Fungus This Easy Way Mahanke and Gwen Warwick were lute colleg Intermediate Girl Scout Troop 32 presented with Scout whistles for and profe of West School has been busy. perfect attendance for the year, University finishing their Second Class re- Helen Gaunt received her Dabbler honorary d quirements. Badge and Kathy Kitsonher Animal Candidat In April, they completed their Raiser Badge. All the girls were dover wer Community Life project by plant- given World Pins and the following Sutherland ing two forsythia bushes in frontof received their Second Class 5arothy F West School. May 2, they made Badges: Claudia A rragg, Beverly rd., Ballard Mother's Day gifts. A cookout was Black, Joyce Campbell, Helen Jackson Col held at Mrs. Warwick's May 16, Gaunt, Jean Ilaley, Kit Hanson, where the girls completed their Kathy Kitson, Cynthia Lewis, Carvell nature work and some were in- Karen Mahanke, Delora Newton, structed in fire building. Ten girls, Maureen Rodden, Michele Rohmer, Met In Karen Skinner, JaneStewart, Gwen with Mrs. Gaunt and Mrs. War- \bout 20 Warw ic k, Pamela Welch and wick, attended the annual Fun Day Chapter of Sharyn Wilson. at Camp Maude Eaton May 21. The at the mee entire Troop put on the play "Snow the West Cl White" May 23 and had the Brownie Strawberry Festival .,ednesday Troops in the School as guests. Luncheo A Court of Awards was held June In Ballardvale business m - - Carvell Ch aj The annual Strawberry Festival dent A rth LII sponsored by the Ballard Vale Howard And United Church will be held Thurs- as did the day evening, June 23, at 7 o'clock No. Andov on the Andover st. playground. PRIME In case of rain, it will be held ROAST in the Church vestry. A bakery RIBS OF BEEF table and pony rides will also be featured. The committee includes Yorkshire Pudding Mrs. Robert Mears, Mrs. Ernest ANDOVER INN Hall. Mrs. Frank Froburg, Mrs, L William Smeltzer, Mrs. _ Batchelder, Mrs. Alfred Webb, Mrs. William Marruzzi and Mr:,. Neal Mitton. WOOLWORTH'S TOP QUALITY AND VALUE SINCE 1879 CANNON SAVE 180 31 Sweet dreams, wounded warrior. While you nap, HAND TOWELS , No. I -SECON D S the fairy princess (guess who) will apply the SCUTL® VAI ti Es TO 49 t

to keep lawn fungus away. I've filled the Scotts CHILDREN'S LADIES' Spreader, and set the dial. Now to RAYON PANTIES SLEEVELESS walk it on. Hope he sleeps the 30 SIZES 2-4-6-8-10 BLOUSES minutes it'll take. Won't he be sur- REG. SIZES 32-34-36-38 294 PAIR 17' prised to learn I'm a lawn expert too! 5 PAIRS FOR 754 DURING SAVE 60¢ THIS 71c More and more folks are coming to us for advice on improving their SALE! o. lawns through an easy-to-follow Scotts Program. Come in anytime. Perfect We'll be glad to prescribe the correct Program for your lawn. Father's Day Gifts SAVE ... 234 Scutl fungus control for 5000 sq ft, 3.25 GILLETT'S NEW 9-DIAL RAZOR 95 Save now on a new 1960 Scotts Spreader & 6 NEW SUPER BLUE BLADES complete si s OLD SPICE TOILETRIES FOR MEN Various Prices MEN'S SATIN STRIPE HANDKERCHIEFS 10 ma 77' BRUCKMANN'S REG. 1.00 VALUE - SAVE 23¢ SERVING ANDOVER SINCE 1885 Summer's Newest JEWELRY FASHIONS 158 SO. BROADWAY LAWRENCE TEL. MU 6-4105 Featuring WHITE Necklaces .. • STORE HOURS. MON THRU FRI - 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. - SAT 8 A.M. TU 5:30 P.M. Earrings and Brooches - 33c FREE DELIVERY • FREE PARKING AT REAR OF OUR STORE BRACELETS values to $1.00

ipme- THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 7 PANTRY SHOWER FOR MRS. ANDREWS a lovely evening and the guests pantry shower which was given in enjoyed the cookout prepared by a Over 50 members of the Evening honor of Mrs. Howard Andrews, committee from the evening circle Circle of the West Church gathered wife of the new pastor of the chu rch. with Mrs. John hall as chairman. last Thursday evening for their an- She received many gifts for the new Mrs. Dooley led the group in sing- home into which they will soon nual picnic at the home of Mrs. ing. Helen C. Dooley on Pine st. It wa ntove. A feature of the evening was a Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN - - SHOP JOHNNY'S

GEORGE V, ARTHUR MIS. DOROTHY F. PERKINS was enjoyed and several solos were Graduate rendered by Mrs. I lelen Dooley. 2 The Junior Choir of the West Church also sang. Transportation From Tufts was given the group by Mrs. John Hall Jr., Mrs. Grant Silva, Mrs. Tufts University held its 104th William Trow, Mrs. Edward War- Commencement exercises Sunday wick, Mrs. Alex Henderson and afternoon, June 12, when Senator Mrs. Ernest Fieldhouse. FRESH KILLED - TENDER PLUMP America, held its banquet Hiram L. Fong, I lawaii's first y Bowker, assistant moni• senior senator and the first Ameri- • O.S.A., chaplain; Miss can of Asian ancestry to be elected Car Took Its- (Leone) to the United States Senate, was CHICKEN-BROILERS Commencement speaker. Own Ride SPLIT OR WHOLE ,6 the final meeting and their President Nils Y. Wessell con- A driverless car hacked all the 39 iers were guests. Attendance ferred degrees in course to can- way through the Square around were given out and Karen didates from the four tuidergrad- GENUINE SPRING noontime, June P, finally stopping inke and Gwen Warwick were uate colleges and the five graduate at the metal fence and hedge at ented with Scout whistles for and professional schools of the the Library. s'APPP'4/ net attendance for the year, University, and conferred ten The vehicle casually took its n Gaunt received her Dabbler honorary degrees. own "busman's holiday" front its MB LEGS ,,69c g and Kathy KitsonherAnirnal Candidates for degrees from An- DAYS parking place on Elm st. OVEN READY er Badge. All the girls were dover were George W. Arthur, 33 A few cars going through the World Pins and the following Sutherland st., B. S., and Mrs. LOCAL FARMS Square stopped to let theca r go by, FOR COOK-OUTS AND OUTINGS ived their Second Class Nirothy Frank Perkins, 26 Clark and their operators watched in es: Claudia A rragg, Beverly rd., Balla rdvale, B.S. degree front FRESH fascination as the vehicle navigated k, Joyce C a Fit pbe I I, Helen Jackson College for Women. carefully through the busy inter- t, Jean Ilaley, Kit Hanson, - — y Kitson, Cynthia Lewis, section. Carvell Chapter Peter Dantos told police he HAMBURG n Mahanke, Delora Newton, EGGS een Rodden, Michele Rohner, Met In W. Parish parked the car on Elm st., setting n Skinner, JaneStewart,Gwer, the brakes when he did so. FRESHLY GROUND About 20 members of the Ca rvell ALL LEAN LARGE w ic k, Pamela Welch and Chapter of the Blind were present Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lewis of yn Wilson. at the meeting held for them in Laurel In. recently enjoyed a short STEER BEEF 3 lbs 89 SIZE do= 49' the West Church Auditorium last stay at Nantucket. 3wberry Festival is'ednesday. FRESH CREAMERY Luncheon was served at I and a GEORGE A. PARKER THINLY SIA_ED Ballardvale business meeting was held by the it EATINu Carvell Chapter, led by the presi- o VENTIL.AllON —Alit CONDITI)NIN C e annual Strawberry Festival dent Arthur Sevigny. The Rev. Industrial ,a1c1 Sheet Metal Work 61[11TER sored by the Ballard Vale Howard Andrews spoke to the group 5 POST OFFICE AVE. ANDOVER VEAL CUTLETS ibu :d Church will be held Thurs- as did the Rev. Clinton Carvell of TEL. GR 5-2610 vening, June 23, at 7 o'clock 'mdover. Community singing ROLLS lb he Andover st. playground, ESSEM REGULARS 65c case of rain, It will be held le Church vestry. A bakery SLICED - AMERICAN and pony rides will also be FRANKFURTS 15c red. The committee includes Robert Mears, Mrs. Ernest CHEESE Mrs. Frank Froburg, Mrs, JOHNNY'S PRIDE- am Smeltzer, Mrs. Williar: 9tepP04/ WHITE [elder, Mrs. Alfred Webb, GARDEN FRESH OR William Marruzzi and Mrs, COLORED i,49€ Mitton. DAYS FRUITS & VEGETABLES . INVEST 5fromt`l•te THIS YOUR BUSINESS t igc CANTALOUPES PLAARGE SIZED ca PERSONAL DAYS E SINCE 1879 ar

SAVE 18t ORGANIZATION LUSCIOUS ON FUNDS YELLOW 6. 2 9 Ill CORN >WELS 31 TOPE iTNO ES , PAID-UP ADS I9a SHARES! EXTRA CANS 25c CUKES FANCY 4 f°' 25c LADIES' JOHNNY'S RICH CUP SLEEVELESS SNAP 15c STRING BEANS FRESH 3LOUSES 16 COFFEE 8 SUNSHINE ilZES 32-34-36-3 Our Paid-Up Shares offer: NABISCO ALL PURPOSE KRISPY 654 URING Constant face value I lb c GROUND pkg TRISCUITS Pkg 39 lb THIS 100° o insured safety CRACKERS 2/c ;ALE! lic Dividends compounded at 3' 2 n and paid by check 4 times a EASY TO PARK - EASY TO SHOP - JOHNNY'S! SAVE ... 234 year.

Ready coshobility AMPLE OPEN complete $ 1 it 95 at 5200 a Share! Ask abcut them today. FREE THURS & FRI AEN Various Pr ires PARKING JOHNNY'S NITES TM 9 10 . 11 ,VE 23e errimack .RY FASHIONS COOPERATIVE BANK SUPER MARKET • • 33, 264 ESSEX STREET, LAWRENCE ANDOVER GR 5-2740 TEL. MU 3-0830 — 3-1761 43 PARK STREET THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960

TOWNSMAN CLASSIFIED destinations. ADS BRING RESULTS Brother, Sister Even residents of the general area have reported having diffi- C ALUMINUM CLAPBOARDS Were Graduated culty identifying their geographi. MADE BY ALCOA Miss Janet E. Bouleau and Paul cal location on the highway par. J. Bouleau, daughter and son of ticularly at night, and being eon r Joseph E3ouleau, 189 Andover st., fused by the signs. Ballardvale, recently graduated Work is continuing on the per- from Pierce Secretarial School, manent installation of signs alone Boston, and McLean Hospital the route, however. It is repoft School of Nursing. Waverly, res- that the signs will extend out over ALSO: SIDING OF ALL TYPES pectively. the highway, similar to those Estimates Without Obligation Miss Bouleau is a graduate of the major thruways in Bosto Andover High School, class of 1958. Lane designation for motorist! Wm. P. DOYLE di SON She will leave for Washington, D.C. unfamiliar with the territory will SINCE 1930 June 19 to take a positiok as a se- be included on the signs, it is cretary with the Naval Depart- pla ined. ANDOVER - OR 5-1483 ment. Brownies Visited Animal Farm Members and leaders of tlie PAUL J. BOULEAU MISS JANET E. BOULEAU South Elementary School Brownie Mr. Bouleau is a graduate of available. Troop 95 held their final event of Punchard High School, class of In the midst of this town-wide the year when a trip to Benson 1955 and Tewksbury Hospital event, the Andover Consumers Co- animal farm was enjoyed. School of Practical Nursing. He Op will open its 'new addition, The followi ng attended: Ruth will take a position at McLean providing a greatly expanded area Rothside, Mary Norris, Sue IVea. Hospital. for shopping and service. ver, Linda Bancroft, Debra Berea- Many of the bargains that can be boid, Lee Batchelder, Janet Castor, SHOPPORTUNITY DAYS found in all the stores are ad- Patricia Brouillard, Linda Brown, FRIDAY - SATURDAY vertised in these pages today. Look Lee Bucharm, Cla re Dimlick, Betty BLANKETS (Continued from I'age One) for them before you head downtown Ferrier, Diane Frederick, Lynn Fisher, Katherine Gibbons, Lois Medium wei ght. Washable. Blend. Parking will be plentiful for the first thing tomorrow morning. Grant, Diane Hayes, CarolineKen- Utility Size 72x90. Limited Quan- two-day event. In addition to free WONDER ABOUT nedy, Carol LeTourneau, Andrea tity. A $10.00 Value. parking throughout the shopping Martin, Ann O'Leary, Dianne area - provided at the request of RT. 93 SIGNS • BUY NOW FOR CAMP OR HOME AND SAVE! Parks. The leaders are Mrs. Earl the Board of Trade and with the (Continued from Page One) Castor, Mrs. George Bancroft, cooperation of the Selectmen - the nity. .Thus they drive along to Mrs. Glen Brown, Mrs. W.Frank- large municipal parking area next Lowell st. interchange and find SCATTER RUGS lin Buchann and Mrs. Reginald Le- to the Post Office will also be they have to back-track to their Size 24'' x 36" in 100"ii wool. $299 Tou mean. Fully bound with rubberized backs. A $5.98 value • • • Dalton Elected • UNUSUAL VALUE - SHOP AND COMPARE' Council Head William Dalton has been elected president of the Andover High BEACH TOWELS by MARTEX School Student Council. America's finest . . . in a dazzling array of Plaids, The rec e nt election of class Stripes or Novelty Prints. officers produced the followir4 winners: seniors, John Clarke, president; Richard Alden, vice 3.98 - 4.98 5.98 president; Janice Bowman, secre- tary; Suzanne Wennik,SocialCorr- mittee chairman; Elaine Emmons, treasurer. Junior class, MalcolmSandberg, 550 TURNPIKE ST. president; Douglas Howe, vice pre- NO. ANDOVER sident; Martha Zink, secretary; (Junction Rts 114-125) James O'Reilly, treasurer; Renee MU 3-9439 Dubocq, Social Committee Chair- man.

LUXURIOUS, BELGIUM DAMASK TABLECLOTH SETS SAVE $3 TO $10 PER SET! ON THESE RAYON AND COTTON EASY-CARE BEAUTIES Our Gift To You ... CHOOSE: PINK, AQUA, YELLOW, COFFEE OR IVORY 52"x52" ( 4 NAPS) REG. 8.95 5.98 A Genuine KIDSKIN JACKET REG. 11.95 6.98 52"x70" ( 6 NAPS) by Samuel Robert 64"x84" ( 8 NAPS) REG. 12.95 9.98 64"x104" (12 NAPS) REG. 19.95 12.98 Just come in and register - no purchase necessary and no obi! gation whatever - award will be made at close of Shopportunit, 64"x124" (12 NAPS) REG. 24.95 14.98 Days - Saturday, June 18th at 6 p.m. You don't ha ve to be 70" Round ( 6 NAPS) REG. 12.95 9.98 present to win.




ALL DAY 6 DAYS A WEEK PARK STREET ANDOVER OPEN: FRI NITL Ti!. 9 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 19 60 ms. -esidents of the general e reported having dn. COME SEE ntifying their geograpld. COME SAVE ion on the highway, per• at night, and being eon. the signs. is continuing on the per. nstallation of signs along however. It is reported signs will extend out over way, similar to those on )r thru-ways in Boston. The SPACIOUS, NEW :signation for motorists it with the territory will Jed on the signs, it is ex• vnies Visited nal Farm )ers and leaders of the lementa ry School Brownie 15 held their final event of ✓ when a trip to Benson farm was enjoyed. 'ollowi ng attended; Ruth e, Mary Norris, Sue Wea. -Ida Bancroft, Deb ra Be ren• :e Batchelder, Janet Castor, a Brouillard, Linda Brown, :harm, Clare Dimlick, Betty ▪ Diane Frederick, Lynn Katherine Gibbons, Lois Diane Hayes, CarolineKen- LeTourneau, Andrea Ann O'Leary, Dianne The leaders are Mrs. Earl Mrs. George Bancroft, len Brown, Mrs. W,Franf. hann and Mrs. Reginald Le- au. ton Elected Modern.. inal Head iam Dalton has been electec ent of the Andover New CO-OP has double the Student Council. frontage, double the floor r e c ent election of class -s produced the following space, double the mer- s: seniors, John Clarke, chandise, automatic doors, lent; Richard Alden, vice air-conditioning, wide lent; Janice Bowman, seat.- iuzanne Wennik, Social COIL. aisles, free parking — right chairman; Elaine Emmons, in .the center of town, han- irer. dy to everything. Enter ior class, MalcolmSandberg, lent; Douglas Howe, vice pre- parking area opposite post Martha Zink, secretary; office or from Chestnut st. O'Reilly, treasurer; Renee :q, Social Committee Chair-

Spaciousness is what you will like about the new CO-OP

The new CO-OP is a pleasure because: the world's best foods sell at thrifty prices, it is so new and attractive, sales people are SQ friendly, it has fast check- outs and delivery to your car. Ask us about CAS!' refunds on all your CO-OP purchases.

I no obli- pportunity I ye to be Come Save with the CO-OP's Grand Opening Specials

1LS GRADE A GENUINE SPRING NICE AND LEAN ... SQUIRE'S ARLINGTON V CO-OP Red Label CREAM CORN, 101/2 oz. can 10c LAMB Green Label APPLESAUCE, 303 Can 10c CO-OP Red Label TOMATO JUICE, - 2 10c SHOULDERS CO-OP Red Label APRICOT JUICE, '211 10c LEG & LOIN lb 59' CO-OP PINEAPPLE JUICE, 211 10c COLONIAL SMOKED s. 29' CO-OP Red Label NAPKINS 10c Facial Quality TOILET TISSUE, Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue . 10c Rib Chops lb 69' 6-8 lb Average INC CO-OP Red Label FRUIT COCKTAIL, 303 19c HAMBURG BAELELF 3 I b s 99 CO-OP MAYONNAISE, quart




0-0P trket 12 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960

Celebrated Birthday WILL YANK LICENSES With Cookout (Continuer A birthday party in the form of a lengthy discus cookout was held last Saturday the Selectmen evening for Judy McLean, 8 Cuba Residents st. bitterly comp Helping Miss McLean celebrate her 13th birthday were Barbara an slowing F raize, Elizabeth Van Nest, Glenda Th Norton, Wendy Noyes, Cally Abbott, t h Marjorie Middleton of Bradford, Gail Wooding of North Andover, h s Doug Burtt, Toni Howard, George Milne, Joe Sweeney, Dick Lynch, Bill Howard, Joe Passanisi and Pete DeAngelo. V s After the cookout and traditional birthday cake and ice cream, dancing was enjoyed. t e a

Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN Although n caustic r ANDOVER i Good Family Place e is Location, ample lot and price make this property in- ittatoisirynitooR:secdfarie rtuba::;v°P lgPne 1Yspde P alirwxdinetr teePisn. 9 P.deatctindlict teresting. Pine St., walking obtNlUnttg Fifs i ree pPolice' c distance iron, center. Three Ame bedrooms, living room, dining r r i r room and family room. I baths. .het c in e s cl Freshly papered and painted. B he r cal ust the thing for a low budget. to hi en ch( s hn riir w o co sa d s iidw f t Sirs. David Darling SHAWSHEEN SIXTH GRADERS — The sixth grade at Shaw- Kathy Lauder, Joyce Gordon, Patricia Jost, Jamie Carmichael, irg hours of I Mmloger On several a sheen School was feted recently, marking the pupils' final year Pauline Nigrelli, Rebecca Bailey and Joyce Cataudella, Se- session, the rei at the elementary school. In the back row are Joseph Murphy, cond row — Karen Stewart, Barbara Santuccio, Susan Lebach, rnunity in relati Kenneth Walsh, Jerry Dreiman, David Morgan, Arthur Ricci, Jay Elaine Johnson, Dawn Woodworth, Frances Romano, Dianne by the police wa Weiner, Dean Eastman, Joseph Morrissey, Robert Porter, John Willig, Paula Woodworth and Ruth Wesdlowski. Seated —Pamela speaking in this Beanland, James Groleau and Tom Marjeri son, Fourth row — Pawlik, Kathy Cebula, Sheryl Southwpll, Donna Downs, Chris. to Stoneham, wl. Charles Towne, Douglas Dwyer, George Thompson, Arthur tine Borrelli, Karen Glennon, Frances Saba, Ellen Nangle and reputation for h anyone breakir4 66 MAIN ST. GR. 5-1430 Vaughn, Robert Strickland, Joseph Anzalone, William Velnet, Nancy Lavin. Lorry Maze', Jack Margerison and John McMahon. Third row — (Leone) This, they felt, because most p recent assembly. Receiving certificates were Wil- tically slow do School Patrol Miss Catherine M. Barrett, liam Clift, captain; Brook New- that community. FRI principal, presented the awards on comb, lieutenant; Jon Arnold, This is the so r Received Awards behalf of the Merrimack Valley Helen Auchterlonie, Susan Ben- seek for A ndove Awards of Merit were presented Auto Club, in recognition of the nett, Jeffrey Bieger, Larry Om- Although the to all the sixth grade patrol leaders meritorious service given by the cato, Priscilla Burnham, James Central and S at the Central School during a youngsters during the year, Canane, George Carlsen, Diana agreed with the( SAT Cole, Thomas Connolly, Edward Selectmen that Connor, Lucy Crane, DavidCurry, conditions exist Robert Dalton, Paul Dantos, Robert of the town. Deniers, Marianne Downs, Carole It was noted t Drake, Cecily Duncan. one man is in In keeping with the progress of the \lain Also Candice Ermer, James Raytheon traffic Street Shopping Community of stores that Grew, James G rillo, Vi rginia I loli- rest of the force han, Jeffrey Hall, Mitchell John- lein, along with -1nrlover has to offer . . . \lichael Jay's son, Eric Jones, James JonesJohn theon guards. is happy to join in this event! Kilpartrick, Joseph Kun, Robert Town Manage LaManna, Sheila Lane, Donna Lib- gathering that it bey, Judy Long, Rttth MacDougall, vious that the pol Brooks Marsden, Ellen Marshall, expanded another 9fil?"4/ SPECIALS Thomas McCullont, Daniel McDon- another cruiser aid, Ann McGinty, Mary Alice One resident s DAYS McQuade. people right ther Also Sandra Nleinelt, BillyMon- room. would be p roe, William Monroe, Stephen Honey among tl Mooney, K a t h y O'Brien, Jane another man. O'Connor, Priscilla Parker,Carol Seine of the p Parr, Andrea Pasquale, Marshall forcing the speed Petrie, Margaret Phillips, Betsy Rested by Sgt, Ray Poynter, Janice Robinson, Nancy told the residents Ross, Kit Royce, Judith Salvage, start flashing the Mary Sanguedolce, Harry Saun- it a policeman is ders. lag his effectivene Also Rickie S e n uta, Beverly specific time he location. if you save here ... Shattuck, Charles Shiebler, Wayne COATS - SUITS Simeone, Joyce Smith, Kathy Spires, Ellen Steinert, Ellen Ste- if you make mortgage payments here... wart, Frederic Stott, Alan Motu- son, Daphne Thompson, Alan TH formerly 59.98 thru 125.00 if you want to inquire about our services ... Thomson, Denise Trainor, Nancy Warlick, Bruce Weaver, Patricia Wile, Torn Williams and Cynthia CHRIS You can park at the Shoppers' Car Park Lollner. William Howard was elected SUE captain for next school year and for one hour at our expense I )ouglas Dodd will serve as lieuten- MON/ AN INTIAN ant. - DAILY The Shoppers' Car Park is on Common Street, Alfred Kneath has returned to NI 5.90 to 13.90 between Lawrence and Amesbury Streets. We his home on Ballardvale.rd. after are located just 200-ft. away. undergoing surgery at the Lac rence General Hospital. Good RE HOURS for the We're open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 AM-3 PM . . Wednesday from 9 AM-noon . . . Fri- Whole I day SPECIALS from 9 A'+1-5 PM and 6 Pyt_a CONVENIENT BANKING NOWS If ,1 is more convenient, you can add to your Law- Rtc 128. Exit rence Co-operative Bank savings account or make GROUP OF COTTONS payment on your Lawrence Co-operative inortgage JUNE 22-26 •Facts account at any office of The Merrimack Valley Na- were to 29.98 tional Bank. [only F( I Mg Chr, Science FRIDAY a SATURDAY ONLY Doe Norway St., Boat, Send your newspap checked. Enclosed Lad His All-Star shut Concert IN money Order, t Tv. Pry Sat 7. t year F., it :4: Fri.. 611.. SIDS 6 months $10 0

WA 2-8500. Tickets also at COOPERATIVE BAN K EL ANDE R a SWANTON 1 eoinine — JIt ?.8 tfirs Addes,.

I' the convenience of our patrons, CELESTE HOLM City payments may he made in Andover at to the Merrimack Valley 'sational Bank. 'etal I Miura

-- y

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 13 He also pointed out that the de- WILL YANK School Committee member Wil- partment can not keep a man on liam A.• Doherty recalled, however, that the town land rd. spent a few days recently .1.1••• IMMI, to. LICENSES Central st. for many hours a day. again protested meeting vote appropriating the ,Continued from Page One) the use of eminent domain proceed- at Dennis on Cape Cod. I cti -411., Also discussed were the merits of funds specified that the School discussion Monday night at ings. lie voted against this at the a timing device that will specify Committee should designate the lengthy meeting when, by a 2-1 vote, *OM the Selectmen's meeting. the speed of a vehicle, as opposed the site. School Board formally asked I Residents of those s t reet s to depending on an estimate by the the lie also reminded the Boards town to take the land. bitterly complained that enforce- officer. that the FinCom, Selectmen and Doherty told the assembled of speed laws on their streets Planning Board must approve the ment Collins noted that the speed limit members of the Finance Commit- slowing down the fast drivers. selection before the money can be is not in that area of Central st. is 20 tee and the Selectmen that he They asked, and some demanded, mph, as specified by law for areas spent. that tough policies be followed. doesn't believe it makes much PERSONAL pf the type. Many of the residents difference whether the new Seemingly the most favored West Mrs. G. Richard Abbott of Up- wanted immediate enforcement oT Andover school is built on Lovejoy approach was the old-fashioned that speed limit, without exception. rd., or in the Bailey District. He geed trap, in which an officer re- It was also suggested that police mains behind some obstruction said the proposed new church on cars themselves, unless respond- I BARNARD until he sees an offending vehicle. laggett's Pond rd. will open up that ing to an actual emergency, be area, and indicated that either Various residents spoke sharply driven at no more than the speed I Since to the point when someone sug- school would, in his opinion, be A law allows. This would serve to satisfactory. Thus, he reasoned, gested additional signs - claiming slow down those behind the cruiser, that people pay little attention to the Lovejoy rd. section could be let 1930 CALL THE MAN it was felt, and would also be an alone with the hope that it will be them. example for others. for sale at a later date. FROM ELLIOTT'S Although several residents were Atty. Vincent Stulgis, who re- Serving he'll .AA yes sample. caustic in their remarks about the The basic question to be asked N bon America. swat lame.. presented the residents, suggested of Mr. Rafton. in two weeks is NW. Inst•Iletlow I. rille11.11 police department, others lauded ilyWn rhos* w eeme I. that the town might want to appoint whether he or his committee ever Your the men for doing as much as possi- R Maley a traffic commission similar to sought other sites in the West DIAL MU 3.8751-9-9172 ble under existing circumstances. the one in Lawrence. lie felt that Pike, rector Andover area near Lovejoy rd. - A tad day 411 evening appolae• The Rev. J. Edison Every Meet. this could be a working group, or just negotiated for the specific of Christ Church, specially com- FREE ESTIMATES which could make recommenda- sites given them by the School mended Policewoman Dorothy Vol- (AST CREDI2 TEEMS Iit. tions to the Selectmen for action by Committee. N Insurance ker for her work in front of St. the police department. Several persons wanted to know Augustine's School. C N But he recalled that, in addition whether other, equally-desirable Need sites might be found In the im- to the child ren living on Central and Meeting June 27 mediate area, and whether these E C School sts., there are several could be purchased or not. hundred who come to the churches On School Site 36 MAIN AT BARNARD ST. Tel, GR 5-0202-Eves GR and school on Central st. at vary- A decision on initiating eminent Town Counsel F red ric S. o'13rien 5-1214 ing hours of the day and night. domain proceedings, to obtain Jost, Jamie Carmichael, On several occasions during the Lovejoy rd. land for a new school, Joyce Cataudella, Se- session, the reputation of the corn- may be made at a Selectmen's antuccio, Susan Lebach, inanity in relation to traffic control meeting June 27. rances Romano, Dianne by the police was mentioned. Those A rather lengthy discussion of IT'S FATHER'S DAY. . . SUN DAY lowski. Seated - Pamela speaking in this vein referred often the problem took place Monday 9 I, Donna Downs, Chris. toStoneham, which they said has a night, but the Selectmen decided to Jr reputation for being very tough on AND FRIDAY & SATURDAY ARE Saba, Ellen Nangle and put off a decision until they can anyone breaking the traffic laws. talk with Chairman I iarold Rafton they felt, is a real deterrent (Leone) This, of the Land Acquisition Commit- because most people now automa- tee and members of the Planning it dying certificates were Wil- tically slow down when entering Board. ;lift, captain; Brook New• that community. The land is owned byJohn Noyes This is the sort of reputation they lieutenant; Jon Arnold, and lies on the west side of Love- Auchterlonie, Susan Ben- seek for Andover. joy, across the street from the SHOPP0 TUNITY effrey Bieger, Larry Bru- Although the residents lived on Noyes home. 0 Priscilla Burnham, James Central and School sts., they The Land Acquisition Commit- George Carlsen, Diana agreed with the comments from the tee has been told by Mr. Noyes Thomas Connolly, Edward Selectmen that equally serious that he just doesn't want to sell the S Lucy Crane, DavidCurry, conditions exist in other sections land - some 34 acres - but the Dalton, Paul Dantos, Robert of the town. School Committee has voted to ask s, Marianne Downs, Carole It was noted that, for example, that the land be seized. AT ELANDER & SWANTON'S Cecily Duncan. one man is in a cruiser at peak The background of the negotia- Candice Ermer, James Raytheon traffic times, while the tions were related to Monday James Grillo, Virginialloli- rest of the force handles that prob- night's meeting by James Doherty, SPECIALS FOR ffrey Hall, Mitchell John- lem, along with six or seven Ray- a Committee member. Dr. Milton SWIM SPORT ric Jones, James Jonesjohn theon guards. Meyers, chairman of the School :rick, Joseph Kun, Robert Town Manager Duff told the Committee, also described the TRUNKS SHIRTS na, Sheila Lane, Donna Lib- gathering that it has become ob- school department's interest in the S'hoPe vious that the police force must be Kly Long, Ruth MacDougall, site, and told how it had been by McGregor by McGregor and Arrow Marsden, Ellen Marshall, expanded another year, and that selected at a joint meeting of the s McCulloin, Daniel McDon- another cruiser must be added. Planning Board and School Com- DAYS In Boxer styles . . . the "Ca- Long or short sleeve styles. nn McGinty, Mary Alice One resident suggested that the mittee. people right there in the hearing ribe" model with fly front. MEN'S Choice of knits or woven de. Reversible styles, too. In. fabrics in Cotton, Cotton and Sandra Meinelt, Billy Mon- room would be glad to raise the Window Snades— Traverse Rods plain shades, stripes, checks Silk or Cotton and Dacron. +/Unarm Monroe, Stephen money among them to pay for Venetian Blinds or plaids. Many drip-dry. Kathy O'Brien, Jane another man, r, Cleaned — Re-taped — Re-corded 3.00 to 7.95 SHIRTS 3.00 to 8.95 or, Priscilla Parker,Carol Some of the problems of en- Andrea Pasquale, Marshall forcing the speed laws were sug- S.A. Shiepe Co., Inc. WHITE BROADCLOTH Margaret Phillips, Betsy psted by Sgt. Raymond Collins. I le PAJAMAS BERMUDA r, Janice Robinson, Nancy told the residents that most people 227 Hampshire St. — MU 2.7403 Combination cuffs, soft collar Kit Royce, Judith Salvage, start flashing their lights as soon - by Pleetway with permanent stays. SHORTS Sanguedolce, Harry Satin- as a policeman is spotted, dest roy- og his effectiveness except for the WHITE OXFORD Well cut and tailored. Our specific time he remains at the Short sleeve, knee-length for Rickie Senuta, Beverly The ever popular shirt with showing includes Polished location. WEST PEABODY Summer sleeping comfort. k, Charles Shiebler, Wayne Cottons, Rayon and Dacron, They drip-dry too... no iron- the button-down collar. Joyce Smith, Kathy SPEEDWAY Madras Plaids! Handsome ing is necessary. Ellen Steinert, Ellen Ste- ON RT. 120 OFF RT. 1 4.00 VALUE colors and plaids. rederic Stott, Alan Thomp- WEST PEABODY, MASS. 2.95 gnd 3.95 )a ph n e Thompson, Alan THE 3.95 to 9.95 Denise Trainor, Nancy AN ACTION PACKED Bruce Weaver, Patricia CHRISTIAN 4 IN I SHOW 2 . 8 5 'om Williams and Cynthia 90D06 `14/1 90P SCIENCE im Howard was elected SAT• N'n AYS 3 far 8.50 DAYS for next school year and MONITOR • 8:15 P.M. Dodd will serve as Beaten- SPECIAL SPECIAL AN INTIANATIONAL - - SUMMER DAILY NIWSPAPID ODD LOT - BOYS' d Kneath has returned to BOYS' to on Ballardvale rd. after SUMMER SUITS ling surgery at the Blue or Tan Comfortable Dacron, Viscose ene ral I lospital. Good Reading COATS and Rayon. CORD COATS for the (26 Onl y) 39.95 Light and comfortable Dacron is Season Opening. Gray and black or red and Dacron and Wool or famous and Chromespun Cotton. Whole black stripes. Also in tan Family RACEs Mohara models. Junior Sizes 8 to 12 ORTH SHORE Polished Cottons. Not all sizes in every color. 55.00 Were 8.95 USIC THEATER PLUS 13.95 'News Cadet Sizes 12 to 20 Ric 12.8. III 9, Dee ii Cadet Sizes 13 to 20 Were Were • 17.50 10.95 E 22-26 Facts 8.95 17.95 Student Sizes 34 to 40 Student Sizes 34 to 40 'family Features Were Were 19.95 12.95 e ------17.50 & 19.95 8.95 Christian Science Monitor :me Norway St., Boston 15, Moss Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or I His All•Star Jati Wort . . 7 I :10 ,Y• "'fir order. I yeor $20 0 rr. A 0 tio months $10 Son . S3 50: rd.. FAL 0 3 months $5 0 Zunaer& L5tuatito 2-8500. Tickets also at AND A THRILLING .A \IDE R & SWANTON SPECTATOR 54-58 MAIN STREET EASY PARKING , 2 Buxton Wallets and Key Cases; Tie Racks; ink — Julie 29 titre Jul Address RACE Clothes Brushes; Hair Brushes, Jewelry Cases; ALSO Car Visors; Desk Pods and many, many other CELESTE HOLM ,tote Other Gift Thoughts ... items of lasting and practical value, i. 1.11 If, GAS KART RACES "taevol fort (ewer,"


Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN



1' r• •

• " . l'"P• 4 '5.36e • s / A


PHARMACY TEN YEAR REUNION - Gathered for their reunion last Nancy C. Holden. Standing are William McKee, Harriet Gildoy, PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY Saturday night were these members of the Punchard High class Clark Mitchell, Barbara Yergatian, 'Brian Caldwell, Liz Fitz. of 1950: seated, Thea Karomourtopoulos, Joyce Ormsby, Bar- patrick, Phidias Dantos, Jack McCarthy, Barbara Eldred, Rich- '2494 6RR_.52590 SHAWSHEEN SCa bara Ferrari, Barbara Pennick, Eleanor B. Batchelder, Carol S. ard Eldred, Dick Munroe Tom D. Webster, Helen Glinos, Arthur L. PAUL UPSON, el. PA. OYLE -PUGI Judge, Mary G. Ahern, Dawn D. Cavallaro, Dorothy Camp and Hembrough, Jean Brunini and Nick Maucieri. (Leone) The papal bles Giles, Andover st., stores and Ralph and Helen TaylOr,55Chand• upon Miss Grace SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS '$333,800 Worth a pa rt me nt s, $20,000; Loretta ler cir., add breezeway, $300., daughter of Mr. Cairns, Amherst st., $15,000; F red Andover A. CI P. Store, 90 Main Ptglisi, 25 Line( Of New Homes Doyle. Oriole dr., one at $2.5,- st., new entrance, $2,500; Charles Ball Charles Ile THE SWING IS TO 000 and one at $22,500; R. Wayne v.', Richards, 150 High Plain rd., Frank Hoyle, 8 Permits for new homes, Long, 291 South Main st., $20,000; add breezeway and garage, $1,400; Chelmsford, whet estimated at $333,800, were issued John Philip Enterprises. Inc., two A. John Smith, 70 Stevens st., in marriage San during May by Building Inspector at $14,500, two at $14,300 and two terior alterations, $150; Jerome St, Augustine's C Ernest N. Hall. at $16,000; John II. Long, Salem st., Andrews, 62 Porter rd., add No The Rev. Jar GENERAL Additions and alterations, valued $12,500; Fred Iannazzi Oriole dr., rooms, $3,000; Trustees of Phil. ,S.A., perform at $24,050, were also listed by the $15,000; Edwin G. Otto, 23 Vine lips Academy, 14 Hidden Field, remony, and t] building inspector in his monthly st., play house, $200 and Robert B. interior alterations, $4,000; Grace le, the Rev. S report. Wilton Fosters pond, summer H. Driscoll, exterior alterations, lebrated the 1 The permits for new homes were home, $7,500. $500 and Chester A, MacMillan, Mass, issued to: Additions and alterations: Theo- 28 River st., adding screened in Dr. Richard Pa Napoleon Belanger, 6 Carmel dore Dembkoski, River rd., add patio, $450. 1 hymns and %, With exclusive rd., $15,000; L. J. Roversi. High- dormer, $800; Joseph Peters, 24R Other permits issued during the Miss Mary Lan land rd., $35,000; R abeni us Boston rd., interior and exterior month by Inspector Hall included: rrangements of Nygen cord! Builders Inc., West Parish dr. alterations, $400; Neal L. Milton, Richard D. Lindsay, 233 Lowell st., isles were plat $18,000; Roy A. Russell, !Ugh Plain 5 Woburn st., add two rooms and to complete work on dog run, a• Escorted by her rd., $11,500; Jacob Jacobson, 91 garage, $2,000; William R. Gib- tension of permit by board of ore a gown of iv, River rd., $16,000; Evelyn Seacol, bons, 3 River st., add room and appeals; Elmer 0, Peterson, th a fitted bodic Protects Against: 14 Sherry dr., $11,000; C. Lincoln garage, $3,100; Shawsheen Rubber Greenwood rd., raze sheep sheds; brim neckline a, Company, Andover st., add boiler Sidney P. White, Andover st., raze rnbroidered Alen, room, $1,900; Joseph Holozubien, garage; Ernest E. Anderson, 100 it pearls, any Bruise Blowouts WINDHAM NURSERIES Ballardvale rd., raze hen house, leeves, The print (JOHN S. CROUSE, MANAGER) 2 McKinney cir., add breezeway and garage, $900; Walter C. Wil- The sum of $522 was turnedover .essed pleats wa RANGE ROAD - ROUTE 111 Punctures I son Jr., 28 William st., swimming to the town treasurer from fees d terminated in WINDHAM, pool, $1,500; Howard L. Norton, collected by the inspector. Iler impoi Skids TWinbrook 8-7213 (Code 603) Jr., add dormer at 17 Wildwood rd., ,thedral length ye E UNITED CHURCH $1,000; James White, 22 Lincoln cached to a cap o GUILD MEETING ;earl trim and , PRUNING t., add to porch, $50; Richard The final meeting of the Ballard to roses at Lindsay, 233 Lowell st., shed and Vale United Church Guild will be rranged in a shelter, $200; J. G. Johnston, 180 held tonight at 8 o'clock in the uet. SERVICE Salem st., add bedroom, $800; church vestry. Miss Mary Pug] Sioppp Tull!!


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Friends At Party ACCEPTS POST where she has accepted a position IN GEORGIA for the summer with the Depart- For Patricia Davis Miss Betty Heinz, who recently ment of Agriculture. completed her third year at the Last Saturday afternoon from Miss Heinz is the daughter of Mr. University of Massachusetts, left one to three o'clock, Patricia Davis and Mrs. Albert Heinz of High recently for Atlanta, Georgia entertained a group of her school- Plain rd. mates in honor of her seventh brithday. 9, The party was held at her home JUST what your on Bellevue rd. A jump rope con- test was enjoyed and also badmin- Doctor ordered.. ton and other games. Ref reshments included the usual birthday cake and ice cream. Favors were also Prompt a part of the festivities. Those who enjoyed the party were Christine and Cynthia Popielarski, Christine PRESCRIPTION Anderson, Nancy liedwick, Janice Oldaker, Marilyn Mattolo, Claudia Cronin, Eleanor Potvin, Gwen SERVICE Sherman, Janet Russell, Susan Mc- Grath, Patricia and Nancy Davis, Mary Lyman, Gwen Brown, and You May Pay Your Telephone Bill Here Lynn I firmer. AT FEND WENTWORTH George Whitcomb. a member of Hartigan Pharm cy the senior class at Andover !Ugh, has been admitted to Wentworth Institute. 4 ,e0OVER MASS W.R. HILL'S

MRS. RANDALL C. IIOYLE 71 McKee, Harriet Gilday (McKeen) rian Caldwell, Liz Fitz: iy, Barbara Eldred, Rich. honor for her sister. The brides- ;ter, Helen Glinos, Arthur maids were Mrs. George Peters IOYLE - PUGLISI of Andover, Miss Carol Peri Madi- icieri. (Leone) The papal blessing was bestowed son of New Jersey, cousin of the SHOFF° iyuNITY and Helen Taylor, 55Chand- upon Miss Grace Lorraine Puglisi, bride, and Miss Grace Marie Pug- r., add breezeway, $300; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas lisi of Plainfield, N. II„ cousin of e., • r e r A. & P. Store, 90 Main Puglisi, 25 Lincoln cir., and Ran- the bride. ew entrance, $2,500; Charles dall Charles Hoyle, son of Mrs. They wore pale blue full length ichards. 150 High Plain rd., Frank Hoyle, 8 Chelmsford st., organza gowns with blue satin • 7 reezeway and garage, $1,400, Chelmsford, when they were united sashes. Their pearl tiara caps fin Smith, '10 Stevens st., ec• in marriage Saturday, June 11, in matched their outfits and they 1 %Augustine's Church. carried blue and white carnations • alterations, $150; Jerome cht004en uws, 62 Porter rd., add two The Rev. James A. Wenzel, with trailing ivy. s, $3,000; Trustees of Phil- 0,S,A., performed the wedding remony, and the bride's grand- Robert I loyle was the best man DAYS Academy, 14 Hidden Field, for his brother and the ushers Your Headquarters for or alterations, $4,000;Grace title, the Rev. Salvatore Puglisi, lebrated the 11 o'clock nuptial included Richard I loyle of Read- riscoll, exterior alterations, ing, brother of the bridegroom, lass. and Chester A. MacMillan, Joseph Puglisi of New Jersey, WEBER iver st., adding screened in Dr. Richard Patti sang the nup- ial hymns and was accompanied cousin of the bride, and Joseph $450. Geary of Chelmsford. ter permits issued during the Miss Mary Lanigan at the o rgan. Covered BAR-B-0 Kettles .1 by Inspector Hall included: rrangements of white mums and Guests from New Jersey, New 1rd D. Lindsay, 233 Lowell st., isles were placed on the altar. York, New Hampshire and Rhode mplete work on dog run, ex. Escorted by her father, the bride Island attended a reception held Give Dad The Best ... from 29.95 )n of permit by board of ore a gown of ivory peau de soic at the Andover Country Club. ;Is; Elmer 0. Peterson, ith a fined bodice that featured a On return from a wedding trip iwood rd., raze sheep sheds; abrina neckline appliqued with re- to Vermont, the couple will make y P. White, Andover st., raze mbroidered Alencon lace jeweled their home at 7 Argyle st. ,e; Ernest E. Anderson, IR •ith pearls, and long pointed The bride is a graduate of Mount PICNIC JUGS DAYS rdvale rd., raze hen house. leeves. The princess skirt of un- St. Mary's Academy in North sum of $522wasturnedover ressed pleats was also appliqued Plainfield, N. J., attended Cald- e town treasurer from fees Id terminated in a full cathedral well College, Caldwell, N. J. and from 1.95 lb rted by the inspector. Iler imported three tier was graduated from Merrimack hedral length veil of illusion was College this month with a bachelor TED CHURCH ached to a cap of ivory lace with of arts degree. MEETING pearl trim and sine carried 24 Mr. Hoyle is a graduate of e final meeting of the Ballard hite roses and Stephanotis Chelmsford 1 ligh School and a June Ir* United Church Guild willbe rranged in a long stem arm graduate of Merrimack College tonight at 8 o'clock in the uet. with a bachelor of arts degree. Ile :h vestry. Miss Mary Puglisi was maid of is a veteran of the armed forces.

ADJUSTABLE CRANK-TYPE 24 INCH BEACH Jur Storaqe ADJUSTABLE GRILLS UMBRELLAS REG 22.50 Fly 888 OUR PRICE 1588 Bottom and cover dampers For those who insist on Hie Finest— control draft, snuff out fire after use...lets you re-use 50" charcoal. Large Roasts ac- the best costs no more 10 INCH commodated. Reflected heat DAYS seals in savory juices. Rust- OSCILLATING proof porcelain finish...in- side and out. • Remodeling. FANS OF HIRSCH-WEIS REG 16.75 OUR PRICE SLEEPING • kepair BAGS 1188 E) • Cleaning 12 INCH SIZE

• REG 24.95 OUR PRICE 20 INCH - 3 SPEED 1788 4-14- CALL MU 5-5163 ,;• BREEZE BOX chrepel4ete0 • x9Ark REG 34.95 DAYS OUR PRICE 2488 Vaults on the Premises .4.00 Excellent gift for Dad POST a LANTERN SPECIAL . .16.9 5 . . the finest in sleep- NGE ing bags. from 9.00 to 30.00 1467 45 MAIN ST. SAVE 20% Wetn,er GR5-0102 AY ELSEWHERE YOUR FURRIER SINCE 1900 fto HILL S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES JUNE 16, 1960

• • • Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Perry, 6 NEW SHOPPING High st., Balla rdvale, quietly cele- brated their 25th wedding anniver- sary Saturday, June 11, with a COLBY — Ft:INMAN CONVENIENCE family dinner at their home. Miss Barbara Diane Feinrne, Mr. and Mrs. Perry were daughter of Mrs. Ethel S. Fein. You'll be delighted with all married in Malone, N. Y., June 11, man, 132 Butler st., Lawrence and 1935, and have four children, Mar- Arthur Leroy Colby, son of Mr. that's in store for you. Come in garet, wife of James McLeod, Ann. and Mrs. Herrick E. Colby, I:- today and see for yourself and Ruth and Patricia. Shawsheen rd., were united Monday evening Mrs. Perry was marriage June 9 in Boston. save for yourself. pleasently surprised when a group Mrs. Colby is a graduate . of her friends tendered her a rence High School, Class c: "Walk-In" at her home. She re- and Mr. Colby was graduate4itc. ceived numerous gifts, including Lawrence High School in silver and a 25th anniversary cake Both are attending the Univer 0155 sity made by Mrs. Samuel Moore. of Massachusetts, Class c: Guests included Mrs. James 1961, and will make their honti:. Received Gardner, Mrs. William Smeltzer, A r:herst. A&P Super Market Mrs. Edward Verda, Mrs. James At Simmor Butler, Mrs. William MacCaus- Two local v land, Mrs. Ralph Sharpe, Mrs. 110W A RD - A son, Daniel Chan& Bachelor of S5 Robert Mitchell, Mrs. Charles le r Howard, June 5 at Bryn Hawr Simmons col: 90 Main Street Langdell, Mrs. William McIntyre, Hospital, Bryn Mawr, Pa., to Mr, June 12. Mrs. Walter Norris, Mrs. Willard and Mrs. 'Philip B. Howard o HelenR.Ki Myers, Mrs.. Frank Green, Mrs. Media, Pa. The mother was Eliza. and Mrs. Walt Albe rt Warner, Mrs. Ralph Green- beth Howe, daughter of Mr. aal bets strecei ANDOVER wood, Mrs. Samuel Moore, Mrs. Mrs. A. Murray Howe of North theGruates Joseph Serio, Mrs. Philip Worm- Andover. Tie paternal grand. s0wlrect Featuring New Easy Time-Saving wood, Mrs. James McLeod and Ann mother is Mrs. Merle H. Howard sclofr and Ruth Perry. bf Andover. The family includes active in the two other sons. Club while at LAMPRC€ - A daughter June", Mrs. Mary at Lawrence General Hospital, to dren received CHECK-OUT STANDS School of Bus Mr. and Mrs. William Lantos, 26 York st. The mother was Ifeka Abbot Academ Bisgounis. of Mrs. James AT BOTH THE FRONT late Mr. Fagg GLEASON - A daughter, Any Catherine, June 11, at Emersre active in collet ber of the year AND REAR OF STORE Hospital, Concord, toMr.andNirs. the Dean's Jerome B. Gleason, West Acton, ?la rsh p wi The mother was Jane Leuis, Your daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Come In Today And Enjoy The F. Lewis of Andover. Pupils Ticket worrguN - A daughterJuneI3, Added Marketing Pleasure at Lawrence General Hospital, to Pins, Av and you may win a prize! Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Wojtkun, Many award io... Moraine st. The mother wasJailina young people Betley. Church Sunday Pleasant Shopmng CAREY - A daughter, Elizabeth morning. Ann, June 9 at Newton-Wellesley Receiving p Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bisbee, Debor J. Carey Jr. The mother is tie Churchill, Step former Jane Marie Frizzell of Cofer, Gary Cr Framingham. Grandparents ar- Beverly lit Dr. and M rs. Charles D. Frizzellof Hazleton, Pam, Belmont and Mr. and Mrs,Edward Konjoian, Susa J. Carey of Andover. Diaz, Gary L Rapid Credit HARDY - A daughter, Karr, Laren, Colleen 'With this little MVNB Credit June 9 in Spokane, Washington,to Mitchell, Pami Card you can make purchases Airman 1/c and Mrs. Frederick Prodan, Wendy with no money down' You Hardy. The family now comprises mington, S u s ,make your purchase at our two girls and one boy. Mr. Beverly Tyning store . . . charge it at our is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Other award! store . . . pay for it at our Hardy of !Ugh ct. Wreath: Ern Store. You get lust one month- Edgar, Robert I ly bill and you may take Mackin, Susan months to pay. Takes but a VARSITY CLUB rence Paolino, few minutes to get your Gretchen Tarty Credit Card. Do it here today! ELECTED OFFICERS Fred Thomes, I Jonathan Langdell ha, beer Warwick, Sand elected president of the 'as for Young, sity Club at Andover 111th Third Bar: the coming Year. Other officers named art Gulezian, Gary Lewis, Susan 236 Essex St. —92 So. B'way Richard Bourdelais, vice pre- LAWRENCE sident; loan LeGendre, se• Rennie, Kathlei Wilmington Shopping Plaza cretary; and Richard Aspian, dolyn Warwick, 216 Central St. Lowell treasurer. Fourth Bar: S 18 Merrimack St., Haverhill Barbara Fisk, Susan Kohl!, lir +ayne Loosig .aren, Neil Now Donald Peterson


at the Andover Gift House REDUCTION ON TOYS PRIIIS 1 MARKED ENTIRE STOCK PL BEING SOLD AT /3 OFF PRICES HAVILAND CHINA TO THE Reduced 20% PATTERNS AVAILABLE. 13.95 Orsay 17.95 13,95 ' SKILLED .Montrnery 17.95 13.95 ' PROMPT 4 Trellis 17.95 17.95 13.95 LUCKY Sylvia 18.95 23.95 Elysee 25.55 Floreal 31.95 Prices are for S-piece place settings to include: 1 each Dinner Plate; Salad Plate; Bread and WINNERS Butter Plate; Cup and Saucer. No obligation to buy a ihing. Anyone 18 years or older, except A&P employees and their immediate families, Andover Gift House is eligible to participate. Free entry blanks available at .•1ustin and Priscilla Anderson QOM the store. 10 PARK ST. ANDOVER GR 5-1822

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 17 Seeks Improvements Education from Celebrated the State Teachers 1 tnencement exe rci ses of the To Post Office Ave College in Boston at the coin- college Sunday afternoon, June 5. Selectman Philip K. Allen be- iniversary lieves the town should be able to work out a plan for improving Post Office ave. "Enroll" 'Veci • • The controversial street in the )LBY — FEINMAN center of town is a private way. Your Entire Open a savings account P revious efforts to improve it have here In the name of Miss Barbara Diane Feirirraq run into legal snarls, however, ughter of Mrs. Ethel S. Fein. Mr. Allen suggested Monday Family everyone in your family an, 132 Butler st., Lawrence,ard night that the town counsel look ... even baby. All ac- Ihur Leroy Colby, son of Mr, into the legal aspects. "We should counts ore fully insured id Mrs. Herrick E. Colby, 117 be able to agree with the owner, and earn regularly. awsheen rd., were united ia to the mutual benefit of both", the arriage June 9 in Boston. Selectman declared. Mrs. Colby is a graduateof Law. The avenue is privately owned nce High School, Class of I • by Samuel Resnik. In the past, d Mr. Colby was graduated' \1:1\ town efforts to accept the way have wrence High School been thwarted by legal technicali- Both are attending the MKS, MARY ANNE E. HENDREN MISS HELEN R. KISIEL ties, among other factors. DIVIDENDS :y of Massachusetts, Clas Received Degrees Dorothy Westaway, SNYDER RECEIVED 4 A YEAR 61, and will make their hor., Fifth Bar: Pamela Darby, Wil- the r st. MASTER'S DEGREE At Simmons College liam Dellart, Robert Edgar, Jean George F. Snyder, a former Haley, Leslie Maclaren, Joyce teacher at the AndoverJuniorlligh Two local women received their i rills • • • Novak, Joan Smyth, Jane Stewart, School and currently principal at Bachelor of Science degrees at the HOWARD - A son, DanielChand• Charlene Ta rbox. the Winchester Junior 1 ligh School, r Howard, June 5 at Bryn Ha r Simmons College Commencement Sixth Bar: Mary Disbrow, David received his degree as Master of Ispital, Bryn Mawr, Pa., to Mr, June 12. They are: Durgerian, Richard Edgar, Mark Helen R. Kisiel, daughter of Mr. d Mrs. 'Philip B. Howard o Haley, Cynthia Lewis, Phyllis Tho., edia, Pa. The mother was Eliza. and Mrs. Walter F.Kisiel, 28 Cor- mes, Bruce Westaway, William bett st., received her degree from th Howe, daughter of Mr. a Westaway. illraVAPNR IK ata ii0 • • "YOUR SAVINGS CENTER" 7s. A. Murray Howe of North the Graduate School of Nursing. She Seventh Bar: Brenda Jackson. WITHUII also will receive a diploma from inrirr MIDWAY lover, Tie paternal grand. Eighth Bar: Rosemary Dur- Current Interest Rato 3'/z ",".. Per Annum )ther is Mrs. Merle H, Howard the School of Nursing. She has been gerian, Judith Jackson, Nancy „IIDOSERIEPBUIN Andover. The family includes active in the Anne Strong Nursing Peatman, Sandra Stewart. a other sons. Club while at school. Ninth Bar: Karla Haartz, Bryan Mrs. Mary Anne Faggiano I len- TheUzifinsiveri LAN1PRC - A daughter June;, McGrath, Janice Stewart, Gerald Lawrence General Hospital, to dren received her degree from the Stewart, Karen Stewart, School of Business. A graduate of Am DAVID NIVEN ATLANTIC ▪ and Mrs. William LamProsi Tenth Bar: I la rold McGrath, Abbot Academy, she is the daughter CO-OPERATIVE BANK York st. The mother was Helen PERSONAL )1 MITZI GAYNOR sgounis. of Mrs. James J. Faggiano and the Arthur Sevingny of Beacon st., late Mr. Faggiano. She has been Happy 320 Essex Street, Lcnvreecte SLEASON - A daughter, A active in college affairs as a mem- was recently elected president of Phone MU 3-2773 therine, June 11, at Emersoa ber of the yearbook staff, has been the Carvell Chapter of the Blind. Anniversary - spital, Concord, toMr.andhirs, on the Dean's List and has been a rome B. Gleason, West Aclal, scholarship winner. mother was Jane Lewis, ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lewis of Andover. Pupils Received NOJTKUN - A daughterJune13, Lawrence General Hospital, to Pins, Awards and Mrs. Bruno Wojtkun,r; Many awards were presented to raine st. The mother wasJanina young people of the West Parish tley. Church Sunday School last Sunday • REY - A daughter, Elizabeth morning, n, June 9 at Newton-Wellesley Receiving pins were Chester spital, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bisbee, Deborah Carver, Robert Carey Jr. The mother is the Churchill, Stephen Churchill, Lisa mer Jane Marie Frizzell of Cofer, Gary Crotch, Linda Crotch, amingham. Grandparents ar Beverly Haefling, Valerie To the residents of Andover; , and Mrs. Charles D. F rizzellof Hazleton, Pamela Koester, David lmont and Mr. and Mrs,Edward Konjoian, Susan Leadbitter, Amy 7.arey of Andover. Luntz, Gary Lybrand, Allen Mac- Firmly convinced that Andover HARDY - A daughter, Karen, laren, Colleen Manning, Pamela should hove a wll-stocked, quality le 9 in Spokane, Washington, t' Mitchell, Pamela Prodan, Peter enlargebookstore, and itexpand is our the intention to rman 1/c and Mrs. Frederic Prodan, Wendy Prodan, Donna Re- rdy. The family now comprises mington, Susan Scribner and ment of the Andover Bookstore.booh ) girls and one boy. Mr, Hard, Beverly Tyning. deport- the son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Other awaras included: rdy of High st. Wreath: Ernest Darby, James Edgar, Robert llooson, Betsy Mac- .7"e think you are interested in Mackin, Susan MacMackin,' Law- books--new and popular, old and rare, ARSITY CLUB rence Paolino, Sally Stermdale, educational, recreational, artistic, LECTED OFFICERS Gretchen Tarbox, Craig Thomas, Fred Thomes, liarold Tyning, Ruth scientific. Our first efforts will Jonathan Langdell has ben you. Warwick, Sandra W e s t, Robert be to mahe these booAs avoiluble to ected president of the vat. Young, ty Club at Andover 111th tot e coming year. Third Bar: Susan Fisk, Donna Other officers named are Gulezian, Gary Gulezian, Dianna ichard Bourdelais, vice pre. Lewis, Susan McGrath, George As booAlovers, we take great dent; Joan LeGendre, se. Rennie, Kathleen Tarbox, Gwen- delight in reading, handling, and etary; and Richard iitsoin, dolyn Warwick, Carol West. browsing through books borehan- easurer. Fourth Bar: Suzanne Durgerian, dising them is a new ven Barbara Fisk, Nancy Henderson, Susan Koh 1 i, Susan Loosigian, Help us by giving your ideas and what for us. n'ayne Loosigian, Jeffrey Mac- suggestions.you Xe would like to Anow laren, Neil Novak, David Peterson, Donald Peterson, William Tarbox, can give Andoverwant. Xith a distinctive your support, we pride, r CALL store in which it can take justifiablebook MGR 5-012"8 Cur pledged wholeh earted interest is Gift House to molting the booAstor ( where you will enjoy leisurelye bra place and the selection of books of all ohinds. ON TOYS FOR wsing T., MARKED to see eus Zooh soon. forward to your coming in )Fr PRICES PLUMBING CHINA \ REPAIRS 20% SALE 4 REG. 13.95 Jerome W Cross 17.95 ' SKILLED SERVICE 17.95 13.95 President 17.95 13.95 ' PROMPT ATTENTION 17.95 13.95 ANDCVER BOCKSTCRe 23.95 18.95 31.95 25.55 W.H. Pounded in 1809 to include: 'tge;s Bread and 0- H use WELCH !rson COMPANY ;R 5-1822 1 18 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 A

\1 At The Library EDITORIAL THOUGHTS SUSIE'S Summer SONNETS Creating A Muddle The Henniuorrnial Hall Library be closed Saturday, June 25,the'.1 Taking land by eminent domain is a distasteful task; first day of summer hours, The Aeilson main library reading 1lie room' will one that should not be undertaken lightly. be open Monday through Friday a , Sometimes, however, the step is necessary because a usual, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m specific piece of property is the only one that will serve Children's room will beopenA " day through Friday froml0a rn,tton' the particular purpose. l2 noon, and o 2 to5 p.m 13,3 departmentsfwrode This may well be the case with the land on Lovejoy rd. ilml be clo sed s 1tur. that the School Committee has voted to designate for a NtINED BLESSING days until the fall. v a eati on new Kest Andover School. Fun Many of t be places which vacs- Town meeting specified that the School Committee Flail to lane tionists will visit this summerhave should pick out the sites for new schools, while em- The month of brides names that are worth a moment of study and research. Accounts of And roses and powering the Land Acquisition Committee to negotiate how these names originated canoe 1)% for them and, if necessary, to take them by right of Insecticides. found in books and magazinesatthe Re c Memorial I Library. George R, eminent domain. But it is also required that the Select- From Stewart, the leading authoritz on . men, Finance Committee and Planning Board approve. U. S. place names has a boa Twor And all of this has placed the land acquisition work in "Names On The Land" which has from a bit of a muddle. become a classic of Americana. Bachelo Down the Years with The Townsman The book narrates the countless The School Committee has voted for a specific site, explorations of the Spanish, Dutch, ecorciliegsee; and asked that seizure take place because negotiations F rench and English settlers and T h tells of the names they leftintheir of Mrs 30 Years Ago — June, 1910 at annual exercises held at the appeared fruitless. This is exactly what the town meet- wake. For instance, "Florida"was ilidden is progressing on the new Church Sunday morning. Work named by Ponce de Leon in1512 son, son ing specified as a procedure. The annual banquet of the Pun- home being built by VaughnJealous from the fact that the whole area CTun chard Alumni Association in town The problem comes, however, in being required to con- at the corner of Ba rtlet and Morton which he saw was covered with Killile hall tonight will take the form of a sult with so many boards. Each of them as an entity, and sts. flowers, and "Florida" is a Spa- and is a testimonial to.Nathan C. Hamblin, each of the members, has to be filled in completely on Mrs. Frederick H. Jones and nish adjective meaning flowery or fraterni Mrs. Frank T. Carleton have been who has been principal of the high abounding in flowers. Dartfil0U1 the background, thus back-tracking over work already in Wellesley the past week attend- school for 25 years. Dr. Alfred E. The state name of Illinois comes man Clut done. Then the members no doubt will come up with ing their class reunion. Thursday Stearns, headmaster emeritus of from a combination of Indianan! F rench li afternoon, at their homes on Phillips Academy, will be the main F rench, according to another boot Tunilir divergent opinions — for i t is almost a foregone conclu- Central st., they entertained at speaker. "State Names, Flags, Songs, Birds, and sion that no group of board members can be in complete lunch about 35 members of their A large plate glass window in a etc." by GeorgeShankle.Thename r accord. class. service station on Park st. was is derived from the Algonquinword Frederick S. Boutwell has pur- blown out by the terrific wind storm "Inini", which the French pro- Grne'AliPn e ehlabseCeCrrilv Thus it appears that although the School Committee chased an overland automobile. Monday night. There was no other nounced "Mini and which signifies commiss has the right to choose a site, all the other boards also The 31st commencement exer- damage reported. "the men, perfect and accom- in hef u cises of the Punchard School were 10 Years Ago — June, 1950 plished". The letters"ois"denote serve. have a right to choose the site, at least by the power of held this week when a class of 12 Organization of the ground ob- tribe, in French. Thus, Illinois Killile veto. was graduated. The Rev, F. A. W il- servor and aircraft control corps means "a tribe of superior men", 1,56 gra This could go on indefinitely. son preached the Baccalaureate will start immediately, followinga Other books are "Story Key To dewy. sermon Sunday. Class Day was state-wide meeting of Civil Geographic Names" by Engelin; It appears that too many cooks can, indeed, spoil the Wednesday and graduation came Defense directors. "A rue r i c a n Nicknames, their INIGG ROM L broth. Thursday evening. Albert W. Lowe The 36 graduates of St. Augus- o r igin and significance", by f of the School Committee awarded Ike would prefer to have the responsibility rest with tine's School will receive their Shankle; "Viking And The Reatan Jihn K the annual prizes. Miss Lucretia diplomas at the 9:45 Mass Sunday (Old Norse origins of the Algonquin wiRg the School Committee for selection, and the Finance Lowe was awarded the Latin prize. morning. Language), Sherwin; "London Committee for approval of financial aspects. Her mark was 99.2 for the year Various groups are preparing to Street Names", fiabben; good aaBts. 6siindwdege and her final examination mark was enter floats in the ho r ribles parade, magazine articles onthis fascinat- el; This would appear to be far more workable an arrange- 100. Colver J. Stone presented the one of the features of the carnival ing study are "Names We GoB)", sinday.. 4: diplomas. ment, one where action could he taken without the delay sponsored by the police and fire Saturday Evening Post for Dec.2E, A l95) 23 Years Ago — June, 1935 department personnel. The carni- 1957, "Can You PlaceIt?"inlioli- illo scho entaled in having multiple board action. Air Fore A class of 80 received diplomas val runs July 3-8, and the parade day Magazine, April 1951 and ciety at last night at the 76th annual grad- is scheduled for the third. "Place Names" in Hobbies Maga- 51. Plan To Be There uation of Punchard High School - Playgrounds open June 26 for the zinefor January,19 Isaesrvt emoOnff the 25th since Nathan C. Hamblin s um me r season. Pomp's Pond Bookworm Reading Club Attendance at town meetings is always a civic res- honors cer has been principal. opens one day earlier, June 25. Beginning on Friday, Junerand At comm ponsibility, which should be taken seriously by all re- The large bill board erected in The Bureau of the Census has running until early September, the received a Shawsheen near the Mall has been announced a population figure of gistered voters in the community. Bookworm Reading Club for An- lieutenant 12,279 for Andover. ordered down by the state Depart- dover boys and girls will be in eSerVe f But seldom has it been more urgent for all voters to Mrs, George L. Symonds has ment of Public Works. A spokes- effect at the Memorial Hall Librar, ,f tlie adv recognize their duty to the town than is the case now. man for that department said the been re-elected president of tile with a similar club in theBallard- Andover Mothers' Club. Town meeting will be called to order at 7:30 June 29th sign is not on property owned by the vale branch library.Ontheopetux Subscrib firm advertised, nor is the pro- Capt. Joe Ratyna, for the third day, those who would like to be — and municipal officials are frankly concerned that perty for sale. year, is the high scorer for the members who are in grades 1 there will he too few voters on hand. The magic number St. Augustine's largest graduat- Punchard track team, with an ac- through 8, are asked to sign the is 350 — a quorum established by town by-law. ing class, 36, received diplomas cumulation of 91 points. Bookworm Reading Roll, andbegui to read from the reading list, which The meeting is considered to be of special importance ever. The chances are good that any will be given to members. After because the country club proposal must be acted upon at area you help preserve will soon three books have been read, a What Our be beyond any possibility of "reading record" and a special this session. This plan for use of over 200 (lest Andover duplication." Bookworm club pin will begivento acres has met with unanimous approval from town offi- Readers Say — Lester C. Newton, the members. At the end of the cials and members of the various boards and committees. Secretary of the A.V.I.S. summer a party for all Bookworms will be held in the Memorial Hall And apparently it has gained general acceptance through-. To the Editor of the Townsman: To the Editor of tile Townsman: Library. Tile date for this willde- out the town. "The two main objectives of the "The residents of School and pend on tIle progress made in the Andover Village Improvement So- Central sts, are justly aroused building progran.l Adoption of the special wording, which will allow the ciety are the conservation of over excessive amount of traffic Story hours are being planned - country club to he built in a residential area, can mean natural beauty areas and wild life and speeding on their streets. for the summer weeks.Furtherin refuges in the Town of Andover. These are residential streets on formation will be published later, a substantial increase in tax income to the town from Here are a few of the many ad- winch many families with young Story hours are open to boys the developed golf courses, the other recreational areas vantages in giving one's 'philan- children live and they are in con- girirls 0 al lgageses , and the country club building itself. thropic dollars' to natural area stant use by child ren from all parts Changes In Method preservation projects: of town, to and from tile many Anyone interested inthechanges Other zoning articles to be considered at the session are "1. Natural areas and thetrees, activities at tile churches there. R in the charging system which are wildflowers and birds that inhabit The students from Abbot and Phil- garden apartments off Morton st., with an estimated tax beingprelaparedtifIriesemonth at the them are among the most beautiful lips also make use of thew on their R income of 521,000, conversion of an industrial-residential things on earth. Few philanthropic way to church, station and down- library may feel the ffnnheodwtnthper procesasseksainlaY;to area at Stevens and \lain sts, to business, and a shopping activities bring as much pleasure town excursions. We obviously i- ovide more eff to the donor as the preservation of need more control of some sort. bee nsptala R center district near Dascornb rd. interchange with Houte 9:3. borruwet s are an attractive area that can be "After attending a hearing with cient service. All reminded of the importance of the Some articles met with objections, but have many favor- visited and enjoyed. the Selectmen on the problem and rdi "2. The setting up of a nature discussing it with Chief Nicoll, the persona 1 identificationca able aspects as issued to Andover readers,andare preserve creates so many different basic and only effective solution asked to present the card when It can readily be seen that this special town meeting values simultaneously that vir- which emerges is more merlon our items are to be charged._ is important enough to command the presence of every tually every citizen willhave some police force to patrol and enforce traffic signals and speed laws on personal reason for feeling grate- aking time, will back in- voter. Plan to attend. ful to you. Central, School, Elm, Main, Salem btldget-nl * * * "3, Your dollars are converted and Chestnut sts., to name a few c e se i r osrfi into the most indestructible tiling streets all afflicted with similar iiro ae tO:111r: isesrUstrirean7tolbiectbeeteabrrudpagon Boston's Museum of Science says that even the fastest on earth - open land clothed in problems. This is a problem for bring pressure , Finance Committee to approie manmade rocket would come out a sorry second if it tried native vegetation, that will grow the whole town, not just for the these increases, and filially, will in value and usefulness as our residents of a few streets. to compete in a race with light. Light travels I:36,000 round up support these !seas- country becomes increasingly con- "flaying turned down salary in- miles in one second. In a year it covers about six trillion ures in town meettilolgr. u: gested. creases for our police force at the iid "This is how you c ta miles. This is called a “Ii;dit year," and is the vrrrdstick "4. Such projects permit a high last town [fleeting, with the result- s and be counted." lw for measuring the vast distrurc es in tif ,are. degree of personal identification ing loss of a good officer already, ai ibur with your gift without its seeming we citizens of Andover have to face * * * forced and will unquestionably keep the lact that tight pocketbooks and John Fielding, former]:. acisitll) Maybe you can't fool all the people all the time, but your name on thousands of lips for good traffic control of our town a re Lowell st., bbui t 110rereL.rec centuries to come. simply not compatible. San Diego, Cal., visited recent!. leave them alone and a great many will fool thernsei yes. "5. with Mr. and Mrs. George ‘%1'.' Natural areas established as "I• hope that our aroused citizens 26 F memorials will last virtually for- will continue to be aroused at low of I lenderson ave. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960

Miss Hallowell is the daughter part in the commencement concert. of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Hallowell funeral of his brother, Richard of The Library Miss Treanor, a freshman this Medford. Jr., 8 I lidden Field; Miss Jackson year, is tine daughter of Mr. and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Vincent Treanor of I lobby er liours Francis G. Jackson of North An- Horse Farm. ROBERT H. LANGE dover; and Miss Praetz is the ; Memorial Hall Library win S/Sgt. Ronald W. Crocker, son STENOTYPE REPORTER osed Saturday, June 25 daughter of Mrs. John G. Praetz, , the of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grant of Court and Conference Reporting day of summer hours, 4 Strawberry Hill rd. The Beech cir., has just returned to Depositions and Auditors' Hearing library reading room will Miss Susan J. Treanor, a mem- his air base in Texas after an NOTARY PUBLIC en Monday through Friday as ber of the Bradford GleeClub, took emergency leave, to attend the GR 5-3675 CApital 7-0572 front 10 a.m. to 9 p.m; the ren's room will beopenivIon• trough Friday from 10a.m.to on, and from 2 to 5 pmi ,Boti. Intents will be closed Satur: until the fall. Hon Fun ny of the places which van. is will visit this summerhave s that are worth a moments! and research, Accounts of DAVID C. TOMI.INSON FRANK J. K1LLILEA hese names originated canine in books and magazines at the Received Degrees )rial Hall Library. Georgeii, Mrs. Leigh Is irt, the leading authoritz or. From Dartmouth place names has a book Dal-mouth College seniors Survey Chairman Two Built to Gold Star les On The Land" which has front Andover received their The Board of Directors of the ne a classic of Americana, Bachelor of Arts degrees at the League of Women Voters has ap- Quality Standards book narrates the countless college's 190th conmvencement ex- pointed Mrs. Charles Leigh as rations of the Spanish, Dutch, ercises held June 12. chairman of the Town Survey to be ch and English settlers and They are. Frank J. Killilea, son undertaken by the League next of the names they left intheir of Mrs. Isabel V. Killilea, 139 April. .'For instance, "Florida"was Hidden rd., and David C. Tomlin- Mrs. Leigh is forming her com- d by Ponce de Leon in 1512 son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter mittee which will work throughout the fact that the whole area C. Tomlinson, 53 Cheever cir. the year. Mrs. Per Bro is chair- he saw was covered with Killilea majored in engineering man in Precinct one; Mrs. Joseph :rs, and "Florida" is a Spa• and is a brother of Phi Kappa Psi Senuta, Precinct two; Mrs. Daniel adjective meaning flowery or fraternity, Ile was a member of the Frishman, Precinct three; Mrs. -Kling in flowers. Dartmouth Rowing Club, the New- I lerbert Lake, Precinct four; Mrs. man Club, and Le Cercle F rancais, Superior quality plus newest e state name of Illinoiscomei William Weaver, Precinct fiveand Regularly $269.50 a combination of Indian ark French language club. Mrs. Bernard Ristuccia, Precinct features: Automatic top Burner- ch, according to another boo Tomlinson majored in English six. Now 219.50 installed with-a-Brain,* matchless light- :e Names, Flags, Songs, Birth, and served as vice president of Anyone interested in any aspect by George Shankle. Thenanie Alpha Chi Rho fraternity, Ile was a of the survey may contact Mrs. ing, Iiista-Set control panel, rived front the A lgonquin worO member of the Dartmouth College Leigh or the precinct chairman. giant 25" oven with light and ii", which the French pro- Glee Club, and has received his window, and Silent-Roll smoke- ed "Illini and which signifier commission as a Second Lieutenant Miss Praetz Took men, perfect and accon• in the United States Army Re- less broiler . . . and dozens ed". The letters "ois" denote serve. Spanish Prize more Gold Star features. , in F Tench. Thus, 11:. Killilea and Tomlinson are both During the 157th Commencement is "a tribe of superior me;.". 1956 graduates of Phillips Aca- Weekend at Bradford Junior Col- ler books are "Story Key To demy. lege, Bradford, Miss Linda J. raphic Names" by Engelin; Praetz was awarded the Spanish r ic an Nicknames, their 111166 GRADUATED FROM LOWELL TECH. Prize which is presented to the ti n and significance", by senior wino has studied Spanish for kle; "Viking And The Redidan John K. Twigg, son of Mrs. I lelen two years at Bradford and whohas Norse origins of the Algonquin Twigg, 4 Summer st., received the shown the greatest achievement in uage), Sher wi n; "London B. S. degree in general engineering the language. nt Names", liabben; good at 62nd commencement exercises At the close of the college year zinc articles on this fascinat- at Lowell Technological Institute it was announced that for her work tudy are "Names We GoBy", Sunday, June 5. during the last semester Miss day Evening Post for Dec.28, A 1956 graduate of Punchard - Praetz had been named to thelligh "Can You Place It?" inlioli- High School, he was active in the Honor Roll, and that Miss Diana Magazine, April 1958 and Air Force ROTC Vandenberg so- I lallowell, Miss Jane Jackson, and ce Names" in hobbies Maga- ciety at LTI and received the Re- Miss Praetz had been named to tine for January, 1951. serve Officers Association award last month at the annual ROTC Senior Cumulative I lonor Roll. worm Reading Club honors ceremony. ginning on Friday, June 17 and 1t commencement, Twigg also INSIDE PAINTING ng until early September, the received a commission as second Paper Hanging and worm Reading Club for Ann lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force Cellotex Ceilings boys and girls will be in Reserve for successful completion -- GENERAL REPAIRS r at the Memorial I iall Library of the advanced A FROTC prograiii. a similar club in theBallard- M.J. CHAISSON b ranch library. On the opening Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN MU 8-6895 those who would like to he Ders who are in grades 1 gh 8, are asked to sign the dorm Reading Roll, andbegin PHINNEY'S td from the reading list, which be given to members. After books have been read, a ling record" and a special 9101 worm club pin will begivento 3110 iv, NITY nembers. At the end of the ter a party for all Bookworms to held in the Memorial Hall ry. The date for this willde• on the progress made in the ng program. ry hours are being planned SPECIAL FRIDAY & SATURDAY e summe r weeks. Furtherin- cion will be published later, hours are open to boys and of all ages. ALL LP's REDUCED ges In Method ione interested in thechanges REG. 5.98 charging system which are NOW 4.99 prepared this month the nof y !nay feel free to ask a REG. 4.98 NOW 3.99 aff how the processes have danned to provide moreeffi• REG. 3.98 NOW 2.99 service. All borrowers are ded of the importance of the o n a 1 identification cards to Andover readers, and are ALL OUR 45s - 89 to present the card whet are to be charged.

-making time, will back is inin our police budget Icr officers and better pay, will pressure to bear on our e Committee to approve increases, and finally, up support for these mas- REG. 189.95 REG. 179.95 t town meeting. s is how you can stand up 9 $ 15595 "( counted." 1 1' 5145 $ Elinore L. Washig:. LAWRENCE GAS COMPANY Fielding, formerly o' MU 3-9511 st., but more recently 0 Temple Electric & Radio ego, Cal., visited rocentl' See modern all-Gas homes on "Builder's Showcase" WHDH-TV, Ch, 5 — lim r. and Mrs. George every Sunday at 12 noon lenderson ave. 5'


Andover Women Plan Day Camp Andover High School Senior Clas Plans for the 1960Greater Law- rence YWCA Day Camp are being completed by a competent staff of Andover residents, under the direction of Mrs. Albert Retelle of Reservation rd. Mrs. Retelle has had 13 years of camping experience and will be serving as YWCA camp director for the fourth year. A program planned for the needs of girls nine to 13 will center around an Indian theme, with the campers divided into tribes of about 10 girls guided by a senior adult counselor. Com- petition between tribes in sports, dramatics, nature projects, and camperaft skills gives each girl a chance to shine and adds to the suspense as the tribes vie for top honors on the totem pole. The 19- acre camp site on Captain's Pond in Salem, N. H., with open mea- dows, woodland, brooks and a large frontage on the lake lends itself to a full and varied program. Mrs. Leon Wilde of Chandler cir. is waterfront director for the second year. She has been teaching swimming for over 10 years and is a Red Cross swimming instructor. 1.1 With the assistance of Mrs. James Christopher of Birch rd., the

Linder the orange roof


- - - — YWCA physc ia I education di rector. by Mrs. Christopher will feature the girls fire building, use of the Under the camp's counselor hildren's Mrs. Wilde will instruct in Red volleyball, badminton, softball. jackknife, and to have them pre- training program for teenagegirls Cross swimming, boating safety, horseshoes and water games. pare several meals over the open several Andover girls will be as- as Obsei and during the last month, offer Inter-tribal tournaments are fire. On rainy days when the camp sisting. Miss Linda Bourdelais, junior lifesaving for better swim- planned. meets indoors, Mrs. Jako, who is Nancy Drouin, and Ann Burns will Tbi i ren SI mers. Miss Marian Morgan of Camper-aft and out-door cookery an international cook, will show the help with crafts, nature, and care the Ballard Sutherland st., will be juniorcoun- classes will be under the leader- girls some of her special cookery of junior campers as part of their undayi i trh selor assisting on the waterfront. ship of Mrs. Augustus Jako of tricks at the "Y" preparation for junior counselor awards:t hCae AT THE BY-PASS - ANDOVER A lively sports program taught Chickering ct. She plans to teach The crafts program under Mrs. positions in the future. dwe ant Donald Penny of Forbes ln, will This camp is opentoallAndover ripture Les: feature fabric stenciling, mosiac girls nine to 13 and runs fromJure r,eJoseph intownwill 'rsaroyens . Junk ESTABLISHED tile work, copperwire pins, and 27 to Aug. 5. Bus stops many other projects. An advanced include the Library andShawsheen ;arty Dustin, 1931 crafts program will be offered cer- Square, with station wagonpickups roburg, Lesli tain afternoons when the girls will in the West Andover area by special Let Letters; have a chance to learn different arrangement. The YWCA may be radle Roll; C types of weaving. called for a camp folder and de• srers, Isla

Special nature projects such as tails. 'ajo c building a camp nature trail and a nia S Bell niel making insect collections will be M. D. DEGREE ildn Phyllis L. Grant, 17 Chandler ch r taught by Mrs. Retelle, who will be . attending the Audubon Society's rd., received her M. D. degree "t°YwhChoea from the Medical School at the !aymcR Counselor's Workshop in Natural i History the week before camp University of Kansas, at commen- orTod. Lee opens. cement exercises, June 6. 'rris, Lois G ESSEX STREET Here's how to cut decorating costs! ane Now In Its Second Great Week WARE HOUSE

SALE AT STORE FLATLUX WE HAVE JAM PACKED OUR ENTIRE 8 FLOORS IN OUR ESSEX ST. STORE AND ONE-COAT FLAT WALL FINISH HAVE DRASTICALLY MARKED DOWN MERCHANDISE 25% - 50% - 75% TO OFFER $ 10 THE BEST HOME FURNISHINGS BUYS IN YEARS - PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR Saves Time-Goes Farther-Washes Easier DELIVERIES. Luxurious Beauty at a Low, Low Cost Lovely Range of Decorator Colors gallon One Gallon paints average size room EVERY IMAGINABLE FURNITURE & FURNISHINGS NEED A PATTERSON-SARGENT QUALITY PRODUCT :\ndove - ON SALE - ALL QUALITY - ALL SELECT! 45 MAIN STREET Vin-Speturi F. GR 5-0102 J. LEONE COMPANY 430 ESSEX STREET LAWRENCE TEL. MU 6-6197 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 21 2 Graduated iior C as ill Receive Diplomas Friday Night From Bradford Two Andover girls were grad- uated at the 157th Commencement of Bradford Junior College, Brad- ford, June 6. They are Diana Hallowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Hallowell Jr., 8 Hidden Field; and Linda J. Praetz, daughter of Mrs. John G. Praetz, 4 Strawberry Hill rd. Miss Hallowell took part in the dance fete, "Hopes of the New Decade", presented as a part of the commencement festivities. Miss Hallowell has been an honor student at the college. This year she has been president of her class and a member of the Student Coun- cil. Miss Praetz has been volley- ball manager of the Athletic As-. () ' sociation. HILTON SUPPORTS IDEA P r FOR EMERGENCY PHONES Fire Chief Henry I.. Milton 1, this week heartily endorsed ( the editorial suggestion of the 1 Andover Townsman that emer- I gency communications equip- 4 'I IP ment be placed at strategic 10 , locations on the new high- ways. 711,- ('hief Hilton said he plans to take up the problem with the Massachusetts Fire Chief's Association, to see if united action can be under- taken to provide both police telephones and fire alarm apparatus on the thru-ways. Ile also suggested that local streets be better marked at access points, so that strangers on the highways will know in what community they are driving if they need to summon assistance.

GRADUATED WITII 110NORS AT TRINITY Jerome Farnsworth of Porter rd. received his B. A.degree, with honors, from Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. Graduation ex- ercises were held June 12. rnder the camp's counselor hildren's Sunday berry, Gary hall, Wayne Fisher .ring program for teenagegirls and Susan Madden; Presentation of eral Andover girls will be as• as Observed ' Attendance awards, sixth year, Co- ing. Miss Linda Bourdelais, lin Sherry; second year, Lee Bat- cy Drouin, and Ann Burns will Children's Sunday was observed chelder, Mary Norris and Gar; ) with crafts, nature, and care the Ballard Vale United Church Mattheson; first year, Lisa Tac- unday with the following program , unior campers as part of their coni, Joan Batcheller, Joyce Milli- sHoppo yuNiTy ,a ration for junior counselor awards: Call to Worship, Gail gan, Lois Grant, Jeffrey Tacconi, .tions in the future. chelder; anthem, Cherub Choir; Signe Rosenblad, Marcia Belloir, his camp is opentoallAndover ripture Lesson, Gary Norris; Dana Scholtz and Eric Rosenblad. s nine to 13 and runs fromJune rayer, Joseph Serio Jr.; Prayer The greeters were Robert Mul- Aug. 5. Bus stops intownwill sponse, Junior Choir; ushers, lett, Robert I tall, Alan Mattheson s my Dustin, Philip and Frederick Ide the Library andShawsheen and Colin Sherry. Plants were dis- roburg, Leslie Batcheller and ire, with station wagonpickups tributed to Cradle Roll, Beginners A ndover area by special aro Letters; Certificates to 4 g ieWest radle Roll; Certificates to Be- and Primary Depts. ngement. The YWCA may be Members of the Sunday School rs, Isla Grant, Tommy Fro- k xl for a camp folder and de- staff were thanked for their loyal rg, Joan Smeltzer, Susan Mitton devotion to their teaching duties Marcia Belloir; Certificates to during the past year. FAMOUS MAKE SHEER I. DEGREE nmary Children (a Bible is pre- wills L. Grant, 17 Chandler to each child in the Sunday Lawrence Thomes of Bailey rd, received her M. D. degree 1 who is leaving the third and William Greenwood of Beech Elastic Stockings i the Medical School at the ade); Raymond hunt, Carla cir. have returned from a fishing rmwood, Lee Batchelder, Mary ersity of Kansas, at commen- trip at Madagamin Dam, Penobscot this Sale Only! ris, Lois Grant, Judy Quesen- River, Me. mt exercises, June 6. This Sale Only! 2 Irregulars Front Panel Nylon S Usually Sold Tricot at $9.95 7.95 lane Funeral Service Inc. $3.95 Value I qatAtshed — 1938 A Large Selection of Broken Sizes - Discontinued Styles - Brand Names BRAS Value to $5.95 $1.00 UP Only A Few Let.. GIRDLES RAYON CHALLIS DISCOkr, INUF D STYLES GOWNS Broken Sizes 32 thru 44 Many Styles 33 aril Sizes to 1 0/ U Reg. $7.00 — u s Reg. $5.95 I Choose from 3 $3.89 '4.89 Bioken S'ze3 in L x COTTON ALL FINISH Is Easier SLIPS sst gallon am 68 Park Street Reg. DUALITY PRODUCT Andover, Mass. $4.00 98 JA, Ame,S1wp 45 MAIN STREET MAIN ST., ANDOVER — TEL. GR 5-1658 \,,n-Sortarian 40 'ir $2 GR 5-0102



formerly of 27 Cheever cir., an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn June, to the Rev. Betts - Lmsle) Lee John Betts. Mr. Betts is the Mr. and NIrs.11oward Emsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leamon 13etts 183 Goldthwaite rd., Whitinsville, of Westfield, N. J. Miss Emsley graduated cum FLOORS laude from Abbot Academy and WASHED and WAXED received her B. .\ degree from I Wellesley College, majoring in WINDOWS - WALLS Biblical History. Her fiance received his B. A. Free Estimate degree from llouglfton College, MUrdock 2-5770 Houghton, N. Y., and his B. D.

MISS MARILYN F. EMSLEY MISS SHEILA HOWE MISS CORNELIA SCOTT degree from Gordon Divinity and Mrs. Carl J. liolt, 75 High st. four years in the U. S. Navy and School in Wenham. He is assist- Miss Howe is a graduate of is a student at Worcester Junior ant minister of the Covenant-First Glastonbury high School, Glaston- College. Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, bury, Conn. and FisherJunior Col- A September wedding is planned. lege, Boston-She is presently em- Ohio, and was formerly assistant Marier - minister of the United Presby- ployed at Raytheon. terian Church in Whitinsville, Her fiance is a graduate of Pun- Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Ifamjy, where he was ordained in March. cha rd High School and attended Utica, New York, announce the en- An October wedding is planned. Merrimack College. Ile is pre- gagement of their daughter, Kath- sently employed at Process En- leen, New York City, to Paul A, Dolt - Rowe gineering Inc. in Methuen. Ivlarier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Howe, The wedding is planned forSept. ander J. Marier, 3 Walker ave. 2 Robandy rd., announce the en- 24. The future bride is a graduate gagement of their daughter, Sheila, Bugbee - Scott of Katharine Gibbs School in to Carl James Holt Jr., son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Scott, 10 Boston. Dufton rd., announce the engage- Mr. Marier is an alumnus of NORTH REA I ment of their daughter, Cornelia, Phillips Academy in Andover; Am- to Harold Francis Bugbee Jr., son herst College, and received his DRIVE-IN THEATRE of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Bugbee, master's degree from the Univer- sity of Chicago. He served as an 4 on ROUTES 281ra 62 37 Rocky Hill rd., Oxford. THANK HEAVFN for officer in the A rniy and is present- NOW THRU SATURDAY Miss Scott is attending the Wo- men's College of Clark University ly with Sylvania Electric Products, GOOD NEIGHBORS Burt Lancaster New York. Audrey Hepburn in Worcester. Mr. Bugbee served They gave us the source for our lovely Wedding plans are incomplete, new furniture . . . and we bought it THE UNFORGIVEN — 20-Fed.e _ without spending one cent more than PROTECT Mickey Rooney — Terry Moore Obituaries • • . others quoted for "just ordinary" fur- BABY'S niture. That set in the mirror costs PLATINUM HIGH SCHOOL ALFRED MARTINSON .is low as 5205.00. FRIDAY - 3 FEATURES Alfred Martinson, 82, a resi- — Added reiture — HEALTH - dent of Andover for 25 years, died LORD OF THE JUNGLE /4/a/C14 GIVE THE NEW Thursday afternoon, June 9, at his

THE STUDIO SHOPPE Sunday, Monday & Tuesday MOTHER A home, 38 High Court st., East AUGIIN - A Colonial - IIn - Provincial Dick Clark Gift Certificate Hartford, Conn. A bootmaker by trade, he gas Mr, and NI GALLERIES BECAUSE Andover ann from born in Sweden and came to this THEY'RE YOUNG June 11 of tl 124 CROSS ST. LAWRENCE country 58 years ago. Six years (Turn left at 373 Broadway — at the lights) - Co-Feature Birch, to Jat Robert Taylor PRIDE'N JOY ago he moved to East Ilartford.11e MU 5-5023 OPEN EVENINGS was a member of the Emanuel He is the s KILLERS OF DIAPER SERVICE George A. V Daily 10 to 9 . (:losed !fed. . . . .• ot. 9 1,) ; Lutheran Church of Hartford. KILIMANJARO MU 8-5454 Mr. Martinson is survived by his Hills, Staton Rev, J. Ediso wife, Helen (Monson) Martinson; was assisted b three sons, Axel E. of East Hart- aldwin. The ford, Earl E. of Uxbridge, and 'n Christ Chu Fred C. of Willimantic, Cons.; as held at th six daughters, Mrs. Hilda Houle rents. of Pascoag, It. I., Mrs. Anna Kil- Miss Ma rth man of Andover, Mrs. Ebba B, Ile bride, w Loven of Chester, Mrs. Helen E, Koza of Andover, Mrs. Agnes V, DePinquertaine of Grasmere, N.11, and Mrs. Gladys M. Keith of Nor- folk, Va.; also 21 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sa- turday, June 11, at 1 p.m. at the Taylor and Modeen Funeralllome, Hartford, with the Rev. Gerald W. Nelson officiating. Burial was in the Swedish Cemetery, Uxbridge, MRS. KENNETH B.'EDMUNDS Mrs. Barbara (Sawyer) Edmunds, wife of Kenneth 13. Edmunds, 142 North st., died Saturday afternoon, June 11, at the Lawrence General Hospital following a long illneF . Born in Auburndale, Newton, years ago, she came to Andover , year ago to make her hone and was a member of West Parish Congregational Church. Besides her husband, sheleaves Looking About For A Better Boat? a daughter, Judith Lee, and two sons, Stanley Bruce and David Nel- When you find that new craft . . . See a son Edmunds, all of Andover. The funeral was held Tuesday, with services at 2 p.m. at the MERRIMACK VALLEY NATIONAL BANK Lundgren Funeral Home. Burial was in West Parish Cemetery. LOAN OFFICER for an economical --- Mr. and Mrs. Chandler 130(1%411 of Worcester and Mr. and lArs. , Installment loan and helpful information Joseph Lovejoy of Manchester t at tic Conn., were recent on the right type of Marine Insurance home of NIr„ and enlat for your craft.



211, r i Federal Drporit Insurance Corporation Amr


She is the granddaughter of Mr. Library Science at Simmons Col- present she is working at the Bake r and Mrs. Philip S. Allen of Wal- lege. Mrs. Laucus is a graduate of Library, Harvard College. pole, and Mrs.Milton J. Warner of Radcliffe College class of 1958. At Pine Orchard, Conn. and the late Mr. Warner. Mr. Vaughn is a graduate of the Lawrenceville School, Lawrence- ville, N. J. and Colgate University. EVERGOOD MARKET Ile attended the liarvard School of Business Administration and is with Pan American Airways in New York. The bridegroom is the grandson of Mrs. J. Warren Per- 2 lb. Imported kins of East Orange, N. J. and the 90* late Mrs. Perkins and the late Mr. (Danish) and Mrs. George A. Vaughn of Brooklyn. Received Associate DAYS Degrees At Lowell HAM '1.69 Four Andover residents received WE CUT ALL SS CORNELIA Scull Associate in Engineering degrees ears in the U. S. Navy arc at the evening division commence- OUR MEAT TO HOME MADE tudent at Worcester Junior ment exercises at Lowell Tech- ;e. nological Institute June 4. They YOUR ORDER PORK or 'TOMATO :ptember wedding is planned, are: - tlamjy Michael J.13oloian,109Chandler rd.; William S. Brown. 181 Elm st.; SAUSAGE and Mrs. Paul W. FREE 6 9c Joseph A. Gaudet, 4 Juliette st.; New York, announce the en- • and James A. Isenberg, 442 Lowell lent of their daughter, Kat- St. DELIVERY New York City, to Paul A, lc SALE r, son of Mr. and Mrs.Alex- DEGREE IN LIBRARY SCIENCI TUESDAY - THURSDAY J. Marier, 3 Walker ave. Mrs. John Laucus, the former & FRIDAY VICTOR coa..„, future bride is a graduate Carol DesRoches, daughter of Mr . AFTERNOONS itharine Gibbs School Emil DesRoches of Maple ave., ($5 Minimum) TEA BAGS 64c 1. recently received her Master pi GET BONUS- 16 TEA BAGS Marier is an alumnus n: Science Degree from the School of I Academy in Andover; An:- 417 College, and received hi- es degree from the Univer- • f Chicago. lie served as a: MI ' r in the A rmy and is present- Sylvania Electric Product., 'ork. !ding plans are incomplete. ituarics • .. \IRS. JAMES W. VAUG1IN tED MARTINSON ( Bachrach) red Martinson, 82, a resi- if Andover for 25 years, died leed • • The attendants were Mrs. Robert ;day afternoon, June 9, at his B. Wheeler, sister of the bride; , 38 High Court st., East AUGIIN - ALLEN Mrs. George A. Vaughn III, Mrs. Drd, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Allen of John L. Clemmitt, Mrs. WilliamS. bootmaker by trade, he was Andover announce the marriage Truesdale, Miss Elizabeth S. Boyd in Sweden and came to this June 11 of their daughter, Nancy and Miss Angelica P. White. ry 58 years ago. Six years Birch, to James Warren Vaughn. George A. Vaughn III was best e moved to East Ilartford.lie He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. man for his brother. The ushers a member of the Emanuel George A. Vaughn Jr. of Dongan were Philip K. Allen Jr., brother .ran Church of Hartford. Hills, Staton Island, N. Y. The of the bride; Howard M. Love; Martinson is survived by his Rev, J. Edison Pike officiated and Seymour Auerbach, David S. NIult: Helen (Monson) Martinson; s assisted by the Rev. A. Graham lenberg; Ralph A. Jones, Dr. Waite!' sons, Axel E. of East Hart- aldwin. The ceremony took place E. Badenhausen, Lyford A. Men- Earl E. of Uxbridge, and in Christ Church and the reception row, Robert B. Wheeler and John C. of Willimantic, Conn.; as held at the home of the bride's P. Meijlsender. aughters, Mrs. Hilda Houle rents. Mrs. Vaughn is an alumna of scoag, R. 1., Mrs. Anna Kil- 1.liss Martha W. Allen, sister of Miss Porter's School, Farming- o,- Andover, Mrs. Ebba bride, was maid of honor. ton, Conn., and Briarcliff College. of Chester, Mrs. Helen E, of Andover, Mrs. Agnes V. quertaine of Grasmere, N.L. lrs. Gladys M. Keith of Nor- SHAWSHEEN Va.; also 21 grandchildren. eral services were held S::- PLAZA r, June 11, at 1 p.m. at the r and Modeen Funeral Home, OPEN DAILY It'd, with the Rev. Gerald K. 1 officiating. Burial was n. iedish Cemetery, Uxbridge. 0 A.M. to 9 P.M. KENNETH B.'EDMUNDS Barbara (Sawyer) Edmunds, WT.G...YOU,R1EST BUY IN PQWER MOWER f Kenneth B. Edmunds, 142 st., died Saturday afternoon, 1, at the Lawrence General — — POWERFUL 22-INCH, 2 1/2 HP al following a long Illness. 1 in Auburndale, Newton, ROTARY ACTUALLY CUTS ago, she came to Andover a Igo to make her home and member of West Parish MOWING TIME BY 25% Glen Artney Sportshirts gational Church. des her husband, sheleaves ;hter, Judith Lee, and two Itanley 13 ruce and David Nel- For Your Dad mund s, all of Andover, funeral was held Tuesday, '447" ervices at 2 p.m. at the Reg. 54.88 This Glen Artney Aertex Shirt will let the en Funeral Home. Burial 'n powerful. yet tde, wide I West Parish Cemetery. tio easy to maneuver. 22-inch cut sun in but you can't see through it. and Mrs. Chandler Bodwell ruts, (info to trees or rcester and Mr. and Mrs. fences. Steel deck. , • 'toil flatlet' Lovejoy of Manchester front discharge were recent guests at the chute, leaf mulcher. of NIr. and Mrs. Kennet! ir„ .„„„ ,„,,,.. light Aertex is astounding stuff. As cool as can be, wash- (coral tocArs, able and shrinkproof. In the fabric are hundreds of ond tfoo, little "windows" that you can't see through but you L Oilif y vvARRA„,r,4ry R can tan through them. (.1,,,, .• Aertex is tailored by Hathaway. It's roomy, has extra HY THING ... BUT Evkr.' ; V k'n c,,',,L,' 4 ''''at- long tails. The patterns are attractive: Checks, plaids, c: 'uar. .THE AMATEUR ANN) il a '''evd L 8.95 7.,1;7ts „i's ain,t solid colors. iNAf ARTIST -a t',1i - -- - ,,, s /ow :ALL OR VISIT nu,h, stork.• C! A - A real fine gift for Dad on Father's Day, June 19th. t'i're,„, I' unde ,. ENCE'S LARGEST AR1 care, ii,l• an 40 HOBBY CENTER


THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 25 changed from titre to PREPARES ANSWER time and has the petitioner during the period Idekel Elected been variously designated. The mencetnent exercises earlier this. TO LAW SUIT duties included general super- from July 1957 to date. month. He is William Mackintosh, OFFICES FOR RENT Highlands Group son (Cnntinued from Page One) vision of the school under, and The petition notes that Mr. Dim- of Mr. and Mrs. William Mac- t a recent meeting oftheShaw. lich has served in the position of kintosh, 57 Salem st. Single or adjoining, modern, hree years, performed the duties subject to, the School Committee, Ile took part sunny offices. Woodworth :n Highlands Association, an t principal or supervisor for greater the suit states. in the school's presentation of a e uilding, Shawsheen square. tion was held at which the supervisor of the Junior I het for than a three year period, by what- musical version of "Rip Van of can The petition declares that the Inquire at Woodworth Motors. wing officers and directors over three years, and that ever title the position may have Winkle", as part of the Class Day GReenleof 5-6200 e elected for the 1960-61 sea. not lawfully be demoted from that duties performed by the petitioner been known from time to time. program. position except for good cause, and as principal or supervisor of the with compliance with the statutes school from the period, Septem- GRADUATED FROM resident, Paul Chedekel; vice. FESSENDEN SCHOOL sident, Michael Campagna; se. ber 1949 to June 1957 were sub- as to procedure. One Andover boy was graduated :a ry, Patricia Wirtz; treasurer, Mr. Dinilich was not re--elected stantially identical to the duties from The Fessenden School, West elina Nicolosi. by the School Committee this performed and service rendered by Newton, at the school's 57 com- lembers of the Board of Direr- spring. were elected as follows:Bur- lie contends that there was no A. Shaker, Donald Hartman, good cause for dismissal or demo- has he consented to it. Ile 1 Homewood and Barbara Hof f. tion, nor claims that he is entitled i. Hospitality chairman for the urtlter ring year will he Eleanor Gill, the benefits of the tenure provi- PURITY CLEANSERS, Inc. the law, and to re-election lans for a forthcoming outing ,;ons in or re-appointment as principal or e discussed at this meeting "HOUSE OF QUALITY" :h is to be held at the home of supervisor of the Junior High. lard I lomewood in the Shaw. The declaration includes state- on 11 ighlands area Friday, tune ments concerning Mr. Dimlich's The outing is to be for the employment here: that he served 5fit of all membersoftheShaw. as teacher in the Junior I high from 19311 to June of 1949; 13 ESSEX ST. 9WPP on Highlands area. September of ANDOVER GR 5-1951 EN HOUSE acting principal from September, MU 2.7461 which ANNED SUNDAY 1949 to June, 1950, during 'he Rev. lialdean Lindsey, pas- period he performed the duties of of the Ballard Vale United principal or supervisor. arch, will be host at an Opt The declaration contends that SALEI DAYSSALEI Mr. Dimlich served as sub-master Ise to be neld Sunday afternoon from Septem- m 4-6 o'clock in the parsonage, of the Junior I ligh church members and friends ber, 1950 through June, 1957, MEN'S WEAR SHOP cordially invited to attend, "performing, In fact, the duties of A MOVE BY MAYFLOWER IS REALL Y SAFEI 4r. Lindsey started his duties principal or supervisor of the pastor of the church the firstof school". REGULARLY From June, 1957 to date, the 2.98 te. SHIRTS 2 For $ 450 petitioner performed the duties of BEGLEY-MAYFLOWER ILLMAN RESIGNED principal or supervisor, the suit OMI.D.C. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING states. REGULARLY lowell M. Stilhnan of Juniper rd, The document states that the 3.98 P. F. BEGLEY COMPANY ; resigned from the Industrial SHIRTS 2 For $65° petitioner, N1r. Mullett, front PACKING - CRATING - STORAGE I Development Commission, September of 1949 to date has per- le cited pressure of a newbusi. BOW TIES formed at all times the duties of a 62 SPRINGFIELD ST " ;s activity in a letterof resigna• AND REGULAR 2-1372 principal or supervisor of the TIES 2 For $1 5° LAWRENCE n to Town Manager Thomas F., ,c'ool, although his position has fL

Mention the Phone-O-Rama Pages When Calling Our Advertisers

TURE * MILK DEALERS J. SULLIVAN, INC. BROX'S DAIRIES, INC. est Furniture Store In Esse. "Ends the Quest for the Best" - Deliveries erving Andover Homemakers for Every Other Day - - Open Tuesday & Frida, NON. Lowell St., Methuen.. ..MU 2-9659 I 9 P.M. t., Lawrence MU 6-6157

*MILLINERY-WOMEN'S APPAREL TURE - BOUGHT & SOLD RETO ORIGINALS tNITURE EXCHANGE Custom Made Millinery Sportswear e Phone- Rama ph Grade Used Furniture - W Dresses - Accessories. 'dew & Used Furniture - Custom, 131 Jackson St., Lawrence.... MU 7-7311 As Near As Your Telephone._ - Free Estimates - Andover GR 5.2461 Use This Check List of Reliable Firms— It Tells "Jrho to Call... II here to IttiN'"

t1 MOVING-STORAGE-PACKING CURE - CUSTOM MADE ki B. KENT & SONS., INC. * PAINT & WALLPAPER * REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE * STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES ANDOVER STATIONERS DOD PRODUCTS Est, 1932 - Agents for North American Van M.J. BASSETT GEORGE E. GALE - Realtor Off ice Furniture, Typewriters & Adding In Furniture Made To Order" nes - Free Estimates Furnished - Local Rentals On Floor Sanding Machines & Buying? Selling? Insuring? Machines - Personalized Stationery Andover GR 5.2129 Long Distance Moving - Wallpaper Steamers. Dealers for SAPOLIN Call GALE'S First! SO Turnpike St., N. Andover... MU 3-9439 Paints. Free and Easy Parking Printing - Complete Suppl ies for Home, School & Office. ct. Rtes. 114 & 125. .Nites., MU 2-9784 258-.266 Park St., Lawrence, - .MU 6-6064 120 Ashland Avenue, Methuen Call MUrdock 2-0249 ANYTIME 94 Main St., Andover GR 5-3151 INE STATIONS SUNOCO STATION - Oil - Bundzinski, Prop. Gas *NURSERY SCHOOLS * PHOTOGRAPHERS * RELIGIOUS ARTICLES ;e - General Repairs - Tail TIMOTHY C. SHINE * TELEVISION INGRAM NURSERY SCHOOL CHARLES STUDIO APPLIANCE lers - We Specialize in Brake Statues -Missals -Rosaries -Pro yer book s CENTRAL RADIO & lonned Program - Class Work Mornings "Just Fine Photography" And Selected Relig ious Gifts For the Best Buys In Refrigerators, Stereo, Iternoons - Supervised Free Play, Trans- 380 Essex St., Lawrence . . MU 3-0013 Appliances - Sales idway, Lawrence... MU 9.9472 28 Lawrence St.. Lawrence. ...MU 2-1061 Ranges, Washers & lation Available-Call for Rotes & Refer- Service - ees. 59 Broadway, Lawrence MU 2-1121 ilklarbleridg e Rd., N. Andover.. MU 6-4781 * PIANOS & ORGANS * RESTAURANTS SERVICE DIMMOCK, 'S AMOCO KNUEPFER & INC. JOE'S DINER & DINING ROOM 3ud & John Winward - Est. 1896 - Complete Line of Hammond - Open 7 Days a Week - 5 A.M. to 2 A.M. - *TV SALES & SERVICE airs, Tune-Ups, Brake Work A Organs - "Music's Most Glorious Voice" -Dining Room Available for Special Parties - GUARANTEED TV CO. :a ref u I Lubrication - White Gas 286 Essex St., Lawrence... ..MU 2-5664 *OIL BURNERS - Sales & Service Route 125, No. Andover "All that the Name Implies" Color TV Andover GR 5-9731 MU 3-4325 - TeiOMEY-HUMPHREY FUEL CO. Specialists - Admiral, RCA & Other Sell the Famous Jet- Head WALTHAM Leading Makes - urner. Complete 24 Hour Heating Service. * PLUMBING & HEATING ROOFING & SIDING 146 Lowell' St., Methuen MU 3-2843 & MIRRORS I Garfield St., Lawrence * MU 7-7761 MAGEE-DONNELLY CO., INC. O'LEARY & SHAW ROOFING CO. ,SS CO. JAMES DONNELLY, Lic. No, 6222 All Types of Roofing & Siding - 24 Hr. ss ,Replaced - Insurance Re- & Heating Contractors - Power Service - Shingling - Gutters - Chimney & - Table Tops - Window Gloss. Plumbing * TRAVEL. AGENTS Oil Burners Sold & Serviced. Sheet Metal Work - Collect Calls Accepted. , Lawrence. , . . MU 3-3675 A. GIORDANO TRAVEL AGENCY 112 Haverhill St., NOrth Reading 4-3141 35 Hillside St., Haverhill DR 4-6507 Authorized Agent for All Air & Steamship *OILS - FUEL Lines - Vacations & Honeymoon Tours & W ILLIAM F. BARRON, JR. Hotel Reservations Anywhere - OR DECORATORS Cruises - Reliable Home Deliveries - 24 Hour Prompt, Friendly Service - SHOPPE, INC. * POULTRY STORES * RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING cierBurn OilService Your Dealer for OTASH RUG CLEANING CO. 24 Newbury St., Lawrence MU 7-7189 tat ion & Samples At No Choice ORIDHEET THE CHICKEN MART riBurners. Est. 1895. Rugs Cleaned, Repaired, Stored .CA 7-4007 ides, Venetian Blinds, Rugs - Quality Fresh Poultry & Egg s - Whole In Boston Sc. Broadway, Lawrence.... MU 5-5040 & Mothproofed - Special Care to Hooked, resentative: Dane Bardsley Barbecued Chickens-Deliciously Different - MU 3.1770 Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat 8 A.M.-9 P.M. Mon Braided & Orientals St., Methuen MU 2-2298 VACUUM CLEANERS— Electrolux Ave., Lawrqnce...,MU 6-4551 & Wed 8 A.M.-7 P.M. - Sunday 7 A.M. to 5 BrOol, MU 6-4372 ELECTROLUX AUTHORIZED 2 P.M. FACTORY BRANCH BRIEN OIL CO. 129 So. Broadway, Lawrence, — MU 8-6621 SSG Heatin Merrimack Valley's Only Authorized g Oils - Range, Furnace & Lawrence MU 2-4531 dustrial 98 Essex St.,- Electrolux Bronchi - New & Rebuilt - Sales EN CABINETS (No. 5 & 6) - Complete Burner SHOE REPAIRING 1MBER CO. race — BAY STATE SHOE REPAIRING & Service. d Cabinets - Prefinislied Cob- SO. "World's Only Fully Automatic Cleaner" Broadway, Lawrence... MU 2-5133 - Quality Shoe Repairing - in Fully Formed Tops - Com 194 Broadway, Law.... - MU 3-8719 - 8710 s.415 Waverly Rd., N. Andover MU 6-4528 * REAL ESTATE Bay State Bld g., Lawrence MU 2-2789 3tions. SIROIS REALTY . MU 7-7853 Lawrence - Mrs. Edward D. Sirois, Realtor - Member Multiple Listing Service. Serving MARTIN OIL CO., INC. * WINDOW & HOUSE CLEANING the Greater Lawrence Area. Are you Buying SHOE STORES * MILT ALLEN mPlete Automatic Oil Heating Service - or Selling? Call us for Listings. Many GEO. LORD & SON - Est. 1869 RIES Power Burner Sales & Service - Alumni- For Women: Rhythm Step & Enna Jettick. Paint Washing - Floor Cleaning - Cellars ROOK LAUNDRY, INC. Fine Homes Available. Fur- rn Storm & Screen Doors & Windows For Men: Bostonian, Nunn Bush, Mansfield. & Attics Cleaned - Free Estimates ste Laundry Service - The 82 Wachusett Ave., Lawrence...MU 2-5160 Dry Oakland Ave., Methuen... .. MU 2-7577 For Children: Little Yankee & Buntees. ni shed. h Quality" Superb N. Andover . . - MU 2-4061 roug :45 Essex St., Lawrence MU 2-6536 1208 Turnpike, II Household Articles. MU 2-5211 N. Andover REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE F. M. & T. E. ANDREW * WINDOW SHADES & BLINDS OILS& OIL BURNERS Over 60 Years of Service in the Greater * SPORTING GOODS - SPORTSWEAR IMPERIAL SHADE & BLIND CU. TEMPLE OIL SERVICE Lawrence Area - Complete Insurance, Real. "AL MAGOONS" Custorn-rnade Venetian Blinds, Window NITY APPAREL Have You Discovered "Al Magoons" For '03 the Entire Andover-North Reading Estate & Appraisal Services - Visit Our Shades, Cornices & Traverse Rods. Free F IELD Sporting Goods, Warm Jackets, Shoes & Selection ,f Maternity Styles 0 24 Hours A Day - Oil Burner Sales New Offices - estimates and installations. Service - For the Entire Family? Tires, Batteries & Supplies Central Bldg., 2nd Floor, Rubbers - All work guaranteed - lack Valley. 13 So. Broadway, Lawrence, . . MU 6-6676 Lawrence ,,,,,, MU 3.19 Main St„ No. Readin ..MU 7-7121 125 141 Park St., Lawrence MU 6-3472 y, I NO 4-8577 Lawrence . R 26 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 Gregor, contralto, will present TUESDAY: 8 p.m.Craymer Cir- Wilkinson. special music. 7:30 p.m. Andover cle meeting at the home of Mrs. NOTICE: There will be a col& AT THE CIHURCIAS Young Adults. Open !louse atSouth Eve Curtiss on Wild Rose dr. bratioq of Holy Communion jme Church for Senior youth fellowship WEDNESDAY: 7:30 p.m. Mid- 24 at 10 a.m. members. week prayer service. .„,,eweesewsw, Free Church Offertory, Thy Blessings, Father The North Parish Church TUESDAY: 8 p.m. Ping Pong for NOTICE: Saturday, June 25, (Unitarian) -- North Andover nOO REV. J. ALLYN BRADFORD Pastor by Johnson. PI the men of the parish - Recreation Church Family Picnic. Leave the efiFV. E. A. I III TUESDAY: 7 p.m. The Cub I'M 111., Mew SATURDAY: 9:30 a.m. The Co- Room. church at 10 a.m. and return at SUNDAY: 10:30 l. op Pre-School Nursery parents Scouts will present a Magician THURSDAY: 11 a.m. Friendly 4:30 p.m. Sat. June 25, Tri-Asso- a.m. Mani% Eemx. " Service of Worship with sertnonb To dl P will hold a work party in the lower Show in the upper Parish Hall. Service picnic at the home of Mrs. ciation Layman's Retreat at the y WEDNESDAY: 7 p.m. The Ex- the minister. estate of G Parish Hall. Schemer on Vine st. First Baptist Church in Wakefield, Andover in SUNDAY: 10:15 a.m. Morning plorers will meet at the Church. West Parish Church 2-7:30 p.m. St. Joseph's Church THURSDAY: 10 a.m. The Sew- (BALL ad to the Worship Service conducted by the REV. HOWARD A. ANDREWS, Poistor Christian Science Society ARDVALE) said Comma Rev. J. Allyn Bradford whose ser- ing Circle will meet in die lower SUNDAY: 10:30 a.m. Baptismal SUNDAY: Mass at 9 o'clock. A petltior Parish Hall. 7:30 p.m.Senior choir ( 6 Locke Street) mon title will be "Spiritual Re- Sunday. Service of Worship con- SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m.SundaySchool Confessions heard before Mass, said Court sources for these Times". Pre- rehearsal. 7:30 p.m. The Mission NATIONAL ducted by the Rev. Howard A. An- 11 A.M. Church Service. Subject of lude, Prelude and Air (Baroque Education Committee will meet at executor Of drews. 7 p.m. Andover Young lesson sermon: "Is the Universe, ;raying for c Suite) by Williams and Invocation the Church. Adults group meets at the South Ballardvale l nited Church Including Man, Evolved By Atomic LEGAL mum 05 by Van Hulse. Anthem, Now Let Church. against his REV. H AL DEAN S. 1.INDSEY Force?" Every Tongue Adore Thee by Bach. TUESDAY: 7:30 p.m. West Reading room, 66 Main st. open If you de SUNDAY: Morning Worship will NOTICES your alto Parish Church Council meeting, 12:30 to 4 p.m., Monday through or begin at 10 a.m. during the sum- Wpearltre ARBORISTS Vestry. Friday, except holidays. me r, and on this date. St. Matthew's WEDNESDAY: 6:30 p.m. Senior Commonwealth of Massachusetts Pilate ton C lodge Al' and AM Andover will be Choir. Covered Dish supper and WEDNESDAY: Testimony meet- PROBATE COURT the fifth da our guests commemorating- St. swim at home of Mr. and Mrs. ings 8 p.m. Docket No, 265110 lay of this , AMALIA John's Day. The minister will St. Augustine's Church Essex, es. witness, Walter C. Wilson Jr., 28 William To all persons interested in ;are, First TREE SURGEONS, Inc. bring the sermon "Faith For To- REV. HENRY B. SMITH, Pastor the st. estate of ANNE T. KENNEY, latex; 'seventh day WITH A A TREE SERVICE day". 4-6 p.m. Open House will be Andover Baptist Church SATURDAY: Confessions 4 to Andover in said County, deceased 10HI SENSIBLE ATTITUDE observed in the Manse. All mem- REV. DONALD J. RYDER, Pastor 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. A petition has been presented b Tomlinson E. TOWARb COST bers and friends of the church are SUNDAY: 10 a.m. Nursery and SUNDAY: Masses 6:30, 8, 9, 10, said Court, for probate of a certain 301 Essex Si Lawrence, M GR 5.1848 invited. Church School for Beginners and 11 and 12. instruments purporting to be the last WEDNESDAY: 7:30 p.m. Choir Primary Dept. 10 a.m. Morning will and two codicils of said da CommonWl rehearsal in the Sanctuary. Christ Church ceased by JEANNE E. TAYLON Worship Service. Message by the REV. I. EDI:;, N , Rector named in said will as JEANNE E. PR BUSS South Church pastor, Rev. Donald J. Ryder. 6:30 SATURDAY: 9:30 a.m. E.Y.C. KENNEY, of Hingham in the County Pastor Earl, tub F V. FRET i R1 — K 13. NOSS. p.m. Baptist Youth Fellowship. 8 will leave the Parish House for a of Plymouth, praying that she he TREE SERVICE appointed executrix To all pa SUNDAY: 10 a.m. MorningWor- p.m. Gospel Hour. Message by the picnic at Crane's Beach. thereof without of MA giving a surety on her bond. estate CERTIFIED ARBORIST ship conducted by the Rev. M. pastor, the Rev. Donald J. Ryder. SUNDAY: First Sunday after in said Cow A Complete Tree Service Freeman Strickland, whose ser- If you desire to object thereto you Special music. Gift Day presenta- Trinity. 8 a.m. Holy Communion. or servatorship mon topic is "The Great Use of your attorney should file a written The conse J.H. Buss, Sr. Tel. 5-360 2 tions during the Morning Worship 10 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser- cppearance In said Court at Sales J.H. Buss, Jr. Tel. GR 5-6051 said person Small Things". Miss Ethel Mac- service. mon. Music is by the organist Irvin before ten o'clock in the forenoon on ;Tart his thl the twentieth day of June 1960, the allowance. return day of this citation. If you deli Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, E. TREE SERVICE or your attorr TOWNSMAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY quire, First Judge of Said Court, this vpearance by twenty-fourth day of May 1960. before ten c JOHN J. ODSTELLO, Register on the fifth Tomlinson & Hatch, Attye, DODGE CARPENTRY WORK LANDSCAPE SERVICE REAL ESTATE Mum day o 301 Essex Street, Witness, 1 Lawrence, Mass. ASSOCIATES qire, First FOR ALL YOUR CALL US TO SOLVE flenham, Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts thus tenth da GARDENING & JOHN J ANDOVER REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER WORK PROBATE COURT LANDSCAPING Docket No. 261111 S.J. Basile, ALBERT R. RETELLE REMODELING Essex, ss. Attorney at 1 CERT. MASS ARBOR 1ST PROBLEMS To all persons interested in the 519.630 Bay Lawrence, MI Reservation Rood OR -WE'RE TRAINED! estate of ELIZABETH COLE, late of Andover in said County, deceased. DOHERTY T01% N. Tel. GR 5-0841 ROOFING Wildwood Nurseries A petition has been presented to ton. T. Shaw, Proprietor REAL ESTATE said Court, for probate of a clean '7, A REALTnRS MLS instrument purporting to be the lac Wildwood Rd. Andover will of said deceased by DOROTHY TEL. GR 5-2264 GR 5-0260 di AUTOMOBILES COLE HANSON, of New York In the ED. OTTO :;tote of New York, praying that she be appointed executrix thereof with• ,,,.,,. For Efficient, Courteous TEL. GR 5-1396 out giving a surety on her bond. cl FREE ESTIMATES LAUNDRIES Service and ACTION! If you desire to object thereto you EUROPA List Exclusively with or your attorney should file a writte appearance in said Court at Newbury 011 MOTORS, Ltd. R. C. SIMMERS port before ten o'clock in the fore QUICK SERVICE The Ando% CLEANSERS & DYERS REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE noon on the twenty-seventh day of June 1960, the return day of this solicits bids MG - AUSTIN MAGNETTE WE DO THE WORK 94 Main St. TEL. Ott 5-2.3 the various a citation. AUSTIN HEALEY -RILEY CLEANSING Wet Wash or Dried and Folded Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, E., yea beginning quire, First Judge of said Court, 00 Bids are t MORRIS IN BY 10 OUT BY 5 PRESSING RESTAURANTS second day of June 1960. School Deper JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register Elementary LUPINE RD. ANDOVER SHIRTS & FLATWORK TAILORING Tomlinson & Hatch, Attys. 100 P.M. or GR 5-5343 FINISHED 301 Essex Street, I960. 41te:3 *.freittcattoi ROUTE 110, DRACUT MEN'S AND LADIES' Lawrence, Mass. Bed Spreads & Shag Rugs the above of tic GLenview 2-4101 GARMENTS Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Andov PROBATE COURT reserves the : CALL GR 5-5735 ESSEX Docket No. 26505i all kids. Essex, ss. I AUTO REPAIRS LAUNDROMAT To ail persons interested in the Sup Slander S Swanton 24 ESSEX ST. ANDOVER estate of AGNES W. MOORE, lateof :ore 16, 1960 Andover in said County, deceased to 56 MAIN ST. TEL. GR 5-9703 WILLIAM S. STONE, of Pool, ANDOVER, MASS. Tahiti, and to the ATTORNEY COME A CLARK MOTOR 3ENEF1AL of said Commonwealth: A petition has been presented (Only a 5 ' CO. REAL ESTATE said Court, for probate of rein ILargeFir ELECTRICAL SERVICE instruments purporting to be the lac will and bur codicils of said of. (Front and AUTHORIZED ceased by ROLAND H. SHER', OR WE' CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH North Andover in the Co_ SALES and SERVICE ANDOVER REALTY Essex, praying that he be ce-, TEL. M William Marruzzi SERVICE STATION executor thereof without al • u See Ou PAINTING and BODY WORK AGENCY surety on his bond, said WIL: of IN OUR OWN SHOP STONE, the first executor no Wines Commercial & Residential SHAWSHEEN SQUARE Electronics & Motor Controlers Here To Serve . said will, not being within the o, 41 PARK ST., ANDOVER GR 5-0600 - MU 8-4241 tinental limits of the United St, GR 5.2647 John M. Murray If you desire to object there B &( Tel. GR 5-6333 Donald A. MacNeil, Realtor , 3 HALL AVE ANDOVER Gulf or your attorney should the a wri it Main St Super Service appearance in said Court at Newby** port before ten o'clock in the tote COR. MAIN AND noonon the twenty-seventh day 5. —25-E5-n•--no GENERAL INSURANCE the return day of Ns AUTO W. Shirley Barnard CHESTNUT STRtETS June 1960, PARK ST. REPAIRING citation.t n. GI Witness,es: J0 lN V. PHELAN, EP GARAGE quire, First Judge of said Court, JENNEY TAR AND REAL ESTATE TELEVISION SERVICE second d of une 1 960. GAS & OILS C0 STELLO,Beaivr Main at Barnard Street je of: Telephon 33 PARK ST. TEL. GR 5.0240 Fran, thjeOHoiNfic Telephone GReenleof 5-0202 Lloyd & Sherman RADIO & TV SERVICE 316 Essex St. Lawrence, Mass. BUILDING MATERIAL DOHERTY MULLIGAN'S e9:11fr23 (OtherLegalsoniaT INSURANCE BRADLEY RADIO & TV LAB. GR 5-0260 Every FRIDAY At LUMBER ... PAINTS REAL ESTATE TEL. LAW. 30396 WALLPAPER R ICKEY'S GR 5.2529 MU 7-7029 HARDWARE LANDSCAPE SERVICE TRAVEL - FISH - SPORTING GOODS FRIED CLAMS - CHIPS - AMMUNITION TARGETS HEATHERFELLS ANDOVER NURSERY TRAVEL BUREAU EAT OR TAKE HOME Fred Cheever 11 - 7p.m. Agency for All Airlines J. E. Pitman Est. LANDSCAPE SERVICE REAL ESTATE For Quick Service 63 PARK ST ANDOVER H. ROHRBACH and Steam Ship Lines Phone GR 5-3012 Sunset Rock Rood Tel. GR 5-0192 21 MAIN ST. TEL. GR 5-0664 21 MAIN STREET - Next to Depot Bring Us Yow Gorden Problems Tels. tat 5-3775 — GR 3-1098 TEL. GR 5-3775 — GR 5-1098 Fred Cheever, 1111 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JUNE 16, 1960 27 kinson. If you desire to object thereto you or IOTICE: There will be a cele- your attorney should file a written Hog of Holy Communion June LICA!. NOTICES appearance in said Court at Salem at 10 a.m. before ten o'clock in the forenoon on CIASSIIIIED ADS of Massachusetts "[OWN OF ANDOVER the twentieth day of June 1960, the The North Parish Church coirunonwealth return day of this citation. (Unitarian) PUBLIC HEARING North Andover PROBATE COURT Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es. Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN IF.V. E. A. Fitt .4t1 F. Miran,. Docket No. 261743 A R,blic } fearing will be held in Personal the Conference Room, 2nd Floor, quire, First Judge of said Court, this a es IUNDAY: 10:30 a.m. hieraiN Essex, Town flail, Andover, Mace., on twenty-fourth day of May 1960. THEIIMUGIIAVED WEDDING IN- Help Wanted—Female To di persons interested in the e vice of Worship with sermonby estate of GEORGE W. WHITE, late of Thursday, July 7, 1960, at 7:30 JOHN J. COSTFI-L.0, Register VITATIONS and a complete line of minister. Wove In said County, deceased, PM on the petition of RAYMOND 2-9-16 Wedding Stationery. Fine selection HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE or College girl to spend the summer St. Joseph's Church ad to the ATTORNEY GENERAL of LA ROSA for a variance under TOWN OF ANDOVER of papers and type-faces. Prompt service. ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, at Seabrook Beach as mother's (BALL ARDVALE) sad Commonwealth: Article VIII, Section IX of the Zoning PUBLIC HEARING A petition has been presented to 13y-Law to allow the building of a A Public Hearing will be The Colonial Center, No. Main St. helper for family with two small ;LINDA Y: Mass at 9 o'clock, held In children. Call GR 5-2600. sold Court by MERRIMACK VALLEY dwelling with a rear yard set back the Conference Room, 2nd Floor, GR 5-1943. A-TF e-16 nfessions heard before Mass, NATIONAL BANK, HAVERHILL, less than that required by the Town Hall, Andover, Mass., on WANTED - TO JOIN car pool to IMMEDIATE REPLACEMENT - 4 executor of the will of said deceased, Zoning By-Law, on a lot of land Thursday, July 7, 1960, at 8:45 Cambridge, Monday through Friday. women 3 hours daily servicing P.M. on petition of COUNTRY CLUB Fraying for authority to adjust by cone owned by him on Heather Drive. Call GR 5-2931. a-16 AVON customers near home. Ex- poodle or arbitration a demand BOARD OF APPEALS DEVELOPERS, INC. for a permit cellent income opportunity. Must LEGAL spinet hie said estate. ALFRED W. FULLER, Chrmn. under Article VIII, Section XIII of act at once. Write or phone Mrs. If you desire to object thereto you Dates of issue the Zoning By-Law to allow an Lost and Found Leroy Bishop, P. 0. Box 905, r your attorney should file a written June 16 and 23, 19 60 outdoor recreation club in an area NOTICES o ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass Lawrence, Mass. or phone pew:awe in said Court at Salem In West Andover generally described books Nos. 82783 and 83242 have MU 8-2686. e-16 TOWN OF ANDOVER as being bounded by Blood Road, ommonwealth of Massachusetts before ten o'clock in the forenoon on been lost and application has been the lifts day of July 1960, the return PUBLIC HEARING Argilla Road, Strawberry Hill De- PROBATE COURT A Public Hearing will be held in made for payment in accordance Dogs, Cats and Pets k f this citation. velopment, John Philip Enterprises, with Sec. 20, Chap. 167 of the Docket No, 26510 fay o the Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 'smogs, JOHN V. PHEL.AN, Es- Inc. Develnpn ent on Lovejoy Road, 80; as. Town Hall, Andover, Mass., on General Laws. Payment has been GROOMING, BOARDING, ALL quire, First Judge of said Court, thin N.E. Power Company Line and Das- stopped. Breeds. Choice Brittany Pups. To all persons interested in the . Thursday, July 7, 1960, at 7:45 b-9-16-23 'seventh day of June 1960. comb Road, as shown on Plan of Kaymore Kennels at Salem Depot, tate of ANNE T. KENNEY, late ol JOHN J. ODSTELLO, Register PM on the petition of JULIA DUDA Land dated March 7, 1960. ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass 'clover in said County, deceased TOMZAK for a variance in the Zon- N.H. Call TWinbrook 8-2496. k-TF To:dinson & Hatch, Attys, BOARD OF APPEALS Book No. 45804 has been lost and A petition has been preeented b ing By-Low under Article VIII Section 3:1 Esser Street, ALFRED W. FULLER, Chairman application has been made for pay- id Court, for probate of a certain 16-23-30 IX to allow building on an under- Dates of issue ment in accordance with Sec. 20, Articles for Sale struments purporting to be the last Lawrence, Mass. sized lot designated as Lot No. 23 June 16 and 23, 1960 Chap. 167 of the General Laws. FOR CAMP OR Horne: A Parlor oil 11 and two codicils of said de Commonwealth of Massachusetts on River Road. Payment has been stopped. erred by JEANNE E. TAYLOR, MORTGAGEE'S SALE heater has two burners, stand and PROBATE COURT BOARD OF APPEALS b-16-23-30 oil barrel included. Reasonable mod in said will as JEANNE E. Docket No. 251788 ALFRED W. FULLER, Chairman By virtue of the power of sale con- PINEY, of Hingham in the County tained in a certain mortgage given by ANDOVER SAVINGS BANK pass price. One electric sign suitable Essex, as. Dates of issue for different purposes. One full Plymouth, praying that she he To all persons interested in the June 16 and 23, 1960 ROBERT L. MacFADYEN and NORMA book No. 66,468 has been lost and A. MacFADYEN, husband and wife, application has been made for sized antique bed. Apply to Miss pointed executrix thereof without estate of MARY A. FORD of Andover B.M. Thomes, Telephone GR-5- ving a surety on her bond. in said County, - person under con- TOWN OF ANDOVER to the Andover Savings Bank, a cor- payment in accordance with Sec. If you desire to object thereto you ,PUBLIC IIEARING poration established in Andover, Mare 20, Chap. 167 of the General Laws. 2906. 1-16-21 serratorehtP - Payment has been stopped. your attorney should file a wrenn The conservator of the property of A Public hearing will be held In sadiusetts, dated August 7, 1958, pearance in said Court at Sin said person has presented to said the Conference Room, 2nd Floor, recorded In the North District of Essex b-16-23-30 Houses for Sole lore ten o'clock in the forenoon on Court his third and final account for Town }tall, Andover, Mass., on Registry of Deeds book 877, page 454, MERRIMACK VALLEY NATIONAL Thursday, July 7, 1960, at 8 P.M. for breach of conditions contained In PARTIALLY RESTORED FARM e twentieth day of June 1960, the allowance. BANK pass book No. 3015AM has turn day of this citation. If you desire to object thereto you on the petition of THOMAS J. PEN- said mortgage deed, and for the pur- been lost and application has been House, Mountain view, on 70 acres DERGAST for a variance under of land in Madison, New Hamp- Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Ce tryout attorney should file a written pose of foreclosing the same, and in made for payment in accordance accordance with a decree of Land shire. Pine panelled living room ire, First Judge of Said Court, this appearance in said Court at Salem Article VIII, Section IX of the Zoning with Sec. 20, Chap. 167 of the By-Law to allow the building of a with fireplace, dining room, kit- enty-fourth day of May 1960. before ten o'clock in the forenoon Court (case No. 31507-Misc.), will be General Laws. Payment has been JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register dwelling with a front set-back less sold at public diction on the mort- stopped. 1,-16-23-30 chen, huge game room, 4 bedrooms to the fifth day of July 1960, the and bathroom Good well, walking ornlinson & Hatch, Attys, return day of this citation. than required by the Zoning By-Law gaged premises on Tuesday afternoon, at 85 Bellevue Road, Andover. July 5, 1960, at 2:00 o'clock, the pre- distance of pond and in ski area. 11 Essex Street, Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- awrence, Mass. 2-9.16 BOARD OF APPEALS mises conveyed by said mortgage Services Offered Budget priced and within weekend quire, First Judge of said Court, commuting distance. Call GR 5- this tenth day of June 1980. ALFRED W. FULLER, Chrmn. deed, namely, the land with the build- APPLIANCE REPAIR-ALL types 'ommonwealth of Massachusetts 150R. m-16 JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. Dates of issue ings thereon situated in said Andover, of automatic Washers and Dryers. PROBATE COURT bounded and described as follows: Basile, June 16 and 23, 19 60 Call.G11.-.enleaf 5-.6693. c-TF Docket No. 261114 S.J. Beginning at a point In the south- Attorney at Law ssex, so. TOWN OF ANDOVER Realtors 629-630 Bay State Bldg. westerly line of Cedar Road as shown GENERAL WORK - LANDSCAP- To all persons interested in the PUBLIC HEARING on plan "Acceptance Plan for Portion ING, Cellars and Attics Cleaned. Lawrence, Mass. 16-23-30 A Public Hearing will be held in DOUGLAS N. IIOWE, REALTOR, state of ELIZABETH COLE, late of Cheever Circle and Coolidge Road, Grade A. loam. Sand, Filling and 52 Main Street, Andover, Phone I Andover in said County, deceased. the Conference Room, Town Hall, Johnson Acres, Andover, Mass." dated Stones. Snow Plowing. T. Romano TOWN OF ANDOVER 2nd Floor, Andover, Mass., on Thurs- GR 5-6100, evenings GR 5-2423. A petition has been presented to December, 19 37 djawn by Morse & Trucking, Tel. Andover GR 5-3946; 11=TF aid Court, for probate of a certain day, July 7, 1960, at 8:15 P.M. on Dickinson and Goodwin, Engineers, MU 6-5676 C-TF the petition of RAYMOND D. TAY- strument purporting to be the last recorded in the North District of WASHED, IRONED ill of said deceased by DOROTHY LOR for a variance under Article Essex Registry of Deeds as plan No. CURTAINS - Wanted to Buy VIII, Section IX of the Zoning By- and starched. Also draperies and OLE HANSON, of New York illthe 1144, said point being distant south- other household ironing. Prices ANTIQUES OR ANYTHING old. ;ate of New York, praying that she Law to allow the building of a single east eighty-seven and 5/10 feet from a story dwelling on a lot of land with reasonable. Call GR 5-2756. C-TF Marble-top, 'tWalnut, Grape and e appointed executrix thereof site stone bound set In the ground at June- Rose-carved Furniture, Glass, ut giving a surety on her bond. a frontage less than that required by tion of Cedar Road and Coolidge Road, EXPERT INVISIBLE WEAVING ori the Zoning By-Law and adjoining China, Silver, Jewelry, Clocks, If you desire to object thereto you thence running southeasterly by the all types of wearing apparel mater- Prints, Frames, Guns, Coins, r your attorney should file a written his property at 15 Bellevue Road. southwesterly line of Cedar Road one ials. Burns, mothholes and tears BID NOTICE Furniture, Etc., William F. Gra- ppearance in said Court at Newbury BOARD OF APPEALS hundred twelve and 5/10 feet to the mended invisibly. Special attentio9 ham Jr., 155 Golden Hill Ave., ort before ten o'clock in the fore MILK ALFRED W. FULLER, Chrmn. northeasterly corner of lot No. 74; to Gabardines, Rayons and Silks. The Andover School Committee Dates of issue Haverhill, Mass. Telephone Haver- oon on the twenty-seventh day of thence turning at right angles and Free estimates cheerfully given. hill Drake 23708. Will call to look. une 1960, the return day of this solicits bids for furnishing milk to June 16 and 23, 1960 running southwesterly by lot No. 74 Mrs. Helen IL Koester, 142 Love- the various schools for the school V-TF one hundred feet to lot No. 78; thence joy Rd., Andover. GR 5-31123. CTF Batton. yea beginning September, 1960. TOWN OF ANDOVER Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Er, turning at right angles and running PHILLIPS ACADEMY GRADUATE Bids are to be returned to the PUBLIC HEARING uire, First Judge of said Court, this northwesterly by lot No. 78 and a DON DUSTIN, HANDYlviAN - Odd buying picture frames, old desks, School Department Office, Central A Public Hearing will be held in jobs. Attics, Yards, Barns and jewelry, dishes, dolls and marble econd day of June 1960. the Conference Room, 2nd Floor, portion of lot No. 79 one hundred five cOsre.U.0, Register Elementary School, on or before feet; thence turning and running north- Cellars cleaned. Rubbish removal top furniture. Tel. Lawrence, Mur- JOHN J. Town Hall, Andover, Mass., on dock 8-3072 or write 22 Lowell 'omlinson 6. Hatch, Attys. COD P.M. on Tuesday, June 28, easterly one hundred and 28/100 feet weekly. Tel. Gil 5-0141. C-TF 1160. Thursday, July 7, 1960, at 8:30 PM Street, Boston. Mass. V-TF 01 Essex Street, to the point of beginning; being lot 4oecifications may be obtained at on petition of SAMUEL ROSEN .awrence, Mass. FRED PODREN for a Special Per- seventy-three and the southeasterly Cesspool Service the above office. portion of lot severity-two as shown Television Service w Commonwealth of MaesitelmSelll The Andover School Committee mit under SECTION IV B APART- MENT DISTRICT of the Zoning By- on said plan; being the same pre- CESSPOOLS, ETC., PUMPED out PROBATE COURT reserves the right to reject any or mises conveyed to the mortgagors by and chemically degreased and FREE ESTIMATES on television Docket No.2E515, all bids. Law to allow the construction of a GILBERT A. CATE et ux by deed desoaped. R.E. Andrews & Co. repairs. Television Radio' Labora- ss. EDWARD I. ERICKSON garden-type apartment on land bor- tories. Tel. MU 3-7726. Authorized -e dered by High and Haverhill Streets duly recorded; and said premise. will Tel. GR 5-3499. D-TF To all persons interested Superintendent of Schools be sold and conveyed subject to rein for Jordan-Marsh Service. W-TF in Andover. state of AGNES W. MOORE, Ire .ze 16, 1960 trictions of record in so far as now in SION late of Andover In the County ,ndover in said County, deceased to BOARD OF APPEALS of Essex deceased. ALFRED W. FULLER, Chairman force and applicable. Automobiles JILL.IAM S. STONE, of PUS Sold premises will be sold subject A petition has been presented to Dates of issue "ahin, and to the ATTORNEY b all unpaid taxes and any other said Court, praying that JOSEPH C. 1958 MORRIS MINOR - Deluxe, COME AND GET IT June 16 and 23, 19 60 :ENERAL. of said Cornmonwedth: municipal assessments. A deposit of SULLIVAN of Andover in the County Black with red interior, radio and A petition has been presented to (Only a 5 11inute Ride) Commonwealth of Massachusetts fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) In of Essex, or some other suitable heater. $850.00. Phone MUrdock person, be appointed trustee to sell ,aid Court, for probate of ceeten PROBATE COURT cash or certified check will be re- 2-3012. Y-9 (LargeFREE PARKING Area) and convey said land at private sale istruments purporting to be the last (Front and Rear Entrance) Docket No. 265105 quired of the purchaser at the time and 411 and bur codicils of sold de place of sale and the balance of the or public auction. Essex, so. If you desire to object thereto you eased by ROLAND H. 9-1ERMAN, of To all persons interested in the purchase money is to be paid within OR WE'LL DELIVER or your attorney should file a written forth Andover in the County of estate of JAMES COATES, late of ten days thereafter. appearance In said Court at Law. :see; praying that he be appoints TEL. MU 5-5302 Andover in said County, deceased. Andover Savings Bank rence before ten o'clock In the fore xecutor thereof without giving A petition has been presented to by WINTHROP NEWCOMB, Treasurer, • See Our Full Selection noon on the eleventh day of July urety on his bond, said WILLIAMS. said Court, for probate of a- certain Mortgagee MASON of Wises and Liquors! 1960, the return day of this citation. TONE, the first executor named r Tomlinson & Hatch, Attys. them instrument purporting to be the last Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- aid will, not being within 301 Essex Street, LIQUOR will of said deceased by GEORGE E. quire, First Judge of said Court, this nental limits of the United States COATES, of Methuen in the County of Lawrence, Mass. 9-16-23 If you desire to object thereto you B & C thirty-first day of May 1960. Essex, praying that he be appointed JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register r your attorney should file a written Commonwealth of Massachusetts it Nein St.. North Andover executor thereof without giving a 9-16-23 ARNOLD ppearance in said Court at Unbar surety on his bond. PROBATE COURT ort before ten o'clock in the fore Docket No. 248203 Commonwealth of Massachusetts oon on the twenty-seventh day of Essex. ss. PROBATE COURT SAYS: return day of this tine 1960, the To all persons interested In the Docket No. 214674 We have a mechanic working Ration. Ee GEO. W. HORNE CO. trust estate under the will of GEOR- Esse; iss. Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, GIA ROWLEY THOMPSON, late of An- To all persons interested in the for us who does outstanding Faire, First Judge of said Court, W. LAWRENCE, MASS dover in sold County, deceased, for trust estate under the will of WALTER work ...the kina of work you'd econd day of June 1960. TAR AND GRAVEL RU91-ING SHEET METAL WORK the benefit of FRANCES T. HEELY M. LAMONT, late of Andover in said like to have done on your car. JOHN J. COSTELLO, Hello, SPECIALIZIN AND ANOTHER: County, deceased, for the benefit of He's deep in experience and ' tom the office of: Telephone MU Established 1854 The trustee of said estate has pre- FRANCES L.. LAMONT AND OTHERS; know-how. He goes all over the loyd & Sherman sented to said Court for allowance and to the ATTORNEY GENERAL of used cars we sell and puts said Commonwealth: them in the only condition we'll 16 Essex St. 9.1623 its first to fourth accounts, inclusive. awrence, Mass. If you desire to object thereto you The trustee of said estate has pre- accept... TOPS! He will also all 27) or your attorney should file a written sented to said Court for allowance do general repair work on (Other I, egals on Page appearance in said Court at Salem be its tenth to thirteenth accounts, in- makes of cars, foreign and fore ten o'clock in the forenoon on the clusive. domestic. So, if you are having twentieth day of June 1960, the return It you desire to object thereto you trouble with your car ... drive it over to Ed Every FRIDAY At day of this citation. or your attorney should file a written in, we'll turn Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Es- appearance in said Court at Salon Walkup . . . you'll be most quire, First Judge of said Court, this before ten o'clock in the forenoon on happy with the results you RICKEY'S twenty-fifth day of May 1960. the fifth day of July 1960, the return get. Cross JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. day of this citation. - FISH - Coal Co. 2-9-16 Witness, JOAN V. PHELAN, quire, First Judge of said Court, this FRIED CLAMS AUTHORIZED EST. 1864 Commonwealth of Massachusetts sixth day of June 1960. - PROBATE COURT JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register Auto-Union - CHIPS Docket No. 265127 Sweeney 6. Sargent, Attys., D.K.W. DEALER EAT OR TAKE HOME FUEL AND RANGE OIL Essex, as. 316 Essex Street, 9-16-23 11 a.m. - 1 pan. To all persons who are or may be- Lawrence, Massachusette 17 RAILROAD ST. or Quick Servtce come interested and to all persona F whose issue not now In being may The trouble is that the man who ACROSS FROM TYER RUBBER Phone 6R 5.30 12 become interested in certain land is his own worst enemy seldom ANDOVER GR 5-2321 — Next so Depot devised by the will of ANNA 11ES. buries the hatchet. THURSDAY THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN JUNE 16, 1960 Richard A. Lynch, Howard J. Mc- Fair, Carol A. Gaudet, JoAnne M. Sandra C. Taylor, Jeannette Andona Society 49 Were Graduated Kew, Frederick J. Meshna, Louis Guerrera, Nancy L. Jordan, Gail Toussaint, Mary J. Walton. hi, At St. Augustine's J. Pimpare, John J. Provasoll,' A. Kirwin, Eleanor A. McCann, Elected Officers Thomas P. Puglisi, Robert M. Sandra M. McFarland, Madeleine The 41st annual graduation ex- Rohnstock, Donald R. White, Ken- M. Peront, Danielle M. Powers, TOWNSMAN CLASSIFIED New officers and new members ercises at St. Augustine's School neth W. White, William J.Willitts, Moira K. Prout, Helene E. Riley ADS BRING RESULTS were welcomed into the Andona June 8 found a class of 49 re- Robert E. Wilson. Society at the annual dinner meet- ceiving diplomas. Monica Louise Anderson, Arlene ing held at the Andover Country The exercises opened with a D. Aube, Judith E. Bayliss, Ann Club Monday, June 6. Mass of Thanksgiving by Very Rev. J. Boulanger, Patricia A.Brennan, BOOK BARGAIN TABLE The following members were Henry B. Smith 0.S.A., pastor. Charlene F. Burbine, Ann Therese VOLT elected to serve as officers for Addressing the graduates was Burns, Margaret M. Caughey, Ju- AND the ensuing year: president, Mrs. the Rev. Francis X. Maguire, dith E. Delaney, Kathleen M. Do- Thomas Dye; vice president, Mrs. O.S.A., D.D., former president lan, Judith A. English, Sharon A. WHITE ELEPHANT SALE Arthur E. Read; secretary, Mrs. of Villanova University. Frank Sherman; treasurer, Mrs. Father Smith, assisted' by the . ACADEMY William Caff ray. Rev. James A. Wenzel, O,S.A., a- Newly-elected chairman of the BARBER SHOP warded the diplomas and announced 96 MAIN ST. NEAR. A & P standing committees are Ways and the following prizes: Mary Mercer ANDOVER BOOKSTORE Means, Mrs. J. Kevin Collins; 3 BARUEFtS — GOOD SERVICE prize for general excellence to Mon. — Ti+s. — WecL 8:30 to b Meetings, Mrs. Leo Keefe; Mem- Arthur George Lebreck and Kath- bership, Mrs. Edward Murphy; — Sat. 8:30 to 7 leen Marie Dolan, Pastor's Prize CLOSED A DAY TIII.MSDAys Publicity, Mrs. Edward Sabbagh; for Civics to Robert Michael Rohn- Civic. Mrs. Donald Sagaser; stock, Knights of Columbus Aux- Placement, Mrs. Hans Scharin. iliary to Council 1078, girls scho- Retiring president Mrs. GordonG. larship to St. Mary's High School White will serve as advisor to the to Monica Louise Anderson, St. executive board. Augustine's School Guild prize for Provisional members for the mathematics to Gail Anne Kirwin coming year are the following: and for history to Michael John Mrs. Robert Gaynor, Mrs. Richard Harding, Court St. Monica, Catho- Mower, Mrs. Howard Hamilton, lic Daughters of America prize Mrs. William Pratt, Mrs. Harold for Religion to Madeleine Marie Nadler, Mrs. Jack Phillips, Mrs. Peront, William Joseph Doherty Ralph Gibson, Mrs. Robert Rams- prize for history to Raymond Ed- dell, Mrs. James 11. Eaton 3rd., ward LaRochelle, Doctor Conroy Mrs. William Thomas, Mrs. Wil- prize for effort to Howard Joseph liam Grubbs, Mrs. Edward Miller, McKew and Sandra Mary McFar- Mrs. Paul Grysting and Mrs.F re- land, Court St. Monica prize for derick Cofer. poetry to Eleanor Anne McCann. The object of the Andona Society Father Smith, in expressing his is to aid the Andover YouthCenter congratulations to the class, also and according to the final report thanked the parents and particular- given at the annual meeting by the ly the Sisters of Notre Dante who treasurer, Mrs. Jack Woodworth, staff the school, for their work. the sum of $1,536 was contributed The graduates include: James last year for Youth Center instruc- J. Bearer, Douglas D. Berube, tion, decoration and equipment. Robert A. Corry, Donald J. Hard- ing, Michael J. Harding, Edward AT T Report Ready On T. Harty, Daniel G. Kelly, Leo recently John Lavoie, Raymond E. La- West Pa Fatal Accident Rochelle, Arthur G. Lebreck, Ro- bert J. Libby, James R. Lynch, Michael Investigation into the fatal acci Andrew C dent on Central st. June 8, which took the life of six-year-old David 12G7RMA5-I2N12S5T. Bradley, has been completed. PAUL'S Nei Police Chief David L. Nicoll said 25 Years' Expdrience he should have the full report from Dressmaking Remodeling Eight k Officer Henry Giaimo and the Re- Alterations the rare gistry of Motor Vehicles today or Ladies' Suite, Coats and Dresses become a tomorrow. A decision on any action Made to Order to be taken in the case will follow a study of the report, he indicated. The youngster was in contact Clear-Vue with a car while riding his bicycle on Central st., about 4:37 p.m. Police identified the driver of the GLASS car as Stephen Wright, 19, 165 Hidden rd., who was on leave from Naval duties. CLEANER The lad was taken to the Law- 6PARK rence General Hospital in the fire for department ambulance, treated there and then sent into Boston. He • Windows • Mirrors died Sunday morning, reportedly • Windshields suffering from severe head in- CRUI juries. • Everything That's Glass The son of Mr. and N1rs.F rede- TOUl rick W. Bradley, 5 Central In., David was reportedly carried for BOTTLE Vaca several feet on the hood of the ca r. and Police said the vehicle was headed SPRAY MIAN along Cent r a 1 st. towards the mend trip Square when the accident occurred. as low w The youngster had entered the ----- street from Central In. when the - I , NASS) collision took place. Uriab SPRAY ON — WIPE OFF why semi them to 4ir-Coni A first grade student at Central Elementary School, he is survived ywrkly fn besides his parents, by a brother, Best Glass Cleaner Frederick W. Bradley Jr.; a sister, EURO Susan E. Bradley; also his mater- Manufactured! ANTON'S Escorted nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. BOTTLED by US Grover C. Washabaugh of New Exclusively! Wilmington, Pa. INDEPF.N The funeral was held Wednes- COTTON CLINIC arranged t day, with services at 2 p.m. in Lawrence Plate & South Congregational Church. The Almost all of today's high-style cottons need professional care to BUS Rev. Frederick B. Noss, minister. Window Glass Co. preserve their fashionable lines and that store-crisp finish that's Plane, Shi officiated. Cremation took place in lions prom, Harmony Grove, Salem. 417 Canal St.. T.I. MU 3.7151 the secret of their smartness. Our practiced skill and professional far Rental equipment restores the sparkle of newness, the tissue crispness lloniestir an that keeps your prettiest dresses smart as the day you bought them, TRAVE through cleaning after cleaning. Why risk home-ironed shine, starchy stiffness? 166 No, PRESCRIPTION Pho V, SERVICE vie I *

YOUR PRESCRIPTION Is Our Most Important Product NO OPEN DAILY 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. SIMEONE PHARMACY EXTRA CHARGE 2 MAIN takTREET AT ANDOVER SQUARE (Sat. 8 to 6) "Bil TEL. GR 5-0418