.... I 7.00 p.m.-The Barrelman. PRESENTS 8.00 p.m.-Canada at Work THE , NUTCRACK SUITE' 9.00 p.m.-The Scarlet DAILY,NEWS a"ailable at Pimpernel. .. ' 10.00 p.m.-The L1berace (Prici 5 cents)" Charles Hutton '& Sons Show. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNOlAND,W!DNESDAY, JULY 20, 195.5 . Vol. 62. . No. 150 ~est W GrI't -Attack Russia Ike Pledges -Carson" Bul~anin Rejects Public -======------:--:::--:~--~---=------=----=-Works Disowns. Unified Germany.. ~Iarler's On West Terms Baby Says I~sue I~ Tightly Deadlocked By PRESTON GROVER " GENEVA (AP)-Summoning Marshal Georgi Zhukov to witness his truthlulness1 President Eisenhower ,ave , I Nlinister , J '.'1' Soviet leaders a penonal pledge Tuesday that the West­ .I:i £'In alliance will never aUack Russia. He appealed to ,I':, .. them to permit a unified Germany defensively allied with . Winters . i the West. I, OTTAWA (CP) - Works But Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul· many. at ltast in ereating greater I :.linister Winters disclaim­ ganin firmly rejected German uni· understanding amoni the powera ! ol all responsibility Tues· fication on tbat basis. bere. ; The debate in Tuesday after· At, Tuesday's .essian, Prim. day in the troublesome Will­ noon's s'.!ssion of the summit can· Minister Eden and Premier Faurl ilm Carson ferry siluation. ference left \Iltle doubt tbe unifi· launcbed the Western argument fa: ing questions el1 the mat­ cation Issue is tightly deadlocked for ending Gi!rmany's East·West between Russia and the Western division. Tbey said early action iJ ter ~hould be directed to powers. urgent and essential. They argued Transport Ministcr Muriel', Bulganin made clear that a against Bulganin's opening position T~c ~1I,2U,000 Canoll, built 10 divorcing of Germany from tlrz Monday that other countries - (: ~ct\'.'crn North Sydll~)', N.S" Western European Union and the meaning Germany's link with l~j porI nUX BaHq\te~. NCld., i. 10 Atlantic alliance Is Russia's price NATO-bad Ul change first. I~n tcmp'rarl1~' betwcen North for uniting the country. Faure, as chairman of Tuesday'. " ~.~ I' ~:'dn:) and Argentia, Nfld.-lSO MOVING APPEAL session, spoke first, then Eden. m::~; further-pending con5lruc· Eisenhower's appeal was des. Eisenbower, speaking tbird, said t:ln of breakwatcrs to mr.ke the cribed by officials present as the he wanted to talk about uniting PIli all. Basques harbor safer In m03t moving and emotional talk Germany .from the point of view l:I1m), wcather. in the confer~nce to date. of the concept and purposes of Opp",Uion mcmbers have lie· The president said he wanted NATO. He recalled that European l:~;bcd preparations for the ferry to talk about the North Atlantic nations bad twice sufNred Ger­ \!!rirc as a fiasco. Gcorgc Noll" Trealy association and the pur. man invasion in this century. It h~ (PC - Dlgb~·.Annapolis.KllIgs) poses of this collective ~ecurity had cost the European nations tensionnid prcI'iously that federalIl passes engineerscompre· YES'I'ER~~Y AFTERN~ON His Honour the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Outerbridge gave an infoITlIal tea dance and reception in honour a~rangement. He asked Marsbal dearly and even though Britain of. o[[lCel', o[ the .Frlgat., "V.ryan Bay," which arriv.d in port y.Sterday morning to pay a caurtesy call to SI. John's belore leaving Zhukov Ul listen caNfully. explain· and the United States had not been ';:;::f':~:y"'.'::~::t ~~:;::~f~~: th~ ing he maue this' request because invaded tbey had been burt. '" ,,,. ",d ~~. "" ",,,,,", tlu~ "de althe AUan:1C to r~turn to England. The D.Uy N.ws ,!sited Goyernment House yestel'day ,ft.moon and took a picture of the ' they are old friend5. It was at this point Eisenbower , e.m .lib "W,,,. " .. ",II" O[fl~'rs 01 lh. ,h

orlh S~'dney and pori aux He was promoted to, Captain in 1929. Colonel Lambert regime. day that it has demanded the with· Sydn'ey ",...... 57 FO George Waugh, a pilot from m!h Lew BI!qucs under terms of Newfound· was appointed in 1940 to command the Newfoundland South Viet Nam police haadquar. drawal of all Frencb forces from yarmouth .... · ...... · ,~58Z' 77 Vancouver and Nanalmo, B. C., 'T,5S 1,62 a,t!!. Sf. ~1' 51, m.po1 a,m.0"'· 2.1< .... \~nd'! entry into confederaUon In HR. ,,,' To"d., "U.d " .U d"" .. -'" dorio, ,,,,. "b,', ...... • ""b ""'. .m 13. · t ~q~~t~~~a~c~a*dtheE~~.~,~a~_~h~---~-~------~-----~- App ea,IA gaIns WhICh later became " the 166th Fir.ld Repiment, R.A., to stay. Closed today to mourn the C·h' pl· 1 P' I G R Death Sentence the Tunisian Campaign in 1942.' a r l'g e' th~ough ~~I::~~ :~!J/ :~md~rol~: a' e .' olitlca' atronagedepartmental estimatesn were be·ovt.' shOWn favoritism inntals selling tbe ent ing studied, replied that a new Place d' Armes post office Ul tile customs house Is being designed. Bank of Montreal. However, thoe S e.lecte• d. Reds. 0U t T0' .. C-h ar. m'w es·t ~~~s~~:r:D~~~~~fi~~~~:i~~;,O~~~,"", d'-"" fh. Comm""" oo;fAWA (cp)-The gov.rnm ·Tuesday was transaction was the kind that could RENT REASONABLE IQUEBEC (CP) _ The Quebec blossomed on the hotel's .walls. accused of practising political patronage in renting build- lead tei favoritism "and gcncrall:1 R Under the Geneva agreements,. f' . t . d"d Mr. Green said one o( the own· \ I E f . f I' ers of the Vancouver building used what the public tbinks of as graft Court' Tuc5day rejected talks were have begun tOday mgs rom prlva e In IVl S. , ~?peal; to u~ by thn air force is aprominent and corruption." . ' Ilbtrt Collin's appenl against his' norat 0 'on( e' rences between Sout Viet Nam and the ,The cbarge was made by'OPPOSI.j---,.;....------:!,'i'lioo "d ,,,~ .","" ,,, ... . . Com",""' "'" " Ii.. ,",Ii<>" U" m"\f,,,. 'orio", .,"'.rn~,· "''''''' "",i,1 f, '" ••ok • Liberal' in Varlcouver centre, Mr. .e murder o( a young United GENEVA' (AP 2 . t P' '. . next year to' unify tlte country. ing debate on the rental and bUIld', ;lIontreal was described by Wil· Campne),'s riding. He was receiv· '"'' '''''''. "''''' i, ". " It. . ,- ,VIC rem"r Bulgorun and h~ GAl'E REFUSAL ,,' ",lI, ..,.f ~. p.bII. "''''!". liam ••mill" (PC - .",,,,1 ing a rent entirely out of line • .". "i,. th.1 , "mm".'" lop Kremlm cohorts h ve sct out to chaen the West into "I Diom ful S'''''''' g." p."""t M.m"'" of .11 p'''''' N,"'·D •.",.,,""'" " lb. ~,d .Mr. Winters said the rent is rea· ~" d~. "I ,,,. ~. "m' a Icngihy "era o[ coblerence," experlcnecd Western ob. ",.1.," """,,,"d· ,,,. " , .,.. pI... Cd for ,,,,,",'u.. • of 1"""Ii" ..,,,,of ,.",.," sonable. 'The gov~rnment was pa),' • :~"", .... ,.", • iI. ",m servers b.lic YO ' . ·,,,,,.. f '" ",otio ,. .,~ ~. C,m· p,b'" b"""'" • ~.. '"'' md b,~· p,bU, " ,,~I "d ","'. ing $150 monthly for the premises, INSIDE . """ a,.. ,,1 ,,, m'(" .. '" "I"lfy .,,1 • , .....",' ",,,1.,, "d" " ...,1 ",dlU,,_ ..d .pi'" Ih. i"d""" u". . instcad of $400 as before, but this "m~.' was '$1.89 II square foot compared .'.... ,.,." .!Ior Ih. "". '('b. ,'m, tho< "'di,, th" ",. """",It,, prohl ... of "" ,old ....m.m!.d cl .., pmof fh'l '" ,f "'-''' , ..-.. ,. WiIf,1d D,""" fPC--Q"b .. ... ~ '''''i ..... ,,,d'" d,""". " • k.. , tho .,," "'" .... .' C,mm""". wmdd ",I ....'d io· How,,,, G"" fPC-v ...... , W... , ,h ..,of ,ollli ..' , ••, .... \\1th tbe $2 expended previously 1-BIII Island News I", Ii" hI",."b'" l"U", I.,km, .W', """I ,,,d.,., to'" Thor , ••d ~.I """" ...8"". ".. d, b"'.. ·"mm""m .. .. Q"dnl ..W ". ,f ~. ""f ",. " p~,Ii"d i, Q"b" CI~. ..y. for less floor space. 3-Goocl coclfishery at St• f' "I .,.",', ,', ,,, MIIU'" Iw, .... 'f "y of """" ,f D.f..... ", ...... "" .".mm"f Repl)'ing to tha Social Credit John's '~'Ii " Ih. G",. ",,""'; • b'"~''' ",II """'~ ""diU" • ",,,,,, .. m,. I"~ p'" big'" leader, M,r., Winters said he has 4-Sllaniarcl'. Bay News . '""''',d , ~rlb.. .. ,,'" will ."m.1 .""my " ,...... hlob ""'_ .•""''''''' 1.]<1 ~., ,,,"'.. ,,. "'" " re"i,i.,· ,,'" mol, hi" ",I '" "''''' "'" f" • bw'" no informatlon on wbether Mr. 6-"Our Economic Llf. At ••d, '0 tho So,,,m. eo"" of B, "U'" ",1. ,!"' .... U.. bp,. "'.. .om, IW. ,oih ~".,,,.. HI, .,IoI'm,,1 ". ",.. I "~.,, ~I lOt , V.. ,""" b<>i1d1"."" '" ,,"'" bY b"i.. "moo M"'· Molt was 'ellgibleUl rent Ul the Stlkt"_dltorlll ..,. .m! .mp'"'''''' .opIril of "'" _.. JO!i .....,...,. ""Io,. of W'!"" ,B,' ...... ""•• ,to m'" ". ~.RCA" .G"""d Ob"",'. i .. P,U ... ~oo f" .."~",,,. . leI-Movie Reviewl h.mUI,,,..,,m, ""'m.f...... A.. ",,,, I,'" .... "" .. ,., ...... "",,,,,,.f. ..,d tIw. ."W "",", . . "'" "I by _cif " lb. government. while he was an MP. !l_Women'. News Ind Chit ~ ~, 'fhe Belyea block in N>!IV West· Wal convicted last August lI",. fti. n",,'''' '" "bf.... ·"d fho "om",,, 'f.'._""';~. """b\< .'mb.="m!",1 '!" ... ""'f Credli Lu"'· Low '!'" C.,,,,i. Lob". S"dI,,'''. . Chat . "Ii,.11" " ","" .. '" '''','" "Ib,!,>,. to. lb.· ",m ,..,. .. W"t:... • .."oJ. f ,." " "". II...... of WII"',. SI.",,,I '" ,,,,,m ,f , ",bf" mill~ter . wa~ fil'strented to the 12-Sport the murder of Rlcbard Lindsey, ,m"'~' govemment by MI'. Motl two years hose bear.eaten remains were .,Ib"1 """ " '''' ,h"h '. "!",.. , , .""1,, ,',dI"'B'f'~. W"I ; •.., ... ,. W,,'''" d,"" M.U ;,. "'''' • "." .. mm,,1 h,ildi" ..," ,mm 'rhom" ". I3-Comies ,,,bI. m, " lb. ,,",111,,11,,:,, "". ,~."" ,,,,,,. "'. Ib,. .B" f.. '''' D' ••,. ",... ,', m.. 1 lb. • b,lIdlo,· i, N.. W.. 1m i"I"" "" "r-Sl. J oh,· AIb"t!. n. "id before he, was eltcled to Parlia· . I4-Stock Mark.ts near tbose of his fatber. G.. m", " , ".,"" of . F... .,Ib mmd .•'.'.'" f"m; woOid ,.. , .. C,., B.C.; .b'" " ... L''''.. , m.m· '" ...',m, "." i, S.i,1 J,b,. ment and the lea5e· continued 41. and af riend, Albert f,"""~. "n.... ~"", "." .'om', ., .....,"'" .. tho, "",hi t. "",\,,'''. wh", m",1'" ,hu...·.t G.".. .of "', . of P"Ii.m" t /" rid'" N. B., " ". dil. pid. I.d "II" through .hi, four.year t~rm. .' • 19, deep' tn. Gaspe b\1sbland. ,.II~.' he lef~, blmself rOom' for modifj'lng Western Insincerity. " from 19«9 10 1953. ~.I mess," '.with one sidc of it being Mr. H~mi!lon said he was not : .. I\'a~ originally scbednled to As tbey' have publicly staled, his positions without, leaving blm. There ,is a possibility thal The NO 'TENDERS CAU,ED rflped'l)lI to prolect pedestrians sugges~ng· tile.' government lIa~ la!t Navembl!r bUt sub­ W'astern leaders are determined to jell open to '1 chari"of yieldinll truer cnmmis!lnn may proposf: new .. Sale witliout lender of Ihe Ptaer Ii'om tiLllinl( bricks. : . delay! ..... ere granted to ....on ... fu lb. """I!n. "' ...... ,."on...... ,,,...... '" G.,." ,Atm. ""I oI!i<. "."''''', W","."i,.r W"I"_.,w'",, ~n .ppca!. The hanKinK date \ - oW let for Sept. 23. , " !, .'. .'" " '.'/ ' , . !.i " . ( . THE DAll 2 THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY a \U! , ·Sport ~i'Genera,·.·: ~. .. " Activities L Items ITheBell Island News ~~~~~~------~~~~~~~~------• t/:I~:ANA. , . ;Mim~s To tloEC News iFor Vacation \\·People In The The follcwing I)o:!ce orcr Ihe si:;r.atu.a of II. B. O:~ke~', Vice : ----~----.------. : Mr. and Mrs. Carman !'iose· Mr. and ~ll's. Rnhel't !'ormnn I I l'rc::ucr.t and Gencral ~:~na:;er o( : worthy, or St. John's are spend· arrl\,·cd her!! [rom Tc.I·o:lto :\lon· Dom!nlcn y; ~b::na Orc Ltd., w~s . . In« a hoUday on the bland as day Oil a holldBY "Islt to his pnr· p03ted nt tile Company's plant yes· JUnta IIf Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ents Mr. and Mrs. Ro\)crl Xor· lerc!a)': GIISIe. West Wabana. man. "III accordance wllh thc provl­ s!ons of the Com;Jar.r·UnLoll agree­ ·,Mr, ,ana lotts. Melvin Bursey Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slade of ment respcctlng vacations the ..re IJ)IJItllnl a hollda)' at Corner St. John's spent Sunday with re­ Compnny lI'!shcs to advise em· The picturc lath'es and Lrlends on the Island rloyecs thEt all mine. and dcpnrt· '~rook. 166t1v Newfol mcnt3, with the c::ccpUon of lond. Lambcrt will Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Skanes who 1I1r. Walter Chldlcy tral'c11l1lg lnll and stocltplle operations and were lpendlng a few day. In st. nlesman for Earl Sons and Com· oruco personncl, will cease opcra· ,John'. returned to the Island Man pany Is presently here on a bus· tions nt 8 p;m. on Saturdny, July d.,. aftemoon. ' Iness trip, :l3rd. for thc summer· '-lcatlon COLONE Pirlod. Fun s:r.1c opcr~t!ons will .. . ·Mr. and Mn, Kevin Dol18rty of Mr. Norman Cohen- mnde a bus· b~ r .. sumc:l at 8 n.m. on r.!onday, '8t. John'. spent a few days on Iness trill to St, John's MO:1day Au~u~t lEt. In f.dd!llon Lo the .1h, Island ..Isltlng his parents. morning. a1Jovc.not~d c::ceptlons. all aulh· Mr. and Mrs. Pat Doherty. The ,urizd rCll:ir 1I!1I1 rnGinlc~:;ncc, Is ] Front. Mrs. Annie Goslne Icrt fe,l' Syd i construction, and ot:lcr r.pccbl I . ncy Sunday on a visit to l:cl 1I10t· I job3 \'IiII be p:r~c~med t;uring the i Mr. Ind ·Mrs. Bert Stowe of her who Is pl'e~cnt1y on the sick I "ac:lion prr!ut!. Pay for t:l~ we~k ; Corner Brook nrril'rri here Mon· ·lI~t. cndh:g July 16ih will he al'i'.iblJle , Vet~ dl)' on a hollcla)' \·I~lt. !\Ir: and ~t t:IC l'cgul:r P~l' siath,n;, on Fri· I Mrs., Stowe were formerly resI­ Mr~, Denis Ilof.o Ul1dcl'wrnt de::, ,lull' !!~th, or at the PRY or· ~ dent. IIf the Island • II ,utCl'sGful operation in a city i Hce during U:e Ircelt bcginning' ·Will A hospital on Mctlld3Y. : Augu:;t ht. Mn. Luke Gorman paid II bu~­ In... trip til St. John'. Monday Mr. ,Tack Pik;-;ho wns here .. I -"--.--0--- Photo by Max Star~ I Colonel ~ Jllllrnin •. Crom Gander on a "!slt to hl~ " . . ,The ~ ads f parents returned to the Cros~: From storIes laId by some of the oldel' reSidents of Bell I I.J. Scene at Wabana recently during the ann ral pllrade of the Loyal Orange Association. visit NcwCoUi .v~'o :.a~~~n,~~~e~un~:;S~~ Roads on Sunda)·. Idand. It is thought that nt one lime pil'ate~ Fl'~l~:'::l men "Scl1'll O"llI' F- ·S--l· 1 ·166th NC\\'COl of \Val' were active in COl1c~"tion Bay, lind the dIscovery t\ IV U·. CL B L I 101' .. a e D At mandcd thl'oU .. 1,lt her hUlband who Is a patient R tl SI d I is at t' a' s ' anoe at the General Hospital Mr. But- MI~~ u I lepPD\ \\/°1 St' recently of an old cmmon at the ECL~ch would bear out this I , •• . \ I I • It. in\·itation am \tor WII Injured In an accident ~~~~.~gsP~~:~~: w:~~~~d O~I ~h~ ; belid.. The old relic whidl is pictured above .was lalten TI7~ ~~~~~·LS Llea.l FO'I' C~mp Tcnt!er~ lI'ii~cceil'ed liP 10: CL B Armoul'v will spend th reeently and was obliged to en. Island with h!:f pare'lts 1\lr. and I .from the wnler neal' the Beach where dredgmg opcl'a- : ,_ I k 1. U. ... ,tile 1st day of AU~U5t. 195,'. {or 'I • : 0 .' ter hospItal. lIls many rrlend. . . ••.. ' I • '" 1 ~ , .. 0 are tie passa,!e m3.ers It!:p purchl!s~ of I~le one. Dnd one· - Brook, Grand h h' b k I I Mrs. Doug Sh~ppard. 11011S for the new lerry telmmal pi csent) gOll1o on.. t t Il~n~ on to us nnd we ----,..,y I'::\J( store\' dwellmg situate at I Many function . t:pe I: t:edI5~':nt ;~tur~g~e~to~ . - . . is felt thai the Cr.1111011 is bet ween 150 to 200 yc<:r5 old. i W!\l marl: ~·our rc~o\'d breakers Fort~' lads of "J" Comp:u: , Nrwtrt:cJ: 'Ro";1 (Sco!ia Trnmwav) A "crv succcs~ful dance IllS !led for Ihe "etc ede 1:0his form~d good health. da~I~:Is~t~~:~;rl~~~~C~ ~t~to~I~'~: 1 Sc\'cral midcnt:; of the Island do hovc cannon ball~ in 'All dOll'n/~~ ~~1~~}:~~ sca. ; ~;;;~~ I~it ~;~~tll~~~~~:" ~::~~ ; I~!~~I~~n~~/(1of rri~l;c !~~~~~ ~~~: Ihcld in' tlte C,L.B. Armour!' r,n ment so that ail _ ' their pcssession which WCl'e pid;ed up 011 thc beach man.I' 1' .. , '". ,;'I~l"ft'h hI! B rtl~tt n·,:d' it' i~ undcrstood a Isisting ,,( li\'ln~·roo:n. dinin~., July 15th, sponsored by the Gun an opportunit), I am Ihe CIl\ cr ~n'J I ~r cae, I a, ' room. clotl'c;·room. hath-ro'lm. Club far the Underpri\'ilc~ed "'ilh their Colon lin. Jlose Speedy paid I bus­ llLr. Jack Walsh Is now .on hl~ YC::lll'S ~go. 1 "m Ihe mainsail, gh'e my sheets I number of otll~r plan on going 11Icd.r~om. ,len. l:itchen. two i Children Committee. The high acquaintanccs. annual vacation. ------full scope. to camp 011 Fnday. It Is now 52 r.arlrlcs .. hall. porch. porch ghts for the r.ight was two spot tile" trip to St. John's on Mon· ~I~n \li Colonel Lamb( _ 'My coures is sel. hut lea\'c m" I years since the Brigade first wcnl norl veshht'le on tlJe {Irst £Ioor d . b- ~I' T .• day. . I . ,- , '1 tl ~ncJ three Jorgc hr.d·ronms a'''1 a ances \\on y" r. onDl"sman linguishcd caree~ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kent .pent Mr. Rn d 1\,Irs. II arl'y 11 ammon d gaskels shed" . . I to camp at Topsail, \1 lerc ICY 11l't!1arp room nn the ~ccnnrl floor, I' nnd Miss Penney, Mr. Pcter ~1iI. ing his work \ the weekend at Placentia. and Mr. and Mrs. ,Iohn Dowc A, PR ON. ALL EY Herc nt dawn I bind 1\'ltlt fallh I spent ~al1Y, l:Jan.y years U1~dc~ IPl'oT)O!tv has ho~ and cold wntnr. IeI' and Miss O'Brien. The Jitter Army. In 19H spent the \l'eeitcnd al the Cabil1~ !.! an c1hope. I can\'3S III the Brighton of ~ew-,~oal ftlrnn~" and hot water rncli~· IBug conlest which came to • Royal Mililary j h h d on the Bau\lne Lille. 1 . THF. fORESML I foundlal1d. Since then they hal'c fion, Tendcr~ can hn ~:lbn;itt~'l Idra y when judges and dancers Mr. Matt Farrell u purc ase Dr.,erts takc on u new import lemon rind, cream or milk and fir:;t set and when slorms 111 ow camped at Trinity and in latter Ifor. thc nr;ml~~' filII" fU"!I Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Godin Allow to cool. Combme wllh mar~h· ,,v. Cl •• Ie, ,.,,, t squalls. Personal t\alisbury Plain! were buslneG5 "Isltors to the city mullow5 and pineapple when cOllled egg hentcr to ,'er~' stiff (roth. Fo.d , ------Congrntulation~ and best wl;hr5 He embarked last Friday alternon. to Fyrup conslslcnc!': plioI\' ~o per. ill sliltly beutcn c~g ~v~dte a~~d PERSONAL Mrs. Albcrt Sapp who left here 10 Mr. AIgrrnon Tucker, Sr .• who and was e,·acu. tlcally set. Bcat Dnd fold In CliP eontlnuc 10 beat untIl mlldurc \I II! i ~!ajor C. and MrR, Thompson, on July 3rd. has arrlvcl safely at celebrales his birlhday on July Mr. Jamcs IUekey journeyed Home Damaged or whipped cream 10 which vanilla h?ld Its shupe. Put 111'0 tablespoons, S,lI. Corps Officers Rt Bllchans, Iher home. Lebnen, Hadded Aljeby. 21. ' 1\11'. R. C. 11unt. Treasum (>I III St. John', fllonday morning, , and sugar and salt have hecn pll1c~pple Into gl~~SC\ nnd p~e, nrc spendin!: a (ew days on Bell I It is twenty·six years since she Office Employers Internation31 By Fire' eddcd. Plnce In ~hcrbcl J:lmcs. o~ange Ichnlc'!~tl:f S gh~ y;; lei Ir,lnnd as guests or Mr. and Mrs, I saw her mol her and father, and her Happy birthday greetings 10 Mr. Union, Local 264, left lor Cornel '. Mr. and Mrs. Frank- White went " Chill. Top with crushed nuts and (lll1capp e. 1. erles. .' John Badcock. ! brother who she hnsn't seen for Fred J. Burke (Cousin) who ccle· Brook during the week tD attend to St. John's Monday mornln', .a cherry for· serving. oyer hnlC a century, i~ coming brates his birthday on July 22. the annual convention or thl fE,tCll PUDDING _ (rom Columbia, South Africa, for Nfld. Federation of Labour At 11.50 p.m. on Salurday fROZEN APRICOT SHORTCAKE 21~ cups frull juice DEADLISE Ihe reunion Mrs. T. A. Conway celebrates "which Is being hell from .1uly Mr. Bon Ezekiel who is work­ 4 tbsps. tapioca We have been asked 10 slate lIlrs. Sapp:s father Is 8B, and her In, in St. John's spent the week· members of th~ Dominion VoluJl· I her birlhdny July 22. Congrats. U8h to 23rd. teer Fire Brlgnde rushed to the 1 cup dried apricols !: cup sugar Ihat the deadline for acceptance mother is 84 and both are hale end bere visiting his parents, Mr. 2 cups water \·4 tsp. salt of lennls fecs is no latcr than and hearly. She wlJl be absent and Mn. Watter Ezekiel. home of !\II'. I~",ael \ Clnrke on Middleton Al'enue to denl with a 1/3 cup sugar 11~ ~''"S canned peaches, July 31st. Please contact the from the Island for about six 1 tsp. gelatine drained treasurer. Mr. Blair Kennedy. monlhs. All her friends \\'i~h her .: 'MII, Ro!tmal')' l\lurphy. who Is fire that started on the ceiling of the house. Fortunately the 1 tbsp, cold watcr 2 [bsp. lemon juice n happy holiday and a safe return. In training for the nursLng pro­ • 1 bealen egg Combine fruit Juice, water, reulon In Montreal Is vacationing blaze ""as detected In time, and was exthl,ulshed before serIous 1,4 cup sugar Inpioca, sugar ami salt In saucepan,.i adt! peachcs and lemon juicc; cool, Mr•. with her parents, Mr. and SPONGE C.41(E mix \';e11. Bring mixture quicldy ISllrrlng until mixture thicken- Happy birthday to Leslie Gar­ damllge was caused. The fire Is ;nl: who was eight years old on Mn. P. F. Murphy. said to have Htarted from a elec· 1 tsp, grated lemon rind In R full boil over direct heat, stir- Chill. Serve in sherbet glast:· trlc light wire. 1 cup whipping cream or cvap·· ring constantly. Remove from heat; I with whipped cream. uly 19th . . Mr. and Mrs Simon Basha of orated milk. CCfll'lr Brook arrived here Sun· Another alarm which sounded Boil apricots In waler until vel"'! day on a holiday ,"i!llt to Mr. Joe at app.roxlamately 5.20 p.m. on solt-about 2l mlnutc~. Add su;:a;. BashL Monday sent th .. firemen to· hte Allow tu come to good bnil. llc· .' ' Arena where an O\'erbeated stO\'C morc fl'om heat and hcat to pulp . .~ Mr. Ind Mrs. Rna Ka"an~gh pipe WIIS rauslnl! trouble. In thi~ SO(tfll gelatille In cold walcr lind apent Sunday motoring around Iln~tance also Ilttle damage was difEo!\'c In hot apricoLs. Cool. B~at ~oncepuon Bay. caused, egg unlil IIsht. Add sugar and , .

III THI "ROYAL" of,out~ Home ~pro~ement 'Loan ••• available under the National Housing Act to cover cost of altera­ '. tions. additions and repairs; heating, plumbing, air conditioning and wiring systems j re-decora ting; other improve­ ments that add to the value, comfort and attractiveness of your home. Enquire at yOW' neamt Royol Han" branch, or ,,,T: Jor abe handy booklff. 'll'HI ROYAL BANK O~ CANADA·

'. ~~URED .ABOVE Is the. Loyal Orange Y~ung Briton shuffle-board team who SHOWN ABOVE ARE, left to ·right, stan ding: James Stewart, Bernard Stoyles and Miss Mari, . W,ere vi.ctorious in a series of shuffle-boa ard games played earlier this year in the William Bl,ltler, Silting: Steve Neary and <;lal'Ence Skanes, members of the Maple NeWfoundl ~ange Hall; , .. There were two.other ·,tea ms competing ,in the serie~-a team from Leafs, winners of the Tie-Cup in the Staff Bowling series, for the 1954-55 season. treal toda, '-~ppy Home lodge' and anothe,r from ~~e ,Wabana Chapter of the" R.E.P. Seated : The winners hold the Daily News TI'ophy for this e\'ent. The highest single in the tr2ns·Atla; !r:~m feft.to.right, Malcolm Rideout; John Hammond (capt.) and Dougal Reid. Stand-' lie-cup playoffs was made by John Neary, Red Wings, with a score of 255. and the slated to tc: ~ ." :'!.tt:· :;~:~~,: ,~~~\~:~~.,:.~~~ht.. ;~" W:~~~k. ~~ ~~d" :~~:~~~ .'Hi~~s_.~nd, ~r~: ~os~. : _, '. . highest three fram7 was won by DiCK· Taillon, with a score of 630. I

",,".7/' ::'!.:~~~\r"t ", . -, ,'OJ' • .' : • !',:'}t. " ~ . t, "j; ,i.~t:":·..• ·.' . '; .. ',.. r." \ ." \ "

"" THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, jUlY 20, "g • , ' " Postmistress' On Trial For Fraud 3·0 .. ~r- am 0 ., 03, , ..p, \ GRAND FALLS (Special) • --Mrs., Evelyn Gillingham

oj of :Pacquet appeared in the Magistrate's Court here on :3S ona Tuesday to answer to, the pe.ne charge of alleged breaches r------~~ of the Criminal Code -of Route "Of .Rail·Cul' Ferry Notb Canada,' as follows: ' R._ N. ,'Frigate On " (1) Converting to her own . Shortened... '.' By.23.. ~liles use $2,074.00; (2) Making 11 Two C.N.R. operators, Broderick· and 'Dawe, werc false affidavit; and(3)Chang- the first motorists ,to make the run.from Gambo:to Gan- L9C~I, Courtesy Visit ingOffice entries' Record ,in, book. the Post del' over !h,e new~y.~ constructed section' of ' the <,Trans- ' 'II d' ff Canada Hlghway-m that area. Tuesday morning at 9.ll5 the from 51. Pierrp. to 51. .Tohn·s a~ The a ege ' a ences are ' Broderick' and: Dawe,'who are Frigate, H.:o.I.S. Veryan Bay dock, Commander Lawford unasllamed· said;.to ,have .been committed Premier And enwloyed',by tiie' CNR'a:t Gambo, ed at the Naval wharf, Watcr Iy confessed that he had been durmgthe hme the accused ' , madc.,the 23 mile trip to'and from Stre~t for a courtesy visit to"SI. sick during tile voyage, for he woman was engaged as ,r d R t'" Gal}dcr" on 'Monday, 'everiing and John s. explalncd they had been sallin, , .... ' Postmis'tress atPacqlet in ~i~ht. It, took the' motorists one The ship 'is comm~nded by In such salm waters for such a . ar y, e uf:n ' •hour to cover one way or'the road Commandcr Lionel "R. P. Law· long time that the rough weather 'The picture ,shows Colonel G. Lambert, D.S.O., rctired Colonel in Chief of the H. 1953 ,to Septen1,her 1954.' Here Today' "stretch.", "ford, R.N., D.::'.C., and' has ,R upset them a litU!!. 166lh .. Newfoundland Field Regiment and his pet Labrador' Retriever. 'Colonel The woman IS represent- • ' "Thcsteel bridge crossing Square complement or one'hundred and Yesterdayhc; In company with Lillubert will malte un official visit to Ne \'/foundland during August. He will arrive ed in Court by the law firm 'premier. J. R. Smallwood~ and Brook, ncar, ,the spur' rDad at fifty men ~'ilh eleven' officers. Captain A. F. PiC,kud,' O.B.E •• at Gander on' July 31st. ' of'Steadman ana Inder., Mr. Tourist Dlrcc~or Al Vardy still Gamba, has not been'; completed, Of the sallor~ on board all but C,D., paid courtesy calls on Hi • " ' ..' haven't madc It back to SI. John's" but It is learned two residents o[ three, who .are national 'service Honour the Lieutenant Governor .------~------D. W., K. Da~e IS actmg for Latest word says that the two will Gambci,Phonse and Tom 'Xelly. rec"rults, are ,rcg~la~ navy men. and His Worship the Mayor of COLONEL LAMBERT: the Post OffIce. now arrive here some time, this hav'c 'erccted a temporarY wooden The ship Is based' at Bermuda 5t John's, and these calls were Durin, g :the earlier stages morning. They have been trying bridge' aero'ss thc'70 foot brook. and Is Pl\l't of ~he'Amcrlcan West returned later, on Inth!! day. ' , torca'ch here from Springdale, A',toll'charg,c Is 'ma~c;to ,motorists Indies Squadron. During peace Yesterday afternoon I liman 1 j of 'tqe' hearing Mrs. GiBing- where' they attended, an L,O,A. making the crossing:of this, pri. time they operate' under the reception was held at Govern- I ham 'elected to be tried 'in convention." ' 'vate-bridge. _" ":,, regular British rides, but In the ment House fur the officers of Is Invited To Visit the Supreme Court and it is .' • , _. Mr. ',Bruce Payne,' who ,:arrived event of war it would immediate· the Veryan Ba)" and last night likely that her trial will now City fIremen were called to 1 In .St. ,John's yesterday from ly be under command of ,the a dance was given at the Y.W_ , 'Gilmore Street around 6 o'clock Gai:nboi' told the Newil'thlit several American Ba~e. C.A. for the erew of the .hip. ,be~eard by. ,th.e Su~re~e ,last night. An,oil burner was gil" cars: fr.om G'a~dcr,,' have alre'ady Commander La\lford, In a press Today the courtesy calls CDIl- Veterans Of ·166-'Regt. Court on ClrcUlt whlch IS' ing some trouble. But no damage ~rivenas, Iar along the new road Interview ~estc~~ay morning to)d tinue, and du_ring tbe ":'e1!k, din- no,,, in session here. was caused: ' as _: Spruce ',Brook." He ,expects of good WIll ~'ISlts to p!aces on ners, rec~Ptlon5 Ind .oecer , ' , ' If . t 't ' ' C t' .... 'iegilliir:motor'traffic'to and-from jthe Hudson 'River and SIX weeks matches WIll 1111 ,he put of the Will A,.l'ive In Newfoltlldlwld'On II agls ra e s our SUMMER SCHOO,L: ' Ganiler:as~oon asthe:himporary or calm fine weather a~d l\ pleas· week.lon~, festivities In hllnour July 31 A Mount Pearl farmcr and an ' bridge: i5'open~d lo, 'all, motorists ant ~Imc. Bef~r? comllll( tn 51. n[ the_ ';l5It to ,St. John', of this ((lIonel H. G. Lambert, D.S.O.. has been invited lo American serl'iccman werr. before CI M.' ' in:'/\ day of twn. The permanent John s they "Islter! Charlotte- Royal Nal'Y "hIp. p \'i~it.1 N~l\\'rofunddlalnd las the gue~t oC the \'etCl'ans of thc M-aglstrate O'N eill I' in Court, Tues", asses, 0 vlng btridgte,: nci\~ In thte procet~~1 OCt cobn. ,~::~'a~~~n~e;;ed l!pent four PU~~i:d::ln~~:t~:~~nVi~~ t::n.e:lal I', ' 166t I J' ('\I' OUlI ,mc I,1' 'icle II l 1Regimcnt, whieh' he com- daycreating mornin!:, a disturbalice ane charged, b.~ lI"htln" with, ready~ ruc IOnfor'sevcral,wc,r.h., I~ nn rxp~c ce 0 C I Tit/!' slull-'. ~truck .hC~IY . '\I~ather. from 2.30 p.m." to :1.30 ".m. , I I II I on the strect. The farmer, Mr; S", The'only nther roar( link on the O mailC C( 1l'oug lout \101' ( VI aJ' n. He has accepted the h .. 'W· t I' P .. C~affey .l Leslie in\'it"tion anc I will arrive in Gander on SuI." 31st and Lcstcr, said that the Hening be. : ,','1 1 l"eCl 1011 Trans:Canada~ad.' 'to, be ' complet- G00 d FIS'h cry ' \I'ill spend three week:; hefe "isiting st. John's, Cornel" fore he, accompanlcerby a,ls'dy" ed, nn the ,East Cnast' Is, from • Brook, Grand Falls "nd Gandnr. siopped his car at the Theatre reachers, Lelll'''' The 'Mecmin!! Ol The 'cnlmbo' to' Clarenville. In The North Awarded BISe. ~lany functions hare hcen plan- ,---,------.------Pharmacy to go in to make a pur· '-' Codfish Are teeminl( in ,thc , rId r~r the "cteran~ of this Regl. in J0,40 and 'mentioned in dis· chasc, and three .coloured serl'ice ' Tinletlible '" waters along the East Coast, states In Radiology .. ,i ment HI that all the men will hal'e patches. men came along. They lool,ed into C.tD. Seeks Men Capt. A. Elliott, master of CNR The many' friends (particularly in a, series of releases by Mr. J. ConilOlIy. " nortllnl·tt·" , to' meet and talk That sante year he was appoint- th e .car an d because 0 f w h a t was I econ.d ~. coastal passenger freighter Glen­ In op 's old Feildians) of Leslie Chaffey, I· 'Iilh Iheir colonel ami reneW old cd to command the NeWfoundland said a fight started. Magistrate \ Director of the Summer School).' coe, which arrived in St. John's son of Mr. and Mrs. James Chaf· Icquaintances. I1eal'Y Regiment In Norfolk, which O'Neill dlsmlsscd the case against Already the third week of the suinmer session is Who Stole Safe Monday evening from Lewisporte. fey, 161 Patrick Street, will be de· j Jlfembers of the C.I.D. here Cotonel Lambert has had II dis. later became the 166th Ncwlound· the farmer, al)d asltcd the other here, and classes appear always to move with, the pre­ Flshcrmen at all settlements lighted ,to hear of his recent arc hot· on the trail of .thieves from Cape Freels north to Shoe tin~llished career as R soldier duro land Field Regiment, R.A. , man what he had to say. He In­ cision of well lubricated machinerv. Electric bells an­ graduation at Alderson-Broaddus ing his work with the, British He embarked wilh the 166th sisted that he was not fighting but who removed. a safe from a Cove arc doing exceptionally wcll, College, West Virginia. Arm)'. In 1916 he entered the Regiment to Tuninla and com· doing, his best to pull the two men nounce the beginning and the e~ding of the various Water St. business premises said the Captain. It was feared at For' several years, in addition '\ Royal ~1i1itary Academy at Wool. manded the Regiment through the apart, though the farmer said he activities. By now there should be no doubt in, any early yesterday morning. the beginning ofthe season there to his work as X-ray technician In Four local men were ques· lich as a (adet and was eommls· Tunisian Campaign, and was was trying 10 pull him apart. A student's mind about the meaning of a timetable. ' would be a poor fishery, because the Department of Radiology of " tloned at length yesterday at ; sioncd as 1\ second lieutenant the awarded the D.S.O. and Croix de dark purple eye was evidence that As we grow older most bells ' • ' . ° of the interference caused by ice, the Myer Clinic, Broaddus Hospital , lime )'car with the Royal Artll. Guerre for his outstanding leader· the farmer had been In R scrap, C.I.D. headquarters, and I car but as soon as the ice moved off at Phillipl, Les has been carrying l' I ", jar upon our nerves, but they.are English' Pubhc In which It Is thought the safe Itr)'. lie ser\'ed throughout World ship and service while command· but he said that the other man In necessary In an age of regulabon. the coast the cod struck in. on studies at Alderson·Broaddus Wlr 1 and at the end of the war Ing the' Regiment through the the case had 'measured him, squar· was removed has been im· The lobster fishery, which con­ and has now received his degree In the out ports even tollay the S-'J "1 B pounded and Is oow at Fort 'I! po~led to the' R.F.A. Regi. campaign. ed off and him In the eye. rhythm of Is still largely de- I cluded on July 15th, was equal, if as Bachelor of Science In X·ray wo~k e 100_ oys Townshend. r.~nl in Ncwcastle. In 1943 he commanded the Regl· Finally the Magistrate told the termined by Nature, like the work· - not better, than last year in some Technology (~!agna Cum 1IIude). Fronl September. 1919 10 1925, ment through the greater part of other accused that he could go also How over, no arrests hu'e areas, he reports; 'but the salmon Leslie Is married to the former ing habits of pre·lndustrial man. To Visit Here yet been made, and the four .~ lfrl'cd In lOlita and then was the Italian campaign unlll he was and the case was dismissed. The change of seasons, the length fishery was a failure. }fary Russell of North Carolina. , mOlrrl to Eg)'pt In 1926 as Lieu. ordered out of the lines due to A 24 ~'ear old resident who was suspects have been released. The Glencoe handled approxi­ They first met at SI. Mary'. of daylight, the alternation of fine ,Passers-by on Waler st. at tlnant to K Battery. III health, and returned to Eng· charged in the court for Indecent weather and bad weather, deter· mately 250 passengers on her Ril'er, Labrador, when Mary was Promoted to Captain In 1929, he land. He retired In 1948. assault against a 10 year old girl about' 2.30 Wednesday morn­ round trip and had on board thirty a Grenfell nurse and Les was I mine the duration of work o[ the Ing reported that they law II~ Jlosted u Adjutant to the He is now. the Honorary Colonel WllS in the Ma~lstrnte's Court again fi!herman, the Carmer, al)d other on arrival here. ' member of the Newfoundland 83rn Field Regiment in !llonmouth. or t~e 166th Newfoundland Field on Tuesday morning and the case (lutdoor workers. Here, Irrespec· ,four" men loadlog what ap· Ranger Force. peared to be a safe Into the Ihire, England. '\RegIment. 'lI'as concludcd. The man will be t !I'e of the vaga~ies of weather, Mrs. Chaffey Is presently St·.,er· trunk of • car. The license intendent of Nurses at the sam. In 1938, he was pro·: ° examined by a during work' knows no interruption for Forge ~head ~Iarrled BOld B' psychi~trist people, because of economic nee· number of, the ear 1I'a5 Doted hospital with her husband In West mottn to that same and the coming week before the judg· ~Iajor ~'car III InO' oorn essity, are geared to the industrial at the time. ' Virginia. , \'11 posted to command 1\ Battery tl ment will be handed down. system. TIle happy·go.lucky life WitlI·North Tbey have an ll-year·old daugh­ A new addition Is being made to is not for the urban dweller, In ter. In the 3rd Mcdlum Regimcnt at ~t Deer I aI{e the Roman Catholic School there, Plains in November.· .. the, main his holidays CODIC regu- Peninsula Road In a few weeks time, a famil, ~ali!burj' while a new hotel Is being erceted H~ embarked to France In 1939 There Is reported to be. quite a laled. Personal The nelV road being driven north reunion takes place at Moncton, Ind W3! el'acuatcd from Dunkirk little building boom at Deer Lalle. ncar the rallway station. where Leslie's brother, Gerald, II On Friday evening last the Col· The chief hydrographer for all from Rocky Harbour is opening , 1 lowing pictures were screcned in Canada, F. C. G. Smith, was the district of st. Barbe more and stationed with Trans·Canada Air. tlte audltorium:- scheduled to come here yesterday more. The road, a good one, now lincs. l-Neptune's JIIadness on a routine trip from Ottawa. He runs north as far as Western i • 2-Learning 'ro Swim will 'study data collected by the Brook and equipment Is now 3-Swlmmlng And Diving Aces crew of the hydrographic survey pressing fU,rther north. Personal 4-The Poacher , ship Acadia. Once, people there had to use A people as close to the sea as cast, and Whatever some students Mr; Tom Grimes, manufacturers dog teams or boats In winter to Young Linda Doyl. of CIshlll Newfoundlanders should knnw how may think, no doubt posterity will agent, Is leaving St. John's by bring patients to hospital and now Avenue is reported IS doing well to swim. ' Abllity to do so may be enriched by this legacy of the train on Thursday for a business they will have easy access by road, in hospital. She was hit by a far on Cashin Avenue Saturday. often mean the dtfference between summer school. trip along the North East Coast. Furthermore, the whole area Is lifc and death. This generation As forecast iit last week'S notes, Hon. P. J. Little leavn st. Mr. Grimcs'wl\l make connection being opened more and more to John's today and will b. aeeom­ Is doing better In this respect than the first avalanche of testing has with a passenger boat at 'Lewis· trade. Its pr"iccessors. Pictures Ilke two descended, with the entire studenf And already, though the road panied by the Minister of Provin­ and thrce above afford much In- body subjectcd to the I.Q. How· porte and go direct'to Tlvillingate. cial Affairs, Hon. Mylel, MUlTI,.. Then he will go as far north as has just reached Western Brook, sight Into the art, as well as mueh ~\'er, In retrospect, it doesn't ap· there Is considerable motor traffic 'J,'hey are going out to the GaDder , encouragement to our youth. ,In pear so bad, and as as can bc St. Anthony. He 'expects 'to be fa~ on It. River on ~ salmon 'flshlnr trip. , addition to its life saving value, secn ,no feathers were rumed. Th~ away from town for a: month. swimming Is an excellent form o[ instructors helped to make every. e::ercise. '''The Poacher" Is a one feel happy, as teachers should. German production with an Eng·, There Is one major point of IIsh commentary; portraying Ii fine grievance-namely, the weather. piece' of detective worlc on the part There are ,not nearly enough warm,' of some youngsters. The story has sunny days.' Our esthetic souls a most hilar1cius cnding. really 'crave the gold omnipotence \DI~MtJf{Mfl On Monday; July 18th, all the of sun, especially after so much studenls' had. their pictures talmn fog and so much cold, depressing in Class groups by Ruggles. This weather., All the students and iii a.. proje~t \vhieh' has unlvcrsal teachers would, appreciate a sum' LITTLE 'GIRLS' DRESSES t appeal. and some 'of the students, mer school rcplete with greenery, have .been' heard to rcmark that' sweet summer' breezes, and whis· FIH to 3 years. ' they are' \\'ondcring how they arc pering ,treeses, ,without ,Iny , going ,to ap,peal' when the Cleat 'sneezes, and without arlY over'lures REGULAR 75c and 97c !lisclosure ,COllies;' However, for of 'rain, except by night. Any·, I better or- fo'r 'il'orse, the die is now' thing less is inferior. . ' , Plain and, Printed. CODFI$H: " , , Cool Cottonl. JULY' CLEARANCE

.-In'," , . . 'Abundance. ... ' :, . . .", In' :St. J,ohn~ s',':Are'a' " '0 • . ,"JULY:CLEARANCE With the c:hange ,In the, windslor themselves and gave ' 6,000~ . ',. and ,easing In ·thC"'current codfish pounds' to" other fishermen. . .­ \ GIRLS: RAYON B~IEFS, sizes 4, 6. have., returned \0, the, , fishing It Is estimated that Job's' plant grounds off St. 'John's In abund· tookapproxlmat~IY2~!i,ogo ,POillids CHILDS' TRAiNING PANTIES fnr, ance: .: " .' , of cod for fmets and salting from -' 'Size 1·3." ,. L~al [lsh~rmen' told.' thc News the fishermen .on .. Mcind.apn~ ,!he 'yesterdaY'all Lrap'erews,were get. p)ant was geared yesterday to tlng as'much liS they could handle. ,handle over. 150,000 pounds.. A ln fact some of tbem, were giving large qu~nlttY was als~ shIpped away thousands of pounds to jig. at Slecr5 plant fo~ sa~ltng. T~e , germen, who helped!n the h~uling amount.shipp.ed at.Jobs pla~t I~ , (C.P.R. Photo) ot their. traps., , . o~e day by local ilsherl1len IS. as much as a, dragger would bring Miss Marion 'Penney, dau~ter cif MI'. and Mr.s.,Gerald Pcnney of Corner Brook, , capt. 'Dave Sturge, 'who :has NQ. from the Grand Banks in' a' week's' NeWfoundland, was among the more than600passengcrs -wbo sail cd JroJ:ll Mon- ' '1 berth ai'tJ1e Sugarloa[, shipped fishing. At thi: prescnt limr. iit: Il'cal today ( July 12) aboard the Canadiu!l Pacif~c liner Empress of France on its .8,000 pounds At Job'S planl on dividual' fishermen 'are' earnin'g 1I'rns.Atlani!c .. voyage. ,Miss. Penney was among,' a' gr,oup ofuriiversity stu:lcnls Monday. He gave ,to a helping over $35.00 ,per day. ,It is also' boat 3,000 pounds., Yc~terday, the jlearned ,thaLsquid are In"abund·: dated to tour, the U.K. and vari.ou~ parts of, t.he ,Continent' during \he ne,~t : two same crew b!ought in 9,~ pounds ance on the fishing grounds. months.' ,/'-',' '...... ' ,-.\

" ' .. , ,,~ . THE DAilY NEWS, WEDNESD).Y, JULY 20, 1955

• » Visiting Clergyman - No Demand For Hay Crop .. SPANIARD'S BAY July 18- they ar~ not nearly as plentiful This summer there seems to be as. other. expellslve cars. Fresh an abundnnt hJY crop, but hay Is milk Is practically unobtalnahle. .>Preaches' At Parish Church paniar' 's .ay, ews one commodity that seems to Horses, t90, have given plaCe tD The congregation who attended have lost Its volue In Spaniard's tbe vans and pick-up trucks_ ~Iost Bay. IUs a fairly common ~Ight people agree tnnt th('y arc more ~Iatlns at Holy Redeemer Church to sec fields of tall grass left to convenient to US!!, cheaper to ope. ., at Spaniard's Bay on Sunday morn· l\lr. and Mrs. William Butt BC; rot for the .simple reason that rate, sp~edier to travel by and the Ing last had the ple:l~ure of hear· companied by qonna and Marilyn nob.ody wants ·it. Some people do driver can cave sheller from the ing for the first time the Rev. Dax· were \'Isltors here on last Tuesday. manage t~ cut (or have cut) the rain. Another :eason is that mOlt A·A Inl ter Gosse who Is rl'csently "Islt· MI', Butt is with the C.N,R. at grass for samp. sake. If no othe.r of the mell Rre' working else. ing friends in Newfoundland. . ~:·t WhltiJourne. II .__ • The ReI'. B. U. Gos:;c. was born ~'~. rea~on because we know of some where earning more money per • here sixty one years ago, the son 1,1 Miss Bursey and Miss Bartlett who still have last year'es crop day than their fathers earnerl in Sometime o( the late ?Ir. aOll Mrs •. James • from SI. John's were the guests on tbe bar loft. Some people, II week, and so they d9n't ha\'e be an expert 1 around thIs t1m1! o[ the year, open to supplement theIr earnings by Gossc. When :lIr. Gczse was n of HI'S. Hnrold Wilson for the the gotes DC their gardens lind keeping of catlle. Somebody lla5 to be i~teresti .. young man, his family moved to week·end holids)'. But last week Bay 51. George nnd It was from permIt the few animals (usually suggested that another reaF.on is :thcre that 'he went to the main· Miss Sadie Saunders has reo sheep) to eat It up, But the mas! that famalles are not as bi~ as with a person common sight of all Is to. sec they used to be, while another ).1nd and latcr was or~a!ncd to the turned hom~ from Bell Island Interesting,- nl :lnnlstr)' o( t:1e Churc!1 o( Eng. where she spent a holiday visiting fields with fences i nan advanced says that Family Allowances are the important pe: state of disrepair because the responsible Cor the lack of inter. land In Can:da. 1 (rlends. but because he i own&s have bad no use of the est In gardening. His hOllle is In North BlY, On· most a Newlounl fields Of its produce, or that tbey o[ iI. We are ext tarlo, and his P~rlsh consists of Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Noseworthy on thp. .birth cannot afford to erect new fences The real reason, of course, is ed, too, that he three congresntlons wlt:1 as many at the prevaiJiig rates o[ fence that our wholt! economic stmc· Churches. Ills Perish Churcb of of their first' child, a girl, at Tor· iard's Bay. onto on Sunda),," July 10. The material.. . , ture has changed fox thc b~tter This intercstir SI. Mary Magadalene Is located at All of which suggests that (we hope) and the good olll day! Sturgeon Falls In the DIocese o( Gosse met many of, his former mother' was the former· Jeimie Eric M. Gosse, ' there has been II change. were merely as good as the dan Algoma. (rlends who were as happy to meet Gosse. live for the De~ • Not too many years back many in which we live. One thing is and Commerce I Arter expre~sin~ his delight to hIm as he was to meet t:lem'. After families kept cows, horses, sheep, certain. This change has eliminat . .be "home again," ReI'. Gosiie luneh at the ncetory with Rev. Mr. Barnett Noseworthy who is foundland and ~ a patilmt. at the St. John's· Sana­ goats. Nearly tvery family "had cd much of the drudgery that the Newfoundland F preached \'er)' cloqucntlr lin the Canon T. E. and ~!rs. Locler, Rev, something in the stable." 1t was older folks had to do, an'd now torium spent last week·cnd with Eric M. G05~ Gospel Stor), of t!lC (lonr! Samarl. Gosse motor~lI to Tiltlln· for- the then part of a living, The only whole families can spend more hn, wllh cmphnsis Oll those \;'ho afternooll Service ~t 3, \':here he his family here. Barnett expects to Spaniard's Bay a persolls 1I0t having vegetable gar-I time 0.11 reading, travel, ,"e('re,t, '·Il~ss:d h~' on the IIlher shlc,." Illlct many more of hi~ old frlc~ds. l1r.dcrgo surgery soon and his many the son of :III'. friend; will want to wish him a dellS were the not too progreso i011, alld other fine.r thil!g~ 01 tbe' late :\Irs. K; pOlnhn~ nut \'cr:: l'Iral"l)' tbat III Accompnn),lng the nev, Gosse succcs~[ul operation. sive ones. :\owadays, the front I life. I n the olr! days there \I",! I frosse. He receil was not \\'I~ilt thry did hut whnt IlI'cl'e his lI'ifc, j,ll's. W. ~llcRobcrt lawn and the backyard seem to I canst alit struggle for cxht:\nc~, cation here R[II the), did :-lOT dn: •. lth~I~I:':h rneh I (sister nf ~Irs. GOSJc) (rom North fulfill all agricultural require.! now it sems thaI people hal'e bt­ :III'. Cecil nex has taken up work tendcd Prince I had the O~POl'tulllt)·, II"llIch nHlke Bay, Ontario, ~Irf,. lieor;:e Tucker with Captain Selby Yetman on the ments. lI1i1k cdmes in sterlized I gun lh·ing. In SI. John's at them deSPised bl' mrl! of all timcs. i (sister 01 11:\'. Gosse) and :III'. tug-boat "AEcupart" at BelrI51and. caliS, alld the milk itself Is pasteu· Ilrial Unil'crsity, The same Les~on might well be: Isaac ~Icr~el', QC, ~Ipr, of St. il"ized, homogcnized and well ad· [ ------his formal educ. us hldal'.. I.John's. :Iii'. Fcn Gosse of Span. hc~rierl h?' I' ~lrF: Selhy Yetman visited her vertised-so why bolher? W c : •• manage'r of th! ~ nlll1wlng t he ~rl'\ ICC, nCI". i lard's Bay is a cou~;n. fhe InterIor of tbe ClIu.·ell of St, Jolin the E\';m' ~;ist, Ii:S:10:I'S Cll,ve, e~:I~~II(jon nay. lluil! ill I son ~Jr. Loi! Squires at ;\Iount won't say tilat COI\'S in SP~lliard'511 AppreCiation ;\1. Gosse which 1927·2~, It '):a5 slnrc lind" ·onc a lIt:jor r:!llnir jol] lIlll! the s;rncillrc is a ,·r.ry s:IlJGtantial 0111'. I.nst Peal'l Pari, last week. Bay arc as scarce as Cadlllcs but u Robert GO~Sf year It wu palnled Inside nnd Oltt by tilC men of ,·:lC cO~~;:'c:::l:;on, i\ few year, at;o the C.E.W.A. been in the Fisl ~Ir. and Mrs. Alex ~Iyrden of \l~ld the. cost of a twq.manu~1 org':1 (d:~:7j~~r·1 (lll:.r~!::l) and thts y~::r thy have p~o\'idcrl the nearly a centur. Corner Brook wcre visitors. at the ~Ir. and :llrs. H. N. Reid on last dlUrc!, with new rtAr curt~lns anl! a new s~t 0: 1;1I~::~r;,,:ic Vcc(l::=::t" l·r t::r. f;':r~t r.:aidrls. l·~ thoroughly acql Rectory lnst week as the guests Tuesday. SPANIARD'S BAY .rilly 18- s indeed a crctlU to t:IO l'Copl~. to h~\'c ,.:te', n 1lc:1";'ul, \"·:Ik~~=~·=cr Hc:::c or Gell. Tile pr~:;enl phases o[ the :-, of Rev. Canon T. E. ~nd 1111'S. ~lrs, Louise Strickland who rio r.ectol· Is t:le R C\" n. ~!. J:~!:C:l. eries, not merel Loder. Mr. Myrden is Superintend. l~is .many friends and fOfmer turned from the Grace Ho!pilal, ent of Ti'ansmission Line [or Bo­ pamhlOners here were saddened SI. John's, on· Wednesday o! hll been manager o· of which his fa waters at Comer Brook. on Sunday to hear of the. dcat~ of I week, deeply appreciates th~ lIl~ny but because he I the RI. Rev. M~gr_ ~!. F. Dlnn,: acts of kindnesses performerl itr lIy who for gen! Mil( nnd sift twice, tilen sift into n bowl, C. onCl!­ Mr. Rnd ~Irs. I\alph Ca.;e Rnd ·V.G., P.I,'., of All Hallows' P,arish, ! Ircr. Particularly, does shr \'1;h 2~(, Ichlloner builers sifted pastry flour (or 2!.\ c, once-sifted nli.punXlsc their three children, flay, Ro;alind North R"'cl", a.nd we would hke tn i to thank· the Re\,. Canon T. F. • . ' . I 3ml Gerald were visitors at Mrs • ichooner captai~ ... ·l\, flour), 2 tsps, Mugil' Baking Powder, !.~ lsp. bulling e~teml nllr sillcere .sympathy to II Loder for his visits and r"," prl' I '.:.1·, ' Joseph Brazil's on Sunday. They wool seamen. 11 , r • 4- I soda, l!~ tsp5. snit, H tsp. ground mace. Mill in % c. lhs Excellency the Bishop of Ha,r' paring her for Con[jrm~lioll ~n~ I y, ere accompanied hy Mr. Donald "'3S appointed J \!1' ~l" ~¥ lightly·packed brown sugar, c, rolled oats and 1 c. bou: ~race. to the noman. Catholic for makin~ arrangemcntF with 1111 '1\ ' , I ~~ Case. Al.'o \'isiling Mrs. Brazil \>'ere pansilloners o[ North River, and. .". Newfoundland .." il:,. " . broken walnuts. Combine 1 well-beaten egg, 1 c. buLter· t th' d' tIt' ( th Lordship the Bishop to pcrlMnt thl I lind he srn'cd il lIlrs. Rnndolph Young and her son o e Idm~1 e 13. C re a I\'es 0 e nile while she was still a Jl3tier.t l 1.' .}'~ millt, 2 lsps, grated orange rind, 1'tsp, til i ! .;, 1 David of Upper Island COI·e. decease .. onsel~neur. t th G H' t I tl R January, 191 • t., I vanilla and 5 tbs. shortening, melted. . n crace OSPI n; Ie cr. h·" : ed with the no; !" I,' •. l". Make a wall in dry ingredients and add ~Ir. James G. Brazil left for As \\'e finish our notes Oronday ! J. Ayris, Chaplain; Doctllrs II, After campi I· ,. j; liquids; mix lightly. Turn into a luaf pan Gander all Saturday where he will morning) \l'e nrc informed that" D. Rober~s, Stentaford and ~Iack. 'Training Course II ..; I I'i . ,.•. (·1J·~·lC 8~~') which hns beon greased and be employed. Mrs. Eugene Gosse, Sr., is \'ery wood; BrIg. H. Janes, the ;';ums and the Sen'ice I ~ it l' .~ : ~. I : lined with grea9~d paper. Bake ill a rather ill, having suffered a paralytic and Student Nurses o[ th~ HOlpi· School cOl/rse ; :~ 1 " :1' i : slow oven, 325·, about 1 hour. Sl)rve cold, Mr. and ~Irs. Norm~n Chipman, stroke on yesterday, Sunday. iIIrs. staff; The Gran~~ Lod~e, Cr)·!ta,! Island he went " ,.. '.1Y, I Gosse has been actively associated Chapter, anrl Mornm!! Gior)' II' . thinly sliced und lightly buttered. accompanied by Miss Holwell, were 1941, and ....'as . :.: : ;~f : visitors here on last Tuesday. with' the firm of lIIark Gosse and Lodge of the T.OBA; and all who 1~5Ih. I' .. ·· . " . Newfounl 1·J" . "I, . Son almost since its inception. Her were kind enough to visit her. or the RAF where numerous friends will be genuine- who scnt letters and cards. ~Ir~, \ Mrs. Reg, Garland with her four erational Tour. .:\,: .'j : children from Carbonear, visited Iy sorry to hear this news. Strickland is now convalesciDi; at Commislon as P ,:J j!; pry, 1943. : j J, In 194-1 he \\ Ii,. \ Ida and was thf ,: 1 . !' o[ three hUn . '" ". ../,'1' . ..ere being sent ~! t," plete their Air Canada, Pilot ( engaged in trait ALL nel in Night Fi low flying day rrossing from t Canada was m: LA,DIES' SPRING "Aquatania," ! ~Lusitania" (,;n passenger steam An cxi~rIOr \':ew of ITlr Church of St. John tbe r-;vnll/:clist, nishuis COI·C, Concelltion n~y. Thc and SUMMER by tbe Germans MEN I You'll find your favorite torncrstone was laid in 1927 ami was .eollsccraLcd by the BishoJl of ricwfoundlan:l, The nt. RCI'. COATS He attained I f~t\\'car {ashlon in -'Lur throuch Wlillam C. While a cOIIIIJc of years k!cr. Summcr seleeUons styled. In II Lieutenant in ! le-a thcr and coel labrie, thereafter relt" MEN:S CANVAS nO:\IPERS R£DUCED OFF TO CLEAR "'here he serl'e Oxford style 20% ,. tlonal Tour wit! Wine, BlUe, Brown, Grey, Sizes 0·11 People III The News MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW - RAIN OR SHINE COATS­ . , 3.25 SPANIARD'S BAY, July 18th.­ birth of a dnllghter on June 30, 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. H. '\Jokey will HAT and BAG TO MATCH - FinED OF LOOSE STYLES. L/ Cpl. Thomas p, Finn of' the and also to Mr. and ~ll's, JOE~!)h i cclebrate their ninth wedding an­ MEN'S STURDY CALF Peddle of Tilton on the birth of nil'crsnry on Sunday, July 24. DRASTICALl Y REDUCED TO CLEAR PENNY LOAFERS Royal Canadian Army Cadets, left Mocassln vamp styling kIcker here on Sunday last for Camp a son on July 3. They arc mnrried at St. Luke's seam back, Oldershot ,N,S., where he will take Church, Winterton, by the Rev. TAN • BLACK a seven·week Infantry Signaller Mr. Harold Clarke o[ Tilton has H. W, Facey, B.A., L.Th. Sizes 6 to 11 coufse. recently secured employment at the USNOB, Argentin, ns an opel'· Mr. and Mrs. William Byrne have COSTUMES t50 Mr. Jolm W. Mercer has ob. ator o[ heavy mechanical equIp­ arrived home from Sydney, N.S., tained temporary employment nt ment. I whe"e tlleY have been living for REGULAR 29.75 VALUE;, the 1I0spltal for Nervous and Men· about two years. We understand tal Diseases In St. John's. , Mr. C. C. Ilatchcr, B.A., who is that they plan to remain at their REDUCED TO C.LEAR AT $15.75 teaching at the Department of former home ut TilIolI. ~ Billy Hutchings, snn of ~(r. ROIl Education's Summer School at Limited Quantity Mr~. Allan Hutchlng~, Is spending Prince o[ Wales College, In St. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Noseworthy hIs summer holida)'s aR an appell­ John's, spcnl Lhe week-end with who have been spending a holiday , lice wlih tile firm oC Messrs. A. L. hl~ family at lIarenecd, and vlsilrd with their da'ughters here returned Collis and Son o( Harbour Grace. friends at Spaniard's Bay. Mr. to Grand Falls on Tuesday. . Halcher seems highly.pleased with Mr. anrl Mrs. C. B. Ranrlell left the progress made 011 school build­ Mi,s Una Bishop Is presently here on Sunday (or Bonavista Rnrl ing. Il is thought probably that all spending a holiday at Gander. MEN'S SUITS Port Rexton to visIt relatives and work will be completed before S,B, AND D,B, STYLES. friends In thelr.lormer homelowns. ~chool reopen" in Septemb~r. JIll'. Hnd 1Ilrs. Wilson Mouland Thpy· were accompanied as far M spent the week-end with Mrs. GREYS - CHARCOALS - BROWNS Clmnvllle hy Mr. Rn'd Mrs. Jo~lah . lIfouland's parent~, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ~nrl Mrs. Roherl Se~'moltr N.U . who vIsited Iheir son Jlarr!· Leonard Chipman. VALUES TO $39.75 enD and family there. All four reo and children and Mr.'. EdwArd' Grant and children spent last turner! to Spaniard's Bay on Mon· Mr.' and Mrs. Leo .SPECIAL $24.95 day night, • Tuesday motoring around Trinity daughter Marilyn of Sl. John's, MEN'S STYLISH Bay and stayed overnight at the spent the weck-ehd with Mr. 'and CALF OXFORDS Mr. Ind Mn. Arthur Hiscock Brownsdale Cabins. Mrs. Solomon Vokey. Make an early selection' a& quantity of sizes .a .... Iimited­ Plain, F~ncy lind Broiue toe and their' two children, Lexine Sizes 34. to 44 and Linda; are pres~ntiy spending Miss Yvonne Gosse arri'led home fityl!ngl5. Bah:noral and ~r. and Mrs. Randell Vokey who a holiday· with Mr." Hiscock's elg· (~om the West Coast on Sunday,' Blucher IRCing. Biack Dr. ter, Mrs, E. H. Vokey, wefe spending a three weeks' va·' momlnJ( after spending a three· cation with theIr parents, Mr. and ALSO AT REDUCED PRICES' ••• Tan. Sizes 6 to 11. . week vaeatlon wIth (riends there . Mrs·. Soldmon Vokey and Mr. and Mr. Isaac Mercer, Q.C., M,p,p., . -- Mrs. William Chipman, respect­ .• SPORT JACKETS 6.95 up from St. John's, visited here' on MI'. anr! MI·s. Hr.rt Neil spenl \I'nly, returned' to Toronto hy . Sunday In company with Rev. • GABARDINE SLACKS Sunda-y \'i~illn!! Rt Green's nnr· T.e.A. on Monday, Baxter M, GOMe, Mrs. Gosse, Mrs, hour. InCldcnlall)', Bert, an em· • WORSTED SLACKS 'MEN'S ~ALF SANDALS W; MacRobert and Mrs. George ploYeR 1)( thn United Towns Elec­ Tucker, . tric Com pan)" now lias his annual Miss Mona Ryan and MIss Eileen .• SPORT SHIRTS.' TAN vacation leave. Brazil, from 51. John's, spent the Sincere sympathy Is extended to. week-end with their families. Siles 6 to. '11 Mrs. Walter Smith whose brother, Miss Grace Payne of Harbour Mr, Josiah Noseworthy . of Bay Graee, Is presently spending' a PEOPLE IN THE NEWS-TWO .. , Roberti, died OD Saturday morn· holiday at the home oC Miss GJadys Mrs. William Gosse with ber '3~95' Ing last. ' Gos~e. two children, Jimmy and Elaine, ·O··SEN·BE·R·G & CO. Ltd. ,~ .. al'e presently spellliing a holiday . .. 321 WATER ST. Congratulation. Ire e:dended· to R .Mrs, Willisni Flynll and Miss at Gonder. ~ Mr. and Mrs. James Mercer of the Bridget Flynn spent a ,short holL­ C,N.R, Bishop's FaUs on the birth day in St. John's last \\-ee'k, OPPOSITE EATON'S MAIL ORDER RADIO of • SOli. Mrs. Robert Seymour with her daughters Gloria and 'Yvonne left . WATEI fHE '~H '[ MH.. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker ~nd ram· for St. John's on Monday where .>., jl~20,25,29 jy13,15,20,22 Congratulations also to Mr. and Ill' arc spending this week holiday. they will spend a holiday with Mr. .,' \;" Mr., J&hD Bilhop of Tiltoll on the Inll on the Hodge Water Line. . ,and Mrs, Edward GranL . , -, ~ , ~ /. ....

.. THE- DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955 5. :S.ill Searches Wonder Fahqc Bh SYLVIA HACK;' Canadian Pres! Staff Writer • For Her Brother LONDON (CP)-The m1l11onaire By ROBERT RICE lextile tyc:lon was ready to Intro- CanadIan Press Stair Writer ducc his wonder fabric so be threw LONDON (CP) - This is the nn airbornc party for 30 fashion editors. And it lasted 19 hours! paOlar say ews 7.15-Program Report. stary' . f 5 B .(. h ---,.----.---- 7.30-News. Ti~e: 1920. Place: A small Chril Lord, own:!r 0 ·1 rl 19 ·.C8N 7,45-Dark Stranger.. London hntel. mills, shuttled his press passen~crs B.OO-News. Yictor Grayson, popular former over 700 miles 01 England andI 1,· • 8.01-SpoU!ht on the Slars.· f h h t 1 land to show them taiho, a Sian· '. WEDNESDAY, July '2G· 8.15-Journey Intp Melody. Socialist ~!P, walks out a t ~ 0 e tung.Uk c1:JI& claimd to be "on~ 7.aD-Sign On. 8.30-Eddie Cantor. • leaving his pipe and c1othes, and is of the fabric successes of the een- 7.30-CBC NclVs. 9.00-News. . swallowed up in the namelcss tury.". . An 'Fowl. story 7.35-Top of thc Morning. 9.01-Album Of Favoufltes. mass of London. T~ material, soon to be sold In :\.;L'~. Interesting~ Person' ·A . 800-CBC News and Weather. 9.15-Thlrlly 1\l1uutes To Go. This the lalcst chapler: . Canada, has the war mtouch of ., , . 8·.15-Musical Clock.' . 9.45-Dosco News. . Ti~~: 1955. Place: London's 51'lk bllt I'a said to be washabl ·I·I!. ·'3,.,·. ' . .' h b d 1000-They Were Champions. 1 Y\yC \ h t I ' I . Sometimes we IIrc inclined to think t at no 0 y can SPANIARD'S BAY July 18- Arter twenty one days. were up, !).D~Morning Devotions. 10:15-Thcy're Human AftN' All. centra ., os c. and crease ,r~sisting. TIle exotic ; r:· .. ~L. ; ..., ,'111 eX'pert unless he comes from a for.eign land, o. r .. that Every once 1n· a while someone nerve. were tense and excitement 9.1S-PrOgram Preview. 10.45-Barry ,woQd Show. Mro. A{lgisla Grecnw~od, 64ci name comes from' the Chinese :: \.:' \C": '. '" f b at a hIgh pltcb for this W~'8 the P d 11.00-Natio'nal News. grer·hair~d molher o£ our an word for cannon-"~eeause it will ., Il' b~ interesting a person must of necesslty be an outsl~er. tells us a story. Some' a t em day of days. Would they all be ~~'li:.~?ld.araF~dcration· Labor 1U5-Sports Parade. sister of Victor Grayson, tells hope· go with a bang." I· . 'll'. l,~st \"eek \\'c had the pleasure of.meeting and chattmg arc ncw and we laugh spontaneous· 10:15-Iris Power. . 11.30-1 Was A Commullst For fully of her second search in 35 parttaloft at '/ a.m. with a flight \'. ',.:\ I. '" 1'1 lome of them are not so new white? Black? Speckled? Biddy". Convention. The F.B.I. \'ears. Sh:!' has travelled from her f L d t Manchester to in' 1\ i, 1'1 II'j'h a person of unusual interest. a~d we have to laugh . politely. seemed reluctBnt to giVe away any iO.30-'rriple ·Treasure. 12.00-Ncws. Toronlo honie 10 look oncc pgain s~Oe~t f~~r ~~dl~nd 'mills. Nex. t slO; flf~ :: .\Xf .. :· Inlcresting, not because he Is - Some of them are true. Some that secrets-that Is, If she knew It aU. 10.45-Breakfnst Club. 12.35-Housc Party. for her brother-her last search was Lor's large home at Dona., 'I .. · \:i· thr important personage that he Is, (oundland Squadron which wlls started out with truth, have some· For on the morning of the next ll.15-CBC News. 12.01-House Party. possibly. ghadee 20 miles east of Belfast, I'!. hi, .. hcrause he is first and fore· then stationed at Hurn (ncar where along the way met up wltb day she look-as perplexed as her Ncwfoundland. 12.30-News. I'I.L FIND lID! . Norlh ireland, thc, n the .. ~ul n·.~8::~~sO\~o~~~r U an~ ~n ~ ·~II\ }~k ".,.,1.1 a ;o;rwfoUOlllander aOlI proud Christ Church) which the neareast a lo';er of fiction, and ended .uP caretaker because the shell had 1l.40-Hlt of the Day. "If you knew my. brolherl, dY?d n~\\'ly·purch~s~d Pig n Chick n.Inn \1 :,,;,. :'~;h, ,. J' d B h ' . I Pdf Stars h L would have loved hIm, as I. at Templepatnck for a moonlight 1. 'I.. . .. ',. ·.1,' .. (,f:' We are cxtrcmelr wcU pleas· approach to the Norman \y cae· being sllllhtly untrue, A. a matter broken on one egg on y. t g:~it:A~~u~c~rs Choice. T-··.!l!g teague Everything nicc, eV'~rything finc. supper.' ," t '. rtl. 1.1,., that he Is a son of Span· lieads whern the Invas on was of .fact we have always added a Now, knowing that na ure can· 12.15-Farm Broadcast. W111 H t ht I love my brother Y ., . cd the f th not be' hurried (except In' emer· E e aug me. h t I'll f' d' UAYFAIR DlSPLA ··:1 . ·~r"},:~.. · i:,r"', lIay. rna de. As th e enem)' re tr eat , groin of salt to some 0 e l2.45-Aunt Lucy.. HALIFAX (CP) - Marneet m· and· I feel-I know-t a 10 The yawning newspaper women' I T.ll! inleresting person Is Mr. Squadron was transferred to Nor·· .. true" ·stories that we have bell.\'d, gene·les) Biddy Wall coaxed back to 100-Mld Day Serenade. brelt,a star in Nova Scotia's Twi' bim. I stare at face:; on the street. arrived back in London at 2 a.m. ;'.;i:: En .. ~1. Gosse, Trade Represenla· folk and York and In the. closing lor story.tellers are story·tcllers. sit it out for at least another day. t:~t~B'g'aN~~~it;~d Weather. light Bascball League of the I s~arch facc:; for signs of Victor. The next day and nine hours later . ',' :::':1:' '.11' 1 (.,r the Department (If Tradc days of the war Flight Lt. Gosse It's tbeir business to elaborate, Surely that would not be . too 145-Doyle Bulletin.. 19205 and early 1930s, died Satur· :\Iaybe, I'll see him. Do you think they trud~ed into th~ first taiho r-" 'i ;i\, .n,i 1'(1mmerce (Canada) In New· was in chorgc of a Detachment not minimize. When we do come much to aak,-after all, the man 2'00-Words and Music. day actcr suffering a h-cart aUaek. so? h fashion show in a plush Mayfair' i' II' . r::!~. j.,ul:dl,lntl and a ~Iember of the from the Sl)uadron at Ackling· across a good story.teller .we lis. who fed her had Invested In a 2:29-Domlnlon Time Signal. He was 50. . . Victor Gaysonll'as ilion t at salon. . ..' ( .' . :::'.. :;;j . B d II E 11 h S ttish f I I dozen fine eggs and expected as 2.30-0ff thc. Record. During his earrer with the Hall· falerul day' he walked uut of Ihe The 1 r·ecnt acetate rayoD \ :,\ II"·· , ., :\(ld,)lllldland Fisherlcs oar. Ungton on . Ie ng s . co ten just for the sake 0 I sten ng, 2.45-0pen Road Show. fax Casinos, Mr. Embmlt was an hotcl. Ilis aclress wife had died a material is madc in two weights, .,: 1':'-;\ [:i(·)1. Gosse was horn al border. (The enem~' was then oc, even If h~, like Major Hoople, to many cbickens, or almost as many. 3 SO-CBC Ncws. . out3tanding catcher. Hc retired in short. time before. He had stumbled a light variety for frocks, shirts ., i:<; ~r\"iard's Rayon Octoher 3, 1012, cupylng Norway'. be Impressive, deviates In$ignlfl· But no go. Biddy had done ber 3:33-Trans Canada Matmee. 1934. .' down a 5111ght of stcps in a hotel, nncl skirls and a heavier type for 1· r ." . I~r "'n of ~11'. ~.Iarlin Gosse nnd Of the I!lSth Ncwfollndlan~ eantly from the truth. But this the work and she had one solitary 4.30-CBC News. He was cmployed With the Hall· breakings his right arm and culting suits. rainwcar, sh~s and gI0~e5. ',".' ,',' , I~" :Jlr )Irs. I\alhrrine (l\arreH) Squadron therc arc two or three truth, the wholc truth and nothing eblck as a receipt. And sucli a t~~~i:ii':l:en~unSt~rY. fax dockyards for 3.1 r~ars. his forehead. Several top London coutuners . t; .. ,'I'. lie recl'il'NI his early e~lu. which deserve mention. One·thlrd but a true story, whopper It was. It grew so last 5.15-Musle of the West. He is survived by his mother, "Yes· when he left he wam't have air epfoo ,pted taiho an(1 1 . t t t ons and One brother "·cll. ire coulcln't writ·~ because thel'r creatl'ons I,'ere d'lspla"ed at ,I ,I:"~l hl're alter which hc n·I of Its personne I was ma de up 0 f Still, 1l Is a fowl story: th at th e day wh un It wou Id st ar 6.30-Flsheries Broa dcas. '\·o.s' .' n • C · t 545-1\' I 1 Program his arm was broken, and he had thn ','a"fal'r show. w:'!"'\ Princc u{ Wales Co II e!:c Newfoundlanders, t hcreme I n d er It 19 about a man wbo bad' a pro duc tl ng eggs seeme d no tlme a .' lUS en· ____1._ I dAd ".11. :II r . t b t .. all, It IVas led the best that the 6.00-Intermezzo. . six stitches in. his fore lea. n Michael Sh·~rard showe4 a fail' !~. ~: ..John·s and later al • em· being made up 0 JUS a ou wife and three kids. His wife lik· 6.25-Program Prcvlcw. he had a hip injury from the }'irst ored suit in citron yeliow. The r:::: l'nil'l'rsily, Alter complcting C\'ery free nation under the sun. ed to bake' nice things which tbe books recommended and ' .• -j 6.30-Supper Guest. . Believes In ,Lorld W'lr. He must have felt jacket has black I'eivet eoUar and t.. ~ ',.rlllal education hc became A plane from the Ft. Lieut. Gosse's cblldren like to eat. Jt was all very every passing. day gained s: .... .1 645-Intffi'mude for I\Imlc. despondent. cuffs and the pencil·slim skirt ' •.,,;r.,~rr of the firm of G. and Detachment !lew the last flying well when she baked something But one day its proud possessor 7'00-CBC News and Weather. ."But h~ wasn't (he kind of ma.n featurcs a fanlail of pleats at the :,' . · ha it b 7·.15-Curtain Calls. M. I 'I )1 ,;,,;,e whirh firm (first knOll'n patrol of lhe war and one of tbe wblch called for one ellS, because not Ice d t t s com was ex· 7.S0-Tops Today.. IraC es to commit suiciue. It wasn In I back. . " H,)brrt G(I~se, SUpplicrs) has 1 pilots of the 125th. Newfoundland one egg Is not very much except ccedingly red for a pullet. The 7.45-Doylc BulletlR. . H'ld G him. No, I'm surc he walked out IN ROYAl, BLUE . " hr:: I!l till' Fishery business for Squadron shot down, the last when it Is absent from the break. next day It cI:0wcd, and the follow· 8.15-Newfoundiand· Slory. HALIFAX (.CP.)-~!.r5:, ~ a . ': I of his life into something else. A middy suit by Sybille ct Cie I it ISing da", being Sunda". we had B.30-Recital. Power of Halifax beh~\~s III mlr I Don't you think so?" comes in rOl'al blue with a novelty w~:y ~ century .. )Ir. Go~se S enemy plane ol'er Br a n. orne fast plate. Well, much craves, • 8.45-1ntre to Wed Night. ac!es and this year Wll! make her I C1 UES ARE n:w drop shouldcr line and diaboln I:.rl;.,:"hl~· acquainted wilh ali lamous names are linked with more. Soon the wife was using two chicken for dinner. 9.0D-Short Story. . 40tJ! pi1;:rn~a~c to the renO\:,n~~1 The clues wcre sketchy. As an bo!lyline. Tic, hat' an I!mbrella r:.. " . of the ;o;cwfotltHUand fish· this equally famous Squadron: eggs In a cake, tben t.hree and 930-Who Has Seen 'fhc Wmd shrlnC of St. Anne de Baupr" I. ;lIP from 190i tn 1910, Grayson's eOVCl' comc in blue and white polka !. ,:It '. 110l merely bccause he has sueh names as Wing Commander even four. Husband, meanwhile, Bn1· I J 10:30-Strntford Fcsth·aJ. Quebec. . .·1 Ifacc was kn:lwn to thousands. dot taiho. ttl ~ nlana~cr of a supplying firm Eric Barwcll, DFC and Bar nnd although not the least bit grudg. )UavS ll.30-CBC N~t1onnl News, The 52.year.ol:1 Iloman. sa~s ~~~ One man said he sa\\' Gr;Jyson, Be(or~ turning his g.ue.sts. loost, cf ., ',~.'h hi$ father is a partner, \\,ing Commander Johnny Tophal, hlg when It comes to food, felt " Roundun. was cured oC lubercI!los!s onr well·dressed and with a woman, Lord offered ~ome statistICS nn the l'~: I·rcau~e he comcs frum a fnm· DFC and Bar, both of whom shot great admiration for the people SPANIARD'S BAY July 18- t2.00-Close Down. hone while I~atehin~ ~111~msa ~ I~~. on ~ London hus. state .on the Lancashire lextile in- r. \' no for ~cnerations hal'e been down and deslroyed flfleen enemy who had the good sense to go Into 1\.1155 Allee Sullivan celebrated Ih~ m~unlaln dUrm;;. e • II~ol:t. Anolhcr I'~p~rlell Grayson "'as II dua qucstion which was wcil . V 0 C M e2p,t)~?ns. to the sb~me bPur (\ of sighlcd in Paris wilh an American cbated in th~ recent general clec- I:~,"'~"r hllilers, schooner owners, aircrall. Ihe egg business. The last straw her birthday on Sunday, .Tul'y 17. , ed!y hlllll 10 1.. 58 ~. a an . author. ("I'm going 10 ~o to C, I . U 'db d e In an n • . Commbion as Pilot Of{icer in Jan· these included Puelo Rico, Dom· pIc who owned fowls didn't want ends but special greetings come 12.15-Bank of Happiness. NAVIGABLE used all ler sal'lngs an orrowe I w~nder. what he'd look like DOW? In lean llepublic ITalti and Cuba h d 12.30-Nell's. from her childree to come lill'ce So many years have gone by .. ," Ill)" 1P~:I. ,.to part with them, then there from Mom S eppar • l2.35-'lusleal Menu. Virginia's York River is navl· to London 10 continu~ thc search. She pauses, thoughtfully. In 19H he was postetl to Can· Four years later, in October, 1953, must be reasons. And the reasons Today, Thu.rsday. there are"1.30-Nell's." "ablc 'romJ Its mouth to its source, "When I go bac'k t 0 Cana d a, on "But I'f I sa,", him, if I sa,v ,1. ,1111 was the Of(Jcer In Charce h e was t rans fcrre d t 0 Culdad Tru • were eggs. thrce celebrating blrthdays. Ber· 145-Tuncs For Todar. being formed by the conjunction gaug. 13 on thc Empress of Aus· Victor again, I'd know him! Yes, t! :~:rce hundred pilots who jlllo (Santo Domingo) because of A kind neighbour who had a nice Gennery is wlshcd a happy 2:00-BeUy Grable·Harry Jame!. of the Mallapoin and Pal1)unkcy tralia, I have to go into hospital. I'm sur~ I'd noW him. Don't you ~r~p :,t'ing senl 10 Canndl! to com~ its central position. non.producer which was "broody" birthday from Mom, Dod and ~:~t~~lj~~s on Parade, rivers. :\Iy doctor suspects diabetes." think so?" .:nr Ihrir Air Training. Wllilc .In Last fall, In October, Mr. Go~se. offered him the loan ol it' with famlly. Joy Murrin who Is· four, ., . • I d t St J h' N IV 4.00-News. fH.3'la, Pilot OUiccr Gossc was was pos co.. 0 n s,e • tbe free advice that if he would Is enjoying herself immensely 4.05-Newfoundland ~arade. m •• rd in Irainlng Fh'ing Person· fou.ndland as the Trade Hcpresen. purchase about a.dozen eggs and while spendIng her 110Udays with 4.35-Bank of Happmess •. r.rI i:l ~iI:ht Fightel's t3ctics and talll'cs for the Department. of sct Biddy on them In time he her Pappy, 1\lr. W. J. Happy ~:6g-~~s·Time. I 1".1 !tyin~ da~' operations. The Tradc and Commerce In New· would get chickens, and these Birthday Is wished her especial· G.OO-NelVs and Wcalher. \ cr"":n~ from thl' Old Country to fOllndlnn<1, and he was also'. ap· would later supply the. eggs for 1'.1 by Mom, Dad, Elaine and Fay. 6.05-Suppel' Serenac~. . (Gnarl. was made on the old point cd a member of the New· the household. It was a good pro. MI'. Arthur Hiscock who Is SAO-Ridmg Along With a Song .. ·.I~II;'lani~:· ~istership of Ihe fonndlauri Flshcrles Board. . posilion. Sensible, too. And cheap. prescntly holidaying with the Vo· ~:~g::~~~·sBarrclman. '!.u .• :lania·' (an unarmed British In January, 1940 hc mamed And so it was done, Biddy was keys is also celcbrating his birth· 7.15,-Doctor Paul. . . EASY r;;'rn~rr ~Icamcr whkh was stink ~tiss Madeline Kean of St. oJhn's cared lor wilh as much' loving' day loday. Ma)''' happy returns, 7.30-Sons oC the PloneCI·S. • PAYMENT b Ih~ Germans in 1915). (She is the daughter of the latc care as if she were hatching the Art, from Mom, Hilda, Lexine 8.oo-Cannda At Work. • PLAN . He attained the rank oC Flight Captain oJseph and Flora Kesn helr.apparent to tbe fowl khlgdom. and Linda and ItI'om all of us, too. 9~o~Th~nt~lg:rl~tfa;r~pcrnCJl. b.l\rnallt in 19H and shortly and a I'cry interesting person, tooh Billy Sheppard will be cleven 9.3D-Tlme Out For Melody. • hmaltrr returned to England and they havc. four children, Rob· Mr. aitd Mrs. Gosse and their tomorow, FrIday, July 22. Greet· 10.00-Llbrace. NO 'M'rc he serl'ed second Opera· crl (14), Barbara (B),' Joanna children are presently holidaying Ings come from Mom, Dad, brat· 10.3D-Ono Night Stand. • MONEY ~'r.ai Tour with the 125th. New· (i) and Caroh'n (0). with Mr. Gosse's fatber, Mr. Mar· hers and sister. n.OO-Sportscast. I '" tin Gosse, and Mrs. Gosse. Their . Mrs. Georg~ Roberts will hav!! 1l.45-Club Time. • ..... 12:00-News. • DOWN friends here are delighted to see a birthday on Saturday, July"", 12.01-Club Time: them again and hope that their and hell' greetings come from her 12.~O-News. @ ••••••• atay will be a happy one. husband, her children and her 1:1. 35-Club Time. l~OO-News 'In a Minute and (Incidentally, Mr. Gosse. feels grandclldren. Close Down. • YOU CAN • that It Is a pity that the records • MODERNIZE • of Spaniard's Bay's fishing fleet Miss Annie Barrett ol Blsbop's OR REMODEL • is so Incomplete. Apparently no- Cov.e celebrated her scventh bIrth CJON • body ~ver thought It wortb the day on Monday. July 18, with a YOUR HOME S~E bother (or never had the time, party at her home. Greetings WEDNESDAY, July '20 • IN EASY • more likely) to· record It. But Mr. come, Mommy, Daddy, brother Robert and from Diane Vokey. 7.00-Wake Up and Livc. • . MONTHLY TERMS .• Martin Gosse (88) and his broth· Little Elsie Gosse w11l be four 7.lO-News. UP TO 5 YEARS • O'LEARY'S 7.15-Strenglh For The Day. • er, Mr. George Gosse (90)' of St. on Friday, July 22, Greetings 7.30-News. . TO PAY. FOR . John's, both of whom have good from Mommy. Daddy and sister 7.35-Bob Lewis SliD". memories and are quite active, JuJia. 7.45-News. • . SEE • should be able to tell us of many 7.50-Bob Lewis Show. • ·US NOW • .ROOFINGS . memorable events. Perhaps they Birthday greetings are exlend· B.OO-News. B.OS-Bob Lewis Show. ASPHALT SHINGLES will.) cd to Mrs. James Snow wh"o eele· S.aD-News. , brated her bu·thday on Sunday, 8.35-Bob 'Lewis Show. LUMBER _\ • ••••••• "'lC...;~ :'~'.._' July 17. D.OO-News. . .- 9.05-Juke Box RevlclI'. INSUL-SIDINGS 9.30-Flnal Year: 9.45-Women's !\eWS. TEN/TEST 1O.00-New~. . 10.01-PSll'sde of Hits. MASONITE Omission 10.15-.Toan Blallchard Sholl'. 10.50-Musical Fill. ' FIBRPLY SPANIARD'S BAY, Jllly 18- H.OD-News. t . PLYWOODS We '&incercly regret l11at In giving 11.Ol-BllI Rin~ 'Shnl\" l1.1:;":"'Tcnnes~re Ernie. BARCLAY BOARD HARDWOODS the names of those 111 who~e memo 1l.30-ImprisoncrJ Heart. ory flowcrs were laid at the War 1l.45-My Other Love. CEOAR CLAPBOARDS GYPSUM BOARD Memorial on Sunday. July 10, the l2.00-Ncws. . 12.02-Melody MagiC. SPR. CLAPBOARDS GREEN BOARD • name of William L. Noseworthy, 12.1~Bob Lewis Shon" Royal Navy. who paid the Sup­ 12.30-News. DOORS TilE BOARDS reme Sacrlfie \h wo.rld Waf 11 12.35-Bob Lewis Show. WINDOWS ARBORITE was Inadvertelitly omitted. Wrea·. l.00-New~. 1.01-Frank Parker ShoW. WOOD MOULDNGS th! were laId by hIs f!ther and 1.15-News.. ,'he , molher (pr~sent1y visiting bere 1.aD-News Digest. ALUMINUM MOULDINGS from Grand Fills), by his sister 1.40-Bargain Hour. ~elcome :Wagon Joyce and family and also by his US-Bowring's T.V. • FIBERGLAS 1.IIO-Mantovani Melodies. Hostess sliter MIII'Y and famIly. 2.aD-News. SHEATHING 2.01-Perry Mason. Will Knock on Your Door 2.15-Road of Life. ROO~ COATINGS with Gift. i Greeting. NEW HOMES' 2.3O-Matlnce. . from 3.00.-News. . PLASTIC CEMENTS. FriendJyBu.ine~.' , N.w bomes .at Coventry, Eng· 3.01-Housewlves Club (prizes), . 1'leighbon and YOU&: land, are the flut III Great Britain 4.00-News. NAILS' . \ Civic and Social I !!tted with a new heating s),stem 4.0ll~Spot lhe Star. . 4.1~}'onch Party. BUILDERS' ·HARDWARE . Welfare Leadei •. '.wbleh provldei ducled warm air, 4.30-Rancll Party. hot water and· cooking facUlties •. !!.OO':"N~IVs. • 0" ,A, ,,~tllloft"/I '. lI,OJ-Record ShOll. \ I' . 6.IlO-News • ASK FOR .Clanf' .)f relidl)llee 601-CJON Bulletin Board •. .BUlLDING MATERIALS DIViSlqN krivall of l'S.'WI4HaNt .. r All·FLUNG FAS'l'ING 6:05-Record Shup. PRICE LIST 'Fasting Is not p'ec~lIar to . any U5-Sporls Parade. SHAW ST.· . DIAL 80291 STEERS Cill' , . 8.25-News. ()ne religion, From 'early times it 8.3l)..:.HospilalilY Time. AND CATAtOG RADIO - APPLIANCE'- FURNITURE ~ DEP;"'RTMENT has been practiced In many re­ "Ev~rything for the ~u;'d.~r" . , CAlHERINE· F()5TEIt 6.45-The Octopus. , .. MRS. ligions Rnd among' peoples widely 7.00-Ne\\'~. WATER STREET 'PHONEBOO21 ST. JOHNS scattered over all the world. 7.0l-Courlship and Marriage. aTiIltS LTD, ~up'TV;s;ng.Ho~.lIs '. Jly20,25,29 .. \"., '. " ... .. '. . . . ,. .. .- . , . ( , . . ', ' " , '


-) slnc~ Potsdam and the very fact 'that con­ tact has been renewed is important in .The Daily News itself. Nor does it follow that' because 'In "The News The VAILY NEWk Is a morDina paPer J they r.ave met in an atmosphere of relative NLlblilhed ill lBIH, and published at the cordiality they arc expecting much mor.e BY WAYFARER Ne.1 Bulldln&. 3M-359 Duckworth Street, to hilppen than. a meeting of minds that --,-,------...... -- st. JobD'l, Newfoundlud, b1 Robinson • "Handsome will pave the way for future discussions. MR. PErrs AT A PAIlTY, day of which he claims no know· Compall1, Lim! ted. . What does seem cettain is that the ~uly 18 ledge·yell, so report lias it, 'is con·' ': rEIIBEI OF mE CANADIAN PRESS RUSSians have gone to Genevl' 'because Ea~ly up of a dull, welt day a.nd cerned with· opposillon to the The Canadian' PreSll la excluslveiy en.. they' have reoched a' point where.some am. no 'sooner come to the ,o([\ee building that the telegraph com· titled tu' tbr uie for republication of all . '.' .. when the foan calls begin; all from pany is to putt up on Wafer Street measure of agree~ent On' eXlsbng areas people that do derive the greatest where was once the; east end cab DeW. dllPllc}les In ibis paper credited to Luggage It oi to The Aunciated Prea or Reuters of conflict is important to them., But they saUS£a~tion from what I did say stand. ..,d also the local new. pUblished therein. are hard and tough bargainers. That they thls~ morning· about those' that • • • All PreSll service and feature articlea in should be expected to throw overboard would deprive u~ of the rig~t to To talke also with Mr.: J. till. paper Ife oopyright and their repro­ " • importa t point on which they stand low freight rates from competition Cheeseman and, to twit him about duction iJ ~ro hlblted. - ~er'J . n , ,... on the Great Lakes route. So it the 'reports of his return to· poli· wlthcut. taking the measure of their op~ do secme how therc'ls a gathcrlng Authurized II .econd cll. mall Post ticks with tlie IIke1ihoodof being Office'DepartmeJIt, OUawlh ponents is an unreasonable ,idea, for~e 'of opposition to the cHorts the next Minister of Fisheries and , 'the Russians will not think of German of those that would Ignore our geo· that's really is a talc I doubt yeU not un\ikelY reunification 'without the abolition of graphical and economic posltiol: that he was sought for the purpose Member Audit Bureau 01 h . t' t d· nnd make us CIIC with the cen· albeit he says nothing himself on . Ciffillattoni. NATO but t ~y are 1~ eres .~ ,m. ~ flietlng situation in 'mninwld Can. the subject. Nor can I gain any in· European secunty pact m· which they ada.' So, too, comes' a letter frilm formation abouts election about would include the United. States. And Sir British. Colum81a, from one Ihat DAIL' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: which so many talke being that no going fiI!i places • Anthony Eden has ideas about' a similar has lived In Canada for member of the cabal wl\1admit Canida ., .••....•••.•. S 8.00 per inDprn pact with the establishment of a de- years, having hca~d my broad~Hst any.knowledge of It and was hard· Unl!ed Kingdom Bnd all 'l't . d . G . h" h 'gh' on this same subJect' and write, ly to be ex'peeled that any WOUld. ., Fore~n CDUn'rles ••.. $12.00 r-r annum ml I arise area m . erma~y V! 1~ ml • "stand on your own two feet, New. Yett it has been plain that Mr. servc to allay Russlanala~s; . foundlanders" and don't' be pawns Smalhvood has' been for som~ ,. ______.. ---- ..' If nothing morc come~ o:ut of the dis- In the game'of politics, As a Cdn· weeks active in the pursuit of . ~:. WEDNESDAY, JULY ·20, 1955 cussions of the next few days than agree- adian I say it Is betler to stand pollllkal fence·mendlng albeit why At Ayre's " ment on the prospects' .Of an· ultimate alone and work, out your dest.my he should think this to be ne~es. " , . h 1'" than to be the eats·paw of con· sary 'in the northern parts of the "c Llofe At Stake solu~ltm .to be, pursued In furt er ta IIoS, meting interests" province I 'do not know since there . Our Economl 'Geneva will have been well worth whilc • ~ • Is no evidence· of any material Anon this day to 'the citty inn decline' in his support . In these Nothing less than Newfoundland's where the calial plays host to Mr. areas, Butt Lord,' even where the economic life is at stake in' the current de- MaklOng Good" Flosh ., PatrlckLittlc, that is son to Phl1i~ Liberals are slrong, the probiem mand of powerful mainland intercsts for . Little' that was our . flrs~ prime oc' finding candidates that will the restriction of the coasting· trade to . , .. minister after the grantin:;· of replace theise that wish' to retire Canadian ships. We heard the othcr day,of a fish sup- self· government and' a most from politicks and to fill the new 11· , I, ' b 'ld d . I'S' are fo'r' the ply and cxporting company. who had pleasant ~poken gentleman, as I districts that are created under ,I, SIlip UI ers an repalre did d I • -I· intended this year to make a special cffort iscover at an earlier meellng, the new redistribution . is one .:, . restriction. The three great labour groups to produce ahigh grade of light-salted fish. having a charming Celtic sl'Itness that presents great difficulties, Yett , 1, have supported it, presumably without of speech and a pleasing .Dublin this [ do feel that If' there are :' ~: refel't'nce to its eCCect .upon thcir New- B.ut there is a major obstacle to this aim. way with him. So he tells how he any that do leel strongly the need '1 d b I' I fl" Fishp.rmell are not content today to devote did represcnt in the Dai the peo. rounel an mem ers lip W lose cost 0 I\'mg of R beller test of. strength in all would be affectcd bv the climination of the time needed to· the making of thE' pie of Waterfnrdll'hence WIle the province' and that '''ish for an • qualitv of salt cod which,created. a univers- many.of thosc,in Ncwfoundland of opposition of greater nunibers, It , British so i1)S fl'om cnast wise traffic. J I i I d t " v al. demand for .our product .in thc past. r 5 \ escen, W.c 10 talk of Dub· will be well that they do announre But Canadian owners of ocean-going lin whither I had gone some themsell'e~ soon else may it be "psscls arc' opposed to the restriction. Evcry salt fish' producing country months ego and he. bidds mc cO!1le 100 laic to come at all for to gain The~', with Ncwfoundland, seem to con- makcs heavy·snlled cod. Some have been to see him If ever again I do visit \'oals, It is necessary that men do stitute the chief opposition, trying for years, only a few with any lr,cland which, indeed, I plan to, canvass their chosen districts OUI' situation in this respect is, how- measure of success, to imitate our light- S h' .• • ~ many months before the day of choosing comes. e\'C_I', unique. It has been said by t.he head salted grades. But Wc who developed the L~ gu:~rbr~~ege di:~~~~seLIWilth Sir . h' . 1 l't d ' IS eu enan t • • • of the Shipbuilding Association that· we art 0 f curmg t IS specla . qua I. y an are 'Governor, and he ·to compliment So the time passes In much shall ha\'e to become part and parcel of beset today by would-be imitators' seem me on my broadcasts and we do pleasant and some Useful talke Canada. That may be truc on a constitu- to be indifferent to' the realities of the talke of this new medium of com· and is a strange thing how at any function of the kinde one meet., tl·onal basl·s. It cA"n ne"cr bc the case situlltion. The result is" an emphasis' on munieation which, as a writer, I , 1 d £. h' . d th t . t do flnde a strange new world that so many that one knolVs well and Start your economically. heav)'-~a te 1S to a .egree a. 15 no has Its own special devices and once saw more often and how the Before union wc bought in. the cheap- connuclve to remunerahve marketmg. problems to be learned and con. renewcal of these acquaintances est markets and had the advantage Ol com- Of course,' the chief reason is that quercd. There being a bar at both is productive or many nostalgic reo vacation· preparations petiti"e water ratcs 'Oil all our imports. men do not want to spend the summer ends of the room, I did choose collections and it Is in this more Today, because of the Canad1' t 'ff • 11 and early fall putting fish out, guarding it the eastern end and found myself than anything .else that I do flnde . an arl VI a.. . . ' In most excellent company and some measure of satisfaction In by visiting we 1:a\'e had to divert the bulk of our agaulst the wrong kinds of weather, brmg- among others to talke IIh 1.1 this modern device of the cocktail purcJ1ases to Can~a and suffer the effects ing it back to the store and. repeating the Jeffery of some differen:e of o~ party. So home, being driven by Ayr.'s and . of the prevailing horizontal freight process until the fish is fully cured. When inion that he findes on the place Mr, Attorney Curtis, ,,'Ith whom I ~truclure. If British ships were not oper- they are through catching fish, there is. where was signed the terms of do have Jome discourse of divers 'ng I'n the perl'od of ope 'g t' n work in the woods or on one of the bases surrender of the French In the affalres of state and Inon have looking over the atl n navi ~ 10 . . . • last battle with them In this Island to my supper among other things betwee~ st. John's and the .ports of the and thiS IS more attractive ~han the re- and he to think It was In or about some excellent slrawberrles albeit Great Lakes, freight costs would certainly wards to be had from devoting a lot of Fort William wherein I did agree" not all of' the ripeneSi that 15 sma,., luxury be much higher and our living costs would time to fish-curing. This fact indicates I did engage also In conversation desirable but of 10 full flavour tise tlnd our ability to compete in' eJ.ternal clearly the need of central curing stations with Mr. Mews, the· Mayor of the and tartnes as no other strawberry .. styled luggage. markets would decline. . to muke the kind of fish for which this citty, and to Rske him ,concern. do anyWhere possess. So to the . d' f b h h t t be ing the meeting of the Town Plan· completion of my stint and to . The evidence is in the record. It is Islan IS amous ut w at as ye 0 nlng Commission that I h Id thi bedd. No matter which only r.ecess~ry to' look at what happens to discove~ed is whether centralized curing s e s freight rates when the St. 'Lawrence c~n be done at a cost t~at will allow the T " Balance . way you travel, freezes over and We ar~ returned to full fish to be sold at a profit. 'ounst Council Elections :depecdence on the C.N.R. system. At that. S· T US by air, train, boat or car, time not only do freight rates rise but the • WIDgS 0 •• Held At elapsed time for the delivery of shipments What Others Are SaYing lIy GEORGE KITCHEN CI enville from central Canadian to Newfoundland Canadian Press Staff Writer ar you'll find the right.~uggage at . ts I h b WASHINGTON (CP) _. The por a so sows a su stantial increase. United States Chamber of Com- CLARENVILLE (Specia\)-Just There is no time of the year when sUP,UP SOMEWREIlEI merce has awakened to the "start- over one· third of Chirenville's the right-prices here at Ayre's. peoplr. on the mainland are dependent on (Brockvllle . Recorder and Times) llng" Iact that Canadian tourist voting population, or 186 people, It single transportation service for trucks Must be a slip'lIp somewhere this year in are spending more 1I)0ney In the exercised their voting right on Brockvllle's town hall. Here we are moving Into U,S.than Americans are In Can· Friday past, When they elected compete with the railway in all seasons th tit ~ d t h b d ada. nine citizens to form the Town and serve to keep rates under control. But e our s sea.on an as)'e no one as een or er·, It promptly S(lggested that the ' ed out to dig up King street for one reason or "apparent eagerness" of Cana. CounCil for the next two years. we are denied that safety valve of com- another. This simply won't do. dians to spend their money in the Three of the former Council were lADIES' MATCHED SETS petition in winter and now selfish interests --:0:- United States might ''persuade us returned to office, while three Train Cases ...... ...... 00 ...... 13.00 to 52.00 want to deprive us of it all the year round. SLIM OR FAT. to be a bit more liberal in accept· were defeated. Mayor G. A. Myers (Peterborough Examiner) ing Canadian curNncy-especially and Councillors Geo., Vardy ,and /' Over-night Cases, 18" ...... 0000 ... 00 ..... 0000 .. :0000 .... 11.80 to 49.50 W h d b 1 h . ed ave . tof 0 att1 e wit h thesc interests Unquestionably slim. people look betler and since the Canadian dollar is worth Edgar Stanle"' dl'd not •oeek reo . Week-end Cases, 21" ... 00.00 ...... 00 ... 00 ...... 14.00 to 24.80 an gam or ourse ves t e right to some sometimes feel better ~han. fat ones. But' that more than ours." election, Lending the poll with Wardrobe Cases, 21 "...... 00 ...... 16.00 to 72.00 measure df economic justice. slimness Is aChieved, for many peop'le, by a great In a press statement, .the ,cham· 137 votes In Friday's election was Pullman Cases ...... 00 ...... :...... 15.00 to 34.00 • This is not merely the Government's deal of self·denlal which takes a lot of the fun out ~rthi:~~nt~::!~~ns~s ~c~u::~~:n~ cM:u' ncRllalOlPh Mercer. The other battle. It is not just the battle of import- of life. Are these people,. by' ,their dieting, paying Ists' paradise, "may be Irprised. rs elected are: lla:der ers and exporters. It is the people's battle. a: high prlee for a slimness of figure .whleh wlll not to learn that Canadians think I~ Kmg, 128 voles; Boyce Smith, 118; . necessarily lielp them to live longer and be healthier same of OUf' country-only more Peter Cholock, 113;. Silas Gardiner, MEN'S TRAVELLING CASES '.fhey are the ultimate vietims of uncom- while they do it? . . so." 98; Lloyd Durant, 95; William petitive freight rates. If freight rates rise ' . Stone, 93; Lewis Moore., 88; Ger· " FIGURES CONFLICT aId Duflltt, 87. The seven candl· Gladstone Bags ..... 0000 .. 0000 ..... 00 ...... 00.24.00 to 82.00 they pay mo, re.f or th e goo d s they consume. ," S It said' statistics showed Cana- dates d f Club Bags .00 ...... 00000000 ...... 00.00 ... 0000 ...... 17.50 to 42.50 And when the. cost of living rises, either day dians spent $311,000,000 in the U;S. e eated, are: Frank Dicks, the cost of what we, pt:oduee g . trenmh6;"" For To - . last year while U.S. tourists were 78 votes; Fred Balsom, 75; Edward Brief Cases ...... :.. 1' ...... , ...... 4.65 to 27.50 oes Up or. we • spending $248,000,000 in .canada. 'In Carpenter, 73; Angus Strong, 70; have to accept lower net· prices for what this figuring, the chamber runs into Harry Drove~, .•7; Michael Single- ~e l~:~~:b~~a~~r E;~~~e wi~y J~~i~:~f~~~ 'CA:~::::::U::SSNEW. ~f~?;~i~s~i~ca~~~:~~ b~:a~sti~ :;n~x!~c:e~d t~!lt:,::~~~:s~i~9~1~1 ENGLISH FIBRE' CASES affected and our prospects of b 'ld' . 'mated U.S. tourist expenditure In be sworn In next week, "hen the \ll Ing Up As the year A.D. 1000 approlehed, and later, CanadQ during 1954 at a few. mil· new Mayor will be ,eleeted. Black and Brown industrial production are gravely obstruct; ':he year A:D. IIlO(), Europe was thrown Into the 110ns less-$278,OOO,OOO. ~.. .. . utmo!~·e:

level of prosperity may.be totally destroy" ·dral. building age; It is a seient(iic age. It. is the' "becomes': even more startling" rack, was. released, frqm .hospltal Colours brown" and blue.: ... ~I ...... : ... ;.;~ ...... ~.~.·~25.00 ed. . . most active .perlodworid,ustory: has· knowniny~ when the difference in th~ popula. after treatment for a broken nose . ., thlng'tbout .. In fact In:·the 'rilldr..'of\o~r'actlvity: tlonsof.. the two countries is t All are of Cambridge, Mass. we are 'In very great danger~ of 'losing fuildanllintal ,tlons of. th~ .two countries Is taken Theodo~e. Arsenault of Truro, " spiritual values. ',:. ::.: ".; J ::', ':" Into. account. . Truro ... N.S., suHreil"neck injur •. , '.Th e ' First' Day As .the 'Europeans centuries' ago, feverishly NO· EXPLANATION· '.' les ..Hls· wife waii released'· ftom ~ • ' . '., .. built cathedrals that the glorified. Lord would have It made no. attempt to .explain hospItal Saturday night.· , 'That sOme. differences of' opinion on bealiUfu)temples towblcll'he might return 50 we .why :Canadians were ouspending , major issu~s of the day would :come,out of itl, .tiIls ,age need. to'br fashioning our .m~rveJous, A~i~o~t~~~~ t~he to~~:a~~l~.. sta.- ' IiVERAGE ~CREAGE the opening.session at Geneva waj; certain- civilized era in IUch way..tha~ the Spirit of .Jesus tistics.' earl!er ,this 'year ~ttrlb~t~d New England's. dairying farms ~ th h Chr1stwlll enter it. now and that when the Lord 'the',drop In U,S. xpendltures lnaverage-lOOacres; 'middle"west . 1 to b ted d y e expec . an ... or. at reason t ey returns In glory he wlll find th.ese Insptrlng. Canada·. to' a 'declin~' in automobile hog and corn farms" 160 aeres; Sh ou1d no·t be regard e·as··po~t.entsLd 0 f . achleve.ments of men servlnll)hecaus~ of his king· traffic. In 1954~ there ha,~ been a cotton. belt farms'of the south, ultimate failure,;: , : .'/' .•. : ~o~. . . drop of around $8:.000,000 m motor 80 acres; and whejlt fields of the ; $7: JOHN'S, . That. does not· mean, of·.cour~:'that· We ar~ standl.ng at.the !~re.sbold of. what may. traHl~ o!DPared ~Ith 195~ .. Most of 'Great. Plains, ·.ooacr~. NEWT'OUNDL'.4NII. "'" wl'll also be ultl':"'ate" s'u ...... • , , be eliys, or We may be standing 'at the· be. the ·Increasc in. expendlturcs. by 1";' _____...,...-'- ___ , the grta~ .' . ." u.. ccess. on a ginning. of 'a period of great· desolation. It all de. ;:3:t~~sT~~v~tS traced to auto- grand 'scale•. This' is the first meebng .01' pends on how we fasbion our achlevein,ents and to. mo"lle travel.' " in succession 'I!'at Ca,nadians ha"el OUR STORES CLOSES ·AT 5 P.M. TO·DAY . F . .u· outspent Americans In travel be- , , . tit h f th e ea cis 0 e Big· OW'.:governmenu what ('net . ' Ust year'marked the third year tween the two countriel., ). ,', !HE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955. ~, ') !1>"~.·,lllIi

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~ , No other firm or person is Kodak in Newfoundland. ' for 44 YEARS •• ~ T,O.OTO.N'S has served authorized by the Kodak Co.. to the people of Nfld., in photo­ / distribute' to dealers Kodak sup- . graphy for SO YEARS. plies in Newfoundland. I ALWAYS REMEMBER - TOOTON'S BUSINESS IS BUILT ON A FOUNDATION Of INTEGRITY &S ERVICE . CamerasandPhotograp-hy is Our Business.

, .' . THE DJ -

~lJUl1y l~C\\,;:j 1'.. 0.0) '.: ~ "JOY IN 'l'HElR HEAlt·!,::;" is cap~ul'ed in tllis pic.ure 0.1 L •• l.j hews pho,ograplIer IJU\'IU .pU'ILl', a~ lle V",,,C;J LAST EVENING the crew of the H.M.S. Vcryan Bay; which is in port on courtesy call to st. John's was enter~ained Lynch Circus yeslerday, while children of City Orphan ages were guests of the management, Bill Lynch Shows. ai an informal dance given by the senior clubs or the Y W.C.A. at the Harvey Road Club Rooms. The picture Ltd. The kids enjoyed the many attractions featured by t.he big curni\'al, and the sinil'e on the face of the Iiltle . . , shows the dance in progress at the Y. •• r • girl as l:he \'idcs the mCI·I·y·go-l'ound expres~ cs perfectly the thrtll-oC·a-liCelime reaction. < • --~~~~------~------) "I ! . by the Union ,Jack, Ihe marchers 1\ \ abled enough in oUler respects to 1M 0 C One mature woman we sa\v mcd I Beauty Tips proceeded through Ihe main I rC~lJil'c ;p~cial treatmcnt. aturlty an a light toast hroll'n suit as lhe ~Irccts of Springclale from tllc I Your ChIold's \ An injury .10 the brai~ ocr.uring • basis for a summer outIit. She Orange Hall to the new Unilml \ I b~fore, durll1g, or 1'lght after Wear Brol.l.Tn acccssorizcd with a small white Eycs lhat tend to get tud:m~ Church ane! paused cn roule to I I bIrth poduccs cerebral palsy. f traw hat, dark brown shoes and out in warm wcather can gd ~om~ lay \\'rcatlls on the '\'ar·.'lcnlorl·al..• \ I-IEALTH_ 'TheI dia"nosis'1"1' II canf' t'be made IIas lhitcwas 'smoothlllovcs. andTh~ comfortable \\'hole cffectlook· r~ I'lCf \\,1·th an eye b atl I .In th ! The parade hailed and stood at a ru e WI I1n 1e Irs SIX man IS BY ALICIA IIART morning and sunglasses 10 \rear ran ank Lodge of Iif,~ and almost always by the 'h t . I b I' ing. in Ihe blazing streets. Get a good attention while the R.W, Sister, time a youngster i5 a year old. ?; a a mee co or . ro.wn s. This range of color seems 10 Ada Hampton of Bishop's Falls, ' I This diagnosis should be made stark black can look cltY!led and i look best on women with whitc pair. laid the first wreath. She was fol. YOUR CHILD S HEALTH early because the results of treat· summery on the young things, but hair dark eyes and quite a light For hot weather, a tepid hath II Heads Association lowed by the Grand Master of Lhe CEREBRAL PALSY SUFFERS ment are betler if started prompt· it sec~s to make grown women skin: Yet many women might much the most cooling kind to LOA, R.W, Bro. Isaae Dawe of NEED C. AREFUL TREATMENT Iy. look hred and hot. Chocolate experiment with it in Lhe summer . SPRINGDALE (Special)-Delegates to the 83rd An· brown, on the other hand, seemr to sce what can be don in the way take. ;nual Session of the Provo G.O.L. of Nfld, now meeting at Cupids and the Grand Master of -,- CHILDREN HANDICAPPED by to be a great help to certain mat· bringing out good features. White gloves are practically the the Grand Black Chapter, R,W. BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. cerebral palsy need both pllyslcal ure camp 1eXlons. '\ Few mature women, !lave t 0 uniform for summer. Whether ·101.,..: ..1 :Springdale were surprised to be informed that Bonavista Bro. Walter Jewer of Botwood There are somewhat more than and mental eare k' worry about a really extensive they're I~ather, crocheted or cot. 'Lodge No. 1327 traditionally the Banner Lodge of the who approached the Memorial' 20,000 children born In the United On th~ ph"sicai side there should y?ungster can ta e easily and car· v rd b' f town wear Most of ton fabric, keep hem clean II States each "ea \"Ith an unfor - 0 'flcd as far as seems reasonable. ,a ro ~ or . h' d !Association had relinquished its title to Rank in Lodge jointly and deposited their wreath ' • r " • be a long·range plan set up by the A I'ld ffl' t d' thO us are concerned WIth ouse ress· day. If in doubt, carry res en'! while the band played the solemn tun ate disability known as cereb- medical advisers with the cooper. c \l a IC z m IS way us· es and a few party dresses. A pair in a business envelope in j1379 of Grand Bank which reported a membership of two "b d I ral palsy (formerly mistakenly ti f th h d th h 01 ually progresses at a slower rate I' closet full of SU'Its Is far from our notes 0 f ,,0 Go Our He p In ca!led "spastic"), About two. a on 0 e ome an e sc 0 • than others of the same age. . d handbag, :more than Bonavista .. Thus Grand Bank becomes' the Ages Past. " thirds ()/ thc c:!rebral palsy ive. Special muscle training should be Encoura~'~ment si important, mlO s. start~d at the earliest possible ~ :Banner Loclge for 1954 and Bonavista which held that Following the 'laying . of the lims arc mentally normal. Ap. moment in order to decrease the The youngster with cerebral palsy ror this reason, the one or two Shoes that ~em 10 pinch dlrr .:position for so many years drops to second place Qeaten ....,.eaths, the parade continued to proximately half of these are dis· difficulty with movcment, should have some play with nor· slJits ought to last and last and you"'e bought them, particularl)' • Certal'n "ame." a•• e parll··ularl~' mal children. The ~pecch can be conlinue 10 be becoming. An in foot·swelling hot weather, can hI l:by only two members, Eldon Lodge 1422 of For~une con­ t hc Unltcd Church where tbe ser. part Ic I pants resumed their ranks adaptable ...,for these handieapJX!d" encouraged. Althou~h these )'oun added value is Jomething in a strelched. Ta k'e th em I0 Ih e!h n~ jtinues in third place with Upper Island Cove m fourth \'ice lI'as conductcd by the Minis. outside the building anrl proceed· youngsLers. Exercises using mu. gsters necil sympathy Rnd affect· color that will accessorize easily repair man and he may hp- ahl. ler, Rev, B. Hicks, who took as cd back to the Orange Hall where sic or verses Rnd ~ongs may be ion, they ought not to be pampered from year 10 year. Startling un· 10 ~quecze another h.1( !ize 0111 : position. .Iowing which a list of names wa5 Lhe 5ubject of his sermon "What· a short ceremony was held and useful. Regular eeLin!!, s\e.zpin!(, or spoiled. usual colors may be hard to com· of Ihem. docs Religion mean to you." As. the parade dismissed wilh a bene· resting, bathln!(, dressin,lt and Special schoob and camps often plement the next lI\'!ason. . : A "ery solemn nceasion lI'as ob. read by tbe Grane! Secretary, The sistinJ: him in the werc diction by Lhe Grand Chaplain. play habits shOll Ie! accompany the prove of great \'aille. The Natio· A good brown can be as servo S.unback dres!Cs 111\'C your serl'lce was brougbt \0 a close by ~crvice m~)' ',cr"ed at Springdale aL noon on the Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Residents o[ Springdale state prescribed. nal Soci-:>ty for Crippled Children iceable U R good warm gray .. audIence a rude shock If your bilck Ibe singing of the h)'mn "Abide exercise~ : Satur~ay when a special Memorial Bro. R. B. Snow, Unitcd Chur~h that never before in the histDrY of A CALlIl HARIIIONIOUS ltom~ and Adults (11 South LaSalle And it mi~ht be a refreshin!! I isn't properly \\'ash~d. GpL a rnm, :;SclTicc was held for Orange Broth· With Me'! followed by pra)'er and· Mmlsler of BoLwoocl, the Grand the community was there so much life b desirable. Educnlion should Stre~t, Chic.ge :I. Ill.) h:l5 aided change froin those loo·safe safe bination of mirron or .husb~nn '.;m lI'ho had gone to their Great henediction by Lhe Grand Chap· be mvcn at the s""ed ,i'hich the greatly in this work. color5. ' to check on Ihi5 important matter. , R~ward since the la~l Grand Lodge lain. Chaplain, R.W. Bro. Rev. G. Camp, trame through the streets of the ". ,.- ,: seulon. The ser"ice was conducted One of Lhe largest gatherings Rector or the Anglican Church at municipalily as on Sunday. Cars b)' the Grand Chaplain, R.W, Bro. ever to be assembled In the beau· Whltbourne, and the Grand Chap- and buses from many parts of the , 'Georle Camp, Rural Dean of tiful northern town ~f Springdale lain of the Grand Black Chapter, Island added to the number al· f '~ ,,'hltbourne. met In tbe flag bedecked streets R,W, Bro. Major Parsons or the ready In the town, All In all, the • The sen'ice opened with the of that community on Sunday as Salvation Army of Botwood, Fol· day was one long to be remem· singing' of tbe hymn "Come let us members of the LOA and LOBA iowing the Church Parade, the bered In this historic town. ': :jola our friends above" followed attending their sessions gathered ------~---- ; IiJ the reading Df the scripture for their Church Parade, i'" tbe Gnnd Chaplain. Tbe as· Led by the Salvation Army 4 ': .mbled brethren then observed Band from Grand Falls lind follow· , till tWo minutes silence In memo eel by the Grand Chaplain bear­ ,• ..; Of the deceased brethren fol· Ing the opening Bible accompanied 1m .''j -..•.. ': r' II W111! TI/(' th' ',miff, sive wi'li /hI '\ . growing up .

. DAD. ROUND TRIP 'ARI on Por .... "Head" of III, fallllly

MOTHER, ONI.WAY 'ARI for round trip by ather partnl HEINZ SIS, ONI.WAY fARI

JUNIO.I Vs ONI.WAY 'ARI for round trip for chUdren of 5 and USED CARS. TRUCKS und" 12 Ylan old, Under 5 fret I goo.Y0ur Hili'S HOW YOU SAY. ICOACHU ONLYJ

IT. JOIIII'" NJLD. - l' ANCOll\'ZB - Vl(."I4)R1A dAnLE AND aETlIBN ~t 1mt: FORD­ ...... 101 'fire ...M•• eo.ok ...... I Will ....11 "3.15 MONARCH~ First choice of 8 out of 10 mothers I ~ va/UeB'··· ,This hugablc honey is proud as punch! Today·s.a big day for her because she is graduating to Heinz Junior Foods. And she is ready lIt!ukl ...t Flftlily PIal flrls fir Tlurist In. finl (ltss DEALER to enjoy every fascinating mouthful. • III ,ff.ct June "55 to Jan. 3 '/56 ,) Heinz Junior Foods are the perfect diet to fill the gap between • letw.tII Eastern and Westtrn Canada, "tween Canada Strained Food and regular adult fare. They provide balanced 0l1li Midwestern end W,sttrn Unlt.d Stol... ..tween EVERY 'USED CAR A~ID TRUCK THAT CHOOSE FROM 34 KINDS RATES THE A-' SIGN HAS IEEN, nourishment at a time when baby's diet might otherwise be quite W,tltrn Canada and Eastem United Stat .. a problc:m. It's really no wonder S out of 10 Canadian babies TO VARY BABY'S MENU , • leaYln, Manday., Tutsday., W.dntsdaYI , what Reconditioned by expert Slrvlctmtn grow up on Heinz. . ' , 5top_r prlvileg's • Generous Return Uid for app.aranCi and p.rformanc •• .. JUNIOR MEATS. . • 300 Ibi. lalla" AI\owo_ 6. Remember to look for Heinz Junior Foods a't your dealer's,' Complefe ImOtlllllflon fior. Inlp.cted and checkicl for .af.ty. You'll find them displayed with Heinz Strained and Junior Meats; • JUNIOR VEGETAILIS .", CoN. Of (.II. ric." A;trIf. means Pre.cooked Cereals, Strained Foods and Heinz Teething Biscuits. • JUNIOR DINNERS Prlc.d for oul.landlng valut. You know they're good because they're Heinz. • JUNIOR FRUITS I .Trulhfully one! accural~ly adv.rlll .... • JUNIOR PUDDINGS .. '. . .' -.~ _. _... , Warranted by Yjlur Ford-Monarch Dealer and back,d by hi. r.pulotion, HE!JVZ JIll/Or fbods • I



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");'~". .' ~' '. '.;~ r.i1': . ,~,,' . ." · .' ".' ,'. ,; .. ,', ; t' ~~"~ .:...... L;',; z't m '!', t /e ,;0 . ~: , ·5",,'T .' J o H 'N 5 10 THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNeSDAY, JULY 20, 1955 . ' - spinster come violently Into lilt CAPITOL opcn, Mi~s Domcr"ue" is c~'·ct''" 1\'£ Death Has Three Lives Do~tor Delivers too as the ratilu spinelc::; Wi! . . , . 4'500 .Babies, :lIld so is Hal Baylor as the bu~: Abou~. T'heatre Page foon, While Jason is adequale a ::tXIX tor demands 8 pt!rsonal' inter. TORONTO (CP)-Dr. WIlllam A. To-morrO'lV two ladies' love object. I ,The newspaper reporter got to view. I want to hear him tell Dafoc, 60" who delivered 4,500 Co·~cript\Vriter Brooke produc d his' feet cauUousl~.. looking war: exactly what happened In front babies without losing ona mother I . Cui~,.ent. from his own original stor\' aEd during his 35.year·old medical car· Comment On l'dov'ies "HTIS IS J\.Y J,OVE" STARRING ., n lIy far some reaction from Chief of that hou'se 011 18th when he Stuart Heisler directed. The coto 'Chi1 eer, hu retired lIS chief of ob· LINDA DARNELL, DAN WI11 Gentry tu prevcllt Shayne picked Bristow up," r stetrlcs at Toronto's Wellesley hos·1 DURYEA AND RICK by Pathc Color is good. A IiU from walkIng out. Instead, to his Rourkll said clleerfully, "Can ~====------pltal. JASON song, "This Is My Love," sung b; Jllrprl!I'. he SItW a falllt smile do," and opel1~d the door to get One of Canada's leading ob· Conne Hall'nes in a night club se. GOLDEN' ANr on Gcnlry's thick lips, 8 twinkle out. He paused on the sidewalk sletrlclans and' gynaecologl~ts Dr. STAR· CORNWALL PARA~10lINT Linda Darnell, Dan Duryea, quence, m ght be used as eIfec!i\'t Mr. and Mrs In his eyes as Sharne sto~ed reached down to pull the ,38 Dafoe's n~me became fa~lIIar Rick Jason and Faith Domergue exploitation • throllgh his intensive documenta· st. John's cel oul the door., . ,'\;, from, under hlR belt, 'He laid It To-mOrl'OlO To ·mOl·I'OW .NOlV Plflying star In this bitter domestic laIc SPECI.o\L ADDED ATTRACTION He stoppe~ Rourke from ·fol· on the Geat brslde Shayne, ex· tlon of the Dionne quintuplets' wedding anni\' childhood. . . which begins in love and ends In "AFRICA ADVENTURE ' July 17th by h 1~""lng, ~,et~lnB; to.h,!s, [eet as he p1alnlng,: "Chief Gel)try's past· • The fh'e CallandoJr. Onl:; slster~ . -- SUSAN HAYWARD, hate, jealousy and murder. It Said to bring a true and ·au. outing which w dill so. \\ ~lt, Tim, :", ing giCt to ,you ~le figured you VAN JOHNSON, "APACHE WAR SMOK,," wcre dellvercd by his older brother TYRONE POWER probably won't appeal to the thentic moUon picture or ! family and; HI~ hand went· il1slde 1115 coat weren't carrying one otnlght, and the late Dr. Allan Rny Dafoe. JOANNE DRU, iN "THE WITH GILBERT ROLAND Af . h t' . an ,. IN "UNTAMED" youngsters but there are undoubt. TlCan un lIlg expedition 10 th J . and Mrs, Vava to withdraw the .38 with which that It might come In handy If Records of thoJ younger ];)r. Da· StEGE AT RED RIVER" edly plenty of adults who will screen for the first time, Rob I ~ out of town 1 , ' he hnd threntened~hayne earl IN. you do 'catch' up, 'with Cwltzer." foe's observations of Ihe famolls find it as engro,ssing as a well C. Ruark's "Africa Adl'entu:e" children's first "e"rs arn consld. !lIovclgoers looking for ndven· II Vavasour was ·f.:: He held It oul }lutt·flrst to the • 0 0 , "_ AU the grandeur of frol1tlel' t It'. d "Untamed" gives new mean 'i ered a living legacy to the medical ure,. ext! men. an suspense will turned, daytime radio drama, also opens as the attraction at Ih. manager of PI ;I' .lEII: fl'porter. Shayn'e pulled up In front pro£e'slon. Amet'lean In the 1860·s. with Its find all three in "Apache War ing, to the era of big pictures. In which resembles In many respects, Capitol Theatre tomorrow. rctired two ye L. '", " "Gh'e this ,to, Mike. He may and ,got out to follow Rourke up HEADED DEPARTME~T sweeping ",estel'll landscapes, In·. Smoke," ; I\1.G.j\l's action-filled a tlnle of many nolable films, the Miss Darnell is seen as the old. Ruark, who also narrates hi .. :.·i·:· nerd it," a walk toward t.he front door. But' he ~ald he would' I'nth~r be dlans and hard·fightllllI soldiers! drama laid agninst all eye.filling Paramount's new attraction stands cr, frustrated sister of prctty ~1iss film, is known to millions throu ~ FROM BON, . :;:j : Timothy' Rourke reached It was' a whILe stucco bUllgalow remembcred for work in Iho nuhlic is captured In 'rcchnielor for I bac1tground of the l\Ioja\'e Desert. as ?nc of the most unique­ O~lt. Domergue, who Is married to his nationally syndicaled ne;s. , Mr. Clarci "lit Sl!ayne's parked car just as the with neally trimmed lawn and a Wlrd in obstetric~ at Weliesillr, Panc,ramlc Productions' spectacu· The new !11m opens tomorrow dlstlllgUlshcd as much by Its Duryea, a ont! time promising pro. p.aper columns, his numerous ar· wh ch he headed nfter its Inception lnr ad\'enture drama, "Tlte Siege at the 'fheatll'e has n grnndclir of scale as its degree of ness man fro: :r',~:',",1 redhead WIS .slammlng It back gravel driveway on the side lead· Cornw~1\ fessional dancer who now, as the hcles ,and stories In the national In 1948. at Rcd River," starrlllg Van John. topllotch cast headed by Gilbert s~cce5s. Produced In Cinema· at present II , 11I\'agely agalntlt t.he bumper of lug back toa elEitcched garage In result of an automobile accident, magazines and his various bOok a car parked too rlose to allow .. the rear. The front door opened Dr. Dafoe feels he could continue son and Joanne Dru, opens tom or· Rolnnd, Glenda Farrell, Gene With color by DeLuxe and slarring Interest of I at Wellcsly for many years to row at the St~r Theatre, Lockhart and three talented Tyrone. Power, Susan Hayward is a hopeless paraplegic. lIer ex- including the recent best.selle" '.. I,'.j··, him to swing away from the as they neare~ It, an a wiry treme good looks notwithstanding, ::nor.n of the Hunter." In fur b• young man was silhouetted In h~~ee, t~~t ~~;~[~U~rr.a~~n should To l!1m screenwrlttt Sydney young 1\I.G.fll newcomers, Rohert and Rlc~lard .Egan, "Untamed" I.c~ ON HOLID:\ ,. Miss Darnell is afraid of life and Africa Adventure" brings to 111 Mr. and :III .', Rourke jerkPd Ihe door open' the light. Rourke pumped his .111'11 be In prh'ate pracllce as Boehm's story of a young Can· Horton, Barbara Rulck and Pat- comes. With b~I!t-ln name power, lives with her sister and brother. on film the experiences he "'Tit e ,.; I and slid in beside him, hand and said, "I'm Rourke. long as my hand Is ste:uly and m... Cederate oWcer's adventures ricia Tiernan and Will fu\1)' Impress all who are of Bell I slane, , hll I I ' drawn to It. in.law, working as a waitress In about in this book. es spending a h[ i Shayne swung the wheel hard, Mighty good of you to let 11.'1 judgment sound," he said. w e on a scret m ss on behind It tells the story of a group of . , ,.,'ent forward with his foot hard drop In so late. This Is my friend, By goUlng in IhoJ summer and Union lines In Indian territory, people barricaded in an isolated • The story o{ Ihe pas- their roadside restaurant and writ. The aspect of. authenticity In Irre~lsbbl,e ing of unsaleablc fiction on the this RKO Pathe film is ,],~ on the nccelerator so the rigllt Michael Sllayne. He's Interested, figure skating In the winter, Dr. eexcuti\'e producer leonard Gold. dcsert station, whey they prepare SlOt a IrISh girl for pointedl~ MOVED TO ~f hfc~~str~ng side. Her life is one oC martyrdom referred to by Ruark In a hri~f , . II end of his £ront bumpcr forced too, so ·1 asked him .••" Dafoe has kept himself lean, wiry stcln dispatched a Lroupe to utah for the coming of a horde of ven- a '::1 er t II e19t~ers, set in the Mr. and ~ le (there arc hints she had renounc. foreword to the film In which h If Raleigh 1 aside the rear bumper o[ the car "!\like Shayne I" Joe Agnew's and Colorado. 'fhere, In outdoor gen[ul Apache Indians. The In. p' c:ntury, , S3'.S "Th' • e 'Ii W~sf!;~~miER ~~ed~' ~, ··~n. ed Duryea so her sister could have . " " IS IS a motion picture ';1 ahead. The hr.a\'y sedan leaped, voice was reverential. "The prl· Son of a counlry doctnr, he began settings unchanged for centuries, dlans arc attacking In retaliation actual fllmeld In, Its it' mo\'crl tt s:'t~ar::~~ him) underscored by her Ion,,'" In which I hare attempted to shn ';, forward In the street. vale eye we're always reading his educaHon In Madoc, swlkhed the picture was filmed, for the murder oC members of whi h u. rlCan ocat!ons Af" '.V In Falklanu time engagement to a buffoon she rica as It actually is, Ilml !Ollle ,j' "He's 1I0t Lucy and he hasn't about? What d'yuh know? Come In Seaforth and finally to Toronto. A thousand Navajo Inellans thel.r tribe by a white man, and by 11m;. Dir;cIO~e~~~~r un~i~ged docsn.t love. of the aspects oC its life and drath. FROM CORN! :~l ,: gO,~ the .,moner;' said Sh~yne, right on In, both o[ you. The J¥l taught In nortlmn ",hastings from Monument Valley doubled' that man Is one oC the members crnw~ of te ch mcmns ~. II onled a 11th ree·big , . Sure, agrerd Rourke J\lst a5 wife and kIds are In bed and J h The tcntativc equilibrium is up. Nothing in the picture was ~Ialitd 1I1r.. and llr coun I10' beCore entering the Unlver. as S laWllces for t e picture s o[ the station group. Along with month trip to Africa wh t set when into their lives comes or contrived. If at times it rain. I. "He'll torture ller tn leu we can talk right here," ' Corner Brook f1~I1)" slty of Toronto. stirring battle scenes. An Army the others, young Tom Herrera of the exteriors wer~ Ph~;~gr~o~. dark and smootb Jason, a filling ?r the camera shakes, it is bec3U!'; .1 'oI"l1l1t you and slle did with the He led Uicm in to a small neat Icr, ~Iiss EI'a During Ihe Second World "'or he [art was bull~ to scalc on the (Robert Horton', agent In charge cd. P station attendant, with whom Miss It actually was raining or tr. ,. 'I' I mnney. But he won'l kl\l her, sitting room seated them in ,~'as consuUant In gynaecology 10 painted desert oJutdde Moab Utah of the station, believes the mur· ipendlng a ho Darnell falls In Im'e while he and cameraman was frightened. It is ':1 Mike .. Xot 85 long as he thinks comforlable 'chairs anel urged tCII'~ "d'olmen's division o[ the thrce from military blueprint of' 1865, derer to be his own father, Peso are registercli Miss Domergue eventually drives easy to be frightened If YOU ar! ... ;. I I here II any ch&nce In thl' worlll them to have 'I can of cold beer ana an armed sen·lces. . ' . Hotel. He sal"~ the general pra~titioner Sixty tons of mo, le·maldng equip- (Gllbe,:1. Roland), an amiable but her to murder Duryea and [ramed dealing with large, angry Ini· ;'1; ;o.·ou'\,e lI,ot Ihe dough. hc'lI ke~p confefislllg unhlippily lhlll ther~ is still Ihe backbone of the pro. I ment, including costumes, props ofrmldnble bandit, who makes no h' LUl'Y 11t\'e to put pressure on was nothing stronger In the fesslon. Ian drolllng stock were bauled to effort to avert suspicion. And her sister, supposedly leaving her mals. LEFT FOR . ynu. One thing Ihat keeps both- house free for Jason. The latter how. During the photographin~ of Caplain "Sometimes there ran br too ,location sites [rom Hollywood. when the wild, skirmishing In· ever, spruns the mixed up lady and !"Africa Adventure" the !afari cring me ••• where is Hugh AI- . much sclance in medlcine-9S' per In Durango a 19th century dIan attack comes, Tom and hIs "'110 was "j' lcrdice all this tlmc~" .Toe was ,I sa~dy.halrcd ~'nung she just as r,romptly gives herself' travelled through many areas in· cent of Ihe peqple Who ~o to a railroad tral nwas used for fatehr, together with tile despc· Caplain a~ "Yeh. No one has even Been man In hiS 3()s, with I thIll, up to the pollee. rested with the notoriolls heaG' Williams, ,\ j d:>ctor ncd consllltation, not sci. scenes depicting UnIon cavalry· rate group of men and women him tonight U,at we know of. shrewd fllce that was tann£.d Ih.e ence, Bnd the GP can gh'e Il to men en route west Fh'e hUlldred brought together by their com· With such raw material, drama hunting Mau Mau. Harry Sdb)", here yestcr 1 Look, Tim. Old you talk to the color o{ old leather {rom l\lIami s '\ them," he said. horses were assem'bled for these mon danger, arc put to a w·a· of power can be made. Script. the most famous white hunter in return 10 taxi drh'cr who picked Bristow sunshine. writer Hugh Brooke and lIagar Africa and a member o[ Ruark's Sydney. COl' ,i ,.: liP aCter he was shot?" "Gee, Mr, ::;~aYlle, I, lle\'er sixth sense about thinlls, I say n nnd battle sequences, which high- maUc test. Wilde, however, have their char- party, is reported to hal'c h!en hackle sort of gets a sixth sense Ught the film, The varied characterizations of skipper oi '. ,. "I don't know that am'one on thought the day d come 1 d see acters reaeling to extremely petty one of the ~Iau ~Iau targets. ~ If you know what I mean." The only operatIng ten·barrel "Apache War Smoke" arc adepty t:1I~ ;U.\,. , :' .the paper talked to him:" you sitting hCle in my house passions which seldom arouse "Africa Advcnture" was prntlJ- Sharne pressed 111m: "Go back Gatling gun In existence Is shown handled by a knOWing cast. GiI­ r:!n a~rot: comr-assion or sympathy. graphed in Pathecolor and can· ,t .' r: "Was his nnme gl\'en out?" drinking beer,"h e bubbled eHu· and tell It just as It happened." In key scenes In the plclure. A bert Roland stands. out in the Blracbois Miss Darnell and Duryea suc. tains many scenes of rca1i!tic' ::'7, . i ":{ot £01' publication. GC:ltry sl\'c1Y. "It's about that .guy bled "Well,.! was cruising, see? Hnd museum pi cc~ and the grand· role of the daring bandit whose fS to expr ceed in putting some guts into the thrills never before captUred ~. ,: :asked us to keep him Incognito all over the bark scat of my cab, just dropped a fnre up on 24th. daddy of today's machine gun, It gallantry' Is matched by his cour· b:. the }lcDJlle talc when the action gets down to the camera. Written by Robert C. ,'.'. '. to a\'old any possihle reprisals huh? You catcll him yet?" A dopey old Ibme that gimme a fires 38 bullets from a single age and sense of humor. Glenda for Ilieir 11 i' : and becaust! hn might be nn im' "He'd dead, Joe. Somebody's cut nickel tip, I knew soon's she got grllvlcty.fed clip. Urop men mold. Furell adds robust color to the the veteran Gene Lockhart has the fundamentals, especially in Ruark and produced by Jay Bon,· 1:1111 ;1I1t1 h ,. ,: :' portant witness later." his throat afte.r ele bullet In his in •••" ed special cartridges for It so It role of a nex.gambl!ng house a madfe·ot·order ~ole as the selC· the long climatic scene during field It contains an espeCial aJlo assistance 1 ,.. i.: ; "But you know who he is?" belly failed to do the job. There "So you were cruIsing empty could be operated £01' the Indian hostess who poses as a prim New importnnt executive who finds whleh the antagonism between the peal to feminine theatregoers d'lC time after ! ". c.; ': : "Sure, Namt.! is Joe Agnew, I Bre t\\'o other ullSol\'Cd murders on 18t1l1 Sha~'lle put in. battles. England matron. Robert Horton himself under thc stress of dan· wheel chair case and the unloved to the presence of Ruark's at, ".: :1\ . :rcmcmber. Llres in the South. tonight that hare some connee­ '7' ~ - tractive wife, I'RO~l JI.\I!) "No s511'. I was running south Van Johnson and Miss Dru who gives a vlrlle punch to the part ger., ' bIlIIng liS the malevolent Boer , .. ' .:I'! west section, 1 Ihlnk." lion with him: We need erery· when I hit 18th and something provide the romantic Interest, are of the son, who pits his strength DIll'ector Harold, Kr('ss has han· ~Jr. Amho ;,: ":;!: Shayne was breathing hard Ihlng you can tell us about plck­ whom Miss lJayward ~killfully Just seemed to tell me to turn the supported by a large cast headed against his father's cunning, Bar- dIe dboth his Intimate romantic manipulated. James Kelly and the lines In his race were Ing him up." U,S. CIIILDREN ., ::1 : cornClt' hetre or I'd mIss a fare, by Richard Boone and including bara Rulck and Patricia Tiernan moments and the pulse·tlngling Ob"iously, Cinema Scope was prescnt spell! , .. 'ii', deep. He pulled tile 'car toward • 0 • You get th\lt way, hacking. Like Milburn Stone, .Jeff Morrow, reo dd dJ!'amaUc contrst to the char· sequences of the Indian attacks United Statcs children under 18 city. , ,1 .; an ali-night drugstore. "Go In "Well, I'll sure try to tcll you made for "Untamed" and the pic. years of age now number S.'i4,500.· as I! you hall n 50rt of. •." centIy seen as the Centurion in aeterizatlons of the tWD girls who with incIsive impact. "Apache ture returns the compliment. On , i" " and call Agncw," lit! ordercd all' I can. Afraid It won't be too ()OO an increase of 13.000,000 dur, il "; ,"Sixth sense," said Shayne the Cinema.Scope production of vie for the hero's attentions and War Smolre" will keep Its spec- a Zulu preserve in the Valley of ARRIVED : r L~. bl"usqucl~'. hYou've got to have much though. I sort of Imcw hastily. "The Robe." Craig Hill, RlCD Ala- ' tntors entertained from Its open· ing the last 10 ~·ears. l'rJiss Elil "Yeah." nlz, Robert Burton and Pilar Del of Hollywood's top camerament, ing scene to its finnl shot of the the Thousand Hills, Director King ; i • '\:'. an l'ltcn'lew tonight to hit the Ithere was som?hlngt wrong when has slaged massh'e scenes of bat. dau::hlcr n , 1-::, .' front pagcs tomorrow. Pour it on II Ursl SAW hlmtllere 011 18th (Tn be continued) Rey. Rudolph Mate, formedly one directed "The Siege at Red jaunty Peso riding away with his W. ~lacDol River" which Is being released eye on I stagecoach carrying a tle ael.ion to dwarf any past repre. . T:'O ~OATS ,(i ' .. ,I big that he's a hero and your edl·IStreel. A hackle sort of gets a oC S hIt by :J:wentleth Century·Fox. shipment of gold! sentatlon Africa on the Ecreen. The mink winter coal-·lt Road, arrh I "'I ' " ". + ' .- n1 a spectacular action scene the two a year-reaches lis J1rimp ir. to spend h, I.:: . :, ~ .' , • 'I • .p . :: .. attack of the Laager, YOII will be November, parents at ·'~'1 ,; spellbound by the exciting mo\'Co at :lJanucl! i~I' :.·l·.'" ment achiel'ed with the use of who has hf '~ ,~" ~I Ir. '.1 ,: several thousands of Zulus. Chief I TOROlliTO PIA!'OIST In the Un I! :'~j among the. supporting players are! Toronto concert pianist Patrit,~ Ing ctassm: ,it : J~hl1 Justin, Agnes Moorehead, I Barr, 18, Is studylng on ~cholar· ~Iexico bel H' : ... i *-STAR ',' I~' : . '\ ' Rlla Moreno, Hope Emerson, Brad ships ntthe Curtis Institnte Phil· She pbns ( ~ ",' * ...... OUNDLAND'S fRIEND&. Y THIATII II 1- )~.ii"1 Dexler, Henry O'Neil and Paul adelphia. She made her deh'ut man class i >;, ;, ," • Thompson. 10, Poughke~p . ~ , -. :. ~ --- 11,',,· : " ~ I • TO-MORROW TO-MORROW Septemhr ~ ~ ; j. I . '~: "(' . ~ i I TO-MO,RROW FRO.'I II.\R ': L! ~Ir. ·Jamc~ Grace is at holiday in t

BIRTJlDA Mr. Wil P()rtll~al C blrthda,' l 'J rl!lCf"~ ',iCi,t'" PI""''' are scnt '.. VAN JOANNE NOW PLAYING .frienrls. ON BUSI:'>E -JOHNSON· ORU MI'. Cyril is \isiting th

FROM GR fr ;tJI/;E Mrs. H, AT Falls is a Special Added Attraction three wee city and i ... I • REDRIYER lIrownsdaJ ~TH.S .S THE REAL AFRICAI : BOONE ROBERT C.RlJARK'S . YISITING I Mr. and Empire ,Ave AFRICA AD1f,ENTURE Visiting For! \ "':;P~THECOLOR A/so-UP-TO.THE·MINUTE NEWS-NOVELTY Also-Up· TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS places on t TIMES OF SHOWS, during theil EVENING SROWS: , O'CLOCK-5.00 EVENING SHOWS: 7.15 - 9.15 MATINEE Z P.M. ,FROM TI TIMES OF SHOWS! MATINEES: MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY_ EVENING SHOWS: 'J O'CLOCK-D.OO Miss H: ton, Mass., E"ININ~: "nils 18 MY LOVE" 7 O'CLOCK-IUO 'THURSDAY-FRIDAY I.SO O'CLOCK ADMISSION PR.ICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT MATINEE :I PoM. EVENING-ADULTS ...... '750 CHILDREN -5:. mother b' ~JJ.. "AFRICAN ADVENTUIl'E"-UO SATUIlDAY.O'CLOCK MA . ..." ...... 1.0) WlIllam A 1J':' MATINEE. P,M. _._------TlNBE8-ADULTS ...... IIOe CHILDREN...... ISO R. I.,' arr 'l'eceDtly I LAST· TIMES TO-DAY LAST TIMES TO·DA Y .NEXT ATTRACTION ENTERED lilT HAPPENED IN PARIS" Mr. and! LAST TIMES TO~DAY II , ' "M.R. SCOUTMASTER "MGE AT DAWN" with RANDOLPH' soon _ ACl'ION Terra Nova "UNDER WATER" . With CUFTON WEBB Also "LURE OF THE SILA" - THllILLS - SUSPENSE. last week. the Genera: to .undergo : friends wis! ery. Refreshing as an ocean breeze, It's lemon chiffon for me. LEMON CHIFFON It peps up lagging ICE CREAM· appetites . , :... ,'~ , 'Af home or "bythe sea It, ...." ,.. .. I

, , "


.' tht A Sliming Lop.g-Liner, A bout" People , ' 'For The Half.. Size Figure Chit Chat Column No. 217

f,O\.1Il-:S ASSIVERSARY FRO~I KING'S POINT , "r, and llrs. S. J. V:l\'asour o[ Mr. anll lllrK. a. W. 'Whit. , , ~t. John's celebrated thclr 50lh 01 King's PoInt are visiting • "rddin~ annlvcrsary on Sunda)" , the city on a business and Jul; mh by holding an enjoyable holiday trip. 'When In. Doubt; .'Leave It· Out' rutin~ which was attended by their I.mil), and. grandehlldren. Mr. ARRIVED SATURDAY pnd ~'rs. Va\'3sour arc at prescitt llr. and Mrs. Walter· Squire of Nit n( lown on a holiday. Mr. Easlport arrived In the city on \',,,.l~our was Ihe .former &enernl Saturday on a buslncss and holl· mao.lgcr of l'urily Faclorle~, and day I·isll. -cured Iwo years a~o. snOWER n:ml RON,WIST.\ Ln5t Thursday evening Mrs. Ilr. ('Iarencr TUley, busi· II. Garrett ~nd lIlra. Frank nr'~ man from Bonal'lsta Is at (Ienney were hostesses at a al Jlrr~ent In Ihe cit), In the shower gll'en at the home of ~Irs. inlrrr~t of his firm. Commander and Garrell, Lon:; Pond Road, In honour of 0:', 1I01.1ll.\ \' Miss i\lary Purchase, whose ~Ir, and ~Irs. Albert Budgcll, marria(le to ~Ir. Alalster Klns· pl~ce ~l Brli Island are al present man will take In August. Miss rurchas~ was prcsented li'rnrlin~ a holiday in the cily. with an ahlmlnunl "'earel'cr ,lIIn:u TO NEW 1I0!lm cooking set. During thc even· ~Ir. and !llrs. I.. M. NCI'ille Ing cards were played and of n:lrlgh Slrrri ha\'e reeenl· prlles were won by'lIlrs. W. H• • mOl'ed In ,Ihelr nclI' homc Hll!yard, 1Ilrs. A. E. Peet and on .'alk~and Str~t't. 1'IIss lIlar~aret Pelley. A dell· cious supper was served by the . . • I A casual bulton·fronlcr wilh Ihc ncw long lines has a crisp eolJar, n:ml COR SEn BnOOK hostesses, and an 'cnJoyable lowered waistline, gay, ilattering flare to, thc s~irt, can be made with ~lr, and ~Irs, R. V. Stowe of cI'cnlng was spent by those short buttoncd, cuffs, or ~hree,quarler slceved. at your pleasure, Best r,'rnrr Urook, and their daugh, II'ho attended. of all, it's proportioned in'those bard,to,find, hard·to,fit halfsizes thaI' i ' ter, "i~,; El'an!:clIne Siowe nrc really perform 'worlds of flattery for )'our figure, " I , Irrndin~ a holiday in Ihe city and VISITING ~tr5. G. Bannlsler of Grand FABRrC.SUGGESTlONS: Dark textured coltons in slripes or, ~iny , Ht rc;:islcrcd at the Brownsdale checks arc newly pojmlra. For an unexpcctedly cool II esh look from ' ne:d, Falls I~ vlsitlne thc city on holl· a da~'. morning till bedtime" Iry coLton voile or a dark nylon print. , :\: STAR PATTERN :NO, 217 is cut in sizes 12~iz, W.~, 161.%, 181i, l.I:n I'OR lIo~m ('aplaln Gen:hl Williams, I,ElIT I,AST WEEK 10th 22% 2'P:' " , nllss Rowena Soper of 63 ;IATEIUAL: Size Short,sleevcd style, I,: II ito lIas I'lsiting his parellts, several outfits. She remInds travelen~(eenter) .. lIr the Importance REQUll\EME~TS: 16\~: Frcquc,tit pel'sonal appearance tours have enabled, Lori 'Nelion' yards, 35·in. . , ' . . ('3111nin and ~:rs, Clarencc N:wtown Road, left here last of • travel Iron. Use nn inverted. dresser drawer, covered wt~h a 3~t For Ihe S1'AR'PATTE~~! NO, 217 shown abo\'c, send 50e, in coin i \\'illiams, ,\Ibndnle Roa:!, I~rt wcck to stay with, her sister, a Hollywood Rtarlet, to work packing down In • science. She sug· towel, for a board. Lo'rl', maIn ;m~lIO 15 "when In doubt, leave I:rrr yestcfllay by TC,\ to :llrs. E. Brown In Calltornla. gests (left) taking only onr, paIr of shoes In eueh category and it home." She's doing Just that (right)', to STAR rATTE~N Department (St; John's Daily Neil's), Box-350, ' r~:urn to his home at !liorth She Illans to make her homc In plannmg the travel wardrobe' 50 one eet of accessories will serve Madison Square Station, 'New York 10, N: y, " California, allli her lrlends In , I'm 'a stem believer In cutting color •. I key my accessories to ,In.vcrled dresser, drawer with a ~:llnry. Captain Williams was BY I,ORI NELSON ':;iPlltr of the lII·tated ship SI. olhn's wish her happiness, Sometimes It scC!ms as though down' when traveling.- It, seldom the same neutral shades so that hotel towel laid over it. malies a I had just shaken the wrinkles happens me,' but I know that one set - handbag, glOVes, hat passable ironing board, Try to get :------.;..------t:tr )I.\', "th'ct L:lCly, which to (PLEASE PRINT PLAINLY) LEFT FOR ENGLAND out of my clothes after my'last many ,women have to do a',stint and bell - will do for many out· an iron that's correct for Ihe kind , , rw a~l'ount1 ncar c.teat . ~ . jaunt when I get the news that of luggage. carrying themselves fils. 'of you're go, Il~radlols recently. lIc wish· ~Irs, Robert Hellings accompan· current,offered~where " '1'.. Irae I e a TICS a can e rm', . - , Name •••••••••••••••• '" II.' •••• I ••••••• I •• ' •••••••• I. If" led by her son Robert 49 Field I'm off again. and appreciate their DWn restraint lb' th t b' ing , . . , r; 10 e,~llrr~s his thanks to Frequently; It's a ]X!rsonal apo- In packln'g. sed out and worn practically im· A.scaso,!led ,traveler knolvs which , Iltr llcollle IIf Great Barachols Street lell July 19 lor' Gander 10 join a BOAC flight to London pearance tour when 1 hop Ir!!m The rule l~r packing used by a medialely are. of course, the· clothes wlll~ gIve her the best value Address ,.,: •••••••• , •••••• I •••• , ., ••• , ...... : I •••• t r"r tlieir man~' kindncsses to England whcre she will rejoin hcr city to cily, keeping company with friend of 'mine Is: select only your light trav~l\)r's delight. One blouse for, her I~"gage space so far as I:illl ~lId his erc\\', and their a nell' film. Sometimes irs thc minimum needs and' then leave and one nightgOWn and peignoir in spots, wrinkles or lears are, con· I •••••••• ,·, .••••• : ••. Zon'c .••. ·...... Stale •.••• , ••••••• a,;j'l;;nce dUI;II~ 1:lclr trying hushand lending seamen Robert wilds of ,no place to'do a picture. half lif that behind. a noniron nonwrinkling fabric arc cerned. Thesc aTe' Ihe c10lhes to City timr after tl:e shipwreck, Hellings who is at prescnt sla· I oflcn r-~el that J[ I left my 1ug. This may sound extreme, but jl's all one should need take, not Ihe ullra,fragile ones. If tloned there. ~Irs, Hellings Is the gage alone Jor a few Ollrs, it sounder, as. far, as I'm concerned, . you feci they're deadly familiar. Star, ,Pattern No,: 21;, Si7,e"", ...••. ··• former Helen Atkins of this city.' might be able to pack, 1ts~lf., than taking any number of things A compact travel Iron can sub, you'll find ,that nW people in a I l'I:ml ~l.\n\'STO\\,!Ii on the' bare chance ),ou may need stitule for any number of exira new town \\,on't, If !UlU'N desper-I ':;-, .\l\lh{lI\~· 1,e1ly and Mr. It doesn't, though. and thel'eln Ihem.' dresses or silils. It can mean that ate with boredom wearing the old' !------' FRO~I I.OSG ISI .. \SD I..n:r; Kclly lie ~lar::stowl\ are at II" th, ",bl.m " .11 " ... Rm' .••kin '" m." ,00,1"" .e 1m, • ,".,"u" !'Ilr. and ~trs. E. Ilegil!ald w"kh,,~ ",iI. I ;;r'CIlI spendin~ a holiday In thc to get wh'ue we're'going with what In shoe~, I take only one pair pearanees and be refreshed each of sparkling pin tn dress' it up. I : I ' rye are \'15Itin~ the city from We need without looking like a of each sort _ el'ening, street, evening.' 1I's a wirth While space But when in doubt,' leave it ~fI{' -n'la'] a"'e ", holh teachers for rOI'I~' three ycars, I L~:' . Long Island, New York, and safari? sport _ In a perfectly neutral inveslment. I have found Ihat an home. \lH1S8 n 1, " bo:h a:'c now retire!!, IIer mother, are the gllests of nlrs. Pye's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~----' 'W~' the fint wonrnn leachc( ifi\ .\ltr.tn:n umm Maturity Tr:n;(ind, Tilc)' hoth l;lu;:hl 'iii; mother, Mrs. J. Butler, Penny, Newest Fashion! . I' 'S'al G wt : :I1is~ Eliz3beth ~(acDol\ahl, Little Tricks: Smart TV Square : peCI ~ ue - ! Car.adi~n ~[i::,.:on Schools, Her' wcll Roal1. I, AS' I :fnCler i:; an drlcr oin Ihe chlll'ch',: ,;, r1au~hter of :'tlr. and ~Irs, W. I - t OCla : b(ll 1\'aS a Hindu b:fore becoming l' 1\'. ~,I~cllollnhl, Rennie's :'tIi1l Between Us · H 1 VISITING RELATIVES \tund, arrh'c:l hallie last week 'Wo'men JI 19,. e p ,I, A I'cn' '1Il cnc \\'~II: TI:~rc's an e::cclle'nt foot crcant, 3 cgg • lI'ell benten "mothcr was bclng taken care or." gracious that everyone wa'S again Whcn -Mrs. B.' s husband di'i!d her astonished at the beauty of her return to' Trin;dad \':I~cl'e shr 1':111 I CJJlly 'mcnttlUl ••tcd, tn ,~o)lhc \IIRTIIDA \' GREETI~(;S 1 CUll mashed' bananas takc charge of lhe SClcnce lab, at I and pains which mo,t of children asked her what she wanl- maturit),. ~,~hcs u~ ~Ir. William (8 til ) Day of , (3 f.JIly ripe bananas) SI. Augustine', Scho?l. : "t times during Ihe hot I,;, cur brol:en 1I'0lnllt meals cd 10 dO. She said she wanted Her figur~ doe.n't pretend to be lli~h h~l'c I'flr:u~al (ol'e cc1chratcll his to sell the big old housc and get the bony, small,chested variety Thc parents on!iss )lah,l;e were! we<:trcr. hir;hday yesterday. Greetings MIX and sill llour. bakin;t po\\" --,------der. snll and instant coffee CNam a smal1 home Ihat would IJ.~ eas,i~r of the )'oung models. - m' ~cnl from his many shortening and sligar. Ad;I,lemon for her t~ take care of. ,The child· This profcsslonal knows el'ery friends. extract and eggs., Mix well.' Add ren dldn, l, try 10 talk hcr out of trick to makc the years past the .r~1anJlei·s ~1ake flour mixture alternately. with mas­ ,her dcelslon" though Ihpy ~n,ell' -thirn~s' as beautiful, as 'possible, Bahy' 0:\ m:SINI-;SS ~ed banana. Stir in walnuls. Bake thcy would worr.y about her lIVIng But they are tricks anyone can ... Friends 'lr, Cyril White of Bonal'isla !n gl'eas~d pan, 8 x 12 x 2 Inches, alone.Mrs. M. and Mrs. B. ,usc.a!,c ac- Her gown wa,s ,bluc, not \black. "Spreading a cra!!kel'" isn't i. I tsilin!: the city on business, In mndcrate Ol'cn. 3:iO degrecs Foo q?amtances. Who do yO\l,thmk en- Black is sophisticated looking on what it sounds like, lI's one mot.\ for l:' hour. Cool in pan and cut VICS whom, thc' older woman who youthful coloring but il drain Ihe her's g,amb~t for the a>!.c when A sale rules la' (olbll' is ncl'Cl' 'to In,ln bars 4 Inches lone and 1·lnch rRO~l GRA:'till .'ALLS lives wtt,h bcr daughter or the older color from an ~Ider complexion, Babv 1> gl\'en a cracker and i , "ll " " b t \\'Ide. Frost with plain' confection· womanTh who !lves alone?prl . m ,Her liair, of eourse, was beau, 'th rOil'. s, 'tI ~n th e,flo 0,r She breaks'_ ' I Ica.cpcrsonal aile characterIStic ler per~OI~ athc ou any ,"rs. H. Eastman of Grantl ers' sugar Ising and sprinkle with Falls Is at prcsent spendIng e anSwcr may ~Ul: S-~ or~ tifully coifed, but not in light It up '" hllle p:'~ces ~nd pub It. might possibly be ashamed chopped walnuts. Makes 24 bars,' grown than Widowed par. curls. EX[r.rts had 'arrallged it in on the ch,alr JIISt becau!\) a pers:>n m Ihree ~'rcks I'neatlon In the ch~l~ren a~ound ~igh t~ay. H~ rhr and Is registered at the ,4717, cnts. I~ IS the pr,otectc? Mrs. M, a soft, up off the face, hair style picks up the little pieces one b: jokes at his own eXpensc, Colors ,10-18 " ' who envI~s Mrs. B,', who !IVC; alon~; . that. was flattering and youthful. , one and cats them-or thrallS mean it \\'on't hurt' him to Rrnwnsdale Hotel. Now She s Just . .Jane s lIl~thel Her rouge was appli,ed with Beautify your TV set "fith this Ihem on t~e floor. others make Ihe same type The reason for the envy I~ ~b. grealest care, if sh~ used it at all, smart ncw co\'cr-easy to crochet 1 Old-fashlo~ed Nnnet cl13tard ,'okes about him nsm!liG FORTUNE .' Home~~king Nail holes and cracks in wood ',...11,. ,,',-Ike MI$ " I'lous.with a marriedAfter' five daughter years ofand, !tvlng her Thereto emphasl'Ze.longncss, was non'~ doWn low and enough what in any size! Favorite pineapples no~v com~s 10' ' a va. r'et·I, ~ 0 f narors,: If;i ~mark could. hurt- then ~Ir. and llrs. James Grieve Empire Avenue. arc at" present worl, must bJ flllcd before'palntlng They'rc siNn.sUm as fashion dc- family, Mrs. M. has fcw f"ends was up high was judiciously ap. and mesh form the pretty pattern! !hIS avOl~s the dlf{ICUlt~ of hal' isn't funny. if lhe results are going to look, creesl- They're the ncw "skinny" own age. She didn't. have to pll'ed.' . TV' mg to mIX up a Baby·slzed par------I'biting Fortune and sCI'eral other ,rof",I.,,1. . " "" Ihb "mm," It~r P,II,,, 13m, c""hol "'"'" \100 ",b ,.,. " •.., bp • b.kh pbccs on Ihe 'Burin pcnlnsula ,.,"-I1oh "'Y. f. ''', .;m. ,w. w" .... th, ,I~, "m,.dm'" " Ih.' '''' TORONTO, ONT. Pi;,1 ~,;,~ \1" lb. ,.1 i'" .. , ...,,1 .. ~ m.~" ",dod. Th" R. I., arrived In the city reo "''' ,bow'" 10,,,, wI~ ",.... ,I, In .•ow. I. \0,10'; ,,,m. IU, Sh,h;, I'" • 1,1 .f h" ",. I, 01•• , ••1 "lho ...,," .h" 'N A ME,' AOORESS; PATJER~ i""" '''''''' . .~,", ""k", 'rom ,Ih" toc:alell.! recently to spend a holldar. 10.' b.oo, ,,' "I" .• 111"" 00\ .... '''i''"'' \11,,\0.\0, ".\0"",,,. Ih,,".m I" 11,,,", " th, ,·,m ,O' ...1 In 'd" ;, Ib, wi", ,.1 NUMBER. . - .' .' m,,;..... "'" .hoi" ""I "Ith Ih,~ addition, of ,hot garlic e'enets TlDRITY,FIVE CENTS (35 ,that ~she, nas becor,ne just Jane's arrire at your destination looking' : ORDE' R our 19;5, AII'cc Brc.nks If the new pair 00of - s.ht~CS t~r nl', other use but the afternoon r.STERED HOSPITAL . nd IIF""h bm'm.k, ,,', mool. • "DO ,,,. .. rl, "",Iod) In .'''"f" th. (olom,,· "II.... ''',,' Pd" b. m.th,"""'ho. m,,1 hoc. . ."''''mod· ,h;e,h."" . ,,, . .. "" h,;, 10 N,,'""" C.IoI""."v E ,j", 1,,1••b, ,,;, • • <01,,"'" 01<; ",tio'" 1 ,., ."Iod". ' ,,,...lVh .. B·b, ". •. 1.... \\digw," ~Ir, and llrs.· Eldon PCnney of 'O'~ plainly SIZE" NAME" ADDRESS, . But 'Mrs. :B~' Is having' a fine ., pages and pages of exciting' new too long 'in repl~cing, t~7 "s!"all it's time to'stoie the playpen Terra No\'a arrived In the city , " " " ,STYLE NUMBER;' . ' " tim'e living her own life, :entertain. . do' what was' right for their designs _' knittilii,' crochet; 'l!m- pair. K~ep a watchful fmger on put a gate on the door of his hst week. ~lrs.Penney entered . TbI.". 'hi. bl"k"""'»4>, "" """""'.In .ANNE AOAMS, I., 'o,",m h."W> h,m,.: 5h,'. m,\h"" o.Jy 00' ",. 0\ 'bll<\. boo;',"" ;~~.;t6" ,,' ,,,,0\. hi, 10. ~. bi woo'l ..., ,h~. 01" blm' "ri>, Urn, 10 Jan:dde~rl the General Hospital on Monday a brilliant, or' pastcl (olor, is, a care oJ ,ST. ,JOHN'~,DAILY NEWS a person instead' of ,just some. ren'realized that' only ,their'm'ollier ties! ,Send 25 ccntdor your cop), the least bit 10o":;'nHilf for. liim. ' .' around 'Ihe'''house:, but spells to undergo an oPeration. Her many stunning fashton for, dress up' (Pattern, Dept.,)' 60 FRO~,T' ST. 'bOOy's mothe'r.' , -knew what' was best for her' to do 'lif this wonderM- book :noW: You'll . A g'roup 'of mothers in the' p~rk : his ':chllG-proffCd'" room' will' friends wish her a s~cdy recov· dresscs, especially,'a night. WEST,,''IORONTO, ONT, :', B,oth; sets of children wanted' to with her,life: \~!lnt to order 'every design ,in ill discovered that all :of the ,kl,ds ,r~laxmg lor you • ery. t

, ' ," .. ' ..... " , The ,hard.r you play '.' ... 'the more your

, I • . '.' NEEDS OU~ ,SAN/TQNE ORYClE~N'NG I ','

.. . t, I

THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 19S$ '. , . Four Home~s Hit,· Two By Gillies In 10 .. 9' Verdict Over Feildians ED ~lANNING A.ND HERB OlY CROSS WINS 2· 0 SHEPPARD ALSO CLEARFRNCE Thumping Ted Gililes of St. Eon's lasl night became the first SOCCER OVER· ST. BON'S player 10 smash two home runs in a sin~lc game. Gillies also conlri· huted fh'c, RBI's to Icnd SI. Bon's r:JPENING GAME OF. - , ,Gorgeou~George to it stirring 10,9 Senior Baseball League conquesl of the Feildians. AYRE ROUND Cll..41UPION SERIES And Da~' O'ReiJIey Onc of the smallest crowd~ of the season witneswl a wild and'thrill· ing game, which saw four homers Holy CfO!~ ~cored twice within right Bill Kavanalih took the kick Wrestle TonI' g'ht , belted and the lead changc Ilands minutes In the ~ccond h3lf and Frank Fardy made a beaut!· , ut nIght at the Ayre Athletic [ul ~top on a hard shot which reo Gorgeous George and Dynamite rive times. Ed Manning hit into ;rounds to open the championship bounded to inside left Frank Dan o'Rellley meet to-night in thc Ihe buJlpen and Herb Sheppard of eries of senior [ootball with a O'Keefe who drll1cd In the 1.0 renewal of wrestling at the Stad· Feild cleared the fences for the -II shulout of St. Boh's for rookie marker for Holy Cross. 'Ium under the promotion of Tom other homers. inalle Johnnie Jackman, Second Holy etoss goal was a "Dynamite" Dunne' and Bob Lefty Jed Gamberg, who came H in to re Heve slarter Don Ryan in A fair gathering of teeth·chat- beauty all the way by centre for· O'Neill. ering falthfuls brn,'ed the wInds lVard Billie Woods. Woods took Curly haired George Grant" the sixth inning. gained credit for , , watch the Al're Round opener.· the ball on a breakaway from near othenvlse known .as the Hollywood his 5cconcl win of the season against :t. Bon's, ,~!lh Ihe wind to thc1r the centre field line and carried Honey, wlll throlV his' bobby pins as many losscs. Gamberg, in work· licks, toole control In the first It upfleld to plant it Into the cor· to the girls 'after the ring and his in::: four innings. ::ave uJ,14 runs on but couldn't !!cl in close ner .from fIIteen feet out to make opponent have beim sprayed to- 4 hits, I':hile wnlking 2 and slrik· Ing oul 5, for It ~corlng effort as' It 2·0. night But It wouldn't surprise Frank Knight wcnt all Ihe way :rosader defences held Ihem at SI.Bon's pressed with halfbacks wrcslilng fans if George snved a T. Gillies, cf ...... II % 4 • for the Blues, !:ivin~ up ]0 runs , a\' Lcn Coughlan, Clar Casey and couple of his' pins to needle the Bl'yant. c ...... 5 1 1 0 on 11 hits. lI'ulldng 3 and striking F'r~nk O'Kcefe and Billie W00l15 Fanny Brennan mOl'lng the ball up Big Irishman. ' MDnning, ss...... 3 1 I -appcd In Ihe Holy Cros~ coals front where Le. Bruce, Gus Rich· oul fi, William;, rf ...... 5 0 J 0 Prior 10 the main event 111'0 pre­ SI, Bon's wrllt aheD!\ 1·0 in Ihe luting at Ihe midway mnrk of the ard. and Tom lIlonnlng carried it B. Gillics. 2h " .. ,,5 2 2 n liminaries wlll be held II'lIh local lop nl Ihe first when Hugh Fardy ec()nd period n~ Cru~3drl's look In but \\'ere sloppcd hy halfhacks Clooney, H ...... 3 0 0 II fal'ourlte Bruce "Barefoot"', Fog· ~ingled, slolc second, was balked dl'anta~r of pla)'ll1~ wilh Ihe Pal Etnhcrlc)' nnd digger Jo'rank ~Iyron. rf " .. .. ,,1 n 0 0 wit! laking on Rudy Parsons and , 10 third and came home on a sin· .Tunlor I:oalle ,Tohnnle .Tack- Sear, or Ihe Washc5. Bill FoglI'lIl tangling with \\like Ryan. p " .. 2 1 n I • ~horl man for the Jlosillon, Stars for the Crusader~ werr. Dillon, Wlllie Barnes, coloured LITTLE LEAGUE START-Typical Little Leaguer is ten year old Dougie Jones. ~ gle 10 right field hy Ted Gillies. Gamber,;. J1 ...... 3 non himFeif wdt in the nel~. Frank O'Keefe, Frank Sears, Rnd heavyweight seen Ime at the Drill oulfieldcr of the Shamrocks, who reeeh'ed his uniform along with iive 'hundred I Feil~ian5 ~amc back, to tie !hc e 10 11 • '!it. Bon's worked Ihe hall Into Harry Enni5. Maurice Emsle),. Hall ,boxing matche~, will referee "' othcl' Liltle Lec:gucr!'i J'cslerda\'. Getting rcadv for his team's first game he studies' scorc JIl'f.t]hlclrlhRllf fOff I.htle Innbmge « , H ...' as <:c I er C( 0 11'1 I a as he Holy Cros~ end or ,Ihe field Frank Duff and Clar Ca~cy (liayed the prelims. Promolor Bob O'Neill rpratcdly In Ihe fir~I h~]( but strong gamcs for St. Bon's. , ow you can play 'Little League Baseball," a special feature running in the Daily on halls, was mrificed 10 ~eeond, will be the third man in the main Ncws, (See below). moved to third on a single by Har· FEILDIANS: AB R "R J.: ound II tight defcnce in the full· l;/NF.UPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~event ring. __~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VQ Cla~~ and came home when TIlle~ If .••• ..3 2 0 0 ,ack pair of .Tim nnrl .Tack Wal~h. ST. BON'S:-Goal, rard)'; full- I Ryan Ihrew wild in an dfort to Hunt, rf .. .• ..1 0 0 0 laurice Emslc~', Tum !lIannlng backs. Duff. Grant: halfbacks, I pick 'filler off third hase. After Chapman.2h •••• ,.2 n 0 I nd Noel Vinieombe took long Coughl~n, Casey, Brennan: for· V'a nke es Sha~e Herb Sheppard reached first on an Clarke. cf ".. .. 4 2 ! ~ trlves .,,'hleh deflected off the wards, Emslc)" Bruce, Manning, error. n"an settled down to force Sheppard. Ib ., •••• 3 2 1 0 • trapping Walshes or wcnt ",Ide Richards, Vinlcombc. How You Can Play I, ' Frank Knight to rap into a fast Knight, p " ...... 5 1 1 0 A , :If the goal of Johnnie Jacltman HOLY CROSS:-Goal, Jackman: I- double.play. Eddie' Manning rang· pPlcnngez, 3nb .. .. ,,~ 11 ! °1 • '::,~, ;~ho had onl)' lour stops to maliC fullbacks, Jim Walsh, Jack, Walsh; ,W'h t e ' SOX' 4.''3 ed far 10 his left. came up with o~ ,.ma ,55 ., •• .... 0 :')1 'n the half. C'" ...... 4 0 0 0 ",r, i.: I' Centre half Harr\'. Ennis master- haICbacks, Ennis, Emberley, Sears: the ground hall, stepped on sec· \ Squires, forwards, Goff, O'Keefe, Woods, LEAGUt ond to force Sheppard and fired 10 Y?ung, ph ...... 1 0 0 • , "¥ .nlnded the Hoh' Cross playas he Gulliver, Kavanagh. LITTLE first In time to get Knight by a ,Simpson, r! .. •• ..II 0 1 1 10 .' -? )lSsed out to outside left Johnny : ,:; !ioff \!I'ho reb"cd to Frank O'Keefe Referee:-Doug Brown. By WhItney MartIn And YESTERDAY'S RESULTS the fOurth straight for the Nals slep. ,- --- J 'Llnesmen:-F. O'Grady, J. Power, John McCallum American League Ind evened their leasoo record Three more Feildian runs eross- 39 t 10 J hi ,~; "nd Joe Gullll'er in n criss·cross BASEBALL New ,York 4, Chicago 3 with the Indiana at six games cd the plate in the third on a walk UMPlRES:-Connon, Wlthell, , "1: ;IUacle pall ern. Gullil'er and TO·NIGHT',S GAME :,'i ')~eefe st'nt in grounders whIch ?30:-Feildlans '15. Guards. CHAPTER TWO 1 five.ron fourth inning the to Titler, a hit by Clarke, a walk GA.U ~:t~~ii~g~~~ ~~I~~~~~'n4d apf~c:, to y Hartma*O~~riT'S ',',\~ ':~r~nk Fard)' lIathered in easily. The Guards annclunccd last night CHOOSING YOUR POSITION National League Nats chased Bob Lemon from the K ,shhteppardth 8Dnd bill Bdolublet bk Guards \'5. St. Pat's. Proh,bt, , :;1 :, What seemed like a sure goalll'a~ Ihat lanky Doug Brown would be ;')I'th his le~enth lo·s mg ,as e ou e ues 00 (Pari 'I'wo) P ad epa I hI 6, Ci nc Inna ti 2 mound n ,. 41 I d : Doug Woolgar and Johnn, '~'~, lost in Ihe waning minules of the back ilt centw forward with the hil Phil d I h· 7 C·· ti & against 12 vidories. a • ea. :'Irst half when Fard~' jo~keyed Inlo team In to·nlght's game. Full After each boy, has told him a c p la , mcmna st. Bon's clawed back for two Abbott.' , ':;1' where he would like to play, the St. ouls 3, New York 1 GIANTS, CARDS SPLIT more in the fou'rth with the aid of Guards eoach Jlalph Moore r~ ,I::; '11 : Hlsition for Frank O'Keefe's slu· team lineup is as lollows:-Goal, New York 4, St. ouis 2 b -'r )\ .Inl dril'e and tripped to the Rex Smith; fulls, Gerry Smith, Ron manager will put hi s squa d Milwaukee 2, pittsburgh Z (in NEW YORK, (AP)-Young Wil. three Feildian errors as' Bill que~ts his players to e It Ih. i ,!1 .!fOund but the ~hot grazed past Soper; hah'cs, Abbie George, Vie through a series at trials. This will 18th). lard Schmidt tossed a four·hitter Gillies and Don Ryan dented Ihe Ball Park at 11,30. : r ,'it! ;~~e upright o~t of bounds.. Wrighl, Erwin Mosbacher; for· help the manager make up his CHICAGO (AP) - Alslon Ho· to beat New York's Gianls 3·1 in plale. 'I " 'il A corner kIck resulted In the wards, :I!anfrcld Schneider, Peter mind where each fellow fils Into ward's two-run homer with two the first game of a twi-nigbt Big Ed Manning tied up the ball :~': :r '~\5nt Crusader goal at the midway Armbrust, Doug Brawn, Tom Bur· the picture. out In the. eighlh Inning powered doubleheader Tuesday night and game 4-4 in the top of the 5th as Fontana, Bedard s';, "j! J!IIark or the second, haU, Outside felt, Charlie Snook. The tesls will be .imple It the to 1\ '·3 John (Windy) McCall came back he poled his second homer of Ihe first. Tbe manager may hold ~O. victory oVer the Chicago White Sox to check the 51. Louis Cardinals year Into the leCt field bullpen. :!; !l· I :1" . yard races to find out who are the Tuesday night before a crowd ol on four hils in the nightcap for a Feildians moved inlo a 5-4 lead in Doubles Champs h Mi,711 , the largest of the season at 4·2 New York victory. t b t th I' I [. J"Flfty Crews Registered fa st er bo ys, He may have eac Coml'skey Park. It was "th e f'Irs t comp,e ' t-~ game he. h0 10m h'of b'e nnmg 1I'Iend Canadian Tennis ou ttl eld er th row t 0 horne p1 a I e The victories stretch'~d the Yan. in the majors lor both pitchers. Kmg twas .11 y a plt.ch ~nd ro e , I' ';i ,; . from about 150 feet away-to learn kees' American League lead to Jackson, a 26.year-old righthander home on a Single to right by Bob ltlONTREAL (CP) - Toronto'. Derby Day which players have the atrongest (Emerson·Yorke Photo) three games over the s.econd place making his third try to stick' '*ilh Ploughman., Don Fontana and Bob Bedanl do 3 arms and most accurate wings, Trials help the manager see While Sox and foor games over the the Cars got his support from 'fed gal'e St. Bon's the Shcrbrooke, Que., ""on the C~na' ,"\ll!\FOr Annual Gillir~ dian men's doubles tcnnis ch,m , .; :,' ,i, Fifty erell's were registered last USAF Girls ...... II _ He'll have the tlilrd base hope. how you fit Into the pIcture. third·plaCX! Cleveland Indians, who home ru~s by rookies Bill Vir don lead for second time in the ~evcnlh pions hip Tuesday night by "hi\, , . ::: ,night for the Annual Regatta as Amateur •• t...... , ... 3 luis take turns whipping the ball He may WAnt to know whether lost to Washington, 8·1. and Ken Boyer in thc opener. when after Hogan reached first on ping 'Paul Willey, Vancollv~r, ~nd ,(~ .. ~ )nal entries were taken by the Trade • I ...... 3 • across the' diamond to first base. you know how to slide. Howard's drive, his eighth h!mler TIGERS WHIP ORIOLES an error, he cracked a Ion I! four· Larry Bar cia y, Montreal, 10 i~,~ 'Ilegatta Commitlec'" Vigilance Mercantile •• ,. •• .. .. S The .horistop candidates will crf the season, came after the Sox ,DETROIT (APl-W~rner (Baht) master over the right field lence straight lets, 6-4. 8·6. 6-4. :. H')', ::oinmlttee at CIB boathouse at Municipal Workers ...... 4 throw to the lame place from "the came slars In their new locations. had surged Into R 3·2 lead in the Blrrer ""as ~ !elief deluxe to make the score 6-5. Top - seeded doubles team when seventh inning by scoring a run Tuesday hitlin" two three·run , , ':, .'1'~ldi Vldi. Intermediate .. ., .. .. hote"-the .deepest point of that Babe Ruth was a pitcher ' ~ • Herb Sheppard matched GiJlie5' throughout the tournament, Btdard ; II, ' II he first came up to the major with the aid pf a pair of Yankee home runs to go with his four Inn· f . h . d' I If f th h " ,.. ;:;! As a result of the large turnout USAF Services ...... 3 position. The second basemen w!1l errors. in' gs of shutout pitching In the De· eat m t. e Fell I~n la 0 e 71 and Fontana came throu~h PI ',' jill crews a full programme of 14 Factory t. •• I. " •• ... 3 k th I leagues. Bucky Walters was a bid g ff th h .expected and had little dlf{irulty get their chanee to rna e e r third tiaseman before becoming ,8 A bad throw by catcher Yogi troit Tigers' 12,4 victory over the y c:\ m 0 WI. a orner over disposing of the Wllley.Barelay ·~!:"m will ~e promised Regatta Fishermen's District .. .. 2 short throws to first. Berra and a dropped infield pop the Model Shop ,sIgn In centre , ' ' ,overs this year. Ladle~ •• •• •• • I ,. •• combination. VlgiJance Committee members BATTING PRACTICE star pitcher for the Cincinnati fly by first baseman Blrrer, a r~k!e righthander field. hBefare the inning ended the The winning pair were brlth An ellmlnatlollf regatta will be Everyone will."et his chance to Reds. Jackie Robinson played first, preceded a run·storing single by from Buffalo, smacked the ball Blues ad an S-6 lead on a walk named to the 1955 DavIs Cup ttam ,1t)t'!':I ... JII on Saturday in order to pare . un der e h aI rman James J. Clancey , swin" in battingD practice. This'second third nnd in the . outfield George Ke II with tw 0 ou t s. Into th e 1 e f t field sea t5 -.-U George t 0 Penney, a blngle-, by Ploug hman prior to the match and .~a the top four' entrants for took the names of entrants for will.also give the manager a for Brooklyn In one season. The Yankees had jumped to a 2.0 uverink in the sixth Inning and and a double to drive them both expected to represent Canada In six erewed USAF Race and the Derby. Regatta Committee ' hi TOillORROW ...:. Batting. How to lead off starter Connie Johnson In Art Schallock In the eighth-each home by Harry Simpson, doubles competition in cup play five crewed Amateur' Race. members present for the reglsira' chance to look over the pltc ng stand in the box. How to follow Ihe' first five Innings only to have time aft':lr Frank House and Fred st Bon's pushed across three which starts here Friday 18 ftln !1 races will be rowed In the old tlon Included President James D. and the catching candidates, the pitch. How to find the right It wiped out by Wait Dropo's two· HaUield were on base with singles. mor~ to take a 9-8 lead In the Sth. British West Indies. [:1i,J\ltng'lish boals. The new shells Higgins, Secretary Alec Henley, Tbat's jullt 'J1'Ound work for the, run home with two out In the They were only the .econd '11 Barclay and Wl1Ier pushc-d thl assistant ,secretary Gerry Angel, job a'head. It will take days for "stance.' sixth; :ROBERTS WINS' 15th Ted GI I es accounted for two of play most of the way, but Bedard I 10 on the pond until next Jim Daly, John Connors, Jim EU;s, the manager to find out how well (From the book "How You Can Tommy Byrne was eredlted wilh pHILADELPIDA (AP) - Robin them with his second home run Joe Healey. you can play. Play Little League Baseball" by his' eighth victory against two Roberts walked to force in one of the game, a' mighty 350 feet superior placeme11t s~ots ppt'Q Il As It now stands the following The first eouple of days ,.ou Whitney :Martln and John McCal- losses althoogh he needed help run and doubled home two others clout over the right field fence with telling effect. the raees and number or Regular weekly meeting of the might be nervous. You may bobble lum, eopyrlght 1954 by Prentice from Jim Konstanty In the eighth. Tuesday night to tuck away his with Hugh Fardy aboard. The match game was the mo~t T .. 11 Regatta Committal at ..... hich a 1 ", I' i Hall,· Inc.) The los-ar was reliever Harry 15th victory '- a 6-2 decision over FelJdlans tied the score In the tens'a in the tbree sets. Witb 4 programme \I.m he drawn up will bli Is' you usua Iy catch n your Distributed by The Register and Byrd. the Cincinnati Redlcgs In the night· bottom of the Sth when Harvey Bedard serving, Jt ran to rieur! ., ,,2 take place to.nlght at 9 o'clock at hipI" pockebt; dal ithey I8Y· YbOU may Tribune Syndicate. . NATS CRUSH TRIBE cap of a twi·night twin bill that Clarke walked was sDcriliced 10 six times before the SherbrN\~~ II 4 the Cit)' Hall. ' sw ng at a p tehes, or trow t h e CLEVELAND (AP)-Glven' six· ran the Philadelphia Phillies' cur· second, and ~ode home on Al ace rammed one down, Ihe ·inl ~~~---=~~_~~~ ___....:.::.:....:::.:.:.:...::::::. ___ ~~__ ball 10 feet over the first base. hit pitching by lefty D~an Slone, rent win streak to seven: Penney'! clulch single 10 right.' past Barclay for the match po;c,t man's head. • • Prol},ahle. Pltfc' hers Ihe Washington Nationals whacked The Phils, took the first ~ame, . Bedard, Canada's seeond.;ccdcd fi 'All C' I . A word of warning: In your fonr Cleveland hurlers, for a dozen 7·3 with Del Ennis batting in fonr With :he fi~ore, tl,cd 9-9 In the player, and Fonlana recently r~ -\;,tar .JISt anxiety to make I good showing, NEW 'YORK (AP) _ Probable base hils Tuesday ni~ht til thump runs, two on a !ingle and another 9th Inm~g, ~11l GIIlIe.~ led off for turned from a six· month ol'erse" don't overdo it. You could come pitchers for today's major league the Tribe 8·1. The victory "'as on his 16th homer of the season. St. Bon s WIth a , lour where they gained expcrifor,l s teaguers, , . I games (won-lost record In paren. -~~.::.-~~~~~~~~"'::"'~~~--~--'~~~- moved to second on Jimmie i\I~'rons' togcther in top European r:,Il'.pth, For C,aplta S up with a sore arm by trying to the ). flelder'l choice and came racing' tion. ) o Start Season throw too hard before JOU are • h . h h . . A tentative AlI.Star lineup for warmed up properly. You ran s'~s AmeriCan Leagne C Mtddl1 ff C0 I B k orne wll t e wmmng run when "t Joh' C It I I' d Nel\, York at Chica"o (night).:... ary eco eman ac, the Feildian second sacker lct ., , n ~ ap a 5 re ease strain I muscle running or In try. " t Willey and Barclay-a formel At Park bstIhe night hy Capllal~' coach ChRr. Turley (11·7) vs D(;novan (12-2) I BO W ' W·th Yankees Mike Hogan's hard grounder get Vancouver resident-han playrt lie Riddle Is as follows:-Pitchen, Ing to aRlbLaIAI'XED Boslon at Kans3s City (night)- by him out into right field. together' of{·an

. , •


. ' STEAMSmp rD LIKe TO, e!:F.T! &UrIMII5T 'SS IfJ EL PAf,O 'MOVEMENTS TO~IGH1i AAP TIIlb IS rHe O/JI.'1 FUGHr NFLD. GREAT LAKEI SCHEDUlEP! , STEAMSHIP'S , 'M.V. Lunan loadlnll at Toronto July 20, .nd Montreal July 23 for st. oJhn's. ' hI.V. Dundee loading at Hamil· ton July 28, Toronto July 211 and - Montrell Aug 1 for St. John·s. ·M.V .. Perth loading at Hamilton ~ug. '11,' Toronto Aug 6, and Mon· treal Aug 9, for St. John's. FURNESS WARREN LIN. Ni!wloundland due St. John's , ' July 19. Leaving for Halifax and . Boston July 20, due Halifax July -THE FINEST GASOLINE YET PRODUCED AND MOST 22 and Boston July 25. Leaving Boston Jllly 26 and Halifax July 30, due St. oJhp's August 1. Sail· PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO PRESENT ·DA Y HIGt-j ing for Liverpool August' 2. Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool COMPRESSION 'INTERNAL. COMBUSTION, ENGINES July 26, due St. John's August 1. Leaving for HaUfax and Boston \ August 2, due 'ilallfax August 5 and Boston August 8. Leaving ALL THROUGH T~E YEARS THE GREAT' EASTERN 'OIL COMPANY Boston August 9 and Halifax Aug· ust 13, due St. John's Augusl 15. Salling for Liverpool August II!. HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN SUPPLYING YOU~ THE NEWFOUNDLAND Newfoundland leaving Liverpool August 13, due st. John's August MOTORISTS WITH A SUPERI9R GASOLINE. 19. Leaving for UaUfax and Bos­ ton August 20, due Halifax Aug· ust 22 and Boston August 25, Leaving Boston August 26 and Halifax August 30, due St. John's Sept. 1. Saillnll ,again IRme day for Liverpool. ' Nova Seotla leaving Liverpool August 27, due St. John's Sept. 2. Leaving for Hali!ax' and Bo!ion Sept. 3, due HallUx Sept. 5 and Boston S~pt. 8:, Leaving Bo!ton Sept. . 9 and HallCax Sept. 13, due st, John's Sept. 15. Saillnl agaIn same day for Liverpool. . Newfoundland leaving Liverpool sept. 14, due st. John's Sept. 20, Leaving !or Hal!fax and Boston • Sept. 21, due Halifax Sept. 23 and Boston Sept. 26. Leaving Boston Sept. 27 and Hali£ix oct. 1, due St. John's Oct. 3. Salling for Liver· pool October 4. " FURNISS RED CROSS At times it was aeroplane gas from the U.S.A. (You all remember Royal Fort Hamilton leaving St. John, N.B., July 21, Halifax 23, due St. Purple Hy-Test of 20 years ago). Then with the discovery of Leae! and' John's July 211, lalllng Igaln July 27( Halifax and New York). Fort Avalon leaving New York Iodine for years It was EASTERN TETRAETHYL GASOLINE with ~ very July 28, Halifax Aug. 2, due St. John's Aug. 4, !!tiling again Aug. S (Corner Brook and New York). high octane rating. Fort Hamilton Icavlng New York Aug. 2, St. John, N.B" Aug. II, Halifax Aug. B, due 51. John's Aug, 10, ialling again Aug, 12 (Hamax) Fort Hamilton leaving· HalifaX TO.DAY It II Aug. 17, due St. John'. AUI. 19, .,. aalilnl again Au,. 22 (Halifax). the 10rt Avalon leaving New York Aug. 18,' leaving st.' John, N.B., ,EASTERN Au,. 20, leaving Halifax Aug. 23, dUI St. John's Aug. 2S, sailing , again Aug. 27 (Corner Brook and New York). NFLD. CAN. STIAMIHIPI .HY-TEST Bell' 1,le II due St. John', July 20, salling again July 21. Bedford ]I leaving Halifax July The greater power producing proclud 19, due St. John's July 21, ..lUng again July 22. of the new Catalyst Refln.rle., com­ Be\1e Isle It leaving Hal\(ilx July, :16, due St. .J ohn'. July 2B, sailing agarn July 29. pounded with generous portion. of Bedford Il leaving Halifax July 27, due 51. .lohn'. July 29, ,ailing lead to produce that smooth abund. again July 3~. Belle Isle II leavln. '. Halifax ant flow of power so noticeable after Aug 3, due St. John'. Aug. 5, ..iI· ing again Aug 8. CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. a visit to your favorite • • • NOl'Sport due st. John'. July 21, IllUnl apln July 23 (Bay Bob· GREAT 'EASTERN erts). Sheldrake leaving Montred July 27, due st. John" July 31, lalllng SERVICE STATION ailahl Au,. 2. Navaport leaving Montreal Aug. ntli, due st. John'. AUI. 10th, lining again AUI. 12th. Sheldrake leaving Montreal Aug. 13th, due' St. John's AUI. 17th, To.day there Is no gasoli.ne ,better than EASTERN HY-TEST and when salling again Aug. 19th. Novaport leaving Montreal Aug. through further scientific better motor fuel is produced, such 2., due st. John's Aug. 29; .all· development~ Ing agAin Aug. 31. CONSTANTINE CANADIAN finer products will still be available at yo~r favorite GREAT EASTEftH SERVICES . , " 'M.V. Avonwood leavlnl Toronto July 20, Montreal July 23, due St. SERVICE STATION. John'. July 28. I ' Indians For' all that's best In' SERVICI In c,.\LGARY (CP) - The Indians were back on the reservatioll, tIN: cowboyA w~re heading for new fi~ld.~ to capuer ~ild ,the 'ten-Bal· • tiASOLlNE, in· LUBRICATION Ion hlitS weN plicked away for , ., another year as ,Calgary settled down to something like normality. The stampede Was over. . ' call at your nearest It closed Saturday night after , . a ,we2k In which the Old "'list came alive. igaln for a little while GREAT' EASTERN 'D~~ER IDd the b)'llone days of the :wild iud woolly frontier were recalled on every street corner. Records were set on evr)" hand, and not or ;SERVICE' STATION only in' attndance figures. It was one 'or the hottest stamhede weeks oldtlmers ,Ctluld recall. '. " ,The hall·mUlIon attendante goal wi. more than met is 520,794 pc!ople .tten~ed, to .et, a , record. Afternoon temperaturs climbed to elnoah 80s' and low 90 durl'lg most of the week. gone day it was a steaming 94. c UNIQUE VERSE The-I' Great'Eastern. t Oil The 21st verst! of the seventh chapter 'of the Book of .Ezra In 1\ 'the Bible conlnlns all the letter5 of the alphabet '~xcept "j", which " letter was not Included In early alphabets. COllpany·· PRECIOUS ALUMINUM " . .'. " .'Li mited' . ,.,.: Almhirium oncc was considered a' preelous roMnl. In 1852, It was fO difficult to, separate (i. om lis '-______.;...... ------.....;",;"...... ant. \haL it ,old for ,545 a p(lund.

, " .. .- .....


• l'fl~'i ,.~ c·c . rn~,l'"_ \. "'c "'cr-s.... oJ C.GJ.T.· Hold' I ~ttle COtS' Opni r~t\'1 Summer Camp .;, , I C.L·.B. Lads' LO:\DON (CP)-Two C:n;.dian Market' .Report '" Hosllital 't~~n·~::::rs ".re attendin:; the l!Ji~d For llfarnu:rs Enjoy Camp' Camp·C-cuncil SalmOll Fi~h~ng SlIm me,' e:tr.p or:;lni::d by the WimaN (CP)':"Srit:in's 6:;3.000 5i 51 51 1000 C~lt.ur 1'1 11 11 Mr. P. J. Little, son of tile first Hon, S J. llcfrCI·(~n. Uinb(cr World Vct~:'JllS Fec:~r&t:~n at As· 10 11\ 1\\ :II32T (,',,,.. 31 2' 34 The second day In camp did riot Letdcrship training was em· r':mn wor!:cn al'C in line {or IVa"e m~ H ·Im S6100 DarnlO" 31 21 30 Prime Jlilnlster of of Health, is s:heGul:d to Ic~ve p~t in (:Ie French Pyrcr.ccs. . . 4l 41 '43 • mlC B 100.17 Ii Ncwfotindl~n~. tn~rc~~cs worth .£J,COO,OOO annu De.our show mue~ lmp~ovement 'In the ph:!sized at· the Canadian Girls .In (0 TilCY al'e noddy Gordcn, 15, of " 11," lOOO'llo \\15 33 31 33 left yesterday on it :~:lmon. fishing here within a day or two be ~l:;' 2\3 21.5 21S I~J D 1I0rn IOJ . IG5 I~ weather except that the fain was Training Provincial Camp Council, present at the offici:1 opening of Ottawa and Bevcrley Ann'~ Smith, G~v~rnine:lt of£ici~ls hope the in, m~ IS . IS 7.00 Iltldo.. 2), 20 20 rcp!Jced by cool air. However the held at Burry Heights Camp. Shoe trip on the Gander River.. 13, . of Winnipeg. ' . IG\, 111\ I'~ 14011 Uel n:" Jot lID III, He . is being accampanied by the new hospital at NorLhw'est ercr.~=s \l'i!! h:lp check the lahor 13 U 13 IJ37S Della 38 31 35 lads are now' settled away and are Cove, from July 5 tD 14. Senior More than 150 children from 20 Jl • 33 Jl ~~) Dov Lcd 183 l6l 170 Han. Mylcs Murray, Minister of River, Labrador. It is operded by dri!t f:om farms. 13 2.1 22 10 Dome. Il\~ 1m 1:;1' really out to have a ,good time. girls from St. John·s. Corner countries are spending six wec];s­ A ministry of ::griculture ~p~1;cs· Provincial AHairs; .and' by Dr. J. the Intcrnational Gren[ell Msocia· 130 127 IJO" III Dam. EKpl 521 ~~ 523 The health of the camp Is still at Brook, Bay Roberts, Springdale, .July 15 (0 Aug. 3o-~t'(he int~rna· m~n has indica~~d farm \\'or!:ers julyl" lGoo D A,bU\01 20'.\ em. :w\\ A. Mt!Grlth, Assistant Deputy ·Mln· tldn •. tt.O.:1NG ITOCIlS sr.:u Donol<1. 11 4U 40 Its best.' GJovertolVn and Badger represent· tional holiday c~mp for son3 and­ will be 'awarded a flat time·and·a. C... i&laII l'n.. • . 2700 l>UVCX 2W. 20 20 ister of Health. .' , dnughters of veterans. Big half rate {or ali work over ~1 hcur, . a:rto LeW Cl... 2..ICO Drno ,1.1. III 141 The Camp Commandant reports ed their C.G.I.T. grr,J"ups at. Camp • 11\\ 11'4 111. ., 2G03 t: AI1IPh! . I" II. IU His trip to the Gander follows Both the Canadian children have a wee:,. Anothcr ruling will mal:~ 11 that the usual morning parade Council, wldeh was under the co· "1 77 17 31~ E lthl . ~'l'DJ 261 0 22J.I• a round of welcoinlng c~renionies' LETTERS been !i\'ing at JIIelz. France, where the full wage Jar mcn pa~'ab!e at .S'U 15 U7ESull • • thraugh the ~istcirlc town was held directorship of 'Miss Margaret ·Em. 11 . n 2S !lOG Z:drlch II .2 Il here for him. their fathers arc at RCAr head· 20.re2rs .of age. instead .of the pre· 1\1~ Ill' 201> I~) 1:1 ren R \1 II 11 yesterday. \Ye wish ta thank the mlnghlUSj' Deaconess at First quartcrs there. sc:tt 21. . • I~I" 10m 1011\ • 3104)) Em G'.... r .46 . 4S 46 . people of Harbour Grace lor the United Church, Corner Brook. and Mr. Little told th,e. Dally News TO THKEDITOR 101\ 10\10 m\ 2~1 F!I.o~ "I::" 211115 ~ yesterday in his hotel, suite tllat 5:f1cc 1947, farm hands In Eng. 113 liS 113 fJ" ..un.. ." enthusiastic welcome weha\'e reo Miss Jean Brown, Presbyterian TEACHERS PROTEST hnd and W::les hal'c been ICa\'in~ 780 TID 780 • 7l1li'J ~·.r.d'7 29J 2'J 2'-1 he .has caught salmon before and 3lS 310 33S Far,o 231 270 2iO celved. Deaconess In Newfoundland. th~ land at the rate of 60 el'cn ~'SS while he wouldn't say he is a Dear Sir,-Last week we were NewtQUhdland To-ll II, m m ., 1113 1" t cll m 59U ~~o We wish to 'again' remind our In their Bible Study groups the 'worl:inl!: .day. There Were 7i1.0~O toe soo StO 7000 F"ob 49a >In 4tO good !lsherman, he is an "ardent greatly insult cd when we read onc 13IA m. m. .. t'ra~ debs L. t.I. ill. many . friends of the following campers discussed why and how section of the Dally News. This agricultural IV ark e r s in 1947 I" 17I 17' 10300 GaUwln :l7 .4U1 . ,~? , one" ' Services against 658,000 in June of thi; • Pili t ~ G ex.,1 ••• events which will be held during we worship, and towards the end particular section waS' called "New U n 10 y Ull Gteo U • 1m '1714. 1m our stay In Harbour Grace: The of camp each group prepared and Having heard a lot about New· year. M 51 511 3Ju" (J I'e·.o 5JJ 5)U I.~ foundland salmon, Mr. Little is EKpcrience for Summer School S.S. GLENCOE SAILING GORG a BI\\ M 300 (J Poele A '3D 530 630 Lieutenant Governor will honour conducted vespers on diCferent It :12 30 31 mUl lionel'> U 13\\ 1~1' very. anxious to t:ngle with one. StUdents." said we weren't used 10.00 I.m. TOMORROW 11 10\\ 10'i v 19'0 GI.nl Yk B6U s.;. 6:li1 us with a vIsit on ,Friday morning evenings. The camp's worship cui· to cars', paved streets, electric 5.5. Glencoe opcr·tillf! on 51. 2'1 13 '23' 121CJ Glonn U lU3 • I.J lU4 and will I!,spcct the camp at 11 rillmtcd In a Communion Service And he feels that it should be lIIi Ill. m U300 pl 2ll .2'l:1 200 • SOOO Norpu 2tv.. '21 2m their stay at ,Camp Cauncll, that IAIM Cent Ltd 16 16 16 303 NC 011 4:.1 430 4:0 COLLISION faundland . Federation of Muni· ,.1" Cen Pore they regretted havIng to board the PROJECT: Paving of Road~ at '.uM Centmo", 10 II. 9 SlaoG Nor rnc Il12 111. " Two cars were· in collision on cipalities will cammence on )Ion· CIImbln :9 28 121 1100 Nor Trln It .11 1\ blls that toak them' on the rirst R.C.A.F. Station. Goose Bay Lab. ..1_ 131 111 tl ~Ir.l Nor Can '51 .IS 53 the Goulds Road. One was driven day, July 25th.' The convention's ·l .. Chart O· part of their journey toward their radar. File 122·7·G4·21. ' Clstm 439 490 4'0 2703 Nudulam 3 51 eB by Albert King of St. John's and first session will be .held at ~ IIi I~I .!CO Courl. 36 36:. 's~veral homes across the island. Scaled tenders. piainly marked l2 42 42 31010 Spooner 17 17 17 Bowring Park. as !o c~ntent and addressed to the 112 110 112' 300 Slld.cen. 29 23 29 the other by G. Jackman, Kilbride. Perhaps some will meet again in , I~S 175 191 1\;0 Stan".U 0 60 60 No .one was injured but there was u,!dersigned, for the ·above project. 210 200 10 2"A) S:oolo)' 12 11 12 ne~t year's Camp Council. Will be received until 3.00 p.m. 11 m 10\1 7:1:ll Sitep R 121, lZIi 1m some damage ta both cars. (Eastern Daylight Saving Time). to 90 PO 2)oJ Slur;con 21 21' 21 75 7J 75 9700 Sod ConI 2J 2:\1 23~; 126 116 126 IO~ surf In P 9 9 USED ,CAR SALE THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 195!! 12 12 12 2J1'O SullIan 613 tlO 45 ~fiilers' Dispute J3 37, 3m 2100 Sri. nile 138 1~7 m Plans, specifications and tender , 9 m 7000 Tandem 11 10 11 i forms. required may be .obtained ~tO 410 liD 2300 T Jlup,h 310 300 303 I NOW IS THE 'RME c 420 370 m NEW VOARK lAP) Clo.ln. quotaUon" At St. Lawrence h.v prime contractors only from 63 n n II Sleol ...... ISO TO BUY D.C.L. Plans Section. Room 156 ~1~i n ~ R \V:lrnt'f .. • ...... 0,0' •••• II 41'.(' at the address below. n deposit ChCI a!1~ Ohio '0' ••• 1 '0" fI" II !Ill.' of $100.00 payable to Defence Con· mi ID'i 12 C.ns Edl,on ...... ~O!~ Is S,etiled PRICES REDUCED A .~1 3lO 41)0 El Auto L '" , ...... " •••••••••••• ~~Il· struction (1951) Limited is requir· U 13 43. Ge~trr.1 Elcclrlc...... ~21\ The conciliation board has .of· TO CLEAR ed for each set of plans and doeu· :~ f:O 1~ ~:d~~~r~~~Dr.S::t ':.':. :','.: :::: ::::l~;~;, fered a settlement satisfactory to men!s. This deposit is forfeited 16 II 18 Oood\'ur4,., II ... , , ...... I I ~:". both Newfoundl~nd 'Fluorspar nnd if plans and specifications are not 49 45 '" C!~ Nor n)"j" ...... ,I' t.:. 41~'1 PONTIAC-4 Door .. 550. returned in good oraer on or jly18,20 :Ji~ 3~~ 3~g }: nncrott ttl ... , .,,' ••••••• 11f1 the. Union at St. Lawrence, and '49 before the fourteenth day follow· PO ft~ 89' l\IontstomerY W...... •• It ...... 81 8 Different N.V ee,trnl .... I. fill tt. II ..... 4~~' so the *,spute is settled •• '53' HILLMAN ...... 1100. ing contract award. 1%4 115 124 Rnd!o' Corp ... •• II .... 1 .... " •• 4~f Some of the main features ·of 1 Plans and specifications' will be J3'~ 11: ~~1_4 Standard on N.J ...... 1 .... ~lfI .1:\" 53 WILLY'S ...... 1400. on view at Builders' Exchanges in 121 120 120 U Atrcran...... ,ttt ...... 67~ the new a;:reement. arc: DAVY CROCKETT 231) 2~ 220 Van,.d1utn ...... , ..... It.·: 40" The 1V0rk week Is reduced from '53 CHRYSLER Sedan. St. John's. Nfld .. Halifax, Frederic· Re rn 16 19 wIY U TOhl '0' I'" "'I "'" 2!' ton. Moncton. st. Johns. N.B., D. II ··.t ., .. TUMBLERS OF 00 4~O 44S A::err:.~u,e .• 11 ...... • ... 66 48 to 44 hours. Mileage 7,000 ... ,2600. C. L. Halifax Branch OUice, and 1953 MONARCH •• •• • .1950.00 10 10 10 111 Zi ••. " ..... " ...... m~ Take home pay remains the 1 at the address helow. 52 CHRYSLER Sedan .... 1400. Each tender must be submi!ted 1952 BUICK ...... 1800.00 :beliciotU same. 1954 MERCURY ...... 2100.00 CLOTHES make the r,lan if'CHAFE Sunday work at the mines from 150 CHRYSLER Sedan .... 1100. on the forms prescribed and be Swi' accompanied by a security deposit 1952 DODGE ...... " 900.00 males the clothes 6 a,m.· to 6 p.m. is .to be discan· '53 PLYMOUTH Sedan .. 1100. as called for in the tender' doeu· 1953 CHEVROLET ...... 1500.00 YORK to att tinued. : 52 PLYMOUTH ments. such deposit 51lalllndemni· 1951 METEOR !y the owner a~ainst loss in the CONVERTABLE .•• 1000.00 Whol, Undergraund lunch rooms' will. Suburdan...... 1200, 'PEANUT BUTTER be provided for the men. event of withdrawal of the suc· 1953, METEOR,,, ...... 1450.00 interet WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor 151 DODQE Sedan '.. :.. :1100. cessful tenderer subsequent to ac· 1953 DODGE ...... 2000.00 ceD!ance of the bid. 1953 STUDEBAK'cR ....1400.00 P.O. I New address: 4 HOlDSWORTH ST. '52 DODGE Sedan ...... 1200. The lowest or any tender not 1954 PONTIAC ...... 1850.00 necessarily accepted. . 1953 METEOR ...... 1500.00 PRICE 39c: July19,20 '48 DODGE Sedan ...... 700. 1953 FORD...... • ... 1650.00 ... Accident Victim '54 PONTIAC Sedan .... 1800. 1. D. JENNISON, SccrelarY, 1948 PI. YMOUTH No. 4 Temp. nldg., 56 Lyon ·St., CONVERTABLE ... 300.00 153 Po'NTIAC Sedan." .. 1650. OTTAWA, Ontario. 1950 PONTIAC ...... 600.00 O'Keefe's Corner ,Passe&Away ISO PONTIAC Sedan ....1025. jly20,21 1%4 PONTIAC ...... 2000.00 1951 BUICI' ...... 900.00 ST. JOHN'S FIRST SELf William Woolridge, 47, oC'Deer '51 FORD Sedan ...... 8'50. BUILDIt Lake, passed' alvay at hospital in SERVICE STORE. Road, , '53 WILLY'S Station Corne .. Brook during the past Munn Motors Ltd. Waferf, lveekeqd. He had 'been driving ,8 I? Wagon ...... 1375. SEE OUR DAILY SPECIALS truck which was in comsion with BENNETT AVE. jly20,31 this .u~ another' vehicle, on the Hampden TO.DAY'S SPECIAL Fo Road. T. A. MacNAB & CO., LTD. The man Is said ta have recelv· '54 BEDFORD PANEL' ednesk and back Injuries wpleh , . Low Mileage > : • resulted ·In his death. Smith .Corona . ' Selling' Price 1050.00 jly19,20,: TYPEWRITERS· and CASHIERS • ~arshall~otors DIAL 4052 ;ee, hear and play the heautlful STORE KEEPERS' ··'Limiied ORGANS and PIANOS DOMINION MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO. l TO. , " . THE HOME OF THE BEST :we now have on display I , MORRIS BuilDING QUEEN STREET USED CARS 'IN' TOWN ATTENTION! jly16,18,2D .'. . . A. L. COLLIS & SON

. . . ' BABY VALET 1iitii115.oiiiI VE ___0 .n '~ I :FORSALE,( .• DIAPER SERVI'CE .. ' : I ; GIVE MOMMY AND NEW BABY A BREAK I •. PONY •. MI EHLE .• FLA' BED', PRESS. TOj , '. . ." . We SUPPLY and' DELIVER DIAPERS P CAMERAS~".. , , ~ ..,. , , .. - ,-. " ...... ,' ...... '. -,' Furnes'$~ :WilhY. :&: ,Co'mp~~y: Lt~. .•..CLEVELAND FOLDER , ...... ,.:. lJ,erpeol tit, Jol'n', . Belton Baliln 81 Jon" 3, times weekly. , and . ; ,...... '. '.M_. ." Bls." .', ,'" ,', I.· . ... .• ' RICHARDS .... M~LTIFORM .. EtECTROMA TIC .. ' .. ' - .. ,. ,. '.' '0' ...... ':" . ::. ,. . '., II. John'~ ; IIMtoJI ·H,lIfn'· It Jobn's Llvel1lOO' .' . PLATE 'MORTISER. 'PHONE' 2549.. N,/GHTS" 5572 " .. ~ . ." , "Newfoundland'.', " . • ',Jly.20· Jly.' 26 ,·Jly. 3'0 'Aug.. 2 = " .. ' ," ·"Nova.Scotla:' ,,',,JI,.. 26 '. Aug: 2 Aug.·; 9' . Aug. 13 Aug. 16 e' CHALLENGE, PAPER DRILL.:" ~'Ne~foundlalld':Aug .. ..13 ,Aug. 20 'Aug., 26 Aug. 30 Sept •.. l' , ". . ·.. FILM: I ',- . "Nov.~.Scotlll·~ ;Aug •. 27 Sept;. a·Sept. 9 . Sept. 13 Sept.-15 ,QUICK' SERVICE LAUN'DERETTE , I "Newfolindland":·Sept. '14 . Sept. 21 sept. 27 .. Oct., 1; Oct.' 4 .•"'MASTER ETCHER, 'TYPE AX. ,j • , . , . " " '.'~.'. . Now available from , . "Noya: Sco~a·.',;:S~p~ ••. 28:0ct•. · 5' Qct.·ll Oct. 15 Oct. 18 QUEEN'S ROAD : • P!!rSOn5 "clintemPI&tml' pauaae. to' Europe shoUld.make· bookin" For further' particulars apply PRATT' REPRESENTATIVES . , '. 'weU .il1;ii:d~~~~~i'·:.,; .' " . '.... . '. . , . ,,': >"~ ":' :' '. . NEWFOU, NOLA. NO) LIMITED. :'" A1~ ·P'\ssales arr~nll"d' bY:·B.O,A,C. ;;... K.L;M.;"· Scilndlnllvlan Alfo/ ( :llRes' ~·PM.Amerlcan Airways - ,I.WA. and 'comh!

'. '.

. .. .. !" ' THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 195.5 1~ " •

RECRUITS FOR NFLD. CONSTABULARY The Great Fair POOH •• ...... wit c..... Recruits are required for the . Sho/om' Alej~hem ...... 4.25 Ii t. II.,.. a h." 114. • Newfoundland Constabulary and THE NEW LOOK .. ~ith Paints ...... ,1.111 .....1"", U" applications for appointment are LARGEST. CLEANEST •A. •• (10,.. a So". 1.4. The Power ·of ."1 Invited from: personsprescnU.ng AND MOST BRILLIANT· . . ~ VoII" "'., to. the necessary qualiflca~ion5. LY ILLUMINATED POlitive Thinking MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GO FARTHER· Recruits will be selected from TRA VELING OUTDOOR Norm'On Vincent Peale 3.00 •• applicants who: SHOW IN CANADA I BY USING (al Rrc single: . ,Rollano (b) are In the age group 18·25 'Big years; 6 MORE DAYS -6 .. ·:·: .. 2'251 (cl hold a certilicate not low('r cl~~~o~/~:I~·~d~ than Grade XI: w. I. B. ;Crea/ock ...... 5,25 (d) do not vary ton widely from Innocence Under Depl the' standard physical specl· A,ND NIGHTS flcations for rccrult~, name· The Elms • lY,5 ft. 11 ins., and weight Lou;se Dickinson Rich .. 4.2S ALL THIS· WEEK • 160 Ibs. aenton's Row And Recruits will be paid on the scale S270()'50'$3000 pcr annum. Frank Yer~y .. ~ ...... 4.00 Candida!cs should apply In per· AT son at Fort Townshcnd between Shadows in the Dusk HIGH QUALITY EXTERIOR PAINT Elizabeth Ave, Grounds, .)0 h n J ennings ...... 4 .25 the hours oC 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 MODERATEL Y PRICED p.m. nn lIny day except Sundays The' Thorn· Tree . GENEVA ( and holidays, or In writing to the St~ John's I Nelia Garaner White .. 3.75 i ALKYD BASED FourWednes! undersigned. Numerous Mechanical I their. foreign Daled at SI. John's thl~ 18th Venture I"to Darkness : I draft de tailed day of .luly 1955. ANTI .MILDEW DOOIJ L. STRASGE, Rides for Children, Alice Tisdale Hobart..4.00 : Gerh\ahy uni EXTERIOR PRIMER WHITI Chief of Pollee. Also Live Ponies. Lee Wulff's New Hand pean' security , jly20,21 Book of Freshwater SELF CLEANING· WHITE impression tb ...\~ .• ""'0+I \\"ay is likely THE GREAT Fishing ...... 3.75 I~ It. '-0 ~ H... ·' .., "I Co,.dn'. oot., •• ~i.~ y.~o,1 Tltt. BRILLIANT TRIM COLOURS elusive' prohll "t: • ~~ it d"i9"'~ a"~ builiia lall e fif.ti", •• 11 heetl' The Saturday Evening I The h~ad;;' of : DONAGHY FAMILY log at the Pala ~", T"t ,11 "t'lI.r.l.aw, •• thai att~r. trcu~l.,'r •• e-p.,'. GUARANTEED Post Treasury ...... $B.95 i LET DOWNS AND INTER·MIXES lia", 0", ow .. flfI!jI.r ..111 ~66' it op'" .0 qui,tlt I;le Ihird day o( ye-v tan ItO'UI" ~tar II 'lllhitp.r ••• ye' It' ••• (Six Persons) I summit." a,ked rvg;td 01 CI Canadian .,iuly "Uf. So If you',e • TRAINED BEAR C~· I rome up blay i :A,NNUAL Wrcstles All Comers i • ",IItIiAg ~.w ~oo,. 01\ Oill old Varao' Ilf buils ", • ~~. d,aft for ,tudy • TRIXIE THE. WONDER DOG' ,.:: , I PltW Vorao', in,lil 01'1 D ""1 Gorag. Door-Can. • ESCAPE ARTISTS .•.. .,. .' . A Paint especially designed to meet our rigorous climatic ~Iean\l'hilc, :,1; .do', oruttd larog. door "olut, Writ. for " .. • WHIP CRACKING. etc., etc. ~MII(.J!imlill.1 conditions and salt laden' airin coastal areas. Hussia i:ept I ~ •• ~I.llh.' ,1,0' ,."pl.,. d••• ih·l.d.,1 . WAGE circulating' a 1,3: ... -- _...... _.- THE BOOKSELLERS r.Il·E·:JropC3n sc • \,;as largely a I AulD workers are. fighting to • 3791 - 4425 I~r~pos~ls ,iuce hrin~ Ihe guaranteed annual wage 'Phone , to Canada and the out9ome of Er.gage your painter now and see our colour cards cace of 19:;4. Two main dif " i . . . thIs bat!le can have b~oad ef!ect at your dealers •. t'IC' ' '. i . in IndustrY generall~·. A star proposal : .I, , , . • Weekly stnr£ writer discusses tI\e AGlance p;13sed apPl'03C ;;11j~'I' : subject In a feature article in this rned h.I' nul~J " I,;.' . k' I ('1~5 not inclt:dr .. 1 I·· .. '1' wee s ssue. • '1 .,. 't • What Is termed the "mo~t vig· Backward ~ible member of ,-nee. '•. j'l :'.,; ~ ',:.":'1' I:.·~,•. ~ BUILOINCi lHE "ROUND UP.·-¥'I"... .. orous programme of its kind ~~'er underta)ten by nny ~overnme.n. Is I Aftel' the Berl T DIAL 8·0161 the province.wlde hunt for historic. ,TUI. Y-11121 i t:1I~sians ,~ccil 11 ':\! :~AW STREE relics In Saskatchewan .. A reP9rt 8.5. Serestord laden wilh 11,800 ' THE STANDARD MANUFACTU RING CO., LTD. United St~lc,; ;Ir ,,.. 'i ;'y20,:!7 of this Imlque underlakmg will m· NEW CHILDRE~ RIDES tnn~ of nre for Rotterdam struck : "ble member.'. :.': .. :;"::~------;---;A-~;;5;-:yc:a:r~0::ild;l,r:;es;jld;i;c;;n:it-;o;Ff1t'h;he terest all students of hl~tory. A NEWFOUNDLAND COMPANY SINCE 1902 rlll Includes The an iceberl( 120 miles of[ 51. John'~, : countries. '1 ::T-':: ;i;I~:)~!istrate's Court Blackhead Road charged .wllh R tr~!s r~u~fti i~~~~i~n:e sJ~:~~ rc~~ but wa~ only ~lil:htly damaged and! U. S. is mention . 1 .,' I}. u serious offence against his 15 year directions on !hc label. You ~re CHOO • CHOO RIDE Canadian o!!ie J >; :.~'r :~e5terdRY mnrning a 24 year old daughter was Iurther remand· deallnl! with 1l0\50n., nc~~. the continued her ,·oyage. t·~~~~~~~====~~=====~=====~======~~=1 ;.~y special sig Genrlle D. MacDou~~I1, grneral' my wife Bnd myself during my omission. .'!::; ", :p man from the Blackhead Rnad ed yesterday morning nn bonds of Star Weekly fc~Iur,e 'Insechcldes Small Locomoth:es and ~u\'lerinlendent of the Nova ScoliA Council Nelvs term of office and tru~t that the . 8 ~a)'~ remand at the I [Sinn Can ,Kill You, Too. Stpel Rnd Coal Company, was ap­ In n m:lrnin:z "'i' . t'n was on " . $200 and two ~lITel C~ 0 UU. 1'his week's Cash.Wnrd~ punle Tug Boats fulure will bring to you anri the t:IC for~ign m {II· .. ·"'lj' :I\nitcntiary lor a scrlouK ofIence each. Mr. S. Hawklm is counsel offer~ ~ $40 llrize. Try to so\\'e it. • pointed chief en!(ineer of the people of Bell Island the civic de. pmmcndcli to I! ft 10 ; :' 1.',!Ainst a youn!! ~irl (If 10 came lor the ddendant. You may win. British Empire Steel Corporation. I In letter the Wab~na Town velopmen Is th~ t are so necessary trnment th~t 1:1 .: \ ;!. ;!;fo're Mapislratc's Court and An American serviceman arrcsl· The annual meeting of the Bell Council recel\,lly Mr. Hubert Hal· for public welfare. h agree ;}llOlIl !." \;' :\~aded "nol Ruilly" In the charlte. ed lor drunkenness and ha\'lng II 5 Big Circul Isl~nd footb~1l league WM held at leran resigned his po~ition as Town Yours sincerely, qM,ST.l.R! SEALEn TEllOERS .dd,,',ed I~ I~. '!'! : r ~ir. McCarlhy reprcsentc~ the da"gernu~ weapon In his posm· which the following officers were Manager, effective July 31st, 1955. HUBERT J. HALLERAN. und,ulJlned and ondor•• d "TY.XDER • : .' :j. 1StiCC Department. The t\'ldcnce slon was remanded until August elecled: The following is the lext of his I"OR R.C.M.P. MARRIED QUf,RTER\ .; i-'. : the girl's mother and nf Const. 1st and his case wlll be heard. at SIDE SHOWS President-C. F. Taylor. of!iclal resignation: • ·ITPY. • ·.r.r·. GRAND FALLS. :.fEll • WEEKLY Early Egyptians wore sandals I FOUNDf.... "'O .., will. bl rer.il't~ III th. • ;'. .1 lalsh was taken and the ease rep perrell AFB. : Vice·Presidenl-J. M. Greene. July 14, 1955 with thick leather soI~s 10 protcct .1(1, ••r tbe 5ee~.tary, uelll l.M p.";. • I (E.D.S.T.), WED:iESDAY. AUGUSr I, h: I ': :.. Itl continue in the court this Four motorists arrested for 5 PAPE~S This week's Treasurer-Jacob Noseworthy. M. D. Hutchings, their feet from hot desert 5ands. 1m. ,t'l ' .: '., Secretary-po T. Murphy. Mayor, I;. :. ji!; ;crnlng. driving their ears while under the FOR THE issue The, Monkey Drqme rIa", and 5Pt"cificatiOJl ran he Mf'1I urf ::J·t 1,;!Nlne people arrested during the Influence of alcohol had their OfficIal Referce-R. R. Costigan. Town of Wabana. formA Dr ltnd~r obtained .It til. offiCI ('I' NOW ON Monkeys driving small . UNWANTED HAIR Chief Architect, Department Df Puhhr: '" .\ ! hekend were bel ore the Magis. cases postponed for later hearings. PRICE Entries were received from the Dear Sir: Works, Ottawa. Ontario, and the Dillrjrt ale and charged with drunken· They were granted ball of $200 OF ONE SALE motor cars around following teams: Dom, Vol. Fire I wish to tcnder my resignation GU"."HlllD OR MONlY RIifUHDED Architect, Buckmaster's Field, SL. John ~l ~ ;': ;,' i • SennUonal dllCo\ltry Se,,10undland (Bulldln, 1(0. 29). i'l :.::: ;I~~~· Thry were flnrd ~1.00, $3.00 each with sureties to the same straIght walls. Brigade, Orange Young Britons, as Town Manager of the Town of IntJOdUted lor tb. I flr3t time in CanalSL The D.parlmenl. Ihroulh tht Chi.",.· Ends r1t','; '1~"':1!1 flnp \\'a~ lined $10. Two of the amount. Scotia Football Club and Catholic Wabana, effective July 31, 1955. chitect's ollice. or throUih the Ilnrl"r· j I· .... • New de" II a t a :r , . ;', ~ !,:nr II'rrp. lI'omrn, ______Cadet Corps. The following were I have found it necessary to take cream for the moat algned. or throUih the DfCice of thl Jr.,. atubbortl unwanted signed. or Ihroulh the 0111.. of ,~. ~"':I;" - .. --.---- ANIMAL FREAK the captains or these teams!-J. B. OTTAW~ .-t"· 4L,-. Ihis stcp for purely personal rca· hatr. trlct Archlter.t. Buckmaster', Fifld. BUM. PROUD AJlIJEnESTS Butler, Fire Briga de; A. Stewart, sons and I ask you to accept this ; • Guaraalttd: aft~r in: No. 29, St. John's, ~e\\'foundlandl ~1l\ It'ovel'sial dm 'F: ':'jf 'i; Clubs dedicated the Scottish Irtatm.nt the balr .upply blu.'print. and >rerltle.lI.n .r i J. " to SHOW Young Britons: E. S, Spencer, as such. dees not JtI'O'If }lack. the work on deposit 01 a sum. or 2S.1lC'I In. ,'-_ t •• ::. poet Roberl Burns are scattered • A .Imple ap~UcaUon Ihe form or a rhrque or mOM''y IlIrr1,.l" of a private I Seotias; J. F. McEvoy, Cndets. I have thoroughly enjoyed work· (> • : .,I' throughout the world. See All The 'E'I'cak Animals: and ~ minutu later payable In Lho order or the )tnisttr month ago. .. ~ .. The results of the first three ing for you and the Council and I i ,,1\ ugly unwt\nt...-1 Puhlic Work.. The d.!>.. lt ,.ill ... ". ' .. I Wild Pigmy Harsn \ h A. I r dllll'l"'UN. l.. a!>lt~ tJn return or the blUif".pnnt. ,,.'1 Thc DCII'S th~ EXTE:NSION or TIME league games were as folloll'S: have made many friends on Bell Used In M!ptta'. speclflution In rood l'ondlUnn "'Hl'IiJl .I. FIRST SCOUT I Midget Cattle, 27 Inch •• Fire Brigade vs. Young Brilons, ,II onr E"l1J1)pt. month (rom the date of nCfplloJi nf "1':­ !igr.~(\ Jur.e 2 The lAte Lt.·Gen. Lord Bad,en· OTICE: II h... bv ,h'en 1... 1 IhP lim. I Tiny Bull, 29 Inch .. Island dUl'ing my short term as dn" If nol returned ..1(hln th.1 l"'nO<\ GUaranlee Tru5 UTr.l>SIOS or 71.11E: N lor Ihe rec.,t1~. 0/ lendeTO 'or "R.C. • 5 Legged Bull won by lire men, Town Manager and although It may LES PRODUITS lh. depo.lt will be forlelt.d, , II hereby !il,n Ihot tho tim. PoweU formed Ihe Boy Scouts ~s. !II.". nr.TACHMENT BUILDINGS, .. AT. like a bomb!hc tl\. rttfpHnll n' tend~fJ for n.p: HARBOUR. CARTWRIGHT. HoPI!:· • Pigmy Slalllan, 31 Inl. Scotia~ "5. Cadr.l~, I draw. ha\'e been slow I Iecl thal much ESTELLE DE GRENElL! Th~ Il'Iwut or any tend~r not n'(,'I~'I'i'y OJ' COAL FOR sociation in 1908. accepted, 17ednesday bl' H'f:~T1Sr. OAI.1': ASD NATN. LABnAllOll. I. '.' • :1 Lagged pig Cadel~ V5. Fir~ Brh:a,dp., wnn by 2111 fr.ftte .. le 51., lao," 12, M."tr ..1 ~,.tA.50N' 113HI;. ST. JOI~·$. Sl"I.ll." 10 ---~- t.ndo~ 10 un ~.m. (E.D.S.T.), WEn· progress has been made in Ihe past Laurent. . • In , .... p.m. n:.O.S.T.lo \\,ED· '______' Cadel5 2·1. Simon Carb~J:e nf Ihe fA. 1525 RORRRT FOIlTI'r.R. RA:-iJi.S HIGH ' NESDA y, AUGUST 3, 1t3~. ycar. . The primc l .f'I',~"n , .tUL\, 27. "". I .....,.".. a kHf. Itt' Uitllat..,. r"""" ,. Chl~( rtf ArlmlnlJtratl.,. ~,..rvi~" . Tha BrIti~h Grand PI'Ix i~ the KOBEn'r !'OnTn:R, . C.C.C. leam had his leg broken Belore closing I wish to thank I "hkit I IlIdnd •• mMr, _rdf>r or $t.M .ltd 5eocrebT'J". s~rprisc announ ROII"RT TORTIY.R. pl., ••• IpoIllla,O .,.&4) or ( ) C.O.D. Irute5t motor·racin~ t\'ent in ChI.1 .1. Admlnll'roUvo ~ ..vlr .., in this game. ynu pmonally lor the many kind. "I. Opposition L~a(i >0111 III Admlnlotralh. ~erli ..., Great Britain 'and ranks with thost and S.erelorr, BE SURE AND VISIT ..... POItr.r.. O.plrlm,"t 01 PubU. Worlll, . : . And S'tr.llrl'. lItiseS that you hav~ ~ho\vn both I; Ottllw-., Jnl)' 12, 1'55. flat the G8·yc: nf nine nlher countrie~ in deciding MOTORDROME AND SEE bid In rcsh, the lI:orld championship .. rIc Guarant~· 1 jl~~~~~~~======~ THOSE MOTOR MANIACS t:le cabinel 'po: 10 years. RIDE STRAIGHT WALL It climaxed ON MOTOR' CYCLES. boiled . for r.c. FR&E GIFT Ol'er Dr. 3!cCal Ontarlo's Demp BIG CIRCUS t;o CL!I~H TO evERY :llr. St. Laur( vious slatcmen MOTHER fied Dr. McCa~ th-:! D~mpc:c\' . FREE TO·DAY ',: fmc has -beed . ".' t:1C ,minister's ACTS ~nd public resr II'r----,------~I The EII.y-to-clean. I He said Dr. Decoratlft W.nboard I Showing . .. - ... Company not bl that Brin .. PeJ'IIIAlIeDt, I St. Martins Pure English Jams in the following aSIortments1 \'/as anything , Modem Beauty to KIt.- I". .ones: Strawberry, Raspberry, Swiss Cherry, Plum, Apricots and I cben, Bathroom aDd Play· I I room Wall. • • • Kltc:hen TWICE DAILY Black Currant (1 lb. crocks); also available in the Economy 7 I II I Table Uld Countc:r Topl By THE ELCIDOS TRIO BIRTH .' lb. tins. ·1I I COMERFORD-Born to Mar. ,aret and Bill Comerford on .luly • I Performing high in the air .. ~ 19th, at St. Clare's Mercy Hos· -- . . I· pltal. a daughter. (tel) BLACK DIAMOND CHEESE,' 5 lb. 'Rounds , , I doing hand and head "tands " . . . . I without safety devices of any F.UNERAL NOTICE (Waxed) kind. ENGEBRECHT~The funeral BLACK WATCH CHEESE, lb. Wedges. ·1 . I· of Linda Ann Engebreeht will * OPEN AFTERNOONS take place Thursday at 2.30 p.m. BLACK DIAMOND CHEESE, ~ lb. Wedges ...... I from her late residence 197 Em· pire Avenue by motor hearse to .t)~· &-~...... -.~~ ...... ~~-.~111!1--.. -.... -~ .. .' AND EVENINGS, the Church of England Cemetery. DEATHS GILT EDGE FIRST GRADE CANADIAN CREAMERY BUnER, Come and. Bring. the i HOSKINS-Passed peacefully 1 lb. Slabs. Whole Family. away.Tuesday morning, July 19, MIIiI'Y ! E. H03kins, widow of the GET OUR QUOTATIONS late Edward Hoskins. Left to BIG BINGO GAME mourn are ODe son John and A~ H.MURRAY,& CO. Ltd. three: daughters, Mercedes, Elea· nor and Nancy. Funeral 01\ Building Suppli.i' De~l1m.nt High Class Merchandise Thursday morning from lJer late , . residence, 153 Gower Street to J;)I,J,"t.!t.t' ST •. JOHN'S ·· .. Msm%L theR.C. Basilica where Mass will DON'T· FORGET­ be celebrated at 1\),30. , R.l.P. july20.21 \ . CAREW· -.' Passed peacefully ALL THIS. WEEK away at Gallow Cove, Wltlcs5 lIay. on '. July 14th, Catherine !j SponsoritJ/by, Carew,age 93 'years: leaving to

.' ' '" .. ) mourn 2 daughters. Lizzie Carew, .. Wltlm 'Bay "and Mnry Kalahcr, QUEEN ST. 'PHONES: 5 J43 • 5i 44 AGENTS .Canadian . L~gion Detroit, Micb., also 2 sons. ,Tohn Anlajured s; . ' ...... trashed whll~ 0". '., t.:"',: and,:American Fat re.~Idingpapers pleasein the CDPY.U.S.A. .," ___ . __..",."""" .<¥.¥...... -""" .04...... - ...... ,""_ , ••.. ZZwere ." ----= ...... --- ...... ------:---- . , . '.