Fat THE WESTFIELD LEADER 5aTeYours THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY 30 Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 Every Thursday. 24 Page*—5 Conti ^Policeman Sketch Of Library Proposed As War Memorial Red Cross Fund Mental Hygiene Accident Victim Navy Man Dies j ppointed To $10,000 Over TopDrive To Open Of Injuries From i I Vacancy As Drive Ends Here Tomorrow Auto Accident ^ [Council Approves Chairman Announces $3000 Quota Set Third Traffic Death gamer Resignation, Total Of $37,392 For Clinic Support; Here In Past "^ l Appointment Reported Yesterday Cases Cited Three Week* * reported s Police With the Westfield Red Cross The Westfield Committee for Funeral services were held at 9- j Fund Drive oversubscribed by al- Mental Hygiene Service announces o'clock thiB morning at the Lake* J most ten thousand dollars, W. Page the opening of its membership hurst Naval Air Station for Chief ^ Selby, chairman of tho drive, has drive tomorrow to raise $3000 as iV. O. Charles It. Snyder, 41 yeara j ssued the following statement: Westfteld's share in the financial old, USN, who was fatally injured -"' "On behalf of tho Westfield support of the Mental Hygiene So- Friday afternoon in an automo-' ': Chapter of American Red Cross, ciety of Union County whose main bile accident at Grove St. and Cen- • serving in the CBI the- may we express our thanks for clinic is in Plainfield. W. R. Hane- tral Ave. Interment will be in ar rewith the Army Military Po- the generous support given to us wald is Westfield chairman and Arlington National Cemetery, in l Donald Goettel, also a vet- n our 1946 ciimpaign. We have Mayor Robert S. Purvis is honor- Washington, D. C. , of 261 Scotch PlainB Ave., received, to date, $37,392.71 and ary chairman. Mayor Purvis to- Mr. Snyder, who was stationed I B -:.»»,! ft probationary pa- there are still some sections which day urged public support of the Chief War'nl Officer C. R. Snyder at Lakehurst, died Sunday in Muh- 1* have not completed their reports campaign declaring it "thoroughly lenberg Hospital of Injuries suf- ' and quite a few residents who are worthwhile," fered when the Navy-registered away will surely want to contrib- Before undertaking to sponsor car he was driving was in a colli- ute their share to this drive. the society in Westficld, members Thugs Beat Up sion, then struck a pole. Ho wa» _• 1 Transport Corps., after aery- A aketch by Ray O. Peck, Architect, of a proposed now Library Building, which it it •uggeited be "I personally want to thank all of of the committee were shown the veteran of the opening days of ', "„ the China-India theatre. The built on the Town owned property at the corner of Lawrence Ave. and Walnut St. A. W. Taylor, the workers who, through their dil- facilities of tho clinic and given a Taxi Driver tho Pacific war and was on every_ others have purchased a meat president of the Library Board, luggested in a letter published in The Leader Feb. 21 that the ;eneral picture of its work. The amphibious landing in the BTO, much needed building be erected aa a War Memorial. igent efforts, enabled us to com- Sgwerj' business in Mountain plete our campaign in a record leveral pleasant rooms which make Prank Woodruff, Jr., 24, 234 , „ Mountainside. time of nine days. I would also up the clinic are cheerful and well Harold Lambert Robbed Charles St., driver of tho other- -» SMttel is » graduate of West- like to give recognition to Mrs. equipped. The staff headed by a On Eve Of Retirement ear involved, was held in $1,000 ', New Traffic Light medical director ia outstanding in Id High School and served three Anne Revere Wins HS Honor Group Frank S. G. Williams and her staff bond for Grund Jury action. v ix Blithe-Army Signal Corps, For Elm And Broad of assistants who so capably han- the fields of psychiatry, psychology Identity of the two thugs who A native of Ensley, Ala., Mr. ^ two years in i-ho CBI thea- dled all of the office details and the and psychriatric social work. boat up and robbed Harold Lam- Snyder spent his youth in Allan- He was technician, fifth grade, Filmdom Oscar The Police Department announc- Elects Members preparation of over 600 worker It was pointed out to members bert, 60 year old taxi driver of town, Pa. He had been in tho Navy ~ liwas discharged from service in ed today that a new traffic light, on kits. This group began work many of the committee that the beat way Warren St., Friday night, is still 22 years. At tho start of the war, j- ovember. Honored At Best order for some time, has finally 25 Are Named To weeks prior to our campaign nnd to understand the work of the eluding tho police, who have been ho was with the Asiatic Fleet unit Patrolman Harry Minnick, who arrived and would bo installed as continues to work many weeks aft- clinic would be to "meet" some of working on the few sliijht clues In Manila and aavl considerable ac- er, completing the many records the people with whom it deals and tion. Later he volunteered for am- „ injured about three weeks ago, Supporting Actress soon as possible in front of the National Society Mr. Lambert, who has opcratei'l ished between two cars while di- Westfield Trust Co. at Elm and and reports. see some of their problems. In a taxi husiness here for about MB phibious operations nnd was with tting traffic at E. Broad and Elm The news that Anne Revere was Broad Sts. A change in position Twenty-five High School stu- "If anyone has not been contact- accordance with professional ethics years, had told customers he in the first forces to reach the beach- 6., was granted three months' awarded the Motion Picture Acad- of one of the other three lights at :lents because of (consistently high ed at home or has been, away, we real names were not used In the tended to retire the following clay. is in every European invasion from He with psiy. He is in Muhlen- emy Award aa the best supporting that intersection, the one on Elm standing in their classes, have been would appreciate his sending cases which tho staff members de- He planned n trip to Florida with Casa lilancn to Normandy. In the :rj Hospital with a fracture of actress of 1945 topped for West- St. at the National Bank corner, admitted to the Westficld' High his contribution to American Red scribed' as typical: his son, a student minister. latter, hia ship was sunk and he ! right shinbone. fielders all the other awards made will also be made. It is believed School chapter of the Natiomi Cross, ,'!7 Elm St., or leaving it at "Harry Brown discharged for The men askial Mr. Lambert to was in thn water hours before he Thursday night at the glamorous these changes will greatly improve Honor Society. the Red Cross window at tho P combat fatigue after one nnd a drive them to Cleveland Ave. from was rescuod'i but he was not in- , Upon request by Carroll K. Sel- jure.l. After rest, he was rea»- ti, attorney, the D. D. Building event at Grauman's Chinese Thea- tho visibility for motorists. The new members are: Phyllis pies Bunk and' Trust Co." half years in the African cam- the railroad station about 9 p. m. trp, Cranford, was authorized tre in Hollywood. Dodge, Anna Luechcsi, Annett. The'Mountainside division, head- paign, returned to his old Job as Upon arriving at that street, they ned to tho Pacific and was with Turner, Eve Lapeyrouse, Mini: a drilling machine operator. He the forces which recaptured Leyte. f ordinance to install sanitary Anne is the daughter of Mr. and ed by Mrs. Albert B. Welty, re- naked to be taken to Fanwood rers and pave Coolidge St. from MTS. Clinton T. Revere of 432 Waterman, Claire Hamilton, Ed ports collection of $1600, which is went 'all to pieces' in that and oth- Ave. and Smith St., where, in a Mr. Snyder was married last Honor Tkree Who r '(Us St. to Fnirview Ave., prep- Grove St., and a graduate of Wes- ward Belcher, George Coale and 16G ,'<. of its $900 house to houser factory jobs attempted. Ho dnrk, lonely section, they ordered July to Miss Madelyn Bradley and itory to building development. field High School (where she fail- Hetty Meier of the senior class and quota. could stand neither such noise nor him to slop the car, pulled him made hi.s home in Becchwood. Mrs. tho quiet of a country job, later he oidinanee, for which hearing ed to win a part in the senior Died In Action Carol Sanford, Sandy Parry, Ad- from behind the wheel and bea Raymond Heul, 581 Westfleld Ave.i':; is set for Mar. 25, requires the play). At Welleslcy College she ele Grcany, David Downs, Edith attempted. Ho is restless und nnd robbed him. They made off hia sistor, is tho only other sur*'J orktobedone according to plans attracted the attention of Stewart Oppcnheimcr, Sally Montgomery, Veteran Hurt As wanta to go to sea as a cook. His with a wallet containing $50 in vivor. Mr. Snyder Btopped in for';!.' id ipecifeations to be drawn by Walker who was coaching a col- Morgan, Wight, Reed Betty Hansliew, Herbert Entwistlo, therapy is taking time but is aimed cush, and two checks, totalling $30, u brief visit with his sister Fri--•• jiEtlineer John T.
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