The Dinosaurs of North America

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The Dinosaurs of North America FEOM THE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL KEPOKT OF THE U. S, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THE DINOSAURS OF NORTH AMERICA OTHNIEL CHARLES MARSH TALE UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON 1896 ^33/^, I/BRAKt 4 ,\ . THE DINOSAURS OF NORTH AMERICA. BY OTHNIEL CHARLES MARSH. 133 CONTENTS. Pajje. Introduction 143 Part I. —Triassic dinosaurs 146 Theropoda 146 Anchisaurida? 147 Anchisaurus 147 The skull 148 The fore limbs 149 The hind limbs 149 Anchisaurus solus 149 Amniosaurus rTT 150 Eestoration of Anchisaurus 150 Dinosaurian footprints 151 Distribution of Triassic dinosaurs 152 Part II. —Jurassic dinosaurs 152 Theropoda : 153 Hallopus 153 Fore and hind limbs 154 Coelurus _ 155 The vertebra:- 155 The hind limbs 156 Ceratosaurus 156 The skull 157 The brain 159 The lower iaws 159 The vertebra: 159 The scapular arch 160 The pelvic arch 160 The metatarsals 162 Eestoration of Ceratosaurus 163 Allosaurus 163 European Theropoda 163 Sauropoda 164 Atlantosaurus beds 164 Families of Sauropoda 165 Atlantosauridie 166 Atlantosaurus 166 Apatosaurus 166 The sacral cavity 166 The vertebra- 167 Brontosaurus 168 The scapular arch 168 The cervical vertebra.- 169 The dorsal vertebree 169 The sacrum 170 The caudal vertebra- 171 The pelric arch 172 The fore limbs 173 The hind limbs 173 135 136 CONTENTS. Part II. —Jurassic dinosaurs—Continued. Page. Sauropoda—Continued. Atlantosaurida? —Continued. Restoration of Brontosaurus 173 Barnsaurus 174 Diplodoeida? 175 Diplodocus 175 The skull 175 The brain 178 The lower jaws 178 The teeth 179 The vertebra; 180 The sternal bones 180 The pelvic girdle 180 Size and habits 180 Morosaurida? 181 Morosaurus 181 The skull 181 The vertebra? 181 The fore limbs 182 The pelvis 182 The hind limbs 183 Pleuroccelida? : 183 Pleurocoelus 183 The skull 183 The vertebras 183 Distribution of the Sauropoda 185 Comparison with European forms 185 Predentata ». 186 Stegosaurida' 186 Stegosau rus 186 The skull '. 186 The brain 187 The anterior vertebra* 188 The sacrum 189 The caudal vertebra? 189 The sacral cavity 189 The pelvis 190 The fore limbs 191 The hind limbs 191 The dermal armor 192 Diracodon 193 Characters of Stegosauria 193 Restoration of Stegosaurus 194 Distribution of Stegosauria 195 Camptosauridse 196 Camptosaurus 196 Restoration of Camptosaurus 197 Laosauridas 198 Dryosaurus 198 Laosaurus 199 Nanoaauridas 199 Nanosaurus 199 Determination of genera 201 Restoration of Laosaurus 202 CONTENTS. 137 Page. Part III. — Cretaceous dinosaurs 203 Theropoda 203 Dryptosauridie 203 Ornithomimida; 203 Ornithomimus 204 The metatarsals 204 The pelvic arch 205 Predentata 206 Ceratopsidae 206 Ceratops beds 206 Triceratops 208 The skull 208 The rostral bone 208 The horn cores 209 The posterior crest 210 Base of skull 210 The lower javcs 211 The brain 211 The teeth 211 Cervical and dorsal vertebra? 212 The sacrum 212 The caudal vertebrae 212 The scapular arch and fore limbs 213 The pelvis 213 The posterior limbs 214 The dermal annor 214 Torosaurus 214 The skull 214 Ceratops 216 Sterrholophus 216 Agathaumas 217 Monoclonius 217 Restoration of Triceratops 218 Distinctive characters of group 218 Claosaurid;e _ 219 Claosaurus 219 The skull 219 The teeth 221 The brain 222 The vertebrae 222 The fore and hind limbs 222 Restoration of Claosaurus 224 Trachodontidas 224 Palaeoscincus 225 Nodosaurida? 225 Nodosaurus 225 Distribution of Ornithopoda 226 Part IV.—Conclusion 227 Comparison of characters 227 Restorations of European dinosaurs 228 Compsognathus - 228 Scelidosaurus 229 Hypsilophodon 230 Iguanodon 230 138 CONTENTS. Part IV.—Conclusion—Continued. I'age. Affinities of dinosaurs 231 with Aetosauria 231 with Belodontia 232 with Crocodilia 232 with birds 237 Part V. —Classification of Dinosauria '. 237 Theropoda 239 Sauropoda 241 Predentata 242 Postscript 244 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate II. Anchisaurus colurus Marsh. Triassic 248 III. Anchisaurus and Ammosaurus. TriaBsic 250 IV. Restoration of Anchisaurus colurus Marsh 252 V. Footprints of Triassic dinosaurs 254 VI. Hallopus victor Marsh. Jurassic ' 256 VII. Ccelurus fragilis Marsh. Jurassic 258 VIII. Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsh. Jurassic 260 LX. Ceratosaurus nasicornis. Jurassic _.. 262 X. Ceratosaurus, Allosaurus, Ccelurus. Jurassic 264 XI. Allosaurus fragilis Marsh. Jurassic 266 XII. Creosaurus atrox Marsh. Jurassic. 268 XIII. Labrosaurus. Jurassic 270 XIV. Restoration of Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsh 272 XV. Atlantosaurus montanus Marsh. Jurassic 274 XVI. Atlantosaurus immanis Marsh. Jurassic 276 XVII. Atlantosaurus and Apatosaurus. Jurassic 278 XVIII. Apatosaurus. Jurassic 280 XIX. Apatosaurus and Morosaurus. Jurassic 282 XX. Brontosanrus excelsus Marsh. Jurassic 284 XXI. Brontosanrus excelsus. Jurassic 286 XXII. Sternal plates of Brontosaurus and young Struthio 288 XXIII. Brontosaurus excelsus. Jurassic 290 XXIV. Brontosaurus excelsus. Jurassic 292 XXV. Diplodoeus lougus Marsh. Jurassic 294 XXVI. Diplodoeus longus. Jurassic 296 XXVII. Diplodoeus longizs. Jurassic 298 XXVIII. Diplodoeus longus. Jurassic 300 XXIX. Diplodoeus and Morosaurus. Jurassic 302 XXX. Morosaurus. Jurassic 304 XXXI. Morosaurus grandis Marsh. Jurassic 306 XXXII. Morosaurus. Jurassic 308 XXXIII. Morosaurus lentus Marsh. Jurassic 310 XXXIV. Morosaurus. Jurassic 312 XXXV. Morosaurus. Jurassic 314 XXXVI. Morosaurus and Apatosaurus. Jurassic 316 XXXVLI. Morosaurus. Jurassic 318 XXXVIII. Morosaurus grandis. Jurassic 320 XXXIX. Brontosaurus, Apatosaurns, Morosaurus, and Diplodoeus. Jurassic. 322 XL. Plenroccelus nanus Marsh. Jurassic 324 XLI. Plenroccelus nanus. Jurassic 326 XLII. Restoration of Brontosaurus excelsus Marsh 328 XLIII. Stegosaurns stenops Marsh. Jurassic 330 XLIV. Stegosaurns and Priconodon. Jurassic 332 139 140 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate XLV. Stegosaurus ungulatus Marsh. Jurassic 334 XLVI. Stegosaurus ungulatus. Jurassic 336 XLVII. Stegosaurus ungulatus. Jurassic 338 XLVIII. Stegosaurus. Jurassic 340 XLIX. Stegosaurus ungulatus. Jurassic 342 L. Stegosaurus. Jurassic 344 LI. Diracodon laticeps Marsh. Jurassic 346 LII. Restoration of Stegosaurus ungulatus Marsh 348 LIII. Camptosaurus medius Marsh. Jurassic 350 LI V. Camptosaurus dispar Marsh. Jurassic 352 LV. Camptosaurus, Dryosaurus, and Laosaurus. Jurassic 354 LVI. Restoration of Camptosaurus dispar Marsh 356 LVII. Restoration of Laosaurus consors Marsh 358 LVIII. Ornithomimus velox Marsh. Cretaceous 360 LIX. Triceratops prorsus Marsh. Cretaceous 362 LX. Sterrholophus and Triceratops. Cretaceous 364 LXI. Triceratops. Cretaceous 366 LXII. Torosaurus. Cretaceous 368 LXIII. Ceratops, Sterrholophus, and Torosaurus. Cretaceous 370 LXIV. Triceratops prorsus. Cretaceous 372 LX V. Triceratops prorsus. Cretaceous 374 LXVI. Triceratops prorsus. Cretaceous 376 LXVII. Sterrholophus and Triceratops. Cretaceous 378 LXVIII. Triceratops prorsus. Cretaceous 380 LXIX. Sterrholophus and Triceratops. Cretaceous 382 LXX. Triceratops. Cretaceous 384 LXXI. Restoration of Triceratops prorsus Marsh 386 LXXII. Claosaurus annectens Marsh. Cretaceous 388 LXX1II. Claosaurus annectens. Cretaceous 390 LXXIV. Restoration of Claosaurus annectens Marsh 392 LXXV. Claosaurus, Trachodon, Nodosaurus, Pala-osciucus. Cretaceous.. 394 LXXVI. Skulls of dinosaurs; showing size of brain 396 LXXVII. Brain casts of dinosaurs 398 LXXVIII. Teeth of predentate dinosaurs 400 LXXIX. Pubes of predentate dinosaurs 402 LXXX. Ischia of predentate dinosaurs 404 LXXXI. Pelves of predentate dinosaurs 406 LXXXII. Restoration of Compsognathus longipes Wagner 408 LXXXIII. Restoration of Scelidosaurus Harrisonii Oweu 410 LXXXIV. Restoration of Hypsilophodon Foxii Huxley 412 LXXXV. Restoration of Iguanodon Bernissarteusis Boulenger 414 Fig. 1. Geological horizons of vertebrate fossils in North America 145 2. Slab of Connecticut River sandstone; showing footprints of two dinosaurs on a surface marked by raindrop impressions 146 3. Left leg and foot of Hallupus victor Marsh 154 4. United metatarsal bones of Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsh 162 5. United metatarsal bones of great Penguin (Apteuodytes Pennantii). 162 6. Tooth of Astrodon Johnstoni Leidy 164 7. Cervical rib of Apatosaurus ajax Marsh; outer view 167 8. The same rib ; inner view 167 9. Proximal end of rib of Brontosaurus excelsus Marsh; front view 170 10. The same bone; back view 170 11. The same; superior view 170 12. Sternal ribs of Brontosaurus excelsus; outer view 171 13. The same specimen ; inner view 171 ILLUSTRATIONS. 141 Page. Fig. 14. Sternal rib of same individual; outer view 171 15. The same rib; inner view 171 16. Pelvis of Brontosaurus excelsus 172 17. First metacarpal of Brontosaurus amplus Marsh; front view 173 18. The same bone : side view 173 19. Proximal end of same 173 20. Distal end of same 173 21. Terminal phalanx of Brontosaurus excelsus ; outer view 174 22. The same bone; front view 174 23. The same ; inner view 174 24. Candal vertebra of Barosaurus lentus Marsh ; side view 175 25. The same vertebra, in section ; front view 175 26. The same vertebra ; bottom view 175 27. Skull of Diplodoeus longus Marsh 177 28. Dentary bone of Diplodoeus longus 178 29. Sternal plate of Brontosaurus amplus 179 30. Sternal plate of Morosaurus grandis Marsh 179 31. Dorsal vertebra of Morosaurus grandis ; front view 181 32. The same vertebra ; side view 181 33. Transverse section through centrum of same 181 34. Neural cavity in sacrum of Morosaurus lentus Marsh 182 35. Dorsal vertebra of Pleuroccelus montanus Marsh ; side view 184 36. The same vertebra ; top view 184 37. The same; back view 184 38. Candal vertebra of same individual ; front view 184 39. The same vertebra; side view 184 40. The same ;
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