Sessions, Papers, and National Reports on the State of Classical Education
II C I T R F M F ED 023 336 FL 001 035 By -Else, Gerald r Ed. Report of the Colloquium on the Classics in Education, 1965. American Council of Learned Societies, New York, N.Y. Pub Date Jan 66 Note -72p. EDRS Price MF -$050 HC -$3.70 Descriptors -AncientHistory,Classical Languages, Classical Literature, ConferenceReports, Foreign Countries, Grammar, Greek, History Instruction, *InternationalPrograms, Language Instruction, Language Programs, Latin, Teaching Methods This is the report of an international meeting on theClassics, conducted August 1965 in London, England. Resolutions adopted bythe Colloquium, minutes of group sessions, papers, andnational reports on the state of classicaleducation are presented. Group sessions discuss the teachingof classical languages, classical literatures, and ancient history and civilization.Special papers presented on some aspects of these topics includeDavid H. Kelly's "Grammar and Methodology:Kenneth Ouinn's 'The Nature of Literary Documents: andHW.Pleket's 'The Teaching of Ancient History: National reports (Including several inFrench and one in Italian) discuss the currentstateofclassicaleducation in Australiaand NewZealand,Brazil, Czechoslovakia, France, GerMany, Ghana, GreatBritain, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the UnitedStates. (AF) U.S, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE DERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY, REPORT OF THE COLLOQUIUM ON THE CLASSICS INEDUCATION 1965 7 7 7.77771,7777-7,71. 77777-7:717.4T.7.77r r - REPORT OF THE COLLOQUIUM ON THE CLASSICS IN EDUCATION 1965 edited by GERALD F.
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