Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol. 22 No. 59 c. 1993 Marianas Variety Fr¡dáy ■ June 4, 1993 • Serving C Senate may support 7 0 2 p act By Howard Graves Bush administration and the CNMI CNMI only $3 million for a park to forms. trols were not specified. government. honor U.S. military personnel who “We recognize the House has a The proposed $120 million, to be HONOLULU (AP)-The belea­ The Clinton administration has captured the islands from the Japa­ much different view,” toward the matched by the CNMI, would be guered Northern Mariana Islands’ endorsed the package which would nese infierce fighting49 years ago. funding under the com-monweath’s usedforcapitalimprovementprojects. government may get a reprieve give the US commonwealth $22 The remaining $19 million would covenant, McGarey said McGarey said the full committee from a US Senate committee when million in the first year of the multi­ be given to the Interior secretary to He said if the Senate follows will markup its reconciliation budget it meets shortly to consider $120 year proposal. Akaka’s position, divide among the US possessions, Akaka’s recommendation, which is bill for fiscal year 1994 either next million in special federal assistance expected to be endorsed by the including the CNMI, subject to expected then the two committees Wednesday or on June 16. for the island chain. Senate Energy and Natural Re­ congressional approval. would meet to iron out their differ­ Akaka is chairman of the subcom­ Patrick McGarey, legislative di­ sources Committee, differs sharply The House committee’s chair­ ences. mittee cm mineral resources develop­ rector for Sen. Daniel K. Akaka, from what has been approved by man, Rep. George Miller, D-Ca- However, an Interior department ment and production. At his request, said Wednesday the Hawaii sena­ the House Natural Resources Com­ lif.,hasbeeninitatedbytheCNMTs official said thereisapossibility fund­ issues involving the US insular areas tor supports the multi-year funding mittee. failure to institute tax, immigra­ ing to the CNMI would be provided have been assigned to the subcom­ renegotiated late last year by the That committee would give the tion, labor and minimum wage re­ undo- strict conditions. Those con­ mittee. U f f Í L a w to lif t a lie n ban signed today GOVERNORLorenzoI. Guerrero President Juan S. Demapan S. Demapan. “The confusion and is scheduled to sign this morning Wednesday. uncertainty caused by retaining 3 Senate Bill 8-121 to remove the In an interview, Demapan said CMC 4322(j) on the books adds four-year limit on the stay of alien he would transmit Senate Bill 8- to the obstacles now faced by workers in the Northern Marianas. 121 to the governor as soon as it is existing and potential investors in The bill, which was passed by received from the House of Repre­ the Commonwealth.” the House of Representatives with- sentatives. Guerrero alsosaid the four-year outamendmentTuesday.was trans­ For his part, Guerrero said he limit was not the best way to re­ mitted by the Senate to the would sign the bill into law as duce the number of alien workers governor’s office at 12:15 p.m. soon as he received it. in the CNMI. FORMER Governor Pedro P. Tenorio congratulares \/aughn M. yesterday. Lifting of the restriction is ex­ “Our policy should be to keep Pangelinan who graduated last week from the US Naval Academy in the number of non-resident work­ Annapolis, Maryland. SB 8-121, authored by Sen. pected to ease the apprehensions David M. Cing, seeks to repeal 3 of employers whose trusted work­ ers in the CNMI to an absolute CMC Section 4322(j), which clas­ ers have been here for over four minimum,” he said, adding that A ustralian com pany sifies alien workers who have been years. with the restriction, “we may end in the CNMI for four consecutive Guerrero earlier said the restric­ up with more, not fewer, guest years as “excludable aliens.” Un­ tion was an added obstacle to the workers.” to operate lo tte ry der the law, they may not be al­ flow of investment into the Com­ He proposed the adoption of lowed re-entry within the next monwealth. quotas in certain categories of non­ THE GOVERNMENT is ex­ three years. “The provision of law...works resident workers as a more effec­ pected to sign within the next two Signing of the proposed law was against our best interest,” he said tive way of reducing the number weeks a contract with Taltersal of assured by Guerrero and Senate in a letter to Senate President Juan of alien workers in the CNMI. Australia to operate a lottery in the Northern Marianas, Finance Director Eloy S. Inos said yester­ day. The lottery is projected to gen­ ANATAHAN volcano will trol Office earlier said “signifi­ Safety has been given the re­ erate $1 million for the CNMI erupt again, according to re­ cant volcanic activity” was ob­ sponsibility to enforce the ban during the first year of operation. tired volcanologist Robert served there. against unauthorized visits to The government’s share is about ¿ \ s ' Koyanagi. Koyanagi analyzed certain data Pagan and the three other is­ 30 percent of net proceeds, Inos With the possible volcanic recorded in Anatahan, Disaster lands. said in a press conference. eruption, the Disaster Control Control Officer Francisco S. The governor likewise or­ Tattersal was selected among Office on Wednesday an­ Chong said in a statement. dered DPS to coordinate with 20 companies which submitted nounced that the public, in­ The island of Pagan, Anatahan, the Coast Guard and its auxil­ proposals for a lottery operation. cluding boat operators and Sariguan and Farallon De iary units which might be able The Australian company has been plane pilots, should keep a 50- Medinilla will continue to be off- to provide enforcement and in the lottery business for over mile distance from the island. limits until announced otherwise. surveillance assistance. 100 years and has a contract with Governor Lorenzo I. A team of Disaster Control rep­ Disaster Control Office and the government of Victoria. It also Eloy S. Inos Guerrero also declared the resentatives and volcano experts the Hawaiian Volcano Obser­ pperafts lotteries in Fiji, Vanuatu daily “scratch” draw and a weekly neighboring islands of Far allon will go to Anatahan tomorrow to vatory are closely monitoring and Christmas Island, so it is fa­ lottery outof Australia which will De Medenilla and Sariguan off- install seismic equipment. the volcanic activity in Pagan miliar with island operations. be broadcast through the local limits. Response assistant coordinators and Anatahan. Tattersal will also enter into an cable television systems. Last month, Guerrero ex­ will meet on June 8 at 9 a.m. at the For inquiries, the public agreement with a local company The lottery may have a soft tended the effectivity of the Emergency Operations Center can call Disaster.Controi at which will operate as the retail opening in July as part of the order he issued on March 15 conference room in Capitol Hill telephone numbers 322- arm of the principal contractor, Liberation Day activities “so declaring Pagan under state of to discuss contingency measures. 9529, 322-9274 and 322- selling tickets to the public. people would know what it is emergency. The DisasterCon- The Department of Public 9572. The,lottery will, consist of a about,” Inos said......... c S h i t s 2-marianas variety NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JUNE 4.1993 INTERNATIONAL CURRIES FOR THE MONTH OF J une FINANCE Director Eloy S. Inos (left) and Lt. Governor Benjamin T. Manglona during yesterday's press conference. AQUA RESORT CLUB EVEßY S a ip an S aturday Inos, Manglona from 6 3 0 p.m. to 9 3 0 p.m. a great place to be. deny irregularity Featuring dishes from : India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, in park trust fund REPRESENTATIVE Bruce he suggested that the two parks be Indonesia, accompanied by Naan, Chapatis, Vento (D-MN), chairman of the considered separately. Pita Breads, a variety o f Chutneys and Pickles. subcommittee on national parks, In response to Vento’s state­ said last week there were “grow­ ments, Lt. Governor Benjamin T. Our Curries come ing concerns related to account­ Manglona denied any irregular­ ing” of the American Memorial ity in the use of money from the HOT, VERY HOT, Park trust fund. trust fund. In a press.conference A N D N O T SO HOT. At the same time, Vento cau­ yesterday he said the trust fund tioned the National Park Service was audited yearly and “every­ about working on a good faith thing is accounted for.” ADULTS: $20.00 basis with the Commonwealth, Finance Director Eloy S. Inos KID S: $10.00 given the “backlog” of questions said the trustfund was established and problems that have arisen in accordance with the Covenant, there, according to a press release funded with $2 million from, the from the office of Resident Rep­ military land lease payments. resentative Juan N. Babauta. Only the interest from the money Vento presided over a hearing may be used for park projects. TERRACE on a bill which seeks to raise Inos said projects at the park RESTAURANT funding for the American Memo­ are contracted out thenpaidforby a rial Park and Guam’s War in the the government which, in turn, is Pacific Park to $8 million. Guam reimbursed by Marianas Public Delegate Robert Underwood in­ Land Trust (MPLT) which keeps For Reservation please call 322-1234, ext. 730/731 troduced the bill a month ago to the trust fund.
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