139 Winton Road South Rochester, NY 14610-2997 www.tberochester.org

Vol. 92 No. 11 September 2014 - Elul 5774/Tishri 5775 Service

“Music for the Soul”

An exquisite evening of prayer and orchestral music to usher in the Jewish New Year 5775

Featuring Rabbi Bitran, Leubitz, The Penfield Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Harman, the TBE Selichot string quartet and High Holy Day choir.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

7:30 pm - Service

8:00 pm - Seudah Sh’leesheet (3rd meal)

8:50 pm - Ma’ariv/ (conclusion of Shabbat)

9:15 pm - Selichot Service

10:30 pm - Memorial Plaque Dedication

Champagne Reception to follow

Table Of Contents 6. & 16. Sisterhood & Men’s Club Weekly Services Service 17. Tikkun Olam Page Times 2. T emple Beth El Mission, 18. Donations : 7 thru 10. High Holy Days Vision and Values 19. Donations Sunday: 8:30 am Information President’s Message 20. Donations Monday-Friday: 7:30 am 11. Lulav & Etrog Form, 3. From Our Senior Rabbi 21. D onations & Condolences Rosh Hodesh: 7:15 am Religious School & 4. Notes From Our Hazzan 22. Yahrzeits Shabbat 9:00 am Keshet Information Religious School Corner 23. Articles & Secular Holidays 8:30 am 12 USY 5. B ’nei & Officers & Staff 14. Articles Mazal Tovs 20. Calendar Mincha/Ma’ariv: 15. Article Sunday-Friday 6:00 pm

Temple Beth El Mission Statement Values Statement

Temple Beth El is a vibrant and We are a welcoming and inclusive inclusive community of Jews who join congregation. together for prayer, education, celebration, mutual support and We value and respect each congregant and comfort, tikkun olam and acts of his or her personal journey in loving kindness. We are guided by . and the principles of the Conservative movement. We are We foster a sense of connectedness with our community. committed to our community, the State of , and Jews around the world. We value participation in all aspects of Vision Statement and Jewish life.

Our vision is that Temple Beth El will be an in- Our congregation will be here for the entire spiring center of Conservative Temple family now and for future Judaism in which meaningful generations. experiences and memories take root and grow. Welcome to our house . PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Rituals are at the core of our Jewish lives and define the special moments in time that make us Jewish. A Jewish wedding would not be complete without the breaking of a glass, and lighting candles and saying Kiddush magically transforms an ordinary evening into Shabbat. Our rituals touch our souls in a way that words cannot; try verbalizing how you feel when you hear the shofar on Rosh Hashanah.

Intellectually, when we examine our history, even our recent history, we understand that our rituals are constantly changing. My sisters were not called to the Torah at their "Bat Mitzvah", instead they gave a short d'var Torah at Friday night services, we had some cake, and that was it in it's entirety. I don't think any of us would like to go back to those days! Yet emotion all y, because rituals are so much a part of who we are, any attempt at changing our rituals is usually met with immediate resistance.

When I was a young child, part of the excitement of the High Holy Days was participating in the ritual referred to as "duchening", with my father. Duchening is when the Kohanim bless the congregation by chanting the Priestly from the bimah, their heads covered with their tallisim and their arms stretched upwards, fingers spread apart. Few Conservative engage in this ritual now. I assume the reason it was discontinued was because both the Rabbis and congregants felt that it no longer provided a meaningful spiritual boost to the High Holy Day Service. Two years ago, we at Temple Beth El instituted a new Yom Kippur ritual. At the Neilah Service, families are invited to come forward on to the bimah and take as much time as they need in front of the open ark to make a personal prayer. Many congregants have told me that this has been the most uplifting spiritual experience of their lives.

New rituals are added and old rituals fall into disuse as each generation of Jews tries to find it's own voice in meeting their spiritual needs. Last October a large delegation of Temple Beth El members attended the United Synagogue of Centennial Convention. There were 5 different Shabbat Services presented at the convention ranging from a Carlebach Service, to a fully instrumental musical service, to the deeply spiritual service created by Rabbi David Ingber of the Romemu Synagogue in NYC. Each one was a valid interpretation of a Conservative Jewish service.

At Temple Beth El we understand the need for ritual stability and undertake ritual change with much thought and respect for our traditions, yet we also strive to meet the diverse needs of our congregation by experimenting as well. This past summer our clergy created a "Healing Service"', a more meditative, spiritual service in response to requests by congregants. And this year, knowing that the music of the High Holy Days is critical to setting the appropriate mood, our Hazzan has been working with the Penfield Symphony Orchestra to bring us a new take on Selichot Services, our warm up for the High Holy Days .

Ritual, by its repetitive nature, can easily become rote and meaningless. It must be approached with an open heart and an open mind to be meaningful. I invite all of you to be a part of this grand experiment. Experience all that Temple Beth El has to offer and then let us know what works for you and your family.

May the coming year bring health and peace to each of you and the entire people of Israel.

L'Shanah Tovah, Dan Glowinsky President [email protected] 2


The problem of these High Holy Days fast approaching is how shall we deal with the phenomenon of guilt? Scripture declares that there is no person on earth who is so righteous that he/she can say they have not transgressed. People who have never looked deeply at themselves may sometimes seem, in their own eyes, as wholly virtuous, but this is an illusion and a tribute to their own myopia. All mortals cross the boundary which separates right from wrong, and guilt is a condition from which none of us is free. It produces self-resentment and a mood of depression. We bear it in a sullen silence and we try as we can to put it out of our minds and hearts.

The Jewish Tradition has a positive therapy by which guilt can be overcome. Instead of being a minus in our lives, which drags us down, Judaism offers a promise that guilt, properly faced and creatively encountered, can become a force for good. Through stumbling a child learns to walk. Thus, our guilt can go through a similar transformation.

The Power of Teshuvah

The Hebrew word for the transformation of guilt from a minus to a plus is “teshuvah.” Teshuvah has been variously translated and interpreted. Martin Buber calls Teshuvah a turning, by which he means a turning away from evil toward good. It is my view that Teshuvah, at its best, is much deeper than that. It is not only a turning away from evil, it is a turning of evil itself into a force for good. Is this not what our Tradition meant when it declared “Gedola Koach Shel Teshuvah Shezdonot Naasim Lo Kizechuot.” “Teshuvah can be so mighty that the most willful of transgressions can be transformed into merits.”

This insight presents us not with a great burden of guilt, but rather with a profound challenge to channel evil into good.

In the liturgy of Yom Kippur, we read a list of forty-four “al chet”-“for the sins we have committed before You.” If many of them apply to us, if the number is high, we are, in a sense, fortunate because Teshuvah will enable us to turn our sins into merits. We are not to become depressed by the list of “al chet.” The more of them that apply to us, the greater our capacity for merit, the larger our potential for more achievement, if we do Teshuvah.

Inner Peace.

Most of life is not lived in a state of spiritual elevation or down below hidden places. Our lives are usually in between. We seem to enjoy the peaks more than the valleys and many of us would do anything to avoid the valleys. However, the tranquility of spirit we want to achieve especially in this season, is not found in either extreme. Inner peace is one of hidden themes of the High Holy Day season. Tranquility of the soul is a direct result of that process we call teshuvah (repentance.) Entering the synagogue during this time of the year, means to unconsciously reach within us and retrieve a sense of inner peace. And though years pass quickly, we change, others also change. We still look for shalvah (tranquility) as a precious commodity. Even when we talk and have our local neighborhood conversations in shul , we do it with the intention of learning about others or letting others know what has really changed in our lives. In doing so we attain a measure of inner peace.

A Story: "Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev once saw a person running to work, looking neither right or left. Why are you in such a hurry? He asked. I am pursuing my livelihood, came the response. So Levi Yitzchak continued, and how do you know that your livelihood is in front of you, where you can catch up with it? Maybe it's behind you, and you only need to stand still."

I would like to suggest we perform our soul search with the purpose of recognizing the series of drives that pull our behavior. Sometimes we will have to permit our drives to propel us and sometimes we will need to regain control.

Let this year the simple rituals of lighting candles, making Kiddush , singing High Holy Day melodies, listening to the Shofar, fasting, and asking for forgiveness, be the instruments to reach that tranquility of the spirit. Let us not forget that the essential core of that tranquility is what generates the power to invite the Shechinah , God's indwelling presence on earth, to be a part of our lives. Wrap yourself and wrap your family with the symbols and rituals of these Yamim Noraim , and tranquility of spirit will soon follow.

May you and your family have spiritually uplifting High Holy Days experiences at Temple Beth El, where the tranquility of spirit will permeate your daily life.

To all of you, from Silvana, Ethan, Lara and myself a year of achievement and satisfaction, health and peace in Israel, joy and love.

L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu Rabbi Leonardo A. Bitran


NOTES FROM OUR HAZZAN ... th We are truly excited about this year’s Selichot Service on Saturday evening, September 20 . Of the many times that I have prepared this introductory service of the High Holy Day season, this should prove to be one of the most spiritual and musically satisfying. Rabbi Bitran and I are looking forward to greeting you on that evening.

First, allow me to share with you how challenging it is to blend the liturgy of Selichot with the exquisite sounds of a full orchestra, string quartet and vocal chamber ensemble. We are indebted to Jon Allentoff for many of the musical arrangements. To be sure, one of the many considerations when planning such a service is that of ensuring that the “performance quotient” of the evening be kept to an absolute minimum. The experience should ultimately be one of prayer, of reflection, and of penitence. To that end, I plan to have the orchestra, under the direction of Dr. David Harman, open with a classical piece after which we will continue with many of our familiar High Holy Day melodies. The vocal chamber ensemble together with a string quartet will join you and me in those settings. Towards the end of the service, Dr. Jeremy Grace will present Bruch’s Kol Nidre. Although Kol Nidre is not a part of the Selichot service itself, I know that it will help focus everyone on the message of the season. And speaking of Kol Nidre, for the first time in several years, we will have the same chamber choir join me in chanting the liturgy on Kol Nidre evening with many of the same Selihot melodies. Please note that both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings as well as the Neilah services will continue to not utilize the choir.

rd The Selichot evening will begin at 7:30 pm with the Shabbat Mincha service. At 8:00 we will join in Seudah Sh’leesheet, the 3 Shabbat meal. We then will come together for Ma’ariv, the evening service, and Havdalah, as we say farewell to Shabbat. The actual Selichot Service will begin at 9:15 and end at 10:30, at which time we will dedicate our memorial plaques. A wonderful champagne reception will follow and conclude the evening.

We need your attendance to help make this a unique experience at Temple Beth El! Please mark your calendars and please bring your family and friends as we set the mood for the Holy Days. This event is free and open to the public. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Finally, I am looking forward to this next year with great anticipation as we continue to present some of your favorite servi ces , including Friday Night Live and Friday Night Jazz, featuring Mr. Gap Mangione. In addition, I hope you will watch your mail and this column for announcements of adult study sessions.

Lisa and I wish you ‘Shanah tovah u’metukah!’….a good and sweet year….one of good health, fulfillment, and peace.

B’Shalom Hazzan Martin Leubitz

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CORNER As the long days of summer dwindle and give way to the shorter days of fall, Temple Beth El’s school building is filled with excitement in preparation for the new school year to begin. Our first day of religious school classes will be Sunday, September 7. We are fortunate to have a wonderful staff of teachers for what promises to be a year filled with memorable experiences and meaningful learning.

Over the course of the next year or so, the Education Committee will be leading our school and congregation in the important work of reimagining our school. We will be identifying the priorities we have for our children’s Jewish education and redesigning our school program and curriculum to meet those priorities. Some changes are already being made to the school program: the focus of the Hebrew curriculum this year will emphasize prayer, Hebrew and reading proficiency. Students of a variety of ages will get an th th opportunity to study with Rabbi Bitran. Hazzan Leubitz will be teaching Torah and Haftorah trope to our 5 and 6 grade classes. Koolanu (our teen education program) is offering different types of classes, and family programs will be offered throughout the year, just to name a few.

There are two quotes that generally guide my approach to Jewish education. “Only learning that is enjoyed will be well learned” (Rabbi Yehudah Hanassi) and “Learning is great because learning leads to doing” (Talmud Bavli Kiddushim 40b). The school that we work together to build will be one that is designed to inspire our students to be proud of their Judaism and give them the t ools and experiences that allow them to become meaningful participants in the community. I look forward to working with our Education Committee, parents, teachers, students and congregation in reimagining our religious school.

L’Shannah Tovah, Samara Sofian

Josh, Nadav, Ziva, Orly and I wish you and your family a happy, healthy New Year!

The High Holy Days are just around the corner. If you or your teen would like to volunteer to help with our youth programming, please contact Samara Sofian at [email protected] or 473-1198.

4 Mazal Tov B’Nei MITZVAH

Max Andrew Kalish September 6, 2014

Son of: Kimberly Kalish and David Kalish Brother of: & Risa Kalish Grandson of: Gail Packard and Richard Packard and Sue & Larry Kalish

Max is an 8 th grader at Barker Road Middle School. He loves skiing, wrestling, riding his bike, and swimming. He plays trumpet in his school band. Max is a master at puzzles! He has volunteered at the Asbury Dining and Caring Center for the past two years. Max is very excited to celebrate becoming a Bar Mitzvah with friends and family.

Alexander Jacob Harris September 13, 2014

Son of: Emily Krohn & John Harris Brother of: Jackson Harris Grandson of: Rita & Paul Krohn and Karin Harris & Roger Harris, z’l

Alex is an 8 th grader at Twelve Corners Middle School. He loves playing baseball, gymnastics, and spending summers at Camp Seneca Lake. He also enjoys snowboarding, running 5Ks, and playing guitar. He is looking forward to celebrating his Bar Mitzvah with family and friends.

New Baby!

Mazal Tov to Trudy and Albert Sheinfeld on the birth of their great-granddaughters, Talia Chava Gorin & Esther Shulamis Gorin. And Mazal Tov to the parents of Talia - & Michal Gorin of Cedarhurst, NY and to the parents of Esther - Rabbi Evan Moshe Gorin & Chana Gorin of Brooklyn, NY; and grandparents Dr. Sherri & Brian Gorin of E. Setauket, NY and Fairfax, VA.

Mazal Tov to Jessica & Sandy Kleinberg on the birth of their son, Liam Nathan. And Mazal Tov to brothers Jacob & Kaleb; grandparents Tzippy & Marvin Kleinberg and Nancy & Larry St. Cyer; and great grandparents Ester & Kalman Zohar, z'l and Miriam & Arnold Kleinberg, z'l.

Mazal Tov to Marissa & Aaron Mills on the birth of their daughter, Serena Elizabeth Ross Mills on July 9, 2014. And Mazal Tov to the grandparents, Lynn & Charles Mills and Dana & Brian Ross.

Mazal Tov to Helen Levinson, on the birth of her great-grandson Noam Asher July 20, 2014 (in Israel). And Mazal Tov to parents, Adi & Amir Asher and to grandmother, Sharon Lee Kimelman and grandfather, Yaron Kimelman.

Mazal Tov to Donna & Bruce Cohen on the birth of their granddaughter Sydney Rose Boress born on July 22, 2014. And Mazal Tov to parents Elyse and Joshua Boress; sister Emma Jewel; and great -grandfather Judd Wexler.

Engagement & marriage

Mazal Tov to Debbie Andler and Yoni Golub-Sass on their marriage on Sunday, July 6, 2014. And Mazal Tov to Cheryl and Robert Andler, parents of the bride and Ellen & Steve Golub-Sass, parents of the groom, and to the grandparents Marilyn Andler and Melvin Andler z'l, Anne and David Zelermyer z'l; Leo and Lillian Golub, Francesca Sass z'l and Rabbi Dr. Charles Sass z'l.


SELICHOT SERVICE Saturday, September 20, 2014 Mincha Service 7:30 pm Seudah Shleesheet. (3rd Shabbat meal) 8:00 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah (conclusion of Shabbat) 8:50 pm Selichot Service “Music for the Soul” 9:15 pm Memorial Plaque Dedication and Selichot Service 10:30 pm Champagne Reception to follow ROSH HASHANAH EREV ROSH HASHANAH Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Candle Lighting 6:48 pm Mincha - Ma’ariv 7:30 pm FIRST DAY ROSH HASHANAH Thursday, September 25, 2014 Shacharit 8:30 am Torah Service 9:40 am Shofar Service 10:15 am Hineni 10:30 am Sermon 11:45 am Musaf continues 12:00 pm Tashlikh (at Cobbs Hill Park, Lake Riley) 5 :15 pm Mincha & Ma’ariv 6:00 pm Candle Lighting 7:47 pm SECOND DAY ROSH HASHANAH Friday, September 26, 2014 Shacharit 8:30 am Torah Service 9:40 am Shofar Service 10:15 am Hineni 10:30 am Sermon 11:45 am Musaf continues 12:00 pm Mincha & Ma’ariv L’Shabbat 6:00 pm Candle Lighting 6:45 pm YOM KIPPUR Friday, October 3, 2014 Mincha 6:00 pm Kol Nidre 6:20 pm Candle Lighting 6:32 pm Saturday, October 4, 2014 Shacharit 8:30 am Torah Service 10:00 am Hineni 11:45 am Sermon 12:45 pm Yizkor 1:10 pm Study Session 3 :00 pm Musaf continues 4:15 pm Mincha 5:20 pm Neilah 6:30 pm Concluding Shofar Blast 8:04 pm 6

Beyond Apples and Honey:

High Holy Day Observation A Different Perspective

Held in the Chapel First Day Rosh Hashanah

9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Bowing During Services: How, When, Why? with Melissa Nunes-Harwitt

Second Day Rosh Hashanah

9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Finding Meaning in the Sounds of the Shofar with Melissa Nunes-Harwitt

Kol Nidre

8:15 – 9:00 p.m. “Can I Make It Through Yom Kippur This Year?” Why the High Wondered the Same Thing. with Melissa Nunes-Harwitt

Yom Kippur

3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Study Session with Rabbi Leonardo Bitran

Usher in the New Year with a “sweet” gift of Apples & Honey!

For a $54 contribution, your name will be added to the list of sponsors for the annual outdoor Kiddush at the conclusion of the first day of Rosh Hashanah services. Your name will also be added to a special card wishing the congregation a Shanah Tovah! Your contribution is a wonderful way to wish friends, family, and TBE members a joyous New Year. Please make checks payable to Temple Beth El, and send them to the office no later than Thursday, September 11, 2014...... Yes, I (we) would like to wish the entire Temple Beth El family a Shanah Tovah! Name(s) (as I/we would like to be listed) :______Phone:______Email: ______~Enclosed is my $54 check to Temple Beth El~


Youth High Holy Day Services & Programming led by our fabulous teaching & youth staff - 10:30 - 12:30

Pre-School Grades 3-7 Keshet Room 4 Chapel

Grades K-2 Teen Discussion: Grades 8-12 Youth Lounge Beit Cafe

Teen Volunteers Needed!

Our Childcare and Youth Programs need your help to make them a success! If you are a teen in 8 th -12 th grades who is interested in assisting with the Youth Services and other programming, please fill out the form below and return it by September 8, 2014. Thank you!


I am able to assist on the following dates and times:

1st Day Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 25) ___10:30-11:30am ___11:30-12:30pm

2nd Day Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 26) ___10:30-11:30am ___11:30-12:30pm

Yom Kippur (Oct. 4) ___10:30-11:30am ___11:30-12:30pm

I prefer to help with: ___Youth Services ___ Youth Programming ___Childcare

___ I want to help plan Youth Services &/or Activities


Youth Service, Programming & Childcare Registration Form

We will be providing free babysitting for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur beginning at 9:00 am. It is reserved for babies and those who cannot participate during Youth Services. Childcare is also available before and after Youth Services and Programming for anyone registered. We request registration for youth services and programming so that we can plan appropriately. Registration is due Wednesday, September 10th.

Child’s Name:______Age_____ Babysitting___ Youth Services___ Youth Programming___

Child’s Name:______Age_____ Babysitting___ Youth Services___ Youth Programming___

Child’s Name:______Age_____ Babysitting___ Youth Services___ Youth Programming___

Child’s Name:______Age_____ Babysitting___ Youth Services___ Youth Programming___

Parent/Guardian Name:______Phone #:______


R osh Hashanah Kol Nidre ____Thursday, September 25th ____Friday, October 3rd ____Friday, September 26th Yom Kippur ____Saturday, October 4th

Kosher snacks will be provided in both Childcare and Youth Programming. No snacks from home will be allowed due to Kashrut restrictions.

Allergies, notes, or other things you should know about my children

Approximate location of where you sit in the sanctuary:

1. I/we agree that in the event we move our seats from the location stated above, we will notify the staff on duty. 2. I/we understand that Temple Beth El is providing childcare as a convenience to our members. Temple Beth El will exercise rea- sonable care in the supervision of the children. In consideration thereof, I/we agree that TBE will not be liable for any injury, loss, or damage arising out of the childcare service.

Signature of Parent(s): Date:

Check here if you would like to register for free childcare during Saturday morning services throughout the year.

If you would like to help sponsor childcare during the High Holy Days or weekly Shabbat services, please call Deborah Zeger at 473-1770.


Join us for an Apples & Honeycake kiddush following services the first day of Rosh Hashanah, September 25, 2014

Please stay and enjoy a luncheon kiddush after services the second day of Rosh Hashanah, September 26, 2014. Sponsored by the Weintraub Memorial Family Holiday Program Fund

Stay and join us for Yom Kippur Break Fast after the concluding shofar blast, October 4, 2014.

Sponsored by the Nussbaum Brandt Family

Know anyone who needs a ride to services,

or a place for dinner on Rosh Hashanah or

for break fast on Yom Kippur?

If so, please contact Carol at 473 -1 770

or [email protected] and we will be happy to make a connection with a TBE host family.


LULAV & ETROG Deadline for ordering is Tuesday, September 22nd

Return the form below with your payment to the Temple Office by Tuesday, September 22nd . You may pick up your Lulav and Etrog at the Temple Beth El office Monday & Tuesday, October 6th & 7th (8:30 am - 5:00 pm) & Wednesday, October 8th (8:30 am - 2:00 pm).

!------————------Yes! We would like to be a part. ------——------

Name ______Phone ______

Address ______

Email ______I/We want ______set(s) of Lulav and Etrog at $54.00 per set (Total $ ______). We encourage members to purchase a set, as Temple is unable to provide sets for everyone. Please make checks payable to Temple Beth El. Questions? Call (585) 473-1770.

L’Shana Tovah from your TBE Religious School family! Wishing you a sweet and wonderful new year!

L’Shana Tovah from everyone at

Keshet Preschool!

2014 ~ 5775 begins our 12th year

Thank you to everyone at Temple Beth El, for your support! We are so excited to be beginning another wonderful school year! Save the date: Please join us for a fun PJ Library, Keshet Preschool & Family program [Ages preschool through age 8] October 13, 10:30 am [Columbus Day] Temple Beth El Sukkah 11

Calling all 9 th -12 th Graders!

You are invited to the Sababa USY ’14-’15 KICK OFF EVENT! Meet the new chapter board, enjoy lunch and games

Join us Sunday, September 14 12:30-2:00 PM in the Youth Lounge at TBE

Make sure to bring your USY form with you!

To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact Friedman(advisor)

[email protected] Facebook: USY Leah

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Come Grow With Us

Join us as we tend the new Temple Beth El Community Garden:

Wednesdays 9:00-11:00 a.m. Sundays 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Wear gardening clothes. We have tools, but you’re welcome to bring your own.

Harvests will be donated to families in need through Asbury Dining or the Brighton Food Cupboard.

Gardening is a great summer family activity, and a great way to make a difference. No prior experience necessary!

For more information, contact the temple office at: 473-1770.

The Temple Beth El Community Garden … You’ll Dig It!


Temple Beth El Highlights from the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester Annual Meeting June 17, 2014

Amy Libenson & Emily Krohn

Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester President Michael Grossman speaks at the annual meeting. Dr. Ricki Birnbaum presents the 2014 Elmer Louis Award to Temple Beth El, accepted by Emily Krohn.

Justin Goldman, Dr. Ricki Birnbaum & Sharon Gray

Dr. Ricki Birnbaum presents Sharon Gray Dr. Ricki Birnbaum presents Justin Goldman with the 2014 Raye K. Aiole with the 2014 Benjamin Goldstein Memorial Young Leadership Award. Memorial Young Leadership Award


TBE Sisterhood gxÅÑÄx Uxà{ XÄ f|áàxÜ{ÉÉw Fall Book Club

Save the evening of September 17 to meet with your September Sisterhood friends.

TBE Sisterhood Notes Join Athene Goldstein in a discussion of 2. My Promised Land: Sept 8 The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel , Hazak Picnic by Ari Shavit $ Contact Marilyn Manis or Abbey Rasnick with questions. $ Shavit’s views are controversial. The book was written in English. What is your opinion? Sept 14 Sisterhood Board Meeting at 12:30 Shavit, will be in Rochester this coming November as part of the Jewish Book Garden Room Festival. Read him. Discuss him.

Sept 17 Wednesday, September 17 at 7:30 pm TBE Sisterhood Book Club Marcia Nabut, 10 Danbury Circle North, 14618 Contact Marcia Nabut RSVP [email protected] or 271-4189

Federation of Jewish Men’s Club of Temple Beth El Men’s Clubs Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life !

Sunday, September 7 12:30 pm ! “Welcome Back to Religious School” Men’s Club Luncheon

!.V$%VJ;($)C%G$Q`$!VI]CV$1V .$3C$.:]]1C7$1J01 V($:CC$8VC1$1Q%($:H.QQC$( %RVJ ($:JR$ .V1`$]:`VJ ($ Q$Q%`$ annual “back to school” luncheon. You provide the appete; we provide the food. (Yes, it’s all free!) $

Sunday, October 5 9:30 am Build the Temple Beth El Sukkah

Join the Men’s Club “construcon crew” !:($1V$]% $%]$ .V$JV1$(%@@:.8$ !

Friday November 7 - Sunday, November 9 Men's Club Regional Retreat

Relax, relate, and recharge – spiritually and socially – at Lake Ontario Region’s annual weekend retreat. This year it’s in our own backyard: the gorgeous Rotary Sunshine Campus in Rush. Enjoy Kosher barbecue and beautiful scenery, meet folks from Buffalo, Syracuse, and Toronto, and hear our special guest, the President of FJMC, Myles Simpson. For full details, contact Mike Miller at [email protected] or (585) 461-1700. Time to Join or Renew Your Men’s Club Membership

Yes, I want to join or renew my membership in Men’s Club.

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Email:______Membership dues: $36 p ayable to Men’s Club of Temple Beth El . • Mail or drop off at the Temple office, or • Pay at tberochester.org (Select “Community” then “Men’s Club”; use Pay Now b utton.) 16

Join us as Temple Beth El helps others in need in the Rochester community.

MITZVAH OF THE MONTH PROJECTS - September: ASBURY : Help with set-up or serve lunch with the TBE team at Asbury Dining & Caring Center from 10:30 - noon (set up) or 11:45-1:30 (serving) on Sunday, September 14 . Please contact Carol Konuksever to register ([email protected] or 473-1770).

CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND ADULT JEANS: Gently used or children's clothing and adult jeans will be collected in a bin in the TBE Lobby and provided to Asbury/Storehouse, as well as to refugee families.

Thank you to our July RAIHN volunteers who baked, served meals and spent time with RAIHN families!

Sharon Kovalsky Dvorah Kolko Dave Rogachefsky Terry Schwartz

Welcome to the team, Dave and Terry!

Temple Beth El's next RAIHN week is October 19-26. More information to follow! ! Warmly, Leah

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Donate your gently used coats to those in need ! V#:`V#G`1J$1J$# Q$V .V`#:#11RV#`:J$V#Q`#HQII%J1 7#:$VJH1V4#:JR## ]`Q`V441QJ:C4# Q#]`Q01RV# .V#.QIVCV44#11 .#:HHV44# Q#.V:C .#H:`V5#4QH1:C## 4V`01HV45#CV$:C#:R01HV5#`QQR5#IVR1H:C#H:`V#:JR#I%H.#IQ`V#R#:CC#11 .1J#:#H:`1J$#:JR# 4:`V#VJ01`QJIVJ 8# ;V ;4#VJ$:$V# .V#G`Q:R#HQII%J1 7#1J# .14#]Q1V``%C#V0VJ # .: #$VJV`: V4## awareness and provides soluons that work toward minimizing homelessness. Now through October 13, 2014 !


Aaron Gabay Children's Garden Fund For the Yahrzeit of Samuel Morin For the Yahrzeit of Samuel Kogan For the Yahrzeit of Frieda Krieger Dorothy Sadick Meyta Kogan Miriam and Lloyd Krieger In honor of Lynn & Ron Axelrod on their son's For the Yahrzeit of Robert Korenstein For the Yahrzeit of Owen Krieger marriage Anne Korenstein Miriam and Lloyd Krieger Dorothy and Bob Sadick For the Yahrzeit of Itta Koretskaya For the Yahrzeit of Louis Lefberg In honor of Taylor Mondshine & Joshua Blyuma Makhnovskaya Barbara and Sam Waldman Futerman's wedding For the Yahrzeit of Garson Kwasman For the Yahrzeit of Selma Silverstein Lesley and Daniel Glowinsky Marilyn Manis Linda Cohen In memory of Ben Eisenstein For the Yahrzeit of Ainsley Lasky In honor of Ellie Teigman Lesley and Daniel Glowinsky Adell Crane Ornstein and Al Ornstein Barbara and Sam Waldman Dorothy and Bob Sadick For the Yahrzeit of Efim Lekhter In memory of Ben Eisenstein In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander Mikhail Lekhter Barbara and Sam Waldman Dorothy and Robert Sadick For the Yahrzeit of Jess Sanow In memory of Maureen Wingate In memory of Morris Kimmel Richard Sanow Myra Berlowitz Dorothy and Bob Sadick For the Yahrzeit of Walter Schloss In memory of Bea Winn In memory of Sheri Schwartz Renate Livingston Marcia and Gary Stern Jacqui and Wayne Lipschitz For the Yahrzeit of Harry Shinder Building Fund Mazal Tov to Abe Vigoda on a special birthday Solomon Shinder For the Yahrzeit of Dina Kinel Dorothy and Bob Sadick For the Yahrzeit of Jerome Smalline Leja and David Allyn Earl Goldstein Torah Memorial Fund Esther Smalline In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander For the Yahrzeit of A. Harvey Stolnitz For the Yahrzeit of Harry Stoler Anna May and David Eisenberg T'Mahry Axelrod Eileen Stoler Goldman Phyllis Kasdin For the Yahrzeit of Robert Sussman For the Yahrzeit of Tsukerman Trudy and Albert Sheinfeld John Gallant Gitya Maymina In memory of Sheri Schwartz In memory of Muriel Oratz For the Yahrzeit of Mort Winn Geraldine and Sanford Appelbaum Miriam S. Cooper Helen Winn Elizabeth and Jeffrey Coons Exec Director's Discretionary Fund For the Yahrzeit of Abraam Zatz Wendy and David Dworkin For the Yahrzeit of Jarmila Benning Raisa Tubman Elyse and Larry Fine Mayree and Michael Bernstein For the Yahrzeit of Berta Zayonchik Daphne Futerman and Ira Jevotovsky For the Yahrzeit of Richard Bernstein Vladimir Zayonchik Susan and Jim Goldberg Mayree and Michael Bernstein In appreciation of Rabbi Bitran Eileen S Goldman In honor of Debbie Zeger Valerie Price Ciufo Ginny and Irv Gordon Eileen and Michael Grossman In appreciation of Rabbi Freidson-King Karen and Michael Haymes In honor of Debbie & Mark Zeger's 25th Valerie Price Ciufo Phyllis Kasdin anniversary In honor of Debi Brenner Sharon Kovalsky Marilyn Manis Terry and Bob Schwartz Barbara Kozel In memory of Ben Eisenstein In honor of Justin Goldman receiving the Deborah Kravetz Mayree and Michael Bernstein 2014 Benjamin Goldstein Award Edith Lank General Fund Eileen Goldman and Edward Testa Merle and Lawrence Markus Donation In honor of Dr. Jack & Harriette Howitt's Anita Miller Deborah and Tobias Biedenkopf special birthdays Carolyn and Marvin Miller Marv Fishman Susan Barnett Shelly and Paul Miller Harriet and Jack Kurz Dr. Ross and Marlene Elkin Vee Nelson For the Yahrzeit of Louis Benjamin Lillian and Julian Gordon Jean, Naomi, David and Joel Owerbach Mildred Miller Helen Hecker Caroline Reiter For the Yahrzeit of Gary Cassorla Glenna and Norman Spindelman Jodi Groden Roberson & Jonathan Roberson Sue Cassorla In honor of Liam Kleinberg's birth Nellie J Rosenberg For the Yahrzeit of Adele Faitler Paulina and Larry Kovalsky Susan and David Rothenberg Wendy and Jack Scull In honor of Linda and Gordon Lipson's 50th Rosalyn Schreiber For the Yahrzeit of Rhoda Goldstein anniversary Nancy Schwartz Debbie Zarkowsky Debi and Ralph Brenner Trudy and Albert Sheinfeld For the Yahrzeit of Gertrude Joffe In honor of David Salesin's wedding Jane Gordon & Miles Zatkowsky Carol Sue Fromboluti Lillian and Julian Gordon Capital Campaign Fund For the Yahrzeit of Lillian Joffe In honor of Roberta & Malcolm Savedoff's In memory of Sheri Schwartz Carol Sue Fromboluti great-granddaughter, Calliope Rose Donforth Rina and Danny Chessin For the Yahrzeit of Milton Joffe Irene Schneiderman David E Sadick Jewish Enviro. Fund Carol Sue Fromboluti In honor of Glenna & Norman Spindelman's Donation For the Yahrzeit of Carol Joyce Kaye 60th wedding anniversary Harriet Lempert Helen Winn Harriette and Jack Howitt For the Yahrzeit of Maurice S. Melin For the Yahrzeit of Dina Kinel Suzanne and Nathan Jaschik Hela and Jan Lipitz

18 General Fund (cont.) In memory of Muriel Oratz Kiddush Fund In honor of Abe Vigoda's 80th birthday Sharon Kovalsky For the speedy recovery of Sol Shinder Cindy Gurell Maxine Newman Rita and Manny Lazerson Sue and Norman Lurie In memory of Pauline Price For the Yahrzeit of Clarence Cohen Linda and Milt Rapkin Cindy Gurell Barbara and Irving Cohen Gabriela and Samuel Rind Susan and Nathan Robfogel Gloria and Pincus Cohen In honor of Emma Vorrasi Betty Tishkoff For the Yahrzeit of Rannie Alderman Libglid Heidi Vorrasi In memory of Maureen Wingate Rosalyn Schreiber In memory of Genya Burd Sue and Hy Lasker For the Yahrzeit of Sima Litvak Ella and Semyon Burd Sue and Norman Lurie Larisa Vaynshteyn In memory of Bennett "Ben" Eisenstein Hachavura Shelanu For the Yahrzeit of Morris Saperstone Dora Lee and Carl Alexander Mazal Tov to Ellen & Charles Konar on the Trudy and Albert Sheinfeld Nancy Bressler engagement of their son, Stephen Konar to For the Yahrzeit of Mikel Sklar Ilana and Evan Goldenthal Jessica Yorra Bernice and Willard Sklar Jerry Goldman Paulina and Larry Kovalsky For the Yahrzeit of Florence Azoff Wish Ellen and Charles Konar Mazal Tov to Helen Levinson on the birth of Judy Azoff and Malcolm Musiker Bev and David Movsky her great-grandson Noam Asher In honor of Sydney Cohen's special birthday Maxine Newman Paulina and Larry Kovalsky Marlene and Ross Elkin Terry and Bob Schwartz Mazal Tov to Trudy and Al Sheinfeld on the In honor of Roberta & Malcolm Savedoff's Wendy and Jack Scull birth of their great-granddaughters great-granddaughter's birth Miriam Weidenfeld Roberta and Malcolm Savedoff Annette and Marvin Eisenstein In memory of Malcolm Glazer Halpern Cantorial Concert Fund In honor of Lee Sloan's special birthday Helene Newman & Family For the Yahrzeit of Irving R. Grundstein Marlene and Ross Elkin In memory of Miriam Gould Lynn and Arnold Goldman In honor of Dina & Rusty Tyson's Audrey and Bill Marcus In memory of Joshua Hollander granddaughter's naming on 7/5/14 In memory of Louis Gray Noreen and David Halpern Dina and Rusty Tyson Terry and Bob Schwartz Harry & Regina Cornell Mem. Fund In memory of Al Davis In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander In honor of Serena Mills, daughter of Marissa Mary Davis Peter Adelstein & Aaron Mills & granddaughter of Lynn & In memory of Bennett "Ben" Eisenstein John Callaghan Charles Mills Gloria and Pincus Cohen Gloria and Pincus Cohen Linda and Sherwin Weinstein Eileen and Dennis Kovel Dr. Kenneth and Arlene Davidson In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander Hillary Lampell Geraldine P. Deane Linda and Sherwin Weinstein Abbey and Saul Rasnick Helen Hecker Hazzan's Discretionary Fund Deborah and Mark Zeger Kathy and Bob Heinig For the Yahrzeit of Sara Abramow In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander Paula Horwitz Robert Rutzen Debi and Ralph Brenner Dr. & Mrs. Harold Kanthor For the Yahrzeit of George Bleier Abigail and Saulbert Rasnick Doron & Lynda Kochman Alan Bleier Susan and Maurice Zauderer Ellen and Charles Konar For the Yahrzeit of Esther Brody In memory of Bruce Newman Sharon Kovalsky Barbara and Irving Cohen Molly and Ken Getnick Lenore and Marshall Lesser For the Yahrzeit of Ben Shuman L D Schacht /Chapel Fund Carolyn and Marvin Miller Robert Ellson For the Yahrzeit of Rose S. Eber Joyce and Victor Poleshuck For the Yahrzeit of Meyer Spivak Letty Gail Schacht June Rapowitz Feliks Spivak For the Yahrzeit of Marvin Goldstein, MD Dr. Eric Rennert For the Yahrzeit of Dorothy Stiller Letty Gail Schacht Catherine Saunders Florence Salitan For the Yahrzeit of Milton Schacht Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Viener In memory of Bennett "Ben" Eisenstein Robert Schacht Clare Williams Janice and Neil Greenberg Library Fund Dennis Williams and Steve Brownstein Rhonda and Earl Gurell For the Yahrzeit of Bonnie P. Alderman In memory of Deborah Karp Phyllis Kasdin Elaine Patiky Hillel Karp In memory of Louis Gray For the Yahrzeit of Marvin L. Davis In memory of Leland W. Krieger Alice Zloth Miriam Davis Rachel Krieger In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander For the Yahrzeit of Meyer "Abe" Lichtenstein In memory of Barbara Lipsky's sister, Bea and Dick Rosenbloom Bunny Goldstein Maureen Wingate Hebrew School Discretionary Fund In honor of Herbert Ouzer's 100th birthday Gabriela and Samuel Rind For the Yahrzeit of Herman Mand Judy and Len Ressel In memory of Bruce Newman Iris and David Mand In memory of Bennett Eisenstein Jaklyn Buff In honor of Zipporah Kleinberg on her Judy and Len Ressel Marsha Raines & Steven Gersz retirement from the Hebrew School Maxine Peter's Memorial Fund Chris and Tom Jenssen Peggy Blumenthal and Ronald Gould In honor of Linda & Gordon Lipson's special Barbara and Sidney Sobel In memory of Joshua Hollander anniversary Debbie, Don & Lisa Waltzer Helen and Saul Presberg Mona and Mark Kolko A Group of Friends In memory of Bruce Newman Zipporah and Marvin Kleinberg 19

Museum Fund Mazal Tov to Helen Levinson on the birth of For the Yahrzeit of Janetta Rappaport In memory of Louis Gray her great-grandson, Noah Asher Noyema and Zigmund Averbakh Dorre Taschman Henra Briskin In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Howitt's special Neil Norry Mem Campership Fund Rabbi Bitran's Discretionary Fund birthdays For the Yahrzeit of Bessie Katz Donation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Temkin Samuel Katz Harriet and Jack Kurz In memory of Ben Eisenstein For the Yahrzeit of Gussie Tannenbaum Deborah Landsman Barbara and Irving Cohen Louise Epstein For the Yahrzeit of George Bleier Mazal Tov to Megan & Gregory Pheterson on In honor of Harriette Howitt's 80th birthday Alan Bleier the birth of Juliet Elizabeth Pheterson Anna May and David Eisenberg For the Yahrzeit of Roman Gould Carol Hantman In memory of Bennett Eisenstein Bette M. Ross Scholarship Fund Roberta and Malcolm Savedoff & Family For the Yahrzeit of Aaron Mellman For the Yahrzeit of Albert Newman In memory of Malcolm Glazer Elyse and Larry Fine Pauline Price, z’l Mona and Jay Brodsky For the Yahrzeit of Elie Mordo In honor of Harriette Howitt's special birthday In memory of Murial Oratz Claudette Entenberg Merle and Lawrence Markus Samuel Katz For the Yahrzeit of William Musiker In honor of Taylor L. Mondshine & Joshua S. Mazal Tov to Sophie and Noah on their Judy Azoff and Malcolm Musiker Futerman on their marriage graduation For the Yahrzeit of Shirley Sass Roberta and David Feldman Mona and Mark Kolko Gerry and Sandy Appelbaum In honor of Juliet Elizabeth Pheterson's birth Prayer Book Fund For the Yahrzeit of Benjamin Stein Roberta and David Feldman For the Yahrzeit of Ora Diamond Anna and Len Stein In memory of Bennett Eisenstein Geulah Von Perlstein In appreciation of Rabbi Bitran Merle and Lawrence Markus For the Yahrzeit of David Von Perlstein Esther Goldberg In memory of Joshua Hollander Geulah Von Perlstein In honor of Rabbi Bitran for all the help, Nancy Gastel President's Discretionary Fund support and guidance Merle and Lawrence Markus For the Yahrzeit of Marion Glowinsky Elliot Zenilman In memory of Bruce Newman Beryl and Murray Zankel In honor of Ilene and David Flaum Peggy Blumenthal For the Yahrzeit of Martin Glowinsky Melissa and Joshua Pheterson Sidney Levinson Youth Memorial Fund Beryl and Murray Zankel In memory of Eunice Cassorla In memory of Bennett "Ben" Eisenstein In honor of Dan Glowinsky being elected Esther Goldberg Lori and Frank Karbel President of the Synagogue In memory of Gary Cassorla Tillie Levinson Sandy and Stuart Stern Esther Goldberg Tammi and Gary Steinberg In honor of Dottie Poushter's great In memory of Bennett "Ben" Eisenstein In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander granddaughter, Samantha Harlyn Emmer Fusions Productions Tillie Levinson Susan and David Rothenberg Sharon Kovalsky & Family TBE Foundation R Briskin Cantor-In-Residence Fund Shaina Herring In honor of Taylor and Josh Futerman on their For the Yahrzeit of Norman Aronson Marilyn and Irving Manis wedding Ellen and Frank Hagelberg Enid and Louis Ryen Marcia Gabrilove -L adin & Scott Ladin For the Yahrzeit of Louis Benjamin Iris and Howard Saltsburg In honor of Harriette and Jack Howitt's Leona Leon Elke Simons birthdays For the Yahrzeit of Leah Fernandez In memory of Malcolm Glazer Myrna and Richard LaBaer Judy and Allan Schwartz Julie and Mitchell Nusbaum In memory of Ben Eisenstein For the Yahrzeit of Lederman In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander Sandy and Stuart Stern Pauline Wasserman Nancy Talbot & Paul Duberstein In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander For the Yahrzeit of Doris Lasky Levin In memory of Pauline Price Perry Eck Adell and Al Ornstein Enid and Lou Ryen Bradleigh and Mordecai Kolko For the Yahrzeit of Hilde Neustadt In memory of Tamara Esther Siegel Joan and Beryl Nusbaum Thomas Rheinstein Sandra and Joel Siegel Sandy and Paul Schiffman In honor of The Richard W. Briskin weekend Rabbi Freidson-King's Discretionary Glenna and Norman Spindelman Richard and Rosalie Lewis For the Yahrzeit of Regina Averbakh In memory of Bruce Newman In memory of Bennett Eisenstein Noyema and Zigmund Averbakh Helen Hecker Adell and Al Ornstein For the Yahrzeit of Philip Brody In memory of Pauline Price In memory of Louis Gray Barbara and Irving Cohen Bradleigh and Mordecai Kolko Adell and Al Ornstein For the Yahrzeit of Sylvia Chachkes In memory of Sheri Schwartz Pauline and Ezriel Reitzfeld Mr. & Mrs. Robert Temkin Doris, Elana and Daniel Bobry In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander For the Yahrzeit of Rose Joffe Sandy and Paul Schiffman Ira Cooperman Jean Owerbach TBE Programming Fund In memory of Alan S. Kusler For the Yahrzeit of Ruth G. Katz In honor of Harriette & Jack Howitt's special Rosalyn Schreiber Robert Katz birthdays In memory of Steven R. Shencup For the Yahrzeit of Max Kravetz Debby Goldman Pauline and Ezriel Reitzfeld Sandra Kravetz In memory of Ben Eisenstein For the Yahrzeit of Avraham Rappaport Debby Goldman Noyema and Zigmund Averbakh Fredda and Pete Silverstein 20

TBE Programming Fund (cont.) CONDOLENCES In memory of Dr. Joshua Hollander We record with sorrow the passing of: Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gangemi Deborah Goldman Louis Gray, z’l In memory of Pauline Price Husband of Mary Ann Gray; stepfather of Jerry (Dawn) Barber, Debby Goldman Michael (Barbara) Barber, Greg (Jackie) Bergych, Richard (Ann) Weintraub Memorial Fund For the speedy recovery of Hank Shulman Berdych, Judy (Richard) Van Wuyckhuyse; brother of Seymour Weintraub Family (Beverly) Gray, David (Miriam) Gray, Marvin (Barbara) Gray, For the Yahrzeit of Philip Dworkin Dolores Gray Schwartz; brother-in-law of Millie (Leo) Lang-Lynch Weintraub Family For the Yahrzeit of Anna Weintraub Dr. Joshua Hollander, z’l Weintraub Family Husband of Sheila Hollander; father of Henry (Katherine) For the Yahrzeit of Shirley Weintraub Hollander, Susan Hollander and Philip (Juliet Page) Hollander; Weintraub Family grandfather of Ruth, Reuben, Nate, Dov Ber and Noah Asher Ann Weintraub In honor of Susan Bernstein Sam Kinel, z’l Weintraub Family Husband of Roberta Kinel; father of Brian (Tina) Kinel & In honor of Rabbi & Marvin Freidson-King Weintraub Family Deborah Kinel; grandfather of Andrew, Sean, Emily, Julia & Eli In honor of Taylor and Joshua Futerman's Kinel; step-grandfather of Tyler, Zachary & Emma Werner; marriage brother-in-law of Erika Kinel, Nili Kinel and Morton Schwartz Weintraub Family In honor of Dan Glowinsky's being elected Sally (Eber) Kleeberg, z’l President of TBE Sister of Lester (Ellen) Eber; mother of Dan (Lisa) Kleeberg and Weintraub Family Lisa (Mark) Stein; grandmother of Adam (Stephanie) & Justin In honor of Stacey Lampell's graduation from Kleeberg and Erica & Ben Stein the Simon School Weintraub Family Alan S. Kusler, z’l In honor of Marilyn Manis, Volunteer of the Brother of Judith Alderman and partner of William H. Cox Year at TBE Weintraub Family Herman Kutner, z’l In honor of Serena Elizabeth Ross Mills' birth Husband of Sara; father of Cypora (Uszer) Teigman; grandfather of Weintraub Family Alan (Jennifer) Teigman and David (Laura) Teigman; In honor of Dr. Todd Stein's term as great-grandfather of Ellie President of TBE Weintraub Family Muriel Oratz, z’l In honor of Abe Vigoda's special birthday Barbara and Charles Freeman Mother of Alan (Dana Campbell) Oratz, In memory of Bennett Eisenstein Sharon (Mark) Lancaster, Wendy Gotesman Barbara and Charles Freeman and Paula Krause; grandmother of Ryley, Drew & Max Trudy and Albert Sheinfeld In memory of Joshua Hollander Pauline N. Price, z’l Weintraub Family Mother of Valerie (Philip) Ciufo; grandmother of Ronald Villa, In memory of Howard Levy Elizabeth (Jeff) Hurwitz, David (Erica) Price, Stephen (Dr. Melissa Weintraub Family Freeman) Price; great-grandmother of Josh & Andrew Hurwitz, In memory of Pauline Price Sandra and Stuart Stern Caitlin, Jack, Zachary & Hudson Price, Vincent, Vivian & Victor Villa; sister-in-law of Murray & Harriet Merl, Maxine Rivka & Aviva Newman

Sheri E. Schwartz, z’l Every contribution to a Temple Beth El Wife of David Schwartz; mother of Hannah and Eli Schwartz; fund is worth menschening. However, we sister of Jodi (Andrew) Weinberger, Robin Blaakman and Jay can only publish those that are $10 or (Cindy) Gold more. The contributions listed were received between June 11 and August 12, Maureen Kahn Wingate, z’l 2014. If your contribution is not listed, Sister of Barbara (Martin) Lipsky, David (Sherri) Kahn and Steven please call the TBE Office, we will correct (Kitty) Kahn it in the next KOL issue. May their souls be bound up in the bond of life.


YAHRZEITS … Dates are determined according to the Hebrew calendar. The names will be listed in the Shabbat program booklet on the date listed. September 6 Shirley Stern Moses A. Roxin Toby Ida Kowal TO REMEMBER Etta Barnet Taksen Mildred Lena Sachs Joseph Kozel Wolf Kahn Norma Berger Jacob Tanzman Israel Samuels Goldie Kravetz Jacob Klein Miriam Pollack Braunstein David M. Teichler Ida E. Sanow Chaim Kurz Robert Alan Lempert Martha Bruner Major Tyser Bella Schreiber Etta Kurz Ruth Lempert Joseph Byer Meyer Umansky Noah Shapiro Avraham Kutner Ralph Levine Anna Cohen Morris Weinstein Ben Shatoff Rivkalaya Kutner Eli Lifschutz David Cohen Samuel S. Weinstein Joseph Sherizen Oscar Arthur Lampell Bessie Maas Nathan Comisar Analisa Weiss Pearl Shinder Ben Leve Hinda Manson Yontiff Dasevschi Greta Wortsman Jeffrey M. Sklar Rose Levine Benoit Massouda Esther Diamond Sholom Zolotovskiy Jacob Starman Mildred McAdoo Anna Meyers Anita Dushay September 13 Harold H. Stone Janet Metter Manuel Miller Sidney Esterson Lee D. Alderman Joseph Taschman Sidney U. Miller Yetta Nusbaum Morris Fogel Isadore P. Appelbaum Abraham Wallack Isabel Morgenstern Frieda O. Offen Rahill Freyger Steven Aronson Minnie Westheimer Jacob Present Sarah Paley Micheal Futerman Harriet Basson Rose Witrack Ethel Reitzfeld Louis Sablowsky Anna L. Gaffe Sosef Berenshteyn Morris Zamos Irmgard Rifkin Ray K. Sayles Samuel Garfinkel Sylvia Berkov September 20 Philip N. Rogachefsky Rhoda Schacht Leon Germanow Joseph Bernstein Nathan Abramow Millie Rosenberg Jack Schuster Theodore Gersz Janice S. Birnbaum Molley E. Barnett Anna Rosenbloom Fanny Schwarz Jessie Glickman George I. Bloch Anna Becker Elka Rosenman Lena Shapiro Anna Gold Esther R. Brudno Sadie Berman Lillian Schiffrin Rahill Shapiro Bertha G. Goldstein Rudy Bruner Ruthie L. Feld Bershod Fanny Siegel Bessie Shavlan Leonard L. Green Freida Caro Anna Bestry Anna Solomon Noah P. Sher David Greenberg Eugene Cohen Tess Bodian Mabel Stein Harriett L. Sherman Maurice Hardy Rose Shechet Cohen Frank Cohen Hyman Steinmetz Lena Ostroff Simons Sylvia Heicklen Rudolph Cohen Helen S. Cohen Abram Surasky Leonard Sklar Anna Kirshenbaum Sara Krieger Cohen Ida Cohen Henoch Szajnberg Anne Slater Helene Kirzenbaum William H. Cohen Tillie Cohen Gerhard Victor Samuel Smalline Adam Seth Kogan Harry Cornell Fritzi Columbus William Weinstein Joseph Steiner Judith Lynne Kogan Tillie Essman Dora Comisar Hyman Winn Faye W. Stillman Rae Komisar Fink Perry Davis Lea Winograd William Surdin Robert M. Korpeck Evel Gelman Sabine Eck Genia Zacharayvich Eli Tanenbaum Bernard Kozel Isadore Gertzog Benjamin Eisenberg Daniel Ziff Wilfred Nathan Tanen- Fred B. Kravetz Perry Goldberg Nathan Emden September 27 baum Sol Lederman Hermann Goldfarb Morris S. Endlich Evelyn Abramowitz Gesja Tsvasman Minnie Legumsky Israel Theadore Goldstein Johanna Lynne Falk Samuel Saul Amdursky Samuel Wagenheim Sadie Levi Leah Gordin Sylvia Feldman Sidney Appelbaum Frank G. Weinberg Harold Lewinson Pearl S. Gross Isidore Fine Fannie Arnold Robert Winograd Minnie Manning Leonard Grossman Henrietta K. Fischer Marilyn Jo Aroesty Eva Wolfe Edna Marcus Rebecca Isner Jane Freeman Dora Beckerman Ralph C. Wolff Phyllis Mashioff Doris C. Kanter Mildred Gilbert Bonnie Biller Chaya Ida Wolin Kaethe Mayer Dvorah Kaplan Ida Goldberg Sarah Bobry Fred Wortsman Joseph Michael Michael B. Kaplan Harry Goldman Jeffrey S. Bracker Julius Zinkin Gloria Miller Ida Kozel Goldstein Ida Bresloff Rose Musicus Donna Levinson Gertrude Greenstone Nathan Cohen Milton Olshinsky Max Lisman Louis J. Gross Herma Darrow Barney D. Rapp Louis Margolis Darlene R. Grossman Hyman Davis Tillie Rose Mark Nanos Elise Esther Halpern Stanley Dembinski Dena Rotenberg Fanny Obstein Sholom Halpern Hyman Finestone Leah Sadick Samuels Beryl Moses Oser Ruth Haber Handelman Louis Garsenstein Martha Miller Schwartz Harold R. Paley Ivete Kanner Reuben Goldman Marion M. Shapiro Polina Polcky Rahel Kaplan Marion Gottfried Sumner Shechet Florence Presser Susie R. Kaplan Murray H. Greenberg William Shulkin Robert Raines Israel Jacob Katz David G. Herr Lawrence Siegel Ludwig Rheinstein Judith Katz Rachel Hoffman Rebecca Sklar Eva L. Rifkin Nachman Kazman Susan Horwitz Aliza Stark Mark Rosenbloom Joseph Kinel Beatrice Howitt Jacob Stein Irving Ross Meyer Koren Lillian Kahn


Rabbi Bitran & family visit Camp Ramah

Bottom row: Sam Cohen, Silvana Bacman, Lara Bitran & Nicole Goldman. Top row: Toby Gittleman, Yael Gunter, Chaya Spokony, Hannah Nusbaum, Lauren Reiner, Matthew Montag, Rabbi Leonardo Bitran, Ethan Bitran & Camp Director Dr. Ron Polster

Hazak Bus Trip ‘Jewish Rochester the Way it Was’ held July 27, 2014 by Henra Briskin & Miriam Gross

On Sunday, July 27, fifty eager participants boarded a bus to tour Jewish Rochester. We were ably led by native born Rochesterians Sheila Weinbach, who organized the trip and provided the snacks and written materials, and Phyllis Kasdin, who provided excellent narration.

We were treated to many scenes and sights of the past and the present. Sadly, in the 1950's so many shops, businesses and synagogues were torn down and neighborhoods completely changed or destroyed. Hearing the childhood memories of our fellow passengers helped us remember what life was like many years ago.

Our bus stopped for tours at the Beth Hatvillah Mikvah (next to Beth Hakneses HaChodosh synagogue on St Regis Drive) and Congregation Light of Israel (Monroe Avenue).

Brief stops included the old JY, (currently Harro's East), Congregation Beth Israel on Leopold St and the B'nai Israel Ahavat Achim shul on Joseph Avenue.

At the B'nai Israel Ahavat Achim shul, we were met by Neil Scheier, who described the exciting plans to convert the shul into a museum of Rochester immigrant history and religion. The building is located directly across from where the Quality bakery building once stood. Aubey Dankner gave a history of Quality bakery from the time his family bought it from the original owners.

Truly a good time was had by all. We enjoyed a trip down memory lane, took a look at our current vibrant Jewish community and glimpsed the future.

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE HOURS OFFICERS 2014-2015 Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm SENIOR STAFF Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm DAN GLOWINSKY Sunday (during school year) LEONARDO BITRAN 9:00 am - 12:00 pm President Senior Rabbi 585.473.1770 [email protected] TBEPrez@ tberochester.org Anna Eckert MARTIN LEUBITZ CAROLINE KORN Admin. Asst., Ext. 112 Vice President [email protected] Hazzan [email protected] AMY LIBENSON Bonnie Harris Accounting, Ext. 117 DEBORAH ZEGER Vice President [email protected] Executive Director

LISA SILVERSTEIN Carol Konuksever [email protected]

Vice President Reception/Admin. Asst., Ext. 110 SAMARA SOFIAN

[email protected] MARC HAAS Director of Youth & Family Education Vee Nelson [email protected] Treasurer Bookkeeping, Ext. 113 RANDI FOX TABB SETH CHARATZ [email protected]

Secretary Colleen Schaefer Keshet Preschool Director [email protected] LESLIE CRANE Admin. Asst., Ext. 119 [email protected] Assistant Secretary RELIGIOUS SCHOOL OFFICE Phone 585.473.1190

Michelle Caron Administrative Assistant [email protected] 23

Temple Beth El NON-PROFIT 139 Winton Road U.S. POSTAGE PAID Rochester, NY 14610-2997 ROCHESTER, NY PERMIT # 407




September Friday Shabbat Conclusion of 2014 Evening Morning Shabbat 6:00 pm 9:00 am

5th & 6th Candle Lighting Sidra: Ki Tetze 7:22 pm Mincha: 6:50 pm Bar Mitzvah of Max Kalish Havdalah: 8:22 pm

12th & 13th Candle Lighting Sidra: Ki Tavo 7:10 pm Mincha: 6:35 pm Tot Shabbat & Nosh: 5:30 pm Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Harris Havdalah: 8:09 pm

19th & 20th Candle Lighting Sidra: Nitzavim-Vayelech Mincha: 7:30 pm 6:57 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah: 8:50 pm Simcha Service: 6:00 pm Parashat HaShavua: 10:00 am Selichot Service: 9:15 pm Family Tefillah : 10:30 am Memorial Plaque Dedication: 10:30 pm

26th & 26th Candle Lighting Shabbat Shuvah 6:45 pm Sidra: Ha’azinu Mincha: 6:10 pm Havdalah: 7:43 pm