• m 1 • # 9 • I

Official version MSG Women's soccer of snow fight Christmas coach resigns Page gaffe Page

_—; ByStudents For Students


4 • CHECK F r o s t y tells all IT OUT about snow THURSDAY, DEC. 7

The works of Anne E. Miotke will trophe. £ I $ and laughing hysterically. The terroristic in- Frosty the snowman The 700 strong police finally arrived on tentions of the students had been stopped, but be on exhibition in the Cummings Merciad Staff Icicle Gallery in the Hammermill library the scene equipped with dogs, full riot g e a r , at such a cost | and 25 paddy wagons. Beijing eat your heart W The battle stained townhouses still dis- until Jan. 2. Editor's note: The following article does notou t They attacked, but were valiandy beaten play the scars from that dreadful night 'It is reflect the opinions of the Merciad Facuitybac k by some of the finest s n o w b a l l throwing rumored that the Erie police department now FRIDAY. DEC. 8 Advisor, Timothy K. Moriarty, and has beeneve r seen. Regrouping, the battered and very have, * 'bombard on sight* \ orders whenever Printed contrary to his advice. L ^ wet cops conceded defeat to the maniac resi- they see a Mercyhurst student armed with a Mercy hurst College's Dance De- dents. One officer is reported to have said, "I shhhhh, snowball. partment presents '' Dance Themes never thought I'd see this in America.2 Give > Sources close to me reveal that the me one more chance and I'll jblow those Presidcntof the college Dr. Wilhelm Gartland and Variations" at 8:15 in Zurn The horrible nightmare of Kent State Recital Hall. * & > anarchists to kingdom come.'' was in fact a central character in the riot H e University was relived on the campus last $ A beleaguered and bombarded German was seen darting from tree to tree knocking Saturday night, as an estimated 450 savagely Shepherd turned to his trainer and yelped, hapless police officers to the ground with well drunk students fought a pitched'battle, not ' 'Give me two minutes off this leash and Til aimed pitches. Unfortunately however, he SATURDAY. DEC. 9 with bricks or bottles, but with yes, the in- tear this nibble asunder.9' Already four dogs himself was mistaken fona snowball and creasingly disturbing symbol of student dis- had made the ultimate sacrifice, having been, unceremoniously smashed against the wall of Holiday Scavenger Hunt, Union, sent, the snowball. * yes it's sad to say, snowballed to death. 4012 Briggs, by an extremely big baseball 7:00 p.m. People were dropping like flies. B a s e b a l l ? By this time the bloodthirsty and poten- player. Thankfully though, he survived the Vans to I Mall, Depart Baldwin, coach Joel Jordan scrutinized the L whole tially murderous students had become fren- ordeal, and when asked to comment replied, 1:00 p.m. event, and was seen busily offering full rideszie d and were set to hit Zurn Hall. It was too"Di d you see the way I nailed thatkid with the to prospective pitchers. The explosive nature late. A helicopter gunship arrived and strafed turtlencck?" j- J| Dance Performance 8:15 Zurn of the melee, which was marked by some Recital Hall. the tree line directly outside the townhouses By twelve midnight the unrest had vicious hand to hand combat, made it neces- hitting 15 students instantly. The now weary- subsided and the events of that fateful nisht sary for half the Erie Police department to be armed students were no match for the fresh wereforgottenbythosewhohadl called to quell this horrible situation. The pitchers of the fourth battalion. Battle of South Briggs, and all again was well SUNDAY. DEC. 10 Northwestern National Guard at Smurfy hurst was put on full alert and President Bush was Dr, Garnet Beerski was seen giving direc- Dance Performance 2:30 y Zurn awakened to be briefed on the potential catas- tions from Fireship I, smoking a giant cigar Recital Hall * * *: Mercyhurst Student Govern- ment meeting, 7:30 p.m. Zurn 114.


S.A.C. Meeting, Union, 8:30 p.m. cf * -4 I I • 1 J I ffrif^i PAGE 2 The Merciad DECEMBER 1,1989

Snowball fight leads to disorderly conduct arrests the first cruiser called dispatch for By Robi Taylor that got out of hand. assistance. The officer also told the Merciad Managing Editor Housing director,JDr. Gary Brown, sets his estimates at around dispatcher to notify Mercyhurst security to disperse the Crowd or A cold, brisk, snowy winter 100 to 150 students. The situation was not that sen- "he v start night and a group of students with * t nothing to do can only lead to one ous according to Brown. "It was arrests thing, a snowball fight A group of just a small snowball fight that got One resident said the police students gathered together to have out of hand and turned

L al» * r t * i i The Lake Erie Ballet Com- Mercyhurst Ssenate Savocchio wants pany will present its traditional per; resignation letters formance of * 'The Nutcracker* * at the Warner^ Theatre. Performance amends constitution This column, is written in order dates arc set for Dec. 16at8 p.m. and * * to give students the highlights*of Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Spon- Erie area happenings. sored this year by GTE, the ballet •i sidering the formation of a judi- At the November meeting, the - Pat Liebcl was appointed as acting will be presented with participation board to review non-academic Mercy hurst College Senate mayor by the ailing Mayor Tullio to from Gannon ^University, Erie student grievances. . * ease the transition of p o w e r b e t w e e n County Historical Society and 1. Amended the Senate - -:??4. Questioned Director of new and old administrations. Joyce James E. Sabol. Constitution to relieve one of the Athletics Pete Russo, present at the Administrator Senators of having to Savocchio wiltjbe sworn into the meeting at the request o f the Senate, Robert Steele and the musical direc- office of mayor on Jan. 3. Savoc- Lake Erie Company serve on two standing committees. regarding the concerns manysfac- Now an Administrator-at-large can chio is the first n e w mayor Erie has — *ii~~Z I .~ .u- ~i A ! r.i. tion of Aaron Dov Kula, the Erie ulty have about!the!number of new dimension to the old story of the n J I^L replace one of the two Administra- had in 24 years. « Nutcracker by incorporating Company performed "The Nut- classes student atheletes miss be- tor Senators on the Administrative — Uoyce Savacchio has asked top [Erie family of the turn cracker" on the road at the Shafer cause of practice and game sched- Policies and Operations C o m m i t t e e . Tullio administration officials to century into the tale. Charles and Auditorium ta Meadville, as well as ules. * a return AM««M/«A«MMM * 2— /""»~_~ r*~.A 2. Heard from Chairperson submit letters of resignation effec- Annie a return engagement in Cape Cod, 5. Agreed unanim Janet Price that the current work of tiveJan. 1. The oral request came on Erie area in j the way of business Massachusetts for five shows. te*M accept Piesident Garvey • ft Friday from representatives of development, as well as entertaining attend the December meeting includes investigating ways to sim- Mayor-elect Savocchio The ad- on a level that attracted guests from The "Nutcracker*' is well Senate in order to address c plify the mid-term progress report ministration will be able to submit afar. Theyj'find their place in the known for the majesty and splendor budget assumptions. process and following up on the resumes.. J ballet in the first act, hosting a party it recreates of the period in which it Writing-Across-the-Curriculum N*- A licensed deer hunt will be held takes place, and its many fans will The Senate would like to em- for family members and intimate and Academic-Success-Center Pro- at Prcsquc Isle State Park, Dec. 11 to insist that no holiday season is phasize that all Senate meetings are friends. Later in the ballet the grams passed by the Senate last 13. The hunt is an attempt to thin the complete without it Those wishing open meetings. They are held the Strong's daughter, Matilda Thora year. | number of deer at the park, esti- to become apart of the tradition can first Thursday of every month in Wain wright Strong, falls asleep and 3. Learned the Campus Life mated at about 180. Presque Isle experiences a fantasy-dream world obtain tickets from t h e Civic Center Zurn Committee is investigating student 314 at 3:30 pjn„ and all State Park!has'3100 acres, not in which the Nutcracker has come to Box Office at 452-4857, or at any complaints about tent increases for members of the Mercy h u r s t com- enough to support a deer population life. i local Tickctron. 1 I South Briggs apartments as well as munity are welcome to attend. of that size. ! Under the artistic direction of m A 8 V i» « w *

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Drinking & driving don't mix.. MSG losing credibility

•The first in a series of twelve too much to drink. The Erie County '<**&£C; m Measure and p o u r d r i n k s yourself o r m ftSfrtt anti-drinking-and-driving articles. DUI Model Project urges you to hire a professional bartender. Do not By Kevin McHugh reduce the risks a s s o c i a t e d with al- offer pitchers or* let guests serve Merciad Editor ML cohol-use by observing the follow- themselves. //?> What makes a party great? l\ ing sensible beverage service guide- 4. Offer non-alcoholic drinks. p We at the Merciad are having a Good food, entertainment and lines: field day in the aftermath of Satur- Be generous with cubes and mixers. day night's "riot", as Tm sure socializing. 1 .Never serve a minor or allow a 5. Never push drinks. Wait until you've noticed. I am proud to say As aii adult hosting a party you minor to drink alcoholic beverages a g u e s t ' s glass is empty before offer- that I was involved in what has are responsible: responsible not at your party. It is illegal, and, if ing to refill.;'Never fill a half-full become the biggest news on cam- only for the arrangements of time, fcaught, you can be fined $1,000. If glass. pus this week. £ location and menu, but also of the a minor drinks at your party and is 6. Make drinking secondary to However, it's okay for the stu- safety of your guests. involved in an accident, you will be other. entertainment Play games, dents to think of the incident as farcical but not for the Residence life Suggestions: Be Responsible held liable. * dance, induce conversation. Get staff. -a v ] * • .Whether hosting a private or 2. Serve food with drinks: guests involved. Dr. Gary Brown, director of residence life, said that not only was company-based party, if you serve snacks help to slow the absorption of it unnecessary to phone the police, it was also unnecessary to call alcoholic beverages you could be alcohol. Avoid salty snacks, which Continued on page 5 campus security. Brown told the building staff of 4014 Briggs to held liable for any accident o r injury tend to make guests thirsty. L handle the situation on its own. | % Brown obviously wanted the situation diffused but how could he resulting from a guest who has had z$. Keep the bar in another room. expect two of his staff to disperse a crowd of about 100 students? If he wanted the crowd dispersed, he should have called security. College staff If h e d i d not want thecrowd dispersed that would have been contrary The Merciad to the wishes of the Erie police, which would not have been a good move on his part ,' M f | Mercyhurst College's First-Class newspaper didn't fulfill J Brown made the professionally correct decision, which was to disperse the crowd. But he was ineffective in executing his decision as rated by the Associated Collegiate Press roles with by not involving campus security and thus appeared unprofessional. Vol. 6 3 No. 9 DECEMBER 7,1989 The Erie police were not needed to control the situation but they ErieiPolice came. Once the Erie police are called on campus, Mercyhurst security Kevin Mc Hugh Editor should be involved, but they weren' t They were not notified until well To the Editor, after the police had left Theresa Kloecker News Editor Had campus security been on the scene even appearing to control the situation, perhaps two Mercyhurst students would not have been Robi Taylor | Managing Editor As an elected representative of arrested. £ the students, I feel I must comment John Deasy Sports Editor on-what'transpired last! Saturday night Carl Triola Assistant Sports Editor The J Erie Police Department At Sunday's Mercyhurst Student Government meeting, MSG came on to our Campus in excessive bypassed policy by which a vote on any motion or proposal cannot be Patty Coneglio Business Manager force; six cars, a police wagon, and a made until the following meeting. f J ;- dog. The wagon drove onto the bas- Ron Blum, a McAuley Hall RA. requested $100 from the student Liz Richards Design Director ketball court, and the;police pro- government to decorate Christinas trees that MSG had bought for ceeded to arrest two students for Mcauley and Baldwin Halls. W. \ Steve Rush Cartoonist disorderly conduct Their crime was Blum said that he asked Director of Residence Life, Dr. Gary being part of a group of sober stu- Brown, for the money out of t h e Hall's programming fund but was told dents throwing snowballs. by Brown to ask MSG for the money. Brown said that he did not refer Blum to MSG, and that the Where was Mercyhurst secu- programming fupd may be used for such activities. X rity? Where was the Residence Life MSG has lost credibility by deviating from a policy that was set up staff, when the students needed help to ensure that all motions are properly researched and documented Reporters in mediating with the police? Such a before voting. , situation did not warrant arrests. As it turned out there was a breakdown in communication between Cassie Bakmazf Garth McCurdy The Residence staff did nothing Blum and Brown. MSG did not need to pay for the decorations, and Ann Marie By t h e w a y Tammy Pethtel to help the two arrested students. more importantly, did not need to break a policy. Derrick Christie Nick Roberts There seems to be a building Had this been policy been adhered to, MSG could have talked to Theresa Hewitt I Deborah Schmidt resentment toward authority figures Brown and may have saved itself $ 100. Maria Kelly Tracy Schmitz as was evident when the police ar- Admittedly, MSG was in a bind. Blum, Brown's employee, said rived. The Residence Life staff had that the programming fund would notcover thecost of the decorations. an opportunity to show that although If they waited a week to vote, it would have been too late. So MSG voted on the issue without using the one week delay to check out the The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst 1 their role is authoritative, they can facts. College, Box 161,501 E. 38th St, Erie, PA 16546. Phone: 825-; use this role to benefit the students. 0376. Material for publication most be submitted bv noon on the The Residence life should have Whether Brown would|or would not have supported Blum's Monday before publication. request is not the main issue. MSG's policy deviation is what's supported the students in the inci- important • dent T . The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must be signed, faiJK£? W0Ck {?ef5ral P*** m u s l te ^forced, and should be put but the writer's name can be withheld by request. & Rod Power JitoMSG s constitution. It is much more important than $100 in president

*^* » ' t Ti DECEMBER 7,1989 The Merciad PAGE 5

Drinking & driving (continued) 7 .Never serve "one for the If all else fails, take the guest's Local tavern review Ishoweased road.'' Close the b a r one hour before car keys and hide them. No tactic is the party ends and serve food and too extreme if it keeps a drinking coffee. f driver off the road. By Theresa Hewitt But nice scenery has its price: mixed have you off and running in a matter 8. Never allow an intoxicated You can learn more a b o u t what it Merciad Staff Reporter drinks will run you up to $7.00. of 30 seconds or less. Of course, there guest to drive. In the.event that a takes to host the ultimate party. For For a marathon road trip your are people who are more comfortable guest becomes intoxicated, do eve- free information on non-alcoholic Recently we published an article best bet is Louisiana. New Orleans (not to mention abetter of!) sitting rything possible to prevent him/her drink recipes, host/hostess dps and on English pubs. Well, that's great in particular. (Don' t assume that j u s t down to drink. from driving. Ask a sober friend to drinking etiquette, call or write The on a "horizon broadening" level. because the Merciad was recently Most of the bars in New Orleans, take Erie County DUI ModelfProject, But, fori those of you who will there'for a "journalism conven- and especially those on Bourbon St, i cab GECAC Drug and Alcohol Serv- probably never see England, we tion ' ' means that this is where we diid< are established according to a particu- sary ices, 809 Peach Street, Erie, PA thought ifd be a good idea to review research.) Along^Bourbon St lar style of music. Live bands play spend 16501,(814)459-4581. H f some bars here in the United States, you can find j u s t about every kind o)ff Creole, R&B, Jazz and Cajun music all of which are within driving bar that exists. It all depends on what at places like the Preservation House, distance.(It j u s t depends on how far you're in the mood for. rock-n-roll pumps from t h e j u k e b o x you're willing to drive). Those of you who hate the Penn- at Daiquiri's, piano-players and other GOD Pal Joey's, Pogo's and Club 1UU sylvania Open Container Law, and drunks entertain at O'Brien's; there Some call him 'The Man Upstairs' are all situated along the southern who like i to walk (stagger) around was even a traditional Irish band at a Some call him The Boss'... boundary of the Youngstown State while you drink, there are plenty of certain pub I know. Unlimited hours Some c&ll him more respectful University's campus. These are "Beer and Mixed Drinks to Go" of operation is another plus to drink- names... basically dance bars, complete with signs posted. These vendors can mix ing down south. WKBM Father, Son and Holy Spirit, loud music, pool tables, gorgeous up a screwdriver or rum and coke and Most everyone knows him by bartenders, and lots of people. the name.. .GOD A little further away, but just as iMmpoonfchristmas review... worthwhile, are the countless bars When you think of God, do you and taverns in the Ohio State Uni- Sometimes think of Priesthood in your Life? versity area in Columbus, Ohio. £ God has a way of 'bothering'those He ^ m One of the cheaper and more j j inter- calls to priesthood!-He has a way of . esting" of these is the South Hei- keepjng priesthood in the minds and hearts delberg. Built underground, this bar -of some guys.. MAYBE YOU! makes I places like Herman's and Chipper's {look good; but it h still If you want to talk about it, give me a call at 1 maintains its own unique atmos- * (814) 825-3333 or write to: phere. Prices aren' t bad either: $2.00 Fr. Larry Speice for bottled beer, both domestic and Vocation Director import P.O. Box 10397 ' Further down the road: In Nash- Erie, PA 16514-0397 ville Tennessee there's a igreat "theme bar" known as Darryl's. • • • 11 • • 11 Decorated; along the lines of Gone With the Wind, tit's a welcome CHEVY CHASE BEAMS AS HE CARVES THE TURKEY FOR change from most regular haunts. AMERICA'S WILDEST CHRISTMAS DINNER PHOTO COURTBSY OP WARNBR /gj': THE SEARCH IS NOW ON! * Ji; USA® ^PAGEANT f Condnued from page 6 WHEN SERVICE COUNTS.. show life the way it really is and NO PERFORMING TALENT REQUIRED ^8) if you are an applicant who qualifies and are --—•- YOU CAN COUNT ON US, personally I think it worked. between the ages ot 18 and under 27 by February 'S^ • • SINCE 1961 H The one thing that bothered me 1, 1991, never married and at least a six month ^ Office Machines Sales & & resident! of Pennsylvania, thus college dorm ;jJJ> about the movie is that the kids keep students are eligible, you could be Pennsylvania s] GET THOSE PAPERS DONE getting younger in every movie. Get representative at the CBS-nationally televised •f FAST AND ACCURATE real, the parents keep getting older. Miss GSA* Pageant in Feb., 1991 to compete for over $200,000 in cash and prizes. The Miss Penn- LEALMNG EDGE All the other relatives get older. Why sylvania USA® Pageant for 1991 will be DUAL FLOPPY COMPUTER don't the Griswold kids age? I can presented in the Grand Ballroom of the Howard OKIDATA 1.72 PRINTER. hardly wait to see the next movie Johnson Hotel, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, 1 ?S#4 -fj March 9. 10, and 11, 1990. The new Miss Penn- SALE $£1,095.00 where the kids show up in diapers. sylvania USA? along with her expense paid trip PRINTER CABL

'%. ,* Rush stays consistent into second decade * ; • Presto's first track, "Show By Garth McCurdy | Don't Tell" may provide the bfest SPONSORED BY THE D' WMCE music director example' of RUSH'S development K* > SCHOOL OP MUSIC Album: Presto over the past seven years. Since the Gt-oup:RUSH departure o f Terry Brown, the b a n d s DECEMBER 12 producer from 1975-1982,RUSH's STUDENT RECITAL „i 1974 saw Anthem Records of sound has changed rather quickly. Canada sign a young enthusiastic 3- Grace Under Pressure (1984) PERFORMANCE OF picce power band to a record deal. dawned the u s e o f electronic percus- STUDENTS OF THEj^ The trio consisted of a bassist whose sion for drummer Neil Peart This! D'ANGELO SCHOOL OF vocals? uprooted images of Steve gave him a chance to expand his * MUSIC Windwood on Valium, a guitarist mastery in an instrument equaled by ? 3 P.M. IN' who could easily be recognized in four, if any at all. Power Windows public as being on the cover of (1985) provided even more key- ZURN RECITAL Cosmo, and a talented drummer board work as well as orchestral! HALL whose energetic style had compari- arrangements in tracks like "Man- sons to LED ZEPPLIN'S John hattan Project" and "Marathon." Bonham dream Along with Hold Your Fire (1987), success was present at the time, no guitarist Alex Lifeson found his onel enecuve that in years, past, while albums can provide the vehicle. ZUZ one expected that IS years and IS fire musical provides the vehicle for (1976),! Moving Pictures and albums later, RUSH would become Lifeson to re-established himself as comphrending Lifeson's guitaring. MERCIAD Presto, the latest performance to be one of the most consistent compos- the talented performer and musical Presto reminds us that RUSH can pulled from the hat of RUSH. Sit CLASSIFIED ers and performers in rock music. co-writer he is. | still produce straight foreword rock in back and enjoy the magic. LONELY? NEED A DATE? November 21 provided the air- tracks like "Show Don't Tell" and Presto is flooded with distorted "Superconductor." The lyric may MEET THAT SPECIAL j) waves and commercial outlets with guitar rifts along with both the ac- Quarter notes: For the alternative SOMEONE TODAY! j£| RUSH'S 16th album Presto. This is try to compare anything RUSH has music fan, "I Want the Answers," coustic and electric guitar harmonies done to their classic album Moving CALL DATELINE % their first under the Atlantic R e c o r d s two hours of the most provocative more \ common gin the more recent Pictures (1981) and say nothing even (405)-366-6335.M8 label Veteran Canadian producer alternative music of the p a s t and pres- releases, J %• comes close. RUSH is a band that Rupert Hine joined the band for the ent hosted by Frank Z Revy, airs HELP WANTED Multi-track recordings of the constantly changes and produces a time and' it's the mix between his Mondays from 10:00 pan. til mid- ATTENTION: EARN MONEY much improved vocals of Greddy solid 40-50 minutminutie release. § experience and RUSH'S maturity night, only on WMCE 88S FM. READING BOOKS! \^> $ Lee help get Pearts socially conscious To generalize I career that has led to their strongest release $32,000 PER YEAR INCOME lyrics across inja way that is more help put presto |into focus, three POTENTIAL.-^ * since Signals (1982). I ±_ CALL (602) - 838 - 8885 CRUISE SHIP JOBS EXT BK1885 MI HIRING MEN - WOMEN SUMMER - YEAR ROUND J CARS FOR SALE '-^ PHOTOGRAPHERS 'Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ATTENTION - GOVERNMENT TOUR GUIDES, RECREATION SEIZED VEHICLES 4 J. I; PERSONNEL I FROM $100.00 EXCELLENT PAY PLUS FREE shows what bad luck-can befall I FORDS, MERCEDES, jj TRAVEL |CORVETTES, AND CHEVYS i CARIBBEAN, HAWAII, SURPLUS BUYERS GUIDE? BAHAMAS, S. PACIFIC can of Coors in his lap. There is one thing that I have been CALL (602) - 838 » 8885 1 CALL NOW By Robi Taylor That's the kind of Christmas that able to figure out about the writers EXTA18851 lis (206) -736 - 0775 Merciad Managing Editor the fates and bad lucks ahs in store for and Matty Simmons, arid that is they CALL REFUNDABLE I National Lampoon's Christmas Clark Griswold, played by Chevy don't like animals. In the first movie HELP WANTED j'. , Vacation Chase, and his family. they dragged a- dog tied to a car HELP WANTED ATTENTION - HIRING Starring - Chevy Chase»|Beveriy Christmas Vacation starts out bumper. This time they fry, or to be GOVERNMENT JOBS IN YOUR STUDENTS WANTED TO D'Angelo, and Randy Quaid 1 with the family cutting its own tree, a more accurate vaporize the cat after PROMOTE SPRINGBREAK f -\ i AREA ;*-\\M-J&*- Directed by Jeremiah Chechik 20 - foot blue spruce which has to fit ? SUN AND SKI TRIPS. * Clark plugs in an electrical cord the. ANY IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Warner Brothers into a room with an eight foot ceiling. cat is chewing on. Add to 4his the WITHOUT LIST OR TESTS ; EARN FREE TRIPS AND COMMISSIONS > Rated - PG A lot of the story centers on the tree maniac squirrel and you get some of $17,840 - $69/185 ,1j ."I and the 25,000 white Christmas CALL (602) - 838 - 8885 % TRIPS INCLUDE MEXICO, the biggest laughs of the movie. ?' EXTR18851 M* '; DAYTONA BEACH, AND Everybody wants the perfect lights that Clark covers his house *l usually don't like sequels as |* %| MANY MORE. ^M Christmas for his family. You know, with. I much as the an original, { b u t in the JOBS IN ALASKA / CALL STUDENT TRAVEL the kind they show in the movies with / The in-laws show up along with HIRING MEN - WOMEN case of Christmas Vacation, I think SERVICES a fire in the fireplace, U n c l e Joe sitting the obnoxious cousin Eddie, played that it is more enjoyable arid enter- SUMMER - YEAR ROUND NUMBER ONE IN STUDENT in the corner drinking egg nog, and a *; CANNERIES,FISHINGS, by Randy Quaid,ifrom the original taining than either Vacation or Eu- ^4r"•> TRAVEL AT beautiful tree in front of the living LOGGING, TOURISM, Vacation. That's when all the trouble ropean Vacation. \ 1-800-265-1799 ASK FOR JEFF room window. CONSTRUCTION starts. One crazy aunt shows up with $ ;The storylwas siUy but it was not a rather large cat wrapped tightly in a UP TO $600 WEEKLY, PLUS ROOMMATE NEEDED ,.. Unfortunately, most of the time as stupid as the others. It ^showed the lights ..don't; work, the turkeys box, complete with ribbon and a FREE ROOM AND BOARD. ONE RESPONSIBLE* \l problems'that every American has at T comes out burnu.and Uncle Joe is wrapped jello mold that is sprinkled CALL NOW! ROOMMATE NEEDED least one time during his or her life. (206) - 736 - 0775 passed out in front of the TV with a with cat litter. *'CALL 825 £ 4540 ChevyChase said that he wanted to CALL REFUNDABLE ASK FOR CHERYL Continued on page 5 • • *- t , 1 1

! -a DECEMBER 7,4989 The Merciad PAGii7?

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Laker icers good /

in earlu I season of vlau fvi'^" " 4 the losses coming against the Roch- sius and Cortland has left the team in * • ftk m By John Deasy ester Institute! of Technology J and a strong position, with only £ t h r e e Merciad Sports Editor Plattsburg. Mercyhurst tied against games remaining in 1989. R.I.T., the reigning national run- Head coach Rich Gotkin said, With only ten games played so ners-up. With only forty-six sec- <4I*m ecstatic about the way things far in this season, the Mercyhurst onds remaining in the third period, are going. It* s a hell of an effort from hockey team has proved itself* a R.I.T. equalized, denying \Mer- the team. We need to do well in the major contender >Tor post-season cyhurst a famous victory. f next three games because the rest of honors. •* * Twoeasy victories against Bing- the season will be a battle." f> The teams record stands at 7 - 2 - 1 , ham t o n , and victories against Cani- Gotkin singled out some players •Vis. w for their fine playiof late. "Rick --: ** * * «^**£

Gignac, Pat Doran and Bill DeCo- * V <• «fc* 1 * ••-• } teau are really coming to the fore. J The restof the team has been playing By John Deasey f ? As the years have progressed, the really well as well. The big picture is Merciad Sports Editor team has become more^and^more real bright."^ :. f I I successful. Naturally, the demands w f The team is led.in scoring by W, The resignation of Andy Roth aso n both {he coaches and the players freshman Troy Winch, who has thir- the head coach of the women's soc- have increased. In^Roth's case, it 1 J teen goals and thirteen assists to his cer team has left the athletic depart- 1 became an impossible situation, with i*L* » * w*« credit, jf •$!# nJgi ment,with the unenviable |ask of • his j o b as die Director of Admissions ' • J ft •i -must be a full-time student and finding a worthy successor,!;, • | • suffering because, of soccer. #: ? Outlook,| the Mercyhurst College $ sophomore level standing £ •pfi![Th e hockey team's next home %] Under Roth J the fledgling s q u a d y -He.said, ''It was just too much Literary Magazine is now accepting Please stop in the financial aid office game will be played on Dec. 10 4 against St Bonaventure at the Civic has grown ialeaps and bounds, and time. It was taking away-from my poems, short stories and'essays for ». by Decdrif intei&ted .5 ! 'real' job>My responsibility is to the the 1990 edition. The deadline for Center. 3M- * »Js - . is now one, of. the lop ten teams in Div.^II soccer. ^ - ' adult college/the admissions office submissions is Dec. 13. Please send ^ America Mensa Ltd j ? ! ,v ^anden^olh nalL "• ~ **$" ^ **" i all manuscripts to: —awards are unrestricted' as to ¥*L • •*S> The loss of Roth* as tne women* s Scott Graham; Editor class standing, QPA, necd,ecL.. BEFORE YOU CAN FOLLOW coach' leaves ari important coaching ; b* Outlook ^1 ' I '.—scholarships ranging from $200 position vacant However, he. re- Box 511 '( i ,l YOUR DREAMS, Y O U GOT 1 0 ito $1000 are oftoed 1 ^ ' i mains adamant thatfa coach of suit- . ; Mercyhurst College Please stop in the financial a i d office able caliber will be found .He will FOLLOW RULES J M lErie, PA 16546 for an application by Dec. 31 if WCC1 r f remain in an administrative, coach-

interested. f J »• 4 -* I-"* «1 ing capacity, organizing the sched- { ule, fundraising and.recruiting. He 3.*^ie Brinch|,bf|the American JSL Scholarships available for students Association of University Women said, "Dr.- Garvey and Pete Russo Will award ttwo; $750 sch-; I have assured me that the team will be 1. General motors liberal arts excel- larships to Erie County residents kept going at its present level. If a lence program who are non-traditional full or part- Ml suitable coach' is not found, Ij will time students enrolled in a Baccalau- I continue for another year/'| ' j 1 To be eligible, a student musf Sen who don't ster wi lective Servi ren IQI -possess at least a 3.5 grade point reate program. Applicants must or federal student ai inina, and most federal em When asked about the highlights average • ahve completed at least 12 credit m i post office within a mon ur of his four year career, he said,' 'The --be majoring in a liberal arts or hours within the ^pastthrccj? with a birthday. It only takes minutes to fill out a si ca highpoints were^ beating ^Army at science program >* 4i tl: minimum QPA of 3.0. Register With Selective Service Army,, beating the University of -be interested in pursuing a career Please stop in the financial a i d office! s Quick And Law Buffalo the second time and never in business or industry "*l if interested; *^ f losingito Gannon at,the varsity Jtovel/* "• • % 3 l He continued,'Tour years ago, |l remember sitting down with Mike pKelly over some chicken wings and beer ,. trying'to fit four pegs into eleven positions. One of the biggest problems we had th is year was keep-

"*_•*•"«_ ing the seventeenth and eighteendi ^^SlW^ii *»:$i;S members of our squad happy. All in all, it was a great experience. There f t just wasn't enough time in the day to ,*4 >&& doit" i > -r* S 4\ Ixt's j u s t hope that whoever fills Andy Roth' s shoes may maintain the level of excellence'that has been ( » i 1989 Tribune Media strvioM. ">cj 12 -2, Ail Riahtt Btteiyed achieved to date. ! •

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PAGE 8 The Merciad DECEMBER 7,1989

Laker cagers, lose opener

Kraig Swanger who pumped in 26 hold off a second half surge to even By Carl Triola points and freshman Tony Redding their $ slate at 2-2. Sophomore-Jeff Merciad assistant sports editor reached doubl e figures with a total of Fink lead the way with 17 points and 14. I * 13 rebounds. While transfers Kraig The I Mercy h u r s t CoUege men's Mercyhurst then traveled to Clar- S wanger and Cliff Back chipped in basketball! team opened the 89-90 ion University of Pennsylvania to with 15 and j 14 points respectively. campaign with a 73-46 loss to East take on the Golden Eagles and were Mercyhurst hit S3 percent from the S troudsburg University in the open-plagued by turnovers to dispose of field to knock the Panthers to 0-5. ing round of the David Overheim the Lakers 78-60. Dave Constentino Anticipation was high at the Basketball Tournament at Edinboro was the lone bright spot for the Hurst campus center as the Lakers hosted University. The Sophomore from Punxsuta w n e y the Clarion Golden Eagles. The In the opening half the Lakers hit 4 of 6 three-pointers to lead the Lakers took an early lead, but were were ice cold from the field connect- Lakers with 16 points. unable to hold it At the half the ing on only 5 of 22 attempts. The first Coach Copeland said he was Eagles had a 28-26 advantage. The half total of IS set a Mercyhurst rec- pleased with the first week of play Eagles k e p t this lead for t h e r e s t of the ord for fewest points scored in a half. saying "We showed that the East game. The Hurst could muster only In the end the deficit was too much to Stroudsburg game could have been 10 field goal attempts in the second overcome and the W a r r i o r s coasted to first-game jitters. There are a lot of half while the Golden Eagles hit 56 an easy victory in the last 20 minutes areas we need to improve upon and percent from he field to up their of play. well will continue to work hard record 5-0. across the board.** 3 In the consolation round the In the second week of the season Lakers met a tough Lincoln Univer- the Lakers faced die Panthers of Pitt- sity Club and what a difference a day Bradford and Clarion University in the home opener at the campus cen- A ferocious defense helped the ter. | jj|| i I * Lakers tame the Lions 75*46. Lead- Against the Panthers the Lakers ing die Lakers was junior transfer took a quick lead and were able to Lady Lakers battle injuries Bras ing ton firing came as surprise ByJohnDeasy I Their three losses have come at January and February. the hands of highly ranked teams, The team has been hit with some y jonn ueasy Merciad Sports Editor Merciad Sports Editor Bloomsburg, Pitt-Johnstown and key injuries. Ruppel continued, California University of PA. "Right now the most important The women's basketball team thing is getting healthy. Both point As I'm sure, you've already Hi coach Luke Ruppel said, gfi&b, guards are playing with injuries.* * heard, the head football coach Ken Ihas started off the 1989-90 season "I'm pleased so far. It's easy to Brasington has been fired, along well, considering key injuries and schedule teams we know we could i However, the team is still play- idk •> ing well with senior All-American with his offensive and defensive the quality of their opponents that beat*': U ? | I coordinators. The news came as a (they have already played Lisa Maxson scoring consistently. The team has only played one He continued, " the five starters shock to many, especially as Their record stands at 3*3, their MidEast Collegiate Conference Brasington had compiled an 11-7 three wins coming against John have played pretty well. It's been a game so far, that being the game fine team effort" record in only two years as head Carroll University, Pitt-Bradford against Pitt-Johnstown. Hie major- coach. and Penn State- Erie. ity of the team's league games are in The college announced its inten- tions to "upgrade its nine-year old k\iA »• • *_ ••*•_•_ SNse*3 i>:««v; 4S8S

XC03 football schedule to include a sched- s!*r K J M^ us. enuL ecsr me ule against the Division i n teams." :• A m m; ••—•—»—^r-^n-^p-^^-^—j $wS§B8S _»_o. •>v &&N6NT OP SJ&Q&Z ON OJ2 Any attempts at improving a sports » m Sffi ^ 6IPE... X EONT "THINK ME KNOWS vexjiae KMN& TO \ • 1 • * 1 program is welcome and must be HIT MM vex f 1 ass•OAI J seen as a step forward. V W •:«:•: The circumstances regarding t h e >:-;-.".• I* • *.*• ^o: -;>:•»:-• .»•* m .*-•_ |firing are open to speculation, but at % » AO»

rei: *»A s point they serve no useful pur- fiSS f fl 6ViSw &£ SB ^ l\\l •'*! •se. New players and existing .'Yr ^Wiii 5&& ;w w«? players will have a chance to prove VN &m » »v.v ,*•••: 09 ror •_•_ mr» « » • themselves to a'; new coach. This change c an only be seen as construe-

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