Defence Against Terrorism Review Vol.8 2016
1 Defence Against Terrorism Review - DATR ISSN 1307 - 9190 Owner ‹smayil GÜNDÜZ, Director of COE-DAT Coordinator Mehmet ASLANTAfi, Chief Edu.&Tra.,COE-DAT Editor-in-Chief Atasay ÖZDEM‹R, Ph.D., Editor, COE-DAT Assistant Editor Berin KOYUTÜRK, International Relations Specialist, COE-DAT Copy Editor Larry WHITE, J.D., TOBB ETU University Editorial Board Yonah ALEXANDER, Ph.D., Potomac Institute Ç›nar ÖZEN, Ph.D., Ankara University Oktay TANRISEVER, Ph.D., Middle East Technical University Ahmet Kas›m HAN, Ph.D., Kadir Has University Ignacio SÁNCHEZ-CUENCA, Ph.D, Juan March Institute Anthony RICHARDS, Ph.D., University of East London Advisory Comittee Meliha ALTUNIfiIK, Ph.D., Middle East Technical University Beril DEDEO⁄LU, Ph.D., Galatasaray University Sertaç BAfiEREN, Ph.D., Ankara University Rohan Kumar GUNARATNA, Ph.D., Nanyang Technologica University J.Martin RAMIREZ, Ph.D., Complutense University Yaflar ONAY, Ph.D., ‹stanbul University Stephen SLOAN, Ph.D., University of Central Florida Ersel AYDINLI, Ph.D.,Bilkent University Bar›fl ÖZDAL, Ph.D., Uluda¤ University DATR is an international peer-reviewed journal that is abstracted and indexed in EBSCO Publishing. DATR is a product of the Centre of Excellence-Defence Against Terrorism (COE-DAT). It is produced for NATO, NATO member countries, NATO partners, related private and public institutions and related individuals. It does not represent the opinions or policies of NATO or COE-DAT. The views presented in articles are those of the authors. © All rights reserved by the Centre of Excellence-Defence Against Terrorism. 2 Defence Against Terrorism Review - DATR ISSN 1307 - 9190 Sahibi ‹smayil GÜNDÜZ, TMMM Komutan› Sorumlu Yaz› ‹flleri Müdürü Mehmet ASLANTAfi, E¤itim ve Ö¤retim Baflkan›, TMMM Editör Dr.
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