CURRICULUM VITAE Ilya V. Buynevich Ilya V. Buynevich Department of Earth and Environmental Science Tel: 215-204-3635 College of Science and Technology Fax: 215-204-3496 Temple University
[email protected] 313 Beury Hall 1901 N. 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA Citizenship: USA EDUCATION 2001-2003 Post-Doctoral, Geology Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 2001 Ph.D, Geology Boston University 1994 B.A., Geology, Magna Cum Laude Boston University 1989-1991 Dipl. Sci. Program, Marine Geology Odessa National University, Ukraine RESEARCH INTERESTS Coastal and marine geology; field and experimental ichnology; zoogeomorphology; event sedimentology and taphonomy; morphodynamics and stratigraphy of coastal barriers; aeolian processes and dunefield evolution; geoarchaeology and geoforensics; applied high-resolution geophysics (focus: georadar). POSITIONS HELD 2015 > Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, Temple University 2009-2015 Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, Temple University 2008-2012 Adjunct Graduate Professor of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island 2004-2009 Assistant Scientist, Geology & Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 2000-2009 Part-time Faculty, Metropolitan College, Boston University 2007-2009 Visiting Faculty, Earth and Environmental Science, Boston College 2007-2008 Adjunct Faculty, Marine Geology, Kiev National University, Ukraine 2003-2004 Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Field Center 2001-2003 USGS Postdoctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) 1999, 2009 Visiting Faculty, Geology, Tufts University 1997-2000 Research Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, Boston University PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY 2014 > - Editorial Board, Geology Bulletin, Lviv National University, Ukraine Geology and Geography Bulletin, Odessa National University, Ukraine 2013 > - Editorial Board, Baltica 2011 > - Associate Editor, Journal of Coastal Research I.V.