30 Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 Every Thursday. 24 Page*—5 Conti ^Policeman Sketch Of Library Proposed As War Memorial Red Cross Fund Mental Hygiene Accident Victim Navy Man Dies j ppointed To $10,000 Over TopDrive To Open Of Injuries From i I Vacancy As Drive Ends Here Tomorrow Auto Accident ^ [Council Approves Chairman Announces $3000 Quota Set Third Traffic Death gamer Resignation, Total Of $37,392 For Clinic Support; Here In Past "^ l Appointment Reported Yesterday Cases Cited Three Week* * reported s Police With the Westfield Red Cross The Westfield Committee for Funeral services were held at 9- j Fund Drive oversubscribed by al- Mental Hygiene Service announces o'clock thiB morning at the Lake* J most ten thousand dollars, W. Page the opening of its membership hurst Naval Air Station for Chief ^ Selby, chairman of tho drive, has drive tomorrow to raise $3000 as iV. O. Charles It. Snyder, 41 yeara j ssued the following statement: Westfteld's share in the financial old, USN, who was fatally injured -"' "On behalf of tho Westfield support of the Mental Hygiene So- Friday afternoon in an automo-' ': Chapter of American Red Cross, ciety of Union County whose main bile accident at Grove St. and Cen- • serving in the CBI the- may we express our thanks for clinic is in Plainfield. W. R. Hane- tral Ave. Interment will be in ar rewith the Army Military Po- the generous support given to us wald is Westfield chairman and Arlington National Cemetery, in l Donald Goettel, also a vet- n our 1946 ciimpaign. We have Mayor Robert S. Purvis is honor- Washington, D. C. , of 261 Scotch PlainB Ave., received, to date, $37,392.71 and ary chairman. Mayor Purvis to- Mr. Snyder, who was stationed I B -:.»»,! ft probationary pa- there are still some sections which day urged public support of the Chief War'nl Officer C. R. Snyder at Lakehurst, died Sunday in Muh- 1* have not completed their reports campaign declaring it "thoroughly lenberg Hospital of Injuries suf- ' and quite a few residents who are worthwhile," fered when the Navy-registered away will surely want to contrib- Before undertaking to sponsor car he was driving was in a colli- ute their share to this drive. the society in Westficld, members Thugs Beat Up sion, then struck a pole. Ho wa» _• 1 Transport Corps., after aery- A aketch by Ray O. Peck, Architect, of a proposed now Library Building, which it it •uggeited be "I personally want to thank all of of the committee were shown the veteran of the opening days of ', "„ the China-India theatre. The built on the Town owned property at the corner of Lawrence Ave. and Walnut St. A. W. Taylor, the workers who, through their dil- facilities of tho clinic and given a Taxi Driver tho Pacific war and was on every_ others have purchased a meat president of the Library Board, luggested in a letter published in The Leader Feb. 21 that the ;eneral picture of its work. The amphibious landing in the BTO, much needed building be erected aa a War Memorial. igent efforts, enabled us to com- Sgwerj' business in Mountain plete our campaign in a record leveral pleasant rooms which make Prank Woodruff, Jr., 24, 234 , „ Mountainside. time of nine days. I would also up the clinic are cheerful and well Harold Lambert Robbed Charles St., driver of tho other- -» SMttel is » graduate of West- like to give recognition to Mrs. equipped. The staff headed by a On Eve Of Retirement ear involved, was held in $1,000 ', New Traffic Light medical director ia outstanding in Id High School and served three Anne Revere Wins HS Honor Group Frank S. G. Williams and her staff bond for Grund Jury action. v ix Blithe-Army Signal Corps, For Elm And Broad of assistants who so capably han- the fields of psychiatry, psychology Identity of the two thugs who A native of Ensley, Ala., Mr. ^ two years in i-ho CBI thea- dled all of the office details and the and psychriatric social work. boat up and robbed Harold Lam- Snyder spent his youth in Allan- He was technician, fifth grade, Filmdom Oscar The Police Department announc- Elects Members preparation of over 600 worker It was pointed out to members bert, 60 year old taxi driver of town, Pa. He had been in tho Navy ~ liwas discharged from service in ed today that a new traffic light, on kits. This group began work many of the committee that the beat way Warren St., Friday night, is still 22 years. At tho start of the war, j- ovember. . Honored At Best order for some time, has finally 25 Are Named To weeks prior to our campaign nnd to understand the work of the eluding tho police, who have been ho was with the Asiatic Fleet unit Patrolman Harry Minnick, who arrived and would bo installed as continues to work many weeks aft- clinic would be to "meet" some of working on the few sliijht clues In Manila and aavl considerable ac- er, completing the many records the people with whom it deals and tion. Later he volunteered for am- „ injured about three weeks ago, Supporting Actress soon as possible in front of the National Society Mr. Lambert, who has opcratei'l ished between two cars while di- Westfield Trust Co. at Elm and and reports. see some of their problems. In a taxi husiness here for about MB phibious operations nnd was with tting traffic at E. Broad and Elm The news that Anne Revere was Broad Sts. A change in position Twenty-five High School stu- "If anyone has not been contact- accordance with professional ethics years, had told customers he in the first forces to reach the beach- 6., was granted three months' awarded the Motion Picture Acad- of one of the other three lights at :lents because of (consistently high ed at home or has been, away, we real names were not used In the tended to retire the following clay. is in every European invasion from He with psiy. He is in Muhlen- emy Award aa the best supporting that intersection, the one on Elm standing in their classes, have been would appreciate his sending cases which tho staff members de- He planned n trip to Florida with Casa lilancn to Normandy. In the :rj Hospital with a fracture of actress of 1945 topped for West- St. at the National Bank corner, admitted to the Westficld' High his contribution to American Red scribed' as typical: his son, a student minister. latter, hia ship was sunk and he ! right shinbone. fielders all the other awards made will also be made. It is believed School chapter of the Natiomi Cross, ,'!7 Elm St., or leaving it at "Harry Brown discharged for The men askial Mr. Lambert to was in thn water hours before he Thursday night at the glamorous these changes will greatly improve Honor Society. the Red Cross window at tho P combat fatigue after one nnd a drive them to Cleveland Ave. from was rescuod'i but he was not in- , Upon request by Carroll K. Sel- jure.l. After rest, he was rea»- ti, attorney, the D. D. Building event at Grauman's Chinese Thea- tho visibility for motorists. The new members are: Phyllis pies Bunk and' Trust Co." half years in the African cam- the railroad station about 9 p. m. trp, Cranford, was authorized tre in Hollywood. Dodge, Anna Luechcsi, Annett. The'Mountainside division, head- paign, returned to his old Job as Upon arriving at that street, they ned to tho Pacific and was with Turner, Eve Lapeyrouse, Mini: a drilling machine operator. He the forces which recaptured Leyte. f ordinance to install sanitary Anne is the daughter of Mr. and ed by Mrs. Albert B. Welty, re- naked to be taken to Fanwood rers and pave Coolidge St. from MTS. Clinton T. Revere of 432 Waterman, Claire Hamilton, Ed ports collection of $1600, which is went 'all to pieces' in that and oth- Ave. and Smith St., where, in a Mr. Snyder was married last Honor Tkree Who r '(Us St. to Fnirview Ave., prep- Grove St., and a graduate of Wes- ward Belcher, George Coale and 16G ,'<. of its $900 house to houser factory jobs attempted. Ho dnrk, lonely section, they ordered July to Miss Madelyn Bradley and itory to building development. field High School (where she fail- Hetty Meier of the senior class and quota. could stand neither such noise nor him to slop the car, pulled him made hi.s home in Becchwood. Mrs. tho quiet of a country job, later he oidinanee, for which hearing ed to win a part in the senior Died In Action Carol Sanford, Sandy Parry, Ad- from behind the wheel and bea Raymond Heul, 581 Westfleld Ave.i':; is set for Mar. 25, requires the play). At Welleslcy College she ele Grcany, David Downs, Edith attempted. Ho is restless und nnd robbed him. They made off hia sistor, is tho only other sur*'J orktobedone according to plans attracted the attention of Stewart Oppcnheimcr, Sally Montgomery, Veteran Hurt As wanta to go to sea as a cook. His with a wallet containing $50 in vivor. Mr. Snyder Btopped in for';!.' id ipecifeations to be drawn by Walker who was coaching a col- Morgan, Wight, Reed Betty Hansliew, Herbert Entwistlo, therapy is taking time but is aimed cush, and two checks, totalling $30, u brief visit with his sister Fri--•• jiEtlineer John T. Hopkins, lege production in which she play- Had Been Missing Lotty Russell, Lee McCormick, at helping him find himself and he both payable.to cash and bearing day afternoon on his way hack to r er whose inspection the project ed and after graduation she joined Mary Cnmpbell, John Kruse, Jean Jeep Overturns says of the clinic 'ThiB Is the only indorsements, one for $20 and th. the Naval station from New Yofkg Mueller, Sylvia Stewart, Donald place I can come nnd not be jump- other for $10, and' fled on foot to Tho death of Mr. Snyder •was bt completed at the cost of the his Little Theatre group. Deaths of three servicemen were Deer and Richard Coykendnll, jun- ed on.'" ward Scotch Plains. Lambert w» the third motor vehicle death bets ;, She had loading roles' in sev- noted Monday night at the meet- iors. ,No soBhomores will be ad Robert Fluckiger since .Fob, 21 and the secopi^lnjj eral BroJt4wajr plays, before going ing of the Town Council, when res- "Mrs. Mary Smith came to the unable to describe them, bey«n. JAs reeomnwnded by the Zoning mitte.i until next fall. three days. -. . ' ' to Hollywood, her most notable suc- olutions of sympathy were adopt- In Skyway Crash clinic aftnr many mental upheavals the fnct that they were Negroes, lard of Adjustment, Council ap because she felt she was 'up ogainst. and one wns tall, the other short, Dr. Karl Morris treated Mr. Sny--7 the application of Pyro cess being In The Children's Hour. ed. All had been reported miss- Jim Hebden, president of th She is the wife of Samuel Rosen, ing many months ago and recently societ-y and' W. 0. Steengrafe, fac Robert Fluckiger, 22, veteran of a stone wall' and found her home Ho suffered contusions of the dcr at the scene and followed the ? pasties Corp., 626 North Ave., situation unbearable. She was municipal ambulance to tho hos-,;' m, veterinarian, of $42 for tax former New York director, and were declared dead by the govern- ulty adviser, plan to hold an iintia the 29th Division's campaign i right eye, and check and back o they have their own theatre in Hol- | tion meeting sometime in Apri Europe and holder of the Purple merely tho housekeeper for her the right hand, and lacerations o pitai. He Informed police tho Navy ment, The three are: for permit to enlarge its phmt for man suffered a severe fracture of, ; (Continued on Page 6) lywood, where "Mr. Rosen directs. Lieut. Donald Randolph Reed, i New members are chosen twice i Heart, is in St. James Hospital the upper lip, gums and chin, wa Before leaving for Hollywood, the G. Reed of Pros- ye«r by unanimous vote of th Newark, with serious injuries re- office space and plastic moulding cut about the mouth, and his eye- the skull, laceration on the top of son of Mrs. Hazel G, operations. the head, right cheek and eye. Rosens, with Katherine Emery and pect St.; Capt. Douglas It, Wight, faculty. ceived in an accident on the Pul- glasses were broken. He wns treat- On first reading, an amending Mr. Woodruff was taken to the - others, had a repertory company son of Mrs. Thomas II. Wight of aski Skyway late Tuesday after- ed by Dr. Karl Morris. Jgt.R.M. Brown ordinance was passed to regulate office of Dr. F. B. Nelson by Lt. in Maine arid on Broadway, where Rahway Ave., und Lieut, (j.g.) j noon. Fluckiger was pinned under Lt. Louis Pfirrnuinn telephone, construction of sidewalk openings Charles Benningcr for treatment - they put on such plays as Shake- George Jasper Morgan Jr., son of I a jeep ho was steering, which was the nlnrni to Scotch Plains pollc Mrs. Bowen Again to cellars, erection of signs, build- of lacerations of tho left knee, head orrects Story speare's As You Like It. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Stanley being towed by a passenger car, anil put it on trio teletype. ing of bay windows and other dc- and shock. [ Anjie's Oscar was for her role Oval. The resolutions become a: when the jeep struck the railing tnils, which are to be under juris- A Navy court of Inquiry sat at part of the permanent record of at the Newark end of the skyway, Gives Facts On War as the mother in National Velvet. On YW Board diction of the building inspector, Girl Scouts Hold the Town Hall Monday, Investigate~] She was frequently mentioned a the town. and overturned. Edward A. Ter- instead of tho Council. Hearing ing the accident. Trial Affidavits year ago as a contender for the Lieut. Morgan, USNR, was re- Mrs. William Spencer Bowen ol ry of Plainfield, driver of the pas- Friendship Tea senger car, helped lift the jeep off will be Mar. 25. honor via her role as tho mother in portet d missin_ g^ in the Southwest 720 Highland Ave., who has beer As no better offers were received Stall Set. Robert M. Brown, tho Satis of Bernadette. Pacific since the fall of 1942, where J serving on tho YWCA National the injured man. At a solemn ceremony yesterday Lt. (j.g.) Doris Acker at public hearing?, Council accept- SMC, of Elm St., has written Anne visited her parents in he served for several months, first Board as first assistant treasurer Tho men were in a convoy driv- afternoon, WcHtfield Girl Scouts ed the offer of Dr. Benjamin Chip- Released From Waves « Lmder the following letter, Westfield last summer. o„,n. „a _carrier„ , „.an.d later on Gundal- and as chairman of the USO divi t ing jeeps from La Gunrdia Field made their annual contribution tc I which he corrects an article pub- tile Juliette Low World Friendship canal. A graduate of Cornell Uni- i sion, was re-elected to the hoard for n local dealer. The accident (Continued on Pago 4) Lt. (j.g.) Doris May Acker, US W in this newspaper last week: versity, he spent two years in I at the national convention of the occurred at about E:IB p. m. nnd Fund to aid Girl Scouts in war- NR, on leave from Westfield High "I think a correction of fact is Lt. Col. Montgomery South America and a year in Gcr- J association in Atlantic City last the injured man was given first aid turn countries. As each troop rep- School where she was assistant I order relative to an article in many ns n representative of the; week. by emergency police and taken by rcsentativo stepped forward wit physical education instructor, has >st neck's issue of the Leader, Back From Europe Standard Oil Co. He entered the j Mrs. Henry A. Rusch Jr., of Oys- ambulance to the hospital where Local Men Will her troop's donation, the ainoun been released from tho Waves at »t to keep the record straight, service early in 1041. He was tor Bay, formerly Miss Frances his injuries were diagnosed as was .'hulked up nn an enonnou Washington, D. C, und is now on effrring to affidavits I made re- Lt. Col. Harry M. Montgomery awarded the Air Medal for "mcri- Williams, of Westfield, also was a fractured pelvis, fractured left Attend Y Forum lilackb.mrd. When the sums wen terminal leave at her home in New ally for presentation at the war-of 240 Watchung Fork, arrived torious achievement ill aerial flight elected to the national board. Nine heel, nnd abrasion of the bladder. totalled it was found tlmt the girl: Market. tines trial in Shanghai of Isamu home from Germany early this as a pilot of a fighter plane In ! members of the local association Bob went nil through the Euro- hud raised $1011 with a few mon Miss Acker joined tho service *ihara, senior interpreter of the month, and is on terminal leave. Fiirhtini; Squadron Five attached [ attended the convention making pean enmpuign from D-Day in Nor- Convention In Atlantic troops to be heard from. Dec. Id, 1948, and was commission- ™ghai War-Prisoners Camp, Mr. Montgomery was commissioned to the USS Saratoga air group1thei"-"r- headquarter"----' ' s alt "the Hotel mandy to Germany, and was one of The ceremony was the chief fea ed nn ensign Feb. 8, 1044, upon ''article in question says: 'In his City This Week-end 1 a major in the Specialist Reserve while serviriK with the First Ma- Dennis. Voting delegates were: only 1.'! men in his original com- lure of an international tea whii completion of training In the Na- "avit, Brown testified to hav- marked the .'I4tli birthday of (lir and ordered to active duty in Sept., rine Aircraft Wing in action Mr*. S. T. Swallow, president; Mrs. pany to romp through. After his Nine delegates from Hie West- vnl Reserve Midshipmen's School '! witnessed bamboo splinters .Scouting. About SO girls repre at Smith College, Northampton, : 1943. He first went to Fort Cus- against Japanese fortes during the ],. II. Leggett Jr., Miss Winifred discharge be returned to Westfield ficld Young Men's Christian Asso- "en under the fingernails of smiting the 51 troops of Itriiwniei- ter, Mich., for four weeks basic early stages of hostilities at Guad- Debbie and' Miss A. P. Cramer. Hisj'li School. He is the son of ciation will attend tho 45th Inter- Mass. Later she took the U. S. * victims nnd then set afire.' iiitei'iiiediate ami senior scout Navy special services course in T training, before going to school for alcanal, Solomon Islands, from Visiting delegates were: Mrs. A.Mr. nnd Mrs. Leroy J. Fluckiger, national Convention of the YM he fact of the matter is, I and mariners in Westlielil, Moun training in the military govern- Sept. 10 to Oct. Hi, VM'V C. Dunklcy, MI-H. John A. Crcgar, fi-12 llanford PI. CA's of the United States anil Can- Lexington, Ky. ";•"-• ...-I...,"-- • i inissioucr, spokf.p»kce briellybriefly,, and Mi'Mr>s Prospect St. Army: George R. s tcr, Sally, and a son, Hank. and lip al H:'M) Friday evening 1 ' »ian beatings of certain offi- Dinner March 20 speaker at tr annual evening themeetingistol..i MmliiUMibr• conditions. Isiinu, Jshiharn Westfield Art Ass'n to the war. All Cornell men inof Koster (nnrciss!!:- bulbs), grown with one driven in the opposite di- 20(10 delegate.'-:, will be |d involved in all of the above, Meeting Tonight Westfii'ld iind vicinity are invited by CHarli-;; O'Connor, was display- rection by William !!• White, 8 hy John K. Moll, world fiinm! "V I; many ,,f ,,s hnvc l)Cen ,a|1 t0 ••Hid if they have not yd been no- ed. It was Hie prizr group of these Windsor Ave., Vauxluill. Mr. El-i leaik-r who i-ccently iw. ivul Hie tified they arc asked tu cyiiiniuni- bulb:-, urowu by t-lub member:;. A ! lor was taken to the olllce of 11 r. Priiii-o Ciirl Medal fnim Kim (HI ¥)] y KlTOniillp-ly. The monthly nicetinff of the ,.ale with' K. P. Rtaats, 7«5 Clark I'.oi-iiil hour followed the lecture, | Karl Morris for treatment. tiiT f»f 8\VCI!L-II i'oi* his hiimaiitLti lan 1 ""wever, the jiarnerapli quoted Westtieh! Art Association will lie SI., Tel. We. 2-1II72. Some of the the liostei--s a-,: isl.ed by Mesdanics jictivitie.i and I'IU^CIHI IV II.U IM it, I iS y "" "K'llns ll correct ex- held at St. I'aul's pnrish house rlllb'ri cx-:n'rvi..peinell will tell (if R. U. Winklcpleck, It. P. Ashbaugh, j:t'»u in! M'tTeiiiry of i tic Inh in t- 1 i School Swimmers this evening at 8:1C with the presi- their evpcrieu.-t'-i. Clif^U'i- Wallas.-. ami .lanit-s .1. L.-c. t'u iiiil CuiimiitliM- oT the ") \K V '* not like to hHVC it up,K.»r dent, Mrs. William I'Mnck, prpsiil- Mrs. Carltun Robins.m, president i In Exhibition Tomorrow uf the UniU'il SLnlus ami (an.ul.i at • "'" '"'""'"l.T'ilins stories liii'. Hiiyiiwnil O'Neill of KoHclle of (he club, presided. Mi-. (Irant, (inc d|' !!K r lnic will be guest i.peaki'r. A noted McKinlcy PTA Plans liii'tiilc'i'M f'ium N*e\v .h-rr-f f n,.'" ""' "'Pi'osentnlioiis artist. l;r will give a water color Father's Night •am, wliii-li I.;ir; just eoiiciuili'd a t Hoffman To Address III!' JH.'t I InllHT ilin! (-!! II'' di-Ml.ill ll:lti"n. "<'illl: ('!>, Ti'"ls nn• t iic team in !,,„ > ill'i\ Hi '" I1"" The final in tin : f.:rii'.-: i »t |U will ii » .-barge, ;.nd will be n.-;- tin •rs are >;x- led ralli'i-y spar. nt the Im-nl pool, II ,1 „" '' " I' it , , I,mill..I tun in Hi. I'IM -'liilhi I'"1'- aii.'i'M ;.jii.n--'in.«| l.v l.hr M\ , y Mini'ii. Wallace Sruul.ui, 1 riudi-iiL-; arc HI rj-'l to 1'ore-i., ihe. h ,„ , , " 'ill I' ml 1 i YMCA will hv held ,,l Hun il ini.l Hi i itt .. lli '- \V. WHII'-IH, Minion Tiipl.'.v, Ann 1 i , I " I' I Mm li tin K LI h li.-mjM IIufFniiMi, |'!(.'a.sui'f' ndid^, leaving (he (l1 J uint'. nt Hi" V ;it H:;iU. \if, i! , ti, i ,.U vili-l,t ;;;V lil1 I ,,,wi il \t Ml. nil Mi "^ in: t-title and tho | jl I I.I.I n-il, ItiitfL Ai'U'j lil .'otiup: then: will winiiim; otli nn Hy a Navy offtu*** wl|» diet! of i unhi. HUM i"1 ''' ' '" Il.'J- (MINI Al Pictured is llifl wrotltcd car driv IK. I'll in-. | tin: UiUinl L *M I't'f J'C'^hiiU-MltH, i.'ii:- tent t:ho!a;-!ii: chah)pit)ii:-Iiiji: W A ' Ati hijurios rtjccivr-tfl in s crneh th another - l-nn« r and ". with bn.'f*' ar1 csr.i ' I-'t'y iut-scii ar.il IHinnM Miller j should Our Attitude Towards In- Government for Our Armed Forc- Max and Westfield High, Ann 16.6ft, against—S4.5 /..; Junio For Engineers ; (urniri-f .f thf WHS Forum!(Ha ?" Students representing neigh- County Chapter Host At State Convention Tomorrow, Saturday Jinny WcsllitU icsiilenls mem- bers of the Union County Chaplcr of the NVw Jersey Sinioty of Pro- fessional Enjrinevr* me uti the ar- rangements committee for the slate convention tomorrow uml Sntur- dny, ut which the county chapter will be hopt. The meetings will IKI held at the E'-sex House In New- ark. George D. Hayes of Wostfield is chairman of the committee and other local people on the committee are: Edgar W. Bishop, Francis S. Blifforii, Frnncis S. Farley, Hnr. - ry J. Flagtr> Frederick S. Frnm- bach Alexnnder A. Gillis, Edwin K. Nordic M. A. Nil™, Darrell 8. Parker, Lester H. Woolfenden nnd Irvin E. Zimtrow. Mm. K, J. Oliv- er1, also of Wostfield is chairman of the ladles' commiUce, Mr. Clivcr Js convention trcuburc-i uml Pliilip Oppenhcimor, secretary of the chupU.% is convention secretary. Among: the Hpcukers will 1)0 - Churleij M, Noble, highway e . necr of the New Jersey State High- way Dcpaitmcnt, who will make tho principal address at the lunch- eon tomorrow. Mr. Noble has re- cently returned after an extended tour of duty with the U. S. Navy. Ladies attending the convention will hear Miss Annetta Cornell of tho New Jersey Hell Telephone Co. and Mis': Julia Leslie, on subjects of interest. Approximately fifty well-known firms will maintain exhibits of tech. jiica! nnd commercial items of in- terest to the engineer. Afternoon sc.tpions from 2 to 5 p. m, tomorrow will be addressed by Vr. Harold B. Webb, chief phys- iclst of Kvinis Siirnal Laboratories, Belmar, who will explain his recent experiment!! of "Radar to tho Moon": G. \V. Koch of the West- ern Electric Co.; R. H, Kaufman of General Klrctric Corp. and L. E. Whitmeyer of E. I. duPont de Honours Co. The dnj-'s activities will conclude with a dinner nnd smoker with Broadway entertainment. Saturday morning, Capt. James for Daddy's Camera T. Reside, of the U. S. Navy Bu- re&u of Yards and Docks, will ex- hibit a motion picture entitled "The Nnvy's Advance Base Floating Yards ond Dry Docks." '. •>.'»•', .is --3 ) drinking water but undeniably docs thing* to young daughter. The big-as-a-minule dresses take the toftneu out of your baacU. are Bamberger's pride and joy, designed tti& GLOVESKIH i> jntt tho iniwer la yoar dream Tor that lomctSinj to loving skill by a talented Frenchvoman end remove tht starcKed drietl-ap rfTect. It is • crexm lK»I made of fine imported batiste and lace. Get «aft«n« ftttd whitens rour liaods OTernigbt, and keeps them out .your camera, daddy, she'll be irresistible. pliable knd youthful. Sold at JARVIS'S Dresses of Imported Swiss lalUtt, tlzet 1, 2, I, 7.911. f™«* coat with scalloped collar. 6 mo., 1, 2,11SS. Coat itil/i tnraM trimming, sizes 6 mo., 1, 2,13.98. Stitched yoke and collar «* 6 mon 1 and 1, 7J.75. Poke botmtts to match. 1.98. Oria by hotograph icCJ Tdeiervlui or mail. Toddlers, Fourth Floor. P Supplied Westfield Slndios 232 Eait Broad Street Tel. Westfield 2-0239

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I' in 1 miinil riiiiiiis III QUIMBY STREET Tt!. We«tfield 2-1S38


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Third Hoar

Open Thursdays Till 9

PLAINFIELD, N. J. KSJU Poor THE WESTFIELD LEADER. THURSDAY, MARCH M1J946_ bomber crew that was lost on a M- she LT. DONALD R. REED, wh boinbin* mission over -AMeteil =Jfn$k Festival Leape Discusses 'KV lean TtuViti^ r.bboHj tl^t? Ku- :! Mental Hygiene flantation <>» Mindanao Island, * )H,if, THr^iit r Uvn uhh Khine- (Continued from Patre 3) Philippine Islands. He was a grad- nti ant, (A m.J Kut.*|*c tanpj Him 1 dominating mother toP whos 3e) ton uate of Linden High School, and i!;*, the \ set = > iiM—n, the Pui- CON'THACTOn—DIIIHIUB FJiinpbasis On Atonic Housing she had to return with her child was in his junior year at the Uni- sp. clallzin in mauonr twpentr U> ll«i't, <•' ,.,i {\nju--t nie,lal after her divorce ten years as; versity of Virginia when lie enter- reuilring toof** chltnne a, flre Ictl t. : il.i' iii .. it Inf'jTst i ^ m.in*s iunu"«tio control of with a publishing bouse in anoth Edgnr R. U<*d of New York City,: til I)o*or bells installed and re- ifcfa putting n»re empl'ii'.w on ihe Li. (j.jr.) Rolfe Benren Van er state enabling; hereto suppor paired. Lamps rewired. Small atomic ei'^tisv in the hsr.d.*. t*( n 3 Lieut. Reed leaves a brother, Mai-1 Jol»a doHi-lteil. * Kerntlne, WK. 2- h LVt,:i, -ou of Mi, ami Mi A. E. her children and herself. Oliil-l-J. 2-7-10: Iwnd nr.tl rrehntra tV,n in former fmall tali ,.,Re fhjiian rotmnKp°i51iiti*e *d the Pri'sklent of \,s>> l»o< -is of Fpi mirtlrltl KJ., ha-. address with his mother. : btM*n tel4\i^e*l tj snactise dut> from "Gene Murray, hitrh school sopb jS Instrunicittal musk* homer United States, Itt piwhW that omore of superior ability who to the fore to parry out the government .-.iiaii be thc olcihc Xa^ He toned ^5 months WAJCH REPAIRING in the American, European and flunking, was referred to the rlinu Fortnightly Group tlw thenw, "America, I ilrar Vou 0WIW"r Brui pr(Akicer of atomic en- A«i« than thej m~^to j p^,,.,, tln)t. U!,€y the clinic has Improv- Woman's Club will hold its annual, 815 North Ave. W. l"»Biasie and «> the WHS band and! ]eaves (he matter of guarding se- ed Gene's outlook. His grades an Men's Night on Wednesday, Mar. j WE. 2-4253-M are planning to give; clcts to pur espionaae laws. Re- up to standard and consequently hi 20, at 8:15 in thc home of Mrs. j March 14, 194s . . ience sound reasons for &IlrdinK secrets, Mrs. EUwoml sai.l is now allowed to participate ir A. H. Colyer, 130 Eflingrham PI. ji_ 2-21-4t GENERAL pb? greater appreciation of tho beau-, they arc 1Kre. conf,ncd to the "in- hatf b«an reported nitimg an of March 12, 1945, has been re- extra cuiricular activities denict The speaker vvill be an agent from jRASJNG AND GRASiNG ' ~ tie* of orchestral performances, | ,]usi't,.jn| )ina\v how" since the Won! him lit-n received by Mr.; to him before." The orchestra's numbers will be Smyttw report made public all int.an, d Mrs. R. J, Grady of Grand- ported a* killed on that date the Federal Bureau of Investiga-1 Orumt aclLUtna c«tniu,rn (•tory on page one). Although the particular case tion. Refreshments will be served • ' led by Flits Heim and are at the I „,«„„( aspects of the scientific view Ave., that their ?on, Charles' Cnriirntn. Dlnnonrr. rilliitlnj,- mid of the program. The i i.,,^,,!^,™. ; Albert Grady, has been discharged; cited were not Weslfidd people, by the hospitality committee. Mrs. Hl.'1'lrl.'nl Work. B" first ia the overture from "The Es- • od a^ked for letters to - from the Army-and has accepted; Steengrafe To local residents have found jus Phillip H. Dewey, chairman of the • We apvelnltap In nil klnda of pi cup* From the Seraglio," an eigh-l such help from the services of this up, will preside. ALTERATION mill HOME! IHOII- •n McMahon support- enii-iioynu'nt as a civilian attached; B & P Club i:ii.M/r\own Hall. hnnR Town or Weutfli-id \ their Congressman. A letter from Services workinc with recreation! Taking Subscriptions 2(M <:HOVI! ST., K. WK. 2-«« 1»32), bo and th.- p-other i*! a group of gavottes from Business & Professional Women's 1 I WKSTKIBLU, !V. J. III. (l-l Das the national leajriie said, "There and entertainment. . ' amended tu read ,s D-major suite. It will be Club or "*—-'- evenin--!-•g- a•t th*•e -| Iw w rwn 2-21-6t SECTION ]„ (,) are alarmine evidences that thc He was married Christmas Day Tbo discharge of so many West-] window. ,irt«« u ,,V tjjlsyed by a solo group of stringed country as u whole is not awake to Margaret Love, New Cumnoek, YMCA. field men from service'and the con-1 FURNITURE REPAIRING •hall be i tbo heritage of American life. Ono The meeting was held at the phoned from Berlin to his parents, service where he served as an,' Apr., 1943, and had. received cita- PAINTING ANIJ HAPEB HA.NQIVG. structecl at In 1, home of Sirs. I. E. Lightbown on j last week. I ;or general distribution without Coll relent, WiS. Z-4714-J. leven <7) feet the ,i Is an arrangement of "Pop Goes • Army councillor at a convalescent'. tions from President Roosevelt and 1-2-1-St and no baj window -hall i WCBMI'1 by CaiHet. The main Euclid Ave. ! hospital in Virginia, Mr. Steen-' f the Chinese Government. He iur going over our newsprint sup- than* ten (101 ft 11 b rom ily. We are therefore, once again WE HKI'AIll PknnoKrnpha, Rnillaii walk. 10 has been treated satirically in Capt. A. F. Fischer Jr. i grafe has resumed his duties as a ;wa s a graduate of Westfield High .ccejitins subscriptions for~ the and electric appliances. Station (b) No luiKon ronior.il Brent ways since it first Sgt. Norman Smith j teuchcr of social studies at the; gchool and attended Rutgers Uni- Kadlo Shop, 333 South Ave., WE.jthor iiart> nhill euct »rr L On Terminal Leave 2-4600. 3-7-41 suspend over cav sitieuatk or • Westfield High School. He has i ycrsity, where ha received his b Discharge previosuly spoken for the Ameri- Bachelor of Science degree in 193», GKNKIIAI _jonnrsc—No job too?fm. w"h'ch ihau"/u'S Zf'l small—prompt Bervlces. J. Lettth thirty-six (Jo) lining our trihuta to America. An overture: i Cupt. A. F. Fischer Jr., son of:Can Association United Nations- Lieut. Reed, bombardier of 2-7-10t H. M. Johnson, the "Golden! Sgt.MomanL. Smith, son_ of J'r. and Sirs, tischer of 122 Elmer Group. | Liberator bomber of the Fifth Additional Classified Ads call. WK. 2-I944-M. llshed proiufty' Snic "liw'l'hiK »»4JOor" is by an American composer! Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith of Gal-i St., is nonoww on terminal leave alter; Bombardment Group of the 13th MEN'S AND WOMEN'S u i ii < f who asks that %vhenever you hear j lowae was honorably discharged tour yean service. He spent Store Loss [Air Force, who has been reported MOVING—TRUCKING GARMENTS ALTERED Sr's, .%s .Tr « s.'fx>; ror play this music you think of the! from the Army Sunday. Spit.: months overseas,,.. serving g in H;a SUnliTnT^.r.nir^^ Shoppers return one-eighth of the ! as missinj* in action since Mar. 12 IVE STI1.I, HAVE IIOOM for a few irocurlnsr a luimit fi,lln i^inl ?-lov«ly inscription on the base of'Smith entered basic training July: wan and the invasion of Iwogoods they buy in department stores.; 1045, was killed in action on that small lotw of storage. ' bareont" Expertly Repaired U\g itiHpectur noi *,hn)l nf ,J S* the Statue of Liberty, written by! 1, 1943 at Camp Hood, Tex., with Jmia. Local ami bong Distance Moving and Remodelled. ;on, ccjrporttlnti m otlier wrtt M In other words one day's sales out i date, according to notification re- —all luads insured. WE. 2-3^33-^ tlnud e to muinliin in> ^n"™ Lazarus: a tank destroyer unit, and nt thei ef eight are a dead loss. ' He was a member of n Liberator > nor projeit«il if nuilM bA end* of that period was sent to Pur- *Jullt1lilK- Insiitti 1 to ntnovM "Give me your tired, your poor, Pan-Hellenic Meeting JLST C'OMI'I.ETEO Prompt Service, :ame. No MM h ^lj.n *\n\\ (!e{\ huddled masses yearning to j due University under the AST pro-1 «civ Fireproof Sliirntte Wnrfhonne my red oi mm \(m Xli^ — houHoholtl and commercial. Reatonable Prices. 'iffhts fun] \U if sami ihali \it breathe free, gram. In Mar., 1944 he joined the; The Northcrn Ncw Jwev pan. LOIIK distance and local moving. itruoted or attm\piI>.. Building Innpcitnt 211 .\OrlTH AVK., W., 111 Quimby St. p'Ssnd these, the homeless, tempest- September. He was with the 9th,Jollnao n Restaurant, 205 Central FOR REPAIRS (c) A fot of Hint ilnlUp* in WKSTFIF.I.O, N. J. 3-7-4t iliuil he chat t'l unl eollut tossctl, to me: Arms- in their campaigns through! An_t E. Orontjo. Prosram will in- Agent—Allied Vnn Linen, Ine. the nuliillni, Ins|uintr f r I lift my lamp beside the Golden thc Scigfricd line and the Rocr clu(le „ ra(ijo fon]m „„ Stntiol) XVQ ON YOUR i04« nannn S-TOX CLOSKO noiiv. Kirnili I^udl fm am «uih it TrurkliijC | <;I:M:IIAI, iitr( KI\<; SRHVIOG. A'hich rpp shiil in f*ir tiic a Door." crossms, being wounded in Oct.,;XR on the subject) ..Dl) You Bc. OCUTSEV'S EXPIIES! llniirl), Dull}' iir Ci.iilni.-t IIIIRIK. 'he Town. 1D11 and moving. Small Jobs solicited. • -l-II<»iir Servlre. (U) Any -v 1**1 Ul>m at the p - i Jieve in Fraternities?" Mrs. V. IX Tel. WI0. 2-30UI. 8-7-U ! cnii .1. R. Ki:nt. KAmviHid :.-i:« Ions of this M ction slult lie PAPER IS STILL BHORT In Oct., 1945 he was transferred Darker is in charge of reservations to a flnt" of net nut!? than ut RADIOS 2-2S-3t ars ($10.00) ITK! •.hall twit' SAVE YOURS to the Military Government as an ' for Westiield. They should be made WANTED iable tn ii HUP of nut inor* investigator in the denazification: with her by Monday, Mar. IS, by WM. HINTERLEIT«ER ive dollars ($jOfi) fur tyrjr IA.VOS—«> 1'ny Cn»l.. PAIVTI.VO A\U hat said \ iaiutitm rontJnuw I.EADEE WANT ADS PAY porgram, being stationed at Lich-j calling We*2-3311. " CUANKOBI) PIANO CO., 11ICCOHATTNQ •ahi MIRII ur oh ii mtmii slioaB VACUUM CLEANERS, TnnlliK mill H*lmlliIlii|E Sprelnlla* Hl'JIIVICK. .tee!!! remo\ (d In u tordddtt \»rih Ave. 12. . ClltttiforU I1-U720 WK. 2-0037 the foiloivhiB • utxlK Ht,jih »t 3-7-tt tel Th« JitiihilnK r\\T\\TI-:iI > Klmlly. Friendly home. MAKAll i WADIAIC. contractlnB •enort t« tho ioun WASHING MACHINES, life for old lady, not invalid, hut | PainterK and Decorators. Refer- '•isn, post or iwniiiK Bhil^ ri.'i'flinir minor car«; $70 month, I enceH on reqtieNt. Hllhway 7- HTeafter ho (i^tttti or w l.oi.rrt. Cninfiird 6-11145-11. eve- | O354-.I. .1 .. S-7-Kt n violation of tlu pucfi iilnKs. 3-7-St 1 ?rapha ;UM1 th* Town . A. hall r*-nio\t th« MHI» ifi!,,__ SMALL APPLIANCES liSOS anil 1lu»iUtla«'l'"OHI>. .V. J. ••ervi'cl upon Uu \ loi i or t S-7-41J Oil 11 fur,I ll-IU'ri-ll. •ectlon of tin < hkf of ] T have severed my conneetlont he request nf * ithn th* 1 IMMEDIATE AND BETTER l-IASOS WAVI'Iil) I vVlth the Cranford riano Co. Inspector ur tht T.>« n I ngtar " nulllrr I'prlBhts, ()r.iii PIANO CO., PAlNTnit—IIEfOHATOn. •ffl'Ot, fXUflU 1** MML^tbi. TunlitK ntid UeimlrltiK. Interim* — exterior. HeaHonnhh finoval of ttu i»wt awHlrjs DELIVERIES I! KOHTII AVK., Ii; . CH. (1-2720 prices: Cull WE. 2-0296-W, 6:30 >r other OIJSII in thni ami e P. in. —8:00 p. 111. S-7-41 ?on or #nrp(ti itiim ulm sbP ntii any of thf PKUWMI s(8 ON I1A.VI1N—SI'I.NDTS and smull tip- CA'I'KIIKNS With Wnllre«» for ieci!nn or win* -lull obstruct a rlwhtM vvunti'tl. ininuHiiato cush. luticheon«, teas and dhiiu-r par- noU>Hl K»lil Town hnLlncer»|j KUAKAUKH. 107 West ."."th St., tics. It.?f.frfm.-ew fiil'nijshed. Tel. >erson or pnsoiis uniJioyea.BI» New VorK CHv. Circle G-ustO. FAn. 2-S113-J. 3-7-81 II the pnrforiuiiHi «f Ilia W 3-W-St M»ae«l upon him 1>\ thHwct'M" VACITM cr.KAXKUS. All make" JO punished h> t Htu «f i Radios and Vacuum Cleaners IAI,I. mm,1. ri t IIJ the. merits of John Urunner's Nature Studies took the floor,and announced that the (ir«t Call Cll. 0-1SC2-.I. PI.OOH SCRAl'ING. with Lawyer W. G. Pcckham. There were BRAY'S WK. 2-4077. A MMI Vltl *•! Will patrons of the Westfield Wheelman's Fair IlRASO.VAnLK PIUCISS. t\)o unusual examples of the Brunner tech- would be rcnvaviled (or their generosity. till.I, A.MJ lll.IT/. hnvi« lioi'ii a«- full Aflcr 3 P. SI. IIUIIIIII I'll' '"•Jnniin 34 ELM STREET HIKMPII umitlHT duntu v! fiirly-tlvf Lmim nique (carry phase) which fascinated Mr. "Gentlemen," said ho, "step up to the lem- m;iKiml"« WU1>HOI ti>ti!* Peckham. One, "Bone Apart Crossing the onade well and 5Iiss May Crosby wi!r till help tlu'tu vvitii your now tnib- WHY WAIT FOIl VOln SlllMCVt Rind," was remarkable for its fidelity to the beakers for you. The'drinks arc cm the Corner Quimby Street su'riptiotiH or ren^Wils'.' You t-iin »c pny cash for anticiucs. curios detail; the other, "The Grub That Makes the ulace thti .^uliserllHi<»nn nt tiu^ ciunt\ i I 1'nl " , ,, house." "DiiK Itnusn" adJulnhiK Die ili- furniture, silverware, brasswa e I1(lul rldlne hnblts, boota. m«n'M cloth 1 suhj, t t t *' 1 Butter Fly" (a pancake), was done to a alto Tlieatre. lnE. Wolffs. 118 Madison Ave iftn -.it ft • 1 ti 1' ij" ' turn. By this time. Arcanum Hall was crowded I'lalnriflil 6-2451). 5.7 it d to I) V I' I iilldliil. to the doors and manager Ezra H!ood;:ood SMAM. o tonsti ui t i iiiit 'I ^ Across tho way, Kip Penrsitll had Parson 1 nn MOTOII, Ju foot ii hi 11 '""" I-. *. tPKM'BH^Ilcliiilrii, wood eut Cornelius Patton in tow, explaining that, his had quite a time reaching the ice cream l-U. 1-4 hor.se powor. nuns in i* i I nn I '^''" counter where his best trill, Grace Smith I'l no WE. 2-:,272. ra, wood Klilngle ruor«. recovered new rcad-as-you-ride bieycic gadget was made with asphalt BhtnKlea. W. I , i ,i»i« (afterwards Mrs. Ezra), was talking with X TVPK S0TA. Kllll Hushby, 4H Westlleld Ave. Tel torn flilh Mi it > so that busy ministers could prepare their —HI il Ktruitunil condltln 11H bumlny sermons while going their pastoral his sister, Martha. It wns Hearing midnight ne WE. 2-31 IJ. Wenil-.t'ld Z-136S. 3-7-4t ill lif '• fin 1 Tin >M rl i rounds. Nearby, the Misses June Morrow and when the dancing started. Then, between Co. i(_toi d mt t \i IUI I1' waitzes, two stops and square dances, tho POWKIt I.AWJ MOWKIt. IAM HOKSElZ Interior aiiii Mary Carlyle were exhibiting Japanese doilies exterior painting; skilled mch- 1 Charter Members Sextette, consisting of mile: personal supervision. Call oiiWmt uitli Hi s and keremt'fs to a delegation from the Ladies ('lianiorcl 6-ir,72-I!. 3.7 < h 111 M ^t mil ml t| Sewinc Circle, while, up in front. Charlie frank Reese. Ed. I!. (Judge) Ccdlins, Arthur t mil. i 'li MIII m I 1 lersoit, Arthur Irving, John Canberry and I'lI'I'V. I liilcr (I 'Mnnth* (Mil, Airlock and Hoy Knihrev wore entertaining YOU ASKED FOR IT! , ,] lull ti- John Z. Ilattiehl, sang parodies on popular Wli'i Is frlomllv to i-hltdron. i.mi.\<;'s it AH in , I i H n H a group of interested politicians with -i hos- UunrantPGcl repairs ou any radio 1 ll I all I"' sons. That one jiliout "A Dicycle Built for You wanted quality meats nt hnnost-to-goodiU'ss value*. You T<.|. WK. 2-2723. in n d tin I ing bout between a Jumping jack and a 1 prompt work nt retisonnhlo rnief lll inonkoy-on-ii-atick, "just to PIHIW you follows Iwo Little flirts In Cold and Ornnge ' (the wanted clean, wholesome, modern stores ami friendly service.'. iT.VMI.tll > !'OI1<'|.:I..M\ SIN I'V exnort radio nnd »ouod tochnl club colors) was a scream. You've asked for it—and we're giving it to you. And we'll noulili' dra'in board. appi "'""• Phono WE. 2-5216, Nor how to duck and side stop," explained thc £et better n> supply conditions improve. Meanwhile, we mulcly 7 2 Ini-hco. 8" basin; 3-7 It incorrigible Charlie. Coincidnntnlly, several of the vnling Indies lltl . T..1. WK. g-r.r.-.'j- I I AXFOHD ne(riRernllon s,-rvl,-e— It all worked out even better than plan- were observed holding their handkerchiefs to Hcpali.H on .Mnyllower, Croalcy ned. Ih\ kiiifh Kr. bought the bicycle irad- their noses, and soon ii wa- rumored that £ Bldalrc, Ncirifo, Kolvlnntor Riiftis Whiklifacl had n certain jioculiar ani- -oklspol nn« other various inukes get for Parson Newton Cadwell." Lawver FRESH II. XV. [. lart<-y, 223 Arbor hi IVcklmm pniil liberally for the objects ' tie nutl concealed haokstagt which he planned to KILLED - iiintord I1-2S.10-J. art- for his infant son, Paul, to piny with. exhibit. There was considerable whispering FOWL ?.i . ' Juni,l>i»M- jack, which lie. pave to and sniffing and no link- blushing until thr GLASS AND MIRRORS Uitirho t ocMing "with the compliments of animal w:ls brouirlit. in. Rufe had it in a (All Sizes) Grade A I'or Evrrj rnrpo»r. Old mlrrorti re tjrowr (. levehind'. Parson Patton finally sel- cage. It appeared to be lnrmtos--. It lav tint sllVf-rtMl. Auto feiifoty plua.-s Uor ected nn Oriental hiblopiecc for hi« study, on its buck a« if dead. The yomur ladies Fresh Killed Nearby i. "i n)T v'°l- lfi5 Somerset &t niicl tln> chivalrous hilt shy noinncrntic lentter, tighed; their elners luokcd n-lic-vcd. I'luinllcld, N. J. Tel. Plfa. C-(ir,44 Mtilford Sctidder, n confirmed bafhflnr. a-7 (t I'.tit-lit :i nvc; pi.mi,! box of sweets mid a. ^& JL %* to pnp'i thi'in arouinl a!n-ri-t I.nther W!ii!ak< head sadly, "Th will O'l ilak- — Hivi'iubi'i' II, tS'.lt.'l PIANO TUNING Grade A & REPAIRING WARREN W. GROFF, THE WESTFIELD TRUST COMPANY SHOULDER of C llmio'"' run," .?V""1<|1'1» Pwemiul MILK FED VEAL 27 244 Walnut St., WE. 2-2325 ASSETS EXCEED Urmlicr s, j. All.n- „, ,,|m|u ,rtlll|.rH 1892 (Shorl J«|c $15,000,000 Cut) lb. *\L ^nrtcy (Type ur Years of Progressive Banking FRANKFURTERS 1) !f>, d Elm Sts. Westfielcl, N. polllSAUSAGE (Link) . . Ife4. r

Fedetni tteimmit In iff r*>i*p<> TO. tttm 136 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. Phone WE. 2-1442 .JL THE WESTFIELD LEAOER.. THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1946 Mr. Bishop, who was 81 years \ oldj^waa .horn near Mount Holly.! Ifewas in the woolen business in New York but had been retired tor Everett since' 1929. He and Mrs. Bishop 136 Efflng- celebrated their 60th wedding an- i niversary in December. He" was , \v« found fed of Tuw- active in the Methodist Church, I i*puisonin where he was a former member of ; the official board and a president: of the former Men's Brotherhood. • d inter- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. An-! the convenience e nie Fish Bishop; two daughters,! Visit Your Nearest AsP Super.., *1 Mrs. Esther Kurd of Westfieid and Mrs. Carrie Flemer of Sprinff- field; a son, Albert Bishop, Caton- &§&*# COMPARE QUALITY! ville, Md., and four grandchildren. COMPARE PRICES! County Park Police. MISS MAP.Y E. CAIRNS , .-went of Westfield for 17 Miss Mary E. Cairns of 515 i Take advantage of this opportunity and re- I ft Smith had been an- Shnckamaxon Dr. died Sunday I stock your pantry shelf with a good supply of ! night in her home, after a short! these big, but tender and delicious sweet illness. She was the daughter of j THE GREAT HUHTIC ft PACIFIC TEA CO. ths late John and Ann Jane Cairns. peas. Buy a dozen cans or a case today! Born in Boyonne, Miss Cairns had STORE 8 A. M. to S P.M. te of the University of lived in Westfield 1.8 years. She HOURS fin electrical engineering. was connected with the clinic in i, member of the Congre- the Bayor.na Hospital and Dispen- . ..i.i sary, Bayonne. She was a mem-' ; wife, Mrs; Dor- ber of the Presbyterian Church. T'sniith, a son, Roger, Her only survivor is a sister, faster, Betty Jean; his Miss Mai-garet A. Cairns, at home. „ Mrs. Persis Snath of E. Funeral services were held yes- t and a sister, Mrs. Herbert terday afternoon at Gray's Fu- ' of Akron, 0. neral Home with Rev. Robert M. Grapefruit Juice bread* Mid rolu Skinner, minister -of the Presby- terian Church, officiating. Inter- Blended Juice 2 ;: ; Held For ment was in New York Bny Ceme- Victim tery, Jersey City. Orange Juice T::^ 8B- mi services for Mrs. Fran- MRS. MINNIE A. SWENEY i- McElioy, 83, of 64G West, Mrs. Minnie A. Swcney, mother Tomato Juice v^» on ol 9 21 *Ave., who was fatally in- of Mrs. Delight Trimble Gordon, 1 C Hot Cross Buns i Thursday by a Public Serv- formerly of Tuttle Pkwy., died last j ql.bot. 28 Plain Ot r ,„, in Elm St., wore held at night at her home, 230 North Ave., ] Sunsweet Prune Juice Food* home'Sunday at 3 p. m. The Cranford. Mrs. Sweney was born j Fresh Donuts « John- Wesley -Lord, D. D., ram- in Toledo, O. . j V-8 Cocktail ; 15c r31« of the First Methodist Funeral services will bo held | Dundee Cake £."'** "J-"* th, officiated. Interment, was Saturday at. 2 p. m. in the liirken- Kensico Cemetery, Kensico, camp Funeral Home, 2670 Monroe Habitant Pea Soup:•"*•»•«• 2 :25= Ave., Toledo. Interment will be in Boston Brown Bread •"" wl* "resident of Wcstficld for 32 Woodland Cemetery, Toledo. Evaporated Milk «« •«« 4135« : Sirs. McElroy was an active IN >n:>ioni\ii ber of the First Methodist In* lnvhiyr memory of my ilcar ! brother. Paul R (lottliek. who pn- ch and the local WCTU. In teri-d Into ^tnrmil rest, .March H> er years she had been active 1114.-.. : TIIP call WHS sudden on the U. « work of the Italian Mission S. «. Frnnklln. j AWN Tlid nhock Hevwe j for belter ,g | ( I We never tluiiiKltt tho tfmt> HO , oz oa KWCE sides her husband, Itichard, near; you live with iu; tn IUHJIKH-J-• PICK OF nutrition. MAID n Httll; not just tfulay. but always '• is survived by a son, John will; you bade no on,, n lust Cure- i THE CROP! ord IA Elizabeth, an engineer well; you suid ^ooil-byc to mine; I the Heavenly pates jiint uijonetl whir, i the Standard Oil Develop- nod ii honvonty voice said, "Come •' j Co,; a step-son, Richard S. rici-wivpil Sistw-lti-l.uw, ! TJIJ.IAN UOI'lfFOU!) COTTI.K'K Iroy, 10 Stonelclpjh Pk., end a AND FAMILY. r, Mrs. Robert Robinson, who id with* her sister. Eight O'Clock*%8l&41c Up to February 15,1946 New Policeman Red Circle £lt< 2^, 47c [WILLIAM A. BISHOP (Continued from Page 1) • •**. A&P HAS EMPLOYED ir.eral services were held Mon- title lien on a plot in Florence' •noon at Gray's Funeral Ave., and of Mr. and Mrs. Howard j 14,593 ' for" William A. Bishop, a Aunt JemlmaS"" •* 12c L. MeCabe of $8G5.o4 for a similar , Cauliflower i» mighty M ERI lent jt Weatfirfd for 119 years, acquisition of 7Ji7 and 739 Hard-j good for you, for it'» head Aunt Jemima Sn ™;'16e VETERANS [died at his home, 1(>2 Hnrri- Ing St. Robert B. Thompson, 530 | rich in precious vitamin B c AT 2 II, men and women ve., Thursday night. Rev. Sunnyffield " fffi ri0c W. Broad St., whose offer of $400 | C! Serve it often! S who proudly wear | W'csiey Lonl, minister of the each for two lots in W. Broad St. j Pancake Flour «»HHVF«ID ^7C \ Methodist Church, ofticiated. the Honorable was l-ejected a few weeks ajjo, u]>-! UOidSn llilXcjkesorWslllEl P»S.'1.08 mait was ill Fairview Ceirie- p^d his hid to $fi50 each, which was' Other Big Values in Our Produce Department! Discharge Emblem referred toiUieifinance committee. \ Ann Page Syrup - ^-"'19c 1 !b. carton Quaker Oats 2?C\U 4^25t of 4 or 5 ORANGES Az.'«3S° TOR nUloCll villa QHJBIC Cooking pkg. • lc A THOUGHTFUL WAY % Froiii g% dream of Wheat ^".^22o k Western M bchs. i TO REMEMBER 9 Farms am •Ffleilo-Wiieat &'& **«• * >-15s —is by having us erect n Wheatena &13* £22« y ^m$gr So 1 ST f lts finely designed BAKKE Crisp 1 stalk: Instant Ralston S ^. 20c UW& P§S ,i '«9c tombstone that will per- FRESH PEAS 19 Keeker's Farina »«.*.2Qs Beeckut SH^S i"88c pcluato the member of your dear one, Wheatsworth Cereal »><17c Bftt 11c YELLOW Ib., HEADSTONES AND U. S. No. 1 Grade Golden Center" •.ib.pl,. 29c Campbell's .JKilgg, 3 "" 24c TEXAS BEETS 2 15 erko 2 MARKERS REDATED Kellogg's Pep , pi»-9c B VIgortonoriP.SlV™ °" 33c Borden's Hemo SiZ i^SSc MONUMENTS RADISHES «£TN»^5' Tootsfe WEM™ »«-pi».21c 27 PEARL STREET PLAINFIELD, N. J. Duryea'y s Corn Starch ^ 10c Tel. Plf,|. 6-2912 Open Evenings Ttimbo Puddings PH. 7c AVOCADO PEARS 19° Sp Oregon PILGRIM sizes sizes Flakorn con» MUFFIN MIX 13c 40-50 to Ib. BRAND ' 10 lbs. I], C lb Flako Pie Crust . ALL GRADE 'A' and over 4 iffl • BROILING and FRYING m ) ROASTING Topova Popover Mix »«••*• 7c GUARANTEE GRADE'A' |b 4 UUII O or HOI MUFFIN MIX pk»&UC OF WORTH S 3'A lbs, and under ' %i Dromedary •|K°E™!«» *,ABQ BEETS... For Every Menu Need! Fine for Fricasscs Baking PowderPf&»••••*• 12o tl' ibi SN n J Keep an assortment of these beets on your pantry S'/albs. and over Vanilla Extract ?^ " b" 32c shelf .. . you'll find them fine aids to menu problems. »ebo$log your memorial, you will require n«- Shaker Salt fflBJJ "«-*.To •"»« that il,e material will endure, that ihe Link Ib. Tomato Puree &•*•«•«" 23c «•'«« Md workusnjhip art excellent. .,..., **2llb. UI" lb. tii" fefc memorial Inscribed with the Bnrre Culld 6 b 34 ib c K' » guaraniecd by ibe entire Barns Granite GampbeH's 41c 'Maiirj, vouching for ita quality. ,, ieat c! n2- Mackerel •»»" 19 J««bll be proud lo help you in lelccling one I™'nMemonuin<.oj8 anil to properly place it IO I BARRCt ., ""nelery for you. Nlay we SI"; 'b.37o FreshCodSteaks<^30> Tomato SOUP«CKSON3 ,&; -20O f lalk wilh ^ou ••"»»• Ah m««er Betty GmtkuKJxXa -.•• 25c al y"1"- couvenlencer . ^ 33= Fresh Ffyke '^3§° I intnin'e Tomato VccolaS'a 2V'j<»-1 "IIC . t.l|llUII OSOUDMUWHIIHOOIJICI I>>9' • , "33« Chowder CSams **45« WJushroom Soup KEYSTONE lo;i" 16c U61 Cut Beets ion*B»IHI 2»I.«.12C Diced BeetsDEIMONTEI«OI.I«I2C STANLEY BURNER, OWNER Beets FS'S?," «•«•«« I0o Sliced BeetsOELMONIEI«O«I.,16C Front St., PLAIN FIELD . Tel PIfd. 6-0706 E Shoestring Beetss'ocYV." 11 e Sliced Beets JrTo Ms™* '"12c icjAUSTilfriEl Pickled Beets COSMO H...I.-14C Sliced Beets*"""1*2 '*£ 25c Beardsley's S5??K "31c Prepared Prunes '19c Peanut Crunch B" i.<35c Prepared Prunes -28c A Now Taste Treat! 51 Sunnyfleld-GREEH Ghunk-E-Mut wmn{[j^J «b.i-32c Chili Con Cams „.,. ,-27c TAfiSEfllE JOSCE SPLIT PEAS Apple Butter ffi'iJI "-i«21c Kippered Snacks«« 17c Marmalade «»» "•• i"25c Sliced Beef AHMOHB-» 13c Try It Today! Kb. Marmalade €ffi!B lpl"-25« Phlla. Scrapple ••«" •19c 2 pkgs. 23- s >"» '_ PeacEi Jam ST/HI»™J S»..I».59C Apple Juice &» 37c Fig Juice t A l l B r f Fancy Rice suiiN»rieioi!ot.fiJ. iic Astsr-ottes ri'iTrii 3o.i,,|7c Mushroom n i-".»i. r r 10c Carrot Juice \ /j&P lea? give you real ;ca n !: ! ',°; 21c Satina Starch Tablets 2 Li?; 9c UcgaiKDtO ""14c ' ',-' u-J^ui.«u..» c'"nsi! " °"'14G Baked Beans lift »»..I»15C Salted Peanuts «-u c D 1 v 25c College Inn ™J' A TS,ffE1tV;.'- W» telong to |J,e cfistlngulihed group of funeral Cfco-ipedSplnasb£"r T L-.'-17c Bean8l. AiraS."l:"-9c'.'.:'• 12c Planters Peanuts...".-'^ 21 0 c °'rcc'or« called ths National Selected Morticians. 11 19c papsi MARCH .,;]?.;;T-',J 2c StrW Beans ^H', "»'-"»11e Snider's Catsap »-.b,,.i8c Pretecl 5?ix»«"'« ««.'31jo Scoop 6i-".»'."(,. ' h To «erv8 oil pBop!a hona.tly and we!! at all tlmss apar1ofd itrlof E»an5*«»»«''"-«-t8e Snldor's CSslli Sauce •;.;:.• 20c Prone Juice M««AL *.n.24e Bleachotte Blue 2 8o Bafi-0 .. 2 *» 21c R ^w4 Poiitnes ^ ^ 17c Parly Loaf "°sr »—32c Lensurt Jsilne T^cKy -fer 8c Sunbrlte Cleansor Cleanser ,». * a'a mQ'n'alnIn33 o"r hfgh itanJards 'ihrougliout 25c Brilio Reilcsdi Cabh-iFo i'?;:i 'i«r.-i7c Treet or Sejam - «»-n,.34c Soy Bsans"si.™™iM»^""1bc Charge Dog bandy '- . 2 ^, TU '" <"dor lliat v°u may b* a"uree! Palmoiive »« A«L Klrkman'sC%Si:3">"14c Windex 2t;:25c ^:29c 318 Whan Available East Br&ad VJIicn Available I go, nod C O lri°- ' St., pkg. . SOAP FLAKES Wiion Avallablo When Is 3 «* 20^ THE WESTFIELD LEADER, TFTIRSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946

president; Mrs. E.,N. Punk, sec- ject, "The Call to Holiness." 3:30 clasTh^e Junior High Fellow-ship (DeMolayObK^tory 1 u'Kt r Leaffui .»ie» circuirircuit ralrai-- Th We're Crowded te the St. Paul's Auxiliary ond vice president'; Mrs. T. 0. p. in., ttroup will meet in the church Sun- Junes, third vice president; Mrs. ly at Redeemer Church, Fords. To .Meet March 21 ! Church Service • Jl . k • V ALL ^' —WTl/IAf £fc\? dav at 5:30. The C. E. Davidson, recording sccre- Giving Satisfaction Likt Tfci," Thf annual Drliolny church tat-y; Mrs, R. H. Atkinson, corre- Forcet- i ry Bowser, the subject being can sponding secretary; Mrs. H. E feet, "The Victory Over e '-- Count?" Lou Ann Becker wilh the \c«|,er Mrviie of the Jaraieson, financiisl secretary; Mrs. fulness." 9 p. m., meeting of the ; -Vou ,ois Stiles will be in charge ri»liylpiinii Chorrh Sutiiluy. AH L. S. Vossler, treasurer; Mrs. Eoyparents of the confirmation class. Workman, secretary of literature, , , ,• i- Iii i>',J,il fo'i^McJ hy a ircmlxr?. wiil rissr nl;!c in the .-. i , v .- II - i>t.' .NH ri -..'-o. ch.-ijiol st 4:S0 y. m. mul enter th« The Road to the speal, OT. itu ^«" Ir. 1 . IU,K meeting of the neighbonng ; reso f e ^V.x;j-ch in :i U-.ty. Kornn-r mem- Presbyterians Plan riraniMtions at St. Matthew's , Cross" Sunday This is a discus- i ; i ;*.()>. ,-t ] ii, tl,^.w boi-> and n-.t'iti'-t'rs ^f olher cHai>- Church, Newark. Tuesday at 8:30 [ sion of Jesus hfe which led to the !<•!•? aro r.Tiiially inv lt**i to att*nd. Missionary Dinner Cross and Easter W-nrto" 11: W. , m. the student's chorus of Con-1 triumph of the > ,v. \ \',v The annual missionary dinner of O.t\. Church Group Plans the Presbyterian Church will be 1 Petty will pleach on Lenten Meeting held in the chapel building Wednes- " Next ' , - .,.•.!'•= .: ihc A..\- day evening at 7 o'clock. Two H she eminent members of boards of the r.f \'s v. \ .i. h T)JO I.ontcn pHN.tJp of the U the church I Full Ministry." • • . ... V . .-• :.':yte- will u'i\c the addresses. - -.- ;i, ! .'-r ..f Mr.-. H. H. Mc- j!;.n fhuich vi-ill Ve lrld Mar. 2 I meet Sunday evening at 7:30 at Dr. Jlerlyn A. Chappel of the Baptist Church Notes tlaj- srfwi in Tfi.sf.j. >V••-• i, ;•;.' MMI im n AH ih^ Smmj an.i fi'lilin of ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene d:ct.-i^i.s will he ii the Hoard of National Missions will Sunday 8-45 a. m., Bible school! Powers, 147 Elmer St. Harry The mrmlvrs of Shi j« -. .'.: T.l ; ,-:r. :• '. .7, :".p :n Iho fln.ly hnui-i m 10 a. m. lurch L'ive a picture of conditions in the ,-ith classic for nil as;es. The Wil-i Bowser will be in charge of enter- n:itiun:il field and he will be fol- ChuJvfc ave ;!•,-.<• •..: son liilile claps foi adults is ton- i toinment. All married couples un- ., : ,• . .-. ;-.-\ l.iih to the m«i- lowed hy the Rev. Paul R. Lind- il uou-d by Mrs. Koy Deer. 11 a. in., j der 40 are invited. sswetmsr. !t is «aii.ipi.i?.: 'A liolm, from the East China Mis- inoriiinK worship. enijihssus noil be or. s C!! i -1...1 sion, who will present the foreign i(it*rf>r«tuuion of 1 he 1 nf - i: Mrs. R. S. H.i:Tman w 11 give a talk picture in the Far East. G:30 p. ni.. Junior High Fellow- St. Paul's Notes r.iScutt world sit'.'.-Mi'i- l*i . \W." St. Pad's Gaild on "The Mcnninc of Lent." The ship. 7 p. in-. Youth Fellowship, j will •nwrr qumun; it ;.* Meeting Tuesdays t enu-n nv.isirnl projrnm, nrriini^ed 7 :II0 p. in-, Voung .Married Couples. | g day Mor, 27 second SuniTay of his »dd;-ess. iy Mr-. K, C. Mos-s vill include a Redeemer Lutheran Notes Wednesday: 8 p. ni., Mid-week | ,n Lent. g> 9 an(, 12> Holy Com. I f'.v . double c.iaitct and a solo by Sir.-*. lirayci nervicc. Mr. Petty w>" | muItlon; 9:40, church school; 11,1 The servic* vUS nSir.J l!o!>crt \Vcllman. discuss the Rook of Isaiah. ,'morning prayer and sermon. The; to not later thsn S:*0. It * *v.i:t*i vi*Yi hoM a FCV.IH£ i;irctir.ir 0:30 a. m., Sunday school and TK> f.illouini: i.ffiocs will be in- adult Bible class. 10:45 a. in., Thursday: 8 p. m., Hoard of; Rev Clifford E. Barry Nob.es will that member* pi «1! You:;t P«»- c.'i^h TiicsJ.iv c-unr-r Lt in l>o£in- Deacon's meetln ; choir rehear.-al. I ' , pic's Group* will intsie ihur ninir in 1 o'cl'iv.1; ir. the lii:iU room «tallrtl: Jlrs. H K Walker, nri's- mornlnir service wtih sermon by K be the eacher friend* to attend. of th« i>ari-.h hou"-f\ irfent: Mrs. O. II. IIII, first vice Pastor Walter Rcuning on the sub- Friday: 3:30 p. m., pastor's: Week-day services: Monday and j Tuesday, Mar. 18 and 19, 7:20 a. m., Holy Communion; Wednesday, Blar. 20, 9:30 a. m., Holy Commun- ion; 4 p. in., children's service; 8 p. m., devotions and lecture, "The Chirrch Adrift—Edward VI." IT HAS HAPPENED Mar. 21, Thursday, 10 a. m., Holy Communion—Woman's Aux- many tim«* — n»w cuiloman try our itrvic« iliary service; Mar. 22, Friday, 9:30 a. m., Holy Communion; Mar. and art tcamly abb to racognlze «h»Ir oU 23, Saturday, 8:30 a. m., Holy Communion. garment thoroughly ckan with color raitortd like n«w. We guarantt* you'll we tht differ, Presbyterian Notes ence. 9:30 a. m., the Bible school, with departments from nursery to se- nior grades. Elizabeth ^orton Bi- ble closs, Mies Elizabeth Brewer, lender. Men's Triangle Bible class, Ernest C. Bartell, lesson leader. USE CASH AND CARRY ... SAVE 20% lla. m., morning service. Rev. Bobert M. Skinner will prqach on WESTFIELD BRANCH — 24 ELM ST. "Toward Jerusalem." 5 p. ni., Tel. We»tfield 2-4381 vesper service. Rev. Thomas C. Winn will preach the first in a Lenten series concerning "The Per- sonality of Jesus." His topic Sun- day will be "Jesus, the Man." The : G. O. KELLER, :| DcMolay organization will be pres- ent at this service. G:30 p. m., the Intermediate and Senior C. E. Societies will meet for Corner SOUTH and LELAND AVENUES a brief worship service upstairs in the chapel build'iiiK, following 127 PARK AVENUE PLAINFIEID, »lj which they will proceed to the Con- gregational Church for a Rroup Phone! l PlalnHeld «-*!»»—Oth«* Sown. WXJ100 (Bo ttl) meeting. 6:30 p. ni., the Spires (young peoples group). Rev. Robert M. .Cleaners, Dyers, Rug Cleaners, Cold Stori/i- Skinner will continue his Lenten scries on "The Meaning of Lent." Miss Helen Jane Blodpct will lead the devotions. A social hour with I refreshments and singing will fol- low. | SHOP THURSDAYS TIL 9 •Wednesday at 7 p. in., annual congregational missionary dinnoi in the chapel building. Friday at 3 p. m., communicants1 class in the parish house.

Orthodox Presbyterian Bible school meets at 9:30 a. m. The Rev. Robert L. Atwell will PRODIj preach at the 11 a. m. service Sun- day on "Going Up to Jerusalem." There • will be a "Friendship Night Service" Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Grace Church has such a service once each four months when the members of the cont;re- Kation make a special attempt to bring their friends and neighbors diftt to church with them. This Sun-! i day the service will feature vocal i solos by Miss Mary Ann Faw and ! j Koy Lambert and Mr. Atwell's j I sermon on "The Great Friend." i

\ First Methodist Notes j For yean S.elby* 9:45 a. ni., church school, class-! PRESERVERS have been i es for all ages; 9:55 a. m., adult at THE shoei coin | and young adult Bible flushes; S»:55 i I a. m., Christian Citizenship Forum ' comfort. Their smait go< meeting in the pastor's >tu JIanifest in the Flesh." ^with these three famoM I 5:45 p. in.. Internii'diatc Youth ! Fellowship, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell ] Lcapline, sponsorn; fl:45 p. m.t Se- .!.., OK/I brlia' I" I'"" "*>*'' ',„,„ nior Youth Fellowship, Mr. mid' mill pl-fd noMonot pod l«" ; Jlrs. Donald Babcock, sponsors; S Hoi /nntr.ofi I" nato*!* p. in., Sunday Evening Fellowship at the poi'-onafc, 200 E. Dudley I Avc. j The mid-wccl: service will ho! held Wednesday, Mar. 20 nt 8; * p. in. in the chapel. !

FROM OUR SPORTSWEAR SHOP Church Of Christ, Scientist; with C.IW | : Sunday pervices, 11 a. m. anil 8 Skirts arc one of the most valuable articles hi your clotties p. in.; Sunday ichool, II y. m.;; closet By wearing Uicra v.ith different blouses and skirts, Wednesday evening, 8 p. m. i "Substance" h the li'i^oii-iH'i-nron you can have a wonderful variety of outfits. Ours are subject for Sunday. Coldcn lexl: i dsHipcd with lots of imagination and are ready to go to a "By humility and tin- fear uf the picnic or dance r~ a minute's notice. Lwil »rt< riches :<•>/ (*• ny hat, only the »ul«,t«iicu of KOod '' HIT vvi:sr iiio.\i' ST.. I • «hp subRtawc of Spirit, nut mut-1 1 %S Woman's Club Mon- Men's night was observed at the Berry, Mrs. H. S. Orth, Mrs. W. Se Mason'e Temple. Mis, regular monthly meeting of the L. Douglas, Mrs. G. W. Hart and ' S that it is nott soColumbus PTA last week. The af- Mrs. C. Hans. lw« of whether or notfair opened with a pot luck supper Mrs. John Uising will play sev- hf and was followed' by an old fash- eral piano selections, and Mrs. K. of them. She ioned vaudeville show arranged by G. Morris will be in charge of de- afraid of Communism the fathers. A. E. Voss was chair- votions. help anyone and man and master of ceremonies. The hospitality committee con- Participating wore: C. L. Cogswell, sists of: Mrs. \V. Wolfrcil, chair- magic act, Wallace Smith, comedy man, who will be assisted by Mi-s. ,ake our system work at the piano, Robert" Vuillemot, L. B. White, Ml-s. W. P. Selby, Mrs. . it? high standard of comedy and Joseph Wilberscheid, G. R. Holland and Miss Eleanor violin sold. An old time Laurel Derby. 'dc that it would prove it- and Hardy film closed the enter- a^rior way of life, shu tainment. There will also be on display at the meeting a number of pieces of ^ Russia wants is in a lsfge African hand-work which John eel to what we want, Women'* Fellowship Diefenbach has collected during his a rising standard of stay in Accra on the Gold Coast. "friendly neighbors and Schedules Meetings "but our methods of obtain- 1 differ, the speaker -de. The group meetings of the Wom- Girl Scout Troop Has en's Fellowship will be held Thurs- Investiture Tea Try thi» richer bl«nd coffee now 1—Quo lity and flavor that mode ASCO coffee famous. Perfectly rooitod by flowing heot. Save coupon*. day, Mar, 21 at the following Isaid that in order to under- honies: Mr*. R. W. Bumstead, 624 Large Snow White California OSCO Orange Pekoe lie Russians we should know Maple St., will be hostess for the Girl Scout Troop 31 held an in- Sifts' about their history. Prlscilla group for luncheon. An vestiture tea at the home of its fine never had freedom, edu- all day sewing meeting of the Ply- leader, Mrs. Prank Pettit of Pair- %t a high standard of liv-mouth group will be held at the acres Ave., with girls' mothers as iy have had concentration home of Mrs. S. T. Swallow, 415 quests. Mrs. S. Paul Johnson, Tea«17c»33c , and they have been invaded Girl Scout executive director, was Cauliflower Rich, full flavor, Unmatchabla value! Try a package S. Chestriut St. The Mayflower ,,,,'wd again. A largo group of present, and Mrs. Hubert White of 25 at these low prices! Feqtured in all Acme Market!. group will meet at the home of Beautiful snow White heads of finest quality cauliflower at only 25c per head! Bussians are Asiatic, who have Mrs. F. W. Fiske, 626 Arlington the- Girl Scout Council spoke to U unte despots. These things the mothers. A candlelight service U.S. No. ! Size "A" Red Bliss Lj j evolutionary government Ave., for an all day sewing meet- was held and the girls gave a ser- Selected Glensido Guaranteed Pride of Killarney Teh &*21c *£• 39c «se made a suspicious and secre- ing.- ies of slrits on the Girl Scout laws $1.21 5 nation. This reticence in for their dramatic badge. Potatoes 3»« 20c Grass Seed 5% UK.0r.ln tt.pk,, Spaghetti n. unlike.the voluble Ameri- Merrill Back From Sweden Those who took part were Joan Large Fancy Florida Fancy Tender I TAnflAM»i VAN CAMP IDEAl MUSHIOOM-FlAVOHfD __! been one of the great dif- Anderson, Molly Burr, Georgia lenderoni ,.„,. . # tilties in our relations today. Lekas, Constance Lewis, Patricia each QC pk) Spaghetti Sauce';" Ik Mm H. C. Heath, president, pre- L. M, Merrill of 043 Nottingham Grapefruit KUDCO FAKMS U-M. glau prepared PI., arrived home Tuesday from Luekey, Helen Lunger, Mary El- Mushrooms t>°*39c m D>||'' Muthcoom S|W,h.lli \k ftd, »A representative of thea several weeks business trip to len Mann, Joan Spraguo, Peggy Yellow Rcady-to-Cook Egg Noodles l»\% Dlll| i Saun. 10ViK>i. can tnfen County Mental Clinic gave Lou Armstrong, Carol Calkins, A il k brief talk. Mrs. C. F. Denny Sweden.- Mr. Merrill is president Cello Herring - T:; I.f of the American Gas Accumulator Betty Bohannen and Elsio Jean i .10c Bog Egg Noodles jd the list of nominations for Holme. Following the program Onion Sets b Spinach 19c ijril voting. Mrs. J. R. Freeman Co. of Elizabeth, which originated Tomato Puree ^ in Sweden. He is also chairman of tea war, served. Fancy Kraft Dinners £% mttl r T jtreduced new members and gave c [large number of names to be the Committee for Economic De- Radishes 5c PEAS California '» 19c Soup ^r 3 '^r 25. 19C dent, Frank Betz, presiding. Out Blended Juice Vl£27c Va - 33c of town Kotarian guests included DOMEDARY UVi-ot. pkg. 6 O'CLOCK 12-oz. pkg. Ground Lamb & Patties »>• 32c Howard A. McMurray and Eugene 41c A. McMurray of Union, and Luke Gingerbread Mix 18i Corn Muffin Mix 12#4 Ibi. and up. Make laity frlcaisst For Your New Permanent, Gray of Plainfield. Robert Skin- H b A or chicken a la king. Smoked Beef Tongues "b-43c ner had aB his guest Chaplain Chocolate B^rX '13( Cider Vinegar ol17(Jl Merle S. Irwin of New Castle, Del., fe Our Beauty Salon Suggests a recently returned from the Pacific. Tumbo Pudding - » 7< Ritter Catsup ^ Fresh Killed Dr. Lorrimer Armstrong showed I CREME BUnERSCOTCH 4-oi. pig. DUBUQUE colored movies of Yellowstone Park I Gumpert Dessert 5( Luncheon Meat '« Fryers GRADE A which he made on a trip some time Serve delicious golden brown fried chicken for a change. Easily prepared37. Economicalc! Triple Oil Masque ago. Baptist Group Green Giant Peas:-18c BEEF LIVER FreshFilletof Haddock ib.45c Plans Dinner CANNED VEGETABLE FEATURES ib. 37c FLUKE Fresh Large ib. 28c Permanent Ct""m "»'• 1 LAMB LIVER * 3k The board of deacons and dea-j Sliced Beets £ \H ASCO Fancy. 20-01. can > WHITINGS Fresh ib. 13c conosKOg of the First Baptist j ASC F Church will serve a dinner on Fri-] Cut Beets N°o. ,TJ0tf BOLOGNA *33tf STEAK COD Fresh ib. 29c day, Mar. 2!) at (1:45. The public; N 2 Gtenwood French Style ' .00 is invited. Tickets may be pur Farmdale Peas L 15«J String 19-oi, c Pork Roll ,*!.»*• lit SMELTS Large No. 1 ib. 29c 10 chased from any member of th* ASCOASCO FancF y Liverwurst ">• board or ut the church office, prior Spinach NoNo. 7'h^\ camn 20tf String Beans ~W Mackerel Fancy Boston ib. 19c to this dute. There will be door VAN .AMP VEGETARIAN MIXED Luncheon Meat "> prizes and entertainment, jnclud-j J Oysters Jersey Select doz. 39c | Beans 'SiTW ;iiunmii'intt(ii!i;[ifi!mil[ii)ifijii![K:^!»,![;!W.!(i:iiiii:[[imivi^ You'll get eontultotlon on correct oil solu- a solo by the church's bari- Vegetables ri2(? tone soloist, James Berry. Mr. "LIKE MOTHER USE TO BAKE" tion for your hair . . . scientific test curl Berry will al.no lead in the group j singing. J : Try it and you'll agree. 'upcrvision . . . Triple Oil Masque Treat- Whole Kernel Corn Delicious tender golden whole kernels cut and packed fresh from the fields. You'll understand what wo ment (you keep the cap) . . . an easy-to- mean. It's firmer, finer F flavor, toasts better and *ttTp,.\or Oil Masque Permanent Wave . . , WESTFIELD'S WATER Evaporated Milk -- 4 <™ 35c stays fresh longer. So many may rate high as drinking water folks are turning to "»il expert supervision o] your shampoo but undeniably does things to Irradiated with 400 U.S.P. units of Vitamin D per pint. Why pay more? <">d hair styling. take tho softness out of your Enriched SUPREME Kands. GLOVESKIN Peanut Butter •> 30c is just the ff.niwcr to your Helps solve- the butter problem. Beauty Salon—Third Floor dream for that something to Our finest, smooth, creamy—made from No. 1 peanuts. remove the starched dried-up effect. It is a cream that USStHAH loftens and whitcmi your hands \ Crisco E-24c s 68c FARMDAIE BRAND overnight, and keeps them pliable And youthful. \ Sunshine Krispy Crackers Ib. Fancy California Evap, Try This Recipe! Sold at JARVIS'S 19c B E A & ilVi-ox. PEACHES PEACH PliE \ Campbell's B A CON Soup can 11c mado with N 2 ki Robford Vegetable Dinner c° 15c ib. 35c Evap. Peaches Pl 598 racipB af right for peach pie! ^ 1 Ginger Ale Quort 10.- "» 2 Cups Cooked Evap. Peaches Martin's Dolllo f Vz cup juico from poachoi \ Lummis Krispy Peanuts SnItilJ Vitghilu Prunes ll!rS Vi cup sugar Toy & Sport Shop -ax. Vocuum 19c Vi cup light corn syiup Seedless Raisins " 2 ftsbhnpoons Rob-Ford Corn \U Starch MS EAST CROAD ST. \ Old English Liquid Wax DottlXe 39c Apple Juice 2 tablespoons Lutfcr or Opponite Woolworth Quor! margarine \ Parsons Ammonia liollli. 19c woco.k.,,11 V' • 0 lO.m.ion Cut po chin into strips; comblnt will Our display of EASTER V ilMny tnurutltohti and itir N GOODS is ready for your \ ClappBabyFood SPMDUP Baker's Cocoa '":\U I. Bimy lo a bail otuJ cook and ,C \ STRAINED Qj CHOI'PLD A \ A sti bnuf i iMinuIxi. CODI. Pour i.itf eoit.'clion. We have ninny (KistrylltiiMl (3-in. [ilo pan and cavel (fifts npproprinte for llic tap will) thlpf of |xnfry, lUika In hoi SOJISOI* Iboaides Himniea ''"'"lapp Cereal 2 X; oven (•100" F.) ulioul 33 mirtufei. A and Filled B»sk<*ts, top may bo u*etl !f (jra> Story Book dolls and F. & B. Sweniie Pic dollo will hero. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH U, 1946 Page Eight FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ROOMS FOR RENT RUBBISH 8TAMBT~ j« electric Irons; desk, bed and made to order «",' AIT£- RATE?: (IBSOO TWO FAMILY. Kl« K»oi»» ESTF LD HOTEl» Clean, com- turnaces, eiin lsmDs; vacuum cleaners. JSt., W^tfleldfi,. J •'•"••, t? Slnietc Hoou March 25th, Call for details. Wb. On Application. witii private family; private en- M2-0370-h X25t h Cll f 3'7'il HSBSgj IKC. ! t An trance IO bath; 1 block to busi- signers. 2-2l-505«-R. 6-4474. LUi FA. a-r«» ^ IS T i- ior mm; JIOHSEIIACK »>m SEAMSTRESS - FI1TJBR encered onanda eiperexperit UIIIonly/ i" WorK CR. 0-STS0 want a K*ntlnnaB'» eounlry hum* HERBERT B. SMITH BUMMER COTTAGES on better merchandise. State age. 7n«I enarnelea »teel cabinets with i KBIT* « AitHOC. I'ISHKItMAN'S I*ARADI»EI care deader, or 'phone Suramit atk as to show *l»u tMii altrnc- K. O. Kdtvard* . . . r,.till 3-7-Jt 1 wo FERTILIZER tlir Colonial wllfc "hout .1 <»<•«-» . . 1U'». i'auiic >VIi. 2-.-HTO Summer Home or productive farm f. L. P. FKRTILHtEa* 5-10-B •|)l WO^**T KM1A IJ3lli-?s 3 011 H"K> iif ined. 4 bedrooms, 2 lllra batlis. K. Ij. fnrlej' . . . overlooking? Frenchman's Bay, op- Srs!sr ^ °i^ 100-lft. t.»l . »2JH> BlHIlv n larse «»«i faslil»**ed Cpluwlal posite Bar Harbor, Maine, Col- IF*-1CE WOIIKEH—BcookkeeptaS, UVCD !n liiilfiy'i. hi-^-li.?: sti il,it-<; . . lie., 1'lione WE. 2-347IS-R typlnr. general office experience, Ground MME5TOM5. SO-lb. bnr, (Hie KL.M we JHAV ->...>,* ('"'nJ^'vUi «,rcpl™»^ lm»4-teii« rtllliiK . _ onial farmhouse, completely re- car is necessary to reach "«t for earlj Spring ori-mi«ne> • HEAL'iOUS. half cleared, L*arse lake frontage STESOOtt.APIIEH -TVl'IST glinted Oul* » wi»ate* irttm W ejtltlelU ; at rear offers development possi- 2S lnche« up to as long as WB. 3-1224 ftnther fcugscsllu-ns. bilities. Price 17,000. TeL FA. in local office; steady position, with Bood chances for advance- 2-21-et in. bit 5(JxK>0, steam 2-7523. •9,MM— IV SCOTCH PLAINS —Vf-y , Br»«-ll«»or Imntorj-, did ment. Write. Bivlne full Particu- TUNING AND BEPAIHINa by rec- conv«:ii(*Jiit lo lti.utt isr. v'll;"'' cual. Ne» Junior High School. lars: Box 79, care Leader Office. 4 h«>dr©o»w«. nil heat, open porrli, [ FLOOR' "COVBUINGB. Oppouite ognized experts, Krai (or tantllr "Ilk rfclldrfB i *i2,004*— |,OT 55x213 — .Seven-room ( WANTED TO RENT CBANFOBD PIANO CO., livun, Or.t-Bojr 1JJM-'TT.> Tuod In ilisll S«»«el. Prfrc* »« SH.OTO. j house, sun pureii, 1 bath, 1-car j Post Office, 138 Central Ave., TunlnK and Ilfbulldinir SprcUilUta, Kuiugc, t:tc;tin coal, Vraiikiln [ UltGEVTI/r SEEDED—by mother MAIU. PART TIME, competent, R. M. TOBNCH & SONS. S NOHTH AVB., B., WRDDING j'tci to bPA'rtg-aij«iw.». »l IHTAXTIAI.LV BOI.T HOME! good cook; 2 Inn la.mtty; 11:30 till tciut'ji, early possession. | and school age daughter—small Tel. WE. 2-1638. en. 6-ar:« in H« re«Wr»tl«l *ertion, Br«l- unfurnished apartment or two Sttcr dinner, l WE 21638 Flash—PRESTO COOKERS S-7-4t ajMo _ SNK; I.ITTLI; iiotsi'-. flm»r ImidorT. re#M and batB »n sI^'.r.0O—TKX-ItOOM 1IOLS& call ! rooms with Utitchen privllcercti- I.r.t SOOT. 4 bedroom., a Hied CAtio-n. Owner '.i^*:u{jlv-3. „_ ... or tv>-o-taniily Telephone WEst. 2-3637-J. , —Hurry. bait*, oil *«••»«• S-™r imi"BSe. l *e. lHut uatur heuting syBtenl, 'XPRitlEWCEI} HellHblc Woman MESISEL-S. 33 KLM ST., 3-7-n for hou»ecleanln», 1 day weekly. OPES 1DHOAT MOn.VINOJ. £. FRED SULZER & CO. SOMK; \BW HOI si:* ui.der urn- iur^e Lain, une (our-room Tel. WE. 2-3403 after 4 p. m. atruclion pitccd |13.-tIillMI. j —u^uilii-blc' June 1st I 3-7-2t bv actual training how It Is done. HI) W A 111) W. limn home In choice M-CUIIII. liCH CHEMIST and wife —HEAT PROOF. •bnm GTlMMltt—>BW CnmpIffli*I>- Modern* Must have car, ability to sell, »S.45—DllieMe. Tel. wnimu ler hall floor plan downstairs. • ilevard — lf» B , (no children) urgently need un- and teach other*? tu soil. Prefer 919^A—Dlnlnic Room Table Bile. brick six-room housp, tile bath, \ furnished housekeeping apart- man used to earnine $5,000 a year 49 ELM ST. . WE. 2-4747 Subject lo OPA. I dnaill. largv porch, --cur garage, l'^t ( ment. May 1st to Nov. 1st; rei- or more. Write Wallace, Box 202, 2-28-Bt WHI.L ROTTED Cow" «liJK»—nilICK MIIIIK clos.e to1 water h^at—oil, five iirrps of land.* urences furnished. "Write Box 90, C. C. DOW.VK * CO., Lti., l^J.OQ OV ALMOST 3 ACHES Ai^u largd building (new), can he I Newark, New York State. , 103 ELM ST. manure; ??d cord center. Oiled bill.*, an atittienik- enriy IS22.00O — COMPLETKLV MOIJBRX ' two. or three unfurnished rooms, IIVIIV CHI1I AND M SPENCER _—»_.. _ . Anjerican farmhousfi. e..?il>let*'i>' hou.>e —• tt-'P^ in every reeliecl;. phun« CR. 6-2934. In fc'ood condition. ton 06Z6-J1. 3-7-4t I1B the average brick cottage- t-arge reotored, yet retain itiK all the if kitchen nott included, would Tel. WE. 2-01S8. ally designed lunpmu i stable. About ii acres. cliarni of hand-hwen bt-atne-d a*il- ,-xirit ijirire Jiv ins room, three : need breakfaskf t kitchekith n privilegesiil . MOTHI^H OP FllK-SCIIOOL CHILD KHAMCII i BACH VprlKht Piano, and women. AcpoiJt ' ijifts. old hardware and rnndom firelilace.-*, lirivt-tloor powder room, For further Information telephone to drive children of same locality thoroughly -^condftlo/ie ,—d and in the home. ItOaAll KJ.00O — MOBEBNUED to the width flosrs. The hisuse h.is n *ltK->. Klve bvdl ooms. 2 tile baths ! Westneld 2-0387. to Nursery School in return for AMUlllCAV KI PLASTICS CORP., HAXD-PAINTED ' Joseph Ten-Ill. 333 SoutliA« hot water; garage and stable. bus. I'retly home in airy, coun- . wishes unfur- »2(l \OItTII AVE., K., METAI, WASTE BASKETS ITS, Call WE. 2-4268. 3-7-U Tel. WE. 2-4660. ,V tiv .itinoHjihort'. Hlpasi*nt .Hlir- , niched S-rooni partment. Tel. REYNOLDS & FRITZ Immediate occupancy. WB. 2-K96-J. WR, H-i;J0O . WBSTFIBLD, N. J. Beautiful floral decorations on pale •nry F. RirBO'd" OIuirl»« J. *™** r.-uiidiiiK* on a street that affords! green ,lisht blue, ivory or ma- SUPPL8 FOIl THE] MATEllNITY mBI lniiacy but not Isolutlon. Fire- MAID For General IlouMework and HOME! I'PHOLSTKIIEII. .*». 'vkalie Z-OIS3 Bn. 'plume 2-16S3 place In living room. Kitchen and : H'ltNISllBD 1IOOH nnil Gurage by roon backgrounds. $1.50 each. AND JUMPKR, A WHITE COLOXIAI. well lilac l.iilh cm 1>*> tno lora-j lllii'ii' . Ui'en l>ort*h ,-tt front and sett line in Westfleld. Indefinite Phone Westfleld 2-0996. ToolM — TiTlne. ! side. Aa older substantial house, i iiorsKCLEAMNt; and novelties now In UHk t OHSKSSION MAr 1«(. Cr»»*°rd. tion- Conter hall lhrn>->* K at our Hlze that carrier the number 1113 I3LM ST. utyllsts. Sizes 8 to !|| Exquisitely decorated. Sple and den. I^aree HvinB room ami II- • M' lerately nriceU at S'J.OOI). This! Leader. your home or miminen ; eood pay. of fine nationally advertised lines Weatftrld 2-01(11 exclusive nt span. Houso Just sparkles! Kit- biary both have flreiilnce*; the " if LI. l« nrm. ! Call WEWE . 2-2290-I2290-Ii be&re 10 in of ea.sy to use holtHcleanlne aids. lvln I on. :- Oil -1-nOOH APAnTMKXT or lovely bedrooms. ! colorctl Hied ynmll bungalow wanted by cou. aftef r 8. SoilolT, J. N. T.. Ccllowax, Bluko, IH ll.l)l.\(;. If you have not sel- HKUIIEllT! auers openinf? on a srrt.t..ried rmrch '— ^—•— Kevlva, Tavern, Johnsons, Old ected plans—Mrs. Lott will assist nlnlto Tlietttre Blilg^ Wn b&tlts with fhowere. Also a room pie, for April or May occupancy. SAI.KSWOMAX—Part Time on third Boor. Oil heat. Storm makes a perfect biiekffround for . 50..VK). SIX'-UOOM HOISK. LlvlriB Wp.Mlfteld 2-3119-M. 3-14-St English, Hubber GIOHH and But- you In formulating your ideas—• windows. Large colored cement your mahogany and nllvtr. Kit- with 011 tlrepliice, dining For exclusive KITI'B shop. chers ate Just a few of the brands do the preliminary designing to cTien and pantry with blue lin- 11. KUII norcli. Three Phono WE. 2-1410. wo carry. Also a complete line terrace, itcreened and awninged. oleum counters ami cabinet.* trl'it- HOI SI-! BV MAY 1M for family meet modern home standards in FIIIEPLACE WOOD. This Is an ununual property. d bath. Insulation, four—2 children. Tel, WE. DEI'KNIJABLE PKHSOV — Stay of Chamois, SponKes. Mopd, good the most practical and economical delivered. Phone Priced reasonably at »17000. Don't med in match InR blue. 25-foot hoot". I- .ir Kiirape. Jlay be quality Brooms and Brushes now way — furnlshlnsr the complete 13488. master tied room with tiled hath; intment. 25R3. with 2 boys (10 and 7 years) 2 other bedrooms and tiled hath. vn by ami, over niKht or board them occa- available. preliminary drawings KfalllTS. (Mr«.) Srlvla HarrUoo. Maid's room, bath and storajre rilJ: With \o Children urgent- sionally. Phone WE. 2-2O20-W. THE HOME PLANNING CENTER, HOOKS nOL'OHT, SOLD, Cldl ftpace on third floor. The entire iAlTIFIL JIOMK has Just been [ iy roqulro I-, 2- or 3-bedroom SMOOTH CLOTHES PINS . 10c dm. 244 North Ave., 1—5 p. m., West- for occasional furniturfc.# houae is f res lily decorated and in O'.uni>ictt'ty r*-niotU>led. Vt»ry lartru I house or 3-, I- or 6-room apart- GFSJVBKAI. HOUSEWOUKEn, part Mold 2-5336. 3-l4-3t knlck knacks, etc Ko t KMMO-4-R0ON HOUSE. 2-car ea- perfect condition. Oil burner. 2- Hvhigr r«.'om, entrance liall, li- ! ment anytime now to April 1st. time or full time, 2 in family, to MADE IN AMERICA 1T0RE1, Old Book Shop, 2S Wit rage. IjOt 60*176, liecent now car garage. Owner occupied, brary, modern tiled kitchen, lava- ! WeHtflelit 2-238], 3-H-21 start April 1st. 922 Mountain- 231 10. nilOAD ST. FINE OLD (JrliiulfntlilT'ii Clock in St., Morrlatown 4-l!lB, root and outelde »»lnt, I2S Myrtle $ 25,000. tory. Four )ar*rt* bi'drcKtiiis*, dress- • view Circlo or 'Phone WE. 2-1225. WKSTKIKLn 2.4B4S. runninB order. Alflo 3-plece CU- Ave, Address J, Sansone. (2 Ma- I two tiled baths. Oil GFvri.KM W. ..Ie, hiRhest ref- - If It'll Hard To Kind I Trj Hi Klmtl randale set. 548 Mountain Ave. htut. 2-cn garage, |S 1,600, j pletet., Summit. i-2«-4t GI1AXT SfUOOl erenccs, wlshe** to rind In West- WOMAV F*»r Oenrrnl HoitMe\v»rk, STUIJKXT PIANO, tuniJi— field one or two rooms and bath, no heavy laundry. 9 to 2, Monday, NISIAI.LY NICE HKI.ECT1ON of 1 I.AIIGK WAHDItOlir. Till'Mi, ditioned by expert; prfttll lent location within walking di»- I TH1I1TV u.iv OCfl'PtxCV. Wvch-i furnished or partially furnished: Tuesday. Thursday and Friday; small tables—cherry, mahogany, Excellent condition: $75.00. Vredenbureh, 240 NorlU 1HMEDIATK OCCl'PASCV tanoe to loit-o, .1 Hue older type j wo.nl ii^vm-r rmviiiK been trans- j house with a modernized kitchen 1 ferreil offers for *ale attractive ] niuut be up to date and good references; better than average and one with curly maple drawer. Wild. 2-0068. Cranford, with tiuel cabinets. Living room; Oliinial home in iroif cour-e sec- i neighborhood; can nlso use go- pny offered for good qualiflca- COIINER HOUSE, 1-lIO.M; CHANFOnDi s 1IOOMS, good residential neleh- rage if available. Phone eve- tlons. Write Box 87. care Loader. Marjorie Mlllen. 30-GALLON WATER BOILBIt, gas I .Sell Fur I.m * borhood, deisp private lot, excel- with ntldntone flreplnre. Unlit I ||(,n. Center hall, thr<,~ bedrooms i lent condition thruout, owner dlnlnB room ami small den: t! t,.-,th and lavatory. Complete In-i 302 BAST BHOAD ST. heater, and pines; $5 complete, moving. larB« llerht rooms, 4 uedrooius and tiled butli. I>elco i Huhition. Excellent condition '* DENTIST ASSISTANT— WestAeld 2-1291. Phono WE. 2-07,40, „ . -- bedronma, finished room in attfe- oil burlier, automatic hot Witter; i About five vuitrs old Call us for • Home experience. noufiii. _ J 12,000, one-car Karaire. I.arse nreti i ai.ni.lnlninni 117 sun" ' ! itt. B.xciiASGR 3-4-room apart- Tel. WB. 2-0506. 8INGLB SPOOL llEl). with aprlne OAK l.lllH.VUV TAHLB, tnahoftany Por best cash priced* iicreened porchpch.. Slay 1^1 mont, Juckfon Heights, for 4-5-6 and rnattresil; }2S. — • -•.. cot table, 2 swivel chalra, shower tind field Furniture, 20C T pancy. Jl 3,200. , I rooinn, this vicinity. Phone Glee- COUNTER (illll.—Stendy position. WB. 2-1391. window curtaluR, brlc-a-brnc. oaft or 'phono WE. 2-5160 J-FAJHI/J' In Rood accesslhla lo- CltAM'OKIl — Writ C» Soil, rich til exterior. J18.O00. 10S CEMHAL AVB. AVE. 2-01.2 11, Bteam hoat with ; family In Westlleld for elderly OAK OFFICK DESK with 9 draw- latly In Kood health; references, l,\l\l)lti:ss For Mundam Onlr. WEWE. 22-5274- . yard; delivery. Pl)o«i » KvenlnsM nnd S«udnj-« pall ers in excellent condition. Phone 3S47 from 7-8 p. m. lim IMMEDIATE OCCUPAXSV — out- Sim. ilets , . WE. 2-03IB i Write Box 84. euro I^nfler. WB. 2-4036-W before 11 a. m. gtandfn? example of earls* Ameri- wiisTfii:!,!) GAUDIINK. Spacious j . .—. CI.EHK Vxtr CleiinrrM nnd Uyrn 12>xl2'3" HIIO, 18 Century on roso write L, Fazio. 381 Crew! can farmhouse — 3 acres, fruit. ; beige background, perfect condi- Dutch Colonial in f-xi-*- l-on- ?-S-IlO0M IIO1 NK iir A|inrtmrnt office; Kteady nosition; good sal- tion; *75.l>0. Also. S.3xll).6 Orien- CLIMAX WnlniM Flnlah Tivln Beiln Elizabeth. W trees. completely modernised, dltlon. fenter hall, larire "llvinB i Furnlnhed or unfurnished, by ary. Apply LaBellc, Inc., 144 combination of charm and rinrd- HAROLD E. YOUNG CO. tal design Axminster rug. perfect, with Knfflander coll KprlngH and IF YOU 1>O YOIIII OWSDntH r....ni with open /ir,'plart., open \ young couyle; Westneld or 10- Ea«t Broiiil St. $35.00. WE. 2-2529-W. mattreHH. Phone Westneld 2- headed utility. K"Od location. Ap- A.IT0 FIHB LIFE Fflct-lK.-d port-h. Four beilroolns, I mllp radius. Write Box 72. care and Eular^ltiK, have your * pointment 128,500. two illi.fi baths, urrsslnir room i 5473-W. colored expertly and rtwnj- Leader Office. IIAVK VACANCIES In Krowlng con- Ill M"M. IIAHl'MW KODAK movliik' INSURANCE off master bt-ili-ooni, III.'IIU'H room - cern for the following: Typist- Oladys E. Carey, 70S SOQU If MJVE1.Y COLO.V1AI. center hall ami hath, fill heat; two-cur p- ! fcture camera, model "B," lens CUSTOM MADE; SLIP COVERS. WE. 2-2ff(17 clerk with good telfijihono volea; .5; excellent condition. Pull size WE. 2-2779. '•f remodeled farmhwime befnutifully REAL ESTATE WANTED eoiit clerk, knowledso of book- S bednpreadn. drapes, from cuscus- landncaped.' 3 acres arid brook. DIGT£ & violin, excellent condition. Call t' mtil 'P'Phonh e Spacious Interior, flreplacen, mod- keeping; clerk with HIKII School Westfteld 2-2126. WB?r28-52?ir.nM.miterlal- 3-14-4t SUITS AND SKIltTS M"* ern kllctteti (ind tiitthH, servantfi' . Owner < S. A. SAUNDERS, find Attractive Croiindii themlHtry to ausi.st in laboratory. also remodeling and : 5 daya—40-hour week, pleasant drosses and coats. SkllW Quarters. Excellent for executive occupied, six-room house. Freshly < ELM ST. . Phone WK. K-(M12I I vvuntpd in Rrice range J20000, to DESAUTIPL'I, COTTO.V PRINTS go 1)01,1. CARRIAGES. I.iirKP slie, with sales entertaining require- decorated. Steam lu-al. Lot .'Ox ! BvenliiKH WE. !!.lai3 i J30U00. — occupancy can be one HurroundiiiRM. lteply, Ktatinjf affe, on Male Saturday morning. First FoldliiK. Made Just like large mansliip. la Kim SI, »'* ments. $40,000, 1O0. Ixiw tnxcM. ONLY J7950. ! month to Mix months—all cash experience and salary desired. come, first nerved. Orill's Silk baby carrlaseM. 3 2 incheM hiKh; 2-169S-J. Mrs. Knit), '* buyer. H. K. Uroker. Uox -Ifi, care Write Box 88. care Leader, & Cotton Shop. 130 Kast Broad 28 inches long: taken a 22-lnch iNion iiinu sriiooi, DiwititT. i >iomus t'ovxTV leader Office. 2-21-St St., Westneld, 'phone WB. 2-3648. Doll, Duchens gear; rubber tires; KK«S AMI VOING DEB»« T. H. JUDSON, Jr. Pirpt-floor bf-droom and lavatory. nuiited and lined; four bow hood; ^Sljes 10 to 16; 5 to li • T. R. SARGENT, Broker Three bedrooms and bath on m-r-koiiJii rniis • CM XTI1V IIOHK. HI:I,I;ASII:I> XA%AI. OPPICKU EMPLOYMENT WANTED GOOD HOME WANTED for Scottio Kun Visor: wtorm cover; double Sprinif lino is arrlrlng « ond floor. Quick |io«se',Kion. lilt, 7 rooms, nil lm- would like to rent or buy, nre.- dog, 6 yearn old; no cost. Tel. action foot-brake: Gray leather- Edith Hill, 519 Eau Drat 102 i:i,M ST. J 15,000. U' acres. Taxes JUS. feralily rent, homo vicinity of EXPISIIT TVPIST Uenlren Tj-pInK WEst. 2-3964-W. ette and Hilvery metal parts. WI3. 2-1410. Opea Jioiwu » WE. 2-107O WoMtflckl. Cotilil aUo exchange to do at home, alonthly billing. FUKNITUHE. BEDDING AND a p. wni-VTAIXSIDEt llu«lm«« O|i|...r- Iionie In vicinity Allentown, Pa. SOI.O VOX FLOOIt COVERINGS Since 18IU. \ii.i.Ar. iKi'ii:, Pll.sy cDmmutlnir Htencils, etc. Telephone WE. 2- I'llSTANTIAI, »-ItfM>iu ««iue, i HinltJ-. VrontiUR on HlRlin-ny 2!l. wanna italiroad, S rooniji. ^Vrite 13ox 76, care deader Office. 14S1. 3-V.J- - ..t TcJ. AVE It. M. FRENCH & SONS, 13S Cen- IlKMOUKI.INfi. K yo steam lu-at, garage, -ri acre .Vorth I Six-room hoiJSf. fi(l;;12fi (molt m(.•IIIIi LaTc hall, orlKtnal w Id.; lloorn, 3-7-21 tral Ave., opposite Po«t Office. to remodel—Mrs. 1^11 Hide plot. taX'-s onlv J120. All i frontJik'e availrihlo rvawonable). lircpkK'i'K. Only imiirovemcnt. WOMAN Will D<<>> UKIH l.iiundrjl.iiundj,, ritl;i: — Male Kitten, 13 weeks, to remotlel-^-Mrs. Lot! this for J?,o«Ct. \ ti.000. loctrlc anil well water. Taxes cni:s'r\vnoi> — MAI-LB IIM.I, men's sliirts, or ironntKinnt , antntl will nicely marked tlser. Phone Cran- CIIICKBN COOP, mtiKe stiKBestii)ii» '" ""JinJ nly ?;si:..oo. I'rk-o S:,,Citio FAIIJIS — UIKSTMT 1'AIlMSi take It home. PPho n WEW . 22- ford C-0717. For particulars call latest knoivledno ot J»™J MODEKX IIOMK with nearly 2 iJl MUB Illlill SKCTKIV. Four ! 23M-W nftcr 5 p. in. WB. 2-0U48-J. M extra lavatory, ..CASH 111 Vl-.ll^. l'HIJK API'HAIS- of llvinu »l»u-''-l>»", i* I acres of beautiful £rrounu«; llrwt i l.wlrowm, batii CHUSTKI!—Nninll III —£1,250, I AI.H, BXflil.lU.Vr SBIIVICE, WIIJi EICIIAKOE ten-piece dining drawings — and, » J"« floor has 3f)xl* living room with Attiiclit-ii garage , oil heat. J12.00U. lirsiVESS (11IIL deniri'M room and room furniture, ohlottg tahle. for MAHOGANY nKDROOM! STITIi; — wood burning fireplace, 14x22 illn- AI.I, PllOSl'HCTS PKIINONAM.V IIAII AllKA—Very attractive i AIIOHPAVIliD IIV (HAI.IIII]!) hourd in cxchanKe for ll|?ht du- maple dinette net with cupboard Twin 4-poster bods. In good con- ins room svith tiuilt-in . clilna NKAH II1C11 AM) JDNInil IlKill. 1 I UK'- iUlll liUilllllitr 1; HKIMtESKN'riTIVK OK Olll OI"- ties, evenliiKs, Box HI, deader. and huffet. Call after 6 o'clock, dition. Also mahogany chest of closet, library with .separate im- Entirely rrmoih-iliHl. two br-utitl- P1CH. SAM'OHK SMITH, WR. 3-14-21 WE. 2-8072-W. drawers or cheat-on-chest. Wal- trance and extra lavatory, bed- ful tiled tiatlm. tlli-rt lavatory, a-lOS(l. K. r. SIIH1I.11. HBAI.TOII, nut dresser, larue mirror; not field 2-S33C. room with tiled bath; hecomi Moor HparkllnK tiled bllehrti. Five li.jil- ) COLONIAL I HIM I-:. 90 acres, SPKNOKIl SUPPOIIT 1IKHI<;M.[I more than 47 in. Ions. Box SO, has 2 unusually larse bi-drooinn, , rooms, oil hyat. $L'-,u•• doing (rt'ncrnl houHework. Call especially, for you to ffet rid of care Ijeader. SPKCIAI. double garage; $21,000. WE, 2-3631-J. your bulge" and Klve you health- ipdress your liiwn t.»» ";,« SIfArKAMAXON' SrplKm. StniK.. FARMS FOR SALE ful poHture. Mrs. Florence A. cnow.v .II:UI;I. GAS STOVE, BUS Topd lirlch and »l licit. I Hurly oe- 1 HV I-WHM—|o IT'Illiiti"! up for your Victory I'"™""' hoiiii'. MOTHKIl'H I1KI.PKU or part tlmo Schlerenbeck. 264 Prospect .St., ltadiant Fire, small uteam Iron, 1 1 EAST 1IIIDAI) .ST.. not too far from eiipiincy. Five bedruniii..;, thri't' i lnii-vi'iir-oid jIirNTI'lRIlON COUNTY Fnrma and! WE.. 2-U619. 2 bird caBes with stands. Tel. now, while I . " jjjj ||,r iiS* town, center hull. IOK burning hathH. hiv.ili.t-.v. I.ivlris room lf,x) ivilh worker from after Hehool until SU-I 27. (ill lu-nt. 525,001), i lluors, | lloiiu'.s. All types. Large or i after dinner. Call WIS. 2-144H-J. WE. 2-tMD6-W. 1-10 I«1B« fireplace. \ bedrooms, oil hrat, l^n llOlHI.HOIK PUItMSIIlMiS—Ma- N Jt liath [ Small. Improved or unimproved. ^ '2\i-'<\9 y» l)ltKintKN • J!5"'' \$ Howl nu in. i Almost NO TAXES. Write or sec MIDDLE ACICI) WOMAN desires hogany hureau with mirror, $1.". uUl1 eosaoo lot; sicooy. CHANT Srillllll. I1ISTHK T. l;ulH ' ClrciiKKian walnut bureau with I:V(;I.ISII iiAci.vt! WHKEL, •K) or more bniibnuM .. i,,i,d -FAMILY with 4- ami .">-rot,m for owner on plot llilixir.o. Trees. • HL'Oll SMITH, Realtor. Hunter- work i KIIIK care of Infants in Cnll WIC. U-103.I-W. Alum PKAT.MOSSS . P« ""' .x..Hvc. ; don Cutinty l.'AHM SPKOIAl.IST, arms In the daytime and will be mirror, (15. Clrey sint'le metal apartini-nts, one owner necupllHl, Kolir tn-ilrooins. Iwn b;i!lis nlilsi silo mm : Alk-rtim, N. J, (Route .10), P. O. .. sitter in the eveniilKs. Phone heil with MprinMTM and mattre.su, MATEIIIALS IIV THE VAltl) other rented at Soino steain >ic-at. tiriit-llnor inn Ill's room n nil hiith. I l.ull $10. Urown metal tliree-riuarter WK!. Uniall oak rockimr order. •Kist.r.-d i " chair, »1. WE. 2-0'JI).-,. NOltTII Nil)!-;, convenient to cintiT, mid ii' t I!.:1K1IIII LOTS FOR SALE lield 2-01129-lt. C. C. DOWNK * CO., Lid., two 4-rnom .iiiarln!c.ntH. Kti>:im DIETZ & SMITH j . Price }i ID." lOIAI .ST. heat, double frnr:t|ri.-. .M)x-lio lot, ' 111 CK.VI'IIAL AVI',. WE. 2-1IIH) ! incurne $77.r.u niuntlily; f;i,liou, ' liinti: is vm ii oi'i'OitTiMTV ! JULIET R. McWILLlAMS Mmillirrr of Ctirl II. ll,,,ilh SUBSCRIPTIONS T01 WK1.I. I.OCA1 •Mil a-limill,, Hr.-t A .'.-room Iniiiiriilow "ii tin- cul- tlii'Mor (HTii-e floor linn i lo'.irui ami bmli c-f- }• Illll iiir-f;*' lot. • - - iivtuu ditiii i L: I•HI Mil I' be oi.ii III.AIIVIOVI: in,,, ond lloor C rooitiH ami 2 l.alii-i. : kltrh "11, MAGAZINE ORjW hot writer bent with gtoki-r; :-i-:ir a ml tlh •<\ im" "full it Iif PI e ChrMrr II) JOURNAL PRINH Hariign; Cr.xlKn lot; Incoim. 11^0' he t tn-n ell it g, ^. n ; t'Utll LOT 1011 S.I 1.1-—KIN llrndfnrd Ave. monthly; JlJI.iHKl. ^ •-nit;,rh' ,,l ,ril rut*' "1" 'li I'l.AIV!-11; I.I) sjiar time. Aihlr «(|tiitro piano; mahogany drop- [>'!]•(•: IIA1IV < AllllIAlii; <, h -••: He t-t • IHIJIK : I,,.v<-ly plot '-'•Alii. J2.-,l)(i; llnancllIK i I^iader Onk-e. leaf table; mahogany sideboard; S >r.. «OOI1 HOI SWvKU lI'liin'M A ItAltCAlx In a ,.}in|, o i ml. Jl-1 .'.no. ; f'.r ni-w ronstiurtioii will bo ar-' III BOOII condltton. Victorian desk; play pen; niaiioK- : Till. WK. 8-1206-11. lot In the (InrrlcHs. l:'-, fi frmit-; JUST rariKcd. Jer.-i-y MwleaBe t'n.. 2S0 ;: PAHT TIM 10 any Kmplre them. Townscnds, IIKO nn n corner [or JI,-,(MI. Tliiti : «!-;vr I.!*:?H'WS 1-*A mi WHAT mi utii: -N'-rlh Ilroiul St.. Kllzitbt-th, -plioni' sbortliiiiKl, WK. 2-4464. one wnii t lust lunu. , h imr re> HIM il:i:\ i.niiKiM: i-nn KliziilH-th ;i-(i!ioli. :i-7-^t i spi-i-lalty I HIHI.'S 24" IVBII JOIISSO.V Ill.'jcle it'll. 1 IV !l nil Cood condition ; 122. lilir. lavjH L. Mll'll MAPLIC IIUIOAKl'AST ROOM HHT- Allrni'ilvr s-Ktnnlly ' f! (->'• t tin iir • • -.". IM .IIIH"M I CtlltMill I,OI'. IIHI' v 1IHT ! Tel. WB. 2-173'J-J. I- tli ruble nml 4 1'halrn: Ultchcli fan; t ' 11 v tT'i ru! !!• M)l'. -I) ;iiit til! IITA1VN tVnalir.l nm| Strflihril. •si-.-lb-i SI'tlTIII PLtlXK ,V MtlVAIIK \VK. • jiorch Kllder, Tol. Wli. 8-1063 Karnif.-., Iliixr.O lot, hi'|.i.|iii." IT'l inun.<-I , %. j ?-•"' — i' B"t"i buy. I ha about kil'i t i i «!" ", i montSily; $".',:,0(l, • linji'. Ilrnr. Tel. Kl.. 2.J12O p. in., Kauirilay. 1 1 r;it 1M1O IM:K r V \ < All. Kl(|ii Mini II AVI-;. 10 fruit trees, ;i years d l linn t i.. ' 1.,Auii. (; UtUIIIIIli Altrnetlir (l.ltmiiii lleiimtt, Ilninlltou Ave. - LAUbr.ltN, cucli l,r Ion,-. $111 ••ir"' litAin.i; ht K x J 111 Il.DIVti LOT, i;,x AUTOS WANTED each. 1 hmtr-ry charKer, (ill. I lot: Ji'UKio. ' ' '' '"' ~ • II '. f'ii- ftit r,- ii.-t- :it r, ,is.,n;il,!,. ;H.VI1V'W HAKSINKT on l-'l.-i- Liislnian pbotoKiunhlo si-ale, *-l. "-'-- I.ini-'.ln K it -Coi.it IU-IKI,. : lurgii Klr.f, in nxccllfnt t.. ! Mini tanli, !2. 2 BIIIBM truys, r,Uf. nril.l^IlH IICI'lllt'lTMTV -- f,;n il- tin.-;' M-honl;; aiHl SHI. 1'hoim WK. 2-2709. l'ho WE. 2-4;t."i4 tfvt ft rlu.li-e liullilini; li,i,« ,-,,,,- It. T. .Messier. WK.-l. ' urn. I1O1 S UK \< I' Vl-llIl-lU tu |.f.|||,i' [i, j,|n,,l iniM. :'.-il-;it 1Vf«ttleliI i'-(Win HOI'Ml lllsuii IIOO.M TA1H,I] and ttr.li; <:|l t-t.f-t.,ui, (I'.viHM- will iir- . IK i'l.- of III. !!,'.,,: ( Ilmiford (l-UITi i-flit S3H"l; Kilitm..!,- (or I:! 1,,.,,„,,„; .•515,500 linli-K. jo. Whltn puri-rliilii (-••h lot ..-iii ,.,.. , „,...- ...... »i-|-i1'L - »••* II | I* ITfik'in I apro fri. 42" sink wlfli rlKht- II VI 111 M> t i Hi-inv iciv i I I I •U 1 II t I 1 THOMAS O YOUNG LOST AND FOUND \lt 1 M 1 II li \ i II IM inn II N \ IIVVS Mil \| | k I I I tit-, i 1 ' M '-'.tti\^ in (i % II 1 N III II II I VM 1 fSTAIt I I ill .iil' fl * 1 \l M I 11 \ | i I U TOR SALt ii in i M —\l I III M I I I ni.ll S | | | II \ II MUM I II tl)l in II

I i I \L JOHN I BPOW! R, HL lloi I n '.., . •'...' '.'.••• i YOUR PKOl'I |{| Y I HIM liltll — llriiiiilliil I .iloiilm K- \l 1 < I I III I.IM 1 ll.'l I MiflUWIIHUi' I in \t IV 1 •- I I it = I.IKi; Mill'. 1 i i t I I It I It* ft IN MOIirQAGI MON1Y m \r i i\ i i i fn i 111 111 I > ID I Kl I M \ hi -.11 li I Ml i .1 mil IM.AV>;H, I I Lll I IM I II i rli I it f 1 A OTHER \ \ ! I 111 Illl l\ I I 1 I \ IM 1 ! 1 II 5SIFP* IIIIIIM II i G ' F1OW1 AND M >V III- I II 1 - M /MK VH I II II Mil M \\ I »vif I* i (i . i HUM vv \*,t p\\ 1 r -f r'fp il «i»r Of! • 'M THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 Page Win* Feb. 26. He was a Navy y.j.2 Muriel L. Wilhelm, Russell Sage liege for Winner., with two class-week-end in Cincinnati where she student and at graduation was '43, was home for a week-end to ' mates as guests, Marion Stewart atli-mlid the wedding of a class- commissioned an ensign in tie Na- visit with her parents and sisters, jof Youngstuwn, 0., and Sally Ken- mate, Imogene Sullivan. tans val Reserv*. Muriel is stationed in Washington, i nedy, Cleveland. * • • • * • D. C, USMCWB and expects to be . • • • At social chairman for her chap- Memberships In The Betty Lee Heavener, Beaver '49, discharged in a couple of months.! ,.st«ff s*' Howard G. Knfer was ter of Trl-Delti Margaret Gillis,' Arnold Whitaker received the formerly of West-field, now of Hope- , . , I dischai Ked honorably from the Floi ida State College for Women | degree of Bachelor of Science in well, has been put on the dean's M7, has Leun bussy with airango Aeronautical Engineering: at thelist after completing her firstse - The College OrganizaHon for j ^Z^l^t^en^rJTS nients for their spiing dance. Westfield Community Concerts 80th commencement of the Massa- mester. General Service at the Woman s T, . , _. , ., , , chusetts Institute of Technology • * • P # n I TT.t;WA(. iiu una I'nnceton University, where he Adelaide Berse, 46, University S":SttUnr^f^!^- • V-r to ,„ for hi degree.Alpha Phis To Meet materially aided the organizationg ; DaviJ ,„ ,, Walttls. DoaI Are Now Open of Wisconsin, was a hostess at the The Alpha Phis of Noithoin president's home recently at a de-in work as nurse's aides at Duke Sgt. Winford Sowell, Donald Stew- Hospital, as workers in clothing New Jcisey will hold a buffet sup- ception for incoming students. She tut and Norimin \Vuu|j:h bpent the per at the home of Mrs. Donald and other war efforff t fdrivei s andd in ,wet .k.cnd i)t a inill.wintcr nouse has been appointed chairman of jMooro, 861 Oiirletnn Rd., on Fri-- New memberships taken now also include tickets public relations for senior week. community chest and USO P<°;, ,)a,.ty at Centenary Junior College, grams. Jill Kalqutst was one of Hacketutuwlli day evening, Mar. 15 at 7:15 p. m. j-Lt >*?>•** *if \% rt i|«r^

PRESCRIPTIONS r,- Gel Your Spring I ELM STREET . PHONE WE. 2-0662—0663 Dry-Cleaning

Then contact Brown & Trim Lawn Maintenance, Keller's without delay. At this time your clothes Charge It, PLEASE will receive the benefit Gratings of more thorough hand- ling, restoring them to MAIN OFFICE spic-and-span freshness, and AND PLANT: ready for the first I3-1S Waihlnglon Avi. PI.. ll-HIUll __ balmy Spring days. BRANCH STORE Permanent Driveways. 207 Park Ave. • WESTFIELD WE. 2-0066 *28 E. Broad SI. rh«l» WE. 2-0046 A. S. Mannino BROWN a KELLER'S CU:\\i;itS and ItYKItS , WE. 2-2474-J. /' • COLD STORAGE AND DRY CLEANING Charge It, PLEASF COME ON OVER MIKE'S WOOLEN SHOP CuxnrtH—rinhiirtllnrM—Mlit'lltmdff itk Tni'Cfls—CliecltK f Now f.ocwitfmii 107 Main St., BOUND BROOK Opp. I rel^IH HfnttiMi AIMX l.nrixc Helrvtlm* of T IUM

R. J. GOERKE CO., Elizabeth, N. J. This iq my implication for an I?. J. Coerkc Co. Charge paramount wave Account: Like a majfic wand the .skilled hands of our beauticians turn slraitfhl hair into lustrous, PROMPT SERVICE - WE CAU FOR AND DELIVER lovely liiirlM with this in- AACICEI STATIONERS nlElacL 35 ELM STREET vidually boxed permanent. WESTFItLO, M. J... TELEPHONI- WE 20583


Cleans Phone WX 5252 SIGNATURE WINDOWS — WALLS (No Toll Charge) WOODWORK Pliono Sale,,, 3rd Fl. Crjuifoid (J-2747 after S P. M. Wx.52S2 (NoToll Charge) OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS 'TILL 9 THE WESTFIELD ..LEADER, THURSDAY,.. Page Ten observed stop on Grove, and with tomers only." , .. „ , commuters making Central a.speed- THE WESTFIELD LEADER for the future of this magnificent ahlmfil. Such things should not be allow- • way, plus heavy trailer trucks roll- There are only about 12,000 moose left ed to happen any more. Let us j in"" "down Central Ave. hill past Public In the United States and the species is A Year Ago At This Time hove honest stores for the benefit 'this point at 30 to 35 miles an headed toward extinction. of us all, with courteous service as i hour, it is no wonder things hap- before the war. These are but a few examples. Many ipen at the rush hour. Nothing The Veteran's Service Committee laid initial plans for aiding vet- ! short of some type of traffic sig, Cd, Rnlvivil ul the P".-t office at WeMficlii. N. J., areas have been found almost devoid of erans in returning to civilian life, i nal controlling all traffic at Grove company H« iii'roild fln*!f Matter. once-plentiful upland game birds. Com- • • * * Appreciative BlW Published Thursdays ttt Westdeld, New JfWW |and Central, plus a "no passing l haVhoSf liy Tin- Wmtfli-W Leader Printing and Publishing plaints of poor hunting—or no hunting Mrs. Paul A. Johnson was greeted by Girl Scouts when she as- ! zone" will cure- the trouble. sition since y,ii Company. An Jndel>*-mlent N«nvspaiH>r. sumed the post of executive secretary. Editor, Leader: | Now there is no white line, no For H OrrU-ial J"n|ier fur the Town lit WrstlioM. —are all too common. Preservation of years prior to 'that • • # * You, together with so many 01 slow warning, except on poles at aser of the cmm'i 1» «•„, iiiiiisrrliiiliiri ratn 52..1O a year In advance, American wildlife as one of this coun- Mr. Vage'os' friends, here and else- U The Town Council for the third time, denied a request of Charles the intersection. How about some nation depai.,lncns Established 1SSO. try's most valuable assets is a matter of -vhere, have been so kind to my house Electi icCoiJ; E. Dooley that he be permitted to operate his property at Elm St. and action? Office: 50 Elm Street, WMlfl'ld, N, J. grave concern to all lovers of the out- Cowperthwaite PI. as a funeral home. daughters and to me since his Tel. WI3. i-H07—WE. 5-44CIS. tragic death that we are over- HAROLD B. STODDARD doors. / • * * * whelmed. Public education will be a vital fac- Two local boys, hospitalized in England, were entertained there We have tried to thank all of NATIONAL €DITORIAL_, by the Granthnm Rotary Club. They were: Robert Crickenberpr ami tor in producing maximum effectiveness you, but have been unable to do -""r ASSOCIATION! James W. Gentles. A third Westfield resident was entertained at tne all that we would like to do. for the conservation measures which all Moss Empire Theatre in Nottingham. Perhaps our best thanks as well states must adopt in order to prevent • • * * Sli-mutr:—Quality Weeklies of N. 1. as the best way to honor the mem- extermination of the birds and animals The Franklin School PTA raised $852.03 via a movie benefit for ory of Mr. Vagelos, is tocontinu e which enliven the woodlands and fields. the visual aid program, the business that he established in • * * * Westfield over forty years ago, Wildlife is one of flTe five basic nat- Robert N. .Inglis was named chairman of the forthcoming United along the same lines he had fol- THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 ural resources which are included in Nations Clothing Collection. lowed. the current nationwide educational cam- • * * » Members of the family join with Need For Care paign which is being conducted to make Miss Jean Thompson was the bride of Corp. Robert W. Meiss. me in sincere thanks and appre- Westfiolders are shocked at the ciation to all who have been so 'AR.AD[ the public realize the'need for conser- LETTERS TO THE kind during these sad days, local traffic accidents which have vation. Mrs. Elpinike Th. Vagelos caused throb deaths in as many weeks, EDITOR Washington m na Wj and brought injuries to other persona. "No Passing" Zone Other Papers Say: Authorities had predicted, of course, Traffic Danger Snapshots By JAMES PRESTON Editor, Leader: that with the return of normal traffic, Editor, Leader: The fatal accident last Friday the accident rate would rise sharply.'It 100 Years Or Now? The executive bonrd of the' Wom- OMM»««* *••••••• at Grove and Central plus & num- Join the parade of wile men and i»t was expected that persons accustomed A trained seal can balance a big an's Association of the Presbyte- ber of other serious crashes at this rian Church desires to express its A couple of monkey wrenches who save consistently, Build a fiiuf to the thin trickle of traffic and slow globe on its nose. It is quite an adept have been tossed recently into the intersection, calls attention to the deep concern over the increasing apparent lnck of attention by town reserve, co that you will be ready forfe speeds of gas-rationed days would have number of traffic accidents in town. Administration's carefully - geared act and folks pay money to see it per- plans for the continuation—with- officials to the plain common sense lost their alertness. That pedestrians formed. Since the lifting of gasoline ra- solution of tho traffic problem in future . , . save now So that you may fo. tioning many motorists have for- out change—of the Price Control would forget to look before crossing the Act. this area. Perhaps the Leader There are some fnembers of Con- gotten the simple rules of safety ean needle the town officials suf- later, tnose things thst are hot now «Tifl. street, and that drivers would be un-gress who say the national budget can't and, show an utter disregard for The administration had hand- ficiently to get them to study and picked a list of witnesses before able. prepared for the prompt action neces- be balanced for a century,-if-then. But the sliced limits, even in the busi- solve this problem before any more ness district. On the other hand, the House Banking and Currency lives are lost. I for one would bo sary in an emergency. a grotip of the leading economy advo- the carelessness of pedestrians and committee and they were expected glad to serve on a committee to All too tragically the lesson has cates in both houses of Congress and of boys and girls on bicycles is a to defend tho OPA and urge tho study and bring about action. status quo. been brought home to us. Yet traffic from both political parties declare it constant source of anxiety to car The area on Central from Eliz- drivers. But something went wrong. abeth Ave. to Myrtle should be has by no means returned to normal. can be done—and in the 1947 /fiscal In particular, it seems to us that Ralph Flanders, president of the classed as a "Slow"—"Drive With When tires become plentiful ahd new year, too! there is an urgent need for a Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Caution Zone." No passing should and member of the advisory com- HE cars are in production, we may expect Sueh men as Byrd, Tydinga and change of some sort in the traffic be permitted in this two block signals at Broad and Elm Sts. so mittee of the Office of War Mobil- stretch. In the first place, many such an upsurge of traffic oft our streets' Dougton from the Democrats, and Van- thatpedestrians will be able to gee ization and Reconversion, did' not school children ride bikes out of And "highways as has tieVer been seen denburg, Taft and Knutson from the ths lights from any corner, a con- defend the price control agency. Manor Park on Elizabeth to Cen- To the obvious astonishment of before. A crop of youngsters has grown Republicans, with others, have joined dition which does not prevail at tral, some turn left, the others pro- present. Further, we fully endorse Committee Chairman Spence and ceed on Central to Junior and up. quitfc unaware of the danger that together in a balanced-budget pledge the sentiments expressed by Mrs. New Deal members, Mr. Flanders High School. With only a half "Tke Cnlr National bmik In WutttU" lurks behind swiftly moving cars. They and thus give substance to their pro- E. K. Merry Jr., in her letter to attaacked the agency and proposed • . *»• BftKk Wllli tke Clock aro heedless and carefree as they run the Leader in the issue of Feb. sweeping changes in the existing gram for a multi-million-dollar cut in act. out into streets from between parked 28, regarding the need of more the budget. They have thrown politics adequate street lights. Upset by Bankhead A REMINDER cars, and weave their bicycles in and HELEN M. WALKER, out the window in their crusade for a On the Senate side of the Capi- The Primary election will take out of traffic lanes. solvent America. (Sirs. R. E.) tol, another unexpected develop- President. ment perturbed the Administra- place on Tuesday, June 4th. Police Chief Schreiber has promised To be eligible to vote you must This patriotic group of economy tion. An investigation by a sub- be registered properly. The to enforce traffic laws With renewed leaders declare that 23 billion dollars Health Pool? committee of the Senate Agricul- deadline for registration is vigor. Thus, perhaps, motorists and ture committee into cotton textile April 25th. Any citizen may of the 35-biIlion-dpllar 1947 budget is exports turned into a series of re- vote if he. has reached the age ASuperiorLaundrySem pedestrians alike will develop a new debatable spending. They see in that Editor, Leader: sounding attacks on OPA. of 21, if he has lived in New Recently I read an article in one respect for the law and new traffic 23-billion-dollar area ample opportuni- One witness, Charles Cannon, Jersey one year, and if he has of the leading magazines urging a been in residence in Union habits. But more than that must be ties for spending cuts to'erase the pro- fund, comparable to a Community chairman of.the board of the Amer- ican Cotton Manufacturers Asso- County 5 months of this re- At Less Cost done. posed deficit. Cheat, to pool resources now p'ri- quired year. If a registered .vately contributed to countless sep- ciation, termed the Of A textile voter.ha^ moved, ho must trans- Every driver must take a solemn program "n miserable failure," and The New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- arate agencies dedicated to the fer his address. ,A veteran to *liive 20% j—-,pi»b,. and Carry --, ShWi )*! pledge to drive more care/ulljt, more work of prevention and cure of in- •recommended,wide- revision of ex- be eligible to vote mtist give tion has urged every irfemTOr of the: isting price regulations. alertly, than he ever -hatCbWcu& 'Par- dividual diseases. Infantile paral- notice of his change to civilian state's Congressional delegation to suft^ ysis and tuberculosis are two The development which upset -address. Be sura you are reg- ents should give their children a re- port the balanced-budget program of which have received tremendous the Administration was the atti- istered properly with the Town newed briefing in traffic behavior, and sums of money through good pub- tude of Senator John Bankhead, Clerk at the town Municipal the bipartisan economy group. The asso- Building, Prospect Street, open schools might well renew their courses licity and the "right" backing and Alabama Democrat, who headed IVORY LAUNDRIES ciation says: "War agencies overdue for efficient methods of collecting con- the subcommittee. He criticized daily, Monday thru Friday, in traffic safety. Gone are the carefree, 1 8-5; Saturday, 8-12. It is a 16 PROSPECT STREET demobilization should be abolished," tributions annually—the "March OPA almost as sharply as Mr. great American privilege to bucolic days of a year ago. Ahead and warns that federal spending on a of Dimes" and the Christmas Seal Cannon did. vote. campaign. is an' era more dangerous than ever huge public works program with deficit In the best interest of Repre- sentative government. before. If we don't take steps, and dollars will tend to inflation. These arc in themselves admir- er for 18 years, I was summoned drastic ones, the coming motorized age able causes for the public to sup- to court for my first infraction of Westfield Women's What a trained seal can do with a port. But so are some others, af- may take more lives than we thought the rules which govern such situa- Republican Club, spinning globe, a determined economy- flicting many times more of our tions. Irene T. Griffin, Prei. were saved by the end of the Second people than either of these two and minded Congress can do with a 1947 Subsequently, your paper has WE. 2-1480 GIFTS for every event World War. which receive very small and to- budget. It's just a question of balance. tally inadequate support for clinics listed other "first offenders" but *» I* M and research. the fines imposed have not exceed- —N. J. Taxpayers Association. ed *1. The Time Is Now Science has conquered such di- Will some one of your readers seases as plagued the populace dur- Glassware April 1 is only 18 days away, and ing the past few centuries: Bu- advise me if there is a fixed fine, Jewelry Peacetime Air Force or is the amount of such fine de- that's sooner than you think. So that bonic plague, rabies, smallpox, pedent upon' the present humor of it won't turn into an April fool for you The peacetime program of the Army etc. We have gone a long way to- ward stamping out tuberculosis the presiding officer? and your car, better get that license Air Forces call for an establishment of and are developing better tech- MRS. R. H. TOMLINS" Fine, Perfect Diamonds plate now—if you aren't one of the 400,055 officers and men and 8,200 op- niques for treating the compara- forehanded souls who has already done erational planes, plus 6,000 planes in tively few stricken with infantile Thanks the air reserve and air units of the Na- paralysis. The Cancer Society is so. * corralling public endorsement of tional Guard. In the view of the War Editor, Leader: Business at the Motor Vehicle Regis- a program which will aid millions At the close of another success- Department, this force would be suffi- of sufferers from a terrible disease >au allemcmn tration Bureau on North Ave. is getting ful Red Cross campaign we want cient to defend American possessions fsboiit Avhich little is yet known. to thank the Westfield Leader for 1 heavier every day, but unless everybody Jeujeler/ and provide a quota for the interna- These physical ailments have a the splendid co-operation we re- has undergone a sudden reform there'll dramatic appeal which loosens the cevied on publicity throughout the tional police force contemplated by the 135 e. broad st. bo a long line outside the office on pursestrings. But other diseases drive. United Nations charter. must pick up the tunnies which We arc sure that Wcstfield's March 30. (To make matters worse, drop from our pockets. Heart di- success in all drives is in a great this year, March 31 is a Sunday.) Laymen can hardly hope to know sease (the greatest killer in the measure due to the excellent cover- country) and rheumatic fever, for Weather's nice and balmy now for whether this program is adequate, over- age that is always extended by the ambitious or too modest. But some in- instance, are almost completely ne- Leader. standing on line, though early birds glected by the public. Discussion May we, therefore, assure you "A" We*ro in business for your don't have to do much waiting anyway. teresting comparisons are available to of the social disenscs is avoided. that nil your efforts! in behalf of health. To keep you feeling fit ic JetUer Kmotional and mental disease is the mission of our skilled rcf- But wo remember many a March 31 afford a basis for judgment. At the time Red Cross are greatly appreciated of Pearl Harbor, for example, the Army which is growing HO alarmingly in and we extend to you our sincere iatered pharmacists. And never when the rnin rained and the wind blew. the modern world sends only its ban there been n time when Good Air Forces comprised 354,1 Cl officers thanks. Was there one when it snowed? most advanced cases to our men- W. PAGE SELBY, Health was more important. and men operating 10,327 planes of all tal and pennl institutions, and for Hi r.a p« Chr. 194G Red Cross Fund If you're a bit under par, types. At its wartime peak, in March, the vast majority of those need- better call on your Physician ing help there is no place to turn for a careful clirek-uj,. Then, Our Wildlife 194 1, it had a strength of 2,383,000 offi- where skillful guidance with prob- Stores On Outskirts America's treasured wildlife is face cers ami men flying C-i,591 planes. From bring hi» prescription to il,|, lems and early treatment of symp- pharmacy for careful com- to face with the greatest crisis in its these figures it U a reasonable conclu- toms can prevent the further warn- ing of personality. pounding. You jiay no mori! histoiy. This is due to several factors. sion that while the War Dopartmc-nt is for that extra ineua!fs ARcney vircmmonl. Another vital consideration It is pertinent to no!i> also that in lav- t" it that the nation's health pro- nkirts of town. t>. ].u«r«. !•(,,<:. . 5, ivrtntraufc, Ph.Q. ing its plans the Aimy Air Forcus took i't'am :i:i a whok--- both physical It would hi' very appropriate tci HIIOAU AND El.!U s TIIKKTS which now confronts federal ami state 1 riionrs Mill. 2-2338 into consideration the N'avy'.t carrier i .nd mental - is brought uj» to the have one fotnl fforc a[ the end of conservationists, i.s that the prediction HKiv.iinum of efficiency. Euclid Ave, and Ninth Ave. aluni; that with the end of the war the num- force*. Kveii so. the program must lie the riiilrnud, where there aie am- It MTm? tn me that the best w:\y Now Ready For Delivery: ber of Kporliiinoii would lie increased approved l>y the joint chiefs of staff tn nssiire the cove-rage of all our ple pm-kirnpmkirnr nptii-enptiies us well ata-t room before it in tutiimilted to Congress. That limlth m-fii-i is |iy jtlst :~llell il Nll- for very larjre s-Sore.-is-Sore-i. by nt, leant fifty per eenf, is now lieing I mention A. ,\1' f*. Mmo ],,.,. n -n >••= to ,-ay Hint the. aim has been to solve tionnl Honlth Ch.-'t. r,r r.-in..- rnm- ;i ; NEW FREEZER CABINETS, realized. 1 lnunbli' pooling of ri'Miun:t\« to that store sluuild get the rrcilit tin. problem as part of the whole broad tight few perfectly I'lio rcct'iil inventory of America';! patient of national security.—Montclair those which may I-JHIII' t« afflict our Htraiirbt ytoicn dining tho v/ar a.-t SMALL RADIOS and USED big game, made by I he U, !-;. Fish and Times. people in llic future. wi-ll IIH nt the present time, here NKLl, 1{. TKKMAINE in Wextljel.l. Ali hauH-wivK know Notary Wildlife Service, disclosed some sfart- that lliere h'i- never been n f Jinjf fiicls. For example: The grizzly The number of C,\r\ Scouts in theDog License Fines Public bear population in (his country is now ('nilr-il States lias inereiiiried more titan c. v reduced to n msTc 1,1! 1"—and OKI ,SiI- 75', since December 7, 1941. This week Kilitur. Lender: vertip will soon be found only in na- On Keti. U, 10.10 I was fined$ 2 approximately 1,200,000 Girl Scouts are in the Town Hull for failure to tiiin/ij parks. We have only about 15,- laking part in the celebration of the L. E. Tnntum, Appliance Sales procure a dug license within the Seeing severul doznr, t»« of sugar 000 bighorn HIK'O|> left ami the number fiiiriy-fourlh anniversary of Girl Scout- time specified. SO Elm St., on the counter, I started rny order Weilficld, N. J. !H xloadily decroTisinjf, leaving little hope ing in tho United States. Aa a resident of Westfield for with the sugar but wan told that the pnst 23 years, and n dog-own- "that sugar was for sprain] cus- THE WESTFIELD LEADER; THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 nciiijr v. natuji&un, pastor of ing used for grammar school class- a Building Fund Society of parish- Co-op participating in the current the establishment of co-operatives Trinity Holy Trinity Church, at the six es. The grammar school, adjoin- ioners formed during the war for membership drive. The meeting all over the -world. Masses in the church. ing the hig-h school, is at First St. jjostwar expansion. The fund is was opened by Dr. Howard Bon- Refreshments were served by a The addition to the three-story and Trinity PI, and has an enroll- benig continued and Monaignor nett, president, who explained the committee headed by Mrs. Seheur- structure in Trinity PI. will be ment of 402. The „£'/„ho™ b "Watterson and his assistants, the morfi, of 4-hu rani, n-ff J.I. _ l_..;i ]• *._!!...... • m.nwj* til- purposes and methods of the drive, mann after the meeting. In con- made at the rear of the building, rollment is 222. with the new classrooms occupying Rev. John F. Davis and the Rev.He introduced Rev. Davis. nection with the current member- h School the first floor and the eymnasium- Future plans call for construc- William Furlong, urged parishion- Eev. Davis emphasized the spir- ship drive, two tasting parties have auditorium addition the second and tion of a 16-classroom school and ers Sunday to continue their sup- itual, social and economic aspects been arranged by Mrs. P. Oppen- Plans To third storicE. The cost has not been palish center across First St. from port. of the co-operative movement, heimer at the Co-op Food Store, estimated. the present buildings, but this proj- and said its middlo-of-the-road phil- South Ave., on Thursday, Mar. 21 Jj'pourClassrooms ect will not be undertaken until Rev. Father Davis osophy WHS a bulwark against to- and Wednesday, Mar. 27 at 8:16 Monaignor Walterson said if building conditions are more fav- talitarianism of the right and of p. m., to which the new members costs and conditions ai'e favorable, orable. The parish owns this and the general public are invited. . for tiw expansion of Holy construction would start in April Addresses Co-op Meeting the left. Co-operative self-help was ADOPTED FROM THE OLD property, now used as a play- the only method by which the poor ; Hfeh School by the addi- so the addition would be ready for ground. Holy Trinity High School At a special meeting held in the could inherit the earth, he added. YARA, New Group, %ur classroom...ndien use in SeptemberStb , draws students from surrounding ADAPTED TO THE NEW municipaliti YMCA on Friday, Eev. Father Recently, he said, Pope Pius XII Has Meeting The present building has eighg t Davis of Holy Trinity Church, ad- had blessed representatives of the classrooms, fouf r of which are be- The project will be financedb y f h Wfild co-operative movement, encouraged The YARA's held their'fpurth in A policy whiah adopts the tested tra- a series of meetings Saturday eve- ning at the home of Miss Joan ditions of the past and adapts them Massett, 603 Carleton Rd. The to the novel conditions of the present group heard recordings of classi- is the policy which insures interrupted , meaty, cal music, preceded by short ac- counts of the composers and their progress. render—and works by Robert Finn, Larry Cur- economically rier and Miss Massett. Mr. Finn That has been and will continue to and Mr. Currier provided refresh- be our persistent policy in adminis- ments. Miss Lois Minchin was ! elected secretary. tering our own and our patrons' Previous meetings included a affairs. roller Bleating party, barn dance and bowling party. The next meet- ing will be a pot luck supper and We invite you to explore the results will be held at the Congregational thus far achieved. parish house Mnr. 23 at 6:30 p'elock. Any one desiring to at- tend is asked to communicate with the secretary. Treat your family to on extra meal PEOPLES BANK of chicken this week! Roasted, fried, smiyou* wes broiled, fricaneed or stewed — they'll -Company- love it any way you fix it. You'll find OPPOSITE RAILROAD STATION just the bird you want at Safeway Westfield New Jersey this week—of top quality, priced low.

GRADE A .. 3V& lbs. «nd under. MMl||| CDC Nothing better than a platter hoapad per Fryers If If UlLtLlfd high with tender fried chicken! GRADE A .. Over 3V4 lbs. Stuff with your favorite dressing and roast to a per Try these0LD FASHIONE golden, crispy brown Ib. 42° « • Roasters CHICKEN FRICASSEE Recip GRADE A 7. 3V4 lbs. and WHITE FRICASSEE: Lcnfre fowl whole or cut over. Will cook into tasty, For SATISFYING TASTE Ib. into pieces for serving. Place fowl in largo ket- delicious morsels 41° tle, add water to cover. Add seasoning as salt, and Fricassee Fowl onion, celery; cover and cook at simmering COMPLETE NOURISHMENT temperature (just below boiling point) until' Sausage GRADE A Sea foods meat is tender, about 2 hours. To serve, remove feed him Sausage chicken and thicken broth with flour mixed at its Luscious Best/ LONC and THICK »>. 55* SMELTS - ib. into paste with little water, allowing I'M to 2 FROZEN ... HO. 1 SIZE tbsps. flour for each cup of broth. HUNT CLUB DRINK VITAMIN "C" Turkeys IHI iLUI MUD WAV sik.dor ib Full-breasted Hens, tender MACKEREL - - ib. BROWN FRICASSEE: Cut fowl into pieces . BOG MEAL • ONf OtAil •irOM MDTIMf and flavorful 10SION ... FROZEN Cooked Salami 35* for serving Dredge in flour, brown in hot short-i Provides every dietetic need for • fWO PUMNO IH* OAT ' UNDER IS POUNDS SALMON STEAKS cning in large heavy kettle. Add enough water vibrant health and luxurious Luncheon Meat »i«oib.45« RED EASTERN ... FROZEN to half cover chicken, season with salt,- pepper coat—Has a rich, meaty flavor SLICED PIECE ib and onion or celery. Cover and cook slowly until Ib. that doge really go for. Pork Roll « 55« COD STEAKS ib. chicken is tender, adding more water if needed. frankfurters SKINLESS n.37e 50 FRESH BLOOCESTER Will make own gravy. Additional liquid may be added and thickened to suit. soon you'll be living outdoors again 'T Buy these brands you know — all guaranteed BREAKFAST GEM to please—priced low at your Safeway! ECCS LARGE BROWNS -" - <•« 47< Libby's Pear Juice « « *>•• 15« Fresh MEDIUM BROWN or WHITE in. 43«. Grapefruit Juice USSX TzZ 23< BLEND 0' GOLD Grade A AM purpose CREAM O' CROP BRAND J «•»10° POTATO CHIPS Our new hand-wrought iron furniture in gleaming white GUTTERS, existence. Its welded construction makes it strong and dur- Fort Howard Cut Beets N^W14« CRISP. FRESH DOWNSPOUTS able. U% lacquer and glass hold their appearance season after Dei Monte Diced Carrots"0 ii?313« SALTED JUST RICHT scHBon. The weather proofed, colorful cushions invite lux- NOW AVAILABLE urious relaxation. Corn wNSffMJSU.,, » «• - 14c K oi. pickaga | Qc Highway Corn^M" »••»«12° 5'/. oi. p»ck»a« 25c Sold by the pound for full value ROOF REPAIRS Our Stock for Spring deliv- where quality shopping is No Job Too Small. ery is on d up lay in our show •b 6c Fancy Broccoli Grapefruit rooms. Term* arranged. Home Style Red Cabbage 5J- FRESH COOKED MICHAEL J. HARRIS Ib. gc on 1 Ugliway 2-1 in historic Sprinsficfd t Ndl New Cabbage Tangerines ROOFING CONTRACTORS 1 FANCV TENDER, 2»» 21c 645 New Point Rd., Spaghetti Dinner »J5*TL. «*r-14« Whistle Carrots 2"»-15e MOIST-MEATED ELIZABETH, N. J. Spaghetti ssg,TB?JStSfi»* « «-13« Dog and Cat Food Cauliflower ib. 15c Potatoes N 1O,«I. EL. 2-7153 Holsl type .. VUtmlit-Rlch load Pronto Ravioli »< JAUCI .»„«. i» 17c s o D for every breed and «lie Potatoes Mr« il. bu i 5 ib.. 25c Free Estimates — Low Prices Corned Beef Hash €tt5SSl 14^21« Crisp Celery ib.10c 2 Ib Isal I ^ ff/Ci Libby's Deviled Ham n*«.-14« 38 WESTERN ICEBERG head "| | C Swift's Prem l0KOH "j;-32« Bell Peppers CSRT^,FNOCR Edw. Mackie & Sons Davis Bros. Coddies I°O,«.16C IMPROVED QUALITV AND SIZE Serving Nnrllii'rii N. J. Barbecued Rhubarb F1 -19e for Over Ml Vfiirw, Vegetable Soup CAMMUM N».> «„ 12' FLORIDA IHillnflelil cii Kvt*ulni£fi !>y A |itiiilnHO «• Borden's >»"*»^ Coffee 'V-39. '"" "'" 23° working out the best home-financ- Grape-Nuts Flakes INSTAMr ^ oi 13 oi. Pilaxvvell House c Camay Toilet Soap 3 "••• 20= ing plim for you. The monthly pay- Quaker Oats «««« - 11" River Brown Rice olfes Proilut:,V.'-29t jftf = 30 OI. ORAHGF PEKO£ Vj Ib. ments are arranged to fit your in- C Seedless Raisins! PANSr 15 ct. fiV 12c Canterbury Tea Large Ivory Soap 3'»'29« ^»S5Ts * ^ Quick Quaker Oats 3 Ib, ! . 25 BLACK come, and include insurance and Canterbury Tea Bags Ml. of 16 Falmolive 3,r20 Becker's Cream Farina ii;-20« Pitted Dates r-VoKS •«•*•• J«» 2^:19= taxes. One monthly payment covers C 5c Tenderleaf Tea <»•>•" «^ Cashmcro Bouquet '?< ' 3 "-27= everything! Try tlm better Home Mueller's Macaroni ^u VS 9 Miracle Whip 5«""«Wi"- « Mortgage Plan today —to buy or Cheese Syroad """««';;r 1 ljr White Magic ,%i?i Mueller's Spaghetti «« Jft 13« Peanut Butter HOAKKO ','.'; 30= l «<• •»- 9<= build a home or refinance an old, Blue Moon "^V" ' - 20= Chore Girl 'S,,^' home La Rosa Pastina - »•». -"»-11' Peanut Butter ««•" »*••'•• 29* 3««25s lho homo appliance thai s F 5 H0W AC!t 1 Cocktail Spreads'p°;r.'oV. Cluii Steol Wool «•• so''-p>« p>» 9= Macaroni Dinners ,rs . u"i -*° 9 Peanut Butter K I ," 29c turns hard water into.,. b Ernst Butter Gems '«""'" Johnson's Glo Coat Spaghetti Dinniir ",•,'„ dVcLS"' 31« Baking Chocolate "«««"•* iV'. -13» •>-» •"• 98= Colonial Do-Nuts Vu*!"* Safety Matelios .oo""« Duff's Waffle Mix i««.^20« Breakfast Cocoa H^m™ 't;;-10= 8 15= Rich,soft-wafer vi'li fur !MI1I 6 Kirtaio's Cieanser 0 Borden's Hemo •""•• 59 Hi-lfo Crackers •"»'»« ' 3 <••» 14= inp, shaving, shnmp<«i. Mote ami! Liiiiii ^ "i Muffin Mix IB.S comfort and cleadlines* ... Ovaltine ™«ou««»»tn •«« i».35« Krispy Crackers ^NHHHI ' Baho Cleanerr JZkX 2 »-. 21« left* liousewoekf Act miwl "fan Muffin Mix IS 12« CIIA UIOH li) East Broad St. Wcslficld, N. J. Melody Cookies ;»"!",<,"• Oaklte T™&'? Cronfl «u«t Jemima ''S' KeriiOK CHICKtN SOUItlOH CU&E5. [itt!( C Shredder! Wheat «««-^o La France "avMi" Engineering Co., "oasted Peanuts 19= SteBi'O 80UI110H CUti.', I'.i or pHl 22 Tel. WE. 2.U03B 1 1 E. Broad SI. Quimby Street near Elm Street Westfield, N. J. Page Twelv« THE WESTSmD LEADER, THURSDAY, ; Harold Sheffield, Former Carlton C. Davis Lieut. Donald Belcher I Ensign Hugh B. Ogburn j Westfielder, To Wed I Marries Jenny Katz To Be Married Next Week j Wed In Washington Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick and Mrs W(u- ABOUT TOWN j Miss Jenny Katz of 207 Elm St. The ^T Lfeut < j*.> ! The Wheelwright Jr., of 626 Forest i Mrv. Sibbett Vii-kers of Orlando, Orr of Law- ™^ , William BeK-hcr, USNK,, er Wot ! i of her daughter. Sirs. liussell Boulevard, were married Saturday and Miss.Dariel Keith of Mahwnh : Alexander their daughter, Miss Janice,,Will- Elisabeth to D f tT Si with SALLY iams Wheelwright, to Dana E. M°««, son of Mr" »;*"& Frye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy ClM B. Frye of Marlborough, Mass. schools Orr,and wt Miss Wheelwright is a graduate 3s U. (j.fe'.) Donnlil U.-lcher, US of Dean Academy and a senior at Kent Place Bcho K'E, is airiviiiK lonunrow from tl.e •Smith College. s j Jackson College for Women at wpst eoa'-t where hisf ship, tln LSM Tufts College. She is a member ing until reeen«v !I5 l;as just l>een ikeoinnms of Chi Omega sorority. nt San Uicgo. Hill's «td(!in« will gnjw onss take place next wt c-k in Suirern. Mr. Frye, a senior at Tufts Col- lege, was discharged from the His fiancee, Daiiil Keith of Mah- the Pacific. \ father, who is assistant auper Navy in January. He served two wah. and he, will be guusts of linn- Bougainville n n d ei-» were John C. Hunt and Donal service on an u^si <" m^ * ovin^...«»..-., ,.—_ ._ a member of Quai . MeMillen, both of Westfield. years of active duty In tho At- or at a lamily dinner party Sun- He i a graduate of Mt. Mis» Keith is the clause.- "f Mr. | temlent of the naval gun fac o,y at lantic and Pacifie, before being as- from the Colleg fl:iy nt the home of isiii uncle and ; A reception %vas held following and Mrs. Richard Keith of Mah- the Washington Naval \ard. She and Surgeons, CoW,' ; the ceremony in Mansard Inn signed to the V-12 unit at Tufts. aunt, Jlr. an .Vreeland of N. Chestnut she carried white orchids and lilies Knapp Ave., Clifton, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eell of city where he was a member o Robert Dello Husso of Westfield, Engaged To Sally Cw hm.b.ind, who was recently released , st-i tn(. ensag Frank Zamboni, a former Yale of the valley. Mr. J. De Biasio, was married Parkview Avc. will entertain Sun- Mar. 3 at 4:30 p. m. to Thomas day, Mar. 21 in honor of Mrs. Bell's classmate of the prospective bride- Miss Margaret Larner Wother- Mr, and Mrs groom and Fierpont Uuck of Rich- spoon, sister of the bride, wag maid T. Mannino, a former officer in the brother, Harold Sheffield, and his Army Ail" Forces, son of Mr. and of Jersey Citv fiancee, Sirs. Russell Schioedi'r, mond, Va., his Yale roommate. of honor. She wore-shell pink dot- gageinent of their Miss Keith was graduated from ted marquisette with bouffant ruf- Mrs. Rosario Mannino of West- to S-Sgt. William whose enpBRement has just bo-ii Atlantic Citv. couple were classmates in West-, , Hnnounci'ii. Bub was recently re- w tfi d d M WilIiam CJine the Mary Burnham School at fled skirt nnd carried blue spring field. of the Army Air Atlantic LIIJ. _^ (lcl| „ h Sch00, and .ntend to(of.Fanwoolli Her co-workers also Northampton, Mass., and studied flowers, with matching flowers in The wedding took place in the leased from the .Marine Corps on Sally is a graduate of* Mr... Robert MeManigal of N. make their home m Portland Mc.,| cntertained for her in the home of art at < Pratt Institute. Lieut. her hair. The Misses Jean Og- Sacred Heart R* C, Church, Clif- his return from the Parific. son High School and p ,, Chestnut St. and Mrs. Donald | v.here Mr. Williams has taken a,Mr g John p Fj rf p,B,nfieId. Belcher is a graduate of the Loom- burn, sister of the bridegroom, | ton, and was followed by a dinner N tute. Bill, the son o!£, I,t. Col. Harry Montgomery. West of Topping Hill Ud. enter-1 position as engineer with Radio | is School and Yale University, Mary Coolidge of Boston, Janet | f 150 guests at Zannette's. The or Franklin Windfekit andt. Jlr*. Montgomery and their daugh- lainei at the McManipal home • Station WPOR. Miss Vreelnnd is:p , , i. I- f 1943. Urice of Pleasantville, N, Y., and bride, given in marriage by her ter and «m, Sally and Hunk, of with n stork shower ThuVsday for employed locally as a dental us-j KUlM Anne rlyslip 10 Dorothy Stamps of West Point, uncle, Louis De Biasio, wore a W. Irving Throckniorton 1 Mrs. A. E. Kennedy, the former sistimt. No date has been set for;Rp Westfleld Schools anj « Watch unit Fork, spent the week- c N. Y., were bridesmaids. They satin princess gown, and carried end nt Sfcvtnp. Barbara Butcher, and her infant the wedding. Veteran's Troth Told wore white dotted marquisette and a cascade of white roses. Her il- School in Elizabeth. ' ' -*- son, Charles Edward Kennedy, who carried spring flowers with match- lusion veil was attached to a head- No date has .been stl', Plans have been completed for At Dinner Party Wedding. " Mrs. Frank Pettit and Mr?wa. s born Tuesday. The gifts were j p{jnns Celebrate the wedding of Miss Buthanne Hy ing flowers in their hair. dress of orange blossoms. , George Giilie gave a buflVt sup- packed in a baby banket and sent j slip, daughter of' Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wagner of 1610 Ensign Carl Payny e was best man Miss Josephine De Bias;o, a per and surprise stork shower Sun- to Barbara at Overlook Hospital, Oliver Wedding Day Thomas Hyslip of North Ave. to irier Ave., Linden, have announc- and ushers re ComdrCd . WillWilliai m cousin, was maid of honor. She day in honor of Mrs. Robert Summit. Rev. Howard JU Smith, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Flinn ed the engagement of their daugh- \V. Wotherspoon,' brother |W ore a chiffon gown of ashes of Scbwarz at the Pcttit home on David \V. Timberlafce of Pros- and Mrs. Ernest Smith of Mend IVIiss Margaret Wagner to d Wih1roses and carried pink roses. Mrs. Fairacrcs Ave, Mrs. Schwnre is of 409 CJrove St. celebruted' their ter, Miss Margaret Wagner to of the bride, Ensign Kicharu witn-| roges pect St. is enjoying a vacation at ville. Pa., which will take place Kurt' "Walsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. I ington. Ensign Sam Mangham and j Jean Kirschner, the bridesmaid, the former Shirley Taylor. Those silver weddins anniveraay'Sunday \ SnturdBy nt 3 p.m . )n the Ftnt Boca Grande, Fla. J. i\ Walsch of 413 Cumberland Lt. (j.g.) James S. Yonk, all fel- wore a blue ehiffon gown and car- present were Mines. William A. They received a telephone call; Mcthodist Church. Rev. John Wcs- St. low officers of tho bridegroom oonn rie,.jecd| pink roses. Paul Ferrara of Hisr=ins, of Jerst-y City, Wiliinni T3 f\*r* ft I ft fCf An 1 n I 1 Tl 1 V^I^E^n . .* _ >.* »d>* — . — .- live at 564 Downer St. |.currier Benmngton in Japanese i Iieth Smitn will be his brother':. S. Army after serving four years, Mrs. Ogburn is a graduate of j SUMMIT WESTFIEIO Moon I waters. He has been in the fcavy ! be£t man_ Miag Mary Bontle!1 wm two nnd a half of which he spent Holton Arms School and Vassar Gifts I since Apr., 1043. jI)la y the wcddin(? music. n Nuw Guinea and the Philippine College, class of 1944. 1 Also arriving- were two letters; Miss Hyslip is a graduate of islands, . Ensign Ogbu'rn was graduated | from another son, Alfred E. Flinn; Westfield High School and atteml- The announcement was niaile on from Princeton University in For All Occasions • Jr., i-adioman third class, USNli.j t'(J Maryville College, and has been Sunday evening, Mar. 10 at a ilin- 1944 after participating in the ] serving on the SS Mcrapi in the j serving as pastor's assistant and icr party given at the "Wagner V-12 Naval program at Cornell j Pacific?. HP wrote he expects to be \ director of religious education at lome at which close relatives of University and attending midship- Shop With I home by the middle of May. He; Old Stone Church, Mcadville. .ho engaged couple attended. men's school at Columbia Univer- enlisted in the Navy in May, 1942. j Mr. Smith, a graduate of Alle- sity. He returned last December _ _ • gheny College and Garrett Theolog- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Berse of Shad- after eight months duty in the Mru. J. W. Ashury of GIG Ben-;ical Seminary, Evanston, 111., took wlawn Dr.sheld open house Sun- Pacific. Confidence .son PI.'entertained at a desserti graduate work at Union Theolog- ay for their* son, Alvin Ber^e, who |bridge party yesterday for some] ical Seminary, and is pastor of tho as been discharged us an Army J new residents who recently came; Methodist Church in Hydetown, Sergeant after 44 months service, JOI BROAD STftEET I here from Minneapolis. j Pa. ncludinu two years with the Per- at the NEW WT3ST FIELD. N. J. sian Gulf Command with a weath- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Villa Sr., of 1 JEWELERS—OPTICIANS BDJCB 1(» r squadron of the 19th Air Fqreo. 995 Central Ave. ^celebrated their, 30th anniversary Wednesday eve- j niiif? with a dinner party held at I Young F<$r their home. About 30 guests at-! tended' including members of both j BUILT-TO-ORDER Villa families and close friends. I Toggery, Mrs. Arthur Armstrong has re- turned from Palm Bench, Fla., HOME IN WYCHWOOD where she spent several weeks.

In 1931 the present owners had this home built in FLOWERS .' . . Complete Children's Outfits FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY* one of the choicest sections of Westfield. Now Sizes From Infancy To 16 Years. they aro planning to move away in the Fall, prob- ably about October 1. This residence is ideal for NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, the family who is seeking a distinguished home, but who prefers one that is not a burden to care for. Here is the floor plan— YOUNG FOLKS TOGGERK 233 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD 1st Floor — Spacious hall, sunken living room 14x . Tel. Westfield 2-3180 22, heated .solarium with flagstone floor, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen. Y«ni ilmi'l hnvp (it lip Irlih to 2nd Floor — 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, also maid's cleliraff HI. 1'iitrh'U'H l>i\y with owi-i-N. A siiui'3* Krreeit iMiriin- room and bath. Edith Hats tllin for n lioutonnlrrr nr n IliHli

Oil heat — Mica Pellet insulation. Recreation room. A shiny straw lint with delicntc Roll screens throughout. G. E. Refrigerator. In- flowers, crisp veilinp. "tells you spection by appointment. Springtime it hero. Small As seen in flower hats in all colors—made BAZAAR of roses—violets—hyacinths— HARPER'S JK, apple blossoms — these lovely Price $29,000 lints brightun a suit. Prico $3.95 to $12.00 REYNOLDS & FRITZ WRAIGTS—55 Elm St. Formerly T. B. & N. F. Reynolds

Realtors — Insurers Rialto Theatre Building FREEDOM FROM Come Spring .... Come Suits! Westfield 2-1010 UNSIGHTLy HAIR Be free from unwonted hair on anna, U-KS, /nee. Advanced KHKIO electrolysis More welcome- than over (hia year arc the wonderful wcaralile M^ Nancy F. Reynolds Charles J. Frit* method. Guaranteed pei'mmi- Eve. 'phone 2-0-185 ent removal. Done in soft wools, with a now shoulder technique and soft heloff Eve. 'phone 2-1665 FIEKK CONSUI.TAT1OM, Phono for Appointment.' tho hip fullness they are the most feminine and flattering in )'eatSl MIH ANDERSON Jiiul NO comfortable to wear. You can be suited this Kpriaif an never 5 Alden St. CRANFORD before. Conic in and .see the lovely colors and fabrics . . • a"'1 nhM> •WRAIGHTS- Cr. 6-1D72 . El. 2-1390 date stuff... sparkling white with cap-steeved newness to top a all nee yourself in a 1946 suit. DHF.SS SHOP dot-sploshed skirt. A swirly initialto match o bright, bright belt. Made for flattery of Belvalin, o Belvedere fabric woven by B righton 55 ELM ST. Budell MISSES SIZES Mills, «oft ond draping »o petite perfeclion. Sires 9 to 15, $12 95 Art School Moderately Priced $16.80 to $39.!>S NEW SPRING DRESSES PAINTING * DRAWING (&hm $ DAY AND KVKNhNC; MKXT TO THB tIBRABT »7.95 to 10.95 ADULTS . ClIILDIUCN HAVE YOU GIVEN IVrsonal Instrurtioii. TO THE (Mara ffimttae ' WetUksld WE. 2-1131 ' Studio RK1J CROSS? NBXT TO 1'HB LIBRARt ' ° ,pj(. Open Until & Monday and Friday Eveningi JUNIOR, MISS1CS', WOMEN'S, HALF SIZES 027 FOURTH AVENUE Wa«tfi«Id WE. 2-1131 THE WESTPIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 hood group Friday in honor of Mrs I vrr „, , ,, „ , " "~^~ Edward Mansett. ! , Ml; *ld Mrs- Herbert C. Newell Rich Jr., of 238 Wat-diunsr Fci-1(, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCoy have ;Mrs. R. B. HusseiJ conducted the j the following officers were elected: church are invited to ,^_ ;Jr. of Mountainview Cir. hrve re Sunday in Muhlenberg Ilospilal. arrived from Washington where j business meeting. M rs. R. T. Ash-{President, Mrs. W. Earl Dysart; Guild meetings whiet are jWtil-t um0(l from first Thurgiiay of each month Mrs. Lawrence Sowles of Sher-1 , » stay at West Palm Mrs. Rich is the former Lucy Mr. McCoy was recently discharg- I by was assistant hostess. {first vice president, Mrs. N. Irving («* Be8cn Wright of Shelbyville, Miss. ~ ed from the Army. They are liv- Masonic Temple Saturday, Apr. fi.iMaxfield; second vice president, Hie parish house at 8 p. Ft), wood Pkwy. gave a birthday party i i Fla. + -, Mar. 4 ia Saturday afternoon in honor of her I M, „„ I M -Jr „ „ + ins; for the present with Mrs. Mc-Each member received tickets to bo Mrs. Dennis Lever; secretary, Mrs. son, Robert, who is five. Mi AI ^S" WI S' Clll!ett aml Mrs, E, B, Getty is visiting the Coy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-sold. Sloan B, Jordan; treasurer, Mrs. M|sS W. Oiyens family nt 107 EffinK- old F. Welch of Stanmore PI. Herbert R. Anderson. On State Slate -*_ i Alma Cunningham of Law, Miss Jane Monow, a former Mi1- and Mrs. Lewis A. Kniffin ir f nt'° Ave' me >» Florida for a hain PI. while she awaits the re- Jane Morrow Guild Mil. William II. j _ « PEO will meet on y Mrs. R. B. Tomlina has returned missionary to South Ameiica and field, chairman of the oommltt** W J| , Mar. 20, at «»• home of Hillside Ave. are spending a ' turn of Major Getty who has heei) from a visit, in New London, Conn.,' Elects New Officers serving as depot surgeon in the for whom the Ouild is named, nominationa of ir^e New Jerteya * in Meadow- vocation at Palm Beach, Fla. IrMi.ams «„,.l Mls, ~*~ , to her home on North Ave. Mr. and Mrs, lieginal..>*,..,..,1 d„ Housel, p Uls- ,s - R- 0. Bailey u European theatre. Dr. Getty is spoke briefly, Ho«lesses for the| State Federation of Women's€ltll»3 id, at I P. m. lluultl 1,radto1 1Ma1 i ion Bailey, danghter of Eleetioh of officers of the Jane* levelling were: Mis, Chatles Covell, of ClarClkk St.St , whh o were married 1 ' ' Ave, who is a hostess on Mrs, Owen's tifother. He has left Morrow Guild of the Presbyterian i h(H announced the plucing 9I lyast month, have returned from i i"1 .al)'!ille from Newark to Stof. port at La Havre, France. College Drama Group Mrs. Gordon Cheasley and Mis1 WpsOifh. l woman on the official t l Unns w Church took place nt the annual Harrison Cory. Charles Wista of a trip to Decatur, 111., where they < »s home for the week-end, Mrs. Caroline E. Ewen of 257 pot-luck supper in the chapel on lot to bo voted upon at the BDling totch visited relatives. Mrs. House! is "•*"" Works On Plays All mothers of young children oonvt'iition in May, Sh« i» Mrsrj wi" w- Mrs, Wilson'Krnfnt oof Canter- Walnut St.," Rave a bridge luncheon Thursday evening at which timo and professional women of the , \\ ilbuv E. ColviJle for treasurer. the former Jean Van Deventer. bury and handkerchief shower at the fill. ],aa invite""'*** ^ •-•d •* • 1 ^friend J1Y4 o V\fs to Tl^e dramatic department of the entS of a daughter play bridgid e ath her home toraorrov,- Clara Louise Tea Room in Plain- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Havens feld Saturday, Mar, 0, in honor of College Woman's Club held a work- 6 i MUH of Wychwood Rd. have returned 11' •h , followinl™Kg FridayFrida . They shop meeting at the home of Mrs, e twu table Mies Edythe A. Runyon, fiancee William H. Pfaffle, Scotch Plains was c»mp reunion day •from a vacation at Lake Placid.! - Parties. of William T. Ewen. Bill and Wostfield young pep- Lt. Havens was recently released j , Guests of MrTami Mrs. William Edytli ere to be married the iirst Ave., Tuesday, evening. Mrs, J. A SAFE INVESTMENT- from aet.ve duty a lieutenant Carle Thomas of 449 B ren Av™ S. Smart, in charge of the pro- tie Camp Aloha as part of April. gram, had the members at work on Towers were ,n the Navy. Km Havens is the Sunday included their Son"ln*Iw costumes and settings for the three former Ervunna Cummings. | and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Dlek- Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Petzer tSTAflUSHED 191* AND A SOUND FUTURE! of AUlen Ave. have returned from one act plays to be presented in the X trip to Florida. Mis. Robert La Boyteaux, gen- •4* uir IM mm eral chairman of the plays, an- We are all consumers. But we aren't orgnnized as at St. ft Monday for Chapel Mr. and' Mrs. Richard Anderson nounced that a meeting of commit- consumers. of Raymond St, have as tlieir house tee chairmen and the coaches will flanor Child, Fatty Deal, Mary Mr, and Mrs, Walter J. Iiiley Hill, N. C., and the Olivers have FURHITURE • DECOR ATIOHS We are organized as management. \Ve are organ- returned to their home in Cincin- guest the letter's mother's Mrs. N.be held at her home, 2404 Bryant d (Catherine Stetner, Alice o( Shodowlawn Dr. have gmio to C. Bennett of Washington. Ave., Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. SILVER-RUGS ized as labor. We are organized, as stockholders. nati. 1 l, Barbar* Philp ftttend- Polo Alto, Cal. TtCITHEl WITH • But in these capacities we work against ounelvei f Cmp Mesacosa Mi\ ond Hanson of Mrs. C. 0. Covell of 728 Han- BIRDS OF AMERICA as consumers. n of fornld, PI.,, an,d MMrs . E., V, . Haines of, Lenox Ave. have returned from a {w \, , • I, V' JLames °f MPMVIMBS BY motor trio to Ma^A.hn^tf. 2 fl, S ' dB v P1". were hostesses The COrOP FOOD STORE k a sound, economically motor trip to Massachusetts. at the March meeting of the North- CHILDREN J, J, AUDUBON orthodox, small business within the competitive sys- ern New Jersey Alumni Associa- AND i«n»ma PKOPHTY OF tem. It ia owned and operated by consumers of tion of Kappa Delta Sorority held MISS FRANCIA WHITE Weatfield on these democratic principles: Monday evening at the home of ADULTS Mrs. Covell. Membership investment open to all. OIL PAINTINGS One member, one vote. l'jieut. Conidr. Samuel P. Hicks OF THE Interest on invested capital, (if. r.) USN, and Mrs. Hicks of I8TH I-' IfTH CENTURY Trcmont Ave. have a eon, born " rrex A share of sAvings in proportion to Mar. 11 at Suburban Hospital, purchase:. Pethesda, lid. Dr. Hicks is sta- ekalui Lwttnlet Celltelisn tioned at the Naval Medical Cen- MBI. CLARA KAFKA Join with us in our expansion program for a one- ter at Eethesda. He is the son of ttlllt «l stop Co-Op Food Center-^-Grocerios, Produce, and Mr, and Mrs. Curtis Hicks. ARMAND LOWEHQARD Meat. All-Go-Op prices are at or below * ceiling M O and special attention'is paid to quality. Mr. and Mis. Charles Henry Mc- 108 CENTRAL AVENUE •AUCTION Kee of PaBcugoula, Miss., have an. Furniturei FrI.' & Snt.,' Marcli INVEST NOW WITH nouncod the birth of a daughter, 15lhl6lli at 2 P. M. Deborah Elizabeth MclCec on Mar, ENROLL NOW FOR THE DAY AND EVE- Painting! i Friday Evo,, March lSlli 11, at the Allen Memorial Hospi NING CLASSES IN at 8 P. M. COOPERATIVE CONSUMERS OF \USTI IHII.Im. tal, Mobile, Ala. Mrs. McKeo, the DESIGN Haiti Conducted bu 435 SOUTH AVENUE . Near Westfield Avenue former Mi;a Betty Troeber, is w. H. O'RSILIY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William DRAWING Young Folks TosS^Y Walter Troeber of 12G Harrison Avo. PAINTING A son, Wilson Corry Rich, 3r< BEGINNING APRIL 1st. was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Wilst For Information Call at Studio or PHONE WESTFIELD 2-2806 after 6:00 Hair Styling and Permanent Waving HIT to Type OF THE WEEK! I Dependable Wee Moderns

OVERALLS OVERALL SETS It's Not Too Early SLACKS To Shpp For A for the 3 to 6er»!' PERMANENT The Clara Louise has Children's quantities of overalls, WAVE complete overall sets and Spring Clothes CREATED gay colored slacks for the small fry to wear for JUST FOR YOU We are now showing school an play now that warmer weather is here. new stock in coats, UNDER THE We have them in a %'ar- suits, dresses and hats. SUPERVISION iety of fabrics, t >n . . . corduroy, wool, denim, OF ANTHONY Vou and your daughter will botK lose your twill and rayon mixtures. hearts to these new dresses. Wonderful $um- ,mer gardens are reflected in many woven plaids Moderately Priced |' • . checks and stripes, delightful prints and INFANTS WEAR AND •solid colors, Hurry in to have a look! Sizes $1.05 to $3.95 •1 to 14. BOYS AND GIRLS SIZES TO 14.

Y 233 EAST BROAD ST., m WESTFIELD ™ Tel. Westfield 2-3180 NEXT TO THE LIBItAHY Wee Moderns Westfield . WE, 2-1131 BROAD ST. & CENTRAL AVE. .OI'RN TIII'UNIJAV TIL

DISTINCTIVE A.nthony Hairdresser GIFTS FOR WOMEN ONLY 225 E. BROAD ST. WE. 2-2316 UNIQUE New York University announces a series of tun CARDS weekly lectures, IN WESTKIKLD, Tuesday after- noons from 3 to 4:130, beginning March ID, on Basic Principles in MANAGING PERSONAL FUNDS Among subjects covered will bo government, mu- nicipal Mini corporate bonds; all types of preferred 121 E. BROAD ST., and common stocks; unnlysis of financial statements; PASTEL PRINT 4 ft* WESTFIELD Kourcus of information; tests of quality, ligurintf bond and stock yields; conversions; rijirlits; oper- <,|'lie currcit lilni'C In ation of stock exchanges and over-counk-r markets, Our "fruit compote" print looks good brokerage; margin accoiinlK, ele. Lectures will be • Precious black to give you that enough to cut—and so wonderful to wear held nt sculptured look. Moulded bodice ACCOUNTING COURSES for special ocaisionn. Luscious colors of

«ith lnce encriiKted top in llur- WESTFIELD TRUST CO. pink, powder and lime. Sizes 10-16. i[ VETERANS and will asHimie no previous knowledice «f invest- il crepe or rayon satin, (IWDIOIt II. I. LAW :l! ALSO SECRETARIAL ments*. Thi! size of the jrrrutp adendiiur will be Sli!os ;l2 10 AND STENOGRAPHIC 25.00 - - 3.S0 COURSES limited. IIAV on r;vh.\'ir.(; LKAKN NOW TO IN'VKST WISKLY!

BUSINESS & SECRETARIAL rOI LEGES and SCHOOLS Dcpt. of Gi-ni-rnl Education, New York University, (•.ill. I'IM.T r Win,, YI.III- • Wn,l,ii..(lon S.,u»rr, Now York 3. N. Y.

S;:ir,..| linili.. :='l."••! 7110 Iti-fiill W(., M'"Iirli Ph-iise -M'n'l tnc cumplf'lp rlctitili; nf the li'rinrcrt in West- ,'iOH Iliiln SI., llriidBC' 'OJUlJl J bwia » I'ltrH f*'.< >l,i!tl,l»lr fii'ltl, N. .1., mi SIiiiiiiKiHlf I'l't.-iiiml Funds. irin )•. ji-i-ii-j- .">!.. :OII#IIII<,HI PARK AVKNE «ml SECOND 175 PAST FRONT ST., ;II:I Mull' «i.. I'ITIII viniHij IT I l*ll>U*("M SI.. \IM% MniM«"S''li Nu nip 1(1 MiHnrrxrl SI.. I'lllllllli-lll OPEN TIlUHSIMy KVFJVINGS TILL 9 Win. I'. I "I"1. •'-•'• "•• '*'•••"• PlAlNFlELD, N. J. (••. <;. llmiuliinil. »• H-. llfHlilrnl l|iW'i»" I'lum Aillll'l'.ifl PLA1NFIELD l>h two games to one. who have a membership in the Y i over weak opponents to earn League Monday night at Recrea-1 A, BtranIch of yenncris won ser- and each entrant will be register.-i in the semi-finals. The Texas tion lanes. The win sent the for-11honor. honorss with 866 and high game ed in one of three classes: those | captainep d by Jim Chambers, turn- mer number one team on a slide i b h fiOO mer number one team on a slide i ... „££ _ other better than fiOOfiOO under 100 pounds, those under 130 ed in one of its most impressive into second place with the winners 1 f C pounds -an- d -ove- r 100 pounds, an^d J wins oi- the season when it trounc- into second place with the winners 1bmv ,ers were Grant Hoke of Car. those over 130 pounds. All of the ed Don Chambers' Aggies team, and Braces, despitp e n two ggame ! , and Mjchael9 Barbers who and Mjke Kovach who races will be conducted against 70-14. Chambers, Loren Rodewig loss to Matthewsons sharing the , ])ogte(1 Kh h lost0 s to Matthewsons, sharing the ])ogte(1 ui a M time so that any new pool records and Bob Halloway scored almost P- contributei d a 608 for Knickcrbock- may be given proper recognition j at will throughout the contest In another sweep Mays downed ;e r Garage, on the record plaques. The win- j the hapless Aggies triedf in vain to Frost and in the other match Cor- j stranich's heavy hitting helped score. TThh e •victori y iincreased d TeT x betts defeated Kurigers two to one. jhi s teanl t0 a tw0 to one win over ner of each event in each class will Sell was high man with his 227 j Excellcnt Diner and Grant Hoke's bo awarded on appropriate medal as' win streak to seven games and others pushing him in the hon- efforts were not in vain, his out-Events include the following: while the Aggies closed the season IT group vrere Ketcham 217, Mul-fit defeating Brembles in two Class A (under 100 lbs) : 20 yd!with two victories against four ler 205, Smith 203, Hruda 208, games. Kovach had less luck, the freestyle, 40 yd. freestyle, 20 yd.losses. Hammer 201, Tichenor 203, A Cor- jfnieks losing via the sweep route backstroke, diving. Class B (100 The second game of the after- bett 201, Lewis 201 and Kooker j to jjamrah Bros., whose win moved lbs. to 130 lbs): 20 yd. freestyle, j noon matched Ken Albridge's Illi- 205. Standings and scores: I them up to third place. Bonnetti 40 yd. freestyle, 20 yd. backstroke, | nois Teachers team against an im- Teams w. I* I Bros. Painters won all three from 20 yd. breast stroke, diving. Class j proved Hi-Y White quintet under Draco 37 S2 KnKimissen 37 32 Tuttle Bros, in the other match. C (over 130) lbs): 40 yd. free- • the direction of Bob Maidment. Haydnn 36 33 Teams %V. L. style, 40 yd. backstroke, 40 yd.! After a close first half In which May" ;» 34 Elm linrbern .... rj 20 NattlHwaon 34 35 Whlto Flash 48 2' breast stroke, 100 yd. freestyle, |I neither team did much scoring, i'rost .. 3,1 Homrali Bros 47 28 120 yd. medley, diving. : Illinois came back strong to put Cnrbetl 33 Uremlilen 45. 30 KurlKcr 31 Bonneltl Painters UK 37 Parents and friends of the con•- the game on ice and finally win by Venneri ConKtn. Co. 37 38 a 48-22 count. Lee McCormiek Brace C & M. Harbers , 30 3& testants are invited to attend' the Brace 159 }"0 173 ! Tutlle Bros 28 47 meet, which will be followed by oeee us ir.2 143 I Knickerbockers .. 2« 47 REXALL RADIO SNOW Uy«n 1<4 134 131 1 Excellent I}|r,«r ..la 58 the weekly co-educational swim for Lodgers, Maroons Win A'corlirtt 1«J 201 I | adult members of the YM and YW. Starring JLevrls 201 us While llnnh In Y Court Play JIS3 ,.f I J. Clark 1S2 1ST DURANTE IM00U Totals S55 '"' i .MutiTSBailSll ... J3 ! which the Crescents scored a mea#- 1«C VIM 'Wiu-i. ! 190* *; er five points while the Lodgers j for 90 days and is covered by a lifetime plan that us T46 201 155 Pish, f ...... 190 Neumann . 113 177 1 28 0 • racked up 15 told the story and i Reg.29c Klenzo provides for any repair. Black plastic with aluminum . IZG 1SI 1C9 Toiiilins. f j' j spelled defeat for the Westfield Totals 828 SOS i Hoke 240 223 knobs. Imitation pigskin case with shoulder strap, Hobo m 153 187 Krollc'li. t '. (1' club. Final score of the frame was Nylon TOOTH BRUSH can be left on while taking pictures, is 49c exUa. Dell 153 217 JJ j 50-40, with Ed Pocltler leading the W. Held .. ISO 122 i ail ; ISn.t, g'.*..'. -1 victors with 10 points while Andy with purchase of KurlRor .. 1!7 175 147 I 171 Totals . Kelly led the losers with 17 points. Carter 132 170 Dllinskas . 157 14S IV In field .. 156 1*1 Iltferec: This Saturday the Crescents will 23 172 PuterBon ir.3 Rgcatt Mi-31 Hand I OH i) Avur. play the Parkers at 4 p. m. while I 151 107 173 Tomlo 710 i KovliCh i 213 193 Jack Clark Triird In the Lodgers will match their skill Curhrll ; against the Has-Beens at 5 p. m. Antiseptic Solution CQ forhett 107 ill !j i Totals "94 Klolllnlll c 131 9 132 174! I Camden Classic 1S2 1.14 j llRtiirahiv Team standings: Smith ... 203 Vrrdlc US 19S at reg. price J*t Muller 149 20", 199 1S1 Teams W. fj. Kraft l»s 172 133 I Hhuirnrd 1C9 Jack Clark proved the star bowl- I.ynctt 231 H3 143 er of the Bonnetti Bros, team which The Uiilisers 2 (I 743 Walkpr 1»4 ins I'iirkei-K 1 0 Totals Lotrest 1 SI 203 201 entered the Camden Classic Tour- rrnnforil Maroons ..1 1 \V<-Ntflelci Crewi-ents 1} 1 SPECIALS Totals SAO 811 nament last week, rolling 10117, or Cranford Han-llecns 0 2 8 pins out of first place. Others Standings Unchanged llonnrttl Fntntpm I I.usjirdt 194 172 of the local combine who entered 50c Puretest Isopropyl In Y Pin League KtiiM 170 10". the classic were John and Jerry Sweep Wins In Jon. Bonneltl ... Hi 153 Bonnetti, Al Stranich and Og Ver- (.lolin ntinncttl .. 1«B 172 Presby League Rubbing Alcohol Keystones defeate ir.i Winning teams in the Presbyte- plus 59c Puretest Night BcMing League this week|Snl)ln .,..._. i« ' 1S2 Id!" Jacks Recapture rian Bowling League at the YMCA just missing a clean sweep when [ Kijprdi.no 149 147 ier, alleys Thursday night, won via 1 6 Wekearny Lead Mineral Oil they lost the first game by only' i^uiWy",'.'.'.'.'.".'.' 142 173 lr.o the sweep route. Berrys increased i 1C.0 170 one pin. In the other match. Sen-1 c«n« -^16—7 —— —--; Jacks swept Keys in the Wcst- theiT lead to four games after win-! ators defeated VVoodchoppers ini Tuials ": i«» Electric Howling League at ning- all three from MeCabcs, tak- I Rexall Laxative the first two games. Standings re-i , j Recreation lanes last week, rccap- inir the last game by only one pin.! main unchanged. High bowlers j MohlCailS Stretch taring the Ieusrue lead. Lamps Heitmans held onto second place, i COLD TABS Reg. 25c were Sell 224, Taylor 214, Gumbert i also registered a sweep, defeating defeating Nolls three to nothing. J 204 and 209, Otto 207, Curry 210 ; HS Pin Loop Lead Greene and R. Brown tied for high ! I Cords ami Selectors downed Ee- game with 204. j and Konpe 201. Standings und Mohicans defeated Black Hawks! lays in another sweep. scores: Mi-31 Antiseptic Te&m» V?. T,. Saturday two panics to one in the For a smooth impression 21 21.1 13 Senior II i K h School Bowllnir Solution Reg. 59c 1 4 ! League Saturday nt the Y and II i lengthened their lead to three ptus reg. 10c Rexall STAjf|t _ j games. In the other match, third I>oujjhert>- ICC ! place Gcroiiinios downed Lenapcs 29c Coo/ctfe4$ftove Cream L>arby .... 137 ASPIREX Cough Drops E Viuico .... 1 in two nine- Milhi ilaimcd high PUJSftkgi ^9c Package Mart in .... li 1 irtnu \Mtn20t in I Purywas next is- Twaiu .... wit n 5 Kletozo Razori&tades, 48c Value ilandlcap Totals S«U ... 191 STAG Brushless Shave Cream, 8I/2 oz. 59< Curry . 170 Lord 30( Kuliacli 1.-,.-, STAG^(|er Shave Lotion, 3 oz ri 1 IS Tayior ... 1 '.11 Baltimore Totalrt STAG Shimpoo, 6 oz . ... 5ft

Koppe .. -"1 PORTFOLIO Maxflelr-- i .'.'. 1S1 Sninmtr K8 • 50 Sheet Tablet Huff '.'.'.'.L'.'.'.'.'.'.'. !••; • 24 Envelopes Tutale Kn. t'rlvrr ... H.^U-M •.'.•.'.•.'.•-•.'.•.• 1-,V Serves dual purpose of writing instrttt !-..' case and lap-desk for dashing Jill,lit 1^ t liiuslk;u< U' off letters anytime, anywhere. T<.Ials ^~2 ^ 11 li'.T 1 H, 1 •'•: Jhe Joseph Henilcr Brewing Co., Newark, N. I 1 'I H". 1 vs • 1 II '•' l la Soft Curls in Less Than 3 Hours

J t THERMOPINE :• CJl 1 I r< it) i •< tt 1 m; 1" 7 1 !« 1 1': 1 1 !•: 1 11 7 IMPORTANT COLD WAVE 1 i;i Pine Foam -•;•' 3 ,".:•! You can do it yoiireelf — and as easily as washing your hair and WHS Swimmers NEXT Bubble Bath winding it oti curlers. As safe LET THE In State MCPI for your child's hair as your lit ,i Great billows of foam and the scent own. No chemicals and no heat. i fll t k II SCOUT PAPER DRIVE of pine trees to relax your nerves. loo* BIG 3 i ll 11 •i. I WORK FOR YOU MARCH 24th, 1 P. M. AMOfO-MLEM AM9OI-M0T0B OIL PLEASE SAVE YOUR PAPER RAYVE Breboccks Take Crfeme Shampoo i»MflfO-ti:BllinTIO.V Women's Loop Lead The One and Only Month's FOR US. the modern way to wash Supply THORBURN'S your hair. Dull lilm goes, highlight!; come. ap Stick No pad and belt 1.^ AMOCO Service Station m;; I hll--<•'.•- fi-,ii i-aiiji-i I', ,,IH.' Gives bi!low» of hither. As soothing as a lullaby. No exit a wciRlit in Central Av. & Qtiimljy St. y-irnO -, '.'.h!» !'n'Vjf!i..ly u tM\ Uc^l WESTFIELD BOY SCOUTS weather. Tampw "! WE. 2-4807 fm l!r t 1'lncf, (lri.ji]ic<| hio KBiic, Helps check, relieve chap- f'i .John:mn , (.illiiij; one [fame be- in tubes or jars ping & cracking. Medicated |y saniJa j h/iid tiic louili'ii'. Modern. .. Add 20% Hdtral E«;« T r» hk» Of AthrkhrJ (») I ax THE WEStFISLD LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 Pago Fif Now at RaWay part in the Pacific raids of 1943, Oxford. Plainfieid Gilbert Island operations in Nov. and Dec, 1943, Western New Gui- JMOSQUE THEATKK, 1020 Broad StMet, New«&, N,}. ARE ALWAYS nea, Marianas, Leyte and Luzon operations in 1944, Okinawa oper- SUftTMY, MARCH 17 AFTEBISOON at 3»45 ation Apr., 1915 and with the oc- LOWER cupation foi-ccs in Japan, and in | escort, anti-sub and armed guard ROCHESTER PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA •operations, both in the Pacific and American theatres. ROBERT GOLDSAND LEONARD BERNSTEIN AT JARVIS He holds the Bronze Star Medal, Piano Soloist Conductor World War II Victory Medal, and «3.00 *2M, »1.80, «I.2O, 90i (tax tncl.) American, Asiatic-Pacific uml Phil- t TUF MOST DEPENDABLE DRUG SERVICE ippines Liberation ribbons. SATURDAY, MARCH 3(4 AFT. at 2i3O EVE. at 8:40 MftEwj£RSEY LEADER WANT ADS PAY BALLET THEATRE 30c Awards Olive Tablets Ik Aft. «1.80,11.20,90^-Eve; «3.00, «2.4O, »1.80, *1.20 ^ YIKU HI:AHI:>I THURSDAY, APRIL 11 EVENING at 8:40 75c DOANS PILLS • 42c IN PJLAINFIELD For Your Entertainmo BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor socphiflips MUk Mag: Tablets 19c Otine Jieiney in "Leave Her r To Heaven" »3,6O,«3.0O,»2.4O, «1.80(taitlncl.) Tltjeu 6H > open on Thursday t venings from 7 Pacific aboard the USS Dashicll voy. All men who qunlify.in this tq 8 instead of Tuisday evenings NOW SHOWING course will be assigned a vehicle, (DI>G59). On the DathieH lie "took SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY 35cVicksRub . 27c60c Bromo Selier . 49c ast formerly. ED GARDNER — BING CROSBY AND GUESTS The knitting demrtrmfcnt ship- Afth SOTHERN, 5flc Vicks Drops . 39c 25c Feenamint... 19c ped O. I), sleeveless weaters, white 30c Vicks Drops . 24c 60c Allca Selzer . 49c hospital socks, whit > bed socks and George MURPHY .."DUFFY'S TAVERN" mufflers, gloves onthe new quota HI'llftM* AT 2ilO—111.1—Ti2»—»iSH. 35c Groves Tablets 27c 66c Sal Hepatica . 49c EMPIRE i™ < IlirAlBl" *i SION. AMI TtHS. ,\H 2i4O—TlOU—9l3«. THEATRE RAHWAY — in — 50c Minit Rub . . 43c 50c Pebeco ... . 39c NOW TO SAT. Timely reaturette, 1,25 Petrolagar . . 84c 50c Colgates FRI. TO SUN. the NEW Theatre T1IK VICAU'S HHi HIT "UP GOES MAISIE" "HITLER LIVES" x.v.o oont'tjv A?vn Broad Street Elizabeth 25c Ex-Lax .... 19c Tooth Paste... 37c OI»RN DAII.V V M. "LEAVE HER NEXT WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY T11K IIOWKliY HOYS — PIu. — 2 Big Hits TO HEAVEN" ROBERT WALKER — KEENAN WYNN in "LIVE WIRES" FRI. AND SA1 In Technicolor 25c SOFTEN •1OSHPII dene TIKIIlVttV, l^orilcl » II.1)10 "THE LAST CHANCE" "WHAT NEXT, CORPORAL HARGROVE" HARD WATER "KISS'ANE TELL" in "THE CHEATERS" Hlimvti > PLUS GLYCERIN Tiirms.. mi. ins—iiix—»i;io. A handful of • SAT.. SI.'.V. MATS. nor IIOIII:HS "MEET ME ON BROADWAY" WRISLEY SALT "ALONG THE NAT., Sl(NI—llltl—7li(>—III II). SUPPOSITORIES •i CAUTOOIVS i to a bath tub of water NAVAJO TRAIL" PARAMOUNT and no tell-tale ring. "HITLER LIVES" NEXT WEEK . SUN. TO TUES. SEK IT . . . riUMI''.MIll:ll IT 9c nitnrairr n \( K — B Si.mill mis _ NOW SHOWING 4-lb. bag 47c C1IAS l.Ali I1ITON, TO TIIIIIM, you A.M5W UA.M10I.PII «tJ01-|> — 3 Dnys — 2 — TnntM( oi.on HITS — u "CAPTAIN KIDD" ROY ROGERS and SUN., MON., TUES. AMCIO KAY 15 CONSTANIH jiiooiin, TRIGGER THE GANGS ALL HERE I.HO f HICT'1'15 DAVIS .... 39c 18 Mnrlin Blades . 25c "MEXICANA 50c Squibbs 50c J. & J. HAMKII.l'lI BCOTT "THE CORN IS GREEN" THE DESPERADOES WED. AND THURS. — I'liix — ToolhPaste... 37c ^ J# Powder . 39c IlilH JIOY IIO(;KII!I — rnii(ii;i?ii "ALONG THE SBkt Gillette 50c Cashmere Talc 33c WAVNB. tClH|i». Til "DON'T FENCE ME IN" "STAGECOACH NAVAJO TRAIL" Blades 25c Cashmere Bouquet (iro, Mllll'llV, A mi' SIlllU.MV k Thin Gillette Soap 9c "POWERS GIRL" — Next Week — TODAY, FRI., SAT. — Plus — Blades 10c Kalah Water*. . . 33c — .Ilnrrh II. 1.1, HI — WED., THUR., FRI., SAT. 75c Stick Blades . 69c Large Pluto Water 39c fieup 'rinil\l!Y, Comrl WIMU'l "THEY WERE CHESTER MORRIS "LEAVE HER EXPENDABLE" ... TO HEAVEN" — in — In I'dlnr LIBERT MILK CHOCO- 2:0(1—7;I.'i—it: SO I'l.AIMIIOI l> ,1011 x w.vv\r, BUY THEM WARM .SAT., 1 :i!ft—i:'>'<—7:20—9 iT.O, Jlnt. ghoiv -':(IO. Kvc, 7iOO, Kit" - I-IUM - "A Close Call for LATE RABBITS Appetizing for Lenten MARCH OF TIME "SWING PARADE Season are our oven- ] :4Ti—7:00—0:30 SAT., SUN., 1VON. HAT.. 1 :U.->— 1:3a—7:00—9:35 OF 1946" BOSTON BLACKIE" Iteih Salted Nuts — Sweet and Wholesome* SAT. MATIVKK OSIrY Ill MI'llllCV 1IORA VIIIH;il A'lTIIAI T!<>\ Bruil Nut«, Pecans, Buy Now— "II1UIIT PI' Till'! WH»'P s, Pistachio and "PASSAGE TO Jumbo Peanuts. " SUN., MON., TUES — Mart'li 17, ts, 10 — MAR EILLE" IlOHOTIIt AIITIIIO — AIKO 1,1111)111 DPCOIIIIOVA Illl KM "MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" TWIN" 1 :no—n:r.r.—s:5r,—g:r.o MON.. THUS., 2:30—8:40. KIIIDIKS N M sirv. MurKiin Cmnnij, Anno .Ffirrle» "DICK TRACY" fAIITOO.V SHOW *>.,—, r»-.ri0—Mr.o. simvri'K sn • "ON POGGIO UUW MON'.i TUKM.. 1 ::m—7:10—10:00^. IIICIIAUIJ "STARTS WED., MARCH 20 AMI:IUCA.\ Hour, TAVI.OH, JOIIV w.ivsn Now Open IJOVNA HIOAIIfO TUES., WED., [THU., FRI. "THEY WERE Alrrpil lilt)' ask the privilege of reminding nxti EXPENDABLE" friends thnt (!a*ii Poggio's again offcrfl 1:10—7:00— !i;.|0 "The LADY \JANISHES" them its linAi>itnlily. — Ainu 111:111,1: ME1.VTM ELM STREET . PHONE WE. 8-OW2—3-0603 noN iitu;(;i.AS To tile old friends, wo hope tills will FEELING* he the means of renewing old acquaint- FRANK 0. YOUNG 'UNCERTAIN ances, mid ihnl they will give ui the Plumbing and Heating plcnsiiro of ngnin serving them 08 wo "OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK •• did in the pnsl. Contractor Try the Maple Tree Inn Of tho new friends wo hope to make FOR DELICIOUS FOOD we flfik only the opportunity of winning 253 Scotch Plains Ave., their paironago with onr excellent LUNCHEONS—STEAK DINNERS r.m'?inc nud Ilic friendly ntmosplicre that AND TASTY CHINESE DISHES Westfield, N. J. lms nlwiiys prevailed st Pogglo's.

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Phone WE. 2-2967 May ice anticipate the pleasure of an MUSIC AT THE PIANO AND SOLOVOX early visit? WITH BUDDY BENEDICT MAURICE nnd MAE. : GREGORY'S 'NC, A7, j. PLFD. MAPLE TREE INN Return To ICIIDliS USE/US SOUTH AVE. and TERRILL RD. AT J°EV MILKS, Owncr-Mgr. Tel. Fun. 2-7471 Old-Time Specials SNUFFY'S Harmonicas .... $1.00 CLAS¥2S and LOBSTERS Guitars $10.50 Small Steamed Under Pressure Groups Snare Drum .... $10.00 The Midway Who Dine In a Pleasant MANY KINDS OF SEA FOOD DISHES Clarinets $50.00 Now Features Want a Big Party Popular Music 3 for $1.00 ... Ota In Ic I ft all T n Atmosphere and Fully VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL LOUNGE and BE or Yotu- Dancing and Listening Pleasure wood 2-7470 1 I I Portable Vicirolas $19.30 dncriplion rl I e f 1 • w» ENTERTAINED BY THE PIANO-SOLOVOX. llel, ihow" I • . n Enjoy One of Our TONE RANDALL and Repairing „.„,!„. |, ill KITCHEN C1OSB AT II WEEKDAYSi 1:30 IA1UROAYI His Famous Quintet „ f'.'"'for' . I ' ' Of EN fUNDAY — 1 P. M, Music School ','j'i.rlvaH. I ucious - - - Vit'y in nftnl J H I Thursday, Friday, Snturdny and Sunday Ni ,. .1 2 7-1/ I II STEAK AND MUSHROOM OR • STEAKS • CLfliS • LOBSTERS (* remans! I / f II I" Our Newly Dccorntcd Pnlin Room. i,* of yjyr [ 1 CHICKKN AND MUr.MUOOM DINNERS. GREGORY'S Parth.. g* fi$ P !J rC3 fC1^ -7? (& Open MUSIC CENTER :VM) UI;NT niovr NTitttin1, PEDEFLOUS' RESTAURANT I'l.AlM'lHI.I) STEAK I9OUSE ROUTE 2<), BET. DUNELLEN & BOUND BROOK •|VI. I'I.III. II-M5I1 MOUNTAIN BOULEVARD, WATCHUNG MOUNTAIN AND PARK AVE5., SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J. N Ill Tlinr*. mill Sill, Him. ° COVER CHARGE . MO MINIMUM Closed Tiio«day«. Tel. i'lainficld 0-OS03 19 H60M till 19 ing Department of theJ\\ E. T. & Osgood Rogers T. Co. in 1904. Mr. Rogers will continue to live WEDDING GIFTS here where he lias been active in THE PARTY CORNER COLLECTORS! Retires From musical affairs fir 20 years. Mu- Of Framed Pictures Are Always the Desired sic, with emphasis on flute play- Buffet Supper* Dessert Bridge ing, has been his lifetime hobby. Gift Bell Telephone He has played in community sym- Luncheon* Hew D'oeuvres Pavelle Color Print phonies and did solo work in and Order Pies Picnic Box Lunches A Beautiful Collection of Floral Prints Osgood S. Rogers, 536 N. Chest- around Boston befure moving here. nut El., vetiled Friday after more He has been polo flutist of the Cocktail and Afternoon Tea Sandwiches. than 41 years with the Bell Tele- Plainneld Symphony Orchestra for Moderately Good Stock of Artists' Supplies lsiZE 3" X 4Vi|ff,|rasT«wn phone System. Born in Salem, many years and is viro president 1 Prepared and Delivered to Your Home. Is Now Available ONLY *iOO|TtiiBP«w«i«..- IBUT 7 wonuN.1 Mass., he has been a resident of of that organization. Hi helped to Westfield for 22 years. Since 1024 organiio the Westfidd Sinfonicttu he has been in the Personnel Re- a fen- years ago and was its pres- lations Department of the A. T. £ ident during its existence. Mrs. Jonathan Stern SWAIN'S ART STORE T. Co., Now York. He was for- Among Mr. Rogers' future plans 821 East Broad Street E»(. MS gnus YOUR TRAHSPAREMCIES TO US'na merly statistician of the New Eng- are those for continuing his musi- land Tel. & Tel. Co., Boston. OriR- cal interests and devoting more WE. 2-4577 317 W. FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD, N. J. inally a teacher in the Salem High time to teaching flute playing: than HOME MADE CAKES, PIES A LEMON MERINGUE TARTS Telephone Plainneld 6-1707 Westfield Studios School, he entered the Engineer- has heretofore been possible. 23a E. Broad St. Phone We. 2433,1

'hm Slied-to-Height drcuei modeled informally ANOTHER KRESGE • NEWARK FIRST! in our Dining Room on Wednesday, March 13th, during luncheon from'12 noon until 2 P, M, and during dinner from 6 to 8 P. M. Alto on Saturday, March16th, from 12 noon until 2 P. Id, AN0TF*R KRESGE • NEWARK EXCLUSIVE/ Dresses Sized-to-Height by Murray Whim

-For you who are 5 feet 3 Indies tall or less,

I -For you tvho are 5 ft., SV2 to 5 ft. 6V2 ins,

M. -For you who are 5 feet 7 ins. tall or taller.


Yen, we're tEc first store and tEe only store In all New Jersey to present these

delightful dresses perfectly sized to ibe individual figure in THREE DIFFERENT

HEIGHTS . . . "F" for smaller figure., "I" for average height am] "T" for really

tall girls assuring perfectly proportioned fit in ,],ou!«W., waistline, hips and

I*ngth withom costly ..Iteration,. All this and smart styling, ,0Of ,Jlankg t0 Mur.

ray White, Boston manufacturer, whose extc.Mve reward, into the problem of ,ke

variation, in the average woman', figure .h« rwuhed in thi. remarkable innov-

tion fa fashion. Yoll-U find ^ ^ ^ m ^.^ ^ rf ^ ^

color,, aml the fahric, are of the finest . . . solid tone rayon crepe, hy Goldstein

«* Le-v, . . . polka dot. of Crow* TM.,. B*nroSe fpun njn And „„ „

hw pricedl Sue, rwge from 10 l0 JJQ,

t THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 Page Seventeen Thi» system, which is being in- lmum of waiting time. White stat- stalled in accordance with instruc- Nature Increases fore reaching its destination. ment leaving the United States Easy On Spuds ed that the new schedule went in- Aborad the SS flenrj/ Dearborn, on the SS Dearborn included 395 [Action tions received from the Newark to effect the first of the week. Rutgers Must Pay area office, wag planned for the Cow Cargo On three cows died. But 17 calves Fresian cows and eight bulls. A new rubber-covered potato, ;C Claims purpose of effecting an even flow Each claimant appearing at the were born, far more than offset- basket produced by a rubber man* of claimants from 8;30-a. m. to office will be advised to call a week IStadium Taxes UNRRA Voyage ting the loss. Getting better food conveniently ufacturer cushions the potatoes 2:30 p. m., Monday through Fri- hence within a designated half, The cattle are part of the UN ly, hot, and at lower cost, some against bruising when they are schedule for claim- day. Under the new arrangement, hour period, and to make subse- TRENTON—The State Supreme PRAGUE—A shipment of 403 RRA supply program to aid war-7,000,000 workers ale fed in 173 thrown into the receptacle. ,t the Elizabeth of- the balance of the day will be left quent weekly calls at the same Court has ruled that Rutgers Uni- cattle for Czechoslovakia dispatch- ravaged countries of Europe in re- industrial plants in 47 U, S. cities, Mates Employment free for the personnel^ the claims hour. This will distribute the ap-versity must pay $75,625 in 1942ed by the United Nations Relief stocking their farms which were through in-plant feeding facilities. SAVlTwASTE FATS K( inaugurated by plicants evenly throughout the taxes on its 138 acres of. athletic " , tration division to do other required de- day and will do away with the ear- afid Rehabmtation Adn lnis denuded of dairy animals during supervisor of tail work, it was explained. fields and million dollar stadium the Nazi occupation. The ship- Compensation ly morning lineup and congestion which, according to the court was declared at natural dividend be- ,„„ teen announced It was pointed out that this sys- at other times, when the schedule built primarily BO that tho general 'afiienfeld, manager tem also is designed to relieve pos- is crowded, White said. He added public "might indulge its fancy to ofce, at 1177 East sible congestion at the claims coun- that the system has been applied witness athletic contests." ter, and to insure claimants a max- successfully in other local offices EYES EXAMINED of the area. Piscataway Township, in which the athletic fields and stadium are located, had levied the taxes F. LESLIE and SON Huff Duff And Sofar against the university which ap- BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS pealed to the Middlesex County Dr. Morton N. Mann Join Navy Lingo Tax Board and the State Division EXCAVATING . GRADING of Tax Appeals. Both ruled that WATER SOFTENERS Huff Duff and Sofar, newest OPTOMETRIST SHOVEL AND BULLDOZER WORK the property was not exempt from DURABILITY—LOW COST—HIGH EFFICIENCY Navy electronic devices join the taxation. Alto for Rental ranks of such stalwarts as lido, — pluto, and other pet names for sci- The tract, on the opposite bank | It will pay for itself on many savings from 227 EAST BROAD ST. . WESTFIELD entific military aids. Huff Duff, of the Ruritnn Ulver from tho uni- soaps to plumbing and heating system plus real or technically HP/DP (high fre- versity campus, was acquired in home enjoyment in your showers and baths, ^m.A.PARKHURST 1936. The stadium was built by quency direction finder), is the Glaitet Made On Premise*. electrical finger that spots a ship the Federal Works Administration PRICE $90.00 up, F. O. B., SPRINGFIELD, N. J. Contractor or plane from incredftle distances. at a cost of between one million •ANE WESTFIELD 2-1738 , P. O. BOX 334, WESTFIELD and 81,260,000. pi UK urn till liiHtallluff cfatiruee In submarine warfare, a network Hour* 9—5 PhoiM RESIDENCE: Mill L«n«, MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. of direction finder stations, search In an opinion written by Justice WRITE R. F. D. 1 . WESTFIELD, N. J. air waves for enemy broadcasts Frederic R. Colie, the court said: Evening* by Appointment WE. 2-5177 made by lurking subs, note their "There is no doubt but that phys- PHONE ESsex 3-7327 bearings, and fix their position. ical education is a proper field for instruction." Sofar is the abbreviation for sound fixing and ranging. It is a long range underwater sound sys- tem for locating air and ship sur- vivors far at sea. A TNT charge dropped by survivors and con- Set your summer tcene structed to explode at a depth of with this three • piece 3000-4000 feet is picked up by grouping; choice of rich sound receiving equipment at three blue or bright srecn '129 WANTED water-repellent sailcloth. widely spaced stations ashore. By comparing the times when the signal is received and then re- ferring the difference to special charts, the stations are able to plot the position Of the explosion. ALLYOUR WASTE PAPER Survivors can be located within a square mile of sea, as far as 2,000 miles from shore stations. MARCH 24th. 1 P. M. "Frozen" Coffee Frozen coffee cubes may make coffee brewing as simple as boll- ing: water, their enterprising man- ufacturer predicts. Dropped into a pint of boiling WESTFIELD BOY SCOUTS water, one cube of the frozen, con- centrated extract will make steam- ing, sedimentless coffee in an in- stant.

TIME FOR Summer Suites

It's time to turn your terrace or sunporch into

QUALITY AT A SAVING:- Cool-looking mile with grocotullj a restful summer resort with informal furniture groupings. curved ntini wrapped with tans. Choice of blue or green water- repellent Jallclolli. We have, ready for immediate delivery, a fine collection of light,

Quality is never an accident; it is bright and snappy suites fashioned from etocky wooden always the result of high intention, sincere dowels in suntan f inisht They have comfortable inner- effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of spring seats and exceptionally heavy sailcloth many alternatives, the cumulative experi- covers. See them today .. . it's not a moment too soon to make ence of many masters of craftsmanship; your choice. and it also marks the quest of an ideal Budget Terms after necessity has been satisfied and use- fulness achieved. That is why Van Dor en Laundry Service is one of the State's leading Laun- dry Institutions. That is why we say for laundry service at its best call — Westfield 2-12€0, or use our Cash and Carry store, right at the plant, where there is never a parking problem, just drive right in. r A trial will convince you.

For Snacks on the Terraces For Btliiuncr (unif'trt . . . titfn mid two lounge rlmirs Our Gift Shop has n groii|> of colorful fibre' Mlwrlly Inilornl ih liriuhl wrapped howl* rirrorulrrl with the words blue or Rrrcu wiitmrepi-1' lent enUdnlh. "Peanuts," "Popcorn," "Pretzels," etc.

612 North Avenue E.} Westfield ST. GEOKGES AVE., Highway 217 /H'/t 10 A. M. to 10 I'. M. Just Below Euclid Ave. KOOS BROS. RAIIWAY, NEW JERSEY Raliimy 7-3200 Monday Thru Saturday TcL Westfield 2-1200 P»ge Eighteen THE VrFSTFIFLP LEADER, TTTTTRSDAY. MARCH U. .134(5 witJi 63 boys and (firls, leads the •-. of '•^ijifi-ca's Kernr Tcwi. I Right Eating {Taxpayers Elect 21 Local People | list. Wostfleld is represented by Mrs, Tfedje Heads 121 Etudentf Blizabeth SO, tinden McGinley And Potts At Junior College | 31, Plainfield 30, Roselle 22, Eah- t )i ! Twenty-seven communities way 20, Hosello P"ark 19, Dutiellen Newcomers Club i Christmas Seals . E. V. McGinley Jr.. of Stone- 8, Sininjffleld 1, KenilWorth 7, 1 this area and X«w York City are , leigh Pk. nnd C. K. Potta ol W/ represented in th, Newark 6j Qar- Irving Ave. were elected new id pp. Krifil.e. The urn-, optn-j l.i.is J^nkfup's p7eventiv*e health reported on the activities of his P «! in Apt. S, v. ill inrTii.1i' Af.nl anfi! iiinc •fini, Jij.*-? Kiiiif ^aij nnti con- committee and analysed' for the NEW PRINT-0 MATIC <» members the change* in the cur- | 1. '"T«tMo hr*s l>cc)i wiJrly in- The Girl Scout's arc celebrating ^i IcnottJitltre ami intfre.-t their thirty-fourth birthday. rent school budget. S. G. Fell, re- LETTERGRAPHS MoDR[.c .. riiv; Mi-. Wi,h,: 1\ MMIT., w, hnt thf p\'p'i:r.fr* i.f ,Msr. fltniral *PftJ by the intcn^jf;e.l March 12, b.v introducing a neu porting as chairman ot the Town d 22. ihc :"*r.a! ni-y*. ha\«- bcu n i ti;^ti, pw jrrtni.* r*jH¥iftlly in I he program or nutrition. They will Affairs committee, outlined the Mrs. I>s". W. TiTtvr.:, CfiBTiniiiL-n st-t aside &t Vnion Junjnr CoHe^e j fxi,J« of tuberculosis and *i,v learn how lo pUn lunchbox changes in the town budget. OF SPEED-O-PRINT ^ Ii!.,i»ai.irt. ?•**, Tnp • ri|,,-j irjcntal h\.^it-jie, Tiirrc is meals, well-balanced rations to After C. R. Beddows, the presi- 'iiI<»r f:iiii'i 11>!.s IY.riiii -. iho co-jrip^Rit^ (jenand for eontinuaiice of tike on hikes and what foods to dent, had called attention to the PURSAND eat to keep them healthy. •» H1LC0 .,o( Mrs. W. H. H..'JebrnrhJt, lU'frait ai.J hli-'h j ju)pi-oveei\in*s and for expiui- probable need for expanding the FUR-TRIMMED Mrs. Waller S'sm?, Xt"v Voih >»»n Ko meet dt*Tc)opiiiff neetls." scope of the association's activities • REBUILT MACHINES • The pi;Vo£«ci.s, &v&j]&I/!e in the Lt. R. A. Hall, USNR, C«y: sr-J Mrs. Alfro.! S?:«:h. KJ.- 31iss Klin^ stated that the league in the post-war period, the meet- ALL WOOL AT REASONABLE PRICES iiiEis-.ce, Fis. !?*•& t<-;m -will be Knsrlish III arsi now is intensifjing its program in At Pearl Harbor ing- directed E. P. Merritt, treas- In sdditiC-^ to Mrs. I*O:T bra I a?>d II, plam ant nev case finding, one approach to unrer to send out bilis to the entire CLOTH COATS DICKS — STYLE — LETTERGRAPH tJxree appointed so thairraansr. rrjc*t*rj# Anjetifan his which is through mass x-rays, j membership fen- 1946 dues of |t of American dcraocr Lt. Ralph A, Hall. USKft, 547 each. were: Mrs. H. M. liilJt.ii. 5l!-rej Since Jan. J, of this year, over 1,- is serving: with the U. olis. North Side membership: Mrs. r.A fri^onomelrj". 800 feav« been made in the schools. 1 S- Naval Fleet service dispensary, Waiter C. Clemen*. K. Orancip. tcl- The league is now also sponsoring McGrew Pointy pearl Harbor. M-M-I Ol.' fcyhone; Mr*. J, G. Johnson, Iowa Report Street ST 9HTM& VtR£CT WestfielrJers On an occupational therapy program The dispensary bfgnn operation XCmj£XS£>$lM6£$ffU DTIM.ICATOII Cily, directory; Mr*. Robert \\~. at Bonnie Burn. Lights Broken McCrnekcn, Cleveland, liaison with Petit Jury Pane! Feb. 23, thia year to serve Tessel: Coir MA/VUf*CTV8£RS si 1'pi.ircs the YWCA; Sirs. V. C. Mdsetl. too small to carry their own med Two complaints have been re- Light Rays ical staffs. It contains five depar Milwaukee, program: Mr*. J, Rack, Three women residents of West- ceived recently at police headquar- Mttuchon, South Side membership; Light rays travel at exactly the roents; consultative, optical, photo nn-nil«.i)ivn fiel'l are included in a group of «ame speed as radio waves—186,000 ghiorographic, dental and epideni ters of boys breaking street lights, and Mrs. Mark E. liichnrdrtm. Arba Hamm of 517 Dorian PI. tele- vorit OLD 100 drawn before Judtce Edward ^nilcs p»Hr second. < ology.. Hnverfmd, Pa., social. Two of- A. McGrath in Qnartcr Sessions phoned police headquarters that Dri'I.ICATOllS ficers will also hold chairmanships: Court to constitute the aixth Petit boys in the vicinity of Dorian PI. lint Mrs. Winnt, hostess; Mrs. Martin, and Dorian Rd. were throwing publicity. or Trial Jury for the term of the county com I from XIar. 18 to 3Iar. stones and breaking the street Sl'KCIAI.TY Announcement of the nftlcinl elec- TO. They are: • lights. A similar complaint was tion returns toppt'd several other Mrs. Edna H. Cummings, 238 OPEN SATURDAY TILL 9 received from Mrs. B. Oldford of irrtportunt NfiUTomor developments Clark.; Miss Muriel V. Kelly, 78 407 Grove St. Upon investigation of tho past ten duyi*. One of these Elm St.; Miss Estelle L. Ensels, the police found 10 lights had been whs a complete sell-out of the first THOMPSON 17 Bennett PI. - broken in Warren. St. OM»D.iV*S.f.*o9P.M Sun. to 5 P.M. Put On A Good Roof Intertwine Threads TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 'Shot silk" Is so called because 187 NORTH AVE. PL. 6-0644 OPP. R R STATM thread of one color in the web is mite for Bcouiifulltf shuttled, or shot, through the warp Illusfmted Catatog PLAINFIELD «< BISSELL'S TEXTILE STORE of another color.

210 E. BROAD ST.

Westlicld, N. J. Westfield 2-0298


Sewing Service. Hemstitching. f IRVING THAT YOUR MONEY ft Sffl Buttons Covered. Thursday, March 14, begins the March Va|i(|.S|le at Sears Button Holes Made. field Store. Spidal prices in everjr deparbnent 4m this 9-day td\ . Zippers Installed. Store Hours Monday to Friday 9 to 5:30 24-hr. Service. SATURDAY 9 to 9

Open 9 A. M. till 5:30 P. M., Monday until 9 P, M.

FREE ESTIMATES 400 WEST FRONT ST., PLAINFIELD, N. J. PLFD, 6-351 Modernize! Glamorize! GIVEN WITH TAKE UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY Sear's Sani Metal Tile "HOMART" SLATE SURFACED ASPHALT SHINGLES Sears foresightedness months ago 30x35-FOOl Highlights from New Jersey Bell in purchasing vast quantities of SIZE ROOF 3-in-l slate surfaced shingles makes this sensational offer possi- .50 ble. All are surfaced with genuine 129 Annual Report Vermont slale granules and heavily coated . .. they won't buckle or crack. Have the beauty and protection of a new roof now. IN 1 j»43 -we bandied more business than ever before . . . half a million more Calls a day, from 150,000 more telcplioncg, than when GUARANTEED MATERIAL AND LABOR we entered the war. Such a henry volume of business might he expected to icstilt In large! YES, EXPERTS, earnings. This was not the ease. The Blown-ln AND ONLY EXPERTS IN- company not only did not profit from STALL ROOFING, SIDING the war, but received a return of ROCK WOOL AND INSULATION OR- Glamoriie your kitchen or bolh with INSULATING DERED FROM SEARS! onl>-4.60?J in 1915 on each dollar \ ^~**ZZ3.'~-\. Sani Metal Tile. Individually pieced, Make your home 15 de- inrested in the business, \ ^f^fvT.V*" - \ grees cooler In summer, 28 gouge jleel with baked on enamel With pay Increases and 2,300 more finish. Sani Metal Tile will no! chip, 75 and tn winter save up to one-third in fuel bills. Ru,fJOf}. Sani Metal rile is waterproof, sanitary. Choice of colors between ceilings, etc. fM WI HWT 3 YEARS we've got nn in Irim, sidewall ond ceiling designs. \ ere-n lutgrr lank ah<>u

•war }'th. *V tjujj nP<.,i t() Spt.n,i Mill COUPON fOSt fSEE ESTIMATE j SEASS, HOtESJCK S CO. W/Wfcon«trutHMm, of which .* - >.' 4ftO W. fSONT ST. PUtHflrtD. H. J. mmt he n,;w money into tfn- lm«if,r^i. jiilbn on my po.1 xmd t.p,,,»n- on S«mt Html 111.. mmm our uim h lo do evrrj lh!i,K ! Mt.ll COUPON TODAY 8mi,T for nil who ,irc j StMS. SGUUCX I, CO, j «C0 W l?0'i1 ST.. fUiHFltlD, H. I. ,,r prt..WIir t4l,,,i,11M! . -m tet. -«-i •'. -v L • " • I *litiMH'| ©ft r.U and to liiskc i| , vcri licttrr. FQff YOUR SHOPPING CONV£N(£MCE OPEN SATURDAY Till 9, "=-• - cfer

4M w. r«OHr ST. Or Ymtr ffltmey P1FD. 6-3611 SEARS PlftlRFIELD, N, 4, Plfd, 6-3611 Jersey Bel! Telephone Company 400 w. mom ST. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 Page Nineteen

flowering types are closely related group is littleleaf


Edited especially for amateuri, cock NO JOB ALl WORK Inue of "Lawn Coro" li full of prac- GENUINE TRANSIT MIXED CONCRETE tical information that will help you) TOO BIG OR GUARANTEED mahe your lawn a velvet earpefj for Roads, Walks, Drives, Foun- SMALL without weeds. Send for your FREEt KENTUCKY dations, etc. 2 year subscription today. Write.... 0. M. SCOTT and SONS CO., nave Your LAWN MOWER and POWER MOWER :ld Spring 5t., Moryivllle, Ohio CANNEL COAL OFFICE: TELEPHONES: Repaired hy One of . . . RIALTO BUILDING, OFFICE: WE.tfield 2-4444 Jersey's Largest and Best Kqntpped Shop* Immediate Delivery. WESTFIELD, N. J. QUAKRYl FAnwood 2-7840 COLDWELL DISTRIBUTORS Something Now Has Been "THE HOME OF llIGll.CRADi; PRECISION" Added COLONIAL COAL YARD R. MANNING & SONS A VANDOREN1ZED New Brunswick Ave., 564 DOWNER ST. . Wcstficld 2-5488—2-3940-M SHIRT <:. is, mini:, pn>p. Rahway, N. J. Cellar Excavating — Trenches NEAi? TERRILL ROAD To 1. Westfiold 2-1200 PLAINF1ELD, N. J. 1327 Our Cnsli mid Carry Rahway 7-1840 GRADING — LAWNS — DRAINS mm* e TO Tr^nn OF mn CUSTOMS At the Plant Permanent Driveways WHO WORK DURING THE WEEK THE WESTFIELIl LEADER, TtrttRSDAY, MARCH 14. Europe's Sailing ! Easier Clothes For two Enlist In ft j Thrift Shop avy PUT NEW LIFE INTO YOUR Tells Of Youth NEW JERSEY COUNCIL HISTORICAL TOURS Orders Canceled Previous saiiiu^ orders tor the The Thrift Shop at 331 W. Broad •ton St. and FURNfTURE THIS SPRING In Japan it fucw.Njfd only in riddrlnp EiHYi/*?, former German luxury St. requests donations of chil- of 622 Sterli ^ronir SHRIVE? JN CEV- with shot the sildol 1*1! beneath. liner, fur Bremerbavpn, have been dren's clothing, and especially stare : The inflnpnees of Chris iarity in TR \I. N'KW .IKRSKV This i« believfv! to he the only pre- cancelled, snd the ship will remain spring clothing for Easter. Its i Japan-has phyed « !a™ - j.i:t ::i N.:;:,z.*'r thrfv of a scries Revolutionary English Crown so •for an inii#finite period at Pier 88, telephone number is We. 2-2530. Peter, the son of KEy St. to the right; who lost their lives to one yea? as I' ! < !•>•!<-! lan ( Imtoh, lit Boxwood Hall, No. 1073. City. here." Departure date for the ship •<">•!.''< lV.y S"n has been delayed because of dredg- the result of fires in the United Thi* house, nearly 200 years old, States vVBS & term man, woman of a •Jai'.ir.i-. vt.'^r. Mut.'ninoiti the home &i EZlias Boudiiioi, ing* operations in Bremerhaven har- pf tS- Hmv.e Mi>- ui of Washington and Presi- Collecting Bandages bor. Pier shortage space in New or child. Onnierpbuxi! of N'tiMh A merit's. of the Continental Congress York City misbt cause the Europa i:i ivx?} r.atfi n.il when the peace treaty was signed Oir! Scouts of Mountainside are to sail h\ mid-March. p conducting a house to house can- \\Wn Croat in 1783. Wash- .•!!),: i< i!:"-.--:.r if ih* CVmmiitw intrton had lunch here on his way vass for old bed linen and other absorbent materials for use ns can- ui tie inauguration in New York A new t«aster-cook«r comblrstion in 1789, The main section of the cer dressings, under direction of their leader Mrs. Elmer Hoffarth. has been perfected. Th* gadget pre- house was restored to its origins pares an cntirs breakfast right on UPHCHSTEItr SHOPS condition about three years ago. the table in one operation. Chain Return to Route 25 «md drive —LEADER WANT ADS PAY- KMNFKU) *JS73 WESTfMID i Matsumoto's ta:5c larpely vras sn»i( h. Just beyond! 37 SOMEKSET STREET 3T7 EAST BKOAD STKECT j narrative of his own early life, i doverleaf take Route 35 to the left. ttAINRRD, M. J. WESTFIEIO, N. J. I which hv contrasted conditions af Leaving Route 35 at South Amoby, 4 fectsjig Japanese children with eas^ take road to Old Bridge, and con- • trans in this country. He .__.___ tinue to Eng' — jthe stubborn efforts of his mother, 'who hgd lived in a mission home This area is reminiscent of the and had embraced Christianity to Battle of Monmouth and the hero- teach the principles of the faith ism of "Molly Pitcher," whose real Houri 9 to S:30 Monday Eveni»g» 6:30 to to h«r two children, ifatsnnsoto's nanw was Molly Ludwig. The Vil- . father was a Buddhist and also op- lage Inn at EnKlishtown was stand- j pastas the mother's Christian in- ing- during the Revolution. It was Phone WE. 2-3288 1 fiuenee was a headstrong grand- here that Washington wrote the j mother, equally resolved that the orders for the arrest of General j children should be Buddhists. The Charles Lee, whose disgraceful con- j young man finally entered a Chris- duct at the Battle of Monmouth ! tian school ami there decided to and insolent letters to Washington I become @ Christian teacher. led to t-ha court martial proceed' j The speaker outlined the |rrow- insrs which resulted in his dismi | in^ revolt in Japan amons some of sal from the Continental Army fo j the younger people to customs, one year. Lee nwer returned. ED SAID "1W He pointed out Wl* | such as family-arranged marring*. From EnRlishtown,, take the roa< ROBERT F. DAY You Need No Fuel OH Contract "of rights to women and the o Tennent and the Battlefield o «*a complicated afiaks and a tough busing ^ : of individual freedom in Monmouth which lies in the vicin tioa wou« leave too little time to do a good jofc ... to be assured of prompt, on-time ity of Old Tennent Church. Th — ! the strict domination of the family church should be visited. It Prescription Optician Farther, fie recommended that a trust instintiaB deliveries ... at the lowest price iby the father who is undisputed ' master of the home and often un- built in 1751. is doubtless the nios fflte oats, a specialist In estate settlement, be nined offered by reputable refiners deliver- reasonably stern. church standing in New ersey; not alone for its venerabl Executor. Before naming your Executor, we suggest ing at in this area. All you need Christian influence is liberalizing age and Revolutionary associations that you investigate the advantages we have to ofe. do is to phone the treatment of, women, the speak- but because of its location, beauty er sauf, paying tribute to the lead- relics on display and the famou, ers who have carried on mission preachers who have been its pas- PLfd. €-2100 work there. He said his own edu- tors during the years. cation was obtained in a school 6 ELM ST., WESTFIELD, N. J. From Tennent follow the road ELD TRUST operated by the Presbyterian and NEW JERSEY Reformed churches. to Freehold and from there eon tinue along State Eoute, 33, which Oppoiite Peoplci Bank A Tru»t Co. In conclusion, Matsunioto envi- winds through lovely countryside, sioned a future for Japan in which to Asbm y Park. A brisk walk on Member Federal Invnrance Coriiorndon individual freedom will be inrrens- the beautiful boardwalk, and the — ed vastly and in which the hope stimulating tang of the salt-laden Scotch Plains - BRANCHES - and aspirations of the common air is well worth the stop-over, be people will fimi new and broadened it short or of longer duration. aspects. On the return trip, follow Route 4N to Eaton town and from there IS TOOl SH.TEBWAHE Capt- W. R. Freeman continue on Route 35 to Shrews- bury. Visit Old Christ Church, Delayed In Manila which is located directly on the GUEST-WORTHY? State Highway. The present build- Capt. William R. Freeman, mas- ing was erected in 1769 and con- • We con bring back its orig- ter of the Isthmian Steamship trains many unusual relics. The inal gleaming lustre by re-plat* Co.'s Sea Hydra, phoned Mrs. Crown of England, still tops the Freeman on Wednesday at 1 :• ing. Flat arid hollotcare, regard* spire of Old phrist Church as it a. m. from Manila that he had did when patriots trying to dis- leu of size. j been delayed three, weeks by a i stevedore strike, but the ship was SmV OR BRIXG IT TO I then clisehanrinif, nfter which it was to go to Ccbu anil Shanghai. Although the ship is unassorted For All Emergencies let'* Tackle Inflation from there, Capt. Freeman hopes Call to be home by the first part of MARINO'S Slay. The Freemans live on St. LaSALLE TAXI SERVICE George PI. • 641 W. FRONT STREET • 24 Hours A Day PlAINHiU), NEW JERSEY WE. 2-2985 VFVY Card Party If no answer call While We Can Clark-Hyslip Tost, 645, Veterans WE. 2-2887 of Forciijn Wars, will hold a bene- Ernest L. Brown, Prop. TYPEWRITERS fit card' party tomorrow at 8 p. m. MRRo AT REASONABLE: TRICES • sri'i'i.iEs in the Mountainside School. Tick- Prompt Service ets may be had from any member You don't want your dollars to buy less Why? Because price controls in peace- of the post or at the door. THOMPSON TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE and less and less 1 time hinder the production of goods. IS7 NORTH AVENUE Plfi 6-0S44 PLA1NFIELD, N. J. SAVE WASTE FATS ,You don't want your laving* to melt Business cannot live by producing at a DO YOUR DRINK Ion. And so, goods that can't be made to TOO MUCH Sway! Or the value of your life insurance AND DESIRE TO fo dwindle! sell at the prices fixed by the government STOP? }us( don't get made. Yet that is what inflation can do to all Write Nor will the raising of price ceilings of us. Therefore, thoughtful people ALCOHOLICS solve the problem. When costs and selling everywhere are concerned with ways to ANONYMOUS prices are subject to change at any mo- Westfield Group smother it before it gets out of band. ment by government action, production P. O. BOX 121 One major cause of inflation is a short* has to be on a day-to-day basis. CAN HELP age of goods when people have money NOT ADD YEARS That means uncertainty . , , reduced to spend for things they want TO YOUR LIFE output... more inflation. BUT ADD LIFE That cause can bo eliminated by the TO YOUR YEARS! „ ISN'T THIS THI ANSWER? A. A. Croups of N. J. production of goods— fast —in quantity. Phone Humboldt 2-2821 Remove price controls on manufac- BUT THERE'S A BOTTLENECK t tured goods and production will step up {ait. During the war there wasn't enough' April Showers in the Making • • labor and materials to meet the needs Goods will then pour into of war and still produce all the civilian and, within a reasonable time, prices will goods people wanted and could buy. adjust themselves naturally — as they al- • Pre-nuptia! parties for June brides are already start- HUGO J. FUGiUl ways have — in line with the real worth of ing }o fill our engagement book, end Banquet Manager Therefore price controls on civilian things. Heating Service goods were substituted for competition Bernhard, in his own devious vvoy, is planning to moke to keep prices down. Competition has never failed to pro- ihe 1946 spring season memoroble for the success of its duce this result. Repairs on All Make* Today this country has all die labor and a bridal showers! With a bumper crop of brides in the Oil Burners materials necessary to turn out the things This is the way you can get the goods offing, we suggest that you complete plans for your people want. you want at prices you can afford to pay. Furnace Vacuum party at the earliest possible dote. Jusi coll Bernhord Yet goods are still scarce. Store shelves Flense think this over. Then tell your Cleaning representatives in Congress what you be- o! 6-3400. are still bare. The national pocketbook lieve should bo done. You owe it to your- Thermostat Controlled continues to bulge. Inflation grown. self , . . and to your country's welfare. Damper Regulators THE RED CROSS NEVER FORGETS Installed DON'T FORGET THE RED CROSS Street,et, New York 20 N Y »./// *,-•„» I Sales and ]nntallation [ of Oil Burners FUEL OIL NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTUREES PARK HOTEL For prompt and efficient 7TH AT ARLINGTON AVf. • service call * For a Belter Tomorrow fox Everybody * PLAINFIELD WESTFIEUD JS-S272 THE WESTFifiLD LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 194S sheet sugar ration book which ha, been issued since the end of ra- sugar stomps to be issued this pounds is made available every tioning on all other commodities. year, according to OPA. Another four months. The next regular Reports Sates Consumers were advised to retain stamp, worth five pounds, probablv sugar stamp will^ be validated on Book 4 in ease further stamps in it wil. be validated the end of June May 1. FANWOOD — 11. Clay Fried- are used later. w begmn.ng of July, allowing a riclis, broker, reports the sale of Book ions enough period m that con- the following' homes in Fanwood: ar Stamp 9 in * An overall issuance of the home- sumers may take full advantage of Thomas LaRoe Discharged 229 Herbert Ave. to Harold N. Wil- Monday. Good for canning sugar stamp was arrang- the opportunity to help lessen meet son for William R. Winshtp, 385 mp is to be used ed, the OPA spokesman said, bc- the shortage of processed foods, Thomas A. I.aRoe, son of Mrs, *" cauSe local control boards and the North Ave. to Sidney F. Fereday "pare Stamp 9 will be valid thru A. LaRoe of 428 Summit Aye., and for Karl-Ernst. Hill, and 219 N. ^pluining/ reduced staffs of the district OPA Oct. ;il. , the late Capt. Arthur La Roe, has offices are no longer equipped to been honorably discharged from Marline Ave. to Dr. Ralph S. Fer- made early so The uncertainty of the supply enehak for James MeMenomoy. Smer^nh outh, where handle the tremendous demand' the Army after 35 months of serv- IDEM, WALNUT eS which was expected to approximate picture makes it doubtful whether ice as a mechanical engineer with Also sale of 1170 Maple Hill Rd., As Illustrated! 3 vegetables ripen ear- 35 million applications throughout there can be any increase in the a special engineer detachment. A Scotch Plains, to Clifford \V. Doer- ffl have Plenty of time in the country. There are only 2;i allotment of KUITOT for table use former student at Drexel Institute, inger for John H. Iievett Jr., and • BED • CHEST 1 CU this year, the OPA spokesman said, LaRoe holds the Distinguished Unit "Spcre BEDROOM" Groups " local boards in North Jersey in- 422 Locust Ave., Garwood, to Pe- • MATTRESS stead of the wartime 55, it was ex- explaining that at present fiv badge. ter Siragusa for Rudolph Will. Pay $1.25 consumers will find the A Weekl , Ration Book 4, but those plained; 41 in the state in place - • SPRING books recently, espe- of 114, and 1,885 in tho country in- ^tur^d servicemen, will stead of 5,600. f their coupons in the single Spare Stamp 9 is the first of two



For Factory Service Call

143 E. BROAD ST. i. 2-2838

CERTAINLY TO REQUESTS OF HUNDREDS OF RETURNING Q. |.$ , . . we'll photograph your house COMPUtf We*ve had so many requests from returning GJ,n for , ,, or your garden . . .or your store . . . "bed-and-chest" bedroom groups that ueVe finally prevailed upon one of our better manufacturers to or your show window ... or anything else ship m a airload of these matching svts. They're you want photographed, for that matter. TO TIDE HI modern, handsome, with waterfall top*. The chest is roomyf with dove-tailed drawers and center guides. MAKING PHOTOGRAPHS IS OUR BUSINESS It may take awhile few his benefits to start coming through The genuine American tvalnnt veneers are finished and, while most of our work is portraiture, with a new process to resist water, 'I he apt ing and —the Red Cross will help to tide him over. Docs he mattress, included in the group at thiv loiv pricti, remember that this is PHOTOGRAPHIC are made by onn of Americas hetter*knoun bedding OKN SATURDAY 'TIL » P. M, need assistance in filing his claim? The Red Cross knows HEADQUARTERS. manufacturers. They're comfortable, built to last. * * * the answers. At home and abroad the Red Cross is always • Budget Terms Available • ready to render aid. Civilians benefit as well as those in NOTE! , . . Returning O,T.n wilt Hko the forces. Give as generously as you can. this 4-piucfl outfit because fc West field Studios tlifly can mid to It later on wlum ' npnrLmcnta nnd homes boconto uvatlcible. 2 Portrait and Commercial Photographers Qunntlties Iimlteii! Sho]> YOUJI RED CROSS MUST CARRY ON early! Immediate delivery I 232 L BROAD ST. TEL WE. 2-0239 ' SERVICE".,.; -• ..-•.-. •. , HOUSE iiu • niinrtno. NIW JKHT We're Giving You Another SALE THIS ONE in APPRECIATION of the wonderful support you gave our SALE last month — More ROCK BOTTOM PRICES •-, More REAL BARGAINS. ! SALE DAYS — MARCH 15 to 30




COFFEE AND HOOKED WHITE ORGANDY Buy Your 500 CHILDRENS ALL METAL LADIES END TABLES RUGS MATERIAL GARDEN NEEDS NOW. GALVANIZED CORDUROY OVERALLS WASTE CANS BEDROOM SLIPPERS PAILS 43c SEEDS — FERTILIZERS 1.25 47c 5.95 1.67 — GARDEN TOOLS 29c 49c Walnut Finished 2.49 Value yard First Value in 4 Years 88c Value GOLF BALL 100', PLAID BATH MAT CLOTHES CANNON CHILDRENS KRINKLE COTTON COMPLETE COUCH COVERS LOLLY POPS WOOL SHIRTS SETS PINS WASH CLOTHS CREPE PAJAMAS VARIETY 1.49 10c 4.95 1.98 Iceach 10c of S To Bair 14% to 17 2 Dozen 23c MOTH 1.00 1.79 Value Gay Colors Each ITEMS GALVANIZED TOTS DRESSES Just Arrived 1 TURKISH KRINKLE CREPE LADIES X SIZE FLOCKED SCRIM GARBAGE CANS Fruit of Loom Now Shipment RAYON PANTIES COTTAGE CURTAINS Huge Shipment. TOWELS BEDSPREADS 1.19 1,05 HERSHEY'S BARS, ALUMINUM POTS 63c 1.29 1.49 Value Sizes 1 to 6x GUM 59c L39 AND PANS STORE OPEN EVENINGS FOE YOUR CONVENIENCE. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1946 t Amended Veterans Business Loan Act Students Discuss Would Permit Loans Of 75 Million Dollars ••• 4 I FRESH EGGS Collegee Plans Charles B. Erdman Jr., Commis- sioner of the State Department of A gteneral discussion of problems Economic Development, revealed FROM THE COUNTRY facing students and war veterans today that an administration bill planning to enter college, featured has been introduced in the legisla- rarchase of household furnishings, to the imau Committee JOHN A. COLANERI the "collepc night" program Thurs- ture by Speaker Walter H. Jones, and appliances required by them j which would increase the capital for use in their home. Further, j 1'rolnvtlon (Office, advising heir NOW! MORE JOBS day night in the High School spon- i nella MncdunalU r rntjd to sored' by the College Woman's Club of the Veterans Loan Authority by the new act would empower vet- Feb. 13th. ESTABLISHING EGG ROUTE IN WESTFIELD erans under 21 years of age to eon- ,, regardi and the College Men's Club in co-•{10,000,000 and make possible loans Be]Hell 1 Tel(1|Telephon)on e I-il>;. operation with Miss J. Isabell to veterans totaling at least $76,- tract for any one of those four j cniuiition exi&iin referred ALSO Dodds, guidance director of the000,000; it would also amend and classes of loans, and notwithstand- i '^ll^comnmtel^" """"., High School. About 40O high school supplement the Veterans Business ing any contrary provisions of ex- | N. J. Bell Telephone c request Loan Act of 1844 by permitting )d was re HIGHER PAY ' SURROUNDING TOWNS. students and parents were present isting laws such a contract w°« | ^nt?al Ave., War' and about 100 Westfield college state sponsored loans to New Jer- graduates presided at conference! sey veterans for the purchase of Phone CR. 6-2565-J i 76 BENJAMIN ST.. with students seeking informatioi household furnishings. This bill will carry out Gov. Edge's policy Phone CR. 6-0735-W CRANFORD, N. J, about their colleges. FOR Mrs. Stanford W. lirigffs, chair- of assisting returning: veterans who are to — . man of the College Woman's Club wish to go into business for them- proved by the Commissioner of the referral committee, presided at the selves and also help all veterans to Department of Economic Develop- general discussion in the audiori- ostablish their own homes. ment acting through the Veterans rn<- wan referred to PurchaHlna: TELEPHONE OPEMTHS um, at which Dr. Frank N. Neu- The present capital of the Vet- Loan Authority. With two excep- anne?i?tau? ACudrtVe Bonnie Bum bauer, High School principal erans Loan Authority is $5,000,- tions the only security required Sanatorium for 11H5 van received spoke on "College Admissions." Dr. 000. The new "act provides for an for these loans is the personal li- from Wright, I^oni? & Co., and ability of the maker; when the bor- A. E. Meder of Westfield, secre- additional appropriation of double °PDlIuwJnK monthly reports were tary of Rutgers University, dis- rower is married endorsement by received and ordered filed:—Home • Our big post-war expansion program ii th, this amount, thus raising the total Demonstration Afffnt; Home Affont cussed "Who Should Go to Col-to $15,000,000, and would permit the spouse is required, and when an_ d Count, i;ii> ^y _,EngineerB . reason! You can step right into a «eady, high, ! lege!" "Tho Place of the Junior the Veterans Loan Authority to the loan or any part of it is made Following resolutions wjra Intro- Call Hydnviioil Cab Co., Inc. College" was evaluated by Dr. Jca- " * * , _ . - ,ti.,u..i nn/l milt-ml fnr fwmntml):—• use this capital to maintain a re- to finance the purchase of specific paying position with an excellent future; se P. Bogue, president of Green serve against outstanding loans nncp Committee, grantiner Mrs. M property, a lien on such property giiret Mitchell, pension of $1350. . Mountain Junior College, a mem- of not less than 20% of their total annum, payable Heini-monthly, from 605 SOUTH AVE. ber of the executive committee of face amount; in other words, if the is executed. Erdman states Vt-h, lfl, 1946, was on roll t Commissioner unanimously adopted. the American Association of Jun- proposed bill is enacted into law, law, no veteran (21—KVephoirtt-r Itauer for Tload • Wages from the day you start are highest ia ior Colleges. Miss Dodds spoke in the Veterans Loan Authority will mathaty, borroundewr th more e than $3,000 to j _Committee .,, auttmrlzlnff Treasurer to make transfers as its tod, credit- history. Regular increases, too! You can wotlt general about scholarships and bo in a position to approve loans establish or re-establish himself j ing ''"*3!Jt>4.S' S to Reserve fnr ICqulp- presented Mrs. Jueteon S. Bradley, o New Jersey veterans of World in farming, a business or a pro- ment Acc't. No. 510, watt on roll call For Quick Service, Late Model Cars. unanimously adopted. near your home, in clean, safe, pleasant iwJ chairman of the College Woman's WWa r II in thhe amount of $75,000,- fession, nor more than $2,000 for (3)—Fi-pelKtldpr IJauer for Road Club scholarship committee, and Committee, taking over Summit 000. Commissioner Erdman points the purpose of financing the pur- Ave., frmn Morris Ave,, to Morris roundings. Exceptional employee benefits; No' Henry W. Nichols, scholarship out that in actual practice this chase of specific household appli- .and Esuex Turnpike, Summit, HH a chairman of the men's group, who amount will be exceeded because as The lal w alsl o requirei sth that | county Hoad, was on roll call experience necessary. Special Rates for WedSbgs, Funerals, and explained grants available through ances. e q - - ... . i unanimously adopted. original loans are repaid the Loan (4)—Freeholder Uauer for Road their units, Authority's reserve will be re-all loans must be repaid within Committee, approving oRrtaln roads Shopping Hours. under a Federal Aid System, was Information on colleges not rep- plenished, and its lending capacity six years. on roil call unanimously adopted, resented at the conference was ; (5)—Freeh oiler How land for the • Call the Chief Operator at your local telephoae increased. PufTlic Grounds and HuildlngH Corn- available through catalogues and Synopsis Of Minutes mil tee, approving1 temporary ap- office for further information. Don't miss thu other publications. Under this proposed legislation, pointment c*f John Habtiitt us Clean- Local and Long Distance, From Westfield, which has the approval of Com-Of The Union County er and If el per, at $.62^ per lir., Mrs. Donald Donaldson is presi- missioner Erdman and the Depart- effectivo Feb. 27, ltMG, was on roil opportunity ; s ; call her RIGHT NOW! dent of tho College Womnn's Club, can unjuiiniminly adopted. N. J., to Miami, Fla. ment of Economic Development's Board of Freeholders (t\)—Freeholder Brooks for Ptir- which initiated the project, and* P. chrifilnK Committee, authorizing- Economic Council, banks, which 1 D. Prentiss, heads the men's group. Rpjgulitr meeting of the Union purt'hatie of it new 1946 Mercury The committee from the two or-heretofore have elected to have County .Hoard of Chosen Freehold- Town Sedan, fully eciulpped, for their veterans' loans operate under ers iviis held at the Court HOUPC, $1 ess.74, fnr the Probation Office, ganizations included Mrs. Gaken- HHzaheth, N\ J., on TlnirHfJay, Feb- fmm Marshall Motor Salr-s, Inc., of heimer, Miss Mary Ann Faw, Miss the plan whereby the Veterans ruary 2S, lfMG. lit 1:30 p. in. Fllizaboth, was on roll call unani- NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY WE. 2-0771 Director MoMano pruKkiinff. lloli mously adopted. Betty Brown, Miss Elise Van Leu- The Veterans Business Loan Act call showed eipht members present There heiutf no furl her bunlm*»s ven, Jfiss Dodds, Lloyd E. Oneal, of 1944 made it possible for quali- ami land upon niotlnn of Frcfhold^r Fmd- Minut of Fe I it-y, duly scct.ndoil mid curried, tho Dr. William R. Kessler, Dr. Neu- fied New Jersey veterans to obtain !Uh and 1-lth were, approved a» p ! Director dt'clfirod Board iidjournoit, bauer and Walter E. Johnson. venture capital up to $3,000 at 47c printed copies on the meml>er» j CIIAS. M. AKKIilCCK. -if no answer, WE. 2-5279 ddejiksk . —Adv. Clerk. interest to establish or re-establish Resolution that all bills approved themselves in farming, a business be ordered paid was adopted. Ens. Gardner Honored Following communlciitionH wore or a profession, and to date more received and ordered filed:— than 2,600 former service men and Town «f "WestHeld, sotting forth At Dinner Parties resolution requesting County to as- women have availed themselves of sume part of the construction eo."t .Open Thursday TU 9:«M)>, this opportunity. The new lawof proposed Improvement to rover Ensipn Bob Gardner, son of Mr. a at ream which extends from Lam- and Sirs. John Gardner of Ludlow would continue loans of this kind, bert.* AKH lUmd to the Intersection PL, who recently returned" from overseas, was honor guest at fam- ily dinners on two occasions. They were the first times that all mem- FAIR PLAY OUR bers of his family were together. He wears the overseas ribbon. VELOCIPEDES Crosby Home From JUST ARRIVED Pacific On Furlough POLICY ON NEW All Ball-Bearino Chromed Tangent Spoke Bicycles. "Click" Crosby is home on a 33- Heavy Rubber Tires. Ad- day furlougrh after serving over- seas 15 months with the Marine justable for ages 3 to 6 SO 0.98 Corps, much of it spent on Pelclicu. He will go to Cherry Point and years --».» = CAR DELIVERIES! hopes to receive his discharge this summer and return to school. LIMITED QUANTITY While overseas he was a punner N COOPERATION with the Ford Motor Company, we are on a SP2C as well as radar opera- NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS making every effort to give earliest possible delivery tor. While at Peleliu Click was I third baseman on the champion of new cars to our patrons, according to the fairest method baseball team for the Western Car- we have been able to devise. • • During the current olines. 17W WS shortage, when there are not enough new cars for all who TBS BABY CKNTER OF PLAINFIELD , SAVE WASTE FATS want them, we ore filling orders for new cars on the basis • .VOfa • avnnj Tmroltun • Bfthy O&rrUfM of first come first served. There are two important excep- 236 W. FRONT ST. Tel. Plfd. 6-6095 tions to this rule: OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY—SATURDAY 6 P. M. Another Smash Hit 1. We are definitely reserving a substan- tial percentage of our cars to supply those A VAN DORENIZED We're picked dew-hissed flowers for your who have served in the armed forces. This chapeau ... a soft draped blouse for your LEONARD'S' we feel is simple justice and conforms with SHIRT suit . . , costume jewelry to brighten it ... public interest and fair play. and to complete your spring accessories a J soft calf handbag. Tel. Westfield 2-1200 2. // emergency need for a new car is a Use Our Cash and Carry factor, as in the case of doctors and nurses, , Jewelry 1.00 up At the Plant we will, in the public interest determine Hats • 2.00 up priority according to the now abolished but publicly accepted OP A priority lists. Bags . 1.00 up JUST RECEIVED for Blousei 2.00 up 194 East Front Street • • We believe these delivery policies are in your inter- PLA1NFIELD IMMEDIATE DELIVERY est. We will use every care to see that the procedure works PROMPT SERVICE • 3-TUBE AMPLIFIER! fairly and that exceptions to tho rule of first orders delivered first are made only in genuinely deserving cases. WINDOW WASHING, • PLAYS 12 RECORDS AUTOMATICALLY! • • Both in die matter of increasing production and speed- FLOOR WAXING, • VARIABLE TONE CONTROL! ing delivery, tho Ford Motor Company and we ourselves RESIDENCE • LARGE SPEAKER FOR ore making every effort to get your new car in your hands Drugs TONE! promptly and fairly. We want to assure you that the '46 Ford MAINTENANCE. • JUST PLUG IN! is out in front in everything and is well worth waiting for. CRanford 6-2887 Prescriptions Only 62 — Gifts Chester West SEE YOUR FORD DEALER Prompt, Efficient, and Contractor & Builder

Courteous Service. 9 Repairs . Alterations.

Prices that are easy © Remodeling Bathrooms, on your budget. Kitchens, Playrooms. 9 Roofing, Siding, Ga- rages and Driveways. OAY CHOKES The Central Pharmacy Estimates Z-3030 Furnished.

at CENTRAL AVENUE AND PARK STREET Financing Ari«n$>ed, 772 Prospect St. Ylainfiefc/x Oldcd Credit thiontorr. LET THE LEADER PRINT IT Thome Wvalfiold 2-2208 162 E.FRDNT/T. PLR1NFSELD, N.J. OH. I1UKNU?. AISD STOKER SfcKVICti. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946

enson, former rector of G he will not receive any subsistence; Bound Brook wns fined $10. He flier At Old in town or the government will pay for thu Police Court Notes also wa3 fined' $5 for failing to G. W. Berse, Navy, copal Church, Plainfield; Mr. Cartter Answers To cost of tuition, books, etc, have a rear view Mirror on the n~i TV. .. „ , : ' ^«ui" .. •—" -.«^'v.- MI, ranter MOUNTAINSIDE^Tames Bil- Stationed In Cleveland Guard Today Col. John K. Bodel, 'retired Armv salli !1 «nimitU>e would be uppoint- Q. A woman reader asks if her truck he Was operating. Max husband's pay and allowances from lips of New York was fined $15 Tiintss, Kcarny, paid $5 for hav. chaplaw; A.K.Clifford J H g,n" '"' Questions On GI Gurson W. Bcrae, Sl-e, ww \ ford, G. PP. Albright, Charle, the armed forces will be discontin- Thursday night for speeding and ing no lights on his truck. , State Hieh- an additional $5 for falling to ex- recently visiting Ms parents, the scheduled Brown, who is 94 yaryearss oldold,, and Cpl, Leet, Mountainside, ued if he goes back to his civilian H. C. Hammond. Reports on the Bill Of Rights job before the end of his terminal hibit a driver's license. H. VV. Bare Drug and Mrs. David Berse, of 652 Not sick were given. leave. Haben, Detroit, Mich., was fined lingham PI. He is now stiff topic "High* Discharged From Navy Curare from balsam sap Is som«. Alan Carter, director, presided Published by the Leader in co- A. Officers on terminal leave are $3 for failing to have a tow chain times made into a rare drug used in Cleveland, and also led the singing, wit'h Will- MOUNTAINSIDE — Corn Ed- operation with the Veteran's permitted to enter or re-enter civil- on a towed vehicle and was fined to check excessive bleeding. It Is j ™.k n picture, Heavtn iam R. Huntington of the Plain- win Loot, son Of Mr. and Mrai Ed. Service Committee oil behalf ian employment in the federal serv- $1.1 additional for failing to have fatal when absorbefl internally. | LEADER WANT ADS ,<* Around It was shown fleW Old Guard at the piano. win Leet of Evergreen Ct,, haa re- of returning service people. ice and to receive compensation tor liiiJies on R vehicle behig towed, Peter Ten Eyck spoke about ceived a honorable discharge from such civilian employment in addi- the Army Air Force at Fort Dix. tion to pay and allowance from the Charged with operating a car on J an oil company. shuffle boards which the town is OlVIt YOU A . J an The Veteran*' Service Cen- > armed forces. New York expired plates, Elka- K Van Horn of tM PlainfeM planning to install and suggested knteriritf the service in Apr., ter, located at 235 Es.t Broad "COLD SEAL", Q. "My husband has been out of beth Hamilton of Elizabeth was d wass aa visitor»'»«<»••. WelWei- that a committee be appointed to IM.'i, he trained at Miami Beach, St. detond floor) U open fined 5 for failing to have a New DELCO-HEAT INSTALLATION the service for two months now Jed after many week* of nb- confer with the town engineer, as * ia., and at Chanute Field, 111. He weekday* from 10 ». m. to Jersey license. was stationed for a year in San 4 p. m.» Saturday! 10 a. m. and hasn't received his ration bqplc I' rancisco, and subsequently served to 1 p. m., for the conveni- yet. What should he do to get 'Ethel Williams of 316 Klmliall OiL BURNER SALES & SERVICE In New Guinea, Manila and Osaka, ence of diicharged teternst it?" Ave. was fined $5 for operating a AUTHORIZED DEALER Sacnce aoectti who seek h«tp wlth'thair prob- A. He should apply to his loc&l vehicle with expired license platea lems in returning to cirilian Ration Board at once, bringing his and Fred Grcenmcler of Newnrk A Ri-uduate of Westfield High life. The telephone number ii proper discharge papers with him. paid $5 for driving without a li- school ami Pertdie Institute, he at- WE. 2-1601. As you know, sugar is now the cense. F. B. McDowell fe tended Lehish University, where T*l, Wttit. 3-5071 only item rationed. In any ense, it On a Charge of failure to notify lie was elected a member of Chi, Q. "What is the amount of thi Is up to the veteran to apply for morc youtlifttl again Phi Fraternity. Cpl. Leet wears I Me....w Jerse-y bonus and who is en the commissioner of his change of «hit would you fSv* for • >W«ni*i•« ittMtHve tkh tltled to his Tation book; it will not be mail- address, Salvatorc Quitter! of the American Theatre ribbon, the j it? ed to him otherwise. Ir &« end tnra*» Wtf, wtetoe Met«i tbtt, far moM Asiatic-Pacific ribbon with two bat-1 A. There is no New Jersey Stab JS, thi. i> po«fcto with END0C8SME. ThU i. tie stars, the Philippine Liberation I Bonus for veterans at the preseil1 J~Z ^ientific ENDOCSEBtt acts to Improw the Ah ribbon, the (iond Conduct Medal time. At come time lately a quequca Federal Shipbuilding: Sdtwit merely it. tuporftcUl I**". i.. taprovt It to « and the Victory Medal. tion was asked about states payin^ Aids Local Red Cross Snte hitherto ttoutfitknpMuMii BNDOCRK&IB, with such a bonus and the name of Ne« STJ.wir recordo f tuceeti, eont*ki» that gnat dltcoveiy, Jersey Was Incorrectly included —Weatfield participat- •en**.". TMi ACtwot** il tht Uboratory counterpart to Adjustment Board This column is glad to help in cor- ed in the distribution by U. S. Mother Mature'* own ildo-viUlixing •ubfUncc Thii natural Approves Applications recting the mistake. Steel's Federal shipyard at Kea'rnv Sice grow Urn with «< «rf ENDOCREM* Q. "Is it true that not all schools of $33,000 to 30 New Jersey dis- Spring Seasoning atMotbed under the ikto'» tuiflwt to rebuild cell* «od tlmi, are approved for educational b tricts in the current national Red omMsMtet for thk low. tin* eoanc Ay, teamy, ueing MOUNTAINSIDE—Three peti- fits under the GI Bill and if Cross fund campaign, It was an- Aim ttnd to become firethw, ««*«. "noother, lovdiw, tions for zoning changes were ap- who does the'approving?" proved last week by the Board of nounced today by Lynn II, Korn- mm youthful again. How betttf fcanyo u ipend your Adjustment at a public hearing- in A. Under the provisions of thi dorff, company president. The al- JB dollan? Try BNDOCRBMS. Many report Ug Borough Hall. GI Bill, the Veterans' Administra locations were made on tho basis lSOb tion in each state may request th of the number of Federal Shipyard Robert Drewette of Route 29 de- employees living in each district. sires to construct' a two-family Governor to appoint an approving dwelling at Route 20 and Central agency. Here in New Jersey, th Ave.; Charles Salvsitoriello plans Veterans' Administration askeii Now industrial research has to erect a building to be usad as Gov. Edge to designate the ap- made it possible to keep the same a restaurant in Route 2B; and Mrs. proving agency and he in turn re motor oil In your car nil year Florence E. Lemmennan of 803 ferred to the report of the Divi 'round. A synthetic product,' it Mountain Ave. plans to construct sion of Veterans' Services in th does not become thick in winter at that acMreaa a building to be Department of Economic Develop or thin in summer. used as n hardware store. ment. Commissioner Erdnmn ant The tire manufacturers produced Spiced With Allure—i RVIS the Director of the Veterans' Divl approximately one tiro for every 54 ELM STREET The petitions were referred to sion, Colonel Hood, recommendei automobile on tho road last year, Bonnets And Half-Hats the Borough Council with the rec- that the Department of Public In despite strikes and scarcities. ommendation that the zoning ordi- struction he made the approving nance be amended to permit the agency for all educational pro- proposed construction. grams for veterans in New Jerse; USWV Auxiliary g.oo under the GI. Bill. This depart ment is the only one geared for the Has Regular Meeting necessary inspection and check o such schools mid institutions, am] Wntchung Auxiliary nf (he US Huts so lovely they fairly ttirn your B&O's Premier Train to Baltimore and Washington \VV organization held its monthly tho various divisions hnve been head . . , hats 8o different they mark ynost thorough and efficient in see mooting Friday. Regular business | ing that'all proper schools, malting was conducted and plans were madu you us it-head of Spring—and ready to observe the 25th anniversary of THE ROYAL BLUE application for approval, are for a season of unprecedented stylo available for the veteran, and the oreimir.inK of the Cam]), which tv. Plalitfleld ; o'rtO A.M. those not worthy are not accredit- will occur in May. After both excitement. These two potent spirit- Ar.Baltlmof 12,14 p,M. ed. AVe are all anxious to see tha Camp and Auxiliary were declared Ar. Wathlngton 1,00 P.M. the veterans in this state receive closed', they held a joint card party lifters in folt—others in straw. Some the best possible instructions in with prizes for each table and non- with pert ribbons, others with floral their chosen field. players, • giirlunda. Morc colors than ever from ADS AtjWAYS PAY Q. I.nst week a reader asked ii oiir huge collection, | he could work nnd go to nigh1 school too under the cducationa provisions of the GI Bill. Another USE readei', thinking along similar 1 MbtUtLEcnic POWER RICIININO-JEAT-COACHES 666 Open Thursday * till 9—Saturdays Till 4 lines, asks, "Will I receive sub CiVei you a imooth, gliding ride. No {oils and Seati rei6rved without extra cost. They have :sistence allowance if taking a par \m when lh< train ilarti and ilopi. linen head*resti and adjuit easily for comfort. tii#> course? If so, will I get the COLD PRBPARATIOIfS full subsistence 1,1(11111. TAIII.ICTS. Stl.VI!, A. If a veteran is taking educa- MINI-; mini's. tional benefits under the GI Bill on CAIiTlONi line unlr An lUrevin part-time basis, and ho is not gainfully employed, subsistence al- lowance will be prorated to him in accordance with the time spent in his classes; For instance, for sub- This is the Story about come SHOP>I jects of high school or vocational OBSERVATION-LOUNGE CAR chool level, 25 clock hours of You'll Uktt the tnvtHng atmoiphere of the coffee A delightful spot for reloxatlon. Fitted with *opp«. There'i alia an ultra-modern dlnlna car. school attendance per week is con- club car appointments. Parlor car, too. sidered full time. Subsistence pay- ments nre then allowed as one- LINSEED OIL and LINOLEVM & HARD SURFACE FLOOR COVERINGS OTHER FINE, FAST TRAMS TO BALTIMORE AND WASHINOTON- fourth, one-half, three-fourths, or Iv. PlalnrleW 1:0* tM., 2i16 P.M.) 3:45 P.M.I 5:31 P-M.f 7:45 P.M.; 1:39 A.M. full time in accordance with the actual hours of school attendance. Several inquiries have been made to the Floor Covering and Linoleum industry about Also fast, dependable service to Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Of course if the veteran is gain- Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, and the South and West fully employed' and attending the supply prospects for hard surface floor coverings. Some inquirers have questioned recent tor dtulUd m/ormatim pbmi PUinfitU W013 school part time in the evenings, news reports indicating an early potential amounting to 75 per cent of the base year, 1940—1941. They want to know "how come"- they hear that it will be much less. What's the story behind it, they ask . . . Here is a a simple explanation as we understand it. In BICYCLES the main, we believe it to be correct—• our information coming directly from an official of NEW & REBUILT one of the mills, and reflecting the general opinion in the industry. GEORGE L. SIMON Supply expectations of hard surface coverings for the coming year, according to some 133 North An., PLAINFIELD reports, are 50% of the base period (I94O-'41). The 75 per cent figure given in news refers to the Government "Allowable Usage" of Linsedd Oil, IF the mills can get this raw material There does not appear to be much prospect that it will be forthcoming. LOCAL LIGHT Linseed Oil is made from Flaxseed. There are two major sources of supply — the United States and Argentine. Policy and price differences render our getting any of the EXPRESS letter's crop problematical. We must depend solely on what is grown in this country. [•BM.iVItS, ATTICS * OAHAGFft CLBAIf Bll *- THASII tllDMOVmll The 1945 Flaxseed crop in the U. S. A. amounted to about 31,000,10)00 bushels (59% Storm IVliiiiotvN lipiituved of normal) while a normal crop-year is 52,000,000 bushels. Rcreoim Tttitatreii, PnliKeil TERMITES nni! Hiinit. The reason for this reduction is that other crops, such as wheat, etc., have been subsidized during recent years because of their importance to the war effort. The farmers "* flying again. Watch for "Swarms" of "Flying Ants" that come with Spring, THOMAS MURRAY naturally paid less attention to flax growing and concentrated on better-paying crops. •M their wings, then disappear. These wood destroying insects are causing con- Phone PIfd. 8-1472-R The 1945 flaxsee'd crop of 31,000,000 bushels was allocated under Government con- •"lerable damage to property throughout New Jersey. trol in the following order of importance and priority: 1. Lend-Lease to Russia to be used instead of Butter fats. ""''dings not protected at the time of construction may require it later. We pro- WESTFIELD'S WATER 2. Food industries. lect buildings during or after construction, using dependable methods. may rate high R* drinking water 3. Soap industry. i but undeniably doe* thlngl to We maintain a Technically Trained Staff devoting their full time to the protection take the *oftn&*i out bf your 4. Linoleum and Paint Industries. I hands, There is no presently available substitute for Linseed Oil because of, its binder qualities. °f buildings against decay and termites and we attack the problem from *he en- CLOVESK1N Bineenng angle. We are not simple exterminators. !a just the answer to your Linoleum and other Hard Surface Floor coverings in any great production quantities dream for that sometMrig to Uf remove the starched clried-up depends on the 1946 crop, which will be planted in March (this month) and harvested ° *«lt i» thorough, dependable, and guaranteed in every respect. Every job i» effect. It IB a cream thai in September. It will take a month after harvesting to convert it into oil and delivery to, Personally supervised by an experienced, technically trained, licensed engineer. softens and whitens your hands overnight, and keeps them the mills. Rosultant Linoleum production will be available about four months later or about pliable nnd youthful. March, 1947 — one year from date. . Protect Your Property Now— Sold at JARVIS'S Delay Might Prove Costly. - from tlie Flo.ir Covi'riiiK Dislrllnilnrsi Council Trad? ISullotln, WE GIVE; R. M. FRENCH & SONS N«R INFORMATION . . . U1 R Established 1891 r ' i 'NSl'KCTION OP PROPERRT!Y . . . 1 -AUANTKKI) PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS. IN ALL 1T3 BRANCHES. ARMSTRONG'S LINOLEUM FLOORS uml QUAKER Fi-lt BBBB Rugs. FURNITURE — BEDDING — FLOOR COVERINGS. RUSSELL C. GOLTRA SUMMER FURNISHINGS. "°SEH.E PARK( N. j_ , ELIZABETH, N. J. MAvx Telephone ROselle 4-1492 WE. 2-1660-M 138 CENTRAL AVENUE (opposite Post Office) . WESTFIELD Am lWAi>uwmt.mcEs ARK AVAILABLE. Page Twenty-Four THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1946

LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE) I tiOn tiieir claiitlii and O INRRA Sends Nails To Finns NOTICE TO CIIEDITPBS v . 1^ l» h*r£hV BhVn~thnt the ..aid ESTATB OF HAHRIET U. KARES, *^ %, ^BraSh Mills Stm- NOTICE is btroby given that the T barred the ouh- Board of Adjustment, under an Dcceased. ,',.;£' Sl,floul i1KVt, called a special erlne tli Pursuant t« the Order °M meeting ,,f the members or s-aia scriher, Ho Nail Down Naz i War Ruin Ordinance entitled. "An Ordinance MARNA A- I'RIOH, 1 J2at«l>l. m. BARON'S . HELSINKI—It*~—Hsi £Uistill Uiittrtse.. 1VIFor |I wnimnUNRRA'as ,ini!«.THmiledi ^iu^iuilprograml is - il ji* £ 1 « 1 Pr i^liPCt Street OH i( 19<6 the apn-ppllcutloUnit onn of tliethe; ; ^.- , , ^» of er.-lld meetti.jr l« •«\9ii2 Springfield Avfc »"«yn^ Jj^ • -svsr.t rf s 5ail3 , » kingdom can bo' $2,500,000 for Finland's is design-j Thursday editing, March nth! 'i9ifi. Executor of the | T ',?,?"}, upon the tfoUowlnff ed to bnrsg aid to Lapland and sur- \at S o'clucK, to"hear and consoler underaiAr.ed, l" to iraiiKuet such oth- ppeal of th* Heil>- Trinity 11 IH may properly come NO'l'ICH TO CREDITOHS ILL Ftalawi today Jweds millions of rounding: areas of northern Fin->j Catholic Churcii. wherein thi en id d?c«:.i*'*-'d to exhibit to the sub- IrfjMlis—500 tens of nails for bui!<3- land, where most of the devasta- \' scriber under on tli or affirmation real property owned F.KltMAN0/ WEINRICH Deceased. claims and demands agsiinst * known Pursuant to the order of tinn is concentrated. After ebn-jsjjsjs Trinity Mac*M , which is f ats. To make rapid re- CHAHLES A. OTTO, JR.. aurroBata CENTRAL t of tlie eeuatry possi. eluding an Armistice Agilent, J«Ja»««J ^Xlfcl of the County of Union, made on the twentieth day of February, «Me, OXERA wilt supply them. with Great Britain and tne Soviet I pParagraph h 1111, sSub-paragrapb h Bt of A D., 19<6, upon the application «r Ja ftorJsh Lapland, where the union, «neas«d in intenBt. !I Revised Ordinances nf-the Town " of the undersigned, as Executor or < Weatneld (Hevlslon of 19S2). the ostnte of said doccased, notice jp*alis left a broad trail of destruc- warfare with the Nazis, who car- PHILOMELA S1MONETTT, Is hereby given to tha creditors of Sjtion, the principal means of trans- ried out the most ruthless destruc- Secretary, Board of Adjustment. said deceased to exhibit to the II-7-H subscriber under oath or affirma- AGAIN •»l»ort8t»n is the rosboat. Long j tion of the entire northern coun- 3-7-5t 3 That"'tho TruBteeit be author- tion their claims and demands T routes are the arteries of tryside. NOTICE TO CHKniTOItS ized to take such (ileus as may ^eaeainst the estate of soid deceasoa JESTATE OF1 ADOI^F nwewnrv to vent In the Presbyter- within six months from tho date in Lapland—everyone must Almost the entire 180,000 popu- Deceased. NOTICE TO CfllSDITOlIS Pan Church In Weatfleld. New Jer-of said order, or they will l>e for- Pursuant to the order of ESTATK OF sev, all beneficial interest In a cer-ever barred from prosecuting or . travel *Ioa|t Hthe m andd everythinhi g lation of Lapland had to be evacu- c:«HLES A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate CLIFTON C. EASTERBROOKS, tain logacv held in trust for the recovering: the same against the ,, most be transported by boat. Ev-ated to Sweden and to southern of !iie County of Union, made on Deceased. ot benefit "of the Sunday School under tlje Z'ourth day of March, A. D., Pursuant to ' the order te thf Last Will and Testament of j parts of Finland. Most of these CHARLES A. OTTO, JR., Surroga ADIjEY, villagc has its boat-makers 11*36. i:non tile application of the Enoch Mill' deceased. SMASHES t' Trustees be author- Executrix. and raw materials, but no nails. \ have been returned home and are he Fourth day of March, A. D., 4. That th AUGUSTUS C. NASH. Proctor, to provide overland j busy rebuilding their country. A ,estate said deceased, notice I 1946, upon the application of the Ized lo take ities for the dlssolu hereby the creditors of UHdersI&ned, as Executrix of the (Ion of the Sunday St-huui Corpora- 2-21-B102t Elm St., -Westneld, FeeN. s J$7.8. 0 ^transportation in Lapland, UNlt major part of the UNRRA pro-) saw decease 1 to exhibit to the «ub- state of »*aid deceased, notice is tl0 THUSTRBS OF UKANCH MIU-S hereby given to the creditors of KOTICE OF SKTTLRMEWT. ,-It» A» is. shippin.!,!„•,!„g„ 10in0n ne.»w tracktavfais pro-nro1. grarr™™m involveinrahns welfare servicesen-icASs an nn,dl 1 *crlbctheir rclaims unde; ravi oatd hdemand or affirmatios againsnt id deceased to exhibit to the sub- SI'N'DAV SCHOOL. "" wared Irora the United Kingdom, j basie building materials for these the estate, of sfid deceased within scriber under oath or affirmation Pru.i, CHARLES F. 1'IBRSON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, six months from the date of said their claims and demands against Sec, JOHN W. WYCOPP, JH. That the account of the subscriber, "~ Lack ot nails has also impeded ; people. order, or they »vjl| be forever Executor ot the last Will nnd Tes- DRUG he estate of said deceased within 2-2S-31 »ihe bailding of even temporary barred from prosecu;inB or recover- tlx months from the £ate of s&id tament of EDNA S. NEUMANN, de- : shelters, which are urgently need- ing the same aarainst Che subscriber. irder, or they will be forever .N'OTICR TO ceased, will be audited and wtated Mark Poisonous Mediciae | JOSEPH I'ETSCHB, tarred from prosecuting or roeover- by the Surrogate, and reported for ed to replaee the 20,000 structures Executor. ng the same against t'le subscriber, HAUJtlBTTB A. PIERCE, Deceased. settlement to the Orphans' Court Bottles of poisonous medicines AUGUSTUS C. NASH, Pl-ictor, XARIBELXJH) EAaTERBUOOKS Pursuant to the order of of the County of Union, on Friday, I: destroyed by the war. Before the 102 Elm St., Wcstfletd, N. J. I,ES A. OTTO. JR., Surrogate the 22nd day of March next ftt fl:30 kept in the medicine cabinet should 3-7-5t Ices J7.80 A. M. "erection of buildinggs can even be. be marked as a warning; wrap rub- Executrix. thf County of Union, made on JVIL.UAM M. J»aAHD. proctor, ! Twentieth day of February, Dated February II, 1346. PRICES ' gin, the 600 tons of building nails ber bands around the neck of the , 66 Elm St., Westfleld, N. J. D-. 1046, upon tho application FREDERICK L. SCHMIDT, SAVE WASTE FATS 3-7-5t Foes 17.80 the und€*rslgned., as Kxecutrtx Kxecutor. are seeded. bottle or stick pins in the cork. the eKtate of said deceased. GEORGE P. LOSCHE, Proctor,. . notice is hereby given to the cred- 210 Main St., IlachensaeK, N. J. itors of said deceased to exhibit to 2-14-5t Fees J5.20 TO NEW You HAVE GABARDINE SUITS? Fanwood Stone Crushing Yes! Hundreds and hundreds, as well as and Quarry Company LOWS 100% WOOL COVERTS TWILLS — CREPES CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK WE ALWAYS LEAD for Roads, Walks, Drives, etc. and others, and ... at THE WAY IN

OFFICE) TELEPHONES: RIALTO BUILDING, OFFICE: WEitBeld 2-3664 UNDERSELLING ALL 26 WESTFIELD, N. J. QUARRY: FAnwood 2-7840 SIZES 7 to 44 Value $49.7S COMPETITION NOW OPEN 24 HOURS EVERY DAY. MANUFACTURING CO., at our BRING YOljR MB Retail Showrooms, you will find these as well as ... ROAST TURKEY COATS — TOPPERS — SKIRTS — RAINCOATS Served Every Sunday. Available, too, as a plate for you to take home. PRESCRIPTION TO by BUYING DIRECT from the W0MENS — JUNIORS — CHILDRENS Unlimited Choice of BARON'S AND SAW STEALS and CHOPS OPEN EVERY NITE TIL 8:30 50c 50c Delicious Breakfasts Featuring • RHUBARB PHILLIPS OUR HOMEMADE SAUSAGE andWHEATCAKES AND SODA MILK OF MAC Tel. We.tfield 2-2173 14c 24c coy?. WestReld Diner 1 Pint DR. LYONS S0c 213 E. Broad St., next to John Franks MINERAL OIL ONE FLIGHT UP lESR'OOMS Entrance Next to HANEWALDS BAKERY . . Tel. PL. 6-6306 12c 21c 116 EAST FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD 100 PLUMBING STATIONERY SGr. AND Reg. 50c BET WE COULD DO THAT NOW ASPIRIN WHAT A BEAUTIFUL TOO, ANN, WITH A SWAN-DIVE.' , LITTLE TRAINING. HEATING IZc 12c DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 100 IRONIZED 5 Grain Surveys and estimates made by competent and experienced En- CASCARA gineers, entirely without any obli- YEAST gation. 54c Showroom, Offices, Warehouse and fabricating shop maintained to VITAMIN! SPEAKING OF TRAINING, I JUSTHtAR.0 YOUIL LIKE IT,felR.LS, AND conduct good business. SERUTAN E PHONE COMPAMY YDUIL fJE PAID WHILE Gl RLS / HER.E'5 CHANCE Work performed by mechanics COMPLEX 100 (3IFUS TO BE OPERATORS. LEARJsHNO- REGULAR RAI5E5, I FOR, TELEPHONE well schooled, all of whom are TOO, PLU5 OTHEa BENEFITS.' bonded and ihsyred for the pro- VS'ITH THE NEW WAGE AKD ITJ EASY TOGE T STARTED. tection of the customer. •,•••.•". 54c RATES THAT5 FQO. US, 98c ANN,,' LET'* 60/ Earn As You Learn! We •i Service calls' prornntly attended are now training new to;"—.No Job |ot> small *— Reason- CAMAY : DR. WEST able prices, ^.T.- .-•••"-.„•;-'.• " -: 'M/^iSivjS-'; operators for permanent SOAP TOOTH PASTE positions! No experience necessary e Wages high- % for 9c 12c est in history • Pay begins WERE OK-UIAn. OPERATOR ALREADY/ THEY REALLY ILL BE A (REGULAR VISITOR. at once, increases regularly • Pleasant work in U>,DIDN'T THEY? MERE FROM NONVOM- pleasant surrounding-;, with helpful, friendly Church Seat* "BARON'S" pepple • Excellent opportunities for ad- vanceraent • Pick up your telephone now CENTRAL CUT-RAT* and call Chief Operator. She'll he giad to tell you more about this opportunity. DRUG STORE NEW JERSEY BELL WESTFIELD'S LEADING DRUG (Time Magazine) TELEPHONE COMPANY Wo Reserve the Right to Limit Q«antl K