PEIP - Updated list of priority investment projects - June 2009

Nr PIF Sector Progres PROJECT TITLE Categor Regional impact of Overall progress (including financial) Total Own Funds not Ownership Other issues and number WS-waste; s y (See the project on until June 2009 cost resources secured issues developments until June WT-waste indicato footer) environment (MEuro) /co- (MEuro) 2009 water; r financing Air (MEuro)

1 BH-1 Air National Air Quality HP 1. Better recognition of 1. Combination of grant and loan is 1.244 0.07 1.174 Public PIF updated in June 2005 Monitoring air quality problems in foreseen. 2. Involvement of private sector the region 2. Better sector is foreseen responsible monitoring of air for project pollution sources. implementa tion

2 BH-10 WS Construction of HP 1. Reduction of Main project prepared and revised in 5.0 0.25 0.937 Municipality 1. PIF updated in June 2005 landfill site for a pollution of water April 2004. Currently seeking of Zvornik 2. Feasibility study exists. 3. group of systems through international assistance (loans), Population covered is municipalities in elimination of illegal planned EIA study. Main project of the 110,000 inhabitants. 4. After Zvornik dumpsites. "Sanitary Landfill for Zvornik construction the municipality Municipality at the location of Crni Vrh" will run a concession for prepared, financed by the Municipality management and service of of Zvornik. Last revision in April 2007. the landfll. Next step: planned financing is not secured; combination of preparation of Study on grant and loan is foreseen Environmental Impact Assessment

3 BH-6 WT Water supply and HP 1. Reduction of The project is divided into two phases: 10.5 7.6 million Municipality 1. PIF from 2006 sewage system in pollution of Adriatic Phase I: sewage collector & unit for million EUR + 2.8 of Mostar 2. Around 100,000 FBiH (refers to the city Sea 2. Reduction of WWT in southern part of the city USD Million and public inhabitants covered by the of Mostar) transboundary Phase II: Surrounding 9 settlements USD enterprise project. pollution of River connected to main network. Vodovod 3. Feasibility study under Naretva. Feasibility study is under preparation. preparation. Detailed design finalization and tender 4. There is no waste water procedure for construction activities treatment facility. envisaged in 2008. Feasibility study completed. Contracted preparation of the main design for the main collector of the sewerage system from the GEF grant. The EIB will provide loan in the amount of EUR 7.6 Million. Planned tariff after constructing the facility will be EUR 0.52/m3. WB provides 2.8 M$ through the GEF funds.

Categories: HP - high priority (> 60% score in prioritisation); OP - other project (< 60% score in prioritisation); FS - funds secured; REM - project removed from the list PEIP - Updated list of priority investment projects - Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2009

Nr PIF Sector Progres PROJECT TITLE Categor Regional impact of Overall progress (including financial) Total Own Funds not Ownership Other issues and number WS-waste; s y (See the project on until June 2009 cost resources secured issues developments until June WT-waste indicato footer) environment (MEuro) /co- (MEuro) 2009 water; r financing Air (MEuro)

4 BH-7 WT Construction of the HP 1. Reduction of Feasibility study prepared 3.6 2.5 0.3 Municipality 1. PIF updated in June 2005. Wastewater pollution of Trebisnica 1. Grant is foreseen 2. At present tariff of Bileca 2. Sewage networks coveres Treatment System for river - source of for waste water is 0.26 euro/m3, it will 55% of the city. the city of Bileca drinking water for parts increase to 0.72 euro/m3. 3. Untreated water is of BiH, Croatia, GEF financing secured for the WWTP; discharges to Bileca Lake. Republic of Exact amount under negotiations; The Bileca Lake is source of Montenegro 2. Direct expected GEF amount EUR 0.84 drinking water and the source cross border impact Million. Financed through WB GEF. of Trebisnica River (source of drinking water for the entire region). 4. Feasibility study envisages upgrading and extension of water supply network and strengthening of the utility company.

5 BH-3 WT Protection of Modrac HP There is no direct 1. Combination of grant and loan is 43.1 10.5 32.6 Ownership 1. PIF from 2006 2. Water water reservoir as the regional impact of the foreseen issues pollution is influencing quality main source of water project. Regional Negotiation on EIB loan and financing is under of drinking water source. 3. for the population impact of the project ongoing. 50% shall be secured through settlement Modrac is the most important and industry of Tuzla exists since Tuzla city the local contribution. source of drinking water for Canton use water from the Tuzla region. 4. Around Modrac lake as source Financing of the main collector for the 150,000 inhabitants live in the for water supply. Lake city of Živinice (main lake polluter) has water reservoir surrounding Modrac is also used as been ensured through the IPA 2008. a regional recreation Other part will be provided through the and tourism resource. EIB funds either for city of Živinice or for the Modrac lake protection. Loan for Živinice is envisaged. Through the contract between FBH and EIB that has been signed are funds secured for consulting services for the preparation of Programme of Measures for Integrated Water Resources Management around Modrac reservoir.

Categories: HP - high priority (> 60% score in prioritisation); OP - other project (< 60% score in prioritisation); FS - funds secured; REM - project removed from the list PEIP - Updated list of priority investment projects - Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2009

Nr PIF Sector Progres PROJECT TITLE Categor Regional impact of Overall progress (including financial) Total Own Funds not Ownership Other issues and number WS-waste; s y (See the project on until June 2009 cost resources secured issues developments until June WT-waste indicato footer) environment (MEuro) /co- (MEuro) 2009 water; r financing Air (MEuro)

6 BH-4 WT Construction sewage OP There is no direct Financing not secured. The Feasibility 1 0.38 0.62 1. Public 1. PIF not updated 2. Lack of system and regional impact of the Study results exist. company sewage system and sewage Wastewaters project. Reduction of Municipality treatment 3. Estimated Treatment Plant for downstream pollution. of Ključ and population covered is 6,000 Kljuc municipality its Public inhabitants. water company

7 BH-11 WT Water and sanitation HP High regional impact EIB Finance Contract signed 18 August 2.75 Federation BH (project will be thought the 2008, implementation ready to start. includes 16 reduction of water TA funds are not secured throught the municipalities in FBH: pollution, improvement EIB loan, but they represent support as Zenica, Zavidovići of the water quality in Technical Assistance for implementaion Visoko, Olovo, Usora, the streams, of the loan funds for Municipalites that Doboj Jug, Doboj Istok, improvement of the are at the EIB list. Posušje, Široki Brijeg, health conditions, etc. Mostar, Velika Kladuša, Bosanski Petrovac, Bosanska , Orašje, Tomislavgrad - IPF, Technical Assistance.

8 BH-12 WT Water and sanitation HP High regional impact EIB Finance Contract signed 18 August 121 60 (50% of 60 (50% of Municipaliti Federation BH (project will be through the 2008, implementation ready to start. (50% will the total the total es includes 16 reduction of water Some municipalities from the list have be EIB project) project) municipalities in FBH: pollution, improvement secured money, other will try to do it loan and Zenica, Zavidovići of the water quality in through support from other IFIs (e.g. 50% will Visoko, Olovo, Usora, the streams, MW). When funds are provided for an be local Doboj Jug, Doboj Istok, improvement of the individual municipality the project contributi Posušje, Široki Brijeg, health conditions, etc. implementaion will. Thus, the on) Mostar, Velika Kladuša, implementation can start even though Bosanski Petrovac, not all funds are secure. Bosanska Krupa, Orašje, Tomislavgrad

Categories: HP - high priority (> 60% score in prioritisation); OP - other project (< 60% score in prioritisation); FS - funds secured; REM - project removed from the list PEIP - Updated list of priority investment projects - Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2009

Nr PIF Sector Progres PROJECT TITLE Categor Regional impact of Overall progress (including financial) Total Own Funds not Ownership Other issues and number WS-waste; s y (See the project on until June 2009 cost resources secured issues developments until June WT-waste indicato footer) environment (MEuro) /co- (MEuro) 2009 water; r financing Air (MEuro)

9 BH-13 WT Collection, treatment HP Protection of the Financing not secured 60.0 60.0 Utility and Main city collector needed, and disposal of waste source for water municipality collector to the treatment waters in Banja Luka supply in the part of responsible facility, and tratment facility to municipalities of for serve cca. 200,000 Laktaši, Gradiška and implementa inhabitants in the first Srbac. Pollution tion construction phase. reduction of the river . Regional impact

10 BH-14 WT Collection, treatment HP Protection of the Financing not secured 5.0 5 Utility and Main city collector needed, and disposal of waste source for water municipality collector to the treatment waters in Bjeljina II supply in the responsible facility, and tratment facility to phase - Collector and municipality of Bjeljina. for serve cca. 40,000 inhabitants Treatment facility Pollution reduction of implementa in the first construction the river Sava. tion phase. Regional impact

11 BH-15 WT Collection, treatment HP Protection of the Financing not secured 9.0 9 Utility and Collector to the treatment and disposal of waste source for water municipality facility, and tratment facility to waters in Prijedor supply in the responsible serve cca. 70,000 inhabitants municipality of Prijedor for in the first construction and part of the implementa phase. municipality of Novi tion Grad. Pollution reduction of the rivers Sana, and Sava. Regional impact

12 BH-16 WT Protection of the HP Protection of the Financing not secured >12.0 12 Utility and Reservoir is the source for Bočac reservoir, and source for water municipality water supply of cca. 220.000 the source of Banja supply in Banja Luka responsible population. Its state is Luka water supply and part of the for euthropic. Easte Water system municipalities of implementa treatment plants urgently Laktaši and Čelinac. tion needed in Mrkonjić Grad, Cca. 220,000 Jajce and Kneževo. population is served with drinking water through the water supply system.

Categories: HP - high priority (> 60% score in prioritisation); OP - other project (< 60% score in prioritisation); FS - funds secured; REM - project removed from the list PEIP - Updated list of priority investment projects - Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2009

Nr PIF Sector Progres PROJECT TITLE Categor Regional impact of Overall progress (including financial) Total Own Funds not Ownership Other issues and number WS-waste; s y (See the project on until June 2009 cost resources secured issues developments until June WT-waste indicato footer) environment (MEuro) /co- (MEuro) 2009 water; r financing Air (MEuro)

13 BH-17 WT Collection, treatment HP Protection of the Financing not secured 3.0 3 Utility and Extension and capacity and disposal of waste source for drinking municipality enlargement of the existing waters in Trebinje water in the coastal responsible waste water treatment plant. area of Dubrovnik, and for at the dwells in the implementa area of lower . tion Regional impact

14 BH-18 WT Collection, treatment HP Protection of own Financing not secured 4.0 4 Utility and Sewage is released into the and disposal of waste source for water municipality deep. At high level of waters in Sokolac supply. Intermediate responsible groudwater, it directly flows pollution reduction in for into the source of drinking reservoir Višegrad. implementa water supply. Waste water tion treatment plant needed, which would in the first phase service cca. 10,000 inhabitants.

15 BH-19 WT Collection, treatment HP Pollution reduction in Financing not secured. Project idea of 5.0 5 Utility and Sewage is released into the and disposal of waste the waterflow Prača the sewage system exists. municipality waterflow turning it waters in Rogatica and reservoir Višegrad responsible into an open waste water for channel. Collector needed to implementa the treatment facility and tion treatment facility, which would in the first phase service cca. 10,000 inhabitants. 16 BH-20 Water Plava voda water HP Special Purpose 35 5 5 (the Regional supply project (Cities Company established (includin amount /Municipaliti of Travnik, Novi as a Public Company g VAT) applied for es Travnik, Vitez, by the municipalities of MW Busovaca and Zenica) Travnik and Zenica program. The remaining funds could be ensured after documenta ion is prepared)

Categories: HP - high priority (> 60% score in prioritisation); OP - other project (< 60% score in prioritisation); FS - funds secured; REM - project removed from the list PEIP - Updated list of priority investment projects - Bosnia and Herzegovina June 2009

Nr PIF Sector Progres PROJECT TITLE Categor Regional impact of Overall progress (including financial) Total Own Funds not Ownership Other issues and number WS-waste; s y (See the project on until June 2009 cost resources secured issues developments until June WT-waste indicato footer) environment (MEuro) /co- (MEuro) 2009 water; r financing Air (MEuro)

17 BH-21 WT Sarajevo sewerage HP High regional impact This project is listed on the Water 64,26* 20% will 50 City and network and WWT will be through the Quality Management (WQM) Project list assumpti be Canton of plant reconstruction reduction of water (EC Cards). on made provided Sarajevo and upgrading. pollution, improvement throught through of the water quality in the the long- River at it WQM term local source, improvement Project contributio of the health n conditions, etc.

18 BH-22 WT Konjic municipality HP High regional impact 1.2 50% will 0.6 Municipality WWT plant will be will be thought the be constructred within reduction of water provided GEF project "Neretva pollution, improvement throught and Trebišnjica Water of the water quality in the GEF Management Project" Neretva River, funds improvement of the (WB) and health conditions, etc. 50% shall be local contributio n 19 BH-23 WT Ljubuški municipality HP High regional impact 0.56 50% will 0.25 Municipality WWT plant will be will be thought the be reconstructred within reduction of water provided GEF project "Neretva pollution, improvement throught and Trebišnjica Water of the water quality in the GEF Management Project" Neretva River, funds improvement of the (WB) and health conditions, etc. 50% shall be local contributio n

Categories: HP - high priority (> 60% score in prioritisation); OP - other project (< 60% score in prioritisation); FS - funds secured; REM - project removed from the list