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Indigenous Engagement Framework and 2020 Report Back on Progress


That Council approve the Indigenous Engagement Framework and accept the 2020 Report Back on Progress


In 2019, Council approved the draft Indigenous Engagement Framework. Direction was provided to turn the draft document into Report and to report back on activities.

The COVID- 19 global pandemic interrupted a number of activities in 2020. For example, the Mushkegowuk Cup was postponed and the inability to meet face-to-face led to the cancellation of a many of meetings of the City of Indigenous Advisory Committee. Be that as it may, much progress was made in a number of strategic areas.

Addressing Human Needs: Worked collaboratively with the Cochrane DSSAB, Living Space and Northern College to ensure the safest possible shelter services were available during the pandemic. Lobbied senior levels of government for support for the ' s Fire Keepers Street Outreach application for funding. Worked collaboratively with the Timmins Native Friendship Centre and Living Space to ensure adequate winter shelter services and cold weather alerts during 2019-20. Timmins hosted 166 evacuees for a seventeen day period in August from Fort Hope, ensuring COVID- 19 protocols were in place including 24/7 on site nurses and access to a physician. Timmins supported the development of the Kanachihih Youth Treatment Centre.

Delivering on the Calls to Action The Indigenous Advisory Committee met throughout the year, with a hiatus during the state of emergency and lockdown.

COT —HR -035( F4) -v05 Revised: March 31. 2017 The Indigenous Advisory Committee had reviewed and shortlisted a provider of Cultural Competency/Sensitivity training for the City — however the pandemic has forced the committee to review other options. The City of Timmins has participated in the mural project that has seen numerous public (City Hall, Timmins Museum, Victor M. Power Airport) and private buildings be painted with Indigenous themed murals. The Timmins Museum hosted the annual Treaty week education programs for the community. The City of Timmins is participating in the Timmins Economic Development Corporation' s Anti -Racism Action Program.

Focus on: Timmins Museum' s 2020 Activities

1) Support to indigenous artists and artisans through: a) Partnership with Niska Arts Co- operative (and Mennonite Central Committee) to carry work by indigenous arts and artisans in the gift shop; b) Indigenous artist and artisan fair (July and November); and c) Workshops for emerging indigenous students (with Misiway).

2) Presenting a more comprehensive and inclusive view of Indigenous life in the Timmins area through our new permanent exhibition: a) Consultations with Ojibwa Cree Cultural Centre regarding presentation of indigenous history in our permanent exhibition; b) Inclusion of Cree language learning tool ( app) in the exhibition; c) Inclusion of Indigenous map of and app in exhibition; d) Staff attend " Indigenous Collections Workshop" at the Canadian Museum of History; the aim of this event is to support organizations with Indigenous collections in their care to improve their practices and improve relations between museums and Indigenous communities; and

e) An agreement between the Timmins Museum and the Mattagami First Nation and the was reached for the transfer of archeological pieces from the Yellow Falls site; work will now progress on the actual transfer and storage of the artefacts for the at the museum.

3) Support to indigenous community through workshops, partnerships and educational opportunities like:

a) As part of the Franco 400 celebrations in 2014, we provided space for a 3 month canoe building workshop and celebration of culture with a Metis master craftsman, canoe remains in the collection;

b) Art workshops for children suffering trauma ( healing workshop) ( partnership with the Native Friendship Centre); c) Workshops with the Native Women' s Association on drum making, storytelling and ribbon skirt making; d) Mural project through Misiway;

COT —HR -035( F4) -v05 Revised: March 31. 2017 e) Week-long celebration commemorating National Treaty Week (November) with Misiway; and f) Discussions with indigenous liaison with the school boards regarding issues of cultural sensitivity.

The museum continues to explore new avenues for partnership with indigenous communities and groups. Items " on our plate" include the addition of a member from the indigenous community on our advisory committee, cultural sensitivity training; addition of another mural in the museum.

Economic Alliance In February of 2020 the Mushkegowuk- Timmins Relationship Agreement was approved by the Mushkegowuk Council of Chief and the Council of the City of Timmins. An extensive Workplan has been developed and communicated to the communities see Appendix).


City of Timmins Resolution 19- 275

City of Timmins Resolution 19- 090

Timmins Vision 2020: Developing a plan to address racism and intolerance in the City will: Promote cross- cultural awareness, tolerance and understanding of cultural and linguistic groups in Timmins Reduce incidents of discrimination and intolerance in the community.

Mushkegowuk- Timmins Relationship Agreement


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City of Timmins Indigenous Advisory Committee


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Date: Dave Landers Chief Administrative Officer

COT —HR -035( F4) -v05 Revised: March 31. 2017 Appendix: Mushkegowuk Council and City of Timmins Relationship Agreement Work Plan 2020

Item Description Progress Notes / Actions from meeting Nov. 13, 2020. Investigate First Identify economic Ongoing 1. economic Nations -Municipal development project to Applications to the assets analysis Community strengthen application submitted in 2016 for tourism Economic for next intake. ( Date and 2018, both required to Development TBD, examples of a unsuccessful. develop a Initiatives tangible project being: Next intake is yet to strategic plan This initiative o Affordable be determined. and make a has been housing request for established to o Tiny home Entrepreneur training funding empower First project support being offered 2. A summary Nations and o Food security — through TEDC. report on food Municipalities to partnership with Currently a gap security by become local agricultural analysis is underway community is in effective groups —source development partners in for our Funding proposal to 3. Tiny home fostering strong communities Heritage Canada on project has been and mutually o Tourism — Tiny Home Project undertaken in beneficial local creating unsuccessful one community. economies relationship with Once the project Work effectively Timmins MTRA discussion is scoped, Dave with the Tourism — i. e. completed with the will assist with development drive traffic CDSSAB who is land options corporation for north. attempting to 4. As City opens the mutual Identify increasing affordable more land for benefit of the economic/business housing stock in development, an Mushkegowuk projects for initial Timmins effort should be Communities screening by made to and the City of committee. consider Timmins Indigenous needs within the community. Conduct a Business 2021 5. Deferred due to Exchange Conference Planning team to be COVID- 19 in Timmins sometime established. in 2021 Building bridges conference precedes

this event —to ensure buy in exists prior to

COT —HR -035( F4) -v05 Revised: March 31. 2017 Dave has socialized this concept with the TEDC & Chamber Building Bridges 2021 6. Deferred due to Conference to highlight INeed to establish COVID- 19 success and build planning team. bridges between Mushkegowuk and Timmins community

City of Timmins is Ongoing 7. Review of interested learning Mayor and CAO have previous studies met with Lawrence more about the James underway to Martin to learn about create briefing Bay Seaport possibility the Conservation note


Review of previous studies underway Demographic The proposed March 2021 8. Dave to follow Study demographic profiles Contemplated start up with FNETB will provide local date was October 1, for update on leaders and 2020 in conjunction this

stakeholders with a with the Far baseline of local data Northeast Training that they need to adapt Board ( FNETB) and/ or develop timely and efficient plans to ensure that the members of the First Nation communities

could access relevant training, education and employment. 2021 Mush Cup The City of Timmins 021 will assist and facilitate ournament with the planning and cancelled due to implementation of this COVID- 19

event Communication Develop a July 2020 9. Media release to Strategy communications Media release was follow this strategy to share with sent out following last meeting to public in the region/ city meeting and received ensure that MOU, and progress of good attention stakeholders identified work plan know we

activities continue to work

COTCOT — — HRHR - - 035(035( F4)F4) - - v05v05 Revised:Revised: MarchMarch 31.31. 20172017 together during this emergency period 10. John to craft a short form

comms plan 11. Provide update to community newsletter Promote economic May 2021 benefits/ impact of MC Adjust scope of work

member communities of the Mushkegowuk spend in the city Regional leakage especially from study to understand regional events) value of benefit. Mushkegowuk Economic Leakage Study scope to include focus on who the leakage benefits ie. City of Timmins, Cochrane) to understand the value of the benefit to Timmins. Campaign Identify existing Ongoing 12. Still awaiting Against Illegal organizations in MC taskforce in place answers from Drugs and Timmins / MC territory since summer 2017, government on Alcohol mandated to address Social emergencies Fire Keeper this issue conference winter of Foot Patrol MC ( taskforce) to 2018, list of 13. Kashechewan

participate / receive recommendations on has declared a information from these file. state of organization' s emergency. Still A number of waiting on meetings have funding for lands occurred at the based healing political level on program. illegal drugs and Timmins called making some efforts upon and to work with committed to community help advocate organizations in the for services for City of Timmins to Kashechewan. provide assistance to 14. Dave to follow Mushkegowuk up with members. Kanachihih Youth Treatment

COTCOT — — HRHR - - 035(035( F4)F4) - - v05v05 Revised:Revised: MarchMarch 31.31. 20172017 There was general Centre for discussion about a opening date. street patrol with Timmins, NAN, and the Red Cross with further meetings to occur to enhance community outreach. It was generally agreed that all

members should keep one another appraised of progress and activity in relation to the campaign against illegal drugs

and alcohol.

Dave coordinated a call with the Kanachihih Youth Treatment Centre that is opening in Timmins to share information.

Implement passenger Ongoing 15. Dave to follow screening to reduce City of Timmins has up with federal flow of illegal drugs made request for government and alcohol at Timmins enhanced screening Victor M Power Airport as first step to Transport Canada in the summer of 2019

Doug reported that the request for assistance regarding passenger screening lies with the Federal Government and we are awaiting a response. Develop a plan with 2021 strategies which will Produce a policy address and combat paper on the the issue building on egional Crisis that existing brings together MC resources/ strategies recommendations &

COTCOT — — HRHR - - 035(035( F4)F4) - - v05v05 Revised:Revised: MarchMarch 31.31. 20172017 learning' s from Timmins crisis. Develop and August 2020 implement a street Waiting on response patrol program in to Fire Keeper Patrol Timmins application Homelessness & Coordinate efforts on Ongoing 16. Dave provided Food Security local and regional Proposal for funding update on activity homelessness / efforts to racism focused establish a submitted in January winter warming unsuccessful. shelter in Timmins METS is building a life skills program — in


Focus on supply solutions. Health Services Monitor progress and BA 17. Sylvina will try to advocate for enhanced engage a regionally and locally traditional based health services healer. Examine possibility of 18. Sylvina to reach Detox centre in out to Misiway Timmins and TNFC on need for detox beds. Racism & Inventory current Ongoing 19. Dave reported Discrimination activity within Timmins Anti -racism proposal that TEDC Identify organizations submitted to Heritage received funding with mandates to Canada in response for an anti -

address racism to Anti -Racism Action racism Complete gap analysis Program — campaign as Develop strategy unsuccessful. part of its newcomer Misiway Mural strategy & Project. looking to include the METS working on Indigenous cultural awareness Experience. tool for businesses. 20. Consider a joint Project is still under proposal in the development and future. needs feedback from the communities.

Discussed memorial benches or plaques

COTCOT — — HRHR - - 035(035( F4)F4) - - v05v05 Revised:Revised: MarchMarch 31.31. 20172017 for lives lost recently. Discussions need to continue to finalize those ideas.

CA —videos created from different areas; it would be nice to have one created by youth? CA to share examples with RK. CA to share first draft

of cultural awareness tool — for employers

and other. Issue highlighted —

stereotypes/ racism — when renting to indigenous people.

Treaty Rights Educate Timmins Complete Police Service on harvesting Broader public 2021 IR 21. Dave reported education related to SME such as Irene that the Timmins treaty rights is Linklater and Vern Museum had a required. A number of Cheechoo have been number of

subject matter experts identified educational were identified who tools for Treaty may be called upon to Week. assist in future discussion. Community Provide input Presentation safety and bell- Presentation by complete. being plan Melanie L to Mushkegowuk staff Evacuations Timmins and Fall 2020 22. Tom met with Mushkegowuk to share Discussed evacuation Mushkegowuk information related centre possibilities. staff to look at evacuation underway Tom believes that community and expected there is an safety & evacuation opportunity for the economic Mushkegowuk to opportunities in manage evacuations hosting in Timmins. evacuations. Cree Fest TBD IP021 RevisedRevised 2020/2020/ 11/11/ 1313

InIn progressprogress OnOn holdhold

COTCOT — — HRHR - - 035(035( F4)F4) - - v05v05 Revised:Revised: MarchMarch 31.31. 20172017 Deferred/ not started Complete

COT —HR -035( F4) -v05 Revised: March 31. 2017