Transliterated Edition

pg 1 Lesson 1: Concepts in

Belief in the words of our Emunas Chachomim

The 4 methods that a Jewish court uses for capital Arba Misos Bais Din punishment: stoning, burning, killing with a sword, and hanging Mitzvos that are not written in the Torah but were told Halacha L’Moshe Misinai orally to Moshe Rabbeinu at Har Sinai The repetition of the shemoneh esrei by the chazan when Chazaras Hashatz kedusha is said. The “trop” punctuation marks in the Tanach, indicating Taamei Hamikra stress, punctuation and melody. The 3 sins where one must choose death rather than Yaihoraig v’al ya’avor transgress them: idolatry, adultery, murder A punishment from Hashem whereby one dies early or Korais loses children. The days of the week that Pesach and Rosh Hashona Lo b’doo Pesach & Lo cannot start. A’doo Rosh A high court of Jewish law. The great Sanhedrin had 71 Sanhedrin men and the small Sanhedrin had 23 men. Redemption from a Kohen, of a first-born son. Pidyon haben Redemption of a Jew captured by non-Jews. Pidyon Shvuyim The 13 statements of what a Jew believes in according Yud Gimmel Ikrim to the Rambam. Concepts in Blessings Blessings recited prior to fulfilling a like listening to Blessings on Mitzvos the Shofar, or Megillah. The first set of blessings which are recited in the morning Blessings of the morning

pg 2 A blessing which is said by 1) a sick person who is healed, Bircas Hagomel 2) a prisoner who was freed, 3) someone who travelled in the desert or 4) by sea Blessings we say when we see specific things. For instance, Blessings on things one one who sees a fruit tree in bloom, or a rainbow in the sees clouds. When a boy reaches the age of 13 and is obligated in “Boruch shePitorani” Mitzvos, his father says the blessing thanking Hashem for exempting him from the consequences of his son’s actions. We must say blessing on anything that benefits the body, Blessings on Pleasure/ whether it’s eating, drinking or even smelling pleasant Birkos Hanehenin smells. The soul gets pleasure from pleasant smells. Another name for the seven blessings said under the Sheva Brachos chuppah, is ‘birkas chasanim’. These seven blessings are recited at every meal in which the bride and groom and minyan are present for the first week after the wedding. There is an obligation to say at least 100 blessings per day. 100 blessings This is hinted to in the verse Deut. 10 “What does Hashem ask of you”. Our sages say don’t read ‘mah’ as ‘what’, rather read it ‘me’ah’ or 100. The blessings that the Kohanim offer the congregants “May Bircas Kohanim Hashem bless and protect you...” The custom of our ancestors to bless the new month on the Blessing the new Shabbos before. We announce to the community the time month precise time of the new moon so that everyone will know to be careful with the laws of Rosh Chodesh. The only exception is Rosh Chodesh Tishrei whose date is meant to be hidden. A blessing said over something that didn’t need a blessing, An unnecessary like saying one on a food that is exempt because of a blessing bread meal. This is a violation of taking Hashem’s name in vain. Three men who ate a bread meal together, must bentch Zimun together using an inclusive language

pg 3 The cup of wine which is used for a communal bentching, or Cup of a blessing/ kos from kiddush is called ‘the cup of the blessing’. shel bracha The blessing one says after eating a mezonos food, drinking The blessing on 3/ wine, or eating produce from the seven species of Eretz Ma’ain Shalosh Yisrael. It includes the ideas of the three main blessings of bentching. Lesson 2: Blessings BLESSINGS ON PLEASURES: Recited before eating or drinking For bread Boruch Ata Hashem...... Hamotzi Lechem Min Ha’aretz For cake, cookies, cereal made of Boruch Ata Hashem...... Borei Minei wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt & on Mezonos rice For grape wine or grape juice Boruch Ata Hashem...... Borei Pri Hagafen For fruit Boruch Ata Hashem...... Borei Pri Ha’etz For vegetables or some berries Boruch Ata Hashem...... Borei Pri Ha’adama For other foods or drinks Boruch Ata Hashem...... Shehakol Nihyeh b’dvaro BLESSINGS ON PLEASURES: Recited before sniffing. When you smell fragrant shrubs, trees or Boruch Ata Hashem...... Borei Atzai flowers that grow on trees or bushes: besamim When you smell fragrant herbs, grasses Boruch Ata Hashem...... Borei Isvai or flowers: besamim

When you smell fragrant fruits or nuts: Boruch Ata Hashem...... Hanosain . reyach tov l’pairos BLESSINGS ON MITZVOS: When you attach a mezuza to a Boruch Ata Hashem...... Asher doorpost kidshanu b’mitzvosav v’tzivanu l’kboa mezuzah

pg 4 When you build a rail or fence Boruch Ata Hashem...... Asher around a roof of high stairs kidshanu b’mitzvosav v’tzivanu la’asos me’akeh When you immerse utensils in a Boruch Ata Hashem...... Asher mikveh. kidshanu b’mitzvosav v’tzivanu al t’vilas keilim When you take challah from dough Boruch Ata Hashem...... Asher kidshanu b’mitzvosav v’tzivanu l’hafrsish challah (min ha’eesa) Blessings of Gratitude

When you eat fruits of a new season OR Boruch Ata Hashem..... Shehechiyanu, . buy a valuable garment OR when you vkiy’manu, vhiygianu lazman hazeh perform certain mitzvos: When you hear unusually good news that Boruch Ata Hashem..... hatov benefits both oneself and others: v’hameitiv When you hear unusually bad news: Boruch Ata Hashem..... dayan emes When you put on a valuable new Boruch Ata Hashem..... malbish garment: arumim BLESSINGS ON THINGS WE SEE

When you see lightning, a comet, a very Boruch Ata Hashem..... Oseh Maaseh high mountain or a very large river: Beraishis When you hear thunder: Boruch Ata Hashem..... Shekocho ugevorso Molai Olam When you see a rainbow in the sky: Boruch Ata Hashem..... Zocher habris, v’ne’eman b’vriso, v’kayom b’ma’amoro When you see the ocean (some include Boruch Ata Hashem..... she’asoh hayam the Mediterranean Sea): hagadol

pg 5 When you see very beautiful people, Boruch Ata Hashem..... shecacha lo b’olamo trees or fields: When you see very unusual animals: Boruch Ata Hashem..... meshane habriyos Once every spring, say this brocha Boruch Ata Hashem..... shelo chisar b’olamo when you see fruit trees in bloom: klum, uvara vo briyos tovos v’eelanos tovim l’hanos bahem b’nei adam When you see an outstanding Torah Boruch Ata Hashem..... Shecholak scholar: m’chochmaso l’yirayav When you see an outstanding secular Boruch Ata Hashem..... shenosan scholar: michachmaso l’bosor v’dom When you see a gentile king who rules Boruch Ata Hashem..... s henosan m’kvodo according to the law and has the power l’bosor v’dom of life and death: When you see a destroyed shul: Boruch Ata Hashem..... dayan ha’emes When you see a destroyed shul that has Boruch Ata Hashem..... meitziv g’vul been rebuilt as it used to be: almonoh When someone sees a place where he Boruch Ata Hashem..... she’oso li nes was saved from danger by a miracle: bamokom hazeh When someone sees a place where his Boruch Ata Hashem..... she’oso l’avi/ l’imi/ parents, ancestors, Rebbe, or the Jewish l’avosai/ l’rabi/ l’avoseinu nes bamakom hazeh nation was saved by a miracle: When you see a friend who has Brich Rachmono Malka D’alma, di y’havacha recovered from a life-threatening illness: lon v’lo yhavcha l’afra Lesson 3 Books of Tanach and Oral Torah 24 Books of Tanach

pg 6 Torah Neviim Kesuvim Beraishis Early Prophets Later Prophets Tehillim Shemos Yehoshua Yeshayahu Mishlei Vayikra Shoftim/ Judges Yirmiyahu Iyov B’midbar Shmuel (1&2) Yechezkel Doniel Melachim/ Kings Trai Asar: Hoshea Ezra, Nechemia D’varim (1 &2) Yoel, Amos, Ovadya Yonah, Micha, Divrei Hayamim Nochum, Chavakuk (1&2) Tzefania, Chagai, Five Megillos: Zecharia, Malachi Shir Hashirim, Rus, Eicha, Koheles, Esther

Parshiyos of the Torah Beraishis Shemos Vayikra Bamidbar Devarim Beraishis Shemos Vayikra Bamidbar Devarim Noach Vaera Tzav Naso Va’eschanan Lech-Lecha Bo Shemini Beha’aloscha Ekev Vayera Beshalach Tazria Shelach Re’eh Chayai Sorah Yisro Metzora Korach Shoftim Toldos Mishpatim Acharei Mos Chukas Ki Saitzai Vayetzai Teruma Kedushim Balak Ki Savo

pg 7 Vayishlach Tetzave Emor Pinchas Nitzavim Vayeishev Ki Sisa Behar Matos Vayelech Miketz Vayakhel Bechukosai Maasei Haazinu Vayigash Pikudei v’Zos Habracha Vayechi

qoh ekjsections qohrcjnauthors qoh rpx text qvpUe ,era 5 books of Torah Hashem Torah desert/ Moshe R’ Yehoshua bin Nun Navi - b. Yehoshua of Yehoshua Shmuel Hanavi Navi - b.of Judges Elders/ Z’kainim Shmuel Hanavi, Navi - b. of Prophets/ Noson Hanavi, Gad Shmuel, Melachim, Nevi’im & Yirmiyahu Hanavi later prophets Kesuvim Anshei Kneses Hag’dola/ Men of the Great Assembly 6 books: Zeraim, R’ Yehuda Hanasi Mishna Tana’im Moed, Nashim, Nezikin, Kodshim, Taharos 26 Tractates of Ravina & R’ Ashi Gemara Amora’im Bavli + Talmud Yerushalmi Savoraim R’ Saadiah Gaon Books of Ge’onim R’ Sherira Gaon philosophy R’ Hai Gaon

pg 8 qoh ekjsections qohrcjnauthors qoh rpx text qvpUe ,era Rashi/ R’ Shlomo Commentary on Rishonim/ Early Yitzchaki Nach & Shas Commentators R’ Avrahama ibn commentary on Ezra Chumash 14 volumes of Rambam, R’ Moshe Yad Hachazakah/ ben Maimon Moreh Nevuchim Ramban, R’ Moshe Commentary on ben Nachman Torah Ar”i, R’ Yitzchak Works of Kabbalah Luriyah Ashkenazy Time period of Later Commentators text(s)/ (oh)rpxv category/ dUx Name qo J

Shulchan Aruch: Orach Chaim Halacha Yosef Karo / Bais Yoreh Deyah Yosef Even Haezel Choshen Mishpat

Glosses on the Halacha R’ Moshe Isserlis/ Rema “Turei Zahav which is a commentary Halacha R’ David Halevi/ the on the Shulchan Aruch Taz “Sifsei Cohen” which is a Halacha R’ Shabsi Cohen/ the commentary on the Shulchan Aruch Shach Mesilas Yesharim, Da’as Tevunos, Jewish thought R’ Moshe Chaim Derech Hashem Luzzatto/ Ramchal Meisad Hachasidus Jewish thought/ Rabbi Yisrael baal chassidus shemtov/ Besht commentary on the Torah and Torah Gaon R’ Eliyahu of many other works Vilna/ Gra

pg 9 Sefer Tanya Jewish thought/ R’ Shneur Zalman of chassidus/ Liadi/ Baal HaTanya kabbalah Commentary on the Torah and Torah Rabbi Moshe Shreiber Shas (Sofer)/ Chasam Sofer

Commentary on the Torah Torah Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin/ Netziv

Chofetz Chaim/ Mishneh Brura Halacha R’ Yisrael Meir haKohen/ Chafetz Chaim Lesson 4 People & Places in Tanach Family of the Avos: Terach/ g ©x¤Y

Avraham/ m ¨d¨x§a©` Haran/o ¨x¨d Nachor/ xFg¨p Sorai/i ©x¨U, Lot/ hFl, Milka/ d ¨M§l¦n Yitzchak/ w ¨g§v¦i Besuel/l ¥`Ez §A Rivka/ d ¨w§a¦x & Lavan/ o ¨a¨l Esav/ e ¨U¥r & Yaakov/ aŸw ©r©i Rachel/ l ¥g¨x& Leah/ d ¨`¥l

Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov Forefathers m ¨d¨x§a©` ,wgvi ,awri Sorah, Rivka, Rochel, Leah Foremothers dxy ,dwax ,lgx ,d`l From Leah: Reuvain, Shimon, Shevatim of Hashem Levy, Yehuda, Yissachar, Zevulun From Bilhaa: Dan & Naftali From Zilpah: Gad & Asher From Rachel: Yosef & Binyomin

pg 10 Sorah, Miriam, Devorah, Chana, Prophetesses Avigayil, Chulda, Esther Adam Harishon & Chava, Avraham Pairs in Meoras Hamachpela Avinu & Sorah Emainu, Yitzchak Avinu & Rivka Emainu, Yaakov Avinu & Leah Emainu Shem, Cham, & Yafes Sons of Noach

Women Another for Mother of Father of name Osnat Wife of Yiska Sorah Na’ami Machlon Elimelech Machlon Yosef Emainu & Kilyon & Kilyon Devorah Wife of Yisrael Yaakov Bas-Sheva Shlomo Knaz Osniel Lapidos Avinu Hamelech Tziporah Wife of Edom Esav Miriam Chur Nun Yehoshua Moshe R’ Rachav Wife of Tzofnas Yosef Chana Shmuel Yishay Dovid Yehoshua Paneyach Hatzaddik Hanavi Chana Only her Shifra Miriam Tzipora Gershom Ner Avner lips were & Eliezer moving Daughter And she Pu’ah Yocheved Elisheva Elazar & Aharon Elazar & of Par’oh stretched bas Isamar Kakohen Isamar out her Aminadav hand Yocheved Daughter Avigdor/ Moshe Ma’acha Avshalom Shaul Ish of Levy Tuvya Rabbeinu Hamelech Boshes Chana & Wives of Reu’el Yisro Bilhah Dan Haran Lot Penina Elkana (2) Chulda Prophetess Ivtzan Boaz Rus Oved Elkana Shmuel in the time Hanavi of the Churban Devorah Nurse of Hadassah Esther Tamar Peretz & Eli Chofni & Rivka Hamalka Zorach Hakohen Pinchas

pg 11 Women Another for Mother of Father of name Ketura Hagar Hagar Yishmael Manoach Shimshon

Milka Besuel Kalev Chur

Dan Chushim

Levy Kehos

Terach Avraham Avinu Places in Tanach City of our father, home of Meoras Kiryas Arba, Chevron Hamachpela iIr cj Place of Bais Hamikdash, Place of Har Hamoriya Akeidas Yitzchak vhrIn v r v Place from which Yosef was sold, Shchem designated for punishment ofJ Birthplace Kasdim oh sGF The land of Avraham Avinu’s Aram family o rt One of the sons of Cana’an, place of Mitzrayim our slavery oh rmn Africa Kush JUF Capital city of Yisrael Shomron iIr n«J Off the coast of EY Pleshes , JkP Western side of EY Ever HaYarden i srhv rcg Lesson 5 Calendar pg 12 Months of the year: Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tamuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev, Teves, Shevat, Adar Names of the 3 Festivals: Pesach: Chag Haaviv, Chag Hamatzos, Z’man Cherusainu Shavuos: Atzeres, Chag Habikurim, Chag Hakatzir, Z’man Matan Toraseinu Sukkos: Chag Ha’asif, Z’man Simchaseinu The 5 Megillos and when they are read Koheles ------Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos Esther ------Purim Shir Hashirim------Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach Rus------Shavuos Eichah------Tisha B’av

Special Shabbasos Shabbos Shira ------the Shabbos we read Parshas Beshalach Shabbos Hagadol------the Shabbos before Pesach Shabbos Chazon ------the Shabbos before Tisha b’Av Shabbos Nachamu------the Shabbos after Tisha b’Av Shabbos Shuva------the Shabbos before Yom Kippur

Dates of the Yomim Tovim

Rosh Hashana = 1&2 Tishrei Yom Kippur = 10 Tishrei Sukkos = 15 Tishrei Chanukah = 25 Kislev

pg 13 Purim = 14 Adar Pesach = 15 Nisan Shavuos = 6 & 7 Sivan Four Special Parshiyos

Parsha When it is read Where it’s from Shekalim Shabbos before Rosh Parshas Ki Sisa Chodesh Adar Zachor Shabbos before Purim Parshas Ki Saitzai Parah Shabbos before Parshas Chukas Parshas Hachodesh Hachodesh Shabbos before Rosh Parshas Bo Chodesh Nisan Rabbinic Fasts Reason Date FAST The day Gedalya ben Achikam was assassinated. 3 Tishrei Tzom Gedalya

The day Nevuchadnetzar king of Bavel laid seige 10 Teves Asara B’teves to Yerushalayim In the time of Mordechai &Esther, the Jews fasted 13 Adar Ta’anis Esther before they went out to battle The day the enemy breached the wall of 17 Tamuz Shiva Asar b’Tamuz Yerushalayim The day the Bais Hamikdash was burnt. Will one 9 Av Tisha b’Av day be a happy holiday.

pg 14 pg 15