See Page 17 $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 11 NO. 19 16 SHEVAT 5771 ur,h ,arp JANUARY 21, 2011

INSIDE MARCHING INTO THE JEWISH FUTURE FROM THE EDITOR Jewish Traits Gone Bad Avi Shafran 19 B Y LARRY GORDON Rachel Goldberger, a’h In A Natalie Halpern 21 Good Place Retorno: Know Hope Tami Benmayer 24 Look around and survey the Unpaid Debt current landscape of world Rabbi Meir Orlian 38 affairs, and I think you will see that for a change is in a Advice On Ice good place. It’s difficult to argue Mordechai Schmutter 41 with the fact that we live in challenging times, yet it seems that, despite the complications and obstacles, there is some- When Stephen J. Savitsky of Hewlett gave his farewell address as president of the Orthodox Union (he will become thing good and positive happen- chairman of the board), he was introduced by his granddaughter Elana Schreier, a senior at the SKA High School for Girls. L–R: Rabbi Steven Weil, executive vice-president of the OU; Mr. Savitsky; Elana Schreier; Mrs. Genie Savitsky; and the incoming president, Dr. Simcha Katz of Teaneck. See Page 57 Continued on Page 6



It has been said, “As goes BY LARRY GORDON parents by the way in which he Fedowitz-Lazar wedding. Iowa, so goes the nation.” If so, ran around the little yard that See Page 78 it may be prudent to begin wor- When we were first married, our homes shared. rying about the direction of our we lived next door to a young When his grandparents would country. Iowa is beginning to couple that already had two visit, they could just not get display some ominous signs of small children. The older of the enough of Leibel. Everything was injustice and prosecutorial two was a boy named Leibel. “Leibel this” and “Leibel that.” abuse, especially if you are try- He was a cute little kid with Then one day his other grandpar- ing to operate a business ven- small curly peiyos behind his ents were visiting, and as I ears, a doting little tyke who Continued on Page 13 Wendy Runge generated lots of activity for his Continued on Page 11 Paragons And Perfection The Check Is PIDYON SHVUYIM: In The Mail DOES IT APPLY? Kidney drive in Lawrence. B Y ARYE NISONSON BY RABBI YAIR HOFFMAN See Page 58 You send a check to your In shul this past week, the local shul or charity and you do recent exchange in the pages of so with a sense of fulfillment. the Five Towns Jewish Times You feel secure in the knowl- between Rabbi Aryeh Zev edge that you are joining them Ginzberg and Zeev Gold (Letters in the life-giving aid they pro- to the Editor, January 14) became vide to people who are beyond the subject of discussion. Zeev Menachem Marx, a board member at Darchei Torah, accepts a our own personal reach, and we Gold posed the question as to surprise award at the yeshiva’s dinner, held Sunday, January 9, at Terrace on the Park. See Page 62 Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 16

Lawrence Schiffman appointed at YU. See Page 49

CANDLE LIGHTING Jan. 21 – 4:41 PM Jan. 28 – 4:49 PM 2 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 3 FEATURES

Around The Five Towns 47 P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 516-984-0079 Aliyah Chronicle [email protected] [email protected] Shmuel Katz 76 LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Publisher/Editor Managing Editor Classified Ads 64 YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON The Dish Sales Managers Elke Probkevitz 39 CHANA ROCHEL ROSS Editorial Assistant Five Towns Simcha SIDI BARON Ira Thomas Creations 78 DOV GORDON YAKOV SERLE Sales Representatives Insights On The Torah R’ Yanki Tauber 44 SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Luach 6 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Hannah Reich Berman, Anessa V. Cohen Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg, Yoni Glatt MindBiz Toby Klein Greenwald, Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Ron Jager Esther Mann, LCSW 34 Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, Shmuel Katz Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann, Rochelle Miller Mother’s Musings Elke Probkevitz, Dr. Rachael Schindler Phyllis J. Lubin 22 Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Rabbi Avi Shafran Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier, Rabbi Meir Orlian Puzzle Eli Shapiro, Dr. Ari Sher, Samuel Sokol Yoni Glatt 67 ELISHEVA ELEFANT Staff Graphic Artist Real Estate IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS Anessa V. Cohen 25 Staff Photographers FRANKEL & CO. That’s The Way It Is! Design & Production Hannah Reich Berman 32 TALIYE CORLEY Art Director Tidbits From Israel The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- Ron Jager 68 paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not Travel 53, 68 responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times.

4 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 5 FROM THE EDITOR Continued from Front Cover

ing on the world stage. Of course, Israel is still vilified at the United Nations, and its former “peace partners” in the Palestinian Authority are about to ask the UN to condemn Israel for building on land that no one ever- promised the Palestinians they could have as the capital of their version of fan- tasy island or a Palestinian state. Even the recent recognition of “Palestine” by a series of South American countries has had the impact of a feather falling from the top of a skyscraper. It sounds ominous and even frightening, but that has been the longstanding Arab agen- da—to isolate Israel and turn her into a pariah state that is subject to blistering criticism and disapproval of her actions from every direction. The impact of the effort, however, is suddenly minimal. The tactic is not working, and they may have already taken their best shot. This business of declaring a Palestinian state without negotiating with Israel is not a new or innovative scheme. It’s old news that was tried by Yasser Arafat back in 1988. Back then, the late terrorist innovator and leader also declared a form of quasi-state- hood that was recognized by, amongst others, the then-Soviet Union, China, and India. Both the declaration and the recog- nition amounted to little more than zero CALENDAR LUACH Jan. 20–Jan. 29 ZIP Code: 11516

15 Shevat – Tu B’Shevat Thursday, January 20 16 Shevat Friday, January 21 Daf yomi: Zevachim 72 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:17 am Sunrise: 7:14 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:03 am Gr’a 9:39 am P’lag ha’minchah: 3:58 pm Candle Lighting: 4:41 pm 17 Shevat – Shabbos Saturday, January 22 Shabbos Parashas Yisro Shabbos ends**: 5:44 pm 72 min. 6:13 pm 23 Shevat Friday, January 28 Daf yomi: Zevachim 79 Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:12 am Sunrise: 7:09 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:02 am Gr’a 9:38 am P’lag ha’minchah: 4:05 pm Candle Lighting: 4:49 pm 24 Shevat – Shabbos Saturday, January 29 Shabbos Parashas Mishpatim Blessing of Chodesh Adar I Shabbos ends**: 5:52 pm 72 min. 6:21 pm * All times from ** add a few minutes for tosefos Shabbos according to your minhag 6 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES on the world diplomatic stage. set of rules for non-. The latest turning points that have And it is this reality that in large part improved Israel’s position on several lev- was responsible for Ehud Barak’s leaving els occurred back in the fall, when Prime Labor and forming a new political party, Minister Netanyahu stood firm in the face Atzmaut, just the way Ariel Sharon aban- of pressure from the U.S. and other lead- doned Likud to form Kadima six years ago. ing powers to renew the ten-month freeze The difference between the two scenarios on building in , Judea, and is that Sharon was at the time inching his Samaria, otherwise known as West Bank way to the left, while the Barak situation is settlements. It was extremely tempting his way of moving more to the right than for Bibi to grab that deal, as it seemed that his Labor party could tolerate. after just one more abbreviated freeze Israel’s standing on peace negotiations would be significantly improved. But as MK Moshe Yaalon, a former IDF The recent recognition chief of staff and an adviser to of “Palestine” by a series Netanyahu, said at the time, the proposal for an additional two- or three-month of South American freeze after a non-productive ten-month moratorium on building was nothing countries has had the less than a trap, in his terms, that Israel had to resist being ensnared in. And impact of a feather while the temptation was great to suc- falling from the top of a cumb to the pressure while currying additional, albeit temporary, favor with skyscraper. the Obama administration, the resist- ance has so far proven to be the best thing Netanyahu has done to date. As time passes, even the critics of Israel The leftists in Labor talk about a (that is, except for Jews on the extreme Palestinian state and dividing Jerusalem, left) are confronted with the irreconcil- but it’s mostly words filled with insincerity able equation of supporting a policy that and bluster. Historically, leaders of Labor in discriminates exclusively against Jews Israel have been less forthcoming and building homes in legal and proper parts more obdurate than those in Likud. As Bibi of Israel. Now, after all these years of said the other day, the switch by Barak back-and-forth and off-and-on negotia- improves the chances that the Palestinians tions, it is finally seeping in that there is will finally agree someday soon to direct something terribly wrong about having negotiations with Israel. As long as Labor one set of rules for Jews—and demand- was indulging in the leftist talk about ing that they leave their communities and destroy their homes—and another Continued on Page 8

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 7 FROM THE EDITOR hood. But Netanyahu has been firm and tences at the beginning of that Torah por- Continued from Page 7 consistent. Israel wants peace—just the tion tell us that just as Moshe arrived to Senators Urge Clinton way it has had peace with Egypt and communicate his message, Hashem hard- bringing down the Netanyahu government Jordan for all these years. The Israelis ened the heart of the Egyptian leader. To Oppose UN Action and going to new elections, the Arab lead- want to coexist with their neighbors, do Some commentators ask why Hashem ers were filled with false hope that Israelis business with them, and live in peace. sent Moshe to order Pharaoh to let the On Tuesday, seventeen would once again elect a Tzipi Livni or I’m in the middle of reading The Prime Jews exit Egypt while infusing the senators—Gillibrand and Schumer of Ehud Olmert type that they believe is their Ministers, by Yehuda Avner, a diplomat Egyptian with stubbornness that would New York, Lautenberg and Menendez ticket to statehood. who served four Israeli governments at force him to refuse the request. of New Jersey, Lieberman of Today, Israel is additionally in a good the highest levels over a series of decades. A contemporary analysis of the sce- Connecticut, and Barrasso, Boozman, place because, all of a sudden, Hamas, the Avner worked as a senior aide to Prime nario forces one to see similarities with Cardin Casey, Collins, Crapo, Johanns, terror organization responsible for firing Ministers Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, today’s Middle East situation. It was Kyl, Moran, Snowe, Vitter, and upward of 8,000 rockets into southern Yitzchak Rabin, and Menachem Begin. apparently G-d’s intention to toy with Wyden—wrote to U.S. Secretary of Israel up until the end of 2009, has done The book is thorough and comprehen- Pharaoh’s emotions—that is, his desire to State Hillary Clinton urging the admin- an involuntary reverse and is now polic- sive and takes the reader through a series finally let the Jewish people go but at the istration to oppose a UN resolution ing the Israel–Gaza border, trying to pre- of dramatic events and decisions about same time an inexplicable and uncanny that is being drafted by the Palestinian vent the other various and sundry terror war and peace. lack of ability to relent and to act on his Authority in an effort to unilaterally groups from firing their rockets at Israelis Of all the stories told, none is more riv- own desire. dictate terms to Israel, enabling the PA in the hope of undermining Hamas’s new eting than the talks about peace between The situation is not unlike that which to avoid direct negotiations. The sena- position of refraining from violence. the late Menachem Begin and then-U.S. exists today. The terrorists of Hamas and tors believe that steering negotiations Over at the other border, with President Jimmy Carter. Reading dialogue Hezbollah are armed to the teeth but are through the UN, known for its hostility Lebanon, much the same is taking place. carefully transcribed by Avner, it becomes also fighting those within their ranks toward Israel, hurts the prospects of a Hezbollah, which until very recently was stunningly clear that very little has who want to fire their missiles. The Middle East peace agreement. a significant force in the Lebanese gov- changed since the days of those talks Palestinians have all the elements of The senators wrote as follows: ernment, is now cowering and trying to back in 1979. The exchanges between statehood laid out before them but can- We are very concerned about reports find a rock to crawl under as they stand Begin and Carter, and their take on the not bring themselves to take the final that the Palestinian Authority is draft- accused of complicity in the Syrian con- issues, are identical to those of today’s steps that could conceivably make it hap- ing a resolution intended for consider- spiracy that resulted in the assassination players in the same positions, Barack pen. Flying their national flag from their ation at the United Nations Security of that country’s former prime minister, Obama and Mr. Netanyahu. offices in Washington is little more than Council regarding issues that have been Rafik Hariri. So it occurs, if things have hardly a superficial public-relations gimmick. and should continue to be pursued Hezbollah is armed beyond anyone’s changed over the last 30 years, maybe they Trying to push a resolution past the UN through direct negotiations between most extremely violent imagination, really haven’t changed that much over the Security Council condemning Israel’s set- the Palestinian Authority and Israel, with tens of thousands of missiles that last 3,000. Today Israel’s Arab neighbors tlement policy or only the rights of Jews namely borders and settlements. We have the ability to reach all parts of the are armed with the most sophisticated to live where they desire will set them believe such a move hurts the Jewish state. But all of a sudden—as if rockets and other weaponry, but they find and the process back significantly. prospects for a peace agreement and is magically—firing those missiles at Israel that it is not in their best interests to fire Like I said at the top of this essay, it’s not in the interest of the United States. is the worst thing they could possibly do them. It is reminiscent of the Biblical a wild and even sometimes dangerous We strongly urge you to make clear for their survival as well as for the better scene related in the Torah reading of a few situation, but right now Israel is in a that the United States will veto such a good of the Lebanese people. weeks ago, where G-d tells Moshe to come good place. O So, yes, things are rough and Israel still to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Jewish Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at Continued on Page 12 exists in one very dangerous neighbor- people leave Egypt. The very same few sen- [email protected].

8 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 9 10 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES BAGEL STORE ly reluctant to have his name used in Continued from Front Cover print. After the shidduch was made and the couple already engaged, I drafted a watched them playing with Leibel I kept full feature piece about what it was like overhearing them address him as Yehuda. working with him and why he excels at They held him and couldn’t say enough what he does. I sent him the piece to about how good and cute Yehuda was. review to make sure everything was accu- It was only later that I learned that the rate, and he implored me not to use it, child was named after two different ances- saying that he was uncomfortable with tors, one from the mother’s side and the that kind of publicity. other from the father’s side, and that the Now, all these months later—the cou- kid’s whole name was Yehuda Leib. The ple went out for the first time at the end Yehuda side called him Yehuda and the of July—I’ve done a forensic shidduch other side simply referred to him as Leibel. analysis as to what exactly took place, It seems like one of those situations what role was played by whom, and how where everyone gets to exercise his own that first date actually came about and personal interest—in this case using the how it took off from there. Again, I don’t name of the extended family member the want to invade anyone’s privacy but sim- child was named after—with no appar- ply want to utilize this unique forum to ent regard to how being addressed by two give credit where it is due and to also apol- variant names will impact the child. ogize for being so unaware of the myriad I have a situation that is not dissimilar details and personal involvement of the to share with the readers that recently various shadchanim in this shidduch. conjured up this memory. Thankfully, it So, first and foremost we have to has nothing to do with naming a child or express our gratitude to Rabbi Frenkel for a grandchild, which in the situation being a catalyst in the process through above could not have been a very pleas- his newly launched She’efa Links data- ant experience for those involved. base, which today has about 1,500 single My situation deals with shadchanim, men and women listed. I only subse- matchmakers, that were recently involved quently learned that there were indeed in the introduction of our recently mar- others involved along with Rabbi ried son and daughter-in-law. I’m going to Frenkel, and they were Rivkie Bajnon, list some of the names of the various play- Frayde Osina, and Adina Reich. ers here, because I want to express appre- I think it was shortly before Rosh ciation and assign credit for their involve- Hashanah that Ms. Osina, the daughter of ment. The fact of the matter is that until old family friends, called my wife out of after the children were married, we had what seemed to us to be left field to ask if no idea that there was anyone else we wanted to meet our future mechutan- involved except the young man I was im. At that point the kids had only gone working with, Rabbi Ephraim Frenkel. To his credit, Rabbi Frenkel is extreme- Continued on Page 12

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 11 so I had no choice but to awkwardly ask with shidduchim, while the others may BAGEL STORE Oppose UN Action Continued from Page 11 the man for his daughter’s name. He said see themselves as working wholly inde- that her name is Rivkie Bajnon, she lives pendently. Frenkel may see them as part Continued from Page 8 out about five times, and we thought that in Lawrence and has been dabbling in of the vast network with national reach it was both premature and unnecessary at shidduchim for a little more than a year, that he is still weaving, while they see resolution if it is raised at the Council, that juncture for such a get-together. I and this was the third or fourth success- themselves often as sole practitioners of and to clearly communicate United remember that we were driving to a wed- ful shidduch she had made, this vital craft. States’ intent to do so to other Security ding in Brooklyn when my wife men- At that point I didn’t say anything and It may be true that many who are Council members. tioned to me that Frayde had called her just nodded my head in agreement, but involved in shidduchim do so because A resolution of this nature would earlier in the day to ask if we would like to was a little flabbergasted, having not the social setup is a complicated and work against our country’s consistent meet them. It’s important to understand heard Ms. Bajnon’s name before and not often frustrating maze that leaves many position, which has been that this that they are from Chicago and happened being familiar with what role she played of the single men and women and their and other issues linked to the Middle to be in New York for just a few days. in the process. Later, when I went home, families exhausted, frustrated, and con- East peace process can only be I was taken a little aback and remem- I related the experience to my wife, and fused. For many, the motivation is purely resolved by the two parties negotiat- ber saying to my wife something along we both agreed that we had no indication remuneration—the sometimes generous ing directly with each other. Between the lines of “What does Frayde Osina or awareness of either Frayde (except for compensation that is sprinkled around November 2009 and September 2010, have to do with all this? Why is she mix- that one call) or Rivkie being involved in when a successful shidduch is made. For the government of Israel imposed a ing in? We should let the kids just date any way, shape, or form. others, the incentive transcends material settlement freeze as a goodwill ges- and not try to pressure or speed up any- That night, after the little chat at reward and is the satisfaction of being ture, yet the Palestinians refused to thing.” I only found out when I was in Minchah, I called Ephraim to ask about Ms. the messenger or emissary that brings negotiate until the very last month. Chicago over Sukkos and met the future Bajnon’s or Ms. Osina’s involvement, and two people together and builds a family Attempts to use a venue such as the mechutanim that they considered Frayde he essentially said that he was unaware of in K’lal Yisrael. United Nations, which you know has to be the sole shadchan, that she had the roles they played in the social events Regardless of the personal motivating a long history of hostility toward made several previous shidduchim in the that had recently transpired. The fact is factors, everyone likes to be acknowl- Israel, to deal with just one issue in family, and that they had not even heard that if anyone other than Ephraim was edged and recognized when they do the negotiations, will not move the the name Ephraim Frenkel previously. involved in this modern-day social drama, something good and positive. Having two sides closer to a two-state solu- This was a new experience for us, even it was Adina Reich, who, at Rabbi Frenkel’s had the fashion in which this scenario tion, but rather damage the fragile though three of our other children are suggestion, sent me the information on unfolded brought to my attention only trust between them. We know you married and someone playing the role of the future bride to begin with. rather recently, it is time to publicly rec- have a deep understanding of these a shadchan introduced them all to their As in any investigative drama, there is ognize and express our appreciation to issues and a heartfelt friendship spouses. This was the first time we had more than one side to the story. all those who had a hand in making this toward one of our closest allies, multiple matrimonial surgeons involved Interestingly and perhaps rightfully, each shidduch happen. And they are Ephraim Israel. That is why we urge you to in the process—and it didn’t stop there. of the parties involved see their role as Frankel, Rivkie Bajnon, Frayde Osina, clearly signal that the U.S. will veto I think that it was prior to the wedding having been essential and central to the and Adina Reich. If you are reading this this resolution, and to make it clear in Chicago when I was in shul for process. While Ephraim Frenkel is a dear and would like to speak to them, you to the Palestinian Authority that it Minchah one afternoon when a gentle- and close friend, for the purpose of max- can call our office for further contact needs to sit down in direct talks with man whom I’ve known for a long time imizing the number of matches he is information. Whether we knew it or not Israel, rather than pursue unhelpful moseyed up to me after davening to tell involved in he has developed a network at the time, they were all a pleasure to resolutions at the United Nations. We me how gratified and excited his daugh- that reaches out simultaneously in a work with. O stand ready to be helpful to you in ter was to have made my son’s shidduch. I multiplicity of directions. He sees him- Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at this matter. O knew this was not Frayde Osina’s father, self working with many others involved [email protected].

12 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

Iowa vs. Justice Continued from Front Cover ture in there and are seen as an outsider. Mrs. Wendy Weiner Runge (Ze’eva Rachel bas Chaya) is a Minnesota mom with strong links to her neighborhood com- munity and four children in religious Jewish day schools. Blessed with uncommon tal- ents, Wendy signed on to help produce a thoughtful film about modern spiritual values. Her job was to secure investor deposits and manage the pro- duction’s finances. Enjoying a pre-meltdown wave of local economic development initia- tives, Wendy and her tiny pro- duction company received an invitation from the State of Iowa to make her movie in their state, in exchange for which the state would issue resalable state tax credits she could use to fund the production. In August 2008, Wendy accepted the offer. The rules were clear. As executive pro- ducer, Wendy would submit the budget to the state office of filmmaking, where it would be reviewed and verified. Upon approval, the numbers would be accepted by officials of the Department of Economic Development, after which the state would issue tax credits for the equivalent amount. A win-win arrangement, this deal would bring capital to the film project and economic activity to Iowa. Wendy and her company completed the movie, The Scientist, in November 2008. The tax credits were issued in December. Late in 2009, Wendy was informed that she was to be criminally charged for her par- ticipation in the state program. Something had gone wrong. The initial problem had noth- ing to do with Wendy. In September 2009, the govern- ment shut down the state’s film office. Despite commitments already made and numerous projects already under contract, the state apparently decided the program was not living up to its initial promise. The governor— already unpopular with an elec- torate that would soon turn him out of office—fired the entire Film Office staff and ordered all submissions and contracts reviewed and audited. These contracts had already been thoroughly examined, audited, and passed by state offi- cials. Wendy had submitted nothing for reimbursement without receiving prior authori- zation from the director of the tax-credit program. All her e- mail correspondence attests to that and is part of the public record. If a governor’s investiga- tion was being launched, one

Continued on Page 14 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 13 Iowa vs. Justice less oppression. and the inability to spend time with fam- requests and a reprimand from one judge, Continued from Page 13 In the Rubashkin case, pressure ily. Is this what we mean by “innocent who found it appalling the way the state brought to bear by advocacy groups led to until proven guilty”? is handling the case. The prosecution reg- would think it would be directed at the a federal raid encouraged by a local judge. Was Wendy indeed targeted because ularly identifies witnesses and then drops audit people in the Film Office. The ill-advised action did not result in any she was a Rubashkin-like outsider? No them after forcing the defense to spend But when government officials needed convictions on the anticipated charges for one can confirm that, obviously, but cer- hours preparing for deposition. In one fla- to find culpability for the less-than-satis- which the raid was conceived, but result- tain facts cannot be overlooked. At their grant example, Wendy and her lawyer fying results of the program, did they ed in a successful business brought to its first meeting after Wendy’s arrest, Deputy flew to California to depose a prosecution look to the statute to make sure it was knees, the evaporation of an economic Attorney General Thomas H. Miller witness, only to be told upon arrival, “He’s good law? Did they look internally to see generator for an entire Iowa region, and paused during questioning, leaned across not going to be there today. We thought if Iowa had sufficient experience to an unfathomable 27-year prison sentence the table toward her, and remarked, “So, we had a confirmation, but we don’t.” understand the norms practiced in the for a first-time, non-violent offender, a how is the Rubashkin family doing?” His That alone cost Wendy $10,000. motion-picture industry? Did they look at family man and community benefactor office’s research had evidently alerted The state attorney took the original the performance of their own auditors who committed an act under extraordi- him to Wendy’s Orthodox Jewish charge and, in June 2010, added 14 more and film officials (actually, they just fired nary circumstances that, while inexcus- lifestyle, leading to a presumption of col- charges, leading to a potential jail sentence them all)? able, were part of an attempt to save his legiality. (In fact, Wendy had never met of 25 years. This conduct is an echo of the No. They filed criminal charges against business from a crisis situation that any member of the Rubashkin family.) Rubashkin indictments in which one Wendy Runge. would never have existed had it not been Is it not reasonable to suggest that a immigration charge and one bank charge One needs to appreciate the gravity of for the government raid. prosecutor would have an easier time were fragmented by superseding indict- this move. The attorney general needs no In Wendy’s case, bureaucratic failure convincing an Iowa jury to find criminal ments into a total of 163 charges. The laws evidence to indict a citizen, just a conjec- led to a hunt by the attorney general’s intent in another Jewish interloper “look- under which Wendy is being charged were ture and an available target. Wendy made office for a suitable villain. While the ing to make a buck off hard-working designed for the prosecution of mafia herself such a target by doing nothing state officials actually responsible for the Iowans” than to condemn a native son for kingpins and drug czars, to put them away more than completing a successful proj- program’s poor execution—Iowa insid- failing to execute his duties as a state offi- for good. It is unconscionable for the attor- ect at Iowa’s invitation and under state ers, all—were simply fired and later cial? The bias seems to pervade Iowa’s cul- ney general to be using these statutes officials’ supervision, seeking to run more granted immunity from prosecution, ture. An earlier judge, after being against a model citizen and mother of four such projects already under contract, and outsider Wendy Runge was charged with informed that the pre-trial hearing he had in what veteran observers have said speaking up for herself and 22 other inde- felony theft, ongoing criminal conduct, scheduled coincided with Rosh should at best be a civil case. pendent film companies when the gover- and intent to defraud the state—all of Hashanah, replied, “Rosh Hashanah is not This power to threaten outrageous nor wanted to release their financial data which the state attorney is free from hav- a recognized holiday in the State of Iowa.” outcomes with little to no accountability after having guaranteed them strict confi- ing to prove or justify until the day Time after time, the judge has seen fit to should strike our hearts with alarm, just dentiality. She sought and received a Wendy goes on trial. schedule procedural hearings on Friday— as it caused Wendy’s partners, who could court injunction preventing that; and she In the meantime, she bears the burden against normal practice—despite being have testified to her compliance with all became a target. of lining up a defense, which involves told repeatedly that Wendy must be state requirements, to turn state’s evi- Wendy Runge, like steep retainers, expensive depositions, home in Minneapolis (a four-hour drive dence against her in exchange for relief before her, was an Iowa outsider. The and costly excursions to distant locations from Des Moines) by sundown for the from exorbitant charges filed against Iowa attitude toward outsiders is stun- in an attempt to secure witnesses who Jewish Sabbath. them. One such partner actually perjured ning. Outsiders are welcome as long as will testify on her behalf, not to mention Does the state believe Wendy is guilty? himself eight times in one hour during they are enriching the state, but once the loss of any possibility of employment There is no way to know. The prosecutor deposition. The state evidently wields something happens that disturbs the for the duration of the ordeal and the has not allowed her attorney to see what sufficient power to cause their witnesses state’s serenity, they are subject to merci- human cost in sheer exhaustion, stress, they have against her, despite repeated to try to say whatever they have to in

14 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES order to save themselves. Not every Iowan shares the state’s provincial mindset. In a December 11 entry on the web- site, one regular blogger had this to say about prosecution in the State of Iowa: “The U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa should be prosecuted for abuse of power. The owner of the Postville packing plant, Sholom Rubashkin, was charged with 83 federal child- labor violations. The jury acquit- ted Rubashkin on every single one of the trumped-up child- labor charges. Rubashkin incurred huge legal bills to defend against spurious charges. “Now we read (Dec. 5, 2010) the reason for the acquittal. The prosecutor promised the illegal immigrants that, in exchange for their testimony, they could remain in the United States and would then be entitled to bring their entire families with them from their native countries. “Thank goodness the jury did- n’t believe the witnesses. I can just imagine the conversation between the prosecutor and the potential witnesses. When the U.S. attorneys said the witnesses could stay in the United States, and also bring their entire fami- lies here, they responded by say- ing, ‘What do you want me to say on the witness stand?’ “The witnesses were terribly poor people with no opportuni- ty in their own country and were being given a chance of a lifetime. They obviously did not understand our judicial system. Apparently, neither does the U.S. district attorney.” The only way to put an end to this egregious behavior is to raise a public outcry. In that, you will be in good company. Prominent legal and religious figures includ- ing Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rabbi Michel Twerski, and Professor Aaron Twerski have expressed their objections to what is happening in Iowa and have called upon the community to bring its proceedings to the attention of the nation. As believers in justice and fair play, our duty remains to stand by our sister in her hour of need. Wendy’s youngest chil- dren have tearfully asked their mother, “Will you say goodbye to us, or will they just take you away?” Iowa’s prisons are not a safe place for a Jewish woman. We must open our hearts in prayer and in generosity, ensur- ing that Wendy can pay her legal bills, that she can cover her incidental expenses, and that she can keep her family from falling apart. We must beseech the Al- mighty for an end to all our trials and tribulations, and for a clear sign that the dawning of a new era “ge’ulah sheleimah” is about to cancel all our oppression and dry away all our tears. O 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 15 Pidyon Shvuyim There are three possible reactions that why Rabbi Ginzberg’s shul has not Shlomo (Gittin 4:72) as to whether the Continued from Front Cover one can have to this Aruch HaShulchan. cleared its building fund account to help laws of pidyon shvuyim apply to someone Position A: One can say that the Aruch Mr. Rubashkin. who actually stole money under circum- whether the Sholom Mordechai HaShulchan rules that nowadays Jews in What is the position of Rav Chaim stances where there is extraordinary pun- Rubashkin case was really one of pidyon prison do not constitute pidyon shvuyim, Kanievsky? It is unclear whether he is ishment. The Yam shel Shlomo writes shvuyim, the to redeem a captive. but we disagree; there certainly is pidyon a proponent of position A or position clearly that the halachos of pidyon shvuy- Rabbi Ginzberg had received a ruling shvuyim here. B. Rabbi Ginzberg responded to Mr. im do not apply to someone guilty of from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, that Position B: One can say that the Aruch Gold’s question with a veiled hint that actually stealing money—even if the per- indeed it was full and complete pidyon HaShulchan is ruling that there certainly he personally is not emptying the son’s life is at stake. The Radbaz is of an shvuyim. is pidyon shvuyim here, but he is positing account because he holds of position entirely different view and writes that it If so, asked Mr. Gold, why didn’t Rabbi a lower level of pidyon shvuyim—a pidy- B. But it is not clear that Rav Chaim is certainly does apply. It is clear, however, Ginzberg’s shul empty out its building on shvuyim “type B,” so to speak. Granted, of the same opinion. that even the Yam shel Shlomo would fund? Rabbi Ginzberg was slightly evasive it does not have all the halachos of the All this brings up another question. If, agree that, while it may not be consid- in his response but did refer Mr. Gold to ered pidyon shvuyim, there is still an the ruling of the Aruch HaShulchan. Mr. inyan to save the person. Gold quoted rabbanim who ruled that it Which position has become normative is not full-fledged pidyon shvuyim. Rabbi p’sak halachah, that of the Yam shel Ginzberg repeated unequivocally that it A real case of pidyon shvuyim Shlomo or that of the Radbaz? This is was complete pidyon shvuyim. unclear, as the poskim in the past have What is going on here? includes the hungry, the thirsty, not issued a definitive ruling. The Jewish Let’s first look at the ruling of the people, however, are rachmanim b’nei Aruch HaShulchan that Rabbi Ginzberg rachmanim and have always responded cited in response to Mr. Gold but did not and the unclothed—and their lives generously to appeals, even if the prison- quote. The paragraph is in Rav Yechiel er may be guilty. (This is all background Michel Epstein’s (1829–1908) comments information and not to be construed as on the laws of tzedakah. Rav Epstein are also in danger. reflecting on whether there was an actu- writes (Yoreh Deiah 252:1), “And all this al theft or attempt at theft in this case.) was in earlier times, and even nowadays From a halachic standpoint, therefore, in far-flung wildernesses such as Asia and we may talk about safek pidyon shvuyim, Africa, where bandits fall upon travelers full pidyon shvuyim in the Rambam and indeed, Rabbi Kanievsky was a proponent which, unless there are other important and take them into captivity to the point the Gemara, but there is certainly pidyon of position A, would there be an obliga- factors, we should treat no differently where it is necessary to redeem them shvuyim here. tion to empty out a shul’s building fund? from unequivocal pidyon shvuyim. with large sums of money, as is known Position C: One can say that the Aruch It seems to this author that there are Let us now move on to the issue of from the caravans that travel in the west- HaShulchan is ruling that there is no two other issues at play when dealing safety. If the person is innocent but there ern wilderness.” pidyon shvuyim here—not even a low- with any case of pidyon shvuyim. There are issues of safety, then real pidyon It seems that the Aruch HaShulchan is level “type B” form. However, there is cer- is the issue of guilt and there is the shvuyim comes back into play—even if suggesting that the full-blown pidyon tainly an inyan to help out. issue of safety. We will begin with the one is a proponent of positions B or C in shvuyim and all its associated halachos It seems to this author that the issue of guilt. regard to the Aruch HaShulchan. The were largely a thing of the past and no whom Mr. Gold quotes are proponents of There is a halachic debate between the Holocaust itself, and our opportunities to longer applicable in the Aruch position C. It seems also that Rabbi Radbaz (commentary on Rambam HaShulchan’s time. Ginzberg is proposing position B. This is Matanos Aniyim 4:13) and the Yam shel Continued on Page 18

16 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 17 Pidyon Shvuyim Continued from Page 16 save Jewish life at certain key times, is a prime example of this. To examine the issues of safety, how- ever, we need to look at the particular health and age of the person in question, as well as the type of people in the partic- ular prison under discussion. For exam- ple, a few years ago, an elderly man with health issues was sentenced to prison. There is no question that even though he was in Otisville, prison for him was a cer- tain death sentence. The medical care in the U.S. Federal Prison System is abysmal, and he died shortly after he began to serve time. It is clear that there was no lower-level pidyon shvuyim type B for this person. Rather, that case fell into the Yam shel Shlomo/Radbaz debate. In most of our state prisons, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, about 1 in 400 prisoners die each year while in custody. These numbers seem bizarre, because the crude death rate in the United States seems to be higher than that, hovering at about 1 in 250. According to these figures, one can certainly under- stand the Aruch HaShulchan’s differentia- tion between the past and the present. What are the halachic differences between the three positions A, B, and C? The Rambam, in the Laws of Tzedaka (8:10), writes that pidyon shvuyim beats supporting the poor and clothing the poor, because a real case of pidyon shvuyim includes the hungry, the thirsty, and the unclothed—and their lives are also in danger. The Rambam lists eight command- ments in Tanach that one violates if one ignores rendering assistance in these cases: (1) Lo sa’amod al dam rei’echa, do not stand idly by your brother’s blood (Vayikra 19:16); (2) V’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha, love your friend as yourself (Vayikra 19:18); (3) V’chei achicha imach, and your brother shall live with you (Vayikra 25:36); (4) Lo yir- denu b’ferech l’einecha, do not let him go down in excessive labor in front of your eyes (Vayikra 25:53); (5) Lo se’ameitz es lev- av’cha, do not tighten your heart (Devarim 15:7); (6) V’lo sikpotz es yad’cha, nor shall you tighten your hand (ibid.); (7) Pasoach tiftach es yad’cha lo, you shall surely open your hand for him (Devarim 15:8); and (8) Hatzeil lekuchim lamaves, save those taken toward their death (Mishlei 24:11). As an aside, the Ibn Ezra and Rabbeinu Bachya both write that one is obligated to speak nice things to his heart as well. Indeed, Rabbeinu Bachya cites the Gemara in Bava Basra 9b that placating and comforting the prisoner with words is greater than them all. This being the case, it would seem that there might be an obligation to write an encouraging note or letter to Sholom Rubashkin. It seems clear that even if this case is not full pikuach nefesh or pidyon shvuy- im, many of the above eight mitzvos cer- tainly apply. O The author may be reached at [email protected].

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18 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES boards that plane, or what that stomach all that could go wrong. There are people, Jewish Traits Gone Bad pain might mean. Of course, all sorts of after all, who don’t wake up from their people worry about small or far-fetched night’s sleep; whose bodies do not func- BY RABBI AVI SHAFRAN tant to waste, something still usable. If things. But there does seem to be a partic- tion normally, whose lives or livelihoods he’s generous to the needy, we know ular stereotype of Jewish overanxious- are imperiled. Only a keen recognition of I have long suspected that the Jewish which one he is. And so while stinginess ness. What middah might it, in a twisted such possibilities can lead us to fully stereotypes invoked by comedians, impo- may be ugly, frugality is not; indeed, it is way, reflect? It might be the flipside to appreciate what so many people mind- lite pundits, and anti-Semites contain a Jewish trait, and should be proudly something very Jewish indeed: lessly take for granted. some grain of truth. After all, even a pow- embraced as one. Appreciating the myriad things that regu- Could that quintessential Jewish char- erfully positive middah, or personal trait, Similarly, the stereotype of Jews as larly go right. acteristic be what sometimes decays into can, if mangled or misapplied, devolve cliquish is rooted in our very real and We say Modeh Ani to acknowledge the “Jewish worry”? Might anxiety be a into a parody of its essence. A negative proper sense of peoplehood. When, how- all-too-easily-ignored miracle of our wak- warped expression of what, ideally, stereotype results. ever, we unwittingly give the impression ing up. We say Asher Yatzar to remind our- should be a feeling of joyful gratitude to Take, for instance, the obsession with that we look down upon others similarly selves not to take the functions of our the Creator for (in Modim’s words) money and possessions about which created in the image of G-d, we offer bodies for granted. We say Modim during “nisecha sheb’chol yom imanu”—the “mir- Jews are regularly impugned or mocked. mockers (and haters) ammunition. It is each of our prayer services to thank G-d acles that are with us each and every (Some may recall the skit—it was before day”? my time—of the Jewish radio jokester Perhaps, in other words, the Jewish Jack Benny who, accosted by a mugger worrywart, by obsessing over the myriad demanding “Your money or your life!,” things that can go wrong, is mangling the pauses a few seconds and then, when the We might think of someone who, Jewish trait of gratitude to the Creator for stick-up man repeats his warning, when things go right. O responds: “I’m thinking! I’m thinking!”) say, rinses out and reuses a plastic But concern with currency is only © 2011 Ami Magazine. Rabbi Shafran is an editor mockery-worthy when it has degenerated at large and columnist for Ami. into stinginess (as in the case of the fic- cup as some sort of miser. tional muggee) or thievery. In its pure form, it is called frugality, and is lauded by the Torah. WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? “The possessions of the righteous,” the teaches, “are as dear to them as important to not let our special bond for His continuous gift of our lives and WE WANT TO KNOW! their bodies.” That comment is not meant with the “family” that is Klal Yisrael, the sustenance. to counsel miserliness; it conveys a deep Jewish People, send a negative message to That all reflects a fundamental Jewish E-MAIL US AT and quintessentially Jewish thought: others. But internalizing that special middah, hakaras hatov—in the phrase’s [email protected] Every honestly earned penny has true bond, in the end, is essential to being a most literal, most fundamental, sense: worth, for it can be turned into some- Jew. the “recognition of the good” that G-d OR UPLOAD thing meaningful. We might think of Of late, I’ve been thinking about anoth- bestows on us daily, indeed every hour, someone who, say, rinses out and reuses er Jewish stereotype: the worrier. The fel- every minute, every second. YOUR COMMENTS AT a plastic cup as some sort of miser; and low who frets about whether he turned To be exquisitely sensitive to all the maybe he is. But he might also be a truly the oven off or locked the door before he blessings from which we constantly ben- righteous man, appreciative of, and reluc- left home, about what might happen if he efit requires us, on some level, to realize

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 19 Check In The Mail said. “The police weren’t amount that exceeds $20,000. Many of being invoiced for. Continued from Front Cover interested and the FBI person told me the shuls have stopped having their mail “I asked those who approached me to that because of limited resources they delivered and instead have it held by the please bring me a copy of the canceled are grateful for the vital work they do. can only investigate thefts upwards of a Post Office and picked up by a designated checks,” Blass says. He quickly discovered Many of us no longer wait for that half million dollars.” Stern says that over employee or officer. Shuls and organiza- that while the checks were made out to the monthly statement to arrive in the mail the last few months he has become tions involved do not want to be identi- shul, they had a strange endorsement and from our banks, but, thanks to the aware of shuls in Livingston, New Jersey fied, because they fear that people will were paid through a bank in Florida. Both Internet, we can click onto our banking and on Staten Island that have had thou- become reluctant to send donations in Blass and Stern told us that they found that websites and see when the check has sands of dollars of checks stolen and the future. In the case of the Young Israel local law-enforcement has so far had very cleared. It’s at that point that we may be cashed in this fashion. of Midwood, Mr. Stern says that they now little interest in the cases, despite the fact filled with additional satisfaction that the He explained that the police officials he have a lockbox that the mail is deposited that the thefts involve upwards of 30 shuls, money has arrived and is being put to has spoken to tell him that there is little into by the postal carrier and that the along with a significant number of other good and productive use. But wait, let’s they can do. One detective in Monsey told mail is now secure from theft. nonprofit organizations. not jump to conclusions. The shul officers and members with At a news conference in Brooklyn this knowledge of the thefts from their indi- week, Assemblyman Dov Hikind, along vidual shuls say that so far they have with an impressive array of synagogue learned that the scam can be traced back and organizational officials, announced While the checks were made out as much as two years by some of the can- that his office is working with the FBI to celed checks. In one case, the thieves investigate a scam that involves the theft to the shul, they had a strange took all the mail from one institution and of many of these checks from shul and then just as surreptitiously returned the organizational offices or mailboxes. The envelopes that had mail like bills and checks are endorsed, according to Hikind, endorsement and were paid other correspondence to the institution. and cashed through any number of “The most important thing at this check-cashing outlets and banks as far through a bank in Florida. point is to let people know that they away as Ireland and Israel. According to should not stop giving charity,” Hikind, the amounts of money unac- Assemblyman Hikind said to the 5TJT on counted for may exceed $1 million. Monday. He said that all involved have David Stern, the president of the Young taken additional steps to secure and safe- Israel of Midwood, told the Five Towns Stern that he has copies of passports that For Burt Blass, the longtime treasurer guard their mail and that the FBI is dili- Jewish Times that he had discovered over were submitted as ID to check-cashing of the Torah Center of Hillcrest in gently at work looking to catch up with $6,000 that has been stolen by the scam- stores when some of the checks were Queens, the story is very similar. “We had the perpetrators. mers. He says that he believes that whoev- cashed. He says almost all the people an old, flimsy mailbox out front for a “Some people were caught stealing er is doing this has set up an elaborate and involved are from Israel and are—at least while that was just easy to lift the mail mail from a shul on Avenue J and in sophisticated operation. He believes that for now—beyond the reach of the local out of,” he says. He explains that he got Monsey; they were arrested but were they stake out the shuls, waiting for the authorities. He says that he hopes that wind of the fact that something was released the same day,” said Mr. Stern of mail to be delivered, and then just go into with Hikind’s and the FBI’s involvement, amiss when he re-sent statements for the Young Israel of Midwood. “The scam- the shuls, whose doors are usually open some concrete action will finally be taken. shul membership dues a few months ago. mers know that with law enforcement because they have various ongoing pro- Checks have also been taken from It seems that more than a few members inundated with all kinds of crime, the grams being conducted, and take the mail. shuls in the Five Towns, with one check approached the treasurer to explain that police are really not interested in them,” “I called the police and the FBI,” he made payable to a Five Towns shul in an they had already paid the dues they were he added. O

20 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES My Dear Grandmother, Rachel Goldberger, a’h

BY NATALIE HALPERN down the short hall to my so scared and subsequently did- the night before, my Omama that she was such a wondrous grandfather. “Give Opapa a kiss,” n’t have nightmares. (Well, so was telling us about her won- woman that HaKadosh Baruch My mother, older brother, my mother said gently. I gave far!) As soon as I lifted my face drous mother and how close Hu wanted her and took her and I went to Vienna for my Opapa a kiss. from hers, I reached for my she was with her. straight to Olam HaBa. Chanukah vacation to visit my Then my mother asked gen- mother’s hand, held it tightly, She recounted how her Then my grandmother said, grandparents for one week. We tly, “Do you want to see and backed away. I then had the mother was always giving for “What if I want my mother? were having an amazing time. Omama?” I didn’t understand. honor to be a shomeres for my others and how she took care of What if I want to be with her On Motzaei Shabbos Chanukah, How would I be able to see grandmother—I would said everyone before herself. She right now?” at 4:00 a.m., my grandmother, Omama? But my mother didn’t Tehillim for her and did not asked my brother, “If my mother Then my mother said, “Chas an Auschwitz survivor, had a give me any chance to answer. leave her alone. was so holy, a rebbetzin who v’shalom. We want you with us heart attack and passed away. She gently took my hand and I had the z’chus to do this only did what was good for oth- ad meiah v’esrim!” The conversa- My grandfather heard her go brought me to the living room. until 1:00 p.m., when the chevra ers, how is it that she passed tion ended there. somewhere but he didn’t hear Lying there on the floor was my kadisha came. My mother came away in the gas chambers— “Wow,” I thought to myself as her come back and then he grandmother. My caring, giving, to me in the course of the such a horrible death?” I was saying Tehillim. Hashem heard a thump. He then called strong, amazing grandmother. It morning and put her cooling “I was so close to her,” she really listens to us. I then for my mother and their aide to all didn’t make any sense to me. hands on my hot face and said, said. “How come Hashem took skimmed through the events of come help. I offered to come Just seven hours ago, all of us— “Natalie, whatever Omama her away from me?” upstairs as well, but my mother my Opapa, Omama, mother, wished for came true. She My brother wisely answered Continued on Page 23 said I should stay downstairs. brother, and I—were playing wanted me to get married and About half an hour later, I kvitlach, taking pictures, laugh- that year I got married. She called up on the intercom to ing, and telling jokes. wanted my Opapa to get a cer- see how my Omama was feel- My mother knows that I tain car, and her wish came true ing and in a calm and reassur- don’t do too well with dreams. for him. Remember last night? ing voice, my mother said, To calm me, she said, “Look at Omama said that she wanted to “Natalie, Omama died.” Omama. She’s so sweet …” I did- be with her mother. Hashem I started crying a little but my n’t understand how she could listened to her, and she got mother told me to stop. She said be sweet if she was no longer what she wanted.” With that, that I could come upstairs if I alive. Still, this calmed me down my mother gave me a kiss and wanted. I went back to bed and a bit. “Come give Omama a kiss.” walked out of the room. cried for a few minutes and Again my mother didn’t wait for I thought about what my then I slipped on a skirt and my response, partly because I mother said. I remembered that sweater that my grandmother couldn’t respond. had knitted and given to me, I let go of my mother’s hand and I went upstairs. There I met and gently bent down, and my mother at the door. As soon kissed my Omama partly on her as I saw my mother, I started cheek and partly on the linen crying again. My mother was that she was covered in. Omama not crying. In a calm and loving felt numb, like the feeling one voice, she said soothingly, gets when they are numbed for “Don’t cry, Natalie. Be strong for a cavity at the dentist. Omama Opapa.” Then she took my also lost color in her face and sweaty, sticky, and shaking hand was kind of white. But because I into hers and started walking kissed my grandmother, I wasn’t

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 21 Good News And Bad News

The good news within the nameless) were all able to visit seems to have been infiltrated Davidson/Lubin family is that him while he was still in the by a terrible cold bug that can’t my dad came home from the hospital; but both Yussie and seem to leave the house. hospital yesterday. We are cer- Lea were too young to come. Just last week, I had Yosef tainly so glad to have him home, That means that it has been and Lea at a neighborhood where he belongs! almost a month since he has function and noticed a lot of The bad news is that he still seen my youngest children! children with runny noses. hasn’t seen many of my chil- And now it will be a little “How dare those children be dren since his return. while longer until he sees most around my nice, healthy kids!” Thankfully, Naftali, Rivka, of them, since they have all I thought to myself. Just a few Rochel, and my eldest daughter come down with the same ill- days later, my children are in (who still prefers to remain ness. Since Friday, my house the same boat. Isn’t that always the case? The very thing that you take for granted (that the children are healthy), suddenly throws you a curve ball when you least expect it or need it! I had been totally focused on my dad’s recovery, somehow never expecting the dreaded Winter Cold to permeate my household! But do you ever “expect” your kids to become ill? How often do we hold our breaths when we see those kids with the runny noses wander- ing around shul or the play- ground? “Just keep those germs away from my kids,” we yell in our minds. And then the next question. Now that I am the mother with the cold-ridden children, for how long do I need to keep them off the streets? These colds will linger for quite some time, and, according to my pediatricians, as long as they are fever-free and feeling otherwise all right, they can be in school. After all, they probably caught the cold germ from school. But we must do everything with a bit of common sense and practicality. While it is true that you can’t keep your child inside the entire winter, on the other hand, if it is not an emer- gency to be at a particular place, you should probably err on the side of caution and keep them home. I pray for the day that there is a cure for the common cold. One would think if it were “common” it would be simple to cure! Here’s to hoping … May Hashem give my dad the energy that he needs to walk upright with vim and vigor in the days ahead. And may Hashem bring a speedy refuah to all who need one! O

Phyllis Joy Lubin is an attorney with Rosenfeld & Maidenbaum, LLP, who resides in Cedarhurst with her husband Leonard and six children: Naftali, Shoshana, Rivka, Rochel, Yosef, and Lea. She welcomes your questions and comments at [email protected]. 22 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES My Grandmother Continued from Page 21 the past day. My brother made a siyum in honor of my grandparents and HaKadosh Baruch Hu made it possible for my grand- mother and grandfather to come to shul and have nachas. When we came home from a walk, we had to climb three flights of stairs to reach their apartment. Omama told my brother to slow down, that she is getting old and it’s hard for her to go up the stairs so quickly. My brother waved her off, saying that she is so young and that she would, iy’H, dance with him by his chasunah. Then my brother took my grandmother’s hands and they started dancing and singing in the middle of the apartment building (and trust me, that place had a huge echo!). As I recalled all these memories which were just a day old, I started to thank HaKadosh Baruch Hu, Who made the last days of my grandmother’s life ones of joy and nachas from her daughter and grand- children and without any pain. (The quote “every grandmother is on pills” is proven wrong; she was so healthy my whole family thought that she would outlive us all). I learned valuable lessons from her. For example, Omama would always do everything for my grandfather. Whatever he needed, she was right there waiting for him with it. She gave so much of her- self to others. When we arrived in Vienna and throughout our stay, she was loading us with presents and food (I probably got two gifts each day for every day of Chanukah). My Omama was always very calm and gentle, yet very strong and quick. For example, whenever they were with us and my mother would get up to wash the dishes, somehow my grand- mother was already there finishing off washing the dishes. I can go on and on about my grandmother; however, I think I should continue on with the story. My mother was supposed to come home this past Thursday. However, that wasn’t the plan of the Al-mighty. My mother was sitting on the airplane with her buckle on, saying Tehillim for my Opapa. The whole plane was packed and taxiing for takeoff, but my mother smelled smoke. She stopped saying Tehillim and turned to the person sitting next to her. She asked her, “Do you smell something?” That person also did. My mother looked around to see where it was coming from and then final- ly looked above herself. On top of her there was smoke. My mother quickly yelled to the flight attendants that there was a fire in the plane. They evacuated the whole plane and baruch Hashem no one got hurt. Hashem Yisbarach saved a plane with 300 people on board through my mother. More important to me, Hashem saved my mother. These miracles happen all the time, both big and small. I learned through this experience—and I hope that you will too—that there is a Hashem in this world and Hashem is taking care of every one of us. We should learn from all our experi- ences and the amazing people we are sur- rounded by. May we all be zocheh to see Mashiach, bimheirah b’yameinu, Amen. O

Natalie Halpern, a 14-year-old student at Torah Academy for Girls High School, lives in Far Rockaway. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 23 loved one with a secure refuge bling, sex, or any other form, the “Later, we learned that there is extract himself. Trying to reason Retorno: and a real prospect of being both utterly manipulating illness is no more adept liar than an with him was like banging our physically and emotionally able to suck a person into its addict. He was able to fool them heads against a brick wall. We Know Hope saved. Its success has become leg- deadly grasp, and concurrently as well as he fooled us. It was didn’t know of anyone else who endary in Israel, and now, as draw the rest of the family into only months later that we discov- had been though this, and we cer- BY TAMI BENMAYER more and more American Jews its vortex of destruction too. ered that Daniel was drinking tainly didn’t think it was a com- are making the journey across “At first we tried to deny the and doing drugs heavily. Our mon occurrence in the Jewish Idyllically nestled amongst the the seas to place their trust in fact that Daniel had a problem,” world began to fall apart. I could- community. We blamed his beautiful rolling hills and stun- Retorno’s loving hands, it is rapid- explains Hannah Kaye, the moth- n’t believe that my baby could be friends, we blamed his school, ning landscape of Givat Shemesh ly gaining acclaim in the United er of 20-year-old Retorno partici- doing these things to himself. He but mostly we blamed ourselves. in Israel lies a fascinating estab- States as well. pant Daniel. “He was a regular, was a totally different person. It How could we have let this hap- lishment. Retorno, the Viewing patients animatedly happy-go-lucky kid, who had was almost as if some evil force pen? Our child had hit rock bot- International Jewish Center for take part in group discussions been given everything in life. He had taken control of his body and tom and there was no way out.” Prevention and Treatment of and others engaged in a variety of was bright, he had friends. Where was living through him. We just Retorno, established in 1998 as Addictions, is a unique establish- productive activities and work- could it have all gone wrong? didn’t know what to do. a psycho-educational center, ment, enabling countless individ- shops on the spacious campus, it During his adolescence, we began “As parents, it was the most aims to counteract addictive uals to begin their lives afresh. is hard to believe that they are to notice that he wasn’t being painful thing we have ever wit- behavior through individual, Boasting a 70 percent success fighting the ferocious internal himself. He was acting out in class nessed. We watched helplessly group, and family therapy. In rate (as opposed to the 14 percent battle of addiction. Statistics and became easily agitated and and miserably as Daniel sank addition, patients participate in success rate of the average show that in America alone, over defensive. We thought he per- deeper and deeper into a black animal therapy, hydrotherapy, American 28-day program), many 3,000 Jewish adults every year haps suffered from a personality abyss, knowing that he didn’t interactive play, drama, writing, families perceive Retorno as an succumb to the lure of addiction. disorder and sent him to a string want to be there, but that he had art, and a number of other expe- angel in disguise, providing their Whether it is drugs, alcohol, gam- of psychologists, but to no avail. fallen in so deep, he couldn’t riential and interactive work- shops. Through embracing these activities, patients learn how to regain control of their lives. With an intense residential rehabilita- tion program, catering to both men and women at all points of the religious spectrum, Retorno is officially recognized and authorized by the health and welfare authorities as a specialist institution. Today the institution services, at any one time, approximately 35 patients between the ages of 14 and 18 with its intensive one-year residential program, 70 adult patients (aged 18 plus) with its three- to seven-month residential program, and another 15 outpa- tients who visit twice weekly. “Drugs and addiction are not the problem, they are the solu- tion,” explains Rabbi Eitan Eckstein, Retorno’s founder and director. “People turn to drugs as an incorrect solution to their deep pain. At Retorno, our goal is to deal with and heal a person’s inner pain. There is no blame, only responsibility. The essential first step to recovery is taking responsibility for one’s own life.” When entering Retorno, says Hannah, “I don’t know what I expected, but what I found on that mountaintop was so breath- takingly beautiful that I just stopped and stared. And striding towards us, arms outstretched in welcome, was Rabbi Eckstein. My first impression of him was that he was someone who really understood. To cut a long story short, it was a grueling seven months for Daniel, filled with the heartbreak and pain of opening up deep and bitter wounds and learning how to cleanse them. “He slowly began to face the problems he had tried to obliter- ate through drugs and alcohol. Individual and intensive therapy allowed him to look honestly at himself. Group therapy and working through the 12-step pro- gram enabled him to understand how to let go of those feelings he’d held on to so tenaciously. And by caring for the many ani-

Continued on Page 28 24 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

their coats, and gives them a ticket for her maybe the synagogues should institute a coat-check closet. What does this mean? lecture on “how to shovel snow” given by A buyer looking for a house tells the the local chiropractors, followed by a broker she does not care about the dentist giving instructions on how to kitchen because she never cooks, but deal with the “candyman.” You suddenly realized that a Cedarhurst Village parking permit can also be used on Fridays for Shabbos park- Do you think that a ing near at least four synagogues. Does Buried In The Snowstorm this mean the price of parking is now a percentage of the bargain? What might Andy Rooney have said if value of a house should be based on how Heard through the grapevine that one he were a real-estate broker stuck here in fast its street gets plowed after a winter value of a house of the congregations here in town in con- the snowstorm? storm? sidering a “potluck cholent dinner” to be Every white hair on my head came What is the point of living within should be based on served on a weekday once a month to from one of the deals I made! walking distance of the train, if when you attract new members. My question is, We do not have nearly enough kosher get to the station the trains are not run- how fast its street what do you put into cholent to get the restaurants for each person in this town! ning? flavor of potluck? What should I do with all the magnets If a homeowner does not shovel his gets plowed after a Let’s go, Jets! O in town from places that no longer exist? driveway and sidewalk, and his house is Some homes really look great in the on the real-estate market, does this mean winter storm? Anessa Cohen lives in Cedarhurst and is a snow! he is not very motivated? licensed real-estate broker and a licensed N.Y.S. mortgage broker with over 20 years of experience, What is the secret to Far Rockaway If a homeowner keeps the heat so low offering full-service residential and commercial schools staying open during snow- that you can see your breath in the air, is real-estate services (Anessa V Cohen Realty) and mortgaging services (First Meridian Mortgage) in storms? Is a rumor that they bought there a problem, or just an attempt to then fights to keep the extra refrigerator the Five Towns and throughout the tri-state area. dogsleds true? Or maybe it just snows less save money on fuel? Hmmm. and freezer that are in the garage. She can be reached at 516-569-5007 or via her website, Readers are in Far Rockaway? A homeowner greets the broker and And let’s not forget the congregational encouraged to send questions or comments to Do you think that a percentage of the the prospective buyers at the door, takes aspects. Due to the frequent snowstorms, [email protected].

Do not murder (Sh’mos 20:13) How were the Ten Commandments given? Five on one tablet and five on a second tablet.This means that “Do not murder” corresponds to “I am G-d your G-d.” The Torah is telling us that one who sheds blood it is as if he has reduced the image of the King. What is this analogous to? To a king of flesh and blood who entered a country and put up portraits of himself, and made statues of himself, and minted coins with his image.After a while, the peo- ple of the country over- turned his portraits, broke his statues, and invalidated his coins, thereby reducing the image of the king. So, too, one who sheds blood reduces the image of the King, as it is written (Bereishis 9:6):“One who spills a man’s blood… for in the image of G-d He made man.” (Mechilta)

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 25 26 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 27 Retorno Continued from Page 24 mals that reside on Retorno’s grounds, he learned what it means to become invested in his surroundings, to work cooperatively and take responsibility for others. We watched in awe as our son changed before our very eyes.” The Retorno program has been specifi- cally developed to accommodate American patients (and can even be used to fulfill a court-mandated rehab order), and Rabbi Eckstein believes that coming to Israel for treatment has its distinct advantages. Firstly, he explains, it allows respite for the family members dealing with the constant stresses of the addict’s day-to-day behavior. Addicts are experts in knowing how to manipulate those closest to them, so with family not in proximity, the healing process can occur in a healthier manner. In addition, this distance counteracts the stig- ma of having a child who’s an addict. Many families, especially those in small, close-knit Jewish communities, find it difficult to cope with their child under the intense scrutiny of the commu- nity. Sending him to Israel can help alle- viate this problem and act as a more pro- ductive method of recovery. Lastly, the attraction of Israel often makes it easier to encourage an addict to enroll in rehab. Most addicts do not think they have a problem and therefore refuse to take part in any rehabilitation program. However, when they hear that Retorno is in Israel, they consent to enroll, in the belief that they will soon be able to escape and have a vacation. This there- fore, makes that first step to recovery somewhat simpler. To cater to the non-Israeli patients, there are many English-speaking staff members as well as separate group therapy sessions. Each patient is assigned a social worker whose job it is to keep family in America well informed of their progress and to deal with any issues that may arise. The team also ensures that the appropriate post- treatment transition program is set up for the patient, whether he decides to return to America or remain in Israel. As the only Jewish rehabilitation center in the world, Retorno has the unique advantage of being able to provide its patients with a Jewish framework. Those who are strict on religious observance are accommodated in every possible way, and for those who are not observant, the reli- gious environment of Retorno places no demands on them to alter their lifestyle. Since spiritual growth is a strong element in every 12-step-oriented recovery process, and every participant is required to engage in some spiritual activity, most patients find the Jewish element necessary to their journey to recovery. Daniel’s long and arduous battle with addiction is by no means over. For the rest of his life, he will be cautious about what he drinks and what medicine he takes. There is no quick fix for healing an addiction, but with the intense commit- ment and the strength to apply the skills gained at Retorno, Daniel now feels equipped with the mental and emotional muscles to propel his life forward in a positive and productive manner. As Daniel’s mother so succinctly put it, “Retorno saved Daniel’s life and held our hand the whole way through.” For more information about Retorno, visit or call 718-285-9815. O 28 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 29 30 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 31 surely earned those accolades. large and he knew it would be less tasty. Five days a week, Hubby left the house And that was just the whitefish and the at 3 in the morning in order to be at the chub. (Note: Some people call the smaller smokehouse by 4 o’clock. He wanted to fish “baby whitefish,” but, unbeknownst be the first jobber on the scene, in order to many, chub are not baby whitefish. to get the best merchandize, and I was The two are entirely different species.) often told that he did that by torturing When Hubby finished checking out the men who did the smoking, as well as the whole fish, he went on to the larger the managers of the establishment. He fish, those that had been cut up before Still Watching Over Things insisted on procuring for his customers the smoking process could take place. the very best that was available. It was no The lox and the nova couldn’t be too pale, My late Hubby, a.k.a. Arnie, was a self- pay for something I’d always had free, secret to industry insiders that Arnie nor could they be too rosy. Color, along employed food jobber. He had a degree in and I knew that no one had the premium Berman does spot checks. with firmness, was also a consideration accounting and later enrolled in law quality that Hubby did. Of course, never He would select two pieces of fish in for the baked salmon, which Hubby school, but, due to circumstances beyond having eaten anyone else’s product, I had every category and run his finger along referred to as “KS,” or kippered salmon. his control, his studies were cut short. no actual basis for comparison; but I the surface to test for firmness. Then he The smokehouse personnel knew that When his mother, who had been running knew this to be true because everyone would give it a taste test. He would lick Arnie Berman expected top quality. the family food business since his father always told me so. those pieces to check for salt content and, Actually, he didn’t just expect it, he died, became ill, Hubby reluctantly left demanded it. And if the owners of the law school to temporarily take over the smokehouse had the misfortune of show- business. Unfortunately, his mom didn’t ing up while Hubby was doing battle with recover, and when she passed away, the the manager, he would do battle with the temporary became permanent. Arnie It was hard to pay for something owners as well. It paid off, because, unlike never returned to law school but most food jobbers, he rarely got a com- remained in the business. I’d always had free, and I knew that plaint or a return from his customers. It The food in question was smoked fish, wasn’t just good business sense; it was or, as it is called in some circles, appetiz- also a matter of pride. Whatever Hubby ing. My children and I were the benefici- no one had the premium quality did, he wanted to do it to perfection. aries of Hubby’s decision to keep the Whatever he did, he had to do well. business. Whitefish, sable, lox, and baked that Hubby did. In spite of his best efforts to enlighten salmon were items I never had to buy; me, I didn’t learn much about fish. I left it they were ours for the asking. But, as with up to Hubby, the expert. The only thing I most things in life that are free, I didn’t learned was to eat it! To me a fish was a fish. appreciate my good fortune. I took for It had a tail and a head and (much to my dis- granted the fact that those delicacies For years, people would say, “Hannah, being conscientious, he never put those may) two beady eyes that always seemed to would always be available. Arnie has the best smoked fish I’ve ever pieces back but brought them home to be staring at me, as if daring me to slice into Since Hubby was taken from us last eaten.” I would smile appreciatively, us, his family. We certainly didn’t care if its body. It was easier for me to look at kip- year, I hadn’t eaten any type of smoked thank the person for the compliment, he had licked it. pered salmon, sable, and lox, because those fish, until last week. There were a variety and then make a mental note to repeat That wasn’t all. He also checked the were cut into pieces and therefore never of reasons for my abstinence: it brought the words to Hubby. He loved hearing it. size and color of everything he bought. resembled a swimming animal by the time back too many memories, it was hard to He may not have farmed the fish, but he Too small and he would give it back. Too I got to see them. But I didn’t know much

32 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES about their quality, either. Recently, unable to resist the urge for a bagel-and-lox sandwich, I decided to have one. Choosing not to ask for it from the kind and gentle soul who had taken over Hubby’s business, and unwilling to go into an appetizing store, I did the unthinkable. Knowing that Hubby would be horrified, I bought packaged lox from a supermarket. As I lifted the bubble- wrapped package off the hook, I looked over my shoulder to be sure he wasn’t watching. I even closed my eyes and searched my heart to determine if he was nearby and disapproving. Sensing noth- ing, I bought the lox, cream cheese, and two bagels, and I left the store. That evening, I opened the package— and even I could tell that the lox was mushy! But, ignoring the texture, I smothered the bagel with an excess of cream cheese, added an onion, and pro- ceeded to eat the sandwich for dinner. Still, there was no sign of disapproval from Hubby. So I carefully rewrapped the remaining lox, exactly as Hubby had always taught me to do with his lox. But the following day, when I made yet another lox sandwich, this time for lunch, I got the message loud and clear. As soon as I opened the package, my sniffer went into overdrive and told me that the remainder of the lox was rancid. The date on the package indicated that the lox would be good for another four weeks, but it had spoiled within 24 hours. I did- n’t return the remainder of the lox to the store. Why should they suffer? I knew why it had happened. Hubby had been watching all along! That was last week. This week, I was once again party to something I knew Hubby would disap- prove of. I hired two people to shovel me out of my snowbound environment, and, without thinking, I gave them a long-han- dled brush to clean off my car before they started to shovel. Unfortunately, the man was almost fin- ished cleaning off the car before I remem- bered what Hubby had always told me. I could hear him loud and clear: “Hannah, only use the brush on the windows, never on the body of the car, because the bristles will scratch the paint. Use the rubber scraper on the body instead.” He was right, of course, but by the time I remembered his sage advice it was too late. As of this writing, my car is too dirty and stained from the snow for me to see if there are indeed any scratches or brush marks. But I’m hoping it will be fine. The important thing is that Hubby is still on top of things. O

Hannah Berman lives in Woodmere and is a licensed real-estate broker associated with Marjorie Hausman Realty. She can be reached at [email protected] or 516-902-3733.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 33 I feel so guilty. Every time my daughter in love with him, and wanted to please says, “Let’s play house,” I want to scream. him on every level, that I told him that I Mind you, I don’t scream and I usually could do that. play house with her, but I hate every sec- And so my fate was sealed. When our ond of it. It doesn’t help that my children oldest son was born, I kept my word and are not the type of kids who like to play quit my job. And here I am today. Bored, alone. I see my sisters’ children and mar- unfulfilled, and starting to resent my chil- vel at how they can be very happy doing dren. I do take good care of them. My hus- Dear Esther, love being a stay-at-home mom. their own thing for long periods of time. band thinks I’m the greatest mother in I am very troubled because I am such a Before I started my family, I had My kids just aren’t made that way. They the world. Because whatever I do, I do bad mother. Of course I don’t, G-d forbid, worked my way up to a responsible job, hate doing their own thing, unless it well, even if I’m not happy about it. But as hit my children or even yell at them where every day was different and excit- revolves around watching TV. I think about my upcoming baby, G-d excessively. But the truth is that I hate my ing. There was a great deal of pressure to I suppose you’re wondering why, then, willing, and do feel blessed, I still cringe long days alone with them. I count down produce, but I loved it. I loved being with I am a stay-at-home mom. When I was at the thought of starting all over. the minutes until their bedtime, so that I other intelligent adults, making things dating my husband, we discussed What do I do with all of these feelings can finally have some “me” time and not of guilt? Should I tell my husband that be busy with activities that bore the liv- I’m not the woman he thought he mar- ing daylights out of me. ried? That raising my kids isn’t interesting I have a three-year-old son who is in pre- enough for me and that I’m bored? I feel school. My daughter is a year and a half I feel so guilty. Every time my like I’m living a double life, doing one old, and I’m expecting. So just as soon as thing with a smile on my face but on the my daughter is ready to start school, once inside feeling sad and sometimes even again I’m starting all over with diapering, daughter says, “Let’s play house,” angry. Truthfully, I don’t want my hus- feeding, then playing, and on and on. band to be disappointed in me or feel as I don’t want to give you the impression I want to scream. though I tricked him into marrying me— that I don’t love my children, because I do. especially when he tells everyone about But I’m starting to wonder whether I’m what a devoted mother I am. I just feel even cut out to be a mother. Even as a kid, like an imposter. Do I just hang in there I hated games and most toys. I started read- and keep faking it, or do I confess, at least ing early and loved sitting alone reading, happen. Now I feel as though every day is whether I planned on working after hav- to my husband? more than most children. I never needed a just like the day before. Same routine— ing children. I was ambivalent at that Fake lot of friends, and my favorite memories nothing really changes. time. My mother was always home and Dear Fake, are those of sitting around with my moth- Before having children, I swore to involved with her children, and I’m sure I First of all, stop being so hard on your- er, just talking and talking and talking. myself that I wouldn’t be one of those felt secure and loved. But I also felt that self. You have a number of things to feel When I talk to friends—and I don’t mothers who plug their children into the she sacrificed so much for us and proba- very proud of. Number one, you kept want to admit to anyone how I really TV so that I could have some free time. bly could have done so much more with your deal with your husband. Some feel—either they are working full time Sure enough, that’s just what I’ve done so her life. But she seemed happy. When I women (and men, too, for that matter) and tell me how sad they are that they that I could take a shower in peace or told my husband-to-be that I was consid- will say what the other person needs to aren’t home with their children all day cook dinner without too many interrup- ering keeping my job, he said that he hear when they are dating in order to seal and how much they miss them; or they tions. I don’t overdo it, but I still feel believed that a mother’s place was at the deal. They may even believe what tell me how much they appreciate and guilty about those times when I have to. home with her children. I was so madly they are promising. After all, during those

34 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES exciting days, anything seems possible. child. How wonderful for her. But it’s not time now, such as volunteer work. time to spend alone in whatever fashion Nothing feels like it will be too hard to do your thing. And yet you continue to do it. And why do I get the feeling that, dur- you need? once they are married to this amazing Kudos to you . . . or maybe not. ing the time you are home with your In essence, what I am suggesting is person. Of course, that’s the reason why From the little you’ve written, I’m daughter, the two of you are isolating that you first have an honest discussion so many problems crop up after a few guessing that you are a Type A personali- yourselves? Have you tried joining some with your husband regarding your feel- months of marriage—because once the ty. Whatever you do, you do totally and sort of Mommy and Me program? That ings. Hopefully, he is an understanding marriage loses its magic and begins feel- with a complete heart. When you way, you’ll still be spending time with man who can respect the effort you’ve ing rather humdrum, the starry-eyed worked, clearly you gave your all, which your daughter, but at least you are also put in thus far and also appreciate your promises can feel impossible to keep. But is why you were able to move up the lad- with other mothers. I know that most need for something more—or, let’s say, you kept your word, despite how difficult der so effectively. I suspect that now, as a gyms have babysitters available so that something different. Subsequently, I it’s been for you. That’s impressive. mother, you put in the same amount of you get a chance to do your own thing in hope that he gives you—and also that Also, though you find your day tedious energy and commitment. Giving 100 per- the gym while your child is being well you give yourself—permission to tweak and unfulfilling on certain levels, you still cent of yourself is commendable, but it cared for and playing with other children your schedule enough to satisfy every- do what you need to do, and you do it well, can sometimes lead to burnout. her age, which she might love to do. one’s needs. And during those hours with a total sense of commitment. You I’m wondering why your lifestyle has I wonder whether your daughter when it’s just you and your daughter, try should give yourself credit for that as well. to be all-or-nothing. Maybe you don’t might be feeling as bored as you, spend- to figure out ways to keep it fresh and Though your friends all make it sound have to be the very best at everything you ing so much time together with just you; more interesting for both of you. as though there is nothing they would undertake. A lot of us do the best we can, maybe she also craves the stimulation of Esther rather do than be a full-time mother, my and usually our best is good enough. Why her peers. guess is that not all of them are telling do you sound so frightened about sharing Next, what goes on in your home dur- Esther Mann, LCSW, is a psychotherapist in Lawrence. Esther works with individuals and you the truth. Some women are just nat- with your husband how you really feel? ing the weekends? Does your husband couples. She can be reached at urally cut out for the role of full-time You’ve been married for a while, and I pitch in enough, giving you adequate [email protected] or 516-314-2295. mommy and, even years later, these should hope that by now he loves you women look back on that time of their deeply and appreciates you. Do you lives as their happiest years. Some believe that you have to be a “Stepford women truly enjoy playing games, read- wife,” someone he can brag about to oth- ing children’s books to their young ones, ers, in order to be appreciated and loved pushing their children on swings, and so by him? I hope not, because that would on. Nothing is more satisfying for them, miss the point. I think an injection of and when that phase of life is over, they honesty about now would go a long way. truly miss it. If your being a stay-at-home mother is But for many women, like yourself, it so important to your husband, I’m not sug- just doesn’t create a satisfying or even, gesting that you go back to your former dare I say, happy feeling. It can be experi- full-time job. But isn’t there some happy enced as tedious, monotonous, and bor- medium that can be reached? Perhaps you ing. And it has nothing to do with how could get a part-time job. Or maybe you much you love your children. The mother could just hire a babysitter for a couple of who gets down on the floor to help build hours a day so that you can use that time a castle out of blocks does not necessarily to recharge your batteries and do some- feel more love for her child than you do. thing that fulfills you in a way that has She just enjoys building blocks with her been missing from your days for a long

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 35 2011 Ohel Annual Dinner Showcases Camp Kaylie

The Ohel Children’s Home and Family for Central Hatzolah. He has served as Rubins are members of Congregation Services’ highly anticipated annual din- associate editor of The Encyclopedia Kneseth Israel and founding members ner is scheduled to be held on Sunday, Talmudit and dean of the Long Island of Bais Medrash of Harborview. Mark, a February 13 at the New York Hilton Commission of Rabbis. native of Brooklyn, is a graduate of Hotel. The gala event kicks off with a Corporate guests of honor: Abe and High School and reception at 5:30 p.m., followed by din- Chaya Jeremias, Jacob Jeremias, Chaim Yeshiva University, where he majored ner at 6:30 p.m. This year’s dinner show- Weisz, and David Reiner. Founded in in mathematics and computer science cases Camp Kaylie at Ohel, an extraordi- 1975 by Abe and Chaya Jeremias, Abaline before embarking on a career in real nary new camp and retreat facility situ- Supply Company, Inc. is located in Port estate. Naomi, who grew up in ated in the Catskill Mountains. It is the Reading, New Jersey. The company, Pittsburgh, is a graduate of Hillel only summer sleepaway camp of its kind which offers a full line of paper goods Academy and Hofstra University Law in the United States for youth of all abil- and disposable products, deserves high School. Mark is an active and enthusias- ities—developmentally disabled and praise for its commitment to the envi- tic volunteer in numerous organiza-

Rav Dovid Cohen It is the only summer sleepaway camp of its kind in as a member of the board of directors of the United States for youth of all abilities. Ohel and trustee of Camp Kaylie at Ohel. Avi and Aviva have been actively engaged in many Ohel events, including the Father’s Day bike rides, golf outings, Le Cirque de Purime, and benefit con- typically developing. Many youth with ronment. Abaline has introduced a full tions and has been instrumental in certs. Avi is a corporate attorney in the developmental disabilities, and children array of “green friendly” products, moved planning and organizing Ohel’s Father’s New York office of K&L Gates LLP. His living in Ohel foster families and in its operational power source to a renew- Day Bike Ride. Naomi has devoted con- practice focuses on advising hedge Ohel’s domestic abuse shelter receive able solar energy supply, and introduces siderable energy to the Jewish commu- funds on a range of high-level financial full or partial scholarships to attend its customers to leading-edge technology nity, including service as chair and com- matters, including regulatory and com- Camp Kaylie. designed to optimize efficiency while mittee member at Hebrew Academy of pliance issues. The Pifkos live in Keynote speaker and honoree: Rav savings costs. Long Beach Women’s League, a member Cedarhurst where they are actively Dovid Cohen. Rav Cohen is a world- Dinner honorees: Mark and Naomi of the parent council of HALB’s SKA engaged in their local community, their renowned poseik and leader of Rubin. The Rubins served as exemplary High School, and sisterhood president synagogue, Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzi, Congregation Gvul Yaabetz in Brooklyn. Ohel foster parents to two siblings in for Congregation Shaaray Tefilah in and, most proudly, in the lives of their Author of numerous influential publica- need of safe shelter and a loving home. Lawrence. four children. tions, Rav Cohen is mara d’asra of Ohel, Now grown with families of their own, Dinner Honorees: Avi and Aviva Dinner Honorees: Aaron and Shahla Nefesh International, and Hatzolah of their former foster children have main- Pifko. The Pifkos are devoted long-time Weg. The Wegs are longtime Monsey Flatbush, as well as one of the four rabbis tained close ties with the Rubins. The Ohel friends and supporters. Avi serves area residents and members of

36 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

Congregation Anshe Sefard in Wesley Hills. They are former foster parents who embraced an opportunity to wel- come a teenager into their home, who, along with a group of other Jewish children, fled Iran as political refugees in 1989. Payman Rabiei was sponsored by the Weg family while in Vienna. He came to the states when he was 16 and lived in the Wegs' family home for many years, including while he attend- ed college. Twenty-two years later, that teenager, Dr. Payman Rabiei, and his wife, Nazanin, are now being honored at Ohel’s dinner along with the Wegs. Aaron Weg is executive vice president of programming at ADL Data Systems, Inc., a leading provider of software to the long-term care industry and nurs- ing home chains worldwide and Abe and Chaya Jeremias Avi and Aviva Pifko Mark and Naomi Rubin Shahla is a registered nurse. Shahla and Aaron are parents to Eliyahu and Jasmine Weg and Chaim Tzvi, 23, and ize their full potential.” The Weg- Miriam, 22, and grandparents to Aryeh, Rabiei families enjoy a warm friend- 6 months. ship and extended family relationship. Dinner Honorees: Dr. Payman and Nazanin Rabiei is a dentist. Nazanin Rabiei. The Rabieis are now For dinner reservations, to place a jour- Great Neck residents and members of nal ad, or to learn more about the event, call the Great Neck Synagogue and Torah 718-972- 9338 or visit O Ohr Hebrew Academy, and are the Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services is a proud parents of three children, David pioneering social services agency that is marking (5), Yaakov (3), and Gabriella (3 its 40th milestone this year. From the early to senior years, Ohel delivers a breadth of months). Dr. Rabiei is a board-certified community services through Ohel Bais Ezra, Ohel podiatric surgeon and president of Lifetime Care, Ohel Foster Care, Ohel Mental Metropolitan Foot Care P.C., based in Health Services, Ohel Camp Kaylie, and the Ohel Institute for Training. Ohel provides innovative Brooklyn with four offices in Brooklyn and cutting-edge programs and services for and Queens. “It was not even thinkable individuals and families at risk, and individuals with developmental or psychiatric disabilities, in for me to be where I am if not for both residential and outpatient settings. Touching Ohel’s programs and dedicated and car- the lives of thousands of individuals at every stage, and every day, Ohel’s professional services ing staff. It was a safe haven for are available throughout New York, New Jersey, teenagers like me to flourish and real- and South Florida. Dr. Payman and Nazanin Rabiei Ahron and Shahla Weg

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 37 Rabbi Tzedek then explained: “The cousin is asking for,” said Mr. Feingold. (Gittin 30a) allows lending money “What about the old loan that I granted Unpaid Debt to a poor person and stipulating with him him and he is unable to repay?” that the loan will be paid off by retaining “Noda B’Yehuda cites a dispute in the future ma’aser ani produce, tithes that Talmud Yerushalmi whether it is permissi- BY RABBI MEIR ORLIAN but realized that demanding repayment or would normally be distributed to the poor. ble to deduct the ma’aser after the loan BUSINESS HALACHA INSTITUTE denying the new loan would push his We consider it as if the lender gave the was already granted,” answered Rabbi cousin to the brink of bankruptcy. ma’aser ani to that poor person, who then Tzedek. “He rules that it is allowed, but Lev Feingold was known for his gen- Caught in a bind, Mr. Feingold shared returned it in repayment of the loan. the lender needs permission from the erosity. He was not wealthy, in any sense his dilemma with his local gabbai “Similarly, Rama (Y.D. 257:5) permits poor person to deduct the ma’aser in pay- of the word, but always helped to the tzedakah, Artie Hoffman. Artie suggested lending to a poor person and stipulating ment of the loan. He further recom- extent of his ability, and often somewhat to him: “Why don’t you retain for your- mends that the lender should deduct beyond. self the coming two year’s worth of ma’as- only an amount he might have given to In particular, Mr. Feingold was meticu- er kesafim to cover the unpaid loan to this poor person, so as not to cause a loss lous about ma’aser kesafim. At the end of your cousin and the amount he wants to You can lend the money to all the other needy people. (Pischei each month, he would apportion one- borrow now?” Teshuva Y.D. 257:5) tenth of his income and distribute it to “I can’t do that,” gasped Mr. Feingold. to the poor person with “It might embarrass my cousin if I various tzedakah causes. “The ma’aser kesafim money is for notify him that I want to deduct the In addition to charity, Mr. Feingold was tzedakah, not to put back into my own the intention that if he loan from my ma’aser kesafim,” Mr. occasionally approached for loans. pocket!” Feingold said. Sometimes he would use ma’aser kesafim “But it’s not really into your pocket,” will not repay, it should “Well, some poskim explain that it is money for the loans, but more often he argued Mr. Hoffman. “Consider it as if only necessary to get permission if the would grant them from his own money. you gave the money as tzedakah to your be considered tzedakah borrower went bankrupt or is very desti- “As long as I’m privileged to be on the lend- cousin, and he gave it back to you to tute, so that you could not demand pay- ing end, I’m in good shape,” he would quip. repay his debts!” retroactively. ment from him,” said Rabbi Tzedek. “Lev, I need a short-term loan of “There is logic to that,” Mr. Feingold “Otherwise, cancelling his loan is simply $10,000 to keep my business afloat,” one responded thoughtfully, “but it still considered as giving him tzedakah and of Mr. Feingold’s cousins pleaded with seems that the money should actually be does not need his permission.” (Teshuvos him. Mr. Feingold consented and with- given to the poor. I certainly don’t see that the loan will be paid off by retaining V’Hanhagos II:471; see, however, Igros drew money from his savings to help his how I can take the money to cover the future ma’aser kesafim. This can only be Moshe Y.D. I:153) O cousin. As the months passed, though, old debt.” done, however, so long as the borrower is the financial state of the business wors- “You don’t have to be out the money,” still poor and entitled to receive the This article is intended for learning purposes and not to be relied upon halacha l’maaseh. There are ened and the possibility of repayment protested Mr. Hoffman “It was nice of ma’aser money. also issues of dina d’malchusa to consider in dwindled. With the banks now refusing you to have helped your cousin, but you “Alternatively, you can lend the money actual cases. Rabbi Meir Orlian is a faculty member of the him credit, the cousin shamefacedly don’t have to suffer an unnecessary loss!” to the poor person with the intention Business Halacha Institute, which is headed by asked for another loan. “You need to be Mr. Feingold decided to seek guidance that if he will not repay, it should be con- HaRav Chaim Kohn, shlita, a noted dayan. For aware, though, that there is a real possi- from Rabbi Tzedek. sidered tzedakah retroactively. It is then questions regarding business halacha issues, or to bring a BHI lecturer to your business or shul, bility that I might not be able to repay,” He shared the story with Rabbi Tzedek, permissible for you to deduct the unpaid please call the confidential hotline at 877-845- he added with a sigh. who said to him: “It is possible to retain amount from ma’aser kesafim.” (Teshuvos 8455 or e-mail [email protected]. To receive BHI’s free newsletter, Business Weekly, Mr. Feingold took the news in stride. He ma’aser kesafim money to cover unpaid loans V’Hanhagos I:560[11]) send an e-mail to was not in a position to absorb the loss, to a poor person, with some limitations.” “This helps regarding the new loan my [email protected].

38 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Slow Cooking

Although “quick and easy” seems to be and include over 20 ingredients. The the way to go in this fast-paced day and result is worth the effort, with a complex age, there is something to be said for taking blend of flavors that is rich and satisfying. the time to prepare a meal and letting it Each step in making a cassoulet builds simmer and stew into magnificence. on the flavors and brings you one step Cassoulet (pronounced ka-soo-LAY) is just closer to the hearty goodness. The beans such a dish. It’s rich and hearty, yet elegant must be soaked, preferably overnight. A and impressive at the same time. Cassoulet quick-soak method can be used, in which Lamb-And-Bean Cassoulet quick-soak method mentioned above). is a dish made of slowly simmered beans you simply cover the beans by two inch- Ingredients: Drain beans and rinse. and various meats. A robust meal filled es of water, bring to a boil for two min- 8 oz. dried cannellini or In a 4-quart saucepan, brown half the with luxurious ingredients, this dish is a utes, cover with the lid, remove from great Northern beans lamb in hot oil. Remove meat from pan one-pot meal, all-inclusive. heat, and leave to soak for an hour. 32 oz. water and brown remaining lamb with onion Cassoulet is reminiscent of cholent— The vegetables must be prepped, cut 1 1/2 lb. boned lamb, cut into 1-inch and garlic. Add back the lamb as well as like a French version of the Shabbos sta- into cubes or chopped into chunks, and cubes, or 2 lamb shanks the drained beans, stock, bay leaves, pars- ple. It can be made with a variety of meats sautéed. The meat should be browned 2 Tbsp. canola oil ley, basil, marjoram, salt, and pepper. and can be eaten any day of the week. over high heat, in batches so it has room to 1 large onion, chopped Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a There are different variations to the dish, brown and it doesn’t boil in its own juices. 2 cloves garlic, minced simmer. Cover and cook for 1 hour. but it is traditionally made with white The beans and vegetables are then added 12 oz. chicken or beef stock Add carrots, and cook 30 minutes beans and a sumptuous array of meats, back, along with fresh herbs and some sort 2 bay leaves longer or until lamb and beans are tender, including duck, sausages, lamb, and poul- of liquid, and it is baked till the beans and 2 sprigs parsley adding water to pan if necessary. Stir in try. It can be similar to a stew or a casserole meat are tender. Then, a breadcrumb top- 1 tsp. dried basil tomatoes with juice and wine. Simmer with a crust on top. It serves a crowd and ping must be made to finish it off. 1 tsp. dried marjoram covered for 15 minutes more. Ladle into can be made in advance. If you cannot afford the time it takes 1/2 tsp. salt shallow bowls and serve. In making an authentic cassoulet, to put into a cassoulet, you can make a 1/4 tsp. pepper there are many labor-intensive steps and much simpler version of this dish that 2 medium carrots, peeled and sliced Eating quality, delicious meals is easy when all the work is done for you. Hire a personal chef to ingredients. The ingredients are each pre- will still produce a hearty, satisfying meal. 16 oz. canned diced tomatoes with juice prepare your dinners, Shabbos meals, or small cooked separately and then baked in lay- This simple version with lamb and white 4 oz. dry white wine parties. For more information, contact Take Home Chef personal chef services by calling 516-508- ers in a pot called a cassole. Some recipes beans hits the spot without overwhelm- Directions: 3663, writing to [email protected], or for cassoulet call for cooking it for days ing the average cook. Rinse beans and soak overnight (or use visiting

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 39 The Feinbergs are thankful to Rabbi Joan was born and raised in Brooklyn. Celebrating 16 Years Together and Rebbetzin Wolowik for all they have After graduating Hunter College, major- done for their family and the community ing in nursing and receiving her RN, she With Of The Five Towns and look forward to many more success- worked at St. Vincent’s Medical Center in ful years together. Manhattan for seven years before giving On Sunday night, February 27, 23 Adar from New York University. Danny is the vice Guests of Honor: Steven and Joan birth to her first child. Joan returned to 1, The Jean Fischman Chabad Center of president of finance for Rosco, Inc., an auto- Sherman. The Shermans moved to nursing by becoming a school nurse at the Five Towns will be hosting its 16th motive accessory manufacturer in Queens. Woodmere 24 years ago and became SKA High School for girls in Hewlett annual dinner celebration at the Grand Binah and Danny are the proud parents involved with Chabad of the Five Towns where she has been for the last 14 years. Ballroom of the Sephardic Temple, 775 of four beautiful children. Gabriella (age 14) through Joan’s parents, Abraham and Celia Joan and Steven are the very proud par- Branch Blvd in Cedarhurst at 6:00 p.m. attends Manhattan High School for Girls. Bernstein, ob’m. When the Bernsteins ents of Debra, Jacob, and Zachary. Debra, a This year’s theme is “Celebrating 16 Ari (age 12) is in the sixth grade at Yeshiva moved to Cedarhurst in 2001, they were graduate of SKA, studied at Midreshet Years Together.” While Chabad looks with Ketana of Long Island. Michal (age 7), a taken in by Chabad with open, loving, and Moriah in Israel and then completed her pride at the many accomplishments they graduate of the Gan Chamesh Preschool, is caring arms. In return, the Bernsteins undergraduate education at Queens have experienced in the past, they focus currently in the second grade at Bnot made Chabad their second home. After College. She recently received her RN and on the future with a vision of growth. Shulamith, and Eliana (age 3) is in the pur- Joan’s parents passed away, Chanie and is married to Shimmy Orner who also Guests of Honor: Danny and Binah ple room at the Gan Chamesh Preschool. Rabbi Wolowik were a tremendous source recently obtained his law degree. Debra Englander. The Englanders moved to the Guests of Honor: Avi and Julie Feinberg. of love and support. and Shimmy have recently given the ulti- Five Towns 13 years ago. During that time The Feinbergs reside in Woodmere with Steven was born in Brooklyn and mate gift of a first grandchild, Yakira they and their children were fortunate to their daughters Ruthie and Mimi and son moved to Cedarhurst as a teen. After gradu- Tzipora. Jacob, a graduate of HAFTR High have met Rabbi Zalman and Rebbetzin Aharon. Ruthie and Mimi are students at ating from Hofstra University, he attended School, studied in Israel at Yeshivat Netiv Chanie Wolowik and Rabbi Meir and Bnot Shulamith. Following in Mimi’s foot- medical school and completed a residency Aryeh and is now an accounting major at Rebbetzin Hadassah Geisinsky. Chabad of steps, Aharon will be starting Chabad’s in ophthalmology. He practices in Queens College. He continues his daily the Five Towns has touched Binah and Gan Chamesh in the fall. Brooklyn and is also an ophthalmology res- Torah learning at Yeshivat Lev Shlomo Danny’s lives as well as the lives of each of Avi and Julie met as college students at idency program director at Interfaith (DRS) in Woodmere. Zachary, a Mesivta their children through the abundant classes, NYU where Avi also attended law school. Medical Center and St. John’s Episcopal Rambam graduate, is currently learning at programs, and the Gan Chamesh Preschool. He is currently a real estate attorney with Hospital where he trains young physicians Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Yerushalayim. Binah grew up in Montreal, Canada. the firm of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & in the field. He is actively involved in Gan Chamesh Parents of the Year: After graduating from high school, she Jacobson LLP. After several years as a buyer numerous medical societies and served as Dovid Tzvi and Shani Jacobs. The Jacobs spent a year learning at Michlalah in Israel. for a major retailer and as a proprietor of a president of the medical society of the are relative newcomers to the Five Towns Binah graduated from Stern College with a retail store, Julie’s time is now devoted to County of Kings. He is an active member of and Chabad communities, but they and degree in marketing and early childhood her family and to her role as a co-president examining boards for certification in oph- their children have been welcomed with education. She began her post-graduate of the Shulamith Women’s Organization. thalmology, an honorary police surgeon open arms and hearts by the Wolowiks coursework at the Bank Street College of The Feinberg family’s attachment to for the New York City Police Department, and the Chabad family. The warmth of the Education. After that, Binah turned her Chabad began when Avi was a young and a board member of the New York State Gan Chamesh preschool has made their attention to her family as well as being child. Inspired by Avi’s parents’ years of Office of Professional Medical Conduct. As children feel right at home, and they are involved in many chesed projects. involvement in the work of their local if that were not enough, he has for the last proud to be honored as Parents of the Year. Danny grew up in Kew Gardens Hills, shluchim in New Jersey, Avi and Julie have 18 years been a member of the Nassau Dovid Tzvi was born and raised in Queens. After studying for a year in Israel at participated in the activities of Chabad at County Auxiliary Police and is one of the Queens, attended Yeshiva Darchei Torah Beit Medrash L’Torah, Danny attended NYU, Chabad of Riverdale, and, for the past founders of the Five Town Unit which con- Queens College and received his M.B.A. three years, Chabad of the Five Towns. tinues to serve the community. Continued on Page 43

40 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Advice On Ice

BY MORDECHAI to put on is a pair of ice skates. Well, actu- SCHMUTTER ally, that’s the last thing you want to put on, because once you get the ice skates If you’re looking for an activity that on you’ll have a hard time putting on combines simultaneously freezing and your snow pants. I personally wore my sweating with a lot of falling down, I all-purpose pants, but my wife insisted would recommend ice-skating. on putting the kids in snow pants, so that I recently took my kids ice-skating, in case they fell, they would have extra because they’re finally getting to the age padding. You also might want to bring at which, when we go on a family outing, gloves, because if you follow my advice, they can actually do stuff, instead of just you will likely spend a lot of time looking at stuff, riding on stuff, and sprawled out on the ice, and it’s cold standing in front of stuff. So we said, down there. But once you have every- “Hey! The kids are always falling down thing else you need, you’re going to want for no reason! Why not strap a pair of to put on your ice skates. metal blades to their feet?” We chose ice-skating because it’s a win- ter activity, but we wanted to go some- where inside, because it’s cold out there! In this method, you Luckily, we live in an age when there is no irony left, so we headed over to an don’t just go along the indoor skating rink that we technically could have gone to even during the sum- wall; you hug it for dear mer. The kids had a blast, including my 4- life like it’s a close friend year-old son, who spent a lot of time falling and the rest of the time eating the that you had assumed snow off his gloves. The truth is that I’m probably not too was lost in a war. well suited to teaching my kids how to skate, because I can barely keep myself from falling. I am horrible on the ice. Nevertheless, one of the good things Ice skates are an important part of ice- about being a writer is that you can use skating, because even though you will your skills to educate those that don’t still be sliding around, you’ll be able to know as much as you, but still somehow control the fall by slipping in the direc- know how to read. So I hereby present: tion your feet are pointing. Although, once I get my skates on, I generally find The Mordechai Schmutter School that my feet point in slightly different Of Attempting To Ice-Skate directions. I’m thinking of getting them The history of ice-skating. Ice-skating aligned. When I glide, my feet very slow- was invented 4,000 years go by a man ly drift farther and farther apart, until named Skeeter of Iceland. Skeeter liked to they are basically on opposite sides of the sit on his porch, and he noticed that a lot rink. So I turn my feet inwards and they of his friends who were coming up to his come back and crash into each other. This house were sliding around comically on process repeats itself a lot, so if you’re the ice. This provided Skeeter with hours ever trying to track me down an icy river, of entertainment, because there’s not you’re going to be very confused. much else to do in Iceland. So, instead of The different methods of ice-skating. putting down some rock salt, he decided, There are several different methods of “Hey! I bet I could get people to pay to do actually skating, by which I mean there that!” Pretty soon, people were coming are three methods: from far and wide to fall on his ice. “Hug the wall.” In this method, you In those days, people used to skate on don’t just go along the wall; you hug it for frozen lakes. This combined the fun of dear life like it’s a close friend that you sliding around uncontrollably with the had assumed was lost in a war. If you fol- fun of being outdoors, and it was marred low this method, you’re pretty much guar- only occasionally by someone falling anteed not to fall, unless the wall does. through the ice. Also, a lot of people The only issue is that you sometimes have would skate across to the other side of to let go because of the people in front of the lake and make off with their rental you having conventions or posing for pic- skates. This led to the two chief advances tures. (“Here we are standing around in of modern ice-skating, which are: our ice skates. And there’s the guy who 1. Most rinks are built indoors, so spent the whole time following us.”) Also, there is very little risk of drowning; and sometimes you’ll end up stuck behind 2. Skates nowadays are designed to someone else using this method, and you be so uncomfortable that no one would won’t be able to say anything because ever walk off with them. For example, if they’re 25 years younger than you. Once you ask for a size 12 wide, they will pur- you need to leave the wall, you’ll move on posely give you an 8 medium, on which to the next method— someone has very cleverly written “Always look like you’re falling.” This is “12W” in Magic Marker. They do a simi- where you skate about with your arms lar thing with bowling shoes, except flailing wildly and a terrified look on your that it is far less likely that someone will face and, at any given point, one of your look at his bowling shoes and go, “Wow, legs up in the air. Not only does this these are much nicer than the shoes I method really work for me, but I find that just gave them as collateral! I’m just people will do their best to stay out of my going to keep them. Now I’ll really fit in way. It also helps to scream a lot. at the institution!” What to wear. The first thing you want Continued on Page 45 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 41 “We noticed a shift towards the left and Labor Splits, Atzmaut Joins Coalition post-Zionism [in Labor],” Barak explained. Barak’s resignation took his fellow Labor MKs by complete surprise. BY SAMUEL SOKOL Likud party, Defense Minister Ehud Barak According to news reports, Netanyahu Speaking with the Israeli newspaper MIDDLE EAST CORRESPONDENT and his newly formed Atzmaut was aware of Barak’s plan for two weeks Haaretz, MK Shelly Yacimovich said that (Independence) faction have entered the prior to the split. she was “stunned” by the announcement Following negotiations with Israeli ruling coalition, eliciting anger and feel- On Monday, Barak stepped down as of the formation of Atzmaut. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ings of betrayal by many on Israel’s left. Labor party chairman, splitting the party “I mainly felt strong disgust toward one and prompting its remaining ministers to of the most corrupt and cynical moves resign and bring Labor into the opposi- that has ever taken place in Israeli politics, tion. The move, which was severely criti- she told Haaretz. “It is a move lacking cized by Labor MKs and supporters, as entirely in ideological content, and whose well as by many in the Israeli media, only objective is to ensure Barak’s place in came after several months of increasing the government and allow him to act divisions within the party. without the ‘burden’ of moral obligations.” According to Barak, the split was occa- “Sitting in the government was the sioned by his inability to function in a mother of all sins,” Yacimovich said. political party rife with dissention and as Yacimovich is currently considering a run a response to ongoing threats by MKs to for the party chairmanship. break up the party due to its continuing Opposition leader and Kadima chair- presence in the governing coalition. woman Tzipi Livni also criticized Barak Comparing himself to former Prime over his entry into the coalition, saying on Ministers Ariel Sharon, David Ben- Israel Radio that “for Barak to call whoev- Gurion, and Shimon Peres, all of whom er wants peace Post-Zionist is unheard split from their parties, Barak explained of,” and that she did not understand how that Atzmaut would be “centralist, he could leave his “ministers to serve in a Zionist, and democratic.” right-wing, hareidi government.” Labor MK Amir Peretz, who was oust- ed by Barak as party chairman in 2007, lashed out at his successor on Tuesday during a press conference, citing the Minister’s “opportunism” and stating that his “personal interests were more impor- tant to him than the national interests.” Until Monday’s announcement, Peretz and fellow Labor MKs Ghaled Majadle, Daniel Ben-Simon and Eitan Cabel had been “dead set” on leaving Labor, the Jerusalem Post reported. The four parlia- mentarians had been considering a split from Labor due to disappointment over its continuing membership in a coalition that they feel is taking insufficient action to advance a moribund peace process. However, in response to Barak’s deci- sion, Peretz decided that they will remain in the Labor party. The four plan to hold talks with those legislators remaining in the party to “see if we can continue together.” According to the new coalition agree- ment, Barak will continue in his current ministerial role and MKs from Atzmaut will fill the portfolios vacated by Labor. MK Orit Noked will be taking over the Ministry of Agriculture, Communications Minister Moshe Kahlon (Likud) will take over the Social Services Ministry in a care- taker role for the next three months, Shalom Simhon is to take charge of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Labor, and Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai is to gain control over the newly created Home Front Ministry. The new coalition, composed of 66 par- liamentarians out of a total of 120 Knesset seats, will be stronger than before, Netanyahu claimed. Barak and Atzmaut’s continuing role in the coalition has upset many Arab supporters of the Labor party. O

Deadline for Advertising in the Next Issue is Tuesday, January 25 at 5:00 P.M. Call 516-984-0079

42 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Chabad Of The Five Towns Continued from Page 40 in Far Rockaway, then spent two years in Israel at Yeshiva Bais Yisroel. He graduated from Yeshiva University as a premed stu- dent. He received his M.D. from the New York University School of Medicine and is currently a pediatrics resident at the Cohen Children’s Medical Center at Long Island Jewish Hospital. In July, he will start a fellowship in interventional radiol- ogy, an image-guided surgical subspecial- ty, at Downstate Hospital in Brooklyn. Shani grew up in Highland Park, N.J. She graduated from Bruriah High School, and spent two years learning in Yerushalayim. Upon her return from Israel, she attended Touro College, and taught elementary school students at Yeshiva Sharei Tzion in Edison, N.J. She is now a stay-at-home mom, raising their three wonderful chil- dren. Dalia (age 5) is a proud Gan Chamesh graduate and presently attends Bnot Shulamith. Atara (age 3) is a current Gan Chamesh “Yellow Room” student. Their new baby brother Eli is looking forward to starting Bagel Babies, and his upcoming graduation from Gan Chamesh in 2015. Before moving to Woodmere, Dovid Tzvi and Shani lived in midtown Manhattan, and were actively involved in the small, close-knit Orthodox community in Murray Hill. There were many opportunities for kiruv, and the Jacobs’ home was always open to guests looking for a Shabbos meal. Both Shani and Dovid Tzvi grew up seeing parents who were actively involved in their communities, especially with the local edu- cational institutions. They hope to emulate their parents and instill in their own chil- dren the importance of community involvement and service. The dinner chairmen are Dr. and Mrs. Binyomin and Leah Muller, Mr. and Mrs. Yosef and Penina Batsheva Popack, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Suzanne Wallin. Honorary dinner chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Necha Fischman, Mr. and Mrs. Sol and Etty Levy, Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Nicole Spivak, and Mr. and Mrs. Uri and Wendy Ottensoser. The journal scroll of honor chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. Shalom and Sheri Hammer and Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Susan Sachs. For reservations and ad information, call 516-295-2478 or visit www.chabad5towns .com/dinner. Make your reservations now before winter break! O

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 43 ought to have been related by Moshe, like complete without this section, and Yisro the rest of the Torah, but these people added something to it. merited that it be revealed by their initia- What was Yisro’s addition? What did it tive. The same is said regarding the laws contribute to our understanding of the of inheritance (Bamidbar 27:6–11), whose Divine wisdom? revelation was prompted by the daugh- ters of Tzelafchad, the penalty for dese- crating Shabbos (Bamidbar 15:35–36) prompted by the wood gatherer, etc. Because he added this From The Chassidic Masters Yisro, Moshe’s father-in-law, is also credited with a section of Torah. Indeed, chapter into the Torah, his name (Yisro, meaning “his addition”) Yisro’s Plan was given to him because he added a the Jew who studies chapter to the Torah. Why was he called “Yisro” (“his addi- The Torah was communicated to us In this, the case of Yisro is unique. In and lives Torah today tion”)? Because he added a chapter to the through Moshe; indeed, the prophet all other instances, nothing was added to Torah—[the chapter] “And you should see (Malachi 3:22) goes so far as to refer to the the Torah—these were laws that would is relating to the [to choose] from the people . . .” word of G-d as “Moshe’s Torah.” On sever- have been included in the Torah in any —Midrash Rabbah, Sh’mos 27:7 al occasions, however, other individuals case, for without them the Torah is not Divine original rather If you see more deeply into me than I are given credit for the revelation of a par- complete; it was only that instead of am capable of seeing in myself, which is ticular section. being communicated directly to Moshe than to a human the real me? The deeper, truer me that Thus we are told that the section deal- as was the rest of the Torah, certain indi- you see, or my me? This was the essence ing with laws of the Secondary Passover viduals had the merit to be involved in interpretation. of a debate between Moshe and the peo- (Bamidbar 9:6–14), which came as G-d’s the process of their revelation. Only ple of Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai, response to a group of Jews who were rit- Yisro’s section is referred to as an addi- and between Moshe and his father-in- ually impure yet refused to reconcile tion—something that would not have law, Yisro, in the aftermath of the themselves with the fact that they could been part of the Torah were it not for his Delegated Authority Revelation. not participate in the Passover offering, initiative. In other words, the Torah was When Yisro arrived in the Israelite camp, he was shocked to discover that Moshe was serving as a one-man educa- tional and judicial system for a communi- ty of several million souls. “Why do you sit alone,” he asked his son-in-law, “and the entire people stand about you from morning till evening?” Moshe replied: “The people come to me to seek G-d. When they have a mat- ter of dispute they come to me, and I judge between a man and his fellow. I teach them the laws of G-d and His instructions.” Said Yisro: “It is not good, this thing that you are doing. You will wither away, both you and this people who are with you . . . you cannot do this alone.” Yisro went on to suggest that Moshe select from among the people able men— those that fear G-d, men of truth, who abhor profit—and appoint them as arbiters and judges. According to Yisro’s plan, Moshe would continue to teach the people the laws and the instructions, the path they should follow and the deeds they should do. But the application of these laws to the daily life of the camp, the resolution of questions and the settlement of dis- putes, should be delegated to these men. They shall judge the people at all times: the great matters they shall present to you, and the minor things they shall arbi- trate themselves. Moshe accepted and implemented Yisro’s plan, appointing captains of 1,000, captains of 100, captains of 50, and cap- tains of 10. The people were themselves entrusted with the application of the Divine law to their daily lives, while Moshe confined his role to teaching them the laws and deciding the most dif- ficult issues.

A Reluctant Mouthpiece A similar thing occurred when the peo- ple of Israel assembled at the foot of Mount Sinai to receive the Torah from G-d. The Divine voice pronounced the first two of the Ten Commandments (“I am G-d . . .” and “You shall have no other gods . . .”). But the people felt that they were incapable of receiving a direct communication from G-d. “You approach,” they begged Moshe, “and hear all that the L-rd our G-d will 44 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

say. You tell us all that the L-rd our remain here with Me, and I shall relate what we know about Moshe’s leader- Moshe’s eyes, the people of Israel were G-d will say to you, and we will listen to you the commandment, the statutes, ship. Our sages describe Moshe as a capable of assimilating the highest reve- and do.” and the laws which you shall teach faithful shepherd, sensitive to the needs lations; under his leadership, they could Moshe was deeply disappointed to them . . .” (Devarim 5:20–28; Rashi, v. 24; of every member of his flock. actually have achieved this. hear this; it was his desire that the peo- cf. Sh’mos 20:16). The Chassidic masters therefore But the people did not want to relate ple should receive the entire Torah A simple reading of the exchange understand what happened at Sinai as to G-d on this level. They wanted to directly from the mouth of G-d. But G-d between G-d and Moshe may lead to the far more complex than a simple overesti- receive the Torah with their own facul- said to him: “I have heard the words conclusion that Moshe was overestimat- mation on Moshe’s part. On the con- ties, not with the sublime powers that that the people have spoken to you; ing his people, expecting from them trary—Moshe perceived their true and Moshe could summon forth from the they have spoken well . . . Go say to something that was beyond their capac- ultimate potential, and, as a true leader, them, ‘Return to your tents.’ And you ity. This, however, does not fit in with his deepest desire was to actualize it. In Continued on Page 46

Advice On Ice Continued from Page 41 The next method is one I used a lot— before I got to the age at which I can just skate slowly behind my kids. “Barrel forward.” This uses the same basic principle as in air travel: If you’re traveling fast enough, you probably won’t fall. Or, if you do fall, your momentum will at least carry your unconscious body over to the wall. Problems with these methods. Of course, the biggest things to worry about, especially with the last method, are stop- ping and falling. Stopping. I have no idea how to stop. I usually just scream and slam into the wall. If I were skating on a lake, I would probably come up on shore and aim for a tree. Falling. If you follow the Mordechai Schmutter School of Attempting to Ice- Skate, chances are you’re going to fall— a lot—so it helps to learn how to do it properly. Firstly, if you’re going to fall, don’t do it on the ice, because there are people out there, like me, who have no idea how to stop; your best hope is that their feet will be far enough away from each other that they can just skate over you. But if you absolutely must fall on the ice, you should be aware that most peo- ple, when they see someone falling near them, will instinctively fall as well. So chances are that if you fall, you’re going to start a chain reaction of falling that will not stop until everyone in the rink is on the ground, and you are all tangled in a mess of blades and snow pants. So the best way to fall is to do it some- where else. I didn’t fall at all at the rink, but then on the way to Maariv, I slipped on an icy sidewalk and hurt myself. It wasn’t even the fall that hurt; it was the split I made on the way down. I think I need ice. O

Mordechai Schmutter is a weekly humor columnist for Hamodia and has written two books, both published by Israel Book Shop. He also does freelance writing for hire. You can send any questions, comments, or ideas to [email protected].

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 45 CHASSIDIC MASTERS Continued from Page 45 depths of their souls. They wanted that their experience of Torah should be true to how they are to themselves, rather than how Moshe sees them—even if what Moshe saw in them was their “deep- er” and “truer” self. G-d agreed with the people. After hav- ing been exposed to the Divine essence of Torah (as contained within the first two commandments), they would receive the Torah not as a supernal voice from Heaven, but as ideas formu- lated in a human mind, as words articu- lated by a human mouth and put in writing by a human hand. They would receive the Torah via the mind, mouth, and pen of Moshe.

The Outsider In light of this, we can understand the difference between Moshe’s approach and that of Yisro, which is the same as the debate between Moshe and the peo- ple of Israel at Mount Sinai—but on a different level. (There are different opinions among the sages and commentaries as to whether Yisro’s arrival in the Israelite camp was before or after the Revelation at Sinai; however, the exchange between Moshe and Yisro regarding the adminis- tration of Torah law in the Israelite camp appears to have taken place after Sinai. See Mechilta and Rashi on Sh’mos 18:13; Talmud, Zevachim 116a, Pesachim 6b; see, however, Da‘as Zekeinim MiBaalei HaTosafos on Sh’mos 18:13.) The dialogue between Moshe and the people at Mount Sinai centered on the question of how the people of Israel should receive the Divine communica- tion; in that debate, G-d decided that they should receive it via a human teacher— Moshe—rather than as a direct Divine revelation. The issue between Moshe and Yisro was: Having learned the Divine laws from Moshe, how were the people to implement them in their daily lives? How were these Divine laws to be trans- lated into guidance for raising a child, righting a troubled marriage, or resolving a dispute between neighbors? One might go to Moshe. He received these laws from G-d; his knowledge and understanding of them is absolute. His application of them is certain to be the clearest, most unequivocal rendition of the Divine law. It is true that Moshe is a million miles away from the petty neighbors’ dispute he is being troubled to resolve. But it is also true that the two litigants standing before him are certain to be elevated by the experience. In the presence of Moshe, they, too, are capable of rising above the pettiness of their conflict. In the presence of Moshe, they, too, are capable of relat- ing to the pure principle being expound- ed, and of applying it to their relations back in their neighborhood. This was how it was done until Yisro arrived in the Israelite camp. Yisro was an outsider—a convert to . According to some opinions, he was not even present at the revela- tion at Mount Sinai. Moshe saw the peo- ple of Israel from the inside—in the light of their highest potentials, from the perspective of the inner core of their

Continued on Page 48 46 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES are alone in the ETD, with no family members or caregivers nearby. The award to “Take a Break” was pre- sented by Planetree President Susan B. Frampton, Ph.D., at a special ceremony attended by Planetree members from across the globe in conjunction with the 2010 Planetree® Annual Conference held Master’s Candidate At Touro recently in Denver, Colo. College Implements Award-Winning “The Spirit of Planetree® Awards were Program At HUMC created to promote patient-centered Caryn Loffman, a candidate in the care by publicly recognizing individuals MSW program at Touro College’s who personalize and demystify the Graduate School of Social Work, has healthcare experience for others as well implemented an award-winning program as programs and services that support P at Hackensack University Medical Center h extraordinary achievement in patient- Yisroel Juskowitz o t o B

(HUMC) that provides respite to care- y centered care,” Ms. Frampton said. H a c k givers in the hospital’s Emergency e “Every day, in both their interactions n s a c Trauma Department (ETD). k with patients and fellow employees, the JM in the AM. U n i v e

Called “Take a Break,” the unique, r ‘Take a Break’ team exemplifies Most of the songs on the CD are by s i t y M

family-centered program recently e Planetree and patient-centered care.” Juskowitz, but there are a few exceptions. d i c a l

received a prestigious “Spirit of C In addition to Ms. Loffman, members He explains his inspiration and philoso- e n t e

Planetree” award for furthering out- r of the “Take a Break” team at HUMC are phy, “Each song has its own story. They standing patient-centered care. Caryn Loffman Dr. Joseph Feldman, chairman of the came to me at important moments in my Planetree is a national nonprofit organi- Emergency Medicine Department at life, some joyous and some difficult. One zation that provides education and HUMC, who received the “Physicians of the wedding songs came to me on my information to healthcare organizations, been paid to caregiver stress and how it Champion Award”; and Sandra Kissler, way to a good friend’s wedding in facilitating efforts to create patient-cen- affects the health and wellbeing of the secretary of the HUMC Foundation Board Toronto. My Esa Einai came when I was tered care in healing environments. patient. ‘Take a Break’ recognizes that of Trustees and former member of its davening Rosh Hashanah at my rebbi’s Ms. Loffman, a resident of Teaneck, N.J. care encompasses the entire family.” board of governors, who received the shul, Aish Kodesh in Woodmere.” who is part of a team recognized for its In her current post, Ms. Loffman helps “Caregiver Award.” O He describes his musical style as “very work with “Take a Break,” helped to to select and train volunteers, teaching similar to Shlomo Carlebach, of blessed implement the program as part of her them about the many aspects of the ETD, Yisroel Juskowitz: Rising New memory. I wanted to write music that has first-year social work internship require- including communication strategies and Star real spiritual depth, and that anyone can ment and was later asked to stay on as listening skills, so that they may assist Yisroel Juskowitz’s new CD, The sing. My songs can be sung at a Shabbos program coordinator. patients and their caregivers during an Narrow Bridge, opened to rave reviews table, kumzitz, wedding, sheva brachos. “‘Take a Break’ is the first program of ETD visit. For example, if a caregiver from the Jerusalem Post, Arutz Sheva, and The greatness of Shlomo Carlebach is that its kind in New Jersey and has been well- needs to leave the hospital for any rea- other media. It is being distributed his songs can be sung by anyone and have received, both by patients and their care- son, the volunteer will sit at the patient’s nationwide through Sameach Music, and real spiritual depth to them, which is why givers,” Ms. Loffman said. “Up until the bedside for up to two hours. Volunteers will soon be featured regularly on last few years, very little attention has are also available to assist patients who Nachum Segal’s New York radio program, Continued on Page 48

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 47 CHASSIDIC MASTERS remained Moshe’s Torah—a guide to life AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS concepts in Jewish spirituality and how Continued from Page 46 for “Moshes,” and for Moshe-elevated Continued from Page 47 to apply these concepts in our everyday Jews. After Moshe’s passing, a system lives. Each chapter explores a different souls as they are one with his in the sin- such as Yisro’s would have been estab- they have endured the test of time. In my aspect of Jewish spirituality, but there are gular soul of Israel. Yisro saw them from lished, to bring down Moshe’s Torah to a opinion, there will never be a songwriter recurring patterns and themes.” the outside—their everyday selves, their lesser generation. But Yisro insisted that quite like Shlomo Carlebach. The sheer Yisroel’s music can be found at all book- petty cares and conflicts. He saw them Moshe delegate of his capacity to inter- volume of his melodies, not to mention stores and on O as they are apart from Moshe, while pret the Torah to the sages of his genera- their vast range, is unmatched by anyone. Moshe saw them only as they are in the tion, and by extension, to the sages of all One of the songs on this CD is a very spe- George Shultz Calls On President presence of Moshe. generations. cial song from Shlomo Carlebach that for Obama To Free Jonathan Pollard So he suggested to Moshe that the peo- Because it was Moshe who estab- some reason never became well known, George P. Shultz recently sent a letter ple of Israel learn to govern themselves, lished this system, it was incorporated but is an absolute gem.” to President Barack Obama requesting to arbitrate their disputes, to apply the as a section in Torah, making it an inte- Juskowitz put together the rest of the that Jonathan Pollard be released from laws of Torah to their lives. Moshe was to gral part of the Divine communication crew through his personal connections. prison. George Shultz served as the U.S. remain the sole source of their knowl- to man. He had put together a couple of success- Secretary of State from 1982-1989. Prior to edge of these laws, but their implementa- Therein lies the enormity of Yisro’s ful shows in Washington Heights for Soul that, Shultz served as U.S. Secretary of tion was to be achieved by a multi-tiered contribution. Because he added this Farm and when he presented his songs to Labor and as U.S. Secretary of the body of magistrates and counselors at chapter into the Torah, the Jew who C. Lanzbom, he really loved them and Treasury. He is currently the Thomas W. every level of the community. This way, studies and lives Torah today is relating was excited to work on the project. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow the Divine law would permeate their to the Divine original rather than to a Juskowitz had also organized some suc- at the Hoover Institution at Stanford lives on every level, not only at the human interpretation. cessful shows for the Katz brothers and University. apogee of their being. Thus the Talmud states: Everything asked Eitan to sing with him on this Jonathan Pollard, who just began his This is what Yisro added to the Torah. that a qualified student of Torah is des- album. Juskowitz was involved in NCSY 26th year in federal prison, has repeated- Without his addition, the Torah was tined to originate was already given to for a number of years and was close to ly expressed his remorse publicly and in complete. Indeed, there was no real Moshe at Sinai. The Talmud refers to the one of the regional directors who liked private in letters to many presidents and need for Yisro’s system—at least not for student’s achievement as original (a the songs and is trying to get them out others. His health has deteriorated signif- as long as Moshe lived in their midst— “chiddush”), yet says that it was already there at NCSY Shabbatons across the icantly during his two-and-a-half decades for Moshe could always be counted on given to Moshe! In other words, for an country. in prison. to raise the lives of his people to the interpretation to be an authentic part of His passion for the arts is not limited Pollard’s life sentence is grossly dispro- level on which he expounded the word Torah, it must derive from the authority to music. He explains, “Painting was my portionate when compared to the sen- of G-d. But their understanding and of Moshe. Yet Moshe—having accepted passion, long before I got into music. I tences of others who have spied for allied practice of Torah would have remained Yisro’s approach—transmitted the Torah used to work primarily with pastel but nations. In addition, countless elected something that Moshe had empowered to us in such a way that enables our recently switched to oil painting. With officials, individuals from the national them to attain, not something they had understanding of it to be our own oils, you can get a much more realistic intelligence arena and the legal world, as attained on their own. Yisro’s system achievement and, at the same time, the effect, and the colors can be so rich and well as religious and community leaders, made the Torah the personal achieve- unadulterated word of G-d. O vibrant.” He also wrote, The Hidden Path, have described Pollard’s sentence as ment of every Jew. a book inspired by shiurim, mostly from excessive, and have called for his sen- More significantly, Yisro’s initiative Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; HaRav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, of Aish tence to be commuted. was accepted and implemented by adapted by Yanki Tauber. Courtesy of Kodesh in Woodmere, and Rav Binny NNN via Find more Moshe, and written into the Torah. Were Torah articles for the whole family at Freedman, from Isralight. Juskowitz Dear Mr. President, it not for Yisro, the Torah would have describes his book as “exploring many I am writing to join with many others

48 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

in urging you to consider that Jonathan Lawrence Schiffman Appointed Pollard has now paid a huge price for his Vice Provost At YU espionage on behalf of Israel and should President Richard M. Joel has be released from prison. announced the appointment of I am impressed that the people who are Lawrence H. Schiffman as vice provost best informed about the classified materi- for undergraduate education at Yeshiva al he passed to Israel, former CIA Director University. Schiffman joins YU from New James Woolsey and former Chairman of York University where he served as the the Senate Intelligence Committee Dennis Ethel and Irvin A. Edelman Professor of DeConcini, favor his release. Hebrew and Judaic Studies and chair of I find the letter you received from the Skirball Department of Hebrew and former Attorney General Michael Judaic Studies. Mukasey of the Bush administration “Professor Schiffman will lead the particularly compelling. (L–R): Mrs. Rebecca Isseroff, Nathan Akhavan, Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman, effort to ‘re-imagine’ undergraduate edu- With my respect, and Rabbi Yotav Eliach. cation at Yeshiva University,” said Sincerely yours, President Joel. “This undertaking will George P. Shultz vision of this project a reality.” the best science mentors on Long Island, involve restructuring the undergraduate Dr. Rafailovich had this to say about who are also community models of colleges, creating a unified undergraduate A Rambam Student, Once Again, Nathan and about Rambam: “This the chesed, Torah, and middos.” faculty to establish more commonalities Announced As Intel STS Finalist tenth year that I have had the pleasure In addition to being an Intel semifinal- and synergies among disciplines at both When the semifinalists for this year’s of working with Rambam students in ist, Nathan is captain of the playoff- the Wilf and Beren campuses. The vice Intel Science Talent Search were our summer research program at the bound Rambam hockey team, and a provost will work in close collaboration announced on January 12, Rambam State University of New York at Stony member of the soccer, math, and mock with the undergraduate deans and the Mesivta’s Nathan Akhavan was among Brook. Science, learning, and achieve- trial teams. Next year, Nathan plans on provost to strengthen and foster a stu- the select few, of the 2,000 who applied, ment have almost become a Rambam studying in Israel and then pursuing a dent experience of excellence and suc- to receive this honor. Nathan joins the tradition. Sustained accomplishments career in medicine at Johns Hopkins, cess and provide the optimum environ- ranks of Mordechai Bronner, Raffi Holzer, are not a coincidence. Rambam students University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, or and Michael Hagler as he becomes the are fortunate to have a combination of Yeshiva University. O Continued on Page 51 fourth Rambam student in the past few years to be named an Intel semifinalist. The award came as a result of months of intense research and writing, as Nathan diligently spent his free time at Stony Brook in an effort to benefit socie- ty. “While I am certainly one to value knowledge for its own sake, it feels good to know that this project may improve the world by cutting down on carbon emissions and preserving our precious resources,” said an ebullient Nathan fol- lowing the announcement. His project, “Enhancing Organic Polymer Solar Cell Efficiency Through the Incorporation of Graphene and Graphene Oxide,” focused on integrating graphene, a 2-dimensional sheet of carbon atoms with extraordinary electrical properties, and graphene oxide (GO), a derivative of graphite, into organ- ic polymer solar cells in order to improve their current low efficiency. The results showed that solar cells made with GO improved voltage production by 26%, introducing an exciting new direction in energy research. “Nathan is truly a well-rounded indi- vidual,” declared assistant principal Hillel Goldman. “I have been working with him in his capacity as senior council vice pres- ident, and his areas of expertise extend beyond science and into the worlds of business, politics, and writing. We are so proud of him.” Principal Rabbi Yotav Eliach stressed that “Nathan follows in a long line of Rambam students to have their scientif- ic achievements recognized by various national organizations such as Intel, Siemens Westinghouse, and the Davidson Institute. He is what the school is about: A love of learning com- bined with a commitment to share our knowledge with the world.” Rosh mesiv- ta Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman declared, “Nathan truly appreciates science as a reflection of chochmas Hashem and will undoubtedly inspire others to recognize the Borei Olam.” Nathan feels that his success is a result of a team effort. “A special thanks for the success of this endeavor must go out to Benjamin Goldman for his contri- butions and insight. I’d also like to thank Mrs. Rebecca Isseroff and Dr. Miriam Rafailovich for making the 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 49 50 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS ing and frequently joined Continued from Page 49 fathers and sons as they pre- pared for the . ment for faculty scholarship Rosh mesivta of Rambam, and teaching.” Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman, truly Schiffman earned his B.A., set the tone of the learn-a-thon M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from when he paid homage to the Brandeis University and is a spe- Holocaust survivors in the cialist in the Dead Sea Scrolls, room. He observed just how Judaism in Late Antiquity, the remarkable it is that 65 years history of Jewish law, and after the Shoah, these men have Talmudic literature. He has pre- the zechus to learn with their viously served as president of sons and grandsons in America. the Association of Jewish When Rabbi Feiner began Studies and has taught at Yale speaking about kibud av v’eim, University, Ben Gurion Fathers and sons learning at Rambam. Rabbi Eitan Feiner Rabbi Friedman’s words of University, Johns Hopkins hakoras hatov were still palpa- University, and the Russian State ble and augmenting Rabbi University for the Humanities in Following breakfast and pare for Rabbi Feiner’s much- Aruch HaShulchan, Shulchan Feiner’s every point. Moscow, among others. bentching, the fathers and sons anticipated shiur. Fathers and Aruch, and Kitzur Shulchan To say that Rabbi Feiner is a Students will have the opportu- were given marei mekomos sons poured over Maseches Aruch, and engaged in lively dis- great speaker would be an nity to study under Schiffman in (source packets) to learn Kiddushin, Sefer HaChinuch, cussion. Rambam rebbeim were his role as professor of Jewish -style in order to pre- Rambam Hilchos Mamrim, on hand to assist in the learn- Continued on Page 52 studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Schiffman, a resident of Great Neck, said “the opportunity to reshape undergraduate educa- tion at Yeshiva represents both a challenge and a privilege. “Add to that the centrality of my own field of Judaic studies and YU’s significance for the future of the Jewish community and you will understand why I am so enthu- siastic about this new position.” “Professor Schiffman’s repu- tation as a scholar, his academ- ic vision, and his commitment to Torah u’Maddah exemplify our mission,” said President Joel. “His boundless energy, his strong leadership skills, and his collegial sensibilities make him the ideal person to further that mission in our undergraduate schools.” To learn more, visit O

Annual Rambam Mesivta Learn-A-Thon Connects Generations January 2 usually does not get much press. It is often viewed as the day that inaugurates the sec- ular new year with a return to work and the daily grind. For the talmidim at Rambam Mesivta and their fathers, it was the school’s annual learn-a-thon and a day marked by Torah learning, chevrah, and the erudi- tion of Rabbi Eytan Feiner of Congregation Kneseth Israel. The day began with a beauti- ful Shacharis that overflowed out of Rambam’s main shul and into the adjacent dining room. To see sons, fathers, uncles, and grandfathers davening side by side was an inspiring way to start a day of spiritual and prac- tical improvement and in keep- ing with Rabbi Feiner’s topic of kibud av v’eim, honoring one’s mother and father. The program then moved to the gym where the incomparable Rambam Mesivta Women’s League served a fresh, hot breakfast of French toast, omelets, and bagels that provided the fuel for the morn- ing program. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 51 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Continued from Page 51 understatement. Approximately 250 peo- ple of all ages sat in a room and were rooted to his every word. His boundless energy, ability to quote sources verba- tim, and breadth of knowledge enlivened the Rambam community and kept them enthralled. Rabbi Feiner’s shiur dealt with a num- ber of contemporary important halachic issues. He pointed out that, according to various poskim, kibud av v’eim is not just how you act toward one’s parents, but Game time at Café Chabad. how one thinks about them. He also dis- cussed the obligation a child has toward his parents regardless of their religious Yisroel Swimmer shares stories of his commitment. He amplified the shiur miraculous experiences. with stories of Gedolei Yisrael and great scholars, as well as his trademark sense of humor, in order to drive his points home. while everyone socialized. Mr. Yisroel Observing the event, one couldn’t Swimmer kept everyone spellbound as help but notice the broad participation he related his childhood experiences of parents, grandparents, sons, and with the Rebbe, ob’m. alumni, which speaks to the fact that The highlight of the evening was a kibud av v’eim is part of the fabric of game of “Do You Want to be a Rambam Mesivta. Rabbi Feiner’s mes- Millionaire,” emceed by Chabad’s very sage magnified this ideal and proved own Ely Baum. The audience was divided that, when it comes to kibud av v’eim, into teams, and with the spin of the dice, talmidim learning with their parents a topic was chosen and each team was provides tremendous nachas and is the given a chance to answer a Five Towns’s ultimate form of respect. O The Markovitches and Renovs enjoying their evening. trivia question. The winning team won a Belgian waffle and drink of choice at Le Café Chabad Chocolat. The evening ended with the This past Saturday night, Chabad of raderie of friends. dishes, and a delicious salad bar. To top it drawing of the coveted door prize raffle. the Five Towns’s Café Chabad, which Chabad was transformed into a café off, there was a choice of fruit pastries, Dr. Tzvi Friedman, a Gan Chamesh par- was chaired by Sholom and Pessy Jacobs with round tables with black tablecloths flavored coffees, and a variety of cheese- ent, was happy to be declared the winner and Sruly and Chaya Krinsky, opened its and crushed grey velveteen table toppers. cakes to delight all palates. of the iPod Touch-4th generation. O doors. Participants were greeted by the A delicious dairy buffet was set up with Live music by Boruch Shlomo warmth of a roaring fireplace and cama- choices of savory soups, creamy pasta Blesofsky pulsated through the room Continued on Page 55

52 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 21, 2011 53 54 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Jewish Agency for Israel and the This can all be viewed at Ministry of Immigrant O Continued from Page 52 Absorption, has teamed up with SKA Student To Present PresenTense, a Jewish organiza- Flatbush Basketball League At APA Convention tion dedicated to training social Week 7 Recap Jennifer Strauss, a senior at entrepreneurs to engage adults Fourth-Sixth Grade Division. the Stella K. Abraham High in five cities across North ITP 42, 5TJT 30. In a battle of School for Girls, has been select- America through a panel discus- the initials, Coby Katz and ed to present her research at the sion entitled “Innovation Israel: Gideon Valenski combined for American Psychological Associ- Shaping Israel’s Future Today.” A 25 and Mordechai Goldstein ation’s 127th annual convention weeklong road trip is intended chipped in 8 to power the to engage Israel-conscious mem- Internet guys in this week’s bers of the Diaspora community matchup. Larry’s Five Towns is in discussion about social still looking for its first win. change in Israel through innova- Quality Carpet 35, Aura tive entrepreneurship. Electric 33. This game came Three active social entrepre- down to the wire as two foul neurs—Elyssa Moss- shots by Mendy Rogatsky won it Rabinowitz, Romi Shamai, and for Quality. Again it was a bal- ITP’s team in the Flatbush Basketball League, led by Gideon Valenski and Coby Katz. Chaim Landau—who were anced attack with all eight play- chosen for their inspiring con- ers in the scoring column. tributions to social change in Seventh-Eighth Grade Collision 49. Kalman Drillick Perfect in a close one. Israel, will embark on a week- Division. and Ephraim Slomovics each long road trip that will take Royal Marble 48, Boro Rug & scored 18 as Subs ate up Continued on Page 56 place in the second week of Carpet 47. As the crowd went February in Philadelphia, wild, Modchy Itzkowitz (15 pts) Boston, Toronto, , had 8 clutch points including and New York. The New York two free throws in the last five event will take place February minutes to pull out the win Jennifer Strauss 14 at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish from under Gedalia Weinstock Center, 131 West 86th Street. and Shaya Izsak of Boro who Each event will begin with a combined for 36. in Washington, DC on August networking session followed by Visual Image 47, Lazer 4–7. The convention is the a panel discussion where the Marble 30. Three Image players largest gathering of psycholo- entrepreneurs will introduce scored in double digits and gists in the world, bringing their various projects and the Sholom Eliyahu and Coby together several thousand every impact they are making on Cohen were held to a total of year to share the latest research. Israel, as well as their vision for six points for Lazer. Jennifer’s proposal, “The the country over the next few Harrico Pharmacy 41, The Effects of Tangible Reward and years. Following the panel dis- Jewish Press 23. All Stars Yossie Choice on Intrinsic Motivation cussions, the floor will be open Friedman and Dovie Safirstein and Creativity” was selected for for participants to share their looked unstoppable as Harrico presentation at a poster ses- own thoughts and experiences. is getting ready for the playoffs. sion by the APA’s Division 10 “This is a great opportunity to They climb out to a 4-3 record. (The Society for the Psychology create dialogue among Jewish Ninth-Tenth Grade Division. of Aesthetics, Creativity, and young professionals from North Toyriffic 51, Meal Mart 42. the Arts). America and Israel and help fos- After being down 10-0 due to a The typical presenters at ter and cultivate Israel-related later arrival, Toys still managed a these sessions are graduate and social ideas and initiatives,” said nine point victory. Victor Grazi upper level college students; Marc Rosenberg, director of and Dovid Pruzansky had 19 Jennifer Strauss is one of per- Nefesh B’Nefesh’s One Aliyah points each. Toys sit atop the haps a half dozen high school Department. “We believe that division at 6-1. students ever invited to present this will help maintain Israel Pita off the Corner 44, Pizza at APA in its 127 year history! O awareness and consciousness in Nosh 33. Newly acquired Dani the minds of future leaders in Eckstein pulls Pita out of the NBN And PresenTense the Jewish world.” basement with 23 points. Pita Launch Social The participants will be blog- has a new look as it heads Entrepreneurship Road Trip ging and tweeting (#InnovateIL) into week eight. Nosh falls to Nefesh B’Nefesh, the aliyah throughout the road trip, and 5-2 from the three-way tie for organization which works in the Philadelphia and New York first place. close cooperation with the events will be streamed live. Subsational 52, Perfect

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 21, 2011 55 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS first half lead but could not hold 14th Street in Brooklyn, and and dance productions. taken the world by storm Continued from Page 55 on down the stretch. Charley will begin at 3:00 p.m. “It’s fitting that Brooklyn’s recently. After building up a rec- Salameh was high scorer with 17 Shulamith has been running premier girl’s yeshiva is hosting ognizable name with several Nosh Express 51, Plaza Auto Mountain Food 38, The Pickle a fundraising campaign to help and Shir Soul, unique arrangements of popu- Leasing 28. This was a five point Guys 37. Food built up a 15 point students who require financial and letting the entire communi- lar songs, including One Day by game at the half. In the second lead only to have it disappear assistance to attend the school. ty know that we’re back ‘on the Matisyahu, the group saw their half, Nosh outscored PAL 26-8. with a minute left. Yumi Gruen Shulamith School for Girls was charts,’” declared Robert profile raised significantly with Fishy Rosenberg led Nosh had 16 and the go ahead basket the first Orthodox Jewish ele- Friedman, Shulamith’s execu- their hit Chanukah-themed Express with 15 points. for the win. Mordy Reiser had 21 mentary school for girls in tive director. “Zumba night, song Candlelight. The video Eleventh-Twelfth Grade for Pickles. O North America. Since then, it concerts, and shiurim are just received over 4 million views Division. has added a preschool and a some of the exciting ways the on YouTube, and the group has Netzach Meats 71, Kold Shulamith Fundraising high school, which has achieved parents of Shulamith of been invited to many major Kutz 44. All six players scored Concert, February 6 numerous academic awards Brooklyn are coming together news outlets to discuss the in double digits in this win. On Sunday, February 6, the throughout its history. Judaic to help the school offer vital impact of their most popular Dovi Berman had 24 for KK in Shulamith School for Girls of Studies classes and secular stud- scholarship assistance to our hit to date. the loss. Brooklyn will present a ies are comprehensive and thor- students, and continue offering David Ross teaches music at Sweet Choice 54, Rami’s Pizza fundraising concert event star- ough, with them the finest education and YU’s High School for Boys. He is 49. A close game throughout, ring the Yeshiva University taught Ivrit b’Ivrit and many AP programming that Shulamith is a prolific singer and musician Yoni Eisenberger and S.D. Maccabeats and featuring courses available. There is an known for.” with two solo albums and the Warshavchik had 16 each. Sweet David Ross and Shir Soul A extensive array of extracurricu- The Maccabeats, the college a hit song The Power to Be, from Choice is now 4-2. Cappella. The concert will take lar activities, such as debate, cappella group of Yeshiva the Voices for Israel CD. His Schnitzel King 54, Jerry Meyers place at the Shulamith High mock trial, Torah Bowl team, University headed by Brooklyn band and a cappella group, Shir Studio 51. Jerry’s club had a big School Auditorium, 1277 East basketball, volleyball, and music native Julian Horowitz, has Soul, offers a unique and fresh take on traditional Jewish songs as well as mainstream hits and classics. General admission tickets are $36. VIP seating is also available. Tickets can be purchased at the Judaica Place on Avenue M or by visiting www.ShulamithTheater .com. O To Broadcast Free Classes From Sick Student’s Home, January 23, the first fully interactive online Torah studies program, announced that the “virtual” yeshiva will become “live” with rosh yeshiva, Rabbi , travel- ing to remote northern Swiecie, Poland to be with one of his online students. will offer a day of free Torah courses on January 23 that will be broadcast live from the home of Joel Nowicki, who is battling cancer. The day of learning will be in the merit of his full recovery. Joel Nowicki has participated daily in multiple hours of learn- ing at from his bed in Poland. Rabbi Chaim Brovender and Rabbi Jeffrey Saks, founding director of ATID (WebYeshiva’s parent body), will now travel to Poland to teach Joel personally. “There are times when the ‘virtual’ connection is not enough,” says Rabbi Chaim Brovender. Quoting a Gemara from Berachot 5b he adds, “A rebbi must travel to his student, bring some light, hold his hand, and raise him up.” The day of learning will incorporate classes in Gemara, Tanach, Jewish thought, and Jewish law given by leading educators, including: Rabbi Chaim Brovender, Rabbi Dovid Fink, Rabbi Stuart Fischman, Mrs. Osnat Goldman, Rabbi Yehoshua Goldman, and Rabbi Jeffrey Saks. “It is deeply touching that Rabbi Brovender and Rabbi Saks are coming across the world to be here with me,” says Joel Nowicki. “It means a lot to me 56 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

to have my teachers here—in front of me. an original co-sponsor of the Jewish (its ways are ways of pleasantness)” ing its efforts, in partnership with other These are the people who have inspired Council for Public Affairs’ “civility cam- should set the tone for any and all discus- Jewish organizations, to monitor and me over the last few years. Their words paign” which declares that, “We as a com- sion. combat this scourge. The danger of the have impacted me profoundly in a place munity and as individuals must pledge • Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement is not that it will have signifi- that has little Jewish studies available.” the basic norms of civic discussion and (BDS). At this year’s convention, the cant short-term impact in these various is accepting donations debate at public events. We do this not to Orthodox Union emphasized that the spheres. Rather, unless effectively coun- to help cover Joel’s needs. To contact stifle free expression of views, but rather Jewish community must be proactive in tered, over time it may have the corrosive, e-mail office@webyeshi- to protect it.” The denial of such norms is combating the anti-Israel BDS movement effect of changing the culture of political O particularly painful when it is done in that has sprouted and is trying to harm discussion and making it harder for peo- intra-Orthodox dialogue where the the State of Israel. An adopted resolution OU Adopts Resolutions Torah’s dictate of “d’racheha darchei noam committed the organization to continu- Continued on Page 58 At 2011 Convention Leaders from Jewish communities around North America came together to participate in the Orthodox Union’s 112th anniversary convention, on Sunday, January 16 in Woodcliff Lake, N.J. It was an exceptional weekend of learning and seminars, workshops and discussions that helped chart the course of the Jewish community for the coming years. Every two years, the OU meets in con- vention to decide on resolutions that will guide it for the next term. Among the issues and resolutions adopted at the convention are the following: • Civility. As the discussion about civil- ity and rhetoric in public life is ongoing following the violent assault in Tucson on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other inno- cent Americans, OU members from around the Orthodox Jewish community have agreed that there is a need for change in the way that our community engages in public discourse. Civility in everyday dealings has grown far more dif- ficult in our contemporary world where instant communication, social network- ing, and a drastic coarsening of public dia- logue has ensued. The Orthodox Union is therefore proud to have taken the lead as

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 57 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS ticipate in the drive. As last week was Continued from Page 57 parashas Shirah, Eitan spoke of the super- natural miracle of keriyas Yam Suf that ple of good will to publicly support Israel. required a human—Nachshon—to acti- If support for Israel and Zionism is seen vate. Dr. Yefenof noted how similar mesir- as racism, this will be fertile ground for as nefesh is needed to help those with the growth of anti-Semitism. kidney failure. The recipient (a mother of • Childhood Obesity and Eating three) is waiting for a human like Disorders. The OU acknowledged that Nachshon to activate a miracle for her obesity and eating disorders are a grow- and give her a new lease on life. ing health concern for children and ado- To learn more about Renewal, call 718- lescents and require immediate action by 431-9831 or visit O our community. Obese children and ado- lescents are at the highest risk for health Cheder At The Ohel Open House, problems during their youth and as January 23 adults. The Orthodox Jewish community Cheder at the Ohel is a completely is not immune to this problem. The Well over 100 people attended the Renewal kidney drive at Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv in parent-run school. The hanhalah, the health of our community, and in particu- Lawrence, many of whom ended up being tested. Dr. Eitan Yefanof (second from right), program director, the liaison to Tzivos director of tumor immunology at the Hebrew University in Israel (himself a kidney recipient lar, our community’s children, must be a through Renewal), flew in for this Lawrence event. Also shown here are Menachem Friedman Hashem and the base commander, and priority. Additionally, eating disorders (executive director of Renewal, third from right), Mendy Reiner (a founder, third from left), the director of correspondence and have become one of the worst epidemics and members of the Renewal team. advertising are all Cheder parents. Those of our time. Millions of people world- involved in researching curriculum, wide are suffering as they remain affect- recruiting teachers, and new families are ed with their self-image. Anorexia and the letter kaf, the Hollander Early registering and 27 people drawing blood all Cheder parents. “We give to the bulimia are amongst the most emotional- Childhood Center at Yeshiva Toras Chaim for cross matching. school because we love what the school ly and physically devastating disorders Kindergarten boys invited their parents Dr. Eitan Yefenof, chairman of the gives to our sons. We also have the ben- affecting young Jewish women and men to teach about community helpers. Last Lautenberg Center for Tumor efit of receiving a lot of chassidish today. The affects are not only on the week, Michele Justic, Michael’s mother Immunology at Haddasah Hospital in nachas, Baruch Hashem, with our sons’ individuals themselves but are also debil- and an editor at the Five Towns Jewish Israel, accepted Renewal’s invitation to learning, and witness the close relation- itating to the family structure. Times came in to talk to both kinder- speak and flew in especially for the event. ships they each have with their rebbeim Additional resolutions passed at this gartens about her job. She showed the Dr. Yefenof received a kidney with the and their classmates,” adds Cheder par- year’s convention covered the areas of boys some samples, and then, together, help of Renewal more than a year ago ent and Cedarhurst resident Devorah bullying, Jewish education, personal and the boys drew pictures which she made from an unrelated donor from Toronto, Rosenzweig. communal integrity, condemning and into a real newspaper. O Canada whom he only met the day Cheder at the Ohel is having its first combating child abuse, and social justice before the surgery. Dr. Yefenof said he felt open house this Sunday to welcome new and communal responsibility. O Renewal’s Kidney Drive this to be a great honor to help other fel- families and to showcase its new facility. This past Sunday, Renewal hosted a low Jews in need of a new lease on life. The Cheder offers small class sizes, Community Helpers In “kidney drive” in Lawrence at Yeshiva Throughout the preceding Shabbos, Dr. advanced learning, a warm sheltered The YOSS Kindergarten Sh’or Yoshuv for a mother of three with Yefenof gave a speech at Rabbi Brown’s atmosphere, and much more. The beauti- In connection to the theme of kabed es high antibodies in need of a kidney. Close shul, Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv, and Rabbi ful building boasts classrooms with mag- avicha ve’es imecha and corresponding to to 150 people participated with 75 people Kalish’s shul to encourage people to par- nificent windows and a full size gym allow-

58 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES ing the students to get much-needed exer- White Shul in Far Rockaway on February Katzenstein, makes the yeshiva a of this small unassuming makom Torah cise no matter the weather. It is situated 5. The yeshiva will be honoring three unique institution. has raised and heightened the lofty con- near a park with trails and a playground. worthy couples, who have each been an In addition to its internal growth, a cept of limud haTorah in the minds and Students enjoy supplemental program- integral part of the yeshiva since its primary focus of the yeshiva continues hearts of so many. ming for each yom tov. For example, on inception. Motti and Shani Fox, Moshe to be on the individuals and families of The hanhalah also graciously devotes Yud Shevat, Mendy Levertov, one of the and Chavi Schmell, and Rabbi Adam and the community. The yeshiva truly is a time from their busy schedules to serve first talmidim at Cheder at the Ohel, now Amy Jakubowitz have all made unique community institution. Local ba’alei the community. Rav Knobel gives a daily a rabbinical student on Staten Island, contributions to the yeshiva’s growth and batim increasingly avail themselves of daf yomi shiur, a popular parashah shiur, came to “give back” to his school by far- development over the last eight years and the many programs offered by the yeshi- both on Thursday nights and again on brengening with students during lunch. the yeshiva is extremely grateful that va. The daily routines of these ba’alei Shabbos morning, a weekly iyun shiur in Later in the day, the boys created a pic- they have accepted the role of honorees. batim and their families have been Gemara on Tuesday nights, and a weekly ture frame with a photo of the The annual melaveh malkah is also an enriched through the chavrusa programs mussar vaad to young married men. Rav Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt’l, placed inside. The excellent opportunity for members of the or attendance at shiurim delivered by the Katzenstein leads a Sunday morning iyun Cheder also participates in the Chayalei community to show hakaras hatov to the yeshiva avreichim either at the chabura, currently learning Maseches Tzivos Hashem program. Students work hanhalah of the yeshiva, Rav Yitzchak yeshiva or in the various shuls and Bava Basra. Rav Katzenstein also delivers hard while they enjoy fulfilling the mis- Knobel, rosh kollel, and Rav Moshe Zev offices in the neighborhood. The yeshiva a few Alei Shur chaburos, based on the sions each week. Katzenstein, rosh yeshiva, for their tire- currently offers a myriad of shiurim and teachings of his Rebbe, Rav Volbe, zt’l. “We have been very pleased with the less dedication to the enrichment of the chavrusa programs, from early morning Both Rav Knobel and Rav Katzenstein chassidishe chinuch and atmosphere Five Towns community. to late at night every day of the week, share the mesorah which they received which our son has experienced,” exclaims Since its unassuming beginnings eight and is constantly adding programs to its from such Torah luminaries as Rav Cheder parent and Woodmere resident years ago, the yeshiva has grown into a already packed slate. The day begins with Aharon Kotler, zt’l, Rav Nosson Ahron Fishbein. prominent makom Torah, with a signifi- a kollel boker chabura at 6:00 a.m. and Wachtfogel, zt’l, Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, The Cheder is located at 322 North cantly growing student body. Although ends with a late-night Mishnah Berurah zt’l, Rav Shimon Schwab, zt’l, and Rav Corona Avenue in Valley Stream. The its current physical space is limited, the yomi chabura led by Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Volbe, zt’l. open house is for grades pre-1A through yeshiva and kollel divisions resonate with Richtman at 10:00 p.m. In order to meet This inspiring evening is the major sixth. The event is scheduled for Sunday, the kol Torah from early morning to very the needs of the yeshiva’s extended source of income to help support the January 23, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. For more late at night. schedule, a 7:00 a.m. Shacharis minyan is yeshiva’s operating budget. Moreover, information on the open house or to The yeshiva prides itself on the dual offered as well as 10:30 and 11:00 p.m. over the past year, the yeshiva has made arrange a private tour, call 516-983-4083 or impact it has made as a community beis Ma’ariv minyanim in addition to the reg- great strides towards its goal of building a e-mail [email protected]. medrash as well as a yeshiva for the ularly scheduled minyanim. In addition, new makom Torah befitting the tremen- Cheder at the Ohel, founded in 1996, bachurim and yungerleit who currently the yeshiva continues to develop its out- dous learning and growth that occur located minutes away from the learn there. The success of the bachurim reach program, directed by Rabbi Yosef within its walls. There are plans to have a Lubavitcher Rebbe’s ohel, is dedicated to and yungerleit has earned the yeshiva a Richtman, while other talmidim of the groundbreaking in the coming months. providing a yeshiva education to ele- sterling reputation in our community yeshiva and kollel, led by Rabbi Duvie The yeshiva invites the entire commu- mentary-school age boys based on as well as in other communities. The Zomick and Mordechai Picker, maintain nity to attend the upcoming melaveh Chabad chassidus. O yeshiva’s growth can additionally be the community eiruv to the highest stan- malkah and to support this community attributed to the quality and warmth of dards of kashrus. Through the team of makom Torah. For more information on YGFT Melaveh Malkah, February 5 the magiddei shiur, Rav Yaakov Tzvi bachurim and yungerleit who voluntarily the yeshiva, or to join a shiur or chavrusa, The Yeshiva Gedolah of the Five Towns Goodman, shlita, and Rav Moshe Miller, check the eiruv, the yeshiva vigilantly call 516-295-8900, ext. 5. O will hold its fifth annual melaveh malkah shlita. This, along with the tireless protects the kedushas Shabbos of the at Congregation Kneseth Israel-The efforts of Rav Knobel and Rav community. Indeed, the mere presence Continued on Page 70

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 59 How To Succeed In A Job Interview

BY DR. STEVE SAFIER up the right departments and organiza- keep customers happy. of the business. tional structures to achieve their business I came to think of critical success fac- We practiced interviewing to empha- I’m running a contest for my career- goals. What functions or skills were need- tors as the “buttons” that lived under size these buttons. These critical success coaching firm, Of Both Worlds, Inc., ed to get the work done? What is each job the org structure. Which buttons need- factors became talking points that our (, in which col- and each person responsible for? How do ed to be pressed by the organization to heroine came back to again and again. In lege students and recent graduates can the teams work with each other? Who make the company machine turn? the real interview, she came in loaded win a free iPad. The contest teaches some reports to whom? While too much When you interview for jobs, it’s impor- with these points in her head and tested important job-interviewing skills. reliance on job descriptions and organiza- tant to look for “buttons,” too. What are them during the interview because, after What’s really so hard about a job inter- tion charts can choke initiative, the right the company’s needs that the job you all, we could have been wrong and, if so, view? After all, most people have had the amount of structure (and process) helps want has to satisfy? she’d have to change her strategy. experience of talking to strangers and people effectively apply their talents and For example, a woman I coached was But it turns out we were right. And hit- even trying to sell themselves in some initiative, and avoids confusion. applying for an office manager position. ting those buttons landed her the job! way. I think one of the contest entrants Besides doing basic research, as may have put it best when he or she explained above, my advice to intervie- wrote, “I waver between feeling confi- wees is to try to figure out the hidden dent in myself and nervous in case the buttons. Talk to others if you can, in the interviewer does or says something I am What are the company’s needs that company, in the industry, or even any- unprepared for.” So, how does one really one with some experience and insight to prepare for a job interview? the job you want has to satisfy? get ideas. Spend a lot of time trying to Obviously, good preparation involves analyze what the company and hiring researching the company that’s offering manager are really looking for. Get help the job. Read the company job descrip- from an expert, if you can. Sometimes, tion and visit the website. Read other rel- pushing the right buttons is exactly evant sources, such as industry and ana- In coming up with the “right” org struc- The company, I learned, is family owned what it takes. O lyst reports. Talk to people who know the ture, we used to do an exercise to identi- and the culture is very fast-paced. company and its competitors. fy critical success factors—those things Although the job description didn’t Good preparation also involves having that the company needed to do right to explicitly say so, we figured out that a clear and well-formatted résumé, and succeed and, therefore, the kinds of among the job’s “buttons” was the need At being prepared to talk about one’s experi- things the organization’s structure need- to be able to juggle many tasks while, at you can enjoy articles ence. Dressing properly for the interview ed to support. For example, if customer the same time, helping to keep the own- is also crucial. service was a critical success factor, it did ers organized. Less obvious was the need in 3 ways: But what else does it take to land the little good to tie up front-line service reps to act like an owner even if you weren’t. 1. Read job? under many layers of decision-making We needed to emphasize the responsibil- When I was a management consultant and approvals. The company had to be ity my coaching client would feel toward 2. Print for HayGroup, a global consulting firm, I organized in such a way that it could making everyone a winner even though, 3. Email spent a lot of time helping companies set “nail” speed and flexibility in order to strictly speaking, she didn’t have a piece

60 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES goods in China than the United States. the world. This has led to a huge The China Conundrum This has destroyed the United States’ imbalance of dollars flooding into ability to compete against China on a China, helping China to become an fair playing field, resulting in the even greater economic threat. BY ASHER E. TAUB, ESQ. Though it would be easy to dismiss destruction of the United States’ manu- Chinese leaders have seized upon China as a threat to the United States, facturing capability. America’s voracious appetite for debt In 1972, President Richard Nixon China presents a potent economic and Today’s high unemployment and and fed it with their own dollars, which changed the world forever. By recogniz- military danger. The intentional valua- jobless recovery can be directly we then drunkenly spend on Chinese- ing mainland China, he set events into tion of the yuan by the Chinese govern- linked to China and her policies. made goods. In one of the WikiLeaks effect that we are still reeling from. Nixon ment, 40 percent below its true market China has the largest trade gap with in his wildest imagination could never value, has made it cheaper to produce the United States of any country in Continued on Page 62 have dreamed that China would become a global powerhouse that would eclipse the United States. Today, China produces more goods than the United States. China has become the world’s number one con- sumer of oil in the world.

Chinese leaders have seized upon America’s voracious appetite for debt and fed it with their own dollars.

China today is at war with itself. On the one hand, China is a vibrant free-mar- ket society that has become the produc- tion capital of the world. It is capitalism at its zenith. On the other hand, you have strict Marxist control of the economy, media, Internet, and military.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 61 Yeshiva Darchei Torah Annual Dinner Photos By Tsemach Glenn

Alex Edelman, a leading member of the Yeshiva Darchei Torah Building Lloyd Keilson, co-chairman of the YDT Board of Trustees, accepts a surprise Committee, accepts a surprise award at the yeshiva’s dinner, held last week award at the yeshiva’s dinner, held last week at Terrace on the Park. at Terrace on the Park. L–R: Ronald Lowinger, Alex Edelman, Rav Yaakov L–R: Ronald Lowinger, Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Lloyd Keilson, Bender, Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky, and Rabbi Moshe Bender. and Rabbi Shlomo Avigdor Altusky.

China Conundrum Continued from Page 61

cables, Hillary Clinton is quoted as say- ing, “How can I be tough on China? That’s like trying to get tough with your banker.” This is no hyperbole. China today is the largest holder of U.S. Treasury Bonds. If China would stop buying our debt, the United States gov- ernment would go bankrupt. What do we have to do to change this situation? First and foremost, we must balance our budget at all costs. We can- not spend recklessly and allow our banker to blackmail us and continue to allow it to destroy our ability to produce goods and materials. China has become our bookie. Just like you can never pay off your bookie because the interest pay- ments are always too high and you can never knock down the principal, the United States—by borrowing and being so dependent on Chinese money to float our debt—cannot force China to proper- ly valuate the yuan. We must put an end to the economic warfare being waged on U.S. industry by China. The United States must convince the Chinese government to properly value their currency, or it must impose tariffs on all Chinese-made products rel- ative to their undervaluation of the yuan. If the Chinese retaliate and stop the flow of money, maybe that is the kick in the pants that we need to bal- ance our budget. A properly valued yuan would allow the United States to compete fairly. This would revive American manufacturing and allow us to compete in the United States and abroad—even in China. The revival of American manufacturing would produce good jobs and end the recession. The added revenue from a recovering and healthy economy would help the federal and state governments balance their budgets. Though this seems simplistic, this is the core solution to the future prosperi- ty of the United States. A little pain now will yield a bright future for generations to come. O 62 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 63 SERVICES SERVICES PROVIDED PROVIDED

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Cedarhurst: Co-op. 1st Flr, large LR, North Woodmere — New to market. Rockville Centre — 3,500 sq. ft., fully Cedarhurst — 1st floor apt. All new FDR, EIK with new appliances, 2BR, Custom 6BR (4 on one level), new gran- wired for Web, partitioned, will divide. 3BR, 1.5bths, EIK, FDR, LR, w/d, park- 2bths, hw floors, Terrace. Views of ite kitchen, LR, FDR, 2 dens, quiet tree- Call 516-322-3555 ing, yard. Walk all...... $2,150 Gdns, W/D, Lo maint, Grt. loca’n, Walk lined street. Walk all shuls. . . . . $679K 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 all...... $319K Owner. 516-902-8908 2 offices for lease $1350 Central Ave 5 Town Homes 516-569-5710 Loc. Back entrance to Muni Lot. Cedarhurst — Garden apt. Nu 2 Mkt. Lawrence/Far Rockaway — Beautifully maintained building Oversized 1BR, 1Bth, Mint, 1st Flr, heat Cedarhurst — New construction. First 833 Central Ave. Spacious 1 BR, light and Prime Retail store on Spruce St. 2000 & prk incld...... $1,600 show. Col. 9’ ceilings, 5BR, 2.5bths, full bright, doorman/elevator building, walk 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 basement, on quiet tree-lined street. all. Price reduced ...... $179K sq. ft. (old AHC). Steps from Gourmet 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Glatt and Club Central Call for details ...... $799K Valley Stream — Ranch house. 3BR, 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Far Rockaway — Cornaga — Office new EIK, quiet street, SD24, walk all. Lawrence — Gracious brick c/h col. LR space for rent 700 sq ft. Newly renovat- ...... $2,250 Hewlett — Co-op new to market. Mint with fireplace, FDR, large EIK, den, ed 2 offices plus reception and full bth. 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 1BR w/ updated kitchen and bath, w/d, 4BR (1 level), 3bth, finished basement, Separate entrance $1300 per month patio, great location, walk all, parking great location, quiet block . . . . . $895K Cedarhurst — All updated charming and storage included ...... $95K Weissman Realty, LLC 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Col. New granite EIK, FDR, LR with 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 516-791-6100 fireplace, 4+ BR, CAC, in the heart of Bayswater — More for your money! Cedahurst — First show. LR, FDR, new Cedarhurst. Walk all. 9 shuls, eruv, mikvahs, low real estate Three newly decorated offices available EIK, 4BR, 2 new bths, finished base- Call 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 taxes, 450 frum families. Mortgage for sublet on Central Avenue. Double ment, cream puff condition, quiet rates rising! Why wait? office “Suite”, 9’x11’ & 9’x15’. The third street, walk all, low taxes . . . . . $500's Lawrence — Coop Rental. 1BR. 1NU Joe Hersh, Noam Realty 212-431-1234 office is 10.5’x13’. Available furnished or 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Bth, LR, DR, EIK...... $1,300 unfurnished. 24 hour access. Includes 5Town Homes ** 516-569-5710 Tower 41 — Building very in demand, Woodmere/Cedarhurst Oppty! A/C, alarm, utilities, internet, cleaning 12,000 sq. ft. approx. 90’x150’, Colonial, fully renovated modern and sleek. 1BR, service. For more information please Far Rockaway — Renovated 2bth, ocean front, pool front, best floor, 17 rooms, full bsmt. with hi ceilings, call Renee at 516-569-4949, ext. 104. 2BR hardwood floors, large rooms, new large balcony, fully furnished, priced clean 2 car garage plus storage, 6 space parking, 2 family, professional use, EIK, many closets. for quick sale. Contact 347-324-8904 Office space available for rent in accountant, Esq., medical and/or educa- ...... $1,550 neg. plus utilities Lawrence by owner. Shared waiting tional and religious uses. Grand colonial Studio. New EIK, private entrance. New To Market Woodmere Academy room with other health related profes- with charm and great possibilities...... $850 includes utilities Area — Brick s/h colonial, 5+ BR, Available at once . . . $875K Negotiable sionals. Utilities covered and internet 203-387-9991 3bths, finished basement, newly reno- Owner 516-322-3555 access available. For more information vated, many extras, great block... e-mail [email protected] Cedarhurst — Rarely available Call owner: 516-295-6063 Hewlett — Col. MIC, 4br, 2bth, 2fpl, full Townhouse duplex. 3BR, 2bths, laundry deck, wood flr, Lg. den. Walk to all. Far Rockaway: Coop, 3Br, 1Bth room, LR, DR, wood-burning fireplace, ...... $729K Lr/Dr, Walk to All ...... $179K backyard, 2-car parking, storage in 5 TOWN HOMES 516-322-3555 FOR RENT Call 516-322-3555 garage, heat included ...... $2,000 Call Dov 516-451-0690 Howard Beach — Co-op 2BR, 2bth, Lawrence Open House by appt 261 Central Ave. — 2BR, 2bth, lg EIK. totally renovated, maintenance includes Hewlett — 1BR co-op w/ updated Cedarhurst — 4BR duplex, 2bth, huge $189K, also for rent $1850 2 parking spaces, gas, electric, heat. kitchen and bath w/d, patio, great loca- kitchen, LR, DR, laundry room, closets 8 Lakeside Dr. — Sutton Park— For Great buy. Asking ...... $150K galore, parking. Available January. Rent 4BR Col. tion, walk all, SD14 parking and storage 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 516-996-1955 360 Central Ave. — Sale or rent spa- included ...... $1375 Hewlett — 4BR cape, wood floors, EIK, cious Jr4 in luxury doorman bldg.$300’s 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Far Rockaway — Sunny Beautiful finished basement. 1 block from YoSS, 102 Harrison St. — 4BR multi-level SD#14,. For sale by owner, Asking$329K quiet st ...... $600’s Far Rockaway rentals: 1 and 2BR Apartment Call Gary 347-539-1332 Cedarhurst by apt apartments. some balconies. New 6 Big BR, EIK, Large LR/DR, Pesach 601 Chestnut St. — Mint 1BR, 1 bth, kitchens, lots of closets, 24 hr doorman, Kitchen, 3 full Bath, Wash Room, 5 Town Homes 516-569-5712 new kitchen...... $149K FIOS, security cameras. Close to White Driveway/Backyard, Plenty of Storage, Cedarhurst: NU 2 Mkt. Lg LR, DR, 463 Summitt Ave. — Renovated 1BR, Shul, Shor Yoshuv and train. Call Sherri MIC, Reasonable Price. 347-234-5599 EIK, Den, 5BR, 3bth, Skilits, Cabana, 1.5bths, terrace, laundryrm . . . . $239K Lg prop, IGPool, Walk to all . . . $659K 516-297-7995 443 W. Broadway — Charming 3BR col Weissman Realty Group, LLC with finished attic ...... $448K Far Rockaway — 2 Family. All NU, 516-791-6100 VACATION 3 over 1 Bdrm, 3 full baths. Great Inwood RENTAL 194 Wanser Ave. — Renovated 4BR col Location ...... $599K Cedarhurst — House for rent. New to on oversized property ...... $510K Call 516-322-3555 market. Freshly painted, LR, FDR, Milky Forst Properties Inc large kitchen, 3BR, 1.5bths, basement, Fountainbleu Hotel — Miami Beach — 516-239-0306 Ready to move to Ra'anana? Call X-5 in prime location, walk all . . . . $2250 Magnificent 850 sq. ft. studio, sleeps 4-6. Towner Perli 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Daily/weekly. 347-804-4666 Buy or Rent. [email protected] Woodmere— Ours alone. ABC Street. USA# 516-433-5599 in Israel 4BR, 3Bth, col. Den, bsmt . . . . . $799K Hewlett — Apt for rent. Modern 2BR, Lawrence— Large 5 rm condo. Heated new kitchen, LR with fireplace, DR, BUSINESS porch, 10 closets, laundry...... $375K Lawrence — Jan Kalman Rlty SD#14...... $1,800 OPPORTUNITY Smolinsky Properties Inc. 516-295-4444 All The Space of a private home. Beaut Call 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 3BR, 2Bth, 1st flr apt. Nu kit, 2 Encl terr, patio, CAC, 2 prkg spaces. . $369K Far Rockaway — New to market. Newly Renovated house on an excellent Become an Acai Berry Juice distribu- Don’t Rent when you can buy this Reads Lane area. Large custom-built block in Far Rockaway For Rent near tor and earn commission immediately. affordable, newly decorated 1BR Co-op. home. Extra large property. Near White Agudah, White Shul and Shor Yoshuv. Online trainer, work from home, no 1st flr. h/w flrs. Very low maint . $118K Shul and Shor Yoshuv. Call for more Call owner at 917-617-0768 investment, e-mail [email protected] 516-569-5651 information 917-439-8632 Far Rockaway — Lg. Hse Rental: 4br, Business opportunity for individual Hewlett — Beautiful 5 BR, 3 bths, split. 2bth, bsmt., hi-ceilings, NU bths, W\D. familiar with Facebook. We are looking All updated, in SD#14. Separate COMMERCIAL REAL Call 516-322-3555 to build our fanbase through social net- entrance can be M/D with proper per- working with incentives and giveaways. mits. Owner motivated, reduced. ESTATE FOR RENT Valley Stream — First show! Lovely 4 Commission based...... $499K BR, 2 bths, in SD#14, LR, DR, den, on 5 Towns Home Realty 516-569-5710 E-mail [email protected] Cedarhurst — Office rental: Executive large property, walk all, ...... $2,350 North Woodmere — Decorator’s Dream. 2 Bths, Fully Web wired, 1,250 sq. ft., 5 Towns Home Realty 516-569-5710 Beautiful bi-level, large granite kosher CAC. 5TGR 516-322-3555 Classified Ads are EIK, FDR, large LR, den, 4BR, water- Hewlett — House for rent. Updated view, all systems, walk all shuls. Owner Cedarhurst office for rent— 2 small 3BR, 2bths, new EIK, SD#14, walk all. Continued on the Next Page. motivated. Present all offers. offices on Central Ave. 1 flight up, C/H, Available immediately ...... $2,600 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 C/A. Call owner 917-417-5725 Call 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 65 MISCELLANEOUS LOST AND FOUND Solution To Last Week’s 5TJT Puzzle:

Yeshiva of South Shore has some mem- Pair of Tefillin found a few years ago in a 5 Towns street. Please call 917-596- Look Who’s Talking bership openings in its burial society. By purchasing an individual, couple or 5273 to claim. family membership, you will be ensured of select plots in one of several New York area cemeteries of your choosing. Deadline for For more information on burial society Classified membership, contact Eliezer Allman at 347-417-3777 or [email protected] Advertising

Helping poor brides is a big z’chus to in next week’s find a shidduch! Donate to Yad P’sucha Hachnasas Kallah. Call 718-972-3699 issue is Monday, The Ocean Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New January 17 Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld at 5:00 P.M. Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who Call 516-569-0502 qualify. 1-800-321-0298

And Yisro, the priest of Midyan, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard of all that G-d did for Moshe and His people Israel; that G-d had taken Israel out of Egypt (Sh’mos 18:1) Of what did he hear that he came? Of the splitting of the Red Sea and the war against Amalek. (Rashi) Puzzle appeared on page 67 of the January 14 issue.

66 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5TJT Puzzle: 7 Minim


Across 66. ___ match ___ in heaven 1. Shmata 67. Carry 4. 1 of the 7 68. One in high school 9. 1 of the 7 69. 1 of the 7 13. Put luggage on 70. Naval rnk. 14. Ween preceder 15. Cookie with its name on each side Down 16. Make (money) 1. Lions, at times 17. Cineplex name 2. Kind of gland 18. Count (on) 3. Hereditary unit 19. Activity for 36-Across 4. A complete plural 22. Abbr. for Lieberman 5. ___ HaCarmel (Haifa neighborhood) 23. “___ the ramparts . . .” 6. Davis of advertising 24. Famous fabler 7. Plenty 28. 1 of the 7 8. Writer Morrison 30. Quest maker 9. Places for smiths 31. Norway’s capital 10. Anger 32. Teaching on the side 11. It might go in your hair 35. The Jets will (hopefully) be 12. Kind of milk champions of this 13. ______Mets! Solution to appear next week. 36. Date associated with the 7 20. Great American writer who 40. Bears and Cubs on the scoreboard died at 40 43. Kind of tent 21. Nigeria’s currency 44. Parks of significance 25. ID letters 48. 1 of the 7 26. Yutz 39. 3 53. English river 50. 1 of the 7 27. Park for the Pirates 40. Survivor station 56. Honey wine 52. It goes with case 29. Cambodia’s Hitler 41. Shtreimel, e.g. 57. Austen title lady 53. Pal 30. Mth. for veterans 42. Retirement fund 58. Test for grad. school 54. Clay, once 32. In Australia you never have to do this 45. It might be standing 59. Big blind, e.g. 55. 1 of the 7 after receiving a service 46. Chooses 60. Slimey to Oscar, e.g. 60. Kind of tense 33. Swindle 47. ______it (from my perspective) 61. 160 mph serve, most likely 63. Actor M. ___ Walsh 34. Quite a common word 49. Tea brand 62. Hebrew he? 64. Kind 37. In ___ (fetus locale) 50. Makes like William Jennings Bryan 65. Ravine sound 38. Turkish title 51. Chaney of film

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 21, 2011 67 The Islamist–Nazi Connection

Tidbits From Israel hatred culminated in the 2004 Durban BY RON JAGER Conference held in South Africa. The Second Lebanon War in 2006 As we attempt to understand the ori- and Operation Cast Lead in 2008 gins of the Islamic terror in recent years became further grounds for a false nar- that culminated in the attacks on the rative, in which Israel is singled out and United States on 9/11, we must examine denied the basic right to defend herself how the radical anti-Semitic ideologies against Islamic terror, and a worldwide of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the effort to demonize and delegitimize Palestinian Covenant, and al-Qaeda Israel’s very existence. began. Here we will find the story of The current epidemic of primal hatred the lethal and symbiotic link between of Israel stems from the link between radical Islamism and Nazism, which Nazism and Islam that was established in began in the 1930s during the Nazi the 1930s, and not from the foundations

Blame has become the opium of the Arabs, and the greatest blame for their failures is directed at Israel.

annual rallies in Nuremberg attended of early Islam. For example, in a Nazi by senior Arab political leaders. directive of 1943: “The extermination of In direct opposition to established Jewry throughout the world is the pre- opinion that the 9/11 attacks brought condition for an enduring peace.” Such a about greater understanding of Israel’s statement is remarkably similar, if not problems and raised international identical, to the sayings of the hated awareness of terrorism, it seems that leader of Iran, Ahmadinejad, who pro- 9/11 fostered a tsunami of anti-Semitism, claims at every opportunity that “the leading to the current efforts to demo- Zionist regime will be wiped out and nize and delegitimize Israel. All of this humanity liberated.”

68 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION This common desire for the total throughout history. Jews are said to be respects the rights of women or Jewish nation. O destruction of Jews is shared by responsible for all the world’s prob- minorities. And no Arab government Ron Jager is a 25-year veteran of the Israel Islamist terrorists and the Nazis, hence lems: wars, financial crises, even the has ever accepted public responsibility Defense Forces, serving as a field mental-health the validity of the term Islamo-Nazism. spread of AIDS. Jews are a danger to for its own shortcomings. officer. Prior to retiring in 2005, he served as the It is not a coincidence that both humanity. Whereas this paradigm has Blame has become the opium of the commander of the central psychiatric military clinic for reserve soldiers at Tel-Hashomer. Since German Nazism and modern Islamism been used before by Nazis, the Arabs, and the greatest blame for their retiring from active duty, he has been providing arose in the 1920s. Nazis spoke of Palestinians take it a step further, turn- failures is directed at Israel. So is born the consultancy services to NGOs, implementing psychological trauma treatment programs in “redemptive anti-Semitism,” namely a ing demonization of Jews into the obsessive campaign to demonize and Israel. To contact him, e-mail form of anti-Semitism that explains all basis for Palestinian denial of Israel’s delegitimize Israel, the home of the [email protected]. in the world and offers a form of right to exist and a central component “redemption” by exterminating the of Palestinian national identity. The Jews. Modern radical Islamism provides anti-Semitic oppression, persecution, the same rationale for murdering Jews, and expulsions suffered by Jews and Israelis in particular. throughout history are presented as The Palestinian Authority glorifies the legitimate self-defense responses suicide bombers through daily TV of the nations of the world. broadcasts for children and adults and Arab Palestinians, in ways similar to by hanging their pictures on lampposts the Nazis in the past, have created a in major Arab Palestinian cities and deceptive reality that will crumble and promising heaven for those who mur- implode. Only this past week we have der Jews. witnessed how quickly an Arab leader The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in Tunisia had to flee from his own and the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini in people due to the eruption of rage and Mandatory Palestine played the leading hatred by the Arab mobs. The true nar- roles in inculcating the spirit of Nazism rative of the Middle East is that no into Muslim consciousness. Nazis Arab state genuinely respects human found refuge after the end of World rights. No Arab state hosts a responsi- War II and continued their activities in ble media. No Arab society fully exile in the Arab world, mainly Egypt. Academicians throughout the world are aware of the Islamist–Nazi connection, knowing the historical consequences of “redemptive anti-Semitism.” Yet, rather than exposing it, they lend their sup- port to organizations claiming that Israel is conducting a holocaust against the Palestinian Arabs. The fact that, since 9/11, Jew-hatred has reached truly epidemic proportions in the Islamic world has also been downplayed or ignored by academi- cians, politicians, and opinion makers in the media. Since the Oslo Accords of 1993, Israelis have been subject to a type of thought control that has eliminated confronting inconvenient information about the Mufti and Palestinian admi- ration of Nazism, along with the later links of the PLO and its leaders with the Soviet Union and its methods of subversion. Nor has much been mentioned about Abu Mazen, the unelected presi- dent of the Palestinian Authority. In 1972, Abu Mazen was responsible for raising the funds required for the Munich Massacre, in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed. He acquired much of his subversive skills at KGB head- quarters in Moscow, and he was grant- ed his Ph.D. on Holocaust denial from Moscow University. No Western society would tolerate a Holocaust denier holding a prominent position, but Abu Mazen has been accorded respect and is welcomed in all major capitals of the world. Abu Mazen represents the indisputable connection between the spirit of Nazism and its central role in Muslim consciousness. Arab Palestinian anti-Semitism has long been recognized as the Arab world’s prominent vehicle for the hatred of the Jews. From academics teaching that Judaism permits murder and rape of non-Jews, to religious lead- ers teaching that Islam demands the extermination of Jews, Palestinian anti- Semitism is a compelling force driving hatred and terror. The Palestinian Authority depicts Jews as the archetypal force of evil 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 21, 2011 69 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Continued from Page 59 JEP Shabbaton In Hewlett By Marci Shwartz JIL Leader from SKA Last Shabbos, JEP partici- pants along with their JEP lead- ers were privileged to enjoy the “Jewlett” Shabbaton. This Shabbaton was specifically geared to the members of the Hewlett JIL (Jewish Individual- ized Learning) program which takes place at SKA High School every Monday night. JIL is one of the many programs that JEP- LI offers. With currently over 10 JIL locations across Long Island and New Jersey, it is a one-on- one mentoring program where high school students pair up with public school children and together they learn about vari- ous aspects of Judaism. The JIL participants and their leaders form strong bonds of friend- ship, making the program go way beyond the educational aspect. The leaders act as men- tors towards the children and together they enjoy projects and games at the weekly JIL meetings. The leaders and children were ecstatic to have the oppor- tunity to spend an uplifting Shabbos together. The Shabbaton was situated in the Hewlett/Woodmere area and Congregation Anshei Chesed acted as the base for many of the Shabbaton activities. On Friday night, we enjoyed a deli- cious dinner together in the shul, which of course included spirited singing and dancing! The incredible sense of joy was tangible as kids were jumping up and down singing, “I’m a Jew!” In addition, we were fortunate to hear inspiring words of Torah from my very own JIL partner. After all the enjoyable activities, the group made its way to the home of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Lefkowitz (rav and rebbetzin of Cong- regation Anshei Chesed) where the students took pleasure in learning about this week’s parashah and hearing other uplifting stories. On Shabbos morning, once again everyone met in Cong- regation Anshei Chesed for our “Prayer Workshops” and “Torah High.” In both these activities, members of the Shabbaton broke up into small groups to daven and learn about Rosh Chodesh, on their individual level. Later, we played phenom- enal games in conjunction with concepts from the parashah. On Motzaei Shabbos, we had a spec- tacular time bowling together. To top it all off, the night ended with a pizza dinner and a grand prize raffle. A special thanks to our hosts as well as the shul for making the Shabbaton possible. Overall, the Shabbaton was sen- sational and extremely success- 70 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION ful. We are delighted to hear that several drivers who stayed for Shabbos, were all of the participants are even planning to inspired by the events of the Shabbos. spend this summer in JEP’s summer Each seudah was graced with divrei camp, Camp Nageela! O Torah from talmidim and rebbeim. The zemiros and dancing brought the rebbeim Yeshiva Torah Chaim Of South and talmidim together in harmony. Shore Shabbaton Master storyteller, Rabbi Meyer Erps, lent It was an idea that had never been a spirit of excitement, suspense, and done in the 50 years of Yeshiva Toras intrigue as the boys sat in rapt attention Chaim of South Shore’s existence on listening to Chassidishe stories of many Long Island. It is an event that hardly generations ago, late into the night. any elementary school does. However, On Shabbos afternoon, the rosh yeshi- because of a deep desire to raise the va, menahel, and rebbeim led special ses- level of spirituality and cultivate even sions. At a special question and answer greater feelings of achdus and cama- session, talmidim peppered their rebbeim raderie between talmidim and their with intriguing and serious questions in rebbeim, for parashas Bo, the yeshiva Torah and hashkafah. Rabbi Meir organized an amazing weekend Wolofsky led the boys in a spirited Torah Shabbaton for its seventh and eighth Bowl Competition that challenged the grade talmidim. Led by the Shabbaton boys with questions of Chumash and coordinator, assistant menahel, Rabbi Rashi. There was a little time for some Gershon Greenberg, and aided by special well deserved Shabbos rest as well! projects coordinator Rabbi Shlomo Yeshiva Toras Chaim of South Shore talmidim attempting a 15-man sled at the Camp Nageela Motzaei Shabbos brought on a whole Drebin, extensive planning was done on JEP campus in South Fallsburg, N.Y. new feeling of excitement. A special and every level of administration, with input heart-filled havdalah was led by Rabbi from rebbeim and talmidim alike to Shlomo Drebin with alumnus Meir Yaffe ensure a special weekend filled with one who attended the Shabbaton was school counselors, the heimishe cook, the inspiration, ruchniyus, Torah, delectable very special. The rebbeim, talmidim, high- managers of the facility, and even the bus Continued on Page 72 cuisine, and, of course, fun! The result: nearly 100 talmidim and many rebbeim and families in addition to the rebbeim of each of the classes joined together for a Shabbaton at the Camp Nageela Resort in South Fallsburg—a mid-winter trek to the fresh clean air of the mountains. After an early morning davening and a hearty breakfast at home base in Hewlett, the boys traveled together with their rebbeim to the mountains on luxurious coach busses. The first stop was Kiamesha Lanes in Monticello for bowl- ing and some arcade gaming as well. The fun was good and clean but the behavior was exceptional, “Rabbi,” exclaimed the manager of the massive bowling alley, “I have many Jewish groups that come here through the year and especially during the summer. The number of boys saying ‘Thank You’ and cleaning up after them- selves is unprecedented with your group.” Of course, Rabbi Drebin explained that this is Yeshiva of South Shore and they should expect no less! Arriving at the wonderful grounds of Camp Nageela, the boys were treated to a hearty lunch which was followed by foot- ball in the freshly fallen snow. They enjoyed sledding on the hills, and indoor ping pong for those who wanted to stay near the fireplace. The indoor heated pool with a certified lifeguard keeping watch was filled with another group of excited boys who enjoyed a warm swim to mitigate the outdoor cold. More rebbeim arrived with their fami- lies, including former rebbeim from years past. In addition, the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, arrived and rumor has it that he even donned a parka for a few moments and joined the boys sledding down the mountain! As the sun began to set and the boys got ready for Shabbos, the ruach turned serious with heartz, and a feeling that something really special was about to take place. Talmidim were given the unique opportunity to showcase their tal- ents as ba’alei tefillah for each tefillah and for leining as well. The beautiful singing during all the tefillos was heartwarming and sincere. The spirit of camaraderie between the boys, the kesher with their rebbeim, and the overall spirit of every- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 21, 2011 71 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS volunteers, and yeshiva staff who con- Continued from Page 71 tributed to this outstanding trip. A special hakaros hatov is due to Mr. and Mrs. Eli on guitar. Following havdalah, there was Politoff, a dedicated member of Hatzalah a kumzitz and dancing. and parents in the yeshiva, who traveled After changing into more comfortable upstate to be on call to provide Hatzalah clothing and sneakers, everybody loaded services if they were needed. Much back onto the busses for a quick trip to a thanks goes to Rabbi Chanina Herzberg, local sports arena that was reserved menahel, Rabbi Yitzchak Goldman, mash- specifically for the yeshiva boys. Inside giach ruchani, Rabbi Yaakov Pressman, the arena were multiple basketball Rabbi Shmuel Judowitz, Rabbi Nachman courts, a volleyball court, and an indoor Siegel, Rabbi Eli Herzberg, and Rabbi soccer field. The boys were split up into Dovid Shulman, for their spirited partici- previously arranged teams which played pation throughout the entire Shabbos. eight 10-minute games that culminated The Shabbaton accomplished all that with playoffs and a championship game. the hanhalah envisioned. As the boys After their sports night, the talmidim placed their suitcases on the bus, and returned to Camp Nageela for a melaveh they settled back in their seats, they malkah with hot dogs, burgers, French reflected on the special Shabbos they had fries, and other treats. Throughout each experienced. A Shabbos filled with Shabbos, boys earned tickets that were warm memories which will remain in Conquering illness through adventure at the Kids of Courage “Ski Madness” event. entered into a grand raffle that took their hearts and souls as they grow older place right before bentching at the and head off to their respective high melaveh malkah. Among the prizes were schools and beyond. Once again, Yeshiva Kids Of Courage Ski Madness serious illnesses on the trip of their lives remote-controlled cars, sporting goods, Toras Chaim of South Shore can proudly This past weekend, Kids of Courage to ski the slopes of Vermont. Ventilators, and a scooter. proclaim, “Yes, we did our part to inspire once again accomplished the remark- wheelchairs, and the like did not stop the The YOSS administration wishes to a future generation of children in their able. For the second consecutive year, group from doing what can only be thank the office staff, behind-the-scenes avodas Hashem.” O they took more than 40 children with described as amazing. “Conquering Illness Through Adventure,” the organiza- tion has been pushing the limits since its founding in March 2009, when they took a group of children to Los Angeles for a magical five-day adventure. They have since put together two weeklong dream trips, as well as dozens of fun-filled events and community weekends throughout the year. Over 200 people, including campers, counselors, volunteers, medical person- nel, logistical staff, and donor families traveled with the Peter Pan bus company, enjoyed beautiful accommodations at the Sheraton Monarch Place in Springfield, Massachusetts, and were wined and dined by First Class Caterers of Waterbury, CT. The group was treated to a rare opportunity with a visit to the Westover U.S. Air Reserve Base where everyone had a chance to climb aboard one of the world’s largest planes, don authentic firefighter and military gear, and navigate the machinery. As a keep- sake, each camper was given a personal- ized dog tag and a goody bag filled with Air Force badges, hats, posters, and other surprises. It was an honor for Kids of Courage to be the first group to ever be invited to the inner portions of a top active military base! After spending an inspiring Shabbos together, everyone enjoyed a Soul Farm concert, Kids of Courage style. The music was magnetic, drawing all in together with wheelchairs being twirled into the air. Even the Sheraton staff could not resist putting on some light-up gear and joining in the fun. With an early start Sunday morning, the Kids of Courage family headed to Mt. Snow, Vermont. The campers, layered in their brand new Spyder gear, were prepped by the Ability Plus instructors who chose adaptive skis tailored to meet each camper’s individual needs. The excitement was contagious. It was hard to tell who was looking forward to it more, the campers or the instructors. For Ability Plus, this was the largest group with disabilities skiing in one day. It was a day filled with many first time experi- ences for campers, staff, and families. In the words of Michal Burstein and Michal Pretter, two dedicated volun- teers, “Watching campers ski, taking the 72 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION

‘dis’ out of ‘disabilities,’ was truly mind cally what elevates and sanctifies the blowing. The cheering from the top of marriage of a Jewish couple over that the slopes and down from the ski lifts of the non-Jews. With amazing sensitiv- of staff supporting campers and ity and refreshing candor, Reb. Feiner campers supporting each other echoed was able to convey to the audience a throughout Mt. Snow. The family unity woman’s special role in shaping the amongst campers and staff, with staff relationship, by developing trust and members helping campers as well as maintaining it throughout the many fellow staff learn to ski, each member aspects of a married couple’s life. taking joy in each others’ success, was Requests have been made for future inspiring. We felt so lucky to be a part shiurim and projects to be sponsored by of it all.” As was so eloquently stated by the Hebrew Community Service. Ideas veteran Kids of Courage camper Rivky have already begun to be developed as an Deren, “I would rather be sick here with outcome of this series. A shalom bayis lec- you than sick at home.” ture series by Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt is The Ski Madness weekend was spon- being planned for May 8 and May 15. sored in part by The Outreach Center. A Questions, comments, or suggestions can big thank you to the Kids of Courage staff be e-mailed to hebrewcommunityservice for helping with fundraising, under the leadership of Dovid Herzka. Special thanks to the White Kids of Courage is a registered 501(c)3 Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner Shul/Kneseth Israel for graciously host- and all contributions are tax deductible as ing this series and to Mrs. Judy Silverman allowed by law. For more information or to of the Far Rockaway/Lawrence mikveh make a donation visit O shanah rishonah kallah, to the older, Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner, the dynamic for arranging it. Most of all, special more experienced mothers, and even young rebbetzin of the White Shul and thanks to the wonderful women who Taharas Hamishpachah Shiurim grandmothers in the audience; everyone menaheles of Machon Basya Rochel dedicate their time to help the women of The Far Rockaway/Lawrence mikveh left with something. Seminary. Reb. Feiner spoke of the the community in their fulfillment of recently sponsored a three part lecture The series concluded with a shiur by Kodesh Kedoshim of our lives, specifi- this mitzvah. O series in the White Shul/Kneseth Israel of Far Rockaway. The shiurim reviewed the halachos and hashkafos of taharas hamishpachah for married women. The dedicated audience, whose numbers increased weekly to well over 200, braved the aftermath of the blizzard to attend. This was truly a case of lefum tzaara agra as the series proved to be enlightening as well as entertaining. Lecture attendees were from the entire spectrum of the Far Rockaway/Five Towns community and Brooklyn. The series opened with an introduc- tion by Rabbi Nosson Greenberg, a mag- gid shiur of the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway and rav of Khal Machzikei Torah, who spoke passionately of the importance of this mitzvah. He spoke about the current parshios hashavua that teach us of the crucial role women had in bringing about Yitziyas Mitzrayim, and beseeched the audience, “Ladies, you did this once, please help bring the geulah again.” The first two shiurim were given by Rebbetzin Peshie Neuberger, rebbetzin of Congregation Beth Abraham in Bergenfield, N.J., and a renowned kallah teacher. Reb. Neuberger opened with a philosophical approach to the topic, root- ed in the introduction of the Ravaad to his well-known work, Baalei Hanefesh. This was followed by some brief, and at times light-hearted, divrei chizuk for women on their special role in fulfilling this mitzvah. Reb. Neuberger then branched out to the “Ten Most Frequently Asked Shailos.” This allowed her to touch upon many different facets of the halachos; as close to a comprehen- sive review as possible in only two ses- sions. Reb. Neuberger closed with a few additional insights into the philosophy of this area of halachah based on a famous Gemara ascribed to Rabbi Meir and thought-provoking comments of Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim. Reb. Neuberger, who shared personal vignettes with an easygoing, humorous and down-to-earth style, literally left the women asking for more; with both shi- urim going overtime by audience request. Everyone was eager to stay and learn as much as possible. The shiurim covered such a wide range of topics that there was something for everyone. From the young 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 21, 2011 73 74 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 21, 2011 75 declared that he was leaving the party in close to home and are forcing me to protest of its continued participation in reconsider my long-term outlook on the the government coalition. He has since future of Bet Shemesh. It is very hard to announced that with the departure of spend a long time disliking the actions of Barak and his retinue, he no longer has people and having to revise an opinion of reason to leave the party and will with- them. But things may be looking a bit draw his request. He planned on forming brighter in Bet Shemesh than I could his own party, with one Knesset member have hoped just a few months ago. in it—himself. Our shul, a group of 45 families, has Political Maneuvering This is legal. You can have a political been davening in a local school building. party with one Knesset member. Yet, they We do not have weekday minyanim, with cannot be voted into the Knesset this the exception of Ma’ariv, which we have I’m sure you’ve been reading about the Knesset, and the candidates that rank way. In order to reduce the multiplicity of in someone’s basement. There is no facil- significant political developments here in high enough on that party’s list are parties in any sitting Knesset, the election ity for shiurim, except on Shabbat, and Israel over the past week. Ehud Barak, for- awarded seats. laws of Israel require a minimum of votes we have too many people to comfortably mer prime minister and leader of the Furthermore, if a Member of Knesset equal to at least three seats before a party fit in the school any longer. Labor Party, led a group of four Knesset has to leave the Knesset for any reason, will be awarded any seats in the Knesset. As part of the building process, the orig- Members in forming yet another political their seat is awarded to the party member So, this member was going to legally do inal developers had planned to build us a party. The maneuvers are intriguing and next in line on the party list. So even after something that would not be allowed as permanent shul building. However, the confusing; watching politicians call each the initial elections, there is some linkage part of the democratic voting process. development of the neighborhood has other names is also quite entertaining. of the seat to the party. Therefore, I am I am not sure how I feel about all these stalled over the past couple of years and What struck me most was the fact that bewildered that candidates who were moves quite yet. The news is still too that pledge has fallen through. Even this could happen at all. Votes for the elected to the Knesset solely based upon fresh and, quite frankly, I still understand though they will not build it for us, the Knesset are cast by party and not candi- their party affiliation can simply walk too little about the governing process land for a shul is set aside by the city in date. The parties publish their lists of can- away from that affiliation. here to form an intelligent opinion. any new neighborhood and, as the only didates, ranking each member. When the It gets even more confusing. In the N N N functioning shul in the neighborhood, we votes are tallied, each party is awarded run-up to the surprise announcement, a Other recent political maneuverings, had petitioned to be awarded that land. the number of seats it has earned in the different member of the Labor Party had of a more local type, have recently hit Our case was on the docket with the city planning commission and all indica- tions looked good for approval—when Mayor Moshe Abutbol unilaterally removed our application from the meet- ing. While there were many reasons offered, we understood that awarding permanent land allocations for a shul in a neighborhood with undeveloped hous- ing was not going to be approved, in case that land would eventually be developed for the chareidi sector. While this made sense from the mayor’s point of view, we interpreted it as yet another sign of the slighting of the non-chareidi elements of the city. Since his election over two years ago, it seems that a host of these types of decisions have been made, and there has been sig- nificant discussion and concern about the future of the city. Chareidi housing projects are moving forward at a rapid pace, while there seemed to be no progress at all on opening new housing for any other segment of the city. We successfully lobbied City Hall using a variety of methods; we held a public demonstration, we enlisted the support of city councilmen, and we even solicited letters of support from the National Ministry of Religious Affairs. They offered us an alternate site, to erect a modular “temporary” building, a project we had embarked on after the chagim. In early November, when we were about to place the order for the building, we began to hear rumors that a change might be coming in City Hall and that we should hold off on making any commit- ments. As time went by, we learned that the mayor had been having discussions with a City Council member we are close to, Jackie Edery, in an effort to reach out and bring more city councilmen into his governing coalition. Now that the glee of the first two years in office has run thin, it is quite possible that the mayor realizes that (a) he wants to be reelected (and demographically, he would normally only get about 35 percent of the vote without joining forces with another demographic group), (b) he needs to pay for the city operations by keeping a large number of property-tax-paying resi- dents from the non-religious and religious but not chareidi sectors (chareidi property- tax revenues are extremely low, as many 76 January 21, 2011 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION residents in their neighborhoods claim look above. I know that I am a neophyte exemption as yeshiva students); and (c) he when it comes to Israeli politics, especial- needs to revitalize the city’s image abroad, ly on the local level. But I do know this: in order to regain Bet Shemesh’s former as part of the process, our land applica- status as a highly desirable destination for tion was revived and it looks like we will Anglo immigrants. be getting the land for our shul. So, even Although there is no indication that though I have spent the last couple of the mayor is responsible, the city has def- years resenting the mayor’s policies, it initely quieted down the past few looks like this most recent change will months. It could be a result of the cold(er) benefit me and my neighbors, and for weather, which dampens enthusiasm for that we have to be appreciative to both demonstrations. But it could also be a Mayor Abutbol and Councilman Edery result of his desire to quiet things down for their efforts in getting this done. for constructive purposes. In truth, I am While some will decry the fact that not sure (especially because we no longer political deals needed to be made in live at a flashpoint, so I am not as aware order to get entitlements that we should of issues as they crop up). have gotten as a matter of course, I salute Eventually, the mayor successfully con- the willingness of those who made the vinced five council members to join in his deal to come together. The mayor had a coalition and I (as building chairman), functioning coalition and did not need to along with Rabbi Rosner and shul presi- add members. He found it expedient to dent Jason Schwartz, attended the formal do so, and, whatever his motives, he signing of the new coalition agreement. helped us out. Even though I will contin- We were greeted warmly (and by name ue to cast a skeptical eye in his direction, several times) by the mayor and other I need to give credit where credit is due members of the City Council, all of whom and pray that his public declarations are expressed a desire to move forward in matched by actions in providing the developing projects for all sectors of the growth of Bet Shemesh as a city with city and in working to make Bet Shemesh achdut for all sectors of the population. a more harmonious place to live in. NNN He announced infrastructure plans— Local weather report. We have had no the expansion of both major feeder inter- snow days, no snow-based flight delays, city roads leading to Bet Shemesh in no people stranded in their cars or air- order to safely carry more traffic. He dis- ports because of the weather, and no cussed cultural plans designed to encour- need to do any shoveling! What are you age the growth of events and programs still doing in galut? O for the non-chareidi residents. The mayor also declared his intent to develop new Shmuel Katz, his wife Goldie, and their six housing for those segments of the popu- children made aliyah in July of 2006. Prior to his aliyah, Shmuel was the executive director of the lation as well. Yeshiva of South Shore in Hewlett. You can Do I believe that it will happen? Hey, contact him at [email protected].

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION January 21, 2011 77 A Five Towns Simcha Photos By Ira Thomas Creations

Eli Baruch Lazar, son of Moshe and Suri Lazar of Far Rockaway, and Gila Fedowitz, daughter of Josh and Libby Fedowitz of Brooklyn, were wedded at Ateres Avrohom on January 17. Music was by the Yosis Orchestra.

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