Pang, Jui Meng exude Pakatan spirit in Segamat .com April 12, 2013

YOURSAY 'Pang, you deserve all the kudos. It takes a big man with a big heart to do what you have done. It's a sign of a mature leader.'

Jui Meng secures strong backing from Segamat DAP

FellowMalaysian: PKR chief Chua Jui Meng's suave move making his way from being uprooted in Gelang Patah, his initial intended target, to Segamat where he is now embraced by all component parties of Pakatan Rakyat as their candidate ought to be commended.

I have no doubt that Chua's diplomatic panache and analytical astuteness will lead Pakatan to its victory over BN in Segamat. Chua's attention should now be focused on galvanising Pakatan's effort in winning seats in Johor.

Jeremy: Segamat DAP chief Pang Hok Liong's action is most commendable. As a leader, his stand and objective to topple the BN government comes first before self. Well done.

Goh Keat Peng: Pang and Chua deserves to be partners - two gentlemen who conducted themselves wisely and maturely. They were able to rise above self for a bigger cause.

Thank you both for showing the way. Not to forget PAS' Normala Sudirman. Together all three make one Pakatan Rakyat.

Wira: Fight as you may but close ranks quickly after a decision has been made. Pang, you put it very succinctly: "Our common enemy is BN, not among Pakatan comrades. I am not stupid. BN must fall."

Lie detector: Pang, you deserve all the kudos. It takes a big man with a big heart to do what you have done. It's a sign of a mature leader who can see the bigger picture. Let's see Umno's reaction when their list is released.

Fair Play: That is the spirit. Give and take and stay united to fight for a common cause.

@carboncopy: I have voted for DAP in Segamat in the last two general election. In this 13th general election, I will vote for PKR. And PAS will continue to have my vote for state seat.

URMYMAN: Well done, Pang. No, you're definitely not stupid. Here's hoping you will get to contest the Segamat seat in GE14.

Hacks: Chua and Pang are great leaders. Hope PAS and PKR can solve the Sungai Acheh seat problem too.

LiarsSlaughter: It's good to see the display of the maturity from the leaders of the component parties of Pakatan in Segamat, especially the DAP local leaders. iChange: Pang is certainly a magnanimous person. With your open mindedness, you will be elected at as the state assemblyperson.

With your support, Pakatan is in a position to go all out to defeat caretaker Human Resources Minister Dr S Subramaniam.

Subramaniam will certainly not be able to withstand the onslaught of ‘ubah' (change) as the sentiments for change is clear evident.

We want to see that a new government comes into place to tackle the graft and corruption taking place amongst Umnoputras and cronies with government agencies such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the attorney-general (AG) turning a blind eye on certain obvious cases involving important dignitaries.

Two Eye Ball: It's good to know that Pang puts party interest first. You're the man. When Pakatan wins, there are so many other way you can serve the people. Right now the main aim is to defeat the corrupted-to-the-core BN government.

Ferdtan: We need more leaders like Segamat DAP chief Pang. He closed rank fast and continues the struggle against the common enemy, BN, after feeling unhappy that his seat had been taken by PKR.

This is commitment that every Pakatan member should have. Johor chief Dr Boo Cheng Hau, can you grow up to be like Pang? Don't always cry and whine, threatening to resign when things don't go your way.

Chicken Chop: Pakatan needs united spirit to convince that they are together, otherwise, they can forget about .

Anonymous #19098644: Syabas to Pang for showing his maturity and to Chua for his positive attitude towards Gelang Patah.

Show your commitment to the rakyat by winning the Segamat and Jementah seats for the people of Johor and Malaysia.

Thinking Aloud: Segamat may not be as rosy as it looks for Chua. His chances are very slim. He has to secure 95 percent of the Chinese votes just to make it to the finish line.

Will it be possible? Clearly, he has to work really hard.

Disgusted: I sincerely hope PAS, DAP and PKR members elsewhere will also do the same thing as BN is your common enemy and set aside all your posturing and close ranks for a common goal.

United you win, divided you lose.

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