OCTOBER 7, 2018 Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it. ~ (Mark 10:2-16 (2-12)

ST. MARY OF THE WOODS PARISH A Community of Believers

MISSION STATEMENT MASS SCHEDULE We are a community of believers, proclaiming that Sat. evening, Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM Jesus is Lord. We come together as Catholics to Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, and 11:00 AM celebrate the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, Weekdays: Mon-Wed. 6:30 and 8:00 AM to hear and be transformed by the Word of God, Thurs. 8:00 am Fri. 8:30 AM to bring Christian values and love into our world, and Sat. 8:00 AM to live and share the teachings of Jesus. Inspired by Holy Days: 6:30, 8:00 AM, (9:00 AM during the Holy Spirit, we strive as a parish family to further school) and 7:00 PM the Kingdom of God, making God’s presence felt and extending the caring spirit of Jesus. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays, 3:30 to 4:15 PM


St. Mary of the Woods Parish I 7033 N. Moselle Ave., Chicago, IL 60646 I 773-763-0206 I Page 1 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time A LETTER FROM OUR PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Our Children can Help us Understand ‘Laudato Si’

This Sunday, October 7th, parishioner Sister Colette Fahrner will begin leading a monthly discussion series on ’ Letter to the World on Care for the Earth, our Common Home (‘Laudato Si’). The discussion will take place in the resource room off the church narthex from 2-4 pm. I encourage you to consider going! I believe you’ll enjoy it and get a lot of food for thought. Pope Francis brings a nice sense of poetry to the way he writes, and there’s little in this Letter that reads like you need a degree in theology or environmental science. In fact if you’re of a certain age you’ve probably already read much of what lies at the heart of this Papal Letter.

When I read the Pope’s Letter I had also been reading the New York Times bestseller All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (by Robert Fulghum). It struck me that many of the central insights in both writings were the same! At the heart of Fulghum’s book are 16 insights central to our lives that he posited we had learned as children: 1. Share everything 2. Play fair. 3. Don’t hit people 4. Put things back where you found them. 5. Clean up your own mess. 6. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. 7. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. 8. Wash your hands before you eat. 9. Flush. 10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. 11. Live a balanced life – learn some and drink some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work everyday some. 12. Take a nap every afternoon. 13. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together. 14. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. 15. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup – they all die. So do we. 16. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned – the biggest word of all: LOOK.

You might be inclined to think that a Letter from the Pope about Care for the Earth/Our Common Home would be a policy document, the Pope’s list of changes that need to happen on different environmental and social issues. But really what the Pope is interested in first is a change in the way we all think about our lives, our relationships with one another and our world. Again and again he makes the point that it’s only through that kind of conversion of our minds and hearts, of our imagination that our actions and our policies will ever substantially change.

And as frivolous as it may sound, truly, at the heart of that conversion is a return to the very things that we knew as children. Things like: Share. Be kind. Clean up after yourself. All things in moderation. Make time for wonder.

Have a blessed week. Father Aidan O’ Boyle

Page 2 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Pot stands at $14,885 (as of Sept. 30, 2018)

Wed. Oct. 10th at 9:00 PM

Liturgy of Remembrance On Saturday, November 3rd at the 4:30 p.m. Mass, we will remember our parishioners who have died this past year.

A candle ceremony and reading of their names will be a part of our liturgy. Please join us for this special remembrance of our parishioners.


For further information please contact Mary LeBaron at 773-774-4958

Page 3 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

ADULT FAITH FORMATION, FALL 2018 On Care for Our Common Home, LAUDATO SI', the Encyclical of Pope Francis on the Environment

A monthly series on LAUDATO SI', the Pope’s encyclical on Care for Our Common Home will begin on Sunday, October 7th, 2 pm to 4pm, in Parish Resource Center with Information, Reflection, Prayer. Led by Sister Colette Fahrner, a Sister of the Living Word and SMOW parishioner.

You are encouraged to purchase a copy of LAUDATO SI' before the first meeting. You can find it on Amazon for about $9 with cover shown at left, but can find it elsewhere with various front covers. Please be sure that your copy has LAUDATO SI': On Care for Our Common Home in title.

Pope Francis’ historic encyclical on the environment is a watershed moment in the Church’s engagement with the challenges of environmental degradation and the fate of the poor.


Father James Martin’s Building a Bridge

Over a series of the four Tuesday nights in November in the Parish Hall at 7:00 pm, (with an introductory night on Tuesday, October 16) parishioner Susan McGowan will facilitate a book discussion on Fr. James Martin’s recent book Building a Bridge: How the and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity. Susan can be reached at [email protected]

Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the introduction meeting on October 16 at 7:00 pm.

Here are a few commentaries on the book:

“I affirm what Martin is doing...he has given his life for the service of the church. The Holy Father appointed him to a commission in . I say to people: Make up your own decision, your own mind about him, by reading exactly what he wrote.” ~Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago

“A welcome and much-needed book that will help bishops, priests, pastoral associates, and all church leaders, more compassionately minister to the LGBT community. It will also help LGBT Catholics feel more at home in what is, after all, their church.” ~Cardinal Kevin Farrell, of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life

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You can follow Deacon Chuck on-line for articles, homilies or to leave a message.

Page 5 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time C ARDINAL BLASE J. CUPICH LETTER

Commentary: Blase Cupich: The Catholic Church 'must remain vigilant' in report- ing all abuse

A woman prays on Sept. 14, 2018, in Richmond, Va., at a "Mass of Atone- ment" in reaction to a Pennsylvania grand jury report released in August that alleges some 300 priests abused more than 1,000 children over 70 years. (Shelby Lum/Richmond Times-Dispatch)

Blase J. Cupich It has been a season of sorrow, pain and outrage for victims of sexual abuse and all who believed that the Catholic Church had definitively addressed this terrible scandal.

Revelations about Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, whom Pope Francis removed from ministry in July amid sexual abuse allegations, along with the Pennsylvania grand jury report, which detailed hundreds of sexual abuse cases over 70 years, bring home the fact that we face a watershed moment in the history of the Catholic Church. The culture of self-protection, privilege and power that shielded abusers must be eradicated. It reflects a corrupt sense of entitlement without regard for honesty, accountability or, most important, the safety of young people and adults entrusted to our care.

To begin to heal this wound on the soul of the church, we bishops must commit to facing our own failures — by looking into the faces of the victim-survivors and seeing Christ. The decades of walking away from victim-survivors must come to an end. Walking toward them is the only option — it has always been the only option. My determination to root out this abuse and the corrupt culture that enabled it comes from the experience of sitting face-to-face with victim-survivors, listening to their heart-rending stories and trying to address their profound needs. This is not something that can be accomplished remotely. No, it must be a personal encounter with those who have suffered unimagi- nably at the hands of those who promised to protect them.

Cardinal Cupich defends his record, Pope Francis in response to former Vatican official »

One of my earliest such encounters came while I was serving as bishop of a largely rural diocese. One day, a man from the area shared his horrific story with me. A priest who had been close to the man’s family, he explained, began sexually abusing him when he was just 9 years old. The abuse continued for years, and during that period this cleric would drive the boy to another town and — in a truly demonic attempt to blame the child for the horrors he was made to suffer — force him to confess his “sins” to another priest.

I immediately notified local law enforcement, removed him from ministry and petitioned the Vatican to begin the process that would dismiss him from the clerical state, which would happen shortly thereafter. At the victim-survivor’s request, I set up a meeting between the abuser and him. The priest did not deny the allegations. After that meeting, I visited the parish where the abuse took place. I explained to the congregation that one of their former priests had sexually abused one of the children of the parish, publicly invited other victims to come forward and removed the photo of the abuser from the church vestibule.

Page 6 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time CARDINAL BLASE J. CUPICH LETTER (CONTINUED)

I have been thinking of that victim-survivor as I see the expressions of offense taken by those hurt by what I said in interviews in late August. It was a mistake for me to even mention that the church has a bigger agenda than responding to the charges in the letter by former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. What I should have said, because it has been my conviction throughout my ministry, is that nothing is more important for the church than protecting young people. I apologize for the offense caused by my comments. It pains me deeply to think that my poor choice of words may have added to the suffering of victim-survivors. For they, like that man who trusted me enough to share his story, deserve our admiration for calling us to purge the church of this evil.

And purge it we must. For listening to the victim-survivors before us is necessary but not sufficient to our cause. Such encounters must lead to action — to a change of hearts, to an improvement of poli- cies and to a reform of a culture that brought about this tragedy.

Editorial: Accountability for abuse can't stop at the Vatican's gates »

While the Archdiocese of Chicago began decades ago to implement policies to prevent and address sexual abuse, we must remain vigilant. To move forward as a church, we must establish a new standard of accountability and chart a fresh path for reconciliation. To those ends, I commit the arch- diocese to the following steps.

• When church leaders, including bishops, fail in their sacred duty to protect those entrusted to their care, we will press for their removal from ministry.

• We will continue our long practice of reporting all abuse, past and present, to civil authorities.

• We have begun reviewing records of members of religious orders who are residing in the archdio- cese. We will make necessary changes to our process of review when a religious order notifies us that one of their members has moved into the archdiocese.

• We will continue to listen to those victim-survivors, actively seeking their input as we work to build a model of authentic healing based on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

• As we have in the past, we will engage outside independent experts to review our history, records and policies to help us build up a culture of healing and accountability.

This is our true compass: to see the face of Christ in victim-survivors. To keep them front and center in all we do to address this scandal. This is the only way to inform our reforms, to demonstrate that all who come through our doors are safe, protected by a church that reflects, always and every- where, God’s own love for his children.

Cardinal Blase J. Cupich is archbishop of Chicago

Page 7 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH LIFE

Homebound/Communion Visitations:

St. Mary of the Woods church has several ministers of care who can regularly take communion to those in need. Please call the parish office to arrange for communion for yourself or a homebound loved one.

If you or a member of your family are currently sick and/or homebound and unable to come to Sunday Mass and would like to receive the Sacraments for the sick in your home, please contact Father Aidan O’Boyle at the rectory at (773) 763-0206.

REST IN PEACE Jessie Ann Gotts, mother of Janice McCafferty

Calligrapher for our All Soul’s Banner.

Prior experience with calligraphy helpful.

Work at home, October 28th thru 31st Call the Rectory now!

773-763-0206 Scorekeepers wanted for upcoming SMOW Basketball Season!! PLEASE turn off cell phones in church! Scheduling meeting is Sunday, October Out of respect and courtesy for our Liturgy and for 14th at 12 noon in gym office!! Any ques- your fellow parishioners, we ask that you tions, please contact Jon LeBaron PLEASE turn off your cell phones before 773-909-4958. you enter the church. Thank you!

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ANNIVERSARY TREE This past month marked the 65th Anniversary of the opening of St. Mary of the Woods School — a significant milestone on the faith journey of our parish. To mark this significant occasion the school community planted a tree. Two representatives from each grade, together with Mrs. Lawler and I, blessed the tree on August 22nd last, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. The tree is a White Satin Birch, valued for its stunning white bark, with tan and pinkish colors peeling from mature trucks, and good fall color. White Satin Birch has dark green foliage throughout the season. The pointy leaves turn an outstanding yellow in the fall. It can be expected to live for 70 years or more. Do drop by and see our 65th Anniversary Tree and commemorative plaque on the front of the rectory on Moselle. ~Fr. Aidan O’Boyle

There will be no PLEASE JOIN US!

Religious Education Our next Teen-Led Mass is

class on Sunday, October 21st at 5 pm Sunday, Oct. 7.

Led by teens, you will enjoy this upbeat mass no matter what age you are… So, come & support teen leadership in our The RE Mass will be on Sunday, Parish!

Oct. 14 at 9:00 am with class to These Masses are not just for teens… follow from 10:00-10:30pm. they are for everyone!

There will be a Teen-only pizza party in All parents are welcome to the the Parish Hall following this Mass Parish Hall for coffee and conver- sations on faith with Deacon Chuck. Have fun and leave Inspired!

Page 9 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH LIFE

St. Mary of the Woods will once again be participating in the BABY BOTTLE PROJECT III Richard Schneider &Megan Gillmann benefiting THE WOMENS CENTERS OF GREATERCHICAGOLAND!

The Sacristan Committee

is in need of volunteers to help This non-profit organization directly assists clean the Sacristy. mothers and families experiencing crisis pregnancies by offering emotional, financial, The commitment is less than an hour, material and spiritual support through coun- seling, clothing, monetary provisions & once every four weeks. Teams clean on prayers. Each year the three locations to- Friday or Saturday morning. If you are gether have over 5,000 appointments with interested in helping, please call Anne expecting mothers. Toohey at 773-631-5855. By God’s grace The Women’s Centers have saved over 37,000 babies and their mothers from abortion since opening in 1984.

Please take a Baby Bottle home with you from Church on the weekend of October 20th or 21st , fill it with your spare change and return it on the weekend of November Our next meeting of the Bible Study Group 4th.

is Monday, October 8 in the Villa on This is a wonderful opportunity for parish- Hiawatha at 12:30 pm. ioners of all ages, including children to be We will be covering Exodus able to work together to support “Life.” Chapter 1. We greatly appreciate your support. Call Betty Hollander if you are interested in Nancy Biancalana-Kerstein joining us at 847-518-0882.

CRISIS PREGNANCY PRAY THE ROSARY FOR PEACE Every morning after the 8:00 am Mass, the HOTLINE:800-400-4205 Rosary is prayed. Please join us in this very Post Abortion Healing powerful prayer for peace. 888-456-HOPE (4673)

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St. Mary of the Woods Directory UPCOMING EVENTS RECTORY 7033 N. Moselle Ave. 773-763-0206 SCHOOL 6959 N. Hiawatha Ave. 773-763-7577 Sunday, October 7 Care of the Common Home Series RESOURCE CENTER / CHURCH 6955 N. Hiawatha Ave. 773-763-1603 2:00 pm Parish Resource Room - see ad on page 4

Monday, October 8 Bible Study Group St. Mary of the Woods Parish Staff 12:30 pm The Villa on Hiawatha

REV. AIDAN O’BOYLE, Parish Administrator [email protected] Wednesday, October 10 Seniors Meeting REV. RAYMOND F. KLEES, Weekend Assistance 9:00 am Parish Hall [email protected] REV. DONALD J. HEADLEY, Resident Thursday, October 11 A & R Bunco Night [email protected] 7:00 pm Parish Hall MR. CHUCK THOMPSON, Deacon [email protected] Monday, October 15 Bible Study Group MRS. AMANDA THOMPSON, Coordinator of Faith Formation 12:30 pm The Villa on Hiawatha [email protected]

MRS. LAURA MCTHAY, Religious Education Assistant [email protected] Monday, October 15 Liturgy Team Meeting MS. SUSAN DUDEK, Special Project Coordinator 7:00 pm Parish Resource Center [email protected] MRS. MARY ANNE EICHHORN, Music Director Tuesday, October 16 School Advisory Council Meeting [email protected] 7:00 pm Parish Resource Center MRS. ALEDA DOWNS, Accounting Office [email protected] Wednesday, October 17 Fine Arts Council Meeting MRS. CHRISTINA SCHROEDER, Contemporary Choir 7:00 pm Parish Resource Center [email protected] MRS. GERALYN LAWLER, Principal [email protected] MRS. KATHY KAMINSKI, Parish Secretary Parochial Christifideles Award 2018 [email protected] MRS. JOYCE SOPKO, Administrative Assistant [email protected] This award is bestowed upon an individual Catholic MRS. TINA NORTON, Coordinator for Liturgy, Worship layperson who has demonstrated by participation in [email protected] parish life, the personal and ministerial renewal called MR. JON LEBARON, Athletic Director [email protected] for by the Papal Exhortation, Christifideles Lac, MRS. MARIANNE STRUMBERGER, Bulletin Editor calling the laity to the vocation of responsibility for [email protected] the Church’s life springing from the gift and mission MS. MARY DOSEK, Stewardship & Database Associate of their baptism. [email protected] MR. JEFFREY ZYDLO, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] This year’s recipient from St. Mary of the Woods is

Anne Toohey. Anne has coordinated the maintenance and overall operation of the church sacristy and the BAPTISM: We joyfully welcome all children to the St. Mary of the Woods community. A Baptism preparation session is required. Please call Fa- up-keep of the church sanctuary and its environs for ther Aidan O’Boyle at the Rectory (773)763-0206 either prior to the birth many years. She served as Altar and Rosary president of your child or after. from 200-2002. WEDDINGS: Those considering marriage should consult one of the priests at least six months before the wedding. The award will be conferred upon Anne by Cardinal THE SICK: The parish office should be notified about anyone who is seriously ill at home or in a hospital. Due to privacy laws, hospitals and Blase Cupich at a ceremony in Holy Name Cathedral nursing homes are unable to contact us. on Sunday, October 7th.

FAITH COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP: Catholics who wish to become members of our parish are asked kindly to introduce themselves to one of the priests and register at the rectory. Congratulations Anne, this is richly deserved!

Even if you are not Catholic you are most welcome at our worship services. Should you wish to inquire into the Catholic Faith, please Fr. Aidan O’Boyle contact Father Aidan O’Boyle at the Rectory.

MOVING? When moving in or out of St. Mary of the Woods Faith Community, please notify the Parish Office.

Page 11 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time S TEWARDSHIP - THOUGHTS ON GIVING St. Mary of the Woods Collection Information WEEKLY OFFERING FOR WEEK OF 9/23/2018

Families Donation % of Donations Receiving Envelopes Families This Donation This Week Week Envelopes Sunday Offering Envelopes Used 898 181 20% $7,498 Sunday Loose Offerings $ 1,790 Weekly Commitment to ‘To Teach Who Christ Is” Campaign ( $1,700 ) Families EFT % of Donations Enrolled Donations This This Week Families Week Electronic Donation Faith Direct 297 284 96% $4,061 Total for this Sunday $11,649 Weekly Budget for Sunday Collections $16,038 Difference ($4,388)

YEAR TO DATE—COLLECTIONS vs BUDGET - 13TH SUNDAY OF THE FISCAL YEAR Year-to-date Sunday ………………………………………………………………………………………….$207,784 Year-to-date Budget for Sunday Collection ………………………………………………………………...$208,491 Difference ……….……………………………………………………………………………………………… ($ 707)

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We are grateful to those who respond prayerfully in stewardship, gratitude and generosity to the call of faithful support of the missions and ministries of St. Mary of the Woods.

The Fall 2018 issue of Catholic Extension’s magazine, Extension, recognizes the importance of building faith com- munities during this difficult time for the Catholic Church. In many regions of America, the Church is growing and thriv- With the arrival of autumn, I'd like to invite you to ing, such as in Hidalgo, Texas, where a new church was re- join Faith Direct, our parish's electronic giving cently constructed. program. Our to-do lists can get lengthy during this season, but Faith Direct's eGiving program It also features a story about Catholic Extension’s new pastor will give you one less thing to remember each immersion program where priests from largely urban and week--no more envelopes to find before you go to suburban areas are traveling to mission diocese within the United States to see a different side of the Church. Mass. Pick up a free copy of Extension magazine in the Narthex. Visit and use our church Its inspiring stories will help you understand the diversity code: IL336 Thank you for your continued sup- and scope of the Catholic Church in America - in places port of our parish family! where faith is strong but resources are limited.

God Bless You, A digital version of the magazine can be found at: Father Aidan O’Boyle

Page 12 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH LIFE

St. Mary of the Woods Parish Family, please pray for those in the Military: WE ARE STILL COLLECTING: If you would like to help support the Nursery in any way, you can visit their website to donate or you can shop at Quartermaster 2nd Class Robert Ahms or you can drop the food or nursery items off United States Navy in the wicker baskets in the Narthex or call Barbara Rourke at 847-676-0531 and arrange for a pick-up of these items. Kent Curry

***Urgent Need*** United States Marine Corps

• • Summer clothes-boys size Eucerin healing lotion Lance Corporal Ryan J. Garcia 3T pants/shirts • Girl socks for 3 to 4 year United States Marine Corps • Pampers diapers (toddler) olds • Tadoodles Paint by Crayola • Bubbles 2nd Lt. Joseph Hagerty United States Marine Corps • Dream Lite Pillow Pets • AA batteries

1st Lt. Kyle Kania Thank you for your consideration and United States Marine Corps donations for children in need! Private George Kemper United States Army Traveling this Fall? Why not bring in those small soaps, shampoos etc. supplied by your Lance Corporal Rory J. Maloney hotel to St. Mary of the Woods to benefit United States Marine Corps those in need. We can get these items to soup kitchens, food pantries, or specialized Technician Petty Officer Neil R. Murphy housing. We’ll have a basket under the table United States Navy in the Narthex to gather these items. Let’s remember those less fortunate as we travel this year. Your donation will Chief Petty Officer Derrick Stephen Schoo benefit a local soup kitchen. United States Navy Thank you! Marcy Mahoney & Joyce Streff Private Justin Shannon United States Army

2nd Lt. Shawn Stachula United States Army

LTjg Samuel Stearney United States Navy

VADM Scott Stearney United States Navy

Airman, Joed Tabano Domestic Violence Ministry United States Navy Turning people affected by Domestic Violence towards rescue, hope, and peace. Please contact the Parish Office at Domestic Violence 773-763-0206 to have the names of your You deserve to be safe. If you are a victim of Domestic family members, serving in our military, Violence, or know of someone who is, please contact: listed in our weekly bulletin. Or, email your names directly to: WINGS Hotline and Counseling Service [email protected]. 24 Hours (847) 221-5680.

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Saturday, October 13 at 4:30 PM Presider: Father Don Headley Monday: Gal 1:6-12; Ps 111:1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Homilist: Father Don Headley Lk 10:25-37 Altar Servers: E. Grillo, L. Grillo, N. Grillo Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15; Lectors: TBA Lk 10:38-42 Eucharist Ministers: A. Downs* P. Lowe* Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Lk 11:1-4 T. Dunham B. Hennig Thursday: Gal 3:1-5; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 11:5-13 M. Mitrovic M. Newton Friday: Gal 3:7-14; Ps 111:1b-6; Lk 11:15-26 S. & S. Troiani M. Uscategui Saturday: Gal 3:22-29; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 11:27-28 Sunday: Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90:12-17; Heb 4:12-13; Sunday, October 14 at 7:30 AM Mk 10:17-30 [17-27] Presider: Father Don Headley Homilist: Father Don Headley Altar Servers: B. Brady, M. Brady MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Lectors: E. Davidson, L. Owens Monday, October 8 Eucharist Ministers: M. Markiewicz* M. & M. Howard 6:30 am - Prayer Service R. Naegele E. McDermott Byrne 8:00 am - Stanly & Mary Cichowski / Helen Sweany

Sunday, October 14 at 9:00 AM Tuesday, October 9 Presider: Father Ray Klees 6:30 am - Prayer Service Homilist: Father Ray Klees 8:00 am - Gerardo Giudice / Bart & Nellie Murphy / Father John Kyle Altar Servers: H. Comerford, D. Forde Edgar Schuster / Jack & Peg Moriarty Lectors: J. Hall, P. Drott Wednesday, October 10 Eucharist Ministers: T. Martin* T. Riggio* 6:30 am - Prayer Service J. Driscoll S. Kennedy 8:00 am - John Duffy / Frank Clark, III / James Collins Clark / J. Kosicki A. Loomis Vincent P. Reilly / Jim Padar M. McKenna J. Piechowski Thursday, October 11 S. Sullivan 6:30 am - Prayer Service 8:00 am - James Healy / Elaine Haysted / Marty LeBaron / Sunday, October 14 at 11:00 AM Bart & Peggy Murphy / Margaret Zummo / Tommy Gara Presider: Father Michael Trail Homilist: Father Michael Trail (Queen of All Saints) Friday, October 12 Altar Servers: V. Feldman, M. Feldman 6:30 am - Prayer Service Lectors: G. Saffa, R. Seward 8:30 am - George Sims / Christopher Pucinski / Patricia Gallagher / Philip Cooney Eucharist Ministers: J. & S. Kelly* D. Allen K. Hack P. Hild Saturday, October 13 M. R. Kenny D. O’Malley 8:00 am - Fred Karth / Concepcion Cid M. Reid S. Reyna 4:30 pm - Adele Le Gere / Lorraine Leptich / Lee Strybel / Philip Cooney / Bernard Peters

PRESIDER SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Sunday, October 14 7:30 am - Charles Sweany 9:00 am - Marilyn Herman / Joanne Blachut / Waded Nader / WEEKLY ALTAR SERVERS John & Catherine Coyne / Margaret Quinn 11:00 am- John McGing / John Hennessy / Shannon M. Szelinski / 6:30 am Oct. 8 M. Novy Patsy Denten / Margaret Schmotzer / Kaminski Family Oct. 9 S. Novy Oct. 10 E. O’Rourke 8:00 am Oct. 8 D. Schaedel Oct. 9 D. Schaedel Oct. 10 D. Schaedel SACRISTANS: TEAM #2 - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13TH Oct. 11 P. Schaedel K. Gembala R. Portele K. Mallinson Oct. 13 P. Schaedel, M. Schaedel A. Keenan N. Nelsen A. Faxel 8:30 am Oct. 12 P. Schaedel, M. Schaedel

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The Social Justice Ministry of Queen of All Saints is proud to present A Journey to the National Memorial for Peace and Justice Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

Tuesday, October 16th 7:30 – 9:00 PM Queen of All Saints’ Cafeteria

This special event will spotlight the experience of being present for the opening ceremonies of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, AL earlier this year. You will learn about our nation’s brutal history of racial terror- ism, in which over 4,000 lynching victims were killed….lives which have not always been recognized by the public at large. You will see video and photo- graphs of what has been described by a visitor as “the single greatest work of American architecture of the 21st century.” Michael Rabbitt will share the story of his visit to the memorial and Legacy Museum (From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration), as we seek to spark greater awareness and understanding of the horrific legacy of lynching. For in order to heal the deep wounds of our present, we must face the truth of our past.

Michael Rabbitt is an anti-racism workshop facilitator with Showing Up for Racial Jus- tice (and previously for the Archdiocese of Chicago). He served on the Archdiocese’s Anti-Racism Implementation Team and was a member of Catholics United for Racial Justice. He is also a long-time member of Workers for Racial and Ethnic Solidarity (WRES). Michael served on the inaugural Leadership Council for Within Our Lifetime, a national network of racial justice organizations dedicated to “ending racism within our lifetime.” Michael is a parishioner at St. Mary of the Woods parish in Chicago, where he was the co-founder and chairperson of the Racial & Social Justice Ministry for 15 years. Michael received the St. Katherine Drexel Racial Justice Award in 2010 from the Archdiocese’s Office for Racial Justice, in recognition of his “untiring commitment and public advocacy on behalf of racial justice.”

Alvernia Alumnae Association Memorial Mass and Fall Gathering Sunday, November 4, 2018 3:00 p.m. Mass, followed by light refreshments Location: Our Lady, Mother of the Church 8701 West Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL 60656

Alumnae, former faculty & staff, family and friends are invited to join us!

For more information on the Mass and Fall Gathering, please contact our Publicity Director, Eileen Lowery ’71 at 773-882-1637 or [email protected]

The Alvernia Alumnae Association welcomes anyone who attended, taught, worked at or was otherwise affiliated with Alvernia High School in Chicago, Illinois. Although the school closed in 1989 we continue our mission to fund raise for the School Sisters of St. Francis; to date our generous alums have contributed more than $3,000,000 in remembrance of their Alvernia education.

Page 15 St. Mary of the Woods - October 7, 2018  Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time BEYOND OUR PARISH

October 15th National Latino HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

HIV is the virus which causes AIDS, and it is hitting Hispanics hard. HIV/AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanics ages 35 to 44 in the Chicago land area.

Did you know that there are over 1 million people in the United States living with HIV? An estimated 20% of them (200,000 persons) DO NOT KNOW that they are infected with HIV. If you do not know if you are infected with HIV, you could be spreading it to others. The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested.

Free and confidential or anonymous testing is available in a community near you. To find the nearest site you can Call 1-800-232-4636, CDC Info/the National HIV/AIDS Hotline; 1-312-948-6500, Catholic Charities Or Visit:

The disease has no cure; there is no vaccine to prevent it; and it will not go away!

KNOW YOUR STATUS; GET TESTED FOR HIV, and spread the word that others should also get tested.

On October 15th and throughout the year, PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE LIVING WITH AND AFFECTED BY HIV.

Catholic Charities HIV/AIDS Liaison to the Archdiocese 312-948-6500


“The Mystery of Evil and Suffering”

Lecture/discussion with Fr. Jeffrey Grob, Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Former Chancellor, Doctor of Canon Law with expertise in the Church’s Rite of Exorcism. He serves as an Exorcist for the Archdiocese of Chicago.

What’s the relationship between evil and suffering? Why suffer in isolation when we can bear each other’s burdens?

Sunday, Oct. 21. Noon-1:30 PM. St. Catherine Laboure. 3535 Thornwood, Glenview. 847-826-4704.

Refreshment Buffet. Free-Will Offering.

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