Check-list of Polish spiders (Araneae, except Salticidae) file:///D:/Internet/Polen/Polen Spinnenliste 2004.htm Check-list of Polish spiders (Araneae, except Salticidae) 1. November, 2004 by Wojciech STARĘGA Instytut Biologii, Katedra Zoologii, Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce
[email protected] The present list is a compilation and continuation of the earlier check-lists of Polish spiders (PRÓSZYŃSKI & STARĘGA 1971, 1997, 2003, STARĘGA 1983, PROSZYNSKI & STAREGA 2002]. It will be currently updated, according to the progress of cognition of the country's spider fauna. I give also a list of the most important faunistic and other publications after 1971 which add any species new to the Polish fauna (or cross out some of them). The nomenclatural changes were regarded as far as possible to unify the names used in Polish arachnological literature with those in foreign check-lists and catalogues (e.g. PLATEN & al. 1995, commented by BLICK 1998), NENTWIG et. at. 2003, TANASEVITCH 2004, and first of all, with the latest version (5.0) of the "Spider Catalog" by PLATNICK (2004). The species, which occurrence in Poland is certain, have serial numbers, some exceptions which need confirmation or re-examination are marked with "X" sign instead of a number; doubtful species were not listed, though named in earlier papers (pre-1971). Species described from Poland (or with Polish localities mentioned in their original descriptions) are marked with „☼” sign. Species not "officially" known (i.e. published) from Poland but whose occurrence is already confirmed have remark „(fide ... [the name of its finder])". Some nomenclatorical remarks are given in square brackets. The species protected by law are marked with an asterisk (*), threatened ones - with symbols (in italics) used in the newest "Red list of threatened species in Poland" (STARĘGA & al.