Our generous donors and passionate advocates. A global network of partners. Dedicated employees. The individuals and communities we serve. We all share a vision of a world without poverty, injustice and suffering. And a commitment to achieving it.

Together, we’re putting our faith into action. We’re taking on tough problems like migration, human trafficking and hunger. We’re ensuring Catholic Relief Services is among the first to arrive when disaster strikes. Our collective expertise and efforts are empowering the most vulnerable to thrive. We are the power of possibility.

112 countries / 121 million people served / 1,819 partners


Photo by Oscar Leiva/Silverlight for CRS IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO CHANGE THE WORLD

At CRS, we bring together people who can make change happen—and make it last. We connect the generosity of our donors and the expertise of our partners with vulnerable communities around the world. Working side by side with these communities, we identify their unique needs and challenges to develop sustainable solutions.

Empowering youth to transform their lives and communities Plagued by a culture of crime and violence, El Salvador is one of the world’s most dangerous countries. The pervasive violence causes many young people to drop out of school. Since 2009,

CRS has partnered with YouthBuild International to empower the Photo by Jim Burger for CRS youth of El Salvador. We provide life and job skills development, entrepreneurship training, support for school re-entry, job campuses. In 2016, 786 CRS Student Ambassadors at 85 colleges placement and social services. and universities organized more than 500 events reaching over YouthBuild has reached more than 6,000 young people in 6 25,500 people. years. Eighty percent of graduates have found work, gone back Our programming for universities also includes CRS Faculty to school, or both. Recognizing this success, the Salvadoran Learning Commons, which develops online college course government now provides funding, and new programs have been materials that draw from our work overseas. Working with 48 established in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and Ecuador. Our institutions—nearly twice the number in 2015—and 88 faculty goal is to reach 9,000 youth and young adults by 2019. members, the project reaches 3,221 students. In 2016, CRS Mobilizing the next generation for social good overseas operations also collaborated with 29 universities and 6 research centers to develop and scale up program innovations. College campuses across the country play a critical role in informing and steering the national dialogue on today’s most pressing issues. To engage young adults, CRS partners with Catholic universities on a wide range of activities. The CRS Student Ambassador program trains students to mobilize their peers and bring the mission of global solidarity to their

ON FAITH “CRS’ foundation is our Church’s preferential option for the poor that comes directly from Jesus, who tells us we will be judged by how we treat the least among us. It is why we do this work—for others and for ourselves. When we live our faith, treating the least among us with deep compassion and true respect, it leads us to go far beyond simply providing necessities like food, water and shelter. When we extend ourselves in this way, we realize that we are not only helping others lead the lives of fulfillment and dignity that God intended for all of members of his family, they are helping us do the same.”

Archbishop Paul S. Coakley / Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Chair, CRS Board of Directors, 2012-2016



Small-scale farmers produce 70 percent of the world’s food. By Healthy individuals and families are the foundation of thriving helping these vital producers increase their crop yields and bring communities. And a healthy childhood is the foundation of a their goods to market, we’re fighting hunger—and poverty. It’s a healthy life. That’s why CRS is working to improve mothers’ health, win-win for the world. and child development, and to help communities manage HIV and AIDS. Because helping people better manage their own health and well-being is an approach everyone can feel good about.

Amplifying our impact through a national network With support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, CRS is expanding quality early childhood development services in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia. Working through their national associations, we’re strengthening the capacity of women religious in 48 congregations. Called SCORE, the project supports sisters in Photo by Petterik Wiggers for CRS educating families about better nutrition and positive parenting.

SMART skills reap growing harvests We have trained 96 master trainers in positive parenting, early stimulation of children, nutrition, counseling and child protection, Research tell us that small-scale farmers living in the poorest areas and health and safety. These trainers have mentored 2,720 sisters need five core skills to succeed over the long term: financial, and 10,150 caregivers. And 41 small grants have been awarded for market, innovation, sustainable production and natural resource income-generating activities that have funded more training, and management. We call them SMART skills, and they are key to our nutrition programs in early childhood development centers. Pathway to Prosperity that lifts millions of small-scale farmers out of poverty. So far, nearly 1.2 million staff, partners, promoters and Transforming care for vulnerable children beneficiaries have participated in our SMART curriculum. Tens of millions of children have lost one or both parents to Linking farmers to financial capital is critical. We often begin with AIDS-related illnesses and other adversity. Most of them live savings-led microfinance groups. Farmers build capital and learn in countries with fragile social service systems that are not the basics of financial management. There are nearly 2.8 million meeting their needs. The 4Children project provides customized members in 46 countries. As farmers learn, we leverage their and hands-on support to help governments and civil society stability and knowledge to access financial services and expand organizations better provide for vulnerable children. their capacity to build the future they envision. Working through a CRS-led consortium funded by USAID and In Ethiopia, Isha Ahmed has learned new skills that have helped the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the project her family through epic drought. “If it wasn’t for this program, I’d is researching and implementing the most effective interventions be on the streets. But instead, I’m sending my kids to school.” in child welfare, care and protection. We are also developing guidance and policies for organizations and government working with children, and connecting a global network of stakeholders. In 2016, 4Children helped implement or strengthen social service systems in 12 countries to positively impact the lives of children today—and tomorrow.

ON SOLIDARITY “To many, the word ‘solidarity’ might seem abstract. At Catholic Relief Services, we see solidarity every day, all around the world, as members of God’s family from different places and backgrounds come together as brothers and sisters. We lean on each other, learn from each other, care for each other, and love each other. We hope every Catholic in the United States will experience the solidarity of the Church and the work of CRS.”

Reverend Bishop Gregory J. Mansour / Bishop of the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn Chair, CRS Board of Directors / [start month year]-present



Photo courtesy of Natalia Tsoukala/Caritas

WE BRING OUR BEST IN THE FACE OF “It is a win-win,” says one of the building owners. Money is THE WORST. injected into the economy, abandoned buildings are brought back to life, and vulnerable families have a safe place to rest as they In 2016, CRS provided timely, quality, dignified emergency prepare for their next step. support in 55 countries. Our global footprint has grown to include Greece, Macedonia and Ecuador. Thanks to the The T-shelter keeps families together. dedication of our local partners, and the unwavering presence When 85,000 people fled after the battle for Fallujah, Iraq, many of Caritas and the local , we can respond at a were stranded in informal settlements in Amiriyat Al Fallujah, and moment’s notice. living in treacherous conditions. CRS partners Caritas Iraq and the Sunni Endowment teamed up to provide emergency support Shelter for refugees in Greece: a local approach to a for tens of thousands of people. This interfaith partnership is global crisis particularly significant amid a conflict rooted in ethnic and When providing people with immediate, safe shelter, we religious tensions. strive to develop creative solutions tailored to individuals and The CRS and Caritas Iraq teams designed the T-shelter, a communities. For example, when Athens, Greece, became the transitional shelter made of locally available wood. It helps keep epicenter of Europe’s refugee crisis in 2015, CRS and Caritas families warm in the winter and cool in the summer. And the worked with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and doors and windows have locks, providing a sense of security to owners of vacant buildings to provide temporary housing. families living in fear. Best of all, families can take it with them if The city received 200,000 refugees and migrants in addition to they are able to return home. CRS and Caritas Iraq have provided the 700,000 that entered the country in 2014. About 60,000 T-shelters to 270 families, and we are building hundreds more, refugees remained in Greece, living in overcrowded camps, and adding water and sanitation systems. they were physically and emotionally drained after fleeing violent “Even though we have no house, our home is when our family is conflict and poverty. together. Before, there was no tent that could hold all of us. This Meanwhile, 30 percent of buildings in Greece were vacant or shelter allows us to be together. We are dry, we have a door that abandoned because of the economic collapse unrelated to the we can lock and feel safe,” says Rasmia, a grandmother. refugee crisis. “We said, ‘okay, let’s start looking at these buildings, at a city that is in need’,” says Martha Giannakopoulou, CRS architect in Athens. Our architects reached out to the building owners and offered upgrades, repairs and market-rate rents.

ON LEADERSHIP “I have often said that the only way we can serve the common good is with uncommon excellence, and that is what I saw everyone striving for during my time at CRS. It truly is a privilege to serve the poor. At CRS you find people who give that privilege its proper respect by raising their standards and efforts to the highest level. Their collective efforts mean that both the entire agency and the individuals who work here provide leadership for all who seek to follow this path of service.”

Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo / President & CEO 2012–2016


Photo by Lucy Guillen for CRS


Inspiring and motivating Catholics in the United States to serve the world’s poor is an equally important part of our work. That means reaching out to the faithful so we can help each other live in solidarity with our global brothers and sisters, and create a better world.

Building bridges with Hispanic Catholics By strengthening the New Evangelization, CRS encourages missionary disciples to serve the entire Church as followers of Jesus. An important part of our outreach is V Encuentro, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ effort to identify and address the needs, aspirations and contributions of Hispanic Catholics.

With the tremendous growth of Hispanic Catholics, CRS worked with more than 1,000 Hispanic ministry leaders throughout the year to welcome Hispanic communities to the Church through V Encuentro. We have provided thought leadership, sponsorship and staff resources for this important ministry, including collaborating in writing the V Encuentro guide, “Instrumentum Laboris” for engaging 1 million Hispanic Catholics in 2017 and impacting 7 million Catholics by 2019. Photo by Vivi Iglesias

ON PARTNERSHIP “Partnership is critical to defining the work of CRS. We know that whatever technical knowledge we have, we are not the experts in any of the more than 100 countries where we work. The experts are the people who live there. So we always work through and with local partners— often from the local Church or Caritas—in a genuine demonstration of subsidiarity. We want to support our partners in ways that will help their communities continue to thrive, and people to fully realize lives of empowerment, long after a project ends.”

Sean L. Callahan / President & CEO January 2017–present


As the official overseas relief and development agency of the Catholic community in the United States, the mission of CRS is grounded in Catholic values, calling on us to foster compassion and dignity among the world’s most marginalized people. Our wide range of programs save, protect and transform lives around the globe.


15.7 million | PEOPLE SERVED 9.3 million | PEOPLE SERVED 81.3 million | PEOPLE SERVED




4.6 million | PEOPLE SERVED 2.7 million | PEOPLE SERVED 2.7 million | PEOPLE SERVED




4.3 million | PEOPLE SERVED



2016 CRS ANNUAL REPORT 5 FINANCIAL SUMMARY Catholic Relief Services ensures that the funds you have so generously entrusted to us go where they are needed most. In the interest of stewardship, only summary financial information is provided in the annual report.

For complete financial statements including auditor’s notes, please visit crs.g/XXXXXXXXXX or call 888-277-7575.


OPERATING REVENUE 2016 2015 Total Funds Total Funds Private Support $201,054 $259,029 Public Support $714,654 $477,943 Investment and other income $2,050 $1,673 Total $917,758 $738,645

OPERATING EXPENSES Program Services $915,047 $678,584 Supporting Services 55,931 54,729 Total $970,978 $733,313



CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $(47,434) $(11,632)

Net assets, beginning of period $214,301 $225,933 Net assets, end of period $166,867 $214,301


PRIVATE SUPPORT PUBLIC SUPPORT CRS collection $11,767 1.28% CRS Rice Bowl 8,435 0.92% Other private contributions 121,301 13.22% Foundation and other private grants 37,194 4.05% Bequests 22,357 2.44% Total $201,054 21.91%

PUBLIC SUPPORT Commodities and freight $269,560 29.37% USG grants 314,381 34.26% Other public grants and contributions 130,713 14.24% Total $714,654 77.87% PRIVATE SUPPORT

OTHER Investment and other income $2,050 0.22%

TOTAL $917,758 100.00%


PROGRAM SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES Agriculture $178,240 18.36% Water $11,190 1.15% Education $73,854 7.61% Emergency $442,460 45.57% Small Enterprise $7,367 0.76% Health $165,187 17.01% Peace and Justice $36,749 3.78% Total $915,047 94.24%

SUPPORTING SERVICES Management and general $25,603 2.64%

Public awareness 7,881 0.81% PROGRAM SERVICES Fundraising 22,447 2.31% Total $55,931 5.76% TOTAL $970,978 100.00%


CENTRAL AFRICA EUROPE, THE MIDDLE EAST AND India, Sri Lanka SOUTHERN AFRICA CENTRAL ASIA Regional Director Tony Castleman (CR) Regional Director Regional Director Scott Campbell Indonesia Dorrett Byrd Kevin Hartigan Benin and Togo Yenni Suryani (CM) Angola Afghanistan Christophe Droeven (CR) Laos Sean Gallagher (CR) Jasmine Bates (CR) Burundi, Rwanda Bernard Chaves (CR) Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Darren Posey (CR) Myanmar Swaziland, Zimbabwe Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and P.M. Jose (CR) Cameroon Scott Braunschweig (CM) Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Rita Billingsley (CR) Dorothy Madison-Seck Georgia, Germany, Greece, Nepal Lesotho Central African Republic Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lorraine Bramwell (CR) Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Rita Billingsley (CR) LeAnn Hager (CR) Philippines, Oceania Montenegro, Norway, Russia, Erica Dahl-Bredine (CR) Christophe Droeven (CR) Joe Curry (CR) Serbia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Madagascar Chad Matthew McGarry (CR) Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan Joshua Poole (CR) Nicole Poirier (CM) Marc D’Silva (CR) Timor Leste Malawi Democratic Republic of Congo, Torrey Pearce (CM) Egypt, Yemen Debra Shomberg (CR) Republic of Congo Mourad Aidi (CR) Vietnam Timothy Bishop (CR) Jules Keane (CM) Mozambique, Zambia Iraq Juan Sheenan (CR) Nigeria Hani El-Mahdi (CR) Rebecca Hallam Bassey (CR) Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza Matthew McGarry (CR) Hilary Dubose (CR)

Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus, LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN WEST AFRICA Tunisia EAST AFRICA Davide Bernocchi (CR) Regional Director Regional Director Mary Hodem Jennifer Overton Regional Director Pakistan David Orth-Moore Andrew Schaefer (CR) Cuba, Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast Joe Weber (CR) Grenada, Honduras, Jamaica, St. Bangre Moussa Dominique (CR) Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia Lucia Lane Bunkers (CR) Turkey The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Conor Walsh (CR) William Schmitt (CR) Mauritania, Senegal Eritrea Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Carla Fajardo (CR) David Orth-Moore (RD) Ecuador, Peru Ghana Ethiopia Thomas Hollywood (CR) Kris Ozar (CR) Mathew Davis (CR) El Salvador Guinea South Sudan Erica Dahl-Bredine (CR) Jean Marie Bihizi (CR) Jerome Farrell (CR) EAST AND SOUTH ASIA Holly Inurreta Liberia Sudan Regional Director Guatemala, Mexico Jerome Farrell (CR) Daniel Wortman (CR) Greg Auberry Paul Townsend (CR) Darren Hercyk (CR) Nicole Lumezi (CR) Bangladesh Haiti Mali Tanzania Deepti Pant (CM) Christopher Bessey (CR) Niek de Goeji (CR) Brian Gleeson (CR) Cambodia, China, Japan, North Nicaragua Niger Uganda Korea, Thailand Anne Bousquet (CR) William Rastetter (CR) Elizabeth Pfiffer (CR) Sanda Richtmann (CR) Sierra Leone Andrew Schaefer (CR)

KEY: CM Country Manager CR Country Representative RD Regional Director ROM Regional Outreach Manager

8 THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY U.S. OPERATIONS REGIONAL OFFICES The role of Catholic Relief Services’ five domestic regional offices is to inform Catholics in the United States about global solidarity, and engage them in living their faith with their brothers and sisters in need around the world through CRS programs and advocacy.

Regional staff members work with dioceses, parishes, Catholic schools, universities, faith-based groups and religious communities. They also collaborate with the CRS Charitable Giving and Overseas Operations divisions to provide resources and opportunities for Catholics in the United States to pray, learn, act and give.

WEST SOUTHWEST MIDWEST NORTHEAST/MID-ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST Regional Director Regional Director Regional Director Regional Director Regional Director James DeHarpporte Roberto Navarro Cullen Larson Maureen McCullough Cullen Larson San Diego, California San Antonio, Texas October 2015–May 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Atlanta, Georgia Chicago, Illinois Alaska Arizona Connecticut Alabama California Arkansas Matthew Burkhart Delaware Florida Hawaii Colorado June 2016–current Maine Georgia Idaho New Mexico Chicago, Illinois Maryland Kentucky Montana Oklahoma Massachusetts Louisiana Illinois Nevada Texas New Hampshire Mississippi Indiana Oregon Utah New Jersey North Carolina Iowa Washington Wyoming New York South Carolina Kansas Pennsylvania Tennessee Michigan Rhode Island U.S. Virgin Islands Minnesota Vermont Nebraska Washington, DC North Dakota West Virginia Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin

2016 CRS ANNUAL REPORT 9 DIOCESAN DIRECTORS Catholic Relief Services extends our gratitude to CRS Diocesan Diocese of Orlando Diocese of Fort Wayne– Directors for helping Catholics in the United States live their faith Mrs. Deborah Stafford-Shearer South Bend in solidarity with those in greatest need around the world. Your Ms. Melissa Wheeler Diocese of Palm Beach compassion and commitment make it possible for CRS to advance Mrs. Elena Muller Garcia Diocese of Gary the Church’s global mission and vision, to advocate on international Mrs. Sheila Gomez Ms. Adeline Torres issues, and to provide updates on our activities to U.S. archdioceses and dioceses. Diocese of Pensacola– Diocese of Lafayette Tallahassee Father Theodore Dudzinski CRS Diocesan Directors provide education about Catholic social Deacon Raymond Aguado teaching, social justice and CRS’ efforts overseas on behalf of the IOWA Church in the United States. Their understanding of our work helps to Diocese of Saint Augustine Archdiocese of Dubuque engage the faithful in the international community through programs Mrs. Laura Hickey Dr. Tracy Morrison such as CRS Rice Bowl, FoodFast and Fair Trade, through global Mrs. Ruby Peters partnerships and outreach to young people, including college Diocese of Davenport Diocese of Saint Petersburg students nationwide. Mr. Kent Ferris Mrs. Megan Buckler ALABAMA Diocese of Sacramento Mrs. Sabrina Burton-Schultz Diocese of Des Moines Ms. Carolina Estrada Mr. Ken Bresnan Archdiocese of Mobile Diocese of Venice Ms. Cecilia Flores Ms. Nancy Galeazzi Deacon Walt Crimmins Mr. Ryan Chestine Diocese of Sioux City Diocese of Birmingham Diocese of San Bernardino GEORGIA Deacon David Lopez Rev. Richard Donohoe Sr. Hortensia Del Villar Archdiocese of Atlanta Mrs. Jane Sweeney Msgr. Tom Wallace KANSAS Mrs. Kat Doyle Ms. Edna Townes Diocese of San Diego Ms. Kathy Montag Archdiocese of Kansas City ALASKA Mr. Rodrigo Valdivia Mr. Bill Scholl Diocese of Savannah Archdiocese of Anchorage Diocese of San Jose Sr. Pat Brown Diocese of Dodge City Ms. Bonnie J. Cler Deacon Ruben Solorio Ms. Rebecca Lehto Mr. John Ackerman

Diocese of Fairbanks Diocese of Stockton HAWAII Diocese of Salina Deacon George Bowder Ms. Grace Esquivel Ms. Michelle Martin Diocese of Honolulu Ms. Digna Ramirez Diocese of Juneau Dr. Dave Coleman Diocese of Wichita Deacon Charles Rohrbacher COLORADO Fr. Robert Stark Ms. Bonnie Toombs

ARIZONA Archdiocese of Denver IDAHO KENTUCKY Mr. Al Hooper Diocese of Phoenix Diocese of Boise Archdiocese of Louisville Dr. Maria Chavira Diocese of Colorado Springs Mr. Mark Raper Mr. Steven Bogus Sr. Maria Crucis Garcia Mr. Corey Almond Mr. Mark Bouchard ILLINOIS Diocese of Pueblo Diocese of Tucson Archdiocese of Chicago Diocese of Covington Mr. James DiLorio Sr. Leonette Kochan Ms. Joanna Arellano Mr. Michael Murray Mr. Joe Mahoney ARKANSAS Mr. Ryan Lents Diocese of Lexington CONNECTICUT Diocese of Little Rock Diocese of Belleville Mr. Doug Culp Mrs. Rebecca Cargile Archdiocese of Hartford Msgr. John T. Myler Mrs. Meagan Lederman Mr. Patrick Gallaher Mrs. Lynn Campbell Ms. Cheryl Sommer Diocese of Owensboro CALIFORNIA Diocese of Bridgeport Diocese of Joliet Mr. Richard Murphy Mr. David Maloof Archdiocese of Los Angeles Mr. Tom L. Garlitz LOUISIANA Ms. Kayla Jacobs Mr. Jaime Huerta Diocese of Norwich Archdiocese of New Orleans Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Brown Archdiocese of San Francisco Diocese of Peoria Mr. Thomas Costanza Ms. Carolina Parrales DELAWARE Msgr. Richard Soseman Mr. Kevin Fitzpatrick

Diocese of Fresno Diocese of Wilmington Diocese of Rockford Diocese of Alexandria Msgr. Raymond C. Dreiling Rev. Msgr. George Brubaker Mr. Thomas McKenna Fr. Rick Gremillion Mr. Jim Grant DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Diocese of Springfield Diocese of Baton Rouge Ms. Vicki Compton Mr. David C. Aguillard Diocese of Monterey Archdiocese of Washington Mrs. Lisa Lee Deacon Warren Hoy Ms. Deborah McDonald INDIANA Mrs. Tish Scargill Ms. Charlotte Mayne FLORIDA Archdiocese of Indianapolis Diocese of Oakland Ms. Theresa Chamblee Diocese of Houma–Thibodaux Archdiocese of Miami Mr. Marc McKimmey Mr. David Siler Mr. Rob Gorman Mrs. Patrice Schwermer Mrs. Margie DuPlantis Diocese of Orange Rev. Deacon Richard Turcotte Diocese of Evansville Mrs. Shirl Giacomi Ms. Sharon Burns

10 THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY Diocese of Lafayette Diocese of Saint Cloud Diocese of Paterson OKLAHOMA Mrs. Stephanie Bernard Mrs. Elizabeth Neville Mr. Joe Duffy Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Deacon Ed Boustany Rev. William Vos Diocese of Trenton Ms. Angela Schmidt Diocese of Lake Charles Diocese of Winona Sr. Joanne Dress, DC Diocese of Tulsa Sr. Mary Vianney Walsh Deacon Chris Walchuk Rev. Ed Jawidzik Ms. Lori Hahn MISSISSIPPI NEW MEXICO Diocese of Shreveport OREGON Diocese of Biloxi Fr. Rothell Price Archdiocese of Santa Fe Mr. Gregory Crapo Archdiocese of Portland MAINE Ms. Anne Avellone Mr. Matt Cato Diocese of Jackson Fr. Arkad Biczak Diocese of Portland Most Rev. Peter Smith Ms. Dorothy Balser Ms. Ruth H. Oakley Diocese of Las Cruces Ms. Dana Barnes Diocese of Baker Ms. Grace Cassetta MARYLAND Mr. Aad de Lange Mr. Barry Menzentine NEW YORK Archdiocese of Baltimore MISSOURI PENNSYLVANIA Ms. Ruth Puls Archdiocese of New York Archdiocese of Saint Louis Archdiocese of Philadelphia Mr. Tom Dobbins MASSACHUSETTS Ms. Jennifer Stanard Mrs. Anne Ayella Mr. George Horton Archdiocese of Boston Diocese of Jefferson City Diocese of Allentown Diocese of Albany Mrs. Debbie Kincade Rambo Mr. Mark Saucier Mr. Robert Olney Ms. Mary Olsen Diocese of Fall River Diocese of Kansas City–Saint Diocese of Altoona–Johnstown Diocese of Brooklyn Rev. David M. Andrade Joseph Sr. Patti Rossi Msgr. Terrence J. Mulkerin Mr. Bill Francis Diocese of Springfield Mr. Ted Musco Diocese of Erie Ms. Kathryn Buckley-Brawner Diocese of Springfield–Cape Mr. William Grant Diocese of Buffalo Girardeau Diocese of Worcester Mr. Frank Andzik Diocese of Harrisburg Mr. Nicholas Lund-Molfese Rev. Richard F. Reidy Sr. Mary McCarrick, OSF Mr. Peter Biasucci MICHIGAN MONTANA Diocese of Ogdensburg Diocese of Pittsburgh Archdiocese of Detroit Diocese of Great Falls–Billings Sr. Donna Franklin, DC Mr. Michel Therrien Ms. Joyce Hyttinen Mr. Darren Eultgen Diocese of Rochester Diocese of Scranton Mr. Jason Shanks Diocese of Helena Mrs. Kathy Dubel Ms. Catherine Butel Diocese of Gaylord Ms. Kristi Irwin Diocese of Syracuse RHODE ISLAND Ms. Candace Neff NEBRASKA Mr. Joseph Slavik Diocese of Providence Diocese of Grand Rapids Archdiocese of Omaha NORTH CAROLINA Rev. Robert P. Perron Ms. Maggie Walsh Mr. Omar F. A. Gutiérrez Diocese of Charlotte SOUTH CAROLINA Diocese of Kalamazoo Diocese of Grand Island Mr. Joseph Purello Diocese of Charleston Ms. Lisa Irwin Ms. Kathy Hahn Diocese of Raleigh Deacon Gabriel Cuervo Diocese of Lansing Diocese of Lincoln Mr. Daniel Altenau SOUTH DAKOTA Mr. George Landolt Rev. Daniel Rayer NORTH DAKOTA Diocese of Rapid City Diocese of Marquette NEVADA Diocese of Bismarck Ms. Amy Julian Fr. Jaime Ziminski Diocese of Las Vegas Mr. Ron Schatz Diocese of Sioux Falls Diocese of Saginaw Mr. Tim O’Callaghan Diocese of Fargo Mr. Jerome Klein Ms. Terri Grierson Diocese of Reno Very Rev. Luke Meyer TENNESSEE MINNESOTA Fr. Robert Chorey OHIO Ms. Rita Sloan Diocese of Knoxville Archdiocese of Saint Paul Archdiocese of Cincinnati Mr. Paul Simoneau and Minneapolis NEW HAMPSHIRE Ms. Pam Long Diocese of Memphis Mr. Mickey Friesen Diocese of Manchester Mrs. Therese Gustaitis Mr. Michael Haasi Mrs. Meredith P. Cook, Esq. Diocese of Cleveland Ms. Kelly Ann Davis Ms. Christine Hash Diocese of Crookston NEW JERSEY Mr. A. J. Garcia Diocese of Columbus Diocese of Nashville Archdiocese of Newark Ms. Erin Cordle Deacon Hans Toecker Diocese of Duluth Rev. Timothy Graff TEXAS Ms. Patrice Critchley-Menor Diocese of Toledo Diocese of Camden Mr. Jeffrey Grilliot Archdiocese of Galveston– Diocese of New Ulm Mr. Michael Jordan Laskey Mr. Rodney Schuster Houston Deacon Timothy Dolan Diocese of Metuchen Ms. Hilda Ochoa Diocese of Youngstown Msgr. Joe Kerrigan Ms. Adrienne Curry


Archdiocese of San Antonio Diocese of San Angelo WASHINGTON Diocese of La Crosse Mr. Jesús Ramirez Rev. David Herrera Mr. Christopher Ruff, STL Archdiocese of Seattle Diocese of Amarillo Diocese of Tyler Mr. J. L. Drouhard Diocese of Madison Ms. Nancy Koons Mr. Jim Smith Ms. Kelly Hickman Mr. Nate Simmons Fr. Hector Madrigal Diocese of Victoria Diocese of Spokane Diocese of Superior Diocese of Austin Fr. Dan Morales Mr. Scott Cooper Mr. Steve Tarnowski Mr. DeKarlos Blackmon Ms. Debbie Vanelli Mr. Robert McCann WYOMING UTAH Diocese of Yakima Diocese of Beaumont Diocese of Cheyenne Fr. Robert Siler Ms. Letty Lanza Diocese of Salt Lake City Mr. Matthew Potter Ms. Jean Hill WEST VIRGINIA Diocese of Brownsville MILITARY SERVICES Mr. Miguel Santos VERMONT Diocese of Wheeling–Charleston Archdiocese of Military Services Rev. Brian O’Donnell, SJ Diocese of Corpus Christi Diocese of Burlington Dr. Mark Moitoza Fr. Raynaldo Yrlas Mr. Phil Lawson WISCONSIN U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Diocese of Dallas VIRGINIA Archdiocese of Milwaukee Diocese of Saint Thomas Ms. Lynne Rossol Mr. Rob Shelledy Diocese of Arlington Ms. Andrea Shillingford Diocese of El Paso Ms. Carla Walsh Diocese of Green Bay Rev. Anthony C. Celino Ms. Cindy St. Aubin Diocese of Richmond Mr. Eric Weydt Diocese of Lubbock Mr. Justin Myers Mr. B. Marty Martin

CRS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Archbishop Paul S. Coakley Dr. Patricia M. Dinneen The Honorable Risë Jones Pichon* CHAIR Senior Advisor, EMPEA Presiding Judge, Superior Court of Archdiocese of Oklahoma City California, County of Santa Clara Bishop Felipe Estévez Mr. Tom Arndorfer* Diocese of St. Augustine Mr. Christopher J. Policinski President, Jesuit High School, President and CEO Mr. Kevin Farrell Portland, Oregon Land O’Lakes Inc. TREASURER Dr. Viva O. Bartkus St. Louis, Missouri Mrs. Jeri Eckhart Queenan Associate Professor Partner, Global Development Dr. Patrick T. Harker Practice Area Head President & CEO December 2009–November 2015 The Bridgespan Group Federal Reserve Bank of J. Brian Bransfield Philadelphia Mr. Mark Rauenhorst* SECRETARY** December 2009–November 2015 President, Marren Properties LLC General Secretary Monsignor Ronny Jenkins Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades United States Conference of SECRETARY† Diocese of Fort Wayne- Catholic Bishops General Secretary South Bend Bishop Edward J. Burns United States Conference of The Honorable Geraldine E. Diocese of Juneau Catholic Bishops Rivera Bishop William P. Callahan, OFM Bishop James V. Johnston Jr.* Santa Fe, New Mexico Conv. Diocese of Kansas City– Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli Diocese of La Crosse St. Joseph Diocese of Paterson Bishop Joseph R. Cistone Archbishop George J. Lucas Bishop Joe S. Vásquez* Diocese of Saginaw Archdiocese of Omaha Diocese of Austin January 2010–November 2015 Bishop Richard J. Malone Mrs. Charmaine Warmenhoven Mrs. Mary Jane Creamer* Diocese of Buffalo Trustee, Catholic Foundation Barrington, Rhode Island January 2010–November 2015 Archbishop Thomas Wenski Bishop Frank J. Dewane Bishop Gregory J. Mansour * January 2016–present Archdiocese of Miami Diocese of Venice Eparchy of Saint Maron ** November 2015–present of Brooklyn † November 2010–November 2015


Sean Callahan Chief Operating Officer

Mark Melia Executive Vice President, Charitable Giving

David Palasits Acting Executive Vice President, Human Resources

Mark Palmer Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Annemarie Reilly Executive Vice President, Strategy and Organizational Development

Joan Rosenhauer Executive Vice President, U.S. Operations

Schuyler Thorup Executive Vice President, Overseas Operations

CRS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cardinal Theodore McCarrick Mrs. Pamela Gilardi Bishop William S. Skylstad CHAIR New Smyrna Beach, Florida Bishop Emeritus of Spokane Archbishop Emeritus Mrs. Sarita Hanley Mrs. Jessica Stark Archdiocese of Washington Stamford, Connecticut Parkland, Florida Mr. Glenn Creamer Mr. Stephen Kaneb Mr. Stephen Walsh VICE-CHAIR South Hampton, New Hampshire Boulder, Colorado Providence, Rhode Island Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas Archbishop John C. Wester Bishop J. Kevin Boland Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Diocese of Tucson Bishop Emeritus of Savannah New Mexico Mrs. Julie J. Kraemer Mr. J. Paul Breitbach Mr. Arthur Wigchers Wilmette, Illinois Winston Salem, North Carolina Brookfield, Wisconsin Bishop Robert N. Lynch Archbishop Paul S. Coakley Agnes Williams Diocese of St. Petersburg Potomac, Maryland Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Mr. John O’Connor Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo Mrs. Geraldine Carolan-Tolbert New York, New York Peachtree City, Georgia President & CEO Mr. James N. Perry Catholic Relief Services Archbishop Joseph A. Fiorenza Chicago, Illinois Archbishop Emeritus of Mrs. Karen Rauenhorst Galveston–Houston Long Lake, Minnesota

2016 CRS ANNUAL REPORT 13 ACKNOWLEDGED WITH GRATITUDE We are deeply grateful for the many generous donors who support Ms. Maureen Cavotta Mr. Allen and Mrs. Rita Drake CRS each year, including American taxpayers by way of U.S. poverty- Mr. and Mrs. James Censky Mr. Robert Dubeau focused foreign assistance, which makes up less than 1 percent of the Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chartrand Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ducey federal budget. When programs funded by these dollars are consistent Ms. Karen Christensen Mr. Brian Duffey with Catholic teaching, CRS applies for resources to expand our work Robert J. Clements Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duffy to lift people out of poverty. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Coley Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dugas Jr. Mr. Thomas A. Combellick and Mr. James and Mrs. Marymae Our donors include churches, dioceses, schools and other Mrs. Eunice J. Combellick Duncan organizations, as well as individuals. Those listed here have donated Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Sharon Mrs. Patricia Dunn $10,000 or more. We are also supported by members of the Catholic Connealy Ms. Jacqueline M. Dyer and Mr. community who give donations large or small, and help spread the Mr. James and Mrs. Barbara Keith H. Hammonds word about CRS. Cooney E SIGNATURE FUND Mr. Craig and Mrs. Judith Bickel John and Maureen Copp Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Anne Ebsen CRS would like to acknowledge Ms. Victoria Biedenstein Fr. John Corona Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Edmonds our Signature Fund donors Mr. Dan Bigaouette Tom Corra and Dara Concagh Mrs. Ruth Egler whose commitments have Archie Black and Jane McDonald John and Emily Costigan Mr. William Egler supported Health, Agriculture Black Mr. Thomas Coughlin Dr. Peter Ellis and Emergency programs Mr. Ashley Blakely Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Caroline Mr. Charles Engel and Mrs. Efiona around the world. Mark A. and Nancy Briggs Blaser Court Main Mr. Thomas G. Bliznick Mr. John J. Culik INDIVIDUAL DONORS Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Lis Engstrom Mr. Darrell and Mrs. Kathleen Boff Mr. Chris Cullinane Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Epperson A Chris and Thais Booms Mrs. Eleanor P. Cummings Mr. James and Mrs. Sheila Etter Anonymous (324) Rev. Charles Bormann Mr. John and Mrs. Ann Cummings Dr. Christopher and Ann Evanich A Retired Priest Mr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle Mr. Mark Curran and Ms. Margaret Mr. John and Mrs. Kelli Evans Mr. Victor T. Adamo Mr. Thomas Boyle Straub Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Adams Dennis and Lorrie Brady Mr. John and Mrs. Winifred Curry F Anthony and Julia Albrecht Mrs. Anita Branch Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Fabbro D Mr. Thomas and Dr. Karen Allen William J. Brand Mr. Brad Fagan Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Daffron Rev. Philip T. Allen Bob and Jean Brazelton Mr. Eric Fahrenthold Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Deborah Mr. David and Mrs. Janice Mr. Robert Breard Mr. Ralph Fallon Davey Allmendinger Mr. and Mrs. Breitbach Rev. James Falsey Dr. James and Susan David Ms. Jeanne Anderson Mr and Mrs. Joseph L. Brennan Mr. Eugene and Mrs. Sallyann Mr. and Mrs. George E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Peter Arcidiacono Mr. Dean and Mrs. Mary Brett Fama John and Lenore de Csepel Charles and Lucille Armbrust Jim and Lynn Briody Rev. Leo O. Farley Ms. Kathleen G. Deakins Mr. James Arnold Mary Kay and Lewis Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Farrell Mr. John Dearhammer Ms. Gigi Auerbach Mr. William Brown Dr. Jeanne Fastook Dr. Michael A. Deck Beth, Kathy and Don Awalt Mr. Patrick Brown and Ms. Mary Steven and Paula Fee Rev. L. Edward Deimeke Dr. Howard and Mrs. Dorothy Gillespie Ms. Patricia Finn Mr. Donald T. Delamore Aylward Mr. Daniel Bryan Mr. John Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dennison Mrs. Gail Bujake Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald B Nicole Derrico and Family Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting Mr. and Mrs. John Flaherty Rev. Ronald Bacovin Mr. Robert J. Devereaux Mr. Jon Burgess Mr. James and Mrs. Mary Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Balek Mr. and Mrs. John J. Diamond Mr. James P. Burke Mr. Ronald Foisy Ms. Kathy Ball Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Diego Ms. Marylane T. Burry Sheila and Lawrence Foley Mr. and Mrs. Julie Ballesteros Robert and Diane Diens Mr. and Mrs. David Burton Mr. William and Mrs. Janis Foley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Barila Mr. Dennis Dill Mr. David and Mrs. Carol Foltz Mr. and Mrs. James L. Barrett C Mrs. Sally Dimond Mr. Brent Forrest Mr. Richard and Mrs. Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cahill Tom and Mary Dinndorf Mrs. Mary Forster-Brewer Barrett Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Virginia Dr. Patricia M. Dinneen Mr. Lewis Fountain M.F. Barror Cain Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Dittrich Ms. Marilyn Fraser Mr. Alan G. Barsumian The Honorable Lawrence L. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dixon Mr. Antony and Mr. Wendar Fu Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartels Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Fukumoto Mr. Theodore and Mrs. Patricia Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Dorothy Michael and Maureen Donahue Baumann Canavan Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Carolyn G Mrs. Wilma Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carpenter Dondelinger Mr. Kenneth Gamble Rev. William J. Bausch Mr. Donald Cassidy Mr. John Donohue George and Mary Garvey Mr. Leo and Mrs. Beverly Bedell Mr. and Mrs. David L. Castaldi Mr. and Mrs. James L. Donovan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Gasick Dudley and Kathleen Bennett In memory of Lawrence and Ruth Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Anne Dots Mr. George Gatto Judy Benson Castaldi Dr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Doughton Mr. John N. Gavin Gladys M. Benton Rev. James K. Cavanaugh Dorothy and John Doughty Ms. Mary Gail Gearns Mr. Thomas Berghammer Mr. and Mrs. William Cavanaugh III Msgr. James Doyle Sr. Patricia Geoghegan

14 THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY Mr. John Gerney Horganic Krainak McCarthy Mr. Douglas Giancoli Mr. Peter Hostyn Mr. Richard Kreitzberg Rev. Kieran McCormick Mr. Michael Gibson Mr. Donald and Mrs. Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Kreuz Walter and Mary Lou McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilardi Howe Mrs. Sherry Kridle Nancy and Kevin McDevitt Mr. Gerald E. Gill Catherine and Robert Howell James and Joanne Krietemeyer William and Mary McDevitt Mr. Roland and Mrs. Veronica Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Fredericka Mr. Gregory Krohm Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Ann McGinn Gilles Huber Mr. James and Mrs. Marie L Raymond P. and Marie M. Ginther Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Huelat McGowan Mrs. Julia M. Ladner Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Godfrey Dr. and Mrs. Carl C. Hug Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John McGreevy Ms. Huda Lahlouh Mr. Roberto and Mrs. Elizabeth Ms. Mary Hulsizer Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Rebecca Mr. Hilaire Lanaux Goizueta Mrs. Elizabeth Hurry and Mr. McKernan Mr. Julio Lanza Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gonzales Thomas Warren Mr. Thomas McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latham Mr. Stephen V. Gorla Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Hurtubise Marian F. McNamara M.D. Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Graham Mr. G. Richard and Mrs. Anne Mr. and Mrs. Dan Meehan Laughlin Bishop Charles Grahmann Hutter Mr. John Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lavallee Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Green Mr. John B. Hynes Mr. Jose Meseguer Mrs. Mary Lavas Teresa Green and Family Mr. Robert and Mrs. Rosemary I Eileen and John Lawler Mrs. Robert Greene Meyers Ms. Elizabeth Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Lawler Mr. Jack Griffin Thomas F. and Judith G. Mich Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lawless Mary and Todd Grote J Mr. Keith Mills Mr. and Mrs. William E. Leahey Jr. Carm and Barbara Gullo Mr. John D. Jeffers and Mrs. Mary Mr. Christian Milton Mr. and Mrs. John J. Leahy Mr. Charles and Mrs. Cindy E. Edrich Mrs. Madeleine Mondor Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lessl Gummer Mr. William and Mrs. Kara Jeter Paul and Sandra Montrone Mr. Edward Libucha The Guthrie/Reinsdorf family Mr. Robert Johnson Robert E. Morris Mrs. Joan and Mr. James Lind Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Gwynn Mr. George Jokerst Mr. and Mrs. Donald Muench Earl and Darielle Linehan Mr. Lance Jones Charles W. Mulaney Jr. H John and Elizabeth Linehan Ms. Jennifer Jones Jim and Mona Mulvaney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haas Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Locke Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. and Mary Mr. John Hagen Mr. and Mrs. John Loftus Mr. Joseph Jurgensmeyer M. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Mr. William R. Loichot Mr. and Mrs. George Jurkowich Ms. Kim Murphy Brenda and Gregory J. Hamer Sr. Bob and Rita Lorenz Mr. Charles and Mrs. Mary Juster Mr. and Mrs. William O. Murphy Gregory and Sarita Hanley Mr. Lee and Mrs. Susan Loudon Mr. Brian Murray Mr. John Hannan K Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Lundy Ms. Felicitas Murray Patrick and Emily Harker Mr. Stephen Kamak Dr. Elizabeth Lutas Mr. Charles Myler Mrs. Claire Harley Albert J. and Diane E. Kaneb Mr. William Lutz Mr. Michael J. Harte Family Mr. and Mrs. David Earl Lynch N Dr. Paul and Mrs. Maureen Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kaneb Gerald and Monica Nilles M Hartigan Mr. Peter Kaneb Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Peggy Nilles Mr. and Mrs. Richard Macchia Dr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Hattan Stephen and Andrea Kaneb Michael and Kathleen Nilles Joe and Katie Magee Ms. Helen M. Healy Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kasperick Dr. and Mrs. David Nowak Mr. Edward and Mrs. Mary Malone Jeanne and Michael Heekin Mary Nancy Katin Mr. George T. Maloney O Thomas E. and Judith A. Ed and Anne Kearney Henry B. Maloney Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Heimerman Mr. Peter and Mrs. Eilish Keating Mr. Laurence A. Manchester and Ochsner Dr. Thomas Heinzel Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Gwen Keeney Ms. Kathleen O’Connor Dr. Dennis and Mary Lou Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Held Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mandracchia O’Connor Mr. Gordy Hellenbrand Dr. Charles and Mrs. M. Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Marano Ms. Mary M. O’Hern Mr. and Mrs. W. Helsel Mr. Geoff J. Kennedy Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Ramona Mr. Michael Olig Mr. James J. Hennessy Mary Angela Kernan Marks Mr. Royce Oliver Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John L. Hennessy Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Maribeth Kerr Mr. Thomas Marshall Mr. Gerard O’Neill Dr. Peter and Mrs. Maureen Rev. Msgr. Louis F. Kihneman Mr. George and Mrs. Margaret Mr. John O’Neill Herbert Dr. Robert J. Kilian Martens Mr. and Mrs. James Orenga Mr. Greg and Mrs. Kate Hertz Mr. and Mrs. David Kimbell Jr. Dr. Thomas R. Martin andMrs. Mr. Paul Orrson Mr. Terri Herubin Frank and Dolores Kinn Mary-Alice Martin Mar Ostrowski Mr. Adrian and Mrs. Dolores Hill Bud and Francine Kohout Roxanne Martino Rev. Eric Hill Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Kokx P Mr. Daniel Marus Mr. and Mrs. James Hipolit Ms. Barbara Kopp Mr. John Palmeri Richard P. and Yasuko S. Mattione Miss Mary Hogan Mary and John Korey Mr. William F. Palmeri Mr. Richard B. Mauro Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hogan George and Rosemarie Korphage Mr. John Paris Mr. Thomas Mazur Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holborn Rev. Msgr. Paul P. Koszarek Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Pascucci Mrs. Rosemary McCarthy Mr. Erle Holm Harry and Julie Jansen Kraemer Mrs. Donna Paulsen Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Kathleen Dr. Nicholas and Dr. Ruth Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Michele Mr. James and Mrs. Joanne

2016 CRS ANNUAL REPORT 15 Pavlica John and Deborah Scheid Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tangney Mr. and Mrs. Linden H. Welch Ms. Gloria Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schmidt Dr. Daniel and Dr. Shannon Tapia Mr. Bart and Mrs. Sarah Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Perry Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Al and Ardelle Tappel Wellenstein Molly and James Perry Jr. Schmidt Ms. Sarah Tardio Mrs. Margaret Wendt Miss Gloria Petitto Mr. David and Mrs. Francine Dr. Anthony J. Matan and Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wengel Mr. Francis Petracek Schoen Silvia Teran Mr. William White Ms. Jane C. Pfeiffer John and Barbara Schubert Mrs. James Thielen Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wickstrand Dr. John D. Phillips Mr. Shane Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thomas Mary Ann and Art Wigchers Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Phillips Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Beth Fr. Emil Tomaskovic Stephen and Margaret Wilcox Mr. Leslie Pichery Schweiger Mr. and Mrs. Al and Molly Dr. Mary A. Willard Joe and Susan Pichler Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Jennifer Thompson Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Willhite Mr. Stephen Pieraccini Sclafani Mr. Brad and Mrs. Jodi Thomsen Agnes N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Todd Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scudellari Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tippmann Sr. Mr. James Williams Mr. Robert and Mrs. Laura Plaze Mr. Philip and Mrs. Toni Scully Mr. Stanley Tippmann Mr. Joseph Williams Rev. Loren Pohlmeier Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Sebastian Geraldine Carolan and Barry Mr. William J. Williams Jr. Mr. Edward Ponatoski and Dr. John and Margaret Seidel Tolbert Mr. Edward and Mrs. Barbara Angela Peterman Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Seiler Mr. Charles and Ms. Denise Wilson Mr. Arthur T. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Semans Tollinche Mrs. Janelle Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William Powell Barbara Semans Dr. David Tomanek Ruth and Joe Wimsatt Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Prior Mr. Matt Sery Mr. Luke Tomycz Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Mary Jim and Marie Seward Mr. Arthur Torres Wisniewski Q Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sforza Mr. Donald J. Tourney Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Jean Witte Mr. Isam Qubain Mr. and Mrs. Robert William Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Townsend Mr. James Woeber Jeri and Charles Queenan Shaffer Mrs. Catherine Travis Mr. John and Mrs. Jean Wolak Mr. John Queralt Mr. James Shanahan Mr. Nicholas Troilo Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wolohan Mr. James Quinlan Mr. Robert and Mrs. Laura Shaw Mr. Eugene C. Tuohy Dr. David Wong Mr. George and Mrs. Carolyn Sr. Lucille Shea David and Evelyn Tybor Mr. Peter G. H. Wong Quinn Ms. Kathleen Shiel Dr. John Wood U R Mr. Dan and Mrs. Sallie Shipley Dawn M. Woodward Fr. Gregory Uhrig Mrs. Megan and Mr. Rodney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shula Y Ratzlaff Mr. William G. Sifferle and Mrs. V Joe Yuhas Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Madelyn Barbara Joan Sifferle Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Vale Reali Mr. Richard J. Silvey Mr. Harlan and Mrs. Judy Vande Z Mrs. Rose Reed Mr. R. and Mrs. Mary Sim Zandschulp Mr. Allan Zagrodnik Mr. Marty Reichlin Mr. David Smyth and Mrs. J. Mr. Robert Vandenburgt Mrs. Grace Zaso Mr. Leo Reid Robert-Smyth Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Joan Mr. Ray and Mrs. Carol Zelinski Mr. L. and Mrs. Beverly Reinig Mr. Robert B. Snyder and Mrs. VanSloun Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Zepf

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Remick Lucille M. Snyder In Memory of Rachael Dougherty ANNUITY DONORS Anne and Ed Rice Mr. Robert E. Snyder Vaughan Many of you have generously Msgr. Ronald Richardson Mr. J. Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Veldman chosen to support CRS by J. Peter Ricketts Mr. Brian T. Soukup Dr. and Mrs. Frank Viverette establishing a Charitable Gift Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Ritchey Mr. and Mrs. David L. Spacone Mr. Theodore and Mrs. Kathryn Annuity. We are honored to Lynne Lutenbacher Roberts Mr. Garrett and Mrs. Joy Spear- Volz recognize those who did so Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Corinne Smith Mr. Ernest M. von Simson during fiscal year 2016. Rogers Brian and Carolan Stansky W Rokfil Family Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Erlinda Anonymous (29) Mr. James and Mrs. Darla Dr. and Mrs. David Rowekamp Stanton Ms. Mary Lee Abkemeier Wainscott Ms. Catherine Rowland Ms. Mary Staudenmaier Ms. Jacqueline J. Adamski Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Waligora Mr. and Mrs. James R. Royce Mr. William Stiefel Fr. Bernard J. Ahern Mr. Alan Walkley Mr. Raul Ruiz Ms. Cynthia Stieg In memory of Evelyn Kay Mr. Brendan Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruppert Donald and Mary Stirling Bahnsen Charles A. Walsh III Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Jacqueline Mr. James Stone Mr. Rodolfo and Mrs. Carminia Mr. Larry and Mrs. Sharon Walsh Russell Mr. Sungman Suh Banares Tom Walter and Cindy Clarke Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Mary Ryan Mr. Charles Sullivan Mr. Robert and Mrs. Elisabeth Darlene M. Ward Mr. Owen and Mrs. Susan Ryan Rev. James M. Sullivan Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick Ward Cecily Surace Rev. J. Kevin Boland S Mr. David and Mrs. Linda Watso Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sweeney Ms. Nevenka Bosiljevic Dr. and Mrs. Andreas Sashegyi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Weaver Jr. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swope Mr. Peter Bosshard Mr. and Mrs. Ervin A. Sauer Mr. Marty and Mrs. Alicia Weber Ms. Jill Szawara Mrs. Mary Boyd Lisa and Mark Schafale Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber Mr. Cletus H. Brincks Elmer J. and Barbara A. Schefers T Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Welch

16 THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY Mr. Frank Buckman Dr. Leo Paquin Ronald Boccieri Irene and Mark Dauenhauer Rev. Francis Callahan Mr. David and Mrs. Rita Pearson Rose Mary Bocek Ann M. David Mrs. Alice F. Cronin Mrs. Norma Pelletier Robert N. Boller Virginia Degen Mr. Stephen J. D’Antoni Mrs. Ruth Place Philip C. Bond William Delano Mrs. Ann Dec Mr. James Reese Mary G. Borochan Eleanor Brown Denton James and Scholastica Timothy R. Rhyne Richard J. Boyle Raymond Derbyshire DeHarpporte Mrs. Carol Ritchie Joyce E. Braun William R. Desmond Mr. Albert Eisch Ms. Marilyn Rogers Louis H. Bride Rev. Thomas F. DeVita Mr. Donald L. Esser Ronald Roggenbuck Margaret E. Brown George DeWald Jr. Rev. Thomas C. Foley Mr. John and Mrs. Judith Mary Clara Brune Marion G. DeWitt Mrs. Angela Fyri Rosenbaum Florence Bruno Lucie M. Dilger Mr. Kenneth C. Gagne Rev. Robert Rosing George Bryant Rev. Hugh Ernan Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Gasick Mr. David Savoy Beatrice Buck Miriam A. Donahue Dr. John H. Glick Jr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charlotte I. Schovaers Dorothy E. Budzek Anne M. Doran Mary V. Glick Msgr. Joseph Semancik Caroline C. Bukowski Frans J. Dorn Ms. Gerlinde Gossmann Mary Ann Singer Mary Jane Bull Mary Ellen Dougherty Most Rev. Bernard J. Harrington Fr. Michael Slusser James E. Bunce Martha H. Doyle Rev. Msgr. John Hebl Ms. Victoria Stauffacher William S. Bunte Carol J. Dugal Mr. William J. Hevert Mr. John and Mrs. Susan Stolwyk Carmine T. Buonaiuto William A. Dulin Ms. Michelle Hogan Mariann and Alfred F. Talbot Elaine R. Bur Richard J. Dunne Mr. C. Richard Hollenbach and Roseann B. Termini Donald Buzzelli Patrick Durnan Mrs. Louis M. Hollenbach Ms. Helen Ullrich Mary Frances Callaghan James L. Elson Mr. Robert P. Hollern Raymond D. Viacava Amelia V. Camara Opal I. Emington Msgr. Thomas Ivory Mr. David Wagner and Mrs. Mary Rita Campagna Robert E. Ennis Fr. George Kane Caroline Wagner Msgr. Francis M. Campbell Frank D. Esposito William J. Kasip Trust Mr. Richard and Mrs. Deborah Laverne M. Carey Lawrence W. Fagg Mr. Robert Keenan and Weibel Claire L. Carty Richard H. Fagher Mrs. Alice Keenan Jerry and Doddie Weigel Donald Carver Patricia M. Fahey Dr. Charles Kiddy Dr. Wayne Weisner Genevieve M. Casey Eleanor V. Fails Fr. Roy Kiggins Mr. Joseph J. Wittwer Paul Chagnon Mary M. Farley Ms. Dorothy L. Killian M. T. Susan Wood Elizabeth J. Cheeseman Anne F. Favo

Mr. Richard L. Kitchen and Mrs. BEQUESTS Esther Christoff Joseph F. Finch Marjorie C. Kitchen CRS gratefully remembers those Joseph L. Ciriello Catherine Fiora Mr. Thomas E. Kokal and Mrs. donors who made provisions in Rita C. Clark Gerard X. Fitzgerald Shanna L. Kokal their estate plans in support of Msgr. William J. Clausen William A. Fleming Rev. Robert Kolenski the world’s poor. The following Alan L. Clements James E. Foley Mr. Walter and Mrs. Madeleine are the names of those whose Martha Ellen Clewell Dr. Mary Helena Fong Korfmacher bequests were received in fiscal Jacqueline J. Clinton Josephine M. Ford Rev. Msgr. Paul P. Koszarek year 2016. David and Margaret Clyne Rev. Albert Fosselman Mr. Philip and Mrs. Constance Catherine A. Coffey Gilbert J. Fox Kramer Marie M. Acevedo Msgr. John C. Collopy Matthew I. Fox Fr. John H. Kroger Sadie C. Adams Rev. William F. Condon Myra Fox Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lipinski Patricia J. Aducci Rev. Philip Conroy William A. and Betty Fox Judith R. Lochtefeld Richard and Patricia Albright Thomas M. Conroy Eugene M. Frankart Mr. Hugh MacDonald Rosalie M. Alden Stephen L. Cooley Helen L. Franklin Joan G. Maddy Helen Pamela Allen Robert A. Cooper Loretta J. Franklin Ms. Esther Ann McCorry Sr. Madeleine L. Altamira Marjorie M. Corak Rev. Charles L. Froehle Mr. David and Mrs. Cecilia Elda Anelli Mary Patricia Cornely Angela P. Frost McGuffey Nancy J. Angland John and Ninna George Corwin Lawrence J. Gaffney Charles J. McKenna Anita Norcop Angus Rev. Raymond J. Cossette Algert A. Gaidimauskas Bishop Dale Melczek Julia A. Arakelian Marillyn F. Craig Sharon Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Middleton Joseph Asaro Dennis Crean Ursula H. Gallichotte Rev. James Murphy Margaret Rita Babich Helen Marie Crisman Elizabeth P. Garber Mr. Brian Murray Concetta Baldassarre Bianca M. Culbertson Arthur M. Garzon Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson Sr. Therese Maria Banach Catherine M. Cunningham Barbara Geary Mrs. Margaret and Mr. Blaine Grace P. Barrett Elizabeth Currier Kevin Gengler Norris Joan Benoit Rev. Eugene P. Curtin Rev. Joseph F. Geniesse, CSC Ms. Mary Nunan Louis A. Bertrand Henry and Breeda Cusack Delores A. Gerger Mr. Christopher X. O’Connor Francis M. Besch Eunice Daley Kathryn P. Gilligan Mr. Robert D. O’Toole Beth Ann Billings Dr. Richard J. Dames William J. Gleason

2016 CRS ANNUAL REPORT 17 Rita D. Goeke Margaret R. Leader Archie and Catherine F. Mary C. Singh Ruth L. Goldboss Yvonne A. Lefkowitz Ostrander Patricia L. Skarda Richard and Judithanne Gosnell Frank J. Leonardi Rev. Robert Overman Madgel Mary Skinner Michael B. Graf Harold T. Listort Marguerite Pasley Bertha F. Slade Marie Grandstaff Rev. Leonard J. Loegering Richard H. Pelkey Raymond A. Smalsey Dorothy R. Gredler Patricia A. Longhenry Jack Perkins Rev. Walter J. Smigiel Maria Grootens Alice W. Lorillard Pernard P. Perl Richard L. and Mary M. Smith Richard and Nancy Grove Mary “Maura” Cryan Louis Donald and Theresa Peter Mildred K. Snowden Rev. Michael Guinan Kathryn T. Louka Celina Peterle Margaret Splaine Loretta E. Guld Pauline M. Lutonsky Walter F. Philipp James E. Stadler Rosemary Gwynn Farrell J. Lynch LeRoy F. Piché Ludwig Starke David J. Haas Daniel E. Lyons Rev. Patrick L. Pierceall Joseph A. Stauber Ellen Catherine Hackett Rev. Richard J. Macke Margaret Della Pietra M. Verona Stillman Ruth Hallenbeck Phyllis Pearl MacKenzie Gary R. Porter Mary Frances Stoeckinger Martha Hamblin Beatrice R. Mahan Rev. Venantius P. Preske Matthew J. Storms Dale L. Hare Peter and Sadie Maland Bernadine T. Rachuba Dorthea Stuber Roger and Margaret J. Harmon Lawrence W. Malavita Harold and Ellen Kruger Radday Anna M. Sullivan Beryl L. Harrison Constance E. Malloy Bill K. Rahmes Pearl K. Sullivan Blanche Hatch Helen M. Maloney Clarence Razabdouski Edward A. Supik Marguerite Mayward Irene M. Maloney Joan M. Rehrauer Patricia A. Sweeny Doris R. Hellmund Martha Ann Maloney Charles H. Reid John Joseph Tamasik Joseph C. Hiebel Brennan Manning Helen A. Reilly Mary Jean Tate John and Mary S. Hill Robert David Martin Carmella Reinhardt Edwin Theis Donald R. Hilleary Margaret Martineau Lester J. Rendich Mona Thibault Miriam C. Hillmert Rev. Robert J. Mauntel Mary Ann K. Reynolds Ann Holden H. Thompson Arthur and Mary Hodel John J. McDonald Anthony T. Ricchezza Marjorie G. Thompson Robert Hoffman Ruth I. McGrevey Paul J. Rice Rosalie Thompson Melanie Holmes Rev. Justin N. McIntyre Mary T. Richardson Ruth Thoni Carol Walters Hopkins Patricia A. McKay Virginia M. Richert Jean M. Ticknor Margaret K. Howarth Thomas Deglan McKiernan Anna C. Riedman William C. and June A. Tillman Irene Margaret Hughes Patricia M. McNamara Bernard J. Rinehart Raymond L. Todd William S. Hunt Andrew C. McNulty Rev. Lawrence Robotnik Anne I. Toomey Lawrence J. Jackan John W. Menard Carl P. Nicholas P. Troccola Annette K. Johnson Frederick M. Messina Richard P. Rost Deacon Robert P. Troy Elizabeth L. Jones William J. Metzger Marie T. Rotti LaVern A. Turner Jay L. and Peggy R. Jorban Geraldine A. Meyer Oliver F. Runde LaVern A. Turner Dorothy M. Kail Lawrence Meyers Eleanor Rusanowski Harold F. Unger Richard P. Kane Rev. Chester Michael Godfrey Philip Ryan Louis T. Vagnini William J. Kasip Richard and Kathleen Minich Ralph G Ryan Josephine C. Valenti Vera T. Kaska Edward Mojkowski Florence A. Sacchetta Bill VanErt Ellin Margaret M. Kelly John J. Moll Concetta Sanzari Ronald G. Vardiman Dr. Eileen P. Kennedy Donald M. Moore John J. Sapitowicz Evelyn Vercellotti Michael P. Kieltyka Msgr. Edmund J. Moore Elaine M. Schaefer Arline K. Virgil Mary E. King Barbara A. Morandi Agnes R. Schingle Alexander J. Vogeley Marian G. Klein Richard J. Mueller Roselyn J. Schmitt Rose M. Volpe Barbara E. Kleinhans James Ralph Murphy Bernard and Gloria Schnapp Leonard and Betty Waldhauser John S. Kloepfer John L. Murray Katherine Schomer Beverly C. Walton Ralph A. Knippen Josephine M. Napoli Mildred A. Schumacher Katharine Whyte Watt Dr. Gayle Kohls Louise M. Neller Rev. Jacob Schumacher James B. Way Paul Kokalis Rosemary C. Nolan Augusta Schurrer Warren Weber John A. Kozel Helene Nowak Anne G. Scripps Rev. John H. Weis Joan A. Kraft Alfred and Ailene O’Brien Thomas Joseph Seavey Rev. Paul Weishar Carl A. Kramer Clarence and Garnetta O’Brien Catherine Sebert Kathleen M. Welsh William Krick Gina M. O’Brien Walter and Marie Seebauer Paul West Anthony Krizl Rev. Thomas F. O’Brien Helen G. Semo W. Carelton Wilkinson Mary T. Kruse Gregory and Jean O’Conor Louis A. Shainker Rosemary Wiltscheck Edward J. Kuchinskas Frances E. O’Donnell Mary Elizabeth Shannon H. Peter Wimmer Rose B. Landeis James T. O’Donnell Joseph M. Shears M. Louise Winchell Mary Lou Langdon Kay Bea O’Donnell Marion R. Shortino Richard J. Windgassen Rev. Timothy J. Lange Mary and James O’Hara Nora L. Sinclitico Mary P. Wolf

18 THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY Rev. Louis J. Wolken Cochran Family Foundation Islamic Relief Providence College Rev. Kenneth J. Wolnowski Community Foundation for J & P Livestock Province of St. Augustine Julia D. Wright Fox Valley Joerger Family Charitable Quentin and Sally Heimerman Gabriel F. Wyzga Community Foundation of Foundation Family Charitable Fund of Anthony M. Zahringer Acadiana John C. and Carolyn Noonan the Catholic Community Msgr. Leonard Ziegmann Community Foundation of Palmer Private Foundation New Jersey FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS & Foundation Quinto Ranch LLC ORGANIZATIONS Community Foundation John P. and Anne Welsh Raskob Foundation for Catholic Anonymous (28) Sonoma County McNulty Foundation Activities Academy Place Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Joseph P. Fetzek Charitable Raymond James Charitable Amanter Fund Conservation International Foundation Endowment Fund Ambrose Monell Foundation Foundation Karaba Law Raymond L. and Rita M. Metzner American Endowment Coppel Family Foundation KAT LLC, Dalton Trucking Inc. Charitable Foundation Foundation Crescent Porter Hale Foundation Keurig Green Mountain Inc. Renaissance Charitable Arbrella Insurance Group Dayton-Phoenix Group Inc. Kirk Williams Co. Inc. Foundation Inc. Argidius Foundation Delaco Steel Corporation Knights of Columbus Richard J. and Mary B. Dwyer Assad and Mary Jebara Diantha P. Holman Charitable Supreme Council Family Charitable Trust Foundation Inc. Foundation L.M. Sales Associates Roviaro Foundation Baltimore Community Diehl Family Charitable Latter-day Saint Charities Ryan Memorial Foundation Foundation Foundation Lawrence A. Dollman Fund of the Safari Circuits Inc. Battelle Foundation Dietz Charitable Lead Trust Greater Cincinnati Foundation San Diego Foundation Benedictine Mission House Disasters Emergency Committee Lawrence A. Sanders Foundation SC Ministry Foundation Benedictine Mission House Dodgeland of Columbia Inc. Linehan Family Foundation Inc. Schaller Corporation Benson Family Foundation Dominican Sisters of Mission Little Company of Mary Hospital Schmidt Family Foundation Bernard Bradley Family Donor Dominican Sisters of Peace Love of Christ Foundation Inc. Sebonack Foundation Advised Fund Dondelinger Foundation Mark and Karen Rauenhorst Silicon Valley Community Better Way Foundation Donnelly Foundation Family Foundation Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Edward Colston Foundation Inc. Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Bingham Foundation Eparchy of Newton Mary and Bo Gunlock Family Sisters of St. Francis Blue Valley Wealth Management Equal Exchange Inc. Fund Sisters of St. Joseph BMI-Rupp Foundation Farr Family Foundation Mary Catherine Bunting Sisters of the Most Precious Bohnen Family Foundation Financial Deepening Kenya Foundation Blood Bon Secours Health System Inc. Finnegan Family Foundation MasterCard Foundation Social Justice Committee Boston College Foods Resource Bank McCurdy Family Trust Social Justice Committee– Brady-Cashill Foundation Ford Foundation McDonald Family Foundation Province of Our Lady of Bucket Brigade Inc. West African Catholic Health Medtronic Inc. Consolation Bunting Family Foundation Solidarity Fund Millennium Water Alliance Society of the Divine Word C&A Foundation Franciscan Sister of Christian Milton and Fannie Brown Family Sogge Family Fund CDA Collaborative Learning Charity Foundation Speedwell Foundation Projects Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Mushett Family Foundation St. Joseph Health Community California Resources Corporation Adoration National Christian Foundation Partnership Fund Catherine Maloney Foundation, Fred B. Snite Foundation National Outreach Foundation Inc. Stephenson National Bank and Inc. Gene and Pat Jacoby Foundation National Philanthropic Trust Trust Catholic Charities of the East Bay George Family Foundation Navarro Research & Stifel Nicolaus and Company Inc. Catholic Charities Spokane GHR Foundation Engineering Inc. Stop World Hunger Catholic Community Foundation Give with Liberty NetHope Tailored for Education for Eastern South Dakota Greater Saint Louis Community Nilles Family Fund Terry and Regina Family Catholic Daughters of Foundation Oak Tree Philanthropic Charitable Foundation the Americas Guy Edwards and Margaret Foundation The Amieva Lecuona Fund Catholic Health Initiatives Frances Goehring O’Keefe Family Charitable Fund The Carter Center Catholic Youth Foundation USA Charitable Fund Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite The Catholic Community CCW St. Paul Minneapolis GWR Community Foundation of Catholic Church Foundation of the Archdiocese Archdiocesan Council of North Texas P. K. Tool and Manufacturing of St. Paul and Minneapolis Catholic Women Henry A. Quinn Charitable Company The Catholic Foundation Center for Mission Foundation PAIS Foundation Inc. The Catholic Foundation for the Charitable Auto Resources Inc. Hirtle Callaghan Charitable Park Avenue Charitable Fund Diocese of Green Bay Christian Aid Howard G. Buffett Foundation Pawlowski Family Foundation The Charles Englehard Christian Charities USA (Local Huisking Foundation Inc. Performance Services Inc. Foundation Independent Charities) Illinois Tool Works Foundation Polaris Energy Nicaragua S.A. The Cleveland Foundation Chuck and Ellen Haas Foundation Indian Creek Land and Cattle LLC Priority Foundation Inc. The Columbus Catholic

2016 CRS ANNUAL REPORT 19 Foundation Foundation Inc. Northern Trust Company International Fund for The Community Foundation United Industries Inc. Employees Charity Organization Agricultural Development The Connor Family Fund United Way of Rhode Island (ECHO) of Northrop Grumman International Labor Organization The Cushman Foundation University of Notre Dame PayPal Giving Fund International Organization The ELMA Relief Foundation W. O’Neil Foundation Pfizer Foundation for Migration The Father’s Table Foundation Wahl Clipper Corporation Pitney Bowes Inc. Livelihoods and Food Security The George and Edna Vista Hermosa Foundation Shell Oil Company/Motiva Trust Fund Schwarzmann Fund Vodafone Enterprises Matching Gifts Start Network The H.R. LaBar Family Foundation Water Access Now Southwestern Energy Company UNITAID The Henry Luce Foundation Inc. Watersheds Foundation SSM International Finance Inc. United Nations Children’s Fund The Hildebrand Foundation West African Catholic Health Teras Cargo Transport United Nations Development The James L. Sherman Solidarity Fund Tesoro Employee Programme Foundation William C. Dowling Jr. Foundation Engagement Fund United Nations Office for The Jerry R. Licari Foundation William S. Deakyne Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon Project Services The Kopp Family Foundation Xylem The T. Rowe Price Program for United Nations Office for The Leona M. and Harry B. YourCause Charitable Giving the Coordination of Helmsley Charitable Trust MATCHING GIFTS U.S. Trust Humanitarian Affairs The Leroy, Jean and T.L. Thom CRS appreciates the generous Wells Fargo Advisors LLC United Nations Office of the High Foundation Inc. contributions made by the PUBLIC DONORS Commissioner for Refugees The Lynch Foundation following corporations and by CRS selectively pursues United Nations Stabilization The Mary Cross Tippmann their employees, whose gifts funding opportunities from a Mission in Haiti Foundation have been augmented through variety of governments and United Nations World Food The Mooney Reed Foundation x these matching gift programs. intergovernmental donor Programme The Mueller Family Foundation agencies to achieve our program United States Agency for Aetna Foundation Inc. The Neil and Evangeline Jacobs strategies and maximize our International Development Allstate Giving Campaign Charitable Fund ability to serve those in need. United States Department AmazonSmile Foundation The New York Community Trust CRS gratefully acknowledges the of Agriculture Bank of America Charitable The Orokawa Foundation financial and in-kind resources United States Department Gift Fund The Orrson Family Foundation received from the organizations of Health and Human Services Bank of America Matching The O’Shea Family Foundation that follow. United States Department The Penates Foundation Gifts Program of Labor The Peter Flanigan Family Benevity American Online European Union United States Department Foundation Giving Fund Food and Agriculture of State The Petunia Foundation BP Amoco Matching Organization of the World Bank Gift Program United Nations The Pic Fund AMBASSADORS OF HOPE Bristol-Myers Squibb GAVI Alliance The Reuter Family Foundation CRS established the Foundation Inc. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, The Robert Bensen Meyer Jr. Ambassadors of Hope to Carillon Office Technologies Tuberculosis and Malaria Foundation Inc. recognize our most generous and Services Government of Australia The Sauer Foundation Fund patrons. The extraordinary Chevron Humankind Employee Government of Austria The Seattle Foundation philanthropy of Ambassadors of Matching Funds Government of Bosnia The Semnani Family Foundation Hope members is a testament Dell Employee Direct and Herzegovina The Shaughnessy Family to the power of sharing God’s Giving Campaign Government of Canada Foundation bounty of love with those in Exxon Mobil Foundation Government of Colombia The Strelchun Family Trust greatest need. The Tamias Foundation GE Foundation Matching Gift Government of Germany The Terri and Verne Holoubek GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Government of Haiti Anonymous (36) Family Foundation Inc. Green River Ace Hardware Government of Honduras Argidius Foundation The Thomas A. Rodgers Jr. Store 11263 C Government of Ireland Better Way Foundation Family Foundation IBM Employee Services Center Government of Japan Mr. and Mrs. William Brown The Warmenhoven Family K. W. Horth Scholarship Fund Government of New Zealand Howard G. Buffett Foundation Foundation Lenovo Government of Norway Mary Catherine Bunting The Winston Salem Foundation Merck Employee Giving Government of Spain Ms. Marylane T. Burry Theresa and Edward O’Toole Campaign Matching Gifts Government of Switzerland Robert L. Cahill Foundation Merrill Lynch Government of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Timothy Arthur Robinson Morgan Stanley Global Impact Czech Republic day Saints Memorial Fund Funding Trust Inc. Government of the Netherlands The Coppell Family Townsend Ford Inc. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Government of the The Cottrell Foundation Triangle Community NAF Financial Services United Kingdom Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Creamer Foundation Inc. Northern Trust Charitable Inter-American Carl W. Doty Unilever United States Giving Program Development Bank The Father’s Table Foundation

20 THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY William R. Fry GHR Foundation Albert J. and Diane E. Kaneb Family Estate of John J. Koppe Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kyle Mr. and Mrs. John J. Leahy Estate of Micheal Leahy Estate of Dorothy J. Marron Estate of Ellen M. McNeil National Council of Catholic Women Rob and Berni Neal W. O’Neil Foundation Molly and James Perry Jr. Presentation Ministries Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities Estate of Joseph E. and Margaret M. Rau Mark and Karen Rauenhorst Robert T. Rolfs Foundation Ervin A. Sauer The Harold C. Schott Foundation L.S. Skaggs Jr. Estate of Mary Alice Smith Charlie Tippman Foundation Vista Hermosa Foundation Monsignor Raymond Wahl Mary Ann and Art Wigchers Agnes N. Williams

Although we have made every effort to ensure names are listed correctly, if you discover an incorrect name or omission, please accept our apologies and bring the error to the attention of:

Director of Stewardship Catholic Relief Services 228 West Lexington Street Baltimore, MD 21201-3443

2016 CRS ANNUAL REPORT 21 GATHERED TOGETHER IN PARTNERSHIP Catholic Relief Services is proud to be one of the founding members of Caritas Internationalis, a global confederation of more than 160 members. Inspired by Catholic faith, Caritas works at the grassroots level in communities around the world, responding to emergencies, promoting development and advocating for a fair and just world.

When disaster strikes, we join with regional Caritas members to provide immediate aid— a partnership that saves lives and respects the unique needs of every community. CRS also supports Caritas members through training and programming that builds long-term community resilience.

Other Caritas members provide financial resources for CRS programming. We especially want to thank the following:

• Catholic Agency for Overseas Development

• Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace

• Caritas Australia

• Caritas Germany

• Caritas Internationalis

• Caritas Switzerland

• Secours Catholique

• Trocaire

• Other Caritas organizations

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