.... I 7.00 p.m.-The Barrelman. PRESENTS 8.00 p.m.-Canada at Work THE , NUTCRACK SUITE' 9.00 p.m.-The Scarlet DAILY,NEWS a"ailable at Pimpernel. .. ' 10.00 p.m.-The L1berace (Prici 5 cents)" Charles Hutton '& Sons Show. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNOlAND,W!DNESDAY, JULY 20, 195.5 . Vol. 62. No. 150 ~est W GrI't -Attack Russia Ike Pledges -Carson" Bul~anin Rejects Public -======------:--:::--:~--~---=-------=----=-Works Disowns. Unified Germany.. ~Iarler's On West Terms Baby Says I~sue I~ Tightly Deadlocked By PRESTON GROVER " GENEVA (AP)-Summoning Marshal Georgi Zhukov to witness his truthlulness1 President Eisenhower ,ave , I Nlinister , J '.'1' Soviet leaders a penonal pledge Tuesday that the West­ .I:i £'In alliance will never aUack Russia. He appealed to ,I':, .. them to permit a unified Germany defensively allied with . Winters . i the West. I, OTTAWA (CP) - Works But Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul· many. at ltast in ereating greater I :.linister Winters disclaim­ ganin firmly rejected German uni· understanding amoni the powera ! ol all responsibility Tues· fication on tbat basis. bere. ; The debate in Tuesday after· At, Tuesday's .essian, Prim. day in the troublesome Will­ noon's s'.!ssion of the summit can· Minister Eden and Premier Faurl ilm Carson ferry siluation. ference left \Iltle doubt tbe unifi· launcbed the Western argument fa: ing questions el1 the mat­ cation Issue is tightly deadlocked for ending Gi!rmany's East·West between Russia and the Western division. Tbey said early action iJ ter ~hould be directed to powers. urgent and essential. They argued Transport Ministcr Muriel', Bulganin made clear that a against Bulganin's opening position T~c ~1I,2U,000 Canoll, built 10 divorcing of Germany from tlrz Monday that other countries - (: ~ct\'.'crn North Sydll~)', N.S" Western European Union and the meaning Germany's link with l~j porI nUX BaHq\te~. NCld., i. 10 Atlantic alliance Is Russia's price NATO-bad Ul change first. I~n tcmp'rarl1~' betwcen North for uniting the country. Faure, as chairman of Tuesday'. " ~.~ I' ~:'dn:) and Argentia, Nfld.-lSO MOVING APPEAL session, spoke first, then Eden. m::~; further-pending con5lruc· Eisenhower's appeal was des. Eisenbower, speaking tbird, said t:ln of breakwatcrs to mr.ke the cribed by officials present as the he wanted to talk about uniting PIli all. Basques harbor safer In m03t moving and emotional talk Germany .from the point of view l:I1m), wcather. in the confer~nce to date. of the concept and purposes of Opp",Uion mcmbers have lie· The president said he wanted NATO. He recalled that European l:~;bcd preparations for the ferry to talk about the North Atlantic nations bad twice sufNred Ger­ \!!rirc as a fiasco. Gcorgc Noll" Trealy association and the pur. man invasion in this century. It h~ (PC - Dlgb~·.Annapolis.KllIgs) poses of this collective ~ecurity had cost the European nations tensionnid prcI'iously that federalIl passes engineerscompre· YES'I'ER~~Y AFTERN~ON His Honour the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Outerbridge gave an infoITlIal tea dance and reception in honour a~rangement. He asked Marsbal dearly and even though Britain of. o[[lCel', o[ the .Frlgat., "V.ryan Bay," which arriv.d in port y.Sterday morning to pay a caurtesy call to SI. John's belore leaving Zhukov Ul listen caNfully. explain· and the United States had not been ';:;::f':~:y"'.'::~::t ~~:;::~f~~: th~ ing he maue this' request because invaded tbey had been burt. '" ,,,. ",d ~~. "" ",,,,,", tlu~ "de althe AUan:1C to r~turn to England. The D.Uy N.ws ,!sited Goyernment House yestel'day ,ft.moon and took a picture of the ' they are old friend5. It was at this point Eisenbower , e.m .lib "W,,,. " .. ",II" O[fl~'rs 01 lh. ,h<p WIth th." hast and hostess. L.ft to right: Lle~t'" ant·Commander D. Johnson, Sub-Lieut. Wallace, Lt.·Commander Then he said Zhukov knows tbat asked Zhukov to listen carefully. i d,,;" ,f G... tam, Commander R. P. '-aw[ord. R..N., D.S.C., Outerbndge, \ S" L. C. Outerbridge, Lieutenant Governor· Lt. .commander Winn on the basi~ of one soldier speak· HAD EXOUGH WAR '~:::::;,. n"" ",d, L~dy in~ to another, the presid~nt bas The president went on: forks department estlmatcs, Mr. _________-- Surgeon LIeutenant DaVIes, Sub.-Lieut. Commissioned Gunner Wood. ' I Dcm~rniold,fT1011S .TITate1·1I ne\'er !,poken a ~inglc word whicb When he fir~t assumed command 1 I 01/ YY ~ was not truz. He asked Russi~ns of SHAPE-the NATO militarv ! . \l'i~lcrs said his department aeted _ to ~ccept hi~ 1I'0rda~ ~ soldier \ headquarters' for Europe-he a~· I 1(',1), ~s contractor (ar the trans· 1, 000, 000 that the United Slate~ would npver cepterllhe assignment in the beli'~{ I 1'):1 department which h~d askcd hp ~ pari)' to a~gr'.!;sion. and that that NATO was truly ~n organiu· till a chann~l be dredged In Port To Visit [-Jere llus;ia had notbing to fear from' lion for peace and not for war. III D,,;qllcS barbor for the ferry, NATO. IHe bad bad enough of war. ' omeless As Zhukov. Who bP.c~me friendly At that time-l95l-it wonlrl I' hr nl'trated by the c;.;n. 1000 H I D10YT GO fAR .::-iOUGH .',~ l~~: with Eisenhower in Germany, at' hal'e been the worst possible thinlC lIr loid ~Ir. Nowlan that $280,S48 ~ilt c1o,'eattentil'ely ot the Seconda~ the World presidp.nt! War,1 tovmanl·. b.l'e I(,m!litaryGe~many in that conditionin Ger· III ;prnl 10 rtrcdr,c the channr! 'F 0' 'ods'" 'De'v'-asta te th~ "a~Ullm mnrrlint 10 transpolt department I' !;pok~, When Bulganin replied laler would hOI"'! been I fertile field '... :i~lealion~. A tol.1 of 18.956 hi~ words were cordial, But the for HiUerism. For that pllrpo3e r;b:c ~'.rrl5 Ii'erc remn\·~d. part 01 ' ' exchange of view~ seemed not to NATO ,was established as an ;! romin~ front underwater ~rc' '·· dent the hard reality of Big Four organization for defenCe and not 'er' n ng la'n d differences over Germany's future; for attack. I;'nl 1\\'0 i5lands on side ~l ,.~ithcr TOPIC NO.1 Furthermore, tile president said, :! I~r channel. ' E SOU \ h ' Germany is topic No. 1 on the all tbe world knows the motives Thr lerminal nnd other fa r ill· t for< han bren built b)'tbc transport . agenda for the summit meeting. and the military forces·of tile free :lparlm~nL WEY1!OUTH, Eng (Reu-! the, sbopplng area. auto hadv dried durmg a drougbt. However, it is only one of many world. The facts about these are H~warll Green (pC-Vancouver .T~ree u~ ter,)-"il'.hoses pumped 1 ..''''. W"d. of mIlo, " ,,,'" bri,re "",f",,,' "d re""",, modi., Q-Jzdra) asked just wh~t did gD , '.' I . I' I ~s ream on"",.d ~ nea '::'r l' mer:'.'"'' ..... hour.." ..ripped" through 100the central Western diplomats~. Tucsclay night. and in the,",,",1Iy United States,.. " .. be c9n· '~'n~ Ih.t thl' fcrr), cannot oper· "ale~ mto t 1e sea 1erel There \ICle n~ ca5uall!cs. buti part of the country upl'ooting tree~ were somewhat optimistic. Some! tinued, Congress rcc:~ives ii9forma· ", a~ ori :innl1~' planned. after 24 hours or: throughout the nIght fleets of and telegraph poles and causing; thought that in the end 1\ little tion on the sile nnd scale of Amer­ )1~. ,,'inlers said hI.' doesn't think Tuesda~' r~I\": rain spilled more than 100 _I bDah htoldureu {UIC town. 'I' widespread damage to properlY! progress might be made on Ger·: iean forces which hecomes Jlublic. ""il;n~ went II'ron;!. 1\ \\'n~ pos· ,resCU1~g . .,' .', lOu,se a ers rom upstaIrs \l'Ln' and crops around !llon'i ---------------------.--- I~::' a mntlrr flf 11,,1 ~oin~ far l Al1vergn·~. 1~\I:h, he added, bnt he did not 000,000 tons of \\ atel on thIS do\\s. Iday, 22 persons died of drOl\11ing,' Fined For f:b'lntr. coastal resort and the sur. ~n Tuesday the sun 5h~ne Several fishermen fell into 2 Kell d SOT IX HOUSE • brIghtly after the storm-wlmh I e ~Ir. ~lnrler was not in the House roundmg area. " broke Britain's heat·wave-as fire· the water after suffering sunstroke. Failing Figbt .....k' Ilihe time. Mr. Winters indicated More than 1,000 persons were men, soldiers, and volunteers Germany: West Germans con· -.- !'~ transport minister likely would made homeless in the town, wbose cleared the mud.littered streets. tinued to swelter in humid heat ~lkr a statcment when bls es· normal population of 33,000 is swel. FROST IN NORWAY despite a series of :violent elec· In Crash Forest Fires ti:nalcs came 111' later. led by thousands' of summer vaca· Scandinavia: Frost in southern trical storms and beavy rains. CAMPBELL'S BAY, Que. (C!,) The \\'orks minister saId be 'rIe· ,tlonists. Norway damaged young potato Incomplete reports put the death -Eight men bave been fiDed $20 !:crrs the Carson could use Port , Furniture floated {rom sto,re win .. plants. On one of the Swedish toll during the week·long Iieat· and costs on charges of refusing IU~ Basques in good weather. But dows' and 'yacbts tore loose from Ii~lands, tankers Tuesday were sel· wave at 170, mainly from drown· Of Canso to fight Jurest fh'?5 in the district. 'I'h~ men wel'e Mcll'in ami Don· ::e gOl'ernmcnt wanted to ensure anchor in tbe bay and drifted Into ling water to farmers whos'.! wells ing:;.· \',-\:-Il'OliV~:R (CP1-,\n RCAF :mc latet)· by delaying operations rI' aid \,allellr ur I'dawawa.
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