The Graybeards Newsletter Vol. 5 No. 1 September 1989
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THE MIGHTY MEN OF VA-LOR Korean War Veterans Association FIRST CLASS MAIL FIRST CLASS MAIL P.O. Box 131 U. S. POSTAGE Hatpers Feny, W. V. 25425 PAID HARPERS FERRY, WV PERMIT NO. 34 FORWARDING AND ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED l Vol. 5, No. 1, SEPT. 1989 THIS IS THE DESIGN FOR THE MEMORIAL ON JUNE 14, 1989 the design for a memorial to Korean War veterans was unveiled in a White Howe oeremony hosted by President Bush. He said "Until recently, lhe Korean War was not formally remembered. And today we say: no more ... .it's time tO remember." Starues in the Memorial (of heroic size, 8 feet tall) depict 38 soldiers heading unevenly down a 120- yard, tree-lined path toward the American flag. Some face in different directions, and two appear to help an injured buddy. A red granite path is to be down the middle of the ··platoon" for visitors to follow as they walk within the Memorial. One of the design winners told the president thar the 38 men depict two things: the 38 months of war, and the 38th Parallel. Picture#! The design statement included these words: "On approach, one enters from the west (PictUre #1) into an open plaza. The plaza is edged by a dogwood bosque and marked at its <!enter by a white marble square. Within the :square a red granite line originates and extends east to a distant horizon and the American flag ... .The war, that 'tract of time.' is measured by the red line. Walking with the 38 figures, the visitor is an observer, in the act of commemoration. "Passage ascends through a landscape symbolic of war; water rushes arow1d the feet of the figures is flanked by figures whose faces are alert with caution and sttong with resolve. "Upward movement concludes at a second white marble square. This square is blank ind the adjacent water, still; both mark a silent moment of reflection and end the time of wu. Smooth water flanks the red line as it descends and terminates at the fmal white marble square which bears an inscription celebrating peace." (Picture H2) . The sculptor or sculptors are to be selected after oonuact negotiations:. The material itself is not yet chosen, and John Paul Lucas, one of the designers said a gray Vennont granite would be preferred material. We members of KWVA can proudly work toward completion of the task: let's raise ANOTHER THREE MILUON DOLLARS and get the Memorial built in early 1991. It will take m.'lll)' months of arduous Picture#2 labor and frustrating detail work before aclual construction can storL We will try 10 keep you informed of progress. P~e2 --------------------------------------~------------------------------------------ KOREAN WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION, INC. Remembering a hero OFFICERS- Memorial Day ·has more meaning to me because President: DICK ADAMS. P.O. Box 127; Caruthers, CA. 93609. of this story:, 1st Vice President: TOM MAINES; 1801 Saw Mill Run. Blvd.; Pittsburg. i served with the 23 Rcr, 2nd Div. during the Pa. 15210 Korean War. The unit I joined had 110ne to Korea in 2nd Vice President: HARRY WALLACE; 514 South Clinton Street; August 1950. They had been as far north .as Kunu-ri Baltimore Md. 21224. before being' driven south by the Chinese-. In Decem· ber 1950 I became a replacement for- someone who BOARD OF DlR&CTORS: was killed or wounded. 1987·1990: CHARLES L. DAWSON; 7503 119Lh Ave. North; Largo. Members of the squad I became a part of told me Florida 34643. something they had seen near Kunu-r! They said JOSEPH 1. PERC; 4916 AbeJ-deen Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21206 they came across a dead Jrmerican soldier. He had 1988-1990: WJLUAM F. MASON. JR.; P.O. Box 382; East Taun10n, been wounded and was frozen in the snow. They said Mass. 02718 he had died with a frozen tear on his cheek. ALE. RUDY; P.O. Box·516; Dania, Aorida 33004. I have often thought of this scene and the Ameri· 1988-1991: WARREN G. AVEI\Y; 836 Middletown Ave.; North Haven can soldier. The question that always comes to mind CT. 06473. is, "W)lat were his thoughts as he lay dying?" Were BlLL COE; 59 Lenox Ave.; Cohoes, N.Y. 12047 his thoughts the cause of the tear? Was he having a HERSHALL E. LEE; 212 South Kentucky Ave.; Danville, conversation with GOO? Was he thinking about his girl friend back home? Were his thoughts of his nlinois 61832 mother or a baby born since he left the states, his WM. WEBER: Col. (Ret); 10001 McKinstry Mill Road; baby? Was it the pain and cold that caused the tear WesuniniSta, Md. 21776. to slip down his checl<? 1989-1992: EMME1T BENJAMiN; 12431 S W 195 Terr. Miami, FL I have always thought of this soldier as a hero. He 33177 died alone on a hill so far away from home. As he ARTHUR T. PATTERSON; Box 327; Stillwater, NY 12170 lay dying no loved one held his hand or said, "I love W.B. WOODRUFF; Rt. 3; Box 755; Decatur. TX 76234 you." His cries of "medic" went UJlllOSWered. He did KATHLEEN WYOSNICK: PO Box 3716; Sara10ga. CA 95070 not have a nurse in a clean crisp uniform wrap a Judge Advocate: WES WORSHAM;P.O. Box 95; Mechanicsville, Va blanket around him and tuck it in genUy for warmth 23111. and comfort. No medical aid was given. He fought his last skirmish alone in this strange land. Congressional Liasion: BLAINE P. FRIEDLANDER; 2341 Dale Drive; When I honor Memorial Day I am honoring a dead Falls Church, VA. 22043. American soldier on a Korean hill, a soldier with a Secretary-Treasurer: WILLIAM F. SMYERS; 20509 Elgin Ave. frozen tear on his cheek. Lemoore, CA. 93245. DAN FEARN CHAPLAIN: ViNCENT BODDIE; 28 Lent Ave; Montrose, NY .!0584 Vicksburg C0:11MITIEES·· Editor and Assistant to the Presldent:STAN HADDEN: P.O. Box 131; This anicle that I was reading ln my home town newspaper The Harpers Ferry W. Va. 25425 (304-535-2259). "Kalamazoo Oazeue; which I hope \\:ould be of some interest to our great Membership Chairman: HARRY WALLACE; P.O. Box 12205; organization about a American Soldier who fought and died on a Korean Baltimore. MD .. 21281 Hill with a frozen tear on his cheek. touched me very deeply. I'm sure lhat P.O.W./M.I.A: WARREN AVERY; 836 Middle10wn Avenue; North many Korean Veterans will share thoughts and memories of that Forgotten Wax. Also I feel that Lhis is some kind of tribute to this great Haven. CT. 06473. organization of our Korean War Veterans Assoc-iation. Inc.. and also this HARLEY COON; 2439 Lantt Road; Beavercreek, OH. ~5385. fallen American Soldier. To remember the Forgotten War I am sincerely Quarterma.•ter: AL RUDY; P.O. Box 516; Dania, FL. 33004. yours, PAUL A. CSISZAR: 1936A North 33rd; Galesburg, MI 49053. Historian: VICTOR C. GERST. JR.; 7 Wilson Road; Pinehill, N.J. 08021 If you want information on starting a Chapter, write: THE ONLY NEWS WE CAN PRINT IS WHAT WILLIAM F. MASON. JR.; P.O. Box 382; East TaunlOn, Mass. 02718. YOU SEND US All Proclamations go to: WILLIAM F. BRADLEY; 12 Sunset Ave.; The airman in France who had the job of last insttumeN chec:k Troy. N.Y. 12180. on bombing equipment before the aircraft were sent to Korea... the nurse Founder and Past President: WILLIAM NORRlS; 302 Middletown in the intensive bum ward in Alaska where lhe wound6d were sent direct Road; Waterford, New York 12188. from the front Jines .•.the seaman who stood dreary and miserable watch If you want to borrow the KWVA nag for parades, elc. Please in the biucr waters off Lhe coast of Korea... and hWtdreds of thousands of Contact Headquarters. other whose fate was mostly to stand and wait.. .YOUR story was part or the 101Al effortlO win the Korean Wax. YOUR story is as important as any YOU WROTE IT... other--please tell us; we can only print what we receive in your letters. NOTE: as space permitS, we intend 10 publish those letterS coming ftrst to our editorial desk. We intend also 10 see that every letter \\E \IH: PL\'\'\1'(; TilE IWII RU '\10'\... gets answered in one way or another, from officers, directors. etc. •m,, p.:: ·,,,[._• .!llf~c· ~-l'l h'.HII•'I'.. '•\c' 1\j,j 1:-:::l!l '11-",·[ 11; :f-.· \\;,-.j·III!C:•tl;, WE NOW HAVE FORMS CONTROL !)(" '\tiln)-'\PI I, \ .1 otr~· :L lh'\[ \,',Lr "As head of lhc new fonns rontro) section of the Korean War Veterans l'H' I' Y"llr d1:m< ,. I<• ··-·t :t~-~ •• nl\ -.t:w •'t• :.--..·r1 ~tt••r1 1'-t,· Association, I wish you would print the following in your newsletter: You ~• "!C J'il;t[tt•;l (,•,• \.\til he· ">]J'i .1n.J \<Ill c.!T: ~<'l.t.ltl .til i11 .ttl,' f>;t\JI~'Jtl are requested 10 send me copies of all fonns which includes letterheads, 1 >R 1:\ TIIRJ:I 1'..\R 11 -\1 I'\) :\H-., IS h•r 1:1't::r.c.·_ ,,-r .1 ''" r:""' .:1 .1r..·ut :·d• 1lT •Ill ,l;n-. ..._·r:.l "> ;11 :111>:,· :t:td .·r. ••r 1,·1-·r.· l'h· •,·,.· ; -.:r,,:,.,~-, envelopes.. memo's, ctt; .• for review. All fonns are to be centraJly located in ,LJI-' Tlc'\l .July 'J'!;'h:thiy .lui~ 2:; -.,:ttd ,q l•r::1_:.: :lh- l.t-.: "-Ill)'·'~ 11'•'111 the future and will be purchased from one supplier for use under our I, p.·: 1'-.:t,.•r: (Jr hrntJ.