160 imi, Fla. are listed asthe L7/;, kin. nith is the hope that 'h .hat the past might.hw,. Wasn't. ACADEMY NIDCVILIP 111CWNSAAN A Andover's Own Newspaper Since 18,, r BARBER SHOP 1 96 MAIN ST. NEAR VOLUME 73 NUMBER 36 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 9, 1960 PRICE 10 CENTS Town Meeting , S 12G Now June 29 ST. 7RMA5-12/i125 The postponed special town AUL meeting will be held June 29, at 25 Years' Experience 7:30, in Memorial Dressmaking Auditorium. Remodeling Articles In the warrant remain Alterations Ladies' Suits, Coats and Drew the same as those advertised for Made to Order consideration last Monday night. Postponement of the meeting followed the discovery last Satur- day that double publication of Planning Board notices of hea rings on zoning articles had not been done. Any. Joseph S. Sullivan queried the Board about the advertising. and after considerable discussion over the weekend, it was decided that the whole special meeting must be put off until the hearings are legally advertised. At the special meeting Monday night, a handful of voters voted to adjourn the session until the 29th, and went home within a minute. The meeting on the 29th will consider the country club in West Andover, a proposed motel in a new shopping center district near the ‘. Dascomb rd. interchange with (Continued on Page Three) everyone graduates, even AT THIS TIME OF YEAR the pre- bergh, Margaret Sullivan, Marjorie Taylor, Joseph Adams, Ste- Academy Fund rimary class at St. Augustine's School. Included in the class wart Anderson, William Arsenault, Christopher Barry, John his year, but not in the order of their a ppearance here, are Brennan, William Burke, Francis Caffrey, Robert Campbell, atherine Albee, Linda Auchterlonie, Eileen Brennan, Sheila Dennis Connelly, John Cronin, David Doyle, James Duff, Nearing Goal ronson, Anne-Marie Cadran, Pamela Caverly, Carol Christo- Michiel Fanning, Christopher Fanning, Russell Galvin, Joseph Donald 11. McLean Jr. '28, gene- her, Ellen Crowley, Deborah Dane, Elizabeth Davey, Linda Godek, Kevin Harrigan, Michael Het shon, Joel LaRochelle, ral chairman and R. L. Ireland III ufresne, Joyce Gaudet, Ann Gerraughty, Natalie Higgins, Peter Martellucci, Walter McDonald, Gary Meyers, Terrance '38, National Alumni chairman, have announced that gifts to The Ichelle Jacobs, Susan Legros, Mary Libby, Loretta Luceri, Murphy, Dennis Poulin, Michael Prout, Eugene Sheehan, Patrick Andover P rog r a m have now ary Anne Moss, Joyce Nartiff, Lynda Ruocco, Mary Soder- Small, James Sullivan, Timothy Sullivan and Christopher Toomey. I'M "FUSSY reached $5,650,000. Speaking to . P. Thompson 1,000 alumni at the annual Alumni Give Awards At Luncheon, Messrs. McLean and ads Trade Board School Population Up; Ireland told the alumni that well \EOUT VY over 4,000 pledges have been re- Kenneth P. Thompson was High School ceived and that the complete Pro- led president of the Board of being pre- gram goal of $6,060,000 was now rade Tuesday night, at the annual Many top awards are West School Jammed sented this morning to Andover clearly within reach. ADTTONS eting held in the Shawsheen High students at the year-end A- Said Mr. McLean: "Andover nor. Public Schools will hold close to people will be in school this fall, Program gifts now represent the The Board of Directors also ward Assembly. 300 more pupils next September based on present enrollments. The The Bausch and Lomb honorary ( Continued on Page Seven) tiled Miss Mary Angus, clerk of than were accommodated Jan. 1 of total is likely to be higher, how- corporation, and Raymond B. Science award for excellence in this year. ever, based on comparisons of es- science goes to Robert L. Ga rrison. Soderbergh Heads Ruisseau, vice president. Supt. Edward I. Erickson has timated enrollments at this time of Directors elected by the men - Virginia Perry will receive the warned the School Committee that year with the actual attendance in M. E. Gutterson botany prize. Junior High School rship included these officers, the housing problem will be most September. it, R. Hill, Douglas N. I lowe, The Raytheon award will be pre- Peter A. Soderbergh, 11 Watson acute in West Andover, where Attention of the School Commit- sented to Herbert E. Kempton. ave., head of the social studies ruel Glazerman and Joseph B. emergency measures must be used tee was drawn to the housing prob- ny. Robert Garrison will be given a department at the Junior High to care for an anticipated 80 kind- lens at a special meeting June 3, certificate from the North Shore Named to office from the mem- School, has been appointed acting ergarten pupils. A 1 t no ugh the and also -ame underconsideration Science Fair. principal of that school. ( ontinuell on l'at:e Three) situation is at its worst in West at the special meeting June 6, when Certificates for participation in The School Committee took ac- the Committee voted to seize land Andover, Erickson has pointed out the 1960 Technorama will be pre- tion June 3, on recommendation OUTSIDE that the growth appears in all the on Lovejoy rd. for a school site. sented to George I. Whitcomb, of Supt. Edward I. Erickson. The town's schools. Action by the Board was on a 2-1 Virginia Perry, Peter W. Lichten- special Committee meeting was HOUSE PAINT lie anticipates 3,617 young vote, favoring eminent domain pro- ( Continued on Page Five) called specifically to hear the re- 5.95 Gal. ceedings involving land owned by commendation and to act on the the Noyes family on the west side principalship. Committee mem- of Lovejoy rd. The parcel includes bers had recalled that Benjamin COLE PAINT 34-plus acres and has been con- SCHOOLS CLOSING 0 . TEL. GR 5-1156 F. Dirnlich's responsibility as sidered to be an excellent site for JUNE 17 AND 22 principal ends June 30, and sought fo an elementary school in the midst Liementary schools will to fill the position on a temporary keri 1 close their doors for the sum- basis prior to that time. (Continuer( on Page Three) mer at noon, .11111P 17. • Soderbergh, 32, is a native of Supt. Edward I. Erickson New Jersey. He is a graduate of oyes announced the end-of-year Lawrencville Preparatory School, fieldstones dates. Amherst College and has an A .M.T. Da(imegg open every day excepting le said the secondary degree from Ilarvard University. schools - junior end senior Tuesdays - year 'round Ile taught here under the liarvard real estate high - will close at Hoots cocktails - luncheons June 22. internship program and was hired dinner - special functions last year after completing this pro- JIG S Yrs, there may be dan- GR 5-2002 gram. He is completing his first ger in a neglected illness. r Continued on Poo, sepen) Better see 'essional care to your doctor JOHNSON ACRES 'Asp finish that's thilhout delay. And, of Four bedroom, Colonial Ranch. COMFORTABLE course, we hope you'll and professional Featuring family room, living room FAMILY HOME bring his prescriptions to plus basement fireplaced recreation Large living room with fireplace. tissue crispness this pharmacy. We spe- room. Two car garage. In the lower Dining room; Study; 3 Hociromue, you bought them, cialize in prompt, precise $15,900 ne-irone,I shine, compounding. And our r---4foirdesigner Pendleton & Dodd Prices are always fair. JOHN & RITA HEWITT Realtors REALTY ANDOVER 8 ELM ST. ANDOVER 6 PARK STREET GR 5-6464 14 PARK ST. Tels. GR 5-0351; 5-2120; 5-2625 TELS. GR 5-0973 - 5-1834 p FUEL OILS OF DISTINCTION THE PIED PIPERS OF ANDOVEH 24 HOUR OIL BURNER ANDOVER grit ( AN,V)1 P`) GET A CHAIR ANDOVEP SERVICE Plumbing 6 FOR THE LADY - See °oise 12 TOWNSMAN DA LT 0 N Heating =Mr HOWE =1:=0 P HARMACY Formerly Buchan & McNally 357 No. 9019' MAIN AT PARK ST. "IIAL" itt.TTER, PROP. 124 Cross St. Lawrence For Your Printing Needs GUY HOWE & TED LELAND n 211 No. MAIN ST. GR 5-5121 LUPINE RD. GR 5-0365 Shavishee TEL. GR 5-0107 TEL MU S•51113 Coll GR 5-1943 NO. 1,510 Oren Evssins, Ninth Graders Are centile ratings. Andover Junior High won five gold certificates in- 7 Received Degrees From Top Latin Students dicating a rating of 98 or above, For the third year, the ninth and 11 regular certificates for a grade has given a distinguished percentile ranking of 80 or above. Merrimack College June 4 performance in the Nationwide Together they represent 25 percent Latin Examination. of the pupils taking first year La- Approximately 25,000 students tin. Their certificates will be given to them at the Awards Assembly participated and were given per- Established 1887 by their teacher, Mrs. Walter Part ridge. Published Every Thursi,/ i 56 No. Main Street, Andov er, k„, Gold certificates will be awarded Entered as Second to Susan Palmer, James Romano, clan Matte Friday, Saturday & Sunday The Andoyer Post Offic Judith LeGend re, Betty Jensen and Price 10t per Copy e June 10th - 11th - 12th $5.00 per le% Sandra Lynch. Regular certificates Publisher. ...... E. Rion "DOG OF FLANDERS" go to Ron Van DeWoestine, Terry Editor .......... Rosiness S Dawd E hal Cinemascope & Technicolor Sickler, Philip Coates, George David Ladd Donald Crisp Martin. Donald Emmons, Edith Adv. mgr.. • Raymond B. Depute, Showings: Fri 6 Sat eves at Clark, Andrew Johnston, Molly 9:20; Sat Mat: 3:35; Sunday NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1:55; ',:25; Anderson, Gayle Jacobsen, Leslie "SEVEN THIEVES" Stackhouse and Elizabeth Garrison. CeAtil CAR WASH Edward G. Robinson The Pilgrim Fellowship of the Joan Collins ties.•iii. ••es•isSiseis Sat eves F ree Church will hold a "car e•s Showings: Fri 6 TOWNSMAN ; Sat Mat 1:50; Sunday wash" June 11, from 10 to 2, to 7:35 CORRESPONDENTS can't 3:30 6 7:00 raise funds for the organization.
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