FREQUENCY LISTS FOR VOCABULARY DRILL There are three ofthese lists: (1) Words found 12—23 times in the first six books of the Aeneid (pp. 97—100); (2) Words found 6—11 times in the first six books (pp. 10 1—106); (3) General Word List: Words found twenty-four times or more in the first six books (pp. 108—111 and pull-out, inside of back cover). WORDS FOUND 12-23 TIMES IN AENEID 1-6 abeo go away, depart aureus of gold, gold(en) acer sharp, piercing auris EAR addo give to, ADD auster south (wind) aequö (make) level, EQUALIZE autem moreover, however aether upper air, ETHER auxilium support, assistance affor speak to, address Averto turn from, AVERT agnosco RECOGNIZE, understand Ala wing bis twice aliquis some (one), any (one) alter other (of two), second cadö fall, die amicus friend(ly), AMICABLE caecus blind, unseeing amittö lose, send away canö sing (of), CHANT amö love, cherish carina keel, ship an whether cärus dear annus year causa CAUSE, reason antrum cave, cavern cavus hollow aperio uncover, open cêdö yield, CEDE arbor tree celer swift arduus steep, ARDUOUS celsus high, lofty ars ART, skill centum one hundred artus (noun) joint, limb certamen contest asper rough, harsh certus settled, CERTAIN aspicio look (at), behold cingö encircle, gird asto stand (by, near) cinis ashes, CINDERS astrum star, constellation clams CLEAR, famous attollö lift (up), arouse colO CULTIVATE, worship audeo be eager, dare coma hair, foliage (of a tree) 97 98 WORD LISTS WORD LISTS 99 condo put together, found fortis brave, strong litus broad, wide opus work;
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