Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972

Vol. 22 No. 59 c. 1993 Marianas Variety Fr¡dáy ■ June 4, 1993 • Serving C

Senate may support 7 0 2 p act

By Howard Graves Bush administration and the CNMI CNMI only $3 million for a park to forms. trols were not specified. government. honor U.S. military personnel who “We recognize the House has a The proposed $120 million, to be HONOLULU (AP)-The belea­ The Clinton administration has captured the islands from the Japa­ much different view,” toward the matched by the CNMI, would be guered Northern ’ endorsed the package which would nese infierce fighting49 years ago. funding under the com-monweath’s usedforcapitalimprovementprojects. government may get a reprieve give the US commonwealth $22 The remaining $19 million would covenant, McGarey said McGarey said the full committee from a US Senate committee when million in the first year of the multi­ be given to the Interior secretary to He said if the Senate follows will markup its reconciliation budget it meets shortly to consider $120 year proposal. Akaka’s position, divide among the US possessions, Akaka’s recommendation, which is bill for fiscal year 1994 either next million in special federal assistance expected to be endorsed by the including the CNMI, subject to expected then the two committees Wednesday or on June 16. for the island chain. Senate Energy and Natural Re­ congressional approval. would meet to iron out their differ­ Akaka is chairman of the subcom­ Patrick McGarey, legislative di­ sources Committee, differs sharply The House committee’s chair­ ences. mittee cm mineral resources develop­ rector for Sen. Daniel K. Akaka, from what has been approved by man, Rep. George Miller, D-Ca- However, an Interior department ment and production. At his request, said Wednesday the Hawaii sena­ the House Natural Resources Com­ lif.,hasbeeninitatedbytheCNMTs official said thereisapossibility fund­ issues involving the US insular areas tor supports the multi-year funding mittee. failure to institute tax, immigra­ ing to the CNMI would be provided have been assigned to the subcom­ renegotiated late last year by the That committee would give the tion, labor and minimum wage re­ undo- strict conditions. Those con­ mittee. U f f Í L a w to lif t a lie n ban signed today

GOVERNORLorenzoI. Guerrero President Juan S. Demapan S. Demapan. “The confusion and is scheduled to sign this morning Wednesday. uncertainty caused by retaining 3 Senate Bill 8-121 to remove the In an interview, Demapan said CMC 4322(j) on the books adds four-year limit on the stay of alien he would transmit Senate Bill 8- to the obstacles now faced by workers in the Northern Marianas. 121 to the governor as soon as it is existing and potential investors in The bill, which was passed by received from the House of Repre­ the Commonwealth.” the House of Representatives with- sentatives. Guerrero alsosaid the four-year outamendmentTuesday.was trans­ For his part, Guerrero said he limit was not the best way to re­ mitted by the Senate to the would sign the bill into law as duce the number of alien workers governor’s office at 12:15 p.m. soon as he received it. in the CNMI. FORMER Governor Pedro P. Tenorio congratulares \/aughn M. yesterday. Lifting of the restriction is ex­ “Our policy should be to keep Pangelinan who graduated last week from the US Naval Academy in the number of non-resident work­ Annapolis, Maryland. SB 8-121, authored by Sen. pected to ease the apprehensions David M. Cing, seeks to repeal 3 of employers whose trusted work­ ers in the CNMI to an absolute CMC Section 4322(j), which clas­ ers have been here for over four minimum,” he said, adding that A ustralian com pany sifies alien workers who have been years. with the restriction, “we may end in the CNMI for four consecutive Guerrero earlier said the restric­ up with more, not fewer, guest years as “excludable aliens.” Un­ tion was an added obstacle to the workers.” to operate lo tte ry der the law, they may not be al­ flow of investment into the Com­ He proposed the adoption of lowed re-entry within the next monwealth. quotas in certain categories of non­ THE GOVERNMENT is ex­ three years. “The provision of law...works resident workers as a more effec­ pected to sign within the next two Signing of the proposed law was against our best interest,” he said tive way of reducing the number weeks a contract with Taltersal of assured by Guerrero and Senate in a letter to Senate President Juan of alien workers in the CNMI. Australia to operate a lottery in the Northern Marianas, Finance Director Eloy S. Inos said yester­ day. The lottery is projected to gen­ ANATAHAN volcano will trol Office earlier said “signifi­ Safety has been given the re­ erate $1 million for the CNMI erupt again, according to re­ cant volcanic activity” was ob­ sponsibility to enforce the ban during the first year of operation. tired volcanologist Robert served there. against unauthorized visits to The government’s share is about ¿ \ s ' Koyanagi. Koyanagi analyzed certain data Pagan and the three other is­ 30 percent of net proceeds, Inos With the possible volcanic recorded in Anatahan, Disaster lands. said in a press conference. eruption, the Disaster Control Control Officer Francisco S. The governor likewise or­ Tattersal was selected among Office on Wednesday an­ Chong said in a statement. dered DPS to coordinate with 20 companies which submitted nounced that the public, in­ The island of Pagan, Anatahan, the Coast Guard and its auxil­ proposals for a lottery operation. cluding boat operators and Sariguan and Farallon De iary units which might be able The Australian company has been plane pilots, should keep a 50- Medinilla will continue to be off- to provide enforcement and in the lottery business for over mile distance from the island. limits until announced otherwise. surveillance assistance. 100 years and has a contract with Governor Lorenzo I. A team of Disaster Control rep­ Disaster Control Office and the government of Victoria. It also Eloy S. Inos Guerrero also declared the resentatives and volcano experts the Hawaiian Volcano Obser­ pperafts lotteries in Fiji, Vanuatu daily “scratch” draw and a weekly neighboring islands of Far allon will go to Anatahan tomorrow to vatory are closely monitoring and Christmas Island, so it is fa­ lottery outof Australia which will De Medenilla and Sariguan off- install seismic equipment. the volcanic activity in Pagan miliar with island operations. be broadcast through the local limits. Response assistant coordinators and Anatahan. Tattersal will also enter into an cable television systems. Last month, Guerrero ex­ will meet on June 8 at 9 a.m. at the For inquiries, the public agreement with a local company The lottery may have a soft tended the effectivity of the Emergency Operations Center can call Disaster.Controi at which will operate as the retail opening in July as part of the order he issued on March 15 conference room in Capitol Hill telephone numbers 322- arm of the principal contractor, activities “so declaring Pagan under state of to discuss contingency measures. 9529, 322-9274 and 322- selling tickets to the public. people would know what it is emergency. The DisasterCon- The Department of Public 9572. The,lottery will, consist of a about,” Inos said...... c S h i t s 2-marianas variety NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4.1993


FOR THE MONTH OF J une FINANCE Director Eloy S. Inos (left) and Lt. Governor Benjamin T. Manglona during yesterday's press conference. AQUA RESORT CLUB EVEßY S a ip an S aturday Inos, Manglona from 6 3 0 p.m. to 9 3 0 p.m. a great place to be. deny irregularity

Featuring dishes from : India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, in park trust fund REPRESENTATIVE Bruce he suggested that the two parks be Indonesia, accompanied by Naan, Chapatis, Vento (D-MN), chairman of the considered separately. Pita Breads, a variety o f Chutneys and Pickles. subcommittee on national parks, In response to Vento’s state­ said last week there were “grow­ ments, Lt. Governor Benjamin T. Our Curries come ing concerns related to account­ Manglona denied any irregular­ ing” of the American Memorial ity in the use of money from the HOT, VERY HOT, Park trust fund. trust fund. In a press.conference A N D N O T SO HOT. At the same time, Vento cau­ yesterday he said the trust fund tioned the National Park Service was audited yearly and “every­ about working on a good faith thing is accounted for.” ADULTS: $20.00 basis with the Commonwealth, Finance Director Eloy S. Inos KID S: $10.00 given the “backlog” of questions said the trustfund was established and problems that have arisen in accordance with the Covenant, there, according to a press release funded with $2 million from, the from the office of Resident Rep­ military land lease payments. resentative Juan N. Babauta. Only the interest from the money Vento presided over a hearing may be used for park projects. TERRACE on a bill which seeks to raise Inos said projects at the park RESTAURANT funding for the American Memo­ are contracted out thenpaidforby a rial Park and ’s War in the the government which, in turn, is Pacific Park to $8 million. Guam reimbursed by Marianas Public Delegate Robert Underwood in­ Land Trust (MPLT) which keeps For Reservation please call 322-1234, ext. 730/731 troduced the bill a month ago to the trust fund. and ask for Pol o r M ayeth. spur development in the parks in He said he was surprised by .1 P time for next year’s 50th anniver­ Vento’s statements. Inos said the * 7 * 1 sary of World War II battles in the government was not asked for Li M 1 1 1J .1111111. -J—1----- s S ? I Marianas. information by the subcommit­ Vento said the trust fund ques­ tee. tion would have to be resolved Because of the statements, he before acting on further funding said the government would get in for the American Memorial Park. touch with Vento to identify his Rather than causing a delay on the concerns and respond accord­ authorization for Guam’s park, ingly. (NL)

* 7 d e / 2 t & a t t u a i N M C offers custom er

iT ItI T\M f\ T IP aw areness program

THE NORTHERN Marianas Col­ has always been popular with pre­ lege Visitor Industry Program is vious workshop participants,” sponsoring a series of “Customer Guerrero said. Awareness” training modules this Guerrero and fellow NMC in­ CIVIC CENTER BEACH PARK summer as part of a short-term structors Noel Taisacan and Dr. certificated program. Barbara Moir will teach the ori­ “This program is designed to entation to the CNMI module. JUNE 12 AND 13 meet industry standards while in­ He said the program is designed corporating the feedback we’ve to improve staff attitude and mo­ 9:00 A.M . ■ 4:00 P.M. received from local businesses and rale, guest relations, quality of participants in previous semi­ service, and effective handling of nars,” VIP Director Tony guest complaints. Guerrero said. The fee is $140 for the entire THE LARGEST GATHERING OF TRADITIONAL All five training modules are five-module package while be­ from two to four hours long and gins at 9 a.m. Monday, June 14 at cover: guest service, improving the Saipan Grand Hotel seaside AD CONTEMPORARY PERFORMERS, ARTISTS communication skills, guest ser­ hall. vice/imaging, effective leadership Participants may also take the skills and orientation to the CNMI. modules on a one-by-one basis AND CRAFTSPEOPLE IN THE CMNI! Training for the first four mod­ for a cost of $20-40 each. ules will be provided by Profes­ Interested persons should reg­ sor M.L. Smith of the University ister with the NMC Visitor Indus­ of Nevada-Las Vegas Harrah try Program at 234-5498, ext. 53, College of Hotel Administration. as soon as possible as available 5/28, & i , 11 (4806) “M.L. is a dynamic speaker and seating is limited. FRIDAY. JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Bill to restrict PROC citizens’ entry into NMI Why choose any other long-distance

Villagomez ^ There are special benefits SPEAKER Thomas P. Villa­ gomez has introduced a bill the and services only available entry of citizens of the People’s com pany Republic of China into the North­ with IT&E as your lony- ern Marianas. “The CNMI is the only foreign distance telephone company destination to which citizens of the people’s Republic of China need no prior visa for entry.” Villagomez said. “Due to the EtTriIT&E is the only long-distance company to offer not turbulent and repressive political, If you did NOT return your Equal Access one but two discount calling programs in the CNMI: social and economic conditions ballot by the May 3rd deadline or you The Right Plan: saving you 11% on telephone in the said nation, visa-free entry chose another company, you can still into the CNMI has acted as a numbers that cost you the most. magnet for persons seeking to choose IT&E as your long-distance The Volume Incentive Plan (VIP), for additional leave China to establish residency carrier! To immediately gain the benefits savings of up to 10% elsewhere.” of IT&E discount programs and low rates, House Bill 8-262 also notes GÍriIT&E does not charge for Toll Restriction, Toll there is an inordinate frequency select IT&E by completing and returning Reactivation service, or impose monthly limits. of immigration fraud involving the completed authorization form below attempts by PROC citizens to en­ ter the CNMI under false pre­ to IT&E! G JnIT&E offers you the option of EconoPlus. You tenses. benefit from the ease in tracking and accounting According to the speaker, these □ IT&E is a full-service long-distance your calls as well as security from unauthorized circumstances have resulted in a telecommunications company which offers full long distance calls. You place long-distance calls serious, constantly growing im­ support for International Direct-Dial and Operator- from any touch-tone phone in the CNMI, or you can migration enforcement problem assisted calls with over 260 worldwide destinations. call the CNMI while traveling in Guam and the for the CNMI. “It is therefore the purpose of IT&E is the Marianas’ only locally-owned long­ USA, with calls being billed to the Authorization this legislation to enact a policy to distance telephone company which means we number rather than to the originating telephone. stem the flow of aliens from understand the local needs. It's a convenient, sensible way to manage your long­ mainland China to the Common­ distance expenses. wealth until such time that social, political and economic conditions Gfrr&E and AT&T have combined the best of both might otherwise dictate,” he said. resources in offering ECONO CHARGE Card which At present, Chinese nationals, both from Taiwan and mainland allows travelers to call the CNMI and most China, represent the second larg­ international cities from Guam, the US and most est non-indigenous ethnic group international cities. in the Commonwealth. A good number of these Chi­ EI t &E allows you to access 1-800 numbers. nese nationals were recruited into the CNMI for employment, mainly in Saipan’s more than 26 If you have any questions, call 234-8521. garment factories. Don't lose your opportunity to voice your Under the bill, Immigration Service will be authorized to choice! IT&E is the right choice! refuse entry to citizens or nation­ als of People’s Republic of China issuance of an entry permit, un­ less they are holders valid non­ resident worker permits and labor «¡g-OTin-Bg»-Ea-Hg»-M ■iwu-ms- certificates. Return to: IT&E, Sablan Building, San Jose, Saipan, MP 96950. Immigration may grant renew­ I hereby authorize IT&E Overseas, Inc. to act as als to mainland. China citizens an Agent on our behalf in all transactions with the and nationals who are holders of Customer Telephone N um bers:______Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation to I currently valid entry permits in I all classification in accordance designate IT&E Overseas, Inc. as our long-distance wilh applicable laws, regulations, company in all our customer biiiings and working 1 This authorization shall supercede any other such document in effect and policies of the Common­ telephone numbers under the Equal Access H wealth. (RHA) Conversion Process, as follows: and shall be valid until further notification from us. I /T H Printed Name and Title Signature I I Reach Out Company Date I

Happy 1st Birthday KAYDEE GAEL B. •TADEO From: Your lovely Titas Amor, Marianas’ Only Locally Owned Long-Distance Telephone Company \^Ron & Evelyn of Kam Corp. ) j 4-marianas VARIETY NEWS AND VEEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4.1993 A Meeting Place For Our FORU Opinions. . .And Yours. .

©1993 P№WF&t íter-SKIETTE

Tug-of-war on taxes BUSINESS would rather not pay taxes if it were legal; government would happily collect sky-high taxes if THE ECONOMI' taxpayers did not complain. But both agree that taxes are necessary because they enable government to STUPID!... ’ run and make sure businesses thrive. The tax reform package prepared by the Department THE ECONOMY of Finance and the surtax proposed by Duty Free STUPID!... Shoppers Ltd. reflect the same tug-of-war rope that government and taxpayers, particularly business, try to pull in their respective directions. Finance Director Eloy S. Inos wants to increase user fees (collected from garment companies) and “sin" taxes (alcohol and.cigarettes), add several steps to the individual income tax ladder and reduce tax rebates. The objectives are to generate $40 million additional revenues and make the local tax system more pro­ Jr’s Agenda gressive. These objectives are also obviously meant by John DelRosario to appease the US Congress, which has been criticiz­ ing the CNMI for letting go of tax revenues while asking While the dust of the GOP Primary is halfway canvassing. Wish we were fully padded to counter settled, I sit in my tiny din at home interpreting the it. But wecan ’t afford paying several people $38,000 for more money from the federal government. results by senatorial district. I am satisfied with the per year (for six montiis) to do our dirty laundry for DFS says $40 million is too much, considering that voice of the people and ultimately their decision. I us at taxpayers expense. No! We weren’t ready to last fiscal year’s deficit was only $7 million. It proposes honor it with a sense of humility. Yes, our goal was go that low. But we are satisfied with the results. a 10 percent surtax to be added to all types of taxes to so near yet so far away. I have no regrets. I see it as What the B V Tearn garnered came from the hearts of a blessing in disguise more so than anything else. people who wished to see change. generate $14 million a year. Congratulations to the victor! The third senatorial district (Saipan) was ready for U. a\so says that federal tax experts are concerned The first senatorial district gave their favorite son a change. The Babauta/Villagomez ticket outscored not about local taxation but the use of the CNMI as a (GM Team) a commanding lead. It is interesting that the GM Team'however marginal. But it reflects the what this administration failed to secure out of the sentiment that more than half the voters on Saipan haven for those who want to evade taxes in the 702 funding ($120 Million) came in the form of are ready to see a new team— younger, fully rounded mainland. votes—702. Perhaps little did the electorate in that and educated. But the agenda of the two neighboring The government’s need for more revenues and the senatorial district realize that this gross failure sim­ islands are far from those at the Marianas-wide level. private sector's demand for a less costly way of doing ply means no CIP funding for their island. It is Each has its own parochial issues and views far strange politics at its finest. Parochial politics tipped removed from those at the CNMI-wide level. Thus, business, even under the recession, are not beyond the scale. In other words, people weren’t interested the difference in the results of the primary. But solution. Both positions can be reconciled if both sides in issues. Politics, if you will, is the daily bread of there’s got to be a way to bring more prevalent agree to put their heads together. that small island community. information to these islands so to bring them up to The second senatorial districi showed a close race. par with those of the world. And perhaps this is an But there must be compromise. The rope must be We thought we had their votes in the sack. But then area that the media could begin addressing in that equally shared, because government and business we were working against several ghost employees there’s more information and views available than need one another. Business must be prepared to retained by the administration to do nothing but daily continued on page 14 spend more for taxes and government must be willing JACK ANDERSON and MICHAEL BINSTEIN to limit tax increases to what the taxpayer can afford. In addition, government must learn to live within its WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND means. Inos’ public presentation of the tax reform next week, and the public hearing to be conducted by a legislative Military pumping money into closed bases panel should provide the necessary forum for both WASHINGTON—When the an exception. While communi­ Kennebunkport, Maine, were still sides of the tax issue to talk and compromise. Then military of the world’s last re­ ties across the country have been up and running long after they maining superpower goes on a devastated by defense cutbacks, were needed. These were not just everybody - government, taxpayer and Congress diet, there is still room for some some military installations have any phone lines—they were lines may live happily until the next round. splurging in the name of national managed to add fat at the very provided to the president by the security. moment that the military is trying Defense Communications Sys­ Republican senators torpedoed to tighten its belt. In most cases, tem. In a new variation on the President Clinton’s economic funds that Congress appropriated $600 toilet seat, some of these c M arian as GV a rie iy ' stimulus package amid complaints for closure and realignment have lines cost $10,000 per year just to Serving the Commonwealth for 21 years that much of the money would been put to good use. But a series operate. The auditors estimate that Published Monday to Friday By Younis Art Studio, Inc. havegone to inner cities for ameni­ of internal audits by the Depart­ taxpayers paid a total of $ 151,000 ties such as swimming pools and Publishers' ment of Defense Inspector Gen­ to maintain telephone links that Abed and Paz Younis shopping facilities. Butfour years eral, reviewed by our associate nobody used. Five of the circuits earlier, no one in Congress raised Jan Moller, reveal an agency in question were still up and run­ Nick Legas pi...... Editor M em ber of an eyebrow when the US Army where taxpayer dollars are still ning when the auditors arrived in Rafael H. Arroyo...... Reporter spent more than $300,000 to build MaGaynor L. Dumat-ol... Reporter The being misspent in ways that range January 1992, and were not shut Associated Press a new physical fitness center at its from wasteful to whimsical: off until the White House Com­ Cameron Station facility in Vir­ —At Pease Air Force Base in munications Agency was told ginia, sevenmonths after the Pen­ New Hampshire, which closed in P.O. Box 231, Saipan MP 96950-0231 © 1993, Marianas Variety about the mishap. Tel. (670) 234-6341/7578/9797 All Rights Reserved tagon had selected it as one of the March 1991, auditors discovered — At Naval Station Pearl Har­ Fax: (670) 234-9271 first bases to close as part of base that telecommunications lines bor in Hawaii, construction crews realignment. between the base and former Presi­ continued working on new facili- Cameron Station is by no means dent Bush’s summer home in continued on page 14 FRIDAY, JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-5

C & L e tte rs to the E d ito r Mothers’ concerns Dear Editor: norities here in the CNMI. Mr. Reynaldo 0 . Yana’s letter There are many, many concerns to the editor, dated 5/7/93, on and problems that need to be ad­ “Subterfuge for Prejudice" on the dressed here in the CNMI be­ four-year stay for contract work­ cause of alien laborers. ers, is one of those misconcep­ Mr. Yana, there is nothing tions that create unnecessary prob­ “prejudice” about the 4-year stay lems in the CNML Congressmen limitation for contract workers. Miller and De Lugo are not laugh­ We, the citizens of the CNMI, ing, Mr. Yana, they are serious. need to put “control” on alien We, the “Group of Mothers" laborers, so US citizens and local are concerned aboutour next gen­ people can easily find jobs in the eration of children. We are con­ CNMI (whether Rota, Tinian or cerned about the influx of alien Saipan). laborers in the CNMI. We are I hope you are not trying to concerned of the problem of over­ insinuate something, Mr. Yana. population. We are concerned Just enjoy your stay in the CNMI. that some alien laborers are really notneeded anymore. We are con­ Sincerely yours. cerned that US citizens are mi­ /s/Bemie Reyes Questions on DFS predictions W hat kin d of leaders By Ruth Tighe dent for taxation and its corporate coverage. tax law yer on May 26, at a special Yet before such impressive- IT’S ALWAYS wise to bear in half-day presentation to the me­ sounding arguments are swal­ does culture breed? mind the warning to“consider the dia. According to the DFS offi­ lowed “hook, line and sinker,” as source” before accepting or be­ cials, the taxes described in House the expression goes, it might be Dear Editor: witness islander complacency and lieving what someone tells you. bill 8-248 would have a devastat­ wise to consider the source from During the recently held Pa­ call for greater gov;t protectionist Such a warning seems particu­ ing effect on CNMI business, and which they came. Thus, the first cific 2000 Economic Conference, regulations— witness, if you will, larly timely in light of the head- could even destroy the CNMI’s question that should come to mind there was much rhetoric about typical Jose Chamorro, with six line-grabbing statements made economy, if they became law. is: “Who is it who is making these promoting Pacific island eco­ kids, a Hopwood Junior High edu­ last week that tax changes being T h at’s pretty strong language, dire predictions?” Answer: Tax nomic expansion while simulta­ cation, a Bud in hand, off from proposed for the CNMI were and it comes from a pretty power­ experts brought to Saipan by duty neously preserving and protect­ CUC, complaining about those “dangerous” and would have a ful organization. Moreover, the Free Shoppers Saipan Ltd. Next ing traditional Pacific island cul­ “Tagalos” overunning his island, “devastating” effect on its arguments against the bill were question: “Why did DFS feel it ture. clamoring for Juan S. Demapan economy. backed up by extensive documen­ necessary to call in these high- That notion is absolutely ab­ to keep the 4-year alien labor re­ The statements were made by tation, charts and tables. And powered tax experts? Followed surd. I would equate it to Mikhail striction law, while simulta­ Duty Free Shoppers’ vice presi- they were given promincmmcdia continued on page 10 S. Gorbachev’s idea that the neously waiting for his paychecks, former Soviet Union could have which he receives not just from implemented certain market- staterun CUC, but also from the based economic reforms while foreign business paying him for simultaneously preserving and breathing so as to meet its 20 protecting communism a slightly percent local quota. more severe form of socialism Clearly, unless we radically yet immensely irresistible to most is­ eclectically reform our culture, landers. Japanese Meiji era reformation/ Island culture, indeed, is like Renaissance style, or abandon it communism. They are both dia­ entirely, we will fail in 21st cen­ metrically opposed to capitalism, tury economics, because tradi­ economic expansion, perfervid tional Pacific island culture is sim­ individualism, productivity, effi­ ply incompatible with high-tech, ted hotels: 2 night/3 dayö or 3 nights/4;days among selec ciency and other positive and pro­ serious economic growth. If we C h o i c e o f 3 N /4 D 3 N /4 D gressive Western concepts and don’t change, if we fail to adapt to 2 N /3 D 2N/3D rapid global commercial, techno­ y2 TWIN SINGLE y2 TWIN ideals. HOTEL SINGLE ------7— ------Since the basis of a nation’s logical, political, social, environ­ $803 Charterhouse (H) $844 $762 $926 economy derives itself in no small mental and cultural changes, we 803 Grand Tower (Kl 844 762 926 part from a nation’s culture, an will stagnate and die, our people 920 800 Im perial (K) 840 760 inferior culture discharges a stag­ economically, intellectually, so­ 821 M ajestic (K) 868 774 962 nant economy while a superior cially, politically and spiritually 785 W esley (H) 750 887 culture produces a vibrant bankrupt. 818 762 926 803 economy. The solution to our future eco­ W harney (H) 844 766 938 809 The island culture—Chamorro, nomic salvation is simple: Aban­ C en tu ry HKG (H) 852 989 836 Carolinian, Trukese or other­ don traditional agrarian, socialist Exelsior (H) 886 /84 1115 899 wise—is, economically speaking, island culture and capitalism, free- Holiday Inn CP (K) 970 826 1004 842 inefficient and inferior. Witness enterprise, family planning, in­ OMNI Prince (K) 896 788 842 rampant islander alcoholism and dustry, thrift, and savings. Aban­ OMNI Marco Polo (K) 896 788 1004 809 drug abuse, witness exorbitant don negative protectionism— Royal Pacific Htl (K) 852 766 938 islander teen pregnancy rates, gov’tregulations or cultural norms Royal Pacific Twr (K) 908 794 1022 851 witness islander tendency towards that promote complacency and M arriot (H) 1010 846 1175 929 large Third World-like families; punish outsiders— for positive Ramada Renaissance (K) 9 88 834 1142 911 witness poor islander work ethic protectionism— gov ’ t regulations and punctuality; witness islander or cultural norms that promote Package Price in US Dollars. Inclusive of jropensity to limit his education; continued on page 6 1. Roundtrlp Airfare SPN-MNL-HKG-MNL-SPN. 2. 2 or 3 nights hotel accommodation. OPINONS expressed In letters to the editor do not necessarily 3. Airport-HotetAlrport transfer in HKG. reflect those of the Variety. Letters must carry the full name of the ♦In order to keep the price down, some restrictions apply. writer and signature, with a telephone number (In case of faxed Contact the following trave^agents: Á or mailed letters) for verification. Requests for withholding of 234-7762 writer's name will be granted only If circumstances warrant. Century Travel .236-3708 United Travel Letters addressed to other publications or to third parties are Inter-Kam Travel 235-8888 United Tour M aster 233-3337 / > * · discouraged. All letters are subjeptto edltlpg for length and Pacific Orient Travel 234-9199 World Express Travel 235-2555 content and remain the Drooerty onhaVbriety. Pacific Sky Travel 235-0942 Philippine Airlines 233-3338 Phil-Japan Travel 235-7090 6-MARlANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FMDAY-JUNE 4.1993 L etters.. . соп|1,'це<|1го,"|ма85

competition, productivity and the American Indians are to North self-interest, by rewarding good America today: ;lazy, defeated, local behavior, i.e., self-educa­ drunken, drug-addicted worthless tion. Transform the island cul­ complaining bums. The Indians ture from a culture of compla­ didn’t adapt to the new Western Ш FREE GIFTS cency to a creed of capitalist com­ system of. wealth creation; des­ MAKE AW IWVESTMEWT. EARW INTEREST. AND GET A FREE GIFT, TOO! petition. perately clinging to their culture, but this, I know, cannot happen their old ways— they failed. So Amount of Deposit because our culture breeds im­ will we. Witness Guam’s Choice of Premium Required for the (either one) “Chamorro Nation”. Term Period 1 Year poverished leadership. Hence, in thè 21st century, our local popu­ Presciently, GPX AM/FM Stereo Walkman . A Name withheld by request OR $2,500 lation will be to our islands what В Toaster Master Can Opener 0 Toaster Master Toaster OR $3,500 D Black & Decker Stow Away Iron As M atuis, K agm an E 18W Sanyo - 2 Way Cass. Player OR $7,500 F 6 · Quart Pressure Cooker s till w a itin g fo r w a te r G Sanyo VCR - Dig. Auto Tracking $40,000 Dear Editor: forthcoming general election is H Sanyo 19" Color TV-Spectra Tech $45,000 A story appeared in your Thurs­ just around the comer and hope Promotion effective June 1,1993. day newspaper entitled “Reyes, this would not interpose into the Supplies are limited. Camacho push village water same old plain plaque politics. project”. I know we are only Basically, we are dealing with tuimans and sometimes we make human survival and the people’s mistakes, where both congress­ daily needs. Besides, where do men claimed. “It is now three they stand (Republican Party) pn months past and the people of As their campaign promises for Matuis and Kagman n are des­ nearly 12 long years that we were perate with the inaction on the promised water. g « l! I Big H part of CUC”. It’s over three Furthermore, they even de­ years now and nothing much has clared war on water and power. been done to remedy our day-to- What’s next? Maybe they , are day grave concern. It has been far thinking about passing on to the too long the people at As Matuis great beyond or showing you the I * s L* A and Kagman residents have had road to heaven. Come on. We to wait in dire need of water ser­ demand the best interest for our vices. For Christ’ sake, if you people, and your solutions to these will not provide water for us par­ serious problems are due. We FINANCIAL ents, at least do it for those crying have already reached the alarm­ SERVICES little angels that are currently suf­ ing level of acute physical dis­ Joeten Commercial Building II, Susupe Saipan, MP 96950 fering. PHONE: (670) 235-5278 FAX: (670) 235-5277_____ comfort. We all know for a fa c t, the Name withheld by requ est

“Saipan R ainfall B ehind by 50 Percents U.S. G.S. REPORTS “RECORD LOW LEVELS” D RY SEASON W ATER HOURS W ater W ells at Low est L evel E ver Seen” (REVISED JU N E 3,1993) U. S. G. S Hydrdogist John P. Hoffmann Y1LLAGE TIME ¿QEH.Q.ÜBS Afetnas 5:00am -1 :OOpm 2 - 6 Agag (some areas) 20 Conserve W ater- As Lito 5:30am- 7:30am 1 - 2 As Terlaje 5:00am-1 0:00am 2 - 6 For your Fam ily and Y our C om m unity Capitol Hill Homestead 4:00am - 6:00pm 2-14 Capitol Hill 4:00am-6:00pm 2-14 Chalan Kanoa 4:00am -00am 2-6 Chalan Kiya 3:00am - until empty (from old Torres Hospital) Today’s Water Watch Tip: Chalan Laulau 3:30am - 7:00am 2 -4 Chalan Piao 4:00am 00am 2-6 China Town 3:00am - 5:30am 1 -2 Let’s Talk Water Tanks! Dandan Homestead 24 Fina Sisu 24 Are you collecting rainwater? ( Areas connected to the old hospital booster, north of the newly paved road, recieve 2-3 hours of water a day) If you don’t already have a water catchment sys­ Garapan 4:00am - Until Empty 1-4 Gualo Rai 4:00am-7:00am 1-3 tem, we encourage you to get one. It can be as Kagman (some areas) 20 Kagman 1 5:00am - 7:00arn/5:00pm - 7:00pm 2 -4 simple as collecting rainwater in a trash can. Kagman 2 (old line) 5:00am - 7:00am/5:00pm - 7:00pm 1-2 Koblerville If you do have a w ater tank, m ake sure you North Koblerville (from Koblerville road north) 24 South Koblerville (from Koblerville roadsouth) 4-10 have a ‘‘F loat V alve” in it. Lower Base 24 Lower Navy Hill 5:00am -7:00am 1 -2 A float valve registers when your tank starts to reach Upper Navy Hill 1:00am - 3:00am 1 -2 its limit and then stops the tank from overflowing. If Marpi Area 5:00am - 7:00pm 10-14 Papago 5:00am - 6:00pm 2-6 your tank is overflow, you are wasting precious water. (Hours based on when booster tank with water) Sadog Tasi (Depending on the flow) 2-8 It’s okay to pump water from your water catch San Antonio 5:30am-1:00pm 8 system into your house. However, it is illegal to San Jose 4:00am -9:OOam 2-6 San Roque 5:00am-7:00pm 10-14 pump water from city water pipes. San Vicente 4:00am - 9:00am 4 -8 (Areas that are east of Prudencio Sc Hall and portions of San Vicente Elementary school have 24 hours water)I For mole information or Sugar King 3:00am - 5:00am 1 -2 Susupe 4.:00am - 9:00am 2-6 help during the dry season, Tanapag 5:1 5am - 30am 2 -8 Areas that show 24 hours water service are hooked up directly 10 the Call The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation reservoir line. 322-9383 or 322-0390 SEVERE DROUGHT, WE ARE TRYING OUR BEST TO HELP YOU! FRIDAY, JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-7 Inos questions

DFS tax figures P.O. Box 642 Saipan, MP 96950 FINANCE Director Eloy S. Inos • They don’t want an increase said yesterday he would conduct in taxes; and a public meeting next week to • They think they will be hard explain the proposed tax reforms hit. now pending with the House of Inos said the projected revenue W HAT : Registration for SY 1993-94 Representatives. increase was only one aspect of At the same time, Inos ques­ the tax reform package. The pro- tioned the figures cited by Duty posedreforms were alsodesigned Free Shoppers in opposing the to make the local tax system more WHEN : May 1 7 -June 11, 1993 proposed reforms. progressive. 9:00 a.m . - 2:00 p.m. “Their figures are highly sus­ “I don’t think we should throw pect too,” he said in an inter­ away the concept,” he said. Monday thru Friday view. HB 8-248, particularly the pro­ DFS, in presentations before posed reductionof tax rebate rates, the House and the local press, considered a worst scenario REQUIREM ENTS : said the reform package under wherein the CNMI would not re­ • First m onth's Tuition of $125 House Bill 8-248 would raise the ceive federal funds for capital effective tax rate by 30 percent improvement projects. • Non-refundable registration fee - $25 across the board. Inos said the rates proposed in • Immunization Certificate from In addition, DFS said the $40 the bill could be adjusted if these million targeted to be raised were too high. CNMI Division of Public Health through the tax package was too For instance, several options • B ir t h C e r t if ic a t e high. It proposed a 10 percent were available for tax rebates, temporary surtax which would based on projected revenues of $6 generate up to $ 14 million a year. million to $28 million, with $40 Thus, it said the proposed re­ million as the peak. This is our FINAL registration period for SY 1993-94. forms would discourage invest­ During the same interview Inos ments, retard growth and result said the Department of Finance For additional information, please call 234-6247 in job losses. would analyze the DFS proposal, Inos cited two reasons why including the Figures presented during regular working hours. businesses were opposing the tax before the Legislature, and com­ reforms, as follows: pare them withDOF figures. (NL) 2 golf course projects start TWO GOLF course projects have taken off the ground, Coastal Resources Management Office (CRM) said yesterday. CRM Administrator Joaquin P. Villagomez said in an interview that proponents of the Shimizu golf course project which was started last month intend to finish the project on time. The project, which obtained a permit from CRM in December w s s · 1991, was projected to be fin­ ished in June 1994. On the other hand, Villagomez GUAM Add’l said construction of roads for the Niizeki golf course project in the HoN G KOflG m W ® ” “ Talafofo area, was underway. c w № 5 S S S · s s s The two projects will increase S “® 5, the number of golf courses in Saipan to five. i ï & - Tourism experts have been f S t « ’ saying that the island needs to ©ss« have additional golf courses if it wants to attract more affluent va­ ssws· ■ « S S cationists, particularly from Japan. i lin t 'T he Shimizu golf course project t h a u a n d ^ d f r utc by S.C. Properties (Saipan) Inc. SÈSffi will occupy 161 hectares in the SINGAPORE Kagman Peninsula. ssilü The project will comprise two 18-hole golf courses, a 100-unit „ Tue.Çii5A-5P - s s » lodge hotel, retail shops, swim­ -o , USA/HAWAU ming pool and other related s Ifv tS amenities. It was projected to cost •l6 sa VES.57 $28 million. 1.33 SAVESA5 r t P - S A Niizeki’s CNS golf course and V0S SAVEV58 137 SAVES·*9 resort hotel project will include S&Fs-cji-Nlon*5" the construction of a 504-room u e SAVE*·5* resort hotel and golf club, an 18- 103 sAV^j^L hole golf course and a three-acre water park. It will need at least 90 hectares of land and will cost$101 million. (GLD) So there's a choice. Please drive carefully. The life you save may Effective June 17 be your own. •Pending FCC acceptance. Rates subject to change. ^MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4,1993 МТС vs. Tagabuel, Plasido M. MTC. vs. Super StaT Corp. Court calendar MTC vs. Hwang, Byung Ki INTER-КAM TRAVEL AGENGY ; — MTC vs. Micro Islander Inc. Caller Box PPP 528. SaipaiL MP 96950 ■ В . Ш Judge Pedro M. Atalig CNMI vs. Daris, David H. MTC vs. Biddle, Walter Tel. 235-5555/8888 Fax: (670) 235-7070 " ^ June 7 CNMI vs. Elbo, Maxon E. MTC vs. Sikyang, Nariany 9:00 a.m. CNMI vs. Danilo M. Reyes MTC vs. Kang’s Associate Urn, Ok Seung vs. Sohn, Kyung Soo CNMI vs. Teregeyo, Solero L MTCvs. Uni Divers, Inc. Is it too faraw ay? CNMI vs. Villagomez, Joseph A. MTC vs. Uni Divers, Inc. NOT ANYMORE, if you sim ply ask us to do Judge Alex C. Castro CNMI vs. Mccausland, Robert Wayne MTC vs. Lukas, Sotero I. June 7 CNMI vs. Manero, Maximo M. MTC vs. Garcia, Maria S. THE BEST SERVICE FOR YOU. 9:00 a.m. CNMI vs. Camacho, Juan R. MTC vs. Demapan, Geraldine Ruth L. tighe vs. Fred J. Prinz 1:30 p .m . MTC vs. Рас Asia Recruitment IT & E Overseas, Inc. vs. L'rtulumar, In the matter of Adoption of Carisa Amor MTC vs. Magcalas, Evangeline S. * d e t '4, yet to- fi&ztt’ eprwi Stanley Caunian Magcale MTC vs. Canastra, Pacita 1 :3 0 p .m . In re Petition for Adoption of Jesselyn MTC vs. Glory Felomeno &e4t ¿¿cM utt&i vkzaztt& ii’ even. Regina Deleon Guerrero vs. William B. Masga MTC vs. Lee, Jong Ho Nabors In Re Petition for Adoption ot Serrano, MTC vs. Palisoc, William S. In re Estate of Vicente I. Rang So come in and see us for: Lourd Rusty MTCvs. Gutierrez, FaeL Bank of Saipan, Inc. vs. Raymond T. In Re Petition for Adoption of Centeno, Union Bank vs. Guerrero, Herman R. et. Tudela Marianne C. & Elizabeth al. • Airline Reservations and Ticketing Getz Bros & Co. (guam) Inc. vs. Lizama, In Re Petition for Adoption of Villarin, Beachcomber Corp vs. Glenn Mercado (CO, OZ, PR, JL, NW, ZU) Juan C. & vivían H. Cesar C./Espinosa, M Calvo, Anthony M. vs. Manglona, Juàn Marianas Pacific Distributor vs. Lizama, June 11 M. • H otel 8i Car Reservations c Juan C. & Vivian H. 9:00 a.m . Yco Corp. vs. Cabrera, Josephige T. Susan V. Batusin vs. Lucky Corporation CNMI vs. Domingo, Rizalino Yco Corp. vs. Kaipat, Maria P. Timothy H. Bellas vs. Doo Young Jang CNMI vs. Manggana, Francisoco H. Yco Corp. vs. Salban, Vicente M. • Special Discount for Group Ticketing June 8 Yco Corp. vs. Marciano Dolores I. 9:00 a.m. Judge Edward Manibusan Yco Corp. vs. Castro, Ricardo P. • Free Ticket Delivery Commercial Trading of Saipan vs. S.N.E. June 7 Martha's Retail Shop vs. Flores, Erwin :. ,· ;:'.o Saipan Co. Ltd. 9:00 a.m . Martha’s Retail Shop vs. Sisior, Wilma REMEMBER, there’s always a better way In re the M atter o f Vicente T. CNMI vs. Kapileo, David Desebel Judge Marty W.K. Taylor >' to get there... Vicente Cepeda vs. Robert A. Hefner 3:00 p.m . June 7 Gregorio Castro vs. Kamosshita Mar. Juvenile 9:00 a.m . Ent. June 8 CNMI vs. Isidro R. Lizama /We do have a SPECIAL FARE for your trip for Marian DLG. Tudela vs. Jacj Layne, et. 9:00 a.m . ABelina M. Cing vs. John T. Sabían this summer^so CALL US NOW!!!) al. CNMI vs. De Oro, Eriinda Jane Calvo CNMI vs. Mario M. Reyes, et. al. Buenaflor, et. al vs. Villagomez, Frank P. Yco Corp. vs. Borja, Michael A. CNMI vs. Javier S. Iba June 11 CNMI vs. Henry I. Kapileo CNMI vs. Terlaje, Jose C. 9:00 a.m . CNMI vs. Henry Kapileo CNMI vs. Sabían, Gabriel CNMI vs. Reyes, Efrain Jr. et. al. 1:30 p .m . CNMI vs. Kapileo, Edward I. position Juvenile CNMI vs. Kuterbis, Tumakreng Judge Miguel S. Demapan Roshi’s Variety Store vs. Santos, Terry CNMI vs. George William VACANCY June 7 B. CNMI vs. Francisco H. Ramangmau 9:00 a .m . 3K Corporation vs. Summit Corp./Lee, 1:30 p.m . CNMI vs. Joseph A. Bowie Hyun Ok Miguel R. Fitial vs. John T. Sabían ANNOUNCEMENT 1:30 p .m . June 9 June 9 МАНШШ AAG & Ino vs. Sicat, Mauro Arrojo 9:00 a.m . 9:00 a.m . Sol рея · Rota »ТТлЬш AAG & Ino vs. Santos, Tirso R. CNMI vs. Fermín R. Flores Iglesias, Anselmo Celis vs. Layne, jack AAG & Ino vs. Nacario, Norma C. 1:30 p .m . et. al. POSITION Marketing Assistant (1) June 8 Elizabeth Aldan Ada vs. Nicolas Norbert 10:00 a.m . 9:00 a .m . Ada Juan E. Aquino vs. Tinian Cockfighting JOB DESCRIPTION : ASSISTS THE MARKETING COORDINATOR CNMI vs. Solito Catapang Alday Remedios Dungca-Velasquezvs. pat B. Board IN COORDINATING THE MARKETING CNMI vs. Domingo C. Pablo Velasquez June 10 Nawaz, Khalid vs. Nawaz, Azar Batool PROGRAMS OF THE BUREAU. 9:30 a .m . 9:00 a.m . M ariano Taitano, et. al. vs. South Seas Magofna, Gregorio Bias vs. Magofna, Juvenile MINIMUM Corporation Isabel Narita CNMI vs. Wabol, Ignacio “ Ike” REQUIREMENTS BACHELOR'S DEGREE OR EQUIVALENT IN 1:30 p .m . Toves, Augustina Sasamoto vs. Toves, CNMI vs. Cruz, Jeffrey P. WORK EXPERIENCE IN TOURISM-RELATED •W wftefstate of Salas Cristin Antonio Toves CNMI vs. Jay B. Kebou FIELD. PROFICIENCY IN ORAL OR WRITTEN In the Matter of Estate of Antonio Mafnas, Rosie Flores vs. Mafnas, Bias CNMI vs. Joe John C.d Reyes ENGLISH. Nauguman Tenorio 3-M Retail Store vs. San Nicolas, James In the Matter of Estate of Cabrera, Ed­ Delos Reyes, Therese Lizama vs. Delos Mie. Aviation Corp. dba Macay vs. ward Mesa/Fermina Reyes, Ramon DLG. Evangelista, Jose SALARY PL LEVEL 24, DEPENDING ON QUALIFICA­ June 10 June 11 10:00 a.m . TIONS 9:00 a.m . 9:00 a .m . Gabaldon, Yoshio vs. Gabaldon, Pauline CNMI vs. Kim, Dong Chul MTCvs. Wang, Ai Palacios LOCATION COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS

CLOSING OF ANNOUNCEMENT: JUNE 3 0 .1 9 9 3 -5 :0 0 P.M. D O N ' T W A S T E A G O O D S U M M E R !

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[~ REGISTRATION FORM “I J I wish to be enrolled in the following summer courses ENGLISH ПMATHEMATICS COMPUTERS Beginning Elementary remedal Beginning Elementary remedial В Jr. high/high school BASIC Programming Jr. high/high school remedial & GED Macintosh Operating System &yut£ 7K ** ^todueCiaHA remedal & GED СЮ Jr. high/high school Macintosh Word Processing ______aleo provide» the following media service« Preparation for TOEFL preparation for college Macintosh Spreadsheet Japanese entrance exams • ( 1 ) Audio/Video or Audio only (Chamorro T.V VRadio Ads) Macintosh DTP Macintosh Draw/Paint (2) Camera Ready for display Ads (Newspaper flyers, posters, ect.) Name, ,Age_ (3) Signature Chamorro Audio Compositions & Voice overs Check one: Address ______Phone. (4) Audio Equipments (Indoor/Outdoor) I prefer to attend classes in the (5) Audio Studio Facility I Send to : MARIANAS BAPTIST ACADEMY (6) Chamorro T ranslation Services morning I P.O. Box 904 afternoon The Professionals behind Chamorro Music j Saipan, MP 96950 ______Entertainment and Promotional advertising'______evening | FRIDAY, JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-9 C abrera sentenced Æ to 5 years in p rison

SAIPAN resident Francisco Palacios, testifying at the sen­ denied the motion. Mendiola Cabrera might have tencing hearing, toldthecourtthat O n March 26, a Superior Court meant every word when he said he knew Cabrera since the de­ jury handed a guilty verdict on during trial that he regretted hav­ fendant was a child and said he count one of the complaint against ing used and sold crystal was unaware of any wrongdoing Cabrera, which is possession of methamphetamine or “ice” but Cabrera didprior to his conviction. ice with intent to distribute. the court yesterday decided it was Cabrera’s counsel Douglas Cabrera was charged in May not enough reason to keep him Cushnie earlier asked the court to 1992 after he sold three packets of out of jail. just impose a fine against the de­ ice worth $1,500 to his friend and Cabrera, convicted last March fendant. former office mate at the Depart­ of selling ice, was jailed right Instead, Manibusan sentenced ment of Public Works office in after sentencing at the Superior Cabrera to eight years in jail, three Lower Base, who turned out to be Court and would remain locked years of which were suspended. the government ’ s informant in the up for five years. Manibusan said there was no sting operation. His lawyer told the court that need to impose a fine against During trial, Cabrera admitted Cabrera had shown remorse and Cabrera. Whatever amount of he used and sold ice but claimed that he was only induced by a '^r»v Cabrera has will be needed he decided a few months before friend to become involved in the by his family, the judge said. his arrest on May 22,1992 to stop highly addictive drug but Judge Assistant Attorney General using and selling ice because he Edward Manibusan refused to Russell Marsh had asked the court realized such acts would destroy believe Cabrera’s story. to also order Cabrera to undergo him and his family. “The defendant blamed every­ rehabilitation after serving prison Manibusan said that although CO J{Ç% ?m iLATlO fH$! one for all his troubles. He blamed term but the judge said it was no Cabrera decided to quit, he later his friend, the jury, the police,” longer necessary because the jail went out to look for ice. Q oodLucf^at T L S T - Manibusan said, but “there is no term wi 11 keep Cabrera away from During the buy-bust operation, L o v e one to blame but yourself.” drugs and make him realize his Cabrera sold three packets of ice A woman relative shed tears mistakes. to Francisco Camacho in the while Cabrera was being hand­ Cushnie asked the court to sus­ Puerto Rico area. Another packet o r o s m c cuffed and escorted from the court pend the implementation of the was found in his sock. (GLD) room to the detention center. sentence pending appeal at the Representative Herman T. Supreme Court but Manibusan Japanese royal wedding 1 9 9 3 NISSAN to be seen on Saipan Cable 2 WD HARDBODY PICK-UP

ERNIE Galito of Saipan Cable TV (left) and Aklyoshi Kobayashi of NHK International. SAIPAN Cable TV reached an between Lady Diana Spencer and agreement with NHK Interna­ Prince Charles.” tional Inc., Japan’s largest and NHK International president government-run television net­ Akoyoshi Kobayashi said “NHK work, to receive a NHK News has a long standing relationship Special on the wedding ceremony with Western Systems, Inc. (pro­ between Crown Prince Naruhito gramming company of Saipan and Miss Masako Owada on June Cable TV) and we are pleased to 9 via satellite. offer this programming special to The 2 hour 30 minute special our client." will feature the actual wedding Galito said “we’re only 1500 ceremony at Imperial Hall with miles from this event and wc’rc traditional Japanese garments, glad we can cablccast this pro­ Options: 4X2 Pick-Up wedding procession with the royal gram to our subscribers, cspeci ally *While Stocks Last. couple in a horse-drawn carriage, for hotels with guests from Japan. 2.4 Liter Engine background story of both bride Providing this service creates a 5 Speed Manual Transmission and groom from their childhood favorable image of the Marianas A ir Conditioning as well as their courtship after the Islands as a world-class tourist NISSAN AM /FM Radio Cassette announcement of their engage­ destination.” ment. The royal wedding special will Velour Cloth Bench Seat It’s time to expect Saipan Cable TV special telecast on Saipan via satellite on Floor M ats mare from a truck.™ projects manager Ernie Galito said June 9, Cable Channel 11 at 8 “this event will have world-wide p.m. For more information, please JOETEN MOTOR COMPANY INC. attention since royal weddings contact Fred Lord, general man­ AUTOMOBILE SALES, PARTS & SERVICE generate interest of epic propor­ ager at telephone number 234- RO. BOX BBO, SAIPAN MP 36950 tions similar to the matrimony 7350. TEL. 234/5562/5563/5564/5565/5567/5568 Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 8:00am to 5:00pm ______10-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSANPVffiWS-FRTO AY-JUNE 4,1993

• - · continued from page 5 by: “Why did it go to all the trouble In addition, the DFS tax experts still unanswered questions about of holding a thriee-hour seminar claimed that House Bill 8-248 the CNMI tax system. Most of the for the benefit ofthe media? Why was too complicated, adding an­ US Congress’ concerns have now is DFS so interested in, so con­ other layer of complexity onto an been answered. The Department Con guduCcdions cerned about, the proposed tax already complex law. House Bill of Finance’s scrupulously re­ und nuuj the M oùj changes?” 8-248, introduced on May 13, is searched report points to loopholes It takes close scrutiny to find based on recommendations sub­ and patterns of regressivity that Spixit cw tuiuc to specific answers, but the general mitted by the director of the need to be changed. Why shouldn’t enlighten aiul guide answer would seem rather obvi­ CNMI’s Department of Finance. anindividualtaxpayereamingover you in wisdom and ous: DFS is concerned because, What it does is change the rates $200,000 a year have a higher ef­ should the bill become law, DFS’ knowledge as you on existing taxes. In fact, only fective rate than a wage earner tax bill wou|d go up and its profits one new tax is proposed. making $20,000? Why should a Gagin y au x stiuU es would go down. For example, the They said the bill should limit business be allowed a 95 percent c d tax DFS pa$s on company-owned government spending to only 3 rebate on their NMT1T when they stock dividends “repatriated” out­ percent a year, without taking into do not pay any local taxes? Why side the CNMI would no longer S t a n f o r d consideration the possibility that would we want to enact DFS’s be eligible for a full 95 percent the economy itself might grow at proposed alternative surtax when U niversity Palo rebate under the proposed House a different rate. And they criti­ such a tax would only compound A l t o , C A . bill unless DFS paid local taxes cized the bill’s “lack of consider­ : the regressivity of the current sys­ on those dividends as well. Divi­ ation of behavioral changes.” tem? DFS’s review shrewdlySkirts dends represent profits; a bigger Everyone has special interests, these and other issues but presents tax would mean smaller profits. points of view, that can affect just enough half truths to confuse Ins tead of increasing taxes rates what he or she says and does. A- 'J uie issue. Lobbying by DFS Best of Luck! and lowering rebate rates - as the everyone is entitled to express prompted the Saipan Delegation to Bert, Chechang & House bill proposes - the DFS those special interests, points of pass it previous ill-fated resolution Jacqueline experts recommended that the view - so long as they are not against any tax reform, whichmore CNMI impose a “temporary” ten disruptive in doing so. But state­ than any other event prompted the Class of 1993 6 4(11398) percent surtax as a simpler and ments based on special interests, House Committee on Natural Re­ more appropriate means of rais­ on a point of view, are only opin­ sources to curtail the next round of ing revenue. It might be simpler, ion. They should never be mis­ Covenant702funding. Let us hope but whether it is more appropriate taken for unvarnished truth, for this time our elected officials show is highly questionable. The US unbiased fact. more judgment when planning for Congress has already criticized The challenge, then, is in know­ the Commonwealth’s future. the CNMI’s present tax structure ing when statements are express­ In fact, the modest options pre­ as unfair, taxing the less well-to- ing special interests, and when sented by the Department of Fi­ do at higher rates than other tax they’re not. When in doubt, it nance will not “devastate” the payers. Increasing that same tax helps to “consider the source.” economy. Much more devastat­ structure another 10 percent isn’t In fact, DFS ’ s clever manipula­ ing will be the persistent lobbying going to make the system any tions of data and skewed misrep­ by large monied interests that fairer. resentations of the local tax bur­ paralyze the legislature from en­ Even though the DFS experts den also indicate its bias toward acting any meaningful tax reform said that the US Congress expects retaining the privileges of accu­ and indicate to the US Congress only a change in the right direc­ mulating untaxed wealth. Is it not our insincerity in confronting lo­ tion in the CNMI tax system, the case DFS has after tax net cal problems. If we don’t take the rather than major reforms, DFS margins that would be the envy of initiative in resolving all the prob­ proposed flat rate tax would hardly retailers anywhere else in the lems with our tax system then we АН O.M.C All Y am ah a seem to be even that. world? Is it not the case that DFS very well be faced with having to In its campaign to avoid an in­ remits millions of dividends to find $240 Million in infrastruc­ crease in taxes, the DFS tax ex­ foreign owners in Hong Kong that ture funds rather than $120 Mil­ P a rts Fuel T an ks perts also recommended that the can only be minimally taxed in lion. Let’s face the facts. Let’s CNMI issue bonds as a source for the CNMI? DFS talks dire effects have nominal changes in the re­ in stock in s to c k matching Covenant 702 funding for the economy if the bate rate, incorporating modest requirements. In other words, Department’s tax reforms are en­ graduated rates, and commit these that the CNMI go into debt to acted: let DFS make its tax return funds for investment in infrastruc­ meet the 702 requirements rather public so everyone can see the ture. than increasing the tax rates - windfalls it reaps on its monopo­ The construction industry, at which would, of course, mean listic concession. least, would benefit from reform higher taxes for DFS, as well as W hen the US Congress held its proposals to fund aconsistent pro­ for other businesses in the CNMI. hearings in August, 1992there were gram of capital investment.

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Sam e phone # 235-6181/6182 Fax # 235-6183 FRTOAYJUNE 4 , 1993-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-ll

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NORTHERN ^ARIAHAS QOELeEGE ‘JN QOOPERATION WITH Ushida urges more CliT^T TIRE division, d e p a r t m e n t of d u beic s a f e t y OCCUPATIONAL· gAFETY & D^AETH WORKSHOP safety measures ^IRE? gAFBTY & T REVRNTI0N in swimming areas

Northern Marianas College in cooperation with.the CNMI Fire Division, Department of JAPANESE Consul Hirozo Ushida has asked Governor Lorenzo I. Public Safety presents this very important Occupational Safety & Flealth workshop Guerrero to take appropriate measures for the safety of swimmers in concerning fire safety and prevention in the workplace. Be prepared, the life you save may be Saipan’s recreational waters. your own. Ushida made the request in a letter to Guerrero on May 28, three Important Topics Include days after the death of Shptaro Iizuka, an employee of the Ministry • Fire Safety & Prevention Past Workplace Fires in the CNMI o f Finance of Japan. Iizuka was believed to have been hit by a boat • Proper use of Portable Fire Extinguishers. -What caused them. propeller in the waters near the Dai-Ichi Hotel. • First Aid -Could they have been “In order to make certain that this will not happen again, I would -Be prepared prevented & How. like to request you to take preventive measures quickly to secure the* -What should you do Means of Egress safety of all swimmers in the future, tourists as well as local -What should you not do • Flammable Liquids residents, and to prevent impairing the image of your most important • Fire Brigades 1 Fixed Fire A larm /D etection/ tourist industry,” Ushida said. • Regulations For Construction Sites SuppressionSystems Following Ushida’s letter, Guerrero directed the Department of Schedule/Information: Saturday June 12,1993, 9am-3pm. »Located at NMC Bldg "V" Room Pnblic Safety to strictly control boat speed. 215. · Fee $30.00 per person, companies that send 5 people only pay for 4. · Pick up your “Some boats within the lagoon do not exercise enough caution,” registration form at the Adult and Continuing Education Office at NMC. Call 234-3690 ext. he said. “Often boats speed while close to shore. Speed boats 23-26 for additional information. If workshop cancelled you will be notified and a full refund sometimes enter swimming areas.” issued. Refunds requested prior to 6-11-93 will have a $5.00 administration fee deducted. No Guerrero proposed a meeting between DPS and the US Coast refunds after 6-11-93. Guard and US Coast Guard Auxiliary to see if an enhanced safe The following is quoted from the Code of Federal Regulations 29CFR1910, Subpart boating program can be conducted. L,1910.157(g):(l)Where the employer has provided portable fire extinguishers for employee Iizuka’s body had a deep wound from the head to the right side of use in the workplace, the employer shall also provide an educational program to familiarize the torso which was believed to have been caused by a boat. employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved propeller. with incipient stage fire fighting. (2) The employer shall provide the education required in Police checked out several boats transporting tourists near Dai- paragraph (g)(1) of this section upon initial employment and at least annually thereafter." Ichi, including a vessel with a Coast Guard mark. To date, no suspect has been arrested. (NL) $250 reward offered for info on car theft A MOTORIST who left his car for GETAWAY HOLIDAYS -a few minutes discovered upon his return that his VHF-HI personal radio was missing, according to ; Aire you planning to getaway for the summer? We have an outstanding offer for you! Crime Stoppers. In a statement, Crime Stoppers said that at 1:30 p.m. on May 16, Summer Special Package Tour the Department of Public Safety was in receipt of a theft report which occurred at the Saipan Cable BALI PLUS PROMO parking lot in San Jose village. SYDNEY HARBOUR CITY HOLIDAYS The owner of aNissan Stanza went THE KUTA EXPERIENCE $1,156.00 per person / inside the office for a few minutes on a personal «rand and upon his ■ $795.00 per person/ fw in shoring return he noticed that his VHF-Hi twin sharing - Roundtrip economy doss airfare personal radio was missing from ■ Roundtrip economy doss oirfore Saipan/Guam/Sydney/Guam/Saipan the car. Soipan/Guom/Boli/Guonr/Soipon - Roundtrip Airport/Hotel Transfers The radio is a King brand VHF- - Roundtrip Airport/Hotel transfers - 5 Nites/6 Days accommodation Hi radio with the serial number • Greeting upon orrivol - Sydney Harbour Explorer Cruise 646042. It has fourteen self-pro­ - 4 Hites/5 Days Accommodation grammable channels. The top of -Breakfast at the Hotel (Daily) the radio has three toggle switches: - Sight-seeing Tours to Mengwi Temple/Monkey Forest/ hi/low, priority and scan. It is a Tanah Lot Tour H0NGK0HG gray color radio with a touch-tone type pad in the front. - Shopping at Plaza Bali Market on Day of Departure SHOPPING GETAWAY A $250 reward is being offered (KOWLOON PANDA HOTEL) for any information leading to the SEOUL SHOPPING TOUR $785.00 per person/ arrest of person or persons respon­ sible for this crime and or recovery - $ B 0 1 . 0 0 p e r p e r s o n / tw in sharing of the stolen radio. Call Crime fwin sharing ■ Roundtrip economy class airfare S toppers at telephone number234- - Roundtrip Economy Class airfare Saipan/Guam/HongKong/Guom/Saipan 7272. Saipan/Guam/Seoul/GuanVSaipan - Roundtrip airport/Hotel transfers • Roundtrip Airport/Hotel Transfers - Daily American Breakfast liberation Day - 3 Hites/4 Doys Accommodation - 3 Nites/4 Days Accommodation celebration WE A L S O O F F E R PACKAGE TOUR TO: PALAU, POHNPE I, TRUK A N D Y A P . kicks off BUDGET FARES TO THE U.S. M AINLAND THE 1993 4th of July Liberation - See Am erica pass . Family PI an Fare Senior Citizen Fare - M ilitary Fare - Student Fare (studying abroad) Day Selebrasion Taotao Tano offi­ cially kicks-off tomorrow at Ameri­ Moke your reservations now. We will lake care of all your travel needs. Computerized reservations and ticketing, computerized tip information, access plus on all can Memorial park. The Queen candidates and the major Hotels and cars, individual and group reservation, visa assistance, attractive fares, free delivery service, group pre-check in and travel Insurance for group. committee will begin a convoy of It's our business and pleasure to give reliable service and attractive fares. Saipan villages at 2 pjn. For more information please contact Arme il/l. Nahohwaa, Lovf, Ossie and Dim. The convoy route is as follows: Departs American Memorial Park at Intarrattond 2p.m. headingsouth on Beach road, 2:15 reaching San Antonio, G e ta w a y Trawl Agwrt Koblerville up to Dan Dan to the t v · * ' G3®toffl(?fe Shell Station down to As Lito road T ra v e l 54-62957 3 by the College, back down to Beach King * Plaza P.O. Box 3144 Saipan, MP 96950 road, heading north to Garapan, A g e n c y T®t.: (670) 235-0001 · Fax: (670) 235-8006 Tanapag to San Roque and back to American Memorial Park. S

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« « S s z 0 0 ' * ^MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND YIEWS-FRTOAY-JUNE 4,1993 " pen T rom^ I E llip se a bonus Jrk continued from page 4 those spoon-fed to them by their Maybe! And just maybe! 'It is I for Moonlight leaders. rumored too that fraud has alleg­ I 7 C ruise tonight Why do we view the decision edly permeated almost every cor­ Iori-.iori. -ll, of the electorate as a blessing in ner of our governmental institu­ Check out our Everyday Low A SPECIAL “Moonlight Cruise” disguise? I seriously doubted that tion. What this administration Prices on "ALL" aboard the Puti On Saipan this has done (rightly or wrongly) is ourgrocerit the GM Team will ever have any Friday night will offer partici­ measure of success securing vital widely known and will become ' KODAK pants a heavenly opportunity not 702funding for the CNMI. Thus, political fodder for the opposi­ possible in these Pacific waters next fiscal year alone (FY 94) the tion. I suppose corporate spon­ UPvn S4.&U for three years— a total eclipse of CNMI must raise some $31 Mil­ sorship has turned their once the moon. lion in locally generated revenue humble eyes into a glassy daze. to defray CIPprojects plannedfor We didn’t create nor assisted in The eclipse—caused when the next year. It is an awfuUy diffi­ their imminent demise. They’ve earth passes directly between the cult task in the sense that the only put the interests of their “wefew” sun and the moon, casting a alternative is to turn to increasing friends ahead of the interests of shadow across the moon-wili be­ income taxes left and right. The the people they represent. And gin at 8:11 p m , moments before sluggish economy will worsen each of these issues will haunt sailing time, at 8:15 p.m. beyond our wildest imaginings. I them well into the general elec­ This charter cruise, sponsored envision that quite a number of tions this November. by the Northern Marianas Music our people will even see their first Well, maybe all hope isn’4 lost. Society, will include pizza, fried homes foreclosed. It is a night­ There’s the opposition, a formi­ chicken, hot dog nibbles, pop­ mare altogether. dable duo of Froilan C. Tenorio We may even see a complete and Jessy C. Boija. The latter is corn and buffalo wings as part of deterioration of the investment my brother-in-law who also has a a $20 package ticket price. Addi­ climate throughout these islands. future in the local political arena tionally, special prices of $2 for Our credibility for anything that and a very able and capable young beer and wine and $1 for soft you can imagine under the sun politician who’s earned the respect drinks will be in effect. will have receded with the tide. of so many people. Tenorio is a Live entertainment and danc­ Given this scenario, criminal ac­ seasoned politician himself who is ing will also be a feature of the tivities will increase and the use nowfullyprimedforthepost. And Cruise, which will constitute a of shabu or ice will have gone out whether we like it or not, I have general membership meeting and of control. I am crossing my heard so many little voices saying mini-fund raiser for the Music fingers it won’t occur. Perhaps we don’t want a “new beginning” Society. we ought to ask the garment in­ We want change! Certainly, it dustry to pay for the $120 Million ‘Tickets are on sale now at the doesn’t take a genius to interpret we already lost. We must also this rather powerful message from CHC gift Shoporfrom any Music insist that if they can’t restore the the multitude. The GM Team has Society Board member,” said image of these islands that they won the battle; But the war is far Janet Foster, President of the So­ collectively agree to pay into the from over until the last vote is ciety. “Get your tickets now. If coffers of the CNMI Government counted this November. Have a there are any left, they will be on no less than $30 Million a year to nice weekend and please stay away sale at Charlie Dock before we make up for what they have per­ frommethamphetamines(ice). It’s sail.” manently mined. a killer and the single most destruc­ Join friends and Music Society Is there hope for our children? tive drug there is today. members for an evening of fun and entertainment at reasonable Washington. . . continued from page 4 cost under a full (and disappear­ ing) June moon. Reminds Presi­ ties to homeport the battleship bakery. dent Foster, “Don’t be late. We USS Missouri, even after the Navy AFES officials also requested sale just after eight. For the had decided to decommission the more than $4.6 million in base eclipse, no extra rates.” ship. The Navy awarded contracts closure funds for “special use to build pier and shore improve­ space” that included enclosed ments for the Missouri in Sep­ shopping malls, fastfood outlets ■ W tember 1990. Two months later, and mechanical space. the Navy decided to mothball the — At Naval Station Puget ship, yet Pearl Harbor officials Sound, at Sands Point, Wash., You have touched us deeply said the construction projects were which was recommended in 1988 knowing that through your already far enough along that to for partial closure, and was later cancel them would have been an closed completely, taxpayers con­ hard work and personal sacri­ even greater waste of money. tinued to pay for repairs to the fices you will be graduating... Auditors determined that the Navy facility long after its fate had been could have saved $53 million if sealed. When auditors arrived in "w khtctortan" the projects were delayed long August 1990, they focused on 39 enough to learn the fate of the maintenance projects- costing From Grace Christian USS Missouri, whichhadn’tbeen about $ 10.6 million, and soon dis­ Academy, Class of 1993. finalized when the construction covered that 26 of those were contracts were handed down. In­ non-essential. Two years after the May the good lord continue to stead, the Navy canceled three facility was scheduled for clo­ smaller contracts related to the sure, construction crews were re­ light up you way and guide Missouri, which saved about$6.5 placing doors and windows at an you in your further pursuit million. estimated cost of $822,000, and for higher learning. — Auditors alsodiscoveredthat plumbing and electrical work was 10 projects being developed by being performed to the tune of the Army and Air Force Exchange $804,000, when about $100,000 Service and the Defense Com­ would have sufficed if only basic CONGRATULATIONS!! missary Agency were “not fully repairs were made. related to realignment.” This in­ By the end of 1993, the Pentagon With love...Monique, Ding, cluded some “get well” require­ will have spent more than SI billion ments costing about $11.1 million shutting down operations around Mark, June, Kayla, Mel, to improve existing facilities. In­ the country. The good news is that Paula...MOM & DAD. cluded in these “get well” funds this year will be the first time the was a request from Cannon Air military will actually save more Force Base for alterations to their money fromclosure than they spend Manny & Del Sablan dining facilities. The auditors tomaiceithappen—a total of $65.9 questioned the funds after learn­ million. Still, filibustering lawmak­ ing that Cannon’s facilities were ers might want to look at the base only 10 years old and had recently closure account the next time they been furnished with several new get the urge to make a political amenities including ceiling light­ issue out of taxpayer sponsored ing fixtures, a delicatessen and a shopping malls. FRIDAY. JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-15 DPW closes m onofill THE NEW “restricted use” will be assigned to the dump to the public. MCM Boutique monofill in Marpi is temporarily monitor and assist the public in DPW requests the cooperation closed until further notice, the the separation and disposal of solid of the public and apologize for need SALESCLERK Department of Public works waste. The purpose of the waste any inconvenience. Please con­ (DPW) announced yesterday. Location: La Fiesta San Roque 2F separation program is to help im­ tact DPW with any questions at The public is asked to continue F u l l t i m e , $3.50lhour, Phone : 322-6480 prove our natural environment and telephone numbers 322-9482 or taking waste to the Puerto Rico dump. Government personnel to protect the health and safety of 322-9570.

Dtp, W ork on port project begins NORTHWEST о A IR L I NE S WORK on the $36 million Saipan fishermen to exercise extreme Harbor improvement project has caution when passing by the area № Some fooplejust Knew How To Fly.* now begun, according to CPA where corals and other marine Executive Director Roman T. live are being removed. He said Tudela. the boats busy going back and The transplanting of marine life forth transplanting marine live to NORTHWEST OFFICE HAS between Baker and Charlie dock designated areas. areas under the supervision of the The project in general consists MOVED division of fish and Wildlife of dredging the existing 13,000- (DFW) and Coastal Resources foot long entrance channel to el­ Management (CRM) started early evation minus 35 feet mean lower NORTHWEST NUMBERS AT THE last week. water datum and to a width of 400 SAIPAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Jack P. Villagomez, adminis­ feet. Disposal of the dredged trator for the Coastal Resources material will be utilized in the RESERVATION/ Management (CRM) Office, said creation of an eight acre area be­ TICKETING LINES 234-2011 his office, together with DFW, tween Charlie and Baker docks. Tudela transferred numerous live corals, The work also includes a bulk and most expensive capital im­ FAX LINE sea cucumbers and other marine headed wharf, sheet piling, pav­ provement project ever under­ 234-8544 invertebrates between Charlie and ing, drainage, utilities and other taken by the CNMI government. Baker docks to the reef east of related work. The contract calls for its comple­ CARGO LINES 288-0364/5 Managaha Island. The goal is to The port project is the largest tion in 980 calendar days. transfer as much marine life from the areas to be dredged for the harbor project to another site. In addition, an archaeological and ordnance surveys are al&o being done. The archaeological survey will locate any unidenti­ fied archaeological resources in the area where the dredging will take place. The Office of Historic Preservation will be receiving re­ ¥■ ports on archaeological and his­ torical findings from divers on a ■ Г weekly basis. Ar In the interest of safety, further survey is also being conducted to. determine if there are unexploded ordnance in the area to identify and mark them. The ordnance will either be removed or de­ Д Â ÿ ' ''Kb-, ■->, stroyed before dredging begins. /ШШ ' í/.A Д ; An earlier survey determined that ■ O/;·, Д- the presence of ordnance could ;я ‘Щ'С. A. Testoni pose a danger to the work crew. American Flavor Market Samsung engineering and Bank of Guam Construction Co. of Korea, which Bunraku Yakiniku Barbeque Burger Chef Vv i-’vi"· won the project earlier this year, Christian Dior has submitted plans to relocate Cocktail-Do Coco Gelato and replace the existing sewer Cyber Station outfall for CPA approval. The Dunhill, Montblanc & Chloe Esprit A TTEN TIO N PARENTS AND FRIENDS! contract calls for the improve­ Hot $8 FM ment, relocation and extension of Kazue's Boutique the sewer ocean outfall line. Loewe ° £ f Lollipops Samsung also submitted infor­ Louis Vuftton mation on materials regarding Mahi Mahi Mother Goose MCM steel sheet piling for review and Octopus Array concurrence. Paran Bali In preparation for the dredging, Pau Pau House Pollini an environmental protection plan Sal has been submitted to CPA by Saipan Beer Factory Boga Boga Sala Crystal Samsung which are now under­ Sea Shell Pink going review by CRM and other Sunland Saipan Surf Turf Saipan governmental agencies. Once the Swatch environmental plan is approved, Tecio/DKNY Boutique actual dredging can begin, ac­ Toh-Lee ' N I E \ i " - N y i Tropical Oasis ■Ц? " * i l cording to Tudela. United Colors of Benetton W.·'1 The contractor has mobilized AND Coming soon! S o lfa · various equipment including Agatha state-of-art computer enhance Art Flare saipan dredger for the project since the E. Aigner Boutique The Kyushu Open daily from 10:00 am across from Hotel Nikko. later part of April and ready to Indian Curry commence work. It has also con­ structed a temporary field office adjacent to Mobil Oil bulk plant in Puerto Rico. Tudela urged boat operators and LO CAL HIRE

The LSG Lufthansa Service Group is one of the worlds leading aircraft catering and food service groups. At Saipan International Airport we are currently looking to employ a restaurant kitchen supervisor and a restaurant kitchen cook. Both positions are available immediately and the successful applicants must be prepared to work a 40 hour shift week. The compensation package includes: • Excellent Salary · Paid Sick Leave • Paid Vacation Leave · Free Duty Meal • Free Uniform · 401K Retirement Plan .Applicants should preferably have at least 3 years experience in similar positions. Phone for more information and an application form 9am-5pm Monday-Friday 234-8258/234-0538. &4 7 (11M7) 'Wti>N<.ss·' ' ' .. , "* · % Ci*. Ν'·' A'^X a s j£?'·· N T R O D U C Torres distributes vans to schools PUBLIC School Commissioner Nissan vans were purchased from lizing the vans for transporting William S. Torres handed the keys Joeten Motors, the low bidder on intramural teams and small· ex­ to a new 12 passenger micro-van this project, which also is pro­ tracurricular classes will be much to each of the public school prin­ viding maintenance for this fleet more cost-efficient than Utilizing cipals in a ceremony last week. of vans. our sixty passenger buses as we The vans will be stationed at Torres noted that this new fed­ have in the past,” he said. the schools and used to enhance eral grant enabled the PSS to Torres also said the vans would the recently initiated after school/ purchase 12 units of air-condi­ give the schools greater flexibil­ Saturday school enrichment pro­ tioned vans. ity in planning more grams as well as to support field The commissioner said the fleet community-based student learn­ trips by classes, to revitalize the of vans would increase the opera­ ing and enrichment activities in interscholastic activities and in­ tional efficiency of PSS student which students and the teachçrs tramural programs at our schools. transportation as these vans can use the resources of the commu­ Funds to purchase the vans were easily accommodate up to fifteen nity to augment regular classroom received from a consolidated students and move them quickly instruction. block grant from the Federal and safely. Tinian and Rota received one Transit Administration. The ‘Trained school personnel uti­ van each.

Remember that nice & cool little old joint at the Diamond Hotel called the DISCO ¡ u s e ® SERENATA? Stock up on lunchbox

Well, ifs no longer just a disco, favorites before your crew it actually transformed itselfinto goes back to school a popular KARAOKE BAR, with featuring a very wide selection of English, Japanese & Filipino songs from the 50's up to the 90's! So, why not drop in and unwind for an evening of fun and entertainment. Belt out a favorite tune and discoversome new, raw talents. ■

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So, come on over at· the new Spanish Bread KARAOKE & DISCO Submarine Sandwich SERENATA, opens from 7 PM & French Bread till 2 AM. Special prices for locals. Other Bread Orders Please Call: 234-3793 Bread Products are now available at the following stores: Joeten San Vicente, Susupe, Chalan Plao, Hafa-Adal Shopping Center. Six-Ten Store, PL Store, Christine Mlnii-Mart, Payless and other stores.

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KOALA JUICE A A CHIVAS REGAL, fía p ALL FLAVOR, 750 ML 9.6 OZ. i J ea. Business/Financées! Higher home Exchange rates C hina gets $25B NEW YORK (AP) - Foreign Exchange, New York pices. sales report FOREIGN CURRENCY DOLLAR IN IN DOLLARS FOREIGN CURENCY capital pledges TUE WED TUE lifts dollar WED .9901 Hong Kong is the mainland’s fArgent Peso 1.0100 1.0100 .9901 BEIJING (AP) - Foreign compa­ NEW YORK (AP) - A strong 1.4760 1.4734 leading investor, followed by Tai­ Australia Doll .6775 .6787 nies have pledged a record $25 April home sales report helped .0896 11.233 11.155 wan, the United States and Japan. A ustria Schill .0890 billion in investments in China in lift the US dollar against major .0306 .0306 32.69 32.68 Mostoftheforeigninvestmentisin cBelgium Franc thefirstquarter of this year, up 347 currencies, traders said Wednes­ Brazil Cruzeir .00002 .00003 40447.00 38929.00 manufacturing, especially in light .6464 percent from the same period last day. Britain Pound 1.5405 1.5470 .6491 industries such as appliances and 1.5432 .6507 .6480 year, an official newspaper said Gold prices declined slightly 3 0 d ayfw d 1.5367 6 0 d ayfw d 1.5334 1.5403 .6521 .6492 Wednesday. toys. after suffering serious losses in Foreign companies are attracted 9 0 dayfw d 1.5300 1.5372 .6536 .6505 Actual investments in the first the previous session due to profit- 1.2706 1.2720 by China’s low labor costs and Canada Dollar .7870 .7862 quarter totaled $3 billion, a 167 taking. On the New York Com­ .7860 .7852 1.2723 1 .2 7 3 6 ' dreams of breaking into its domes­ 3 0 d ayfw d percent increase, the China Daily modity Exchange, gold bullion 6 0 dayfw d .7852 .7843 1.2736 1.2751 tic market of 1.2 billion people. 1.2768 said. for current delivery dropped 30 9 0 dayfw d .7841 .7832 1.2753 “We’re planning to set up more .002544 .002546 393.11 392.74 Yang Xiaogong, an official of cents to close at $369.20 a troy yChile Peso .1749 5.7190 5.7190 the Ministry of Foreign Trade and shareholding foreign-funded ven­ China Yuan .1749 ounce. A late bid by New York .001501 .001503 666.40 665.55 Economic Cooperation, predicted tures to enlarge the scale of foreign Colombia Peso Republic National Bank quoted .0357 28.01 investment,” the China Daily cCzechKoruna .0359 27.87 actual foreign investment for the the metal down 50 cents at$369.50 .1637 .1642 6.1095 6.0905 quoted Yang as saying. Denmark Krone entire year would easily surpass an ounce. ECU 1.22460 1.21450 .8166 .8234 He said investment in the ser­ last year’s figure of $11.6 billion, Gold declined sharply in over­ zEcudr Sucre .000535 .000534 1870.03 1871.01 vice sector and real estate, espe­ 3.3405 the newspaper said. seas trading, however, in what dEgypt Pound .2994 .2994 3.3405 cially in coastal areas, has been Finland Mark .1841 .1855 5.4310 5.3900 The figures are somewhat in­ analysts said was continued sell­ overheated as rapidly rising prices France Franc .1858 .1860 5.3830 5.3770 flated by the growing numbers of ing sparked by moderate infl ation have attracted speculators. How­ Germany Mark .6264 .6281 1.5965 1.5920 Chinese companies that set up sub­ data released during Tuesday’s ever, Chinese trade officials con­ 3 0 dayfw d .6238 .6262 1.6032 1.5970 sidiaries in Hong Kong, only to session. Gold traded in London 60dayfw d .6216 .6233 1.6088 1.6044 tinue to search for ways to open have them invest in the mainland late Wednesday at $370.60, down 90dayfw d .6193 .6212 1.6148 1.6099 markets even wider to foreign in­ as “foreign companies.” This al­ from $4.80 from the previous Greece Drachma .004619 .004621 216.50 216.40 vestors, especially to multina­ .1295 7.7220 lows them to take advantage of day’s levels. In Zurich, the bid Hong Kong Doll .1295 7.7232 preferential tax policies for foreign tional companies, the newspaper Hungary Forint .0116 .0115 86.17 86.70 price was $370.45, down $7.30 .0322 31.080 enterprises. said. ylndia Rupee .0321 31.140 an ounce. In Hong Kong, gold fell Indnsia Rupiah .000481 .000481 2078.53 2078.53 $10.75 to close at a bid $367.73. Ireland Punt 1.5267 1.5287 .6550 .6542 Despite signs of an uncertain Israel Shekel .3752 .3752 2.6652 2.6652 Japan rejects targets and weak US economy, a new Italy Lira .000685 .000680 1459.00 1471.00 government report showing a Japan Yen .009320 .009314 107.30 107.37 3 0 d a yfw d .009320 .009312 107.30 107.39 large 22.7 percent gain in April 6 0 dayfw d .009319 .009311 107.31 107.40 reduction new home sales surprised the cur­ for surplus 90day fw d .009318 .009310 107.32 107.41 By Sally Jacobsen rency markets, analysts said. The Lebanon Pound .000577 .000577 1733.00 1733.50 ( report, issued by the departments Malaysia Rlngg .3915 .3917 2.5545 2.5530 \ PARIS (AP) - Japan rejected setting numerical targets to slash its" of Commerce and Housing and zMexicoN.Peso .319795 .320821 3.1270 3.1170 global trade surplus Wednesday after US Treasury Secretary Lloyd Urban Development, showed N. Zealand Dol .5407 .5435 1.8495 1.8399 NethrlndsGuild .5580 .5620 1.7920 1.7795 Bentsen urged cuts to redress the imbalance and stimulate the world home sales rose to the highest level since the 1986 housing Norway Krone .1478 .1483 6.7655 6.7430 economy. Pakistan Rupee .0373 .0374 26.81 26.73 US officials reportedly want Japan to import more American boom. yPeruNewSol .5236 .5236 1.910 .910 products to reduce Washington’s huge trade surplus with Tokyo. “It gave people a little more zPhllpins Peso .0368 .0369 27.18 27.10 But Japan expressed concern about setting targets. hope that there would be more Poland Zloty .000062 .000062 16140 16145 “It is not only impossible but leads to a way of thinking that denies opportunities for dollar trading Portugal Escud .006517 .006517 153.44 153.45 aRussiaRuble .001006 .001006 994.00 994.00 the very system of the market economy itself,” said Hajime Funada, on the upside,” said Rick Prater, manager of corporate treasury Saudi Arab Riy .2667 .2667 3.7495 3.7495 Japan’s minister of state for economics and planning. Singapore Doll .6249 .6246 1.6002 1.6010 services at Bank Brussels Lam­ Bentsen said that Japan was a particular concern to the recovery cSo.AfricaRand .3144 .3145 3.1811 3.1793 of the global economy because of its large trade and current account bert in New York fSo.AfricaRand .2162 .2165 4.6250 4.6200 surpluses, which he called a “global problem.” Airothermajor economic report, So. Korea W on .001248 .001248 801.20 801.20 “They are hurting world growth," he said. “That m ust change.” the government’s index of lead­ Spain Peseta .008013 .007990 124.80 125.15 .1390 7.1900 7.1958 Funada and Bentsen spoke at the start of a two-day gathering of ing economic indicators, por­ Sweden Krona .1391 trayed a lackluster economy. The Switzerlnd Fra .7027 .7015 1.4230 1.4255 finance, trade and labor ministers from the 24 nation Organization 1.4256 1.4281 index, which rose 0.1 percent in 3 0 dayfw d .7015 .7002 for Economic Cooperation and Development. 60day fw d .7003 .6992 1.4280 1.4303 Bentsen said that America’s tentative recovery was not creating; April, is an important economic 90day fw d .6993 .6982 1.4300 1.4323 enough jobs and that other countries couldnot depend on US growth forecasting tool. Taiwan NT .0387 .0387 25.81 25.81 to pull the world out of recession. The housing report lifted the Thailand Baht . The Clinton administration has changed US policies in an effort dollar early in the session, but Turkey Lira .000100.00010010005.0010005.00 U.A.E. Dirham .2723 .2723 3.6727 3.6727 to revive the American economy, including a package to pare the trading waned later in the day, said A1 Jirkovsky, a managing fUruguayN.Peso .253807.253807 3.94 3.94 enormous budget deficit, Bentsen said. zVenzuel Boliv .0114 ;0114 88.0000 87.9000 director at Continental Bank in The US trade deficit hit $84.5 billion last year, with about $50 Y ugoslav Dinar .00124 .00124 806.00 806.00 billion of that with Japan. Washington is working on anew strategy Chicago. ECU: European Currency Unit, a basket of European currencies. The Federal to get Japan to increase imports to reduce is enormous trade suplus Other factors influencing trad­ Reserve Board’s Index of the value of the dollar against 10 other currencies with the United States. ing included Treasury Secretary weighted on the basis of trade was 89.54 Wednesday, up 0.20 points or 0.22 percent from Tuesday’s 89.34. A year ago the index was 87.36 Funada, however, said that the import targets were out of the Lloyd Bentsen’s comments that c-commercial rate, d-free market rate, f-financlal rate, y-officlal rate, z-fioating question, saying that the current account surplus was not the result the US is not seeking to increase the value of the Japanese yen rate. of barriers to import entry. Prices as of 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time (1900 GMT) from Telerate Systems and against the dollar. There’s been US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor countered by telling other sources. reporters that theClinton administration’s goal was to expand trade. speculation the US wanted a stron­ “The United States is the largest open market in the world,” ger yen to increase sales of US Spot metal prices Kantor said. Kantor met with trade chiefs from the EC, Japan and products in Japan. Bentsen’s comments, delivered C sn ad s. They reported progress in reaching an accord to open NEW YORK (AP) - Spot nonferrous metal prices Wednesday. in Paris at the Organization for markets to more foreign goods and said a deal was possible by early Aluminum - 51.2 cents per lb London Metal Exch. Wed. Economic Cooperation and De­ July. Copper - 0.9200 dollars per pound. velopment, were viewed as a re­ The agreement would give a sharp push to the stalled Uruguay Lead - 32 cents a pound. statement of existing policies, Round, far-reaching negotiations among 114 nations to revamp the Zinc - 45.00-48.50 per pound, delivered. Porter said. world trading system, the General Agreementon Tariffs and Trade, Tin - 3.5080 per pound. Traders were “looking for a little or GATT. Gold - 369.00 dollars per troy oz. more substance in (Bentsen’s) Officials said the giant trading partners had moved closer to a Silver - 4.375 dollars per troy oz. comments on the yen,” he said. market access arrangement, which would reduce tariffs and other Mercury - 205.00-210.00 dollars per 76 lb flask. As a result, the dollar closed import barriers on a wide range of goods and services. Platinum - 389.00-392.00 dollars troy oz., N.Y. (contract). FRIDAY. JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND V1EWS-23 Stocks slightly higher We*ll do NEW YORK (AP) - Stocks fin­ years, the stock market has been interest rates will continue to de­ ished marginally higher Wednes­ driven by lower interest rates,” cline or start rising, so there’s day. ending anervous session that said Joseph McAlinden, chief great anxiety.” The Dow Jones everything tracked bond prices. market strategist at Dillon Read average fell at the open after the After receiving conflicting data and Co. financial firm. “The eco­ Commerce Department reported on the economic front, stock trad­ nomic recovery has been slug­ its index of leading economic in­ except carry ers chose to follow the fixed-in- gish, the earnings recovery has dicators rose a disappointing 0.1 come markets and corresponding been slow. percent in April. your suitcase dips and rallies in interest rates. “Nowwe’re at transition. Many Analysts had hoped for a rise of continued on page 25 “For the last two and a half investors are wondering whether But if you take us w ith you, w e'll do that too! Spring is here. Summer is Just around the corner and Its time to start thinking about taking vacation! You ve work hard all year and you deserve a Itttfe New York closing prices time off.. . a I We time to retax and enjoy. The key to a great trip Is a good planning. World Tour & Travel can take care of all travel requirements from NEW YORK (AP) - New York Stock Exchange closing prices Wednesday. airline and hotel reservations and ticketing, to car rentals and tour pack- AMR 721-8 CPC 427-8 FordM 53 McDerl 31 SaraLees 26 ages. Ifyou don't know where you want to go yet, come In and see our A SA Ltd 481-2 CSX 723-8 Fuqua 101-4 McDonld 503-8 SchrPI 651-8 Informative travel Ibrary and talk to our friendly staff... they can help you AbtLabs 27 3-8 CampSps 40 GTE 35 3-4 McDnD 685-8 S chimb 661-2 decide on a destination. Let us handle the hassles and planning. You AetnLf 55 3-4 CdnPcg 161-4 GnDyn 955-8 McKes 44 5-8 ScottP 36 concentrate on er^oylng yourself I Alcan 191-8 С apCits 533 GenEI 94 Mesrx 175-8 Sears 55 5-8 A iktsgnl 653-4 Caterp 74 3-4 GnMill 653-4 Merck 371-4 SmtBceqs 32 Alcoa 69 3-8 Ceridian 15 GnMotr 401-4 MerLyn 771-8 SonyCp 431-8 ^ fO U R ANo > A max 221-2 Chase 303-4 GaPac 633-4 МММ 115 S outhCo 411-8 AmHes 541-4 ChmBnk 38 G ¡Hete 511-4 Mobil 703-8 S pellEnt 53-8 A Brand 331-2 Chevm 88 7-8 Gdrich 45 5-8 Monsan 591-2 SunCo 251-4 WOULD« äТТХЖ & »TRAVEL N ABPw 35 3-8 Chiquta 123-8 G oodyrs 411-2 MorgSt 663-4 Supval 34 AmExp 281-4 Chryslr 453-8 G race 40 Morgan 67 TRW 68 7-8 Motorias 84 3-8 Tandy 31 *0, а * A GenCp s 311-4 С iticorp 28 3-8 GtAtPc 331-2 S'°NAL SAIPU*·"* Τθ(.:233-3ό00 A Home 66 3-4 Coastal 271-4 GtWFn 161-4 N Lind 4 Teidyn 19 7-8 233-3700 Halbtn 43 N avistr 2 3-4 T ennco 491-2 AmStrs 43 CocaCI 415-8 233-3800 ATandT 62 ColgPal 56 3-4 Heinz 38 NflkSo 631-2 T exaco 64 5-8 A moco 561-2 vjCoiGs 233-4 HewlPk 857-8 OcciPet 221-2 Texlnst 66 7-8 Anheus 53 CmwE 27 5-8 H mstke 177-8 0 fin 45 7-8 T exUtil 461-2 * THIS M ONTHrSPE^uTpACKAGE TOUR. ^ A rmco 7 3-8 Comsat 621-8 Honda 251-8 PacGE 34 5-8 T extron 54 5-8 A sarco 193-4 ConEd 347-8 Honywls 38 PacTel 48 5-8 TimeWs 38 * HONG KONG SHOPPING GETAWAY ■ ParCom 54 T ravier 29 3-8 AshOil 26 3-4 ConsNG 525-8 Houslnt 70 3-8 - Roundtrip economy class airfare. AÜRich 1255-8 Comingln 34 7-8 ITTCp 84 5-8 Penneys 487-8 T rinova 30 1-2 Avon 557-8 Deere 63 3-4 ITW 737-8 Pepsic 361-8 UALCp 1367-8 - Roundtrip Airport/Hotel Transfer. BakrHu 29 3-8 DeltaAir 575-8 Imcera 301-4 Pfizer 721-4 USXMar 187-8 - American breakfast daily. BankAm 441-4 DialCp 391-8 INC0 221-4 PhelpD 451-2 USXUSS 431-4 - 3 Nights stay at the Kowloon Panda Hotel! BankTr 72 3-8 Digibl 441-8 IBM 53 7-8 PhilMr 501-4 UCarb 19 BauschL 521-2 Do .Ch 581-2 IntFlav 1163-4 PhilPet 317-8 U nPac 63 3-8 В engtB 1 D ressr 23 1-4 IntPap 661-4 PionrEI 22 U nisys 12 BALI DIVE PACKAGE ■ 4 Wights В ethStl 191-4 DuPont 523-4 JohnJns 441-4 Polaroid 36 5-8 UnTech 531-4 -Airfare BlackD 21 E Kodak 50 7-8 К mart 221-2 P rimca s 47 1-8 Unocal 325-8 I -Transfers Kellogg 52 5-8 P roctGm 491-2 WamL 717-8 Boeing 393-4 Eaton 88 3-4 Tw o full day dives & equipment & BoiseC 26 3-8 Entergy 35 KerrMc 523-4 QuakrO 731-8 W ellsF 107 I Borden 201-8 Exxon 64 3-4 Korea 15 Quantm 14 3-8 WstgEI 151-4 Lunch and much more. BrMySq 591-2 EMC 453-4 Kroger 173-4 RalsPu 453-8 Weyerh 451-4 I В mwk 15 FedNM 767-8 vjLTV 3-16 Raythn 565-8 Whitmn 137-8 I c a l i т е н т n o w BurtNth 533-4 FstChic 37 7-8 Lilly 507-8 ReyMtl 467-8 Whittakr 13 5-8 С er 251-8 Fintste 581-2 Litton 581-4 Rockwl 32 Wolwth 301-8 I RoylD 92 5-8 Xerox 763-8 FOR MORE DETAILS > С BS 244 7-8 Flemng 33 3-8 Lockhd 623-8 4 « Г CIGNA 60 3-8 Fluor 41 3-8 Matsu 121 Salomn 37 3-8 Z enithE 9 3-8 t^ CLEARANC^m, — ■— ------ifsj TWO GREAT 1993 TOYOTA TERCEL DEALS 2 Door Sedan Std. Trans., Air-Con, AM/FM Radio Or 1993 TOYOTA 4X2 HI LUX Standard Transmission, Air-Con, AM/FM Cassette, Rear Bumper *Limited offer while stocks last.______Pairere #1 TO YO TA


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T r ferry g |a I ES33 fr*} i m . H i w y 234-7133/3051 Beach Road, Garapan FRIDAY, JUNE 4.1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-25 Asian markets generally mixed HONG KONG (AP) - Asian prices fell on continued profit-tak­ stock markets closed generally ing following last week’s record mixed Wednesday, with share rallies. The Hang Seng Index, the prices rising in Tokyo while the market’skeyindicatorofbluechips, US dollar edged up after hitting fell 53.58 points, or 0.7 percent, an intraday record low against the closing at 7,322.23. Japanese yen. Wellington: The New Zealand Tokyo’s 225-issueNikkei Stock share market ended narrowly Average gained 100.29 points, or mixed, with strong support for a 0.48 percent, closing at20,691.70 couple of blue-chip issues offset­ points. On Tuesday, it had gained ting general weakness in the mar­ 39.06 points, or 0.19 percent. ket The NZSE-40 capital index The Tokyo Stock Price Index rose 2.93 points to 1,641.30. of all issues listed on the first Taipei: Taiwan share prices section, which was up 0.65 points, closed mixed in modest trading. or 0.04 percent, the previous day, The market’s weighted index fell added 8.21 points, or 0.50 per­ 14.19 points, closing at 4302.24. cent, to 1,645.46. Seoul: Share pricesclosedhigher Many investors took to the side­ in brisk trading. The Korea Com­ lines early in the session, but buy­ posite Stock Price Index rose 7.84 ing of blue-chip, export-oriented points to 759.81. issues pushed prices higher to­ Manila: Share prices closed ward the close. lower on profit-taking in quiet trad­ The dollar closed at 107.12 yen, ing. The Manila composite index up 0.12 yen from Tuesday’s close of 30 selected issues fell 7.7 points but slightly below its overnight to 1,572.56. New York finish of 107.15 yen. Sydney: Australian share prices After opening at 107.03 yen, it closed firmer thanks to a rise in the fell as low as 106.85 yen in morn­ US stock market and a stronger ing trading, exceeding the previ­ Australian dollar. The All-Ordi­ RUDOLPHO’S ous intraday low o f 106.88 yen set naries index rose 8.00 points to $12.50 on Tuesday. In Hong Kong, share 1,741.9. SATURDAY, JUNE 5 · 8:30PM SMMBMC PRODUCTION *** AGANA · GUAM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Software firms lose RUDOLPHO’S, ECHO BEACH & MARPAC over $12B to pirates By David Briscoe The estimates, compiled for the first time, are based m i an analy­ WASHINGTON (AP) -TheUS- sis of a number of factors, includ­ dominated international software ing the number of computers sold industry is losing more than $12 in each country and the amount of billion a year because of compa­ legal software sold, Holleyman nies and individuals that illegally said. copy computer programs, an in­ In Thailand, for example, dustry group estimated Wednes­ enough software has been sold to day. operate only one out of 100 com­ The biggest software piracy is puters in use. in Asia, with more than 90 per­ Computers are essentially use­ cent of the software used in Ja­ less without software that enables pan, Thailand and Taiwan ob­ them to write, draw, calculate, tained illegally, said the Business store information, communicate Software Alliance president Rob­ with other devices and perform ert Holleyman. other computing functions. In Spain, Italy, Mexico, Co­ .Some public domain software lombia and Venezuela, 85 per­ may be legally obtained at little or cent or more is illegal, Holleyman no cost, but commercial programs said at a news briefing. cost from a few dollars to hun­ “Software is generally protected dreds and even thousands of dol­ by copyright laws around the lars. The US software industry world, but enforcement of those accounts for 75 percent of world laws is lax,” Holleyman said. sales and BSA represent compa­ The loss in possible retail sales nies accounting for more than 70 due to illegal use of software is percent of US software sales, BSA estimated by BSA at $5.4 billion says. Asia, $4.5 billion in Europe, $1.9 Most commercial programs can billion in the United States and be readily copied with virtually $461 million in Latin America. any computer, but some programs The survey covers software pro­ include encoding intended topro- duced in the United States as well tect them from illegal copying. as other countries. ______continued on page 26

Stocks* · · contlnued from pag«*23 0.3 percent in the index, one of That is the biggest jump in more the government’s most important than six years. tools in forecasting economic ac­ The housing report sent short­ tivity. term US Treasurys higher, on the TTie Dow rallied briefly, but premise that it could prompt the then retreated again after Com­ Federal Reserve to raise short­ merce reported an unexpected term interest rates. Stocks rallied surge of 22.7 percent in sales of again late in the day in reaction to new single-family houses in April., higher long-term bond prices,. ^MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4,1993 has been extended British Telecom, up to June 1 9 9 3 (every Saturdays only) MCI agree to form Service Package Deal #1 $1B joint venture Includes: Labor, Oil Filter Element By Dirk Beveridge deal by 1994. and up to 6 qts. of Eng. Oil... Plus . British Telecom will hold 75.1 . . . Free Check-Up of: LONDON (AP) - British Tele­ percent of the joint venture and • Cooling System · Check and Clean communications PLC and MCI MCI will hold 24.9 percent. That air Filter Element · Power Strg & Communications Corp. an­ would give British Telecom room Auto-Trans. Oil Level · Windshield nounced Thursday they have in the future to seek out an Asian Washer Fluid Level · Battery agreed tofoim amultibillion-dol- partner for the alliance, if the com­ Condition · V-Belts and Greasing of lar alliance catering to multina­ pany decides it wants to, Cliair- Door and Hood Hinges. tional corporations and other glo­ man Iain Vallance told a news bal telephone users. conference. British Telecom said it plans to The deal .will give British- buy a 20 percent stake in MCI for .Telecom, a former government Includes: Service Package Deal Si- $4.3 billion, with some $830 mil­ monopoly which has been plus . . . lion to be paid immediately. privatized in stages beginning in • Engine Steam Washing, Degreaser The British telephone giant and 1984, a greater presence in the and · Vacuum cleaning of Floor the No. 2 US long-distance car­ lucrative North American mar­ Mats. rier then plan to invest $1 billion ket, the world’s largest. The alli­ “Excludes Trucks, Buses, U.S. & in a joint venture “designed to ance with British Telecom offers some luxury cars’ realize the lull potential of the MCI a greater reach outside its Above prices does not Include rad. fast-changing world telecommu­ home turf while giving it cash to nications markets.” expand its long-distance business coolant, washer fluid, battery acid, British Telecom is now the and invest in related endeavors. fluids and auto-trans, P strg. oils.. fourth largest international tele­ MCI’s chairman and chief ex­ phone carrier, while MCI is the ecutive, Bert Roberts, speaking P.O. B i'\ SS7. S .iip.m M l’ 46450 sixth-largest and fastest growing. from Washington, called the ar­ l.tv.iU'il in S.m |o'i.· on Iv .iil) Ro.ul They hope to finalize arrange­ rangement “the 'it lecommunica- Auumumw: 2Ì4-60I6, 7524, 7525, 7017 ments of the partnership within tions deal of the century.” ,I\iri> Servici.' ¿ii Bod\ Shop: 2 >4-7 5 14, 6881., '6826 about two months and close the Vallance agreed. “We have already made good progress in North America, but to fulfil our ambitions fully, we have always recognized that we need a strong American partner, not least to leave us with more freedom to concentrate our resources on Western Europe and the Pacific Rim,” Vallance said. “MCI fits the bill perfectly.” The phone companies said their deal will provide “major benefits to customers of both partners by providing greater spread, innova­ tive services, and the combined strength of two global communi­ cations firms.” The companies will target multinational corpora­ tions that need a wide range of SHINTOM VCR-560 MAGNAVOX VCR- SAMSUNG CTV-3352 JVC HR-D1820 UM SAMSUNG CT-5052 global telephone services, and HQ VHS \Afoo CMMtte Recorder 9 0 1 0 13 In. Color TV wf Remote Control, 4 Heed VHS Video Caeeette Recorder 19 In Color TV w i fta n o te Controf, they could ¿so cooperate on tele­ (Hede in Jepen) 110-220V, Cable ready, Auto-voH 110-22ÛV, (Made in Jepen) Auto-volt 110-220V, Cabla-ready, Auto-volt 110-220V, HO VKS Video Ceeeatte Recorder Cable-reedy, AudioATidoo Input Jack / O y /TTyCnble-rwdy, Fui function (Mede In Japan) 110-220V Cable- Audio/Video Input |eck phone card holders. Il i'j remote control \ / > ($395.00) full function remote control r> ($495.00) reedy, Full function remote control (625.00) •V-'· (*465.00) ■.?<· ($325.00) I f Software... continued from page 25 Computer pirates have created a lucrative business cracking pro­ grams and then selling copies at far below the m anufacturer’s price. Some major countries are not included in the estimates, how­ ever, including Canada, Russia and China. And the estimates of losses are not broken down into JVC C-20CL3 KENWOOD JV C CA-MX1 YAMAHA CC-5 JV C UX-5 Midi System w/ CD Player, full function Micro com ponent System w/ 20 In. Color TV w/ lull Compact component system w/ losses from copying by individu­ LVD-K-7100 remote control, 110-220V CD Player, full function remote control, function remote control, Cable-ready karaoke function remote control (Made In Japan) 100-22 0 V (Made In Japan) Laser Disc Karaoke Player 110-220V (Made in Japan) als or companies or copying for ($595.00) Dpuble cassane deck /. v ($795.00) (Made in Japan) 'Live' Surround sound, AL Superbass N. 110-220V, Digital Key Control, ($995.00) ($1,295.00) { in-house use or for sale. Full coun­ ^Digital Presence Surround Sound, ($995.00) terfeiting of software and the pack­ aging accounts for only a small share or the losses, he said. “Clearly, we have to rally behind //(/ FREE!· KENWOOD T-SHIRT or CAR S I’S VISORS! this issue, which is the biggest FOR EVERY KENWOOD PURCHASE threat to our industry,” Holleyman FOR EVERY $20 PI RCIIASED, CET ONE fl) FREE ItiF^ TH KhT- said. BSA, which has an office in R I IEEE DlliWINC TO IIE HELD ON JUNE JO, 1 9 9 .}. London and works with software SURPRISE CIFTS FOR EVERY SJO.00 PI IK.IIASED industry groups around the world, has filed more than 300 lawsuits in several countries, Holleyman S a ip a n ' s L a r g e s t said. SAMSUNG RCD-9S0 Audio & Video Shop CO It works for tougher laws and stem radio castana recorder, Located at Morgen Btdg., f 10-220 V, Ona-Touch recording enforcement and runs toll-free tyttom, CD aynchro recording B e a c h R o a d , S a n J o s e telephone lines in 17 countries O). ($225.00, ([ti which computer users can call to T el: 2 3 4 -2 0 6 8 get information or report abuses. (169.951 7 FRIDAY. JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-27 Kidnapping, other P riest charged w ith crimes declining? helping rebels in R P MANILA (AP) - Police were Figures presented at the brief­ trying to solve a spate of bomb­ ing showed 26 kidnappings in CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philip­ charges of illegal possession of prompting them to file the charges. ings in the capital, but said the nation in the first five months pines (AP) - Police have charged ammunition and explosives were Also seized were several rolls Wednesday that kidnapping and of this year, well below the pace a wounded priest with transport­ filed Monday against the Rev. of electrical wire, soldering lead, Other major crimes in à e Philip­ last year when 113 abductions ing ammunition and land mines Mario Valmorida. galvanized iron and other materi­ Valmorida allegedly was tak­ pines were declining.. were reported in all of 1992. to Communist rebels in the south­ als used for homemade land Umberto Rodriguez, newly Police said 19 kidnapping syndi­ ern Philippines, a senior officer ing supplies to New People’s mines, Paronia added. Army guerrillas in Salay town on ms tailed deputy director general, cates have beenbroken up since said Wednesday. He said charges of murdgr and M ay 19 w hen government troops said at a briefing thatpolice were last year. Meanwhile, in Manila, police attempted murder also would be investigating reports that a fired on his vehicle, wounding There have been 16 bank and officials said the number of Com­ filed against Valmorida as soon Muslim extremist group was armored car robberies so far this munist insurgents in the Philip­ the priest. as investigators can gather evi­ responsible for at least five year, twofewer than inlast year’s pines has continued to dwindle Communist rebels said they dence. bombings in the capital that have first five months, police added. because of strife in rebel ranks rescued the priest from further This, he said, was because the wounded a total of 35 people. They said499 cars were stolen and the success of the harm, and were keeping him with He said two Muslims have in this year’s first five months, govemments’s counterinsurgency them. weapons found in his vehicle were been arrested in connection with down 16 percent from a year program. Paronia said police seized hun­ the same type used by guerrillas May 11 bombings on the earlier. Superintendent Rolando dreds of rounds of ammunition, in killing or wounding 90 govern­ capital’s rail transit system, The number of local drug-re­ Paronia, Criminal Investigation eight land mines and two gre­ ment troopers in the area since which caused most of the inju­ lated cases in the courts dropped Serv ice regional commander, said nades from the priest’s vehicle, January. ries. 24 percent, police said. Bill to allow 75-year 5 killed in CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philip­ hugged the seashore, flew up and from the wreckage but the three pines (AP) - An air force heli­ flipped before slamming into women and pilot 1st Lt. Arnold lease for foreigners copter crashed into coral reefs shallow water in the coastal vil­ Abara died instantly, officials MANILA (AP) - Congress requires foreigners to pump in at Thursday, killing two pilots and lage of Bayabas, 880 kilometers said. Co-pilot 2nd Lt. Nelson Papa three women passengers, officials Tuesday approved a bill allowing least $5 million, of which 70 per­ (550 miles) southeast of Manila. died on the way to the hospital, foreigners up to 75 years lease on cent must be infused within three and witnesses said. Fisherm en plucked the bodies officials said. private lands for tourism and in­ years. Residents said the helicopter dustrial investment. The bill, aimed at encouraging investments, takes effect after President Fidel Ramos signs it into 1 aw. No signing date has been announced. It provides for a 50-year lease which is renewable once for 25 years. The current law allows only 25 years lease and may be renewed for another 25 years. For tourism projects, the bill Scientists end conference on Spratlys MANILA (AP) - Scientists on 1 4 7 T 9 L A C P2011 CF-2668 26 iri Color TV w/ Full function Remote control, . 13 in. Color TV w Remote Conlrol, Cable-ready, 20 in. Color TV w/ Rem ote Control. Cable-ready.'Auto-: ■·.: Wednesday ended a meeting on Auto-volt (110-220V) Full auto 3-system volt (110-220V) Blackslripe II. Auto sw itch Oft Timer . . Cable-ready : . technical cooperation in the con- ($450.00) ($595.00) ($1,095.00) "C $ 8 5 0 .0 0 testedSpratlyIslands,hoping their 30% OFF $315.00 $ 4 2 5 .0 0 actions would help reduce ten­ sions among the six nations claiming the oil-rich isles. “We have moved quite a lot to build peace, stability, coopera­ tion (and) avoid conflict and transform (this) into cooperation in this region,” said Dinopati Djalal, a foreign affairs official J-W from Indonesia. M-227 HQ VHS V H -2500 ^S teste VC-301 Vacuum Cleaner (Made in Japan)? Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Video Cassette Recorder w remote control (110-220V) 1 win Tub W asher (Made in Japan) 110-220V Ж ··'1 CabJe-ready. full loading quick access system ; . ($325.00) ($169.00) Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam ($495.00) 3 4 % OFF . $325.00 2 5 0 .0 0 $ 1 2 9 claim all or part of the Spratlys, a chain of islands and shoals 800 kilometers (500 miles) west of Manila in the South China Sea. Scientists from those nations were joined by officials of Indo­ nesia, Singapore and Thailand who hoped to encourage peace among the rival claimants. Djalal said the meeting moved RCK-S10 HTR-815 TA-402 discussions from general prin­ 5.5 c u p R ice C ooker ((Hado in Ja p an ) Elcctnc Oven/Toaster (Made in Japan) Electric Iron (Made in Japan) ciples to the “nitty gritty of coop­ ($145.00) ($55.00) ($34.50) eration” in such areas as fisheries, $ 1 1 0 .0 0 $ 3 9 .9 5 non-conventional energy and HŒK! ntKK! KESWOOI) Γ-SUIIiTor.. ways of protecting the environ­ Saipan's Largest cau si s visons: ment. Audio & Video Shop inn ι;\ι:ην л/;.\и odi) rihr.ii ist: “Hopefully, by the increased ¡■Oli ΙΑ Ί Ί Ι) *2 0 Π HCIIASEI). atmosphere of cooperation, un­ Located at M orgen Bldg.lz~ <ί:ί ом: 111 ιηι:ι: пмпл: τηκι/ι. derstanding and mutual respect, Beach Road, San Jose ? um i li: du t и im: to iii.: iiri.oosjin : :u>. i«.« Audio/Video & Home Appliances Tel: 234-2068 of not creating tensions,” Djalal u iiii.i: μ rrurs nsn added. arri-c4»’®·»’·* * ·» » » * ■ i · · a i. ·:> 2K-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRŒ)AY-JUNE 4,1993 Boats dump 200 illegal

T INCORPORATED Cater Box 623 Box 10000 Saipan. MP 96950 . (670) 234-8230 · Chinese immigrants Fax: (670) 2334029 · Reservations: (670) 322-4545 By John Enders About 120 immigrants identi­ bor officials became suspicious fied by Coast Guard Petty Officer of the Pelican because it was not MOSS LANDING, Calif. (AP) - Bill Hooker as mainland Chinese carrying any fishing equipment. FOR SALE Two fishing boats carrying more were taken into custody and held The boat-hit several other vessels than 200 Chinese immigrants at dockside. Moss Landing is as it tried to leave, but no injuries Commercial Vessel "Jade Lady' were seized after landing this about 90 miles south of San Fran­ were repeated. morning about 50 miles apart cisco. Brandy Ian, another Coast - New U.S.C.G. Cert, for 38 pax + along the California coast. A short time later, authorities Guard spokeswoman, said au­ The first vessel, the 65-foot seized a second fishing* vessel, thorities learned of the Angel’s crew until May 1995 Angel, docked at the Monterey the Pelican, as it tried to leave arrival at about 7 a.m. The Pelican - Recent Haul out, paint, Bay town of Moss Landing early Pillar Point Harbor with another docked at approximately 9 a.m., reconditioning and survey this morning and was met by au­ 100 Chinese immigrants aboard. KCBS said. thorities who had been tracking it Pillar Point Harbor is on Half Caroline Weigandt, a secretary - Good boat for day or evening for several days, Petty Officer Moon Bay, about 35 miles south at the Half Moon Bay Police De­ cruises, diving, transfer, etc. Shelly Freier of the US Coast of San Francisco. partment, confirmed that § ship Guard said. KCBS radio reported that har­ had landed at Pillar Point Harbor.

M ake offer 234-8230 Substandard ships still sailing F O R R E Ä T X SINGAPORE (AP) - Many ships dard vessels, O ’Neil said in a pa­ substandard and should be scrapped. Shop and Office Building in the world are substandard and per presented at the annual pose a threat to the environment meeting of the Baltic and Inter­ “Several of the leading classifi­ on Beach Road in Garapan. but owners continue to operate national Maritime Council. cation societies have recently $1,000. 00 per month. Includes ElectricyA/C. them for profit, an international He also asked whether the IMO taken steps to remove many sub­ maritime official warned should be allowed to verify ship standard ships from their lists. For more itiforination, Call 233-2712 Wednesday. standards and empowered to im­ Yet someoneelse must have taken Actions taken in recent years to pose sanctions. them on, for there is no indication make ships more seaworthy were O’Neil said inspections by that these ships have been encouraging, but it was time to various marine authorities show scrapped, or have even stopped consider whether drastic steps that “a great deal of shipping in trading,” O’Neil said. should be taken, said William A the world is substandard. If shipping people “do not find O’Neil, secretary general of the “It is still being operated be­ appropriate solutions to the safety International Maritime Organi­ cause owners find it profitable to and pollution concerns of the zation. do so,” he added. world,” he said, they face the risk ICECOED Possibilities include insurers He said a major oil company of having solutions imposed on refusing coverage for ships that reported earlier this year its in­ them by governments and others B E E R S & persistently ignore rules, and all spections showed about 20 per­ who may not have in-depth ports refusing entry to substan- cent of the world tanker fleet is knowledge. BRINKS M arianas Public Land Corporation PUBLIC NOTICE

Pursuant to the provisions of Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 2 CMC 4141 et sec, the PUB­ CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC LIC PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ CHANGE ACT OF 1987, sino i CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ TION ACT OF 1987, notice tulaikan tano para propositon TION ACT OF 1987, nge is hereby given of Marianas pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpo­ Public Land Corporation’s m anana i ginen este put i inten- ration e arongaar towlap, igha intention to enter into an ex­ sion-na i Marianas Public Land e mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw t i e n t change agreement involving Corporation humalom gi iye e toolong faluw kka faal. the parcels of land described kontratan atulaikan tano ni ha Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel jt also sew es below. Concerned persons afefekta i pedason tano siha ni ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hear­ m ay request a hearing on any manmadeskribi gi sampapa. ing reel inaamwo lliiwelil c k n s e t s . proposed exchanged by con­ Man interesante siha na petsona faluw fa. Aramas ye e tipali c h i c k s tacting MPLC by or on June 9, sina manmamaisen inekungok nge emmwel ye re tipali reel ^ a s t y 1993. Ifso requested,hearings put maseha manu/hafa na kkapsal faluw, nge rebwe on the transactions listed be­ priniponi put tulaikan tano. aghuleey ngali MPLC wool , f o e s h kiÍA ^uen, „ low will be scheduled on June A ’agang i M PLC antes pat osino mengaremmwal June 9,1993. chicken n ïln çs 11, 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the gi June 9,1993. Yanggenguaha Ngare eyoor tingor bwe yoor s a s k im L Conference Room of MPLC. inekungok marikuesta, i hearing, nge rebwe ayoora reel inekungok siempre para i tali faluw kka faal, nge rebwe a n d m o i e . . PUBLIC PURPOSE - Wet­ sigiente siha na transaksion u tooto wool June 11,1993, otol land Acquisition fan makondukta gi June 11, ye 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC 1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi eggan Conference Room. 2NJÍOY THE LO N G EST PRIVATE LAND - Part of gi halom i kuatton konfirensian Saipan Lot/Tract No. 565 iM PL C . AMMWELEER TOWLAP - HAPPY ííGUR ON ISLAND N EW -7 Wetland Acquisition Containing an area of 6,975 PROPOSITONPUPBLIKU -1 ’ y y w o p e n f r o m square meters Ma Chulé I’ Wetland FALAWAL ARAMAS - Part of Saipan Lot/Tract No. 565 iiO O PTE TO 12:00 M ID N IG H T PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PRAIBET- Parte gi sitio NEW -7 Tract No. 029 L 38 Numiru E.A. 565 NEW-7 giya Llapal nge 6,975 square meters Containing an area of 8,643 Saipan yah ha konsisiste 6,975 iwe e amatafa. square m eters metro kuadrao na area FALAWEER TOWLAP - CABRERA EAGLES' pun CENTER TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 38 Numiru 029 L 38 giya Saipan Llapal nge 8,643 squaremeters BlACH ttOAC) GARAJWJ yanha konsisiste, 8,643 metro kuadrao na area FRIDAY, JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-29

Black markets in stocks Safety 1 st Systems, offer quick way to wealth (Saipan), Inc. By Charlene L. Fu have fewplaces to put their money economists warn that investors in CNMI BOATING SAFETY WEEK and regard stocks as sure bets to illegal shares are taking big finan- HAIKOU, China (AP) - Zhang get rich, are eager for any chance cial risks. For instance, they may JUNE 6 - 1 2 Wei and Guo Rong take up their to buy shares. Since only about 75 not be able to cash in their shares Boating Safety Specials June 4th - 12th positions every morning outside stocks are listed on the nation’s with the company. the Hainan Securities Co. where two legal exchanges in Shanghai But traders and local officials • Fire Extinguishers they hustle people to buy or sell and Shenzhen, most people wind alike ignore the warnings because stocks - even though they aren’t up going to the black markets to the black market serves needs the • First A id Kits employed by the securities firm. buy “internal” shares. government can’t: It gives ordi­ • Flashlights, C oast G uard A pproved They are part of an active black hi Chengdu, a city of about 3 nary Chinese a place to invest market in “neibu” or internal million in southwest China, au­ their money, and provides a source • R aincoats and rainboots stocks. The government has au­ thorities allow the traders to oc­ of capital for rural and private • Oil Sorbents thorized about 5,000 companies cupy a stadium, where their shouts enterprises, which have a hard nationwide to issue internal stocks of buying and selling prices fill time getting loans from state • A nti-slip strips - for sale only to their own em­ the air. A recent visitor likened banks. ployees - to raise capital for spe­ the frenzied trading to the Chi­ What happened in Hainan cial projects. cago Mercantile Exchange. shows the impatience local offi­ W atch for the Roving Safety 1st Van at * But thousands more companies, In Haikou, capital of the south­ cials feel toward the central Garapan Boat Basin or Smiling Cove government’s slow moves to ex­ especially rural and private enter­ ern island province of Hainan, Marina on Saturday June 6 prises, are issuing internal shares Zhang and Guo join a half-dozen pand China’s stock markets. without approval and selling them other black market stocks traders Hainan officials opened a stock to any interested buyer. Black on the sidewalk outside the secu­ exchange in March 1992 without Located in Chalan Kanoa across from markets in the certificates have rities company. Large white sheets approval from Beijing and al­ the Mt. Carmel Cathedral cropped up in most major cities. of paper at their feet list the names lowed trading in internal stocks. Tel. 235-6500 · Fax: 235-7400 They hoped that faced with a fait The phenomenon illustrates the of companies whose stocks they accompli, the central government government’s increasing inabil­ want to buy or sell. would approve the bourse, as it ity to control the new, capitalist “It’s not illegal. But it’s not did in Shenzhen. financial markets it launched in exactly legal either,” Zhang said. The renagade stock m arket op­ the late 1980s as small-scale ex­ Technically, that’s true, for erated for a month, ignoring re­ PUBLIC NOTICE periments. there is no law on the books. But peated orders from central au­ The BAR EXAMINATION for the Commonwealth The government is trying to authorities ordered a halt to trad­ thorities to close it down until develop the markets slowly, ing of internal shares in April. Vice Premier Zhu Rongji visited of the Northern Mariana Islands is scheduled to be admin­ reined in by conservatives who National stockregulations, issued and personally ordered its clo­ istered on July 29-30, 1993. Those individuals who are disapprove of the speculation in­ in May, reiterate that companies sure. planning to take the Bar Examination (either the Regular herent in stock markets and who may not issue shares without state “Around the country, others Bar Exam or the Attorney Bar Exam) may obtain from the object to partial privatization of approval. Violating companies were about to follow Hainan’s Commonwealth Supreme Court the necessary information state-owned firms through share can be fined 30,000 yuan ($5,260) example,” said Chi Fulin, secre­ and application forms by calling the Clerk of the Supremp issues. to 300,000 yuan ($52,630). tary general of the Hainan Insti­ But Chinese investors, who Regardless of the legal risks, tute for Reform and Development. Court at Telephone Nos. 234-5175/5176/ or 5177, or by writing to P.O. Box 2165, Saipan, MP 96950. All applications for the July 1993 CNMI Bar Ex­ amination must be submitted to the Clerk of the Supreme Court, together with the required application fee ($150.00 We Design & Print for Regular Applicant and $250.00for Attorney Applicant), no later than June 14,1993. • Brochures · Calendars · Books < Menu Dated this 28th day of April, 1993. /s/ CHARLES M. CALVO, JR. Covers · Posters* Corporate Logo · Clerk of the Supreme Court Letterheads · Business Cards and more. . 5/21.2B, 6/4 (47323

m Younis Art Studio, Inc, IG M O N E

P.O. Box 231 Sr. MP 90950 Located in Garap’n Tel. 234-634 I ■ 7578 · 0797 · ¡-ax. 7.3.1 .077!

Publishor «- | < f -a The CNMI Council forthe Humanities will give ¿Marianas cVariety' £§v YOU BIG MONEY to spend on projects that educate Micronesia Leadinn Newspaper Sine·:· " -)7? the general public about the political, social, historical and national value of: Independence Day, July 4; Citizenship Day, November 4; and Consititution Day, December 8. You could have a panel discussion, a lecture, a poster exhibit, a film, an essay contest, a dramatic performance, a combination of these or any other format that suits your purpose. TEACHERS! PARENTS! You can also get BIG MONEY to help kids, little or big and adults, young and old, improve their reading skills by starting a READING AND DISCUS­ SION GROUP. This is an ideal way to earn HUGE CASH during the Summer and do a good thing at the same time. HURRY WHILE FUNDS ARE STILL AVAILABLE.

For details and proposal deadlines, contact: William R. Barrineau, Executive Director, CNMI Council for the Humanities, Caller Box AAA 3394 or call 235-4785. The CNMI Council forthe Humani­ ties is a non-profit, private corporation funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities. ·. ,.ι.*.-.,·.'ί'. r v r ; 30-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4,1993 Unlicensed Second Anniversary ‘Rosary Teen-ager receives drivers newest 50-year jail term menace on New We, the family of the late: By Ron Lesko affections of her 15-year-old fe­ York streets male lover. By Rayner Pike BENIGNO SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) - The Although Shanda was badly last of four teen-agers to plead injured and covered with blood NEW YORK (AP) - The newest guilty in the slaying of a 12-year- OLUPUMAR from head to toe after more than menace on the streets of New old girl who was tortured to death four hours of vicious torture, doc­ York City doesn’t carry a gun, a SABLAN over an alleged lesbian love affair tors said she would have lived if knife, a razor - or a valid driver’s was sentenced Wednesday to 50 she hadn’t been set afire. license. years in prison. Officials testified that Rippey, Unlicensed drivers, including Hope Rippey was sentenced 16, of Madison, admitted· entic­ one with 63 suspensions, have would like to invite all our relatives and friends to the Second after a 1 1/2-day hearing. S t Jo­ ing Shanda to leave her home killed three children this yearvand Anniversary Rosary of our dear and beloved father and seph Superior Judge Jeanne aroundmidnightonJan. 10,1992, a man is battling for his life after grandfather. Jourdan sentenced her to the and dousing Shanda with gasoline. the latest horror. Rosary will be said nightly at the family residence of maximum 60 years,but suspended Jefferson County Prosecutor Safety experts say it’s a prob-- Congresswoman Ana S. Teregeyo and Mr. Joaquin Teregeyo 10 years for mitigating circum­ Guy Townsend painted Rippey Jem nationwide. in San Vicente beginning June 1,1993 at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday. stances. Daily masses will be offered at the following: as a willing participant in the kill­ “The attitude is, ‘Take my li­ 6/1/93 San Antonio 6:00 p.m. Defense attorney Charles Asher ing, and Jourdan said: “There were cense and I’ll drive anyway and I 6/2/93 San Vicente 6:00 p.m. said Rippey felt threatened by two avenues of escape, ways to help don’t think you can catch me,”1 6/3/93 Saint Jude 6:00 p.m. of the other girls involved, Mary herself, ways to help S handa.... saidTom Culpepper, traffic safety 6/4/93 San Vicente 6:00 p.m. Laurine Tackett and Melinda Her lack of mercy, of tender director of the American Auto­ 6/5/93 San Jose 6:00 p.m. Loveless. Tackett and Loveless courage, is a horrifying lesson to mobile Association in Heathrow, 6/6/93 San Vicente 6:00 a.m. each received 60-year terms. us all.” 6/7/93 San Vicente 6:00 p.m. Fla. The case involved the January Rippey sobbed as Shanda’s An unlicensed driver ran down 6/8/93 San Antonio 6:00 p.m. parents read a scathing statement On the final day, Wednesday, June 9,1993, the rosary will 1992 slaying of Shanda Renee school custodian Christopher be said at 12:00 noon. Mass of Intention will be offered at 6:00 Sharer, who was beaten, choked, about how the killing has affected Donohue as he rode his bicycle p.m. at the San Vicente Church and dinner will follow imme­ stabbed, sodomized with a tire their family. Sunday in Manhattan, then diately at the family residence of Congresswoman Ana S. & Mr. iron and burned alive on a rural “She was only 12 years old and dragged him eight blocks. she was a daddy ’ s girl and now all Joaquin Teregeyo. road near the Ohio River town of Donohue remained in critical but Your presence and prayers are greatly appreciated. Madison. the special things we do together stable condition Vednesday. PLEASE JOIN US. Thank you. Witnesses have said Loveless are gone forever,” Steve Sharer THE FAMILY Steven Ortiz, 49, was jailed on wanted Shanda killed because she said. “May you rot in hell with the $ 100,000 bail on charges of at­ thought Shanda was stealing the rest of your murdering friends.” tempted murder, drunken driving and driving with a suspended li­ cense - a charge made moot when authorities discovered he never a c i f i c a s i n n s u r a n c e had a license. P B I , He had eight suspensions listed P.O. BOX 710 SAIPAN, MP 96950 · TEL: 234-5860/7861 · FAX: (670) 233-7841 on his driving record anyway be­ cause he never came forward to contest the first suspension and no one checked to see if he had a H as an im m ediate opening fo r valid license until the accident, said Mark Amodeo, spokesman for the state Department of Motor SALES ASSOCIATES Vehicles. Ortiz is one of thousands of on beh alf o f unlicensed drivers targeted in a month-longpolice crackdown that has “made the threat of being ar­ rested more real,” Amodeo said. Inthelastmonth,917 drivers have been arrested for driving with at d F J A C least two suspensions. Children ages 8,4 and 2 have Medical Supplement Benefits been knocked down and killed this year by unlicensed drivers with between two dozen to 63 outstanding license suspensions. And the tragedies haven’t stopped. “They keep on killing people. What are you going to do?” Donohue’s sister, MaryJane, said bitterly at the hospital. A suspension or revocation has no built-in enforcement. Ordi­ r a n d a c if ic if e n s u r a n c e t d narily, police do not arrest illegal G P L I , L . drivers unless there is an accident A member of the Finance Factors Family involving injury or death. The drivers simply pile up summonses, and continue on their way. It is common for a revoked or suspended driver to return to the wheel with a license from another state, Culpepper said. New York state bars a driver with a sus­ pended license from registering his car, but a driver can use an assumed name and the rule doesn’t S u n s e t U fe apply to new cars. The A+ Company Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly announced May 4 that driv­ ers with two or more suspensions will be arrested rather than tick­ "ATTRACTIVE CO M PEN SATIO N AND BEN EFITS" eted if stopped by police. Drivers who fail to appear for court dates face arrest and possible jail time, A p p l y i n P e r s o n said police spokesman Lt. Rich­ ard Kuberski. FRIDAY, JUNE 4.1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIÉWS-31 Economic issues facing CNMI By William H. Stewart, fourth factor, is considered by non-indigenous persons or firms MICHOL CORPORATION Economist economists, namely, entrepre­ has been acceptable to many for­ P.O. BOX 207, SflN JOSE, SAIPAN, MP 3G950 · TEL. 234-5911,2,3,4,6,7,8 neurship which is that force, or eign investors. The problem arises A RECENT survey was reported managerial talent, that employs over the confusion surrounding as having been conducted on the the first three in an efficient and the illegal use of a “middle man” island for a private firm which productive manner. In the case of or agent and the source of funds indicated that, of the people the CNMI the latter may be con­ utilized in the transaction. Cressida WAS IS polled, half were interested in sidered as including both local The publicity surrounding U92-032 : 1987 CRESSIDA AAF-877 5,995 5,195 learning0more about Article XU . and foreign businessmen and Article XU of the CNM I Consti­ This was followed in the survey women. tution and the subsequent litiga­ Camry . U91-OS2T 1988 CAMRY 4 DR. AAM-742 by concern about the future of the Recent events in the Com­ tion associated with several ex­ 4,395 4.195 92-087T 1988 CAMRY 4 DR. LE AAA-977 5,495 economy and infrastructure im­ 4.995 monwealth have resulted in ques­ isting hotel projects will make 92-14BT 1985 CAMRY 4 DR. AAD-447 2.895 2,595 provements, particularly water tions being posed as to what the future foreign investors much 92-175T 1989 CAMRY 4 OR. AAFt-014 7.895 7.195 1991 CAMRY 4 DR. LE and sewer systems. In an future might hold for the islands if more cautious of private land R92-039P ABB-381 11,995 10:995 U92-1S8T 1991 CAMRY 4 DR. AAX-921 8,995 economy such as that which ex­ certain external and internal issues 8,695 leases. While the leasing of CNMI R93-007P 1990 CAMRY 4 DR. AAR-207 9,695 9.195 ists at the present, issues relating are not resolved in a manner de­ land by persons not of Northern U93-067T 1992 CAMRY V6 XLE AAX-795 16.995 to the use of nonresident workers, signed to mitigate any adverse Marianas descent may be under­ R93-015 1991 CAMRY 4 DR. AAU-465 7.995 U92-187T 1990 CAMRY WAGON AAM-847 minimum wages and revenues impact on the economy as a result taken safely when dealing directly 11.695 10.995 R92-045P 1990 CAMRY WAGON TAXP364 8,395 7.995 required to finance government of changes in the law and imple­ with the original owner, the con­ capital improvements and ser­ menting policies. Briefly -and as fusing publicity surrounding the Corolla vices that society needs are of the above mentioned survey found entire issue of land alienation has R92-022P 1990 COROLLA 4 DR. AAN-459 7.695 7.195 R92-047P 1991 COR. COUPE 2 DR AAY-192 7.995 6.995 major concern. There is no dearth - these issues are: the confusion not served the Commonwealth U93-059R 1990 COROLLA 4 DR. AAR-615 5.995 5.195 in the differences of opinion in over certain land transactions well. U93-062R 1990 COROLLA 4 DR. AAA-745 5.995 5.195 the Commonwealth with respect (Article XU); the possible loss of There is a substantial dif­ U93-063R 1990 COROLLA 4 DR. AAR-685 5.995 5.195 . to the condition of the economy. CNMI control over immigration ference between laws in the con­ U93-064R 1990 COROLLA 4 DR. AAP-800 6.495 5.995 R92-035P 1990 COROLLA WGN. TAXI-260 7.695 7.195 One school of thought believes and the continued use of non­ tinental United States, Guam and U92-203R 1990 COROLLA WGN. AAS654 5.995 5,495 that any new investment should resident workers; an increase in Hawaii and those in the Com­ U93-017L 1991 COROLLA WGN. AAZ-225 7.495 6.995 be only that of U. S. citizens while the minimum wage; loss of trade monwealth as relate to land. U93-031L 1990 COROLLA WGN. AAO017 7.695 6.995 the other school wants to “pull all benefits currently available un­ Within the United States’ main­ Tercel the stops” and strive for ever der Headnote 3 (a), changes in the land, Europe and some Asian U92-057T 1989 TERCEL 4 DR. AAI+930 3,995 3,695 greater economic growth, in­ Commonwealth’s tax base and countries, it is not at all uncom­ U92-198T 1989 TERCEL 4 DR. AAH457 3,495 2.995 creased business profit, greater finally - the withdrawal of certain mon to use an intermediary or R93-O10P 1992 TERCEL 2 DR. OX AAT-850 8,395 7.995 U93-033T 1988 TERCEL 4 DR. AAE-983 3.500 2.995 federal funds, particularly those agent to acquire sites for devel­ government revenues, a growing R93-013P 1991 TERCEL 4 DR. ABB-152 7.500 6.995 population, etc., regardless as to which might otherwise have been opment by another person or firm. whether or not it is financed by available under the Covenant Any In the continental United States it Chevrolet U91-157T 1990 CELEBRITY AAG-689 local or foreign capital. one of the above, if not resolved is quite normal for a developer to 4,295 3,995 U92-171R 1990 SPRINT AAQ-484 9,995 3,495 Economists often examine to the advantage of the Northern seek out a suitable site for the and measure three principal fac­ Marianas, can result in serious relocation of his facilities and if Buick tors of production within an economic consequences. A brief the site involves assembling a tract U93-026R 1988 CENTURY AAG-082 5.995 4,995 1992 CENTURY from a number of adjacent parcels R93-014P AAW-248 RESERVED economy, these are: land, labor examination of each follows: U93-068R 1989 CENTURY AAR-034 6.995 5,595 and capital - short terms for those - Land - (Article XU:) There is - all with separate owners - the items mentioned above which the nothing wrong with Article XII as developer will often engage the Subaru survey found to be of interest to its provision for the lease of land services of an individual to se- U91-230T 1990 SUBARU LEGACY AAU-182 8,295 7.995 U92-200T 1988 SUBARl I 4 DR. ДАС641 2.895 2,595 for periods of up to 55 years by Contlnued on page 32 many people. In some instances a ■ U93-023T 1985 SUBARU GL10 AAR-377 2.495 1.995

Mazda M arianas Public Land C orporation U92-069T 1986 MAZDA 626 ABC-472 995 695 U92-108T 1989 MAZDA AAM-691 2.495 2,195 U92-219T 1990 MIATA AAP-323 9.495 8,995 PUBLIC NOTICE U92-145T 1989 4X2 AAC-313 2,895 2,595 Pursuant to the provisions o f 2 C M C Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE Nissan 4141 et sec, the P U B LIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 2.995 LAND EXCHANGE AUTHORI­ U92-128T 1988 PULSAR AAF-558 9,395 LAND EXCHANGE AUTHORI­ LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1987, AAC-886 5,795 5,395 ZATION ACT OF 1987, notice is sino i tulaikan taño para propositon ZATION ACT OF 1987, nge U92-15BT 1987 MAXIMA U93-O10T 1989 STANZA AAK-412 4.995 4,495 hereby gi v en of M an anas Public Land pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia manana Marianas Public Land Corporation e AAM-587 4,695 3.995 arongaar to wlap, igha e mangiiy ebwe U93-053T 1990 SENTRA Corporation's intention to enter into i ginenesteputi intension-na i Marianas 1991 SENTRA AAS-779 5.995 5,595 an exchange agreement in vo lvin g the Public Land Corporation humalom gi lliiwelo faluw iye e toolong faluw U93-061T kka faal. Aramasye e tipali nge parcels of land described below. kontratan atulaikan taño ni ha afefekta Hyundai Concerned persons may request a i pedason taño siha ni manmadeskribi emmwel ebwe tingor ebwe yoor U93-003T 1992 COUPE LS AAJ-281 7,997 6,995 hearing on any proposed exchanged gi sampapa. Man interesante siha na hearing reel inaamwo lliiw elil faluw by contacting MPLC by or on Junel 6, petsona sina manmamaisen inekungok fa. Aramas ye e tipali nge em m wel ye Trucks 1993. If so requested, hearings on the put maseha manu/hafa na priniponi put re tipali reelkkapsal faluw, ngerebwe R92-018P 1990 4 RUNNER AAJ-403 14.995 13.995 transactions listed below w ill be tulaikan taño. A ’ agang i M P LC antes aghuleey ngali MPLC wool me ngare U92-190T 1988 CHEROKEE ABK-921 7.695 6.995 scheduled on June 18, 1993 at 9:00 pat osino gi June 16, 1993. Yanggen mmwal June 16,1993. Ngare eyoor R93-004P 1992 LANDCRUISER AAV-253 19.995 18.995 a.m. in the Conference Room of guaha inekungok marikuesta, i tingor bwe yoor hearing, nge rebwe U92-173T 1989 4X4 Х-СДВ SR5 AAD-903 8.995 7.995 MPLC. inekungok siempre para i sigiente siha ayoora reel tali faluw kka faal, nge U92-Ì 97T 1991 4X4X-CAB SR5 ABE-992 13.995 12.995 9.995 na transaksion u fan makondukia g: rebwe tooto wool June 18,1993, otol U93-052T 19904X4 X-CAB SR5 AAW-377 10.995 10.995 PUBLIC PURPOSE - Wetland Ac­ June 18, 1993, gi oran alas 9:00 g ye 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC Confer­ U93-060T 1991 4X4 X-CAB AUTO ABC-611 11.995 6.495 quisition eggan gi halom i kuatton konfirensian ence Room. U93-OB5T 1990 4X2 X-CAB V-6 AA0-466 7,195 R-920211P 1989 4X2 AAN-167 3.695 2.995 MPLC. 4,295 3.995 PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/Tract AMMWELEER TOWLAP - Wet­ U92-1 52T 1988 4X2 AAD-311 R92-038P AAS-817 6,495 5.995 No. 22573 PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU Г M a land Acquisition 1991 4X2 1.495 U92-189T 1987 4X2 AAU-380 1.795 Containing an area o f 41,172 square Chulé Г Wetland AAU-486 6.595 5.995 meters. F A L A W A L A R A M A S - Saipan L o t/ R92-043P 1991 4X2 R93-008P ABC-292 7.995 7.495 TANO PRAEBET -Sitio Numiru 22573 Tract No. 22573 1991 4X2 4.995 U93-024T 1990 4X2 AAT-984 5.795 - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 251-2 giya Saipan yan ha konsisiste 41,172 Llapal nge 41,172 square meters iwe 5.995 R93-012P 1990 4X2 AAP-168 6.595 Containing an area o f 4,000 square metro kuadrao na area. e amatafa. 1.495 U93-O70T 1988 4X2 AAC-956 1.995 meters. - Sitio Numiru 251-2 giya Saipan yan AAP-125 4.995 3.995 - Saipan Lot/Tract N o. 251 -2 Llapal U93-051T 1990 ISUZU 4X2 ha R93-016 1991 PREVIALE AAW-237 14,995 13,995 - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 251-4 konsisiste4,000metro kuadrao na area. nge Containing an area o f 9,480 square - Sitio Numiru 251-4 giya Saipan yan 4,000 square meters iwe e amatafa. meters. hakonsisiste 9,480 metro kuadrao na - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 251-4 Llapal PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/Tract nge No. 029 L 12 T A N O PUPB LIKU - S itio N um iru 029 9,480 square meters iwe e amatafa. DENNIS J. O’SHEA Containing an area o f 15,000 square L 12 giya Saipan yan ha konsisiste •ATTORNEY AT LAW· meters. 15,000 metro kuadrao na area. FALAWEERTOWLAP-SaipanLot/ T ract No. 029 L 12 A GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 13 Sitio Numiru 029 L 13 giya Saipan yan Llapal nge 15,000 square meters. Containing an area o f 9,000 square ha konsisiste 9,000 metro kuadrao na - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 13 INCLUDING meters. area. Llapal nge 9,000 square meters. • CRIMINAL LAW · BUSINESS TRANSACTION

- Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 15 - S itio Num iru 029 L 15 giya Saipan - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 15 • LABOR/GSHA · LAND MATTERS Containing an area o f 37,662 square yan ha konsisiste 37,662 metro kuadrao Llapal nge 37,662 square meters. LOCATED IN THE TRANSPAC BUSINESS CENTER meters. na area. MIDDLE ROAD, CUALO RAL - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 60 - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 60 - Sitio Numiru 029 L 60 giya Saipan Llapal nge 4,000 square meters. M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 235-3355 Containing an area o f 4,400 square . yan ha konsisiste 4,400 metro kuadrao SAT. 8:00 AM - 12:00 NN 256-4100 (after 5) ·>·»'naarea. · » « ------ft m » Jt-wm - - s/ast эвгаадо 32-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4.1993

_ Continued from pape 31 Marianas Public Land C orporation Economic... cretly and quietly contact the While the current economic PUBLIC NOTICE owners of each parcel to make an slowdown has resulted in the re­ Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 offer on the site. This is done duction of some nonresident workers particularly in the con­ CMC4141 etsec, the PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC principally for two reasons: first, PURPOSE LAND EX- to keep land prices from inflating struction industry from the re­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ CHANGE ACT O F1987, sino i CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ once it is known that there is in­ corded high point of three years CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ tulaikan taño para propositon TION ACT OF 1987, nge vestor interest and, second - to ago, the above analysis does TION ACT OF 1987, n o tic e is provide an important indicator of pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpo­ keep the competition in that par­ the Commonwealth’s desperate hereby given of Marianas manana i ginen este put i inten- ration e arongaar towlap, igha ticular industry from learning the need for outside labor to supple­ Public Land Corporation’s sion-na i Marianas Public Land e mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw market and plant location strat­ egy of those seeking to relocate ment the supply of available local intention to enter into an ex­ Corporation humalom gi iye e toolong faluw kka faal. their facilities. This is standard indigenous labor. Depending change agreement involving kontratan atulaikan taño ni ha Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel operating procedure in that type upon the annual rate of population afefekta i pedason taño siha ni ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hear­ the parcels of land described of an economic environment. growth within the indigenous manmadeskribi gi sampapa. ing reel inaamwo lliiwelil below. Concerned persons However, in the Commonwealth population, a growth rate of 1.85 Man interesante siha na petsona faluw fa. Aramas ye e tipali may request a hearing on any such activity should not be un­ percent will result in 92,783 in­ sina manmamaisen inekungok nge emmwel ye re tipali reel proposed exchanged by con­ dertaken without first consulting digenous persons of all ages in the put maseha manu/hafa na kkapsal faluw, nge rebwe tacting MPLC by or on June 16, competent legal advice from an year 2082 with the 1990 em­ priniponi put tulaikan taño. aghuleey ngali MPLC wool attorney familiar with the laws of ployment level of 25,965 jobs'in 1993. If so requested, hearings A ’agang i M PLC antes pat osino me ngare mmwal June 16, the Commonwealth. the CNMI finally reached at that on the transactions listed below gi June 16, 1993. Yanggen 1993. Ngare eyoor tingor bwe There is also some confusion time. A three percent growth rate, will be scheduled on June 18, guaha inekungok marikuesta, i yoor hearing, nge rebwe in the Commonwealth over the which is extremely unlikely, will 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the Con­ inekungok siempre para i ayoora reel tali faluw kka faal, issue relating to side agreements result in reaching the 1990 em­ ference Room of MPLC. sigiente siha na transaksion u nge rebwe tooto wool June 18, and the use of a so-called “straw ployment level by the year 2047. fan makondukta gi June 18, 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. mellol person”, middleman or agent. Looking back several years, PUBLIC PURPOSE - Road­ 1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi eggan MPLC Conference Room. However, when done properly, the CNMT’s limited indigenous the Commonwealth is still a very human resource base had to ways Acquisition gi halom i kuatton konfirensian i M PL C . AMMWELEER TOWLAP - appealing location in which to somehow be overcome, otherwise invest principally because of its there would forever be a “cap” on PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Roadway Acquisition PROPOSITONPUPBLIKU -1’ geographic location and the fact development and keep the islands Lot/Tract No. 456-17 that it is within the Am erican ju ­ at the level of the 1980 economy. Ma Chulé I’ Chalan Para I’ FALAWAL ARAMAS - Containing an area of 422 risdiction, but new investors will This constraint was overcome by Pupbliku Saipan Lot/Tract No. 456-17 square meters. be more cautious with respect to the introduction of foreign work­ the chain of title mindful of the ers. Today, with the exception of TAÑO PRAIBET - Sitio Llapal nge 422 square meters recent Commonwealth’s Supreme the slowdown in construction,, it PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ Numiru 456-17 giya Saipan yan iwe e amatafa. Court decision on Article XU. In is impossible toreduce the reliance Tract No. 029 L 04 hakonsisiste422 metro kuadrao the future many investors will on alien workers without doing n a are a. Containing an area of 2,640 FALAWEER TOWLAP - probably prefer to deal directly irreparable harm to the local square meters Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 04 with the original indigenous land economy and to the investment TAÑO PUPBLIKU - Sitio owner and the assembly of a large reputation and credibility of the Numiru 029 L 04 giya Saipan Llapal nge2,640square meteis site from several different adjacent Northern Marianas and to some yan ha konsisiste 2,640 metro land owners may prove to be very extent that of the United States kuadrao na anea. «4,11,18,23(0*913) time consuming and expensive. among many foreign investors Labor - (Loss of CNMI control from Asia who established over immigration and continued themselves in the Commonwealth use of nonresident workers): At largely on the basis of the area’s’ Marianas Public Land C orporation the time of the 1990 census the affiliation with the United States total employed labor force in the and the confidence and trust that PUBLIC NOTICE Commonwealth was 25,965 was inspired by that association. Pursuant to the provisions of Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 within atotalpopulationof43,345 Fewernonresident workers means 2CMC4141 etsec, the PUB­ CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC which includes nonresident reduced business activity which workers but omits the average quickly translates into less gov­ LIC PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX- PURPOSE LAND EX­ CHANGE ACT OF 1987, sino i daily tourist population. At the ernment revenues generated and CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ tulaikan taño para propositon TION ACT OF 1987, nge time of the census the total in­ a slowdown in infrastructure im­ digenous population was 17,181 provement. TION ACT OF 1987, notice pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpo­ persons, or 39.6 percent of the Capital - (Changes in CNMI is hereby given of Marianas manana i ginen este put i inten- ration e arongaar towlap, igha CNMI’s total resident and non­ tax base): Given the concerns of Public Land Corporation’s sion-na i Marianas Public Land e mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw resident population. several congressional members Corporation humalom gi iye e toolong faluw kka faal. intention to enter into an ex­ The indigenous labor force relative to the area’s tax policy kontratan atulaikan taño ni ha Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel change agreement involving (both those employed and unem­ and before any drastic measures afefekta i pedason taño siha ni the parcels of land described ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hear­ ployed), between the ages of 16 are taken relative to the CNMI’s manmadeskribi gi sampapa. ing reel inaamwo lliiwelil below. Concerned persons and 65 years numbered 7,476 of tax structure it is suggested that a Man interesante siha na petsona faluw fa. Aramas ye e tipali may request a hearing on any which it was estimated that 4,777 comprehensive study be under­ sina manmamaisen inekungok nge emmwel ye re tipali reel (63.8 percent) were employed. taken to determine whether or not proposed exchanged by con­ put maseha manu/hafa na kkapsal faluw, nge rebwe The remaining 2,699 (36.2 per­ more - or less - government rev­ tacting MPLC by or on priniponi put tulaikan taño. aghuleey ngali MPLC wool cent) consisted of students, enue would result from a change Junel6,1993. If so requested, A ’ agang i M PLC antes pat osino me ngare mmwal June 16, housewives and others not desir­ in the CNMI’s rebate policy. hearings on the transactions gi June 16, 1993. Yanggen 1993. Ngare eyoor tingor bwe ous of employment. The unem­ Businesses now pay a tax of five listed below will be sched­ guaha inekungok marikuesta, i yoor hearing, nge rebwe ployment rate for the Common­ percent on their gross income inekungok siempre para i ayoora reel tali faluw kka faal, wealth in 1990 was 2.3 percent. along with an additional tax cal­ uled on June 1 8 ,1 9 9 3 at 9:00 sigiente siha na transaksion u nge rebw e tooto wool June 18, The lowest of any area under the culated on the basis of the U S a.m. in the Conference Room fan makondukta gi June 18, 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. mellol American Flag. Internal Revenue Code. It is this of MPLC. 1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi eggan MPLC Conference Room. At the time of the census latter tax paid on net income from gi halom i kuatton konfirensian there were 21,188 nonresident which the 95 percent rebate is PUBLIC PURPOSE - Wet­ i MPLC. AMMWELEER TOWLAP - workers which made up 81.6 granted. Abandonment of the re­ land Acquisition Wetland Acquisition percent of the labor force. Con­ bate and continued implementa­ PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 1 ’ sidering the annual rate of growth tion of the U S Internal Revenue Ma Chule I’ Wetland F A L A W A L A R A M A S - of the indigenous population as Code would require scrapping the PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Saipan Lot/Tract No. E.A. measured between 1973 and 1990 business gross revenue tax and Lot/Tract No. E.A. 321-2-2 TANO PRAIBET - Sitio 321-2-2 and assuming that this rate of imposing taxes on a firm’s net Containing an area of 4,975 Numiru E.A. 321-2-2 giya Llapal nge 4,975 square meters growth continues, there will not income. This tax provides for the be a sufficient local population deduction of a variety of allowable square meters. Saipan yan ha konsisiste 4,975 iwe e amatafa. metro kuadrao na area. within the indigenous labor force business expenses, one of which large enough to staff the available is rent and still another is depre­ F A L A W E E R T O W L A P - PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ jobs in the Commonwealth that ciation of assets. Given the TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Saipan Lot/Tract No. 056 C Tract No. 056 C 46 existed in 1990, namely, 25,965 uniqueness of the land laws in the Numiru 056 C 46 giya Saipan 46 jobs, until the year 2047 or one Commonwealth prohibiting for­ Containing an area of28,000 yan ha konsisiste28,000metro Llapal nge 28,000 square half century from now which is as eign ownership, land lease pay­ square meters. kuadrao na area. m eters far into the future as the Saipan ments would, of course, be a de- 6/4,11,18,25 (04912) invasion is distant in the past. (To be continued) FRIDAY, JUNE 4.1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-33 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Strong earthquakes hit Itoh CUC-RFP-93-0019 TOKYO (AP) - Two fairly strong earthquakes shook Itoh on Wednes­ AS-MATUIS HOMESTEAD WATERLINE PROJECT day, but no injuries or damage were reported in the latest of thousands of tremors to hit the coastal city southwest of Tokyo in the last week. The Executive Director of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is soliciting sealed The JR East railway canceled four trains and delayed five others for proposals from qualified firms for the construction of the AS-MATUIS W ATERLINE PRO JECT, up to 90 minutes while rails and overhead electrical wires were in­ Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The sealed proposals shall be identified spected for safety. The inspections took a long time because the quakes hit after dark, said Takakazu Hirasawa of JR East. He said more than on the outside of the envelope by proposal number CUC-RFP-93-0019. Proposals to be submitted 1,500 passengers were inconvenienced. in triplicate will be accepted at the Office of the Manager, Procurement and Supply, CUC at Lower The first fairly strong earthquake, registering 4.1 on the Richter scale, Base, Saipan until 4:00 p.m., local time on July 2,1993. shook the Itoh area at 6:37 p.m. and another, measuring 4.4, hit at 6:55 pjn. the Central Meteorological Agency reported. The Proposer is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of his Business Permit in compliance It placed the focus of the quake about lOkilometers (6 miles) undersea with the Contractor's Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula. Mariana Islands. No injuries or major damage have been reported from a total of 8,196 tremors since last Wednesday in the seaside city of72,000people, about The project consists, in general, of installing approximately 3.0 miles of 6-inch a n d 8-inch new 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Tokyo. PVC pipe gate valves, fittings, fire hydrants, new house service laterals, new meters and other The tremors have been subsiding in number since Tuesday. appurtenances. The agency said a total of 95, including four felt by people, were recorded in Itoh in the first 17 hours Wednesday, compared with 346 Proposals will be evaluated and selection made based on (a) experience of the firm on related projects tremors Tuesday and 2,609 Monday. (10%), (b) qualification of key personnel (20%), (c) availability of equipment (15%), (d) work plan/ Nine of Tuesday’s tremors were strong enough to be felt by humans, schedule (15%), and (e) cost for the scope of work (40%). Proposal evaluation will be weighted in compared with 83 on Monday, it added. accordance with the percentages noted following each evaluation criteria. The biggest quake, measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale, occurred Monday, halting local trains for up to 70 minutes. A non-refundable payment of $200.00 is required for each set of Plans, Specifications and Proposal HK awards bridge project Forms, available on or after June 8,1993 at the Water Division Office, Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Saipan. A pre-proposal conference will be held in CUC Conference Room, Lower HONG KONG (AP) - A French-Japanese group was awarded a 670 Base, Saipan at 10:00 a.m. local time, on June 14,1993. million Hong Kong dollar (US $86 million) contract Wednesday to build a bridge as part of Hong Kong’s controversial new airport project. Attention is called to the Labor Standard Provisions for Wage Rate Determination on the CNMI A government statement said the construction of the Rambler Chan­ Classification and Salary Structure Plans and payment of not less than the minimun salaries and nel Bridge for the US $10.6 billion airport project was awarded to ajoint wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project. venture of Japan’s Penta Ocean Construction Co. Ltd. and the Dragages et Travaux Publics, Bachy Soletanche Group of France. CUC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any imperfections in the proposal The bridge project, scheduled for completion in 1996, comprises a 0.5-kilometer (0.3-mile)-long bridge and a 0.6-kilometer (0.35-mile) if in its sole opinion to do so would be in its best interest. All proposals shall become the property viaduct, with a three-lane roadway. o f the CUC. The new airport on outlying Chek Lap Kok Island is expected to be operational by 1997, when Hong Kong reverts to Chinese rule. For further information, please contact M r. Ernesto L. Villarin at (670) 322-9383. China is worried over the cost of the project, saying that it would Is / RAMON S. GUERRERO deplete the Hong Kong treasury before the Chinese takeover. Executive Director It has warned that all Hong Kong projects straddling 1997 must have 6/4, 11, 18. 25 ft 1391) I the approval of the Chinese government. Indonesia to sell helicopters M a r i a n a s P u b lic Land C orporation JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Indonesia will sell seven Super Puma helicopters to Iran to help pay off a debt of $ 120 million, a senior official P U B L I C NOTICE says. Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC Iran will use the helicopters to support its oil industry, and not for Pursuant to the provisions of 2 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE military purposes, said B.J. Habibie, who is state minister for research CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ and technology and heads Indonesia’s only aircraft manufacturer, RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1987, sino i tulaikan tano para Nusantara Aircraft Industry. The Super Puma can carry up to 21 propositon pupbliku na akton 1987, Marianas Public Land Corpora­ 1987, notice is hereby given of passengers. nutisia manana i ginen este put i tion e arongaar towlap, igha e Marianas Public Land Hababie told reporters Monday that Indonesia incurred the debt intension-na i Marianas Public Land mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye Corporation’s intention to enter importing Iranian crude oil several years ago under a counter-purchase Corporation humalom gi kontratan e toolong faluw kka faal. trade arrangement. He said the money to pay for the Iranian oil had been into an exchange agreement in­ atulaikan tano ni ha afefekta i Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel deposited in a bank, but under the arrangement had to be used for volving the parcels of land de­ pedason tano siha ni manmadeskribi ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hearing purchases by Iran. scribed below. Concerned per­ gi sampapa. Man interesante siha reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw fa. sons may request a hearing on na petsona sina manmamaisen Aramas ye e tipali nge emmwel Nuclear fuel loaded into reactor any proposed exchanged by con­ inekungok put maseha manu/hafa ye re tipali reel kkapsal faluw, BEIJING (AP) - Nuclear fuel has been loaded in the 900-megawatt tacting MPLC by or on Junel6, na priniponi put tulaikan tano. nge rebwe aghuleey ngali MPLC Daya Bay reactor, 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Hong Kong, which 1993. If so requested, hearings A ’agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi wool me ngare mmwal June 16, some Hong Kong residents contend is a safety threat. on the transactions listed below June 16, 1993. Yanggen guaha 1993. Ngare eyoor tingor bwe The reactor, the first of two planned at the site, will begin trial yoor hearing, nge rebwe ayoora will be scheduled on June 18, inekungokmarikuesta, i inekungok operation soon and commercial operation by the end of the year, China’s reel tali faluw kka faal, nge rebwe 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the Confer­ siempre para i sigiente siha na official Xinhua News Agency said Wednesday. transaksion u fan makondukta gi tooto wool June 18,1993, otol ye ence Room of MPLC. It said fuel loading was completed Tuesday. Hong Kong authorities June 18,1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC Confer­ recently staged a two-day drill of emergency procedures in case of an eggan gi halom i kuatton ence Room. accident at the power plant, but critics noted that the British-ruled PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways konfirensian i MPLC. territory has not worked out a joint emergency action plan with China. Acquisition AMMWELEER TOWLAP - The Daya Bay plant, which will be China’s second nuclear power PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU -1’ Ma Roadways Acquisition plant, has been under construction since 1987. About one in every five PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ Chulé I’ Chalan Para I’ Pupbliku Hong Kong residents signed a petition opposing it in 1986, and Hong Tract No. 1835 NEW R/W-Rl FALAWAL ARAMAS - Saipan Kong civic groups lobbied heavily against it, arguing that it is located Containing an area of 3,188 square TANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru Lot/Tract No. 1835 NEW-R/W- too close to the city of 6 million. It also is near earthquake fault lines, meters. 1835 NEW-R/W-R1 giya Saipan Rl they said. yan ha konsisiste 3,188 metro Llapal nge 3,188 square meters The Chinese government insisted their fears were groundless. iwe e amatafa. PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ kuadrao na area. Tract No. 036 F 03 Storms wreck 42 ships TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan Containing an area of 26,084 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Heavy wind and rain storms buffeted 036 F 03 giya Saipan yan ha Lot/Tract No. 036 F 03 southern South Korea Wednesday, leaving one man dead and 16 others square meters. konsisiste 26,084 metro kuadrao missing, officials said. - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 012 G 23 n aarea Llapal nge 26,084 square meters. The storms, with gale-force winds, also wrecked42 ships and flooded Containing an area of 25,522 vast farmlands, said the officials at the Central Anti-Disaster Headquar­ square meters. Sitio Numiru 012 G 23 giya Saipan - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 012 G 23 ters in Seoul. Rain still was falling in some southern coastal areas after yan ha konsisiste 25,522 metro Llapal nge 25,522 square meters. downpours averaging four inches (10 centimeters) in less than 12 hours, - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 036 L 74 kuadrao na area. they added. Containing an area of 14,492 - Sitio Numiru036 L 74 giya Saipan - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 036 L 74 Those missing included an Indonesian crew member of a ship that Llapal nge 14,492 square meters. square meters. yan ha konsisiste 14,492 metro capsized off the port of Pusan, 320 kilometers (200 miles) south of kuadrao na area. 4K.ll.I8.2S (04915) Seoul, officials said. 34-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4.1993 Opposition takes lead 1 ) 1 -BEDROOM APARTMENT in Cambodia elections • Fully - Furnished By Denis D. Gray The chief UN electoral officer, government would recognize the •24 Hour Water Supply Reginald Austin, said Wednes­ results, but warned that govern­ • Next to Tokyo Tower PHNOM PENH, Cambodia day he gave the ruling Cambo­ ment soldiers would “riot” once (AP) - A party strongly influenced dian People’s Party a detailed re­ they heard them. 2 )STORE/OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE by Cambodians living in the West sponse to its allegations of fraud, The government has com­ • 638 Sq. Ft. took a commanding lead and said he expected the party to plained that the seals were broken Wednesday in UN-supervised accept it. on some ballot boxes and that • Next to Tokyo Tower elections. UN officials voiced Austin noted the government Cambodian UN staff pressured confidence the government would Auto- Saipan IÉÉ Write party had made a “high commit­ people about how to vote. But Please call at 234*6846 Motion Toufs On accept theresultsdespite its threats ment” to the election and another many independent monitorsfcave to do otherwise. (LOVrS EMPORIUM from Bsadi Road To Koblervilte- UN official said a repudiation was said the only serious irregularity Jo eten With nearly 90 percent of bal­ unlikely unless hardliners seized 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Mon - Sun Tokyo SupefMartet was that government authorities Tow«r lots counted, the opposition Chalan Plao control of the party. pressured voters. FUNCINPEC party had received But government officials indi­ UN military spokesmanLt.Col. 45.7 percent of the votes, while cated they might not recognize Dick Palk said security had been the government party won 38.1 1 · the results. increased around vote counting percent. The second main opposi­ If the government complaints sites and other areas. Î tion party, the Buddhist Liberal are not addressed, “we cannot ...... The move came after the UN ¡ g r i i ï ; Democratic Party, received 3.7 recognize the result of the elec­ MOLIYING mission’s radio station, whichhas percent. tion,” one senior, government been broadcasting results, re­ Holder of the People's » The count is expected to con­ party official, Sok An, said Tues­ ceived a threatening! phone call Republic of China. clude Thursday night. It is pro­ day. m Tuesday followed by a letter 1 PASSPORT No. 1 4 0 0 1 0 9 9 3 B a i l i jected that FUNCINPEC will win UN officials said Wednesday 57 seats, the government party that government party represen­ Wednesday. But neither threat was canceled and has been declared invalid. I l l appeared to be serious, said a UN ■ i ; will get 52 and the Buddhist Lib­ tatives have withdrawn from at 1 Tel. 234-6907 eral Democrats will win 10 in the least three provinces, indicating official. 120-member constituent assem­ they were not recognizing results “We are taking prudent precau­ bly. there. Representatives of all par­ tions, making a show of force,” UN officials stressed they found ties observe the counting of bal­ Palk said Wednesday. “But it’s r e q u e s t f o r p r o p o s a l no evidence of fraud or other sig­ lots. not based on anything substan­ nificant irregularities as the gov­ Another government spokes­ tive. There have been no reports CUC RFP 93-0020 ernment has alleged. man, Khieu Kanharith, said the of troop movements.” The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation is requesting sealed pro­ posals from qualified executive search firms, experience in the public sector, to perform professional executive search services. The consultant shall travel to Saipan to m eet with the CUC Executive Director, the CUC Board of Directors, the CUC Auditor, and the CNMI Director of Finance. & The executive search will include the CUC Comptroller and the CUC ..._ Data System Administrator. While the firm is on island, the consultant shall prepare job descrip­ tions, including qualifications, language for the necessary advertise- , ments \n professional publications, etc. and a list of the publications to ^ be uWned wbich vii\\ then be approved by the Executive director arTd the Marianas ariety Cbai rman ol the CUC Board of Directors. The consultant shall spend three o "W days on the island. xss £»TLa.T^lx.s3bLG d «3Lsx±1.3r f f r o m The consultant is expected to provide the following professional services in the basic proposal for services: -£«» 2r":ir±«3Lsx3r ’ Three day visit to Saipan to meet the CUC’s officials and prepare the job descriptions, language and list of publications to be used. • Place the necessary advertisements in the publications. • Receive resumes from interested applicants. ^ M a r i a n a s ^ V a r i e t } ^ • Screen applicants to ensure they meet the qualifications. D*»y » numi» i, ID e li^ve rsr • Check references and prepare list of six most qualified individuals The doctor is in New York for each position. ES.CJS* ¿ J V g r i JESsaujrl-y i n • Send list of Individuals to CUC Executive Director for review and LTftfca a=T~y? comments. Ü P c i HÍ b - f c l h L e • Schedule Interviews at Saipan for two or three final applicants selected by CUC. aatw S Basrah M o r n i n g ; • Assist CUC to negotiate final agreements with the finalist, if so sSars: jsrt sa! requested. The first daily n e w s p a p e r The executive search firm is requested to provide cost estimates for published on likely publication costs and for travel costs for each of the interviews to Saipan, is guide CUC in determining final costs for the executive search process. distributed to The CUC will be responsible for all travel and per diem costs for applicants stores and other and for publications costs following approval of the list of the publica­ outlets, it is tions and the advertisement language. The consultant will be responsible also delivered for all other executive search costs including the initial trip to Saipan. The early in the consultant should utilize a per diem figure of $150 per day for the period morning to home, of time spent on island. office, businesses Cost proposal forms can be obtained from the office of the CUC and other, Executive Director, Lower Base, Saipan. subscribers on the Selection of the firm will be made on the basis of technical qualifica­ island. Advertisers tion, approach to project, experience, organization and cost. are encouraged The proposal shall be marked CUC RFP 93-0020, sealed and submit­ to use this ted In one original and five (5) copies to the Manager, procurement and opportunity to Supply, Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Lower Base, Saipan, MP reach their 9 6 9 5 0 no later then 2:00 P.M. local time, on June 21,1993. prospective CUC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason m arkets daily. and to waive any defect in said proposals, or any of them, if in its sole opinion to do so would be in the best interest of CUC. All proposals shall become the property of CUC. All inquiries shall be directed to Mr. Ramon S. Guerrero, Executive Director of CUC at telephone number (670) 322-4033 and fax number (670) 322-4323.

/S/ RAMON S. GUERRERO Executive Director 6*4,1148,25(0260) FRIDAY, JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANA^ VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-35 Aging golf giants play NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Mariana Islands Housing Authority, which administers the Commu­ I nity Development Block Grant (CDBG) program on behalf of the 1 Government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, more time The Coastal Resource Management Program (CRMP) will be holding By Bob Green will be conducting public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on the proposed amendment to CDBG Program No. B-92-ST-69-0001, ap­ a public hearing regarding Coastal Permit Application No. SMS-93- proved by the U.S. Department of Housing Development on February X-75 submitted by Chang Shin Riviera Resort Saipan, Corporation. DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) - Nicklaus 22,1993. The applicant is represented by Pacific Consulting Engineers for the and Palmer. Palmer and Nicklaus. project; Chang Shin Riviera Resort, Phase in, located west of the The names are intertwined The proposed program amendment concerns the use of surplus grant Northern Marianas College, Fina Sisu Village, Saipan. down through the decades, back funds forthe construction of a water tank to improve the water supply for into the ’60s, even the ’50s. the residents of the 30-unit Section 8 housing subdivision at Liyo, Rota The proposed project plans to construct an additional two (2), three (3) Their competitions and golfing Island. story resort buildings consisting of a fifty-seven (57) resort rooms, confrontations are the stuff of parking spaces and landscaping. The public hearings are scheduled to be held as follows: legends; legends sited atOakmont The public hearing is scheduledfor Wednesday, June 09,1993 at 6:00 and Baltusrol and Augusta. 1. On Tinian, June 15,1993, at 7:00 p.m., at the Tinian Now, at JackNicklaus’ Memo­ High School Cafeteria. p.m. at the San Vicente Elementary School Cafeteria. This is the rial tournament, the two giants - second and final notice. two aging giants - are playing golf 2. On Rota, June 16, 1993, at 7:00 p.m., at the Rota Public Library. The public is invited to attend and to submit written and/or to make oral again. With and against eachother. comments regarding this project. All written and oral testimonies It may be the last time. 3. On Saipan, June 17,1993, at 7:00p.m., attheMIHA received shall be made apartof the permit application record, and shall There was more than a hint of Central Office in Gar apan. be considered in any decision upon the subject application. a valedictory in Palmer’s remarks at ceremonies in which he was Inquiries pertaining to the proposed program amendment may be directed Please contact CRM at 234-6623/7320/3907, if you have any ques­ lauded as the 1993 Memorial to the Executive Director, Mariana Islands Housing Authority, P.O. Box tions or require further information regarding this project. honoree. 514, Saipan, MP, 96950; or by calling telephone number 234-6866,234- 9447, or 234-7670. “I had a good career,” he said I s / JUAQUIN VILLAGOMEZ Administrator W ednesday. /s/JUAN M. SABLAN There is no way of knowing if Executive Director Coastal Resources Management Office 6/4,7,8, 9 (4947) ______6/4 (4944) the use of the past tense· was de­ liberate. The 63-year-old Palmer grudg­ REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ingly acknowledges his competi­ RFP No. 93-0015 RFP NO. 93-0021 tive career is near an end. As mandated by PL 6-10 the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana He wears glasses and a hearing Islands Public School System is soliciting competitive proposals from The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation is soliciting quotes for aid. The old fire and drive is still qualified parties for the OPERATION OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOL a Digital Private Branch Exchange Telecommunication System there. But the game is not. BREAKFAST & LUNCH PROGRAM for school year 1993 - 94, with to be used by the Corporation in it's offices at Lower Base on the He even got a couple of tips an option to renew based upon an annual review and mutual agreement island of Saipan. from his arch-rival Nicklaus in a for up to four (4) years. The proposal must address the essential practice round. “I guess he didn’t requirements to furnish breakfast and lunch to all eligible students for Suppliers who wish to provide a quote may obtain specifications want me to embarrass myself,” the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota. Palmer said. from the office of the Procurement and Supply, CUC, Lower The huge gallery, undiminished The Proposal shall be marked RFP93-0015 and addressed to Ms. Louise Base, Saipan, MP 96950. Concepcion,PSSProcurementandSupplyOfficer,Puerto Rico,Saipan, by a drizzle and drawn by the MP 96950. Proposals must be submitted no later than June 4,1993 at irresistable lure of Palmer and There will be a $30.00 non-refiindable fee for copies o f the RFP. 10:00 a.m. Late submission will not be considered under any circum­ Nicklaus, did not let him. stances. Applause and cheers and A Pre-Bid Conference and walk-thru will be held for all vendors \ shouted encouragement greeted A non-refundable fee of $25.00 US Dollars must accompany the on July 10,1993, at 1:30 P.M. his every move. proposal. The twenty-five dollars fee may be a certified check, cashier’s His game has dwindled, but not check or other forms acceptable to the Public School System made Quotes must be submitted in five sets to the CUC Procurement his popularity. payable to the Treasurer, Public School System, Commonwealth of the It was that popularity, perhaps Northern Mariana Islands. The bidder is required to submit with his and Supply Officer, Lower Base, P.O. Box 1220, Saipan, MP unequalled by any athlete since proposal a copy of his business permit. 96950, no later than 1630 hour July 23,1993. The CUC resen/es Babe Ruth, and the sheer magne­ the right to reject any or all quotes for any reason and to waive any tism of the slope-shouldered man The Public School System reserves the right to reject, any and all defect in said quotes if, in its sole opinion, to do so is in the best that - more than any other factor - proposals for any reason and to waive any defect in said proposals, if in interest of the CUC. All quotes shall become the property of ushered golf into the television its sole opinion to do so would be in its best interest. age and raised to its present high CUC. /s/Louise C. Concepcion level the public acceptance of the /William S. Torres /s/RAMON S. GUERRERO ommissioner of Education Procurement & Supply Officer game. Executive Director 44,11,18,25(0259) 5/18,25 6/6(004708) And it was for that reason, as much as for his playing record, that he was personally selected by Nicklaus tobe the man honored at this Memorial tournament. 6,000 SQ. FT. He is the first person, still an active player, to be so honored. “It was obvious to me that Arnold should be the man this WAREHOUSE year,” Nicklaus said. “We don’t usually honor an active player. 3 Bedroom (Concrete) But Arnold might be playing when he’s 85.” GUALO RAI AREA Semi-Furnished or Palmer wasn’t touching that, Furnished however. He spoke of the past, AVAILABLE APRIL not the future. Prompting Quiet Neighborhood Nicklaus ’ memory, he frequently Located in San Vicente Area began sentences with: “Don’t you remember the tim e... ” “I’ve had a good career,” he For details please call: repeated. “I’ve had a lot of fun. SPACIOUS-FURNISHED Carm en Safeway Enterprises, Inc. I’ve had a lot of competition.” 234-7313 Then, looking at Nicklaus, he added: “A lot of the competition 2 BEDROOM APTS. came from someone standing very nearby. “But, I guess that if I hadn ’ t had that competition, if he hadn’t WITH OCEAN VIEW $700.00 given me that competition, maybe my career might have been a lot different. CALL 234-7193 or 235-7151 5 21. 28. 6 4 ,Γ 2 3 . NOTICE TO PUBLIC REQUI S Ì FOR PROPOSAI. AUCTION OF LAND REQUEST FOR BID шчхчз-ин’-мзлз The Bank of Saipan hereby gives notice that on the following dates IFB NO. IFB93-005 The Department of Public Works is soliciting proposals from qualified firms for there will be the Mowing public The Public School System is soliciting competitive sealed bids ;the Architectural and Engineering (A & E) Design for the renovation of the Old auctions of land on mortgage fore­ Japanese Hospital Building in Garapan Village, Saipan. The building will serve closure orders, the Bank of Saipan for the lease of a building/office space in the San Vicente, as the Commonwealth Museum. will be submitting its own mini­ Dandan or As Lito area to be used as a preschool. A detailed list mum bids (below) on the following The services involved the preparation of A & E plan to renovate the building in auctions and any other purchasers of Facility Requirements is available at the PSS Procurement will need to exceed such bid. Bids accordance with specifications contained in "A Comprehensive Museum Devel­ and Supply Office. For additional information, call Tim limited to those of Northern opment Plan”. Interested parties may obtain a copy of this document from the Marianas ancestry. Thornburgh at Tel. 322-6405. Historic Preservation, Department of Community and Cultural Affairs, Garapan. JUNE 83,1993 Proposals shall include the following: $137,250.00—TINIAN. Tract #027 All bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked IFB No. T05 containing an area of 25,479 1. Update Standard Form 254 and 255; 93-005 and submitted in duplicate to Ms. Louise C. Concepcion, square meters, more or less, as 2. Design Approach and Methodology; and shown on the Division of Lands and Chief, PSSPANDS, Lower Base, Saipan no later than 3:00 p.m. 3. Time frame for proposed work. Surveys Official Plat #027 T 00 Friday, June 18, 1993. A non-refundable fee of $25.00 US dated February 10,197G. ^ $36,500.00- SAIPAN. Lot 010 K Dollars must accompany the bid. The twenty-five dollar fee may Proposers are advised that they must certify previous experience in specifically related projects and submit qualifications of Architects/Engineers who will 291, containing an area of 898 be a certified check, cashier’s check or other forms acceptable to square meters, more or less, as more represent their firm. particularly described on Drawing/ the Public School System made payable to the Treasurer, Public Cadastral Plat No. 010 K 01, the School System, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is­ Selection of the firm will be based on previous experience in similar projects, original of which was recorded on qualifications of proposed Professional Staff, proposed Design Approach and 19 AUG 87 as Document No. 87- lands. Any bid received later than the deadline stated above shall Methodology, and time frame for the proposed work. 2910 and 09 SEP 87 as Document^. No. 87-3103 at Commonwealth not be considered. All bids will be publicly opened and read Recorder's Office Saipan (may have aloud at the time and place above noted. The PSS reserves the Sealed proposals will be accepted at the Office of the Chief of Procurement and house) right to reject any or all bids for any reason and to waive any Supply at Lower Base, Saipan, no later than4:00pun., local time, June 25,1993. JULY 16,1993 Proposals must be submitted in duplicate. $64,250,00- SAIPAN. Lot Num­ defect in said bids, if in its sole opinion to do so would be in the ber 496 & 497-5A, containing an area of924 square meters, more or best interest of the PSS. The Government reserves therightto reject any or all proposals and to waive any less, as more particularly described imperfection in said proposals in the interest of the Commonwealth of the on Drawing / Cadastral Plat Num­ Northern Mariana Islands. ber 2052/80 the original of which Approved By: WILLIAM S. TORRES was registered with the land regis­ Commissioner of Education MANUEL S. CHARGUALAF try as document number 10699, on September 5,1980. ( may have May 17,1993 5/28, 64. 11,(4755) Acting Director of Public Works 5/28,6/4,11.18 (4752)1 Apartment Building). $»*««$ss sss REQUEST FOR INVITATION FOR BID $ REED MONEY? i IFB-0032 $ NOW OPEN $ PROPOSAL The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting i FAST CASH ß competitive sealed bids from qualified individuals i PAWNSHOP Ш RFP NO. 93-0017 or firms for the printing of a 1994 Calendar for the $ 4th Fir. Horiguchi Bldg May 21,1993 $ Division of Historic Preservation. $ Tel. No. 234-5117 $ Ö We buy your old s The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation is soliciting Specifications and a Bid application for the above g o ld & s ilv e r may be picked up at the office of Procurement and 1 proposals for janitorial services of it's buildings. Supply, Lower Base, Saipan during working hours т т & т ш т т ж з Specifications are available at the Procurement office, (7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Lower Base. p.m.). F O R S A L E 20'SAMSUNG TWCR Three sets of Proposals must be submitted to the CUC All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked with Remote Control Procurement and Supply Officer, Lower Base, P.O. Box IFB93-0032 submitted in duplicate to the office of Used 5 months 1220, Saipan, MP 96950, no later than June 18, 1993 at the Qhief, Procurement and Supply, Lower Base, Tel. 234-8230 16:00 P.M. The CUC reserves the right to reject any or all Saipan, before 2:30 p.m. June 14.1993. at which proposals for any reason and to waive any defect in said time and place, all bids will be publicly open and gp&t Sole proposals if, in its sole opinion, to do so is in the best read aloud. Any bids received late will not be 1990 BMW 395 I interest of the CUC. All proposals shall become the considered. The CNMI government reserves the Only 19,000 miles, like new condition property of CUC. many extras -$18» 500 right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of 254-8230 · 322-5654 S/25,28, 6/1,4(85) /si RAMON S. GUERRERO the government. Executive Director /s/ DAVID M. APATANG 5 /2 1 .2 8 .6 /4 . 11 (1 1 4 9 4 )1 APARTMENT FOR RENT LOCATED IN FINASISU INVITATION FOR BID INVITATIO N TO BID I SINGLE ROOM APARTMENT IFB93-002 WITH The Commonwealth Development Authority (CDA) Board of Directors KITCHEN/DINING W/BATH is soliciting. Competitive Sealed Bids for an office space for the CDA branch The Mariana Islands Housing Authority is soliciting pro­ UNFURNISHED office in Tinian. posals from interested individuals and/or companies au­ $375.00 PER MONTH UTILITIES NOT INCLUDED The hjUding must be conducive for office use, a concrete structure with a thorized to carry out the enforcement and collection of the OR LEASE THE WHOLE minimum office space of400 square feet and ample perking area. The building must judgementin the amountof$9,515,544.95 against Frederick APARTMENT- be easily accessible to a public road and situated in San Jose Village, Tinian. The GOOD FOR STAFF HOUSING bufldmg should have adequate lighting fixtures. Maximum amount of monthly rental L. Mann pursuant to Civil Action No. 87-0011 issued by the IF INTERESTED COHTACT payment should not exceed $500.00 including utility charges. Owner should provide United States District Court for the Northern Mariana D0NZAL0 ORPRECYPANGEUNAN and maintain public liability insurance for not less thanSlOO,000per accident and not Islands on March 13,1991. AT TELEPHONE/235-5X4 less than $300,000 total coverage for a one time aggregate claim. The term of lease is for cne (1) year with an option to renew for additional periods by the Lessee (CD A). CDA can also provide 30 day notice to terminate ths lease at any time wilhhout the Proposals must be sealed and submitted in duplicate to John consent of die lessor. Owner must have clear title to the premises and existing room for Rent encumbrances must be acceptable to CDA The office space should be ready for M. Sablan, Executive Director, at the Central Office in occupancy no later than five (5) days after notification of award. Interested lessor Garapan, no later than 10:00 a.m., Friday, June 11,1993. Large room In Koblerville. shcxtld submit their written bid in a sealed envelope marked IFB93-002 no later than Oceanview & quiet. Air- 2.-00 paL, Tuesday, June 08,1993. Inquiries regarding the bid proposals may be directed to conditioned & very clean. Commonwealth Development Authority Furnished. Single person. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands John M. Sablan at telephone nos. 234-6866/9447/7689 $300.00/monthly P.O. Box 2149 Saipan, MP 96950 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Tel.#: 234-7456 The Chairman of the CD A Board of Directors, or his designee, shall make a site inspection of the office space available for rent submitted by the owner or lessor МША reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best to ensure it meets the requirement for aCDA branch office inTmian before an award interest of the government. Conserve is given. Upon acceptance of die bid proposal, tte Gunman of foe CDA Board will execute a lease agreement with the lessor. CD A reserves the right to reject any and all Pow er /s/JOHNM. SABLAN /s/Lydia M. Sablan Executive Director Acting Executive Director a/u. 21,2a, a/« (4a#4) 5/13.21,28 <У4(°»4®2) FRIDAY, JUNE 4,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-37

M ananas Variety News & Views RATES: Classified Announcement - Per one column Inch - $3.00 Classified Display - Per one column Inch - $3.50 DEADLINE: 12:00 noon the day prior to publication

NOTE: If for some reason your advertisement Is Incorrect. caH us Immediately to make the CLASSIFIED ADS necessary corrections. The Marianas Variety News and Views Is responsible only for one Incorrect Insertion. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad a t any TEL. NOS. 234-6341 · 7578 · 9797 FAX NO. 234-9271 time.

MANAGER GARMENT FACTORY 1 MASSEUSE-High schoolgrad.,2yrs. 2 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN - High 1 CONCRETE PLANTLABORER-High experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. school grad., 2 yrs. of practical experi­ school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: MICRO ASEAN CORP. dba 1 GENERAL MANAGER-College grad. WORKER ence in electronics with emphasis in $2.40 per hour. . VIP ROYALE HEALTH CENTER, Caller 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $1.500-1,800 component level troubleshooting. Sal­ Contact: UNITED CONSTRUCTION 2 OVERLOOKING SEWING MACHINE Box PPP 608, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. CORPORATION dba UCC, P.O. Box per month. OPERATOR ary $4.00 per hour. No. 234-5571 (6/4)F. Contact: I T & E OVERSEAS, INC., 2571, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- 1 APPLIANCEREPAIRER-High school 8 SINGLE NEEDLE MACHINE OP­ P.O. Box 2753, Saipan, MP 96950 (6/ 9011/9012 (6/18)F/011403. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15- ERATOR - High school grad., 2 yrs. 1 DRESS MAKER -High school grad. 2 2.70 per hour. 18)F/04951. experience. Salaty $2.15 per hour yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15-2.70 per 1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE Contact: ATOM ACTION CORPORA­ 1 COMPUTER TERMINALOPERATOR hour. TION, Caller Box AAA-N5, Saipan, MP 2 HAND PRESSER WORKER - High school equiv., 2-yre. - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Contact:SUNSHINE ENT., INC., Caller experience. Salary $2.15 - $3.00 per 96950. Tel. No. 235-1842 (6/4) F/011495. Salary $3.50 per hour. 2 CUTTER - High school grad., 2 yrs. Box PPP-156 Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. experience. Salary $2.15 - $2.50 per hour. Contact: UNITED INTERNATIONAL 1 GENERL MANAGER - College grad., NO. 234-7518 (6/4)F/011496.______hour. Contact: ANNIE T. SABLAN dba CORPORATION, P.O. Box689, Saipan, 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2,500 per Contact: LINSON (SAIPAN), INC., P.O. ANNIE’S APARTMENT, P.O. Box 137, MP 96950, Tel. No. 235-6888/7888 (6/ 1 PHOTO DEVELOPER -High school Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-6443 month. Box 2706, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 11)F/011540. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.50 234-3481 (6/18)F/011406. (6/18)F/04937. Contact: DAI NIPPON CONSTRUC­ per hour. TION Caller Box AAA 925, Saipan, MP Contact: PIGCORPORATION, P.O. Box 96950, Tel. No. 233-4000 (6/11 )F/ MISCELLANEOUS 3052, PR 483 Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. 011546. No. 234-5182 (6/4)F/011497. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 5^3^oia/ (%ecwv ^üeôotrf ACCOUNTANT $2.50 - $5.00 per hour. CLASSIFIED ADS NEW 1 SEAMSTRESS (DRESSMAKER)- 1 ACCOUNTANT High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. 1 OPERATION MANAGER - College IMMEDIATELY NEEDED 1 COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYST - Salary $2.15 per hour. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $5.80 College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: MALACHY A. CULLEN dba per hour. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT $2.15 -$3.50 per hour. MINMALCO. P.O. Box 3052 PR 586, Contact: ARTHUR V. ITLIONGdbaAS 2 IMPORT & EXPORT AGENTS - High Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 235-6069 T ENTERPRISES, Caller Box PPP 111 LOCAL HIRE ONLY Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary (6/4)F/4740. One (1) Security G uard $2.15-$4.00 per hour. 234-8570 (6/18)F/011401. Contact: LINSON (SAIPAN) INC., P.O. 1 LEGAL ASSISTANT - College grad., 2 High School Equivalent Box 2706, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. yrs. experience. Salary $5.00 - $11.00 1 MANAGER, DEPARTMENTSTORES Salary commensurate wit experience and qualification. 234-3481 (6/4) F,011490.______per hour. - College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ Contact: DAVID A. WISEMAN dba ary $1,750 per month. Please apply in person during office hours, 3 ACCOUNTANTS - College grad., 2 SERVICE UNLIMITED, P.O. Box 2607, Contact: KAZUE INTERNATIONAL, Monday thru Thursday. yrs. experience. Salary $5.20 per hour. Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-7520 INC. dba KAZUE, S BOUTIQUE, Caller Contact: TRANSAMERICAN CORPO­ (6/11 )F/04888. Box PPP 218, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE RATION, P.O. Box 1579, Saipan, MP No. 234-6337/322-6337 (6/18)F/ 96950, Tel. No. 234-7833/7631/6834; 2 F.R.P.(FIBERGLASS REINFORCING 011402. 235-8278 to 80 (6/4)F/4738. PRODUCT)TECHNICIAN - High school grad.,2 yrs.experience. Salary$2.15- 2 INTERNAL AUDITOR - College grad., $2.65 per hour. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,500 per ENGINEER Contact: Y.M.BM. CORPORATION, month. P.O. Box 3040, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. Contact: BANK OF SAIPAN, P.O. Box LOOKING FOR 1 PROJECTENGINEER-Collegegrad., No. 235-5078 (6/11)F/011542. 690, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 235- 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,000 per 6260 to 65 (6/18)F/04952. month. 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school CONCRETE HOUSE TO LEASE Contact: CONSTRUCTION & MATE­ equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 1 CARPENTER - High school grad., 2 RIAL SUPPLY INC. dba CMSI, P.O. per hour. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. Box 609, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. Contact: DIONISIO M. TABABA dba Contact: DICTA T. TORRES dba LONGTERM 55 YEARS 234-6136 (6/11)F/4856. FLOR JAY ENT. , P.O. Box 2092, TORRES FARMS, P.O. Box 812, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 235-8562 Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-6287 ARCHITECT (6/11)F/011543. (6/18)F/011400. 2 CARPENTER 1 ARCHITECT - College grad., 2 yrs. 1 (SACRISTAN) MAINTENANCE 1 H.E. OPERATOR CALL 233-3750 · 233-3850 experience. Salary $1,000 per month. WORKER - High school grad., 2 yrs. 1 REF. A/C MECHANIC Contact: NEW BUILDERS, INC., P.O. experience. Salary $4.47 per hour. 3 GARDENER - High school grad., 2 Box 2490, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. Contact: DIOCESE OF CHALAN yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 - $2.50 ASK FOR JOE OR JUVY 234-9636 (6/11)F/011541. KANOA, P.O. Box 745, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3000 (6/4)F/011491. per hour. 2 MASON - High school grad., 2 yrs. CONSTRUCTION 1 HOUSEKEEPING, CLEANER - High experience. Salary $2.15 - $2.30 per WORKER school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary hour. $2.15 per hour. 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. 1 MASON - High school equiv., 2 yrs. 1 ASSISTANT COOK - High school experience. Salary $900 - $1,200 per experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. equiv., yrs. experience. Salary$750 per month. Contact: JOCELYN N. GATBONTON month. Contact: PHILIPPINEGOODSCONST., MUST SILL FAST dba ABELYN’S ENTERPRISES, Caller Contact: CHALAN KANOA BEACH INC. P.O. Box 165, Saipan, MP 96950, Box PPP 425, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. Tel. No. 234-6485/0455 (6/18)F/04945. No. 322-5288 (6/11)F/011549. CLUB CORP. dba CHALAN KANOA Complete stereo system by top Japanese brand BEACH CLUB, P.O. Box 356, Saipan, 1 DANCER - High school grad., 2 yrs. o z v k v o . Never used, valued at $4,300.00, proof 1 MASON MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-7829 (6/ experience. Salary $2.15 - $2.50 per 4)011492. of value available. You save $2,000!!! It has: 2 CARPENTER - High school equiv., 2 hour. - Two 4-way, 150-watt, 3.5 feet tall speakers, and three surround yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 - $2.50 2 HOUSE WORKER - High school speakers. per hour. 1 COMPUTER TECHNICIAN - High equiv,, 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary - AV Surround Processor Contact: J & P CONSTRUCTION, P.O. per hour. $800 per month. - Compact Disc (five-disc) Changer Deck Box 1163, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. Contact: PHILIPPINE GOODS, INC. , Contact: WHITE COCONUT COM­ - Discrete Output Stage/Stereo Power Amplifier 235-1163 (6/11)F/011545. P O Box 165, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. PUTER SERVICES INC., P.O. Box5525 - Stereo Dual Cassette Deck No. 234-6485 (6/ 18)F/04946. - Stereo Graphic Equalizer 1 CARPENTER - High school grad., 2 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 322- 9443 (6/4)F/011493. - Infrared Wireless Remote Controlled Stereo PreAmplifier yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. 1 COOK - High school grad., 2 yrs. - Quartz Synthesized FM Stereo/AM Tuner Contact: RONALD D. SABLAN dba experience. Salary $700 per month. - Fully Automatic Turntable JR’S CONST. CO., P.O. Box 2164, 2 HOUSEKEEPERS (CLEANER, 1 DELIVERY MAN - High school grad., - Console with glass door and store Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-6796 COMMERCIAL) - High school equiv., 2 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.35 per - Comes with individual component remote controls and manuals (6/11)F/011544. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. hour. - System is perhaps one of Saipan's best Contact: MRS. JOSIE B. ESPINOSA Contact: YOUNIS ART STUDIO, INC. 1 WELDER, COMBINATION dba THE EMERALD ENTERPRISES, dba EAGLE’S PUTT SNACK/BAR, SONY HANDYCAM. Used. Model 330, featuring zoom 2 ELECTRICIANS P.O. Box 1501 CK. Saipan, MP 96950, DANDAN BAKERY HOUSE, P.O. Box and sound mike. Comes with lights, adapters, two 2 MASONS - High school grad., 2 yrs. Tel. No. 234-1174 (6/4)F/011488. 231, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- batteries and manual. Priced to go fast at ONLY $490.00!!! experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. 9797/6341 (6/18)F/ 2ALUMINUMSTEELFABRICATORS- You save $500 + over similar model when new!!! High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.60 per hour. RE AL ESTATE Call Konrad at 234-7703 1 DRAFTER - College grad., 2 yrs. ex­ Caan, Rota, 2029sqm, Prlme-Oceanview; HERTZ perience. Salary $5.80 per hour. overlooking bay, with power, water, phone, TV, Contact: TAC INT’L. CONSTRUCTORS easement, located above Songsong/Tcncto RENT-A-CAR INC., P.O. Box 1579, Saipan, MP 96950, Village. Selling at cost for $24,000. HAS AN IMMEDIATE OPENING OF Tel. No. 234-7833/7631 (6/4)F/4739. Sinapalo Area, Rota, 160,000sqm $15/ LOT ATTENDANTS 1 ELECTRICIAN - High school equiv., 2 sqm. Negotiable. Flat, beautiful natural (DRIVER & CAR WASHER) MAIL BOX RENTAL landscape, excellent value. ccc yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. Contact: EVERBRIGHT ENTER­ Capitol Hill, Saipan, lOOOOsqm. Wcst- & TELEPHONE: 233-0721 PRISES, INC. dba AA AUTO & ME­ Occanvicw with all utilities, access road. CAR RENTAL AGENT Convenience : 9 am - 1 0 pm CHANICAL REPAIR SHOP/FOSHAN Beautiful natural landscape, close to gov’t CONTACT HERTZ RENT-A-CAR Mail Checking : By phone IMPORT & WHOLESALE, Caller Box housing near Convention Ctr. Negotiable. OR PICK-UP APPLICATION AT Easy Access : Garapan PPP 588, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel No As Lito, Saipan, 1 hselot for $30,000. AIRPORT. Fax : Receiving and Sending 234-8455 (6/4)F/011487. Contact Ray (670) 322-2800 on Saipan. 38-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4.1993 EEK & MEEK® by Howie Schneider

y^FRAWkLY.M'DEAR^ ALL MY UFE IV £ UJAWTEP J piprr! VAHOO! " IDSAYTHlSiyXUfOtffiOM V ^ I p j j r e hJEA W AM J JWPItl ISA® ft.' THE MOVIES TO A W O M A k ), ACROSS 31 Native metal An8wer to Previous Puzzle 32 Harem room (juex.uoT oSrî K 1 Pitcher's faux pas 33 Conflict x , . TDWISHT-X 5 "Kinder­ 37 Rug HAVE A garten — ” 40 Edge HEADACHE 8 Collection 41 Time gone by of tents 42 Strike out 12 S-shaped 45 Iron, tin, molding etc. 13 — Alicia 49 Stove part 14 Mixture 50 Fish eggs 6-* 15 Row 52 River duck *- ■ ------16 N.J. eager 53 Conduct 17 Impudence: 54 Long, slender slang fish GARFIELD® by Jim D avis 18 Slinging 55 Silkworm insect 56 Sea eagles 20 Passage 57 Greek letter 58 "Cheers" 6-4 © 1993 United Feature Syndicate mountain regular 22 — Arden DOWN scending look 23 Guido's high brandy 4 Seed of com note 1 Two pf two 9 Wolfhound 5 Easy gallop 24 Basement 2 Exchange 10 Distance 6 Number 27 Head of a premium measure 7 Talk glibly 3 Conde- 11 Take a vote school 8 French 19 A Gabor 21 Rubber tree 9 10 11 24 Male swan 1 2 3 25 Period o( * time 12 26 Permit 28 Cover 15 29 Poem !” 30 Rodent 16 34 Inclinations PEANUTS® by C harles M . Schulz 35 Illuminated 36 Come into I LIKED THANK BOY, THAT view YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK, I LL BET MY TEACHER 37 "Candid — YOU, [HURTS YOUR, CHUCK? I THINK YOU · WOULD HAVE 6 IVEN ME YOU FINE 38 Mature CHUCK EYE q 39 Decayed 6 ÉT BETTER 6RAPE5 ALL “A '5 " IF I LOOKED THE OTHER S . . y 31 WAY. ^ i r <2 Apportion IF YOU'RE CUTE LIKE THIS.. 43 Without end 3 3 44 Spare «SI 46 Danish island 47 Den 48 Bridge term 4 2 4 3 4 4 51 Grain

4 9

5 3


By Stella Wilder GEMINI (May 21-Jnne 20) - You to present itself, mustn't try to avoid situations which AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Born today, you are likely to estab­ may take you to the edge today. You may feel as though other people lish a certain image for yourself at an You’re ready for a m ajor challenge. are passing you by. You can catch up e a rly age, and you may well be able to CANCER (June 21-July 22) - You and move ahead if you so choose. maintain it — with only minor alter­ may not be living up to your full poten­ ations — throughout your lifetime. tial at this time. Perhaps you don’t un­ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - A You have been endowed with perhaps derstand just what’s on the line. sudden slowdown is no cause fo r panic one single dominant talent which will L E O (July 23-Aug. 22) — You know today. It's only a tem porary phase; be the foundation of your search for bow to make a contest out of almost you’Ü be able to ride it out in style. success. Cultivate this talent diligent­ anything, but today you may have to ly and yo ur success is assured; forsake keep your competitive nature under ARIES (March 21-April 19) — You’ve been putting mind and body to <& it, and you w ill surely encounter more control. j » t D than your share of difficulty in all as­ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Your the test lately — in your own way, of course. Those around you are indeed O pects of your life. sense of security is increasing at this w You are a highly sensitive individ­ time, and today you’ll discover a few impressed. Kl ual, and you are often more put out by more options open to you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Con­ w other people’s misfortunes than you L IB R A (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - You centrate on increasing potential at are by your own. You are quick to must be able to balance your own per­ this tim e. You don’t want to le t im por­ come to the defense of an underdog, sonal needs with the needs of others — tant opportunities pass you by. you are never reluctant to help those which you’re able to supply! who cannot help themselves, and you SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - You expect little or no reward for your don't want to be interrupted today, so For your personal horoscope, efforts. you'd better isolate yourself for a lovescope, lucky numbers and Also born on this date are: Bruce while, until your work is done. future forecast, call Astro'Tone Dern, actor; Rosalind Russell, ac­ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) (95< each minute; Touch-Tone tress; King George III of England. — You don’t want your emotions to phones only). Dial 1-900-740-1010 © 1993 United Feature Syndicate. Inc. To see what is in store for you to­ lead you into a situation you cannot and enter your access code num­ DNIU '9 'V31 X '31ddV Z '3S33H3 ' I — NAAOQ morrow, find your birthday and read control today. Keep a lid on it! ber, which is 500. ’338 '6 'N3A3 8 '1138 L 'HV3d 'S 'dIHS V '1NV Z-SSOHOV the corresponding paragraph. Let CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - your b irthday sta r be your d a ily guide. You're ready to begin something new; SATURDAY,JUNE 5 you’re just waiting for ad opportunity Copyright 199J. Uoited Feature Syndicate. U>c

TODAY’S SPORTS: On this day in TODAY’S BARB BY PHIL PASTORET DATE BOOK 1674, the first American law prohibit ing horse racing was enacted in One question for anyone who savs Use color and June 4, 1993 Massachusetts. they have to get up with the chickens what did you do to get thrown out s M T w T F s s a l e s w i l l »S ■ of the house? Today is Ihe 155th * TODAY’S QUOTE: “Acting is stand­ ■ HIICI. NKWSPAI’KII KNTKKI’HISK ASSN. day of 19U3 and the ing up naked and turning around very 77th day o f spring b l a s t o f f ! slowly.” -- Rosalind Russell.

TODAY’S HISTORY: On this day in Planet gazing 1896, Henry Ford went for a success­ TODAY’S WEATHER: On this day in Saturn is the last of the planets vis­ Add one color to your newspaper ad andsales ful test drive in D etroit in the first 1968, a large dust storm in Benson, % Ford automobile he ever produced. ible to the unaided eye. It is approxi­ will redly take off. In fact, when you use one color a Ariz., demolished one home and dam­ mately twice as far from the sun as saler will Increase an average of 43%. Call us TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS: Rosalind aged a number of roofs on others. Jupiter, almost 900 million miles. today to place your ad and get sales flying Russell (1911-1976), actress; Robert SOUKCK: Till·: WEATHEH CHANNELS I9»3 Saturn is second in size to Jupiter but Merrill (1919-), opera baritone, is 74; W raihur Guide Calendar; Accord Publishing. Lid. Dennis Weaver (1924-), actor, is 69; its mass is much smaller. The planet's ring system begins about 7,000 miles (£\farianas GVariety,j Bruce D em (1936 ), actor, is 57; Xavier McDaniel (1963 ), basketball player, is TODAY'S MOON: Full moon above the visible disk of Saturn, lying Tel. 234/6341/7578/9797 · FAX 234*9271 30; Andrea Jaeger (1965·)·. tennis (June 4> above its equator and extending about player, is 28. o 35.000 miles'into space. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-39 Sampras fails Mobil Oil to live up track meet Forth. Hof>< and to No. 1 rank K Ä R 1D A T By Stephen Wilson A Northern Mariana Islands Social Service June 1 2 - 1 3 THE MOBIL Oil track and PARIS (AP) - Another crunch match, another crushing loss for field championships are com­ Pete Sampras. ing June 12 and 13 at the track POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT With an opportunity to live up to adjacent to the Gilbert C. Ada his No. 1 ranking and top seeding, gymnasium. Sampras again failed to produce Deadline for entries is June The KARIDAT O ffice (form erly, NMI C atholic Social when it counted, beaten soundly in 10 at the gym. Services), is accepting applications for the position four sets Wednesday by Sergi The events are under 12 and Bruguera in the quarterfinals of the under 14 years. 100m, 200m, o f o n e ( 1 ) full-tim e French Open. 400m, 800m, 1500m, long sS f / ' “You can only say somuch about jump, high jump and the 4 x a tennis match,” Sampras said after 100m relay. HOT LINE C O O R D IN ATO R the6-3,4-6,6-1,64, defeat. “Itjust Under 16 years and up: shot wasn’t a good day for me. I ’m very put, discus, javelin, hammer, disappointed.” 110 Lh. formen and lOOl.h. for The result eliminated the possi­ A pplications w ith position description m ay be picked women. 300m intermediate bility of a dream final between the up at our office in C halan Kanoa next to the K orean world’s No. 1 and 2 players, hurdles) 100m. 200m, 400m, 800m, 15^0m, 300m (women), Sampras and Jim Courier. A ssociation Building, south of Mt. C arm el C athedral No. 3 seed Stefan Edberg was in 500 (men),M0000, 4 x 100m trouble against Andrei Medvedev, relay and 4 x 400m relay. f r o m 8 : 0 0 a.m . to 5:00 p.m . M onday thru Friday. D ateline who was leading 6-0, 5-5, when Each individual is allowed a for subm ission of application form is Friday, June 1 1 , their quarterfinal was suspended maximum of any four events by rain Wednesday night. for the duration of the champi­ 1993. For fu rth er in q u iries, please visit o u r office o r call Medvedev, an 18-year-old onships. For any further ques­ Julie D ela C ruz o r A ntonio C abrera at 234-6981/7869 or Ukrainian seeded No. 11, lost only tions contactLou Wabol at 234- seven points as he won the first set 6124, or Bill Sakovich at 234- 235-5074. \ in 16 minutes. Edberg regrouped in 1001. the second set to stay even, until a downpour stopped play with Medvedev serving in the 11 th game ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■Ar at 30-0. The match will resume Thurs­ day before the women’s semifinals pitting Steffi Graf vs. Anke Huber, and Arantxa Sanchez Vicario vs. 1993 Liberation Day Committee Mary Joe Fernandez. The lOth-seeded Bruguera will face either Edberg or Medvedev in the men’s semifinals. Courier, the ojjJaia Sehirasm Jciotao îâno two-time defending champion, will play No. 12 Richard Krajicek, who became the first Dutchman since 1969 to reach the semifinals by beating No. 13 Karel Novacek 3-6, 6-3,3-6,6-3,64. Sampras’ defeat followed a pat­ tern in testing Grand Slam matches over the past year: a straight-sets quarterfinal loss to Andre Agassi here in 1992, a semifinal defeat to Goran Ivanisevic at Wimbledon, and losses to Edberg in the US Open final and this year’s Austra­ lian Open semifinals. “Certainly it hurts a little bit,” David M. Apatang Sampras said. “I beat a couple of Chairman, Parade and Float decent clay-court players this tour­ nament, but Sergi is in kind of another class. I thought I progressed again this year, I thought I com­ peted well, but I am not satisfied like I was last year. I was hoping to Still looking tor more participants. win the tournament.” Only twodays after talking about Interested organizations call Mr. David M. Apatang before June 15,1993 at Tel. 664-1500-03 a new intense attitude on the court, Sampras showed some of his old ALL FLOAT AND PARADE PARTICIPANTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO bad habits against the Spaniard. He ATTEND TWO BRIEFINGS: stayed at the baseline, allowing •1st BRIEFING - JUNE 18th at 1:00 P.M. Bruguera to dictate the points with • FINAL BRIEFING - JUNE 25th at 1:00 P.M. his more solid groundstrokes. He BOTH BRIEFINGS WILL BE HELD AT THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY, got dejected, head bowed, when he LOWER BASE, SAIPAN fell behind. He even got angry over a few line calls. ★ “I was a bit discouraged after I lost Categories of Booths: P R I Z E S $2)000.oo the first set and I got broken in the ★ second,” Sampras said. “I could just B u s i n e s s see myself kind of sloping down.” ★ G o v e r n m e n t 2 n d P r « e It wasn’t a major upset by any 5 0 0 . 0 0 •♦I··** means, considering that Bruguera is ★ N o n - P r o f i t 3 r d P r i z e ······ one of the hottest clay-court players of the year. He won the title in Monte ★ M a r c h i n g Carlo this Spring and reached three other finals ★ ★★★★★★★★★ ★ W x'Ar ★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ^MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4.1993 SPORTSllCIlI

fin al results of the 1 1 th annual Bulls destroy Knicks’ CNMI invitational masters bowling homecourt advantage tournament held on May 2 8 -3 0 . Wen prize awards 2. Jack— Muna-3094-Saipan — Jaipar. Team times - once by Horace Grant, the Bulls an 80-77 edge going 3. Mannyn y Tenorio l______- 3033- Saipan By Bill Barnard 1.2804-Guam twice by Scottie Pippen - and into the final 12 minutes. 4. Jack Cruz - 2997 - Saipan Jess Pizarra, Roger Ignacio, Chito stripped of the ball once in a last Jordan continued to control the 5. Jess Rehusada -2975 - Sáipan NEW YORK (AP) - Goodbye Nación, PeleSusupin, Herrflie Loria Women Prize Awards frenzied attempt by the Knicks. game at the start of the fourth homecourt advantage. So long 27- 2. 2779-Saipan 1. 2631 -Saipan Jordan finally picked up aloose period, scoring the Bulls’ first game home winning streak. And Joe Sablan, Al Aldan, Jack Cruz, Cathy Muna, Diana Camacho, seven points as they opened an maybe farewell to the New York ball and passed to Armstrong for Joe Guerrero, Tik Palacios Becky Cabrera, Lorrie Rivera, Rila. 87-80 advantage. In a seven- Knicks’ chance to dethrone the a layup at the buzzer. 3.2719-Saipan Palacios minute span, he scored all of their 2 - fii t«n two-time NBA champion Chicago “I will not play it over and over Mo Williams, Rudy Perez, Roman ORAA in my mind,” Smith said. “It’s 14 points. Mamauag, Mario Pineda, Jess June Diaz, Bert Ramirez, Net Bulls. Rehusada Chicago won its third straight done with.” In handing New Jordan then left the game for a Balajadia, Kay Magdaleyo, Sasa 4. 2702-Guam game in the Eastern Conference York its first home loss since Jan. one-minute rest, and Chicago Senior Roger Ignacio, Tony Sablan, Pete 28 and taking a 3-2 lead in the struggled even when he returned, 3. 2478-Guam finals Wednesday night, break­ Susupin, Hermie Loria, Chito ing a cycle of home victories with series, Chicago erased the Knicks ’ going scoreless for 4:26 while the Beth Nación, Fdly Wenceslao, Dot Nación Mansapit, RizzaHensley, June Diaz a 97-94 triumph in which Michael home-court advantage and their Knicks battled back. Doubles Doubles 27-game winning streak at Madi­ Ew ing’s three-point play gave Jordan scored 17 of the Bulls’ last 1. 1185-Elmer Villanueva, Rudy 1.1168 - Norie L^f, Becky Cabrera 24 points and finished with 29. son Square Garden. New York an 88-87 lead with Palaganas-Guam -Saipan. The biggest points of all, how­ Game 6 will be Friday night in 4:50 left before Jordan’s free 2. 1.147 -Resty Macalalad, Rudy 2. 1111 - Diana Camacho, Rita ever, came from guard B.J. Chicago and Game 7, if neces­ throw ended the long scoring Palaganas-Guam Palacios- Saipan Armstrong, whose 3-pointer gave sary, would be Sunday in New drought. Jordan ’ s basket with 3:06 3. 1131 - Tony Sablan, Jess 3. 1086 - Cathy Muna, Lorrie Chicago a 95-93 lead with 1:17 York. left gave the Bulls a 90-88 advan­ Mansapit - Guam Rivera-Saipan 4.1127 -John & Roke Alcantara - left. “W e’re still confident that we tage and extended his string of • 4. 998- Fely Sablan, June Diaz - Guam ,lWe asked Michael to get the can go to Chicago Stadium and consecutive Chicago points to 17 Guam 5. 1114 - Buddy Saludo, Rudy beat them,” Ewing said. “... It’s before Pippen’s free throw with Singles ball to other people,” Bulls coach Palaganas-Guám Phil Jackson said. “He got not over. It’s not over.” 2:41 remaining. 1. 601 - Sasa Senior-Guam Singles, 2. 591-Kathy Villanueva-Guam pinched, found B. J in the comer.” But it soon will be if the Knicks The Knicks made 10 of their 1. 610 - Nixon Caasi - Guam 3. 570 - Fely Wenceslao - Guam A free throw by Charles Smith continue to shoot as they did first 11 shots in the game, includ­ 2. 609 Tie.-Tik Palacios and Jack 4. 544 - Rita Palacios - Saipan made it 95-94 with 52 seconds Wednesday night from the foul ing six layups and two dunks, Muna- Saipan All events left, and Patrick Ewing blocked line, making just 57 percent (20 then hit 10 of 12 attempts in the 3. 609 1. 1703 - Rita Palacios - Saipan of 35) of their free throws. second period. But the outburst 4. 606 - Rudy Palaganas - Guam Stacey King’s shot, forcing a 24- 2.1696 - Becky Cabrera - Saipan Pippen scored 10 of his 28 points 5. 604 - Ray zialcita-Guam second violation. was good enough only for a 56-55 Masters That gave the Knicks a final in a six-minute span of the third halftime lead. All events 1. 1785-Tik Palacios-Guam 1. 2350 (12 games) June Diaz- possession, and Smith appeared period, leading a 16-10 spurt that The Bulls also started hot, Guam for a fleeting moment to have an put the Bulls in front 73-68. Then m aking 12 of their first 16 2. 1763 -Rudy Palaganas- Guam 3. 1706 - Hermie Loria - Guam 2. 2204 - Rita Palacios - Saipan open path to the basket. But in a Jordan took over the scoring load, shots for a 25-22 advantage Masters 3. 2198-Cabrera-Saipan furious, scrambling sequence un­ hitting Chicago’s final seven with 4:05 left in the first pe­ 1. Roger Ignacio-3128-Guam 4.2152-Kalhy Villanueva-Guam derneath, he was blocked three points of the quarter and giving riod. Demers eyes second King defeats Race to capture DFS Micronesian Championship IT JUST wouldn’t be a fun run The Rota race is co-sponsored WITH over 120 entries with Mike Mason to win the men’s open the team of Nestor Siruelo/James in the CNMI these days without by the Marianas Visitors Bureau matches played over two week­ doubles. In both of these tourna­ Santos defeating Martin Igitol/Bill Saipan’s Dave Demers pacing the and the Rota Mayor’s Office. ends and at four different tennis ment finals, Larry King has not lost Hofschneider by the score of 6-3, competition. An estimated 75 runners from court venues, including the newly one of his service games. 4-6,64. In the mixed opendoubles And Demers is looking for a Saipan, Guam, Tinian and Rota are completed American Memorial In other finals action held at the the team of Don Dunlop/Irene second victory in 1993 during the expected to participate in the race Park Tennis Center, Larry King Pacific Islands Club tennis courts, AlpertdefeatedTimGoodwin/Julie 10th Annual edition of the Rota Guata Beach Park to Rota’s Liyo won the men’s open singles title Reggie Ferraz defeated Lito Banaz Brandt in three well played and Fun Run, now scheduled for June Cafe. The registration deadline is and teamed up Mike Mason to 6 A 6 4 to win the men ’ s 3.0 singles long sets 64,5-7,6-0. 19. 4:30 pun. on June 19th, with the win the men’s open doubles title title. During this matchTim Goodwin When last seen on the road, race starting off at 5 p.m. in the 12th Annual DFS In the men’s over 40 singles started to develop leg cramps. This Demers was racking up a first place Would-be participants should Micronesian Championship Ten­ Michael Mason defeated Ely eventually caused him to withdraw finish in the recent Tourism Ayuda pick up applications at the Visitors nis Tournament which was held Buenaventura 6-2, 6-1. In the from the men’s opendoubles finals Fun Run on Saipan. Demers led Bureau offices in Saipan or Rota; on May 22-23 and May 29-31. women’s 3.0 singles Arisa Sakai which was to start an hour after the the 10-k/6.2 mile run in Rota last there is a $20 entrance fee. MVB King defeated Jeff Race in the defeated Sally Cacdac 6-3,6-1. completion of the mixed open year, with a 36.24 finish, followed can alsoprovide information about finals of the men’s open singles 6- In other doubles action the team doubles finals. In the mixed 4.0/ by Jordan Righi and Thomas High. special flights to Rota. 2,6-1 and teamed up with Michael of Wendy Herring and Julie Brandt 3.0 doubles the dynamic duo of Mason to win the men’s open defeated Ely Musashi and Kazumi Tsueno Musashi/Eli Musashi de­ doubles over the team of Jeff Race Imai 6-3,6-2 to win the women’s feated the team of Takashi Swim m ing lessons and Tim Goodwin by default. open doubles. The team of Beth Kitagawa/Naomi Iwata in straight SAIPAN Swim Club will again conduct a two-week session of Red Cross Tim Goodwin had to withdraw Dy/Maru Dela Torres defeated the sets 6-2, 6-1. swim lessons at the Kan Pacific swimming pool on June 17-July 1, from 8 - due to serious leg cramping and team of Bobbie Grizzard/Kather- In the junior division, Sun wong 9 a.m. each morning except Saturdays and Sundays. was later admitted to the Com­ ine Sinclair by the score of 6-2,7- Yoon defeated Kazuyuki These lessons are open to anyone of school age and who can participate as monwealth Health Center for ob­ 5 to win the Women’s 3.0 doubles Kanazawa 6-2, 6-3 to win the part of a class, whether you want to learn to swim for fun or join the swim team. servation and treatment due to event. Inthemen’s4.0doublesthe Boys 18 and under singles title. Beginner to advanced swim classes will be offered. The cost for the lessons heat exhaustion. team of Dino Jones/Takashi Kaoru Suwa defeated Arisa Sakai is $25 for the session. The victories for Larry King are Kitagawa staged a dramatic come­ 6-2, 6-1 to win the girls 19 and Interested persons should contact Jess at the pool, 322-5226, Bill Sakovich his second in a row in the singles back to defeat the team of S.K. under singles title and Alpert at234-1001, or Jean Sakovich at 234-6323, and leave the student’s name, age doubles. In the Joeten Sunraysia Hong/Marlon Masayon in three sets Takakuwa of Guam defeated level of swimming and a phone number. Payment can be made at the first session. tennis tournament, held in early 2-6,7 -6 ,6-1. Goshu suwa 6-0, 6-3 to win the Lessons will begin at 8 am . sharp on June 17. Be prepared to swim on the May, King won the men’s open The men’s 3.0 doubles was also boy/girl 12 and under singles first day. singles title and teamed up with a long and hard fought match with event. cMarianas GVariety'^k Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 P.O. Box 231 Saipan. MP 96950 · Tel. (670) 234-6341 · 7578 . 9797 Fax: (670) 234-9271